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Love Lyrics Yesenin. The theme of love in the work of S.A. Yesenin. I chose this topic, because I like the poems of Yesenin, especially his songs. They are melodic, thoughtful. Download the presentation on the topic of love Lyrics Yesenin

  • Introduce students to the poetic world of Esenin, to reveal the complexity and drama of the life and creative path;
  • Help to assess the deepest sincerity of the poet and to realize the importance of a solid life position in the fate of a person.

  • Portrait - Figure S. Yesenina Yu. Alikushina;
  • Song audio recordings on Poems S. Yesenin;
  • Photos Sh. Talian and Galina Benislavskaya


Sergey Yesenin is not so much a person as an organ created by nature exclusively for poetry, to express the "inexhaustible sorrow of fields", love to the whole living in the world and mercy, which is more and deserved by a person ...

A.M. Bitter

Sorry Grove Golden Birch, cheerful tongue, And cranes, sad flying I don't regret no longer about com Who sorry? After all, each in the world is a wanderer - Will passed, will go and leave the house again. About all those who have gone are dreaming hemp With a wide month over a blue pond.

Stand alone among the plain naked And the cranes relates the wind in the distance, I am full of thought about youth fun But nothing in the past me is not sorry. I'm not sorry for me, it's estimated in vain, Do not sorry the soul lilac color. In the garden burns the Krubina Red, But no one can warm.

Rowan brushes will not burn, The grass will not disappear from the yellowness, How the tree drops quiet leaves, So I drop sad words.

And if time, the wind is placed, Complete them all in one unnecessary com ... Say so ... that the grove is gold He sentenced a cute tongue.

Swans and not to look for a trace. You sent me forever. With scarlet juice berries on the skin, Tender, beautiful, was On the sunset you pink looks And, like snow, rays and light. Your grains of your eyes sat down, started The name is thin melted like sound But remained in the folds crumpled shawl The smell of honey from innocent hands.

In a quiet hour when driving on the roof, Like a kitten, washes her mouth mouth, Talking meek about you I hear Water singing with wind honeycomb. Let some be whispering to me a blue evening, That you were a song and a dream, Still, who invented your flexible mill and shoulders - Bright secret attached mouth. Do not wander, not to mine in the bushes of the crimson Swans and not to look for a trace. With hair sheaf your oatmeal You sent me forever.

Kochalov dog

So I did not see such a paw. Come on with you under the moon on quiet, silent weather. Give me, Jim, on the happiness of the paw to me.

Please dove, do not lean. Understand with me at least the simplest.

After all, you do not know what life is, you do not know what to live in the world costs. Your owner and mil and famous, and he has a lot of guests in the house, and everyone, smiling, relieves you on the wool velvet touch. You are a doggy devilish in doggy, with such a cute trusting. And, no one asking anyone as a drunk friend, you climb kissing. My dear Jim, among your guests, so many of all sorts of nesty. But the one that all silent and sadness, did not accidentally come here? She will come, give you the order. And without me, in her gaze, you are leasing for me gently with her hand for everything, what was and was not to blame.

"Cute Galya! You are close to me as a friend ... " Galina Arturovna Benislavskaya (1897-1926)

"What to wish for life wearing?

Probotnya sat down his and house

I would like good now

See a girl under the window.

So that with eyes she


Only me -

Not anyone -

And words and feelings


Soothed heart and chest. "

Sergey Yesenin

I remember my favorite, I remember

The glow of your hair.

Not joyful and not easy to me

Leave you led.

I remember the autumn nights,

Birch rustling of shadows,

Let the days then were shorter,

The moon laminated us longer.

I remember you told me:

"Blue years will pass,

And you will take a visit, my dear,

With another of me forever "

And heart, cool without getting ready,

And sadly another loving.

As if a favorite story

On the other recalls you.

Today is blooming linden

Reminded the feelings again

How gently then i raude

Flowers on curly strand .

  • I asked today from the change, what gives half the ruble for the ruble, how to tell me for the beautiful Lalya in Persian tender "love"?

I asked today from the change, lighter than the wind, silently inhouse jets, how to call me for a wonderful linger's word gentle "kiss"?

And I also asked the name, in the heart the timidity deeper, how to tell me for the wonderful Laly, how to tell her that she is "mine"?

And answered me changed briefly:

About love in words do not say

About love sighs only furtively, and eyes, like yahonts, burn.

