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Rock Uluru (Ayers-Rock) in Australia. Famous Mount Uluru in Australia

Mount Uluru in numbers

  • Uluru, also known as Iyers-Rock, has 3.4 km long and 2 km wide. Its perimeter is about 9km.
  • The visible part of Uluru rises 348 m above the plain, but about 6,000 meters of this rock formation is hidden under the surface. Maximum height Above sea level is 869m.
  • Uluru consists of red sandstone, formed 600 million years ago.
  • Uluru is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1987

general information

In 1985, the Government of Australia officially returned both of these complexes, Uluru and Kata-Tuthe, part of the northern territories of the Aborigines. The National Park is on their sacred land, in the place where the life itself sometimes originated in their concepts.

Uluru can be considered a geographical miracle due to its size. The red sandstone monolith is on average by an average of 348 m, and its highest point is 869 m above sea level. The visible part of the mountain has 3.4 km in length and 2 km in width. Its perimeter is about 9 km. Monolith has formed about 680 million years ago, pushed out of the depths of the earth under huge pressure. Tectonic activity has compressed clay and gravel and squeezed them to the surface.

The cliff Uluru is formed by almost vertical layers of extremely durable sandstone, the surface of which as a result of oxidation became red. From the north-western and northeastern sides, erosion cut through deep channels into the rock, from where the water is harvested - so they get spectacular, but short-lived waterfalls.

Most tourists are trying to climb to the top, although local residents would prefer that this is not done. Every year someone will definitely die, and others have to save. With a plateau on top of the cliffs, beautiful views are opening, explore the tops are interesting, but the rise is very difficult, and, if you blow strong windsSometimes you have to close the path. The length of the route around the cliff is 9 km, perhaps you should go on it precisely on it and inspect various places associated with the Anangu culture.

Like the islands in the ocean, the Kata-Tuta complex is remote on the horizon 50 km from Uluru. The first European, who saw Kata-Tuta in 1872, was Ernest Giles. He called these Mountains "Olgas", in honor of Queen Olga Württemberg, patroness of science and art in the XIX century.

Kata-Tuta is clearly younger than Uluru, they are only 300 million years. These cliffs are not made of red sandstone, like uluru, and from many tightly compressed gravel layers, stem and clay. Among the formative rocks can be found fragments of granite, gneiss and volcanic stones.

The local Tribe Anangu believes both Uluru, and Kata-Tyutu sacred places, where the battle between people-snakes happened in ancient times. They tell about the woman of Python Kuni, who was delivered to the Uluru to postpone the eggs. Having finished the masonry, she heard that a poisonous Liru, a brown snake, killed her nephew. Wanting to take revenge, the keen on the foot of the Uluru, in the place called Matnulu. She met one of the servants Liru. She tried to smoke his dance, but the servant raised her on laughter. In anger, she grabbed a handful of sand and rushed to the ground. And where the grains and trees fell, and the grass became poisonous. But the servant Liru laughed everything. In the end, Kunya grabbed her stick (Vana) and hit him on his head. Her rage was so great that the second blow killed the Lirai servant. Deep dents from the blows of her stick are still visible on the Uluru - they are imprinted in stone. Konia and her nephew turned into rainbow snakes. They still live in Matniulyu and look after the Tribe of Anang.

Anangu, like most Australia's aborigines, believe that the Earth is a physical manifestation of sleep (Tzucup) - a timeless moment when the world was created. At this time, the spirits of the ancestors dwell on Earth in the appearance of people and animals. Some of these perfumes crawled out of the ground in the form of a giant snake, and they attached the planet current form. The perfume of the ancestors also gave the laws that Anang follow to this day. Thus, these ancient beliefs are an important component of spiritual culture for aborigines. The aborigines believe that the sacred place of Ulura is endowed with a special force, it is a door between the world of people and spirits. Anangu does not get tired to warn that Uluru and to this day takes himself human lives and climbed into the mountain. Someone this legends do not believe, but regular mysterious cases with wicked tourists confirm that in many respects the aborigues of the right.

