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What Moses looked like. Moses on the sacred grief. Return of Moses in Egypt. Ten executions

One of the central events of the Old Testament is the history of Moses, the salvation of the Jewish people from the power of the Egyptian Pharaoh. Many skeptics are looking for historical evidence of occurring events, as there were many miracles in the biblical presentation, perfect on the road to the promised land. However, no matter how it was, but this story is quite enforceable and tells about the incredible liberation and resettlement of the whole people.

The birth of the future of the Prophet was originally shrouded in secret. The Biblical Scriptures were the only source of information about Moses, because there are no direct historical evidence, there are only indirect. In the year of birth of the Prophet, the ruling pharaoh Ramses II ordered all newborn children to drown in Nile, because, despite the grievous work and oppression of the Jews, they continued to come true and multiply. Pharaoh was afraid that sometime they could be on the side of his enemies.

That is why Moses's mother was hiding him for the first three months from everyone. When it became impossible, she squeezed the basket and put her child there. Together with his older daughter, he took the river to the river and left Mariam to follow what would happen next.

God was pleased to meet Moses and Ramses. The story, as mentioned above, is silent about the details. The basket picked up the daughter of Pharaoh and brought to the palace. According to another version (which some historians hold), Moses belonged to the Tsarskoyjkin and was the son of the very daughter of Pharaoh.

Whatever it was, but the future prophet was in the palace. Mariam, who traced for those who raised the basket, offered their own mother Moses as a roof. So the son returned to the Lono of the family for a while.

The life of the prophet in the palace

After Moses grew a bit and stopped needing in the cormalie, his mother took the future of the prophet to the palace. There he lived for quite a long time, and was also adopted by the daughter of Pharaoh. Moses knew what he kind, he knew that he was a Jew. And although he studied on a par with the rest of the royal family, but did not absorb cruelty.

The history of Moses from the Bible testifies that he did not worship the numerous gods of Egypt, and remained faithful to beliefs of his ancestors.

Moses loved his people and every time suffered when he saw his torment when he saw how mercilessly exploited every Israeli. Once it happened that forced the future of the Prophet to flee from Egypt. Moses witnessed the cruel beatings of one of his people. In the rustling of rage, the future prophet snatched the scam from the hands of the supervisor and killed him. Since no one saw what he did (as Moses thought), then the body was just buried.

After some time, Moses realized that many had already known about what he did. Pharaoh orders arrest and kill his daughter's son. As Moses and Ramses belonged to each other, the story is silent. Why for the murder of the supervisor decided to judge him? You can consider different versions of what is happening, however, most likely, the decisive was that Moses was not an Egyptian. As a result of all this, the future prophet decides to escape from Egypt.

Flight from Pharaoh and the Further Life of Moses

According to the biblical data, the future prophet went to the land of Madiam. Further history of Moses tells about his family life. He married the daughter of the priest of Iofor Sepfort. Living this life, he became a shepherd, learned to live in the desert. He also had two sons.

Some sources argue that, before marrying, Moses lived for some time with Saracin, had a prominent position there. However, it should still be taken into account that the only source of narration about his life is the Bible, which, like any ancient Scripture, has overtook a certain allegorical flare.

Divine Revelation and Phenomenon of Lord Prophet

Be that as it may, but biblical history Moses tells that it was in the Madiam land, when he pass herd, he was the revelation of the Lord. The future prophet at that moment turned eighty years. It was at that age on his path that a black thorn was met, whom the flame was lying, but did not burn.

At this place, Moses received an instruction that he should save the people of Israel from the Egyptian government. The Lord commanded return to Egypt and take his people to the ground promised, freeing it from a long slavery. However, the Almighty Father warned Moses about the difficulties on his way. So that he had the opportunity to overcome them, he was given the ability to work wonders. Due to the fact that Moses was tonasized, he was commanded by God to take the brother Aaron.

Return of Moses in Egypt. Ten executions

The story of the Prophet Moses, as the Prosstrators of God's Will, began on the day when he appeared before Pharaoh, who ruled at the time in Egypt. It was another ruler, not the one from whom Moses ran away at one time. Of course, for the requirement to let the Israeli people, Pharaoh responded with refusal, and also increased the workforce for his slaves.

Moses and Ramses, the story of which is more foggy than the researchers would like, grabbed in confrontation. The Prophet did not accept the first defeat, he came to the ruler several times and ultimately said that the Egyptian car was falling on the ground. And it happened. Upon the will of God, there were ten executions who fell on Egypt and its inhabitants. After each of them, the ruler called on his sorcerers, but they found Moses magic more skillful. After each unhappiness, Pharaoh agreed to release the people of Israel, but every time he changed his mind. Only after the tenth Jewish slaves became free.

Of course, on this history of Moses did not end. The prophet still had the years of travel, as well as a collision with the disbelief of the tribesmen, until they all reached the land promised.

Establishment and Exodus from Egypt

Before the last penalty, which fell on the people of Egyptian, Moses warned the people of Israel about her. It was the killing of firstborn in each family. However, the warnings of the Israelis anointed their door with a lamb with blood not older than one year, and the Kara them was over.

On the same night, the first Easter celebration occurred. The history of Moses from the Bible talks about the rituals that she preceded. The jagbon lamb needed to bake the whole. Then to eat standing, gathering the whole family. After this event, the people of Israel left the Egyptian land. Pharaoh even asked to do this rather, seeing what happened at night.

Fighters came out with the first gauge. The victim of God was a pillar, which night was fiery, and the day cloud. It is believed that it was this Easter with time transformed into the one we know now. The liberation of the Jewish people from slavery symbolized exactly this.

Another miracle, which happened almost immediately after leaving Egypt, was the transition through the Red Sea. At the destruction of the Lord, the water was broken, and land was formed, according to the Israelis and switched to another shore. Pharaoh, who chased after them, also decided to follow the bottom of the sea. However, Moses with his people were already on the other side, and the sea of \u200b\u200bthe sea came up again. So died by Pharaoh.

Covenants who received Moses on Mount Sinai

The next point of stopping the Jewish people was Moise Mountain. The story from the Bible says that on this path the fugitives saw many wonders (Manna Heavenly, emerging sources of spring water) and strengthened in their faith. Ultimately, after a three-month travel, the Israelis came to Sinai Mountain.

Leaving the people at her foot, Moses himself climbed to the top of the instructions of the Lord. There was a dialogue between the father of all things and his prophet. As a result of all this, the Ten Commandments were received, which became the main for the people of Israel, which became the basis of the legislation. The commandments were also received, which covered civil and religious life. All this was recorded in the book Book.

Forty-timer travel in the desert of the Israeli people

Near the Mount of Sinai Jewish people stood about a year. Then he was given a sign of the Lord that you need to go further. The history of Moses as the Prophet continued. He continued the burden of the mediator between his people and the Lord. Forty years, they wandered around the desert, sometimes they lived in places for a long time, where the conditions were more favorable. The Israelis gradually became zealous performers of those covenants who gave them the Lord.

Of course, there were indignations. Not all satisfied such long-term wanders. However, according to the history of Moses from the Bible, the people of Israel still got to the promised land. However, the prophet himself never reached her. Moses was a revelation that the other leader would behave further. He has so much for 120 years of life, but no one has learned, where it happened, because it was a secret.

Historical facts confirming biblical events

Moses, whose life history of which we know only from biblical stories is a significant figure. However, is there official data that confirm its existence as a historical figure? Some consider it all just a beautiful legend that was invented.

However, some historians are still inclined to the fact that Moses is historical figure. This is evidenced by some of the information contained in the biblical story (slaves in Egypt, the birth of Moses). Thus, it can be said that this is not a fictional story, and all these wonders actually happened in those distant times.

It should be noted that today this event is displayed not once in cinema, as well as cartoons. They are told about such heroes as Moses and Ramses, whose history in the Bible is little described. Special attention in cinema is given to the wonders who happened during their travel. Whatever it was, but all these films and cartoons are raised in the growing generation morality and instill morality. They are also useful for adults, especially those who have lost faith in miracles.

