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Eva ionesko and similar to it. Where does childhood go? Tragic fates of famous children. Private life Irina Bezrukova

Today in our rental comes "My Little Princess" of the French director Eva Ionessko. Eve began to be widely known in Europe from the mid-1970s. And not even because in the ten-year-old age debuted in the cinema in one of the most famous films of the novel Polansky "Zhilts". And because at an early school age, Glamor and Erotic star became a star, the most young model in history, whose photos published "Playboy" and "Penthouse". Basically, her mother was filmed - French photographer, Romanian by origin Irina ionesko. In an interview with "MN" Eva, Ionesko told about what made her make a picture of his scandalous childhood and why she came out so impartial in relation to the mother.

- As a product of the Communist Epoch, I truth to say, until recently I heard nothing about Eva Ioneko and its glory.

- Yes, I was on the other side of the wall.

"But for me it became a revelation that in the Russian Internet you have a lot of fans, and it is clearly not pedophiles, but a kinoman who are interested in what your interpretation of my own childhood will be.

- It's good. Because I'm fighting against a pedophilia and fight her every way.

- I'll start with the question of provocative. Today, it is often increasing to condemn the 60-70s from the standpoint of the current morality. After recent pedoophilic scandals, for example, in Belgium, even the Great Nabokov began to blame damn knows what. But the times were completely different - with other discrepancies, other ideas about admissible in art and artistic provocation. Judging by the film, the mother photographer is a clear product of these most insane 70s. Maybe what she does with his daughter, according to the standards of the 70s was considered quite normal? And it turns out that you are condemning the mother (on the film, she mercilessly exploits the appearance of the daughter and her maiden body for his own career and money) from the standpoint of today's time?

- No, no, it was never normal to remove the children (we note in brackets that there are no nudgets in the film. Another thing is that the mother in photographs turns the daughter in a woman-woman, seductive, sometimes almost copying photos from Marlene Dietrich: Drawn lips, silk stockings, coquetry, chemistry. - "MN"). No wonder of my mother first banned me to photograph, and then deprived her parental rights. At the same time, she continued to sell my pictures in secret. Now they can be found on the Internet and with all the efforts will not be able to completely remove from there - it was expressed me in French, and in the European police bodies. Pedophiles, unfortunately, enough. So users from the sites where these photos are posted, always there, although it is punishable. As for the 70s, among the intellectuals then there were fashionable theories that sleeping with children is quite acceptable. And even existed an organization named "Front of the Liberation of Pedophiles".

- How big is the gap between you and your heroine? In the film, it takes pictures only mother. In reality, you worked with other photographers. And besides, immediately after the "tenant" starred in several frank films.

- There is a gap, but it is not appropriate. The main thing is accuracy in the image of the mother. I wanted to convey its inconsistency, in many respects generated by the very era of the 70s. She photographed on the needs of men, but at the same time he considered himself a feminist who fights for the liberation of a woman. She believed that he serves as a radical art, the books of the philosopher and the culturologist George Batay were for her everyone, but she was lost from the words that the daughter says in the film: "You repeat to me: Batay, art, art but are my pictures after all in porn shops?" One of the questions that I wanted to ask in the film: Where is the border behind which art turns into something immoral and illegal?

- I formulate a question Hard: So, still, your mother was an artist or pornographer?

- There is the concept of the law. The law clearly describes what pornography is. If certain parts of the body are visible and the pictures are made with the aim of sharing someone, it means that Pornography. Those who call like art, simply the jesters. Some things can not do. Maybe it is now unfashionable, but this is my position.

- You are talking about illegality. And nothing that little girls do you have on the screen? Now it's universally forbidden to smoke, and it shocks in the film almost more erotic filming.

- Yeah, it means to walk on the screen girls with guns can be, but it is impossible to smoke? But still know that many teenagers smoke. In addition, I confess, on the screen, I smoke unreal cigarettes.

- Then another cunning question about the mother. Would you have come out of you a successful director without such childhood (Eva ionesko has two pictures and the third plans)? It is known that people who are early become stars - movies, pop, - often finish the life of losers and alcoholics. I believe that if the mother did not bash you in his youth by Batam, if you didn't know who Poland and photographer Richard Avedon, then you would not go to the acting courses to the famous director Patris Shero, did not play in his performances on the plays Chekhov and Shakespeare would not be actively in the cinema. Finally, they would not find the talents to remove a hard film about their own childhood. If there was no such mother - there would be no such daughter.

