Repair Design Furniture

Construction of road surfaces and sites. Arrangement of garden and park paths. The aesthetic value of paving garden paths

It would seem that to build such landscape elements as paths and playgrounds, you don't need a lot of mind. Making paths is not building a house.

However, if you want them to serve you for more than one year, you must take into account all the nuances in the construction of such elements.

Otherwise, all your energy and time may be wasted.

What should be the paths and platforms

The main requirements for these landscape elements:

Naturalness and harmony;

Strength and durability;

Easy to care for.

The lanes and pads should look natural, i.e. match with and style of the house.

To make them strong and durable, great attention should be paid to the choice of paving material.

Well, the properties of the material also affect the ease of care.

Types and purposes

There are 3 types of tracks:




First, you need to decide what task each particular track will perform. Will a car pass through it, or will it be designed for walking in the garden.

The purpose depends on how the base (underlying layer) will be arranged, the type of coverage, as well as the width and height.

Track and pad options

Each parameter is influenced by several factors. For example, the width of a particular track (as well as a pad) will depend on which function you define for it.


On the walking path, two people must fit freely, i.e. the width should be 1-1.5 m. This also applies to the path that leads to the house.

A secondary path can be 80-100 cm wide. For example, a path connecting a house and a garage, a utility room, or a house and recreation area. And for auxiliary paths in the garden between the beds, a width of 50-60 cm is enough.

The width of transport and access roads, first of all, depends on the size of the transport that will pass through them. It can vary from 2 to 3.5 m.

The dimensions of the transport sites also depend on the size of the transport itself and its number. A space of about 2.5x4.5 m is allocated for one car.


As for the height, we mean the height relative to the level of the lawn, then there can be 2 options: above the level of the lawn or below. The calculation is made on the fact that the water falling out with precipitation should drain somewhere.

If you are going to arrange a water drain along the paths, then they must be built below the lawn level. At the same time, the design heights of other coatings must be strictly observed on the site in order to exclude the overlap of the flow.

Paths above the level of the lawn should only be established if the area is well drained. Since they are built with a slight lateral slope, all the water will drain onto the adjacent lawn. And so that water does not stagnate on it, the soil must be water-absorbing.


The entire pathway network in the garden should be designed with a slight slope to avoid the formation of puddles during precipitation or melting snow.

At the same time, the slope along the path can be 2-5%, and across - only 1-2%. In addition, the direction of the slope can be different: from the center axis to the sides or from one edge to the other.

The direction depends on many factors, such as whether the area is flat or has a general slope. In addition, so that water does not accumulate in any one point of the garden, the entire site must be planned with a "slope". Thus, the slope line of the paths also depends on this layout.

Coating types

Today, modern materials make it possible to make paths and platforms not only durable, but also beautiful, and in some cases even especially decorative.

Depending on the type of material, there are 3 types of coating:




Not all paths and areas require curbs. As a rule, edges of soft and combined coatings are strengthened with curbs. And for hard surfaces, reinforcing the edges is not necessary.

For the border, use the same material or in harmony with it in color and structure. Both low and high curbs look good.

Curbs are laid in a groove located slightly below the level of the track, the bottom of which is covered with sand and then with concrete. The laying is done before the start of paving.

And finally, a few tips

To prevent the path from overgrowing with weeds, a film should be laid under the dump or under the "trough". Of course, weeds can penetrate the gaps between the slabs (with step-by-step paving). Therefore, as a preventive measure, the gaps are planted with moss, lawn grass, ground cover plants, bryozoan, or treated with Roundup.

If you are going to buy expensive material for covering, then it is better to entrust the device of tracks and grounds to professionals, or at least read specialized literature. Paving technology has its own secrets, for example, how to properly create a foundation (trough) for paving. And even if you decide to make a simple path from wooden cuts, you will still need a base for it.

If a good, durable material is chosen for paving and all the subtleties of the technology are observed when arranging the paths, then their service life without repair will be about 15-20 years.

From the site www.esosystе

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Chapter 3. Technology of trail arrangement *

V.V. Komov, Ya. I. Orestov

3.1 Walkways, stairs and landings

General requirements

The choice of material and track width depends on the functional and natural characteristics of the route. It is most advisable to use local materials for road construction.

In the practice of landscaping parks and forest parks, standard values ​​of the width of paths, multiples of 0.75 m, are accepted. The width of 75 cm is intended for one person to pass, and with a width of 1.5 m, two people can comfortably move along the path. When constructing eco-trails, the width of the paths can be approached less strictly.

“Setting up a trail starts with kneeling down and exploring the ground. Take a close look at what kind of soil you are dealing with, what the soil consists of, what can happen to it during rain. Determine where the water comes from on the trail and where it flows. Your main concern should be regulating the speed and direction of water flow. "
Mark Edwards, Iowa Department of Natural Resources Route Coordinator

The efficiency of functioning of ecological paths and routes largely depends on the technical condition of the roadway. One of the main problems is the drainage of the walkway. It is carried out by adding crushed stone, sand or other materials with good cultivation capacity to its base, as well as by giving a transverse and longitudinal slope to the upper surface of the path.

Water stagnates on the surface of an improperly formed pathway. Visitors to the park walk around wetlands, resulting in detour paths.

Trails running downhill can turn into ditches for water to drain. If the slope is more than 7-10%, then in order to prevent soil erosion, it is necessary to build steps, platforms and barriers for the water flow.

The slope of the trail is usually expressed as a percentage: a slope of 1 percent corresponds to a decrease / increase of 1 centimeter per meter of roadway.

Sometimes, instead of percent, they use another unit - ppm, which is equal to one tenth of a percent.

A surface slope of up to 5% is optimal for lifting visitors (5% corresponds to a climb of 1.5 m on a 30 m path).

Recommended longitudinal slopes are from 0.5 to 8%, in some cases slopes can be up to 20%. With large slopes, the sections of the rise should alternate with horizontal platforms, and there are certain recommendations for the alternation of horizontal sections and sections with different slopes, by performing which you can make the rise comfortable.

The following diagram shows a section with alternating sloped and horizontal sections.

Rice. 3.1. Longitudinal slopes of footpaths
1 - Horizontal sections, 2 - Inclined elements with a slope of 1-1, 1-2 ..., A - starting point of the path

Longitudinal slopes in the sections of the rise should be increased gradually, at the same time coordinating their length with the value of the slope (see table):

Longitudinal slope,% (i) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Section length, m 1130 840 630 480 370 280 220 170 130 105 88 67 53 43

The application of the table can be illustrated by the following example: if we have a hill, to the top of which we need to lay a path, then it is advisable to arrange the first ascent from the foot as gently as possible - let us assume that this is a section with a slope of 3% (3 cm of ascent per 1 m of the path ). The length of such a section should not exceed 630 m (see table). The road should be traced so that after the ascent there is a horizontal section. Usually for this, the route is laid in a serpentine or spiral around the hill.

The next ascent can be made steeper - let's say, with a slope of 9%, no more than 130 m in length, and so on, up to the top, with a sequential increase in the steepness of the sections and a decrease in their length.

This combination of slopes and horizontal sections allows you to alternate physical effort and rest and corresponds to the natural distribution of relief heights.

Ladder construction

Slopes over 20% are equipped with staircases with handrails. Ladders can be made of wood, earth, metal or natural stone. The most durable, but also expensive to manufacture, are metal structures. Steps and platforms welded from a reinforcing bar with an interval of 15–25 mm freeze less and do not reduce insolation (the intensity of sunlight falling on the surface) under the stairs. In addition, the metal supports are thinner, which means less damage to the plant roots during installation.

A comfortable ladder is calculated as follows:
value 2h + S, where h is the height of the steps in cm, and S is the width of the step in cm (tread), should be in the range from 60 to 67.
For example, if your step height is 13 cm, then the step width can be from 34 cm (60 - 13 x 2) to 41 cm (67 - 13 x 2).

The horizontal part of the step is called the tread, and the vertical (frontal) part is called the riser.