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[Jewish Moshe, "Removing", "extracting"], the greatest of the prophets to whom the Lord commanded to bring Israelis from Egypt and with which was concluded Sinai Testament And the commandments of the Torah are granted.

I. Name "M." It was adolent to him by Mother Iohewed (in the synodal translation - Johwed, Exx 2: 7-10; Ex LS 6:20), which, according to Juda. legend, was a propheted and gave son a name that pointed to his future vocation. Name "M." Explained in the sacred. Scripture based on the meaning of the Hebrew root of the word masha - "pull", "pull out" (OX 2:10). Apparently, the daughter of Pharaoh's mother M. explained the meaning of this name by the fact that the baby was found in the water. At the same time, in ancient Egyptian language, consonant word mose. means "son", "child" (this word is included part of In the names of the pharaohs of Tutmos, Yakhmos, Ramses, etc.), so such a name would have liked the daughter of Pharaoh.

II. M. - Son Amrama and Johaweds, a descendant of Kaaf, Son Levi. His older sister was Miriam (in the Synodal Translation - Mariam), and the elder brother - Aaron (Exhaus 6: 16,18,20). M. Born in Egypt, according to Juda. traditions in 1393-1392 to R.K.; A number of modern Researchers belong to this date. By 1350 or, by other chronologies. The technique will bring closer. By 1525 to R.Kh. (→ Choir). At the time of birth, M. acted the order of Pharaoh to throw in the Nile of all newborn Jewish boys (Execution 1:22). Mother hidden the baby M. Three months, but then, trying to save him, put a child in a basket and left the reed on the bank of the Nile. The daughter of Pharaoh found M., and Mariah familiar mother became his cormal. When M. has grown, the mother led him to the daughter of Pharaoh, whose "was instead of the Son" (Ex-2: 1-10).

III. M. stood at the origins of the birth of Israel as himself. People. Information about his life is contained primarily in the four latest books of the pentateuch of Moses. In the fact that M. - Real Historic. Personality, nowadays already practic. No one doubts. Consonance of his name to Egypt. mose.Also, the correspondence of his biography of the ancient Egyptian realities underlies the Jewish tradition, which can be explained only by historical. Facts. There is no reason to consider M. as mythological. Personality: without his participation Start Jewish national History It is impossible to explain. His individuality, his nature, his role mediator in the declaration of the people of God's will, imposed an indelible imprint on history and religion not only Israel, but also of all mankind. If, despite this, some researchers are not solved to present a coherent picture of the life and activities of M., then this is due to the fact that they neglect the high value of the pentateuch of Moses as a historic. Source. The study of the primary sources in such scientists is accompanied by a submission to the oral transfer of historical. Facts and legends for centuries after the death of M., in the absence of fixed letters. text. However, today it is known that in the Middle East long before Moses existed deep traditions of writing and historiography, which makes it convincing such theories to oppose such theories. Arguments that testify in favor of writing a pentateuch in the era of Moses, and even themselves.

Years before Exodus

83 Birth of Aaron (Excess 7: 7).
80 Birth of Moses (Excess 7: 7)
40 Goals Moses in Madia (Acts 7: 23,29)

1 Vocation Moses God (Ex L)

The beginning → Egyptian executions had to probably for the fifth month - the spill time of the Nile.

Days, months and years after the outcome

10: I. 1 Department Easter. Lamb from the herd for the celebration of Easter (Exhaust 12: 3)
14: I. 1 Easter (Ex-12: 6)
15: I. 1 defeat of the firstborn (Exhaust 12:29)
Exodus from Raamsesa (number 33: 3)
21: I. 1 transition through the sea (Exhaust 14)
15: II. 1 Israel in the Xin Desert (Ex RAS 16: 1)
1: III. 1 Israel near Sinai Mountain (Exhast 19: 1,2)
6: III. 1 Epiphany on Sinai. Conclusion of the Testament and Dating Ten Commandments (Exhaust 20)
1: I. 2 Testing the Testament tab (OX 40: 2,17)
1: -7: I. 2 Consecration of priests and an altar (Lion 8: 33.35; Exhast 29:37)
8: I. 2 Aaron Sacrifice. The glory of the Lord over the skins. The death of Nadav and Aviud (Lion 9: 1.23; Lion 10: 1,2)
8: -19: I. 2 sacrifices of chiefs (number 7: 1,2,10)
14: I. 2 Easter (number 9: 1-5)
1: II. 2 First calculation of the people (number 1: 1)
14: II. 2 "Two Easter" (number 9:11)
20: II. 2 Sons of Israel are sent to the path from the Sinai Desert (number 10: 11,12). A visit to the reconnaissance of Canaan "at the time of ripening grapes" (number 13:21), i.e. In the fourth month (→ Calendar)
10: VII. 2 Cleansing Day (Lion 16: 29-34) Stay in the Cades, suggests. until 3 years (second 1:46; De 2:14) 38 years old → Westings in the desert (II, 2)
I. 40 Israel again in Cades. Concent Mariami (number 20: 1)
1: V. 40 Cum of Aaron (number 33:38)
40 Transition through the stream in the valley Zez (flight 2:14)
1: XI. 40 Forbidate Speech Moses (second 1: 3-5) Cum of Moses in the eleventh month (second 34: 8; Wed. Kan 4:19)

Chronological data of the pentateuch and the Jewish tradition about the life of Moses.

IV. As the adopted son of the daughter of Pharaoh (Heb 11:24), M. was "Scientific all the wisdom of Egypt" (Acts 7:22); He undoubtedly was well acquainted with a relig. Traditions and juris. standards Of the East. Perhaps in Egypt, he showed his abilities and diplomacy. Popritis (so affirm Juda. Traditions). But his whole brilliant future of Egypt. Velmazby (and perhaps even the heir to the throne) instantly collapsed when 40-year-old M., stating for the slave tribesman, killed Egypt. supervisor. Saving from Pharaoh's anger, he fled from Egypt in Madia. Living there, M. married → Seporore, daughters of the Madiam priest Raguil, or → Ifor (Ex L: 11-22; number 10:29). Here he lived 40 years among the people, whose pedigrement, like the genealogy of Israelis, was sent to Abraham (Gen. 25: 1,2) and who may have kept some relig. The traditions of the descendants of Abraham, having an idea of \u200b\u200ba single God (see Ex-18: 10-12). His firstborn M. gave the name Gershom [Jewish "aliel (I) there"; In the synodal translation - girs], thus expressing longing in the country of the forefathers - Hanaan; The second son he was naked by Elezera (the Jewish "God is my assistant"; in the synodal translation - Elizer), thereby imprinted the disappointing faith in God Abraham (Exhaust 18: 3,4). The years spent in Madiam in communicating with the Joform helped M. Reach internal. maturity. And it came an hour when God called him to the Great Mission - the liberation of his people (Exhast 2:23 - Isch 4:17). The Lord opened M. in the Flaming Tern Bush ("Nealic Cup") with the name meaning "Funeral", or: "I AM" ("I'm here", according to M. Bober; This name combines three temporary forms of Hebrew verb Guya - "Be" or Gava - "produce being", and, next., Means "The one who was, is and will be" or "the one who produced produces and will produce being", Exal 3: 13-15; In the synodal translation here - "Jewish". According to Juda. Traditions, when pronouncing loud, this name is replaced by the word Adonai - Mr. Mis, so practical. Everywhere in Septuagint, it was translated as Curios - "Mr.", "Lord", in Synodal Translation - "Lord"). However, God was to overcome in M. Nootability to such a high mission, because He considered himself unworthy to carry out assignments of the Most High. God gave me employees M. Aaron - as a speaker, because M. Himself did not differ in eloquence.

