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The needle barbed medicinal properties. The needle barbed is spinning: an unusual plant. Chronic venous insufficiency

One of the most extravagant ornamental plants is Ruscus Italian (Ruscus Hypophyllum) or a different needle. It attracts in a saturated green color of pseudolistes, and especially bright and contrasting red berries.

Plant Description

It comes from the oak and pine forests of Europe, the Caucasus, Crimea, the Mediterranean. In Latin, this plant is called Ruskus, but it is also called the needle, mouse tern, butcher, horsepower in commonness.

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Ruskus is a representative of evergreen shrubs and perennial herbs of the family of an improved. Until some time, he was attributed to the family of Lily.

Three types of Ilities (Kolkhida, Podium, Girkanskaya) are relict and listed in the Red Book.

The plant is unpretentious and suitable for both home and office interior. For him, there is enough space on the windowsill. In the summer it can be windows overlooking the western or east side, and in the winter - to the southern one. Also in the summer period it can be taken to the balcony or garden.

Ruskus does not clean the air and does not highlight any poisonous substances. At the same time, its fruits-berries, with the exception of certain species, poisonous, are unsuitable for use and serve only the decorative element.

How blooms?

Real leaves on the plant are almost invisible and pose easily falling white scales. The most obviously they are expressed under the ground, breaking through the path of young list-like shoots that we are accustomed to enjoy. These flat oval or elliptical shapes of sheet shoots (phillocladium) and create a dense effectation effect.

Independent are not only real leaves, but also flowers. They are small and not pronounced, unlike fruits. Flowers have 6 greenish petals, externally resembling an asterisk, and are located on sheet-like shoots from below, from above or in the middle. After pollination in their place, a berry is about 2 cm in diameter. These bright red berries are shiny with one or two seeds inside.

To make fruiting, male and female plants are needed for cross-pollination.

Signs and superstition

Feng Shui plants are alive and symbolize life and prosperity. Having them on the window, poor energy is filtered, not far from the bed - the condition of the sleeping is improved, in the corner - does not cause energy.

When the needle is located, it should be considered that it does not stand on a straight line between the window and the door or two doors, were at a distance of one meter from the work, rest, sleep.

There is a legend of Ruskus, which tells why this plant has become evergreens and has such bright fruits. Once, Forest Nitifa invited all the flowers on the ball. The fallen flowers were having fun, danced and showed themselves in all its glory, and only the needle was in the distance.

Then the nymph asked why she was sad. The shelter confusedly told that she was not attractive enough and she had nothing to brag. A kind of nymph made a gift in the form of excellent bead fruits and endorsed it by evergreen leaves.

Then the needle is in gratitude for the gift, said that he wants to be useful for man and animals. All the flowers argued with Nymph, which part of the needle should become therapeutic. Someone suggested the fruit beads that she were given. Later were found in the writings of historians mention of therapeutic properties of rush fruits.

Is it suitable for the formation of bonsai?

In the US and European countries, the needle is grown as a room plant and is often used in the formation of bonsai in the style of non-Agari, Khokidati, Bunzing. At the same time, the height of the treet can reach one meter.

The main task in the cultivation of bonsai is to force to remain a plant of miniature sizes and the necessary form.

Choose a small or flat pot so that the root system does not develop strongly, poor soil nutrients.

Plant plant, pre-enhancing the roots and deleting young shoots. Also periodically weaken the flow of juices, making small cuts or the pebble trunk wire.

After the needle is rooted, form the direction of the branches. They are neatly wrapped with wire and fix in the right direction.

Ready bonsai requires special care, unlike a large plant. He needs feeding 2 times a year, the change of humus in the spring period, more frequent watering and spraying pseudolistes.

Medical properties

Ruskus has therapeutic properties. The substances contained in the plant are organically affect the vessels and veins. Therefore, drugs in which the needleer is spinged, is used to narrow and strengthen the vessels, reduce the fragility and permeability of capillaries, reduce the risk of development of thrombus, increase the tone of muscles and the removal of slags, improving cellular metabolism, stimulation of circulatory and salt metabolism.

The plant has anti-inflammatory, strengthening, cleansing, powder and diuretic, vasoconductors and laxative properties.

Therapeutic fruits and roots of the needleers are often used in folk medicine, maza, brazers, tinctures, extracts, extracts from them. Use for the treatment of jaundice, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, headaches, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, renal failure and inflammatory processes.


