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Gumilev biography by dates. Outside of Russia. Manuscripts and autographs

Nobleman, Russian poet. The last four years of life - formally - Soviet. Graduate 1906.

More than once you remember me
And my whole world, exciting and strange.

N. Gumilev

The only of the great poets of the Silver Age, executed by the Soviet authorities by the court sentence. The rest are either untouched (Klyuyev, Mandelstam), either brought to suicide (Yesenin, Mayakovsky, Tsvetaeva), or died to the term of physical and spiritual shocks (block, breadmen, Khodasevich), or - at best, transferred persecution and persecution ( Pasternak, Akhmatova).

N.S. Gumilyov, 1912. 20

Already 95 years have passed since the death of the poet, but interest in his personality and creativity grows the year from year to year. Only in the 21st century, several extensive work devoted to the life path and creativity N.S.Gumilyev, a full collection of works was published, published "Proceedings of N.Gumilyev" P. Luknitsky, who are the original source of most chronological information about the poet, and several memories collections about him.

Therefore, we will not give a detailed presentation of the entire biography of Gumilev - who wish can refer to the mentioned books, - and, first of all, we will remind the well-known facts related to the period of his studies in the Nikolaev gymnasium (1903-1906), familiarizing with Anna Akhmatova and periods His life connected with Tsarskoy Sale.

April 3 1886 G. According to the old style, in Kronstadt, in the house of Grigorieva in Ekaterininskaya Street in the family and the son of Nikolai was born.

Modern photo of the house on Soviet Street (until 1917 - B. Kathersininskaya), House 7 (in the photo 1980s) 34

His father Stepan Yakovlevich served as a ship physician. Mother - (1854-1941), Native sister of the famous Russian admiral L.I. Lviv, was the younger husband for more than 20 years. Boys baptized on April 15 in the Kronstadt Maritime Military Hospital Alexander Nevsky Church. The sacrament of baptism performed by Archpriest Vladimir Krasnopolsky, admirers were uncle of the newborn, the captain of the 1st rank Lev Ivanovich Lviv and, Institutional graduate. 25.

Soon the whole family, together with the godfather, went to relax in Blezlevo, so the first months of the life of Gumilyov spent in an ancient childbirth estate near Bezhetsky. 11 months after the birth of the son of Son Stepan Yakovlevich was produced in Stat advisors and dismissed on illness from the service "with a uniform and pension".

Mitya and Kolya Gumileva

By this time, Gumilev looked after, and the whole family soon moved there. According to the memoirs of the mother, Nikolai to 10 years of age was very weak health, suffered from strong headaches. The doctor identified him, in its expression, "increased brain activity". The child extremely quickly perceived the external phenomena, and the reaction at the time that the reaction looked so much that caused a deep sleep. The nature of Kolya was calm, soft, and he patiently tolerated all the troubles associated with his weak health.

"I was very bald in my childhood ... more than my older brother. He was - a healthy, beautiful, ordinary boy, and I am a weak and twig. Well, of course, the mother lived in eternal fear for me and loved me fantastically ..."

Really close to young humilev was only with his mother. For all evidence, she was a woman of a volitional, good mistress, Istivo caring about his elderly, sick (rheumatism on the fleet) and a despotic husband. And at the same time, it was a man thin and sensitive man.

"... I suffered and angry when the brother distilled me in a run or better me climbed on the trees. I wanted to do better than others, always be the first ... It was not easy for me at my weakness. And yet I managed to climb on the very top of ate, for that neither brother nor the yard boys were solved. I was very bold. The courage replaced me strength and dexterity ..

... when the older brother was ten years old, and the younger eight, the elder brother grew out of his coat and the mother decided to alter him. The brother wanted to satellite Kolya: went to him into the room and, throwing a coat, carelessly said: "On, take, wear my pickles!" The outraged Kolya was very offended by his brother, threw off the coat, and no mother's persuasion could force him to wear it. Even the most empty obesity of Kolya could not live and did not want to forget ... "

At 6 years old, Kolya learned to read. By this time include the first attempts of literary creativity. The boy composed the fables, although he did not know how to write them again. Then he learned to write, began to compose and poems. Spring 1895 The year Gumilev stood the exam into the preparatory class of the Tsarskoyel gymnasium, but the classes in the gymnasium still tired the boy, but he studied in the gymnasium only a few months: in the late autumn it fell ill, and the doctors were told to stop classes. Then parents invited home teachers, student of the physico-mathematical faculty, Tiflis native Bagrates Ivanovich Gazalovwho prepared him to enter the St. Petersburg gymnasium Gurevich. Gazalov was attached to the student, although he could not overcome his inability to mathematics. For modest successes in this area, he is ironically called Nikolai Lobachevsky. Seeing the love of a boy to animals (permanent parrots, white mice and guinea pigs), he gave him a book with the inscription: "future zoologist."

Classes with a tutor comes to 1895-1896 Years, Gazalov worked with Nikolai in the winter and in the spring of 1895 in the royal village. And then Gumileva moved to St. Petersburg, where boys are given to Gurevich's famous gymnasium. Classes with a tutor continue there. Statement S. Ya. Gumileva about the arrival of the son of Nicholas to St. Petersburg Gymnasium Ya. Guravich dated April 15 1896 year, and he kept exams in May.

IN 1900 The year of humilers bought a small manor to Popovka, and the whole family spent several months in a year. At this time, Kolya became interested in zoology and geography, divorced houses of different animals - guinea pigs, white mice, birds, squirrel.

Gumilyov studied in Gurevich's gymnasium only four years. On the entrance exams, he showed satisfactory, sufficient for admission to the first class of knowledge according to the law of God, arithmetic and German. The teacher of the Russian language recommended that he draw attention to the "weak spelling and lack of grammatical information." It was not competent to write Gumilev to the end of the life, which is not a joking bravada, an aliens recognized. "It should be proud of our shortcomings. It turns them in advantage ... My illiteracy is very special. After all, I read thousands and thousands of books, here and the parrot would be competent. My illiteracy testifies to my crystinum. And my cretinism testifies to my genius. "

The urgency about the successes of N. Gumileva, issued in Gurevich's gymnasium for 1899-1900

But if Gumilev's entrance exams surrendered well, every year he studied worse every year. Next year - not the same four. Troika according to the law of God, Russian, history (the only thing that Gumilev received one four in a quarter), geometry. In geography, he also receives the top three troop, but fails the annual exam. Explicit and undoubted twos in Latin, Greek, French and algebra, and in German Gumilev managed to receive even one on the annual exam. (In the royal gymnasium, this mark was still in the go, whereas in Soviet times it finally merged with twice.) Apparently, his weak performance was the subject of constant jokes; This topic beats in numerous expression of humilov dedicated to the translator. Against this background, good marks for their attention (four), adjacent (four) and behavior (five) look impressively. With such results, Gumilev left Gurevich's gymnasium.

But if he studied worse nowhere, then he read the poverty. Already in early childhood With the magazine "Nature and People" adjacent to Shakespeare. But the first book was the fairy tales of Andersen. According to the testimony of Akhmatova (preserved Lucnitsky), this book Gumilelev kept for many years and often re-read. I read everything that was at home and friends. Then the parents agreed with familiar buquinist. Gumilev writers during this period - Main Reed, Jules Bern, Fenimore Cooper, Gustave Emar. But in the third-fourth grade, Gumilev gymnasium prefers Russian and world classics, including poetic. "Song about the old seafarer" Korridges he will translate many years to Russian - and this translation is destined to remain unsurpassed.

It is known that young Nikolai, with such a disregard that believed to gymnasic classes, gently outlined read books and did for the Father "Reports on Modern Literature". These reports were an integral part of the "literary and musical" evenings, which Dmitry and Nikolay arranged for Stepan Yakovlevich (actually, this is the only testimony of him any active and interested participation in the education of sons). My father noted with satisfaction that the youngest son "well-set speech". Probably, this somehow consoled parents against the background of his dubious gemnasic success.

At the same time, Nikolai became fascinated by tin soldiers, and with their peers in Popovka arranged battles in which everyone exhibited a whole army of soldiers. Playing, he organized a "secret society" with his comrades, where he played the role of "Brass-Tama". The boys were "obeyed" at secret moves, on dungeons, in conspiracies and intrigues ... Parents were given to each of the participants in the Games of the horse, and they imagined themselves by cowboys or the Indians. Gumilev was rushed on saddled, and on unreighted horses, and his courage was delighted with delight and unchanging authority in his comrades. All these games did not interfere with him serious reading.

In the third grade of the gymnasium Gumilev became interested in the theater: a visit to the morning performances was part of the Tsarsko Selician Gymnaste programs. He regularly visits the morning (reduced) performances for gymnasists in the metropolitan theaters. In the gymnasium, a handwritten literary log was published. Gumilev placed his story in it. In the summer he wrote a large poem "On the transformations of the Buddha".

From the "Witchcraft" grew, apparently, a normal teenager climbing in trees, reading Bussenar, which plays the Indians. Thanks to courage and the readiness, he even became the start of the children's company. Subsequently, Gumilev identified his "internal" age as: thirteen years. Apparently, at this age, his self-satisfaction was the most harmonious. It was thirteen years old from the genus he was happy, self-sufficient, equal to himself.

Thirteen years of Gumilev turned to 1899 year. A year later, he, together with his parents, left the capital. IN 1899 The whole family in connection with the state of the health of the Father, and Nikolai entered the second time in the 4th grade, in the 2nd Tiflis gymnasium. He studied in her half a year, and on January 5 1901 The parents transferred it to the 1st Tiflis male gymnasium. Successes a little better than in St. Petersburg. On the history of 1900-1901, he even gets the top five, according to the fourth, the top of the subjects - the top three. In Greek, he had to keep a transitional exam, but in the end, he received his troika and on this subject - and finally moved to the fifth grade. It is known that Gumilev had to keep the autumn exams to go to the sixth grade. In the sixth grade (1902/03 academic year) Gumilev had six four: according to the law of God, French, history, geography and, oddly enough, in German and physics. For other subjects (Russian, Latin, Greek, mathematics) - Troika.

He continues to read a lot, write poems and September 8 1902 The year spoke in the Tiflis Listka newspaper with the first own poem "I ran to the forest from the cities." This publication delivered the author not only pleasure - he finally defined his way.

IN 1903 the whole family returns to the royal village, and Nikolai enters the Nikolaev men's gymnasium, the director of which is the famous poet I.F. Annene, who had a great influence on his students. IN 1905 Nikolai Gumilev produces his first collection of poems "path of Conquistadors." IN 1906 The year he works on the drama "Jester King Batignol", which does not finish.

When Gumilev, according to the results of study, was on the verge of deductions from the gymnasium, I.F. Annensky insisted on to leave a student, saying: "All this is true, but he writes poems."

N. Gumileev's closest friend in the period of his studies in the Nikolaev gymnasium was the only peer, with whom he could discuss his poems and poetry of modernists. As a friend of Andrei, Nikolai began to be in the house, thanks to which he got the opportunity to see his sister Anna (Akhmatov) - the subject of undivided gymnasium love.

Judging by the recruitment memories of the coarticles, Nikolay was far from the gymnasium life and was a misunderstanding of peers. "For a year, I will not be able to talk to anyone as I would like ..." - he wrote V. Bryusov from the royal village on May 8 1906 of the year. Anna Akhmatova said, though predominantly about fellow citizens, and not about the coarterers, that Tsarskoseli and Nikolai Stepanovich were unfairly related to each other: "He was such - a nasty duckling - in the eyes of Tsarskoselov," "Nikolai Stepanovich completely did not endure the Tsarskoselov." Tsarskoseli did not understand the young poet, did not appreciate his poetry and were even "pretty beasts" 1.

Let us forgive us the reader for the correspondence argument with the Great Akhmatova, but it seems that the rejection of the youthful poems of Gumilyov and modernist poetry is not a sign of backwardness in the broad sense of the word and, especially, a sign "Wine-like". After all, from the inhabitants of the Tsarskoye village of the beginning of the 20th century, including classmates Nikolai Gumileva, a lot of worthy and significant people came out.

N.S. Gumilyov, 1906. 33

About the period of study N. Gumilyov in the Nikolaev gymnasium of the actual material preserved a bit. These are fragmentary memories of Humilyov's feasures (not classmates) :, L. Arenas, and, Tsarskosla, Girlfriend Akhmatova and Summary Sister N. Gumileva A.S. Summer, as well as gymnasium documents and evidence of A.Akhmatova, teacher of gymnasium, fellow party, etc., collected.

Of these, we know that for the first time Kolya Gumilev entered in the fall of 1894.But after studying in the gymnasium only a few months, was forced due to illness to go to home learning.

Again the threshold of the Tsarsko Selo gymnasium ON crossed only in the fall 1903 year, enrolling in the VII class after the return of the family from Tiflis.

He studied in the gymnasium Nicholas bad and reluctantly, in spring 1904 The years could not withstand the translation exams and was left for the second year in the seventh grade. But he gladly taught French: "Nikolai tried in the lessons of French, where they read lectures, then. And it is not surprising, for Humilyov was vividly interested in French symbolists and wanted to read them in the original."

The young poet did not leave his attention and support by his teacher - I.F. Annensky. Probably, not immediately communication with the director and the teacher became informal. The impetus, most likely served as published in October 1905 The first book of the poems Gumileev "Path of Conquistador":

The book Gumilev crossed his acquaintances - right up to the maid of Zina, soon weed from Gumilev to Klenovsky and with pride showing a new young Barina a book of old.

"After the release of the book, Gumilev began to communicate with I.F. Annensky. Probably, due to the difference of years and provisions - the gymnasium and director of the gymnasium - at the beginning, it is still remotely, rather, so: I began to be at Innokentia Fedorovich " 2 .

Divated by Annena Collection Copy He will inscribe a quatrain dedicated to him:

To the one who was in love as Ixion

Not in our joy of earth, but in others,

Who created the quiet songs a gentle sleep,

Here Gumilev mentions the published original tragedy of Annensky: "Tsar Ixion" and "Laudamia", as well as a collection of his poems "quiet songs". After going into the light of its first "book of reflections" - a collection of literary and critical articles on domestic classics ( 1906 ), Annensky will make a gift inscription for Gumileva on his copy:

Mean of us, the dusk life is long,
But this dusk does not cortex,
And my sunset cold-melon
With Otradi looks at the dawn. 3.

"Gumilev, a former class duty officer, in front of the Latin language lesson, put his little book in the classroom brought from the teacher, and put on the department ... a call thundered, hearing the" big change ", and Annena left the class with the magazine in his hands. Changed change, and Gumilev went to the teacher for the magazine for another teacher. And, going back on a long corridor, I discovered the director's gift. "

Relightness of absurdity: it is probably assumed that Annensky, who did not advertise his poetic classes, came to lessons with a copy of the "quiet songs" at the ready - just in case. Or did he run home for a book of his poems for Humileva's two books? The fact that he taught not Latin, and Greek, in this case he has been secondary. And why would Gumilev, a good friend with the same curvich, transfer the book to his father so exotic way? The most important thing is that the poetic inscription Annensky (as it became known after its faxing publication in the "bottom of the poetry. 1986") was not made on the "quiet songs", but on the "first book of reflections", a year later after the "path of Conquistadors" - in 1906 and under the authentic name of the author. nineteen

In any case, the personal communication of Gumilev and Annena began with the "path of Conquistadors". Of course, already then Annensky admitted a real poet in Gumilely, and his sending reminds the transmission of the creative relay with the poet to the Plumbing young Pushkin.

Spring 1906 The years N.Gumilyov passed the final exams and on May 30 received a maturity certificate, which included fives only in Russian and logic. 24 Gumilev marks in the certificate (by the results of the year / graduation tests):

  • God of God - 4/3
  • Russian language - 4/5
  • Logic - 5 / -
  • Latin - 3/3
  • Greek - 3 / -
  • Mathematics - 3/3
  • Physics - 3 / -
  • Mathematical geography - 3/3
  • History - 4/4
  • Geography - 4 / -
  • French - 4/4

"Gumilev answered the exam badly. He was asked why he was poorly prepared for the exams? Nikolay Stepanovich replied: "I believe that to come to the exam, having prepared for him, it's like playing by trunk cards 2 .

On the exam, he received the top five in the Russian language. This exam exists a remarkable testimony of the same teacher:

"To the question than wonderful Pushkin's poetry, Gumilev replied calmly:" crystality ". To understand the strength of this answer, you need to understand that we, the teachers, were completely alien to the new literature, decadent. This answer hit us as a outer on the head. We looked loudly! " But the top five set.

It could be worse, especially since the interests of Gumileev by that time were quite far from the returned new director of the gymnasium walls. The tsarcosel was very funny than the gymnasister of Gumilyov, without tired of the young lady, the whole hour begged one of them, rolls her on the cab:

- We will be like the sun!

To be like the Sun meant then to perform the covenant of Balmont:

I want to be bold, I want to be brave,
Of juicy clouds, wreaths are gouted,
I want to get enough luxurious body,
I want to eat clothes from him.

Many more studies of his thoughts occupied poetry and student of the Mariinsky gymnasium Anya Gorenko, With which he regularly began to meet since the spring of 1904. Anna and Nikolai met in the Christmas Christmas Eve - December 24 1903 G.

This meeting with small inaccuracies was described in his memoirs to a friend of the Ahmatova of the whole life -

"... with Kohl Gumilev, then another seventh class gymnasium, Anya met in 1904, on Christmas Eve. We came out of the house, Anya and I am with my younger brother of Seryozhe, buy some decorations for the Christmas tree, which we always had in the first Christmas Day. There was a wonderful sunny day. Near the living room, we met with the "Gumilen boys": the Milde, the oldest, - he studied in the Marine Cadet Corps, - and with his brother by Koli - the gymnasium of the Imperial Nikolaev gymnasium.

I have been familiar with them before, we had a general music teacher - Elizabeth Mikhailovna Bazhenova. She led to us in the house of his pet Mitu and already a little later introduced me to Kolya. Having met them on the street, we went further together, I'm with the Moldings, Anya with Kohl, for shopping, and they spent us to home. Anya was not interested in this meeting, but the less, because it was always boring from the militia; I thought (and there was me then fifteen!) that he has no advantages to be me marked ... "18

Then the 14-year-old Anya Gorenko was a slim girl with huge gray eyes, sharply distinguished against the backdrop of a pale face and straight black hair. Seeing her exact profile, the ugly 17-year-old young man understood that from now on and for all this girl will be his muse, his beautiful lady, for which he will live, write poems and perform feats.

Anya was the Tsarskoye older - her family lived here for more than ten years. Gumilev recently returned to the royal village after an eight-year break, and Kolya still could not get used to the "new place."

Most of the boy was upset by the fact that he absolutely did not make up relations with classmates. Kolya generally found a common language with peers. High, slightly awkward, slightly junning eyes, a martial and very ceremonial in circulation, he dramatically stand out against the backdrop of other seventh graders of the Tsarskoyelian Imperial Nikolaev gymnasium.

The poet and essist Nikolay Otsup recalled Gumilev:

"He is so important and slowly, as now, says something to my older brother Mikhail. Brother and Gumilev were not the same in the same class, not the Humilev class was the younger class. I am younger than my brother for 10 years, it means that I was then six years old, and Gumilev is fifteen years old. And yet I remembered Gumileva perfectly, because a more peculiar face did not see in the royal village neither then nor after. Highly elongated, as if elongated up head, oblique eyes, heavy slow movements, and to all very difficult reprimand, - how not to remember! "

"He was not beautiful," Valery Szrevnevskaya confirms in his memoirs, "during this early period, he was somewhat wooden, arrogant and very uncertain in himself ... Growth high, thin, with very beautiful hands, somewhat elongated pale face, - I would say not very noticeable appearance, but not devoid of elegance. So, blond, which in the north we can often meet. "

At that time, the ardent young man was trying to imitate his idol Oskar Wilde. I wore a cylinder, curled my hair and even slightly tinted her lips. However, in order to complete the image of a tragic, mysterious, slightly broken character, Gumilev lacked one detail. All such heroes were certainly absorbed by the fatal passion, tormented from unrequited or forbidden love - in general, were extremely unhappy in personal life.

On the role of the beautiful, but cruel beloved Anya Gorenko fit perfectly. However, Anna was in love with another. Vladimir Golenishchev-Kutuzov (as well as a graduate of the Nikolaev gymnzaia, but 1900), and then - a tutor from St. Petersburg - was the main character of her maiden dreams.

Of the available memories it is quite difficult to imagine the whole portrait of the Gumilian-gymnasium. Most memoirists noted the detachment of Gumilov from the gymnasium life, the desire to assert themselves in poetry, some uncertainty in themselves.

In addition to all, Gumilev wrote poems, and the poems are not classical and not heroic - he was a supporter of the modernist destination in poetry. His peers did not understand such creativity and did not accept.