Rice. 3.2. The device of a wooden staircase

A simple and economical type of stairs is bulk. They require the preparation of an inclined base in the ground or building up a base from backfill. The slope in the ground should have a drainage layer 50–80 mm thick from the backfill. For backfilling, slag, sand, gravel, crushed stone, dolomite are used.

The risers, previously fastened to the sidewalls, are laid in an inclined recess between the two levels of the site, and then slag or sand is poured up to the upper edge of the riser board and tamped. The possibility of sagging of the board is prevented with the help of pegs, which are best driven in from the inner (filled) side of the board. In this case, the board is nailed to the pegs. The location of the pegs in the backfill gives the structure a more perfect and finished look (Fig. 3.3). Boards in this version are a permanent element of the staircase structure.

Rice. 3.3. Bulk ladder device
1 - bowstring; 4 - pegs; 2 - riser; 5 - drainage layer 3 - backfill;

As a material for strengthening the risers, natural stone, transversely laid or vertically buried logs can be used. If necessary, the side boards of the steps are also strengthened.

Concrete steps are easy to make on an inclined surface in wooden formwork from sidewalls and retaining boards. Retaining boards are installed vertically or with a slight slope. They form the riser surface. The formwork is removed after the concrete has hardened. For formwork, sheet metal can be used.

Arrangement of tracks and platforms

Delicious filling of "road pie"

Just like an ordinary pie consists of dough and filling, the road has several layers. The upper one, the “golden brown crust of the pie,” is asphalt or tiles or rubble, the layer on which our feet go. There is a "filling" under it - we do not see it, but it is it that makes the road dry and solid. The term "road cake" has become firmly established in the language of builders.

Who invented the road pie? The Roman legions conquered the ancient world not only by force of arms, but also by roads that survived two millennia later. And it is not surprising - sometimes the “filling” layer of the road “pie” reached 5 meters!

The track should be as flat and flat as possible along its entire length, without holes and protruding bumps, roots and other obstacles. In order to prevent the formation of puddles, the level of the trail should be raised above the ground level and have a slightly convex (3-5%) cross-section with a gable cross-section or slope towards the discharge with the same slope.

To prevent damage to the soil and vegetation adjacent to the trail, it is recommended to sow a so-called "sports lawn" along the track - a mixture of grasses that are resistant to trampling. If necessary, you can plant a low hedge along the canvas. This is especially necessary at the intersection of the path with unwanted spontaneously formed paths.

Rice. 3.4. Construction of stairs with concrete steps
1 - formwork sidewalls; 4 - support for a step with a canopy; 2 - retaining boards; 5 - pillow base 3 - stops (bars);

Cloth from gravel-sand mixture

If the trail goes on earthen, sandy and other "soft" soils, it is advisable to cover it from a sand and gravel mixture (ASG). For the construction of such a canvas, a trench 25-30 cm deep is formed, the width of the future path. If necessary, its sides can be sprinkled, which will make the bottom as gentle as possible, without sharp drops and steps. A layer of sand 7–10 cm thick is poured onto the bottom. The sand is moistened and rammed. Variants of the arrangement of such tracks are shown in Fig. 3.5, 3.6.

A layer of coarse - 40–70 mm - gravel or crushed stone is laid on the sand to the ground level and rammed. This layer is the main drainage system of the trail. The stability and durability of the future path will depend on the degree of compaction of this layer. Above the ground level, sides with a height of 5–7 cm are formed (from the ground, sod, boards, etc.), the space between them is filled with ASG. This mixture consists of sand (up to 30% by volume), fine gravel or pebbles of 10–20 mm in size and a binder - powdered clay (15–30% by volume) or cement (up to 10%). This layer is also rammed to form the road surface. The difference in height between the edge of the ripping board and the natural soil is leveled by laying sod or simply adding soil. If necessary, an associated drainage can be made from one of the sides to which the surface runoff goes: to strengthen the side with a log, curbstone, etc. with waterproof materials, installing overflow pipes with a diameter of 100–150 mm every 30–50 m under the roadbed so that the water does not erode the path.

Rice. 3.6. ASG coating: with a side stone (above), with a hidden fringe (below). Cross section

Construction of gates and slopes

... There was and is in Russia one more element, unknown in the West - off-road.

Even in the presence of stone and rubble, it is no laughing matter to lay hundreds and thousands of miles of paved roads. And there was no stone at hand in Russia, there was nothing to fill the “bed” with so that the granite cobblestone of a primitive cobblestone highway would not drown in the muddy clay. And the collection of these cobblestones in the fields (such a duty was imposed in some places on the peasants both in pre-revolutionary and in Soviet times) did not give the required amount of material. Therefore, in Russia there was such a difficult typology of roads: there were paved highways, and there were also unpaved, but well-maintained post roads, there were winding country roads filled with peasant carts, and there were slightly outlined field roads overgrown with grass.

In Russia, original ways of paving roads were worked out - gaty, bedrock and end pavement. The damp areas were rolled with bundles of rods and poles, and on the already impassable bogs, lodges lay down: thick logs were laid along the route in two rows, on them, one to the other, slightly hacked, transverse logs that made up the roadbed were laid, and two rows of logs were again placed on top along the edges, fastening the lodge. On such "roads", and now lying in some places from the cutting areas, spokes flew out of the cart wheels, the rims diverged, axles broke and tremors and the soul of the rider barely kept in the body. In the cities, the central streets were paved with wooden ends - logs, cuttings of logs, sometimes hewn into six edges, and more often remained in round timber. On the sandy bed (it is good if there was sand nearby) tightly, one to the other, tarred ends were placed, poured on top with resin and sprinkled with sand. In the first months, such a pavement was rather smooth, although the cart wheels rattled slightly on it, and after a year some ends sagged, others warped, and others began to rot and knocked out by the iron tires of the wheels, so that, moving from the “comfortable” street into a lane, where there were no more ends, the rider sighed with relief from the bottom of his heart. And a year later it was necessary to pave the street again. The author of this book, who grew up in a small northern town, had to travel both along the end pavement on the main street, and along the gats and slopes in the damp Vyatka forests, and still fresh in my memory ...

(A. V. Belovinsky "Izba and mansions. From the history of Russian everyday life"

When the trail goes through humid wetlands, it is advisable to build gates and lodges. Gatiu used to be called flooring from branches, wood residues, on lightly rammed peat soil, and bedding- a road through the swamp, the base of which was longitudinal or transverse logs.

Photo 3.1.

Different authors have discrepancies in the definition of these terms, but we can agree that both types of road are raised above the ground flooring, and this gives us the opportunity not only to comfortably walk through the area with excessive moisture, but also to help protect tree roots from damage, preserve interesting species of mosses and lichens and other ground cover objects.

It is advisable to make the floorings lying on the ground from wooden blocks with a thickness not less than 40 mm or half-timber. It is possible to use old tires from wheels instead of transverse logs. They are durable, adhere well to the marsh surface and, with a sufficient width of the flooring, can be completely hidden under it. From the point of view of ecology, they are quite safe due to the high chemical inertness of the material.

Rice. 3.7. One of the possible decking designs

Decks raised above the soil on pillars (wooden or asbestos-cement with grouting) look very nice. They are generally quite durable.

It is advisable to make the width of the gates and lodges about 1 m. The laying of the flooring should be transverse, from tightly-fitting boards, with not large gaps (up to 1 cm) between them for water drainage.

Photo 3.2. Decking using asbestos-cement pillars

Step paths

Walkways look like individual flat stones or tiles spaced one step apart. They fit perfectly into the natural environment and are durable enough with the right technology and good quality limestone.

The advantages of such paths include the fact that they do not impede surface runoff at all, since the base under them can be made not solid, but along the contour of each tile. The disadvantages include low bandwidth: you have to go along such a path one after another. At the same time, such paths may well be used for exits from the main route of the ecological route to individual attractions.

Photo 3.3.

