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How white candles burned on the fortune telling narrowed. Fortune telling on candles - Find out the future yourself. Divination to the question

The fortune telling on candles and water belongs to the ancient rituals. Not everyone knows that water is a powerful and mysterious substance. It is able to absorb the human info biofield and reflect it in itself. Therefore, water is used in most magic rites.

Divination with the help of water and candles belongs to the ancient rituals and is considered to be quite effective

The fortune telling with the help of water and candles is the most effective, moreover, you do not need to have a gadget person. The main thing to fulfill all the conditions and then the result will be plausible.

Prepare to fortunie

How to guess with candles and water to get the most truthful result. To begin with, a day before divination, you need to focus on your question and constantly think about it.

Basic rules of divination:

  1. Dusting with the candle should occur on the lunar night. It is desirable that the sky is clean and the moon shining brightly.
  2. Conduct rites alone or in the company. The main thing is that there is no man who is tuned negatively or skeptical.
  3. You can pay out in any room, but that nothing distract attention.
  4. It is best to use water that was gained in the baptismic night. If there is no such, then you can charge a simple water from under the tap. Through three days before the divination, the water tank is put in the headboard of a gadget person and, only then the liquid is used for the rite.
  5. When you fortunate love, it is advisable to take a candle of red. If the rite is done on material well-being, then it is worth stopping your choice on gold shades. All issues related to health should be set green candles. Church candles can be used for any divination. The main thing is that the candle is new. The used material is impossible to use.

Green candle will answer all questions about health

Fortune telling on love

Divination with the candle on love are the easiest way. For him, it will take to grasp a little wax from the candle into a metal small container, you can use a spoon. Next, a cup of water is taken and a candle is lit. Above its flames are melted and quickly poured into the water.

When connecting hot wax with cold water, an unusual figure is created from it. It is in it that is worth looking for an answer to a given question.

Consider the significance of the most common shapes:

Saw wreath? Expect soon marriage!

  1. Wreath. Soon there will be marriage.
  2. Snake. Promises the presence of enemies that interfere with the desired goals. As well as disorder in love relationships and the likelihood of a serious illness.
  3. Mill. There is a person who creates intrigue, gossiping, poorly responding to a gadget personality.
  4. Crown. Symbolizes a good result in any endeavor.
  5. Apricot. The lover has a good opinion about a gadget man, so he will not be against relationships.
  6. Rope. Means approximation of serious problems.
  7. Arch. Troubled life. It is worth avoiding adventurous proposals.
  8. Rose flower. Very soon the second half appear.
  9. Colepko. Marriage symbol. Friendship will turn into love.
  10. Cloud. Beloved doubts in the opposite feelings.

Divination to the question

Divination on candles on the water can be carried out in any atmosphere, but to be comfortable. The next rite is a bit more difficult and use it is often impossible. Water and candles must be acquired in the church.

The fortune telling on the candlelight is at midnight. On the table should be seized a white tablecloth. Three candles are laying out in the form of a triangle, so that in the middle rushes a water container. Next, they are lit, and should be waited a little, for good ignition. The center put water, and behind it the mirror. It must be so that the light from one candle is reflected in it.

After that, it is desirable to sit down and relax. It is necessary to drive all thoughts and linger in this state for a few minutes. Next, we concentrate all thoughts on the question of interest and begin to look through the water on the mirror.

Light outgoing lights from candles will form incredible pictures. It is in them that needs to look for an answer to your question. If the image is not clear, then it is worth listening to intuition.

Fortune telling on fate

This fortune telling on the candles is to do in full solitude. The presence of foreign people will be confusing the value due to their energy. Water poured into the container, and the candle is lit. Candle takes to the left hand and ask a mentally interested question. Next, which melted wax ripped into the water and repeat three times the following phrase:

"As a candle, I'm silent, so I urge your fate. Flame and water, open the veil over my future! ".

After that, the question of interest is asked out loud, and begin to look at the wax in the water. In the formation figures should look for the answer. Depending on the issue, the decoding for each person will be individual. But there are certain figures whose value is equally for any situation:

Figure "Cross" - expect unpleasant news

  1. Cross. There is a difficult choice, plans will be destroyed, unpleasant news.
  2. Flower. Romantic date, pleasant surprise, beautiful event in life.
  3. Ring. A proposal will be made, from which it is impossible to refuse.
  4. Human's figure. An unfamiliar personality appears in life, which will greatly change the usual way of life. Female appearance speaks about the presence of an opponent, the appearance of patroness or a new acquaintance. Male appearance symbolizes the appearance of a patron, a new acquaintance or a good friend.
  5. Straight lines. A favorable time to start a new case.
  6. Point. Material well-being is expected.
  7. Angel-like symbol with wings. Soon there is an unexpected decision, help and support will be provided.
  8. House. It is possible to move to a new place or good changes.
  9. Star. A person will accompany good luck, at work will quickly go through a career ladder.
  10. Book. There is an opportunity to start life from a new sheet.

