Repairs Design Furniture

Preparation of loggia for plastic. Preparation of balconies to glazing. What are you need tools for finishing the loggia with plastic panels

Balcony of plastic panels

Getting Started to arrange a balcony or loggia every host aims to achieve the same comfort, convenience and harmony of design, as in the residential rooms of their apartment. Additional square meters of repaired space will always be by the way to organize a recreation area, a domestic workshop, a greenhouse, a living corner, a working office or library.

The process of finishing the balcony is complicated in the case of the absence and insufficient insulation of lateral walls, gender, ceiling or when the glazing is made without use. External factors on the territory of such fenced space will be expressed much stronger than in warm isolated rooms. And it is unlikely that any basic or cosmetic renovation of the balcony will be under pressure of such devastating adverse factors as the impact of critical temperatures and their significant drops, elevated humidity, drafts, direct solar rays, the spread of harmful microorganisms, risk of fungus. Therefore, the balcony finishes will require accounting for these factors, certain knowledge and skills, the right choice of finishing materials. One of the positively proven materials for the plating of a significant area of \u200b\u200bthe balcony room is a plastic panel.

Benefits of facing material

The owners are not yet equipped balconies Practical plastic attracts such positive properties:

  1. Durability. The operational qualities of PVC panels provide the use of a trim material without losing the main characteristics and properties over a long period (up to 30 years). The replacement of the panels usually occurs due to the desire to change the appearance of the room, and not due to the loss of attractiveness of the appearance or their initial properties. In this regard, the material in its characteristics is approaching laminate.
  2. Ecology. Material for making panels Safe, without toxic additives. Its environmental purity is confirmed by the recommendations of the use for finishing work in children's and medical institutions. Also safe and polyurethane glue, which is often used for mounting panels.
  3. Aesthetics. The inclusion of plastic panels in the interiors of any style is explained by their harmonious combination with the surrounding elements of the decor and decoration. The desire for the manufacturer to satisfy the tastes of any potential buyer is expressed in the rich diversity of the proposed panels of various colors, textures, design, ornaments, which when mounting can be laid in any combination. The surfaces covered with this high-quality material look at the same time luxurious and naturally.
  4. Resistance to adverse external factors. Laminated plastic panels resistant to ultraviolet radiation and do not fade under the action of sunlight. They also retain their appearance and form at temperature and humidity differences. The coating of melamine resins serves as protection against thermal and chemical influences.
  5. Universality. Concrete, plywood or brick - does not matter. The panels are equally looking at any surface-sided surface.
  6. Easy installation. Standard panels are easily cut into size or installed entirely. They are elementary attached to the crate and among themselves on the principle of spike-grooves. The collected design is solid, without cracks and gaps.
  7. Availability. The price range of products of various manufacturers makes plastic panels available for each family. The material is economical - waste after its installation almost does not remain.
  8. Plastic panels can be glued directly to the surface. Or consolidate at the prepared pre-crate. In both cases, they will hide all defects and irregularities of the sewed walls and partitions.
  9. After installing panels, butt processing is not requiredand the subsequent finish, as in the case of plasterboard. This makes it easier, speeds up and cheapens the conducted finishing works.
  10. Caring for panels will not cause problems. They are easily clean with soapy.For matte surfaces, an abrasive cleaning agent can be used.
  11. Air cavities between the rigids of the panels give the material soundproofing features.

Operational flaws

  1. The consequence of frequent mechanical impacts on the surface of PVC panels may become scratches and scratching. They are especially noticeable on products with laminated glossy coating.
  2. PVC panels not "breathing" Like a wooden lining. Therefore, the humidity in closed and insulated balcony boxes is increased. Save the comfortable microclimate helps regular ventilation and forced ventilation.
  3. Sensitive to direct sunlight material panels can deformation with sharp temperature differences. For balconies overlooking the sunny side of the building, it is necessary to provide dense curtains or blinds.
  4. Stability of plastic panels the mechanical shock effects are quite low.

Preparation of the balcony for finishing

Preparation of surfaces for the installation of panels is a very important stage of repair work. If it is advocated competent and providing possible nuances - the final quality of the work performed will not disappoint.

Standard preparation includes:

  • Pre-cleaning of things and garbage.
  • Strengthening the balcony parapet with metal corners, rods, jumpers.
  • Study of the surface of the walls. Destroyed pieces to beat off the hammer. The resulting depressions, cavities and previously detected cracks are embossed with cement mortar. With damage to the fungi of the walls are processed by special solutions or burned with a soldering lamp.
  • If plastic panels are provided directly on the wall, then the surface of the latter is aligned qualitatively. When using the crate for fastening panels - all its rails are aligned so that their external faces to which panels will be mounted in the same plane.
  • All metal parts and items must be immersed (paint) or handle the protective composition of corrosion.
  • If the glazing of the balcony is made not throughout the perimeter of the parapet, it is necessary to make a frame (metallic or wooden bar) for the subsequent fastening of the outer and internal sheathing. For cold balconies, a wooden lamp is not recommended due to the properties of the tree beaten by moisture, deform with the subsequent drying and be affected by microorganisms. The disadvantage of such a crate is its fire hazard. Applying a wooden timber and a rack you need to take care of impregnating them with antiseptics or processing with special mastic. Energy-saving double-glazed windows are used for the warm balcony. Under the glazing frame, the parapet is insulated with cellular concrete, mineral wool, polystyrene foam and other materials.

