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Conspiracy How to divide black magic with rival. How to dare to rival from your loved one. What you need to know about the brief

Even the happiest family relationships are sooner or later faced with essential tests. In particular, your favorite can try to lead another woman with you. This situation is sufficiently dangerous, because men often want to experience new sensations in all aspects of their lives. If she has enough strong energy, which is also supplemented by beauty and charm, it may well achieve its goal. Therefore, measures to preserve the family should be taken in advance - and in this you will help you Rosorka's beloved with the opponent.

It is worth indicating that such magic does not apply to the category of black, as it only restores justice in life - therefore it can be used without fear negative consequences.

Surely everyone heard the expression "not spilling water" - it refers to the relationship between people. But a rather strong Razorka allows you to "pour water" between your beloved and rival, forever breaking the connection between them. To carry out such a ritual, you do not need many components - it is enough to use only a saucepan by 3-5 liters, ordinary water and salt.

The oscillate requires you to know your rival in the face - otherwise the effect will be incomplete.

Repeat the ceremony of the Orange is required twelve times during the day - therefore it is better to start to perform it from the morning, as soon as you stay at home alone.

Razorka assumes that you gain a full pot of water, present yourself to your beloved and spinning, and throw a pinch of salt inside. It is necessary to do this without an extranemia, so as not to damage the damage and other negative magic effects.

Put the saucepan on the fire and say over it the following words of the coordinate:

"Fire burns, yes water in the boiler boil and boils
So my loved heart beats yes bursts
Two women settled in it, yes fight among themselves, but they swear
And there is no rest, so it will not be forever, until it forget
So let him slave God (the name of the mistress) is not sure, but I will not remember
And let him slave God (your name) will love forever, and it will not quarrel with her!

When water boils, the edge will need to throw it out of the window so that it gets to the ground. Of course, it is much easier to do this in a private house, however, with due skill, the rite can be performed in the apartment, located at a considerable height. As mentioned above, the action is required to repeat twelve times - while it is impossible to use different pots. In addition, it is impossible to drain water into the sewer - otherwise the Razorka will not have any power.

It is very important that the Ostudi ritual does not recognize your chosen one. The rest of people can watch you during the implementation of the actions presented above. However, they can not be told why you do it. If all the requirements are observed, the oscillate will start working within a week. Its effect manifests itself in the emergence of quarrels and curses between the man and your rival, which in the end lead to their separation.

Conspiracy on salt

Has long been considered that salt is best Material For a burning, managing human relationships. At the same time, using salt, you can create as a spell, and the oscillate - the difference lies only in the individual features of the ritual conducted.

Similar magic has a very big powers - It will be the most effective even in the case when you do not know the opponent in the face and are not aware of her name.

To do everything right, you need the following items:

  • approximately 50 grams of salt;
  • linen bag, fully made of natural fabric white color;
  • acute knife;
  • wooden kitchen board.

When your sweetheart is not at home, go to the kitchen and put all the components described above on the table. The cold can be done at any time of the day, except for the gap between 11 and 13 hours - during this period it is better to stop all magical activity, since neither dark, nor light forces will respond to your appeal.

Razororka assumes that you put the board on the table and take a neatly salt on it, trying not to drop a single grain over the edges of the surface. So that the core to the rival is effective, take the knife, draw an equilateral cross in the center of the board, pushing the full salt, and say the conspiracy:

"That is not salt lying on the table before
Then the tears are my bitter, that I shed for the sake of our family
And they will dismiss you, the slave of God (the name of his loved one)
If you love your sinner forever will not forget!

Carefully collect salt and pour it into a linen bag, because the coincidence does not end on the pronouncement of the conspiracy. Put the bag under the bed where you sleep with your beloved, and leave it for three days. During this time, you must at least once enter into an intimate connection to charge the salt with the necessary energy. After that, get the bag, open it and look inside.

If the salt is hung on top, it is very imposed on your favorite strong damageAnd you can only read the cold after you consult a professional sorcerer capable of saving it from the consequences of a similar black burning.

Otherwise, you can move to the next step.