A person is known, told, that in the name of Ani Gorenko, he presented her a bouquet of roses, which turned out to be a ninth similar bouquet. Clawed for the living, Gumilev immediately went to the imperial flower garden, it was herself to pour roses there and after a hour he presented their birthday with words: "You do not have this. These are the flowers of the Empress! " 6.

In winter, 1903-1904, Nikolai and Kurt, all his free time was given to the screw. "For one such game, they sighed, and a duel was solved on the swords. Duel sword was not, and had to take advantage of the training rapies, but since the latter are equipped with safety plates at the ends, then our heroes, without thinking, came the street and began to negotiate the stones of metal circles. " The duelists gathered to find out the relationship in the nearby forest in the catch, but the train of the train Nikolai Dmitry, who came in 5 minutes (he was warned about the quarrel) upset the fight, saying that they immediately demanded the director. "Duel did not take place, and long in the royal laughed, remembering the rapier."

There are several verbal portraits of N. Gumilyev, in which the elongated face, kosy eyes, beautiful hands are emphasized.

"He was not beautiful in this early period, he was somewhat wooden, arrogant and very uncertain in himself inside.<...> Growth high, Khudovdav, with very beautiful hands, a somewhat elongated pale face, I would say, not very noticeable appearance, but not deprived of elegance "(V.Sreznevskaya); "Ugly, but with a carefully made probor in the middle of the head, he always went to the uniform, it seems to be a white lining, which was considered among the gymnasists with the highest chic" (N. Punin).

Nikolay jealously referred to his appearance, V. Luknitskaya (1990) says that Gumilev considered himself ugly and suffered from it. In the evenings, he "locked the door and, standing in front of the mirror, hypnotized himself to become handsome."

And if written evidence of the gymnasium period of life of Nikolai Gumilev, even in a small amount, but remained, then until recently it was believed that his visual images of this period did not preserve any one. However, the find and clarification of the date of the famous photograph of Gumileva (they are discussed below), made by K. Finkelstein (biographer of graduates of the Nikolaev gymnasium), we hope to refute the previous approval.

In the gymnasic manuscript magazine "Young Labor" 8 for 1906 /1907 The academic year, among the prose and poetry of students, their drawings on the topics of school life were presented. In the 13th issue of the magazine, a picture is placed, depicting an adequate in front of a gymnasic mirror with a mustache, in a high stand collar mundair. The caricature is given without a name and without signature of the author, so at first glance, it may seem that it presents the collective image of a unnamed gymnasium.

But let's compare this pattern with the image of Gumileva, given in the story-memoil of the "Poets of the Tsarskoyel gymnasium" DM. Klenovsky:

"I began to look closely at Gumilev in the gymnasium. But with caution - after all, he was older than me on 6 or 7 classes! Therefore, I did not see it, as it should ... And if I remember, it is so pure external. I remember that he was always especially clean, even Francoto, dressed in a gymnasium magazine there was a caricature on him: he stood, enthusiastically, in front of a mirror, tightened in a mundair, in pants with strips, in lacquered boots. "

Everything converges: both the francated appearance, and a mirror, and pants with strips, and lacquered boots. Is Nikolai Gumilev really pictured on it?

Here you can build only assumptions. Perhaps, of course, that the gymnasium in the figure is a collective way, and Klenovsky joined him with Gumilev later, since the story-memory was written in almost 50 years after the end of the gymnasium. But in the quoted article, the memory does not change the author in the list of student list and in the presentation of events. It was unlikely that he could write about Gumileva and caricature only for the "red sense".

It is impossible not to notice a certain similarity between a way in the figure 1907 of the year and famous photograph of Gumilyev in the uniform with a high stand collar: mustaches, uniform, elongated neck, hairstyle. It is believed that this picture is dated 1908 -M year, because it is stored in the student case of Gumileva 1908 of the year. But this is a standard graduation card, which graduates of the Nikolaev gymnasium ordered from Tsarskoyell photographers in large quantities, in the last days of May or the first numbers of June. They exchanged when parting with classmates, but, most importantly, up to 3 such photos were required to submit documents to the university. In the Foundation of the Museum of the Nikolaev gymnasium more than fifty similar photos.

Interesting remark, characterizing N. Gumilev-Gymnasian, made a specialist in the history of O. A. Khoroshilov (granddaughter L. Punin), familiarized with the photo 1906 of the year and caricature. She reported that in the picture "Nikolai Gumilev is depicted in the paradinary gymnasium uniform. Mundir is absolutely accurately sewn to order, while there is a good cutter that understands the "tension" (this word was previously denoted by all kinds of chic). Here everyone says that his carrier is France to finger tips - too high in comparison with the installed The collar of the Mundir and an even higher than the White Playcakes, which accepted the length of the neck (the long neck and the Wasp waist - in those years were signs of fashionable beauty not only in women, but in men - especially in the first Guards shelves). Therefore, caricature (pay attention to the same The length of the neck and how it is emphasized too long collar) is 90% Gumilev. Moreover, it is depicted in a gymnasium uniform. "

The main objection of opponents, about the caricature in the journal may be the question: "Why was the caricature published in a gymnasium journal when Gumilev had already left the walls of the educational institution?". But it can be found quite a convincing answer. Most likely, the caricature was created by Eshhu while Humilyov's studies in the gymnasium, but earlier it was not possible, since the gymnasium magazine began to go out in the fall 1906 of the year. And if such an opportunity also introduced himself, it was openly published by the caricature of PA Gumilev, without fear of "grave consequences", it is unlikely that who decided.

"Nicholas Stepanovich they were afraid and never dare to do something like this, somehow to hurt. On the contrary, it was treated< великим уважением и только за глаза иронизировали над любопытной, непонятной им и вызывавшей их и удивление, и страх, и недоброжелательство „заморской штучкой" — Колей Гумилевым» 1 .

And with the death of Gumilyov abroad, it was possible to post a caricature in the gymnasium journal in July 1906 Humilyov is sent to his first trip to Paris.

In Paris, in total, Gumilyov stayed 19 months, who first arrived there in July 1906 year and stay there on April 1907 , again from July to October and from November 1907 by May 1908 of the year.

The poet rejected again leaves to Paris, believing that the only acceptable way out of the situation is suicide. To reduce the scores with the life of the poet goes to the spa town of Turvil. The dirty water of the hay seemed to Gumilev inappropriate with the gum for the exhausted soul of the young man in love, but the sea is just right, especially since Ahmatov has repeatedly told him about what loves to look at the sea waves. However, he was accepted for the vaga, called the police, and Nikolai went to give explanations to the site. Humilelev regarded his failure as a sign of fate and decided to try his happiness in love again. Nikolai writes Ahmatova Letter, where he again makes her an offer. And again receives failure.

During his frequent travel, Gumilev absorbs the impressions of the imperial power and military valve to the southern exotic, which determines its tastes initially, his poetic handwriting, starting from the first collection of poems "the path of Conquistadors". Not too diligent in a gymnasium teaching (although the director of his gymnasium works famous poet Innokenty Annensky), Gumilyov is very diluted in an unprogrammed "adventure" reading. With difficulty and delay, graduating from the gymnasium, he immediately leaves to Paris, where he spends two years, communicating with French poets and artists and trying to publish the literary and art magazine "Sirius", very far, as can be seen from the name, from everyday ordinary and intended, As can be seen from publishing clarifications, exclusively "for exquisite understanding."

Gumilyov arrives in Russia only in April 1907 of the year. First of all, he goes to Anna to Kiev, then to Bryuso to Moscow. Lucnitskaya explains this arrival of Gumilev to Russia the need to appear before the draft commissions. But the certificate of his medical examination and release from military service dates back to October 30 1907 of the year.

From Moscow, Gumilyov went to birch (victims from arson in 1905 and soon sold); For some time he spent in St. Petersburg and in the royal. More detailed evidence of this time - from the end of May to early July 1907 -Ho - no. In early July, he went to Sevastopol, where he spent the summer Anna Gorenko. Apparently, there, at the cottage of Schmidt, there was another gap. Anna takes back this word, the engagement is terminated.

Ahmatova told Lucnitsky that

"At the cottage of Schmidt she had a pig and her face was closed to the eye - so that there was no terrible tumor ... Nikolai Stepanovich asked her to open her face, saying:" Then I distribute you! " Anna Andreevna opened his face, showed ... "But he did not stop loving me! Only said:" You look like Catherine II. "

In addition, it is known that Gumilev burned his play "Jester King Batignol", to which he laughed in great hopes and which Anna refused to listen. And yet their spiritual and intellectual communication continues. In particular, Gumilev before leaving gives Anna Book Paula. Ahmatova told about this Lucnitsky, but hardly read the occult essay. In any case, for her poetry, this reading was not useful.

From Sevastopol, without visiting Petersburg, the ship "Oleg" The young poet sailed to France.

In Paris, in July 1907 The year, in the artist's workshop Sebastian Gurevich, a sign of Nikolai Gumileva and Elizabeth (Lily) Dmitrieva, who will have to play in the future a very prominent role not only in the life of Gumilyov, but also his teachers - I.F. Annensky. Lily Dmitrieva - no one else, like poetess, the main character of the witness "Ceruba da Gabric", because of which Gumilev will shoot with Maximilian Voloshin.

October 30 1907 The year Nikolai Gumilev is in the Tsarskoyelskoye on military duty the presence of where was. 28.

In November-December 1907 He begins to feel the need for money.

These monetary difficulties have an obvious explanation: in January 1908 Year of the year, at his own expense (that is, from those 100 rubles, which) publishes the second book of poems - "Romantic Flowers". On Shmuntitul her - the dedication of "Anne Andreevna Gorenko".

Book Review I.F. Annensky was published in "Speech" on December 15 1908 of the year. On the eve of the newspaper invited him cooperation as a reviewer. The review of the Book of Gumilyov was the first proposed by Annena newspaper. She was the most original of all. Annensky, like other reviewers, highlights "Lake Chad" and adjacent to Him "Giraffe". Annena as a whole highly appreciates the book of a young poet.

IN 1908 The year Gumilev returns to Russia formed by the poet and critic. However, it is soon becoming obvious that he behaves at all as accepted in the then poetic medium, imbued with decadent "relaxation".

The Tsarskoselskoye business newspaper publishes Paskvil, in which the evil is unnecessarily exposed to N. S. Gumilev and his collection of Romantic Flowers in Paris. Many years later, A. A. Akhmatov talked about it as "apparent injury on the side of the Outlined Tsarskoselov. [...] terrible place Everything that was higher than a level was subject to destruction. [...] In N. S. Tsarskoselam, everything was hostile to the most decadent poems, then travel to Africa, sayings like the fact that his favorite heroine is not Tatiana and not Lisa, but biblical EVA. This Tsarskoseli never forgiven him. "In the magazine" Scales ", No. 5, published an article" Two Salons ", signed by:" N. G. ". Interesting Editorial Note:" The editorial office places this letter as an interesting testimony about the views shared by some of the mugs of young people, but does not join the author's judgments. "

Gumilev leaves Paris not earlier than May 12 1908 of the year. At first he headed to Sevastopol, where Anna Gorenko was located. Another "last" explanation took place here. Anna again refused to persistently in love. They with Gumilev decided to "not meet and not refund" and returned to each other former letters and gifts. Anna refused to return to him the Cadru presented to them, referring to the fact that she was "worn."

He went to Moscow from Sevastopol, where he again met with Bryusov, from there - to the royal village. It seemed that the youthful "years of wanderings" are suitable for the end. But Gumilev had another journey - before not too long a period of saddled life begins.

Gumilev ran into a circle at a meeting, held at V.I. Krivich in the royal village, and was elected. "Petersburg newspaper" wrote about this: "The young poet N. Gumilev at this evening was elected a member of the" Slavevsky evenings ". It was the last meeting in the season 1907-1908. Next season (May 1908-April 1909) The poet was in Circle six times.

On the participation of Gumilev in a circle, wearing a name, mentions V. N. Knyaznin (Yavalov) in his book "Alexander Aleksandrovich Blok": "... Even such, essentially, a poetically conservative circle of poets and the poetess, as" Slavevsky's evenings ", by 1909 there were among its members at least 10 modernists (10% of the total number of members of the circle)".

July 10. 1908 Nikolai Gumileov submits documents at St. Petersburg University, paying 25 rubles for the autumn semester. thirty

In July, Gumilev writes Bryusov about his intention to go in the fall "in Abyssinia." In the royal village, Gumilev only appears in August - during these two or three weeks he has time (violating the adopted, it would seem, in Sevastopol a mutual decision) to meet Anna Gorenko in Sevastopol). Apparently, love, insult, vulnerable pride continued to torment him.

"... Very and very sorry, I can't take advantage of your kind invitation, but I am leaving just tonight. I think I think in Greece, first in Athens, then in different islands. From there to Sicily, Italy and through Switzerland in the royal village. I will be back in approximately December. "

Thus, leaving Petersburg, the poet himself did not know where he was sent - or in Switzerland, or in Abyssinia. At the same time, he had a lot of money with him - the next "Child-Harold pilgrimage" was committed against the will of the Father. Most likely, Gumilev spent fees from "Speech" on him.

On September 7, Gumilyov arrives in Kiev, where he spends two days. On September 9, he travels to Odessa, from where the 10th on the steamer of the Russian shipping society through Sinop, Burgos, Constantinople, thessaloniki is serving in Alexandria. He arrived in Egypt on October 1 and spent five days there. In the future search for exotic, he drove (October 3) to the main city of the country, the residence of HEDIV (Vice-King) - to Cairo. But here he completely ended money. Somehow he gets to Alexandria, finally he takes money from a degree, buys a ticket for a steamer (October 6) and returns, according to Lucnitsky, the same way - through Odessa and Kiev.

The desire to go to Africa, obviously, the Humilev had a long time ago. Vsevolod Christmas, said that Abyssonia was excited by the extraordinary curiosity of the Tsarskoyel gymnasists. Like Anna Akhmatova, he believed that in the royal village they served or at any case were officers and Cossacks from Convo, who accompanied the first Russian diplomatic mission. And the young humilev, according to Christmas, was very loved to ask the military.

In the royal village, Gumilev settled with his parents - at first, then (from 1909) - on.

In the house of Belozerovoy Gumilev, they got acquainted with the neighbors - the family of artists -, a prominent book schedule and Scenographer, and his wife O.L. Della-Breed-Kardovskaya. Gumilev and Kardov continued to communicate and after moving to the boulevard. O. Della-Bun-Kardovskaya wrote in November 1908, attracted not so much by its poetic gift, how many "some kind of peculiar sharpness in the nature of the person." It is surprising that generally accepted the ugly appearance of Gumilyev became the subject of interest of so many artists - throughout his life.

Other royal dating dating continues. Upon arrival in Russia in 1908, Gumilyov resumes communication with, whose representative - finished the Nikolaev gymnasium for 3 years later Gumilyov, in 1909. Lion's Lion's Parent was associated with personal friendship with Parents N.Gumilev. And the sisters are amented to the decoration of a peculiar salon formed in where the family surges lived. The brightest person from the sisters was "quiet and charming as an angel", poetess and translator, afterwards a member of the Petrograd branch of the Union of Poets. Nikolai Gumilyov consisted of her correspondence and dedicated her one of his poems. Nikolay presented his first book of poems "path of Conquistador" with a gift inscription. Two other sisters - Zoya and Lydia, were in love with Gumileva, but the stormy and short-term novel at the poet happened to Lydia, because of what she quarreled with relatives and left the family. She lived a long and eventful life and left interesting memories.

Humilewa's passion faith was more serious, but, apparently, a parallel novel with Lydia prevented them. And planned, but not a journey in the Europa Gumileev with faith, as a result, it became the next journey to Africa.

Although, according to the memories of Chernova E.B., Nikolai Gumilyov's nephew Kolchkov was "outside the literature," he believed in the poetic gift of Nikolai and supported his literary beginnings. In 1909, he performed the responsibilities of the editorial board of the literary magazine "Island", published by A. Tolstim and N. Gumilev. Alexey Tolstoy remembered that "At that time, only his younger brother was really believed in Gumileva - a fifth grade gymnasium, yes, maybe a talking parrot in a large cage in the dining room." The fact that A. Tolstoy remembered the "Kolya Little" as a brother, not a nephew of N. Gumileev, says that between them were, really, friendly, fraternal relations.

On the venice "salon 1909 The year "In St. Petersburg, Gumilev meets S. K. Makovsky. The result of this acquaintance was the creation of the Apollo magazine.

N. S. Gumilev and A. N. Tolstoy defeated M. A. Kuzmin.

Start 1909 Dating from, A. A. Znosko-Borovsky, P. P. Potemkin, G. I. Chulkov, V. A. Pass and other writers and artists. Early spring 1909 Dating from O. Mandelshtam.

Gumilev met with Komarovsky Della-Breed-Kardovsky, posing to her for a portrait. Subsequently, they have repeatedly visited each other. Nevertheless, Komarovsky always tried to make Humilyov and Ironized her mentor tone. This friendship, however, has always been rather strange.

In March 1909, Nikolai Gumilyov and the poetess Elizabeth Dmitrievna again met, they met at the lecture at the Academy of Arts. From this meeting, a new stage in the life of N. Gumileva begins. Even before, Dmitrieva meets the Voloshin. When in the middle of March 1909, Voloshin returns from Paris and just stops in St. Petersburg before leaving in his Koktebel. He meets with Dmitriev, and at the same time develops her novel with Gumilyov.

Humileva on ul. Boulevard, in the house of Georgievsky, a meeting of writers and artists, whom he presented I. F. Annensky took place.

In May, E.Dmitriev suggested Gumilev to go to Koktebel, to visit the Voloshin, what they did. Gumilev writes his famous "captains" to this trip, which made a huge impression on readers, including IF. Annensky. Here in the Koktebel there is a cooling of Gumilev to Dmitriev, which will become the fatal circumstance - she caught fire to challenge Gumileva and Voloshin and later she succeeded - the case will end in duel.

In May 1909 The year is coming out of the press a new magazine Gumileva "Island", which will cease to exist after 2 numbers due to the lack of a patron.

At the end of summer 1909 The year in St. Petersburg is created by the new literature magazine Apollo. The editor was the son of the famous artist S.K. Makovsky, but the recognized leader and the soul of the magazine soon became, of course, Nikolai Gumilyov. Whether at the end of August, or in early September (different memoirists have different data) S. Makovsky received a letter by mail signed by the letter "h". So one of the loudest literary hoax called "Ceruba de Gabric", to which Makovsky, and M. Voloshin will be involved, and, of course, E. Dmitriev. And even indirectly from this story will suffer I.F. Annensky.

August, 26th 1909 The year Gumilev submits a petition about the transfer of it to the historical and philological faculty of Spbi. 31 listened to the Lectures of the Autumn-Spring Course. 23.

In the newspaper "Tsarskoselskoye", a parody play was published in verses of the "Esmit" - in connection with the failure, comprehended by N. S. Gumileva and A. N. Tolstoy, with the publication of the Island magazine, the second number which was not bought from the printing house, and the money was returned to subscribers.

Upon arrival from Crimea Gumilev, absolutely not remembering E. Dmitriev, meets with a young artist N. Litanskaya, who drew the best graphic portrait, placed in the 2 issue of Apollo magazine

N. Gumilyov, 1909. Litograph N. Dvitanskaya 16

In November, N. Gumilev came to Kiev to Anna Akhmatova, there he again made her an offer "and this time I am surprisingly easily received by the consent of Anna Andreevna to become his wife.<…>"

The popularity of Cherubina de Gabric grew. In the second number "Apollo" on November 15, two poems appeared at once. But here she slept a terrible blow of one of the authors of the magazine, no one, as a teacher Gumileva I.F. Annensky! In order to release more space for the poems of Cherubina, S. Makovsky seized the poems of Annensky from the set ... Soon he wrote his last poem: "Let the grass be replaced above the drain of the wave ..", ..

Voloshin gave publicly a Humilev slap, which causes him to duel. At the same time, I was present. Annensky and said: "Yes, I was convinced that Dostoevsky right: the sound of slappers, indeed, wet."

Duel N. Gumileva and M. Voloshina took place. The newspaper "Metropolitan Solva", responded to the incident:

"Duel of writers
In yesterday's number "Art. Solve "reported the incident between the writers of Maximilian Voloshin and Gumilev and the possibility between them a duel. Duel took place this morning. The place of the fight is the same where the c. Uvarov with A.Guchkov. The snow burned above the snow constantly constrained duelists, and without that not brilliating with weapons - smooth-bore pistols without flies. Among the Secundants - gr. Al. Tolstoy and artist Shervashidze. He ordered a duel of c. Tolstoy. According to his team, opponents pressed the jurisd. Every chill to focus in the enemy. Both did not calculate the return, and the duel did well: the bullets were separated by. Duelnts coldly doubt their hands, but the peaceful relations were not improved. Causes of duel - nomanic nature; The Voloshin is offended in this incident. "

A few days later (a maximum of a couple of weeks), a public exposition of the izvubina de Gabrikk was held.