Important! Insulation "Pie" will help to avoid many operational problems if there is a layer of waterproofing (from the outside) and a vapor barrier membrane (with internal). Between the layers of finishing and insulation should be a gap for ventilation and diverting vapors.

Selecting the location of the panels and the manufacture of crates

The height of the balcony premises will visually increase during the vertical laying of the panels. But at the same time it will seem less broad. The opposite effect is achieved with horizontal laying.

Diselet from wooden bars

Accelerate the installation process, make it convenient to smooth out the irregularities of the trim surface with the further installation of the panels - the main task of the crate. It can be performed wooden or from galvanized metal profile. When choosing a vertical option of the panels, the lamp is performed horizontally aimed. When horizontal installation - the main guides of the crates are fixed vertically. The step between the main bars or profile rails can be 40-100 cm. The rigidity of the entire crate is provided by jumpers. They are installed between the main guides at right angles to them.

Metal-profile lamp

Note! The accuracy of the geometry of the crate is checked by the level. This moment is especially important for mounting cladding in one plane on uneven areas of surfaces.

Bruks of the crates must be:

  • At the end of the panels installed, usually above.
  • Bottom, in the place of docking walls and gender.
  • At the corners of the balcony.
  • Under the windows.
  • On the frame of the window and doorway.

Installation of plastic panels

Sliced \u200b\u200bin the size of the first lane of the panel is aligned at the place of fastening using a level. After that, it is fixed and becomes basic for properly oriented installation of subsequent strips.

General rules for mounting PVC panels:

  • The horizontal version of the trim involves the serial mounting of the panels from the bottom up.
  • Vertical - from the angle of the side wall toward the window frame.
  • Long walls are trimmed with the latter.
  • If this is provided for by the designer solution, the ceiling panels are performed.
  • At the end of the sheat, the plinth is installed, the ceiling cornice, moldings.

Summing outlined material can confidently recommend plastic panels to modify balconies and loggias. Easy in the work of good-quality material will allow with minimal investments to perform repairs, the result of which dozens of years will delight the eye. And additional meters of the square will be able to effectively be used by the hosts for the intended purpose.

Usually, at the final stage of the capital repairs of the apartment, the inner surfaces of the balcony are trimmed with plastic panels. This allows you to make a balcony not only an attractive look, but also use it as a residential premises.

Among many features of PVC panels, simple installation is considered a significant advantage. Sufficiently small skills in construction, to make high-quality clause with the help of step-by-step instructions.

Advantages of PVC panels

Construction material from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Specialists are called plastic.

For its intended purpose, two varieties of material are distinguished on the market:

  • wall panels - Different with durability and low flexibility. Thanks to such qualities, they are not afraid of heavy loads, therefore, they withstand the weight of a small locker or shelf;
  • ceiling panels - have low strength, as they should withstand only their own weight. Sold at a lower price than wall panels.

Depending on the size of the plastic panels relate to one of the groups:

PVC panels are popular with balcony owners thanks to such features:

  • when installing does not need a special tool and does not need large skills in construction. Works are simplified due to low panel weight. In addition, there is no need for high-quality surface preparation;
  • under the trim from the panels, communications are easily hidden;
  • improved thermal and sound insulation of the room;
  • uncomplicated replacement of damaged sites;
  • simple care, a sufficiently damp cloth wipe surface;
  • preserved an attractive view - more than 20 years;
  • environmental safety is ensured by the absence of toxic components;
  • a large selection of color and textured options for creating a unique interior;
  • affordable price.

Calculation of the number of panels

Before purchase, the desired number of panels is calculated, depending on the size of the balcony.

When calculating, a number of features are taken into account:

  • the panels have a different width. With a complex configuration of the walls, narrow models (10 centimeters) are purchased, and a medium-sized model is better suited for conventional cladding of the ceiling and walls (25 centimeters);
  • for a glazed and insulated balcony, panels are suitable for any width, and a narrow plastic will fit the insulated balcony for not a warmed balcony, since it is better to withstand temperature fluctuations;
  • the panels are produced by a maximum length of 6 meters.

The best thing, for the finishing of the standard balcony, the panels are suitable for 2.5 meters long.

The number of panels for the ceiling and walls is calculated in different ways:

  • the ceiling - the area is measured and divided into the width of the panel;
  • walls - the perimeter of the balcony is measured and multiplied to the height of the ceiling. The resulting area is divided into the width of the panel. The opening area is usually not excluded from the calculations, as it is required to have a stock in case of an assumed error.

1. If during the calculations, a fractional number of panels will be, then rounding to an integer is performed in the most side.

