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When apple and honey saved. What to cook for apple saved. What can not be done on apple saved

When apple and honey got rid of 2017

Remember, if you do not know, the apple saved the 2017 of the year, then this is always the same date - August 19. Honey delivered comes before apple it is August 14. Before the adoption of Christianity, there were idolatry in Russia. But when Vladimir Svyatoslavovich came to power, everything changed. With his reign, the baptism of Russia and the proclamation of the Christian faith was happening. But people did not want to refuse pagan customs, and therefore some of them included in the Christian numerical. Among them, Apple Spass - Pagan holiday dedicated to harvesting apples.

History of apple rescue

There were many ancient pores of such holidays. People celebrated bread, mushroom, honey, berry and other accomes. These days were organized by festive rites, which were given to the gods of saves. All of them were associated with the yield of a particular fetus. Before applying the harvest in food, its fruits were necessarily sanctified. Also on the holiday of Savior, they remembered the dawn of the dead warriors.

Currently, Christians celebrate three saves - honey, nut and apple. The final began to celebrate from the IV century. On Mount Favor on August 19, Elena Holy was built the sanctuary in honor of the transformation. Solganan Gospel Transfiguration came on the 40th day after Easter. But the Orthodox Church of the holiday was postponed to 19 August so that he would not coincide with the stage of the Great Post.

Orthodox people After an apple Casa, applons and other fruits are allowed to eat, which are consecrated on Divine Liturgy. Catholics on this day march victory under the Belgrade of the Christian people over the Turks.

The transformation of the Lord is described by all evangelists, except John. Three of them transmit the events of the past identical words.

"Jesus invited Peter, John and Jacob to pray for sorrow. While reading the prayer, the transformation of the face of Christ: it littered with light; And the dress in which he was dressed, became snow-white. A few minutes later the disciples saw 2 Prophet: Moses and Ilya. They told Jesus about events that would soon occur in Jerusalem. The disciples were very amazed seen, but Christ forbade them to tell about this story until he resurrected. "

On August 19, the Divine Liturgy was performed in the Orthodox Sanctures, during which Pamrava is read, the canons dedicated to the Great Transformation. By tradition, believers on this day should be in a snow-white color.

Ritals for apple Cpace are performed for 9 days. The main of them is the lighting of apple fruits. There is a belief that fruits sprinkled with holy water have the fragrance of apples that grow in the Garden of Eden.

Miraculous fruit - apple

In the ancient pores, people wondered on the apple skin. It was believed that in this way you can "see" the name of the future husband.

Modern word "Lipstick" occurred from the French name of the Apple variety "POMME".

In America, the apple is considered a very popular fruit. Rockefeller began his business with apples trading, and after earned a decent state.

British doctors argue that if one apple fruit would eat on the day, then the diseases will pass by a third party.

In Russia, during the period of paganism and at present, the believers are celebrated by apple CPAS. But if earlier the hostess baked apple pies and slept each other with apples jam, now everything is limited to the rite of lighting fruit fruit. Tradition reports that each fruit growing on Earth must be dedicated to the Lord.

Many give the holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord magic urine. It is believed that the desire made on this day should certainly come true.

Do not forget the elderly traditions, because they have their own charm. If you bake a cake from lit apples and treat them near people, the atmosphere of the holiday, a good mood and mood and positive emotions.

We are glad that we could tell you when apple and honey saved 2017, what date, as well as tell about the signs, traditions and history of this holiday.

The people often use other names of the celebration: the first saven, the second saved or the middle saved, the great saved. The holiday was also called - saved on the mountain due to the old biblical events described in the Gospel. Jesus Christ, choosing his three most faithful and loyal students - James, John and Peter, rose to the mountain of Favor, which was in Galilee. There they sincerely prayed to the Almighty. Suddenly, the students of Christ fell into deep dream, deprived of any dreams. Wake up their incredibly bright glow. Opening the eyes, the amazed students found that Jesus Christ completely transformed. His clothes became snow-white and glowed by divine light. Next to Christ stood the prophets Ilya and Moses. Hearing the story of the elders, the faithful disciples learned the whole truth that the Son of God should take painful death in 40 days and then resurrect. The apostles were forbidden to tell someone about what happened until the fact that was destined to the Almighty. Making a transformation, Jesus visually demonstrated, his divine and earthly principle. In the 4th century in memory of the sacred event, on famous Mountain, the temple was built. Later, two more churches were constructed - Catholic and Orthodox.

