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When apple saved? Symbols of solemn transformation. When and why began to celebrate apple sav

No one will argue with the fact that an apple is useful and delicious fruit. The human body needs fiber, vitamins and trace elements, especially in the gland. All of this can provide fragrant, fragrant, sweet-sweet fruits. However, there was a strict ban on Russia, which did not allow people to be touched with apples when they start to ripe. So why could our ancestors eat to apple save?

Folk tradition

Remember, in the famous poem N.A. Nekrasova "Who lives well in Russia?" One of the peasants is an unhappy mother, buried little Son "Says:" I pray for him, I don't take an apple in your mouth. " This woman makes it clear that she cares about her child, even if he is on that light.

The fact is that in Russia there was a crazy belief that if the mother of the deceased baby will allow themselves to eat this fruit to orthodox holiday The Transfiguration of the Lord, who is celebrated on August 19, then God himself will not give her baby apple into paradise. Not wanting to involuntarily harm the children who went to the world of others, Orthodox tried not to eat any fruits at all until the date set.

Folk traditions largely disclose the essence of the representations of residents of a particular country about the highest forces. Apparently, the Russian peasants believed God and Angels, distributing the treat, extremely vengeful and cruel creatures. The idea that innocent children can be offended and are deprived of food (which is an unlimited number in paradise) in punishment for the acts of their parents, reflects the attitude of the simple people to the highest forces, primarily as punishing structures.

The ban on eating apples was spread not only on unfortunate mothers who are thinking about their deceased children, but also on all women in general. It is said that this is due to biblical history On the fall of Adam and Eve. Since our ancestor violated an indication, given by God himself, seduced by the fruits, then the Russian peasant, eating an apple, allegedly, would athlete the sin of Eva himself. So believed in Russia.

However, everyone orthodox people They tried not to violate this tradition, because during the holiday, the Transfiguration of the Lord Church consecrates the fruits of the new crop. Up to this point, the apples were perceived by people as fruits unwilling to use.

Early varieties - under the ban

In August, Orthodox Christians celebrate three special holidays. The day of origin of the honest trees of the life-giving cross in the people is called honey spas, because this date the Church sanctifies the fruits of the lobster. Then the apple saved (transformation of the Lord). And completes the series of holidays dedicated to the crop, the day of the rescue of the unclean, called Walnut Space. Interestingly, honey and nuts in Russia also did not eat until their consecration in the church.

Currently when in stores round year Any fruits, Orthodox people who hold folk traditions, try to limit the use of apples from the beginning of the Assumption post.

Some church history specialists express the opinion that the ban on eating sour-sweet fruits until August 19 was due to the concern of priests about the health of Russian peasants. Say, not all the fruits are kept by the beginning of August, most of the fruit at this time of the year are still misappropriate, which is harmful to the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

However, the presence of such a ban in itself could affect the folk selection. People chose and put in their gardens only those trees that begin to be froning in the second half of August, so as not to introduce themselves and their households in temptation.

By the way, the first mention of the cultivation of the apple tree as a garden culture is contained in historical documents Times of Yaroslav Wise. The fruits of this tree in Russia begin to ripen in late July. And such a well-known variety as a white rank in some regions of our country can be eves more than a month before the transformation of the Lord. In Soviet times, many breeders worked on the elimination early grades Apples. This, for example, the Chinese early early and the earner.

What does Church say?

Modern priests try to overcome the negative attitude that have developed in the people in relation to God and the Angels. The ministers of the Church emphasize that the highest forces can not be played in paradise on the late children, making them up with something in punishment for the actions of the parents. That is, as such a ban on eating apples until August 19 does not exist.

Initially, even before the adoption of Christianity in Russia, on the Holy Land on the day of the transformation of the Lord, it was customary to sanctify in the church of grapes. Since he does not grow everywhere in Russia, people began to replace borders with more common fruits - apples.

The only prohibition relating to the aforementioned holiday is contained in the church charter (typicone). It says that the priests that have ripened ripening cliffs from the vine before their consecration are deprived of the possibilities of grapes until the end of August. That is, over the next 10 days. And that's it. And no unfortunate kids suffering in paradise. And no Eva with Adam. And no terrible sin.

The fact that the Holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord falls on a rigorous Assumption post, also does not mean that apples at this time should be excluded from the diet. They, like grapes, do not apply to the number of products discharged by Orthodox during the post.