Despite the large spectrum of healing properties, the treatment with the use of the needle is better to refrain the patients with inflammatory process of urinary tract and having a tendency to hypertension, as well as pregnant and nursing women.

Home care

Ruskus is not a very demanding decorative plant, but so that it pleases its green color all year round needs to give him warmth and care.

In the spring-summer period, it is sufficient to maintain a room temperature, and in the winter, the needle can withstand 4-6 ° C. At the same time, it is not afraid of drafts and short-term lowering of the temperature below zero.

Lighting and place

Ruskus can be positioned both in the shade and on the sun. It easily adapts to a lack of light. In the case of plants on the sun, it should be borne in mind that sunlight should be scattered, so it is better to slightly sharpening the plant.

Pruning and rejuvenation

RUSKUS Neat Plant and Form Adjustments does not require. It is enough to clean the yellowed shoots. With a great desire, he can give the necessary shape.

In winter, the plant is in the state of rest, he does not need much attention, only periodic watering no more than 2 times a week. Starting from the spring, fertilizers should be made, carry out transplants and trimming.

You can buy Ruskus in large houseplants stores. At the same time, its price will depend on the size. The average in the market is 600 rubles.

Important! Purchased plant Place on quarantine, do not hope for avos. And just in case, handle the phytoofer.
After two weeks of "acclimatization", it can be transferred to a new pot, turning attention to the state of the roots.

There are no special requirements for the pot. The main thing is to select under the size of the root system, and also consider what form the needle will grow. A wide pot will allow you to grow up the rhizoma, the release of many new shoots and giving the plant a pomp. In a narrow pot, Ruskus will not bother.

What kind of soil is needed?

Ruskus is not whims for soil, because in nature it can grow even in the rocky area. Choosing a soil for landing at home, you should give preference to a loose substrate. It can be a mixture of sand (one part), a turf (one part) and a leaf land (three parts).

Buying in the store, you can choose the finished soil intended for the cultivation of lemons. As a drainage use clayjit or red brick. It is placed on the bottom of the pot, in which drainage holes should also be done. The soil can be warm up in the oven 5-10 minutes, displacing it.


The needle does not require an annual transplant. However, it is better to transplant the plant if

  • recently bought;
  • the pot does not match the size;
  • the plant fell ill or does not fit the soil.

ATTENTION. The transplant is carried out exclusively in the spring. It is allowed in summer while flowering, for example, after purchase.

In a new pot, it is necessary to lay a layer of drainage, then neutralized fertile soil.

Having got a plant from the old capacity, it is necessary to carefully clear the roots from the old earth and cut the frying roots.

In a new pot, the plant is installed vertically, tolerance of the root cervix no more than 2 cm, and the earth falls asleep. After neatly watering, not allowing water stagnation and merging its excess from the pallet.


To multiply the needle is better in the spring, before starting growth. In reproduction, you may need: Capacity, film or piece of glass, Nutrient soil, spray gun, knife.


The division of an adult mother plant on the roots is the most efficient way. This procedure is carried out in spring before starting active growth.

The plant gently gets out of the pot, and as in transplantation, the roots are cleaned from the soil and trimmed.

The knife is separated by the root system, so that young philloclands are on each separated part. Do not divide on too small.

Separate the resulting parts on the pots, while the cuts are recommended to be sprinkled with crushed activated or charcoal.

It is also possible to grow Ruskus, putting a stalk taken from a presented bouquet.

It is necessary to cut the cuttings of 10-12 cm, swaying from the bottom under the oblique angle.

For a few hours, omit into the corneeling or heteroacexin solution, then put them in a nutrient soil and equip the pot drainage holes.

Cuttings cover with a jar. Water 2 times a week through the pallet and prevent direct sunlight.

Waving to appear young shoots, you can clean the bank and care for as an ordinary adult plant.


Growing the needle of seeds must have a great patience because it grows slowly. Seeds can be purchased in the store or get out of fruits, most importantly, they must be fresh. The best time for landing is February.

To accelerate the germination of seeds, they are first soaked or wrapped in a wet cloth and prevented in a refrigerator at a temperature of 0-5 ° C for a week.

Then they are sowed in a prepared container. It should be done drainage holes and a moistened peat-sandy ground. Pour seeds with sand with a thickness of no more than 1 cm.

