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Scary and unusual in the world. The most mystical and terrible places of the planet. Top of the most terrible places

We are not going to intimidate you with sinister fictions, but just want to spend a tour of quite real places, from which itifies danger and mystery.

We warn you: this post does not fit impressionable. But if you are bold enough, just follow us.

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Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague, Czech Republic

The procession on this cemetery occurred for almost four centuries (from 1439 to 1787). More than 100 thousand dead are buried on a relatively small plot of land, and the number of tombstones reaches 12 thousand. More aqueous burial workers of the cemetery poured over the earth and in the same place were erected by new tombstones. There are places on the territory of the cemetery, where 12 grave tiers are located under the earth's crust. After the expiration of the time, the landlord opened the view of the living old grave plates, which began to shift the plates later. The view turned out not only unusual, but also terrible.

Abandoned dolls, mexico

In Mexico, there is a very strange abandoned island, most of which are terrible dolls. It is said that in 1950, dolls from the garbage baskets began to collect and hang out a certain hermit of Julian Santana Barrera, who tried to calm the soul of the girl's soul nearby nearby. Julian himself drowned on April 17, 2001. Now there are about 1000 exhibits on the island.

Hasima Island, Japan

Hasima is the former settlement of miners mining coal, founded in 1887. The island was considered one of the most populous places on Earth - under the coastline near a kilometer, its population was 5,259 people in 1959. When the coal began to extract it unprofitable here, the mine was closed, and the city-island replenished the list of ghost cities. It happened in 1974.

Chapel of Bones, Portugal

Capella was built in the XVI century by the monk-Franciscan. The chapel itself is small - only 18.6 meters long and 11 meters wide, but the bones and skulls of five thousand monks are stored here. On the roof of the chapel, the phrase "Melior Est Die Mortis Die Nativitatis" ("Better Death Day than Birthday").

Suicide forest, japan

The suicide forest is the unofficial name of the forest of Aokigahar Jukai, located in Japan on the island of Honshu and famous thanks to the suicide often performed in it. Initially, the forest was associated with Japanese mythology and traditionally appeared by the abode of demons and ghosts. Now it is considered the second (championship at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco) in popularity in the world in the world for information with life accounts. At the entrance to the forest there is a poster: "Your life is an invaluable gift from your parents. Think about them and about your family. You should not suffer alone. Call us 22-0110. "

Abandoned Psychiatric Hospital in Parma, Italy

Brazilian artist Herbert Baglione (Herbert Baglione) made an art facility from the building, in which a psychiatric hospital was once located. He portrayed the spirit of this place. Now the ghostly figures of exhausted patients wandered for a former hospital.

Church of St. George, Czech Republic

The church in the Czech village of Lukov was abandoned since 1968, from the time when part of her roof collapsed during the funeral ceremony. The artist Yakub Hadrava (Jakub Hadrava) populated the church by ghost sculptures giving it a particularly sinister look.

Catacombs in Paris, France

Catacombs - a network of winding underground tunnels and caves under Paris. The total length, according to various sources, from 187 to 300 kilometers. From the end of the XVIII century in the catacombs, the remains of almost 6 million people are resting.

City of Saintreilia, Pennsylvania, USA

Due to the underground fire broken 50 years ago, which still continues to burn, the number of residents decreased with 1000 people (1981) to 7 people (2012). The population of Saintrelia is now considered the most small in Pennsylvania. Saintrelia served as a prototype to create a city in a series of Silent Hill games and in the removed on this game the film.

Magic market of Achodsev,

The market of magical objects and witchcraft herbs Achodorese spread right in the center of Lome, the capital of the state in Africa. Africans Togo, Ghana and Nigeria still confess the Voodoo religion and believe in the wonderful properties of dolls. The fetishist range of Achodsev is extremely exotic: here you can buy a cattle skull, dried heads of monkeys, buffaloes and leopards and many other no less "wonderful" things.

Island of Plague, Italy

The lead is one of the most famous islands of the Venetian lagoon, in the north of Italy. They argue that since the Roman times is the island used as a place of reference for patients with plates, in connection with which it was buried to 160,000 people. The souls of many dead allegedly turned into ghosts, which is now crowded. The island's gloomy reputation is exacerbated by stories about terrible experiments, which were allegedly subjected to patients of a psychiatric clinic. In this regard, researchers of paranormal phenomena call the island one of the most terrible places on Earth.

Mountain Crosses, Lithuania

The mountain of crosses is a hill on which many Lithuanian crosses have been installed, their total number is approximately 50 thousand. Despite the external similarity, it is not a cemetery. According to the popular belief, the one who leaves the cross, will accompany the luck. Nor about the time of the appearance of the mountain of crosses, nor about the reasons for its occurrence can not say anything with accuracy. To this day this place is shuttered with secrets and legends.

Cabayana burial, Philippines

The famous fiery mums of Kabayana, dated 1200-1500 years old, dated 1200-1500 years, as well as the locals, their spirits believed here. In their manufacture, a complex mummification process was used, and now they are carefully protected, since there are no cases of thefts. Why? As one of the robbers said, "he had the right to do so," since Mummy had to him the great-grandfatrapraprapradradshka.

Old arched bridge is located near the Scottish village Milton. In the middle of the 20th century, strange things began to work on it: dozens of dogs suddenly threw up from a 15-meter height, fell on the stones and broke to death. Those that survived, returned and repeated attempted. The bridge turned into a real "killer" four-legged.

Aktun-Tunichil-Muknal - Cave near San Ignacio, Belize. It is an archaeological monument of Maya civilization. Located on the territory of Natural Park Tapir Mountain. One of the halls of the cave is the so-called cathedral, where Maya committed sacrifices, as they considered this place with a saibalbic - entrance to the underworld.