When you cook food, try to salt it directly in a plate - and yourself superimpose the usual salt, and the man is conspired. Ostud will begin to act within 2-3 days - it will manifest itself in a strong cooling of relations between your beloved and deliberate. However, this love can still fully recover if you do not bring the ritual to the end.

In order for the core to be as efficient as possible, it is necessary that the man completely ate the whole harvested salt - and it should have no more than 30 days. A woman to try her forbidden - otherwise you will also have to suffer from a serious deterioration of relationships.

Many women are worried about how to make a lapse and get rid of the rival. Ancient and effective ritesallowing you to get rid of an unwanted rival once and forever.

In the article:

What is the ritual of challenge?

All sorcerer should remember that the outstand from the rival is made only on descending moon. At this time, rituals aimed at destroying attachments are especially successful and the result becomes noticeable immediately. Razorings carried out on a decreasing moon allow you to cross out the unwanted woman from the life of your beloved man.

Similar witchcraft intervention can be carried out by contacting the Mago, or on its own. The magical impact has a strong effect on a man and causes various emotions in relation to another woman:

  • malice;
  • hatred;
  • indifference;
  • dislike.

The lapse will be better if you invest all anger in it in relation to the opponent. Magic affects right on a beloved man, gradually growing in his soul hate to the deliberate. Gradually, their relationship will stop under the oppression of the eternal quarrels, tears and dislike.

There are various categories of visor. The most popular:

  • for food;
  • sexual nature;
  • with using photos.

Varieties of raking at rival

There are 3 main types of rituals designed to eliminate the direction. Use them both wives and mistresses. Each ritual may have its own separate purpose, or it can be universal.

I want to return my husband to the family!
This is one of the most common types of challenge. Offended and abandoned wives try to remove her husband's husband from their way, in order to return the harmony and understanding to her family.

The spouse should be attentive before committing a ritual. If my husband fell in love for himself, and the witch influence was not rendered on him, then the lap of her husband from his mistress would work quickly enough, and the man will return to the family. If he became a victim of magical impact, and on him, then it is necessary to fight this source of troubles, and not to make a sacrifice of magical rites from a man.

Protecting your own happiness
These rituals are effective if an alleged rival appeared on the horizon, to which a man has not yet paid attention, but she does everything to conquer him. Such a rashorrh is designed for the fact that the man will never even pay attention to the opponent. With this ritual, your beloved person can be avoided.

Such rituals use mistresses to destroy strong UnionWhen independently shaking family happiness, they fail. It is important to remember that in this case the mistress will find happiness with a man who was a magical influence, only if initially, he was unhappy in marriage with his wife.

If the marriage was based on love, the destruction of the harmonious union could entail the consequences, and, ultimately, a man will not get anyone.

How to make a title from the rival - Help a spouse

These discharges are used, for the most part, legitimate male companions to eliminate possible or existing love ties on the side. All of them are quite effective, and if you spend the ritual in the name of love and to protect your family hearth, you should not be afraid of the consequences.

Conspiracy on food

You can make the strainer on your own on food. It is very simple, and even the newcomer will cope with the rite. For three days, feed your spouse with the most delicious and dishes favorite. One of the conditions - add more pepper and salt than usual. Before sending a dish to her husband, whisper:

As pepper sharp yes salt salty erupted you, so let me grow and hatred, and dislike for the servant of God (name). So that you hated and despised her, and I just fled to the hearth home, to a woman's beloved! Amen!

The dishes should not be very hot, but beautiful and juicy. It is desirable that they have more meat products. Act the lapse will begin very quickly. And after 3-4 days after the rite, the first changes in the behavior of a man will be noticeable.

The strongest lapse from the mistress should cover several aspects at once. It should be lack of sexual contact, quarrels and disorders between them. For the ritual, arm in black thread, needle and lower lobe Men. Exactly at midnight in the needle of the thread and wet all the lingerie of your beloved person. It is desirable, by seam, so that it was not much noticeable. Accompany your actions with the words:

I close, I make a track to the house of the cloth (the name of the woman), let everything prevents your meeting and your happiness so that every time you saw - quarreled and swear. So that she drove you from herself, and you were afraid and hated her stronger death, the enemy of the Lyuto or the beast of Wild. So that in bed with anyone, besides me, you did not get sick, make the way, make all the tracks towards her. You will be with me one forever and without me. Word my law. Amen!