V. M. and Aaron together appeared before the meeting. Elders (Ex RAS 4: 28-31), and then before the pharaoh, to achieve the return of the people into the ground promised (Ex LD). Through a number of miracles and punishments (→ Egyptian executions), the Lord overcame the resistance of Pharaoh, who, constantly fierce his heart, broke the promise to release the Israelites (→ Exodus). The transition of the Jews through the dressed → The Cherry Sea and the death in his waters of Pharaoh's troops ended with the victory of God, captured in the charters of Easter and famous in the song Moses and Marija (Exhast 12: 1 - Ex-14: 1; Exhaust 15: 1-21). This happened, according to Juda. Tradition, in 1313-1312 BC, in the opinion of the SOC. Scientists, - OK. 1270 or OK. 1445 to R.Kh. (→ Choir, IV, 2).

Vi. Israel's path to Canaan lay through the desert (→ Westings in the desert). Here the long-suffering M. was constantly manifested here, his dedication to God, unshakable faith in him and his love for his people. The people again and again showed discontent, Ropal and rebelled - in Merre (Exhausted 15: 23,24), in the desert of the Sin, in mass and meriv (Ex RAS 16: 1-15; Exhaust 17: 1-7). In response to Ropot, God was miracles: she served food in the form of quails and manna, water from the rock. After the victory over the Amalik (see Ex-17: 8-16), the Ioform led to the Israelis family of M., which M. for the time of the rapid events of the Egypt from Egypt sent to his test. Jofor gave M. Wise Council for the departure of justice (see Exhaust 18).

VII. The Lord came to the mountain of Sinai, and M. attended as the mediator of the covenant, when declaring God → Ten Commandments, M. Pass part of the future Torah (Pentateuch) - → The book of the Covenant and, together with the elders of Israel, solemnly concluded from the face of the People with God with God ( See Exhibition of 19: 1; Ex-20: 1; Ex RAS 24: 1). Then he again ascended the mountain and stayed there forty days and nights. At this time, he received many commanders relating to the arrangement for holy. beginnings of the relig. - designs., societies, politicic., Economy, family and private life Israelis (according to Judah. \u200b\u200bTraditions, 613 commandments, in detail developing the content of ten initial), incl. Instructions on the construction of → Tabinet of the Assembly and regulations on worship (see Ex-21-31). Talking from the mountain, M. Ned to the people two → The law was torn with the tenth grade (Decalog, → Ten Commandments). However, while M. was on the mountain, the people, embarrassed by his long lack, forced Aaron to make a golden calf. The idol was cast, and the people began to bring to him the victims. M. In anger, the covenant was broken, because The people violated the condition of the covenant - not to worship with other gods; Following this, M. made a harsh judgment on apostates. Soon, however, he appeared before God with selflessness. The petition for the people, begging to forgive the Israelis or, otherwise, "howled" the Moses itself from the book of the Lord (i.e., obviously, M. was ready for his people to abandon the life of eternal! Exhaust 32: 31-33; Wed Mal 3: 16,17). And God promised not to leave Israel (Ex RAS 32-33). The Lord wrote a tenthone on new scrubbles. When, again by spending on Sinai forty days and nights, M. returned to the people, his face "shone rays", because God spoke to him. Whenever, having ended to the Israelites of God's commands, he closed his face with a bedspread, while she did not appear before God again (Ex RAS 34: 1; 2 Cor 3: 7-18). The tabernacle of the covenant was erected (Ex RAS 35-40), M. received prescriptions about the sacrifices and dedicated to Aaron and his sons in priests (Lion 8).

VIII. In the second year, the wanders in the desert, Mariam and Aaron, envy M., began to reproach him for taking his wife from the tribe of the Kushitov (Hush; in the synodal translation - "Efioplanca", numbers 12: 1). They tried to challenge the exclusiveness of the mission and Sana M. However, God testified: "I tell you the mouth with him, and clearly, and not in fortune telling, and the image of the Lord he sees" (by 12: 8). In the punishment for the sin, Mariam was amazed by leprosy and healed only due to the prayer of M. under the Moisee "Wife of Efioplaska", obviously, it is implied by Sepfor, and not by K.L. Another woman (see names in Gen. 10: 6-8, some of which indicates belonging to Arabian tribes). Later, when the intelligence officers sent to the Ferris of Canaan returned to the Cades and their story prompted the people to renewed, M. their petition before God for the people again prevented its extermination (number 13-14). He again, as in Sinai, rejected the proposal of God to make his descendants of the polynomial. and the powerful people who would have come to the place of the sinned Israelites (number 14:12; Wed. Ex: 32:10). Under the uprising → Korea (3), → Dafan and → Avron M. and Aaron managed to dismiss the most serious punishment from the people (number 16). But after that, they themselves sinned, turning to the people to the people with the ukrai from their own, and not from God's name (number 20:10). In addition, M. Instead of the word of lime water from the cliff, as the Lord commanded him, he hit it twice for her (number 20: 8, 11-13). For this, the disobey of M. and Aaron were deprived of the right to enter the promised land. But M. and then, right up to death, remained the leader of the people and the mediator between God and Israel. Giving the Jews in the jaipend, he handed over the Rights of Aaron's high priesthood to his son Eleazar (number 20: 23-29), and then erected a copper snake as a modity of rescue faith (number 21: 6-9; Wed. Ying 3: 14-16). Kara over the Madianians, which connected with Moavites for joint action against Israel, was also carried out under the leadership of M. (number 31).

IX. The book of Deuteronomy contains a farewell appeal M. to the people with whom he performed in Sittime, for Jordan. He will say to amaze. The exact prophecy of the upcoming destinies of Israel (see Second 28-30), proclaimed Jesus Navina with his successor, left the Israelites a memorable song, and also blessed them (ranks 31: 7.8; 32-33). M. died aged 120 years, and before last day "His eyesight did not stuff, and the fortress in it was not exhausted" (RAS 34: 7). Before the death of the Lord showed him from the top of the mountain of Nevo Land promised. God himself took care of the burial of M., and the place of his burial remains unknown. For 30 days, the people mourned its leader, the mediator of the Covenant, the Prophet, the legislator and the author. Stories (second 34). According to some legends, the otlovka of which are preserved in Juda 1: 9, the body of M. did not undergo and was resurrected and was resurrected and was preoccupied (see MF 17: 1-4, where M. Together with a survivor to the sky, Elius talks with Jesus).

X. A number of places of Pentateuch testifies to lith. The activities of M. itself in connection with the entry of the text of the Torah. It follows. Lists the standings of the Israelis in the desert (number 33: 1-49); writes the circumstances of the battle with Amalik (Exhaust 17:14); After completing the book of the Covenant, containing the words of the Law of God (Ex RAS 24: 4.7), he at the end of life conveys it to Levitis (RF 31: 24-26). If you mean immediately. The influence of over, constantly accompanying the record of the Pentateuch (see Exhaust 17:14; RF 31:19), as well as the formation received by M. in Egypt, it becomes clear how he managed to record such a grand arch of information about the universe and about Holy. Stories, what are the books wearing his name. At the same time, the question remains to what M., when drawing up the book, Genesis used the most ancient historic. Sources. The name M. is and some poetic. Works included in Torah (a song during the transition through the Cherry Sea, Ex-15: 1; Moses Song and Blessing Moses, pronounced by him before death, Sold 32: 1 - second 33: 1), as well as PS 89: 1. According to Juda. legend, he is the author of PS 90: 1 - PS 99: 1 and Books Iova. There are also attributed by the authorship of M. → Apocrypha, for example. The Ascension of Moses, the Apocalypse of Moses, the book of Jubileev (the Jewish original of which was found in Kumran), etc.