Lip Castle in Offali, Ireland, is considered one of the damned castles of the world. His gloomy landmark is a large underground darkness, the bottom of which is covered with sharp stakes. The dungeon was discovered during the restoration of the castle. In order to take out all the bones from it, the workers needed 4 wagons. Locals say that the castle inhabits many ghosts of people who died in the dungeon.

Cemetery Chachilla is about 30 minutes from Nask's desert plateau, on the southern coast of Peru. The necropolis was discovered in the 20s of the twentieth century. According to researchers, the bodies are found in the cemetery, which is about 700 years old, and the last burials were held here in the 9th century. Chachilla differs from other burial places in a special way that people were buried. All the bodies are "squatting", and their "faces" seems to be frozen in a wide smile. Bodies are perfectly preserved thanks to the Peruvian dry desert climate.

The most infamous feature of the religion of Carthage was a victim of children, mostly breast babies. During the sacrifice, it was forbidden to cry, as it was believed that any tear, any plaintive sigh diminish the value of the victim. In 1921, archaeologists discovered a place where several rows of urns were found with charred remains of both animals (they were sacrificed instead of people) and young children. The place was called Tofet.

Kamead Grande is one of the most dangerous and famous islands of our planet. It contains only a forest, a rocky intense coast up to 200 meters and snake. One square meter of the island has to six snakes. The poison of these reptiles is valid instantly. Brazilian authorities decided to fully ban on the visit of this island for any, and the locals tell the chilling blood of the story about him.

The largest monument in Bulgaria, located on Mount Bosludge, 1441 meters high, was built in the 1980s in honor of the Bulgarian Communist Party. Almost 7 years left for its construction and more than 6 thousand workers and experts were involved. The interior was partially decorated with marble, and the stairs were decorated with red cathedral glass. Now the house-monument is completely plundered, only a concrete frame with reinforcement, similar to a destroyed alien ship, remained.

During the first and second world wars, the hospital was used by the military, and in 1916 he was treated Adolf Hitler. After the Second World War hospital, it was in the zone of the Soviet occupation and became the largest Soviet hospital outside the USSR. The complex consists of 60 buildings, some of which are now renovated. Almost all abandoned buildings are closed to access. Doors and windows are securely clipped with high boards and plywood sheets.

The abandoned metro depot in Cincinnati is the construction project of 1884. But after the First World War, and as a result of changes in the demographic situation, the need for the subway disappeared. Construction slowed down in 1925, half of the 16-kilometer line was completed. Now, along the abandoned metro, excursions are held twice a year, but it is known that many people roam their tunnels alone.

On the island of Luzon in the village of Sagada is one of the most frightening places in the Philippines. Here you can see unusual funeral facilities from coffins placed high above the ground on the rocks. Among the indigenous population there is a belief that the higher the body of the deceased will be buried, the soul will be closer to heaven.

On our beautiful planet, there are places that cause a mystical horror. Many of them are the activities of the person himself, like abandoned cities and zones of accidents, but the nature itself created even more. And in those and other places, travel companies offer trips, because a person is so arranged that it attracts not only all the beautiful and interesting, but also terrible and mysterious.

The most terrible places on the planet Earth

Swamp Manchak

Such a swamp is located in the American site of Louisiana. Abandoned place with a huge number of alligators, fed and rotten trees. It makes mystics from him, many tourists see ghosts, the guides explain this by the fact that in the swamp they have found their death a lot of slaves who sometime from their owners. In 1915, a terrible hurricane worn here, who also added victims - a few villages were cleaned into the swamp together with people and animals. The swamp is therefore called the ghost site. Especially terribly there at night.

Suicide forest in Japan

At the foot of the famous Mount Fuji lies a dense forest of Aokigahar, who attracts suicide. And the fact is that since ancient times, this forest was considered the "place of residence" of ghosts and were overwhelmed here with patients and weak people on the right death. Basically it was old men, children and disabled. Yes, the morals were then such if a person cannot feed himself, then his place is in this quiet and gloomy forest, where full of dark rocky caves. The forest is literally saturated with dark energy, the suffering of people abandoned here. No wonder people who want to reduce the scores with life, choose this place.

Not many tourists risk watching the forest of Aokigahar, mainly suicides come back there, who are trying to find them and dissuade from the fatal mistake. They also set signs with inscriptions about the value of life and left houses of relatives. But, it seems, it stops that it stops, since more than hundreds of corpses are found in the forest every year, which Marauders have already managed to be seen. And since it is very easy to get lost in the forest, then the bruises of marauders are added to suicides.

Chernobyl Ukraine

Here, the human factor played a tragic role. In 1986, an accident occurred at the Chernobyl site of the nuclear power plant. Within two days, the city of Pripyat and adjacent to the station settlements were urgently evacuated. People were confident that leaving their homes for a few days, therefore, they left not only the acquired good, but also animals. To date, the level of radiation has significantly decreased and short-term excursions are held in the excursion zone. Tourists are invited to inspect the sarcophagus and walk through the streets of the abandoned city. A very painful impression is left abandoned in a hurry residential buildings with children's toys, empty kindergartens and schools in which for a long time, and may never return people.

Desert Danakil

This is the Ethiopian desert, which is also called "hell on earth." She received this name because of his strange landscape, similar to Martian. All this is aggravated by the lack of oxygen, the fettered smell of saturated gases, burning air. They give birth to boiling under their feet Earth and melting stones. Traveling into a fifty-fertilous heat, suddenly awakening mini volcanoes, harmful evaporation of sulfur, militant semi-tribes - all this amounts for amateurs of acute sensations of great health harm. But this is not many stops, because the African desert Danakil is very beautiful and mysterious.

Babi Yar.