Starting from that long standing, a memorable event to this day, Christians celebrate the Transfiguration of the Lord every year. Knowing when apple saved in 2017, believers pre-prepare in advance, for the holiday, strictly observe the post, clean the body and soul. In the evening before the holiday, the priests hold a great church service. And in the morning, the solemn liturgy and procession. Temples are decorated with many lamps, priests dressed in festive white clothes. The colorful atmosphere in the church, reminds parishioners, about the great event - the transformation of the Son of God.

Apple saved 2017: Folk customs and traditions

According to the established tradition, parishioners carry in the church baskets with grapes, apples and other wood fruits, decorated with seams of wheat. Only after the liturgy and the solemn ceremony of lighting, the fruits can be eaten. Often, the priest is invited to the fields to bless sowing.

The main symbol of the holiday is apples, as an impersonation of wealth and well-being. They are forbidden to eat, before the occurrence of the holiday and sanctification. The prohibition extends to grapes and other fruits, with the exception of cucumbers that can be eaten at any time. According to a long-time belief, an angels in heaven saved the apple, treat the souls of children with apples. A woman who tasted the fruit, before the occurrence of the holiday, deprives the soul of a child of treats. Therefore, after the consecration of the fruits in the church, the parents who have lost their children went to the cemetery and part of the apples were left on the graves. If the diet is buried far and there is no possibility to visit the burial place, then "treats" left in the temple. Nowadays, the tradition has changed a bit, now after church serviceIt is customary to go to the cemetery and give a tribute to respect not only to children, but also to all who have been confidential to relatives.

For the holiday, any work on the house, sewing, washing and construction works. The church encourages cooking and harvesting. Since the Assumption post continues during, apple rescue, any oily food is prohibited. The only relaxation during the celebration is wine and fish.

August 19, the hostess in the old custom, I make a ritual of cleansing at home. For this use apples and wax church candle. Cut the fruit of two halves and get the core. In one half put a candle and a house bypass with it. Moving strictly clockwise, read prayers and ask the Lord, protect the accommodation from adversity and give family peace and consent. Then the wax from the candle is shifted to another half of the apple. Two halves of the fetus of the rope are tightly connected, carry away from home and buried in the ground. Upon completion of the rite, in the cleared room of the hostess, begin to prepare treats.

On saved, bake pies, most often used apple stuffing, add honey and walnuts. On the tables, there are also pancakes with various fillings, sweet porridges, pies, baked apples, Compote from fresh fruit. They treat all friends and neighbors along the traditions, and in the evening they go to the field and summer and songs are accompanied by summer.

The hostess begin to harvest apples for the winter, boil jam, dried them, make conservation. And who from the apples were especially humminged, bringing them for sale, not forgetting to treat poor and beggars along the way.

Apple Savior in 2017: Signs and beliefs

There is a lot of acceptance and believes, preserved and to our times:

  • Rain on the second saved - winter will be wet and cold.
  • The sun and warmly in the holiday - promise a snowy winter, without severe frosts.
  • You can not drive flies if you sit on your hand, otherwise you can sigh of happiness. It is necessary to wait until the insect flies itself.
  • If when crossing wheat, the northern wind blows, then the ears are frozen large.
  • Bees are going to the swarm and fine rain began - autumn, cold and rainy will come quickly.
  • Bee flies on honey - to sleep in the house.
  • If the apple saved, the leaves on the trees wishes - the weather will soon be changed and grieving strongly.
  • Before August 19, it is necessary to collect all the crop of grain, otherwise the first rain will destroy.
  • Who is engaged in sewing for a holiday, then pour tears all life.
  • Many starlings on the trees - to the harsh January.

Absolutely did not lose their relevance, folk signs and by 2017. They passed through the centuries and tested not by one generation. Apple saved, reminds of the great strength of nature and its invaluable gifts. A great holiday, really transforms people, making them kinder and borrowing the love of them in their hearts to everything alive.

