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"Dubube People's War" (on the novel L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace") "War and Peace" is a novel-epic. Improduction shows exceptional significantly - a document. Partisan movement - "Dubube People's War

(L. N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace")

L. Tolstoy one of the first in Russian and world literature recreated the paintings of the People's Partisan War and managed to reveal its true meaning and meaning. With historical reliability and truthfulness, the great Russian writer showed how "a duby people's War", Which acted with" simplicity and appropriateness, "led to victory over the conquerors. In the actions of the partisan detachments of 1812, he saw the highest form of unity of the people and the army, which radically changed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe war. L. Tolstoy notes that "War began, not suitable for any previous ideas of wars since the fire of Smolensk. Burning cities and villages, retreat after battles, Borodin's blow and again a retreat, fire of Moscow, catching marauders, reimbursement of transport, partisan war - all these were deviations from the rules. "

L. Tolstoy says that Napoleon, who for the first time in his military practice faced with a similar phenomenon, "did not cease to complain Kutuzov and the Emperor Alexander on the fact that the war was disgusted with all the rules." Along the way, the author notices: "As if there are some rules in order to kill people."

Before the start of the Borodino battle during a date with Pierre, Prince Andrei says that when under Smolensk "We were fought for the first time ... for Russian land," then "in the troops there was such a spirit, which I never saw that we were shaking off the French two days And that this success has developed our strength. "

Not only the regular army was preparing for the Borodino battle, but also militia. One of the wounded soldiers in the weapon, met by Pierre on the way to Borodino, says: "Today is not the fact that the soldiers, and the men Vidal! Peasants and those chas. Today they do not understand ... all the people want to feel, one word - Moscow. One end to make want. " But Pierre understood the meaning of heard only when "he saw the first time of the militia men with crosses on his caps and in white shirts, which with loud talk and laughter, lively and sweaty, worked to the right from the road."

The hidden "heat of patriotism" captives Kutuzov, who reports that the Men's-militias wear "white clean shoes to prepare for death." He with a moutigation and delight answers this: "Wonderful, unmatched people!" With the same seriousness and thoroughness prepared for an important decisive event - the Borodino battle - soldiers and officers of the Russian army. Captain Timokhin tells Pejer and Prince Andrei: "What to regret now! Soldiers in my battalion, believe, did not drink vodka: not such a day, they say. "

After the Borodino battle, the entire population as one person, throwing its own property, "flowed out from Moscow, showing this negative effect of his folk feeling." But those simple people - Craftsmen and factory, which remained in the city, were ready to stand under the banners of the defenders of the Motherland. L. Tolstoy says that "the understanding of the people was configured to a high way." People "Without Racking Belly, wanted to serve" Fatherland. However, neither the governor nor the polytzmester nor other top officials of Moscow had the same mood and more concerned about their own security.

Despite the lack of a common team, after the arrival of the French, Moscow was like an abandoned hive. The streets were empty, there was almost no one. The gate and shops were all locked. No one went through the streets, and rarely heard the steps of pedestrians. " The people independently took care that the invaders feel like a powder barrel. Under them in the literal sense, Earth was burning. The men Carp and Vlas and "all countless of these men" not only did not take the Sena to Moscow for big money, but also burned him. They burned all that remained from the population and could be useful to the French.

The apective assistance of his army was provided by the people who went to the partisan detachments. They were then hundreds - large and small, hiking and equestrian, with artillery and simply with Rhitnes. "He was the head of the party, the decek, who took several hundred captives per month. There was an old age of Vasilis, who beat hundreds of French. "

Partisan traffic occupies a special place in history Patriotic War 1812. The power of partisan detachments consisted in suddenness of the attack, elusiveness for regular troops. "The partisans destroyed great Army in parts. They picked up those fallen leaves, which themselves flew off from the withered tree - the French troops, and sometimes they shake this tree. " And how many Napoleon and his marshals were complained that the Russians lead the war "not according to the rules", no matter how hesitated at the court of Emperor Alexander, talking about partisans, "Dubube of the People's War rose with all his formidable and majestic strength and, without asking drawn tastes And the rules ... Raised and nailing the French until all the invasion was died. "

"... Dubube of the People's War rose with all his terrific and majestically strength and, without asking against the draws and rules, with stupid simplicity, but with appropriateness, without disassembling anything, nailing the French until all the invasion died."