Another terrible place in Ukraine is a place in Ukraine - Babi Yar tract. Here during World War II, mass executions of the Jewish population of Kiev were carried out. The German invaders drove the Jews here, the Gypsies and those who were hiding them and, according to eyewitnesses of those events, did not stop the shootings for several months. Historians argue that more than one hundred thousand people died here. Those tragic events left their mark on the entire terrain.

Today there was installed Memorial "Menoro in Babi Yar" and many monuments with the most different inscriptions. So the site was perpetuated by the memory of all knowlessly dead.

Hell Gate

In 1971, after the accident, the Soviet drilling rig in Turkmenistan remained a rift of 100 meters wide. Gazes began to go out of the cracks, which were decided to set fire. But no one could calculate their number and since then a fire rages in the well. It can be seen for many kilometers and, it seems, it will be burning there for a very long time.

An island of abandoned dolls

In Mexico, among many islands, only one is marked with a terrible feature - the island of dolls (La Isla de Las Muñecas), the territory of which is striking forgotten or thrown into debris dolls. It all began with the death of a girl who drowned in one of the water bodies of the island. The guy who witnessed this tragedy, retained the doll of the drowned child and hung her on a tree, allegedly in memory of the deceased. With those website, he constantly found the thrown dolls and brought them to the island, and in 2011 he himself drowned in the same lake, becoming shortly before this washer and the only inhabitant of the island. Toys are mostly broken and disadvantaged, from the whole territory reigns a terrible and ominous atmosphere.

Catacombs Capuchins

In the Italian city of Palermo, there are catacombs with mummified remains of monks, numbering about five thousand. Last burial here dates back to 1990. Since then, the catacombs are open to tourists.

Overto Bridge

The arched bridge near the Scottish city of Glasgow became known not because of his beauty, and because of the strange suicide of dogs, began in the middle of the 20th century. Mystic is that every month in the same day with a fifteen-meter bridge jumped dogs. Under the bridge there is a site with a variety of stones, so almost all animals died. The same that they survived, rose again to the bridge and jumped off it.

This behavior of dogs Scots explain the legend about how his father dropped his son from this bridge and now the child's ghost calls the dogs to himself on the very day when he drowned. Most likely, the boy's ghost see only dogs and hurry to help him.

Scientists also explain the fact of suicide of dogs by the fact that all of them are hunting breeds and, passing through the bridge, they see the minks living under the bridge, and so obeying the instinct is dying. But there were skeptics that refute such the theory, saying that dogs jump from the bridge on a certain day, and not spontaneously. The question remains open, although all new and new versions of the strange behavior of animals are constantly arising. One of which is completely incredible - the opening of the portal site in other worlds. But everyone is not at all, and the dogs continue to die.

Paris catacombs

Unlike Italian catacombs, Paris is much more and famous for the whole world. They are a chain of winding tunnels with a variety of caves and descents. The length of the catacomb about 300 kilometers, they pass under all Paris. According to experts, more than 6 million people rest here.

Despite the fact that such places have a negative impact on a person, hundreds of tourists attend such terrible corners in search of acute sensations.

For many of us, horrors are exclusively cinema attributes or in the extremely elements of Halloween. However, there are places on Earth that attract adrenaline and creepy stories to themselves. For normal people, such spectacles are crying blood so that you want to run, where you look. However, for many extremals is the goal of visiting the maximum number of such places. Tell the same below about the 10 most terrible places on Earth.

Museum of Medical History Metter, Philadelphia. This complex belongs to the oldest educational institution for the preparation of doctors in North America, the College of Doctors in Philadelphia. There are all sorts of pathologies, as well as ancient medical equipment and biological exhibits. The greatest fame of the museum gives the Collection of skulls, also here are unique and terrible exhibits, for example, a female corpse that turned into soap in the ground after the burial or a bowel of 12.5 centimeters long. You can see Siamese twins with a common liver, a skeleton of a two-headed child of a person and other terrible exhibits. There are many wax models and simply canned organs and tel. We can safely say that visiting the museum is recommended either to doctors or people with a strong psyche.

Laguna Truk, Micronesia. There is a significant part of the Japanese naval forces, flooded here during the American airline in 1944. The shallow Micronesian Lagoon Truk South-west Hawaii became the last refuge and a real underwater cemetery for 40 Japanese ships and more than 100 aircraft. For the first time, these places examined Jacques Yves Kusto in 1971, after which there are often divers who love extreme impressions. Although many of the Multiple crews of the Japanese and remaining ships remaining in the corps. Today, aircraft and ships became part of the reef kingdom, but so far the curious tourists and divers are missing here.

The witchcraft market Sonora, Mexico. In the city of Mexico City on the Sonora market there are close cabins with witch. Scary women in just 10 dollars promise to be a quick deliverance, both from poverty and from married infidelity. Coloring the interior attached rags, birds, birds and exotic iguani on the walls. Anyone can acquire these items. Sonor works every day, they strive here both tourists and pilgrims from Mexico City. All of them entail the opportunity to get the predictions of the fate and the promise of another life. In these places, the entire local population believes due to supernatural amulets and potions, here in honor of both Aztec recipes and the statues of Buddha. Enthusiasts can find here for their experiments the blood of a rattle snake or dried hummingbirds that give good luck. Do not cost perceive witchcraft in Mexico as a joke and local exotic, the local national association of sorcerers even participated in the presidential election. Witch with the help of spells turned a vote in free and honest.

Easter Island, Chile. This place is rightfully considered one of the most mysterious on the planet. On the island there is several hundred huge stone statues of giants that have accounted for in the ground under their own weight. The statues are as if guilty of something and look into the sky, swinging their own mystical crimes. So far, no one can understand where the creators of these sculptures disappeared. It is difficult for us to even understand how gigantic sculptures were manufactured and moved. But their height comes to 21 meters, and weight up to 90 tons! Meanwhile, from the career, where the statues were manufactured, they moved at a distance of 20 kilometers. Scientists agree that there was once a powerful civilization that had ever existed, today life almost froze on the island. When and where mysterious builders left - it remained a mystery. Only statues, inspiring tremies and worst horror, remained. However, having familiarized himself with the travels and the diaries of the Tour Heyerdal, you can reveal the secrets about the manufacture and placement of ancient figures.

