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About Armenia. With Turkey and Azerbaijan, Armenia has quite complicated relationships. Fine art Armenia

Located in the south-west of Asia (South Caucasus), covers the territory between the River Rivers and Araks in the northeastern part of the Armenian Highlands between the Caucasus and Front Asia. Armenia's area is about 30,000 square meters, more than 90% of which are at an altitude of more than 1000 m above sea level. The relief of Armenia is mainly mountainous, with rapid rivers and few forests.


Continental, mountain. In general, summer is roast and dry, and the winter is sufficiently harsh. Best time To visit the country - from early spring to late autumn. Autumn is the most beautiful time of the year in the local areas: calm pleasant days, cool refreshing nights, fascinating the color of colors and shades around and the abundance of juicy fragrant fruits, ripened under the hot sun.


The time difference is +1 hour.

Currency unit

International name: AMD.

Drama equal to 100 lumines. In the monetary circulation there are coins in dignity of 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 drams, as well as bills of 1000, 5000, 10,000, 20,000 and 50,000 drams. A bill of 50000 drams issued by the Central Bank of Armenia in 2001 in honor of the 1700th anniversary of the adoption of Armenia Christianity. Currency can be exchanged in numerous currency exchange items throughout the city. In large banks and in many hotels you can exchange EVEROG. Credit cards Visa, Evro / MasterCard and others. Take all international hotels, many shops and restaurants. Banks work from 9:00 to 16:00 on working days, on Saturday some banks accept customers from 10:00 to 14:00. Currency exchange points are usually open from 9:00 to midnight, often work on weekends and holidays.

Kitchen Armenia

Armenian cuisine is one of the most ancient in the world. Most popular dishes in Armenia - Kebab, all sorts of salads, dolma - chopped meat, missed through a meat grinder and wrapped in the leaves of cabbage or grapes and its lean option - "Pasuz Tolm" and, of course, Lavash, who still bake on old technology in Clay crushes tonira and a lot of greenery. Armenian brandy Made from selected varieties of grapes growing in the Ararat Valley.

Public transport and taxi

There are no internal flights in Armenia, in the country you can travel on trains and buses, the routes of which often duplicate each other.

From the main bus station Yerevan, buses to Gyumri, Vanadzor, Sevan, Dilijan and other cities, and abroad are sent daily to Istanbul and Tbilisi. From Sasunci David station, Ararat, Artashat, Yerashavan, etc., are left comfortable, etc. This method cannot be called comfortable, since the park of buses has not been updated for a long time, transportation is crowded, rarely in time, there are no air conditioners.

Trains in Armenia are also not the newest, but at least they are sent exactly on schedule. Tickets can be bought at the ticket offices or on the website of the South Caucasian Railway. For comparison: travel from Yerevan to Gyumri will cost approximately 1000 AMD, and from Yerevan to Ararat - 300 AMD.

In Yerevan, one subway line, and it covers, of course, not all areas. The most convenient way to move around the cities of Armenia is buses and minibuses. In most of them, there are no turnstiles nor the conductor, the passage needs to be paid directly to the driver when leaving. There is one trip 100 AMD. The same amount will cost 1 km of a taxi trip. In Armenia, you can rent a taxi for a whole day, the driver will gladly carry you and tell you interesting places that you should visit.

Basic resorts and cities

Yerevan The capital of Armenia is one of the oldest cities in the world, located on average River River, in the heart of Ararat Plain, at an altitude of 850 - 1300 m above sea level. Modern Yerevan is an amazingly beautiful city. The spirit of ancient Armenian civilization is reflected in the unique architectural ensemble of the city. The city has a huge number of churches, and by the number of museums and exhibition halls Yerevan is able to argue with any capital of the world. The original architecture, literally saturated by national motifs, is distinguished by very many buildings of the capital, the facades of which are faced with a truly Armenian material - a pink tuff of various shades, as well as marble and basalt.

Nagorno-Karabakh - Edge of majestic mountains, picturesque valleys, purest rivers and lakes. But, among other things, this is a wonderful place, full of ancient cities, powerful hardening, Orthodox churches and monasteries, many of which are not the first millennium here. And this is very not surprising, because Nagorno-Karabakh, also known as the province of Artsakh, was part of the Great Armenia, formed before the birth of Jesus Christ. It is not difficult to assume what cultural value keeps this amazing and beautiful edge.

Arzny One of the most important Balneological resorts of Armenia - Arzni is just 20 minutes from her capital. Here, in the covered forests and shrubs of the dedication, several sanatoriums once worked at once, where they came from all over the Transcaucasia. The fact is that the relief of this region has been formed by active volcanic activities, and the restless seismic stop led to the saturation of groundwater by various micro and macroselements.

Mineral water from sources near Arzni - the main therapeutic factor The resort in which today acts, unfortunately, only one health rescue under the same name. But there is no lack of holidaymakers: the Armenian glad to couple with excellent location and beautiful and generous nature attract guests. Moreover, a significant part of them visits the sanatorium for many years.

Jermuk "This is the Armenian fellow of our hot key (in the Russian name of the city means" hot source "). The American writer William Saroyan and Marshal Bagramyan responded about Jermuk with delight. They compared this terrain with the Alps - here are the same beautiful flowers, forests and waterfalls.

Main Sightseeing Jermuk - Mineral Sources. Local water is famous healing power And it can be returned to the cheerful life of any person.

Sevan - Alpine lake in Armenia, one of the biggest lakes in the Caucasus, as if adjacent to the sky, as located in a mountain bowl at a height of almost two kilometers above sea level. According to the legend clean water This lake in ancient times could only drink gods and stars. Today, Sevan and its surroundings are a famous landmark of Armenia, to see which all fans of the Caucasus and his beauty.

