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Famous people with the name Ratmir. Biography. Ambulance rammed by Mercedes

For many, this name is associated with the character of Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila". It sounds very courageous, bold, loud. But will the boy named so grow up happy? And will he really become a bully?

The origin of the name is only Slavic. It is translated as "warrior of the world" or "fighting (advocating) for the world."

Interestingly, there is a female version of this name, Serbian - Ratimirka.

It gives a middle name: Ratmirovich (Ratmirych), Ratmirovna.

For friends and relatives, he is: Ratik, Mirchik, Ratka, Mira.

What character does it give

Positives: He is really very brave. And besides, this is a smart, intellectually developed person. He is ready to throw himself on the altar of justice, knows how to work devotedly for the common cause. This man is reliable and decent. He is very proud.

He has a highly developed inner sense. If he doesn’t like a stranger or some business, then the person can really turn out to be a scoundrel, and the business is a losing one.

And besides, this is a born speaker. He can change the mind of another person, persuade him to do as Ratmir wants. He himself has strong willpower, so he definitely will not fall under the influence of another person.

Weaknesses: he is very demanding of relatives, friends, subordinates. Often feels superior, better than other people. He is extremely independent, and woe to anyone who decides how Ratmir should live (and even teach him something).

This person is capricious and cunning. He can often feel lonely, even among people.

Here's how the fate of Ratmir changes as you grow older

  • Childhood. In the kindergarten, this is a quiet toddler who loves to play with himself. At the same time, he grows spiritually faster than his peers, so with many he is simply not interested.
  • School. Most often, this boy is friends with older guys. Classmates are rarely interesting to him - however, because of this, they may not like him. He can learn successfully, but only if the teacher manages to interest him. It may happen that he becomes the best in the hobby group, but a rather mediocre student at school.
  • Youth. He is distrustful, so he does not have easy and quick acquaintances. Ratmir is friends more often with people whom he knows almost from kindergarten, and appreciates these comrades very much. Outwardly, he is closed, inside he is quite sensitive, it is easy to offend him. This is a very disciplined guy who can easily take his will into a fist. Anyone who does not know how, he considers weaklings.
  • mature years. This is a perfectionist, a pedant. The authorities often entrust him with difficult tasks that other colleagues have not coped with, and Ratmir brings them to a victorious end. He can be quite strict with his subordinates, and woe to a frivolous or unreliable person if he ends up in the team of this “general”.

Astrology and esotericism

  • Ideal zodiac sign: Gemini. That is, this name can be given to a baby born on any day - but it is best suited for a baby who was born in the time period from May 21 to June 20.
  • Name color: a mix of blue and grey.
  • The planet that provides the bearer of the name with special patronage: Mercury.
  • A stone that in the hands of Ratmir turns into a talisman: rock crystal. It can be set in men's jewelry (say, cufflinks, pendant), or kept in the house in the form of a figurine.
  • Name plants: tree - plane tree, flower - edelweiss.
  • Totemic living being: This is a bird, a condor.

Name days: there are none, since this is not a church name.

Here is how Ratik does in different life situations:

  • Family. He "rings" late, as he is looking for the only one. He wants to trust his wife, respect her - but he demands the same for himself. He does not like it when quarrels arise in the family, so he tries not to bring the situation to a "white heat". He loves children, but his wife brings them up.
  • Job. Ratmir is an excellent crisis manager. The more difficult the task, the more obstacles on the way to the goal, the more interesting it is. If the work becomes monotonous, he begins to lose his grip and frankly get bored.
  • Disease. The “Achilles heel” of Ratmir can be called the throat and lungs. From childhood, it is important for parents to instill in a guy a love for sports (but since he is rather self-willed, it is impossible to enroll him in a circle by force - let him choose what he likes). The swimming pool is the best.

With which woman to build a relationship, and which one will only break your heart?

For love, this guy needs a bright personality who loves freedom in everything.

However, for marriage, he will choose another woman: a homely and calm, real hostess, obedient, fully agreeing that her husband is the head of the family.

