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At the death of a grandmother, what a mourning for Muslims. Muslim wedding traditions. Clothing rules

History, traditions, rituals, customs of the Muslim peoples.

Nikah, Traditions and rules of a Muslim wedding, Name and naming in Islam (issem kushu), Sunnat Muslim rite of circumcision, Janaza-namaz. Eid al-Adha, Eid al-Adha. Islamic religious holidays celebrated all over the world. Holy month of Ramadan, fasting.

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Most of all, it is striking with what trepidation the relatives and friends of the deceased try to fulfill all the prescriptions of Sharia and bury a loved one like a real Muslim. Starting from the dying state and for a year after the funeral, relatives will diligently perform certain rituals. Many of them may seem unusual to an ignorant person, but for true Muslims, rituals are important and sacred. The funeral itself takes place in several stages.

Preparing for the funeral

The Quran calls for preparing for death throughout life, so that at the end of it, with a light heart, to accept such a difficult test. Special rituals prescribed in the Shariah begin to be performed while the sick person is still alive. First of all, an imam, a Muslim priest, is invited to read “Kalimat Shahadat” over the deathbed. In addition to reading a prayer, do the following:

The dying person is laid on his back with his feet to Mecca, which personifies the path of the soul to the holy place.

It is necessary to help the sufferer cope with thirst by giving a sip of cold water. If possible, drip pomegranate juice or Zam-Zam - sacred water into the mouth.

It is forbidden to cry loudly so that the dying person can focus on his last test and not grieve for the worldly. Therefore, compassionate women may not be allowed to the bed or taken out of the house altogether.

Immediately after death, the deceased is closed his eyes, straightened his arms and legs, and tied his chin. The body is covered with a cloth, a heavy object is placed on the stomach.

A Muslim funeral should be held as soon as possible, preferably on the same day. Therefore, usually the followers of Islam are not taken to the morgue, but immediately prepared for burial.

Ablution and washing (taharat and gusul)

Islam has a strict attitude towards cleanliness. If cleansing rituals are not observed, the body of the deceased is considered defiled, and the soul is not ready to meet with Allah. Taharat is ablution, purification of the material body, while gusul is rather a ritual washing.

First, Gassal is chosen - a responsible person who will conduct the rituals of ablution and washing. This must be a close relative, usually an elder. In this case, women wash women, men - men, but the wife can wash her husband. At least three more people will help Gassal to conduct cleansing rituals. If it is not possible for the deceased to be washed by a person of his gender, instead of washing with water, the Taiammum ritual is performed - cleansing with earth or sand. Taharat takes place in a special room in a cemetery or at a mosque. Before the beginning of ablution, incense is lit in the room. Gassal washes his hands three times and puts on gloves. Then he covers the lower part of the deceased with a cloth and performs the cleansing procedure. This is followed by washing (gusul). The body of the deceased is washed 3 times: water with cedar powder, camphor and clean water. All parts of the body are washed and wiped alternately, the head and beard are washed with soap.

Shroud (kafan)

According to Muslim customs, men and women are buried barefoot, dressed in a simple shirt (kamisa) and wrapped in several pieces of linen. A wealthy and respected Muslim, who has not left behind debts, is wrapped in expensive fabric. But not in silk: a Muslim man is forbidden to wear silk even during his lifetime.

A male shroud is a shirt, a piece of cloth to wrap around the bottom of the body and a large piece of cloth to wrap the entire body with the head from all sides.

The female shroud consists of the same shirt, only up to the knees, a piece of fabric for the lower part, a large piece of fabric to envelop the body from all sides, as well as a section for hair and another for the chest. Newborns and very young children are completely wrapped in one piece. According to Muslim customs, the deceased is clothed in a shroud by the closest relatives, usually those who took part in the ablution.

Burial (daphne)

Muslim burials take place only in the cemetery. Cremation is very forbidden, it is equivalent to burning in hell. If a Muslim cremated the body of a relative, it means that he condemned his loved one to hellish torments. They lower the deceased into the grave with their feet down, while holding a veil over the women: even after death, no one should see her body. The Imam throws a handful of earth into the grave, recites the sura. Then the burial place is poured with water, the earth is thrown seven times. After the funeral of the Muslim, everyone leaves, but one person remains to read prayers for the soul of the deceased. By the way, since Muslims are buried without a coffin, after the funeral, wild animals can smell and unearth the grave. This must not be allowed: to desecrate a grave and a dead body is a terrible sin. The Muslim people found a way out in burnt bricks. They strengthen the grave so that it cannot be excavated, and the burnt smell frightens off the animals.