The container is put in place with room temperature, multiple lighting and covered with a piece of glass or a food film to create inside the desired microclimate.

It should be used the container daily and, if necessary, moisturize the soil with a spray gun.

Sprouts should appear in 2-3 months. If they are not, then it is worth digging a little and see if there is sprouts there. They may have rotted the overvailing. Then you will have to re-plant seeds.

With the growth of seedlings in 6-8 centimeters, which is achieved after 10-12 months, they are cleared into separate pots and are grown in conventional care. Also Ruskus can be prompted with a sprig.

Fertilizer and subordinate

Like any plant, the needle is necessary fertilizer. At the same time during the period of rest - in winter - one should not make fertilizers.

Starting from April to October, universal mineral fertilizers for decorative and deciduous plants should be made every month. The most popular among Bona Forte, Etisso, Pokon and Agrikola's gardeners. They can be in a liquid, powder or solid form.


Ruskus requires regular watering without water stagnation in the container. It should be watered as needed.

During the period of active growth, before the emergence of the first shoots, it is necessary to water carefully, after the amount of moisture can be reduced. During the rest water can be watered 1-2 times a month.

It is better to use soft room temperature straight water. She should also spray pseudo-plants, contributing to pollination.

Problems for growing

Among the main problems can be allocated:

  • root rotting, which is associated with excessive irrigation;
  • dry shoots may appear due to a large amount of sunlight or insufficient watering;
  • the absence of fruits means that the plant was not pollinated. The needle needs cross-pollination.


Since the needle has bactericidal properties, the roots of this plant are resistant to various diseases, it can independently deal with fungal and bacterial infections.

Prevention of diseases is cutting roots when transplanting and disinfection of the soil.


Among the main pests affecting Ruskus, you can select a web tick, milderry and trips. Finding the first symptoms of pest appearance, we should process with soap, oil or alcoholic solution. You can still resort to the help of insecticides, spraying the plant. The most and effective accuters, Bi-58 new, Hauksin, phytodeterm.

Prevention from pests is the spraying of shoots with water.

Problems with leaves

Problems with pseudolisses their yellowing or drying can be caused by improper departure. It is important regularly and, if necessary, water the needle, not allowing water stagnation in the pot and pallet, and not expose direct sunlight.

Types of Rusca with photos and names

Ilitian Pontic Barbed (Ruscus AculeAtus)

The plant presents the long SIZO-Green shoots with a height of about 70 cm. At the ends of pseudolistes there are small spines.

Flowers single appear in the female in the spring, in the autumn there may be two-way red berries. Some have hermaphroditism and can self-poll.

Ruscus Hypophyllum)

The plant is shadowed, height up to half a meter. Soothes have an extended uniform, non-tough non-comm.

Flowers are small and are located below the pseudolistes of 5-6 pieces. Flowers in April-May, and the appearance of fruits should be expected by the end of summer and in September.

COLCHIICUS (Ruscus Colchicus)

The bush grows in height to the meter and has a sizo-green color. Pseudo-plants are small elongated with well-visible streaks. Flowers of greenish-flip color and are located at the bottom of the sheet. It may also be a hermaphrodite.

Ilitian Pontica, or and glitz barbed, Ruskus, Mouse Turn, Butcher Broom (Ruscus AculeAtus)

Emergreen long-term semi-shrub of the Asparagaceae family. Tertiary relic.

The plant height is 60 cm, but can reach 1 m, sisido-green.

Stems are a reprehension, fine-retired, finely rough robers.

The shoots were turned into phillocladium, having a look of leathery sedentary out-and-shaped plates with small narrow film-shaped leaves in the fillocladium sinuses.

Fillocladium strong, leathery, lane, drawn into a long spiny of the tire, the middle veil is well distinguished.

Flowers are small, located on the bottom of the philloclade, in the sinus of a small lanceal bract.

Berries on the leg, large, red, 8-10 mm in diameter, two-session.

Flowers in February-April.

Fruits - fleshy, red, ripen in November-December.

The needle has grown on our planet in the smutic period and is considered to be a relict plant. To date, it is not much common and does not even have a dozen species. Nevertheless, an unusual Ruskus occurs in the interiors of houses and offices, in the garden sites of regions with a mild climate.

