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The meaning of the word dissonance. Russian language and literature dissonance in Russian

  • DISSONANCE in the dictionary of musical terms:
    (Franz. Dissonance, from Lat. Dissono - Nestrojo sound) - consonance, causing the feeling of inconsistency and increased irritation ...
  • DISSONANCE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    - a sense of dissatisfaction, disappointment of the buyer in the product, dissatisfaction with his valid qualities, as they do not fit the promised in ...
  • DISSONANCE in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
    (Franz. Dissonance from Lat. Dissono - Nestroyno sound), 1) In music, unsalted, tense simultaneous sound of various tones. Dzonsennce is opposite to Conason. ...
  • DISSONANCE in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Dissonance (physical explanation). - Explanation D., on the Helmholtz, comes down to the phenomenon of sound trembling or strikes (Battens, Stosse, Schwebungen) caused by the simultaneous sound of two ...
    [French Dissonance, from Latin Dissonans will distinguish, distinguished, distinguishing, concert, simultaneous sound of two or more intact tones; 2) Lack in ...
  • DISSONANCE in the encyclopedic dictionaries:
    a, m. 1. MN. No, music. The combination of sounds that causes the feeling of inconsistency; the same as the diaphony; Antip. Connce. || Wed Disharmony, asophony ...
  • DISSONANCE in the encyclopedic dictionary:
    , -A, m. 1. Nearmonic combination of musical sounds, unsalted sound of tones; Antip. Connce (special). D. in the choir. 2. Turn. What ...
  • DISSONANCE in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Dissonance (Franz. Dissonance, from Lat. Dissono - Nestrojo sound), in music - non-stable, tense simultane. Sound is spoken. tones. D. is the opposite ...
  • DISSONANCE in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    ? The connection of two or more sounds, not satisfying, not soothing musical feeling, due to the fact that their vibrations or oscillations are rarely ...
  • DISSONANCE in the full accentuated paradigm on the link:
  • DISSONANCE in the popular intelligent encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language:
    -A, m. 1) Special. The combination of sounds, causing the feeling of inconsistency, violation of fraud. We loved these dissonances, these roar, these stons, these ...
  • DISSONANCE in the dictionary for solving and drafting scanvords:
    Inaccuracy, cutting ...
  • DISSONANCE in the new foreign word dictionary:
    (FR Dissonance Lat. Disso-Nans is unstroitically sounding) 1) MUZ. a combination of sounds that causes the feeling of inconsistency (or insufficient consistency); Antip. consonance; 2) ...
  • DISSONANCE in the dictionary of foreign expressions:
    [FR Dissonance 1. MUZ. a combination of sounds that causes the feeling of inconsistency (or insufficient consistency); Antip. consonance; 2. The lack of harmony in what-l.; discrepancy, ...
  • DISSONANCE in the Synonyms Dictionary Abramova:
    cm. …
  • DISSONANCE in the dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language:
    diaphony, asophony, intolerance, intact, inconsistency, inconsistency, inconsistency, disagreement, ...
  • DISSONANCE in the new intelligent-word-formative dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    m. 1) Violation of harmony, prowiness, the simultaneous sound of two or more unseeled tones (in music) (anti-copy.: Connce). 2) over. What ...
  • DISSONANCE in the dictionary of the Russian language of Lopatina:
    dsson'ans, ...
  • DISSONANCE in the full spelling dictionary of the Russian language:
    dissonance, ...
  • DISSONANCE in the spelling dictionary:
    dsson'ans, ...
  • DISSONANCE in the dictionary of the Russian language Ozhegov:
    Spec is a non-harmonic combination of musical sounds, the unsalted sound of the tones of Connce D. in the choir. The dissonance is what makes breakdown, conflict ...
  • Dissonance in the Dalya dictionary:
    husband. , Franz. Nesteriness music. sounds; The degrades, discharge, disagreement, disagree, disagree, disagree, disagree. Consonance, consent, ...
  • DISSONANCE in the modern explanatory dictionary, BSE:
    (Franz. Dissonance, from Lat. Dissono - Nestroyno sound), 1) In the music of unsalted, tense simultaneous sound of various tones. Dzonsennce is opposite to Conason. ...
  • DISSONANCE in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ushakov:
    dissonance, m. (Latin. Dissonantia - multi-chain). 1. Nearmonic combination of musical sounds (music.). 2. Turn. Dispose of the disorder in what ..., sharply ...
  • DISSONANCE in the explanatory dictionary of Ephremova:
    dissonance m. 1) Violation of harmony, prowance, the simultaneous sound of two or more indispensable tones (in music) (anti-copy.: Connce). 2) over. Then ...