In the royal village, a farewell party took place, and on November 26, Gumilyov leaves in Kiev along with Potemkin, Tolstoy and Cuppe. Here, in Kiev, there is unexpectedly what Humilev was achieved for so long. Andrei and Anna Gorenko, who was "the arts of art" Then she lived in Kiev. Gumilev invited Anna to have a cup of coffee in the hotel "European", once again make her proposal ... and immediately received consent. So cool and suddenly changed his fate once again. Meanwhile, in Kiev he was only passing.

A year later, this time, the newspaper " Russian word"13 (26) October 1910 of the year, in the heading "Petersburg (by phone from our correspondents)" wrote about the court over the duelists:

"Duel principal writers
In the district court, the case of the poet Gumilyov and Belletristman M.Volshina was considered today. The first was accused of calling a duel, the second - in taking a call. In a conversation with G. M.Voloshin, Gumilev offensively responded about one missing poetess. G. Voloshin indignant and inflicted the Gumilev blow to face. The latter aroused offenders for a duel, which took place in November last year behind Petersburg, in a new village. Secundants were: from Gumilev - GG. and M. Kuzmin, and from the side of the city of M.Voloshin - and Prince Shervashidze.
According to the team of seconds, the duelists raised the pistols and shot, but the duel cost without shedding blood. The gun Voloshina gave a misfire, and Gumilev did not miss, did not shoot it into the air. Secundant's Witnesses definitely cannot install this.
District Court sentenced both duelists to home arrest: Gumileva for seven days, and the town of Voloshin for one day

But it will be a year later, and on November 30, I. F. Annensky died on November 30, one of Gumileev's teachers in poetry, director of the gymnasium in which he studied.

The funeral of I. F. Annensky took place at the Kazan cemetery of the Tsarist village, but Gumilev was already far from the royal village at this time - on November 30, on the day of the death of Annensky, Gumilyov sat on the train and went to Odessa, his new African journey began ...

Back to Russia Gumilev returned 7 (Article.) January 1910 of the year. I drove in Kiev to meet with Anna, and 5 (Article.) February came home. His meeting with his relatives was overshadowed: The day after the arrival of the son of Son Stepan Yakovlevich Gumilyov, the father of the poet, died. He was buried on.

On April 5, Gumilev is submitted to the reconna rector of the university on a marriage permit with Anna Gorenko, 34 A, before receiving this, it makes it possible on April 14 for a wedding trip abroad on April 14 and leaves for Kiev.

Position N. Gumileva on the permission of marriage with A. Gorenko, 1910 34

April 25 ( 1910 Years Student St. Petersburg University N.S. Gumilev was married with the offacarious nobility of Anna Andreevna Gorenko in the Nikolsk Church with. Nikolskaya Slobodka Oster Chernihiv province. 27 None of the relatives of the bridegroom did not appear on the wedding, in the family of Gumilev believed that this marriage would shorten. Even before the wedding with Gumilev, Anna Gorenko, who became a bride, did not part with the photo of his beloved: "He is with me here ... I can see him - it's so crazy well ... I can't tear my soul from him. I poisoned for a lifetime, a bitter of a poison of unrequited love! .. But Gumilev is my fate, and I obediently gone to her ... "..

Marriage on Anna Gorenko, who took the surname of her husband and became Anna Gumileva, did not become a victory for Nikolai Gumilev. As V. Szrevnevskaya, she had his own complex "heart life", in which her husband was larger than a modest place. And for Gumilev, it turned out to be at all not just combining the image of an excellent lady in consciousness - an object for worship - with the image of the wife and mother.

By the end of April, Gumileva lived in Kiev, and on May 1 1910 The year went to the wedding trip to Paris. Nikolai as he could tried to entertain his wife, drove it into museums, restaurants, on bohemian meetings. But all his efforts were in vain. Idyll wedding travel broke out when Anna Gumileva met Amadeo Modigliani. Gumilev and Modigliani immediately did not like each other - a discreet and nonbeid Gumilev and a "drunk monster", a felt slate, a non-one none of a loveful grizzle, moduliani. But, it is probably this confute with an unloved husband and attracted Akhmatov to Modigliani.

Modigliani immediately fell in love with a beautiful young Russian poetess. She struck him unusual appearance, by writing poems and the property of clairvoyance. You can say with confidence that it was all very much like Gumilev. After this trip, he cooled to the previously beloved Paris, and the relationship with Anna worsened. Back from Paris Gumileva rushed threesome with.

At the end of Vesta 1910 The year Nikolai was expelled from the university for non-doctrine fees. 23.

Upon arrival in Russia, Gumilev works much, and at the end of September, in just six months after marriage, Nikolai Gumilev again went to Abyssinia. The quiet house has become him crazy. Thirst for romance, traveling for distant Africa was even stronger passion. Anna Andreevna really did not want him to leave, but he hoped that a new journey would help him somehow survive the first collapse of his hopes for simple family happiness. And the heart cried with tenderness ...

At the end of March 1911, Gumilyov arrives from Africa with a sick African fever, which will still torment him for a long time. In the breaks between the attacks of fever, he appears in the editorial office of Apollo and on the "Tower" Vyach. Ivanova, writes new poems. He continues to form poetic tastes of poems, although she never admitted it especially.

In mid-May 1911, Akhmatova leaves for Paris to meet with Modigliani. Gumilyov still believes her, and thinks that the relations of Anna and the artist purely Platonic. Therefore, having conducted a wife, he leaving at his estate in Blindnevo. There is also coming to return from Paris and Anna. She falls into a noisy and cheerful company of young people whose wint has become over the month of his holiday there Nikolai Gumilev. Akhmatova still "behind Paris burns" with Modigliani, the local audience does not accept it.

For the first time after marriage Gumilev turns out serious Roman. Easy hobbies happened to Gumilev before, but in 1911 Gumilev fell in love with a truly. The subject of his love was young and fragile.

The feeling flashes quickly, and it does not remain unanswered. However, this love carries a shade of the tragedy - Masha is fatally ill with tuberculosis, and Gumilev again enters the image hopelessly in love. The health of Masha quickly deteriorated, and shortly after the start of their novel with Gumilev Kuzmina Karavaeva died.

True, her death did not return the Ahmatova to her husband's adoration of her husband. Gumilyov begins to be disappointed in his wife.

Gumilyov - unique exampleWhen a person is ready to practice an ideal and is warning in this matter. The loyalty to his once adopted views and obligations are strict. Emirates in Orthodoxy, he is among the skeptical intellectuals of its circle, and subsequently among the steep Bolsheviks continues at the sight of each church to dine himself with a sign, although, on the poison characteristic of Khodsevich, "does not suspect what religion is." The silence of the king, he, and at the Soviet government, remains a monarchist, and he does not hide it from natural prostriculty, who lectures, nor from the chasing investigators who interrogate it; He even collapses about his "contact" with Abyssinian Neuus:

I gave the Belgian pistol
And the portrait of my sovereign.

At the same time, he in essence does not feed any personal feelings to Nicholas II, neither at all to Romanov - rather - to the Empress, who was his chief of his regiment and in 1914 presented him, distinguished on the front, St. George Cross.

Loyalty to the beautiful lady? Yes, but not the fact that the block: this is not just a shaped move, but the officer's debt is reinforced by actions. Romantic principle, strangely designed to life.

According to the reviews of memoirists, Gumilev for life remains or a thirteen-year-old boy playing in the Indians, or sixteen-year-old gymnasium playing in the knight.

It is not enough to write:

And gone to night caves
Or towards a quiet river
He meets the fierce panther
The horror of pupils -

"He must personally bring the scarecrow of this panther to Petersburg, and for this to go to Africa and personally shoot it on the hunt. In 1914, he does not just write about bullets, he himself stands on Bruvier under bullets. He is proud of the rank of ensign more than the title of the writer.

He not only describes reality - he lives it, it is building it, it turns on in it unconditionally.

What is this reality?

His teacher Innokenty Annensky puts him the first poems such an assessment: "Masquerade exoticism." Verses act: Osian. Flying Dutchman. Pompei in pirates. "Navigator of the Pavzania from the banks of distant Nile" ... Antique cohort: Caesar, August, Hannibal ... Warriors of Agamemnon. "Madonna and Cyprids" ... a large gymnasium set. Plus extracurricular reading:

Gannon Carthaginian, Prince Senegalsky,
Syndbad-Sea and Flying Ulysses.

Initially, all this is really fit into the circle of reading a dreamy gymnasium, - but the exotic horizons fascinate Gumileva and in maturity: "Crazy Vallhallas, Mysterious Zanzibar, a fantastic" Brother Algeria, Tunisia "... Crying about Levance, crying about India, crying about Persia , crying about black Africa ... "Tsarsko Selling" - called Gumileva.

In a clearly defined, holographic terrain theater of the Gumille lyrics is noticeable to the external state of the Russian theme. And this is despite the fact that the same Innocent Annensky sensitively catches the exotic masquerade - "spontaneous-Russian wildflower flour, and this flour - from the impossibility to tie the desired perfect harmony - With real Russian life. Georgy Adamovich testifies: "He was thinking constantly about Russia." There are no verse. This absence, quickly noticed by contemporaries, makes them attribute to Gumilev rather to the "French" than to the "Slavic" soil, which, however, for the 1900s and 1910s, he does not sound the exposure, and on the contrary, as it were and compliment: The sign of the confession of the "European level" of verse.

In such an excessive spiritual spirit, pre-revolutionary lyrical collections of Gumilev are withstanding: "The Way of Conquistadors" (1905), "Romantic Flowers" (1908), "Pearls" (1910), "Alien Sky" (1912), "Kolchan" (1915) These books of Gumilev publishes in St. Petersburg, in Paris and again in St. Petersburg in pauses between trips to Egypt, Abyssinia and Somalia in order to study the life of African tribes (collected collections Gumilyov reports the museum of anthropology and ethnography).

One of the paintings of the unknown Abyssinian artists brought by Gumilev from Africa

However, although there are a lot of Africa in the poems of Gumilev, the Russian pain is felt. Rus arises as a sign of the doomance of a romantic ideal as a symbol of circumstances. These are wilderness, sadness, renunciation. This is a world consistently opposing everything that Gumilyov recognizes and preaches.

In his favorite world, the sun reigns dazzling and all-consuming. From the first published verse to the pistol outbreak of the last moment by a fiery pillar passes through the texts "Merciless light, light blind ...". The Gumille Sun initially lights up from the scuffers of Konstantin Balmont, which the young humil is passionate about.

At Humileva, the sun does not heat so much so much, shines and pleases how much the world burns through: "Bonfire", "Fiery Pillars" - the name of his books; Fire, baked lips, rubies, hot blood - cross-cutting motifs. The sun sparkles, plays, bitter. The world in the rays of the Sun "Rolls", glance, crushes; He lives with sweepers; He has Gumileva - pink, or, more precisely, "pinky", stretching to the sun and burning the sun. Here is an example of this explosion of paints and feelings from the classic poem "Captain":

... and, having risen on the tremble bridge,
Remembers the abandoned port,
Locking with beats of canes
Shreds foam with high boots,

Or, the riot on board finding
Because of the belt tearing a pistol,
So rolls gold with lace
With pinkish brabant cuffs ...

There is not just a collective image of a pioneer, where the figures of Gonzalvo and Cook, Laperose, Vasco da Gama and Columbus merged, is the image of the universe, rebellious and scattered under rock.

The fiery statehood of the Universe Gumilev opposes the poetics of Alexander Blok and symbolists. On the surface of the literary struggle, this rejection is realized by the supporters of Gumilyov as a repetition recycling against vagueness. Symbolism in their understanding is when someone once says something about anything ... And it is necessary to give clear names to things, as Adam did it. The term "adamism", nominated by Gumilev, was not adopted - adopted by Sergei Gorodetsky, the term "acmeism" invented about the reserve, was adopted about the reserve "Akmeism" - from the Greek word "acme" - the highest, blooming form of something. The inspiration and leader of the direction remains nevertheless humil.

Olga and Orest High

Meeting with Gumilev in the "Tracy Dog" turned over all his life Olga Tedis. It is worth reminding that at that time a serious crack was already outlined in relations between Gumilev and Akhmatova. The poet was looking for new impressions. And found them in the face of Olga Tedis. Roman lasted them not to say so long. But he ended in the birth of the son of Orest.

July. Poet Pavel Luknitsky recorded the memory of Akhmatova: "When the National Assembly went to Africa in 13th, the mother of the National Assembly somehow asked AA to disassemble the desk of the writing desk. AA, turning over the papers, found letters of one of his beloved (O. Vysotskaya - approx. Sost.). It was for her surprise: she found out for the first time. Aa for half a year did not write a single letter to Africa NS. " Even September, Gumilev returned from Africa, Aa a royal gesture handed over to him. He smiled embarrassed. Very embarrassed. "

By the beginning of 1914, the marriage with Akhmatova became essentially formal: the spouses "provided each other's freedom." As Sonznevskaya writes, "they did not have any reasons for separation or rupture of relationships, but also very close communication outside of poetry ... was also not there."

IN 1913 The year in the article "Heritage of Symbolism and Akmeism", he announces that symbolism has completed its "circle of development". Akmeism who came to replace the change from "mysticism" and "nebula," he must return the word to the exact substantive value, and verse is "equilibrium of all elements."

In addition to poems, in which this program is being implemented, Gumilev is developing it in critical articles - it publishes them continuously since 1909; Until 1917, he leads in the magazine "Apollo" a permanent category "Letters about Russian poetry," where it responds to all the noticeable poetic events of that time.

1923. Gumilyov N. Letters about Russian poetry. Petrograd, 1923 MNG 17

The collected after his death and published in 1923, these articles are a set of artistic principles, in many respects the prerequisite claims of aqmeism in place in the history of Russian lyrics: Aqmeism remains in history as one of the brightest areas of silver century poetry, opposing and symbolism with its mystical fogs. , and futurism with its utopian projects. However, the living and promising development of poetry is determined not to the activities of certain "workshops", but the fate of great poets, drawn into these "workshops." In Aqmeism, this is: Gumilev, Akhmatova, Mandelstam; In Futurism: Khlebnikov, Pasternak, Mayakovsky; In symbolism - a block, internal controversy with which the path of Gumileva is largely determined.

At the beginning of World War I, Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev signed up by volunteer in Cavalry

In January 1915, Gumilev again comes to Petrograd. Here he meets Mandelstam (who returned from Warsaw, where he was unsuccessful tried to decide on the army by Sanitar) and other poets friends. The attitude towards him sharply (although not long) changes. Now he is a hero, the pride of St. Petersburg poetic world, legendary person. January 27 B. "Stretch dog" The evening of poets took place with the participation of N. Gumilyev (poem about war, etc.). And it was said in the billboard: "Evening with the participation of Gumileva", although among other participants were Akhmatova, Kuzmin, Gorodetsky, Mandelstam and the most popular "Satironkones" - Potemkin and TEFFI. The next day, at a party, Lozinsky Akhmatova read for the first time to friends (Shileiko, undecided, the Childgy) poem "near the sea". Gumilev probably already knew her (and shortly, too, in this winter he was one of the closest to Ahmatova people): the poem was written in several months earlier.

In early February, Gumilev is again in the army.

the 5th of March 1915 of the year Nikolai Gumilyov is expelled from among students of St. Petersburg University, as an unnecessary fee for the autumn semester 1914 of the year. And, on December 14, 1915, the junior officer Nikolai Gumilyov asks the University's office to send him a certificate to remove copies from him and presenting a copy to the office of his regiment. 32.

The newspaper "Morning of Russia" from 13 (NS.26) of February 1916 wrote about the new literary club, where Gumilyov entered:

"In Petrograd, a new club of literature officers was opened -" Bronze Horseman».
The purpose of this society is to combine literature, music and painting figures on the basis of studying ancient-Russian creativity.
On the Management Board consist of: prof. K. I. Arabazh, (Chairman), Yuri Slalekin (Vice-Chairman), N. Gumilev (Treasurer), Boris Sadovsky (secretary), Sergey Auslander, Sergey Gorodetsky and S. S. Prokofiev.
According to the unanimous solution of all valid members of society, honorary members are elected: even members: K. Balmont, A. Block, Vyacheslav Ivanov, A. Kookin to Fedor Sologub. The Company assumes the "Copper Horseman" and "Bulletin of Literature and Art" almanac. O-in suggests a living connection with Moscow and local literature figures. "

A month later, March 28 1916 The year, after half a year of study, Nikolai Gumilev was produced in the first officer rank. In the spring of 1916, Gumilev spent in the "glorious shelf" less than a month ... Already on May 6, he again heavily withered, sick with bronchitis and was sent to Petrograd. If one and a half years earlier, Gumilev was painfully worried about the inability to fulfill his duty at the front, now his attitude to war, now his attitude to war, It seems that it has changed. She was dragged - and less like that bloody carnival, who saw Gumilele in her. At the front, he is no longer torn; on the other hand, now it does not exeute him from military service: the army suffers from lack of people . It's time to "fry the Solovyov" - now the "warrior of the second category of the block" is called upon and sent to the foreman on the digging of the tag.

Meanwhile, Gumilev, ironically, sent to the royal village, in Lazareza, located in the service buildings of the Grand Palace. Tsarskoil Lazaruats, who were heading, belonged to. In another Lazarete, located in, from March 1916, Vesenin lived periodically, which served as Sanitar of the Tsarskoye Sanitary Sanitary Train. With Yesenin Gumilev met a little earlier, December 25, 1915

Akhmatova, together with his son and Anna Ivanovna, left at Bestnevo on May 14. But in St. Petersburg, Gumilyov had numerous girlfriends - she did not feel alone. From Tumpovsky ratio has already been planted. Just at the time when he lay in the hospital, Margarita sent him a "discontinuous" letter. Back in March 1916, Gumilev met Larisa Reisner and began to care for her - and often it was done in the presence of Tumpovskaya. "On literary evenings ... leaving under Hand with me, then with it. " So began the literary gumilov's literary novels.

On August 6-10, he received a vacation and came to the royal village again. Then another month and a half participated in the positional battles and in slow retreat.

In August, during the visit of the house, Gumilev with Akhmatova visited the evening organized by Sologub in favor of the exile social democrats. Gumilev, who was in military uniform, considered inconvenient to speak at a politically painted evening, but Ahmatov read several poems, thus, therefore, I. St Stalin-Dzhagashvili was in Turukhansk.

On August 22, he, as Honored and twice awarded a non-commissioned officer, was sent to Petrograd to the school of ensigns at the Nikolaev Cavalarian School (Lermontov Prospectus, 54) for passing the exam for the title of Cornet. 29 His address on the certificate is listed on the foundry., D.31, sq.4. With the beginning of the war, many such schools were created, abandoning officer personnel for the current army from combat university officers who have higher education. To live him was allowed at home, in the royal village. The house on a small street has changed: the rooms that Gumilev and Akhmatov had previously occupied, the far-relative of the hostess were commissioned; Now Akhmatova settled in the former man's office. Humilev himself took a small room on the second floor. Spouses lived in the same house, but apart, without interfering with each other.

In these, seemingly favorable conditions, Gumilev in the fall, on arrival in St. Petersburg, renews an active literary work. From time to time, he collects in his royal village of poets and philologists - Mandelstam, Lozinsky, Shileiko and George, Mikhail Struve. He again leads the literary department "Apollo", and since December, new "letters about Russian poetry" appear there.

Gumileva revolutionary euphoria of the first days seems to have passed at all. His few "civilian" verses of 1917 are anxious and sober. Apparently, Akhmatova, who has repeatedly emphasized that Gumilev "did not understand anything" in politics, was right only in part. Probably, in the consciousness of Gumilyov (as in the consciousness of many poets), the extreme political naivety was bizarre - and the exact sense of the deep essence of what was happening. In any case, the point is not in the "monarchism" of the poet - until the summer of 1918 he did not express any monarchical views and sympathies.

However, in Revolutionary Russia, he lived this year for a long time.

March 8 of the old style of Gumilev again in Petrograd. On the same day, the poet again fell ill and was placed in Lazareza, where he began to write "subsidizers", elegant and quite a "postmodern" story. You can see here a parody of the plots of Cuzmina and Andrei White - and roll call from the bottom (and quite seriously) written "Guy". In any case, it was a way to preserve the distance in relation to what is happening - and therefore, and a sober head.