Namesakes who glorified the name Ratmir

  1. Ratmir or Ratsha (13th century) - chronicle hero, comrade-in-arms of Prince Nevsky, heroically laid down his head in the Battle of the Neva.
  2. Ratmir Kholmov (1925-2006) - Soviet grandmaster, Moscow chess champion.
  3. Ratmir Shishkov (1988-2007) - graduate of the Russian Star Factory, rapper, member of the Banda group. Born into a gypsy family.
  4. Ratmir Alexandrov (1989) - performer of lyrical and army songs with a guitar from Russia.
  5. Ratmir Nagimyanov - extreme, base jumper from Russia. He died in the Alps while jumping in a "wing suit" from the top of a mountain.

And a few more words about Ratmir Pushkin, the young Khazar Khan. Everyone knows that the main character of the work was. He defeated the villain, saved his beautiful bride ... But he also had competitors - Farlaf, Ragdai, Ratmir ... In this video you can see where the last of the epic knights ended up and whether his story ended well in Ruslan and Lyudmila:

The meaning of the name Ratmir: the name for the boy means "army of the world." This affects the character and fate of Ratmir.

Origin of the name Ratmir: Slavic.

Diminutive form of the name: Ratya, Mira.

What does the name Ratmir mean? the name Ratmir includes two roots: "army" (army) and "peace". Another meaning of the name Ratmir is "the conqueror of the world." A good name that combines lightness, beauty and courage. He can feel lonely even in a big company, so he needs friends who will not leave him alone in this state. However, a guy with this name is more of an introvert than an extrovert, and he doesn't really like noisy meetings.

Patronymic name Ratmir: Ratmirovich, Ratmirovna.


  • Zodiac - Gemini
  • Planet - Mercury
  • Color - gray-blue
  • Auspicious tree - plane tree
  • Treasured plant - edelweiss
  • Name patron - condor
  • Talisman stone - rock crystal

Characteristics of the name Ratmir

Positive features: The name Ratmir gives pronounced mental abilities, a kind of individuality, courage. A man with this name is ready to stand up for justice, does not tolerate tension in society, sacrifices himself for the sake of a common cause. From childhood, a child with the beautiful name Ratmir intuitively feels people and situations, although he cannot explain his likes and dislikes. He has a gift for persuading people, quickly picking up weaknesses in the arguments of his opponents.

Negative Traits: Awareness of one's superiority, increased demands on others. A man named Ratmir manifests himself as the master of his own destiny, having excessive independence in his thoughts and actions.

The nature of the name Ratmir: He Ratmir is cunning, capricious and not always easy to handle and live together. He has a very developed sense of isolation, so he often feels lonely even in a large team. He is little susceptible to outside influence, rarely expresses his opinion, and is not distinguished by great talkativeness and gaiety. The guy is very proud, persistent in achieving his goals. Exceptionally smart, has analytical abilities, scientific inclinations, but does not always achieve success - the inability to control one's passions interferes. A man with this name attracts people to his side with decency and reliability. In the company of boys, he enjoys unquestioned authority for courage and justice. He Ratmir needs a reliable rear, psychological support, as great difficulties lie on his shoulders. For him, the burden of responsibility is of particular importance.

Ratmir and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: The union of Ratmir with Melitina, Praskovya, Rimma, Rosa, Tamara, Tatyana is favorable. The name Ratmir is also combined with Tomila. Difficult relationships can develop with Alla, Veronica, Jeanne, Inga, Claudia.

Love and marriage: Family problems can interfere with the fulfillment of Ratmir's high aspirations. To all his problems will be added the complications associated with settling domestic conflicts. A guy named Ratmir takes full responsibility for himself, attaches great importance to the well-being of the family.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Rati has high ideals for the reconstruction of society. Everything he does bears the imprint of individuality. The guy does not follow dogmas in any area, but is able to compromise, to achieve what he wants through a mutually beneficial agreement. A man named Ratmir excels in military service, diplomacy, jurisprudence, and literary work.

Business and career: Rata is lucky enough in financial matters, he will be able to manage money wisely, but by the end of his life he is inclined to spend it or donate it to something.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Ratmir: Being in constant tension among people unpleasant for him, the owner of the name Ratmir is sick. Possibly weakened immunity, frequent headaches. Good sleep, a rational diet, psychological relief will help him maintain health:

The fate of Ratmir in history

What does the name Ratmir mean for male destiny?