The kiss name does not have

Kiss is not inscription on coffins. Red rose kisses fall, petals taia on lips.

From love do not require bail

I know joy and trouble. "You are mine" to say only can hands that we broke the black chader.

I never been on the Bosphorus,

You do not ask me about him.

I saw the sea in your eyes,

Blue flames.

I did not go to Baghdad with a caravan,

I did not carry a silk there and henu.

Turthed with their beautiful mill

On the knees let me relax.

Or again, how much I ask,

For you, forever do not,

That in the distant name - Russia -

I am a famous recognized poet.

In my soul rings Talliana,

With the moon dog hear Lai.

Don't you want, Persian,

See the distant blue edge?

I arrived here not from boredom -

You are me invisible, called.

And me are your swan hands

Chaplated, as if two wings.

I have long been looking for peacekeeper,

And at least a past life is not klyanu,

Tell me something like that

About your cheerful country.

Mock in the shower of Talianka,

Verify the breath of fresh spell,

So that I'm on the far northeye

Did not breathe, did not think, did not miss.

And although I was not on the Bosphorus -

I'll think of you about him.

Anyway - your eyes are like the sea

Blue pegs with fire.

Shagana, you are mine, Shagana Shagana Nersesovna Taliana (1900-1976)

"Shagana you are mine, Shagana

Because I'm from the north, or

I am ready to tell you the field,

About wavy rye under the moon.

Shagana you are mine, Shagana ... "

I have to go back to go to Russia.

Persia! Do you leave you?

Forever and ever i break with you

From love to my sorry to me?

I have to go back to go to Russia

Where the threshold is covered with roses.

There lives thoughtful per.

In Khorsane there are such doors,

But I could not open those doors.

There are gold and copper in her hair.

I have enough strength in my hands,

But the doors could not unlock.

And for what? To whom to sing songs? -

If it became an unwretched step,

Kohl doors could not unlock,

Neither in the love of my courage.

Goodbye , peri, goodbye,

Let N. i was able to unlock the door,

You gave beautiful suffering

About you in the homeland i sing.

Goodbye, Peri , Goodbye

"For the fact that the girl awkward

i appeared to me on my way "

Zinaida Nikolaevna Reich 1894-1939


I tormented you

You had a longing in the eyes of tired:

What about you

It was squandered in scandals ... "

"Letter to a woman"

Goodbye, my friend, goodbye.

My dear, you are in my chest.

Designed parting

Promises a meeting ahead.

Goodbye, my friend, without hand, without a word,

Do not be sad and no sorrow eyebrows, -

In this life, dying is not new,

But live, of course, not new.

Summary of other presentations

"Love in the work of Yesenin" - the cycle "Love Huligan". The time of the soul crisis of the poet. Love lyrics. The fire was noticed blue. Creation. Poems of the last period of creativity. Cherry sky with snow. True love. Yesenin traveled to Batumi. The topic of love in the lyrics of Yesenin. Love. Lyrical hero. Imitation song. Birch girl. Green hairstyle.

"Nature in the works of Yesenin" - Sergey Yesenin. Feeling of the motherland. Source inspiration. The edge is beloved. Lyrics alive with one big love. Acceptance of the personification of nature. Rosa glitters on nettle. Nature in the work of S.A.Senin. Poems Sergey Yesenin. I do not regret, do not call, do not cry.

"Mesenin photos" - Moscow. Sergey Timofeevich Konenkov. Yesenin Sergey Aleksandrovich. Yesenin. Monument. Birch. Yesenin with friends. Yesenin with children. Duncan. My friend. Letter mother. Isadora Duncan.

"Nature in the Lyrics of Yesenin" - Konstantinovo. Love to motherland. White birch. Hescape peasant. Sergey Yesenin. Native nature in lyrics S.A.Senin. Our field. Raduitsa. Creativity Yesenin. This is a rustic guy drama. Blue sky. Spare-Crepikovskaya school. Rostsya Golden said. I am not new man. Talianochka. I was born with songs in a grass blanket. The edge is beloved. The most original poet. Light evening saffron edge. Nature as an expression of the surrounding world.

"Women Sergey Yesenin" - Daughter. Sophia fat. Love. First civilian wife. Sergey Aleksandrovich Yesenin. August Miklashevskaya. Galina Benislavskaya. Nadezhda Volpin. Isadora Duncan. Sardanovskaya Anna Alekseevna. Anna Israznova. The experiences of the Great Poet. Poet. Zinaida Reich. Yesenian passion. Hypothesis. Shagana (Shagandukht) Talian.