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Today, on the eve of the 200-year anniversary of the Borodino Victory, in the domestic media there has been a lot of distant publications and responses to the events of two-dimensional limitations. Interest in the war of 1812, oddly enough, never weakened by our compatriots never. The memory of the Borodino battle, the fire of Moscow and the subsequent exile of the French are holy by the Russian people, as an unshakable national shrine. This is evidence of the heroic feat of the whole people, which can be considered one of the main, even turning points in the history of Russia.

In the whole XIX century, Russian historiography, based on the memories of the immediate participants of the events of 1812 - D.Davdov, P. Kindski, the most discerning Soldier Bogdanchikov and hundreds of other military memoirs - diligently provided the growth of national historical identity in the circles of the educated society and achieved in this considerable success. Count L.N. Tolstoy - one of the greatest thinkers, called the "mirror of the Russian Revolution" later, made an attempt to convey to his contemporaries the obvious idea that the Russian War of 1812 was forever changed the Russian people, rebuilding his self-awareness. And "Dubube People's War", according to the later interpreters of the works of all recognized classics, showed this moving force world history.

Even during the period of the domination of the Marxist-Leninist ideology, when everything that has ever been criticized during royal mode, the domestic war of 1812, called "People's" himself L.N. Tolstov, was the only bright and "inviolable" spot for everything The space of the historical past USSR. The heroes of the war of 1812 put monuments, their names called the central streets of cities and villages. About Cutuzov, Bagration, Denis Davydov never shy to tell Teachers in Soviet schools, for the memory of the fair, liberation war is necessary to citizens of the Great Power. Stalinist leadership quickly took this memory for weapons in the period of the Great Patriotic War. Conducting historical parallels, Soviet ideologues managed to wake up the national identity of Russian people, largely undermined by communist slogans. The loyalty to the memory of the victory over Napoleon helped the Russian people in the war in the war with fascism, once again proveing \u200b\u200bto the whole world, that Russia, even discharged in red rags, was and remains the Great Country.

It must be admitted that in our forehead, indifferent time, when even the most rhythm "corresponders" of domestic history are beginning to be tired, passing their positions by Ura-Patriots and Nationalists, the interest of society to the events of 1812 does not weaken. Serious historians are silent: add something new to the factual side of the long-studied accomplishments of two-dimensive prescription is almost impossible. However, obeying the modern political fashion, well-known journalists, politicians, users of various Internet resources sometimes express the opposite estimates of the "thunderstorms of 1812". Some, of the false patriotism, are too exaggerating a people's feat in this war, others, on the contrary, completely deny its meaning, bringing it to L.N. N. Tolsty "Nature" of war to the historical and ideological myth.

Of course, the ideological myth of the "nationality" of the Patriotic War of 1812 existed long before the appearance of the novel L.N. Tolstoy. He began to be created in those days when Russian hussars and the Cossacks turned the Paris restaurants to the famous "Bistro", and Alexander Blessed - the Savior of the Peoples from the ambitions of a glowing Corsican - the entire europe was applauded.

The journalistic campaign around "folk exploits" in the war with Napoleon began long before the end of the fighting. The educated public in St. Petersburg with delight to the legends about how one man from patriotic motives shot off his hand, because the enemies were put on her "Napoleon" stigma, as well as the Smolensk old age of Vasilisa Kozyin skeleton and proclaims dealt with hundreds French Marauders. Emperor Alexander I attached very great importance to "patriotic" myth-making: almost all famous names Folk heroes - Vasilisa Leather, Gerasim Kurina, Major Emelyanov and others are mentioned in the periodical time of that time. Two women of the War of the War of 1812 - the nobleman Nadezhda Durov and the peasant Vasilisa Kozhin - during his lifetime awards were awarded. Meanwhile, in the folk art of Vasilisa Skin became the heroine of different fun leaflets and chest "comics". Human Solva depicted her on horseback and in a sundress, armed scythe, then in French overcoat with a saber. No documentary confirmation of her great feats, historians have not been found so far. It is known only not quite a reliable story about how Speeza stabbed the oblique captive Frenchman, allegedly wanting to take revenge on the death of her husband.