In addition, if the numbers are clearly different, it denotes a specific date. If the letter originated, then you should pay attention to people whose name begins with it.

Quite often, animals appear in the fortune telling, what they say about:

  1. Dog. Nearby is a true friend.
  2. Owl. The emergence of difficulties and diseases.
  3. Duck. Near luck and luck.
  4. Elephant. Wisdom.
  5. Worm. Resolving the issue requires strong responsibility.
  6. The Dragon. It is necessary to stockpower to solve specific tasks.
  7. Hedgehog. The "prickly" situation will come, it is worth be careful.
  8. Cat. You need to be prepared for betrayal.
  9. Hen. Human awaits joyful and positive events.
  10. A lion. Strong, reliable, confident actions.

The wax can take an absolutely any form if it is not possible to understand what happened, it is worth trying another time.

The fortune telling on water with the candle should be made with caution. It is impossible to hold rituals for a long time, because it is not for nothing that there is evil spells during fortune telling to the house. It is still recommended after the rite with no one to talk until the morning.

Many are interested in the question of where the wax with the bizarre figures. If the alignment turned out to be positive, it is recommended to save it for one year. If the prediction is negative, then such a figure should be burned to the ground.

But before proceeding, you should know that the fortune telling on the candlelight is not carried out in every day, the full moon is suitable for this period between Merry Christmas and baptism, a week before Easter, a week after the Trinity, a week after the Nativity of the Virgin (from 21 September 28), 14 days before Assumption (starting from 14 to 28 August), and the period of June 22 to July 7 (during this period the Sun will pass through the constellation of cancer).

The fortune telling on the candlelight is not a game, it is impossible to abuse this way of prediction, because the burning candle is equal to the challenge of the higher forces, and they should be disturbed only as a last resort.

  • For each individual question, a new candle is used.
  • With fortune telling, never burn a candle from the lighter, for this, matches are used.
  • Before pressing the process should relax and concentrate.
  • Thinking about the question, to light the candle and watch the peculiarities that are shown when burning, after which to study the interpretation of the answer.
Fortune telling for candles for the coming day
This fortune telling is intended to predict what the coming day will be, if you want to know a long-term forecast, for example, for a week, then it will not work.
It follows the candle early in the morning. Take one new wax candle, hold and think about the upcoming business or events today, then burn it.
There are two ways to interpret such divination on candles.

The first way.
Light a candle and start looking at the fire carefully if the flame wriggles on different sides and burns with a crackle, then you should not expect something joy from this day. If the candle burns smoothly, then this is a good sign, indicating a calm, prosperous day.

The second way.
Sit at the table and put the candle exactly, right in front of yourself. Light, and see if the wax drips on the right side, then today luck will be on your side if it drips on the left, then this is not your day.

Fortune telling for candles for the past, present and future
At sunset or at sunrise, take any candle and install it strictly in a vertical position, then burn, and look at it, being at a distance of an elongated hand about 30-40 centimeters from the candle, so that the flame is at the level of the eye.
So: to find out the present you should look at the candle - 1 minute, the past is 3 minutes, the future is 5 minutes. After the expiration of the time you need, the candle does not blow to redeem, and then carefully examine, and compare what the values \u200b\u200bseen with the following values:

  • Candle smoking, crack - there is a damage or evil eye
  • Suddenly, suddenly went out - to the grave of illness or death.
  • The bed around the phytylka burned uniformly and is similar to the saucer - no special changes in life are not foreseen.
  • The bed burned in one direction - expect change.
  • If when combustion, there was a surveillance of wax on a candle in the form of a visor - to luck (profits).
  • The influx formed a pathway from droplets - to tears. Continuously smooth line - your business will succeed.
  • The line is continuous, but not flat, winding - expect serious tests.
  • Fitil is short - to difficulties, serious trouble, average - you should not expect special changes not to the worse and not for the better, long - luck.
  • Fitil leaned aside - to unexpected news.
  • Fitil leaned and bent - to chronic disease.
  • Fitil stands straight (exactly) - you are on the right track.
Divination for candlelight
For divination, you need to stretch the church candle through the engagement ring. Then lay the candle in front of the photo of the spouse and light. Next closely follow the flame.