For the step-by-step paths, the most commonly used tiles are called “dies”, which are about 30 mm thick and about 40x40 cm in size.

The tiles should be located at a distance of 60–65 cm (between the centers of the tiles). The tiles are first laid out on the ground and tried to walk along the intended path. Poorly placed tiles can be immediately corrected and after that outline the most convenient contours of the future road pie. Most often, this can be done without a formwork device.

Ladders from a die also look very decorative and natural. In this case, each subsequent tile rises relative to the previous one to a height of 12-14 cm. As a rule, in this case, it is necessary to use temporary formwork to form the steps.

Placing the block directly on the ground is permissible only in sandy or sandy loam soil, with preliminary moistening and compaction of the soil where the load on the track will be insignificant.

Rice. 3.8. Treadmill technology

End tracks and platforms

In forest conditions, the end path, at first glance, seems to be the most obvious option. And beautiful, and the material at hand. In fact, the end track is one of the most difficult options for the roadway. Indeed, the butt - a cylindrical section of the trunk 10–30 cm high - is actually a piece of wood with all the conducting vessels open from below and above. It is clear that decay and destruction of wood goes on rather quickly.

Only two species can retain their strength in such conditions without thorough processing: oak and larch. Firms that are engaged in the device of end coatings give long-term guarantees only for such species. Pine cuts, even well-processed ones, serve up to 3-5 years on end paths. And the cost of a larch end covering can be up to 50 euros per 1 m 2. The device of the end-covering is laborious and can be compared with the device of the path from the paving stones. In this case, the problem of the appearance of the coating arises, since the ends are easily rubbed with dirt and are practically not cleaned.

In addition, as the operation progresses, the ends tend to loosen and the track becomes less passable than just a dirt track.

Therefore, it is necessary to resort to end coatings with great care. It is advisable to arrange them only in dry places and to limit the area, not forgetting that this type of work requires significant labor costs.

The “trough” is dug under the end path so that the bottom of the ends lies on a sandy base 15–20 cm thick. The usual height of the cuts is from 10 to 30 cm. The “trough” is filled with coarse sand with a layer-by-layer rammer. The ends are laid on a rammed base and adjusted to each other, and the gaps between them are filled with smaller cuts. In this case, the extreme ends must necessarily rest on the fringe (the edges of the "trough", even rammed ones, must be additionally reinforced with a board or other material). Then the gaps between the cuts are filled with sand and additionally rammed.

Rice. 3.9. Approximate end cover design

It is necessary to provide for the construction of terraces on the sections of the trail running along the traverse of the slopes. It is desirable that the canvas lay on a natural base, while the terrace cuts into the slope to the width of the future path. The road surface on the terraces should be hard - wood or stone. The side walls of the terrace made of bulk material are reinforced with a retaining wall made of stone, wood or planting of easily rooted plants. It is advisable to lay the railings in two threads: at a height of 75–80 cm for adults, and 45–50 cm for children.

To comply with the permissible slopes, it is advisable to lay the trail according to the serpentine principle.

* This page contains information from the collection [" A trail in harmony with nature". Collection of Russian and foreign experience in creating ecological paths. M .:" R.Valent ", 2007. - 176 p.], Prepared by our colleagues from ecological center "Reserves", who kindly provided us with the opportunity to post this extremely useful information for all environmental educators on our website.

Covering is the "outerwear" of any elements of landscaping in gardens and parks.

There is a wide variety of types and "styles" of such "clothes", which, as a rule, are not only durable and resistant to atmospheric influences, various pedestrian and traffic loads, but also beautiful.

Coating as a means of decoration or decoration also plays an important role in creating landscape compositions, therefore, the type of coverage and material usually correspond to the peculiarities of landscape architecture (relief and plantings), the general composition of the park and the functional purpose of the corresponding planning elements.

Platforms and paths are typical, without exception, for all types of gardens and parks. Therefore, it makes sense, without going into details (we are not talking about building a garden or park, but only about understanding the essence of the subject), to consider the main types of construction of paths and platforms.

Garden paths and playgrounds consist of an earth bed, "clothing" and a drainage system.
An earthen bed is a recess prepared by excavation in accordance with the dimensions of the paths and areas and the thickness of the "pavement".

"Road clothes" consists of an underlay, base and cover.
The subbase is often made of sand. It serves as a regulator for pedestrian and group vehicle traffic loads and drainage.
The base is the main structural element, the bearing part, the degree of durability and strength of the "road pavement" depends on it. As a rule, the base is made of crushed stone, which is used as broken brick, crushed granite or metallurgical slags.

Covering is an upper structural element, "outerwear", which directly receives loads from movement. Important qualities of coatings are their durability, decorative effect, lack of dustiness in dry weather and soaking in rain. Since the surface is primarily intended for pedestrians, it should be smooth but not slippery.

Natural stone, various types of road tiles, slabs and rolls, decorative concrete and clinker bricks, wood, grass (including artificial), as well as bulk materials: granite and marble, tuff, are used as materials for covering horizontal and vertical elements of the improvement. rubber (rubber) and brick chips, crushed stone, pebbles and gravel, tree bark.

All coating materials are divided into two groups: hard and soft.
Soft coating (crumb, crushed stone, bark) is used mainly on footpaths and playgrounds.

The most imperfect and at the same time environmentally friendly coatings are natural grassy, ​​ground coatings and coatings made from compacted, chopped bark. They are and will remain in almost every garden and park, but their share, their share will decline.

The wood covering is picturesque, but short-lived, therefore it is used in parks located in forested areas, where waste of industrial hardwood, usually coniferous, is used for this purpose (checkers from substandard boards and slabs or cylindrical cuts from round timber). For example, wooden restraints on gentle staircases, or mosaic covering of vertical sections of decorative walls.
In some gardens and parks, wooden decking paths are preserved, but this is practically an exception.

wooden decking-walkway with two rows of wooden hedges, Windsor Park, suburbs of London, UK

wooden stepped serpentine paths - Garden of flowers (Garden-flowers-mae-fah-luang),
Chiang Rai, Thailand

In modern practice, wooden walkways-floorings have long been replaced by more durable sand and gravel or crushed stone. Crushed stone is covered with a layer of fine chips (brick, granite, tuff) and compacted with rollers. Colored bright coatings are obtained that go well with the greenery of the plantings.

In some parks, sea or river pebbles are used for covering, an excellent material for creating complex multi-figured compositions - beautiful mosaic panels with images of flowers, birds, bizarre sea or fantastic animals.

Here are four examples that will give you some idea of ​​the variety of compositions on the example of the Zhanyuan garden, in Nanjing, China.

Modern industrial technologies have contributed to the list of soft materials used for coatings. Rubber (rubber) crumb, rubber tiles and slabs, rolls of pressed rubber and artificial grass are widely used.

rubber crumb rubber

tiles and paving stones (in the middle of the picture) made of crumb rubber

rolls for sports flooring

Most often, such materials are used as coatings for playgrounds and sports grounds or "quiet" recreation areas.
The design of this "road pavement" is in many respects similar to that used earlier, therefore it does not require serious special training, and the bright color creates a cheerful multicolor, pleasing to the eye and creating a good mood.

self-leveling seamless coating based on crumb rubber for playgrounds

artificial turf

Solid materials are usually used for the most intensively used elements of the park planning structure (large width and height) - roads and paths on the main "routes" and in accordance with the nature of the environment.

tiled front entrance alley, Fontainebleau palace, France

tiled covering of the terrace. Upland Park. Baku, Azerbaijan

The process of installing hard surfaces used on paths, terraces, staircases and some areas in gardens and parks is called “paving”.
Paving is a necessary element of landscaping a garden and park area. It is used, for example, to cover areas - places of active recreation, sports or garden paths / park alleys connecting different functional areas.

Natural stone coatings are durable and beautiful, they retain their decorative effect for decades, but they are expensive. Therefore, they are widely used in compositions on sites around monuments and fountains. Usually these are small slabs of hard (granite, gneiss or basalt) and soft rocks (sandstone, tuff, shell limestone).