"The image of the Motherland in the work of Yesenin" - Russia. There is no poet without a homeland. Lyrics. Klena Zaled. Monument to S.A. Jenin. Round songs. Rostsya Golden said. Country of Birch Sitz. Children's poet. The image of the motherland. Sergey Yesenin. Goodbye, my friend, goodbye. Forever I have a tenderness of a sad Russian soul. Creativity S.A. Yesenin.

Project prepared
Students 11 "L" class:
Mirzaeva M., Zokirova N.,
Mirzookhunova S.

Topic Actualization:

Love Lyrics Yesenin
People's songs
The origins of early
Love lyrics
Love lyrics

The theme of love in the work of S.Senin is not developing consistently, but with pass and retrospective returns into the past. Initially was

Theme of love in the work of S.Senin
develops not consistently, but with pass
and retrospective returns in the past.
Initially, there was a fabulously distant girl in white,
unclear for the reader, but certainly
sublime for the poet
Somewhere behind the garden looked
Where Kalina blooms,
Tender girl in white
Tender song sings

About love Yesenin writes already in the earliest
their verses whose origins in the song
Russian folklore.
You got a horse from a grievance regarding
Reflecting, birchs broke into the pond.
I looked from the window on the blue handkerchief,
Kudri black snakeno drinked breeze
I wanted flickering foam jets
With the scarlet lips of yours with pain to rip the kiss.
All elements of verse, and copyright are stylized here.
"I" is inevitably perceived as a traditional
"I" of a folk lyrical song.


In the fall of 1921 in Moscow
The famous arrived
Dancer Isenora
Duncan, lonely, already
Unclear woman. Yesenin
captured extraordinary
the art of dancers, her
temperament, charm
Personality. Soon they became
husband and wife. In the spring of 1922
Spouses flew into the wedding
Travel first in
Europe, and then in the USA.

Augustus Miklashevskaya

In 1923, when the poet returns due to the border, it is love for a woman
healed the soul of the poet,
Swells in the fall of the same year with a cycle
poems "Love Huligan".
Birth of this work
associated with the name of the actress chamber
Theater - Augusta Micklyshevskaya.

The dream of "clean" love is one of
Through motifs lyrics Yesenin.
In 1924-1925 in the Caucasus
Yesenin wrote amazing
Lyrical cycle
poems "Persian
Motives. " Poems of this cycle attempt to gain agreement with ourselves
by itself, with the world. In Yeseninsky cycle
Excays are heard
Old Poetry, in it
Seen of gracious are seen
fabulous country.

Shagana you are mine, Shagana!
Because I'm from the north, or
I am ready to tell you the field,
About wavy rye under the moon.
Shagana you are mine, Shagana.

Philosophy of love lyrics.

Poems about love,
written in
last years
Life, imbued
Hate I.
all sort of kind
Little B.
Relations, K.
Women's Budavia
To love without heat,
without loyalty without

Poems about the love of recent years, the poet angry condemns "Lady-free lies", he does not accept women of "Legodumny, false and empty" and with longing

Poems about the love of recent years
The poet is angry condemns "LAST LAST", he is not
Reception of women "Legodumny, false and empty" and with
Koskoy writes about the hearts of cooling, not capable
Give love to people. The lyrical hero dreams of
Clean and sublime love, in recent years this
The dream was transformed in the ideal of the pristine,
Joyful, life-giving feeling.
Philosophical reflections on life, love, about homeland
Marked in the lyrics of the recent years of the poet

"Thirst for human tenderness" phenomenon is incredit, but only
Changing your forms. And poems O.
love written by S.Senin find
your own szvuk in the reader's soul. Feeling,
poured poet
no longer him one - it
becomes a property
Many ...

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Lyric love Yesenin
My life, Ile you dreamed of me ...