The only thing why the church is only recommend Christians are able to refrain from the use of apples until August 19, this is the fact that they are not yet consecrated. Apple saved perceived by believers, first of all, as an opportunity to thank God for a given crop. It is impolite, without saying "Thank you." So, many priests believe.

Pies, and as always, the second saved comes at the end of August and enters the triad of the most important holidays of the outgoing summer, falls on August 19, 2018 and called apple. Need to remember when Apple Savior in August 2018To attract good luck to the house and stock health for the year.

What can not be done on apple saved

The celebration is also called the "Transfiguration of the Lord" and is associated with harvesting. The people say that on August 19, the summer unfolds face to fall. Take into account that this is the day of change of all of nature when people pray Higher power On the transformation of fate in the successful direction. Women can pray for the souls of all children who went to the best world.

Since August 19, 2018, the Assumption post is still continuing, it is impossible to have fun on this day, there is meat productsas well as eggs. It is necessary to refrain from oily food, drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco.

Great sin has apples until the day of the first consecration of these fruit. Fasteners ban for those women who have previously lost a child. All women's work on the house is prohibited, especially sewing, knitting, cleaning and all kinds construction work. There is even a saying: "Who saved on the second Savior - that whole life tears pours!"

Signs and superstition

It is quite useful to know the signs associated with the behavior of insects on the second saved. So, if on a festive day, a fly or bee landed on your hand twice, the whole year luck will be favorable. In no case can insect drive away from ourselves or kill, it is important to catch the moment when the buccashka herself will fly away by his affairs. Good sign In the solemn day, find the spider on the folds of clothing - it means that you are waiting for the news from afar. Also a favorable sign - fluttering butterflies, it symbolizes the transformation and the beginning of a new life. You can only watch insects.

What you need to do on apple saved

Usually in a holiday Apple Savior All the same, it is desirable to visit the temple at dawn in order to consecrate apples. Indeed, on 19 August 2017, energy is transformed on a thin level, so later these apples will bring you a positive and fulfillment of desires. The magic power of a consecrated apple is able to embody many ideas and give good luck. Therefore, from apples not only bake pies and buns, but also generously giving them children so that they grow and bless you for heartiness. The benefit will also bring apple jam, compote or jam. The more products with apples you distribute on this day in need of people, the richer fate will give you further.

Apple saved removes all banners for vegetables, fruits. From this day, grown garden products is gaining strength, bringing maximum health benefits.

It is August 19, it is necessary to go out in the evening and take a look of the outgoing sun. Heavenly luminous thanks for summer gifts: good harvest, as well as the opportunity to strengthen health in nature. Weather in Apple Savior is of particular importance: dry sunny day foreshadows frosty winter with abundant snowfall. But rains and thunderstorms in transformation mean wet autumn. The weather on Apple Savior will indicate what will happen on October 14 (cover).

Apple Savior: rituals, traditions and rituals

On the day, when apple saved in August 2017, each apple acquires magical power and becomes molding. Therefore, you need to take exactly 12 red apples and make such a conspiracy on them: "Apples are red, and my eyes are clear, I will charge every fruit with a hand, youthfulness of the West!" This follows every day from the morning before breakfast, eat one apple for 12 days. Already very soon, you will feel that the gait has become light, and the skin is clean and healthy.

Clean your home from the negative will also help the apple. It is necessary to cut a large fetus into two parts and from one half to remove the whole head together with seeds. Light a candle and make the wax from it from it is not on a plate, but right in the middle of the apple. Go away with a burning candle all the rooms of the apartment, paying special attention to the corners, catches and doorway. When the apple half is filled with wax, it must be combined with the second part of the fruit and cruciate to tighten with a strong thread. You may need one or three apples for the execution of this ritual. Then you need to wrap all apples in old fabric, go outside away from your home. Soak it all where people usually do not go.

On apple saved to serious people need to make a powerful ritual on financial welfare. This business canal will open the energy of such a tree as Lipa. On the second saved you need to disrupt three lips twigs and put them in a jar with clean water In my bedroom. Exactly nine days in a row you need to take three twigs in your hands every morning, to bypass all the rooms with them and at the same time beaten by twist at all corners. These actions accompany this plot: "The money goes to the money, let all lost bills - return, and invested funds - profit will turn. My word is strong: key. Lock. Amen".