Milcca swamps, Louisiana. Especially scary here at night. Tourists carry on the swamps on the boat, illuminating the path of the torch. Old cypressions grow around from the water, with the branches of which long threads are hanging out of moss. Sometimes there is a distant long-distance in the swamp, which, according to some, belongs to Rougarou, the legendary folklore island. These swamps are also referred to as "ghost swamps." Places located near the New Orleans are just trying to be ready. By local legends, the swamps were cursed by the Queen Voodoo, taken captive here at the beginning of the 20th century. Added the reliability of the legend and the hurricane, which arose here in 1915 and destroyed 3 villages. Cemeteries of animals and people were under water, which manifests itself in periodically pop-up corpses. They do not discern local alligators who would gladly try fresh tourists.

Paris Catacombs, France. Here, underground there are corridors, in which, on both sides of the passage, neatly skulls and bones are laid. In the dry air Catacomb decontamix is \u200b\u200bextremely slow. The inscriptions are well preserved on the walls of the Great French Revolution with calls for the overthrow of royal power and nobles. After hitting the Paris Catacombs, it becomes clear why such masters as Ann Rice and Victor Hugo wrote about these mysterious and mysterious places. The total length of catacombs is 187 kilometers, they are located under the entire city, and only a small part is open to the inspection. There are rumors about the existence of here a legendary special underground police, and many in a whisper mention the legions of the stray dead and vampires. The lack of accurate information and burns fantasy, generating terrible images. Meanwhile, careers at these places existed during the times of Romans, and in 1785 the tunnels acquired the final form that it was associated with the growth of the city and the overflow of Paris's cemeteries.

House of Winchesters, San Jose, USA. This design in California is a house with which many prejudice and magic are associated. Once the fortune teller predicted Sarah Winchester, the ancestors of the late husband of which were founded by a well-known arms company that the ghosts of people killed from the winchesters would constantly chase the ghosts. To stop the nightmare, the woman should have moved from Connecticut to the West and build such a house so that he would not have managed to finish during the whole of her life. The cessation of hammers' knocks here will mean the death of the hostess. Sarah listened to the fortune teller, and in 1884 the construction of a house launched a long 38 years began in San Jose, while the woman was alive. At the same time, the hostess did not use the services of professional architects. In the building of 160 rooms, which successfully demonstrate all the madness of the hostess - there are stairs leading to the ceiling, the door in the middle of the wall, the design is replete with spider motifs. It was done in order to maximize the spirits coming for the soul Mrs. Winchester. There are many secret windows and doors, many rooms contain 13 windows, and the number of steps on all stairs - 13. The house is made exclusively for the hostess, the guests have never been waiting here. They say that the future President Roosevelt himself received a refusal to visit the house. Since the opening of a building for tourists, complaints are constantly distributed over nights, clapping doors, moving lights and spontaneous turns of door handles. The house is interesting to all. Those who do not believe in bringing can just enjoy it with sizes.

Tupik Mary King, Edinburgh. Under this name, several streets of the Old Town Edinburgh in Scotland are united. Here everything breathes medieval. Once here they left to die the victims of the plague in the 17th century, now many have felt the presence of Poltergeist. Tourists often by arms and legs concerns something invisible. The legend says that the ghost of Annie Ghost, who the parents left the Ghost, who left here to die in 1645. Tupik got the name of the owner of most of the buildings of this area. It is rumored that during the epidemic, the entire quarter was sealed in order to stop the march of the plague. After a century, a large and new building was built here. Today, the place has been open for several years now for tourists who from all over the world come here to listen to the bikes about supernatural spirits and maybe to feel their touch. Guides spend people down the stone steps in oppressive alley, close and cold. You can see the Annie Room, as well as the exhibition about the life of the Middle Ages and the epidemic of the plague. It is not surprising that tourists prefer not to linger in this place.

Telm Abbey, Sicily. One of the most famous and vile occultists in the world was considered an Alyister Crowley, his stone farmhouse in the 1920s was considered literally the world capital of Satanism and the relevant orgies. Glory Crowley today is on fans, one of them is Marilyn Manson, the occultist himself even appeared on the cover of one of the albums of the Beatles. Alistair founded his own Abbey of Telma, named after the utopia Rabel "Gargantua" with a ring motto "Do what you want." The community became the place of free love. Newbies were placed in the "Nightmare Room", where they stared on the frescoes of heaven, earth and hell under the influence of drugs. When the famous English aristocrat died in Abbey, the press raised the scandal and forced Crowley to close their institution. In 1945, this story was shielded by the underground director Kenneth Entrome, however, the film mysteriously disappeared. Nowadays, the abbey is destroyed and overgrown with grass. However, the walls are still stored, which enjoyed Crowley to scare the minions. The place attracts lovers of esoteric with strong nerves.

Chernobyl, Ukraine. When an accident occurred in the nuclear power plant in 1986, the city of Pripyat was abandoned with tens of thousands of people within a few hours. Today here is the zone of alienation, things are thrown in a hurry, revealed apartments and institutions. Ivy settled in kindergartens, and abandoned toys were lying on the floor. The gusts of the dead wind shake off the unchecked swings. Today the radiation level is already safe enough for a short-term tourist, the zone is open for tourists. Excursions in Chernobyl are not distinguished by variety, as the time of stay is quite limited. People arrive in a bus from Kiev, walk to the station, where they are offered a tour. Those who wish can explore the sarcophagus and wander through the streets of Pripyati, Ghost Cities. There are also the parking lots of infected vehicles. If you are lucky, you can even meet with self-movies, residents of the forbidden zone who returned to their native land.