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Sergey Yesenin
Born on September 21 (October 3) 1895 in the village of Konstantinovo, after his death renamed Esenino. Son of a wealthy peasant of Ryazan province; At the age of 16 he graduated from church-parish school in his native village; I tried the formation of my own forces. Began to write poems at nine years. In 1912 he came to Moscow and soon became in contact with the underground Bolshevik organization. For some time he worked as a printer. In 1914 he moved to St. Petersburg, where he had a familiarity with Russian symbolist poets, including A. Block. The first poetic collection of Yesenin was published in 1916. From 1919 to 1921, he headed the literary group, called himself by the IMAZHINISTS; In the early 1920s made several travels to Western Europe and America. Some time was married to the American dancer Aidestore Duncan, then divorced her and married his granddaughter L. Tolstoy. Warm drunkenness and random life undermined his mental health, and on December 28, 1925, he, according to the main version, committed suicide (in Leningrad; buried in Moscow).

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Esenin's poetry is distinguished by deep sincerity and high emotional heat. In essence, he was a peasant poet, and his personal tragedy was largely generated by a conclusion from the native environment, inevitable. The peasant motives of his poetry moved into the past after 1917, when the industrial proletariat became decisive strength, rejected peasant individualism. The main poetic images of Yesenin have a religious color that at the end of his life even more aggravated with a rapidly worsening relationship with official criticism. Nevertheless, the pre-revolutionary and first post-revolutionary verses of Yesenin reflect the authority attraction to change. He enthusiastically welcomed the October coup 1917; The ideological breakdown with Bolshevism has emerged later. Solded with critics and oppressed by hostile reality, he tried to write poems that glorify the "steel horse" (steam locomotive), a symbol of urban technological progress. The most important works are Marpha Posadanniy and Us (1914), Comrade and singing call (1917-1918), Huligan's confession (1921) and Pugachev (1922).

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Anna Ferezzhanova
The fire was noticed, the birthions were forgotten. For the first time I was reckled about love, I repent the scandal for the first time. I was all - as a launched garden, was on women and potions falling. I broke down to sing and dance and lose your life without looking back.

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In 1912, the seventeen-year-old village boy of Seryazh Yesenin, beautiful, as Verbal Cherubi, came to conquer Moscow and soon settled to work in the printing house of the Sitin correct. In his brown suit and bright green tie, he looked urban: not ashamed and to go to the editor, and get to know the lady. But the editorial staff did not want to print, and the ladies laughed at his talk, tie and independent manners. Only Runs Anya, Anna Ferezzhanova, who also served as the corrector from Sytin, managed in a boy who was younger for four years, to see a real poet. How she understood him! How she loved him! Anna became his first woman. Sergey felt an adult man, her husband. In the removed room at Serpukhov's outpost and the Yesenin family life begins. Work, house, family, Anna is waiting for a child, and there is not enough strength to the poetry and time. For inspiration, Sergey leaves in Crimea. One. Returned full of impressions and inspiration. He threw the work and wrote poems for all day. Anna did not reread and did not require anything from him. Just loved. In December 1914, Yesenin took a wife in the hospital. It was terribly proud when the son was born. By the return of Anna from the hospital laundered the room to the brilliance, prepared lunch. A 19-year-old father was surprised to peering in a tiny sown face, looking for his features in it, and could not fall in love. Called the baby George, JOST. Joy ended quickly. Children's crying, dirty diapers, sleepless nights. After three months, Yesenin went to Petrograd: whether in search of success, or simply escaped from family happiness. Almost a year was dulling there and here. But neither the love of Ani, nor the child could hold it. Materially helped when he could. But soon the capital is cleaned, skidded. "Ah, nugget from Ryazan! Ah, new rings! " - they talked about him. And the fashionable poet was in literary salons. There were always wishing to drink with a genius. Probably, then quiet outfits, chanting gold rus, and turned into Kabatsky hooligan ...

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Zinaida Reich
You remember you all, of course, remember how I stood, approaching the wall; You excitedly walked around the room and something sharp in my face threw me ...

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Zinaida Reich gave birth to Yesenin two children - Kostik and Tanechka. Once in the summer of 1917, Yesenin came to the editorial office of the newspaper "People", where Sergey met the secretary Sinic. Zinaida Reich was a rare beauty. He has not yet seen such. Smart, educated, surrounded by fans, she dreamed of a scene. How he persuaded her to go with him to the north?! They married a little church under Vologda, sincerely believing that they would live long, happily and die in one day. Returning, settled by Zinaida. Her earnings had enough for two, and she tried to create seinery all the conditions for creativity. Yesenin was jealous. Drinking, I became just unbearable, having arranged a pregnant wife ugly scandals. He loved in Russian: at first he beat, and then lay in his feet, putting out forgiveness. In 1918, the Yesenin family left Petrograd. Zinaida went to the eagle to parents to give birth, and Sergey, along with a friend, took off the center of Moscow in the center of Moscow, where he helated in a bachelor: Boots, women, poems ...