A special love ritual on the day of the second rescue will help to find the love of the desired man. To do this, you need to take consecrated apples and leaves of nettle, whisper over them a conspiracy: "Network - burning, and an apple - pieces, combine them together for love and well-being. My man dismisses them, makes my heart! " Then boldly draw from the conspiracy leaves of nettle and consecrated apples any sweet dish: pie, jam or jam. Be sure to treat not only the one you want to shock, but also children, as well as people in need. Distribute everything so that neither crumbs of pies, nor a drop of James left and then your desire to find love and happiness will be very fast!

In contact with

The great holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord in the people, many know how apple saved. It is celebrated on August 19, when the harvest of apples begin in the gardens. On this day, Christians carry freshly plants, honey and bread spikes in order to thank God for the harvest and consecrate his heads.

history of the holiday

On this day, the whole Christian people remember the great event, which happened more than 2000 years ago. They describe almost all evangelicals on the pages of the New Testament. Jesus Christ, taking three students with his three students, climbed to Mount Favor. 6 days before that, in his preaching about the kingdom, the Teacher told his disciples that there are among them those who still see the power of the kingdom of God.

And now he climbed on Mount Christ, the knees stopped, the students at that time smored sleep. But suddenly an unusual phenomenon occurred, which woke up the followers of Christ. Jesus completely transformed, his face began to shine like the sun, and the clothes seemed to be white. Two Prophet appeared before him: Ilya and Moses. They spoke about the event, which should happen soon, that is, about the death of the Savior.

The apostle Peter, amazed seen and heard, offered Christ to make three tents for him, Moses and Ilya. But here the cloud came from the sky and there was a voice of God, who verbally, that this is the son of my beloved and you need to listen. This event, Jesus opened before students a little curtain of the kingdom of God and his greatness. When the teacher was returned back to the city forbade his followers to tell someone about what he saw.

When did you start to celebrate an apple saved?

The exact date of the Transfiguration of the Lord is unknown, some religious scientists claim that it was 40 days before the crucifixion. And on August 19, it is customary to be celebrated, because on this day on Mount Favor, on the place where students saw the transfiguration Savior, the temple was consecled in honor of this event. He coincided with the holiday of a bunch, when the first fruits were brought to the church for donations.

Customs of the holiday

Like a long millennium back, people carried the temple of the harvest, and now on the holiday of transfiguration, the whole Christian people hurries to church with full fruit baskets. At this time, the gardens in the abundance of apples are sleeping and most of all they are carrying them to the church for consecration, and the name apple Savior occurred.

Such a tradition of offering to the temple of the first fruit occurred from the old Testament and symbolizes the desire of people to give God all the best and thank him for a generous harvest. The priests on this day are dressed in silver-white vestments, symbolizing the radiance on the Favor, delighted on the day of transformation. During the service, chants are chanting, about the events that took place on the mountain, and at the end of the priest makes the consecration of the brought fruits.

It was not recommended that women were not recommended to eat apples, because our ancestors believed that they could take the sin of Eve. But after visiting the church these fruits and many dishes from them were the main ones festive table. They gave birth to relatives and acquaintances, and especially small kids. There is a belief that apples on this day have a magical force and help in implementing the most cherished desires.

Apple Savior was also a symbol of the transition of the summer in autumn and before that day they tried to collect wheat harvest and medicinal herbs. The youth on the holiday sang and had fun, and the hostesses tried to give in need of needing, as it was believed that someone would be a generous on that day, that relatives would not need relatives.

The unmarried girl on this day, with the help of apples, tried to guess their fate. If you managed to cut the girl from the apple with a whole ribbon, it means next year she will meet his narrowed, if not, then to walk another one year unmarried. Lucky also tried to find out the name of the future husband, throwing apple peel, cut with a ribbon, over the shoulder and watching the initials in the resulting pattern.

There is a few rich transformation related to the holiday:

  • What will happen on the apple rescue - dry or wet, the same expected autumn.
  • The day was clear and sunny - winter will be cold.
  • The second came saved, it's time to suck winter.

Apple Savior always celebrate August 19. And on the same day, believers note the Transfiguration of the Lord - one of the 12 non-transmitted church holidays. This day has a lot of traditions and will take. We tell how he appeared, as it should be noted and that it is impossible to do this day.