In this article, consider in detail such a thing as dissonance. What it is? In which areas is it used?


The word comes from the Latin Dissonantia, which can literally be translated as "intact sound." Dissonance - what is this term? What is its maintenance? This term is actively used in different spheres. For example, it is often used in art, psychology, philosophy. Does the word dissonance synonym? There are several concepts with a similar value. Here are the most common of them: inconsistency, disagreement, contradiction, disharmony, asophony (the latter is synonymous with the field of music theory). In fact, this is a violation of harmony, some discomfort caused by the inconsistency of existing knowledge and ideas with other new facts. Dissonance - what is it, for example, in the theory of art? Turn to scientific interpretation. According to Encyclopedia, dissonance in music is a different sound. In this case, simultaneously sound tones do not merge with each other.

Opposite concepts

Connce (from Latin Consonantia - Proeving) is a completely polar dissonance definition. But together they characterize relations between two pairs of "elements". They, these components, in essence, are knowledge. Some "elements" are knowledge relative to their "I". Others are the information relating to the general problems of the world order. The term "knowledge" was often used in the broad sense of the word, including in itself, except, in fact, information, also opinions, as well as beliefs, installations and values. Despite the fact that there are quite significant differences between these phenomena, they can be considered "elements of knowledge." And it is between their pairs there may be a dissonance and consonance.

Types of relationships

If the cognitive elements do not occur anywhere, do not intersect with each other and have nothing to do with themselves, such elements should be called irrelevant. For us, it is interesting only those elements between which Consonance and Dissonance can arise and arise. The theory of cognitive dissonance was formulated in the middle of the twentieth century by Leon Festinger. According to it, two separately located elements will be in dissonance one in relation to the other if the denial of one of them is derived from the other. You can bring here such an example: a person is confident that he is surrounded by his friends exclusively, but still he has discomfort and fear in this situation.

That is, there is a dissonant relationship. Or another example: a person who climbed into serious debts, suddenly decides to go in the expensive world journey. Here, too, two cognitive elements will be dissoned among themselves. "Disorder" between two elements of knowledge can appear as a consequence of a number of different reasons. It may be the desires and expectations of a person, acquired by life experience or other factors. More details we look at them further.

Causes of cognitive dissonance

To the question "Dzonsensen - what it is" we have already answered. Now, for the completeness of the picture, it is worth dealing with the causes and factors of its occurrence. First, it may arise due to a logical inconsistency. For example, if a person is confident that he will build a good house in a year, but the concept has no idea how to lay a foundation, then these two elements are dissonant. Secondly, cultural traditions or customs may be the cause. Suppose that the man is not inferior in the tram of the Elderly Grandma's place, but he knows that according to the established rules of etiquette and moral norms, he should do it. In this case, his knowledge and awareness of what he does wrong is dissonant relationships. Although in some other culture, where it was not accepted to give way in transport in transport, this situation was obviously not an example of the relationship under consideration.

Thirdly, dissonance occurs when private opinion in a particular situation goes beyond the scope of more generalized. Let's say a citizen who considers himself a radical votes in elections for a candidate of liberal views. Cognitive elements on these two opinions will be dissonant. Finally, the state of cognitive dissonance may occur due to previously acquired experience. Imagine a person who several times in their life sick with acute angina after an eaten ice cream. And now, once again he eats him. At the same time, he hopes not to get sick again. This is a vivid example of cognitive dissonance based on past life experience.