  1. "Young Khazar Khan Ratmir" - lines from "Ruslan and Lyudmila" immediately come to mind at the sound of this name. Khan molested Lyudmila and was very sad when she chose Ruslan. Together with Rogdai and Farlaf, also rejected suitors, he set off in search of Lyudmila, kidnapped by Chernomor, but did not become either an evil killer, like Rogdai, or a cunning scoundrel, like Farlaf: he was lured from the path of the enchantress of the Devye Kingdom, the khan found love in their leader and consolation, forgetting about the charms of Lyudmila.
  2. Ratsha - (d.1240) combatant of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich, hero of the Battle of Neva.
  3. Ratmir Shishkov - (1988 - 2007) Russian singer, rapper.
  4. Ratmir Kholmov - (1925 - 2006) Soviet and Russian chess player, grandmaster (1960), champion of Moscow (1987).
  5. Ratmir Bobovikov - (1927 - 2002) Soviet party and statesman.
  6. Ratmir Komratov - (born 1951) representative of the high command of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Rear Admiral, Commander-in-Chief of the Naval Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2008 - 2009).

Short form of the name Ratmir. Ratya, Mira, Ratik, Ratek, Ratko, Ratmirek, Mirek.
Synonyms of the name Ratmir. Ratimir, Racimir, Racimezh, Ratomir, Ratsha.
Origin of the name Ratmir The name Ratmir is Slavic.

The name Ratmir is a Slavic name, formed from two parts "army" (army) and "peace". Literally, the name is translated as "advocating for peace", there are translation options for "warrior of the world", "army of the world", and also "warrior".

The name became well-known after the appearance of A.S. Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila", where this name was borne by one of the characters - "the young Khazar Khan Ratmir". It is possible that the prototype of this hero was the combatant of Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich, the hero of the Battle of the Neva - Ratsha (Ratmir).

The Serbs have a female version of the name - Ratimirka. And the diminutive address of the World is also an independent name and a short form for many female and male names.

The name Ratmir was borne by a real historical character - a Novgorod hero of the 13th century, an ally of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky. The name of this hero is mentioned among the six main characters of the Battle of Neva in the chronicle "The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky". The chronicle says that he died during the battle, but some researchers claimed that he survived and later served as Nevsky's brother, Prince Yaroslav Yaroslavovich. It is possible that several heroes had the same name.

Ratmir was a symbol of Novgorod greatness, a particularly revered hero. His sword was kept by the Novgorodians and passed down from generation to generation. The most famous episode is when this sword was handed over to the young commander Miroslav, the son-in-law of Marfa Posadnitsa, for the defense of Novgorod from the Moscow prince Ivan the Great.

The name Ratmir is quite rare. Its owner is distinguished by cunning, purposefulness and pride. To achieve his goal, he will stop at almost nothing. Ratmir is very smart, he is often capricious. A short temper can prevent him from succeeding in life.

In the team, this man tries to stay apart. Not everyone can find an approach to it. In communication, he is quite a complex person. He rarely makes contact, he is not talkative. There is gloom. In some situations, he is able to show patience and gentleness.

Celebrating a birthday in the autumn months, Ratmir is a calmer person. Rarely offended by anyone. The summer owner of the name is distinguished by restraint and closeness. He tends to hide his feelings. Such Ratmir trusts few people. Careful choice of friends. With a congenial person, he avoids quarrels, cherishes his attitude.

Ratmir is a hospitable host of the house. He likes to invite guests to his place, but often gets tired of them. He is always cozy and comfortable. Ratmir feels a certain attraction and attachment to the house. But for a quiet existence, this man needs to have personal space.

Born in autumn, Ratmir is generous and merciful. If necessary, he will share with another the last thing he has. The man leads an active lifestyle. He is fond of football, loves cycling. Differs in restlessness.

"Winter" Ratmir is very attached to his father's house. Since childhood, he needs to feel parental love and care. The opinion of the parents for him is a weighty argument in any situation. At school, he is distinguished by exemplary behavior, gets good grades. Has an excellent memory.