Interpretation of fortune telling on the candle:

  • Fire is calm and smooth - your joint life will be happy;
  • Wax flows from candles - to quarrels and scandals
  • Wax from a candle drunk a black tear - to the divorce
  • Candle smoking and crackles - family life will be very heavy
  • Candle burns on one side - one of the spouses will take the top over the other.
Fortune telling for candles on loyalty
Take two church candles. Say one for yourself, the other for the groom. When it breaks exactly midnight, put candles into the glasses with salt, around the glasses with chalk out the circle and spend three times: "Let my candle go out if the servant of God (name) has another. Wax, fire and cherished candles, tell me the whole truth, do not sweat anything. "

Light candles. If your candle goes out the first way, then your narrowed has another. If the candle burns, then there should be no reasons for anxiety - your spouse is faithful to you.

Candle and paper fortune telling

Fortune telling for candles for love
Write the name of the chosen on the pure sheet of paper. Light a candle and burn a sheet. Mentally ask if this person will be with you. Carefully assemble the resulting ashes in the palm. When it breaks exactly midnight, go to the window, shove your hand on the street and open the palm. If the ashes rises and fly away, then you will not be with this person, or he will throw you out. If the ashes holds his palm, then you and your chosen one will never part.

Second way
A thin church candle and a blank sheet of paper will be required. Write the name of your groom or boyfriend. Light a candle and leut molten wax on paper with the name, sentencing "candle-candle, bulging the heart of my cute, the slave of God (name)." When the candle does, and the wax will freeze onto the sheet, carefully wrap this ingot into paper and wear it with you. The person you wondered will certainly answer you reciprocity or will love even more.

Fortune telling for candles for future fate
Light a candle and hold it over a saucer with water, guessing your chosen one in advance. The wax will drip into the water, forming a figure on which future fate will be determined.

Figures can take a different form: if a wreath is formed from the molten wack, this means that soon you will marry, if you see the mill - to the gossip, horseshoe - fortunately, snake - to the disease, the crown - to success.

Second way
Take a clean sheet of paper, and take them over a burning candle, so that footprints from the fire remained on the sheet. The procedure can be repeated several times. Specifying a variety of questions, for example: "What is my prospect at work? What should I expect from a date? Did you go on a trip abroad? " etc.

Look carefully on the resulting flame on the sheet on the sheet, and compare them with the values \u200b\u200bbelow.
Concentric circles We are foreshadowed for the better. But this does not mean that it can, calmly relax, and fully trust the will of the case, changes in life should occur, but exclusively thanks to your initiative. Do not be afraid of a new one!
Wave lines They are narrated that it is not possible to realize the conceived, in the near future. Do not let you doubt you.
Stars - A good sign that is foreshadowed by joy, success, positive emotions. Far becomes close, but the impossible is real. Any action will bring you closer to the fulfillment of the cherished goal.
Pictures of fantastic animals and plants You risks to go into the world of illusions and ghost dreams. Do not build air locks, this state is fraught, and can negatively affect the material plan. Try to do a concrete business.

Candles are of different shapes and colors, it also plays a special role in fortune telling. So, for example, twisted candles are used for fortune telling for future life, since they personify the spiral path of life with their shape. Candles "Turks" are more suitable for predictions for personal life. For fortune telling on the narrowed (narrowed), as a rule, use ordinary candles. Candles in the form of various shapes and figures can be used to solve any everyday issues.

White candles are used for ghostas on the narrowed. It is believed that white color personifies innocence, so fortune-telling on white candles implies the purity of your thoughts and desires. Orange, bright yellow candles are usually used in fortune telling to a long road, or a trip. Red candles are used when you need to decide, or guide to action. That is, when you feel that others are waiting for the decisive step from you.

The modern rhythm of life is sometimes so confusing us that even it would seem simple solutions, not to mention difficult, we are afraid to take not to make a mistake. Sometimes it is difficult for us to deal with your loved ones, in a series of continuous problems at work or in a situation

Which can Fully change your life. And how to be? Give in to the will of fate or make a decisive step, take or push, and what to hope for? That is why our ancestors were resorted to the censes, and the fortune telling on candles and wax was the most common and reliable.

The help of higher forces in such a way can be used as much as possible. Yes, and fortunes with candles on fate, receiving wealth, on the groom and the success of family relations there is also a lot.