- But it is not good in itself what she made me famous. This is a delusion of a yellow press, as if being famous wonderful. The celebrity is circumscribed by young people on breaking with the outside world. In the school of the heroine of my film feels someone else's. They fight her there, call her whore. If a person becomes famous early, it almost always means that it is waiting for him to collapse.

- Then another strange question: we know two emptying "Lolita" - Stanley Kubrick and Adrien Laina. Both are quite compromise, and most importantly, in both of the way with Lolita. In the Russian-speaking Internet, a funny assumption was caught: if someday "lolita" dare to screen the third time, then the heroine for reasons of the law will make digital. And in this case, they will certainly cut the 70s from Eva 70s, which was the perfect lolita.

- It's really funny! It is interesting only if anyone will ask my consent.

- Finally, two clarifications. First. In the film, your heroine has a joint risky shooting with a man resembling Side Vishez (His, by the way, playing the son of Nick Kale). Are you really filmed with Vishez?

- No, although my mother crossed with him in clubs. This is a thought - the image of what I was often photographed at the time with different famous people. With Salvador Dali, for example. But in fact, I do not even remember exactly whom it was, because I was small.

- And further. In connection with the grandmother heroine, the Russian Church Choir sounds behind the frame. It came from?

- My Romanian grandmother and I went to the Russian Orthodox Church on the street in Paris every Sunday. Why she preferred this particular church, I do not know.

- Thanks for the interview.

- Just do not publish as an illustration to him a photo naked, made by my mother. And then one respected French magazine took and published.

About the courage of actresses

Both main roles in My Little Princess demanded courage from performers. The fact that Isabelle Yupper refers to the most brave - and the best - actresses of modernity, far from a secret. By the way, according to the role, it looks awesome young on the screen. But the fact that a decent company was a young unprofessional anamaria of Vartolone, is, of course, revelation. It is she who depicts Evu Ionessko (the names in the film were changed, but, apparently, only for the sake of greater creative freedom). Anamaria, like Eve, also from the family of Romanian immigrants. Learn to "excellent." But after some bold scenes from "My Little Princess", it may have the same problems with classmates, what were Eva.

Irina Ionessko (September 3, 1935) French photographer was born in Paris,Immigrant daughter from Romania.

The Frenchwoman, born in 1930 in the Romanian city of Constant, traveled a lot, lived in the Middle East for several years. Engaged in painting, from the late 1960s he has been engaged in photography. Currently lives in Paris. Her work was exhibited in almost all major galleries in Europe and in some Gallery New York. Irina Ionesko issued three independent photoprisals, its pictures publish all specialized photojournals.

Irina Ionesko, like many masters of photography, removes old cameras, possibly because of this, the feeling of retro, which occurs when looking at her work. Some of her pictures resemble the exquisite theatrical posters of Alphonse Fly. They feel admiration for the style of modernity with his tendency to stylization, decorativeness, easy

Irina Ionessko, perhaps the most famous photos with her daughter Eve.Photos caused rapid controversy and rejection of critics of the 70s, since the main theme of the photo was erotica and glamor. In the future, the young model was photographed and other French photographers, including those known as Jacques Burbulon.
What caused negative moral and legal assessments. It is the youngest model ever appearing in the Playboy nude. Her photographs made by Jacques Bouronon appeared in the Italian magazine publication in October 1976, when she was 11 years old. In November 1978, the Spanish edition of Penthouse published her photos.
He made his debut in the role of daughter Madame Gonderyan in the picture of the novel Polansky "Zhilts" (1976). Then followed the role in the horror movie "Spermula" (1976, cut. Charles Matton) and an erotic drama "Slutty childhood / sin of youth" (1977, dir. Pierre Giuseppe Murdzhimo), who caused the ambiguous reaction of the Puritan public. After the end of the Paris acting school "Amandiers "Under the leadership of Patrice Shero and Pierre Romance continued her film barrier, leaving the image of young Lolita in the past. Eva ionesko actively worked in the cinema and in the theater.
On the theatrical scene played in the plays of Shakespeare, Cokto, Chekhov in the director of his Shero and Romance teachers.
In the cinema starred in 60 films of various genres, played the role of a second plan in the films of famous directors of Patrice Shero, Jean-Philippe Toursea, Iva Robert, Otar Ioseliani.