2. Before work, a stock of two panels is created.

In addition to panels, during trim, various finishing elements are installed.

  1. Starting profile - with a form in the form of the letter "P". The mounting of the panels begins with the installation of such an element.
  2. Finish profile - with a form in the form of the letter "F". Laying panels ends with such an element.
  3. External angle - used when the walls are trimmed with a direct outer angle.
  4. Inner angle - used when the walls are trimmed with a direct inner angle.
  5. Universal angle - Used to close the jacks in the corners. Usually has a decorative look.
  6. Connecting profile - with a form in the form of the letter "N". The element is used to build panels in length.
  7. Ceiling plinth - stacked along the shelves of ceiling and wall panels. As a rule, it is used in conjunction with connecting corners.

Choosing elements of doomles

For laying PVC panels, one of the ways is selected:

A frameless way has a significant drawback that limits its use. With this attachment, you can not change the damaged panel. In addition, in this case it is impossible to lay the insulation that is necessary for the balcony.

In this regard, the balconies are usually trimmed with a PVC panels in a skeletal way. With this method, the root is mounted from various materials:

  • wooden rails - inexpensive and easily processed material. In the case of a special impregnation, the material does not rot and does not burn. A significant drawback is a deformation when drying;
  • metal profiles - have increased strength and durability. A significant drawback is a high price;
  • plastic profiles - resistant moisture. Essential drawbacks are high cost and ability to withstand small loads. Most often, such profiles are used when the ceiling is trimmed.

For the plating balconies, there are mainly used dores of wooden plates. With good, they do not wet, and therefore do not deform after drying.

For the root, the rails are needed with dimensions of 40x20 mm. Their number is calculated as follows:

  • measurements of the length of each wall and distance to the ceiling are made. The interval between the rails is selected up to 50 cm. After that, the distance to the ceiling is divided by 50 and is multiplied by the magnitude of the length of all walls. The resulting number is rounded;
  • measurement of door and window opening lengths are made. The resulting rack lengths are rounded and added to the resulting length for the walls;
  • additionally, two rails are mounted on each wall to the ceiling. Their total length is added to the value obtained earlier;
  • 5% of the lengths are added to the resulting total length of the ridges, which will be sought after trimming.

Preparatory activities

High levels of comfort and comfort after facing by plastic panels can be achieved when the glazing balcony has good sealing and insulated. There are such rules for preparing for the trim.

  1. Plastic windows are installed for glazing the balcony. They are in demand due to high tightness, durability and low prices.
  2. A foam or foamed polystyrene is preparing over the trim to insulate the balcony.
  3. Performed with mortar or mounting foam.
  4. And the fungus is necessarily removed, and the affected area is processed by a special composition.
  5. If the main walls are made on the balcony, they are dismantled, and the free space is closed with brick or other materials.

Installation of wooden dohes

The condition of the laid surface is largely depends on the root. Before installing it, the direction of laying panels is selected. Without a doubt, horizontal panels visually increase the width of the balcony, and the vertical panels increase its height.

The feature of the root installation feature is: for horizontal panels, the planks are attached vertically, and for vertical panels are attached horizontally.

Experts believe that the most convenient installation, when the walls are squeezed vertically, and the ceiling across the balcony.

Wooden doom is mounted in the following order:

  • the markup of the ceiling and walls is performed;
  • reiki are cut into size, and the fasteners are drilled in them;
  • in terms of the level, starting from the corners, the rails on the walls and on the ceiling with a step of 50 cm are attached. The first rail is installed at an altitude of 30 mm from the floor. Be sure to need rails around the perimeter of the door and window outlook. Fastening is recommended to perform dowels;

Installation of panels

The balcony, covered with plastic panels, looks attractive if complied with General installation rules:

  • each panel is reliably fixed in the groove of the previous panel to a characteristic click;

Step-by-step balcony is made as follows:

  • the first ceiling is trimmed. Initially, a starting profile is installed around the perimeter. In order not to skew panels, the installation is regulated by level;

  • the entire surface of the ceiling is sequentially isolated;

  • the panels are cut in size and fit with the starting panel, and then, together. In this way, the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe walls is covered;

In order for the sandy surface to look monolithic and had an even look, mounting works are performed neatly and without a rush.

So, to make the lining of the balcony from plastic panels does not represent much work. It is no secret that any repairs in the apartment requires financial costs. The cost of repair will significantly decrease if the balcony finishes to perform in such material.

To secure information, look at our video instruction:

The balcony, as an integral part of the apartment, must fit it in everything. It must maintain a comfortable temperature, protect from wind, frost and heat, to be waterproof and with all this aesthetic. In order to implement the latest function, it is necessary to finish the balcony with plastic panels.