The degree of "inconsistency"

Determine the level of dissonance will help one obvious aspect. It lies in the objective characteristics of the elements between which the "inappropriate" attitude is observed. Suppose that two in the knowledge system are dissonant relative to each other. Then the degree of "inconsistencies" will be in direct proportional dependence on the level of importance of these elements. If the components are very significant for a particular individual, then the dissonance will be, respectively, high.


Imagine a person feeding fifty rubles a beggar begging in the underground transition. At the same time, this person realizes that the poor man does not need these money. But still he gives money, and dissonance that occurs in this case between two elements is not very strong. After all, neither the first nor the second element is so significant for this person. And the second, radically opposite example. A student, on the eve of an important exam for him, is not preparing absolutely to him. At the same time, he is well aware that the level of his knowledge on the subject will not allow him to pass this test. And in this case, the degree of dissonance for the student will be significantly higher, because both elements of knowledge are very important for an individual.

Are there systems free from dissonance relationships?

With a lot of confidence, it can be assumed that in our life there is no such system in our life, which would be completely free from the presence of "inconsistencies". After all, whatever action is going to take an individual, whatever feeling he has always, there will always be at least one minor cognitive element that will enter into dissonance relations with the behavioral component.

Here is a simple example. It would seem that the ordinary and trivial belief in the need and usefulness of the evening walk before bedtime can have some cognitive elements that will perform dissonant with this knowledge. So, a person may think about the fact that he is waiting for any cases that he must finish. Or he will notice that the street is going to rain and the like. In a word, to any cognitive element in the same system will definitely be relevant to it other elements, so the undoubted fact is the presence of albeit to a slight degree, but dissonance.

- (Novo Lat. Dissonantia, from fre. dis, and Sonare sound). Nearmonic, unpleasant hearing combination of sounds. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Dissonance [FR. Dissonance Dictionary of Foreign Words of the Russian Language

dissonance - A, m. Dissonance f. 1. In music, a violation of harmony, prowance, the simultaneous sound of two or more intimate tones (antipyp. Connce). Bass 2. Dissonance, unpleasant to the ear, the feeling obtained depending on the relationship between numbers ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

Dissonance - See rhyme. Literary encyclopedia. At 11 tons; M.: Publishing House of the Communist Academy, Soviet Encyclopedia, fiction. Edited by V. M. Friece, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929 1939 ... Literary encyclopedia

dissonance - Cm … Synonym dictionary

DISSONANCE - (Franz. Dissonance from the lat. Dissono is unstorous), 1) in music is unsalted, tense simultaneous sound of various tones. Dzonsennce is opposite to Conason. The dissonance includes large and small seconds and septim, enlarged and reduced ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

DISSONANCE - Dissonance, Dissense, husband. (Lat. Dissonantia multi-beam). 1. Nearmonic combination of musical sounds (music.). 2. Turn. The disorder phenomenon in something, the sharply different from all other things, contrary to the general order (book). His … Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

DISSONANCE - Dissonance, and, husband. 1. Nearmonic combination of musical sounds, unsalted sound of tones; Antip. Connce (special). D. in the choir. 2. Turn. What makes the embodiment, conflicts with which N.; inconsistency, inconsistency. Make d. In ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

DISSONANCE - Husband., Franz. Nesteriness music. sounds; The delimarious, discharge, disagreement, disagree, disagree, disagree, · counterpart. consonance, consent, harmony. Explanatory dictionary of Daly. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

DISSONANCE - (from Lat. Dissonus discharge, non-stroke) intact, disorder, discord. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. 2010 ... Philosophical encyclopedia

Dissonance - Connection of two or more sounds, not satisfying, failureless musical feeling, due to the fact that their vibrations of or painting rarely coincide. D. requires a transition or so-called solving in Connce. With a two-minded combination ... ...

Dissonance - (physical explanation). D.A. explanation, in Helmholtz, comes down to the phenomenon of sound trembling or blows (battens, stosse, schwebungen) caused by the simultaneous sound of two tones that are dying between themselves. These shake sound ... ... Encyclopedia Brockhaus and Ephron


  • Dissonance, Fuchanov Artem, Zamsky Alexey, Uryruck. In the distant alternative worlds, unusual and colorful stories occur: a person seeks the love of the moon, a negligent witch steals gold heels, and funny kids fight for a cup of tea. TO…

We all know what the dissonance is in music. This is a non-harmonic sound. But it turns out that dissonance happens in cognivistism. What does he mean in this science, let's figure it out on the examples.