Khuznitsa, Kutna Mountain, Czech Republic. The tradition of storing skeleton remains in humanity has existed for a long time. But the most famous Kuznice became Czech in Kutn Mountain. Once here they built the chapel of all saints from the basement chapel. About 30 thousand people who died during the plague in 1318 were buried at the local cemetery of 3.5 hectares. Over time, the victims of the Gusistic Wars were also buried here. The necropolis was so crowded that the bones began to extract out of the ground and dump in the basement chapel as it got, turning it into a crypt. In 1511, one half-band monk decided to bring order here and folded six pyramids from the bones in honor of the dead. But the way and was limited to the 18th century, while local lands were transferred to the ownership of the prince of Schwarzenberg. The new owner instructed to arrange the chapel and streamline the remains of the famous cracker on Frantiseku Rint. As a result, the entire interior of the chapel and even the coat of arms of the prince is made up of human bones. According to anthropologists, the remains of at least 40 thousand people are presented here.

Museum of devils, Kaunas, Lithuania. This is the only place on Earth, where the exclamation of the "Thousand Fell" will be very close to the place. It is just about so many devils, draws and dramatics here and collected. The museum was created on the basis of the personal collection of Professor Zhmujidzinavius \u200b\u200bin 1966, causing continuously since then. By 1991, 1742 exhibits were already listed here. Materials of figurines are the most diverse - plastic, leather, metal, wood and ceramics, there are also exotic. Motherland exhibits is more than 20 countries, as a result, this representation of the unclean power is the largest in the world.

Elmina Castle, Ghana. Once in this fortress, the 15th century was the center of the slave trade. Today it is a monument of the crime of white people in front of the entire population of Africa. There are quite a few such buildings on the territory of Ghana, they are found every 15 kilometers. There is all the attributes of slave-owner - the soul caasemate with a tiny window under the ceiling, shackles, a narrow break in the wall called "Night Non-return" is an output to loading. The most terrible place is a stone well, in which people were in months, waiting for their turn to send.

"Gate of the Arrests", Hague. There are many torture museums in the world, in the Holland, even Amsterdam is much more famous than Hagag. However, it was in the political capital of the Netherlands the most terrible exposition is located. Once on the central square of the city Bau-Tanhof, an ancient caaset 13th century buildings was located. Criminals from all over the kingdom fell here for torture. Today, visitors are invited to look at the work instruments of executors. Drops are horrified from the faint here - the usual business, the museum guide with details will tell about all the intricacies of the use of certain torture instruments.

Museum of deceased souls, Rome. In the scenic of the Italian church del Sakro Kora is a small museum, which proves the presence of the souls of deceased people on earth. In order to get here, you need to ask permission from the priest. However, it is usually only a formality, the doors are open to all, the Holy Father is also about everything will tell. The collection of objects was born thanks to the local abbot in 1912. Today, there are hundreds of exhibits indicating the existence of ghosts. For example, there is a night cap on which the imprints of the ghosts of the ghost Louise Le Sanesheel remained. Her ghost was on May 7, 1873 for a sleeping spouse, he pinched him several times behind the nose and drove the cap. Widower himself later told that so his deceased spouse punished him for frivolism during mourning. Only here are the photos of ghosts here you can not find - they remain unmanifested.

Castle Dracula, Romania. Transylvanian castle Bran is famous as the castle of Dracula. It is built in the Carpathians on the edge of the most terrible abyss. The style of the lock maximizes the standards of gothic - here are narrow transitions, stone stairs, and close rooms are more suitable for the vampire, than the normal person to whom they put on the psyche. Looks like a castle quite in the spirit of presenting it in the famous Stoker's novel "Dracula". Yes, and the main chimney seemed to come from horror films, with strong winds there are special commercial sounds. In the castle of 56 rooms, in one of them there is a huge bed with four racks and a canopy. According to the legend, it was here that the owner sucks blood out of his victims. The house was called "Horror Castle" thanks to Vlad IV or Vlad Siercer. Such a nickname and the reputation of the bloody monster he received because of his passion to plant all in a row on the count. And the road that leads to the castle, and today is called the "road of pointed cools."

Museum of Torture, Mdina, Malta. This museum is one of the many similar kind in Europe. However, the Maltese assembly does not know equal on the power of exposure. Located a museum in the ancient capital Malta, Mdina. Now life here almost froze, there are practically no people on medieval streets. Going around to the basement, the tourist will be shocked. People are immediately thrown into the eyes, hollows, dust, nippers for donning nails, vice for squeezing the skull. All tools are real, from the Middle Ages. But the characters are made from wax, but they look extremely naturalistic. Here you can see a person with eyes sticking out of pain, because in the throat to him the executor floods the hot oil. The scene of the tongue breaking is shown, you can see two mesh bags, in one of which is still a whole person, and in the other there is already a skeleton. Behind brave excursions, a hunchier should be relentlessly, giving up even more thanks to this terrible place.

Crazy Tower, Vienna. Once in the 18th century in SpitalGasse was a crazy house. Today, here is the Museum of Pathoanatomy, where it is recommended to enter either very bold people, or the same cynic. The attention of visitors is offered an elegant gynecological chair made of mahogany, leaning and dried organs, mummified bodies and prepared skulls, exhibits with the consequences of venereal diseases and cases of an unnatural increase in genitals. For a long time, the subject of the Museum's pride was the sculptural composition of Laocoon with sons, fully made of the bones of people and animals, but it was destroyed in bombings of the Second World War.