Having discharged from there in a week, Gumilev visits one of the assembly for a short regenerated poet shop. He lives not in his royal, and in St. Petersburg - first at Lozinsky, and then - in the furnished rooms "Ira" (Nikolaev Street, House 2). With Akhmatova, living in Sonnevsky, it is only occurring episodically.

Gumilev did not accidentally stay in the capital. Just at this time, his fate was solved. Somehow he managed to get into the Russian housing heading in thessaloniki, Greece. E. E. Stepanov points out that this was assisted by M. Struve, "served at the headquarters". According to Lucnitskaya, Struve helped Gumilev in another: Gumilev received the place of military correspondent of the newspaper "Russian Will", with quite large (800 francs per month) salary!).

Upon returning to Russia, Nikolai Gumilev is immediately arranged to work in the repertoire section with theatrical department of the drug addict. In the same year, the play "Poisoned Tunic", written by him in Paris.

Service in London, Boris Aress.

In March 1918, the decision was made. Gumilev is no longer going to wait for the "coup" and becoming an emigrant. In the end, the Council people's Commissar And the temporary government, Lenin and Kerensky from the beautiful is far away, and even for such a politically eccentric person, as he was probably not enough. Sure, Brest Mir It was supposed to shock humileeva, but not so much to prevent his return to his homeland.

Apparently, some time went to settle formalities. Diplomatic relations with Soviet Russia were still preserved. In early April, Gumilyov leaves the UK and in the English transport vessel floats to Murmansk. Before leaving, Arerev gave Gumilev two gifts for Akhmatova - Alexander Macedonian coin and matter on the dress.

Gumilev and Akhmatov are officially bred, after which both immediately create families - Gumilev S, and Akhmatova marries the Assyriologist Shileiko. "Why did you think of all this?" Opening spouses go to Bezhetsk, see the son. Sitting on a hill, they talk peacefully, and Gumilev says: "You know, Anya, I feel that I will stay in the memory of people that I will always live." Akhmatova presses published in 1917 "White Stage": "Dear friend N. Gumilev". Relations go to another quality ...

Alas, "Friendship" did not work yet. In 1918-1919, Gumilev was quite often visited by Akhmatova and Shileiko. Ahmatova also went to Gumilev, they met and from the Sresenting ... But from the mid-1919, communication almost sued.

Having received the divorce Gumilev rapidly marry. On the one hand, he wanted to oppose his marriage Akhmatovsky. But it was another, it was less important - was pregnant. Wedding Gumileva I. It took place in the spring of 1918. Humilyov with his Astroika, as he called her, and the son of Levie from marriage with Akhmatova, began to live on Preobrazhenskaya Street No. 5.

By the same time there is a pretty evil epigram George Ivanova:

OTSU, muzup, where have you been?
I poem composed,
Went to Vitebsk, in Mogilev,
Let Gumilev praise.
So I managed:
Then the poem, then millet,
Then pork, then the story,
I will go anymore.

Gumilyov of the real world does not know initially, he knows only his romantic ideal contours. He has a form, because he does not see the meaningful incarnation of the world. And does not see exactly because it is waiting for the world too perfect completeness, too "familiar." Wants to build on the "stones", and the circle is "sand". Rady gold.

The world of Gumileva is too hard and therefore fragile.

Through the motive of his poetry - a fight. Fatal. Often with a friend. With a loved man. With a woman.

Me from Paradise, cool paradise,
Winged white choppers ...
And I sweetly - do not cry, dear, -
Know that you poisoned me ...

The end-to-end motif is an uprising, the riot of natural forces against man's madness. The hum of elements. The inevitability of the catastrophe.

Comet running smoky chad
Kill the remnants of the atmosphere
And wild roar buried
Deserts, mountains and caves.

Through motif - death. Ambulance and inevitable.

And I will not die for bed,
With notary and doctors,
And in some wild gap,
Hustling in a thick ivy ...

They wrote: I did not guessed ... what "ivy" in the Cheeky basements? No, just guess. The accused of the "Tagantevsky case" in 1921 did not execute them in the basements - they were taken out "in nature" and were forced to dig a pit ... wasn't it here and showed Gumilyov who struck the shotguns a composure - a spear in the thickets "Wild gap"? Others shouted, asked for mercy ...

He is not. He is initially and irreparable - in another world: in the imaginary world of natural clarity, tragic absence and the doomed spirit, a hurry event:

How once in the scratched horses
Roared from the consciousness of Besil
Slipping creature, expecting on the shoulders
Not yet appeared wings -
So a century after century - is the Lord soon? ..

Not chained to nor towards the country, the Spirit promises God about the sense and, without hearing the answer, waiting for prophecies, and all this false world will collapse, and the poison of life will be finally buried out of the cosmic abyss.

Can't interrogate me
Me to whom a single moment -
All time from the first Earth Day
Until Fire Lights?

Caught and the Chekist investigator Comrade Jacobson in 1921 so answered interrogations? Or, not hiding the contemptuous eyes, calmly agreed that - the monarchist, and that the revolution was "not noticed"?

From the point of view of eternity, all this, of course, transient pattern: monarchies, republic, revolution, counter-revolution. For the Spirit, solving in the desert, all this is nothing more than "Cubes, rhombus and angles."

Bolsheviks, people of corners, carriers of cubes and rhombuses, - knew who were killed?

In the deep essence, Gumileva had much more right to become the founder of Soviet literature, than even at Mayakovsky, - precisely because Poetry Gumileva - heroic poetry at the initial installation, this is the poetry of debt, sacrificial ministry, the poetry of the ideal - without breaking herself to changing political slogans.

However, the ideal is unpaid, he cannot be realized. None in any real "country", nor in one "real phenomenon", nor in one page of the Cash of Genesis does not recognize this incarnation. It was precisely because ideal it is initially too tightly connected with well-established forms, with the "old regime", or, as Humilyov himself notices, this ideal is too "familiar." So "sign", which can never know itself in reality. Gumilev "will not recognize" Russia in the Soviet Republic of the Soviet Republic of the Soviet Bloody Chaos - as well as the real elder Russia he refused to admit for block fogs. By throwing, but to the exact definition of the research researcher Gumileva Marina Timonina, he did not want to notice a pig nor Saint Rus: the pork was uninteresting, and the Holy is impracticable.

That is: the place of Russia is holy, and Russia is not.

You forgive us, smear and blind,
To the end humiliated, sorry!
We are lying on the face and cry
Not wanting God's way ...

This is Gumileva Real Russia - unlawful, not acquired the appearance - Russia Relivaya, Rasputinskaya:

... lights and darkness,
Binds robbery in the fields,
Quarrels, bloody fights
In terrible, like dreams, kabaks.

And it is extremely, fatally and hard. And it - exhausts the subject of Russia: ideally:

Golden heart of Russia
Merly beats in my chest.

In real:

Rus delirious by God, a red flame,
Where can I see angels through the smoke ...

In principle, God - there is, and the angels are visible. But the curse hangs over the world. And over the old world of autocratic Russia, and over Soviet Russia, in which Gumilev lived for the last four years of life.

These four years he continued to work feverishly. He managed to publish under Soviet power several collections of poems: "Porcelain Pavilion", "Bonfire", "Fiery Pillars".

After a conversation with AA about divorce (1918 - V. L.) Nikolai Stepanovich and Aa went to Shileiko to talk three. In the tram Nikolai Stepanovich, who felt that AA was completely emancipated, began to say "by comrade": "I have, who would love to marry me with pleasure. Here is Larisa Reisner, for example ... She is happy to] ... "(he did not know yet that Larisa Reisner is already married.) 7

... Larisa Reisner prescribed a date on the pea in the date of the date. L. R.: "I loved him that I would have gone anywhere" (told in August 1920).

On April 14, 1919, the young couple was born a girl called Elena. Gumilyov was very happy (he said to everyone that his "dream" was to have a girl), and when the girl was born a doctor, taking a baby in his arms, handed his father with the words: "Here is your dream."

Soon he sends a wife and daughter in Bezhecksk, making sure that there are somewhat better with the products than in Hungry Petrograd. And his son is there.

Fragment of one of the group photos made on honoring M. Gorky in the publishing house "World Literature", March 30, 1919 19

Memories of Tsarskoselki Beer N.D., the daughter of the teacher and the inspector of the Tsarskoyel real school:

"... And the last time I saw him already in Petrograd, in 1919 at Anichkov Bridge, where I went with my father to some cold, rainy, autumn day. Nikolai Stepanovich was in Papakh, in the shell of a protective color. That day In the first and last time I greeted and said goodbye to his hand ... "

In the summer (in August) of 1920, 8 was a critical position: Shileiko at sun. Lit. (Publishing house "World Literature" .- V. L.) did not receive anything. All. Lit. At all ceased to feed. There was absolutely nothing. The salary for the month of Shileiko enough for 7 days (by calculation). At that moment, N. Pavlovich with a bag of rice from L. Reisner arrived unexpectedly from Baku. In S. D., where Aa lived, all at that time were sick with dysentery. And the whole bag distributed to all living things - neighbors. It seems to yourself, the two times all the porridge. The previous starvation has come.

In 1922, the first collection of N. Otzupa "Grad" was published in the publishing house. A few days before this date he was shot by security officers friend and teacher Nikolai GumilevIn January 1920 -. Their loss has become a severe loss and personal warning for Nicholas. In the fall of 1922 Tola, under the pretext of the "health correction", he drove into Berlin, swaying before that with his wife. Soon in Berlin, which took place at the beginning of the 20s by the literary capital of Russian abroad, was the majority of other members of the third "poets shop": Ivanov, I. Odoevtseva, Adamovich.

With the direct assistance of Nikolai Otsupa in 1923, three Almanacs "Poets shop" were reprinted in Berlin and a new one was released - the fourth.

After the war, N. Ortsup prepared for the press, Tom of "Favorites" N.Gumilyov, and in 1951 he defended his doctoral dissertation about his work.

Vera Luknitskaya: "My tenderloin on the table was cut from the newspaper - the notice in the death of Larisa Reisner from the abdominal typhoid (February 9, 1926- Ed.). Aa was struck by this news and was very upset, even upset her." That's what I even upset it I could not think that I would survive Larisa! " AA said a lot about Laris - very warm, very good, somehow lovingly and with big sadness. "Here is another death. How people die! .. She wanted to live, cheerful, healthy, beautiful ... you remember how relatively calm I took the news of the death of Yesenin ... Because he himself wanted to die and sought death. It is a completely different thing ... And Larisa! .. "And AA has long told, what a cheerful, full energy was Larisa Reisner. I remembered her ..." Take I'm scared for my hand, "said 16-year-old Larisa Reisner AA at a meeting (in Tenishevsky?)," said AA about the speech seems to be the first) Larisa Reisner ... - Poor - it will not be bad for her, it's not good to remember her abroad for That she was so quickly transferred to the side of Soviet power. "

They write that Elena Nikolaevna Gumileva, the daughter of Gumilyov and his second wife Anna Engelgard, was not good in childhood. Then he suddenly flourished - she became beautiful. He lived modestly and quietly, worked as a bill. Marry did not come out.
The former housekeeper Engelgardt told (Brother Anna) about the circumstances of the death of Anna, her parents and Elena Gumilevoy in Blocade Leningrad in 1942: "First, the Father died, then Mom, then Anya, who was terribly tormented from hunger and cold. Lena died last. "

The mystery of the fate of Gumileva - in a strange attractiveness of his character for the approving Soviet poetry with the complete inadmissibility of his behavior for the approving Soviet government.

Sixty-five years old Humileva's name remained under the strictest official ban. Do not call this name aloud, Soviet poets: Nikolay Tikhonov, Eduard Bagritsky, Vladimir Lugovskaya, Konstantin Simonov - picked up the style and revived the pathos of his killed inspirer: the music of romantic devotion to the ideal, loyalty to the debt, officer's honor, finally.

The poets of the post-war tangle also sworn humilev, and also secretly: in 1967, Vladimir Kornilov wrote a poem "in the table", to print which he was able only to the times of publicity.

Vladimir Kornilov


Three weeks were sootered,
No night, interrogation ...
And neither doctor nor notary
Finally, the sailor.

He entered a black sail,
He will guide now ...
Won hangs Mauser
Across the abdomen.

Revolution with "Hydrooine"
And science is not tricky
If it fees.

... you did not take in vain,
As if he knew in advance:
There will be a year - hands behind the back
Fleet will also go

And record in traitors
Night of whom you want,
And with a good contemporary
Fear recognize and trembling.

... like bullets did not bow
But but Naobum
Cranes and swear
In Golgotha \u200b\u200bTribun,

And dispersed, if
And did not take it ...
And fledged and hanging
And you did not have to.

Tsarskostsky Kipulation
Pofarthilo saved
Officer shipment
And arrogant.

... neither illness, nor old age
Not treason to yourself
Did not hurt in August
to Wall

Got up cold sprous
Not washing with chela
From the shame delight
Perograde CC.

Only B. 1991 The year Gumilev was rehabilitated.

Prepared by specialists of the Museum of Nikolaev gymnasium

Sources and Notes:

  1. Lucnitsky P. N. Acumiana. Meetings with Anna Akhmatova. T. 1. 1924-1925 Paris: YMCA-Press, 1991.
  2. Luknitskaya A K. Nikolai Gumilev: Life of the poet based on the materials of the home archive of the Luknitsky family, L.: Lenzdat, 1990. P. 27.
  3. Lucnitsky P.N. Proceedings and days N.S.Gumilev. St. Petersburg., 2010. P. 84-85. Subsequently, Annensky will write a feedback on the second collection of poems of his former student "Romantic Flowers" (1908).
  4. Timemeter RD Innocent Annensky and Nikolai Gumilev.
  5. Gollerbs E. City Muses. The royal village in poetry. SPb.: Art Lux, 1993. P. 152
  6. Memories of Vsevolod of Christmas on N.S. Gumilev // Nikolai Gumilev. Research and materials. Bibliography. St. Petersburg: Science, 1994. Since 398-426.
  7. Timemeter R. D. Forgotten memories of Gumilev // Daugava, 1993. No. 5. from 157-160.
  8. From the diary of Lucnitsky 8.04.1926
  9. At the insistence of L. M, the reisner who came to Petrograd in August (?) 1920, Gumilev was deprived of a soldering, issued to him in Baltflote (P. N. Lucnstsky, works and days, T, 2, C, 227, recorded from words Akhmatova),
  10. From the diary of Luknitsky 04/17/1925
  11. Finkelstein K.I. The handwritten magazine of the Nikolaev Tsarskoyel gymnasium "Young Labor" // Toronto Slavic Quarterly. № 25, 2008.
  12. Finkelstein K. Imperial Nikolaev Tsarsko Selic Gymnasium. Pupils.PB, Publishing House of Silver Century, 2009. 310 p., Il.
  13. Olga Hildebrandt-Arbenina. Girl, rolling srso ... M., Young Guard, 2007, SS.99-108.
  14. A.N. Golovkin. In the edge of two cultures
  15. A facsimile copy is presented by the Museum of the Nikolaev gymnasium by a private collector who owns the original.
  16. The collection is given to the museum of the Nikolaev gymnasium K.I. Finkelstein
  17. Valeria Sonznevskaya "Daphnis and Chloe" / Star. - 1989. - № 6. - P. 141-145.
  18. Shubinsky V. architect. Life and death of Nikolai Gumileva., M.: Corpus, 2014.-736 S.- Il.
  19. Tsgia SPb. F.14. OP.3, D. 61522. Photo from the Personal Business of the student N.S. Gumileva. Foto Color by Olga Klimbim,
  20. ibid. L.1
  21. ibid. L.3
  22. ibid. L.4. Certificate of listened courses №5668 dated May 7, 1911
  23. ibid. Ll.9, 10. Certificate for №544 of May 30, 1906
  24. ibid. L.11. Certificate of Baptism No. 47 of February 20, 1887, Kronstadt
  25. ibid. L.12. Vacation certificate number 43 of April 14, 1910
  26. ibid. L.12 about. Mark about the wedding on the vacation branch. S. Nikolskaya Slobodka from October 1923 is included in the borders of Kiev
  27. ibid. L.13. Certificate of the Jaws for the fulfillment of military service number 34 of October 30, 1907.
  28. ibid. L.14. Presentation of N. Gumileva Rector of St. Petersburg University about the removal of copies from the certificate of August 22, 1916
  29. ibid. L.19. Position N. Gumileva dated July 10, 1908
  30. ibid. L.20. Position N. Gumileva dated August 26, 1909
  31. ibid. L.36. Position N. Gumileva dated December 14, 1915
  32. ibid. L.33 about. Photo on the student bile N. Gumileva
  33. ibid. L.50. N. Gumileva's petition of April 5, 1910
  34. We wanted to make a memorial plaque on this house, but the absolute confidence is that this is the very house there is no: the fact is that the Catherine streets in Kronstadt were two - big and small. Small now called by Karl Liebknecht, and there are no suitable houses. And the Kronstadts themselves consider the birthplace of Gumileva that this house is at the former large Ekaterininskaya ul.


Childhood and youth

Born in the noble family of the Kronstadt Ship Doctor Stepan Yakovlevich Gumileva (July 28 - February 6). Mother - Gumileva (Lviv) Anna Ivanovna (June 4 - December 24).

His grandfather - Panov Yakov Fedotovich (-) - was a Dyachki Church of the village of Zagomijo Spassky County of Ryazan province.

As a child, Nikolai Gumilyov was a weak and painful child: he was constantly tormented by headaches, he reacted poorly to noise. According to Anna Akhmatova ("Proceedings and N. Gumileev's Days", vol. Ii), their first quatrains about the beautiful Niagaru wrote the future poet for six years.

In the autumn of 1895, Gumileva moved from the royal village to St. Petersburg, hired an apartment in the Shamine House at the corner of the Degtyar and 3rd Christmas streets and next year Nikolai Gumilev began to study in Gurevich's gymnasium. In 1900, the older brother Dmitry (1884-1922) was discovered tuberculosis, and Gumileva left for the Caucasus, in Tiflis. In connection with the move of Gumilyov, he entered the second time in the IV class, in the 2nd Tiflis gymnasium, but six months, January 5, 1901, was translated into the 1st Tiflis men's gymnasium. Here in the "Tiflis List" of 1902 for the first time a poem of N. Gumilyova "I ran to the forest from cities ..."

In 1903, Gumileva returned to the royal village and N. Gumilyov in 1903 again entered the VII class of the Tsarsko Selo gymnasium. He studied badly and once even on the verge of deductions, but the director of the gymnasium I. F. Annensky insisted on to leave the student for the second year: "All this is true, but he writes poems." In the spring of 1906, Nikolai Gumilyov still passed the final exams and on May 30 received a maturity certificate for № 544, in which the only five was in logic.

A year before the end of the gymnasium, the first book of his poems "path of Conquistadors" was published at the expense of parents. This collection honored a separate review of Brucers, in those days the former one of the authoritative poets. Although the review was not a hooked, the Materover completed it with the words "Suppose she [book] only" the path "of the new Conquistador and that his victories and conquests are ahead," this is the correspondence between Bryusov and Gumilyov. For a long time, Gumilev considered Bruce his teacher, Bususian motives are traced in many of his verses (the most famous of them is "violin", however, Bryusov and dedicated). Matter for a long time patronized to the young poet and treated him, unlike most of his students, good, almost in Otrat.

After graduating from Gymnasia, Gumilyov left to study in Sorbonne.


Photo 1907

In 1907, in April, Gumilyov returned to Russia to go through the invited commission. In Russia, the young poet met with the teacher - Bryusov and Beloved - Anna Gorenko. In July, he from Sevastopol went to his first journey through Levant and returned to Paris at the end of July. About how the journey passed, there is no information other than letters Bryusov.

after our meeting, I was in the Ryazan province, in St. Petersburg, two weeks lived in the Crimea, the week in Constantinople, in Smyrna, had a mimic novel with some kind of Grechanka, fought with Apache in Marseille and just yesterday, I don't know how, I don't know why , found himself in Paris.

There is a version that it was then Gumilyov for the first time visited Africa, this also testifies to the poem "Ezbeki", written in 1917:

As strange - exactly ten years has passed
Since I saw Ezbeki,

However, chronologically it is unlikely.

At this time, the symbolism was worried about the crisis that young poets sought to overcome. Poets they proclaimed the craft, and all the poets were divided into masters and apprentices. In the "workshop" of masters, or "Sindics" Gorodetsky and Gumilyov were considered. Initially, the "workshop" did not have a clear literary orientation. At the first meeting, which was held on the apartment in Gorodetsky, there were five, a block with his wife, Akhmatova, and others. Block wrote about this meeting:

Nealber and cute evening.<…> The youth. Anna Akhmatova. Conversation with N. S. Gumilev and his good poems <…> It was fun and easy. With young good.