What are the names of the titles not wearing a miraculous plant - Ruskus, Mouse Tern, Kolkhida asparagus, royal broom, butcher broom. Beautiful bouquets were made of its fruits, strong flexible brooms, a coffee drink and even magic beads.

The plant received its national name "Butcher's broom", thanks to the use of its butchers for cleaning cutting boards, rigid wine roots, which have excellent antibacterial properties.

Berries (fruits) The players are very decorative and are a real decoration of the plant.

Unfortunately, at home the berries rarely appear: the needle is a downtown plant, it means that male and female copies are needed for obsessions. However, in some cases one plant may be fruit.

To the soils, it is not demanding that grows on humus-carbonate soils.

Breeds seeds and vegetatively.

Medical properties: The player has its indispensable medical properties due to its chemical composition: proteins; fats; sucrose; vegetable fibers; Vitamins C and RR; Microelements: calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, silicon, cobalt, manganese, phosphorus, chrome, aluminum.

The active substances concentrated mainly in rhizome - saponosides (such as Ruscogenin) and heterosides (for example, rootoside).

Saponosides have healing effects on vessels of veins. Ruskus in oral preparations is used to narrow skin vessels.

The Pontic Ilitian (barbed) has therapeutic properties aimed at eliminating the exacerbation of hemorrhoids, venous dysfunctions that are manifested in premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy and oral contraceptives.

In traditional medicine, the fruits and roots of the needle are used. Mazi, decoction, tincture, extracts are made of them.

The players are used for the device of evergreen borders in gardens and parks with a warm climate.

The young shoots of the iglets are edible, and the fruits of some needle the local population uses food, they serve as a surrogate of coffee, which also sometimes make beads.

The needle at home. It feels well with the scattered light, and in the shade.

In the cold season, when the duration of the daylight is reduced, it is better to place it on the windowsill southern windows.

In the summer it is necessary to transfer a shrub into a more shaded place, since the direct sunlight can damage the resulting cover.

At home, the needle is capable of growing in the following temperature range:

♦ in spring and summer - 18-20ºC; ♦ autumn should gradually reduce the temperature; ♦ Winter - 13-15ºC.

Resistant to drafts and short-term temperature rings below 0ºC.

The humidity in the room does not play a big role in this case, because Ruskus moves normally dry air. During active growth, it should be sprayed with water or wipe the resulting cover with wet woven material.

The needle is undemanding to the type of soil, in nature it grows even in the mountain valley and the slopes. However, it should be borne in mind that the substrate should not be too dense, so that water does not accumulate. Sustained shrubs in a mixture consisting of sand, turf and leaf land in a ratio of 1: 1: 3.

Legend about Igalice

Once, Forest Nitifa invited to his plants living in the forest.

On him, guests talked among themselves, danced, showing their best sides, only the needle was standing aside in full solitude.

The hospitable hostess of the holiday went to find out why it is sad. The player said that her outfit was not as beautiful as others and she had nothing to boast.

At that time, Nymph decided to help - she gave it with red berries and made it so that her leaves were green throughout the year. The player refused this gift and said that he wanted to benefit people.

All plants sat down with nymph and began to think what of her parts to make medical and decided - those bright red beads.

It is worth noting that Vergili, born for 100 years BC, and in the consequence of the famous historian of Pliny, which was born in the 1st century AD, mentioned in his works on therapeutic properties of the Ilitian berries.

So the nymph kept his promise and made the benefits of therapeutic!

Landing.Seeds are planted in a container with moist soil, covered with glass and installed on a light place. The first sprouts are formed in 2-3 months, and the fruits are about one year later.

Possible second reproduction option. Seeds close up in a prepared mixture (perlite and peat) and transferred to the room with an air temperature not higher than 20ºС.

The duration of the growing season is at least a year. To speed up the growth of seedlings, it is necessary to make cold stratification.

When they reach a height of 8 cm, the seedlings should be kept and seeding them into separate pots.

The division of the bush is produced in the spring season before the growing season.

First you need to wash off the ground from the root system, remove old shoots, and then cut it with a sharp knife for some parts.

After that, each root is put in a separate container with a new soil, pour, and then care for both an adult plant.

The leaves and branches of the needleers have a very interesting structure. Leafs are reduced and practically invisible, as they are crystal films. Function photosynthesis perform Fillocladium - spiny leathery shoots, in appearance resembling leaves. They grow up to 2 cm long.