Apple Savior - people's holidaydedicated to the Orthodox celebration of the Transfiguration of the Lord in which the church and folk traditions - In 2018, as annually, celebrated on August 19.

In ancient times, several spasters were celebrated, which were confined to the time of ripening of grain crops, vegetables, fruits and other land gifts - to this day, honey, apple and nuts are preserved, which are celebrated in August.

In the church calendar, all three saches are associated with Jesus Christ and with his acts - the word "saved" the abbreviated form from the word Savior.

Second saved or saved on the mountain

Apple Spass, which is also called the second saved, the celebration of the first fruit, the average saved, the peas of the day, the first autumn and so on, reminds of the great strength of nature and its invaluable gifts.

The feast of fertility in pre-Christian times was celebrated in mid-August, which accounted for the end of the harvest. In gratitude to the earth for good harvest People brought the gods to sacrifice the fruits and arranged fun folk Gulyanya with songs and dancing.

With the adoption of Christianity, the church connected this folk celebration with the holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord. According to Scripture, Jesus completely transformed, when he prayed on Mount Favor with his students - his face was spawned, and the clothes became dazzling white.

© Photo: Sputnik / Grigory Sisoev

Thanks to this divine phenomenon, the holiday began to call - saved on the mountain. Deep meaning of this festive day It was concluded in the conjunction of the Divine and Human essence of Jesus Christ.

In apple saved everyone to think about the righteousness of his life, try to transform for the better.

Traditions and customs of the holiday

In all valid orthodox churches On this day, festive services are held - believers go to church for confession and communion. People have long considered that God saved his blessing to the apple.

After worship, fruits are sanctified - this custom goes back to Old TestamentWhen people carried a bunch of grapes and cereals for blessings and as a sign of gratitude to God.

In Russia, grapes are far from everywhere, therefore the tradition was transformed, and the apples began to sanctify, the collecting of which had to save on apple. Accordingly, apples that personify wealth and well-being, have become the main symbol of the holiday.

By tradition, parishioners still carry in the church baskets with grapes, apples and other fruits that can be eaten, only after the solemn ceremony of consecration.

© photo: sputnik / alexander kondratyuk

According to the ancient reference, the angels are saved on the apple, the angels in heaven treat the souls of the children with apples, and a woman who tasted the fruit before the occurrence of the holiday, deprived the soul of the child treats. Therefore, after the consecration of the fruits in the church, the parents who lost their children went to the cemetery and part of the apples were left on the graves or distributed a treat in the temple.

Nowadays, after the church service, it is customary to go to the cemetery to honor everyone who has reached relatives, and not just children.

To bless sowing, people often invited the priest and on the fields.

For the holiday, any work on the house, sewing, washing and construction work is prohibited - only cooking and harvesting is allowed.

On saved, bake pies, most often used apples filling, add honey and walnuts. On the tables, there are also pancakes with various fillings, sweet porridges, pies, baked apples, compote from fresh fruit. Dared to the tradition of all friends and neighbors, and in the evening they went to the field and with the songs they spent the summer.

Since the Assumption post continues during the apple rescue, any food of animal origin is prohibited, but in the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord - on August 19, the church charter admits to bind fish and a little wine.

According to the old custom, on this day, the hostess committed a ritual for cleansing the house for which apples and wax church candle were used. In particular, the apple was cut into two halves and got the core - in one half put the candle and the house was accounted for, reading the prayers and asking for the Lord to protect the accommodation from adversity, and the family to grant peace and consent.

© Photo: Sputnik / Sergey Pyatakov

Icon "saved non-manual"

Then the wax from the candle was shifted to another half of the apple, firmly tied two halves of the fetus with a rope, carried away from home and drove in the ground. After completing the ceremony of purification, the hostess began to prepare treats.

Bidding was arranged in Apple Savda, at which there were entire carts with apples, and people who had gardens considered their duty on this day to treat the fruits of patients, poor and orphans.

Signs and beliefs

Apple spas is associated with a lot of acceptance and believes that have survived to this day.