Second Expedition in Abyssion

The second expedition took place in 1913. It was organized better and agreed with the Academy of Sciences. At first, Gumilyov wanted to cross the Danakilian desert, study the little-known tribes and try to civilize them, but the Academy rejected this route as expensive, and the poet was forced to offer a new route:

Together with Humilyov, his nephew Nikolay Cherchkov went as a photographer in Africa.

First, Gumilyov went to Odessa, then to Istanbul. In Turkey, the poet showed sympathy and sympathy for the Turks, in contrast to most Russians. In the same place, Gumilyov met the Turkish consul Mozar Beeh, who was in Harar; The path they continued together. From Istanbul, they headed to Egypt, from there - in Djibouti. Traffic policemen should go deep into the country railwayBut after 260 kilometers the train stopped due to the fact that the rains blocked the way. Most of the passengers returned, but Gumilev, crickets and mosap bays screamed from the workers to Dresin and drove 80 kilometers of a damaged path on it. Arriving in Dira-Daua, the poet hired a translator and went caravan to Harar.

In Harare, Gumilyov did not buy mules without complications, he also met a race of Tefari (then - Governor Harara, subsequently Emperor High Selessis I; Adherents of Rastafarianism consider him the embodiment of the Lord - Ja). The poet presented the Future Emperor of the Vermut Box and photographed him, his wife and sister. In Harare Gumilyov began collecting his collection.

Aba Muda

From Harara, the way was lying through the poorly studied land of Galla to the village of Sheikh-Hussein. Along the way, I had to be transferred through the UABI's quick-water river, where Nikolai Schurchkov almost dragged the crocodile. Soon there were problems with provisions. Gumilev was forced to hunt for the extraction of food. When the goal was achieved, the leader and the spiritual mentor Sheikh-Hussein Aba Muda sent the expedition to provisions and warmly accepted it. This is how the prophet Gumilyov described:

There Gumileva showed the tomb of St. Sheikh Hussein, in honor of which the city was named. There was a cave from which, according to legend, a sinner could not get out:

It was necessary to divide<…> And crawl between stones in a very narrow passage. If someone stuck - he died in terrible torment: no one dare to stretch his hand, no one dare to file a piece of bread or a cup of water ...

Gumilyov broke there and returned safely.

Recovering Sheikh Hussein's life, the expedition moved to the city of Ginir. After replenishing the collection and gaining water in the guinea, travelers went to the West, in the hardest path to the village of Matakua.

The further fate of the expedition is unknown, the African Diary of Gumileva is interrupted on the word "road ..." on July 26. According to some data, on August 11, the exhausted expedition reached the Dera Valley, where Gumilyov stopped in the house of parents of some H. Mariam. He treated the hostess from malaria, freed the punished slave, and the parents were named after him born her son. However, in the story of Abyssinz there is chronological inaccuracies. Be that as it may, Gumilev safely reached Harara and in the middle of August was already in Djibouti, but because of financial difficulties stuck there for three weeks. He returned to Russia on September 1.

World War I

The beginning of 1914 was severe for the poet: the workshop ceased to exist, there were difficulties in relations with Akhmatova, bored the bohemian life he was led by returning from Africa.

At the end of February, as a result of continuous hostilities and the Rubbits, Gumilev became ill witness:

We fell, knocked out the Germans from the villages, went to the junction, I also did it all, but as in a dream, then trembling in the chill, then burning in the heat. Finally, after one night, during which I, without leaving Chalup, made at least twenty parts and fifteen shoots from captivity, I decided to measure the temperature. The thermometer showed 38.7.

The month of the poet was treated in Petrograd, then again he was returned to the front.

In September, the poet Hero returned to Russia, and on March 28, 1916, the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Western Front No. 3332 was produced in ensigns with the transfer to the 5th Gusar Alexandria Regiment. Using this respite, Gumilev led active literary activities.

In April 1916, the poet arrived at the Gusar Regiment, who was standing near Dvinsk. In May Gumilev again was evacuated to Petrograd. Described in the "Cavalian notes" the night jump in the heat was worth him inflammation of the lungs. When the treatment was almost over, Gumilev was released without demand, as a result of which the disease aggravated again. Doctors recommended him to be treated in the south. Gumilyov went to Yalta. However, on this military life of the poet did not end. On July 8, 1916, he again went to the front, again briefly. On August 17, the order for the regiment No. 240 Gumilyov was sent to the Nikolaev Cavalry School, then again translated into the front and remained in the trenches until January 1917.

In Paris, the poet fell in love with the semi-soul-semi-franc-head of Elena Karovo Du Bush, the daughter of the famous surgeon. Dedicated her a poetic collection "To the Blue Star", the vertex love lyrics poet. Soon Gumilev moved to the 3rd Brigade. However, the army decomposition was felt there. Soon the 1st and 2nd Brigade raised the rebellion. He was depressed, many soldiers were deported to Petrograd, who remained united in one special brigade.

On January 22, 1918, Friend arranged him in the encryption department of the Russian Government Committee. There Gumilev worked for two months. However, the official work was not satisfied with him, and soon the poet returned to Russia.

On August 5, 1918, a divorce with Anna Akhmatova took place. Relations between poets were temporarily divided into a long time, but it was impossible to divide with the right to marry to the revolution.

Since the spring of 1921, Gumilyov led the studio "sounding sink", where she shared experiences and knowledge with young poets, lectured on the poetics.

Living in Soviet Russia, Gumilyov did not hide his religious and political views - He was openly baptized to the temples, he stated his views. So, on one of the poetic evenings, he is to a question from the hall - "What are your political beliefs?" replied - "I am a convinced monarchist."

To write any detailed, and even more comprehensive biography of N. S. Gumilyov, time has not yet come. For this, first of all there is no sufficient material.

If the family and personal archives of Gumilev and are preserved in Russia, they are still under prior. The abroad preserved that Gumilev before his return to Russia in April 1918 left in London in his friend, the artist B. V. Angr, which in 1942 or 1943 all this material handed over to the writing of these lines. This Archive of Gumileva now, which is now, with poems, several notebooks (including the Black Tunic Pointed Manuscript), the manuscript of the unfinished story "Merry Brothers", several documents relating to the passage of humil-world military service (some of these We print documents in the annex to the present essay) and others (more detailed information about my archive, see the volume under my editors "Untustable Gumilyov" - published by Chekhov, New York, 1952) . Letters of Gumilev and letters to it are almost unknown. It is possible that the Archive of the Institute of Russian Literature in the USSR, as well as the private archives melt a lot more valuable. Memories of Gumilev are mostly either to the most recent years of his life (such are interesting memories V. F. Khodasevich, A. Ya. Levinson, N. A. Otsupa, I. V. Odoin), or by the period between 1909 and 1914 For years (memories of S. K. Makovsky, G. V. Ivanova, G. V. Adamovich). According to the circumstances of the external order, they remain unwitting - or written, but not published - memories of such and personally and literary close to humilia, as his first wife A. A. Akhmatova, like O. E. Mandelshtam, M. A. Kuzmin, M. A. Voloshin. Most of the printed memories relate to the literary activities of Gumilev. About the earlier period and the humille-man, unlike the poet, the memories are very few. I am striking as if there would be a complete lack of memories of a humile-soldier and an officer.

From the memories of non-literary circles and representing biographical interest, the story of Gumileva's daughter-in-law, his older brother's wife (Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov, "New Journal", KN. 46, 1956, P. 107-126, should be mentioned and the page of memoirs about meetings with Gumilev and Akhmatova in 1910-1912. Their neighbors in Blezknev (estate in Bezhetsky district of the Tver province, who belonged to the mother of Mother Gumilyov), Ms. V. Nevyotesky ("Memories of Gumileve and Akhmatova", "New Journal", KN. 38, 1954, p. 182-190) . The story of A. A. Gumilyova is valuable for his family and everyday details, but a little naive, and some of its speculations and conclusions do not cause special confidence. This applies, for example, to her story about the love of Gumilyov to his cousin, Masha Kuzmina-Karavaeva - allegedly the only one of real love In the life of Gumilev. Not to mention that in this part of the story, the chronology is very vague, it is difficult to understand why Ms. Gumilyova refers to the early dead Masha (whose memory Gumilev dedicated the poem "Rhodes", deprived of any love painting) and written in 1920 "Lost tram written in 1920 ", And even one of the translation poems of the" porcelain pavilion ", besides, inscribed by Gumiles at the same time, when he translated him - that is, in 1917 in Paris - in the album of his Paris" Blue Star ". In the memories of Ms. Unktess, on the contrary, a lot of interesting details of a literary nature, but hurried out of that literary circle, to which Gumilyov belonged. In the following short sketch We also use those and other memories in the part of them, which makes the impression of reliability, as well as previously published stories of literary contemporaries Gumilyov.

Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov was born 3 (15) April 1886 in Kronstadt, where his father, Stepan Yakovlevich, who graduated from the gymnasium in Ryazan and Moscow University of Medical Faculty, served as a ship doctor. According to some information, the Father's family came from a spiritual title, which is an indirect confirmation of the name (from the Latin word Humilis, "smarmer"), but the grandfather of the poet, Yakov Stepanovich, was a landowner, the owner of a small birch estate in the Ryazan province, where the humil family is sometimes spent summer. B. P. Kozmmin, without pointing out the source, says that Yunoy N. S. Gumilyov, who was then fond of socialism and reading Marx (he was at that time a Tiflis gymnasium - it means that it was between 1901 and 1903), was engaged in agitation among Melnikov And it caused complications with the governor of birchings were later sold, and a small estate was bought in place at St. Petersburg.

Gumileva's mother, Anna Ivanovna, nee Lviv, Sister Admiral L. I. Lviv, was the second wife of S. Ya. And twenty years later younger than his husband. The poet was the elder brother Dmitry and the Alexander's only sister, in the marriage of Sverchkov. Mother survived both sons, but the exact year of her death is not installed.

Gumilyov was still a child when his father retired and the family moved to the royal village. Humilyov began his education at home, and then he studied in Gurevich's gymnasium, but in 1900 the family moved to Tiflis, and he entered the 4th grade of the 2nd gymnasium, and then translated into the 1st. But staying in Tiflis was short. In 1903, the family returned to the royal village, and the poet entered the 7th grade of the Nikolaev Tsarskoye gemnasium, the director of which at that time was and until 1906 remained the well-known poet of Innocent Fedorovich Annensky. The latter is usually attributed to a large influence on the poetic development of Gumileva, who in any case very highly put Annensky as a poet. Apparently, writing poems (and stories) Gumilyov began very early when he was only eight years old. The first appearance of it in print refers by the time when the family lived in Tiflis: September 8, 1902 in the newspaper "Tiflis Leaf" was printed his poem "I ran to the forest from the cities ..." (this was not a poem, unfortunately, wanted ).

According to all this data, Gumilyov studied badly, especially in mathematics, and the gymnasium cumsily ended, only in 1906 water. But a year before the end of the gymnasium, he released his first collection of poems called the "path of Conquistadors", with the epigraph of almost many then well-known, and later such a famous French writer Andre Zhida, whom he obviously read in the script. About this first collection of youthful poems Gumilyova Valery Bryusov wrote in the "scales" that he was full of "crowds and imitation" and repeats all the main commandments of decadentism, the time lived with their courage and novelty in the West for twenty years, and in Russia, ten to (just ten years before the release of the book Gumileva, Bryusov himself made a sensation, having released his assembly "Russian symbolists"). Yet Bryusov found it necessary to add: "But there are several beautiful poems in the book, really successful images. Suppose she is only the path of the new Konquistador and that his victory and conquests in front. " Humilyov himself never reissued "the path of the Conquistadors" and, looking at this book, obviously, as at the sin of youth, with the score of his poems, he lowered it (so "someone else's sky" he called in 1912 a third book of poems, whereas on the very She was the fourth).

From the biographical data on Gumilev, it is unclear what he did immediately at the end of the gymnasium. A. A. Gumilyova, mentioning that her husband, having graduated from the gymnasium, at the request of the father entered the sea corps and was one summer in swimming, he adds: "And the poet at the insistence of the Father had to go to the university," and then he says that he I decided to go to Paris and learn in Sorbonne. According to Kozmin's dictionary, Gumilev entered the University of St. Petersburg already much later, in 1912, he was engaged in old-French literature on the Romano-German branch, but the course did not cum. In Paris, he really left and spent the abroad 1907-1908, listening to the sorponne lectures on French literature. If we take into account this fact, it strikes as in 1917, when he again fell into France, he wrote badly in French, and from the point of view of grammar, and even from the point of view of spelling (however, S. K. Makovsky says that he And in Russian spelling, and especially punctuation, was far from firm): It is not strong): It is evidenced by his own knowledge of the French language, which is stored in my archive, the Humileva's own memerantum about the set of volunteers in Abyssinia for the Allied Army, as well as its own translations of his poems to French.

In Paris, Gumilyov did a little literary magazine called "Sirius", in which the own poems and stories under the pseudonyms "Anatoly Grant" and "K - O", as well as the first verses of Anna Andreevna Gorenko, who became soon his wife and famous The names of Anna Akhmatova - they were familiar in the royal village. In one of the memos about Gumileve, written shortly after his death, a letter of Akhmatova to an unknown person, written from Kiev and dated March 13, 1907, where she wrote: "Why did Gumilyov come for" Sirius "? It surprises me and leads to an extraordinarily cheerful mood. How many misfortunes our micalace suffered and everything is allowed! You noticed that employees are almost still known and respectable as me? I think that I found an eclipse from the Lord on Gumileva. It happens". Unfortunately, even in Paris it turned out to be impossible to find a set of "Sirius" (three thin numbers of the magazine came out), and from the Gumilev printed there, we have the opportunity to give only one poem and part of one "Poem in Prose" in this publication. Were there any other employees in the journal except for Akhmatova and hiding under different pseudonyms of Gumilev, it remains unclear.

In Paris, in 1908, Gumilyov released his second book poems - "Romantic Flowers". From Paris, he traveled his first trip to Africa back in 1907. Apparently, the journey it was undertaken by the will of the Father's will, at least here, as A. A. Gumileva writes about it:

About this dream [Go to Africa] ... The poet wrote the Father, but the father categorically stated that neither money nor his blessings on such (at that time) "extravagant journey" he would not receive before the end of the university. Nevertheless, Kohl, not looking at anything, in 1907 he went on the road, saving the necessary funds from the monthly parent pay. Subsequently, the poet with delight told about everything seen: - as he spent the night in the burden of a steamer together with pilgrims, as they shared their meager meal with them, as he was arrested in Trullile for an attempt to get to the steamer and drive a "hare." From the parents, this journey was hidden, and they found out about it only post-facts. The poet wrote in advance the letters to parents, and his friends gently sent them from Paris every ten days every ten days.

In this story, maybe not all for sure: for example, it remains incomprehensible why, on the way to Africa, Gumilyov got into Trowville (in Normandy) and was arrested there - it is possible that two different episodes are confused here - but we still bring the story A. A. Gumilyova, since this first trip of the poet in Africa other memories seemed not to be preserved.

In 1908, Gumilyov returned to Russia. Now he already had some literary name. About the "romantic colors" published in Paris wrote again in the "scales" (1908,? 3, p. 77-78) of Bryusov. In this book, he saw a big step forward compared to the "way." He wrote:

... you see that the author worked a lot and stubbornly over his verse. There are no traces of the previous negligence sizes, rhyme rhymes, inaccuracies of images. Poems N. Gumilev are now beautiful, elegant, and mostly in the form of the inter. Now he has sharply and definitely draws his images and with great thoughtfulness and sophistication chooses epithets. Often, his hand still changes him, [But?] He is a serious worker who understands what he wants, and knows how to achieve what he wants.

Bruces correctly noted that the "objective" lyrics are more successful, where the poet himself disappears behind the images drawn by them, where the eye is more given than hearing. In verses, where the inner experiences of the music of verse and the charm of words, N. Gumilevo often does not get the forces of direct suggestion. He is a little Parnassian in his poetry, the poet of Type Lekonta de Lilya ...

Bryusov finished his review:

Of course, despite the individual successful plays, and "romantic flowers" - only a student book. But I want to believe that N. Gumilev belongs to the number of writers developing slowly, and on the very standing high. Maybe continuing to work with the persistence, as now, it will be able to go a lot further than we planned, will open in themselves the opportunities that we are not suspected.

In this, the assumption of Bryusov turned out to be more right. Since Bruce was considered critick strict and demanding, such a review was to be chopped by Gumilev. A little one, reviewing in the "scales" (1909 ,? 7) one magazine, in which the poems of Gumilev were printed, then included in the "pearls", Sergey Soloviev said that sometimes Gumilyova "comes across the casting stuffs issuing Brysov School" and Also wrote about the impact on him Lekonta de Lilya.

In the period between 1908 and 1910. Gumilev tie literary dating and enters the literary life of the capital. Living in the royal village, he communicates a lot with I. F. Annensky. In 1909, he gets acquainted with S. K. Makovsky and introduces the latter with Annensky, who for a short time becomes one of the pillars of the Basic Makov magazine "Apollo". The magazine began to be published in October 1909, and on November 30, the same year, Annensky suddenly died of a heartbroken at the Tsarskoil Station in St. Petersburg. Humilyov himself, from the very beginning, became one of the main assistants of Makovsky on the magazine, the most active employee and jury poetic criticism. From year to year, he published his "letters about Russian poetry" in Apollo. Only sometimes it was replaced by others in this role, for example Vyacheslav Ivanov and M. A. Kuzmin, and during the war, when he was at the front - Georgy Ivanov.

In the spring of 1910, the father of Gumileva died, he had long been seriously sick. And a few later, in the same year, on April 25, Gumilyov married Anna Andreevna Gorenko. After the wedding, the young went to Paris. In the fall of the same year, Gumilyov took a new journey to Africa, at this time in the most infrequent places of Abyssinia. In 1910, the third book of the poems of Gumilyova, who gave him wide fame - "Pearls". The book was dedicated to Bryusov this Gumilyov, calling him his teacher. In the reviews printed in "Russian Thought" (1910, BN 7), Bryusov himself wrote about the "pearls" that the poetry of Gumileva lives in the world imaginary and almost ghostly. He is somehow alien to modernity, he himself creates a country for himself and inhabits them with themselves created creatures: people, beasts, demons. In these countries, it can be said in these worlds, the phenomena are subject not to the usual laws of nature, but the new one who commanded the poet; And people in them live and do not act according to the laws of ordinary psychology, but by strange, inexplicable whims, suggested by the author Sufller.

Speaking about the humblers included in the book of poems from "Romantic Flowers", Bryusov noted that there is still free fiction, the images are still ghostly, psychology is still more frequent. But this does not mean that the youthful verses of the author fully express his soul. On the contrary, it should be noted that in his new poems he was largely freed from the extremes of his first creatures and learned to close his dreams in more specific outlines. His visions over the years acquired more plasticity, bulges. At the same time, it is clearly fixed and its verse. Student I. Annensky, Vyacheslav Ivanov and the poet, who is devoted to the "pearls" [t. e. Brysov himself], N. Gumilyov slowly, but confidently goes to full skill in the form of form. Almost all of his poems are written perfectly, delivered and sophisticatedly sounded. N. Gumilyov did not create any new letter manner, but by borrowing the admission of poetic techniques from his predecessors, he managed to improve them, to develop, deepen, which, perhaps, must be recognized even greater merit than the search for new forms, too often leading to the deplorable failures.

Vyacheslav Ivanov at the same time in Apollo (1910 ,? 7) wrote about Gumilev about the "pearls", as a student of Brysov, spoke of his "closed stanches" and "arrogant stans", about his exotic romanticism. In Gumilyov's poetry, he saw only the "possibilities" and "hints", but it also seemed to him that Gumilyov could develop in the other direction than his "mentor" and "Vergilius": such poems as "travel to China" or "Marquis De Karabas "(" Unmatched idyll ") show, wrote Ivanov that" Gumilyover sometimes a dream with a fun more fun and more careless than Bruces, sober in the approval itself. " Your long i. interesting review Ivanov finished the following forecast:

... when a full, suffering and love bought the experience of the soul breaks the curtains, still enveloping the poet before the eyes, "dry and water" in it, then his lyrical epic will become an objective epic, and its pure lyrics - its hidden lyrism, then For the first time he will belong to life.

By 1910-1912 Referring memories of Gumilev Ms. V. Nevykhovsky. She and her young husband were the owners of the estate of the oldest noble nest in six versts from much more modest blind items, where Gumilyov and his wife spent the summer after returning from a wedding trip. In this summer, unknotees met them and met almost every day. The unknown recalls how ingenious was Gumilev in the inventing of different games. Using quite a big stable of unknown, he came up with the game in the "Circus".