What is dissonance? This word happened from the Latin concept of Dissonantia, which means "multi-chain". Therefore, it is not surprising that the first meaning of the term "dissonance" is precisely the non-harmonic sound of musical sounds. But over time, the language has changed, and the term has gained more importance. Today, the term "dissonance" is defined as what is sharply different from something generally accepted. For example, contradicts the concepts, traditions or polls.

Dissonance in cognivistism

The continuity of concepts is especially noticeable in psychology, and in the sciences as a whole. What is this cognitive dissonance? Similar words, it can be said that this is a state of a person when confrontation arises in his mind between its moral stood, life values \u200b\u200band an emotional reaction.

The term of the term was introduced by Leon Festinger in 1957. The scientist put the goal to understand and explain the reaction of a person to the situation when the person does not want to take reality for reality, but he has to do this. In such conditions, the experimental tried by all means to avoid the situation, which delivered him discomfort.

The emergence of dissonance

Psychology is a very interesting science. Viewing what dissonance is, it is impossible not to mention the reasons for which it appears. One of the most common is a logical inconsistency. Since all people are different, brought up in different families and as a result received knowledge from various areas. Therefore, they perceive the world, as it were, "from their bell tower."

Yes, there are still people who believe that there is no evil in the world, all beautiful such individuals consider good. This can not be called a disease or anneathere. They just did not explain in childhood that it was not. And they got sick with the wrong judgments, which sometimes happens very difficult. It is sometimes easier to even change the attitude towards what is happening than rebuilding its picture of the world.

The theory of dissonance says that the second cause of its occurrence is the difference in cultural customs. Each country has its own holidays, rites and sacred rituals. A person who lived with Christian religion all his life is difficult to adopt Muslim or Islam.

Examples of dissonance

To better understand complex psychological terms, you need to consider everyday situations that illustrate them. Examples of cognitive dissonance can be found everywhere.

Two graduates come to the university. One is an excellent party, and the other is a triple. And, of course, all teachers are waiting for the school situation at the Institute. But the years go, and the trielery makes every effort to get knowledge. He burns his profession, from the second course actively practicing her in life, begins to work and eventually arranges very well.

But the excellent show is not so foolo. He studies is still good, knowledge is easy for him, but he does not consider it necessary to apply them in practice. And as you know, what is not supported by daily practice is quickly forgotten. So it turns out this situation when a young man ends the institute, and it cannot find the work, since there are many theories in his head, but there are no practical skills. Cognitive dissonance is that the triple will find a good job and can achieve a lot in life, and an excellent student can only work in a small company or train theoretical knowledge of other people.

Or another example. People stand at the bus stop. Next to them on a bench sits a bum and eats a pie. Everyone is trying not to look at this dirty person who, in their opinion, is an unworthy member of society. Dowed patty, the homeless gets up, comes up to the trash and throws a cellophane package into it. People in shock - how so? Such an unpleasant type of type turned out to be a rather decent person.

The degree of dissonance

Life is very inconstant, and the situation in it can be found different. Therefore, at different periods of time, the cognitive dissonance can increase or, on the contrary, becoming weaker. There are cases when a person can change something in a situation. For example, he needs to eat, but no time to prepare food. He has two outputs - go to the store and buy semi-finished products or order delivery lunch. Both options seem fairly acceptable, and dissonance will be weak. But when you need to make a difficult choice, the level of stress increases.

A person needs to decide on the receipt of the university. And he understands that in case of improper choice, life can be ruined. In this situation, cognitive dissonance will be incredibly strong. But, of course, it is possible to remove such psychological problems anyway.