Xi. Being a legislator (→ law), M. transferred the people of Israel on behalf of God the commandments, laws, courts and statutes, prescribing norms and rules of everyday life and the order of worship. Being a prophet, he announced the people the coming consequences of both the obedience to God and opposing his will. Being a people's leader and supreme judge, M. cared for Israel to live according to the resolutions of the Lord. At the same time, he constantly performed for his dismissed people, disgusting the wrath of God from him. M. refused to become the progenitor of the new people, because Then the sinned Israelis would have died, and preferred to sacrifice himself for this people (Exhast 32:32). His activity was at the same time. And the priest., and propheshes. Hot-tempered, prone to anger in young years, he worked with patience and love for the benefit of his people during the years of maturity and in old age awarded such a testimony: "Moses had a man's cruthese of all people on Earth" (number 12: 3). He was a husband of prayers with whom the Lord spoke "face to face, as it were, who was with his friend with his friend" (Exal 33:11). He, being a messenger of the Lord, was opposed by the power of Pharaoh, and the rebellious people. After 80 years of life, during which God spiritually brought up and taught M., his disinterested and selflessness. The ministry served as from many descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob there was a new United Nations of God. In NZ M., as an intermediary Pz, compared with Jesus Christ; At the same time, both M. himself and his acts are declared transformed with respect to the events of the NC (in 3: 14.15; Acts 3: 22-24). The mission of the Son of God is considered as the completion and culmination of the Mission Mission, and the teachings of Jesus - as the revelation of the spiritual meaning of the exercise M. (MF 5: 17-20; In 1:17; Rome 3:21; 2Kor 3: 12-18). In the same "house of God", where M. was a faithful minister, Christ is the Son (Heb 3: 2-6).

Exchange 2:10 "And I made a name to him: Moses, because, she said, I took it out of the water"

The Holy Prophet Moses was born in the family of Amrum and his wife Johaweds at about 1526 BC. The Egyptians were then decided to kill all newborn Jewish children, so as not to give the Israeli people to increase their numbers. The Father of the Holy Prophet was a phenomenon that spoke of the great mission of this baby and about God's favor to him. Therefore, parents who have covered the Son up to 3 months have betrayed the fate of the child to God and putting it in the basket, lowered the Nile in the river. This basket was found by the Pharaoh's daughter, the princess termutis, who adopted the boy and gave him the name of Moses, which means "out of the water." The word "MO" in Egyptian meant "water", and the "Utes" saved from the water, so the Egyptian version of the boy's name sounds "Moses".

Thus, Moses, becoming the adopted son of Pharaoh's daughter, grew up among the Egyptian nobility, received a good education and was endowed with significant power. It is known that he served as the commander of the Egyptian army and helped Pharaoh to win the esthios attacked against him. At the court of Pharaoh, he spent about 40 years, until he had committed a crime - anger was killed in anger, tortured the Rabov-Israelites. After that, he was forced to flee into the desert and hide.

Moses settled in the land of Midiam, located on the Sinai Peninsula. He married the daughter of the priest of Iofor (another name - Raguil) and pass his cattle. In honor of the testing of Moses, Vady-Shaba Rodlo Shais is now called the Joform Valley. Such life the prophet was more than 40 years old.

The first call of the god Moses heard there, in Midyama, when, during grazing, Horiv was near the mountain.

Exchange 3: 1-5: "He spent a herd far in the desert, and came to the mountain of God Choriv. And he was an angel of the Lord in the flame of fire from the middle of the tern bush. And he saw that the crust was burning with fire, but the bush does not burn. Moses said: I'll go and look at this great phenomenon, why the bush does not burn. The Lord saw that he was going to look, and appealed to him from the bush's environment, and said: Moses! Moses! He said: So I am! And God said: Do not come here; take your shoes from your feet; For the place on which you stand, there is a holy earth "

Here, Moses received his first revelation and indicating from God to liberate the Israeli people from Egypt.

At this place, at the foot of the Mount of Sinai, and now the very ternea bush is growing - unalitable bunk.

After that, the Holy Prophet returned to the court of Pharaoh and together with his brother Aaron, who was a more skilled speaker and whom God told Moses "And he will say instead of you to the people; So he will be your mouth " They asked to let go of the Jewish people. The negotiations of Moses and Pharaoh lasted 9 months, and it was the most difficult for Jews, since Pharaoh tightened slavery regime and for Egyptians, which were comprehended by supernatural 10 executions of Egyptian. After the last execution that lasted only one night, but the most terrible - the death of all the firstborn, the Jews came out of Egypt.

The exact route by which the outcome was done is now unknown. However, as it was ordered by God in the neutalist bunk, after three months the wanderings of Moses brought the people to Sinai Mount.

Prophet Moses on Mount Sinai

Exchange 19: 1-3: "In the third month, on the outcome of Israel's sons from Egypt's Earth, they came to the Sinai Desert on the very day of the New Moon. And they moved from the refidum, and came to the Sinai desert, and they were located there in the wilderness; And it is located there Israel mill against the mountain. Moses climbed to God [on the mountain], and led the Lord from the mountain to him ... "

The Israeli people who came with Moses were frightened by the majestic phenomena, accompanying the divine phenomenon: Mount Sinai was shaken, was shrouded in smoke and flame, sparkled with lightning and thunder and the voice of God was heard to everyone. People in fear moved away from the mountain and waited for the prophet's return. To his brother Aaron Moses handed over the authority to solve affairs and questions remaining in front of the mountain of people.

40 days was Moses on Mount God and received the main law from him - the 10 commandments drawn on the stone srices. This time it seemed to the people too long and they doubted the rightness of the prophet. Having gathered at Aaron, they demanded to show them God, gave them from Egypt, and Aaron, frightened by their unbridled, gathered gold earrings and cast from them the Golden Taurus. Moses, having descended with the srices from the mountain and seeing the festival and worship an idol, angry and smashed, given the data to God. Moses cruelly punished his people for apostasy, killing about three thousand people, but asked God to not punish them. And God was remembered and spoke with Moses in the tabernacle, and I revealed my glory, pointing to him, hiding in which the prophet could see God from behind, because the faces of the Most High to see a person cannot.

At the destruction of the god Moses made from the stone new ones, similar to the first, and again rose to Mount Sinai. There, the Lord gave him more laws that had to be abide by the Jewish people. It is believed that in the book the outcome of the commandments are listed, written in the first, broken scrubbles, and in broadcasting - what was intense for the second time. The second time the Prophet Moses stayed on the grief also 40 days, without food and drink. When he descended from the mountains with the new Testa's sounds in his hands on his face, a wedding of the radiance of Divine Glory remained, as if bright rays came from him. This forced the skeptical people to believe and accept the law, which became the base of not only their faith, but also of their life.

Ten Commandments

  1. I am the Lord, your God, who brought you out of Egyptian land, from the house of slavery, will you won't have any other gods in your face.
  2. Do not make yourself a idol and no image of what is on the sky at the top, and that on earth below, and that in the water below the Earth; Do not worship them and do not serve them, for I am the Lord, your God, God, Recking, punishing children for the guilt of the fathers to the third and fourth birth, hate me, and the creative mercy of up to a thousand people who love me and observing my commandments.
  3. Do not pronounce the name of the Lord, your God, in vain, for the Lord will not leave without punishment who pronounces his name in vain.
  4. Remember the day of the Sabbath to sink it; Six days work and do any things about yours, and the day of the seventh - Saturday to the Lord, your god: do not do that day, nor your son nor your son nor your daughter, nor your slave, nor your slave or your cattle nor Alien who is in your dwellings; For in six days, the Lord of the sky and the Earth, the sea and everything in them, and on the day of the seventh soil; Therefore, the Lord blessed the day Saturday and consecrated him.
  5. Read your father and your mother so that your days are on earth, which Lord, your God gives you.
  6. Dont kill.
  7. Do not commit adultery.
  8. Do not steal.
  9. Do not pronounce false testimony to your neighbor.
  10. Do not want your home of your neighbor; Do not want your wife of your neighbor, nor a slave him, nor the slave of him, nor the will of him, nor the donkey of him, nothing that your neighbor.