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The daughter was born in May 1918. Zinaida called her in honor of Mother Sergey - Tatiana. But when a wife came to Moscow with a small tanya, Sergey met them so that the next day Zinaida went back. Then Yesenin asked for forgiveness, they put up, and scandals began again. After he beat her, a pregnant second child, Zinaida escaped him to parents finally. The Son was named bones in honor of the village of Konstantinovo, where Yesenin was born. Subsequently, Zinaida became an actress at the theater of the famous director of Vsevolod Meyerhold. In October 1921, Yesenin and Zinaida officially divorced, she married Meyerhold. The famous director brought up a bone and Tanechka, and Yesenin in the proof of love for children wore their photo in the breast pocket.

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Aisidor Duncan
Favorite! I tormented you, you had a longing in the eyes of tired: that I looked at you to the scandals in the scandals. But you did not know that in a solid smoke, in a raving buoy of the life from that and I suffer that I don't understand where the rock events carries us ...

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Eseidor Duncan did not speak Russian, Yesenin did not understand English. But it did not interfere with their love. Looking for the great American ballerina Aisidor Duncan, who came to Russia in 1921, invited to a creative evening ... She entered the flying gait, dropped the fur coat and spread the folds of silk chiton. The dancer looked like a revived statue of an ancient goddess. She poured a "penalty" a glass of wine. She raised his eyes from the glasses and saw him. He began to read poems. Aisidor did not understand a word, but could not tear away from him. And he declared, looking only for her. It seemed that there was no one else in the room. Having finished reading, Yesenin descended from the elevation and got into her arms. "Izador! My Isador! " - Yesenin sank before the knees dancer. She kissed him on his lips and said: "In La Taya Galava, in La Taya Ga La-Va". It was love at first sight, a kipache passion, a hurricane. And it does not matter that Aisidor almost did not speak Russian, and Sergey did not know English. They understood each other without words, because they were similar - talented, emotional, recklessness .. From that memorable Night, Yesenin moved to Aisidory's apartment. Yesenian friends-poets gladly went to this hospitable house, although they could not believe that the walking and hearts sincerely loved the woman who was almost twice as older. And he, looking like Aisidor dancing for him, losing his head, whispered: "My, my forever!"

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Ballerina with a world-famous name was rich and ready to give everything, only to her beloved Yesenin was happy. Kenches, champagne, fruits, gifts. She paid everything. But after a few months, Yesenískaya passion faded and began scandals. In a drunken ugar, he shouted: "Dunka, dances." And she danced in front of him and his drinking companions, without words showing her love, and humiliation, and pride, and indignation. She saw her favorite drink, and to save him, decided to take away abroad. In May 1922, Yesenin and Duncan registered marriage and left first to Europe, then to America. But there he was just a denuncan husband from the great poet. From this he was angry, drank, walked, beat, then rushed and explained in love. Friends Aisidora were horrified by her family life. - How do you allow you to contact yourself?! You are a great ballerina! Ishedora was justified: "He is sick. I can't quit him. It's like throwing a sick child. " In Soviet Russia, he was very hard, and without Russia is impossible. And Cheta Yesenina - Duncan returned back. She felt that the marriage falls apart, insanely jealous and suffered. After going on touring in Crimea, Aisidor was waiting for Sergey there, who promised to come soon. But instead, a telegram came instead: "I love the other, married, happy. Yesenin. This other was his fan of Galina Benislavskaya.

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Galina Benislavskaya
"What to wish for life weared? Probotinnya willing his own and house, I would now want to see a good girl under the window. So that with the eyes she is cornflowers, just me - not to someone - and words, and the feelings reassured the heart and chest."