Islam has many adherents, but in different countries this religion has its own characteristics. Not many Muslim peoples adhere to the strictest Sharia law - the mixing of cultures has greatly changed the classical laws of the Islamic religion. However, the eternal values ​​remain unchanged, therefore, the wedding ceremony of the East has retained the basic laws for many centuries. In Islam, it is believed: as far as the tradition of a Muslim wedding is observed, so the young will be happy. Combination of marriage in Muslim countries is carried out with special abundance and splendor.

Muslim wedding customs and ceremonies

A Muslim man cannot look for a wife on his own, the women of his family - a mother or an older sister - are engaged in this. The future spouse describes in detail the desired qualities of his chosen one:

  • height;
  • complexion;
  • educational level;
  • interests;
  • social status.

Muslims value the luxurious forms of a woman, so grooms are allowed to see the ankle under the girl's clothes and estimate its thickness. If you like the result, then the candidate continues to be tested further. A thin or thin ankle, which is so valued in the West, according to Muslim traditions, indicates the poverty of the applicant, reducing to a minimum the chance of getting married.

When the bride is found, the courtship period and preparation for the wedding begins. Young people are introduced in the house of the girl's parents, where a man comes with his family, and gives his future wife expensive gifts. On the first date, young people are allowed a short conversation and exchange of views - no more. Then there is a pause in communication, when the girl's family evaluates the applicant for the daughter's hand. After a week, the bride's side should give an answer. If the groom's courtship for some reason was not crowned with success, then his gifts are returned back.

Henna Night ritual

The most beautiful Muslim wedding tradition is the night before the wedding. A henna pattern is applied to the groom's palms, and to the bride's palms and feet in the form of floral ornaments, therefore the ceremony is called "Night of henna." Before the wedding, the groom goes to have fun with friends, and the future wife is dressed up in a beautiful Muslim dress with expensive embroidery, covering her face with a veil. The groom's mother lays out a carpet under the girl's feet, which she presents as a gift, and the invited friends shower her with coins, wishing the continuation of the family and family well-being.

Painting of palms and feet with henna (mehendi) has its own language. These traditions have been known since the time of ancient Babylon, and the painting is entrusted to a woman who is happily married. The knitting of the wedding pattern must necessarily hide the groom's initials, which he will find on the first wedding night. This is a peculiar way of recognizing the bride, because the young people might not see each other at all before the wedding. Henna is chosen of high quality, because the longer it is held in the girl's arms, the longer the newlywed is freed from any housework.

Nikah ceremony

According to the Muslim wedding tradition, the "Nikah" ritual provides for four conditions:

  1. The presence of a male relative from the bride's side.
  2. The presence of male witnesses on both sides who are Muslim.
  3. Full payment by the groom of the kalym to the bride's parents.
  4. The consent of both young people to live a joint family life.

Violation of any condition becomes the reason for the dissolution of the marriage. The wedding ceremony in the east is usually held in a mosque, where the mullah reads suras from the Koran to the newlyweds, which give instructions for family life. Nikah lasts about an hour, during which those present listen to the mullah and read prayers. During the ceremony, the groom gives valuable gifts to his chosen one, the list of which is on the list of the mullah and is indicated in the marriage certificate. According to the Muslim tradition, “Nikah” ends with the exchange of silver rings.

Rite of passage "Valim"

The traditional Muslim wedding table setting is called "Walim". This rite has a religious meaning: you cannot eat foods prohibited by the Koran and drink alcoholic beverages. The Muslim wedding table is overwhelmed by the abundance of vegetables, fruits and sweets. A wedding feast never lasts long, and does not turn into an endless booze. Relatives and friends of the newlyweds are invited to the table, but people of other religions are not allowed to a Muslim feast at a wedding.

Traditional wedding dresses of the bride and groom

The outfits of the newlyweds go a long way in a Muslim wedding ceremony. They must definitely comply with traditions. A man should wear a skullcap and an ankle-length robe (galabee), expensively embroidered with gold or silver threads. Unlike a woman's dress, a Muslim man's wedding dress should not be silk or accentuate the body.