Ayers-Rock is the largest and most ancient rock monolith in the world. This unique place is one of the main attractions of Australia.

Ayers-Rock - Orange-brown oval cliff, formed about 680 million years ago. Its oval "hump" 2.4 kilometer long and 1.6 kilometer width towers over the surrounding plain by 348 meters! This is what remained from the big mountain chain Peterman. Ayers-Rock is part of the National Park of Uluru-Kata Tew

The origin of Peterman at one time was a lot of disputes. The mysteriousness of the emergence of a huge mountain range in the midst of vigorine, even as the table, the desert caused a lot of the most incredible assumptions to life, like the fact that this is a giant iron meteorite that fell on the plain thousands of years ago. Later, geologists explained the appearance of Ayers-rock much easier, which, of course, did not make him less impressive, although after that he became a little less mysterious)

According to modern science, Ayers-Rock is a typical product of erosion - an endless process of destroying the elevation of the relief by natural forces and turning the rough terrain into the plain. Survived with more durable rocky arrays scientists are called the remains. They can be found in Sahara at the Tibesta Plateau, in Arabia and the American Valley of Monuments. A typical remainder is the sugar head in Rio de Janeiro. The remainder is both Ayers-Rock, with the difference that he overshadows any of them both with its sizes and the impression of absolute unreality arising at the sight of a huge cliff, reigning Above spread on hundreds of kilometers around the plain

The first European, who saw in the midst of the desert a huge stone block, was Ernest Giles. In the XIX century, he noticed the rock from the shores of Lake Amadies, but she could not achieve it. However, after a year, an English researcher William GOS rose to the top of the miracle mountains. He called the stone block "Ayers-Rock" in honor of the Secretary of State of South Australia Henry Ayers

The cliff circumference is about 9 km, and to get to the vertex - will have to overcome the inclined path with a length of 1.6 km. Not every can overcome a risky rise, although now in the most dangerous places and put metal railing

From the top Ayers-Roca A beautiful view of the extensive desert spread in all sides is open, almost devoid of vegetation - only at the foot of the cliffs are greasy rare groves of stiff eucalyptus and acacia

Australian Aborigines call this rock Uluru and for thousands of years they consider it sacred. This word does not mean anything and is often used in aborigines as a name. Numerous legends and legends are associated with the name of Uluru. Giant, similar to the animal traces, dents on a strong stone gave rise to superstitious indigenous Australians a lot of legends and believes

The aborigines believe that the tracks on the rock left the monstrous huge dog of Kura-Puni, which was killed to the hunter camp to devour them all without a residue. Only the assistance of the one-friendly friend of people - the funny bird of Cukabarra, which his crying warned people about the approach of a terrible beast, saved them

In the caves at the foot of the cliff preserved many ritual drawings of aborigines. Ayers-rock can be called the center of primitive culture of the indigenous people of Australia. The sizes of the caves are impressive: the largest of them reach 800 meters in length and 30 - height. In the caves even formed three small lakes filling in the rainy water, leaking along the crack cracks. So hot summer, when all sources were sworn in the district, the aborigines found her shelter from the hot rays of the Sun and the lifelike moisture

Ayers-rock with any lighting looks unusual, and during sunset or sunrise has to remind all the time that it is not a dream, but a real natural phenomenon)

Stone Monolith is famous for what can change its color during the day, like chameleon, from flame red and pink, to a purple, blue and brown

Time and natural forces were a lot over the surface of the cliff, leaving on it the jar and scars, and even large bits of the most bizarre form. When rare rains are held for this terrain, silver streams of water run down on cracks and grooves

Tourists began to visit Ayers-Rock Only in the middle of the last century, after the construction of the highway through this area is completed. Despite the remoteness and inaccessibility of this corner of Australia, located in the very center of the continent, the flow of tourists who want to see a unique rock is growing every year. People on cars and airplanes get here to admire the beauty of an extraordinary landscape that does not find anywhere in the world!

Waterfalls Uluru July 1st, 2014

This place is one of the main attractions of Australia. Uluru (Uluru) - a large rock formation from sandstone, orange color which gives the presence of iron oxide.