Gyumri. The second large city of Gyumri's country is almost on the Turkish border itself. Gyumri is very old and a long history of a long history, including the military. Once this crowded shopping city flourished and could be the decoration of any tourist route in Armenia, if it were not for the intervention of the elements, whose traces were not black and to this day.

Vanadzor The third largest city of Armenia, Vanadzor, cozy, located in a basin between Pambaki and the Benhable ridges, has long been attracted by lovers to combine active rest with the ability to improve health without prejudice to the budget. At a relatively small area of \u200b\u200bsettlement (about 25 square meters), several clinics specializing in water and muds are operating at once. In addition, mineral springs are located within the city: water in them has a pleasant, soft taste and a balanced composition, normalizing metabolic processes, the operation of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract.

In Vanadzor, there are not many attractions: "Black" Church, built in 1831 at the scene of the destroyed monument of antiquity, art gallery, where exhibitions of students of the local art school, opera and puppet theaters periodically organize. The most interesting and exciting facilities are concentrated in the vicinity of the city. These include monastic complexes of Achpat, Sanain and Agracin, Sanain Bridge and Monasteries Horakett, Makaravank and Nor-Ghetik.

Vagarshapat.. The first mention of the settlement to the territory of today's Vagarshapata is dated by 2 century to n. e. Later, a small village was transformed into the major city of Vardkesavan, who for a long time became the main thing in the Armenian state. In the era of the USSR, he was called Echmiadzin, and since 1992 he became famous for today.

Vagarshapat is located just 20 km from Yerevan, and at least his once rich residential building is almost completely lost, everything is fine with religious. That is why tourists are actively going here - the throne is the throne of the Catholicos of all Armenians, this is an important religious center of the republic. Several very ancient temples are preserved here, among which the amazing beauty and scale of the Cathedral are one of the oldest Christian structures of the world.

Shopping in Armenia

Supermarkets, large stores and most shops work daily. The latter are often closed in the morning, but are open until late evening. It is not accepted to bargain in stores, but in the markets it is necessary.

Souvenir number one is the famous Armenian brandy, which is a lot of brands of which can be found almost in any shop. The most famous varieties are "Ararat", "Armenika", "Sanya Nova", "Noah", "Armenian brandy". The cost of 0.75 liters of quality beverage starts from 6500 AMD.

Certainly pay attention to Armenian carpets with traditional motifs; They trade not only in specialized and souvenir shops, but also from cars in the Yerevan market - here is the largest choice. Vintage carpets can be purchased at the "Vernisazh" - a giant flea market, unfolding every day on the Republic Square in the capital.

Among other souvenirs - products made of wood (stands for bottles of brandy, vases and fruit plates), Copper Turks "Jazzve", Gublae dolls and traditional dolls, woven in tapestry technique, glass products and Christmas toys with national motifs, "Tarosics" - Mini gifts for guests at weddings, bronze figurines of national heroes.

8 things you need to do in Armenia

1) take pictures against the background of the legendary vertex of Ararat (and even to see the remnants of the ark).

2) to taste the Armenian brandy and from now on to recognize it only.

3) to give a tribute to Memoria Mesrop Masstock and learn at least a little later to read in Armenian.

4) admire the transparency of Lake Sevan.

5) Surprise the Black Pogwash and try to spawn from a beef tail.

6) Listen to Duduk Jivan Gasparyan and, if lucky, Bariton Charles Aznavour.

7) See the oldest nodule carpet in the world.

8) Drink from Pulpulak fountain in Yerevan to come here again.

Most of the iconic attractions of Armenia can be divided into the following groups:

  • cultural objects;
  • monuments of ancient architecture;
  • natural facilities (resorts, reserves, scenic places).

Get acquainted with the past countries and look for the roots of the national mentality better in the metropolitan museums. For example, in the Museum of History on Argishti Street, where the most ancient archaeological finds of Armenia are collected. Only here you will find an ax, which is 100,000 years old and, thanks to miniature layouts, make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe appearance of ancient Yerevan.

On the avenue of Mesrop Mashtots, there is another interesting institution - Matenadaran. The funds of the storage facilities of the ancient manuscripts and firstite books are about 17,000 valuable manuscripts and more than 100,000 important historical documents.

If there is time, you can rinse in the Museum of Sergei Parajanov, which is on Dzogharuh Street. By the way, the museum is open to a close friend of the famous director. It is not a sin to look into the national art gallery, where, in addition to the ancient frescoes, miniatures and samples of modern Armenian visual arts, you can see the canvas of the legendary Marinist Aivazovsky.

The oppressive impression leaves an excursion to the Museum of the Armenian Genocide. Internal facilities of the object go under the ground, symbolizing the entrance to the afterlife. Empty here never happens, but silence in the museum is piercing: it is not taken loud to talk loudly, so as not to insult the memory of the brutal of tortured compatriots.

Diametrically opposite atmosphere reigns in the Museum of Megherana, located on Madoyan Street. Once in this kingdom of carpets and tapestries, it is impossible to stay from admiring exclamations. Do not regret money for a full-fledged excursion, which will introduce you to the main stages of creating these beautiful products.

Armenia is a state, one of the first to those who adopted Christianity, so if you are drawn in the saint places, consider what was in the right place. In the vicinity of Alaverdi, there are two very interesting objects listed on UNESCO World Heritage List: Achpat and Sanain Monasteries. Built in the 10th century, these massive stone buildings were withstanding not one earthquake.

Be sure to visit the singing fountains on the Republic Square. Transparent aqueous jets rise up and lowered, under the fascinating classic, pop and rock composition, forming bizarre cascades. Each view is accompanied by light installation (in the dark) and ends under the legendary chall of Aznavour "Eternal Love".