So, in popular belief, the first eaten apple will tell you what to expect from fate in the coming year. If the apple is sour, then ahead is waiting for trouble, but if it turns out to be sweet, then life will be full of joy and happiness. Sweet fruit always meant - sturdy seven, peace and comfort in the house.

Girls, eating the first apple, often fooled him in honey and made out their most cherished desire. In the old days, it was believed that the mandated would be fulfilled, if the thoughts are chicted and the request comes from the heart.

Many will be connected with the weather - the rain on the second Savior was drowned and the wet and cold winter. But the sun and warmly in the holiday - promised a snowy winter, without severe frosts.

People believed that on this day it is impossible to drive flies, if they sit on the arm - you can sighing happiness, so it was necessary to wait until she herself would fly away.

Ear of wheat will grow large, if the north wind blows during the sowing.

If the bees are going to the swarm, and small rain began, it will come cold and rainy autumnAnd if the bees flies on honey, then wealth in the house is provided.

If the leaves on the trees wishes on apple saved, then it will soon cool down soon.

Who is engaged in sewing for a holiday - will pour tears all life.

Many starlings on the trees - to the harsh January.

To marry and get married on this day, as in other days of the Assumption post, it is categorical forbidden, as it was considered a great sin. There is a belief that young people who have enabled in the days of the Assumption post will never be happy.

By folk signsApple Savior means the autumn attack and the transformation of nature. It is believed that nights after August 19 become much colder.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

The word "saved" literally means "Savior". Apple Savior Four Tradition Eastern orthodox church, Also known as the second saved (the date of the first - honey on August 14). At the solemn church meeting blesses the harvest of apples. Also, this is a good reason to meet friends and families to celebrate the last days Summer. In Orthodoxy, it is considered to be due to failure, if you try apples without waiting for the second save.

Closer to the end of the 10th century, the Greeks created a detailed calendar of saints, posts, holidays. In the Mediterranean, from where Christianity has roots, the date was approved on August 19. She coincided with the celebration of the Transfiguration of the Lord and collecting grape harvesting, wheat, fruit. But the climate of Russia is colder, he did not allow to collect these cultures at the end of August, so the blessing was allowed by local fruits - August apples.

So when in 2017 apple saved? The holiday is August 19, it commemorates the approach of autumn, the end of summer field work. Immediately after this date, the nights become noticeably colder and darker. On this day, people sanctify apples in the church, prepare apple jams, pies, drinks. It happens, a kind of cheerful farewell from the summer time of the year. On this day, cranes flew to the south, the weather on Apple Savior spoke about how January would be the next year.

Holy Transfiguration Day with Apple Fragrance

Holiday ancient. When did you sanctify the date and when the apple saved in 2017? The sacrament of the transformation was originated in the IV century, this was written and testified by Efrem Sirin and John Zlatoust.

Equal to the Apostles Holy Elena, in honor of this event, she raised the shine of Christ the temple on the mountain, which in the 12th century destroyed Salah Ad-Dean.

Beautiful festive liturgy in the west of their ritual of lighting, celebrate it since 1457.

From those times, on this day the church covered fitting wreaths, fruits, honey, wheat. Before the rite, pious Christians did not eat fruit, it was recognized as a sin. But after returning from the church, the family celebrated saved common table, rushed apples, nuts, honey, drank grape wine.

When apple saved in 2017, what date? Transfiguration (apple Savior) Heat occurs on August 19 in Christians of Orthodox, and on August 6, Catholic. Gospels describe the Lord Transfiguration - Matthew 17: 1, Mark 9: 2, Luke 9:28.

Before the famous sore events, the Savior spoke to the disciples that he sees, as will be vulnerable, is devoted and killed, and on the third day will appear again. He shone on the grief in front of three apostles Peter, Jacob, John during their prayer. But even they were confident that someone King Israel should come to salvation. But the transformed Christ, showed them that he is not a Jewish Messiah, and the Son of God "his face shone like the sun, and clothes were white as snow." Christ was an extraordinary light, which shine woke up with rear-reaching apostles during the prayer. In the radiance, Christ was surrounded by Elijah and Moses. They are about the redemptive Lord feat for the sake of salvation of mankind. Suddenly, a cloud descended by the cloud thundered by the voice of God. He told them that he was blessed by Jesus, his son. The apostles fell, they were frightened, they saw a miracle, woke up when Christ did not touch them.