Inflorescences appear on philoclades consisting of small flowers. Round berries are matured in their place. Usually they have bright red or orange color. During long period On the plant at the same time there are flowers and fruits.

The player refers to downtown plants. On the shrub there are same-sex and two-fallen flowers that are pollinated during the rain or dew dropping out. Flowing drops transfer pollen with male flowers on female.

Rushus fruits are edible as well as young shoots. Seeds are used in the preparation of coffee surrogate. All parts of the plant are also used in folk medicine. Some species use as pet food. In England, broken brooms from Rushus.

Recently, the number of plants growing in wildlife has been very strongly reduced.

3 types were listed in the Red Book: Colchida (R. Colchicus), Subject (R. Hypoglossum) and Girkanskaya (R. Hyrcanus).

Because of this, the needle began to use in landscaping of garden sites, as well as grown as a pot plant at home.

Views and photos

There are several species that are most popular.


In height, the plant reaches 45-55 cm. It has a reprehension of the stems with major oblong philloclades, slightly pointed. The lower is the opposite, and the upper one is alternately.

Inflorescences appear on the bottom of the philloclady. Berries ripen quite large, about 10 mm in diameter, bright red. Inside there are two seeds. Infringement of inflorescences during the autumn and winter months. By the end of the spring, the fruits of the Collie's needle ripen.

In the wild, coniferous and deciduous forests are growing, also in the gorges. Prefers clay or loamy, well-moistened soil. Propasses seeds or fission of rhizomes. The Kolchi needle is listed in the Red Book. Below in the photo shows the "Ilitian Kolkhidskaya":

Pontic (spinning, barbed)

The needle of this species grows about 60 cm to 1 m. It has a vertical stem with leathery, lanceal, slightly elongated philoclades. Small flowers bloom in the period from February to April. Fruits, in diameter 8-10 mm, mature in December.

Natural habitat - juniper and pine forests, rocks. To the state of the soil is not particularly demanding. The barbed needle is breeding in a vegetative way, as well as seeds.

This species is widely used in traditional medicine. Venous insufficiency, varicose vein vein, atherosclerosis, arthritis, bronchial asthma are treated with tincture and champs. Pontica (spinning, barbed) Ilitian is depicted in the photo below:


A long-term shrub of Rushus grows up to 40 cm. He has a reprehensive stem with leathery lanceal philoclades. In length, they reach 5-7 cm. In May, it is blooming 3-5 flowers on each philloclady. Fruits are formed in their place, by December they become bright red.

It grows in the countries of Central Europe, the Mediterranean and Asia Minor. Prefers raw soil of forests or rocks.
The player will not bring much trouble in care, but still it is important to adhere to some rules. In the photo below, you can see what the "ILICS PID" looks like:

Home care

Care after shopping

After purchasing a rush in a pot and delivery home, it provides good care.

First of all, you need to correctly choose a place for permanent growth. If the shopping shrub soldered on the summer months, then the pot is better to take a balcony or garden.

The place must be protected from sunlight.

Proper attention is worth paying soil moisturizing. If necessary, after 10-14 days can be transplanted into a new pot.


It is necessary to produce pruning as needed.

Potted needle is quite compact and neat. Coming removal is subject to dried shoots.

Spreads are used when decorating bouquets.

IMPORTANT!Cutting branches can not be carried away. Per year you can cut off no more than 30% of the entire green mass of the plant.

Cropped healthy branches are used for vegetative reproduction.


In the summer months, a period of enhanced growth, watering is carried out at least 3 times a week.

In winter it is worth cutting to 1-2 times.

The soil in the pot must be moderately moistened.

The green part of the shrub is periodically sprayed with extrasted water.

It will not only wash dust, but will also contribute to pollination.

Also spraying is the prevention of pests.


For landing, you can use the finished earth mixture for lemons. With independent preparation in a 2: 1: 1 ratio: 1 mixes:

  • turf
  • peat,
  • humus,
  • sand.

In the tank for landing should be drainage holes. As shrub does not love Water stagnation, then the bottom additionally resurrected a good layer of ceramzite or a brick brick.


Ruskus Does not need an annual transplant, only if necessary.

To give a special form, various landing capacity.