Outstanding monuments that can be considered symbols of the Armenian capital, in Yerevan there are only two: the monument "Mother Armenia", depicting a harsh woman with a sword, and the sculpture of David Sasunci - the Hero of the People's Epos, an invincible hero. The latter uses universal love and for a long time was the official emblem of the film studio "Armenianfront". If traditional monuments seem too correct and boring, it is possible to return to the cascade and lay on the avant-garde creation of the heat of the pleus - "man from the letters." Visually to locate the monument is easy: groups of tourists with phototechnics are always hanging around. Immediately, at the foot of the main staircase of Yerevan, there are other, complete expression of monuments. Some of them look somewhat outward than and attract attention.

All attractions of Armenia

Traditions and national flavor

People in Armenia impulsive, sociable and responsive. Despite the fact that the state language in the country - Armenian, Russian here is well understood, so when you want to clarify the route, you can safely contact local residents. It is possible that you will not only show a more convenient way, but also come to spend.

Smoking in public places in Armenia is not welcome. And although most points of the local catering on a burning cigarette are watching through the fingers (as a rule, there are no non-smoking areas in urban cafes), then climbing the wheel, the tourist risks being fined.

Not alien to Armenians and such a feeling as national pride. Chiticus other Caucasian peoples and to protrude their own significance here perfectly can. But the history of his nation in Armenia is honored.

And of course, what Armenian will refuse the ability to slightly inflated the tourist. So, going to the local markets, do not hesitate to bargain: moreover, than emotionally you do this, the more chances you have to win the location of the seller.

But the abuse of local sympathies is not worth it: if in the capital, some kind of liberty is forgiven, there are inappropriate actions in the province of a unpleasant conflict. Especially carefully behave in church and monastic premises. Celebrated conversations on the theme of the Armenian genocide and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict are not fond of here, so try not to delve into politics. And of course, in no case, do not tarn the topless on local beaches, if you do not want to cause an open condemnation of others: Armenia, though looking towards Europe, continues to remain a purely Caucasian state.

Kitchen Armenia

Nothing offends the Armenians as the identification of their national dishes with Georgian and Azerbaijani analogues. Here, for example, it is quite sincerely believed that the debt is an invalid Armenian invention, which other people of the Transcaucasus were unless borrowed. What is interesting: besides traditional dollars with a filling of meat, onions and spices, there is its lean analog in Armenia, which is stuffed with peas, beans or lentils. Eating such a kushan on New Year's Eve.

Horovatz (kebab) served here at every turn. The main chip of the local recipe is the daily marination of meat in front of the roasting. For vegetarians, the "Summer Horovan" - baked vegetables (peppers, potatoes, tomatoes) will be excellent replacement for the animal product. And do not try to arm a fork, be easier: a real gyrovat is eaten solely with the help of hands.

You can dilute the abundance of meat food in the stomach can be saved with a soup based on the milk product of Mazongi with the addition of wheat grains, eggs and greenery. Lovers of strong and satisfying broths are better to stop their choice on the hash - soup, cooked from beef or pork legs. The dish is symbolic, so if Armenian friends invited you to Hash, you can count the test on unconditional trust covered. Jach with a crowded garlic, which is smeared on crisp pita. By the way, about the pita: Flat pellets are baked in Tandara and completely replace the bread with Armenians. In Lavash, you can wrap everything with your heart: kebab, seasonal vegetables, chopped greens.

By the fall, all Armenia comes with a hapama, which is a pumpkin, stuffed with rice, almonds and dried fruits. On the sweet, you can take the gate - the hybrid of buns and puff cake with sugar and butter filling. In each area of \u200b\u200bthe country, they adhere to their recipes, so do not be surprised that the Yerevan and Karaklis Gata can differ significantly on taste characteristics.

For incorrigible sweet tooths, there is a supersucer (spherical), which injecting often confused with Churchhel. Folded by walnut nucleolies, sausages from grape juice differ from the Georgian version of the sweetness with a rich taste of spices and softness of the consistency. Popular views of Armenian treats are traditionally nut-fruit: polished with honey and fastened peaches, dried apricots, sugar almonds.

As for drinks, choose from what. Even ordinary water from the crane in Armenia is cleaner and tastier than anywhere else. It is not necessary to leave for the connoisseurs of strong alcohol, without trying the Yerevan brandy, which is produced here for more than 125 years. Excellent quality and local wine products. It is better to take it in stores, because it is incredibly difficult to run into the fake. If you can knock over the stack of apricot or tart vodka.

Not spinning alcoholic beverages. Tourists should pay their eyes toward the dairy products: Tana and Maceni. Tea in Armenia is not very popular, it is universally replaced by the fragrant steady coffee, in which a sense knows here.


You can navigate between the country's regions either by bus or by train. True, claim high level Comfort is not worth: Vehicles in Armenia, as a rule, seeing views and not tied to such benefits of civilization as air conditioners. Most buses next to big cities (Vanadzor, Gyumri, Sevan), departs from the Central Station of Yerevan. From here you can go to a fascinating shopping tour of Georgia or Turkey. To get to Ararat, Erashavan and Atahanta, you must first get to Sasunci David train station, from where the above-mentioned routes depart.

The travel option by train is usually more comfortable because the machinists are clearly followed by the schedule (as opposed to drivers of Yerevan buses).

The traditional public transport of the capital is the subway, buses, bus and taxis. The first covers not all areas of the city, so local prefer to use terrestrial modes of transport. By the way, instead of conductors and turnstiles here are still in the course of payment "From hand to hand."

If you arrived in Yerevan for the first time and do not know where to go first, take a taxi, without forgetting to hint at your own ignorance. In 99 cases out of 100, you are waiting for an exciting tour of the metropolitan streets, interspersed with emotional stories from the taxi driver.