From stone blocks of various shapes, 3-7 cm in size, a lot of mosaic coverings of horizontal ledges of terraces and stairs, viewing and observation platforms, decorative retaining walls, etc. have been created.

Coverings made of clinker bricks or ceramics in terms of strength, durability and variety of color shades are comparable to natural stone. Clinker bricks, like tiles made of decorative concrete or natural stone, are laid in a cage, herringbone, and also flat or on the edge, tamped, and the gaps are filled with sand. As a result, park managers were able to create and maintain the uniqueness of the graphic design of garden and park grounds, roads and paths.

The use of industrial technologies made it possible to create new types of paving stones on the basis of ceramia and rubber crumb, high strength and ease of replacement allow solving the problem of landscaping on the most worn-out sections of park roads.

Decorative slabs and tiles of different colors and shades open up ample opportunities for creating colorful panels on garden vases, pots, parapets, borders and stringers of stairs. They can have a unique pattern due to artificial seams or inserts of pebbles, crushed stone, gravel.

Finally. Modern roads, paths, squares and sites are divided into the simplest and improved. Of greatest interest are the improved coatings used in the most visited and critical parts of gardens and parks. These include various (in shape and size) coverings from prefabricated or "piece" elements: slabs, tiles and rolls.
Such a roll-tile coating is not continuous, like asphalt; through the gaps, water and air enter the soil, improving the microclimate of the garden or park area.
The operational and decorative properties of such elements, manufactured in an industrial way, make it possible to create the necessary conditions for the organization of high-quality recreation for people and the normal functioning of gardens and parks.

The characteristic of the coatings ends with a complex of three fundamental sections: plants, relief and water, but along the alleys and paths of gardens and parks our
the path will continue, new themes and objects of garden and park landscapes await us.

The entire road and path network with sites is taken out in nature in accordance with the project and the layout drawing of the layout according to generally accepted techniques using geodetic instruments and devices (Fig. 31, 32).

1. The alignments of the main roads along their axes are set out with reference to the main base lines according to the alignment drawing.

2. The longitudinal slopes are checked in accordance with the vertical planning project, and the points of intersections of tracks, turns and radii of curvatures, as well as relief fractures, are fixed in nature.

3. A complex of earthworks is being carried out to cut the "trough" and level the track bed in accordance with the required slopes.

4. Checking the longitudinal slopes of the surface.

5. Then the boundaries of the structures are beaten off, marked out in nature with pegs and a tensioned twine.

6. An important point is the creation of a cross-section of the road. The cross-section of small tracks is created by hand using a specially cut template from thick plywood with a given profile. On large roads and alleys, the profile is created using a motor grader or bulldozer with a profile knife on the blade. A corresponding slope is given to the transverse gable profile of the structure.

For example, if the slope of the surface is 2% o, the rise of the soil on 1 m of the surface of the road section will be 2 cm.

7. All moth-eye changes on the surface of the canvas are leveled, construction debris is selected or can be partially used when constructing the base.

8. The surface is compacted with motor rollers with a passage from edge to middle 5-6 times one track at a time. Before compaction, the canvas is irrigated with water impregnated with a layer of 5 ... 6 cm. The soil surface of the road or site is considered ready and well rolled if thin round objects - nails, wire, etc. - are pulled out of the soil without violating its integrity.

After the preparation of the road bed and sites, work is carried out on the arrangement of the base and covering.

1 Walkways and areas covered with concrete tiles

Constructions of paths and platforms covered with slabs can be:



Improved designs include robust designs that include the following:

leveled and rammed base, a layer of crushed stone, 5 cm thick - fractions 2 ... 3 cm;

leveling layer of stone cuttings - fractions 0.5 ... 1 cm;

dry mix of cement, sand, granite seedings - fractions up to 0.5 cm,

up to 2 cm thick or liquid cement mortar - cement screed;

tile spread over the surface of the mixture or mortar.

Simplified structures include coverings of slabs laid on a layer of sand - "sand cushion" - 6 ... 10 cm thick.

The layout of the slabs, the very drawing of the coating are determined by the designer and are shown in the working drawings of the project. Layout techniques can be very diverse and depend on the compositional solution of the territory. The tiles can be laid with jointing, which are filled with small concrete blocks. In some cases, the joints are filled with plant soil and sown with seeds of lawn grasses, resulting in a kind of "lawn-tiled" covering. When arranging garden paths and tile platforms, the class and type of structures are taken into account. The base is made of crushed stone or clean sand.

A layer of crushed stone is lined along the prepared canvas of the main alleys, which is planned along the slopes, and rolled with rollers. A layer of lean concrete or cement-sand mixture is laid on the rolled base, and tiles are laid on this layer (Fig. 34). When laying the tiles by hand, the underside of the tiles is moistened with water and applied to the concrete surface, then carefully brought into position with the handle of a hammer. The surface of the laid slabs is checked with a special template. Particular attention is paid to the sealing of the seams. As a rule, they are filled with cement mortar or covered with a cement-sand mixture. Remains of mortar and mixture must be immediately removed from the surface of the tiles. Small tiles are laid by hand, large slabs weighing more than 50 kg are laid with the help of special devices and mechanisms - "grippers".

When arranging secondary paths on the lawn, the tiles are laid on a sand cushion 10 ... 15 cm thick. The tiles are embedded in the sand by 2/3 of its thickness and "precipitated" with a wooden mallet. The seams between the tiles are covered with plant soil and sown with lawn grass seeds. The vertical displacement of the tiles should not exceed 1.5 cm; the settling of the tiles is made by tamping through the overlaid board. The sandy base should have side stops from an earthen tightly tamped edge or garden concrete curb. It is necessary to ensure a tight fit of the tiles when laying to the edge and to each other. The tiles are usually laid 2 cm above (or flush with) the adjacent lawn surface.

2 Paths and platforms covered with stone, brick and wood

Laying coatings on a finished base made of machine-sawn stone slabs, bricks, wood - end blocks - does not fundamentally differ from the laying of concrete tiles. Laying is done manually on a leveled base. The base, in turn, is laid on the well-compacted soil of the track or platform. The base material is, as indicated above, sand or crushed slag.

In some cases, a cement-sand mixture is applicable. The thickness of the "pillow" must be at least 10 cm. The joints between the tiles are covered with sand or a mixture. Between the tiles, it is possible to install a clinker brick laid on the edge. When installing coatings on large areas, you should carefully adhere to the design slopes and monitor the correct laying of tiles, their fit, settlement, compaction, leveling of the surface.

The paving stone is covered in the same sequence, but according to the drawing - "fan", "mesh", etc.

A brick pavement is created on a sandy cushion, which is carefully leveled and planned; a slight slope is made to drain the water. Bricks are laid in different patterns. When laying, the bricks are compacted. If necessary, cut the brick for adjustment with a chisel: the brick is cut from all four sides, and the necessary part of it breaks off with a blow. The joints between the bricks are filled with slightly damp sand; excess sand is removed from the surface with a broom. At the joints, the sand is compacted under one level with the surface.

At high loads, slabs, blocks, bars are laid on a well-planned base of sand, fine gravel: fractions of at least 1 ... 2 cm; layer thickness - 10 cm. On the planned surface of the crushed stone layer, a layer of cement-sand mixture with a thickness of 3 ... 5 cm is laid.

At light loads, the stone covering is laid on a sandy "pillow" 12 ... 15 cm thick. The top layer of the pillow is leveled with a cement-sand mixture 1:10. The covering is made of rounded pebbles, which are distributed over the layer of cement mortar; the thickness of the sand cushion is 20 cm, the layer of concrete is 5 ... 6 cm, the layer of cement mortar is 2 cm.

End cuts of logs can also be used as original coverings in small areas of the garden. These cuts can be of different diameters. The gaps between the large ends are tightly filled with small and medium ends. The ends are usually laid on a cement preparation. Free slots remain between the ends.