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So beless, as Galina loved, rarely love. Yesenin considered her the closest friend, but did not see a woman in her. Well, what did he not be enough?! Slender, green-eyed, braids almost to the floor, but he did not notice this, he told about his feelings. Galina rejoiled him from Duncan, tried to dare and from friends-drinking companions, waited at night at the door as a faithful dog. Helped what could, ran up by editors, knocking out the fees. And the telegram in the Crimea Ayedor gave it. Galina considered him his husband, he also told her: "Galya, you are very good, you are the closest friend, but I do not like you ..." Yesenin led to her house of women and immediately consoled it: "I am afraid I, I don't want to But I know that I will beat. You do not want to beat, you can not beat. I two women beat Zinaida and Izador - and could not otherwise. For me, love is a terrible torment, it is so painful. " Galina everything was waiting for, when he sees not only a friend in it. But never waited. In 1925 he married ... In Tolstoy Sonechka.

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Sophia thick
It can be seen, so beyond forever - to thirty years, getting around, all the strongest, crippled, with life we \u200b\u200bhold the connection. Honey, I will soon knock on thirty, and the earth of Mileu to me every day. Therefore, the heart began to dream that I was grieving with pink fire.

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Yesenin was proud of what he had threatened with Tolstoy, marrying his granddaughter Sophia in early 1925 the poet met the granddaughter of Lion Tolstoy Sophia. Like most of the intelligent girls of the time, she was in love with the poetry of Yesenin and a little bit in the poet himself. 29-year-old Sergey Robel in front of the aristocracy and innocence of Sofia. One in the summer in the lime alley in the park, Roma approached them: - Hey, young, beautiful, give money, you know the fate! Yesenin laughed and took out money. - Wedding will soon have a curly! - laughed Gypsy. In July 1925, a modest wedding took place. Sonechka was ready, like her famous grandmother, devote her husband to her husband and his work. Everything was surprisingly good. The poet appeared a house, a loving wife, friend and assistant. Sofya was engaged in his health, prepared his poems for the collection of writings. And was absolutely happy. And Yesenin, having met buddy, answered the question: "How is life?" "I am preparing a collection of works in three volumes and live with an unloved woman." Yesenin continued to live life, where there was always a place with drunk kits and love affair with fans. "What happened? What happened to me? Every day I have other knees, "he wrote about himself.

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And for some reason he felt his ambulance: "I know, I know. Soon, soon, neither by my, nor whose fault under the low mourning fence will have to lie as much as me. " This wrote a 30-year-old handsome man who recently married him who adored his cute and smart girl, poet, whose collections flew straight from the printing house. All ended on December 28, 1925 in the Leningrad Hotel "Angletter". Sergey Yesenin found hanged on a rope from a suitcase. Nearby was a letter written by blood: "Goodbye, my friend, goodbye ..." All his wives, except the aceedor, who was in Paris, were attended by a funeral. Galina Benislavskaya shot himself on the grave of Yesenin. There were a lot of women who loved him, and there was little love in his life. Yesenin himself explained it like this: "No matter how much I swear to anyone in crazy love, no matter how much I assure myself in the same thing - all this is essentially a huge and rock mistake. There is something that I love the above all women, above any woman, and that I will not trade for any calas and any love. This is art…"

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The last years of Yesenin's life was marked by tragic contradictions. Receiving from under the power of Patriarchal Russia and rapprochement with a civilized world not only did not enrich, but there was a lot of cruel wounds of the well-being of the poet. In 1924-1925 He creates such masterpieces as the book of poems "Moscow Kabatskaya" (1924), the poem "Black Man" (1925). And yet in the struggle of the authorities against the "old", original Russians with its primarily "arable ideology", Yesenin resolutely stood on the side of the latter. In his poetry there is a sympathetic to the defeated rebel peasant movement, on the one hand, and hidden resistance, the fear of confusion, before violence - on the other: "Sorokoust", "the world is mysterious, the world of my ancient ..." (1921); The same in the dramatic poems "Pugachev" and "National Country" (1922-1923).

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The poet's attempt to look at the "novelty" of the post-tracking village of consolation results does not bring ("Return to the Motherland", 1924). In his homeland, he only sees that the shot "Bell Tower without a Cross", in the hollows thrown out with the Ground shelves sisters-Komsomologians icons, instead of which "on the wall of Calendar Lenin". In the last period of the life of Yesenin deliberately distinguished from the village - as from the Soviet "Novi" him. He comes out of life with a poetic eye, more addressed to his inner world than in external reality. Everything more persistent sounds in his poetry the theme of the approaching death. The day of Yesenin was tragically triggered in Leningrad, in the hotel "Angleter" with unexplained circumstances. Buried poet in Moscow at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

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Information Collection of poems S.Senin edited by Soviet Russia Moscow 1966

In the work of S. Yesenin, the topic of love sounds, starting from the earliest poems. First, these are works of folklore-poetic, stylishness, such as "imitation of a song", written in 1910: "I wanted to flicker the foam jets with the scarlet lips of your pain with pain." A poem looks like a folk lyrical song.