Rent a car in Armenia is not the cheapest pleasure, but if you desperately wanted to charge, russian rights It is quite suitable here. And do not forget that in situations on the road, the notorious Caucasian hospitality does not work. Cut, overtake and break everything existing rules Here you love. By the way, parking in Yerevan is mostly paid.


Yerevan shops take the only monetary unit - Armenian dram (AMD). 1 dram is 0.14 rubles.

The exchange points in the capital is sufficient, but if desired, the money can be exchanged and individuals (shop owners, street vendors). Usually they offer exchange for a more pleasant rate than the bank. The most disadvantaged money exchange option is the capital airport. Large network stores accept the payment by the card, in addition, in any city of Armenia, an ATM will be deleted to cash out.


Tourists who love to bring a purchase from traveling with an indispensable national flavor, in Armenia there is where to raise. Souvenirs and products handmade It is best to look for the "Vernisazh" - the open market. Silver decorations, folk musical instruments, Clay utensils, crafts from stone and wood, handmade carpets - the choice of national attributes here, as on the eastern bazaar from the fairy tales "1000 and one night". Coming to the "Vernissage" is better at the weekend, since these days all tents and trays work.

Flea market "Vernissage" in Yerevan

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity should be made raid on cosmetics stores in search of products of the local organic brand Nairian. Cosmetics are not cheap, but is it possible to resist the promising labeling "Natural Product".

Be sure to store local delicacies: cheese, honey, coffee (it is an order of magnitude better than what is sold in our coffee boutiques), supersuch, chocolate candies produced by the Yerevan Confectionery Factory Grand Candy. And of course, grab a bag with spices and at least a bottle of Armenian brandy.

If your passion is national jewelry, do not hesitate to look into jewelry. Prices for jewelry in Armenia are quite imputed. It is not bad here and the skin is highlighted here, so in the markets it is often possible to meet a decent leather rudeness.

Information for tourists

    Armenia is a state in Transcaucasia, located in the north of the Geographical region, Front Asia and the North-East of Armenian Highlands. There is no exit to the sea. It borders with Azerbaijan and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic in the East. In the southwest with Nakhichevan AP, which is part of Azerbaijan. With Iran in the south, with Turkey in the West and with Georgia in the north. Armenia controls part of the territory of Azerbaijan (enclaves of Kiarki, the Bestvar, Sofula, Upper Askapara), Azerbaijan controls part of the territory of Armenia (Artyvashen excavation).

    The official name of Armenia:Republic of Armenia.

    Territory of Armenia:The total area of \u200b\u200bthe state is the Republic of Armenia - 29,800 km².

    Armenian population:The total population of Armenia is more than 3 million inhabitants (3,018,854 people).

    Ethnic groups of Armenia:According to the 2001 census, the National Composition of the Republic of Armenia is as follows: Armenians - 97.89%, EZIDES - 1.26%, Russians - 0.46%, Assyrians - 0.11%, Ukrainians - 0.05%, Kurdis - 0.047 %, Greeks - 0.036%, other - 0.14%.

    The average life expectancy in Armenia:The average life expectancy in Armenia is 74.37.

    Capital of Armenia:Yerevan.

    Large cities in Armenia:Yerevan, Gyumri, Vanadzor.

    State language of Armenia:Armenian, also distributed Russian.

    Religion in Armenia:Armenia is one of the oldest states of the world and the first country, who adopted Christianity as a state religion. Currently, there are 57 religious organizations in Armenia, a synagogue is open, as well as churches and chamoral houses of various religious minorities. At the same time, the status of the National Church of the Armenian People's Armenian People is legally enshrined behind the Armenian Apostolic Church, as well as certain restrictions (for example, prohibition of proselytism) on religious freedom of representatives of other denominations.

    Geographical position of Armenia:Armenia is a country in Transcaucasia, which has no way out to the sea. Located in the north-west of Armenian Highlands, called historical Armenia, between the Black and Caspian seas. From the north and east, framed by the Ranges of the Small Caucasus. Borders with Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkey.

    Despite the fact that Geographically Armenia is located in Asia, it has close political and cultural connections with Europe. Armenia has always been at the intersection of ways to connect Europe and Asia, so it is considered as a transcontinental state.

    The relief of Armenia is mainly mountainous, with rapid rivers and few forests. Armenia covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 30000 km², over 90% of which are located at an altitude of more than 1000 m above sea level. The highest point, Mount Aragats, - 4095 m, and the lowest point is 400 m above sea level. The highest point of the region and the historical symbol of Armenia - Mount Ararat - is from the 1920s in Turkey.

    Rivers of Armenia:Araks - in Armenia 158 km. (total length 1072 km.), Ahuryan - in Armenia 186 km., Votan - in Armenia 119 km. (total length is 179 km.), Debed - in Armenia 152 km. (total length 178 km.), Hrazdan - in Armenia 141 km., Agshthev - in Armenia 99 km. (total length 133 km.).

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    Description of the country

    Armenia is one of the most ancient states of Transcaucasia and the first country, who adopted Christianity as a state religion. Mon-draft Christian traditions are displayed in numerous monasteries, churches and khachkars (stone sculptures with crosses carved on them), the most ancient of which are dating 4 century AD. No less interesting to the oldest cities of the state whose age reaches 3000 years, vintage fortress And, of course, the picturesque mountain landscapes that are replete with deep gorges, stormy rivers, waterfalls and lakes, among whom is the largest lake of Transcaucasia - Sevan.


    Armenia covers an area of \u200b\u200b29.74 thousand square kilometers. It borders in the north with Georgia, in the East - with Azerbaijan, in the West and South - with Turkey. Armenia is a high-mountainous country located on the Armenian plateau, medium height which is about 1800 m above sea level. In the south-west there is an interhongna Ararat Valley.


    Fingering Moscow for an hour.