The rock has an oval shape with a diameter that ranges from 3 to 3.5 kilometers. Located Ulurur practically in the very center of the green continent. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Every year, about half a million tourists arrive at this rock. However, only a few thousand people manage to see a unique phenomenon when water flows fall from the cliffs with cascades. During periods of rains, from November to March, even in such a dry terrain falls a considerable amount of precipitation. It is they who form these temporary waterfalls.

Let's look at this place more ...

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Rock Ulur., or Ayers Rock (Ayers Rock), - 350-meter rock oval shape. Uluru (emphasis on the last syllable) is located in the very center of Australia. Its length is more than 3.5 km, and the width is about 3 km. The base of the cliff is cut by caves, and the caves themselves are decorated with ancient weak patterns and threads on stone.

The mountain range, which is an island in the middle of Lake Amadies, was erected in the center of the continent. Products for the destruction of rocks were postponed at the bottom of the reservoir, forming a rock. By appearance Uluru reminds the giant elephant lying on his side. From afar, the monolith looks completely smooth, but near the surface, irregularities, cracks and furrows are clearly noticeable.

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The deserted climate is characteristic of temperature fluctuations: the nights are cold here, and the midday heat reaches 40 degrees. The stone is expanding when heated, and it is compressed when cooled, which causes its cracking. A unique mountain giant consists of red sandstone, whose special properties allow it to change the color depending on the lighting during the day. At dawn, the black silhouette of the mountain brightens, acquiring a dark purple tint. The sun rises above, and the uluro flashes purple-red, then the pink is placed, and it becomes golden to noon. Fantastic color game continues all day.

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In the XIX century Mount Ulur first saw the European Ernest Giles. He noticed the rock from the shores of Lake Amadies, but she could not reach her. And a year later, an English researcher William Goss rose to the top of the miracle mountains. He called the stone block "Ayers-Rock" in honor of the Secretary of State of South Australia Henry Ayers. The name "Ulur" gave the rock many centuries ago by local aborigines. This word does not mean anything. Archaeologists believe that the aborigines inhabited areas adjacent to Uluru, another 10 thousand years ago. Thanks to the heading of the land and caves for hundreds of years, Uluru was a refuge for the ancient tribes.

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Tourists began to visit this place only in the middle of the last century, after completing the construction of the highway through this area. Since 1985, Uluru officially belongs to the Anangu tribe, however, the stone giant was leased by the Government for 99 years for use as a National Park. The annual rental fee is 75 thousand dollars plus 20% of each input ticket. Aborigines are interested in the development of tourism and in accordance with the agreement do not prevent the visit to the top of the Uluru, to which their sacred trail leads.

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Rain rainfall flowing from the unusual stone surface Ayer Rock, create a beautiful sight, which recorded the photos of bad weather over National Park Uluru. During the weather, it fell 7 cm of precipitation on October 14. In this area, 15.5 centimeters of precipitation fall per year.

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Photos show how water flows are rolled with waterfalls on the stone slopes Ayer's Rock. This area is known as the most arid point in the Red Center of Australia with a stone hill towering 350 meters above sea level, which local aborigines call Uluru.

Snapshots are made after the rainy night when the rain was told and there was about 7 centimeters of precipitation.

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The pictures show that the stone slopes under the action of water flows and illumination change their color from dark barded to violet. Truly, the magnificent spectacle was the stone slopes of Ayers Rock with rolling water streams, which Peter Carroll photographed for us.

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Mount Uluru. Located in the center of Australia in the heart of the continent. Until the town of Julia is just 18 km from her. At the border of the town specifically, to take 500 thousand tourists a year built airport. But do not forget that for the Australian aborigines, the cliff Uluru is sacred, and therefore the ascent on its top is not welcome, although not prohibited.

Mount Mount Uluru is 348 meters high and 3.5 km long, it is only the vertex "Iceberg". Uluru goes underground by about 6 km and again appears at a distance of 25 km. in the form of a kata-tutu complex. The highest of the mountains is called Mount Olga, its height is even more than at the Uluru 546 m. \u200b\u200bThis place is also revered by the aborigines.