Ionessko herself acts as a stylist - puts on its models in bizarre outfits and decorations to create an atmosphere of the beginning of the 20th century: "Wednesday for me is as important as a photographic story. The photo is for me a meeting with a model and an accident, when at some point it is starting insurmountable to captivate her hair, eyes, outlines of the figure, a special expression ... The elements of the scenery should form one unit with the model in the plastic composition. Woman herself can provide a photographer wide range of originality, it radiates a special grace when combed, painted, dresses. "

The images of its models are worn from memories of the past, they resurrect the actresses of silent movies, luxurious Hollywood movie stars in the memory of the face, but each photo conveys the person depicted on it.

When Vladimir Nabokov described the appearance of nymphs in the novel "Lolita", many after that tried to recreate her image into a cinema, but it is best to convey the presence of "those mysterious trails - that fabulous strange grace, that elusive, changeable, soul-lifted, inspired charms that are distinguished by nimble From the peers ... ", Irina Ionessko managed in photos from the Elle-MêMe book, on which her daughter Eve was captured. These photos cause an ambiguous reaction, they are provocative and even scandalous, as well as Roman Nabokov.

In 2005, Ionessko made a photo session for the magazine Dazed & Confused Magazine. The photographing took place in an old French mansion, and probably this place itself inspired the photographer and stylists to create a decadent story, in which the clothing of modern designers, antique furniture and unusual attributes organically connected.

With the name Irina ionesko, many world scandals are connected. This woman became famous not only as a photohogram, but also as a mother who shot her little daughter naked.


Irina Ionesko was born in the family of circus-tour from Romania on September 3, 1935 in France, in Paris. Parents of photographers practically did not practice her upbringing, they were passionate about the work. Therefore, a four-year-old girl was taken to the city of Constanta in Romania to care to her grandmother.

But with the onset of the Great Patriotic War, both women run to Paris. Ionessko Irina worked in the dance show, but at the age of 21 she was addicted to painting. The girl liked to draw elements of women's items.

In 1964, Irina Ionesko in the Paris Gallery Nikon met the artist who gave her the first camera. The girl was fascinated by the pictures. And already in 1965 she found a model named Anuk. So the first photo from ionisko "Koma Raphaelite" appeared. The artist works in the style of erotic decades. She photographed partially bare women.

In 1974, the first exhibition of photographs was organized in Paris, the author of which was Irina Ionessko. Women's work attracted public attention, which led to the glory and proposals on cooperation. Her pictures wanted to place many magazines and art galleries from around the world.

Failed mother and brilliant photo artist

Irina Ionessko in nature is a frivolous woman. She loves to travel, fond of literature and most interested in fashion. In 1965, at the age of 30, the photohchozhnik gave birth to Eva daughter. Baby never knew her father, even his name.

Irina Ionessko and Eva's daughter was not close spiritually. She used a defenseless girl as his own fashion model of the erotic genre. When the baby turned 5 years old, the French artist presented photographs of semi-nailed Eva to the public. Erotic child's pictures have become a subject of disputes, the scandal broke out.
Ionessko Irina photographed daughter in a wide variety of poses and outfits. Usually the creative process was traced in the walls of the native apartment, where Chaos reigned and darkness.

Little girl did not always want to pose mom, and then Irina promises to buy something deliciously persuaded daughter.

The permit and insistence of Irina was invited to filming Playboy. Photos of a naked girl appeared in the journal, when it was only eleven years old. Also with the filing of Mom Eva starred in erotic films.

At the age of 42, Irina ionesko lost his parental rights. Her daughter was given to raising families close to a friend, Fashion designer, and in 2012, Eve decided to submit to the mother to the court for the stolen normal childhood. As a result of which she received compensation in the amount of about 100 thousand euros. Now Eve works by director and film actress.

Work iona as a posthumous image

Most of the photos of French photo shops have an erotic and even pornographic character. Irina Ionesko, whose work has not once caused condemnation from the Company, loved to create pictures in the modernist style.

Her photos show the mood of pessimism and doomed, gloominess and gothic mysticism. In the works of ionetically, many pictures of women in bizarre outfits and expensive ornaments. Despite the nudity of the models, the girls are not the subject of lust, they are more like a posthumous image.