Career growth for him is not the main thing in life. Pride would never let him suck up to management for a promotion. He is always ready to help people in need. Rejection is rarely heard. Ratmir likes to spend time reading books. He is an intellectually developed person.

The married life of Ratmir is developing quite calmly. He behaves complaisantly, rarely enters into disputes with his wife. Choose your spouse carefully. This man attaches great importance to family life.

Name day Ratmir

Ratmir does not celebrate a name day.

Notable people named Ratmir

  • Ratmir or Ratsha ((d.1240) combatant of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich, hero of the Battle of Neva)
  • Ratmir Shishkov ((1988 - 2007) Russian singer, rapper)
  • Ratmir Kholmov ((1925 - 2006) Soviet and Russian chess player, grandmaster (1960), champion of Moscow (1987))
  • Ratmir Bobovikov ((1927 - 2002) Soviet party and statesman)
  • Ratmir Komratov ((born 1951) representative of the high command of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Rear Admiral, Commander-in-Chief of the Naval Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2008 - 2009))

Often parents want to give their child a name that would be powerful and powerful.

That name is Ratmir.

The name Ratmir came from a kind of ancient Slavic peoples and has two roots: “world” and “company”, which means the complete ruler of the world.

Ratmir is undoubtedly a leader in all matters. Likes luxury and prosperity. With parents is not always respectful, however, as well as with friends.

The thing is that men who are the owners of this name always listen only to themselves. Even if his opinion does not coincide with the views of others, even if they are his parents, he can boldly and without hesitation shout, insult and make his interlocutors guilty.

It is especially hard for mothers, because they love their children despite their disgusting character, but Ratmir, defending his point of view, is able to hurt his mother and even bring him to tears.

Of course, when he sees that his loved one is crying, he will leave and stop the argument, but he will not be the first to reconcile. No matter what, he will consider only himself right.

He likes clarity and clarity, so he chooses work that requires the implementation of a clear and precise plan. Easily open a business. It will be related to monetary matters, for example, a credit institution, a sale.

He is indifferent to creativity, he is not interested in painting.

Throughout his life, he will stick to his chosen idol. In everything he will try to be like him. Imitate the style of clothing, habits, manner of communication.

In terms of family, he will look for a woman who will completely obey him. She will not have her own point of view and will fully comply with everything he says. Otherwise, there will be no strong family.

Ratmir will manage his entire house, up to the preparation of the menu, and his wife must fully support her husband.

He brings up children in severity and imposes those principles that he considers necessary. Sometimes children are afraid not only to challenge his order, but also to ask or look at their father once again.

Unfortunately, such a despotic image in the upbringing of children is not always successful. Despite the fact that children will be straight A students, they often from childhood begin to hate their father for his excessive severity, and this anger will strengthen over the years, so that later, when they grow up, reproaches and misunderstanding among relatives will begin.

These misunderstandings will escalate into strong quarrels, which can lead to the fact that the children of Ratmir turn their backs on him.

Most easily, Ratmir will be able to suppress the will of his daughter, who, like his wife, will be completely dependent on the opinion of her parent. Even on his own, without asking his daughter, he can find her a husband and arrange a wedding for them. Even if the daughter does not like her father's choice, she will not argue with him and will do everything to make him happy.

In terms of sexual relations, he gives all his strength, which, however, keeps women close to him, despite the difficult nature.

Having created his family, he will know that his house is his fortress, where everyone listens to him and obeys him. At the same time, the man will do everything so that the family does not need anything, has everything that it needs and is protected.

He loves dogs very much. He is not interested in small breeds, he prefers strong, large, thoroughbred dogs, prefers independent training of their training, and he does it well.

He is attracted to strength and rudeness in everything. Often, when he is out of sorts, he can raise his hand to his wife for nothing.

Favorite color is black. Loves the classic style of clothing. All his chosen ones, mostly, have black hair, below the shoulders.

Favorite drink is coffee. He is engaged in its preparation on his own and believes that no one except him can cope with this task.

The stars easily describe and advise what to do in a certain period to Ratmir. Listening to their advice, the whole year for a man will be successful.