Such a witching effect ensures the concentration of negative thoughts to the direction of the direction. The more often the man will wear conspiracted underwear, the more hateful it will be a rival, the faster he will return to the family.

With the use of cemetery land

You can make a marriage from the mistress by using the ground from the cemetery. To talk about what you did a similar ritual, it is impossible to anyone. Such witchcraft does not like publicity. Chief Attribute in Rite - Earth taken in the cemetery. It can be taken from both the graves and from any site on this territory. When the ingredient is in your hands, speak it with such words:

As death inevitably, and the death of your (the name of her husband and mistress) of love is inevitable, all feelings will die, and the hatred of Luta will come to shift. Your relationship is dispelled and the relationships are disseminated. They will settle the swearing and the malice of death, which raises you in different directions. Word my law. And do not remove and not kill him with anyone: neither the sorcerer, nor the sign, or the goat black. Key and castle!

This land should be thrown into such a place where it is accurately operated through it, and the spouse. Loves the title only if they both oversail through this land. If this condition is performed correctly, then soon the spouse will leave if he will return to the family.

Railway with fire and water

If you do not know how to make a head of your husband from my wife, you can use a simple and effective way - straight with the photo. Main condition - the image must be fresh.

To make the rite, the sorcerer sits down in front of the mirror, on the right side of himself puts a candle, and with the left - a glass with water. A picture of a man is put in front of the candle, and in front of the candle - women (if there is no photo, you can use the personal thing of the rival).

Try to exclude natural and artificial sources Sveta. Limit a lit candle. Candle must be taken in left And put out in a glass with water. Performing this action, say:

As the fire of water keeps out how the fire of water avoids and the slave of God (name), the slaves of God (name) will await, the slaves of God (name) avoids.

After that, remove the candle and wipe it well from the water. It should be completely dry, since it will have to light it again. If it does not work the first time, not scary. The main thing will notice at all. After that, once again put it on the water with the words:

Like the water of fire is afraid of the water from the fire runs away and the servant of God (name) of the slave of God (name) is afraid of the servant of God (name) runs away.

Re-dry the wick candles, set fire to it for the last time and again plunge into the glass with water, saying the spell:

Like fire and water with each other do not converge and will never together, so and the slave of God (name) with the slave of God (name) together do not go and never be together.

A candle can be wired, dry, but more on this day it is not useful. All ritual attributes can be removed. Repeat the rite 2 more times. In general, the ritual lasts on the continuation of three nights.

After it is completed, exit the courtyard and pour the used water through the left shoulder. The candle burn the last time and let it burn to the end. Photos of people need to be destroyed. Women - with water, and men's - with the help of fire.

Elimination of the rival - a ritual with a photo

Strong Razorka on a rival is made using the victim's photography. Put the image of the pair on the table, and around you burn 3 wax candles: white, red and black. Wait until the wax gets dripping with them and start the ritual.

First take a black candle and draw wax dripping from her, a line that will delimit people in the photo. Performing this action, say:

Share you forever!
Be to you separately, like the sky and the earth!
Not to be you together like fire and water!
Do not find Lada and love Never!

After that, the black candle can be put out, and in the hands take a white one. Wax from this candle is poured on a woman's chest. At this time, speak spell:

I free from love!
To another man pushing!
I will take it
His to himself forever Posoko!

White candle is also stealing, and in hand it takes red. Wax from her pouring a man's breast with the words:

Love for (the name of the rival) went away,
But love for me (your name) came!
Love me very much!
You will understand that now I'm your fate!
What without me you can't live!
And one dream of loved!

Give wax a little cool and burst the image into 2 parts. That half, on which the wife is depicted, fold 4 times and imperceptibly leave in her house. Try to hide it so that no one finds.