The best day for the "candle" springs has always been a full moon. Favorable periods are:

  • sedmian between church holidays of the Nativity of Christ and Baptism,
  • immediately after the Trinity,
  • week preceding light easter
  • by dates: from the middle to the end of August, from the end of June the month of Kupala (inclusive), and at the very end of September.

Preparation for gadania

For prediction it is worth choosing candles beautiful and elegant. A primary role is played here the composition of which a candle is made - it must be based on wax. Nor paraffin, nor gel candle for the rite will not suit! A certain symbolism and energy of the elements carries the color palette of the candle.

Candle color and its value:

  • red Candle - Perfectly suitable for burning for love, family relationship, friendship, as its symbolism is a passion, booming energy, health, love;
  • orange Candle - will open the whole truth about the financial position in the future, will answer questions about justice;
  • pink candle - will help those who are looking for harmony in life, since her elements are romanticism, respect, tenderness, harmonization, attractiveness;
  • purple candle - will indicate possible ways to avoid the circumstances that bring unhappiness will remove negative energy, will strengthen the ability of the expectant; Its symbolism lies in ambition and success, wisdom, intuitiveness;
  • golden candle - engaged in a burning for money, financial success and good luck, as she loves money into the life of a gadget;
  • yellow candle - Great for burning on the success of creative projects and undertakings, for training, and helps to quickly achieve the outlined result, cleanse from negative and fill your life with positive events;
  • blue candles - open the whole truth when you fortunate to friendship, partnerships, because they reveal secret plans;
  • green candle - in a specially connected with the forces of nature and material wealth, therefore use it to determine the future financial state, career growth;
  • black candles are the most unwanted divination, as used in the rites of black magic;
  • white wax candles are ideal for burning on the narrowed, but can also be used for any vorozhba.

Unlike color, the form is a secondary factor. But it also needs to be reckoned with him. TO An example, curled candles - reveal the secrets of the future, candles in the form of houses, towers - help learn about the coming events in personal life, the geometric structure of the candle - answer everyday questions. Strust on the narrowed can be with an ordinary candle.

Already used in the use of candles or duplicated for fortune schools are not suitable. Their answer will not only be truthful, but at fortune telling they will attract the negative, misfortune into the house.

Clean candles will be the best option - as they are versatile for all types of burning. An important condition - a candle must be brought from the temple, and buy it during the early morning service, since the beginning of a new day is a symbol of novelty.

The second main component of divination with wax is water - a special energy information structure. For burning on wax castings, clean fluid is needed. Never use for burning and boiled water - the peculiarity of its structure is such that it changes under the action of a high temperature regime. As a more or less acceptable option, ordinary water from the water pipeline is suitable. For really serious fortune telling on the wax, use only spring, Epiphany or perhaps.

Ways of fortunes

Starting fortunate, remember the precautions. So, if the prediction is not good, then the wax (and water) stuck under the birch. When the omen is kind, then the remaining water is watered with flowers or plants, and a piece of wax wrap in a white handkerchief, climb into a reliable place to take advantage of them in the future.

Method 1 - fortune telling for the future

Prepare any water capacity - a deep saucer, a bowl, a small saucepan, etc. Choose a candle, the color of which corresponds to the questionable question. While it burns and the wax melts, you need to definitely set the question. Then with a sharp smear pour the fusible mass into the prepared "pool". When a little bit after the wax will freeze, deliver pieces one by one and try to see certain forms. So, many tiny round droplets foreshadows money, career growth.

Decoding shapes:

  • fan - conflicts and difficulties at work;
  • snake - a disease;
  • grapes - mutual understanding in the family, love, reliable friendship, success in finance;
  • mushroom - strengthening the vitality, long-life;
  • mill - empty gossip;
  • dragon - the implementation of your dream or soon in the family will be replenished;
  • the crown is success;
  • cross - the next year there will be a loss of a loved one;
  • church - refer to the faith and bring patience to cope with future suffering;
  • the appearance of the beast - a new enemy will appear soon;
  • swan - foreshadows good news;
  • strips - Symbol of roads and travels, foreshadow moving to new housing;
  • stars - good luck accompanies in study, work;
  • wreath - Marriage soon;
  • tree leaf - you will participate in intrigue;
  • horseshoe - happiness;
  • egg - big change sign;
  • flowers - happy marriage, innovation in relationships;
  • apple - strong relationships, health;
  • door - Entrance to the new fateful stage of life, get ready;
  • full basket - to get gifts and to successful shopping, empty - to loss.