The predictions are as follows:

  1. January. The time of active business promotion, if there are certain plans, but a man cannot start to fulfill them because of his doubts, then this month allows you to cast aside indecision and start acting.
  2. February. For a free man, this month promises a lot of pleasant acquaintances with the opposite sex. By choosing a bride during this period, you can create a strong and long family.
  3. March. It's time to think about your family and friends. Especially about parents. If there were quarrels, misunderstandings, then they should be resolved this month. It will not only be easy to do this, but it will also allow you to be in full understanding with your loved ones for a long time.
  4. April. It's time to rest. Go to the sea, on a trip, escape from the daily hustle and bustle and enjoy the tranquility. Establish inner peace, create harmony with the outside world.
  5. May. It is worth pampering your family, paying more attention to your wife and children. Give surprises and delight them with your love.
  6. June. The time when you can easily say goodbye to unnecessary things. They can be sold, given away, donated.
  7. July. The most favorable period for the purchase of real estate or a car.
  8. August. The period when you should start paying attention to your self-development. It is worth reading more books, magazines, newspapers, you can do yoga.
  9. September. Dating this month portends strong alliances that will be very useful.
  10. October. Worth making time for your friends. Bathing, barbecue. It is worth reminding them that they are not forgotten and are just as appreciated as before.
  11. November requires you to reconsider your behavior, if it was too rude, to soften it. Forget all grievances
  12. December. Cancel all business meetings, do not make important decisions, do not rush to spend your money. Unfortunately, this month promises failure in all deeds and undertakings.

Lucky days of the week:

  • Monday;
  • Wednesday;
  • Saturday.

Lucky numbers - 1,3,6,7,10,16,19,30.

The most favorable time for a wedding celebration:

  1. March.
  2. April.
  3. August.
  4. November.
  5. June.
  6. July.
  7. February.
  8. December.

Talisman stone - opal.

Favorable color - gray-green.

The animal is a python.


  • Taurus;
  • Aquarius;
  • Aries;
  • fishes;
  • Sagittarius.

The name Ratmir for a boy initially determines the fate and his future.

Those boys who were born in the autumn are calmer and more patient than those who were born in the summer.

Ratmir, born in winter, from childhood begins to show his imperious character and is often touchy. Able to hold grudges for a long time and every day more and more angry with his offender.

Due to his strict, stubborn nature, he has many enemies who can harm Ratmir and, although he tries to solve everything on his own, he often needs help, although he does not admit it to anyone.

Often, when it's hard at heart, he likes to sit by the fireplace with a cup of coffee, watching the fire. However, he must be completely alone. So a man can understand himself and decide how to act in a given situation. Such solitude can last from one to two hours, and if no one interferes with him, he not only decides what to do, but also gains new strength and his mood improves for a long time.

Features of the name among nationalities

This name is especially common among both Muslims and Tatars.

A Muslim initially converts to Islam. Although it is customary to have several wives among a given nationality, Ratmir prefers one, but the most beloved, therefore, he approaches the choice of a companion with all responsibility and independently, without listening to anyone. After all, he understands that he will live with a woman and therefore you should not take extraneous advice.

The Tatar is strict, sometimes unfair, but he is ready to admit it and change it, despite his evil character.

In Orthodoxy, the name Ratmir is quite rare, but men with this name are more gentle in nature, but still they are not ready to make concessions if they know that they are right.

About a terrible accident in the center of Moscow, at the intersection of Sadovaya-Spasskaya Street and Orlikov Lane. On Thursday night, a Volkswagen Touareg and a Mercedes with five people collided there. From the impact, gasoline flared up in the Mercedes and the car exploded in front of eyewitnesses who ran to help.

The passengers and driver of the Mercedes were killed instantly.

By the time the forensic experts arrived, rescuers removed the bodies of the dead from the mangled Mercedes and laid them on the side of the road.

They were all terribly burned, doctors say. - Only two had injuries, and only one of them had an injury that could lead to death. That is, the guys actually burned alive.

According to preliminary data from traffic police inspectors who measured the stopping distance, the Mercedes ran through a red traffic light at a speed of 220-250 kilometers per hour.

Despite the late hour, there were many eyewitnesses to the tragedy. Some assured that a patrol car was chasing a Mercedes that was speeding at full speed - the driver of a foreign car violated the rules, and they tried to stop him. And leaving the chase, "Mercedes" and flew into a jeep.