Wooden end covers are made on a tamped and even layer of crushed stone; in some cases, a cement screed is used, spreading a thin layer of cement mortar over the surface. End pieces are placed on the base, pre-impregnated with an antiseptic. Seams 3 ... 6 mm wide are filled with sand. A sand cushion is placed on a well-planned subgrade surface with a thickness of at least 20 cm, a layer of concrete is 5 ... 6 cm at a grade of 300 kg / cm2, a decorative layer of gravel or pebbles is 2 ... 3 cm. 5.4.3.

3Rooms and platforms covered with in-situ concrete

The technological process of the construction of paths and platforms with a coating of monolithic concrete, in principle, does not differ from ordinary road works with the use of monolithic concrete.

The main requirements are:

providing clear contours of the paving surface by installing a special formwork made of wood or a curb made of concrete;

preparation of crushed stone base and its leveling, laying of concrete mass, its distribution over the surface of the base;

leveling with a special trowel, trowel or special

After leveling, the surface is processed by a roller with two horizontal drums with a mesh texture. When rolling roughly leveled concrete, coarse aggregate grains are pushed downward, leaving small particles on the surface. Currently, various motor mechanisms are used to level and tamp the concrete surface.

The drawing is applied to the surface after moisture has evaporated from it and while the concrete retains its plasticity. Various devices are used to apply the pattern. After the concrete has set sufficiently, the surface and joints are brushed with a soft brush. The pattern can be applied using various devices and get patterns in the form of combinations of circles, squares, waves, etc. In some cases, monolithic concrete is applicable with exposed aggregate, which is colored gravel with grains 1 ... 2 cm in diameter. Gravel is applied to the concrete surface, which is pre-smoothed with a spatula and trowel. As soon as the concrete hardens, the surface is trowelled with a special board made of magnesium or aluminum alloy (or the same trowel). The mortar should completely envelop the individual aggregate grains, leaving no holes in the surface. After that, the solution is removed with a brush or a stream of water from a hose; heavy exposure of gravel grains is not recommended. Then the surface of the coating is ground and polished; expansion joints and decorative joints are applied on the surface with a saw to a depth of 2 ... 3 cm. Wooden battens can be placed in expansion joints, which are placed before placing concrete on the base. The laths are laid to simulate tiled flooring. A decorative surface can be created by simply pressing colored pebbles into the concrete that has not yet hardened, but such a coating is not always durable and stable. Colored pebbles can be alternated with gravel for a variety of areas. The simplest sites of curvilinear configuration covered with in-situ concrete are made by breaking the site (or track) according to the drawing, excavating the soil to a given depth, leveling and tamping the canvas (trough) and filling the resulting "shape" with a concrete solution. In the future, all the above operations are performed.

4 Paths and areas with a coating of special mixtures

When arranging paths and platforms with bulk (padded) "clothes" structures, great importance is attached to the arrangement of support edges along the boundaries and contours. The support edges are arranged strictly along the cord. The curb is arranged along the boundaries of the path by adding a roller of plant soil. The height of the roller should be at least 15 cm and may be increased depending on the thickness of the garment by 5 cm or more. The roller of earth is compacted tightly, and a belt of sod is spread over its surface with an inclination towards the side of the track or platform. Instead of a support curb, a curb, or a garden curb, made of stone, concrete, is arranged from the ground. To install the curb, a groove 10 cm deep and 12 cm wide is torn off; the groove bed is planned. The height position of the curb is determined by the cord and then the curb itself is installed. The groove sinuses are covered with soil, watered and carefully tamped. The seams between the curbs are filled with cement mortar. The reference line from the curb should be straight in horizontal and vertical positions. The curvatures of roads and sites are smoothly outlined with a curb, while filling the formed corners with cement mortar. On the main paths and platforms, a stationary installation of a curb - a side stone is carried out. First, arrange a groove 25 cm deep. A 10 cm thick concrete "pillow" mixture is placed in the prepared groove, on which the curb is installed, embedding it into the concrete mass and leveling it with wooden rammers by hand. The seams between the curb products are poured with cement mortar, and a concrete mass is added to the base, compacting it. After installing the curb and preparing the canvas (see above), a layer of crushed stone is scattered over the surface. The crushed stone layer is leveled in accordance with the transverse and longitudinal profile of the track. The profiled surface is moistened with water, - 10 l / m2 of the surface, and rolled with a roller weighing at least 1.0 t 5-7 times one track from the edges to the middle with each track overlapping by 1/3. The first rolling is achieved by "crimping" the placer, and the stable position of the rubble is ensured. The second rolling gives rigidity to the base due to the mutual "jamming" of gravel. During the third rolling, a dense crust is formed on the surface: small fractions of crushed stone "wedge" and close the holes and pores. The thickness of the compacted layer of crushed stone should not exceed 15 cm. The crushed stone base is considered prepared when there is no movement of the crushed stone particles along the surface, and a piece of crushed stone thrown under the rollers is crushed. A layer of a special mixture is applied to the prepared base according to the established recipe and leveled according to templates in accordance with the transverse profile and longitudinal slope of the track; the coating is moistened with water, - 10 l / m2 of the surface, - and then, after the moisture dries, it is rolled with a roller up to 1.5 tons weighing 5-7 times one track at a time until the coating density, elasticity and elasticity of its surface is reached. Sand-gravel and soil-cement mixtures are laid on a pre-prepared and profiled soil base. The base sheet must first be finely loosened, or milled, and the indicated mixtures are scattered over it. After these operations, the web is profiled and then rolled. It is recommended to start the operation of finished tracks and platforms in 3-5 days.

5 Tracks and areas with combined surfaces

The construction of tracks and areas with combined types of coatings requires knowledge of the structural and mechanical properties of the materials that make up these coatings. In accordance with their characteristics, the foundations are arranged and the covering elements are laid. It is necessary to strive for such a selection of materials that make up the combined coating, in which it would be possible to accept the general structure of the base and the same method of laying. For covering from stone and concrete slabs, with the correct selection of technical characteristics and dimensions, one base can be made and one laying technique can be used. For each type of coating, it is necessary to follow the appropriate technology or, for a common base, choose the structure that has the highest strength indicators; otherwise, the coating quickly deforms and collapses.

6 Sports grounds

Sports grounds include:

football field;

volleyball and basketball courts;



The choice of surfaces for sports fields depends on their size and purpose. Dry, ventilated and insolated areas are allocated for sites. All slopes of the surface should facilitate the unimpeded discharge of surface precipitation. So that the upper soft cover of sports grounds does not become dusty and is constantly kept in an optimally moist state, it is necessary to lay a water supply system for irrigating the surface of the grounds. To fill the skating rink for the winter, the water supply is laid below the depth of soil freezing. The placement of sports facilities in gardens and parks should correspond to their purpose, location and contribute to the formation of the architectural appearance of the entire facility, taking into account climatic and local conditions. Playgrounds and fields for sports games, as a rule, are located in accordance with the orientation to the cardinal points. The long axis of the site is located along the meridian or with a deviation of 15 ... 20 °. The structures of the sports grounds consist of multi-layer "clothing" and special equipment. Clothing consists of a subgrade, a base of several bearing layers of materials of various purposes or combinations of them, and a top cover made of a special mixture of inert, binding and neutral materials (Fig. 36). Engineering networks are mandatory for sports flat structures, which contribute to the correct operation and quick restoration of the upper cover under any climatic conditions. This is, first of all, drainage with elements of storm sewers, irrigation water supply and lighting. The coatings should have a smooth and non-slip surface that does not get wet when waterlogged, and does not become dusty in the dry season. In conditions of low-permeable underlying soils, a ring drainage is laid along the boundaries of sites and fields, consisting of collecting drains and water intake wells. The “body” of the collecting drains can be tubular with filling of the ditches with inert materials, or simply filled with inert materials of various fractions.

Water intake wells can be concrete with water transfer to the sewer network, or simply filled with materials that absorb and transfer water through the aquifers.