Method 2 - Vorozhba on the Beloved

On the sheet of paper, write down the name of the lover. Sink the candle, set fire to it your sheet, keep so while He will not burn to the end over the flame. Ask mentally, whether you will be with your beloved. After full combustion, when you collect ashes, and the clock will show midnight, stretch out open hand with ash in the window. In the midst of the scornful ash means that your fate is together.

Method 3 - What will be the relationship in the pair

The fortune telling is required when it breaks midnight. Take a couple of candles: you imagine alone, and the other is on the beloved. Secure them into the glasses, covered with salt. There is a chalk circle around the tanks, saying three times: "Let my candle go out if the slave of God's [name] is another. Wax, fire and cherished candles, tell me the whole truth, do not sweat anything. " Now burn candles.

The power of flame burning will indicate who love is stronger. Perevotka, the nobility of the flame and smoking is a sign that a person in a relationship suffers, is experiencing a painful jealousy, pain. If the flame goes out, and the wick is intact, then the gap in the relationship is inevitable, and the culprit will be the one who was conceived by the candle. If your flame is first kissing, it means that the groom has another woman. The burning of the flame of your candle longer the lover candle, prevents the harmony of the relationship. If the flame of both candles goes out at the same time, the love is mutual, and the relationship will be long and happy.

Method 4 - fortune telling for the next year

Taking 3 twisted candles, imagine that the first - coming year, the other personifies positive emotions, the third is the incarnation of the negative. Place the first candle between emotionally charged candles. Put the fillet candles at the same time. The behavior of the medium candle flame is indicative: the deviation to the positive candle is promoting material benefits and success in affairs, and the aspiration of the flame to the "negative" candle, indicates frustration, material difficulties next year.

Whatever the result of fortune telling on candles and wax The main thing is that if you wish, you can change and fix it as you need.
I also advise you to watch the video about the correct fortune telling on the candlelight

Imagine a light pleasant twinkling of red candles in a cozy dark or bright room, where you are near that a person who has a special meaning for you. You can close your eyes or just to see someone who is interesting. His face, hands, smile, or what you like and remembered. Perhaps his voice and touch or his smell. That in this person is such that attracts, worries you, and maybe alarming or entails.

To begin

Enter your names

Click on the candles to light

Click on the candles to light

Enter your names and configure before freeing the candles. You will receive a forecast that can be used as an additional source of knowledge about yourself and your partner. It is an opportunity to observe the behavior of red candles that personify you and another person, and in the nature of the candles, to determine the meanings important for you at the moment in your relationship, which create trends for the future. Your candle is always in your hands.

The fortune telling on the candlelight has a couple of secrets. Pay attention to the candles on the table. Candle symbolizes life. The material from which it is created is the body of the candle. It is important that it was natural wax, living material. Fitil - the path where the vitality of the candle is moving. The fire of the burning candle shows how the power is revealed. Red is associated with energy, feelings, passion, vitality (full and harmonious opening of force).

Sometimes it is enough just to look at the burning candle to clear the mind, calm down, filled. The life-affirming power of fire, which is in the candlelight, is inside each. With its energy you are able to illuminate a huge city. You can imagine how everything prevents you from being happy right now, dissolves and disappears in the flame of the candle and you just find access to the energy and forces in any situation ...

The truthful fortune telling on candles and water will tell about the future chosen one, which is preparing tomorrow, will prevent treason and betrayal.

KSROSOSOPY - fortune telling at wax

It will take:

  • church candle;
  • bank;
  • bowl.

The magicians have long been trying to look into the future using lead in the ritual, tin or waxes - materials that can be melted and pour into the water. Water is a powerful information carrier capable of reflecting the future as well as the present. The essence of the divination is "Molding" mental images: the felting substance drips into the bowl and frozen in a certain form.

A large candle must be lit for about an hour - to form more liquid wax (paraffin). Then they take a bowl with cool water, ask the question and drain melted wax into the plate. It turns out the figure that you need to consider well to determine what it looks like. When the wax freezes, you can take a figurine in your hands and look closer.

Tip: Bowl with water and candle should be of different colors to clearly see the contours of frozen wax. For a white candle, take a color bowl and vice versa.

Only by completing fortune telling on water with a candle, and determining what a figure looks like, look at the table of values. You can pick up 3-5 objects similar to the outlines of frozen wax, and write them down in order - as similar. If there are no first item in the list of values \u200b\u200b- see the second, etc.