Nikolai Stepanovich ride the ride, actually, did not know, but he had a complete lack of fear. He sat on any horse, became on the saddle and did the most charth exercises. The height of the barrier never stopped, and he fell more than once with a horse.

The circus program also included dances on a rope, going through the wheel, etc. Akhmatova performed as a "Snake Woman": she had an amazing flexibility - she easily laid his foot behind her neck, concerned the head of his heels, while maintaining the obedient's face with all this. Humilyov himself, as the director of the circus, performed in the great-grandfather, and a cylinder extracted from the chest in the attic. I remember, since we drove a cavalcade of a man ten in the next caller, where we did not know. It was in Petrovka, in Senokos. The peasants survived us and began to ask - who are we? Gumilyov, without thinking, replied that we are a stray circus and go to the fair in the next county city to give a presentation. The peasants asked us to show our art, and we have come to them all our "program." The audience came to delight, and someone began to collect mediques in our favor. Here we were embarrassed and hastily disappeared.

The unknoteskaya also tells about the "types" invented by the humil game, in which each of the players portrayed some particular image or type, for example, "Don Quixote" or "Gossip", or "Great Initigan", or "Human Talking All Truth eyes ", and it was supposed to carry out his role in everyday life. At the same time, the assigned roles could not meet and even contradict the real character of this "actor". As a result, acute provisions sometimes arose. The older generation was critical to this game, the young "fascinated exactly the famous risks of the game." On this occasion, Ms. Nytohova says that in the nature of Gumileva, "there was a trait that forced him to seek and create risky provisions, at least psychologically," although he had an attraction and to the danger of purely physical.

Remembering the autumn of 1911, Ms. Nytohovsky talks about the play, which Gumilyov composed for fulfilling the inhabitants of a similarity, when stubborn rains drove them into the house. Gumilyov was not only the author, but also director. Ms. Unytic writes:

His inspiration and fancy fantasy subordinate us completely and we have repeatedly reproduced those images that he inspired to us. All the figures of this play are sketchy as images of poems and the poems of Gumileva. After all, the living people with whom he faced, N. S. schematized and pointed, applying to the type of the interlocutor, to his "skate", taking a conversation so that the person became relief; At the same time, the "stylized object" did not even notice that N. S. It all time "stylists".

In 1911, Gumilyov had a son lion. By the same year, the birth of the poets shop, the literary organization, originally uniting very diverse poets (the blocks of Vyacheslav Ivanov also included in it), but soon gave a push to the emergence of aqmeism, which, as a literary course, opposed himself symbolism. There is no place to talk about this in detail. Recall only that by 1910 refers to a famous argument about symbolism. In the Society created at the "Apollo", reporters of the artistic words were written reports on the symbolism of Vyacheslav Ivanov and Alexander Blok. Both of these reports were printed in? 8 "Apollo" (1910). And in the next room there was a short and ulcerative response to them V. Ya. Brysov, entitled "On the speech of slave, in defending poetry." Inside the symbolism there was a crisis, and two more than a year later on the pages of Togo "Apollo" (1913, "1) Gumilyov and Sergey Gorodetsky in articles that were called the character of literary manifestos, the symbolism or adamism on the shifts. Gumilyov became a recognized leader of aqmeism (which simultaneously opposed himself and who was arranged shortly before that futurism), and Apollo his body. The staff of the poets turned into an organization of poets-aqmeistov, and with him a small magazine "Hyperbori", which was found in 1912-1913, and the publishing house of the same name.

Humilya's acmeism proclaimed in his own creativity everything is more fully and more clearly expressed in released at this time (1912) the collection "Alien Sky", where Gumilyov included four poems of theophily of the game, one of the four poets is very different - which are not Ambameists proclaimed their samples. One of the four poems of Gauthier, which included in the "Alien Sky" ("Art") can be considered as a kind of excheursm. Two years after that, Gumilev released a whole translation from Gauthier - "Enamel and Kameoi" (1914). Although S. K. Makovsky in his etude about Gumilev and says that insufficient acquaintance with french language Sometimes he faced Gumilev in these translations, another connoisseur of French literature, who became a French essayist and critic, the deceased A. Ya. Levinson, wrote in the obituary of Gumilyov:

I seem to me the best monument of this pore in the life of Gumilev, the invaluable translation of "enamels and the gums", truly a miracle of reincarnation in the appearance of his beloved Gauthier. It is impossible to imagine at the indigenous difference in the poems of French and Russian, in the natural rhythm and articulation of both languages, a more striking impression of the identity of both texts. And do not think that such a complete analogy is possible to achieve only aimedity and perfection of the texture, craft generation; Here you need to comprehend the deeper, poetic fraternity with foreign poems.

These years, preceding world war, Gumilev lived intensive life: "Apollo", the shop of poets, "hyperbori", literary meetings on the tower at Vyacheslav Ivanov, night gatherings in the "Strapping dog", which Anna Akhmatova said well in his verses He told in the Petersburg winter, Georgy Ivanov. But not only this, and the trip to Italy in 1912, the fruit of which was a number of poems, originally printed in the "Russian thought" of P. B. Struve (the permanent employees of which during these years Gumilyov and Akhmatov) and other magazines and then the most part in the book "Quiver"; And a new journey in 1913 in Africa, this time, furnished as a scientific expedition, with the instructions from the Academy of Sciences (in this journey Gumileva, he was accompanied by his seventeen nephew, Nikolay Leonidovich Torchkov). On this journey to Africa (and may be partly both of the former) Gumilev wrote in printed for the first time in Apollo "five-colored jambakh":

But months passed back
I sailed and took the fangs of the elephants,
Paintings of the Abyssinian masters
Panther fur - I liked their spots -
And what was previously incomprehensible
Despite to the world and fatigue of dreams.

Gumilyov told his humented hunting exploits in Africa, which will be included in the last Tom of our collected works, along with another prose of Gumilev.

"Five-colored jamb" - one of the most personal and autobiographical poems of Gumilev, who before he struck by his "objectivity, with his" impersonality "in verses. Full bitterness of the rows in these" yambach "is clearly addressed to A. A. Akhmatova and discover the outlined to this time in their relationship is a deep and incorrect crack:

I know life failed ... And you
You, for whom I was looking for in Levante
Nether Purpur Royal Mantle,
I lost you like Damaanti
Sometime lost to Mad Nal.
Soared bones, bell as steel,
The bones fell - and there was sadness.

You said, thoughtful, strictly:
- "I believed, loved too much,
And I'm leaving, not believing, not like,
And before the face of all-seeing God
Perhaps the most bribe
Forever I renounce you. " -

Your hair did not bold kiss me,
Neither even squeeze cold, thin hands.
I myself was gardens like spider,
I scared and tormented every sound.
And you went in a simple and dark dress,
Similar to crucify.

The Humilev did not come about this personal drama of Gumilev, as the words of his own poems: we do not know all her peripetias, and Alive A. A. Akhmatova, who did not say anything about it in the press.

From the individual events in the life of Gumilev in this pre-war period - a period of which his literary friends remembered a lot - you can mention his duel with Maximilian Voloshin, associated with the fictional volitional "Cherubina de Gabric" and her verses. About this duel - the challenge occurred in the studio of the artist A. Ya. Golovin, with a large accumulation of guests, spoke quite detailed by S. K. Makovsky (see his book "On the Parnas of the Silver Century"), and I also told me about it . V. Inre.

All this was put in July 1914, when the Gabriel of the principle rang out in the distant Sarajev, and then all Europe covered the fire of war, and the tragic era began with it, which we are experiencing on it. About this July Akhmatova wrote:

Smells to Garoy. Four weeks
Peat dry by swamps is burning.
Even the birds did not sing today,
And the aspen is no longer trembling.

The sun was the lowness of God,
The rain from Easter fields is not froth.
A single-legged passersoris came
And one on the courtyard said:

"Terms of scary are near. Soon
It will become closely from fresh graves.
Wait for glad, and a coward, and Mora,
And the eclipse of heavenly shining.

Only our land will not divide
Sugorant for fun:
The Mother of God White Dislay
Above the grief of great boards. "

Patriotic gust then covered all Russian society. But it is hardly the only one among any prominent Russian writers, Gumilyov responded to the war that fell to the country was effectively, and almost immediately (on August 24) he was signed up in volunteers. He himself, in the later version of the already mentioned "five-way jacks," said everything better about it:

And in the roar of the human crowd,
In the buzz of passing guns,
In the male call of combat pipe
I suddenly heard the song of my fate
And ran where people fled
Poor repeating: Budy, Budy.

Soldiers sang loudly and words
They were not interested, their heart caught:
- "Extremely ahead! The grave is so grave!
We will be a lie will be fresh grass,
And canopy - green foliage,
Ally - Arkhangelsk Power. " -

So sweet this song flowed, mana,
What I went and accepted me
And gave me a rifle and horse
And field full of enemies mighty,
Buzzing terrible bombs and bullets singers,
And the sky in the Lavnap and Redian clouds.

And happiness soul burned
Since then; Cheerlezh full
And clarity and wisdom, about God
She talks with the stars
The voice of God hears in military alarm
And God's call is their roads.

In several poems of Gumilev about the war included in the collection "Quiver" (1916) - almost the best in the whole "military" poetry in Russian literature said not only the romantic-patriotic, but also deeply religious perception of the humille wars. Speaking in his already cited necrologist Gumilev on his attitude to war, A. Ya. Levinson wrote:

He took war with the simplicity of perfect, with rectilinear hotness. He was, perhaps, one of those few people in Russia, whose soul of the war found in the greatest combat readiness. His patriotism was as unconditioned as his religious confession was cloudless. I have not seen a person whose nature would be more alien to doubt, as completely, rarely alien to him and humor. His mind, dogmatic and stubborn, did not lead any duality.

N. A. Otsup In his preface to the "chosen" Gumileva (Paris, 1959), he noted the proximity of the military poems of Gumilyov to the poets of the French Catholic Poet of Charles Poggy, who also took the war religiously and was killed at the front in 1914.

In the appendix to the present essay, the reader will find the "Warning" Gumileva. In it, in naked facts and government formulas, the military suffering and the heroic feat of Gumileva are captured. Two soldiers of George during the first fifteen months of the war themselves speak for themselves. Humilyov himself, poetically recreating and experiencing re-lived in a wonderful poem "Memory" (which the reader will find in the second volume of our meeting) so said this:

He knew the flour of hunger and thirst,
Dream alarming, endless way,
But Saint George Tronul twice
Bullet neat chest.

During the war, Gumilyov dropped out of the literary environment and life and stopped writing "letters about Russian poetry" for Apollon (but in the morning publishing of the newspaper "Cavalorist" in the morning of the newspaper "Exchange Vedomosti"). It follows from his track record that until 1916 he never was even on vacation. But in 1916 he spent several months in St. Petersburg, being seconded to keep the officer's exam in the Nikolaev Cavalry School. For some reason, this humil's exam did not stand and the production in the next after the ensign of Chin did not receive.

How did Gumilyov repented to the February Revolution, we do not know. Maybe with the beginning of the collapse in the army, it was connected with the fact that he "took over" to the front to the allies and in May 1917 through Finland, Sweden and Norway left to the West. It was assumed that he would continue to the Salonik front and will be ranked with the Expeditionary Corps of General Franch D-Esper, but he was stuck in Paris. On the way to Paris, Gumilyov stayed for some time in London, where B. V. Areren, his Petersburg acquaintance and an employee "Apollo", introduced him to literary circles. So, he drove him to Ladi Ottolina Morröll, who lived in the village and in the house of which famous writers often gathered, including D. X. Lawrence and Oldus Huxley. In the Humilywood, a number of literary addresses were recorded in the London archive of Gumilev, as well as many book titles - in English and other literature - which Gumilyov was going to read or acquire. These records reflect the interest of Gumileva to the eastern literature, and it is possible that either in this first stay in London, or in a longer on the way back (between January and April 1918), he met the famous English translator of Chinese poetry, Artur Wayley (Waley) who served in the British Museum. The translations of the Chinese poets Gumilyov took up in Paris. About the life of Gumilev in Paris, who lasted six months (from July 1917 to January 1918), we know quite a little. According to the famous artist MF Larionov (in a private letter to me), Eastern poetry was the biggest passion in this Parisian period, and he collected everything before her. With Larionov and his wife, N. S. Goncharova, who lived at the time in Paris, Gumilev communicated a lot, and the London album belonging to me now is illustrated by their drawings in the colors (there is one drawing D. S. Stelletsky). Remembering the stay of Gumileva in Paris, M. F. Larionov wrote to me:

"In general, he was fidget. Paris knew well and was distinguished by an amazing ability to navigate. Half of our conversations took place on Annensky and Gerard de Nervale. He had oddity in Tuileries to sit on a bronze lion, which is lonely hidden in the greenery at the end of the garden, almost from the Louvre. "

From other Russian dating, Gumilev is known about his meetings with a long-living abroad by the poet K. N. Imbore (Rosenblum), whose letter to Gumileva from Paris to London with verses embedded in him was preserved among the papers transferred to me by B. V. Anrem.

But although Larionov speaks about the eastern literature, as the main passion of Gumilyov in Paris, we know about the other Paris passion - about the love of him to young Elena D., the semi-Russian, semi-Frenchwoman, who later married the American. About this "love of the unfortunate humilev in the year Fourth World War", as he himself described it, says a whole cycle of his poems recorded in Elena D. album, which he called his "blue star", and printed in the text of this album - after His death is in the collection "To the Blue Star" (1923, many of these poems were recorded by Gumilyov and in his London album, sometimes in new versions.

The short passage period was creatively productive in the life of Gumilev. In addition to poems "k. The blue star and the translations of the Eastern poets who made up the book "Porcelain Pavilion", Gumilyov conceived and began to write in Paris and continued in London his "Byzantine" tragedy "poisoned tunic". By the same time there is an interesting unfinished story "Merry Brothers", although it is possible that the work on her Gumilyov began in Russia. It may seem strange that while Sweden and Norway, and the North Sea, which he saw the passage, inspired him a poem (these poems entered the book "Bonfire", 1918), nor Paris neither London, where he stayed for quite a long time In itself, did not leave traces in his poetry, except for the mention of Paris streets in the love poems of the album "To the blue star."

About the military service of Gumileva during this time, about what his duties as an officer were, very little is known. I have already mentioned the compusted memorandum of the Memorandum on the set of volunteers among the Abyssins to the army of the Allies. Whether this memorandum was presented, that is, the French leader or military ministry, we do not know. Maybe the search in the French military archives will answer this question. Humilyov, in any case, considered himself a specialist in Abyssinian. Although Georgy Ivanov, who knew Gumileva, in his memories of him, and says that he responded about Africa contemptuously and once in response to the question of what he experienced, seeing Sakhara for the first time, answered: "I did not notice her. I was sitting on a camel and read Ronsar, "this answer should be considered, perhaps, rice. I noticed Gumilyov Sakhara or did not notice, he sick her in a long poem and even predicted the time when

... Our green and old world
Wildly rushes predatory flocks of sands
From the flaming young Sahara.

The Mediterranean Sea will fallinate,
And Paris, and Moscow, and Athens,
And we will be in heaven to believe the lights,
At the camels of their Bedouins.

And when Marcian ships finally
The earth will have a ball,
Then see solid, gold ocean
And they will give him a name: sugar.

The poems of Gumilev on Africa (in the book "Tent") talk about the Wizard charm, which he had this mainland for him - he called him the "Giant Pears" hanging "on the tree of ancient Eurasia." About Africa Gumilyov recalled in Paris in the days of his forced inaction there in 1917. Her love for her and his acquaintance with her he decided to use in the interests of the Union. Hence, his note on the Abyssinia, in which he reports the data on the various inhabiting tribes and characterize them from the point of view of their military potential. This note will find the reader in the appendix to one of the following volumes of our meeting.

In the appendix to the present essay, there were never previously printed documents that shed some light on the circumstances under which Gumilyov left Paris in January 1918 and moved to London. He had, invisible, serious intention to go to the Mesopotam front and fight in the English army. In London, it is a stock as a certain Arundode del Re, who later was a teacher of Italian in Oxford University (I met him about my student there, but, unfortunately, I had no idea what he knew Gumilyov), letters to Italian writers and journalists (including the famous Giovanni Papini) - in case he will have to stay in Italy along the way: these letters are preserved in the record books in my archive. It is possible that some obstacles from the English side were met to sending Gumilev to the Middle East due to the fact that by then Russia has dropped out of the war. Upon departure from Paris, Gumilev was provided with a complain of April 1918, as well as funds for returning to Russia. Whether he was serious about staying in England, we do not know. Although in February 1918, he, apparently, made an attempt to make his job in London (see about it in the documents applied to the present essay, II, 8). From this attempt, obviously, nothing came out. Gumilyov left London in April 1918: Among his London papers, a dated April 10, an account for the room he held in a modest hotel near the British Museum and the current building of the University of London, on the Guilford Street, then it was possible to return to Russia only a steep way - through Murmansk:. In May 1918, Gumilyov was already in Revolutionary Petrograd.

In the same year, his divorce with A. A. Akhmatova took place, and next year he married Anna Nikolaevna Engelhardt, the daughter of the professor-Orientalist, which S. K. Makovsky described as "a pretty, but mentally minor girl." In 1920, Humilyov, according to A. A. Gumileva, was born daughter Elena. About her fate, as well as about the fate of her mother, I have never had to meet any mention. As for the son of A. A. Akhmatova, he told himself a reputation as a talented young historian in the thirties, and he seemed to choose the history of Central Asia as a specialty of his own. Later, under circumstances, it was still not clarified, he was arrested and exiled. More recently, in the magazine "New World" (1961 ,? 12) among the letters printed there, A. A. Fadeeva, and his appeal to the Soviet main military prosecutor's office, marked on March 2, 1956, is two months before the suicide of Fadeev. Fadeev directed: a letter to the prosecutor's office A. A. Akhmatova and asked for "accelerate the consideration of the case" of her son, pointing out that "the well-known circles of scientific and writing intelligentsia doubt the justice of its isolation." Fadeev finished his appeal in the following words:

With the proceedings of L. N. Gumilev, it is also necessary to take into account that (despite the fact that he was only 9 years old when his father N. Gumilev was no longer) he, Lev Gumilyov, as the son of N. Gumilyova and A. Akhmatova always Could represent the "convenient" material for all careeristic and hostile elements to build any accusations on him.

I think that there is a complete opportunity to figure it out objectively.

Although some S. Preobrazhensky printed with other S. Preobrazhensky are given explanatory comments, this in a certain sense is the unparalleled appeal of Fadeev, which he signed his title of the Deputy Supreme Soviet of the USSR, left without any explanation. It is known, however, that soon after this, L. N. Gumilyov was released from "isolation" (as Fadeev delicately expressed) and began working in the Asian Hermitage Department. In 1960, the Institute of Oriental Studies under the Academy of Sciences of the USSR was issued a solid work L. N. Gumilyov on the history of early Gunnov (Hunna: Central Asia in ancient times "). But in 1961, the abroad reached rumors (maybe incorrect) about the new arrest of L. N. Gumilyov.

Returning to Soviet Russia, N. S. Gumilyov plunged into the then terrible literary atmosphere of revolutionary Petrograd. Like many other writers, he began to conduct classes and lecture at the Institute of Art History and in various studios, in the "Living Word", in the Baltflot Studio, in Fast. He also took close participation in the editorial board of the World Literature publishing house, based on M. Gorky, and together with A. A. Blok and M. L. Lozinsky became one of the editors of the poetic series. Under his editors in 1919, and later "Poem about the old sailor" S. Korridges in his, Gumileva, translation, "ballads" Robert South (preface and part of the translations belonged to Gumilevo) and "Ballads about Robin Gude" (part of the translations also belonged to Beloved Gumilev; the preface was written bitter). In the translation of Gumilev with its short preface and the introduction of Assiiriologist V. K. Shileiko, who became the second husband A. A. Akhmatova, the Babylonian epic on Gilgamesh was also released. Together with F. D. Batyushkov and K. I. Chukovsky Gumilov compiled a book on the principles of artistic translation. In 1918, shortly after returning to Russia, he conceived reprint some of his pre-revolutionary collections of poems: new, revised publications of "romantic colors" and "pearls" appeared; They were announced, but did not come out "Alien Sky" and "Quiver". In the same year, the sixth column of poems Gumileva "Bonfire", which contained poems 1916-1917, and the African poem "Mick" and already mentioned "porcelain pavilion". The years 1919 and 1920 were years when publishing activities almost completely suspended, and in 1921 the last two lifetime collections of the poems of Gumileva - "Chater" (poems on Africa) and "Fiery Pillars" came out.