According to law enforcement officers, a thorough check will be carried out on the fact of the accident. Perhaps the case will be closed, as the culprit of the accident and his passengers died. Unless other facts are revealed in the case.

As KP ​​managed to find out, the victims of the accident were fellow musicians Sergei Zaikovsky, nicknamed Guru-Rabbit, 22-year-old Timur Baisarov, singer Aldzhemen Sisokka (Deema), 19-year-old ex-manufacturer Ratmir Shishkov and 23-year-old Aldzhemen's girlfriend Christina Stop.

Behind the wheel of the Mercedes was 22-year-old Timur Baisarov. He was identified first, and already on Friday, his relatives took the body home - to Ingushetia.

26-year-old Aldzhemen Sisokku was identified by his mother only on Saturday by a chain and a pendant with the letter D. Not even clothes were left on the burnt body.

On Saturday, 19-year-old Ratmir Shishkov and 23-year-old Kristina Ustay were identified.

The fire mutilated the body of Ratmir beyond recognition. The young musician was identified by a miraculously surviving piece of sneakers (Ratmir wore bright, memorable shoes) and a sock, as well as by "African" pigtails on his head.

Heartbroken relatives and friends came to identify Sergei Zaikovsky on Sunday (he, like Timur and Kristina, had to be identified by his teeth and height).

“Mom Ratmir is holding on with her last strength”

The mother of Ratmir Shishkov, Lyalya Mikhailovna, was informed about the tragedy by the guy's friends. The news of her son's death crippled the woman.

Can you imagine what it is like to bury a son for a mother, in my opinion, nothing is more terrible, - the cousin of Ratmir Almaza barely holds back her tears. - This is such a grief, we could not believe for a long time, we did not understand how this could happen. Early on Saturday morning, Shishkov's relatives went to the morgue. Lyalya Mikhailovna was supported by Uncle Ratmira and other relatives. After the body was identified, the mother and friends of the deceased musician left to buy clothes in which Ratmir would be buried. They returned a few hours later, carrying a snow-white suit. This time, Lyalya Mikhailovna remained sitting in the car - she no longer had the strength to go inside for the second time. At about four o'clock in the afternoon, the body of Ratmir Shishkov was taken home from the morgue. The musician's funeral will take place on Tuesday. Ratmir, like his dead friends, will be buried in closed coffins.

Ratmir Shishkov's girlfriend Sonya Kuzmina (daughter of the famous musician Vladimir Kuzmin) still cannot recover from grief.

I learned about the tragedy from a friend, I'm in shock, - Sonya shared with a KP correspondent. At first I didn't even believe my ears. I called Masha Weber, Nikita Malinin. Nikita is friends with Domenic Joker, he was already in the know. It's a pity for everyone, Ratmir... He was so young. Ratmir and I knew each other very well, it was I who brought him to the "Factory". She introduced me to Lina Arifulina. She immediately liked Ratmir, and they took him. He had a great voice. We, unfortunately, have not seen each other for a long time, but I was going to record a duet with him. Now this will never happen...

Every evening since the day of the tragedy, friends of the victims gather in the Black October cafe on Novy Arbat. The institution belongs to the popular singer Timati (he, along with Ratmir, was a member of the "Star Factory-4" and sang in the band "Banda"). It was a favorite meeting place for young musicians.

On Friday night, the cafe was also crowded. Tear-stained eyes, faces pale with horror... Funeral toasts sound at every table.

That day they were in the studio, - a guy named Vakhtang shares with friends. - Then Timur took everyone away. So why did I let him go then?

On Saturday, the friends of the victims placed candles in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior for the repose of their souls.

On the evening before the accident, Christina and I were sitting in a cafe, - Christina's friend Ustay Ksenia can hardly restrain herself. - Then Timur and Ratmir arrived. They were going to the studio on Sukharevskaya, where Deema was waiting. They met with Christina, but quarreled the day before (Algemen recently divorced his wife, he left a little daughter. - Ed.). Timur and Ratmir wanted to reconcile them. They persuaded Christina to go to the studio. Persuaded...

Christina will be buried at home in Kazakhstan.