    Continental, dry. In the foothills, the average temperatures of July from +24 from to +26 s, January +5 s, precipitation drops out 200-400 mm. A year, in the mountainous areas, the average temperatures of July from +18 s to +20 s, January from 2 s to +14 s, frequent frosts, precipitation falls to 500 mm. The country is located in the zone of increased seismic hazards. More than 90% of the territory of Armenia lies at an altitude of over 1000 meters above sea level, which determines the climate of the country. In the summer, tropical continental air masses invade with Iranian highlands, the winter air is strongly cooled. In Ararat Valley the average monthly temperature July is +25 +27 degrees, in January - -5-7. The best time of the year in Armenia is autumn.


    Armenian (state), Russian.


    The main part of the believers - Christians (monofisates) of the Armenian Apostolic (Orthodox) Church, as well as the Russian Orthodox Church, Muslims and other denominations.


    About 96% of the country's population is Armenians. Also in Armenia, Russian, Yezidi, Kurds, Assyrians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Georgians, Greeks and Jews live in Armenia.


    Voltage - 220 volts, frequency - 50 hertz.

    Emergency phones

    Fire service - 101
    Police - 102.
    Ambulance - 103


    On the streets of cities you can see telephones that work on coins or phone cards, but you can make an international call from specialized telephones installed on the negotiation points in large shopping centers and banks as well as from hotels. In order to call from Russia to Armenia, you need to score 8 - 10 - 374 (country code) - the city code is the subscriber number. Yerevan code - 1. In order to call from Armenia to Russia, you need to score 00 - 7 (Russian code) - the city code is the subscriber number.

    Currency exchange

    Country activitieside - dram. Banks work from 9.00 to 16.00 on working days, on Saturday, some banks accept customers from 10.00 to 14.00. Currency exchange items are usually open from 9.00 to 22.00-24.00, often work on weekends and holidays.


    Entry to Armenia to citizens of Russia and the CIS - visa-free. With you, it is necessary to have a passport, a period of at least 3 months from the date of the expiration of the planned trip. When traveling with children, you need to take a birth certificate, the child should be entered into a passport of a parent or to have its own passport, in case the child travels, accompanied by one of the parents or third parties, requires a notarized power of attorney from the second parent or from parents to remove the child .

    Customs regulations

    There are no restrictions on the importance and export from the country of foreign currency, only the customs declaration is filled (it is necessary to retain before departure). The amount of more than 10 thousand US dollars (or equivalent in another currency) must be translated through the bank. Import and removal of the local currency is prohibited. It is recommended to declare imported cash, especially if their amount in the equivalent exceeds $ 2000. And this is to avoid possible complications when leaving the country. It is permitted without paying customs duties to import personal items as well as goods and other items, a total cost equivalent to $ 500 dollars. A duty-free importation of alcoholic beverages is allowed - up to 2 liters., As well as tobacco products - up to 50 packs. For all imported goods and items, the total value exceeds the above size, the customs duty is paid. Import and export of any antiques, including gems, coins, manuscripts and other works of art, without permission of the relevant authorities is prohibited. Transit of narcotic, poisoning and explosives, as well as weapons and ammunition (with the exception of hunting weapons, which is issued by the permission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Armenia).

    Holidays and non-working days

    1st of January - New Year
    January 6 - Christmas
    January 28 - Army Day
    March 8 - International Women's Day
    April 24 - the day of memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide of 1915
    May 1 - Labor Day
    May 9 - Victory and World Day
    May 28 - Day of the First Republic
    July 5 - Constitution Day
    September 21 - Independence Day
    December 7 - the day of memory of the 1988 earthquake victims

    With a wide scale throughout Armenia, the holiday of Vardanank (St. Vardan's Day) is celebrated. Celebrations are held on February 15 in memory of the battle of Armenian troops with the Persian army in the Avarai field in 451. Armenians are a religious people with ancient Christian traditions, so the country is necessarily noted the main religious holidays.


    The transport network includes railways with a length of 830 km. (90% of them are electrified) and automotive roads with a total length of 7700 km. A dense network of bus routes associates almost all settlements of the country, many flights are carried out by private carriers. Many buses do not have a clear schedule and depart as the cabin fill. Traveling by car requires certain skills and training. Roads are in a worn condition. In mountainous areas and in the province, they are often simply absent, all transportation is conducted on gravel and gravel losses, quite difficult without the help of local residents. Compliance with the rules of the road movement by local residents is a separate problem. Often cars are moving at all without any signs of organization. But they are "not lagging behind" and pedestrians who are moving any road (even relative to the good highway highway) where and how they do. Lighting on the streets is scarce, and often there is no way at all. Petrol good quality Can be found only in the capital. In the province often offer fuel dubious quality, and often just unknown origin, selling it in banks and bottles right from the hands.

    Buses - the main type of passenger transport of the country due to the complex mountain relief and difficult relationships with neighboring Azerbaijan, preventing the implementation of a full-fledged railway communication. In Yerevan, two main bus stations. The main bus station of the city, on Avenue Avenirala Isakov, from where buses and route taxis are departed, both in Armenia and the border: Tbilisi, Istanbul, Akhaltsikhe, Stepanakert, Goris, Megry, Jermuk, Sisian, Vanadzor, Gyumri, Sevan, Dilijan. Metropolitan acts - 1 line.

    The transport network includes railways with a length of 830 km (90% of them are electrified). The passenger message is carried out along the line Yerevan - Echmiadzin - Gyumri - Vanadzor (twice a day). Moreover, suburban train Follow daily from Yerevan in Erasch, Sevan (only in the summer). As a rule, trains and trains are much slower than buses and route taxis. In addition, the train are in disserval, extremely worn and are often deprived of windows (for example, on the line Yerevan - Yerevan - Gyumri).

    There is no internal air communication in Armenia. The air transport is significantly less developed (there are only 10 local airports and 3 international), since the size of the country is small, and the mountain relief seriously makes airfare.