Symbols of solemn transformation

Celebration of transformation, symbolizes the connection in Christ principles - the human and divine. Transformation, that is, the transformation did not change in the Savior of the Divine Nature, she manifested itself in his earthly nature. Another warm and joyful time of year bears the point of thinking about the spiritual, living in the image of the Savior.

The man is like an apple - immature first, has misdeed and sinful acts, his relationship with God is imperfect. But afterwards, gaining spiritual power, it is poured by wisdom.

Believers from those times: "Savior came, take the mittens about the supply"

Few Christians living in the pre-revolutionary era were able to read and write. However, were in close, daily contact with the rhythm of agricultural seasons and lived from post to the post, from the period by the period church calendar. These two important threads intertwined so much that the Christian lifestyle has become a special traditional aspect in history. Sometimes therefore, signs and beliefs are interesting to historical roots.

Pious Orthodox celebrated a holiday in a living atmosphere, street fairs, dancing. Bidding with apple carts were arranged, treated patients, beggars. Autumn meeting, previously was a beautiful folk creation, people waited for sunset and, as soon as the sun concerned the horizon, they dragged songs. One who did not participate or ignored the holiday was considered a dishonest and disrespectful person.

The day of transformation is noted not only with culinary delights and consecration of fruits. People visit and give honors to the departed, especially for children. Moms whose kids left this world bring consecrated apples on their graves. You can schedule this event for the coming Saturday, you now know when apple saved in 2017, what date. They say that competent desires are fulfilled, if you eat a consecrated apple, and the year will go through the one who keeps this tradition.

It is worth recalling that this church date is the incredit or two-month holiday - the time of the Assumption post (this means the usual food is limited to some products). Fish will be allowed on the feast of the harvest, and of course the center of attention will be apples, in all its glory (baked with nuts, dried, in compotes, fruit salads).

An apple is a symbol of life, immortality, generosity. And no better fashion Join the fragrant autumn, as with an apple pie. The recipes are quite flexible, but the result always justifies itself, especially if the apple dessert is served with a spoon of ice cream or with whipped cream.

Meet the warm autumn and the upcoming cold, the time when apple saved in 2017 a celebration of lighting will take place on August 19 upon completion of the festive liturgy. Happy holiday!

How many days can you eat apples? In such a question, there are lovers of a popular fruit from time to time. And almost everything loves him. And there is something for. What are useful

Favorite fruits, containing a lot of useful trace elements and vitamins, rich:

  • potassium, useful for cardiac activity;
  • iron, a necessary blood system;
  • sodium contributing to the maintenance of water balance and affects protein exchange;
  • calcium performing a function building material bone tissue and reinforcing the effect of vitamin K is the main factor of normal blood coagulation;
  • phosphorus participating in brain activity, cardiac and nervous system, in the process of exchanging carbohydrates, fats and proteins;
  • magnesium necessary to produce a protein, removal from the body toxins and the stability of the cellular structure during growth.

How many days can you eat apples?

An important property of apples is the ability to sink hunger in this minute. Therefore, if you want to eat (especially often it happens before bedtime), then, of course, you can afford an apple for the night, which is an excellent alternative to any other snack (for example, a sandwicker with sausage or a couple chocolate candies). Moreover, the choice is better to stop on a green fruit, characterized by a low content of sugar.

True, sometimes an apple eaten at night instead of pleasure can deliver a lot of unpleasant minutes: the meteorism and the occurrence of pain in the stomach. Therefore, knowing that the stomach can draw up, the fruit is preparing to clean: it will facilitate the situation.

An apple is useful for the night if for some reason no toothbrush is missing. Possessing the property perfectly massage gums and clean the surface of the teeth, such a fruit will become indispensable in hiking conditions.

How many days can you eat apples? It is worth knowing that an apple, like any other product, in some cases may be an enemy flat belly And the waist. The product increases the acidity of the stomach, burning appetite. In any case, this fruit with luggage useful properties It will only benefit the body, therefore 3-4 apple will absolutely not damage to health during the day.