For example, a high and narrow capacitance is used to give the chiner's shape needle, and the cultivation is a wide capacity.

When transplanting, all dried twigs are removed. Transplant informationura, if such a need arose, it is worth producing in the spring months.

Growing from seeds at home

This method of reproduction is one of the most difficult. Seeds for landing should be fresh. Before planting, seeds are soaked and placed on 5-7 days In the refrigeration chamber. In a seedl of a layer of 5-8 cm, an earthen substrate is embanked. On the surface of the soil stay Seeds and put on sand, a layer of which is not more than 1 cm. On the box to put the glass or cover with a film and provide a temperature of 19-21 degrees.

Periodically spraying and venting out seeds. Seeds germinate very slowly. Sometimes it takes to 10-12 months. After sprouts grow by 6-8 cm, they need to be counted in separate pots.


The most effective way of reproduction - division of rhizomes.

This procedure is carried out spring. Adults, scrubbing shrubs are used.

When the root division, you need to know that each separated part should disagree Green shoots.


Ruskus good develops at room temperature. In the summer months it is desirable to endure a plant on fresh air, for example, in the garden or on the loggia. It also moves normally a decrease in temperature to 13 degrees. There are frost-resistant species that are suitable for landscaping of household plots, as well as loggias and balconies.


Iglitsa loves Scattered light, also grows well in the shade. It is impossible to leave a shrub under the right rays of the sun, young phillocladia can suffer from them. The most successful placement on the windows overlooking the East or West.

Benefit and harm

All parts of the needle are used in medicine, including folk. A tinctures and decoctions are preparing with anti-inflammatory properties. Apply to the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, recovery of metabolism. Also, the needle tinctures are used to strengthen the walls of the vessels, preventing the formation of thromboms.

ATTENTION! With caution, the drug based drugs should be used to use pregnant and people suffering from elevated arterial pressure.

Before use, you must consult with your doctor.

Diseases and pests

Ruskus - a terrible shrub and rarely subjected to diseases. Often the cause of plant disease becomes improper care. Movement soil can lead to the reinforcement of the roots of the needle, and insufficient amount of moisture - Drying.

Among the pests is the greatest danger For the plant represents the shields and a web tick. To get rid of them, all the plant is processed by a solution of insecticides. When processing shrubs, you should adhere to the instructions and safety rules.

Iglitsa - Very beautiful plant and rather rare. Some species are listed in the Red Book. Therefore, the owners of this plant will not only enjoy beauty, but also prevent their complete disappearance.

Useful video

How to care for the "needle" at home is told in the video below:

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The needle barbed is a plant, also known as the "Butcher Blum". Traditionally used to improve blood circulation, and also probably for narrowing venous vessels. The needle barbed can help prevent the cluster of venous blood in the limbs. Non-permanent data indicate a promising plant potential. The needle barrel is often called the "butcher broom", since historically butchers used a plant to clean their boards (due to the rigidity of the root, as well as due to the antibacterial properties of the plant). Also, the needle barbed traditionally used medical purposes to improve blood flow in veins. The plant has such venture properties as a decrease in swelling of legs and edema, treatment of chronic venous insufficiency, as well as treatment and treatment of hemorrhoids. The plant itself contains a large number of saponin structures, the active part of which is not fully studied, but it is believed that they are such similar saponins as Rusquegenins and non-Russian. In large quantities, they are contained in the rod root of the plant (rhizome) and are commonly used to produce biologically active additives. The needle barrels increases the activity of norepinephrine at the synapse level, where it begins to influence the veins by alpha receptors. Despite the large amount of data and meta-analyzes, data on the effects of the healing of barbed per person are not enough, since the development of studies is complicated by the inclusion of the hesperidine of methyl khone (added to the venture agents). At the moment there are only two studies that used this plant is isolated, and one of them confirms its traditional use. While the few data speaks of its effectiveness, the possibility of its use as a bioactive additive is complicated by an insufficient number of studies in which the plant would be used isolated. There is also a sufficient number of studies of the influence of the needle barbed onto a person. Also known as: Butcher Broom, Jewish Mirt, Sweet Brush, Pettigry, Ilitian Pontic

Warning! Insufficient data on interactions with other substances.