Modern "rewriters" of domestic history, trying to block the historical identity of the Russian people in the root, often try to present the invader-Napoleon in the progressive and apologetic light: they say, who was the main guardian of popular interests! He was a fastened peasant freedom from slavery, and the one, by ignorance, met His "Bubin of People's War". Yet these Davydov, Dorokhov, Figners, Volkonsky and other "army" partisans, in turn, sought to defend their mercenary interest - prevent the liberation of the peasantry, revolution and looting their own estates. The government, fear of folk rebounds, ordered in no way to arm serfs and prevent their participation in hostilities. Because it is unknown - in which direction the man wants to turn his weapon.

Meanwhile, on July 6, 1812, Alexander I issued a manifesto and appealing to the residents of the "Popress Capital of our Moscow" with a call to speak by the impulse of "national weapons" - i.e. folk militia. The manifesto from 18 (30) July "On the compilation of temporary internal militia" was followed by the 16th central provinces adjacent to the current host theater. According to this document, each landowner undertakes to submit to the militia a certain number equipped and armed warriors from their fortress. The unauthorized admission of serfs in the militia was a crime, i.e. Escape. The selection of warrids conducted a landowner or peasant communities in the lot. The noble estates that put the warriors in the militia were exempted from recruiting sets before its dissolution. Other categories of peasants are state, economic, specific, as well as the innings, artisans and children of clergymen, until they have a spiritual title, were to be recruited as usual.

But the realities of wartime and the rapid advantage of the enemy deep into the country imposed their own adjustments to government plans. Not all landowners were able to organize resistance. Many, throwing their estates and peasants, fled to the capital even before the exit of Manifesta. The peasants of the Western provinces, often granted themselves, simply went to the forest or organized their self-defense squads.

It is known that the partizing peasants often attacked the "Army" squads of the partisans - the Gusarskaya and the Ulansk form looks like the French ("Lord" dressed in a single fashion), and many Russian officers brought up by the French-goverrs, with difficulty express themselves in their native language.

Fair. The abyss between the european the educated nobility and the Russian guy was huge formed from its roots. But remember that the same Denis Davydov and others, a little less well-known noblemen-leaders of the partisan movement in the Moscow region and at the Smolenc region were attracted by not only their own, but also other fasteners in defensive detachments. So, in the Smolensk province, the family of retired Major General D.E. Leslie shaped from their yard and fortress peasants "The horse hundred brothers Leslie Smolensk militia", which with the permission of the military command was part of the current army. The noble militia and the "army" partisans sought to act together with the people's partisan associations, find with their leaders mutual language: The beards were growing, disguised into the Russian dress, studied to use in everyday speech clear, simple expressions.

L.N. Tolstoy was right: the war of 1812 was truly the turning point not so much in political history Russia, as in the history of the relationship of the supreme political power and the intellectual elite, monarchy and the enlightened nobility, and most importantly - in the history of the relations of Barin and the man, who since the times of Peter I would seem to be inhabited on different planets.

Coming out of the fully filtered Petersburg salons, all domestic chers Amis - Sergi, Georges, Piers and Micheles - finally saw their people in this war. These were soldiers who selflessly saving lives with their commanders on the battlefield; Fortress peasants and peasants, which, armed with bunks and forks, attacked French visits, resisted robbery and violence, chasted invaders from their native land.

Thanks to, perhaps, the only one in the history of the postpeptrovsk Russia is a tragic moment when the interests of all the society layers coincided in the fight against the external enemy, in 1812 it becomes obvious that the war that covers a significant part of the country can only be a popular war. "War according to the rules", whom Napoleon wanted to have won half of Europe, simply did not take place: Russian peasants, not knowing these rules, played everything in their scenario ...

And the great "contact" with his own people did not have a gift for the European educated people. The birth of the myth about the Great People, that with a club in his hands defeated the world's best in the world, led to an unprecedented growth of historical identity. It was not by chance that in 1816-1818, the first eight volumes of the "Story of the Russian State" N.M. Karamzin are published. Three thousandths are tremendous for that time, the three thousandth circulation is divided faster than in a month. Immediately it took the second edition, which scattered as quickly. For the same years, as we know, the "golden age" of Russian poetry and the Golden Age: Pushkin appears as the Creator of the Russian Literary Literature. Experiments with folk creativity and introduction to literary language folk words, expressions, folk elements Actively engaged in P. Kindsky - one of the most prominent poets of Pushkin Pleiades, a veteran of the war of 1812.