Ambulance rammed by Mercedes

A team of doctors, who was going to help the participants in the accident, got into an accident themselves

At about seven in the morning on Saturday, a team of doctors from one of the Skoropomoshech substations urgently left for the Volokolamsk highway. There, according to those who applied to 03, there was a serious accident.

It was the last call of the brigade that day, the doctors say. At 8:00 a.m., their shift ended.

However, the doctors could not help the victims of the accident. On the way, their car also had an accident - at the intersection of Narodnogo Opolcheniya and Berzarin streets, a Mercedes crashed into an ambulance. From a strong blow, the medical Gazelle turned over. All those sitting in it were seriously injured. Colleagues of doctors quickly arrived at the scene of the accident. They transported the victims to hospitals.

As it became known to KP, 31-year-old paramedic Evgeny Kaznacheev died from his injuries at the entrance to the Botkin hospital. The deceased doctor is survived by two small children.

The second paramedic, 23-year-old Aleksey Ovchinnikov, flew out through the windshield of the Gazelle during the collision. With a craniocerebral injury and a hip fracture, he was taken to the intensive care unit of the 67th hospital. He is still in a coma. Alexander Tsvetkov, a 26-year-old ambulance driver, was also brought to the same clinic. He was found to have ruptured internal organs.

The driver of the Mercedes was not injured, he was rescued by deployed airbags. And the passenger of a foreign car with serious injuries was also taken to the 67th hospital.

Theater actress Petra Fomenko knocked down a pedestrian

People's Artist of the Russian Federation, theater actress Pyotr Fomenko Madelena Dzhabrailova hit a pedestrian. An unpleasant incident occurred exactly at midnight near the house number 23 on Taganskaya street.

The 37-year-old actress was driving home in her Citroen Xara (she just lives on Taganka). When Madeleine began to rebuild from one lane to another, a man suddenly appeared in front of her car. A careless pedestrian crossed the road in the wrong place.

The actress did not have time to slow down and knocked down a stranger. From the blow, he flew off to the side and fell unconscious. Frightened, Madeleine ran out of the car, called an ambulance and the traffic police.

Before the arrival of doctors, the man showed no signs of life. The doctors were about to call for a transport to the morgue, and then the victim suddenly groaned. In a state of coma, he was taken to the Sklifosovsky Institute.


How to force drivers to follow the rules of the road?

Leonid OLSHANSKY, Vice-President of the Movement of Motorists of Russia:

First of all, it is necessary to eradicate the factors that contribute to the violation of traffic rules. For example, today I crossed a double solid line, and tomorrow there is a concrete barrier, like on the Moscow Ring Road. Comprehensive measures are needed, the president said a year and a half ago that the problem cannot be solved by strengthening responsibility alone.

Gennady GUDKOV, member of the State Duma Security Committee:

Our driver is responsible for everything: for the completely stupid interchanges, and for the lack of traffic lights, and for the senselessly placed signs ... And the principle of the authorities and the traffic police is exclusively punitive. Instead of ensuring traffic safety, they are engaged in extortion.

Andrey CHEREPANOV, economist, head of the National Development project:

Only with large fines. It is unlikely that all the money raised will end up in the budget, most of it will end up in the pockets of traffic cops. However, the main goal - restoring order on the roads - will be achieved.

Mark FRANCHETTI, Moscow correspondent for the British newspaper The Sunday Times:

This is purely a question of culture and the level of corruption. Here you are going to increase fines, but this will not change much. You just have to give more to the paw.

Albert DEMCHENKO, silver medalist of the Turin Olympics in luge:

Right now I have a receipt for payment of a fine for violating the speed limit. Although I am a careful driver, it is arranged in such a way that it is impossible to drive properly without violating the rules. It is necessary to educate road culture in motorists and pedestrians.

Andrey SUDAKOV, propaganda inspector of the Central District Department of Internal Affairs, Voronezh:

For violation of the rules, everyone should be held accountable on an equal footing - both the minister and a simple driver. Why in England the heir to the throne can easily be fined, while our officials are released?

Mashenka, site reader WWW.KP.RU :

For any violation, rights must be taken away. Thus, by the way, the problem of traffic jams will be solved!

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Dominic Joker at the identification of Radmir Shishkov.