Ilitian barbed: instructions for use

For additives, rhizome plants (vertical root above the ground) are used, at a concentration of 10: 1 to 20: 1, in order to obtain a sufficient concentration of the main bioactive substance - Ruscogenin. To achieve the above concentration, it is necessary to take 37.5 mg of substance twice a day (only 75 mg per day), which corresponds to 750-1500 mg per day of dry weight of the substance. There is no sufficient number of data on how it is better to take a spiny's needle - an empty stomach or during meals, and, even if the above-mentioned dose is effective, there is no sufficient data on whether it is optimal.

Sources and structure


The Ilitian Barbed (Files Lily) is a plant, which is also called the "Butcher's Broom", since before its root was used to purify the butcher boards, because it contained an essential oil, which was believed to have an antibacterial effect. The root / rhizome extract was traditionally used to improve blood circulation, as well as light diuretic and laxatives. Traditionally, the plant was also used to treat venous insufficiency, hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Traditionally, rhizome is used in the form of a dry root powder at a concentration of 3.5-6.5: 1 (aqueous extract) to 15-20: 1 (60% methanol extract). The drug contains at least 1% of Rusquegenins, it is recommended to receive from 7 to 11 mg of Ruscogenins per day. The Ilitian barbed is a healing plant similar to the horse chestnut is used to treat violations of venous blood circulation.


The rhizoma needle barbed includes:

The content of the main bioactive substance (Ruscogenin) is sufficiently high in the philoclades of the plant compared to the root, while the neoplagen content is low enough. Rhizome plants (vertical root above the ground) is a source of saponins, but more remarkable are Rusquegenins and non-Russians due to their high content in the active parts of the plant.


Cerebral blood flow

The shelter barbed can exercise a beneficial effect in orthostatic hypotension due to its vein. The plant prevents blood cluster in the lower extremities (phlebotherapeutic properties), while not causing a hypertension in a lying position as other means from orthostatic hypotension, but this property was not confirmed during the controlled study on a person.

Cardiovascular Health

Blood circulation

The needle barbed has α-adrenergic stimulating properties. The vesseloring effect of the plant is associated with the release of norepinephrine from nerve endings (since the cholinergic, prostaglandin and serotonergic mechanisms are excluded). In In vitro studies, fantolamine (α-adrenergic antagonist) practically blocks a contractile response, while Roullscin and prazozin are involved in the process α1 and α2 of subunit receptors. Since chemodenervation (6-hydroxideopamine) and decrease in the content of norepinephrine in the synaptic slit can reduce the effectiveness of the barbed needle, it is believed that the plant stimulates neurons to release norepinerenaline, which then affects α-adrenoreceptors. These vasoconstrictor properties in conjunction with cholinergic stimulation and high temperatures are additive. While within one study, it is assumed that the contractile reaction of the smooth muscles of the veins on the needle barrel is enhanced with the constant impact of progesterone, later studies studying remote from the female body of Vienna, suggest that there is no connection between the effectiveness of the needle barbed and level Circulating hormones. At a temperature of 37 ° C (average body temperature), the subunits of the receptors α1 and α2 are equally. The needle barbed has a vesseloring effect, but the primary property of the plant is to stimulate the release of norepinephrine from the nerve endings, which then has an effect on α-adrenoreceptors. Both basic receptors are involved in the process that, as it is believed, is based on the effectiveness of the needle barbed in the treatment of venous diseases. The vasoconductive effect of the needle barrels is slightly weakened by the integrity of endothelocytes in dogs, but endothelium does not affect the contractile reaction in the varicose veins of the veins in humans. This contradiction can be explained by the fact that the endothelium varicose veins can be dysfunctional. There are some data that suggests that the needle barbed indirectly causes relaxation by stimulating endothelial factors, at least in coronary arteries. The needle barbed can have a relaxing effect on blood vessels, which balances the transit effect. This process can be mediated by the stimulation of endothelium. There is no data on the practical significance of this effect, since the oral administration of the needle barrels is necessary.

Effect on glucose metabolism


After taking 37.5 mg of the Ilitics of the barbed (twice a day for three months) there is a significant decrease in blood glucose level in an empty stomach (10.6%), fructosamine (7.8%), as well as concentrations of glycated hemoglobin in type II diabetics (compared to the initial data).