Types of materials for balcony

The construction market sells a huge variety of casing materials for the loggia. Here are just some of them:

  • Wooden lining. It happens two species - from coniferous trees, represented by pine and cedar, and deciduous - from alder, oak and linden. An indisputable advantage is the ecology and durability of this material, and the minus is the price and weight of the trim.
  • Sandwich panels. They have two facial layers, between which the insulation is located. With a smooth surface, they can be mounted with adhesive way. The minus is that they are only white.
  • MDF panels. The FMF panel balcony finishes is easy to maintain and is one of the common balcony decoring methods. This material is nothing but a pressed wood chips, which glued together with lignin. For the decor, such a chips is covered with a thin film, imitating various natural materials, for example, stone or tree.

Diagram of finishing balcony panels PVC

PVC panels or plastic

A separate item should consider the features of plastic panels, as the most popular and affordable casing material.

  • Affordable price. The cost of plastic panels will depend on various configurations. However, for most middle-income families, the price will remain acceptable.
  • Simple installation. Finishing the balcony panels PVC is a completely simple process. With a careful approach to the instructions, the independent sheathing of the entire balcony is quite real. An important factor in favor of plastic is the easy replacement of one plate on another in the event of a small damage, or a simple dismantling of all materials during major repairs.
  • Durability. The service life of plastic panels is from 25 to 50 years. This material does not secrete harmful substances and is completely harmless (exception - during the fire). The preservation of the panels is provided by endurance to aggressive detergents and randomly poured chemical compounds, as well as resistance to all rotations and fungi.
  • Quality. With long-term intake of sunlight on the surface, the plastic panels do not fade. Therefore, in the case of replacing one plate on another, there will be no difference and the balcony will retain its original appearance. In addition, PVC antistasses perfectly opposes dust, which greatly facilitates the cleaning process.
  • Practicality. Thanks to thoughtful trifles, such as microloors between the panels, the walls are free to "breathe." This fact perfectly counteracts the fungus with mold.
  • Cellular panel structure. Internal plastic chambers guarantee additional sound and thermal insulation of the material, which allows the use of an additional area as a dwelling.
  • Variety of models. PVC plastic panels have the widest palette of shades and textures, so even the most demanding buyer will find "their" option.

Important! Plastic coating is easy to mechanically damage. Even a slight blow to a sharp or solid object leads to its discontinuity, so with such material you need to contact very carefully and neatly.

How to choose plastic panels

In order to purchase high-quality trim, it is necessary to pay attention to its following properties:

  • The thickness of the outer surface. What it is thicker, the panel will be more resistant to different damage. It can be from 1.5 to 2.5 mm.
  • The number of rigidity ribs. The number of edges will indicate the strength of the plastic - the more, the better. European Standard - 29 pcs.
  • The quality of rigidity. They must be smooth - without destruction.
  • Weight. It depends on the thickness of the walls and the number of edges and can vary from 1.7 - 2.2 kg.
  • The content of chalk in plastic. With a large number of chalk in the composition, the panel loses its flexibility and cracks. Qualitative material, during bending by 30-50%, does not leave a single dent.
  • Plates should be from one batch, otherwise they can be varied in color.

Important! Panel color should not be grayish. Otherwise, it will mean that plastic cast from poor-quality recycling.

The orientation of the balcony on the parties of the world is a very important aspect, especially when choosing a color scheme of material. If the balcony is low, oriented to the north side, and high bushes shade it, then it is impractical to choose a dark color finish - a small room will look even less in volume.

How to calculate the necessary number of plastic panels

In order not to buy excess squares of the material, you need to pre-make accurate calculations of the planned area under the trim.

  • Measure the area of \u200b\u200beach surface. To do this, multiply the width to the height.
  • We summarize all areas.
  • We calculate the "unnecessary" area of \u200b\u200bopenings - windows and doors.
  • From the amount of all areas, take square meters of openings - this will be the end result.
  • Now the difference is divided into one plastic panel area. They are different, so it is very important to refine the size of the selected model in advance.

What are you need tools for finishing the loggia with plastic panels

Before proceeding with work, you need to take care not only about the material, but also about the presence of all tools. Below is a list of the main "helpers":

  • Stationery knife or hacksaw. They are needed for cutting plastic panels. And the one and the other tool is great for these purposes.
  • Building level. It is necessary when installing a wooden basis.
  • Cornel and ruler.
  • Drill. A wooden cutture is fastened with dowels or long screws with plastic sleeves, which require drill.
  • Building stapler. The panel itself is attached to the wooden bar. A variant with a screwdriver or a screwdriver is possible.

Plastic Panel Installation Methods

The lining of the balcony with plastic panels is possible in two versions:

  • Adhesive method. In order to save a place, some resort to simple sticking panels on the wall. This is done very easily and quickly. However, it should be borne in mind that the working surface should be perfect - smooth and clean. The adhesive method has two significant drawbacks - the loss of thermal insulation, because The air chamber between the wall and the panel is missing and impracticable partial repair in the future.
  • Fastening plastic on a wooden crate. This method requires a little more accuracy than the previous one, but all his minuses turn into pluses here.

Important! Using plastic panels, you need to know that at high or low temperatures they can deform. Therefore, the fastening should be undesirable, which will prevent the deterioration of the material.