    In restaurants it is customary to leave "tea" to 10% of the amount specified in the score.

    The shops

    Shops are open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00. Most often in the markets, tourists are offered goods at overpriced prices, so before buying it is better to bargain.

    National cuisine

    Armenian cuisine is greens (many greens!), Cheeses, vegetables, meat and, of course, Lavash! Hundreds of types of herbs that any Armenian mistress with rare art uses for cooking dishes, in all the rest of the world, simply will simply consider weeds. And here without them neither a snack nor cheese, nor the meat dish. And at the same time, the recipe at first glance is extremely simple - products are minimal processing, practically not used vegetable oilsWell, and, of course, ready-made dishes are accompanied by a huge amount of greenery and seasonings. Equipment of the eyelid here eat fermented milk "Matsun" and his divorced cold water Option - "Tan", all sorts of salted vegetables and herbs, twisted cheese "Checchil" and soft cheese "Fagging" with herbs and green garlic, all sorts of salads using legumes, greenery of all kinds and meat products, Floor Plov, as well as the most diverse seasonings from garlic.

    Meat dishes are used in special respect - kebabs from large pieces of meat "Horovatz" ("KARSI" - preparing on the Mangale, "Khazani" - in a saucepan), kebabs from beef and the Kurdnyh Sala "Iki-Bir", meat balls from a particular way and Boiled meat - "Kyufta", round meatballs in the "Kokolik" broth, the famous "Tolm" and her lean option - "Pasuz Tolman", the thinnest strips of boiled beef "Baskyrtat", a cashaty mass of chicken meat and wheat "Arisa", boiled lamb with peas and greens "Bozbash", "Putuk", "Basturma", fried chicken with eggplants and Matsuyun "Boranny", meat "suzuzuch", completely unimaginable assorted from the lever and vegetables "Tisvzhik", "Kchuch" from lamb, "Pastners "," Amich ", various swarms - with a grenade (" snaving hrrow "), with smoked fish (" floating aphtatz dzkov ") or dried fruits (" chrots "), etc. One of the" most Armenian "dishes are fried On Spit Sevan Trout "Ishkhan Horovatz". Also good "Kutan", "Fish Kchuch" and "Ishhan in wine". Preliminary preparation of meat is complex and multistage, so all Armenian meat dishes have a completely unique taste.

    An important place on the table is occupied by soups - a spray from the beef tail "Savior", the famous soup "hash", beef soup with Kuragya "EYE", Chicken Soup "Tarkhan", rice soup with onions "Chulumbar APAR", Mushroom soup with rice "Sunken apo", Soup from the Kuragi "Anushapur", cruel soups "Renewed" and "Khrik", fruit soups "Anusapur", "Chirapur" and others. To soups are usually served boiled Meat, greens and indispensable pita.

    Good Local Sweets and Confectionery - Traditional Wide Pellet from Leno Test With Stuffed "Gata" (Kyata), "Nazuk", "Yugatert", "Nsbarl" cookies, "Baggage", "Sleep", "Sharot", candied apricots " Shas ", Kuraga and figs, home halva, stuffed with a variety of peaches, sweet" suzuzhukh ", numerous types of cookies with nuts and fruit jams, pies and various jams.

    National Drink Cognac. From the oldest times, Armenians knew how to do and good wine, but in our days his release was significantly reduced, and it is used mainly, only within the country. But the Armenian Task Vodka, which is produced in both industrial and handicrafts (in almost every yard) is considered a healing drink with an excellent taste. Of non-alcoholic beverages, no doubt, the most famous "Tarkhun" (not at all what you can buy in plastic bottle). Excellent excellent are also very popular. mineral water Countries and fruit juices. Coffee and tea - on every corner and excellent quality.


    Yerevan It is located on average River River, at altitudes from 850 to 1300 m. In the heart of Ararat Plain. Ancient Erebuni is mentioned in the chronicles already in the VIII century. BC er, and then, for many centuries, it is a major center of Eastern Armenia and one of the key shopping centers of Transcaucasia. After the collapse of the USSR, Yerevan became the capital of independent Armenia. The city's center is considered to be the Republic Square (it has a museum complex, Foreign Ministry and a number of other structures) and the prospect of Mashtots, who comes from Mathenadaran to the city market. The radial layout of the center makes it easy to navigate in this small, saturated attractions of a plot limited by a rings of boulevards. In the center of the city, numerous squares are interesting (first of all opera Square with a conservatory), Yerevan Fortress (XVI century), the famous institute-repository of the ancient Armenian manuscripts - Materenadaran (more than 16 thousand. manuscripts V-X centuries) with a monument to Mesropa Mastota in front of the facade, Memorial complex Sardarapat (1968), the monument of the victims of the victims of the Armenian Genocide of Cycchernakaberd with the Museum of the Genocide (1995), etc. The city has a huge number of churches - St. Catogic (XV century) , St. Sargis (1835-1842), St. Ovasnes-Mkrtich (1710), St. Akopa (XVII century), Sv. Actitzqing (XVII century), St. Gevororka (XVI-XVII centuries. ), St. Zorahor (1693, one of the oldest churches of Yerevan), a huge Yerevan Cathedral (built in honor of the celebration of the 1700th anniversary of the adoption of Christianity), Mosque (XVIII century), etc.

    30 km. North-west of the capital lies the city Ashtarakwhere the Church of the Carrhorra (VII century) is located. And nearby, on the southern slope of Mount Aragats, the fortress of Amberd (X-XIII centuries), the former generic ownership of Pakhlavuni princes and one of the few preserved castles of the country. Interesting churches Carmarmor, Ciranavor, CV. Marina (1281) and CV. Sarkisa, Surb Messrop Mashtots in Oshakan (the relics of the creator of the National Alphabet of the Mesrop Master and Prince Vagan Amatuny), as well as the monasteries of the Virap (one of the shrines of the Armenian Church), ovanavank and Sagmosavank (V-XIII centuries). The extinct volcano Aragats himself is delightful and the highest point of the Transcaucasia.