Sinai Desert Watch

For more than forty years, the prophet Moses was led by his people to the land of the promised - Hanaana. He remained a servant of God, but it was impossible to enter the new country, he was impossible for Malovery, manifested by both him, and his brother of his Aaron in the waters of Meriva in Cades. The Prophet Moses died about 120 years old before the Israelis finished their difficult path and entered the promised land. For forty years, the wanders were left alive anyone from those who came out with Moses from Egypt, and who doubted God and sinned, bowing to the Golden Taurus at Choriv. Thus, a truly new people lived by law given by God on Sinai was created.

West of the Prophet Moses

At Jews:

As Lennart Meller writes, a scientist who wrote a significant work on the study of the five-story "case about the outcome": "For Jews, Moses is a symbol of the existence of the entire Jewish nation. It was at that time a period of time a small tribe became the Israeli people called Jews. Pentateuch Moiseevo is an integral part of the national identity of Israel. "

Jews call the Prophet Moses Moshe Rabein And they consider him the main prophet, who spoke directly with God, and received the Torah for them on Mount Sinai.


For Christians, the prophet Moses is also one of the greatest Old Testament prophets. The key point is not a historical consideration of the fact of the withdrawal of the Israeli people from slavery, but the spiritual meaning of receiving 10 commandments.

Theologists are interpreted by the figure of the Holy Prophet Moses as the Old Testamentary Prim of Jesus Christ: how through the Prophet Moses was given to people of the Old Testament, so through Christ - the New Testament; As Moses brought the Israelis from slavery to the Land of the promised, so the son of God helps humanity to free themselves from sin and achieve the kingdom of heaven.

In the New Testament, the Prophet Moses and the Prophet Elijah (also received his first divine revelation on Sinai Mount) are the students of Christ during the transformation on Mount Favor.

Russian Orthodox Church Notes the Day of Memory of the Prophet Moses on September 17 (according to a new style.)

The iconography of the Prophet Moses is rich enough. This is due to the limitation of the tradition of reverence of this saint. The image of the prophet Moses is included in the prophetic rank of Russian iconostasis.


The Prophet Musa (Muslim common transcription) is revered as a great prophet, who was Nestislan Taurat on the top of Mount Jabel Musa.

The grave of the Holy Prophet Moses is on Mount Neva, but it is impossible to find it. God hid this place in order for the people who have not yet faster in faith did not make the place of worship. And therefore, so far the greatest prophet is worshiped where he showed the power of his faith, where God was elected - on Sinai's sacred mountain.

Moses (Hebrew Moshe) - In the Bible, the first prophet, founder of religion Yahweh, the legislator and the leader of Israeli tribes, headed by their outcome from Egypt and the foundation of the state in Canaan (Palestine). Question what historical events Refilled in the book Exodus, is a discussion. According to the most accepted point of view, they took place during the reign of the 19th pharaoh dynasty of Egypt.

According to the Bible (the Book Exodus), Moses took place from the knee Levie, was the son of Amram and Johawed, the brother Aaron and the propheted of Mariam. At the time when he was born, the cruel pharaoh commanded to exterminate all Jewish male babies, so the mother hiddled Moses for three months, and then put it in the basket and hid the baby in reeds. Here he was found by the daughter of Pharaoh, who gave him to the upbringing of the Kormilice, according to the wonderful coincidence of Moses's native mother. The daughter of Pharaoh loved Moses as a native son. But the young man saw the Egyptian superviser beats the Jew. Killing Egyptian, Moses hides in the land of Madiam. He marries Sepfort, the daughter of the priest from this land. In ch. 3 kN. The outcome is described by the phenomenon of Moses on Mount Horiv (Sinai Peninsula) Angela Yahwe from the burning and non-burning thorns (unhappy bunk). God gives Moses ability to work wonders and sends the sons of Israel from Egypt. Since Moses is obliquely, his brother Aaron speaks of his name.

Moses and Aaron come to Pharaoh and demand to let go of their people, but Pharaoh only introduces new duties for Jews, and they will grow to Moses. After the wonderful transformation of the rod of Aaron in a snake, the egyptian egyptian egypt egypt, Yahweh, the Ten executions of Egyptian sangs through Moses. Pharaoh is released by the Jews, but then hesitated for them in pursuit. The waters of the cherry (red) sea on the Moses sign are broken up with the Jews, but Pharaoh with his army sinks (perhaps such phenomena were observed in the Limans of the Red Sea, there are evidence of ancient Greek geographers).

Stay wandering around the Sinai Desert. The people robs more than once to Moses; He makes bitter water sweet, carve water from the rock, Yahweh through him sends the people of Manna Heavenly. The first military collision with the Amalikites is allowed due to the prayer of Moses, raising his hands with a rod on the top of the hill; When Moses gets tired, the hands are supported by Aaron and OR (17: 8-16). Three months after the outcome, the people go to the Sinai Mountain. Moses dates back to the mountain where he gets the message about the coming phenomenon of Yahweh. All the people undertakes to obey ritual abstinence, in the mounted day of the mountain Sinai hesitates, thunderstorm strives. Moses climbs upside down and gets tagged with "ten commandments." People in fear retreats from the mountain, Moses "comes into darkness, where God" (20, 21). Other prescriptions are added to the commandments. Then comes a moment of the conclusion of the "covenant": the people of Israel promises to fulfill the words of Yakhwe. Moses again goes to the mountain for 40 days and nights. He receives instructions on the construction of the tabernacle and the ark of the covenant, about the dedication of Aaron and his descendants for the priestly ministry, etc. However, at this time the people and even Aaron violate the covenant: in response to the requirements of the viscous and single god, Aaron manufactures the Golden Taurus. Yahwe offers Moses to destroy all the people and produce a new one from the descendants of Moses himself, but on the prayer of Moses, the destruction of the people is disgusted. The apostates are cruelly executed. And in further wanders there is a ropot against Moses, but instigators (Korea, Dafan and Aviron; the book of numbers, 16: 3) is dying from "God's court."

Based on the narration of the pentateuch. A number of deviations from it (for example, X Osh. 12:14 or Mija 6: 4) indicate, according to some researchers, about traditions parallel with the story of the pentateuch, but not completely identical to him. In non-Jewish Middle Eastern sources of the pre-denoministic period, Moses are not mentioned.

Despite the contradictions due to the fact that the biblical story includes the texts of various historical periods, a giant figure of Moses, powerful and purposeful, but not deprived of human weaknesses, often tormented by doubts and the inner struggle, which imposed an indelible imprint not only on history, was clearly charged , imagination and thinking of the Jewish people, but also at the appearance of Christian and Muslim civilizations.

Sinai Revelation, Towning Law (Torah) and the conclusion of the Testament - the culmination of the outcome and apogee of the turbulent and rapid activities of Moses. However, this climax is almost directly followed. Forty days spends Moses on Mount. People lose faith in Moses and demand from Aaron to make a real god, "who would be in front of us, for with this man who brought us out of Egyptian land, we do not know what happened" (Ex. 32: 1). Aaron is manufactured by the Golden Taurus, whom the people declares God to give it from Egypt, and arranges in his honor the cult festivities. Moses, perturbed by a rough violation of the second of the ten commandments ("... You will not have any other gods besides me; do not make yourself sculpture and no image ... do not worship and do not serve them"), in anger, smashes the god aimed to him. In which these commandments are recorded. In the punishment for a non-executable sin, God is ready to destroy all the people and make the descendants of Moses great people. Moses rejects this proposal, stands up for the Israelis, and God cancels its decision. The people are saved, but the punishment imposed on it, harshly: "Taurus was burned, erased in the dust," and the dust scattered on the water, which Israelis are forced to drink; Three thousand of those who worshiped idol are executed (Ex. 32).