Bibliography photohogs

Irina Ionessko is also known as a writer. At the age of 39 years, the French photohrite published his first book "Liliacees Langoureuses Aux Parfums D" Arabie ". This portfolio consisting of 25 sheets is presented in limited quantities. In 1974, the publication fell into the list of the most beautiful French books. It was presented on the international The exhibition fair in Nice.

In 1975, the second book appeared from ionisko called the "Way Way". In 1976, the third edition of the French photochik was published. The luxurious book "Sectius for the funeral of the lover" consists of photographs and poems of Irina. She loved the beauty and wealth in everything, his editions the writer decorated with expensive materials.

Bibliography ionesko includes such literary masterpieces as the "Temple of Mirrors", "Nocturns", "Irina Ionessko", "Raven", "Passion".

L.Gulko- The next our topic is the blockade.

I.Petrovskaya- Oh, a difficult incredibly theme. Because, as we know, disputes and conversations are still going, which you can talk about what you can not talk about. We already know more than one case when the same Alexey Krasovsky with his "holiday" is accused of encroaching on the holy, in blasphemy. When this, it is clear, a long-standing story, but she asked this trend, the tone, when the Rain Channel was exposed to Ostracism for an attempted discussion, which, in general, was nothing terrible. But not time, not a place. And in general, as they talked, it insults veterans while people are alive, they survived, in no case cannot ask any questions at all, "what if" and so on.

By the way, I just read the memories of Dmitry Sergeevich Likhacheva published. And then it was possible when he was alive. Which writes ... First, he remembers the terrible episodes of the blockade. And he writes that "we never know all the truth about the blocked", which confirms the current story. On this basis there are speculations that for some reason no one do not insult.

For example, the initiatives of the Bashkir, in my opinion, or the Barnaul deputy, who made the day of liberation from the blockade all Russians spent on bread and water. And also in the city ... I can not remember exactly, given the task to bake bread, 12,000 servings, by blockade recipes.

L.Gulko- by blockaded norm.

I.Petrovskaya- Distribute by blockade norm. By blockade recipes, except without adding a hobbling there. Or dust. That's it - some simple .. This game is perfect. At the same time, I watch TV yesterday, these memorable different events have already begun, there are military equipment, as in the days of the Leningrad blockade. They spend there minutes of memory, some rolls there. And the city itself, this landscape, littered with snow, even in the center, all in ice, is not much different from those frames that we see on the chronicles of the terrible blockade of the first winter, which in all memories was wildly snowy.

And yesterday, in the program "Time", we show an interview with the current acting Governor Rules. And the text goes that he now raises the ruins that he was inherited from the predecessor. So I want it to not snow and ice inheritance, at least to this anniversary of liberation, you could take something to do that the city does not like such a terrifying way to the then snowy.

Of course, now there are so many films, and artistic films. And tomorrow the whole day will be on the first channel under the sign of the blockade. By the way, do not miss, at nine in the morning ... Time, as we last spoken, strange. But at nine in the morning there will be a film about Daniele borne, by the way, by the century. And there will be a blockade theme, and his performance in the Bundestag, when he told about the blockade. And the deputies, and the Angela Merkel all got up.

Then there will be several films of artistic, "Ladoga", "Leningrad", documentary films. The same thing on "Russia" will be, game movies and documentary. It will be shown on the "Fifth Channel" a parade in honor of the liberation ... In general, follow the program.

I want to say about the film that is knocked out of this series of pretty pathoral stories about heroism. Yes, heroism is definitely. Absolutely, no one is subject to question. But as the same Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev writes that the blockade has demonstrated both the heights of the human spirit, nobility and self-sacrifice, and the proven human lowness. And here is the film "Voice", which was shown last Sunday on the Culp channel, which Elena Yakovich was done, the famous documentary, and Natalia Gromova, on the diaries of Olga Berggolts, who just from 41st to the 44th year, she left In Moscow, then returned, because he understood that she could not be in another environment and situation at this moment.