Museum of Hygiene, St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg Kunstkamera is known to many, but not everyone knows about this museum on Italian street. Here, every wishes can familiarize themselves with the Chucks of the Pavlov dog, which is concluded in his famous triography with a bell, transparent figures of men and women with inactive, alas, a mechanism for demonstrating the circulatory system. In the section of the protection of "motherhood and the kids" there are postcards, frankly calling not to twist children in Svivani and do not feed them with chewed nipples. Mothers sometime even forbidden to kiss children on the lips. A scary torture unit looks like a dental chair of the late 19th century. Tourists can scare very natural doubts of female and men's genital organs. There are among them enlarged, and reduced samples, which, moreover, demonstrate the course of intimate diseases in different stages. The revelation, with which our museum shows all these horrors, often forces foreigners to understand that their native horrors are quite harmless.

Horror Castle, London. The interior of the castle was pretty natural, the British were even able to create an appropriate fragrance. Real historical events are displayed here, for example, a fire in London in 1666, you can consider medieval sharpening chambers and torture tools. Spectators are involved even in action. So, the court of 16th century is being drawn. Upstairs, the judges are squeezed in wigs, and the servant announces the lists of tourists sitting on the dock, bringing them a disappointing sentence - "guilty!"

If it seems to you that the scary of the castle of Dracula in the world is nothing, it means that you read a lot and travel a little. The island of dolls, the cemetery of hanging coffins, the suicide forest - Elle picked up the top 10 of the most terrible places in the world, a visit to which can not only expand your horizons, but also to deprive sleep.

Naska is the name of the city and the desert plateau in the south of Peru. The tiny city with a population of 27 thousand people constantly tee tourists. Some want to look at the mysterious drawings left on the dry desert soil, others - to visit the Cemechilla cemetery. Raisy in the suburbs of Naska, this necropolis is literally open for visitors. Imagine large holes laid by sticks in which the dead are sitting. An amazing embalming technology has kept the body - at least the bone - in perfect order. Among the inhabitants of Chachilla is full of those who can boast of magnificent hairstyles - this is despite the fact that the last dead man buried the 11th centuries ago.

The city on the shores of the river of the same name is two kilometers from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Until on April 27, 1986, it was a rapidly developing atom, all residents of which one way or another were related to nuclear power plants. Immediately after the monstrous accident at the station, almost fifty-thousandths of its population was evacuated and the city turned into a monument. Rather, the memorial. So it costs more than thirty years empty, becoming a terrible open-air museum. Residential buildings, hospital, kindergartens and schools, playgrounds, ferris wheel - everything remains. And not a single soul.

In the Echo Valley, that in the Philippines, full of rocks. The coffins hang closely to his friend. Local are convinced - the higher the body of the dead man is located, the faster it will be in heaven. Make them to merge the bodies - useless. Tradition to bury the dead in the air there are more than two thousand years, and how and what the coffins are attached, the locals do not tell - this is a secret.

In the suburb of Mexico, there are many islands, the most famous, of course, La Isla De Las Muñecas, the island of dolls. In the fifties of the last century, the young man named Julian Barrera witnessed the death of a child, girls, drowned by this island. Barrera left her doll, and from that moment he began to be the spirit of the victim. To drop the Spirit, Giulian began to hang on the island found on the trash old dolls. And in the end, it was settled on this island. In 2001, after his death (Barrera, like the same girl, drowned next to the island), the case was continued by enthusiasts, his relatives. Dolls here a lot and together they look very terribly.

The present name of the mansion located in Transylvania is Bran, but he knows, of course, as the castle of Dracula, the Count Vlad Fourth, who received a nicknamer, because of love for sitting on the count of his subjects. The castle built on the edge of the abyss is an absolute embodiment of the Gothic style: a dark decoration, coming sounds (the reason for which the chimney is starting to buzz with strong wind). The main attraction castle is a bedroom Dracula with a huge bed, it is here, according to the legend, the owner preferred to drink the blood of his victims. Looks like a "house" very well-keeped, for which Francis Ford Coppol, who invested in the reconstruction of the castle, when he removed his shielding of Bram Stoker's novel.

In the Czech village of Lukov from the XIV century there is a church of St. Jiri (St. George). He emptied in 1968, after the fire began during the funeral and the roof fell. A few years ago, the sculptor Yakov Hadrava, preparing for the surrender of the thesis, decided to turn the church to the site for his experiments. And populated the empty building with human statues whose head is covered under bedspreads. The spectacle is fascinating and terrible. Teachers, by the way, also penetrated the diploma Yakov - in this original form - accepted.

The famous Mount Fuji is known not only by itself: her foot is lying Aokigahar, a dense forest in which the rocky caves are full. In Aokigahar, it is incredibly quiet and very, very gloomy. Already in ancient times, the forest was considered the place of "residence" of monsters and ghosts. And it was here that the inhabitants were overlooked and left their loved ones, which could not be contacted - weak antiquities and children. The Dark Reputation of Aokigahar is might and main in the way of people, inclined to reduce scores with life. Over the past 60 years, the bodies of more than five hundred suicides were found in the forest - in this sense, Aokigahar is inferior only to the famous Golden Gate Bridge.

It is not surprising that the "forest of suicides" under the string is nobbled by signs calling for potential suicidants to catch up. The Japanese believe that by entering Aokigahar, it will not be possible to get out of it. Therefore, only rescuers, looking for those who want to commit suicide, are visited, and cough tourists.

Here are four centuries in a row, until the end of the XVIII century. There was little space, a lot of bodies. As a result, there are more than 100,000 dead on a small area. To all the places enough, the old tombstones fell asleep the earth and immediately set new ones. Thus, 12 layers of graves typed. Over time, some layers, because of the requested Earth, climbed into the light of God, having gone to the later, and the cemetery became like a crowd at a rush hour in public transport.