The construction technology of the simplest sites in gardens and parks includes the following main issues:

determination of the construction site dimensions;

base device - troughs with surface drainage and annular collecting drainage;

for low-water-permeable soils - preparation of an underlying layer of draining and filtering medium-grained materials or an elastic-moisture-absorbing layer capable of not only retaining moisture, but also transporting it along the drainage marks;

layer-by-layer arrangement of the middle intermediate layer of inert materials;

application of an insulating layer made of elastically moisture-absorbing materials;

laying the top cover from a special mixture;

installation of special equipment and horizontal marking of the sports ground.

The construction of sports grounds begins with the removal of the dimensions of the grounds using a layout drawing and a level, designating corners or characteristic points in kind, driving metal pipes to a depth of 80 cm.

After that, they arrange a base - a "trough" and organize a surface drainage with the obligatory consideration of the composition of the base soils. If there are sandy or light loamy soils at the base, which are good conductors of moisture, drainage of the territory is not provided. The presence of a water-resistant layer in the base - clay, heavy or medium loam - creates the need for water-conducting drains and absorption wells. In this case, the underlying soils are preliminarily loosened with a milling cutter to impart porosity to them. The lower elasto-moisture-absorbing layer receives moisture through the underlying layers of clothing and accumulates part of it, and partly directs it along a slope into water-conducting drains and subsequently into absorbing wells. The body of the drainage drain and the absorption well consists of inert materials of various sizes. Materials are stacked in layers, with a reduction in fractions of each material from bottom to top. A more complex body of ring drainage can consist of pipeline drains and reinforced concrete collecting wells: without bottom - absorbing; with the bottom - collective.

The drainage of water from the collecting wells is carried out through pipelines into the storm sewer (see figure). The laying of the elasto-moisture-absorbing layer begins after all the work on the drainage device and the preparation of the base has been completed. A lightweight concrete curb or wooden formwork 10x15 cm in height, equal to the thickness of all layers of the structure, is installed along the boundaries of the site. The curb is installed on cement mortar. The formwork is arranged from edged antiseptic boards measuring 20 x 120 cm and 4 cm thick. The boards are laid "on the edge" and nailed to the pins, which are preliminarily driven into the ground at a distance of at least 1 m from each other. The length of the pegs is 30 ... 40 cm, the thickness is 8 ... 10 cm, the lower part should be pointed. The jokes are driven into the ground on the outside of the site, after which a board is attached to them. Formwork or curbs along the boundaries of the site allow you to maintain clear lines of boundaries and keep layers of clothing from creeping. An elastic moisture-absorbing layer 8 ... 10 cm thick (in a dense rolled state) is laid on a carefully planned and rolled base in two steps. The elastic-moisture-absorbing layer is watered and rolled with a roller weighing up to 2 tons. Rolling is carried out with the passage of the roller at least 5-6 passes along one track. To prevent the wetted material from sticking to the rollers during rolling, a layer of 1 ... 2 cm of inert materials (fine gravel, fraction of 2 mm) of the middle intermediate layer is laid on it. When calculating the need for materials for an elastically moisture-absorbing layer, take into account their significant compaction - up to 50 ... 55%. The middle intermediate layer of inert materials is laid out over an elastically moisture-absorbing layer. It consists of M-800 crushed stone. Layer thickness 10 ... 12 cm, grain fraction 20 ... 35 mm. The layer is carefully leveled to give it design slopes. The surface is poured abundantly with water at the rate of 10 ... 12 l / m and compacted with rollers weighing 3 ... 5 tons with a passage 5-7 times in one place. The layer is considered prepared if, when the roller passes, no “waves” appear on the surface of the layer and the crushed stone of softer rocks placed on it is crushed by the roller. The next layer is insulating. The insulating layer is laid with a thickness of 4 cm in a dense body made of elastic-moisture-absorbing materials. Its components are special mixtures for the upper surfaces of sports fields. Recommended structures for covering tennis courts (experience of St. Petersburg) The base of the court - compacted soil; Top coat, 4 cm thick, made of a special mixture: clay-powder -45%; ground clinker - 45%; fluff lime - 10; Elastic lignin layer, 1 cm thick; Limestone crushed stone (fraction 10. .20 mm), thickness 2 cm; Granite crushed stone (fraction 20 ... 40 cm), thickness 13 cm; The sand is coarse-grained, thickness 5 cm. The coating is watered by "sprinkling", rolled with a roller weighing 2 tons with a passage through one place 2-3 times. To prevent sticking to the rollers, the surface is sprinkled with a thin layer of stone chips. Laying the top casing layer (special mixture) is a critical part of creating the site. The cover must be of high quality, therefore, materials for it are selected according to one of the recommended recipes, taking into account the granulometric composition of the mixture:

fractions 2 ... 4 mm-18 .., 23%

0.05 ... 2mm-47 ... 52%

0.002 ... 0.05mm-18 ... 23 96%

0.002mm - 6 ... 7%

Currently, artificial types of surfaces made of synthetic * materials have been developed for football fields, replacing sports lawns made of cereal grasses.

Regional state autonomous

professional educational institution

"Shebekinsky agrotechnical craft college"


according to PM 02 "Conducting work on garden and park and landscape construction"

Topic: "The use of modern materials in the construction of tracks and sites with different types of surfaces"

Developed by: Muradova Olga Gennadievna,

teacher of special disciplines

non-qualifying category



Lesson plan

Lesson topic:

Lesson type: learning new material

Functions, goals and objectives of the lesson The lesson is a direct form of communication between the teacher and the students in the group.

Open lesson on the topic ""performs monitoring functions:




The essence of the educational function is that the lesson expands the circle of students' knowledge about the purpose of garden paths, modern technologies and materials used in their construction.

The guiding function allows students to use the acquired knowledge in real, everyday life, in professional activities.

The formative function develops in students the skills of thinking over the information received and assessing what is happening, helps to understand the essence of the topic being studied, teaches them to present their own opinion.

Lesson objectives:

- educational- to identify the quality and level of mastery of knowledge and skills obtained in previous lessons on the topic: " Arrangement of garden paths ",to study modern materials for the device of garden and park paths, to use the knowledge gained for their further application;

- educational - education of motives of labor, involvement in active practical activity; upbringing of a general culture, aesthetic perception of the surrounding world, upbringing of a culture of educational work, skills of self-education, economical use of time.

-developing: be able to classify, identify connections, formulate conclusions; develop cognitive interest; develop the ability to explain the features of the technology of construction of the upper road surface, taking into account the decorative qualities and technological characteristics of materials,develop the ability to think productively and creatively, apply the knowledge gained in everyday life and professional activity.

- methodical: providing practical assistance to teachers in the development and design of an open lesson.

Lesson Objectives:

    show, contribute to the formation of knowledge and skills of students.

    expand the general and professional horizons of students.

Lesson form: collective

    Technical equipment: PC equipped with software product:

- OC Windows XP

Microsoft Office PowerPoint;


    demo screen;

    sound speakers;

Educational and material support:

    Didactic equipment: presentation “The use of modern materials in the construction of paths and sites with different types of surfaces», Video film" Arrangement of paths in the garden: choice of material and design "," Landscape design, paving paths ", textbook: Teodoronsky V.S. "Gardening construction and economy" - M., IC "Academy", 2012

Teaching method: heuristic,explanatoryillustrative

Integration: garden and park art, design of objects of garden and park construction, ecological foundations of nature management, chemistry.

Number of hours - 1

Training and metodology complex

    Working programm

    Work thematic plan

    Lesson plan

As a result of the lesson, students should know:

- the purpose of the garden paths, the principle of their layout, modern materials used for the top coatings of the pathspavement construction of planar elements of territory improvement

During the classes

    1. Organizational part - 2 min: - greeting guests and students

    2. Updating the previously studied material. Homework check10 min.

    3. Motivation for upcoming educational activities

3.1. Message of the topic of the lesson - 1 min

Topic of today's lesson"The use of modern materials in the construction of paths and sites with different types of surfaces".