A wedding dress for the bride is sewn using expensive and bright fabrics of different colors: satin or natural silk. It is important that the fabric does not show through. A prerequisite for the bride's dress is a long sleeve that covers the arms, and a high collar should cover the chest and shoulders. A beautiful Muslim woman will never wear a tight-fitting or open dress for a wedding, because according to the Koran, a woman should not flaunt her beauty.

Video: wedding ceremony in a mosque

Starting a new family is one of the most important Muslim holidays. By tradition, this is not only a responsible event, but also the worship of Allah, therefore, the ritual must be approached very responsibly. Modern newlyweds before the conclusion of "Nikah" should contact the imam and learn about all the traditions that accompany the ancient wedding ceremony.

According to the traditions of Islam, in any union, legal norms, obligations should be strictly observed, and a wedding union between a man and a woman is no exception. After the Islamic wedding, the imam advises the newlyweds to hold "al Walim" in order to treat the guests to publicly announce their marriage. How the Muslim wedding ceremony is carried out correctly, let's see in the video:

In the modern world there are many different religions that differ from each other in their content and have certain characteristics. The confessions of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and Hinduism, Sikhism and Confucianism, Taoism, Jainism and Shintoism are the most popular. All religions have their own rules and customs.

Some features of religions

So, for example, Christianity - in Greek it means "anointed one", "messiah". It combines three areas: Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism. All of them are united by faith in a triune God, while Jesus Christ is presented as the God-man who saves the world. Religion is based on love for a person, mercy for suffering people. Christian teaching claims that this religion was not created by people, but given to human society as a ready, complete teaching.

The Jewish national religion, Judaism, recognizes only one and the messiah (savior). The oldest teaching (1 millennium BC), which arose in Palestine, is based on the chosenness of the Jewish people. It rejects Jesus Christ.

In the 5-6 centuries. BC NS. in India, a religion is emerging, which is aimed at striving to achieve the highest peace and bliss (nirvana) as a result of the rejection of all desires and moral perfection (in Buddhism), etc.

One of the most widespread religions is Islam, which originated on the Arabian Peninsula (early 7th century BC).

The essence of religion

Islam (from Arabic - "monotheism") is a religion that recognizes one God. It is believed that before the appearance of people on earth, the Angels confessed it. All the Prophets sent by the Most High called to her and addressed all nations in different languages. The last scriptures are presented in Arabic, since the last Prophet was an Arab. Therefore, religious terms sound in Arabic (Islam is faith in God and his Prophets, Allah is the Arabic name of God, Muslim is a believer).

The basic rule of Islam is belief in one God, the revealed Koran, as well as in the predestination of fate, life after death (resurrection), in hell for the “infidels” and prosperity in paradise for believers. Everything that happens in the life of a Muslim is created by God (good, evil, etc.).

The essence of the rules

The code of rules in Islam should be known to every adherent of religion. The manifestation of reverence, respect and devotion to Allah Almighty is carried out by citizens throughout their lives. The rules of life in Islam are the basis of life values ​​for Muslims. All their actions and actions, thoughts are aimed at getting as close as possible to God, to deserve prosperity in paradise with their pious life.

There are rules in Islam. Five of them are obligatory for all Muslims. Each of them requires an inner spiritual dedication. Correct completion of each of the rules is required.


Let's take a look at the golden rules of Islam:

  1. Belief in one God, recognition of the Prophet Muhammad, his mission (shahada).
  2. Daily prayers at a specific time: five times / day (namaz).
  3. Observance of the fast during the month - Ramadan (uraza).
  4. Pay regularly a religious tax (a tax for needy people, zakat).
  5. Walking to Mecca and Medina (pilgrimage, hajj).

The sixth rule of Muslims in modern society can be noted jihad, which from the point of view of theology means waging a struggle with their own passions.

Rules of behavior

There are rules of conduct in Islam and certain norms in everyday life. Start every morning with prayer, greet each other when you meet, thank Allah for food, for work, etc. There are certain rules for eating, wearing clothes, and maintaining hygiene. Also, the Koran gives ethical standards of conduct in society, at work and at home. Fulfilling these prescriptions, Muslims try to be pious and as close as possible to God, who gives them a paradise life after death.

Clothing rules

The rules in Islam establish the observance of clothing requirements for both men and women. The fairer sex should not wear men's clothing. At the same time, guys are not allowed to dress in women's outfits. Images of animals on clothes of both sexes are also excluded.