Otherwise, if a woman guess that you did the strainer, the lane will not work. Part of the photo on which a man is depicted, leave in my house and do not show anyone. This rashorka is very strong, and acting the lapse very soon.

What is dangerous to the lapse?

Often, the lapse is not only a couple in love, but also on the customer, the cutter or by the artist (if the rite was conducted independently). No, serious violations in health and different areas Human life is not observed. However, quite often the customers have a violation menantal field. This suggests that the person can begin psyche disorders after the black rituals.

Family relationships are not only beautiful wedding and honeymoon. Good a strong family It is also the result of the excellent coordinated work of both spouses. However, it happens that the idyll of two people is broken by an uninvited guest, which is trying to lead a husband from the family with all the forces and separated from his wife.

Mistress, the word, from which throws into the cold sweat of almost all women in married, only if they themselves do not belong to them. Especially, fucking to other people's men, may appear both in the working team and among the girlfriends and acquaintances.

Sometimes a violator of family calm becomes a man experiencing tender feelings to already consisting in family relationship Partner. It happens that someone in family life It ceases to grab something, and he goes to look at it on the side. For example, not such bright and stormy sex or its complete absence.

The causing of a beloved person in treason and regular campaigns "to the left", the woman is immediately going to rush into battle or, at least, to delay the deliberate for the hair and arrange a "fabulous" real scandal with spruce and stormy hysteria. However, it is not necessary to act on emotions, to make a situation and understanding their further actions it is worth calming down.

It happens that the woman in order to save the family and return her husband to the home hearth. In this case, firstly, under no circumstances should you arrange a scandal, as it can have a direct opposite effect and a man will simply escape to the one that he is always glad. Secondly, it is worth a pretty think about whether such a lovelace for further relations is found and whether the deceived spouse can live with him. If all the answers are positive, then you should resort to more imperceptible and effective way - Magic.

How and how to return your beloved

There are many ways to die a husband with a mistress forever. There are conspiracy and rituals, which are held with the help of familiar or very exotic subjects:

The simplest influence on lovers is Razorka. First, it does not require special witchcraft skills. Secondly, it does not harm the changing spouse and his mistress. Thirdly, in contrast to the love spell, the will of the returned person is not suppressed.

Salt and Earth from Cemetery

Craftsman on the rival at home can be done independently. One of the simple and effective methods It is a working cutout on salt and pepper. For the rapid ritual, the headscarf is needed:

  • kitchen salt of large grinding,
  • the text of the conspiracy.

In the period of decreasing moon (since all rituals on parting are made only during this period) in windy weather it is worth going out into the street, taking with it the full palm of salt.

It is necessary to throw salt with your left hand over the wind and utter a calm voice of the conspiracy: "Wind-wind, help, salt to the rival of the Donashi! Salt got into the eyes, the rival is a bitter tear! Salt got into the heart and closed her husband in the heart for her door. May it be so and so it is! Amen".

Instead of salt, you can use for the above ritual and cemetery land. To do this, it is worth going to the place of burial and find the grave with the same name of a person, as well as the rival / rival. Take from there a handful of earth, in return to leave the treat to the dead man. Next, do the same thing as with salt, replacing the word "salt" on the word "Cemetery Earth" in the conspiracy. The ritual in this case will be black and can follow the rollback.

Returning home, you need to take a bath or hot souls, how to wash off the old and experienced. Clothes, too, up to the underwear, you should quit the wash and put on clean. After you need to read for memory 3 times the prayer "Our Father".

The edge of the relationship will immediately, and the husband will quarrel with his mistress, as soon as he sees. Returning to his wife, he will be the first to show the initiative and rinses in the deed.

Pepper and salt cause a rival pain

Suggest and brought away Ritual-Riorsa Lovers with salt and black pepper. To do this, you need to mix selected seasonings in one package, after which the package should be revealed and draw 2 crosses there, representing a beloved and rival. At the same time, it is necessary to say a small conspiracy: "As a hatch pepper and salt salt, so let her life with each other (the names of the victims) will become the same salt and bitter.