This event becomes a turning point in the history of the outcome. The alienation begins between Moses and the people liberated from slavery. "Moses put a tent ... away from the mill and called him a collection of a collection ... And when Moses went to the tabernacle, all the people got up and became every entrance to her tent and watched Moses, he did not enter the tabernacle" ( Ex. 33: 7, 8).

Moses again rises to the mountain, where at the destruction of God he writes the words of the covenant on new scrubbles. It is honored not only to indirect evidence of the presence of God, hearing God's voice, but also partially visible teofania, after which his face is illuminated by light. When Moses descends from the mountain to convey the words of God, the people, struck by the radiance of his face, afraid to approach him. Since then, appearing in front of the people after every conversation with God, Moses closes the face with the cover (Ex. 34).

The crisis caused by the worship of the Golden Taurus was a shock for Moses and revealed the duality of his complex relationship With the people. Fearing the Philistines, who were arrowed in the south of the coastal strip of Canaan, Moses leads the people with a stell. Welding in the desert seem endless, and deprivation of insurmountable, and the land promised is inaccessible. Ropot and undervolving discontent are not stopped and poured into an open riot against Moses and Aaron (the latter was assigned to the high priest). The relative of Moses Korea (barks) from the knee of Levi and his accomplices Datan, Avira and he from the knee of Reuven challenges the authority of Moses and his brother, accusing them in self-balance. They are joined by 250 "famous people", claiming to be priests. Moses calls on the leaders of the uprising to themselves, but they categorically refuse to appear before him. "Is notity that you brought us out of the ground in which milk and honey flows to destroy us in the desert, and you still want to rule over us? Did you led us to the ground, where milk and honey flow flow, and do you give us a field and vineyards? The eyes of people do you want to blind? Will not go!" (Number 16: 13-14).

This time God decides to shut the riots, resorting to a miracle, which should serve as a sign and warning: the instigators absorbs the Earth, and their adherents are burned (s. 16:17).

But the most cruel measures cannot calm the people. The explosions of indignation, distrust and disobedience are repeated repeated (number 20: 1-13; 21: 4-8; 25: 1-9). Even the brother and sister of Moses, Aaron and Miriam, protest the marriage of Moses on Ethiopkaya (number 12: 1-3), and both of them are punished. In almost all these cases, Moses is trying to reject or soften Kara God, but he himself cannot avoid punishment for the fact that, contrary to the command of God, hit the rod on a rock to extract water from it when God ordered only "say ... Rock, and she will give water. " According to traditional exegesis, God sees the doubt of Moses in His doubt and prohibits him to enter the country of fathers, in which he leads the people. Moses is destined to die in the desert at the shore of the land promised in jaipers (number 20: 7-13). According to another version, Moses was punished for the sins of the people (Deut. 1:37; 3:26; 4:21).

But even more bitter disappointment comprehends Moses when the intelligence officers sent to Canaan return to convinced that it is impossible to conquer this country, since its inhabitants, among whom are gigid, are invincible. And although in fact the country flows milk and honey, she "eats their inhabitants." The outraged people again rebellious and demands to return it to Egypt. Two of the scouts that do not share the opinions of the others are trying to exhort the people, but the crowd threatens to score them with stones. The angry god again decides to destroy the people of Israel again, but this time Moses succeeds to achieve for forgiveness and softening the sentence: "Everyone who saw the glory of my and my signs, made by me in Egypt and in the desert, and disappeared me ten times and not They listened to the reading of mine, they will not see the land, which I promised the fathers of them with an oath ... "(number 14: 23-24). They will die in the wilderness, and only the next generation, which grew up in the wilderness, will win the promised land and settle in it. The conquest of Canaan is assigned to the pupil of Moses Oshua Bin Nuna.

After a forty-year stay in the desert, the people approaching Hanaan. Generation of liberated slaves of the "Crane People" (Ex. 32: 9; 33:35; 34: 9; second. 9: 6, 13) extinct. Moses, despite his age ("One hundred and twenty years"; De. 31: 2), still full of forces ("his eyesight did not stuff, and his freshness was not exhausted."; De. 34: 7). All his pleads and exhortations to change the fate prepared to him and allow to enter into the future land of Israel: he was allowed only to take her eyes from the top of the Zairadan Mountain Nevo.

The tragedy of Moses, devoid of the opportunity to complete the great deal, is described in the last book of Pentafium - Deuteronomy. The sharply different from other books both in style and in spirit, which is characteristic of the period of its writing (much later than the epic of the outcome), it is from a composite point of view represents a brilliant epilogue of the story about life and activities of Moses. This will, the leader's will, which with some bitterness summarizes its activities, lists the successes and failures accompanying an almost unbearable mission, and gives people a complete set of laws, in many ways repeating in the new edition of the prescription of the former Code, but, unlike it, more adapted Future settled life at the newly acquired homeland.

Moses dies in the "Moavitskaya Earth" after God himself shows him from the mountain of Nevo all the land of Israel (De. 34: 1-5), "Nobody knows the place of burial even to this day ... and mourned His sons of Israel ... thirty days "(De. 34: 6, 8).

Histority Moses. The absence of any information about the life of Moses in the ancient sources of the pre-denomination period (except for the Bible) caused some biblists in doubt in his historicity. Part of the researchers came even to the conclusion that Moses is a fictional, legendary figure, and the narrative of it is the fruit of mythological creativity. Nevertheless, most scientists recognize that the basis of biblical traditions served as historical events, in which a certain person played a decisive role, but the nature of its activity is difficult to establish with reliability due to folklore layers. However, the story of the birth of Moses (see above, the name of Moses (apparently from the Egyptian MS - Son), the activities of Moses in Egypt (competitions with Egyptian sorcerers; Ex. 7: 10-12), work on the construction of Egyptian cities Pete and Ramses (in Egyptian sources are mentioned by the city of Pi-Ramses) - these components of the narrative peculiarly reflect the atmosphere of Egypt of the era of the new kingdom. The same is evidenced by some features of the ancient Egyptian story about the adventures of Sinah, who echoed with the episode of Moses from Egypt and his stay in Midyan. Egyptian Names are found in the Bible only in the cycle of stories about Moses. According to some historians, it is possible to trace the influence of religious and cult trends that existed in Egypt at the 14th century. BC er on the monotheistic ideas of Moses. Pharaoh Ehnaton proclaimed the Sun of Aton's only deity of all Egypt. Monotheistic cult of ATON was very eliminated, but the stories about him could reach the Palace of Palace Ice.

Some biblists lead another argument in favor of Moses historical. All the institutions of the era of the first temple were created by historical personalities: Monarchy - Samuil and David; Temple - Solomon; Religious reforms were carried out by the kings (hijacies of yoshi y). The introduction of the cult of the Jewish history of cult institutions at the dawn of the Jewish history, the memory of which was preserved in the minds of the people, it leads to analogy to the postulate on the activities of the scale of the scale of Moses; Moreover, this personality cannot be a retrospective projection of a later time. The most convincing historical analogy is Muhammad. According to muslim traditionLike Moses, he is a prophet, political and military leader, creator of a new cult and legislator. However, there is no doubt in the existence of Muhammad as a historical personality.

Moses in the afternoon tradition (in Talmud, Midraces and Rabbinist literature). Talmud and Midrash continue, hyperbolyurating, the biblical tradition of the simultaneous exaltation and derogation of the personality of Moses.

Since the Talmuda to this day, Moses is usually referred to rabbenu (`Our teacher`). Moshe Rabnu - Great teacher of the Jewish people. He is not only the author of the Pentateuch, who gave the people of Torah, that is, a written law, but also the founder of all oral law. Everything that ever a sage or the lawmaker established or establishes in the future, was already tested by Moses, including such prescriptions that do not follow from the commands of the Torah ( x Alaha Le Moshe Mi-Sinai, See Galaha). The whole world exists due to the advantages of Moses and Aaron (Hol. 89a). When Moses was born, the whole house of Amrama was illuminated by light (cell 13b). Dying, Moses honored the kiss of God himself (BB. 17a). It is even expressed by the opinion that Moses is actually not died and continues to serve God, as once on Sinai Mount (week 38a).