The conditions for the manufacture of things are negotiated: only permitted material is allowed. For men, clothes should be modest, of simple types of fabrics, without gold trimmings. Its beauty is expressed in its simplicity and restraint. Silk or collar trims are allowed. Gold jewelry, cufflinks, rings or chains are also not permitted.

In both men's and women's clothing, primarily human qualities are displayed. She should not resemble the outfits of the "infidels". Wearing clothes is not a material requirement for them. This is gratitude to the Most High God for the fact that a Muslim realizes himself as his slave.

Rules for women

What are the rules for women in Islam? An important feature of the religion of Islam is modesty. Believers are humble, patient, and courageous. Remaining in the shadows, they lead their righteous lifestyle. Ready for compassion and generosity.

The rules in Islam urge a woman to be modest, chaste, not to show herself off. Women's clothing should hide the sex appeal of its owner from prying eyes. Such women are forced to wear hijab. It is believed that this is how the nobility and femininity of Muslim women is manifested.

The hijab carries a specific message of a woman's submission to divine will in all aspects of her life. She wants to be understood and appreciated for her beautiful deeds, kindness and modesty, lack of desire for luxury. Clothing should be loose and not transparent. At the same time, the choice of style, colors and taste preferences is not limited. The behavior of the girl should also be modest.

The decency of a Muslim woman, who wears modest clothing that symbolizes femininity and conceals sexuality, is respected by men. A woman has no right to demand more from her husband than she needs for life. This also manifests itself in modesty. She must obey her man always and in everything. It is also the responsibility of a Muslim woman to preserve her husband's honor both at home and outside. Do not look out of the windows of the house unnecessarily, do not talk to neighbors in vain. A woman should try to do everything so that her husband is pleased with her.

In addition to all of the above, Muslim women should constantly pray, maintain order in the house, etc. The husband and obligations to him should always come first. The spouse should always be smart and attractive to her husband, in clean clothes, in a good mood. Rejoice at his return. It is unacceptable to contradict and raise your voice to your husband. If he is wrong, then guide him on the true path calmly, using the power of persuasion, calling on Allah. Treat children with kindness and patience, pity them, do only good for everyone.

Sexual relationship

An important task in the issue of sexual relations in Islam is to maintain the chastity of both sexes. The rules in Islam prescribe to "take care of your members and dull your eyes" for both Muslim women and believing men. If a man cannot marry due to financial insolvency, then he should refrain from sexual relations. Fasting and prayer can help relieve stress in this situation.

The most important prescription for marriage is the virginity of the bride-to-be. This does not mean that you cannot marry women who were previously married. The very concept of "virginity" has the meaning of morality. Women's honor and dignity are protected by the Koran. The rules require a woman to be treated with respect. Sexual relationships are part of family life. And only a legal husband has the right to have an intimate relationship with his wife. A woman has the same right in relation to her husband. If the marriage is polygamous, then all wives have equal rights to their husband.

Relationship management principles

The rules of religion in Islam establish principles for regulating relationships between the sexes and control the sexual behavior of all believers:

  1. It is forbidden for men and women to communicate freely for fun or for the pleasure of communicating in a heterosexual company. To limit contact between the sexes, special women's and men's departments have been established in schools, colleges, hospitals and public transport.
  2. People who can theoretically get married are allowed to meet in public, if there is a professional or educational need in which work moments are resolved. If a man has an intention to marry, then he can communicate with a woman.
  3. If communication happens, then both the woman and the man must observe decency in everything (in views, speeches, behavior).
  4. If a guy and a girl are not blood relatives, then they cannot be together in the same room.
  5. Muslim women should strip their sexy body shapes behind their clothes. An attractive woman should only be for her husband.

Wedding night

The first wedding night in Islam, the rules of which we will consider further, is a special moment in the life of newlyweds. Young in beautiful clothes, perfumed with incense. The groom makes a gift to his young wife, treats him to sweets and speaks heart to heart. Then it is necessary for both of them to perform 2 rak'ah prayers and ask Allah for a happy life, full of abundance and prosperity. At the same time, the young are a little distracted and calm down under the influence of namaz (it has a powerful effect). Then the man should spend delicately and tenderly all aspects of the first wedding night, since their further relationship will depend on it. If the bride gets scared, and she has an aversion to intimacy, then this will lead to a deterioration in life together. After all, this is the first time she sees a man so close to her.