Lyrianism and other poems of this period - "Lucky on the lake scarlet light of dawn ...", "Cherrych's Symelch Snow ...", "Why call ..." They are devoted to Anna Sardanovskaya - Sister of a friend of childhood poet. The irrepressible soul bareback is born with love, enthusiastic dreams of a meeting: "Falling an endoan, outstanding, as a color, cross from joy there is no peresya ..."

Later in the love lyrics there are motifs that merge the poetry of love with the poetry of nature, transmitting the sublime spirituality of the feeling and its chascolism. So, in the poem "Green hairstyle ...", dedicated to L.I. Kashina, a fragile girl compares with a thin, looked into a pond with a birch, her pigtails - with branches, a lunar scallop.

A completely different "love" appears in Moscow Kabatskaya. The beginning of the 20th anniversary is the time of the spiritual crisis of the poet, which is silent between the old and new Russia, which felt his closer. He was looking for a consolation in drunkenness and rampant. It seems he is not capable of a bright feeling. In the "letter to a woman", Yesenin is recognized: and I bowed over a glass, so that, not suffering from anyone, herself to chanting himself in a fan of a drunk ...

Love now sees him not a wonderful light feeling, and trouble, pool: "I did not know that love - infection, I did not know that love is plague." Insulting words are addressed to all women: "Cutting a dog". However, at the end, the hero sheds sentimental tears and asks for forgiveness: "Dear, I cry. Sorry Sorry...". The consolation of the hero is still trying to look for in love, love is trying to cure bleeding soulful wounds.

And he finds him. The cycle "Love Huligan" is dedicated to Augustus Miklashevskaya. The love for this woman was healing for the sick and devastated soul of the poet. The spiritualized feeling of Miklashevskaya enlightens, elevates and inspires Yesenin for creativity, makes it possible to believe the ideal feeling again.

In the poem "the fire was noticed ..." he exclaims: "For the first time I got about love, for the first time I repel the scandal." The lyrical hero is recognized: "I broke down to drink and dance and lose your life without looking back." He sees the meaning of its existence to look at the beloved, "see the eye of Zlato-Karya Omut", concerning the fine of her hands and her hair "color in autumn". He tries to prove, "how can love hooligan, as he can be submissive."

In love, in his beloved woman, the lyrical hero sees the meaning of existence: "I would go beyond you forever." This is the revival of the flabbing heart, the ringing song of the healed Lyra. The love line continues its development and in the poem "You are such a simple, like everyone else," where the portrait of a beloved seems to be a lyrical hero with a strict Icon of Our Lady.

In 1924, Yesenin made a trip to Batumi, where he met Shagana Talian Terrtarian, a woman who inspired the poet to create "Persian motives." One of the other appears poem: "Shagana you, my Shagana ..." "I asked today from the change ..." "You said that Saadi ..."

The lyrical hero is in love and wants to tell about his feeling: "How to tell me for a beautiful Pars Persidian" love "?" However, true love does not need words, therefore, "the love sighs only by furtively, and eyes like yahonts, burn." This cycle is permeated with a sense of nostalgia, and the feeling of the woman and the feeling of their homeland merge together. Being happy and loved, the lyrical hero remembers that "there, in the north, the girl, too, on you, it looks strange on you, maybe thinks about me."

The verses of the last period of creativity are full of contempt for insincerity of relations, the rejection of female judging, the poet condemns "Luggous, false and empty women." Yesenin has always dreamed of a clean, elevating person of love, in recent years in his work charts the ideal of joyful, light feeling. "The leaves fall, fall leaves ..." - a poem written by a man who was tired of the blows of fate, a man looking for a reliable harbor: "I would now want to see a good girl under the window." Only such a real feeling can calm the "heart and chest".

The love lyrics of the poet captured a whole range of human feelings. Like all his work, she is autobiographical and truthful, the personality of the poet, his soul reveals in it. Love Lyrics Yesenin, according to N. Rynkova, is able to quench the "thirst for human tenderness." Each reader finds his vision of love in his verses, because "Everything in the world of people of love singer sing and repeat."