Step-by-step instruction of the luggage

In order to sew a balcony with plastic panels, you need to stick to a simple instruction. No special training for work wizard is required.

Preparation of work surfaces

So that the covering was high-quality and durable, first need to take care of the base:

  • Initially, carefully inspect the walls for cracks and disadvantages - you need to be favorable to get rid of them.
  • Then you need to increase the crack slightly. To expand the gaps, you can use the grinder.
  • Then the crack must be well cleaned from dust and garbage.
  • The resulting recess is necessary.
  • The entire surface is necessary with the introduction of protective composition (sealing and antiseptic properties). In the construction market, they are presented a huge amount, but if you need an economical option, then you should use PVA putty. It has a low cost, and the quality is acceptable.

Surface primer

Fastening the crate

The lamp is a special frame that is attached to the wall and on which plastic panels will be fixed. It happens two types - wooden and metal. The latter is well suited for raw room, because The profile will not recruit moisture and dance, but the cost will be significantly higher than wood and the installation will require certain professional skills.

High-quality installation of the lattice, in the future, will make it possible to make partial repairs, replacing only one or more damaged plates. With a complete replacement of plastic on any other material, the crate does not need to change - old excellent withstands the similar thickness of the material.

  • Before installing the crate on the walls you need to mark. This will greatly simplify the work of the installation of the guides. When applying lines should be used. Such actions will be suitable later and in the inspection of the quality of installation.
  • Before attachment, wooden bars need to be treated with a protective composition. To do this, you can take a PVA putty or engine oil. Such impregnation will protect the tree from rotting, mold and fungi.
  • Now it is necessary to fill the rails every 40-50 cm. First you need to attach a 5 cm from the ceiling, checking the clarity of the direction of the construction level. All subsequent bars should go into strict parallelism to the previous one.
  • The mounting of the planks is carried out at the expense of dowels or self-tapping screws with plastic tips. With the tightening of the rails to the wall it is not worth a hurry. There may be a situation where the level will show the skew and then it will have to put small plates to restore the perfectly smooth surface. The dowel should go to the wall at 3-4 cm (excluding plaster).

Important! When fastening the lattice should take into account the place where the plastic breaks most often - at the knee level, belt and shoulder. In these places, the fixation of the panels to the tree is obligatory.

Plastic panels

Warming loggia

How to see the balcony so that it become not only beautiful, but also warm? It worries many who wishes to see a balcony on their own. For this you need:

  • Select insulation. The simplest is an inexpensive foam. It is acceptable in density and is not afraid of moisture, which makes it the most running option. The extruded polystyrene foam will significantly exceed the foam in its characteristics, however, the price of such a insulation will be an order of magnitude more expensive. Mineral wool is an excellent option, only there is one minus - it needs extra waterproofing. Without it, when moisture gets into the material, the insulation immediately loses its properties.
  • Place uniformly insulation. Polyfoam needs to fit tightly between a wooden crate, and enlighten the assembly foam.

Important! With warm climatic conditions, a foil foam foam can be used. It is smoothly distributed and attached to the wall before starting work with a wooden crate.

The installation of plastic on the walls, usually, is performed vertically, and on the ceiling - transverse stripes. There is also a third option of laying - diagonal, but here without the help of specialists can not do - very good skill need. In addition, the amount of waste will be much larger than with other methods.

  • First you need to attach the first guide to the stapler. They are different types: P-shaped, for the initial installation of the first strip, n-shaped to increase the short strip, F-shaped cavity, L-shaped, angular, ceiling and outdoor, respectively, each for its purpose.
  • Fixation of the first strip. The process of the trim should begin with the distant and most difficult corner of the balcony. The bar must be inserted into the guide profile and align its vertical level. Then fix it by attaching a thin side to a wooden crate with self-draws.
  • Subsequent strips are inserted into the grooves of the previous one in turn, using a special lock (clicking).
  • Fastening plastic to wooden bars should occur in a checker manner - through one panel.
  • In order to fit the plastic under the desired size for cutting across, it is necessary to use the metal hacksaw, and for the longitudinal cutting - the usual stationery knife.
  • For reliable docile, the extreme plates should be pre-trimmed under the desired size and only then put it in a row.

Thus, you need to walk on all surfaces. The joints should be closed with special plastic corners.

Balconies and loggia

How to install plastic windows on the loggia - increase the level of comfort with your own hands

From the author: Hello, dear visitors to our construction portal. For the seed, I want to talk a little about my mom. You know, it belongs to such a type of people who are capable of a broken stool and two rags to make a gorgeous chair, and from the shabby, a non-sustainable room - almost the royal living room.

Here is my mother - just like this. It so happened that she often moved, and every time, after entering the new housing, our friends look forward to and curiosity, what she would create there. So the situation recently repeated - Mom moved into a small apartment, the state of which was, to put it mildly, not so.

Especially sad looked balcony - small and affectionate, cold and uncomfortable. Glazed, but the windows were inserted into the wooden frames, which have long been fooling at half. In general, the sad picture was. But Mom looked at me many values, and I realized that it was time to take for the tool.