Aggada and folklore legends give Moses of the Great Wisdom, unprecedented virtues, incredible spiritual and physical strength, the ability to work wonders bordering a wonderfulness. His youth is full of adventures and feats. But it is in this background that his human traits and weaknesses are still brighter. One of the most common legends narrates that in the early childhood, Moses, sitting on the lap of Pharaoh, threw the crown from his head and laid it on his head. Pharaoh advisers saw a bad omen in this. They advised Moise to kill, but ITro stated that the child did it before, and advised him to experience his mental abilities, offering him to choose hot coal and gold. The child reached for gold, but the invisible angel sent his hand to coals. Moses died and in the fright raised coal to the mouth. Since then, he has become oblique (OX. R. 1).

Another legend tells that when Moses was a shepherd, one lamb rang out of herd. Moses chased him, but seeing how he stopped at the stream to get drunk, realized that the tired lamb had suffered from thirst, and on his shoulder brought him back to herd. Then God told him: "The one who exhibits such mercy to the sheep, worthy of the mouth of my people" (Ex. R. 2).

In complete contradiction with such legends and with the texts of Pentateuch, Midrash tells about the vanity of Moses, who wished to establish their dynasty. During the consecration of the tabernacle of Moses, I performed the features of the high priest. For forty years of travel in the desert, he was considered to be the king of Israel. Before his death, he asked God to keep these two titles behind him and pass them into the inheritance of his offspring. God refused him, explaining that the title of the High Priest would get the offspring of Aaron, and the royal dynasty is already intended to descendant David (Ex. R. 2: 6).

Some expressions even doubt the full fitness of Moses for the role that God chose for him: "Holy - he is blessed [see God. God in Talmuda, Midraces and Rabbinist literature] said [seeing the worship of the people to the Golden Taurus]: Moses, go down from the vertices of his greatness. After all, I gave you greatness only for the sake of Israel. But now, when Israel sinned, I don't need you "(br. 32a). Rabbi Iosh says that if Moses did not precedes the Ezre's scribe, he would be worthy to get Torah from God (San. 21b).

The MenaHote treatise is given a legend of visiting Moses Jeshiva Rabbi Akiva. After listening to the lecture of the Great Wise, Moses was confused, because I did not understand anything. Only after Rabbi Akiv explained that his words - x Alaha Le Moshe Mi-Sinai (See above), he calmed down (Men. 29B). In the rabbinist literature various interpretations of this story.

Colorful, dramatic description of Moses Moses to take away death from him and give to him to go to the Jordan River - one of the exciting texts of Aggada. God did not return his request, and Moses appeals to the sky and land, the sun and the moon, the stars and planets, the mountains and hills, the seas and rivers to get up for him before God, but they all find excuses to get off from him. The sea, for example, tells him: "How can you demand this that you are cutting me at the end of Egypt?" (Dev. R. 6:11). In most embodiments of the Easter, completely devoted outcome, the name of Moses is absent, and in the rare variants in which it appears, it is mentioned only casual. So emphasizes the personal tragedy of Moses. According to the Talmudic legend, Moses was born 7 Adara and died on the same day at the age of 120.

In Hellenistic literature. In the Anti-Indian Hellenistic literature, the outcome is presented as a flight of a lepers, Moses - as a priest of the Egyptian God, and the motive that prompted Moses to create a new teaching is hatred to the Egyptians and their culture. Greek writers Alexandria argued that the Jews did not make any contribution to human culture. As opposed to such allegations, the Jewish Hellenistic literature emphasizes the great importance of Moses in this area. Oholmos (2 V. BC) attributes Moses invention of the alphabetical letter (see also the alphabet), which through the fullness of the Phoenicians was adopted by the Greeks. Aristobul (2nd century) argues that Greek philosophers and poets borrowed their wisdom and art from Moses. Artipan (2nd) believes that Moses created a culture, civilization and religion of Egypt, and the teacher of Orpheus Musayos is not anyone else like Moses. Artipan talks about the fact that Moses married the Ethiopian Queen, who gave him the capital of his state (see above about Ethiopkoe - Moses Wife). Jewish apologetic literature on greek Includes Moses among the greatest legislators of the world. Some writers say that the Egyptians revered him as God Hermes - Tota. Moses - the main character Tragedies of the Andeskel (2 century) "Exodus from Egypt". Philon Alexandrian left the colorful life of Moses.

In Kabbalah. In the book Zoh, Art Moses - one of the seven "faithful shepherds of Israel", and fading his people. "On Mount Sinai, God opened him 70 facilities of the Torah for seventy languages." Moses embodies one of the ten Sefirot (see also Kabbalah) - modes of divine emanation, through which God opens to mankind. Some Kabbalists believe that the soul of Moses moves to the Messiah (see Gilguil). Moses - the groom shhins, which in Kabbalah is identified with the tenth Sphira (Malchut), symbolizing the feminine beginning.

In Jewish religious philosophy. In the medieval Jewish philosophy of Moses, first of all, the greatest of the Hebrew prophets. This considers his go of the UPA X A-Levi, in the works of which the image of Moses does not go beyond the tradition of the Bible and Aggada.

According to Maimonide, Moses exceeds all other prophets because he is the only one who went beyond the laws of nature and penetrated the sphere of supernatural being. Other prophets achieved perfection only within the limits available to human mind and imagination. Ok Udiva Ben Betzalel (Makh Aral) also considers Moses to be a superhuman creature standing halfway between the earth and the highest world.

In modern Jewish thought. Akhad-X A-'Moses, in which the author distinguishes two approaches: archaeological and historical has been greatly influenced by the modern Jewish thought. Archaeological, he calls the desire to restore the historical image of Moses in historical monuments and archaeological finds. Historic, he believes that the appearance of Moses, which is captured in the minds of the people and not only played over the centuries, but still plays a decisive role in the formation of its history. Moses is a symbol of denial of imperfect present. As the people of Israel, Moses live in the past and the future, serving the engine of the moral progress of all mankind.

M. Bubebubes in the book "Moses" basically recognizes the historicity of Moses, but conducts a distinction between history and the saga, which he considers to be known historical, as it correctly reflects the feeling of the people and his hero in the dramatic moments of history, not understandable without postulate divine intervention . Moses attributes all its achievements to God and requires the Israelites of infinite loyalty to him, that is, the ideals of justice. The Israelis should be the holy people living for God and for the whole world. Therefore, the identity of Moses turned out to be a driving force in the history of mankind, which "in our day, perhaps, needs it more than any other era." I. Kaufman is hotly tasty for the historicity of Moses as a spiritual leader, which, founding Jewish monotheism, made a revolution in the history of mankind. The Jewish religion is radically different from all other religions of the world because he opposes the will of a single transcendental god by the laws of nature, which were subordinated to the gods of all polytetic and genitical religions.

The founder of psychoanalysis Z. Freud suggested that Moses was Egyptian, who after an unsuccessful attempt to introduce the cult of the Sun as a single God "elected" the Jewish people with a carrier of such monotheism. The people rebelled and killed him, repeating the act of the primitive horde, according to Freud, who killed his progenitor. Despite this, the monotheistic religion was rooted in the minds of the people, but its rooting and development was accompanied by the consciousness of guilt and the need for repentance, which are peculiar to all monotheistic religions, originating from Judaism. The psychoanalytic hypothesis of Freud is challenged by almost all historians, and its inconsistency is considered proven.

In christianity. Christian Church, who considers himself the heiress of Judaism, takes Honorary Place Moses in Old TestamentBut it claims that the New Testament of Jesus came to replace the laws of Moses. In the message of Varnava (the first half of the 2nd century), the thought is expressed that, broken up, Moses canceled the covenant with the Jewish people. Moses Hand Raise during the war with Amalek (see above) and healing copper sniped (number 21: 9) symbolize crucified Jesus, who, according to Christian views, above Moses is not servant, but the Son of God. The most important Christian work dedicated to Moses, "Moses Life," belongs to Peru one of the fathers of the Church, Grigory Nissky.