The girl must undress herself. In this case, the lighting should be muted. At this moment, long-term caresses and love games are important. After that, the bride will calm down and relax, she will have excitement and desire. Then the man can get closer together and carry out the act of defloration. With a gentle and delicate attitude, defloration is painless. A rude, persistent attitude can cause the development of vaginismus - a spasm of the genitals. And normal sexual intercourse is impossible.

In the modern world, where there are no remnants of the past, the result of first sexual intercourse, where the presence of blood stains on the sheet is mandatory, is not paraded. This is a confirmation of the bride's innocence. Indeed, according to the law of the Quran, marriage between a man and a woman is a sacred sacrament. Therefore, everything that happens between two people remains a mystery.

Divorce in Islam: the rules

In the first place for Muslims is strong marriage. But there are situations that can lead to divorce. First, the spouses are given time to reconcile. The most compelling reasons for divorce are the renunciation of Islam and the immoral and contrary to Islam behavior of the spouse. If the period of reconciliation did not give positive results, then divorce is inevitable.

During the period of waiting for the dissolution of the marriage, intimate intimacy with honey is not provided for by the spouses. According to old customs, a married couple was considered divorced after the word talak (in Arabic for divorce) was pronounced three times. Children stay with their mother: boys up to 7-8 years old, and girls up to 13-15 years old. At the same time, the father is obliged to support them until they come of age.

Fundamental Rules of Islamic Conduct

There is a rather important custom among Muslims, which refers to the representatives of the male half. Circumcision (sunnet) is a big celebration in the life of boys. It is carried out at an early age: from 3 to 7 years. It is believed that after circumcision, the boy becomes a man. Girls from birth are Muslim, if their dad is Muslim. Islam for Muslims is the greatest gift from the Almighty, which gives everyone the true faith.

Grief walks alongside joy, we always wait for good, but do not forget that funerals are inevitable in the life of every family, and they come, as always, unexpectedly and at the wrong time ... When someone leaves this world, it must be carried out with dignity , according to the traditions and religion of the deceased. Muslim rites of passage into another world are quite distinctive, to some they may even seem strange.

Putting the body in order

If you know how a Muslim is buried, then it will not be news to you that the body preparation procedure is carried out in three stages, according to the established centuries-old tradition. A ritual three-time washing of the deceased is carried out (what exactly is described below), and the very room in which these actions are carried out is fumigated with incense. Let's go back to ablution. To do this, use:

  1. Water with cedar powder.
  2. Camphor solution.
  3. Cool water.

Some difficulties are present in the washing of the back, since the deceased should not be laid with the chest down. The deceased is lifted to wash him from below, then along the chest, palms are carried from top to bottom, pressing with medium force. This is necessary for all impurities to leave the body. Then the deceased is washed entirely and the soiled places are cleaned if, after the final washing and pressing on the chest, excrement was released.

It should be emphasized that in modern times, today it is enough to wash the body once or twice, and carrying out this procedure more than three times is considered unnecessary. The deceased is wiped with a cloth towel, the feet, hands, nostrils and forehead are anointed with incense, which are used, for example, Zam-Zam or Kofur. In no case is it allowed to cut the deceased's nails and hair.

At any Muslim cemetery there is a room for ablution, while not only the relatives of the deceased can perform the ceremony, but, at their request, the cemetery workers can take over the execution of this procedure.

Laws and regulations

According to Sharia law, it is strictly forbidden to bury a Muslim in a non-Islamic cemetery, and vice versa - to bury a person of another faith in a Muslim cemetery.
When they ask themselves how to properly bury a Muslim, when burying the deceased, they pay attention to the location of the grave and the monument - they should be directed strictly towards Mecca. If the pregnant wife of a Muslim, who had a religion other than Muslim, is to be buried, then she is buried with her back to Mecca in a separate area - then the child in the mother's womb will be facing the Shrine.


If you do not know how a Muslim is buried, keep in mind that another very important aspect of the procedure is that the representatives of this religion are interred without a coffin. Exceptional cases of coffin burials are severely mutilated dismembered bodies or their fragments, as well as decomposed corpses. The deceased is taken to the cemetery on a special iron stretcher rounded at the top, called a "tabuta". A grave is being prepared for the deceased with a hole in the side, which outwardly resembles a shelf - this is where the deceased is placed. This eliminates the ingress of water on the body when watering flowers. Therefore, in Islamic cemeteries, one cannot walk between graves, since Muslims bury the dead in the grave, but in fact the buried person is located in it slightly to the side, while directly under the grave is empty. Such a location of the deceased does not allow, in particular, animals to smell his smell, to dig out the grave and pull him out. By the way, this is why the Muslim grave is fortified with bricks and boards.