A few days passed, and here in this apartment, as usual, our curious familiar gathered. They hit the room decoration, over a beautiful cafeter in the bathroom, but when it came to the balcony, they were just amazed. I will say without excessive modesty, from a close slaughterhouse, we turned out just sweetie, warm and cozy corner.

My friend did not even stand and inquired in a whisper asked me how much finance went to create such comfort, because the glazing is worth it. I replied to him that it was just a glazing and came out quite economical, because I did it myself, without the involvement of the brigade.

After such an explanation, naturally, I had to hastily teach a friend the basics of this simple case. So I decided at the same time to write an article about that , how to properly install plastic windows on the loggia or balcony. After all, it is, in fact, a little, and what is the result! If adding to glazing, the ceiling and floor, and then make the finishing finish, the balcony will cause delight and you and all of your guests. So, proceed.

Types and types of windows

In general, two types of windows are most popular:

  • aluminum - light, durable and sliding, which is quite convenient. In modern multi-storey new buildings, most often the defaults are supplied precisely such windows. But there are a couple of minuses that spoil such a cheerful description. First, they are characterized by single glazing. For cold regions, this is a very large drawback, under conditions of harsh winter, such windows will not be an obstacle for frost. Secondly, the price of them is higher than that of another species, we will talk about just below. You can, of course, search and find options in a rather low price category. But here there is an underwater stone - the same fittings are usually attached to cheap windows. And at the price, in general, and quality. Such accessories quickly wear out either breaks. And taking into account the sliding system, it is safe to anticipate the appearance of cracks in connection with the windows unclosed to the end. In general, if we take aluminum profiles, then not the cheapest, and only if you live in a relatively friendly climate;
  • plastic - of course, not so durable as aluminum, but the difference is not critical. But they have a lot of advantages: thermal insulation, sound insulation, availability of many color solutions, reliability and durability, resistance to moisture, frost and other effects of the external environment. They have almost no need to care for them, it is enough to wipe as pollution. When installing, you can come up with a lot of combinations: windows can be open and no, the opening can be complete or partial, horizontal or vertical - in general, for every taste. And all this is attached quite affordable price, especially if you compare with the previous option. Of course, no minuses did not cost here. Among them, it is possible to name the electrostaticality, the caution of air indoors in the absence of ventilation, as well as the possibility of condensate formation. In addition, the frames in plastic windows are quite broad, which automatically slightly reduces the glazing itself. But all these shortcomings do not detract from the merits. Therefore, I personally chose on plastic windows and telling today I will be about them.

So, the profile was determined. Now you need to choose the windows yourself directly. Even within one species there are quite a few differences. For example, the opening method can be:

  • swivel;
  • folding;
  • swivel-folding;
  • sliding.

I will not stop in detail, then everything is clear from the names. The windows specifically for balconies and loggias usually have large non-opening flaps in combination with small opening. The popular option is sliding, but, as in the case of an aluminum profile, the accessories must be very high-quality, otherwise the mechanism will quickly begin to eat.

There is also a difference in glazing types. There are two categories: warm and cold. Cold, of course, cheaper, because in such windows a single glass. As mentioned above, it is characteristic of an aluminum profile, but also "cold" plastic systems are also found. Such glazing is slightly protecting from noise and cold, but for non-option.

But the "warm" windows is another matter. Double-glazed windows in them can be two-, three-, five-chamber. Naturally, such a frost protection is the most reliable. After all, try, penetrated so many layers. Of course, multi-chamber double-glazed windows are more expensive, but in return you will get an extra room on your housing. Believe it, it is worth it.

Double glazed windows and fittings

We disassemble the general moments, now I want to dwell on how it is better to put the windows, given the quality of individual details. The most important thing is, of course, the glass windows. As we, most likely, want not only to close the balcony from the wind, but also to make it warmer, we are interested in multi-chamber options.

That is, the double-glazed glass should consist of several glasses between which the perforated frame from aluminum is placed, as well as a long-term insulation. These inserts are needed to absorb residual moisture, as well as to protect against its hit and from the appearance of condensate. So that heat-shield properties are higher, dried air or argon is injected between the cameras.

Actually, that's all you need to know about double-glazed windows. Let's go to fittings. These seemingly auxiliary details are very important. Accessories consists of mechanisms for adjustment and compound, as well as from thrust, brackets, handles and loops.

It is from these parts that how long and qualitatively will serve your new windows. Therefore, everything should be, first, high-quality, and secondly, from well-proven producers. I will list five basic firms to pay attention to. This is no case advertising, but simply the designation of the facts in order to facilitate the choice. So, manufacturers:

  • Winkhaus - release accessories for multistage ventilation, as well as instruments with which you can open fraumuga remotely;
  • Siegenia-Aubi - This manufacturer focuses on non-standard windows;
  • Roto is a very large range of fittings, including for different ways of opening windows;
  • Gretsch-Unitas, more known as G-U - launches accessories with high-quality protection against hacking, while opening windows can occur both mechanically and using electronic devices;
  • MacO - manufactures devices for electronic window opening control, and these systems can also be alarm system at the same time.