What is worth knowing apples

It is worth understanding that the eating harmless appearance of the apples can harm the body. It all depends on the correctness of the use of the product. So, it should be carefully referred to ingestion, which in small quantities are considered useful, as they contain iodine. What is the strongest poison, will begin to act when swallowed 5 and more bones.

It is recommended to avoid polished to shine apples, which for prolonged storage are abundantly processed by chemicals, and to give a commodity type are coated with wax-based preparations. And this is a straight road to gastritis. You can get rid of the protective film on fruit with hot soapy water. But still the choice is better to stop on apples grown in domestic gardens, not such ideal, sometimes with worms, but but harmless.

Apples: Benefits and Harm to Health

Huge therapeutic meaning of apples. They contain both cellulose, which ensures normal digestion. Effective laxative action is characterized by baked apples, which are recommended one by one to eat in the morning and in the evening before bedtime. This will provide a normal chair. From chronic constipation, salads from the apples and cabbage are lost on the grinder and cabbage are delivered. This property is due to the presence of pectin in the composition of the product, which also improves the skin color, making it healthier.

Also, pectin helps to bring out surplus cholesterol from the liver. The fixing effect with diarrhea will be cleaned, grated and left for a while with the purpose of oxidation of the apple. Sorts are useful for low acidity and gastritis.

Apples, benefits and harm to the health of which have long been determined by doctors, can be added to any dishes. This is an excellent product to combat overweight and obesity with which you can arrange. unloading Days. Especially effective in slimming apples with green skin.

Beneficial features

Pregnant women are encouraged to eat tart apples with rapidly dark after the pulp of the pulp. This feature indicates a large content of iron that contributes to the increase in hemoglobin. Also, such apples are useful to people suffering from anemia and an increased fragility of blood vessels. But most of all, baked apples will be useful for them, which are superior to fresh and well helps with intestinal diseases, hepatitis, dysbacteriosis. In addition, baked apples contribute to the careful restoration of the body after transferred abdominal operations and coped well with the cough.

It should be known that long-term storage of fresh apples causes a decrease in the amount of vitamin C, while in a canned form and compotes such an element is preserved for a very long time. The number of other substances decreases insignificant: the fruits of last year's crop remain as useful as fresh.

Dishes from apple

Apples are the basis of many low-calorie desserts, they are tasty in salads, give a special aroma baked meat, suitable for any baking.

Of these, delicious jams, jams, jams and compotes are obtained. Apple juice containing iron salts and fruit sugars for many is one of the favorite drinks; He is especially useful for children. For its preparation, such varieties are most often used as Anis, Antonovka, Grushovka, Winter Parmers. It should be known that fruit acids and sugars in apples contribute to the destruction of dental enamel, so after each use you should rinse with the mouth with water.

When can I eat apples? Yes, ever! How many days can you eat apples? I would like to answer: how much please, but, remembering the damned enamel of the harm, no more than 5-6 pieces per day, and ideally 3-4 apples.

Light low-calorie desserts

Fresh apples in combination with virtually any fruit; From pears, oranges, bananas and apples are able to raise the mood at times.

For cooking no less tasty low-calorie dessert, you will need to take an apple, a pear, orange, banana, a couple of peaches and 12 cups of strawberries and blueberries. Fruits need to be cleaned from the peel and seeds, cut into cubes and combine with berries. All sprinkle with lemon juice, fill with yogurt and mix.

Apples on "Air Paris"

Apple recipes incredible amount. To replenish its culinary book, hostesses are encouraged to prepare apples on "Air Parish". It is required to cut into large pieces and sprinkle with lemon juice 3 of the apple. 3 eggs whip into a strong foam, gradually add 150 grams of sugar, 50 grams of melted margarine, 3 yolks and a pinch of salt. In the resulting mass, it is neatly pouring 200 grams of flour and a teaspoon of salt. Baking shape must be lubricated with oil and lay out half the dough. From above, apples should be covered with the second half of the dough and put it bake for 20-25 minutes in the oven. Useful dessert will be appreciated by guests.