Taking the helicitics barbed (37.5 mg twice a day for 3 months; the amount of saponins is not indicated) allowed to reduce the amplitude of the oscillating eye potential in diabetics with retinopathy by 15%, but this indicator is not statistically significant when compared with the source data and is lower Relationship to the preparation of comparison (Trokserutin). This light decline was accompanied by an increase in visual acuity, although the change rate is also not statistically significant. But the progression of diabetic retinopathy was suspended in 23.1% of patients, the effectiveness of the action is comparable to the action of trocserutin.

Influence on disease

Chronic venous insufficiency

The shelter barbed in combination with heperidin methyl chiloras and sometimes vitamin C was tested on faces with chronic venous insufficiency (helve). As the meta analysis showed, such a combination was effective (despite differences in the study structure). In some studies, a barbed needle was tested. In the course of one study, women with helms took daily capsule containing 36-37.5 mg at a concentration of 15-20: 1 twice a day for 12 weeks. The study showed a decrease in the limb circumference (anti-ethnic effect), but the needle barbed did not affect the quality of life compared with placebo. Although most of the studies of the influence of the needlers barbed on the HSN passes with the use of hesperidine and, few studies using a plant in isolation confirm its beneficial effect. The effectiveness of this plant in the treatment of other symptoms of the HSD was not detected.

Safety and toxicology

Clinical case

In the course of the study, a woman-diabetic, which is in stable therapy (insulin and metmorphine), the needle barbed, which she took to improve circulation in the limbs caused ketoacidosis. Although the cause of the occurrence was not established (due to the lack of a re-dose of the Ilitics of the barbed), observation of ketoacidosis, which began on the 5th day of receiving the healic barbed, was conducted under medical control. Reception of the igleitsa barbed (dosage and brand are not specified) is associated with the case of ketoacidosis in women diabetic on therapy.

Pontic Illy Plant Plant Pontic , It is known to people from time immemorial. It was mentioned in the deep ancient times the historian Vergil and Pliny, making the emphasis on its miraculous properties that heal from numerous ailments.

They learned about this wonderful plant from ancient legend, which tells that somehow one beautiful nymph decided to arrange a holiday and invited all the plants on him. They rejoiced and frolicked on the fun festival, only the player of the player remained sad. This noticed the nymph, which Guest answered, is sad, because of the fact that ugly and barbed. Then the Nymph decided to decorate it with bright red berries, which became the main notableness of the wonderful natural lycory with an equally awesome name Ruskus.

Shanitsa plant in photo


In nature, there are 7 species of plants, three of which relate to the relic and are listed on the Red Book.

The most common species that can also be grown at home are:

  • the player Kolkhidaya is a plant to a half-meter height that dwells in coniferous forests, with a large, up to 10 mm diameter, bright red berries, which are completely matured by the end of spring and large oval leaves. It takes her bloom during the winter months;

  • the needle is prickly, she is Pontic or barbed - a high plant (up to 1 meter high) with small leaves and red berries, sleeping in December. This species is characterized by valuable healing properties;

  • the needle is subwitting - a low-length shrub with red berries and medium (up to 7 cm long) leaves.

These three types are perfectly cultivated at home and do not require a particularly difficult care. Even a novice flower model can calmly grow this plant in his apartment.

Ilitian Barbed (Pontic), Medical Properties

This is a valuable plant in folk medicine. Due to its rich chemical composition, which includes many useful and healing substances that improve the tone of venous vessels, Rusus treats many diseases associated with dysfunction with cardiovascular system and venous insufficiency.

It includes:

  • saponins (Rusquegenin, Russoside, etc.);
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • sucrose;
  • vegetable fibers;
  • vitamins C and RR;
  • trace elements (magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, aluminum, etc.)

Its therapeutic properties are so diverse that it is difficult to list everything in several lines.

The main healing functions of Rusca is:

  • strengthening the walls of vessels and veins at the expense of their narrowing;
  • reduction of fragility of capillaries;
  • increase the tone of smooth cell musculature;
  • reducing the risk of thrombosis.

Also, the plant perfectly removes slags and toxins from muscle tissue, improves cell metabolism, reduces the risk of inflammatory processes, stimulates the process of blood circulation and restores the water-salt exchange.

The needle extract is widely used in cosmetology for skin care. It also helps with varicoses, gravity in the legs, edema and hemorrhoids. This unique agent saves in chronic venous insufficiency.

Video: Plant Iliters, Home Care