What is significant, all these manufacturers are from Germany and Austria. We all know about the qualities of the Germans as pedantry and the ability to work at a high level. Therefore, the quality of their products most often does not cause questions. All strong, durable and well-working. Of course, prices correspond. But, think about it, it is better to spend once, and then it is not completely worried about to constantly repair the windows because of the next broken mechanism.

Talk about accessories while finish. Let's now consider manufacturers who make the PVC windows directly. Again, the more famous firm, the more reliable the product. Here the leadership is also for German manufacturers, but still there are English, and even Russian. List their main advantages:

  • Rehau, Germany is the most popular manufacturer. Excellent design, high reliability and excellent product characteristics;
  • KBE, Germany - windows are suitable for installation in any climatic conditions, calmly carry aggressive effects of the external environment;
  • Aluplast, Germany - perfectly isolate heat and sound in the room, and also protect against intruders penetration, since the protection against hacking system is equipped. Bonus - whatever color you choose for frames, it will be fresh over the years;
  • Veka, Germany - the leader on a par with Rehau, is also distinguished by the high technical characteristics of products;
  • Salamander Industrie-Produkte GmbH, Germany - High quality and accessories with improved technical characteristics;
  • Proplex, Austria - a very high level of thermal insulation, which is important in many regions of our country;
  • Montblanc, United Kingdom - windows are famous for an extremely long service life, it can be more than fifty years;
  • EXPROF, Russia - the focus is made on the harsh winters, frost resistance at a good level;
  • LaoMann, Russia - based on the production of windows is the Austrian technology. There are models both budgetary and elite.

So we figured out in detail in the types, types and manufacturers of plastic windows. It's time to store!

How to choose the right window

Of all the above, it is clear that when choosing is needed, first of all, take into account the type of window, the manufacturer and the number of cameras. But there is still a couple of nuances to which you need to pay attention to:

  • condition of the finished window - if you see any damage on the plastic, it is better to refuse not only from this particular window, but in general from the whole line. The fact is that plastic is easily damaged if it has poor quality. Moreover, such windows can not only break the first year of operation, but also harmful from the point of view of ecology. But we are going to put them in an apartment, where might live small children who are especially susceptible to various harmful effects. In general, it is better to be restrained;
  • the material from which profiles are made are best to choose galvanized steel, since in this case you can not be afraid of rust;
  • furnitura - We have already told a lot about this, but it will not be superfluous to repeat. It must be metallic, not plastic. And very, very high quality;
  • additional heat-saving factor can be a special spraying consisting of silver ions. Such glass will well reflect warm;
  • if the loggia is on the sunny side, or the house opposite is located too close to yours, you can purchase tinted windows. Toning will protect and from sunlight, and from neighboring curiosity;
  • if you plan to combine non-opening windows with opening, then count in size so that all the glass packages can be comfortably soaked with both the inner side of the balcony and the outer. Necessary carried away by the deaf sash, subsequently you can not reach some places trite;
  • in the event that the room is located on the first or second floor, it will be worthwhile to provide penetration. To prevent such a situation, you can purchase accessories with the "Anti-Vil" function;
  • another point, useful, is the increased strength of the glass. If you are interested in this factor, then choose windows covered with a special impact-resistant film. Even if such a glass tries to break, it will not fly out of the frame. Cracked maybe, yes, but will not miss the attackers inside the room;
  • if there are small children in the house, we recommend choosing handles for windows locked in the key. Kids only at first glance weak and awkward. As soon as the child turns on curiosity, he immediately becomes capable of many unexpected actions. Rotate the window handle for him will definitely not work, and this situation is very dangerous for the life of the baby. So it is better to reliably fix all shut-off mechanisms;
  • it is also worth paying attention to the freshness of air indoors. Usually, ventilation is provided for this, but if it is not available on your balcony, it is desirable to purchase windows with a supply valve. This device allows street air to enter the room, but at the same time it does not affect the temperature and humidity indicators.

Well, we finished with the theoretical part. With windows figured out, the choice was made. Now it's about the installation. Of course, even the most careful choice will not save you if the installation is incorrect. Therefore, be patient, thoughtful and carefully, step by step, make installation according to the instructions that are shown below.

Preparation for mounting

Like many other repair procedures, the installation of plastic windows requires attentive, although not too complicated, preparation. First of all, you need, of course, make measurements of openings. This is a very responsible procedure. It is worth mistaken in size - and the finished window will not get to the place, as it should.

We produce measurements

If you doubt your abilities, you can call the measurer directly from the company where you are going to place an order. If not, now I will instruct how it is done. Main rules:

  • measurements should be produced in three places: in the middle of the balcony fence and in two places;
  • measurements should be made in several versions and take into account the least;
  • to find out the width of the entire future, you need to measure the length of the fence to which it will be put. From the result, on each side, it is necessary to take 60-70 mm from each side - this stock will be needed to install profiles connecting the windows;
  • the height of the future design is the distance from the upper overlap to the fence. Just as in the case of a width, we reduce the result obtained for the installation of installation, but already 25-30 mm.