So she was a voice of a blockade Leningrad, worked in a radioomitete, survived all the blockade all the Leningrades, hunger, her husband died of hunger. Well, this huge episode, understandable, the main episode in this film. But the film is not only about it, but in general about the fate of Olga Berggolts. They take the diaries of it, which she led almost from adolescence, these diaries were arrested with her in the 38th year. Then they came to freedom with her, she continued to behave. And here - also a huge number of testimonies, what the Cast hell and horror worried the city during the blockade, as later, in the 49th year, they tried to destroy the memory of this very nightmare, and defeated the museum, which in the 44th year arose, Defense of heroic Leningrad. By the way, now it also has a continuation.

Now we go to the news, and then we will continue to continue.

L.Gulko- 10 seconds, and then we will return to the studio and continue.

L.Gulko- We return to our conversation.

I.Petrovskaya- Yes, in this film, the diaries of Olga Berggolts, somehow very accurately, without acting, without special intonation reads Lyudmila Ulitskaya, this is an unmistakable choice, simply because a colleague on the workshop is a literary, and a person, of course, with a flawless reputation with a huge reputation Moral feeling, a kind for many people, Charton. And Alla Demidov, who recalls how she played Olga Berggolts. And he was very afraid to get acquainted with her, Olga Bergholts was alive, naturally. And then it was very regretted that I didn't get acquainted then, before the film, because there were some strokes, the manners of her who Alla Demidov recalls that she would like to transfer it in this role.

In short, friends, retell films meaningless. Those who have not seen - be sure to find, it is posted, including him posts on his page Elena Yakovich herself, and this is, of course, a film event. And, by the way, was yesterday the ether, I was afraid that it would turn into one tear or into some speculation. But it turned out to be a very decent air, Malakhov, oddly enough, "direct ether". There were real Leningraders who survived the blockade in childhood and devoted themselves to collecting various diaries, information. And the actresses who took part in the record, in reading these fragments from these diaries, which also passed the war.

Someone like Vera Vasilyeva, already a teenager, someone - like Larisa Luzhina, a little girl. And it turned out such a good memorial ether. And some incredibly piercing and sorrowful stories, stories about the blockade of those who survived it.

Some parents want to grow a real celebrity from their child, and thereby embody their own goals into reality. However, for the kid, the price of popularity may be too high. So it happened with these children.

Eva Ionec

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The mother of Eve, Irina Ionessko, was a professional and very famous photographer in France and chose her daughter as a favorite model. That's just shooting your daughter, she preferred nude or semi-free, in obscene poses. The girl was only 4 years old, when the mother began selling her photos, and at 11 years old, the girls appeared in the "playboy". At the same time, Eve debuted into a movie in the movie Roman Polansky "Zhiltsi." Then there was an erotic film "Slutric Childhood." After that, the scandal broke out, Irina ionesko deprived the parental rights and forbidden to take pictures of the daughter, but she continued to sell the pictures of the girl in secret. In 2011, Eve released an autobiographical film called "My Little Princess", which, apparently, wanted to explain the mother, as it was not right. Apparently, several legal proceedings with her daughter never convinced Irina Ionessko.

Alan Thompson ("Cutie Buba")

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Alana's mother, Jun, always dreamed to be famous and because from six years she sent her daughter to beauty contests. And, it should be noted, she achieved his own: the family noticed producers and offered to relieve a realistic show about their lives "But Milaska Bubu!" It was really a golden lived: the show is not about celebrities, but about typical redheads: alcoholism, ripples, early marriages and pregnancies, Jank-Food, scandals and obesity - a complete set of vices that everyone is so interesting to watch. But during the show Mother Buba beat, it seems, all records. Before filming, she was drinking daughter with a mixture of lemonade with energy so that Hani Buba was "exhausted," the daughter sprinkled to the solid stage of obesity, and then accomplished the act at all, struck all of America: the next season of the show refused to shoot when Dzhun began to live with a former boyfriend, who served 10 years on charges of corruption of an eight-year-old girl. And this girl was ... Senior daughter Jun! Now Milaska Bubu is unsuccessful trying to lose weight, and her mother is responsible for all the attacks of journalists: "What did I do? I did not give her alcohol. But I could! "