After that, the mixture is worth pouring under the threshold of the apartment where a mistress or rival lives if the rite makes a man. At the same time, the witchcraft words are repeated again. After the ritual it is worth a walk without looking around. Razorka will act when both culprits of events are recalculated through the enchanted threshold.

13 steps to return your favorite

There is a way how to embroil your husband with a mistress forever, held at 13 sewing needles. The separation ritual for the return of her husband's husband is done for 13 days.

Every day the following words are read over the chosen needle: "How steel is strong, but it doesn't break, and my word is hard, so it will not be shattered. I will go to the forest with dense, swamp Zybouch, I will find shit Swords. As unbearably standing along with them, breathe with stinky air, and disgusting the slave (the name of the husband or lover) with a slave (the name of the wife or mistress) together to be, to breathe with one air and make treason. Both the era needle and the sharp heart from the pain of the slave (the name of the traitor) by slave (the name of the direction). Amen".

Then a conspiracy magic attribute must be attributed and plug into a joint entrance door Rival or throw under the threshold. If the couple quarreled earlier, the rite is still worth carrying out fully and complete only after 13 days, using all the needle-shaped needles.

Black Chicken Egg

Will help at a distance to make a strong cutter and ordinary egg . For a ritual, except for patience, you will need:

It is necessary to roll an egg on a snapshot counterclockwise and quietly tighten: "I want to roll, the love I want to roll out, all that the pair (the names of lovers) joined - I roll into the egg, roll, yes, I close, it's all the feelings, relationships, binding between ( Lovers' names) Remove.

All that in Javi was held by their pair, disperse - it did not give it up, the memories of them saved them with the memories of them, I pull out the egg, I pull out the egg, I translate with the pair (names), I'm moving to the egg, I take off the egg. As chicken eggs do not be born, so strolled to the pair does not grind. Like the egg goes down - he swells, so the relationship of the pair (names) is fucked, disgusting and germinate. May it be so!"

After that, 3 eggs should be folded and removed to deteriorate into the warm place. The challenge of the spouse will enter into force as soon as the eggs are turned off. Relationships should roll up on a decreasing moon.

Ritual with ribbon and soap

It will be useful when returning a walking husband and ordinary soap and red ribbon. It is necessary to buy soap and tape, without trading and paying for the goods with iron coins, do not take delivery. Come home, it is worth calming down and bring your thoughts in order. Next, on the tape, on the one hand, it is necessary to write 11 times the name of the wrong man, and on back side 11 times the name of the ravine.

After that, the enchanted ribbon must be wrapped manually. When washing it is worth saying: "Ribbon is erased, you (the name of the mistress) is delirious from our life (the names of her husband and wife) run. Water gone and you left. May it be so".

The ribbon stands immediately after ritual intimation to remove in the freezer for 3 days. After that cut on small pieces and scatter B. different parts Cities as far as possible from each other, but not near their home. The call will work, and the spouse-slave will return in 2 weeks.

Poppy grades will help to remove the rival

A very strong and effective racket on the poppy, which grows, according to the beliefs of antiquity magicians, in nine dimensions is known. To do this, you need to take poppies and at midnight to talk to them, saying 5 times the following:

  • "How the poppies are not counting
  • so the words of mine from slaves (name names) do not remove.
  • Who is going on to this poppy football, that one will get a bad temper forever.
  • Slaves (call names) forever gnaw
  • biting, rushing to my friend.
  • From now on, both of the perpetual, so that they did not have a swollen lobe.
  • Amen".

An enchanted poppy is necessary after our way to scatter under the threshold of the ravine or robin. The ritual will quickly work out as soon as someone from the necessary pair will cross through the threshold.

Runes will return his beloved husband

For an efficient and actual parting, the pair should turn to a runologist professional. There is a runery becoming, which will return necessary person In the family and cool his love dust to his mistress. For the rite you will need a photo of lovers, at which a specialist draws special symbols. Usually for such purposes use four signs and write them in a row. At the beginning and at the end there is a sign of Nautiz, then 2 times Hagalaz is displayed inside between it, and Gebo is installed in the center of the composition.