The values \u200b\u200bof the figures

Angel - the intervention of the highest strength will solve your problem.
Arch is the beginning of an important new life stage.
Tower - marriage.
Letters, numbers indicate dates or names.
Fan - loss (family, work)
Eye - deception, ill-wishers.
Mushroom is a pleasant surprise.
Caterpillar, worm - his own frivolity will be your enemy, you should take care more about loved ones.
The house is moving or change to the better.
Dragon - only manifesting the power of will, you can achieve the desired.
Hedgehog - you harm your own ill-advantage - you need to be softer to others.
Woman either a new girlfriend or rival.
Star - Career, success.
The book is new knowledge and ideas, start life from a new sheet.
Cat - There is a traitor in the near surroundings.
Cross - problems, trouble.
Circle (ball) - stability, security.
Chicken - family life will be prosperous.
Lion is power, self-confidence.
The staircase is a career ladder.
Line is the beginning of an important case.
The car is the upcoming trip.
The bridge is to take a challenging compromise solution.
A man - a new friend or fiance will appear.
Knife - breaking relationships (love, friendly).
Cloud - doubts, problems.
Points - you can correct the situation if you revise it.
Spider - Cunning, cunning, tricks.
Horseshoe - big luck.
The child is the birth of a child or the beginning of a new business.
Fish - you will be like "Fish in water."
Elephant - wisdom.
The dog is a faithful friend or reliable protector.
Owl is an unfavorable sign: foreshadows difficulties, illness and failures.
Point is an unexpected profit.
Duck - success in affairs.
Flower (any) - versions of cherished desire.
A cup - life, complete harmony.
Egg - new dreams, ideas.

Magic Candle and Water

It will take:

  • 3 church candles;
  • key (well, melt) water;
  • bank (decanter);
  • desk mirror;
  • white tablecloth.

You can try to "see" the future, connecting the two entities: fire and water. How to guess for candles and water to get an answer to the exciting question?

Follow patience.

First prepare water - it will take a clean "natural" water: well, key or from a module snow. The liquid is poured into the jar and keep the round of the bed of 3 nights to fill it with an extinguishing energy. On the 4th day they buy a candle in the temple, and at midnight spend a divination.
Before the ritual you need to concentrate: to remember and formulate the right question: What awaits me in the near future? How will the career be on a new workplace? What awaits me in marriage? and. t. n.

During the burning, the hair is dismissed.

When is it better to guess?

The best time in order to get an answer from the universe is the night for Christmas and the shints (12 days from Christmas to baptism). You can ask a question and at another time - be sure to midnight, on the 4th night after the water was installed at the head of the head.

Magic ritual

Everything is ready: water, church candle and giggling himself. Now fortune telling with the candle and water can be started.

By midnight, a table is prepared: covered with a white tablecloth and put 3 candles with a triangle. Water in a transparent container (in a decanter or bank) put in the center of the triangle, the mirror is installed behind it so that the light from one candle falls on the glass.

Then, focusing, look into the mirror through a jar with water. Flames of candles, refracted by water, gives rise to the depths of reflection and images - the desired answer to the cherished question. You need to try to comprehend the result received.

Fortune telling on rival

It will take:

  • 2 glasses;
  • salt;
  • 2 fine little church candles.

There are 2 glasses in the center of the table, salt is poured onto the bottom. Each glass is installed on the church candle and both with both a chalk circle. One candle is made by yourself, the second - on your loved one. At midnight, the fire is lit and asked: "Does the slave of God (name) have a lovelist".
The result of the burning is determined by the one whose candle burns in advance. Burned first your candle - the rival is; Initially, the candle of the spouse (groom) burned down - he keeps you loyalty.

Fortune telling on the future husband

Conduct a burden on the bridegroom, who has serious intentions. 2 identical long white candles will be required: they personify the bride and groom. The first is lit a bride's candle and carefully observe how the candle burns, as it floats. Then from her flame set on fire a candle of the groom and look behind her burning.

  • Lit and floats just like a bride candle - marriage with this person will be happy and harmonious.
  • The candle burns differently - it is better to wait with a marriage, the groom is not yet confident in his feelings.

Divination to the rule of marriage

Take 2 identical long candles - they symbolize future husband and wife. They light up at the same time and waiting, whose candle is faster to procee. Will to lead in marriage will be the spouse whose candle is longer burned. If the candles go out at the same time, the main thing will not be in the house, all the questions of the spouse will decide together.

Whatever the results of the divination - they should be interpreted to the best and wait for only joyful events.

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