This is a combined lesson: we will consider the theoretical aspects of the topic, during the presentation demonstration you will learn a lot aboutthe use of modern materials in the construction of paths and areas with different types of surfaces,which began to be used to improve the quality of work performed, technologies for arranging garden and park paths.

3.2. Setting the goal of the lesson for students - 2 min

The purpose of our lesson is to studymodern materials for the device of garden and park paths,purpose of garden paths, coating technology, depending on the type and types of materials in accordance with the project.


In the previous lesson, we examined the main provisions of the arrangement of garden and park paths. Let's repeat them.

Questions to the audience on the previous topic:

Question 1: Tell us about the purpose of alleys, roads in parks, gardens, squares?

Answer - The purpose of alleys, roads in parks, gardens, squares is to provide convenient pedestrian connections of entrances with all functional zones, structures, devices and individual sections, to reveal the aesthetic advantages of green spaces and natural landscape while moving.

Question 2: What shape are garden paths depending on the planning solution of the landscaping project?

Answer - Depending on thecreation of the concept of the garden, its style solution, the project of improvement and landscapingdepends on what the garden paths will be. Straight-line alleys along the shortest path connect the garden objects and are suitable for regular gardens. They give the site a solemnity. For a landscape style, when organizing walking routes with viewpoints, winding paths will be appropriate.

Question 3: What% of the total balance of the park territory is allocated for roads, playgrounds, alleys?

Answer- In the general balance of the park's territory, 8-15% are allocated for roads and alleys, sites - 5-10%, outside the city - 2-4% and 1-2%, respectively. Their relative length is taken in the city 300-400 m / ha, outside the city 50-100 m / ha. In sports parks, these standards are increasing.

Question 4: What is the purpose of the main and secondary pedestrian paths and alleys in gardens and parks?

Answer- The main pedestrian walkways and roads connect the main entrances with the most visited objects, link functional areas with each other. The projected width is 5-50 m with a longitudinal slope of up to 40% and the provision of a pass up to 600 people / h. The passage of intra-park transport is envisaged.

Secondary pedestrian alleys and roads serve as intra-zone connections, connect secondary entrances with objects of attraction, and distribute visitors throughout the territory. The projected width is 3-12 m with a longitudinal slope of up to 60% and pedestrian traffic with an intensity of up to 300 people / h. Transport is possible.

Question 5: How wide and what longitudinal slope should the projected pedestrian roads have.

Answer- The width of park alleys depends on the number of visitors and is taken as a multiple of 0.75 m - the width of one traffic lane.Additional pedestrian roads and paths leading to separate park facilities are designed with a width of 0.75-3 m with a longitudinal slope of up to 80% and low-intensity pedestrian traffic.

Cycle paths for walking are designed with a width of 1.5-2.5 m with a longitudinal slope of no more than 50%, transverse 15-25%.

Roads for horseback riding, in carriages and sledges are designed with a width of 2.5-6.5 m, a longitudinal slope of up to 60% and an improved unpaved surface.

Parking lots are designed at the rate of 2-3 parking spaces for 100 one-time visitors to the park for the first stage and 5-7 for the estimated period. Forest parks have 2-4 and 7-10 parking spaces, respectively. Parking lots are divided into sectors by green spaces.

3. Scoring the topic of the lesson.

Creating a trusting atmosphere


Well done! Now open your workbooks and write down the topic of the lesson: "The use of modern materials in the construction of paths and areas with different types of surfaces. "(Explanation of the new topic is accompanied by a presentation - 15 minutes) (Slide number 1)

Students write down the technological regulations for the arrangement of tracks with different types of coatings in a notebook.After watching the presentation, you will answer the questions based on which you will receive grades for the lesson.


- striking in its diversity. Today, you can use a variety of elements to give the landscape originality, attractiveness and comfort. It is the paths that allow you to set a certain tone for the entire garden design, divide it into separate functional zones. Making them with your own hands is not so difficult; you can even use such simple materials as sea or river pebbles of different shades for this.( Slide №2)

Appointment of garden paths ( Slide № 3,4)

are the main element of the garden composition; they create a perspective, close the visual perception of the site, this is not only a way to move around the garden, but also the ability to correctly divide the space into separate zones, set a certain tone for the entire garden design, give the landscape more attractiveness and originality. You can make such paths on the territory of the site from any materials, they all differ in their characteristics. Consider how to make the device of garden paths made of stone, concrete and even pebbles.

Types of garden paths (Slide №5)

Gravel and sand paths are comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. Today you can buy special coarse sand of various shades, which will give your garden an unusually attractive appearance. Gravel and sand paths are also convenient because they do not create dust when walking, but their surface will have to be smoothed periodically using ordinary garden rakes. To prevent the material from scattering, it is necessary to arrange a border of brick, stone or concrete along the perimeter of the paths.

It is better to take a clay mixture with sand as the basis for the path, which is laid on a layer of gravel of a small and medium fraction.

Cobblestone paths

Cobblestone paths. ( Slide №6)

Such schemes are among the most durable and reliable. The arrangement of garden paths made of natural cobblestone is extremely simple, it is only necessary to prepare the base, and then lay the cobblestone. This can be done in a certain order, creating unusual mosaics, or in a chaotic manner, if the overall design of the landscape allows it.

The foundation for the path is made in this way:

    after marking, the sod layer is removed to the required depth, taking into account the thickness of the stone and bedding;

    a layer of crushed stone is laid on the bottom, after which a pillow is made of a mixture of clay and sand, which allows you to reliably hold the cobblestone in place, creating a strong, durable base;

    the stone must be paved in accordance with the selected type of pattern, but in any case, such a path will look elegant and stylish.

Natural stone paths (Slide №7)

Trackmade of natural stone looks very attractive and stylish. Large and small slabs of hewn granite and marble, paving stones and even pebbles of different shades can be used for this. The process of laying such a stone path can be carried out by various methods:

Laying stone paths. ( Slide №8,9,10,11,12)

    Large and massive stone slabs are laid on a sand cushion, pre-leveled and tamped. The gaps between the slabs can be filled with sand or left unfilled. It all depends on what kind of appearance is required. Today, paths in the country are popular, which are as close to nature as possible. To do this, after marking, it is necessary to remove a layer of turf of such a depth that stone slabs have. Sand is poured at the bottom of the base, the slabs after laying should be approximately half buried in the soil. The appearance of such a path is very attractive, the slabs seem to be scattered among the bright green grass or yellow sand.

    The second option is suitable for making natural pebble paths. In this case, the stone is held together with a concrete solution. The result is unusual, original paths, often reminiscent of stone streams, winding among the garden plants. In the same way, you can lay out platforms using pebbles of various bright colors.

After laying, such sites can resemble colorful panels with images of animals and plants or luxurious oriental carpets.

It all depends only on the imagination of the master himself.

Monolithic concrete slabs (Slide №13)

One of the options for constructing a path in the country is the use of concrete slabs. There are many options here, such plates can have various sizes and shapes, and be manufactured using different technologies.

The easiest option is to use large monolithic reinforced concrete slabs. But such a path is not very attractive, it can be used for an economic zone in the country, near the entrance.

Diagram of the device of the track made of concrete slabs: 1 - options for the dimensions of prefabricated slabs; 2 - profile of the track made of concrete slabs with a small gap: a - sand with a layer of 10–12 mm; b - concrete slab.

Design of a garden path made of attractive concrete tiles ( Slide № 14,15)

The construction of a garden path from attractive concrete tiles is more in demand. Such a tile can externally imitate the surface of natural paving stones, brick and stone, but you can make original and beautiful products with your own hands, thanks to which the path will become a real highlight of the entire landscape design.Tiles can be made using silicone or wooden molds and concrete mortar.

Manufacturing process:

    It is necessary to prepare molds for tiles, which you can either buy at a hardware store, or make yourself out of silicone or wood.