It takes place only thirteen years, and in December 1825, the color of the Russian nobility - yesterday's partisans and participants of the foreign hike against Napoleonic France - with weapons in the hands they require the liberation of the liberation of the Russian people from serf slavery.

Was it necessary then the man himself? Did he believed unfairly deprived, offended or humiliated supreme power? Unlikely. The fortress traditionally dreamed of "good Barina", and not about civil liberties. But the Russian nobility has already managed to settle in his consciousness a complex of "historical guilt" before the heroic, wise people who could not be resulted over the next century.

Gradually, step by step, the image of the sideline's people, created by the efforts of the noble intelligentsia, makes the climb on the pedestal of the sole "sower and keeper" of the Russian land. Not so much historians as the "rulers of the Dum" - the writers and journalistic brother - new legends are actively growing.

FROM light hands N.Nekrasov landowner, Satirika M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, the revolutionary democrats of Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov at the head of the corner in the work of intellectuals "populists" of the 1860s, it is almost an advent of the Russian peasantry. Wise, good, hardworking and at the same time all-friendly, humble peasants suffering from the nest of unfair rulers - the typical heroes of Russian literature, which was created by the noblemen-landowners of the XIX century. On the pages of the works of I.S. Romegenev, N.N.Nekrasova, M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin, S.T. Aksakova We will not find a single negative character from the peasants: Like all drunkards, convinced villains, thieves and immoral types, which only exist in the world, automatically moved to other estates.

Further more! Tolstoy and Dostoevsky introduce fashion worshiping a man, actually putting a sign of equality between the concepts of "peasantry" and "Christianity": the people-sufferer, the people of God becomes an idol of the whole educated society of Russia. Only for the folk ideal theoretically recognized right to the present future. He needs to learn, he needs to worship, because the people are a carrier of some "highest truth", which is not available to the clearing intellectuals.

Yes, in 1812, the country has not yet survived the execution of the Decembrists, did not hear the bloody dissident Nabatha Herzen, did not lose the Crimean War, did not taste the fruits of the tragic discrepancy between the authorities and society, did not plunge into the Vakhanalia of revolutionary terrorism, did not survive the great national catastrophe.

1812 became, as we see, a peculiar "moment of truth", thereby the small peasant, which, possibly, the lead to an avalanche of more ambitious changes. Saving the country from Napoleon's invasion, the Russian people committed truly historical, grand feat. And it is impossible to deny it even after two centuries.

But the second of the ten commandments of the Lord reads: "It's not a cumier to yourself and some kind of similarity, Elika in the sky. Mountain, and Elika on the lands of the bottom, and Elika in the waters under the earth: Yes, not bowed to them, nor the serve to them".

Only the Russian intelligentsia, as well as the ruling circles, once created the legend about own peoples, they began to worship him like an idol. More than a hundred years later, zealous idolaters standing in power in the state occupying one sixth of the sushi, simply lay out all the responsibility for the destiny of the country: after all, the people are real truth, he himself knows how to do it ...

It is symbolic that, as a result of this tragic error in the royal rest, there was a former Konokrad Grigory Rasputin, and the fashion on the "Men's" - the poets of the villagers, of different kind "Prophets" as the carriers of Christian culture from the people - in the 1910s, the entire capital bonding was overwhelmed.

"Rasputina" finally discredited the monarchy in the eyes of society. But the best representatives of the progressive public, being in power, ultimately stepped on the same rake. Prophesy about the coming of the "coming Hama" in 1905-1907, D.S. Meriazhkovsky could not even assume that the very wise, infallible, deified Russian man, in which, during the century, the democratic intelligentsia had seen his moral ideal and salvation for centuries. Many beautiful liberals, as a habit, continued to justify the "People's Anger" of their historic wines before the Russian peasantry, recognizing only the right to be restable in the centuries:

However, a handful of political adventurers, throwing up the loud populist slogans ahead, overnight managed to turn the entire Russian people into a managed flock of bloodthirsty villains:

None of the new leaders admitted to the love of Russia, no one believed in purity and high morality Her "sower and keeper". Preparing a shameless myth about the great and wise people, the Bolsheviks relied only on their ability to manage the masses, play the most dark instincts, century-old hatred, the desire to "share everything." And they did not lose.