In Islam. The story of Moses in the Quran in general terms is similar to the biblical narration, although it does not have some basic events of the life and activities of Moses, for example, wandering in the desert. On the other hand, it is woven by the legends of the afternoon afternoon and new legends, for example, the journey of Moses in the society of the wise sage (Sura 18:64). According to the Quran, Miriam, the sister of Moses, is the mother of Jesus, and in Nile Moses was not found by the daughter of Pharaoh, and his wife (Sura 28: 8).

In later Muslim legends, the stories of the Quran are expanded and distilled by fantastic folk motifs. A special place occupies a staff (rod) of Moses, endowed with a miraculous force. He was donated by Moses Itro, who inherited him through the chain of the prophets from Adam. These stories belong literary genre "Kisas Al-Anbiya" ("stories about the prophets"), from the works of which only writings A. Al-Ta'labi (11th century) and M. Al-Kisai (lived before the beginning of 10 centuries were preserved.).

In art, music and literature. Moses life is one of the most common biblical topics in the world fine art. In the early Christian art, Moses was often depicted by a faboride young man with a staff in his hand. Later, a canonical image was developed: a majestic old man with a beard, with a srices in his hands and with horns on the head (a misunderstanding associated with the fact that the word karnim. means hebvy "rays" and "horns"; See above about the shine of the face of Moses). Starting from 5 c., Scenes from the life of Moses are often featured in graphics to the Bible; They are found in the mosaics of the Cathedral of St. Mark in Venice (the end of the 12th century - the beginning of the 13th century) and the Church of Santa Maria Madekore in Rome (5 centuries and 13th century). Episodes from the life of Moses served the theme of numerous works of the Wall painting of the Renaissance in Italy (Fresco Benozzo Gotszoli on the covered Camposanto Cemetery in Pisa; S. Botticelli, Pinturikkyo and L. Signorelli in the Sistine Chapelle in the Vatican). In the mural of the loggia in the Vatican, made by Raphael and his students, the topic of outcome was used. In the 16th century It is based on the scene of the paintings by B. Luini (Pinakotek Brera, Milan) and C. Tintoretto (Panel for Skola di San Rocco, Venice). "Finding Moses" - the topic of pictures by Georgeon and P. Veronese.

In the 17th century N. Poussin created a series of paintings dedicated to almost all the main events of the life of Moses. One of the most famous works Painting dedicated to Moses is the picture of Rembrandt "Moses, broken down" (1659). Russian artist F. Bruni wrote a picture on the topic "Copper Zmiy" (1827-41).

The sculptural images of Moses were created in the Middle Ages (for example, a statue in Chartres), and in the Renaissance Epoch (for example, Donatello Statue in Florence). Outstanding works of art - Statue of Moses of work K. Slutiver for the so-called "Well of the Prophets", or "Well Moses in Dijon" (1406), as well as the most famous image of Moses - the statue of Michelangelo in the Church of San Pietro in Winkles in Rome (1515- sixteen). In modern sculpture, Moses is devoted to the work of A. Arkhipovenko, I. Meshantrovich and others.

In the Jewish Fine Art, Moses appears already on the frescoes of the synagogue in the europuro. They depict the baby Moses in a basket floating through the Nile, unalitable bina, the transition through the Cherry Sea, Moses, which strikes the rod about the rock, and other plots. The image of Moses is repeatedly found in the Middle Ages in the illustrated manuscripts, especially in X A. Rubinstein "Moses" (1892); M. Gast "Death of Moses" (1897); Ya. Vainberg "Life Moses" (1955). Opera A. Schönberg "Moses and Aaron" (1930, not completed) - one of the most important works of attractive music - gives the original musical interpretation of the conflict between the leader's legislator and its people. Ballet "Moses" wrote a French composer D. Miyo (1957). The "outcome" of the Israeli composer I. Tale is the first product of electronic music in Israel.

Moses is dedicated to a number of Israeli songs that became folk. Some of them are processing scenes from X Aggada. The song of the Jeedy of Admon (1894-1982) "U-Moshe X Icqua Al Zur" ("and Moses hit the rock") is most greatest popularity.

The African American Song of the Spirichels genre - "let go of my people" dozens of years enjoys international popularity.

Already in the era of Hellenism, Moses was devoted to a number of literary works (see above). In medieval Christian drama, the topic of exodus occupies an important place. In the 16th century interest in this topic is somewhat weakening; Only a few works are devoted to her, including the "Childhood of Moses" of Masonzinger Sax (1553). Although Moses was one of the biblical heroes, inspired by the Protestant writers of the 17th century, most of the works devoted to him were written by the Catholic authors.

From the 18th century Moses are increasingly dedicated poetic worksWhat is connected, in particular, with the development of the musical and poetic genre of the oratorio. Thus, Drama Ch. Jennes "Israel in Egypt" (about 1738) served as a source for the libretto of the oratory of G. F. Handel (see above). F. G. The button in the poem "Messiad" (1751-73) gave the image of Moses feature the titanic hero. F. Schiller wrote in his youth Etude "Myslantry Moses" (1738).

At 19 in. The image of Moses attracted many outstanding poets, including V. Hugo ("Temple", 1859). Gaines in the "confession" (1854) enthusiastically praises Moses ("What a little it seems Mount Sinai, when Moses stands on it!"). Heine calls Moses a great artist who struggled pyramids and obeliski not from stone, but from people who were the great, eternal people. R. M. Rilke wrote the poem "Death of Moses" and "Moses" (1922). Ukrainian poet I. Franco wrote the poem "Moses" (1905).

In Russian poetry, Moses poems were dedicated to I. Kozlov ("Promised Earth", 1821), V. Benediktov ("Exodus", 1835), L. Mei ("Desert Key", 1861), V. Soloviev ("Unlander Kupina", 1891), F. Sologub ("Copper Zmiy", 1896), I. Bunin (Torah, 1914), V. Bryusov (Moses, 1909) and others. The Russian-Jewish poet S. Fric dedicated in the 1880-90s. Moses whole line poems ("Child on Nile", "broken," "non-aggravated bush", "on Sinai", "Moise").

The English poet-Jew Isaac Rosenberg (1890 - 1918) published the drama "Moses" (1916), in which the influence of Nietzsche's ideas about superman is clearly felt. Dramas about Moses were written on english language I. Zangvil ("Moses and Jesus", 1903), in Italian - A. Orvisto (Moses, 1905), on Czech - E. Leda (Moses, 1919). Aggadic legends about Moses were processed on german language R. Kaiser ("Death of Moses", 1921) and in French - E. FLEGOM ("Moses in the stories of the Mudretsov Talmud", 1925). Moses' life novels published in English Lina Akhtein ("Tantakan: a story about the past", 1924), L. Untermeier (Moses, 1928) and Fast Azaz in the poem in the prose "Khatan Damim" ("Blood Groom" , 1925) depicted the spiritual world of the wife of Moses, suffering from the all-consuming husband of her mission. M. Gottfrid wrote the epic poem "Moshe" ("Moses", 1919).

In Israeli literature, Moses dedicated to several works: B.S. Tiro Moshe (Moses, 1959); I. Shurun \u200b\u200b"Halome Leyl Stroke" ("Sleep in the autumn night", 1960); Schulat X Ar'weven "Son X A-Nissim" ("hate miracles", 1983; Russian translation in the collection "In search of a person", 1987); I. Oren "X A, AR CE-X A-'ahbar" ("Mountain and Mouse", 1972). In 1974, a dramatic poem was published in the Jerusalem Journal of Menorah (No. 5, 6, 7) by A. Radovsky "Exodus".

Kee, Tom: 5.
Qty: 404-422.
Published: 1990.