Prevent the appearance of dissonance

If not able to change the current situation, it can always change its attitude towards it. Using what dissonance is, we can talk about the easiest way to prevent it. And this is a change in thinking. Instead of negative moments, you need to look for positive. For example, a person was looking for a job and received two attractive suggestions at once. Having all the "for" and "against", he made a choice. But as soon as he voiced his decision, the doubt settled in his soul. After all, at another place, the conditions were better, although the salary is lower. There is a wonderful team and excellent corporate.

To avoid such challenges, you need not to look for advantages in a rejected offer, but find minuses. After all, for some reasons, the proposal did not fit. So it is worthwhile in your head these reasons. And in the new job you need to look for positive moments. And do not be shy them to share with friends. After all, when a person voiced out his thoughts aloud and receives a positive response of friends, the willy-noilies begins and he himself believed in said.

One should never regret the mistakes made in the past. After all, it is thanks to them that you are who you are now. And do not commit a person of misses, he would never have acquired the necessary skills and experience. Therefore, it is not necessary to regret what happened, and then the cognitive dissonance will not "bother" too often.

Dsson'ans, dissonance, · husband. (· Lat. Dissonantia - multi-beam). 1. Nearmonic combination of musical sounds (music.). 2. Turn. The disorder disorder phenomenon is sharply different from all other things that contradicts a general order (· Book.). Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

  • dissonance - dissonance, a, m. 1. The non-harmonic combination of musical sounds, unsalted sound of the tones; Antip. Connce (special). D. in the choir. 2. Turn. What makes the discord, conflict with omn.; inconsistency, inconsistency. Make a d. In a common conversation. | arr. Dissonant, Aya, OE (K 1). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  • The dissonance is the connection of two or more sounds, not satisfying, not soothing musical feeling, due to the fact that their vibrations or oscillations rarely coincide. D. requires a transition or so-called permission to Connce. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Ephron
  • dissonance - dissonance -a; m. [Franz. DISSONANCE] 1. MUZ. Nearmonic combination of sounds (anti-counterpart.: Connce). Orchestra d. Catch the d. In the sound of violins. 2. What does not correspond to the case, violates harmony; Disagree, inconsistency. Explanatory dictionary of Kuznetsov
  • dissonance - -a, m. 1. MUZ. Non-harmonic combination of sounds; Antip. consonance. 2. Turn. Disorder, inconsistency, contradiction with something; what makes breaks dramatically does not match Small Academic Dictionary
  • dzonusonsen - SUT., Number of synonyms: 15 Diaphony 1 disharmony 18 Catyophonia 6 Cat Concert 9 Insension 10 Incompretation 6 Insurances 26 Insecurity 4 Non-compliance 35 Lack of Unity 18 Contradiction 35 Labor 58 Disagreement 32 Discharge 27 Discrepancy 29 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  • dissonance - dissonance I m. Violation of harmony, prowiness, combination of sounds that cause inconsistency; diaphony. || Antip. Conason II m. The lack of harmony in something, the inconsistency of anything; Disorder. III ... Explanatory dictionary Efremova
  • Dissonance - I Dissonance (Franz. Dissonance, from Lat. Dissono - Nestroyno sound) in the renovation, the type of rhyme consonance, in which they do not match the struck vowels, for example: the word - left - glory. Sound repeat ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  • dissonance - Dissense, m. [Latin. Dissonantia - multi-chain]. 1. Nearmonic combination of musical sounds (music.). 2. Turn. The disorder phenomenon in which, sharply different from all other things contrary to the general order (book.). Large dictionary of foreign words
  • Dissonance - Dissonance (Franz. Dissonance, from Lat. Dissono - Nestroyno sound) - 1) In music, unsalted, tense simultaneous sound of various tones. Dzonsennce is opposite to Conason. Big Encyclopedic Dictionary
  • dissonance - Dissonance, dissonances, dissonance, dissonances, dissonance, dissonances, dissonance, dissonances, dissonance, dissonances, dissonance, dissonances Grammar dictionary of Zaliznyaka
  • dissonance - Dissenian m. Franz. Musical nestroaction. sounds; The degrades, discharge, disagreement, disagree, disagree, disagree, disagree. consonance, consent, harmony. Explanatory dictionary of Daly