The idol was overthow. But "insight", alas, it has come too late:

I first encountered the Bloody Reality of the Civil War, the Russian intelligentsia was ready, like the Bulgakovsky captain at Mumylayevsky, in a rage to the manica of the very "godnoye men", which fled to Petlyura, poured into the ranks of the Red Army, I got up to the service of advice and the HCC.

On the other hand, she had much more reason to curse himself for creating a myth about the Russian people, whom he did not know since the war of 1812, did not understand and did not even try to see and accept the way he really was.

"Imagine," wrote Tolstoy, - two people who came with the swords on the fight on all the rules of fencing art ... Suddenly one of the opponents feeling wounded, - realizing that this is not a joke ... I threw the sword and taking the first walking Tubin, began grumble it. A fencer who demanded the struggle according to the rules of art was a Frenchman, his opponent who threw Sppane and raised by Dubin, was Russian ... Despite the complaints of the French on the non-fulfillment of the rules ... Dubube of the People's War rose with everything, the Groznoye and Majestient force and, without asking any , rose, fell and nailing the French until all the invasion was died. " It was with the help of the "club of the People's War", Lev Nikolayevich reveals the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe Roman Epopea "War and Peace".

The Patriotic War of 1812 in the image of L. N. Tolstoy appears as a war of people. The writer is convinced that the Russian people won the war. Further development of the People's War is drawn by the author in Tome IV, the heads of which are devoted to a strong and mighty partisan movement.

In those years, patriotic feelings and hatred of enemies embraced all the segments of the population. But even V.G. Belinsky wrote: "Patriotism is not in lush exclamations." L.N. Tolstoy contrasts true patriotism to such a show, which was heard in speeches and exclamations at the meeting of Moscow nobles. They worried about whether the peasants of the free spirit would not be gaining ("better still set ... And then neither the soldiers nor a man return to us, but only one debauchery," the voices were given at the nobility meeting).

During the stay of the army in Tarutin, it began to be held in the partisan movement, which began before the entry of Kutuzov to the post of commander-in-chief. Very accurately and figuratively said about the partisan movement and the people's nature of the war of 1812 L.N. Tolstoy, for the first time using the expression "Duby of People's War" in the first chapter of the third part of the fourth volume of Roman "War and Peace".

The partisan movement in the Patriotic War of 1812 is one of the main expressions of the will and the desire for the victory of the Russian people against the French troops. The partisan movement reflects the popular nature of the Patriotic War.

The partisan movement began after the accession of Napoleonic troops in Smolensk. Before the partisan war was officially adopted by our government, thousands of people of the enemy army were exterminated by the Cossacks and the "partisans".

The image of Petit Rostov is an expression in the novel of the theme of the partisan war, which shows that the people are the true power of history. He reveals the true price of human life, human relationships.

The partisan war with the French adopted folk character. She carried with them new methods of struggle, "tilting the conquest strategy of Napoleon."

Tolstoy ambiguous refers not only to the People's War, but also to the partisan. The People's War admires the writer as the highest manifestation of patriotism, as the unity of people of all the layers in their love to their homeland and in general desire do not give the enemy to seize Russia. Only the war is partisanskaya, that is, the liberation, which is not "game", not "fun of idle people", and retribution for ruin and misfortune, aimed at protecting their own freedom and freedom of the whole country, is valid, according to Tolstoy. But still anyone, even a fair war bends destruction, pain and suffering, is the personification of an evil, anti-imaginary start. Therefore, the guerrilla war, felt by Tolstoy in the novel, is, according to the author's thoughts, manifestation of people's wrath, but not the embodiment of humanism and the highest good. Tolstoy Rostov Roman War

The people's character of war is shown to Tolstoy different ways. Copyright historical and philosophical reasoning about the role of the personality and the people in history in general and the war of 1812 in particular, live paintings of outstanding historical events; People can be depicted (although extremely rarely) as a whole, general, and as countless of living ordinary characters. The motives and feelings of the whole nation are concentrated in the form of the "representative of the People's War" of the commander of Kutuzov, felt the best representatives of the nobility, brought together with the people.

Tolstoy shows a combination of formidable strength, courage and kindness, heroic patience of generosity in Russian character; This is a unique connection and represents, in the thickness, the essence of the Russian soul. The writer himself says: "There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, good and truth." Russian soldiers, having met Captain Rambalar and his ferry of Morel, freezing in the forest, bring them porridge, vodka, littered with a sinel rambala. Joyfully smiling, they look at the ferry.