Richard Sandraq

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Richard's father, a former champion in martial arts, always dreamed of growing from her son "the strongest child in the world" from his son! When the boy was two years old, the family moved from Ukraine to the United States and Richard began his daily workouts. Subsequently, the father of Richard was accused of violence over the child: Richard was not allowed to play, walking on the street, there is no useful, but delicious food and, of course, lean from training. But already at eight years he could squeeze his double weight from his chest, and in 11 troops. At eight years, Richard became the strongest child in the world: he was invited to TV shows, training and competition, and called "Little Hercules".
But soon, "Little Hercules" broke all connections with his father: they planted the man for three years to violence - he beat his wife. Police caused Richard himself. Then there are no workouts.
Now the former bodybuilder is 26 years old and it looks not as cool as in his youth. "I am very proud of my children's achievements, I am not ashamed for them, and I'm not trying to hide from someone this page of my life. - He says. "I just don't want to live like that." With the Father, which has long been released from prison, Richard still does not communicate.

Biern Andersen

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When Biern was six years old, his mother was deprived of parental rights and care for her grandmother. The boy himself dreamed of becoming a pianist, but the grandmother who worked at the Stockholm film studio dreamed of a letter of grandson, especially since he was definitely external data. Like the first in the life of Bioron Casting director Lukino Wisconti chose him to the role of Tajio, in his film release of Thomas Mann "Death in Venice": this is the story of the unhealthy passion writer Gustava von Ashshbha to the young Polish aristocrat Tajio.
The shooting was given by Biern heavily: the director forbade the child to sunbathe, swim in the sea, play with other children and especially koking with girls: as soon as Wisconti noticed it, he rolled the scandal and stopped shooting. Andresien was categorically forbidden to leave the image of a young aristocratic homosexual.
After the premiere of Bjorn, Glory collapsed, began to be called "the most beautiful boy of the XX century." At the same time, journalists constantly tried to climb him in touch with men, which was promoted by the film director: after the premiere he invited Bierne to the gay club.
As a result, Byrin, who could not withstood such a tension, really began to meet with men, but later regretted this: "The homosexual experience I received, being a teenager, was very much influenced by my psyche in a negative key. I succumbed to universal influence and simply caused myself physical and moral harm, "he told after.
As a result, Biern managed to cope with this and return to music and marry. But he still remembers with his youth.

Lindsey Lohan

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Lindsay began his career in three years. At first, the baby worked as a model, after he switched to the series, and at 11 years old played a major role in the comedy "Parents' trap", which opened her the road to a big movie. One of the most successful projects of the young Lindsay was the comedy "Dried Girls", after which the paparazzi began to pursue 16-year-old Lohan. And then something went wrong ... Transitional age and stress from their new status of the superstar came to the reaction with experiences from the first unsuccessful role: after awards, the ovations and the praise of Lindsay first received the Antipremia "Golden Malina" for the comedy "Kiss for good luck" in 2006. At the same time, the actress begins to attend the assemblies of anonymous alcoholics, and a year later, it decides to undergo rehabilitation in the clinic for drug addicts. What happened next, everyone knows. Arrests for drunk driving and accidents, scandals on filming because of stolen things, shoots from rehaba, social work in the morgue. Yes, about Lindsay continue to speak, but only not in connection with her work in the cinema.

Makola Kalkin

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The history of Macaulae Calkina, who became popular and rich after the comedy comedy, is the classic example of the tragic fate of a child who did not have the earliest glory. Moreover, Calkin can not be called an actor of one role - he had every chance to get out of the comedy image. For example, in 1993, Machaley played a negative role in the dramatic thriller "Good Son". The directors did not refuse to work with the young talent, but the boy was painted by success, asked Millionic fees for his participation in projects, while his parents were on the verge of a divorce because of the conflict about the right to dispose of the son's money. Calkin was forced to suspend work in the cinema for the time to allow parents to allow financial issues. The parents eventually divorced, the money went to the already matured Maicolai, but the directors for a long period of downtime forgotten about young talent. Moreover, the talent itself has already lost freshness and youth charm, addicted to alcohol and drugs, managed to marry at the age of 17 at the actress Rachel Mainer and divorce two years later. The only noticeable work in the film for adult Calkin was the role in the tragicomedy "Club Mania", where he played the infamous promoter Michael Eliga, who killed his drug dealer. Critics and viewers called the role of mired in parties and the dependences of a lonely raver reflection of the inner world of the Kalkin himself. In December 2012, there was information that Makolai tried to commit suicide due to depression after parting with the actress of cute kunis.
A source