Here it is, South American Gothic in all its glory. Swamp Manchac spread out not far from New Orleans and calls not otherwise as a marsh of ghosts. Slaves from their owners fled here, but none of them from here was chosen - everyone was eaten by gigantic crocodiles. The spirits of the dead and the most crocodiles are the main ingredients in the terrible mencle menu, places, so attracting tourists. The swamp is actively expanding excursions, both in the day and at night.

Built in Portugal in the XVI century, the chapel is packed by the remains of the monks: more than five thousand people are resting there. Bones, skull here everywhere, where neither throw a look. And the inscription on the roof of the building is "better the day of death than a birthday" - sets up an optimistic way.

While visiting which the skin is covered with goosebumps from what they saw here. With the most terrible places on Earth we will get to know further.

Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague, Czech Republic

The procession on this cemetery occurred for almost four centuries (from 1439 - to 1787). On a relatively small plot of land, more than 100 thousand dead are buried, and the number of tombstones reaches 12,000. More than a long
the burial workers of the cemetery poured over the earth, and in the same place, new tombstones were erected. There are places on the territory of the cemetery, where 12 grave tiers are located under the earth's crust. After the expiration of the time, the landlord opened the view of the living old grave plates, which began to shift the plates later. The view turned out not only unusual, but also terrible.

Abandoned dolls, mexico

In Mexico, there is a very strange abandoned island, most of which are terrible dolls. It is said that in 1950, dolls from the garbage baskets began to collect and hang out a certain hermit of Julian Santana Barrera, who tried to calm the soul of the girl's soul nearby. Hulian himself drowned on April 17, 2001. Now there are about 1000 exhibits on the island.

Hasima Island, Japan

Hasima is the former settlement of miners mining coal, founded in 1887. He was considered one of the most populated places on Earth - under the coastline near a kilometer, its population was 5,259 people in 1959. When coal has become unprofitable here, the mine was closed and the city-island replenished the list of ghost cities. It happened in 1974.

Chapel of Bones, Portugal

Copella was built in the XVI century by the monk-Franciscan. The chapel itself is small - only 18.6 meters long and 11 meters wide, but the bones and skulls of five thousand monks are stored here. On the roof of the chapel, the phrase "Melior Est Die Mortis Die Nativitatis" ("Better Death Day than Birthday").

Suicide forest, japan

The suicide forest is the unofficial name of the forest of Aokigahar Jukai, located in Japan on the island of Honshu and famous thanks to the suicide often performed in it. Initially, the forest was associated with Japanese mythology and traditionally appeared by the abode of demons and ghosts. Now it is considered the second (championship at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco) in popularity in the world in the world for information with life accounts. At the entrance to the forest there is a poster: "Your life is an invaluable gift from your parents. Think about them and about your family. You should not suffer alone. Call us 22-0110. "

Abandoned Psychiatric Hospital in Parma, Italy

Brazilian artist Herbert Baglione (Herbert Baglione) made an art facility from the building, in which a psychiatric hospital was once located. He portrayed the spirit of this place. Now the ghostly figures of exhausted patients wandered for a former hospital.

Church of St. George, Czech Republic

The church in the Czech village of Lukov was abandoned since 1968, from the time when part of her roof collapsed during the funeral ceremony. The artist Yakub Hadrava (Jakub Hadrava) populated the church by ghost sculptures giving it a particularly sinister look.

Catacombs in Paris, France

Catacombs - a network of winding underground tunnels and caves under Paris. The total length, according to various sources, from 187 to 300 kilometers. From the end of the XVIII century in the catacombs, the remains of almost 6 million people are resting.

City of Saintreilia, Pennsylvania, USA

Due to the underground fire broken 50 years ago, which still continues to burn, the number of residents decreased with 1000 people (1981) to 7 people (2012). The population of Saintrelia is now considered the most small in Pennsylvania. Saintrelia served as a prototype to create a city in a series of games "Silent Hill" and in the removed on this game film.

Magic market of Achodsev,

The market of magical objects and witchcraft herbs Achodorese spread right in the center of Lome, the capital of the state in Africa. Africans Togo, Ghana and Nigeria still confess the Voodoo religion and believe in the wonderful properties of dolls. The fetishist range of Achodsev is extremely exotic: here you can buy a cattle skull, dried heads of monkeys, buffaloes and leopards and many other no less "wonderful" things.

Plague Island, Italy

The lead is one of the most famous islands of the Venetian lagoon, in the north of Italy. It is argued that from Roman times the island used as a place of reference for patients with plates, in connection with which it was buried to 160,000 people. The souls of many dead allegedly turned into ghosts, which is now crowded. The island's gloomy reputation is exacerbated by stories about terrible experiments, which were allegedly subjected to patients of a psychiatric clinic. In this regard, researchers of paranormal phenomena call the island one of the most terrible places on Earth.

Mountain Crosses, Lithuania

The mountain of crosses is a hill on which many Lithuanian crosses have been installed, their total number is approximately 50 thousand. Despite the external similarity, it is not a cemetery. According to the popular belief, the one who leaves the cross, will accompany the luck. Nor about the time of the appearance of the mountain of crosses, nor about the reasons for its occurrence can not say anything with accuracy. To this day this place is shuttered with secrets and legends.

Cabayana burial, Philippines

The famous fiery mums of Kabayana, dated 1200-1500 years old, dated 1200-1500 years, as well as the locals, their spirits believed here. In their manufacture, a complex mummification process was used, and now they are carefully protected, since there are no cases of thefts. Why? As one of the robbers said, "he had the right to do so," since Mummy had to him right-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfathers.

Overto Bridge, Scotland

Old arched bridge is located near the Scottish village Milton. In the middle of the 20th century, strange things began to work on it: dozens of dogs suddenly threw up from a 15-meter height, fell on the stones and broke to death. Those that survived, returned and repeated attempted. The bridge turned into a real "killer" four-legged.