    On the left bank of Araks is the first capital of Armenia and the oldest city of the country - Armavir, founded as a fortress in the VIII century. BC e. The place of sign in Araks River Metsmor lies the second capital of the country - Artashat., Armenian Carthage, founded in II century. BC e. Nearby is the medieval capital of the country - Dvinwhich carried out metropolitan functions from IV to the XIII centuries. Almost to the foundation of the conquerors destroyed by conquerors and merciless times, these ancient cities gradually open up to the world due to the efforts of archaeologists - here you can explore the excavations of the citadel, palaces, estates and individual houses who have seen another birth of civilization.

    Gyumri. (Former. Leninakan) is the capital of Chirak Ashhar and one of the oldest cities in Armenia (known from the second century. BC), located 126 km. North-west of the capital of Armenia, on the Chirac Mountain Plateau. The city is known as the center of traditional crafts, Armenian architecture, science, health and tourism. The terrible earthquake of 1988 was almost destroyed by the city, soles from the face of the Earth his numerous attractions. Currently, the city is almost completely lined up.

    IN Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) More than 1,700 historical and architectural monuments were recorded, including about 600 monastic complexes and more than 500 churches, such as the Church of Ovanesk Mkrtich in the Gandzasar Monastery Complex (1216-1238), the Cathedral Church of the Dadi Monastery (1214), the main Church of Gtychavanka (1241-1248), Cathedral Church of Khadavanka (1204) and unique temple frescoes Khutavanka. It is worth viewing the ruins of the Khachena Palace (XIII century) north of Hohanberd, Avaptuk Monastery (1163), 5 km. South of Gandzasar, Vachara Cemetery with the Church of the Mamakan's Heaven, Mamako Church, Kachakabard Fortress (IX century), the famous Monastery of Surb Akoba (presumably VI century), Cucik Anapaat Monastery Complex (XII-XII centuries), etc.


    Resorts Ankavan, Arevik, Arzni, Vanadzor, Jermuk, Dilijan, Tsakhkadzor And others are famous for all the Transcaucasia with their beautiful landscapes, mineral sources and healing mountain air. Just 10 km. North of the capital lies the famous balneological resort Arzny, famous for its carbon dioxide hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium mineral waters.

    40 km north of Yerevan, in the picturesque valley of the Marmarik River, at an altitude of more than 1,700 m above sea level, is once famous mountain resort Tsakhkadzor(1900-2100 m). There are about 12 km of ski slopes, a few lifts, a large sports complex, several swimming pools (including 50 meter closed), an athletic stadium, stable, sauna and many other sports facilities, as well as bars, restaurants and a cafe with Armenian and European cuisine and original folklore programs. Nearby is the monastery complex Kecharis (XII-XIII centuries).

    "If you ask me
    where on our planet
    You can meet more wonders
    I would call, above all, Armenia "
    Rockwell Kent.

    - The country of the South Caucasus is located in the north-west of Armenian Highlands, called historical Armenia, between the Black and Caspian seas. From the north and east, framed by the Ranges of the Small Caucasus. Borders with Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkey. Despite the fact that Geographically Armenia is located in Asia, it has close political and cultural connections with Europe. Armenia has always been at the intersection of ways to connect Europe and Asia, so it is considered as a transcontinental state.

    Form of government

    Presidential republic.

    Head of State

    The president



    29.8 thousand square kilometers


    Armenia borders with Nagorno-Karabakh (221 km.), Georgia (164 km), Iran (35 km.), Turkey (268 km), Azerbaijan (566 km.).

    Armenia is the ancient state of the Caucasus, one of the oldest in the world and in the Middle East. Armenia is the first country who adopted Christianity as a state religion (according to the traditional date 301).

    Armenia is a country rich in monuments of culture and nature. There are monuments of the Doharistian era: the ruins of URART Erebuni, Teishebaine, the ancient Armenian capitals of Armavir, Artashat, the pagan temple of Garni and others. Especially rich in Armenia Christian monuments. it cathedral In Vagarshapat, Monasteries Noravank, Geghard, Choir Virap, Goshavank, Sevanavank, the ruins of the ancient Church of Zvartnots, Khachkarov's cemetery in Noraduze and many others. Among nature monuments, you can note the unique Lake Sevan, the waterfall in Jermuk, Lyads Parz Lich and Kari, the Rocks of the HNDOROSK, prominent from many points of Armenia Mount Ararat, as well as the most beautiful and diverse mountain landscape of the country.

    Traveling in Armenia

    A trip to Armenia will open one of the most ancient cultures of the world. Visit the world's most older Christian temples, familiarize yourself with their past and present, swim in the Armenian family and try the dishes of Armenian traditional cuisine.

    Choose the best hotels in Armenia or rent houses and apartments in Yerevan for your business and tourist visits.

    The largest cities: Yerevan, Gyumri, Vanadzor, Kapan, Armavir, Gavar, Ijevan, Echmiadzin, Hrazdan.


    The climate in Armenia is dry continental - long, cold winters and hot summer. The temperature in January fluctuates between -12 and -15c or 10-23f, in July media. The temperature in the mountainous regions + 10c (50f) and about + 25c (77f) in the low-altar territories. Annual sediments fluctuate in the range of 20-80 cm (8-31 inches). The highest mountain peaks in Armenia are covered with a year round.

    The largest water surface: Lake Sevan (pl.4.890 square meters. Km, height 1900 m. Over the sea level).

    The highest point: Aragats - 4090 meters above sea level (highest point).