After prescribing, the names of lovers are pronounced, which must be separated and a snapshot with runes is burned in the flame of the candle. The ashes from the photo is necessary at midnight to dispel in the wind, about whom the specialist should warn the client. Judging by the reviews, this practice is triggered quickly.

Treason, the situation is not simple, but, facing it, it is worth thinking well before resorting to any magical surveys. To begin with, you should simply talk to your loved one, and then to resort to the help of witchcraft.

Husband after 12 years of marriage gathered things and went to the other. Poplakala-suffered and decided to return it with the help of the Runic Ritual. And you know, helped! After that case, we have been together for 5 years and everything is fine, as nothing was! I advise everyone.

Used "salt in the wind". Worked the first time! The husband stopped walking to the left and only looks at me!

Purpose the guy with a rite with three eggs. Very worried to do everything correctly, but it turned out. Magic works! Those who really love their man, recommend!


ATTENTION, only today!

A conspiracy to reconcile her husband and wife after a quarrel will make so that the beloved husband himself apologized and still resentment for his wife. Magic to reconciliation is very common magic ritual With the help of which you can reconcile spouses for a very short period of time. This old plot of her husband after a quarrel should read the wife herself and not talking about the spent

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    This can be done at home. Strong Razorka on a rival, how to do it right?

    What is characteristic of Razorka?

    It would seem why to make a racmore, if you can immediately hold your man's marriage from another woman. But here there are nuances. If you spend the ritual of cutting, the relationship of the rival with a man will naturally come to no. It will be more difficult to suspect that magic is present in the relationship. In the title, the man sharply leaves the woman, which can be suspicious of another woman.

    The Razorka is related to black magic, but if you are thus trying to return your legitimate husband or sincerely your beloved man, then the consequences of this minimum.

    The consequences of ritual

    Since the strainer refers to the ritual of black magic, it is important to understand which consequences after the rite:

    • If you return a legitimate husband who is crowned with you, then negative consequences may not be at all, especially if the husband also nourishes you feelings.
    • If you return, thus, your legitimate spouse, but your relationship is strongly spoiled, there is no love between you, then you can simply not be happy with this person.
    • Negative consequences will add if in a pair that sincere feelings you want to embroil.
    • If you are a mistress and want to embroil your husband with his wife, it can turn into bad well-being for you.

    Now that you are aware of the consequences, we turn to the examples of the ravings at home.

    Razorka on fighting dogs

    The strong cutter on the opponent can be held, looking at the fighting dogs. In such a scene, many instincts that will help make a conspiracy even stronger.

    When you see on the street, how dogs fight, stop near them and say this plot:

    "Like dogs to a fight climb, after which the enemies remain, and you and you are with her the slave of God (the name of the man) in a fight you will be climbing, and you will stay with the enemy. Disubscribe like grooves fan. Swear, fight, disperse! Amen".

    It is desirable at the same time standing near the fighting animals closer to feel their energy. To read this conspiracy in time to the opponent's ravings, it needs to be learned in advance.

    Razorka on his hair

    You can make the racmore on your own belonging and hair your rival. Hair is the energy material. For this, of course, you need to get the hair of another woman, but if it succeeds, it will be one of the strong conspiracies.

    Take his hair and her hair. Twist them together in the palms and sentence words:

    "The slave of God (the name of the man) and the slave of God (the name of the woman) is treated, love. But all the love ends them as soon as they touched their heads. Punch and pain, blow and pain, no understanding, one irritation. Do not be together, do not live together. Amen".

    Such conspiracies need to complete the fact that you climb into your hands. Torn hair must be washed into the toilet or burn, but, in no case cannot be allowed in the wind.

    Razorka will start to come to the rival instantly, your beloved men will begin to deteriorate relationships with her. The husband will be annoyed in New Passia, he will always have a desire to relax from her.

    Rite at salt

    Razorka on a rival, which includes salt - it is probably classic option. After all, everyone knows that even just tilted salt leads to a quarrel.

    This rite on the rival is most suitable for his wives, if the husband has laid a mistress, but at the same time the husband continues to live on one territory with his wife. Because of this, the ritual is easily performed in the home only conditions.