When and why began to celebrate apple saved?

Apple Savior noted our ancestors - Slavs who devoted their crop to God Sava. Apples did not eat apples to the apple rescue. From him began and there are apples and cook apple jam and different eats.

Why is the festival apple Savior call another transfiguration of the Lord?

Because on August 19, the Church notes the Transfiguration of the Lord - one of 12 incredit holidays. According to biblical legend, on this day, Jesus called the three of his students with himself to Mount Favor and began to pray there. And his disciples saw the transfiguration of the Son of the Lord: Jesus's clothes suddenly became white, the face was lit like the sun. Jesus forbade his disciples to talk about this event, but ordered to collect apples to sanctify them.

What do you need to do in apple saved?

Believers on this day go to church. Festive prayers are held in the temples.

Many parishioners carry fruit baskets with them, usually with apples and grapes. The priest after the service blesses the harvest. By the way, those who could not sanctify honey during Honey Saviorcan do it on apple.

Be sure to eat at least one apple. It is believed that this can improve health.

It was believed that the more power would be alms down the poor on this day, the kind of God would be reached to the departed loved ones.

What can not be done in apple saved?

Since saved falls into the Assumption post, then believers need to be abandoned from eating meat and milk.

It is impossible to eat apples to consecration, especially women. In general, it is believed that if a woman ate an apple to apple save, she takes scary sin The first female Eve.

A very strict ban on bothering apples concerned parents who had a child: it was believed that if parents eat an apple to apple save, their child will remain without a gift.

It is impossible to leave grain unobed after apple rescue. Even the rain after this rescue was called "Baken".

It is impossible to sew this day: "Who sews on savage, that time the tears pours," they spoke in the people.

What kind folk signs Are attached to apple spas?

If you bite the fruit after it is sanctified and immediately make a desire, it will quickly come true.

It was believed that from this day the autumn came into his rights: "Apple Savior - left the summer from us," in the second saved you need to take mittens about the supply. "

If on this day a man on his hand twice the flies of flies, it meant the fulfillment of desires. At the same time, the flies cannot be driven or killed.

What the weather will be on the apple savage, so will be January, counted in the people.

When apple saved in 2017, what date

Apple Savior in 2017 begins on August 19 (according to old style - 6 number). The holiday is celebrated from the 9th century, after the construction of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. The temple was erected on Mount Favor at the direction of Saint Helena. The Transfiguration of the Lord happened 40 days before the start of Easter, according to the Gospel, but the church decided to spend this holiday in August, so that he did not get into the interval of the believers of the Great Post. Thus, as at any other year, falls on the Assumption post. With his arrival, it is allowed to eat all the fruits consecrated at the festive liturgy, during which the canon sing, where we are talking about transformation. The color of the holiday is considered white, so the priests are dressed on the celebration of white robes.

Before the start of the apple rescue, which is also called the "Transfiguration of the Lord" or "First Outnaire" is forbidden to eat apples. If someone used the apples to eat before the adhesion, it was considered a big sin. Particularly believers also tried not to eat any fruits or vegetables in addition to cucumbers. With the onset of apple save, the ban was filmed and people began to make various billets from apples and sang them in the church.

This holiday has existed in Russia in the period of paganism and was the start date of apple collection. Rites of all three rescues, of which apple is the most important, were devoted pagan gods. Since a long time, there have been many similar holidays on the collection of the first harvest. In addition to honey, apple and nut (bread) saves also existed: mushroom, berry and other.

It is believed that apple savings exists for reminding everyone about how important the spiritual transformation is. During the apple rescue, not only relatives, poor and poor people, and also their remaining ancestors.

On the apple saved traditionally believers will make apple blanks. The fruits are harvested according to various methods and recipes: uroat, arid, make canned food. Our ancestors produced not only various fruit and vegetable blanks, but also made a variety of diverse baking. Baked apple pie and cakes, apples baked with honey, made jam and all sorts of treats, which then people treated each other.

Many people believe that on the day of the apple save the apples have a special strength and are able to fulfill the coming desire, which you can learn to taste them. There were even fortune-telling on apples that helped identify the name of the narrowed. The people were seen in the people that the first cold, accompanied by the fast arrival of autumn, compete on the night after apple rescue. In the old days there was a tradition - people sat down in a field in the field, where the Sun had a song before the sunset, and with him and the outgoing summer.