Cave Aktun-Tunichil Muknal, Belize

Aktun-Tunichil-Muknal - Cave near San Ignacio, Belize. It is an archaeological monument of Maya civilization. Located on the territory of Natural Park Tapir Mountain. One of the halls of the cave is the so-called cathedral, where Maya committed sacrifices, as they considered this place with a saibalbic - entrance to the underworld.

Lip Castle, Ireland

Lip Castle in Offali, Ireland, is considered one of the damned castles of the world. His gloomy landmark is a large underground darkness, the bottom of which is covered with sharp stakes. The dungeon was discovered during the restoration of the castle. In order to take out all the bones from it, the workers needed 4 wagons. Locals say that the castle inhabits many ghosts of people who died in the dungeon.

Cemetery Chaucilla, Peru

Cemetery Chachilla is about 30 minutes from Nask's desert plateau, on the southern coast of Peru. The necropolis was discovered in the 20s of the twentieth century. According to researchers, the bodies are found in the cemetery, which is about 700 years old, and the last burials were held here in the 9th century. Chachilla differs from other burial places in a special way that people were buried. All the bodies are "squatting", and their "faces" seems to be frozen in a wide smile. Bodies are perfectly preserved thanks to the Peruvian dry desert climate.

Sanctuary of Torch, Tunisia

The most infamous feature of the religion of Carthage was a victim of children, mostly breast babies. During the sacrifice, it was forbidden to cry, as it was believed that any tear, any plaintive sigh diminish the value of the victim. In 1921, archaeologists discovered a place where several rows of urns were found with charred remains of both animals (they were sacrificed instead of people) and young children. The place was called Tofet.

Snake Island, Brazil

Kamead Grande is one of the most dangerous and famous islands of our planet. It contains only a forest, a rocky intense coast up to 200 meters and snake. One square meter of the island has to six snakes. The poison of these reptiles is valid instantly. Brazilian authorities decided to fully ban on the visit of this island for any, and the locals tell the chilling blood of the story about him.

Bosludge, Bulgaria

The largest monument in Bulgaria, located on Mount Bosludge, 1441 meters high, was built in the 1980s in honor of the Bulgarian Communist Party. Almost 7 years left for its construction and more than 6 thousand workers and experts were involved. The interior was partially decorated with marble, and the stairs were decorated with red cathedral glass. Now the house-monument is completely plundered, only a concrete frame with reinforcement, similar to a destroyed alien ship, remained.

City of the Dead, Russia

Dargavs in North Ossetia looks like a pretty village with small stone houses, but in fact it is an ancient necropolis. In the sclections of various types, people were buried together with all their clothes and personal belongings.

Abandoned Military Hospital Belitz Hailsteten, Germany

During the first and second world wars, the hospital was used by the military, and in 1916 he was treated Adolf Hitler. After the Second World War hospital, it was in the zone of the Soviet occupation and became the largest Soviet hospital outside the USSR. The complex consists of 60 buildings, some of which are now renovated. Almost all abandoned buildings are closed to access. Doors and windows are securely clipped with high boards and plywood sheets.

Unfinished metro in Cincinnati, USA

The abandoned metro depot in Cincinnati is the construction project of 1884. But after the First World War, and as a result of changes in the demographic situation, the need for the subway disappeared. Construction slowed down in 1925, half of the 16-kilometer line was completed. Now, along the abandoned metro, excursions are held twice a year, but it is known that many people roam their tunnels alone.

Hanging Sugada Coffins, Philippines

On the island of Luzon in the village of Sagada is one of the most frightening places in the Philippines. Here you can see unusual funeral facilities from coffins placed high above the ground on the rocks. Among the indigenous population there is a belief that, the higher the body of the deceased will be buried, the soul will be closer to heaven.

Atomic Lighthouse at Cape Aniva (Sakhalin)

The lighthouse was built with great difficulty in 1939 on the project of the architect Miura Syncu - it was a unique and most complex technical structure on all Sakhalin. It functioned on a diesel generator and backup batteries before the early 1990s, and after it was converted. Thanks to the atomic source of energy, the maintenance costs were minimal, but soon there were no money left - the building was empty, and in 2006 the military was taken out of here two isotopic attitudes that fed a lighthouse. Once he shone at 17.5 miles, and now looted and came to the launch.

The eighth workshop of the plant "Dagdizel", Makhachkala

Sea Weapon Test Station, commissioned in 1939. It is located at a distance of 2.7 km from the coast and no longer used. Construction was conducted for a long time and complicated by difficult conditions. Unfortunately, the workshop served for a long time. Requirements for work carried out in the workshop, and in April 1966, this grandiose structure was written off from the factory balance. Now this "array" is abandoned and stands in the Caspian Sea, reminding from the shore an ancient monster.

Psychiatric Clinic Lier Sichus, Norway

At the Norwegian psychiatric hospital, which is located in the small town of Lier, half an hour from Oslo, the dark past. Once there were experiments on patients, and for unknown reasons, four hospital corps were abandoned in 1985. Equipment, beds, even magazines and personal belongings remained in the abandoned buildings. At the same time, the remaining eight hospital buildings work to this day.

Island Gukanjamima, Japan

In fact, the island is called Hasima, has a nickname of Gunkanjima (Gunkanjima), which means "island cruiser". The island settled in 1810, when they found coal there. For fifty years, it turned into the most populated island in the world at the ratio of sushi and the number of residents on it: 5,300 people with a radius of the island of one kilometer. By 1974, coal reserves and other fossils on Gunkadzhim were finally exhausted, and people left the island. Today, visiting the island is prohibited. The people there are a lot of legends about this place.