In addition, Gumilev actively participated in the literary policy. Together with N. Otsup, G. Ivanov and G. Adamovich, he revived the shop of poets, which was supposed to be "non-partisan", not a purely akmeist, but a number of poets refused to enter him, and Khodasevich ended that he had gone. Kohdsevich's departure was partly due to the fact that in the St. Petersburg branch of the All-Russian Union of Poets there was a coup and Gumilyov was chosen to the chairman. In this regard, much and very contradictory it was written about hostile relations between the humile and block in these last two years of life both, but this page literary history Until now, it remains not fully disclosed, and it is not a place to touch this question.

Humilyov, from the very beginning, did not hide his negative attitude towards the Bolshevik regime. A. Ya. Levinson, who encountered him in the "World Literature", where they were united by two years, "General. The work of planting the spiritual culture of the West on the ruins of Russian life, "so recalled this time in 1922:

Who experienced the "cultural" job in the Council, knows the whole bitterness of useless efforts, all the doomes of struggle with the animal host of the owners of life, but still this generous illusion we lived these years, this year, that Byron and Flaubert, penetrating the mass at least for glory Bolshevik "Bleff", fruitfully shook not one soul. I was able to estimate the vast knowledge of Gumilev in the field of European poetry, the extraordinary tension and the quality of work, and especially his pedagogical gift. "The World Literature Studio" was his main department; Here he crushed the rules of his poetics, who wouldingly attached the form of the "commandments" ... in public houses, limited by the editorial board, he defended the virtue of the writer with extreme sharpness and fearless meetings. I dreamed even in the name of our prerogatives meals and inalienable rights to appeal to all West Writers; Waiting for salvation and protection from there.

He almost did not speak about politics: since forever with indignation and squeamishness, rejected regime, no matter how existed for him. (My discharge. - G. S.).

It is hardly possible to think correctly, as many argued that the case was in the "naive" and several old-fashioned, traditional monarchism of Gumilyov. The negative attitude towards the new regime was generally then for a significant part of the Russian intelligent society, and it was especially strengthened after the repression following the attempt on Lenin and the murder of Uritsky, perfect by the poet Leonid Cannegisser. But many then seized fear. Gumileva from many distinguished his courage, his insension, his attraction to risk and a derive of effectiveness. Just as incorrectly, it seems, to depict Gumilev as a naive (or naive) monarchist, it is also wrong to think that in the so-called plot of Tagansev, he turned out to be mixed more or less by chance. There is no reason to think that Gumilyov returned in the spring of 1918 to Russia with a conscious intention to invest in a counter-revolutionary struggle, but there is every reason to believe that if he was in Russia at the end of 1917, he would be in the ranks of the white movement. We do not know the exact birth of Gumilev in Tagantevsky affairs, and about the very real thing is still far enough. But we know that with one of the leaders of Zechad, Professor - State Soviet N. I. Lazarevsky, Gumilyov was familiar before departure from Russia in 1917.

Before talking about the tragic completion of the life of Gumilyov, we give here from the memories of contemporaries, who knew him well, describing the externalities of Gumilyov and the impressions he made on those who were acquainted with him. They largely coincide, but each of them contributes and some kind of dash and complements others.

N. A. Otsup, former for eight years younger than Gumilyova, refers his first memory of Gumilev by 1901 (but if he writes, Gumilyov then he already studied at the Tsarskoye Selic Gymnasium, together with the elder brother Otsupa, it should have been not earlier than 1903 of the year). Otsup writes:

And yet I remembered Gumilyov, because I didn't see a more peculiar face in the royal village, neither then after. Strongly elongated, as if elongated up head, oblique eyes, heavy slow movements, and to all very difficult reprimand, - how not to remember!

In another place, by quoting the line of Gumilev about himself from the poem "Memory" ("The very first: ugly and thin") OILS wrote: "Yes, he was ugly. The skull was narrowed up, as if elongated an obstetrician. Gumilyov mowed, a little bit whispered ... "

Gumileva's daughter-in-law, introduced to him in 1909, describes it, emphasizing rather attractive, positive features:

A young man was released for 22 years, high, thin, very flexible, friendly, with large features, with big light blue, a little mowed eyes, with the oblong oval of the face, with beautiful chatented, smoothly haired hair, with a slightly ironic Smile, with unusually subtle, beautiful white hands. His gait had a soft, and the body he kept a little bent forward. He was wearing elegant.

Then - maybe a little earlier, at the very beginning of 1909 - S. K. Makovsky met with Gumilyov. Here is a portrait that he gives:

The young man was fine, built, in an elegant University of Surtuk, with a very high, dark blue collar (then fashion) and combatant carefully. But his face was not distinguished: a shapeless-soft nose, thick pale lips and a slightly kinning look (white-eyed hands did not notice immediately). I spoiled him and the lack of speech: Nikolai Stepanovich did not pronounce some letters, somehow it was especially noticeable ...

to a little more, late Time, the first meeting with the humile hall of Ms. Nevykova, which gives a very colorful sketch of the poet:

On the veranda where we drank tea, Gumilev entered the garden; On the head - the fez lemon color, on the legs - lemon socks and sandals and this is a Russian shirt ... He had a very unusual face: not that Bi-Ba-Bo, not that Piero, not the Mongol, and the eyes and hair are blond. Smart, closer eyes slightly kit. At the same time, underlined ceremony manners, and the eyes and mouth slightly smile; It is felt that he wants to be coherent and swallowed over his good aunt, over this tea drinking with jam, with conversations about the weather, about cleaning breads, etc.

By the last years of the life of Gumilev, the memories of the late V. F. Khodasevich and I. V. Odoyevseva. Khodasevich only casually talks about the appearance of Gumileva in connection with the impression of spiritual youth, which he made on him (they first met in 1918, but truly met in 1920 and one time were their neighbors in the house of art):

He was amazingly young to the soul, and maybe the mind. He always seemed to me as a child. There was something childish in it under the machine of a short head, in his gauge, rather a gymnasium than a military ...

Khodasevich also painted the picture of the appearance of Gumileva at one evening in the then hungry and cold revolutionary Petrograd:

My God, how dressed this crowd! Flarers, sweaters, furious fur coats, with whom it is impossible to part in the dance hall. And so, with fitting deceased, is humil at hand with a lady trembling from the cold in a black dress with a deep neckline. Direct and supermarked in Frace, Gumilev passes through the halls. He throws from the cold, but majestically and kindly flashes to the right and left. Talking with familiar in a secular tone ...

In addition, approximately the time refers to the memoil of Irina Odoin, then beginner poetess, who first saw Gumilev in the Studio "Live Word":

High, narrow-profile, in the deer doha, with a white pattern on the alert, crushing around his long, thin legs. The eared deer hat and a motley African portfolio gave him an even more unusual look ... So he is what, Gumilyov! It is difficult to imagine a more ugly, more special person. Everything in it is special and especially ugly. Oblong, as if elongated up head, with an exorbitantly high flat forehead. Hair cut under the machine, indefinite pegs. Liquid, as if Moli is a mistake eyebrows. Under heavy eyelids are completely flat, kosying eyes. Ash-gray face, narrow, pale lips. Smiled he, too, especially especially. In a smile, it was something miserable and at the same time dying. Something asian. From the "IDOL metallic", with whom he compared himself in verses:

I'm angry like an idol metallic
Among porcelain toys.

But I saw him a smile much later. That day he never smiled ...

Gumilev was arrested on August 3, 1921, four days before the death of A. A. Blok. And V. F. Khodasevich, and G. V. Ivanov in his memoirs they say that in the death of Gumilyov played the role of some provocateur. According to Khodasevich, this provocateur was brought from Moscow with a common friend, whom Khodasevich characterizes as a man of great talent and big frivolity, which "lived ... like a heavenly bird, said that God put on the soul" and to which provocateurs and spies "so and Flapli. " Gumileva "provocateur", who called himself a novice poet, young, pleasant in the severity, generous for gifts, really liked, and they began to see themselves. Gorky said later that the testimony of this person appeared in Gumilyovsky business and that he was "subseala." Ivanov tied the provocateur with Gumilev's trip to the Crimea in the summer of 1921 in the train of Admiral Nemitsa and described it: "He was high, thin, with a fun look and an open youthful face. I wore the name of the famous marine family and was the sailor himself - was produced in Michmans shortly before the revolution. In addition to these featuring properties, this "pleasant in all respects" the young man wrote poems, very thoroughly imitating Gumilev. " According to Ivanov, "the provocateur was exactly commissioned to arrange Gumileva." Although in the story. Ivanov There are details that Khodsevich is not like, it seems that we are talking about the same person.

Khodasevich left the most detailed and accurate story about the last hours conducted by Gumilev at freedom. He wrote in his memories:

At the end of the summer, I began to gather in the village on vacation. On Wednesday, August 3, I had to leave. In the evening before the departure, I went to say goodbye to anyone from the neighbors around the house of the arts. Already the clock ten knocked to Gumilev. He was at home, rested after a lecture.

We were in good relationships, but there were no shortness between us. And here, how two and a half years ago I was surprised too formal reception From Gumileva, so now I did not know what to attribute an extraordinary liveliness with which he was delighted to my parish. He showed some special even warmth, it's as if not in general. I needed to go to the Baroness V. I. Ikskul, who lived below. But every time I risen to leave, Gumilyov began to begged: "Sit back." So I did not get to Varvar Ivanovna, seem to see Humilev under two nights. He was extremely fun. I spoke a lot, on different topics. For some reason, only his story about staying in Tsarskosiel Lazarut, about the sovereign, Alexander Feodorovna and the Grand Princess, was remembered for me. Then Gumilyov began to confine me that he was destined to live for a very long time - "at least before the ninety years." He repeated everything:

- certainly before the ninety years, no less.

Until then, I was going to write a kip books. Reproached me:

- Here, we are alphabets with you, and see: I, right, for ten years younger. This is all because I love youth. I play with my students in Zhmurki - and today I played. And therefore, we will certainly live before the ninety years, and you are fifty years later.

And he, Khokhalo, showed me how in five years I will, having embarrassed, drag my feet, and how he will be "well done."

Saying good, I asked permission to bring him the next day some things on saving. When in the morning, at awarded an hour, I approached the doors of Gumilyov, nobody answered me on the knock. In the dining room, Efim announced that night Gumilev was arrested and taken away. So, I was the last one who saw him on the will. In his exaggerated joy, my parish must have been a premonition that after me he would no longer see anyone.

The story of Georgy Ivanova is divergen to the story of Khodasevich (in the article about Gumilev in the 6th notebook "Revival", November-December 1949). According to Ivanov, Gumilyov on the day of the arrest returned home around two o'clock in the morning, spending all evening in the studio, among poetic youth. Ivanov refers to the studitions who told that this evening Gumilyov was particularly revived and well configured and therefore she suited so long. Severe a few young ladies and young people allegedly saw the car, waiting for the entrance of the house of the arts, but no one paid attention to it - in those days, Ivanov writes, cars stopped being "both in the circle and evident." From the story of Ivanov, it comes out that it was a car check, and the people who came to him were waiting for Gumilev in his room with a search order and arrest.

N. N. Berberov in a private letter to B. A. Filippov refers Gumileva's arrest by August 4 and recalls that on August 3rd, she walked with Gumilyov in St. Petersburg to eight o'clock in the evening (they met only nine days before Berberov He was adopted in a circle of young poets "sounding sink", who led Gumilyov).

There are several stories that followed by arrest, but they are all of the second or third hands. Georgy Ivanov in the article already mentioned, referring to the Poet Futurist Sergei Bobrov, whom he calls "Recovery", and on a real security officer, the investigator of St. Petersburg checks Dzergibashev, tells how boldly held himself humil at interrogations and how courageously he died. TCUP These stories call on the stories of "mysterious eyewitnesses," adding: "And without their testimony to us, the friends of the deceased, it was clear that Gumilyov died worthy of his fame of a courageous and persistent person." The FCPU was in a group of four people who, having learned about the arrest of Gumilyov and that he was not released, at the funeral of the block they conspired to go to the check and ask for the release of the Arrested on the Lapogo Academy of Sciences, World Wide Literature and other organizations, not very " Trusty, "says CCU, but to which a trustworthy crawler added to the very last minute. This group included another indispensable secretary of the Academy of Sciences S. F. Oldenburg, famous critic A. L. Volynsky and journalist N. M. Rolkovysky. They not only achieved anything, but did not know anything. They were told that Gumilev was arrested for "official crime." When this was followed by a remark that Gumilev did not at any position, the chairman of the Petersburg check showed, according to Otsup, the displeasure, which argues with him, and said: "So far I can say anything. Call Wednesday. In any case, no hair from the head of Gumilev will fall. " On Wednesday, when Oil called, he was answered: "Yeah, this is about Gumilev, tomorrow you will learn." After that, the FCUP and the young poet R. rushed to seek Gumilev in all prisons. They were told on the helm, Gumilyov was taken to the pea at night. According to Otsupa, on the same evening, the chairman of the checks at the closed meeting of the St. Petersburg Council made a report on the execution of convicts in the case of Tagansev. As the date of the game Gumilev, different sources are called 23, and 24, and 25, and August 27. The message about the "Tagansev business" and the list of convicts on him and the shot was printed in Petrograd Pravda only on September 1st. When the sentence was shown, the report did not say, but the date of the resolution of the Petrograd provincial emergency commission on the execution was given as August 24. The list of executed "active participants of the conspiracy in Petrograd" (in this phrase, an indication was indicated that the emigrants in Finland and Paris were allegedly led by the conspiracy) contained 61 name. About one of the three persons who headed the Committee of the Petrograd Combat Organization, the former officer Yury Pavlovic Herman, was said that he had armed resistance during the arrest on the border of Finland and was killed. Gumilev appeared on the list under? 30, and it was said about it in this longest official post:

Gumilyov Nikolai Stepanovich, 33 years, b. nobleman, philologist, poet, member of the College "Publishing House of World Literature", Non-partisan, b. an officer. The participant of the Petrograd fighting organization, actively contributed to the preparation of the proclamation of counter-revolutionary content, promised to associate with the organization at the moment of the uprising a group of intellectuals, which actively take part in the uprising, received money from organizing money for technical necessary.

There were quite many representatives of the intelligentsia (Senator V.N. Tagantev and his 26-year-old wife, professor and senator N.I. Lazarevsky, the book. K. D. Tumanov, Professor Tekhnologist M. M. Tikhvinsky, Geologist in . M. Kozlovsky, Sculptor KN. S. A. Ukhtomsky and MN. Dr.). But along with them and officers (mainly maritime) there were several sailors, for the most part of the participants in the Kronstadt uprising in the same year, peasants, burghers and workers. The list appeared 16 women; Most of them were accused of actively with husbands. But there was one case when a 25-year-old participant of the conspiracy ("non-partisan, a peasant, a locksmith," was said in the official message) was called a "direct partner in the affairs of his wife."

In the memoirs of Gumileve, the phrase from the letter to his wife from prison was not quoted: "Do not worry about me. I am healthy, I am writing poems and play chess. " It was also mentioned that in prison before the death of Gumilev read Homer and the Gospel. Written by Gumilev in prison poems did not reach us. They were probably confiscated by check and, maybe - who knows? - Preserved in the archive of this ominous institution. And Gumilev - the first in the history of Russian literature a big poet, the burial place is even unknown. As Irina Odoevtsheva said in his poem about him:

And no on his grave
Neither a hill nor a cross - nothing.

In the Stalin's times, the physical death of the shot poet - not to mention the fact that it would not even report - he would mean his literary death. In those days it was not so, or not quite so. In 1921-22, the evening of Gumilev was dedicated to the evening, the "sounding shell" circle prepared a collection of poems dedicated to him. In 1922, the collections of the poems of Gumilyov and its translations were published in Russia, including the posthumous collection of poems with the precequency of Ivanov, supplemented in 1923. In 1923, he was released, also with the preface of the city of Ivanov, a collection of articles of Gumilyov "Letters about Russian poetry." In 1922, the Dram of Gumilev "Gondla" was put on the Petrograd scene. She was successful, and on the first presentation from the public began to shout: "the author! Author! " After that, the play was removed from the repertoire. There is no place to talk about the influence of Gumilev on a number of young post-revolutionary poets (for example, on Bagritsky, on the anticoline): there is a lot about this influence and then it was written in the Soviet press. In 1927, Vissarion Sayanov also wrote about the influence of akmeism on Soviet poetry in 1927 and even in 1936, the famous critic-communist A. Selivanovsky, who died at the end of the thirties during the cleaning of the opposition spoke. Over time, however, the silence curtain formed around the name Gumileva. But readers and admirers remained. Its verses spread to the manuscript, they memorized by heart; According to his rows, saying the words of the poet Nikolai Morsten, who grew up under the Soviet regime and in the emigration during the war, recognized each other. On the perception of Gumilev, the subsatt reader will tell in one of the following volumes of our publication B. A. Filippov; I will limit the fact that I will tell you one who known for me personally and a fairy tale a little about the signs of the possible rehabilitation of Gumilyov, as a poet, in the USSR.

In 1956, one of my acquaintance, which turned out to be in Moscow, a wandering among the trays of the bucinists, asked if they were on the sale of Gumileva poems. One Bukinist offered him the only compilation that he had - "Porcelain Pavilion". To the question of my acquaintance about the price of the answer was: "70 rubles" (that is, about seven dollars). My friend noticed that it was expensive for this collection. At this time, on his ear, "From the public," a bass voice rang out: "For Gumilyov, nothing is expensive!"

Later, the name of Gumileva began to be mentioned again in the Soviet press. In February 1962, the famous critic V. Perstsov wrote that many young Soviet poets "last call" felt "aggravated attention to the work of such poets, as Innocent Annensky, O. Mandelshtam, N. Gumilyov. I mention that the Soviet reader recently received the poems of Marina Tsvetaeva (and Annensky he received even before), the Soviet critic hinting that now is the turn for Mandelstam and Gumilyov. Another, no less well-known Soviet critic, Cornelius Zelinsky, in the past himself belonged to the poetic avant-garde, in the article, so far printed, however, only in a foreign edition, called Gumilyov an excellent poet and conducted a parallel between him, a member of the counter-revolutionary conspiracy, and the French poet Andre Shhenie, guillotined Jacobins. In these words, too, it was also possible to see the hint that it was time to remove the ban from Gumilyov.


All this story is repeated and even more embellished in the "romantic" and complete explicit chief of the biography of Gumilev, which was published in the "revival" in 1961-62. (№№ 118 and CL) called "in the armor of the iron" Millowev.

In addition to mentioned here, memoirs and materials of my archive in the preparation of a real essay, I used the data contained in the B. P. Kozmin's directory (writers of the modern era. Bibliographic dictionary of the Russian Writers of the 20th century. I. Moscow, 1928) and in the American book L. I. Strakhovsky (Craftsmen of the World: Three Poets of Modern Russia: Gumilyov, Akhmatova, Mandelstam, Cambridge, Mass., 1940).

E. Gollerbs. From the memories of N. S. Gumilev. "New Russian Book" (Berlin), 1922, No. 7, p. 38.

B. P. Kozmmin also mentions Arrest Gumilev in Trullile "For Broadcasting" ("EN Etat De Vagabondage"), but no connection with a trip to Africa

The presentation of this play and several small passages from it, who remembered Ms. Nytoh, the reader will find in the third volume of our publication.

"Modern notes", 1922, No. 9.

According to M. F. Larionov, Gumilyov met in London with the famous English writer J. K Chenosta. In one of the record books Gumilev, the address of The New Age magazine, to which Chesterton was close.

The letter of ice and the poems sent to them by him are printed by me in the article "Unnecessary materials for the biography of Gumilev and the history of literary flows" ("Experiments", New York, No. 1, 1953, p. 181-190).

"Tent" came out in Sevastopol: in June 1921, Gumilyov went to the Crimea for a long time.

In how naturally played and having fun with his "Students" Gumilev, there are other stories. In another place, the memories of Khodasevich says that when Gumilyov played in Zhmurki with "Poetic Deat", he was "looked like a glorious fifth grader who spiked with prepats."

Ivanov's article was published much later by the memories of Khodasevich, but he did not even mention this barrier dissection in their stories about the same day. N. A. Otsup, without calling the dates, recalled how one day, going to the Gumilev Room in the House of Art, he heard the squeezed shop: Efim, the former Lackey Eliseeva, in the mansion of which the art of the arts was placed, warned him that "Nicholas Stepanovich Ambush. "

If the Pedantichny Kohnadsevich is right, saying that Gumilev was arrested on Wednesday on August 3rd, the speech here is obviously about the Wednesday of August 24th (the CAP does not give) - this is exactly this day the decision of Petrograd's checks on the Tagansev business was dated. .

Familiar with the literary life of that time it is not difficult to guess who was encrypted by the FCP under this initial.