Once in the center of Australia was Lake Amadius, and Ulur, according to scientists, this is what remains of the mountain range towered in the center of the lake in the form of the island. Thus, in antiquity, this place was no less interesting.

From afar it may seem that the Uluru is very smooth, but in fact it is not so, because of the large temperature differences a day and at night, as well as annual hurricanes, it is all covered with cracks.

Uluru has unusual property change your color depending on the time of day. This is due to the peculiarities of the red sandstone, from which the mountain is.

An interesting fact: Uluru was also called Ayers-Rock in honor of one of the governors of Australia, but at the request of Aboriginal in the 70s, the old name of Uluru was returned.

Near the Uluru from under the ground beats a spring, and there is a full cave where you can hide from the sun, so it is not surprising that this place in the midst of the hot desert over the past centuries was a refuge of the ancient Australians. At the foot of the mountain, as well as in its caves you can see the samples of ancient rock painting.

Previously, Uluru belonged to the Australian government, but in 1985 the relic was returned to the Aboriginal, more precisely, the Anangu tribe. True, I must say that Uluru, immediately, was again redeemed by the Government of Australia, or rather, they were leased for 99 years for 75 thousand dollars a year, plus 20% of the cost of entering each visitor. The entrance ticket costs 25 Australian dollars.

Aborigines are not delighted with such a number of people who want to climb them sacred MountainBut do not hinder tourists.

Uluru on the map:

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Video: Mount Uluru.

August 21, 2014

The eighth miracle of the world, Red Mountain, sacred place - all these words are spoken of amazing mountains located in Australia. Uluru or Ayers Rock is one of the recognizable symbols of the green continent. The cliff Uluru, reminiscent of a huge vacation elephant, is incredibly beautiful, and rightfully considered one of the most wonderful wonders of the nature of our planet.

Rock Chameleon Ayers Rock

Fantastic Red Mountain is located 450 km from the Australian city of Alice Springs. Its height is 838 m, and the length is 3.6km. This red sandstone is covered with cracks everywhere. Some of them reach 2m depth. It is the properties of sandstone allow the rock throughout the day. At dawn, the mountain seems dark purple, the day acquires a golden shade, and in the evening it becomes completely dark.

Riddles of ancient mountain

Millions of years ago in the center of Australia existed a mountain range, similar to the island. The breeds gradually collapsed, settled and formed a giant rock. Interestingly, Uluru lies in the middle, but hurricanes are constantly being worn around, which are covered in the surroundings of strong rains. So the deep cracks appear on the surface of the mountain. The alternation of heat and heavy rainfall makes sandstone then shrink, then expand. This process does not stop.

Sacred Mount Ulur.

Scientists believe that an amazing mountain has an age of more than 6 million years! The base of the cliff has evidence that tells about the life of ancient people. Found rock paintings depicting the ancient deities: Mountain Mountains, a brown snake Liru, a patron of mammals of a hare kangaroo.

Place of pilgrimage tourists

After construction in the 50s of the twentieth century, the motorway leading to an amazing rock began a real pilgrimage wishing to see the eighth miracle of the world. But the surface relief is so complicated, cracks and slippery after rainflow plus a high temperature make it difficult to climb the mountain. In the first 15 years, only 22 people rose upstairs. Currently, the amount is calculated by thousands.

Since 1985, Aeirs Rock officially was rented by the Anangu tribe as a national park. Aboriginal is interested in the development of tourism related to rock-chameleon. They equipped the path at which you can go upstairs. There is a certain place where you can climb onto a stone. These precautions prevent accidents that happened earlier. Parking sun and irregularities are dangerous for travelers. It is better to follow the advice of conductors.

UNESCO recognized the sacred rock of Uluru to the eighth miracle of the world and brought it into the World Heritage List. It is difficult to imagine Australia without a famous red mountain, which can often be seen on the covers of guidebooks and photo albums about the most interesting places of the planet.

Mount Uluru in Australia Photos