    Razorovka Favorite onions. Separated lovers. Lead a rival.

    How to remove rival. Ritual from psychic Daria Mironova. From the broadcast of the TV channel "Peace

    Conspiracy to the rival, how to make a lapse.

    Razorka. Love spell. How to get rid of the love triangle. Remove the rival, rival.

    Ritual from rival

    To carry out the ritual, you will need only a salt handy. Take a handful of salt in hand, think about your husband with his new passion and say such words to salt:

    "Salt salty annoying, wounds Beditit, and the slave of God (the name of the woman) is annoyed by the slave of God (her husband's name). Over the throat, she stands you like the water saved, not to live, you can not see her, you can do it, you yourself. Amen".

    Conspiracies for salt on the rival are read three times. After that, the conspiracy salt must be added to the whole food that you cook for your husband. You can even regain a little me, so you run negative emotions My husband has a rival.

    Razorka with photography

    If you have a joint photo of your favorite and his passion, you can spend a ritual with this photo.

    Before proceeding with conspiracies and action, imagine a loved one who quarrels with this woman. Fullying, it is, as it should, to the body, the photo needs to be broken into two parts and say such words:

    "You can not be, together, do not feel happiness together, tearing a connection, the enemies remain."

    After two halves, the photo is burned, and the ashes are started in the wind.

    Razorka on her

    The difference between this raking on the rival is that with the help of it you are cooling the feelings of a woman, and not at your beloved. It is important to do, because the longer the new passion will cling to your husband, the longer your happiness will be in danger.

    This method will be able to use only a woman who lives with a beloved man on one territory.

    You will need pure waterIt is desirable that it was water from the well. Type the water in the pan and put it on fire boil. When the water begins to throw, you need to read the conspiracy to the rival:

    "How the fire burns brightly, as the flame burns water, like the water rolls out, and you have a slave of God (the name of the rival) All the love of the slave of God (the name of the man) is throwing out. No more. He does not need you, he is anticipated to you, he is indifferent to you, to return it to me. "

    You need to repeat the conspiracy until the water is popped up to the end. And the last few drops need to be sprinkled onto your beloved man.

    Razorka on black thread

    To spend this rite you need a black thread, a new sewing needle and briefs of your beloved man. Your task is to completely flash the briefs of your beloved men on the seams and at the same time say such words:

    "Schu-stitching tightly road into the house of that woman, you won't want to see her, you will not want to hear it. You yourself are not going to her, and she does not accept you. And if you suddenly see, you immediately begin to swear. It's not good to you in bed, nor in conversation, boredom boring. Want to be without it. I am all the roads to confusion, you do not see, do not go, do not think. "

    A black thread can be shot at once a few panties of her husband, so that he wore them more often, and the conspiracy acted faster.

    Razorka on food

    Ribrants on a rival with food are very comfortable for a woman who lives under one roof with a beloved man. In addition, the reviews say that conspiracies on the food always differed in efficiency.

    In this version, a woman is needed to prepare her favorite dishes for three days. It is desirable that it was meat dishes that a man eats with special pleasure. Add pepper and salt to taste there and senten your words:

    "These seasonings are corrosive, and hate corps you in relation to it. It's not a cute to you, not Luba, it's cold to you and neutrally, and with me warm and tasty. Fish from her, without it well, and you will refer to me. "

    This plot contains the element of the lability.

    How to deal with your favorite?

    Razorka on a rival at home work well in combination with the reasonable behavior of a woman. If you want a man to stay with you, here are general psychological recommendations:

    • His mistress is good, at home on this expense he is waiting for the hysteria, a quarrel, this is exactly what the unreasonable wife come. And reasonable wives put on the role of mistress. This means that you should always be happy with your spouse, he must feel at home incredibly comfortable, here it should be warm and cozy.
    • Sometimes it makes sense to close your eyes for some time. Perhaps the blessed himself will move and return to the family.
    • Do not facilitate your rival life, do not drive out your husband from home.
    • Take care of your life, after the rite, release the situation, just do not think about it for a while, let the divine forces themselves for themselves all in places.