With these measurements, you can go to the company you choose and order windows. In the meantime, they are manufactured, proceed to further procedures. First of all, you need to remove all the furniture from the balcony if it is there. Otherwise, it will interfere with the preparation of the opening, and when installing new double-glazed windows.

The glazed balcony, people often face a weak parapet and a destroyed slab. The parapet of the balcony is closely interrelated with the age of the building itself, so in most cases the problems associated with it arise in the old Soviet buildings. Parapet enhancement is a task that should be solved even before the start of glazing, since its dilapidation can negatively affect the strength of the entire structure. Another factor in strengthening non-residential premises is to check, as well as the maximum strengthening of the bearing plate. A well-coined stove provides limiting balcony stability, minimizes the possibility of its collapse from all sorts of loads associated with installing aluminum or plastic windows, insulation, and the like.

Diagnostics of the bearing plate, elimination of defects and choosing a method of amplifying parapet

Preparing to high-quality balcony glazing, a number of actions should be performed:

Stages repair plate

Protecting the carrier balcony plate with the help of new reinforcement, ties, etc. We turn to the amplification of the parapet with metal or focusing foam blocks on the loggia (balcony).

Before the start of work, we reveal the degree of dilapidation and other features of this design, after which we proceed to the selection of the necessary materials for its strengthening, without omitting their mass and weight of the future glazing, which will create an additional load on the balcony slab.

Emergency status of balconies

Also, planning heating, insulation of gender, walls, ceiling Do not forget to include in the calculation of the total weight of the materials involved.

Important! The metallic amplification of the parapet is an excellent option even for running balconies, but high-quality brickwork will help literate strengthening of the loggia.

Metal strengthening

Metal amplification looks like this:

  1. If the technical condition of the parapet is acceptable (does not require radical measures), then its strengthening can be made using the welding of metal corners to the parts of the old fittings necessary for this.
  2. In case of severe worn, the old metal parapet is neatly separated, after which it is replaced with a new one.

Options for amplification of the parapet of the balcony before glazing

Also, the use of a construction foam block, the quality of which perfectly strengthens the balcony parapet is considered a good option to enhance the parapet.

Strengthening the Balcony Design

Increased parapet foam block

Foam block, thanks to its indisputable benefits, enjoys great demand in the building materials market. It copes well with the strengthening of the balcony parapet, while the material has increased strength and noise insulation, and the composition of the construction foam block allows you to retire heat in the room. It often uses it not only to strengthen, but also additional thermal insulation of loggias in multi-storey buildings. Another distinctive feature of the material is a pleasant price.

Masonry Parapet from Foam blocks

Strengthening the parapet of the balcony by construction foam block (its advantages):
  1. Long service life.
  2. Small heat conductivity.
  3. High temperature increased resistance.
  4. Installation using material can be successfully performed by non-professional.
  5. Safe for health.

The minuses in the construction foam block are also present, for example, poor resistance to high humidity, natural precipitation (therefore, when the material is installed, steam and waterproofing material are used).

Important! In this case, the foam block is first performed, then the waterproofing layer goes, after which the finishing of galvanized metal is performed.

The nature of the work with foam blocks is as follows:

  • We measure and calculate the size of the parapet, taking into account the future glazing.
  • Install the waterproofing layer on the bearing plate of the balcony.
  • The outer perimeter from foam blocks is stacked using a construction level.
  • We make the main plane of the design "in the run", fixing the special construction glue.
  • Drills the necessary holes in the outer wall and drive the reinforced rods in places of connection with the masonry of the brick from the foam block.
  • Introduce the masonry by galvanized grid.
  • Apply primer.
  • Cover the design with high-adhesive plaster.

At the end of work on the balcony parapet, we perform finishing with galvanized sheets.

Warm design

Standard warca (balcony) parapet insulation is complete thermal insulation, where the inner part of the structure is insulated together with walls, floor and ceiling.

Waterproofing options on the balcony and loggia

For effective thermal insulation of the balcony, there are many special building insulation. The most common of them:
  1. foil polyethylene;
  2. construction foam;
  3. penoplex;
  4. mineral wool.

If insulation is combined with balcony heating, the most practical material is a rolled insulation. It has excellent heat-reflecting qualities, resistance to moisture and at the same time it is easily convenient in the installation.

If you take foil polyethylene foam (foam), then you can even having professional skills, carefully and qualitatively install the first thermal insulation layer, eliminating all possible booster the working surface. Repeating operation provides additional heat protection. The material is not only very easily attached to the surface (for this it will suit both the stapler and special glue), but also does not require it a thorough alignment.

In the case of using a tile insulation (foam plane, foaming, etc.), it is used for high-quality installation a doomer, thermal insulation and a vapor barrier film. The final stage is the decorative finish of the parapet, after which the loggia or balcony will acquire a long-awaited view.