Such is the main assessment of the People's War in Roman Tolstoy. "And the benefit of the people, who in a minute of testing with simplicity and ease raises the first walking Tubin and nails it until in the soul, his sense of insult and revenge will be replaced by contempt and pity."

L. Tolstoy glorified and perpetuated at all times the image of the "club of the People's War". At the same time, he glorified the Russian people, who boldly, decisively and disgustly raised her to the enemy.

The greatest work of L.N. Tolstoy rightfully is the Roman-epic "War and Peace". Already by the title, one of the topics of the novel is understandable. Tolstoy always believed that the war is a "terrible case," and the great crime, and forced self-defense, and forced self-defense. Self-defense has become for Russia and the Patriotic War of 1812. However, the very nature of this war is interesting - she was folk. Not only troops took part in it, but all the people.

Peasants along with nobles carried military serviceThe part of their income was given to the needs of the army merchants, most of the peasants went to the partisans. At the same time, the role of the partisan movement was truly large-scale.

The peasant detachments were combined with a noble goal - to protect their homeland. The prototypes of the leaders of the peasant movement were the guerriancan of Vasilisa Kozhin - in the novel of Starostich Vasilisa, Lieutenant-General Denis Davydov. In addition to the above-mentioned heroes in the novel, there are other persons whose prototypes are real historical personality. The most colorful character among the partisans is, without a doubt, Tikhon Shcherbaty. He showed himself an unusually bold reconnaissance, but there is no showing heroism. He is active, cheerful and ready for any feat, not counting it at the same time, but only the execution of debt. It is a collective way of all Russian people. There were a lot of such people in other detachments.

Another folk hero, opposing the active who, in constant movement, Tikhon Shcherbatom is Plato Karatayev. In the image of this hero, there is nothing militant, his appearance is so peaceful, which is emphasized by the author in his "roundness". He has a simple and kind character, he does not feel hate to anyone, even to the French. But how much folk wisdom we hear from his mouth!

Both characters are Tikhon Shcherbaty and Plato Karatayev - depicted schematically. They show different hypostasis of the Russian people, but, nevertheless, both of these images are symbolic. They are not created for the war, as not created for her and any Russian man. But since the homeland threatens the danger, they both are ready to rush to her defense.

The chief leader of the People's War, under the leadership of which he was repulsed by the French troops, was no longer a young wise experience of commander M.I. Kutuzov. He took his position by the will of the people and himself was close to the people.

Depicting the People's War, the author conducts an antithesis between officers expressing the care of a soldier, the coasting and values \u200b\u200bof his life, and officers who are interested in only their own security and promotion. The first type of officers, undoubtedly, belongs to Tushin, who remained with a small detachment and the whole pair of guns to shoot from the upcoming enemy, while the Stroty Gerkov did not bring the Captain order of retreat.

The author depicts the Russian people, ready to protect their native land from the invaders at any cost. It is enough to recall the merchant Ferrapontov, who settled his barns, if only his good did not get the enemy. The people go to the enemy with simple weapons - a club. And this duby becomes a real symbol of the national liberation movement against the Napoleonic army. "... Dubube of the People's War rose with all his terrific and majestically by force, without asking against drawing tastes and rules, with stupid simplicity, but with appropriateness, without disassembling anything, the French nailed until all the invasion died." Napoleon, with his army, was too weak next to the powerful spirit of ordinary Russian people who fought for the liberation of their great fatherland.

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Dubube People's War

Dubube People's War
From the novel "War and Peace" (t. IV, part 3, ch. 1) L. N, Tolstoy (1828-1910): "We will imagine two people who came out with the swords to fight for all the rules of fencing art ... Suddenly one of the opponents, feeling wounded, realizing that this is not a joke ... I threw the sword and, taking the first thing that I got a bang, began to spoke her ... Feno-
the wolf demanding the struggle in all the rules of art was the French; His opponent who threw the sword and raised by Cubin, were Russian ... Despite all the complaints of the French for the non-fulfillment of the rules ... Dubube of the People's War rose with everything, the Groznoye and the majestic strength and, without asking against the draws and the rules, went down, went down and nail The French until all the invasion died. "
Allegorical: about the great opportunities of the People's War.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lock-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003.

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