Certain prayers are read over the deceased Muslim. The body sinks into the grave, feet down. It is customary to throw earth and pour water into the grave.

Why sitting?

Why and how are Muslims buried while sitting? This is due to the fact that Muslims believe in a living soul in a deceased body immediately after the funeral - until the angel of death transfers it to the angel of paradise, who will prepare the soul of the deceased for eternal life. Before this action, the soul answers the questions of the angels, such a serious conversation should take place in decent conditions, therefore sometimes (not always) Muslims are usually buried while sitting.

Burial caftan

How is a Muslim buried according to all the rules? There is one more feature. It is customary to wrap the deceased in a white shroud or caftan, which is considered a grave garment and is a fabric of different lengths. It is better for the caftan to be white, and the quality of the fabric and its length should correspond to the status of the deceased. In this case, it is allowed to prepare a caftan even during a person's life.

The knots on the shroud are tied at the head, waist and at the feet, and they are untied immediately before the burial of the body.

The men's caftan consists of three pieces of linen. The first one covers the deceased from head to toe and is called "lifofa". The lower part of the body is wrapped with the second piece of fabric - “isorom”. Finally, the shirt itself - "kamis" - must be of such length that the genitals are covered. They make it possible to understand how Muslims are buried, the photos presented in the article.

As for the female burial costume, a Muslim woman is buried in a caftan, which consists of the above-described parts, as well as a scarf (“pickaxe”) covering the head and hair, and “chimora” - a piece of tacky covering the chest.

Days and dates

Sharia law clearly defines how Muslim men and women are buried. This procedure should be carried out on the day of the death of the deceased. Only men are present at the funeral, but in some Muslim countries women are also allowed in the procession; both sexes must have their heads covered. It is not customary to speak at funerals, only the mullah reads prayers, staying at the grave for about one more hour (and earlier - until sunrise) after the burial procedure and the procession leaves the cemetery (with his prayers he must "prompt" the soul of the deceased how to do it right answer the angels). In the picture below you can see how Muslims are buried - the photo illustrates the mullah's prayer.

As in Christianity, in Islam there are the third, seventh (not the ninth) and fortieth days from the moment of death, which are memorable. In addition, the relatives and acquaintances of the deceased every Thursday from the seventh to the fortieth day gather and commemorate him with tea, halva and sugar, at the head of the table sits a mullah. The house where the deceased lived should not hear music for 40 days after the tragic event.

Features of a child's funeral

Pigeons are bought in advance, the number of which should be equal to the number of years of the deceased. When the funeral procession leaves the house, a relative opens the cage and releases the birds. The favorite toys of the untimely departed child are placed in the children's grave.

The worst sin is to dare to take your life

Why do God-fearing Muslims dare to commit suicide, and how are suicidal Muslims buried? The Islamic religion categorically prohibits both violent actions against other people and over one's own body (an act of suicide is violence against one's own flesh), punishing it with the road to hell. Indeed, by committing an act of suicide, a person opposes Allah, who predetermines the fate of every Muslim. Such a person, in fact, voluntarily renounces the life of his soul in paradise, that is, as if entering into an argument with God ... - is this conceivable ?! Often, such people are driven by banal ignorance, a true Muslim will never dare to commit such a grave sin as suicide, for he understands that eternal suffering awaits his soul.

Funeral of suicides

Despite the Islamic condemnation of unlawful killing, the burial ceremony is carried out as usual. The question of how Muslim suicides are buried, and how it should be done correctly, has repeatedly risen before the leadership of the Islamic Church. There is a legend according to which the Prophet Muhammad refused to read a prayer for suicide and thus punished him for the gravest sin and doomed his soul to torment. Nevertheless, many believe that a suicide is a criminal before Allah, but not in relation to other people, and such a person himself will hold an answer to God. Therefore, the process of burying a sinner should not differ in any way from the standard procedure. Today, there is no ban on holding a funeral prayer for suicides; mullahs read a prayer and carry out the burial procedure according to the usual scheme. To save the soul of a suicide, his loved ones can perform good deeds, give alms on behalf of a buried sinner, live modestly, decorously and strictly follow the laws of Sharia.