    The population of the Republic of Armenia is 3.8 million.

    Ethnic composition

    Armenians - 96%. National minorities: Russians, Ezidys, Kurds, Assyrians, Greeks, Ukrainians, Jews.

    The state language is Armenian, but the majority of the population also speaks Russian and English.


    Armenia was the first country in the world who adopted Christianity as an official religion in 301 of our era. In 2001, the country noted the 1700th anniversary of the adoption of Christianity.

    Money and currency exchange

    The course of the national currency - the Armenian drama - is determined by the relation to the US dollar, the euro, the Russian ruble, etc.

    Clear in stores and shopping centers can only be a national currency drama. Currency exchange points are literally at every step, both US dollars and euros, and Russian rubles are equally eagerly accepted in them. In addition, it is possible to exchange money in almost any store or from a private trader - this is not considered illegal, and cases of fraud are rare (although, of course, common sense has never been canceled). Passport is optional.

    With the search for ATMs problems also does not arise. Among other things, in Armenia is a wide network of western union branches.


    Yerevan can be safely considered one of the safest cities in the world. Later night, you can walk with great calm, rather than in many European cities in the afternoon. It feels like gangsters and robbers in Yerevan do not exist at all, or they are all sitting in prisons. In fact, crime in the smallest sizes, of course, exists. However, for some unknown, it is not visible to us, and the tourist, as well as an ordinary town dweller, always feels in complete safety.

    The city is quite easy to navigate, even if you are here for the first time, and you have no helper and even cards. This situation, of course, is excluded, but in any case, you are hardly getting lost in Yerevan. The city is small (not counting the surroundings and distant areas), the center consists of an annular road and the streets that they cross. All of them are filled with vehicles - minibuses, buses and taxis. But you can do without transport, because the distance is small, and your legs can easily cope. In addition, if you still lost a landmark, you can always stop the passerby and be sure that you almost will not bring you there, where you need, the good the Russian language here knows everything.


    There are institutions that themselves contribute to the tips - an average of 5-7%, then additionally leave tips optional. In all other things, it is customary to leave an average of 10% of the account.

    National language in Armenia - Armenian. But almost the entire population speaks freely in Russian. Problems may occur except in the most deaf villages, and that is not always. In Yerevan, many also know English, French - mostly young people. From the older generation, English is not known everything, so sometimes, when a foreign tourist appeals to them, for example, in English, they are responsible for him, but already in Russian, believing that once the tourist does not know Armenian, then the Russian know it is obliged. There is no language barrier in Armenia.


    The basis of Armenian cuisine - chopped meat (mainly beef and lamb), fresh, stewed and stuffed vegetables. When cooking, more than 300 species of aromatic herbs and colors are used, and they often serve not even as seasonings, but in the form of the main component of the Kushan.

    It is worth trying "Kutap" - trout, stuffed with rice, raisins and ginger and baked in the oven. We mention the satisfying "hash" and the delicious "dolm", "Kyufta" from chopped meat, many cheeses with herbs, including twisted "kept", and of course the famous Armenian lavash - by the way, it happens not only white, but also black, from Mountain wheat solid varieties.

    You can eat everywhere. Wherever in the city you are, we can safely assume that within a radius of 100 meters you can find a snack room, cafe or restaurant. Well, if you are in the center, this radius is narrowed to 10 m. Here you can find any kitchen: Armenian, Arab, Georgian, European, Chinese. Prices may vary significantly. But in general, in Yerevan, there is a good lunch, you pay much less than in Moscow.

    Lake Sevan.

    Tatev monastery IX century.


    Almost throughout Armenia you can use your cell phones. Roaming in Armenia carry out all the main Russian cellular operators. We recommend purchasing a local SIM card - calls home will be much cheaper.

    Medicine in Armenia

    In the pharmacies of Armenia may not be some drugs, so do not hope to buy them on the spot, and it is better to capture with you from home.

    You do not need vaccinations before traveling to Armenia. There are no threats of epidemics.

    Armenia is a mountainous country, so the sun is especially ruthless here. This is especially true of white-skinned people who may suffer from sun burns. Before traveling to this country, take care of sunscreen creams. Be sure to wear hats to avoid a thermal impact, and use sunglasses.

    Holidays and commemorative days in Armenia

    • 1, 2 January - New Year
    • January 6 - Holiday of St. Christmas and Epiphany
    • January 28 - Army Day
    • March 8 - International Women's Day
    • April 7 - Maternity and Beauty Day.
    • April 24 - the day of memory of the victims of the Genocide in Armenia
    • May 1 - International Day of Workers
    • May 9 - Victory Day
    • May 28 - Day of the First Republic of Armenia
    • June 1 - International Children's Day
    • June 5 - the Day of the Constitution of Armenia
    • 1 September is the day of knowledge
    • September 21 - Armenian Independence Day
    • October 5 - Teacher's Day
    • December 7 - the day of memory of the victims of the 1988 earthquake victims in Armenia


    The metro is the main means of movement. The Yerevan Metro consists of only one branch, which extends from the railway station to the northern part of the city. The metro includes 10 stations. The cost of the trip is 100 drams, which is in terms of US dollars - $ 0.26.

    Route taxis works at any point to the deep night of Yerevan. Basically, these are minibuses from 12 to 15 seats. The price of a ticket is also 100 drum or $ 0.26.

    And, of course, a taxi. You can call the car by phone by calling a taxi service or just catch on the street. The price may vary from one hundred to one hundred and fifty drams for the passage of one kilometer.

    Movement - Tourists usually celebrate one single drawback of Yerevan - Street traffic. The city was not designed for such a number. vehicleTherefore, the streets are often crowded. However, the plugs here are very rare, but still the abundance of cars is not very harmony with the cozy streets of Yerevan, so it's much more pleasant to walk along it, rather than in transport.