    For a concrete solution, you need to take sand, cement, dyes for concrete (the tile will become very bright and beautiful).

    All components are mixed, after which the forms are filled with concrete mass. Future products should be left to dry in a room protected from the sun and precipitation.

    After the tile is dry, it is removed from the molds and left until fully cured (about three to four weeks).

    While the paving slabs are drying, it is necessary to mark a place for work, remove the fertile soil layer.

    Laying the tiles is carried out as follows: first, a layer of cleaned sand is poured, moistened with water and compacted. After that, the tiles are laid out in the required way, after paving, all the cracks are filled with sand, it can be painted with pigments. The track is ready!

When paving, it is necessary to ensure that the surface is strictly horizontal,

Arrangement of a garden path from colored pebbles

( Slide № 16,17)

Garden paths can take on a variety of forms, it is not necessary to use paving stones or concrete tiles for this. There is a very unusual way to create garden paths that resemble bright oriental carpets, but are made from ordinary pebbles. To make such tracks, you do not need to have special skills or experience, you just need to come up with a pattern and prepare the simplest materials.

The first thing we need to do is take an ordinary pebble. The design of such garden forms can be different, ranging from the simplest two- or three-color paths with a geometric pattern to complex areas resembling luxurious carpets. For preparation, you can take small or large pebbles, its color can be different, today tracks with contrasting shades are popular. Sifting should be careful, since the accuracy of the picture depends on it.

So, to work on US you will need:

    The pebble itself of the selected color in the estimated amount, you can take ceramic shards for decoration, for example, from a broken flower pot, old tiles left after finishing a bathroom or kitchen.

    Consumables for the preparation of the base. For mixing concrete mortar, you can use a ratio of 1: 4. For mixing, cleaned sand and cement are taken.

    Boards for assembling a track template in the country. The width of such a board should be 30 cm, and the height - 5 cm. Such a frame will be fastened using ordinary nails.

Tools for the job:



    Master OK;

    rigid mesh, metal reinforced mesh, the dimensions of which should be approximately one cm smaller than the future size of the template for the walkway.

Territory markup: (Slide №18)

It is necessary to start work on creating a path in the country with a marking of the territory. The easiest option is to set up a straight path, for which it will be much easier for a novice master to create a template. If you want to make more complex shapes, then we advise you to first practice on a small path, in order to then confidently make a large and beautiful one. So, marking is the installation of wooden pegs along the edges of the future path, between which an ordinary rope will be stretched.

Stages of laying pebble paths. ( Slide № 19)

After that, remove the layer of fertile soil. This must be done due to the fact that the grass, sprouting through the pebbles, can ruin the drawing, indistinguishable and not very attractive. After the soil is removed, two or three layers of sifted sand should be poured onto the bottom. After laying, each layer is compacted and leveled, it will serve as a reliable base before applying the concrete solution.

It is recommended to fill the sand itself after the template is assembled from the board. This will make it possible not only to make the filling with a solution of higher quality, but also to preserve the exact contours of the path in the country. The formwork itself is disassembled after the mortar has set, after which the concrete will dry further. But back to the process of making our garden path.

After the sand, you should start preparing the cement mortar, but this should be done in small portions, since laying out from the stone is a long process. If you pour the whole mass at once, then the concrete will harden before all the pebbles are laid out. It is recommended to start from one end of the track, although it all depends on the selected pattern. For example, for patterns in the form of a carpet, it is best to start from the center, and when laying out any complex images, it is necessary to first lay out templates on the surface of the solution, after which a pattern of stone should be laid sequentially on them in separate colors.

Pebble stacking methods( Slide № 20)

According to the first method, a template of colored stone is first laid out, which is then simply covered over with a prepared concrete solution. In this case, it is necessary to watch that the pebbles do not budge during the putty, and the pattern itself does not deform. Reinforced metal mesh is not always used, the pebble itself is placed on the edge.

The second method is that the solution is first laid out in small parts, it is imperative to use a metal wire mesh. After the concrete mass is poured into the template, you must immediately start laying out the pattern from the stone so that the cement does not have time to seize. The pebble is also placed on the edge, its direction should correspond to the direction of the picture. Then it is tamped down with a rubber mallet.

After the pebbles are laid out, you need to start filling the joints between the stone. Any excess that has fallen on the surface of colored pebbles should then be thoroughly cleaned off with a prepared metal brush.

The form of wood for the track is removed in a day. At the time of concrete hardening, it is recommended to protect the path for the summer residence with a film.

Arrangement of garden paths made of wood ( Slide № 21)

The covering made of wood is picturesque, but short-lived, quickly gets dirty and cannot be cleaned. It can be recommended for low-traffic areas of green spaces or for decorative purposes. Wooden coatings are common in cities located in forest areas, where industrial wood waste is used for these purposes. They use round timber of hard species that do not give in to decay (more often conifers), cut into cylinders of equal height 12-16 cm with a diameter of 10-50 cm, from which a mosaic coating is collected. A geometric pattern can be obtained using square, rectangular, hexagonal checkers. Seams are filled with vegetative soil and sand
preparation of the base of a garden path made of wood:
1), soil is selected to a depth of 10 cm and instead of it, crushed stone is first poured, and then sand. The latter is well compacted. Such a pillow is necessary for the rapid removal of moisture from under the wooden flooring.
3) When the base is ready, planks are laid on it, and it is better to combine different scraps to make the necessary pattern from them. By the way, garden paths made from a cut of a tree trunk look pretty good.

Combined tracks- s a sign of creating masterpieces for gardens and parks ( Slide № 22,23)

4. Checking the understanding of the leading ideas of the lesson - 10 min



- I ask you to answer some questions.

Question 1: What kind of road surfaces are there?

Answer: The coverings are solid, panel and tiled.

Question 2: Give the classification of solid coatings

Answer: Continuous pavements are subdivided into unpaved, crushed stone or gravel and asphalt.

Question 3: What improved ground coatings are used in the practice of building garden and park alleys and roads?

Answer: In the practice of building garden and park alleys and roads, cement-soil, lime-soil and sand and gravel are used.

Question 4: What kinds of tracks do you know?

Answer: There are two types of paths for transport and walking.

Question 5: What kindrequirements for the top cover of alleys and roads?

Answer: Covering alleys and roadsmust be durable, resistant to weathering and stress, ensure the drainage of surface, storm, melt water and be easy to use. The surface is intended for pedestrians, so it should be smooth but not slippery.

Question: What determines the width of the tracks?

Answer: The width of the tracks depends on their purpose. The path leading to the house is 1 meter to 1.5 meters wide. Two adults should disperse on it without interfering with each other. For paths of secondary importance, for example, from the house to the garage, or from the house to the recreation area, a width of 80 centimeters to 1 meter is sufficient, step paths and paths between the beds in the garden are about 50-60 centimeters wide.

Question: What is the harmony of landscape compositions in your opinion?

Answer: A lotan important role in the creation of harmonious landscape compositions is assigned to the decorative characteristics of the coatings, which are chosen based on the purpose of the site, the characteristics of the landscape and the architectural and planning solution of the territory.

Question: What is the current classification of top pavements based on?

Answer: The existing classification of coatings is based on the nature of the application and the material.

Question: What requirements should the type of road surface meet?

Answer: The type of coatings must correspond to the purpose, sanitary and hygienic, aesthetic and economic requirements.

Question: Tell us about the advantages and disadvantages of crushed stone coatings?

Answer: Crushed stone is more durable. Crushed stone is covered with a layer of fine sifted crumbs (brick, granite, tuff) and rolled with rollers. The resulting colored bright coatings combine well with greenery, but in windy hot weather they get dusty, in wet weather they get soaked and carried away by streams of water, especially on slopes, overgrown with grass.

Correction of students' answers

5. Grading according to the criteria. 3 min.

6. Closing remarks of the teacher

6.1. Lesson summary1 minute.

Lesson results: theoreticalknowledge of the device of the road and path network (TTP) for their application in practice for a private site, according to the planning conditions.