Among the inspirations of the conspira were called the famous scientist lawyer, prof. D. D. Grimm, who was living in Finland, where he was a gene representative. P. N. Wrangel, and then taught Roman law in Prague and in Yuryev, as well as c. V. N. Kokovtsov and P. B. Struve, who was attributed to the organization "Group of Russian Financiers to provide food and financial assistance to Petrograd after the coup". The purpose of the conspiracy was called the overthrow of the Soviet power in Petrograd.

Georgy Ivanov tied him with the participation of Gumilev in the "Tagantevsky plot" of his trip in the same summer in the Crimea, but this check did not mention.

See "On disclosure in Petrograd a conspiracy against Soviet power", Petrogradskaya Pravda, № 181, September 1, 1921

P: Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev lived a bright, but short life. Unjustly accused of an anti-Soviet conspiracy, he was shot. He died on a creative rise, full of bright ideas, a recognized poet, theorist of verse, an active figure of the literary movement. Over 60 years of his works were not reissued, the name was silent. Only in 1987, he was openly told about his innocence.

All the life of N.Gumileva is unusual, fascinating, testifies to the strength of the spirit of an amazing person.

What are the ways to form an extraordinary personality of N. Gumilev?

Objective: To do this, we will get acquainted with the life and creative way of the poet and create an imaginary book on the biography and creativity N. Gumilev.

Here is her pages.

Milestones of the life of Gumilev

  1. Childhood. Youth and first works.
  2. The biggest love.
  3. Travels.
  4. Participation in World War
  5. Activities after the October Revolution.

Each page of the imaginary book was preparing a creative group of students. The guys turned to biographies, memories of contemporaries, critical and scientific articles. Materials collected by them will be presented to you.

Your task is to write down the basic facts of the life and creativity of N. Gumilev.

1 page - childhood, youth, first works (1886-1906)

Work, bending, fight!
And easy dream dream
In nonentible features.

N. Gumilev. "Art"

Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev was born on April 3, 1886 in the family of a ship's doctor in Kronstadt. On the night of his birth was a storm. Old nurse saw a kind of hint in this, saying that the born will be a stormy life. She was right. Gumilyov had an unusual destiny, the talent of the poet, who imitated, he loved the journeys that became part of his life. Finally, he created a literary direction - acmeism.

In 1887 The family moved to the royal village, where Nikolai began to study in the Tsarskoyel gymnasium, then the gymnasium of St. Petersburg, and when in 1900. The family moves to Tiflis, - in Tiflis gymnasium.

Special addiction to the sciences of Gumilev did not differ in childhood or in his youth. Since childhood, Nikolai dreamed of traveling, no wonder his favorite lecture disciplines were geography and zoology. With ecstasy, he indulged by the game in the Indians, reading the Phoenimor Cooper, studied the habits of animals.

Since 5 years, rhymed words, being a gymnasium composed poems in which the main place was given to exotic, adventure, travel, dreams of unusual.

In 1903 The family returns to the royal village, Gumilev brings the album of poems - imitative, romantic, sincere, who himself highly appreciated and even gave girls.

Gumilev again visits the Tsarsko Selician gymnasium, he became friends with the director - Innocent Annensky, who brought up love for literature and poetry in students. Him Gumilev will give his first real collection of poems. The wonderful rows of a grateful student are devoted to him:

I remember the days: I, timid, hurried,
Entered the high office,
Where I was waiting for me calm and courteous,
Slightly seating poet.

Tens of phrases, captivating and strange,
No matter how accidental
He lifted into the space of Unnamed
Dreams are weak me ...

Childhood ended. 18 years. Gumilev was indefinitely: on the one hand, the 7th grade student, sterling the walls of the room under the underwater world, and on the other - 18 years ... and this is something yes it means.

But this uncertainty himself did not feel, because Busy was the main thing - delal himself.

Contemporaries describe "Belobryly Self-confident young man, externally extremely ugly, with a kosy look and whispered speech." In adolescence with such an appearance, for a short time in a complex of inferiority, omble. But Gumilev set a goal - to become a hero who challenged the world. From nature weak, timid, he ordered himself to become strong and decisive. And became. Later about his character will speak as a solid, arrogant, very self-respecting. But everyone loved him and recognized. He made himself.

In childhood, contrary to physical weakness, tried to lead in the game. Perhaps and poems began to compose from the thirst of glory.

It always seemed calm, for he considered unworthy to show excitement.

In 1905, a modest collection of poems N. Gumilyev called "Pathquestador's path" was released. Gumilev is only 19 years old.

- Who are such a conquestadors?

Conquistadors -

1) Spanish and Portuguese conquerors of Central South America, severely exterminating the local population;

2) invaders.

- Read the poem "I am Conquistador in the iron armor ..." in what image is the lyrical hero? What can you say about him?

In the first line, the lyrical hero declares that he is Conquistador. It can be said, the discoverer of new lands, its distinguishes activity, thirst for the feat:

Then I myself will create my dream
And the song of the battle is lovingly smoking.

And immediately hero declares that he is "the abuse and storms eternal brother."

- What can be said about the lyrical hero of other poems of the collection?

The hero of the poems is the proud king, the prophet, but always it is a courageous person, he seeks a lot to know, feel. Poems even courageously sound.

- N. Gumilev managed to embody in verses of the first collection its own character - strong, bold. The poet and his hero seek new impressions.

The conqueror mask in 1 collection is not a random image, not tribute to youthful dreams, but a kind symbol of strong, arrogant Hero, who challenges all. Such a strong hero wanted to be N. Gumilev.

The poet never reissued a collection. But the leader of the symbolists, the poet V. Bryusov, gave a favorable review: the book - "Only the Way of New Conquistador" and that his victories and conquest ahead, and also noted that there are several beautiful poems in the collection, really successful images.

1906 Gumilev graduated from gymnasium.

In 1908, Gumilyov publishes the second collection of poems - "Romantic Flowers". I. Annensky, listed the advantages of the book, noted the desire for exotic: "The green book reflected not only the selection of beauty, but also the beauty of the quest.

And for Gumileva, it was a quest time. The first collection "The path of Conquistadors" was a decadent, the second collection "Romantic Flowers" was symbolistic. But the main thing for the poet was that he climbed another step of self-affirmation.

2 page - the biggest love (1903-1906,1918).

And you went in a simple and black dress,
Similar to crucify.

N. Gumilev

We give an excerpt of the composition of the student, which is based on the message on this topic.

The most wonderful pages of the life of N. S. Gumileva.

N. Gumilev is an amazing master of the word, the founder of the literary flow of acmeism.

His biography seemed very interesting to me, and quite new it became for me the fact that the poet was the husband of the famous Russian poetess Anna Andreyevna Akhmatova.

December 24, 1903 in the Tsarsko Selo Gymnasium, where the young Gumilev studied then, he met Anna Gorenko - the future poetess A. Akhmatova. This happened like that. Nikolai Gumilev with Brother Dmitry bought Christmas gifts and faced with a common acquaintance of Tulipanova faith, which was with a friend. Dmitry Gumilev began to speak with faith, and Nikolai remained with light-eyed and fragile girl with black and long hair and with a mysterious paleness of the face. Vera introduced them to:

- My girlfriend, Anna Gorenko, is studying in our gymnasium. We live with her in the same house.

Yes, Anya, I forgot to tell you: Mitya is Captain, and Kolya writes poems.

Nikolai proudly looked at Any. She did not say that she herself writes poems, but only asked:

- Could you read something out of your.

- Do you like poems? - asked Gumilyov. - Or are you of curiosity?

- Like, but not all sorts, but only good.

I am Conquistador in the shell iron,
I have fun having a star,
I'm going through the abuse and abyss
And rest in the joyful garden.

- Well, what are good?

- Only a bit incomprehensible.

Their second meeting occurred soon on the rink.

At Easter, 1904, Gumileva gave the ball, among the invited guests was Anna Gorenko. From this spring, their regular meetings began. They together attended evenings in the town hall, climbed the Turkish tower, looked touring Duncan's Ayedors, were at a student evening in the artillery meeting, participated in a charitable performance and were even on several spiritual sessions, although they treated them very ironically. At one of the concerts, Gumilev met Andrei Gorenko, Anna Brother. They made friends and loved to discuss poems of modern poets.

In 1905, Anna and Mother and Brother move to Evpatoria. In October of the same year, Gumilev publishes the first book of poems "the path of Conquistadors."

Soon Nikolai leaves to Paris and becomes a sorbonne student. In early May 1907, Gumilev went to Russia for serving military service, but was released because of the astigmatism of the eyes. Then he went to Sevastopol. There, at the cottage of Schmidt, Gorenko spent the summer.

Gumilev makes Anne sentence, but it is waiting for a refusal. He decides to reduce the scores with life, trying to drown, but remains alive and unharmed. The poet returns to Paris, where friends are trying to distract him from sad thoughts. Soon, Andrei Gorenko arrived in Paris and stopped, naturally, Gumilyov. There were stories about Russia, about the south, about Anna. Again hope ... Gradually, the mood of Nicholas began to strain, and in October, leaving Andrei in his room in the care of friends, he again went to Anna. And again the refusal ... Gumilev returned to Paris, but hid his trip, even from his family. But he was not left for him, so the new suicide attempt is poisoning. According to A. N. Tolstoy, Gumilev was found unconscious in the Boulogne forest. Ahmatova, having learned about it from his brother, sent a generous sedative telegram with Gumilev. Sparkling hope flashed again. The pain of failures, harmony and again, Anna led Nicholas to despair, but somehow he continued to write. In early 1908, the book of poems "Romantic Flowers", dedicated to A. Akhmatova. On April 20, Gumilyov again comes to her. And again he refuse. On August 18, 1908, the poet was enrolled by a student at the Faculty of Law. And in September he leaves to Egypt ...

Upon return, he continued his studies. And on November 26, 1909, in the hotel "European" reiterated the proposal of A. Akhmatova and this time received consent. On April 5, 1910, Gumilev filed a petition to the University Rector to allow him to marry with A. Akhmatova. The permission was obtained on the same day, and on April 14 - and permission to leave on vacation abroad. On April 25, in the Nikolaev Church of the village, Nikolskaya Slobodka was wedding with the hereditary nobility of Anna Andreevna Gorenko, who became Gumileva. But even after marriage, the love of them was strange and short-lived.

3 Page - Travel (1906-1913)

I'll go on a fucked sleeve
Think and watch
In the sky yellow, in the sky
Rail running thread.

N. Gumilev

Excerpt essay based on a message on this topic.

The writing.

The most wonderful pages of N. Gumileva's life.

And here is the whole life! Chasing, singing,
Seas, deserts, cities,
Flashing reflections
Lost forever.

N. Gumilev

Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev is an extraordinary person with a rare fate. This is one of the greatest poets Silver century. But he was a tireless traveler, who was laminated many countries, and fearless warrior, more than once a risking life.

The talent of the poet, the courage of the traveler attracted people to him, inspired respect.

Humilev's travel is one of the bright pages of his life. As a child, he had a passionate love of travel. No wonder he loved geography, zoology. Fenimore Cooper is a favorite writer Gumileva. The boy's family moved a lot, and he had the opportunity to see other cities, another life. Gumilev lived first in Kronstadt, then in the royal village and about 3 years in Tiflis. After the end of the Tsarsko Selo gymnasium in 1906. The poet leaves to Paris, where going to study in Sorbonne.

Forever remembered the poet his 1st journey to Egypt (1908). And in 1910 he traveled to the center of the African continent - Abyssinia. In 1913, Gumilev is headed by the Expedition of the Russian Academy of Sciences in this country. The expedition was severe, long, but she introduced to the businesses, customs of local residents. The impressed impressions paid for difficulties.

Gumileva pulls into exotic, few countries studied, where they have to risk life. What makes it take these journeys? Contemporaries celebrated his soul youth: he was always 16 years old. In addition, they owned a great desire to know the world. The poet understood that the life was short, and so much interesting in the world. But the main thing is that Gumilelev brought from travel, - a lot of impressions, themes for poems. In the collection "Romantic Flowers" Gumilev draws images of exotic animals - jaguars, Lviv, Giraffes. And his heroes are captains, flibusers, openers of new lands. Even the names of the poetry are striking the lake of geographical names: "Lake Chad", "Red Sea", "Egypt", "Sugar", "Suez Canal", "Sudan", "Abyssing", "Madagascar", "Zambezi", "Niger" . Gumilev was fond of zoology and collected the stuffed exotic animals, the collection of butterflies.

4 Page - participation in the I World War (1914-1918).

Nikolai Stepanovich constantly looking for tests of character. When the I World War, Gumilev begins, despite the released release, is written by a volunteer in the Life Guard Ulansky Regiment Hunter, as they were called. War is the elements of Gumileva, full risk and adventures like Africa. Gumilev treated everything very seriously. Having achieved enrollment in the army, he was improved in shooting, riding and fencing. He served Gumilev diligently, was distinguished by courage - there is a quick promotion to ensigning to ensign and 2 St. George Cross - IV and III degrees, which were given only for courage. Contemporaries recalled that Gumilyov was faithful in friendship, in battle - bravely, even a reckless brave. But at the front, he did not forget about the work: he wrote, painted, led controversy about the poetics. In 1915 The book "Quiver" was published, in which the poet included what he created at the front. In her, Gumilev revealed his attitude towards war, speaking of her hardness, death, torment torments: "That country, which could be a paradise, became the lair of fire."

In July 1917 Gumilev received an appointment to the expeditionary building abroad, arrived in Paris. He wanted to get to the Salonik front, but the allies were closed, then Mesopotamsky.

In 1918 In London, Gumilev issued documents for returning to Russia.

5 Page - Creative and Public Activity in 1918-1921.

And I will not die in bed
With a notary and doctor ...

N. Gumilev

Upon returning to the Motherland, the most productive period of life of Gumilyov began. This is due to the combination of the heyday of physical forces and creative activity. Out of Russia, probably, Gumilev could not become a meter of Russian poetry, the classic of the silver century. From 1918 And to the death of Gumilev - one of the prominent figures of Russian literature.

The poet was involved in tense activities to create a new culture: lecture at the Institute of Art History, worked in the editorial board of the publishing house "World Literature", in the seminar of proletarian poets, in many other areas of culture.

The poet is happy to return to his beloved business. One after another are poetic compilations of Gumilov:

1918 - "Bonfire", "Porcelain Pavilion" and Poem "Mick".

1921 - "Tent", "Fiery Stall".

He wrote Gumilev and prose, drama, led a peculiar chronicle of poetry, engaged in the theory of verse, responded to the phenomenon of the art of other countries.

M. Gorky proposes to become the editor of the World Literature, where he began to form a poetic series. Gumilev literally united around himself all Petersburg poets, created the Petrograd department of the "Union of Poets", the house of poets, the House of Art. He did not doubt that he could lead the literary life of Petrograd. N. Gumilev creates a 3rd "shop of poets".

The creative and social activities of Gumileva made it one of the most significant literary authorities. Speeches in institutions, studios, at the evenings brought him wide fame and formed a wide range of students.

Collection "Bonfire", (1918) - the most Russian on the content of all the books of Gumileva, on its pages we see Andrei Rublev and Russian nature, the childhood of the poet, the town in which "the cross above the church is consumed, the symbol of the power of clear, deceo", ice-frequency On the Neva.

In recent years, he writes a lot of African poems. In 1921 They will enter the collection "Tent". In these years, Gumilev comprehends life, teaches readers to love their native land. And he saw life and land by the endless, mounted by his dala. Apparently, on this and returned to his African impressions. Collection "Tent" is an example of the great interest of the poet to the life of other peoples. This is how he writes about the Niger River:

You are a solemn sea flow through Sudan,
You fight the predatory of the sands of the sands,
And when you approach the ocean,
Middle do not see the shores.

On you like beads on a jasper dish,
Painted patterned pades dance,
And in the ladies of magnificent black people
Praise our good action ...

The Russian poet admires the earth, who gave His homeland the greatness of the great A. S. Pushkin. (Abyssinia verse).

August 3, 1921 N. Gumilev is arrested on suspicion of participation in conspiracy against Soviet power. It was the so-called "Tagantsev business."

August 24, 1921 Petrograd. Gubneck adopted a decree on the execution of the participants of the "Tagantevsky conspiracy" (61 people), including N. Gumilev.

His participation in conspiracy is not established. Not a single counter-revolutionary line Gumilev printed. Policy did not work. Gumilev became a victim of cultural terror.

35 years lived poet. Now his 2nd life has come - return to the reader.

P: Letter rESULTS.

The personality of Gumilyov is unusually bright. This is a talented poet, a bold traveler and brave warrior. Childhood proceeded in a calm, no wonderful atmosphere, but self-education hardened the character of Gumilyov.


1. Write an essay on the topic: "The most wonderful pages from N. Gumileva." (Tell me about the Life Stage like N. S. Gumilev, justify your choice.

Gumilev Nikolay Stepanovich (1886-1921) - author of poetic collections, writer, publicist, literary critic, employee of the translation bureau, one of the representatives of the "Silver Century" literature, the founder of the school of Russian aquesma. Its biography is characterized by a special scarf, a breathtaking coating of circumstances, incredible fullness and fatal mistakes, which surprisingly made his personality harmoniously, and talent - brighter.

Childhood of the writer

The future poet was born on April 15, 1886 in the city of Kronstadt, in the family of a ship's doctor. Since the boy was very sickly and painful - poorly reacted to the loud sounds (noise) and quickly tired, he spent his whole childhood in the royal village under the supervision of grandparents. And after he was sent to Tiflis for treatment, there the poet wrote his very first poem "I ran to the forest from cities ....".

Upon returning from Tiflis, in 1903 Gumileva direct to study in the Tsarsko Seli. In the same year, he to get acquainted with his future wife - Anna Akhmatova. Under the influence of students, first love and other life circumstances, the first serious collection of poems "the path of Conquistadors" appears (1905), which was a great success in a secular society. It is this step - a public representation of our own abilities has become the starting and decisive point of all the future life of young dating.

Further creative way

In 1906, after the end of the lyceum, the young and undoubtedly talented Gumilev leaves for Paris and enters the University of Sorbonne. There he is engaged in further study of the literature, knows the basics of the art. It is increasingly fascinating creativity, beautiful images, word perment and symbolism.

Meanwhile, a long stay in Paris opens up new horizons for the publicist and poet - it publishes exquisite and penetrated (for that era) Sirius magazine and prints a new collection of poems called "Romantic Flowers" dedicated to his beloved - Anna Akhmatova. After the release of this book, the creativity of the poet became aware and "adults". He appears in front of readers not just as "spiritualized young man", but as a person knowing life and knew the sacrament of love.

Travel and return to Russia

At the end of 1908, Gumilev decides to return home, but disappointed with internal orders decides to live another year for himself and go into a world journey. This decision, at the time, was wild and incomprehensible. And, nevertheless, the poet managed to see Egypt, Africa, Istanbul, Greece and many other countries.

At the end of his travel, the publicist begins to think about the future, homeland and his debt to Russian people. So in 1909, he comes to permanent residence in St. Petersburg and enters best university For legal state, but soon translated into the historical and philological department. It is in St. Petersburg Gumilev creates many great works and finally marries Anna Akhmatova.

All the future activities of the poet will be aimed at creating unique magazines, work in the publishing house by a translator, teaching and issuing collections on the basis of Basic Anna and their second wife is also Anna (on which he married in 1919).

However, like any other talent, Gumilev was pursued by government representatives. In 1921, he was accused of conspiring with an anti-government group, in participating in the Tagantevsky plot. Three weeks later, he was condemned and sentenced him - to shoot. The next day the sentence was executed.

Gumilev works

The most bright and outstanding creative projects N.S. Gumileva steel:

  • 1910 - magazine "Pearls";
  • "Captains" - the same year;
  • 1912 "Hyperborei" magazine;
  • "Alien Sky" Collection of 1913;
  • "To the Blue Star" 1917;
  • "Fiery pillar" is 1920.

In the life of any creative person, there are situations that affect his spirituality and are special starting points in the development of talent. In Humilyov's history there were many curious cases and volitional solutions, for example:

  • In 1909, he and another poet decided to shoot themselves because of his companion (also poetess) Elizabeth Dmitrieva. However, the duel ended ridiculous - Nikolay, who did not want to shoot, pinched into the air, and his opponent worked on drying;
  • In 1916, heavier and since childhood, weak Gumileev took military service. He was assigned to the Hussar Detachment, who led the most cruel fighting;
  • Anna Akhmatova often criticized the poetry of Gumilyov very hard. This led to the emergence of depression from a writer. During the next spiritual crisis, he burned his own works;
  • For a long time, Poetry Gumilyov was banned. It was officially rehabilitated only in 1992.

The creative path of the poet Gumilyov was a ternist and a bumpy, but his works and outstanding literary works They became a real revelation for its contemporaries and all future generations.