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Predictions about the second coming of Christ. The Messiah will cure own people. He will crucify with robber

"It turns out time and approached the kingdom of God: Just and believe in the gospel" (Mark 1:15)- here the main idea In the preaching of Christ. He himself explains to people how to understand the prophecies about his birth, death and the second coming.

The birth of the Messiah was proclaimed, above all, in Judea. On the hills of Bethlehem Angels announced the birth of Jesus. In search of his Volkhiva came to Jerusalem. Here Christ called his first disciples, and here a large part of his earthly ministry was held. His divinity, so obviously manifested with the cleansing of the temple, the wonderful healings committed by him, and lessons expedited by His tired - all this reinforced his words, said to Sedrin, after healing the patient in Bowfesd, that he is the Son of God.

Sedrin is rejected by the news of Christ and wished his death. Jesus, leaving Jerusalem, priests, temples, religious leaders and legislation, turned to another part of society to proclaim his news and elect those who would preach the gospel to all nations.

Similarly, in the days of Christ, the church authorities rejected the light and life in Christ, in each subsequent generation the same picture is observed. When the reformers began to preach the Word of God, they did not think to separate from official churchBut the religious leaders did not need the light, and those who carried it were forced to turn to another part of society, to people who thirst for truth.

Jerusalem Rabbi despised the inhabitants of Galilee, considering their rude and ignorant, but the Savior found a fertile soil here. People here were more open to the adoption of truth. Galilee at that time was densely populated by people of different nationalities, and there were much more of them than in Judea.

When Jesus wandered on Galilee, instructing and healing the people, many people from cities and villages were glazed to it. Many came even from Jews and surrounding areas. Sometimes it was necessary to restrain the inspiration of the people so that the Roman authorities do not suspect uprising. Never still worried about this time like this. Heaven approached people. The sharp and thirsty souls were saturated with the grace of the Savior.

Evangelskaya news, preached by the Savior himself, was based on prophecies. "Time" whose offensive he proclaimed was a prophetic period mentioned by Arkhangel Gabriel in a conversation with Daniel: "Seventy Sedmin is defined for your people and the Holy City of yours so that there was a crime covered to be covered, the sins were sealed and branded, and that was given to the eternal, and the vision and prophet were sealed, and was the Holy Holy Saints" (Daniel 9:24) . The day in the prophecy is equal to the year (see numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4: 6). Seventy Sedmin, or four hundred and ninety days, mean four hundred ninety years.

The beginning of the reference was given: "So, know and know: since that time, the command of the restoration of Jerusalem will be released, the Vladyka is seven sadmin and sixty-two weeks" (Daniel 9:25), - 69 weeks, or 483 years old. The command of the restoration and construction of Jerusalem, which was introduced by the decret of the ArkSerks Longiman (see Ezra 6:14; 7: 1, 9), it came out in the fall of 457 to R. X. From this time we count 483 years and get the date: 27 year ad. According to the prophecy, at the end of this time must come the Messiah, the anointed of God. In 27, our era Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit during baptism and soon after that he began his ministry. Then he sounded the message: "Time was fulfilled."

"And the covenant will approve for many of one week." For seven years after the Savior began his ministry, the Gospel should have been preached, mainly by Jews: three and a half years, and then the Apostles themselves. "In half, the sacrifice will stop and offering" (Daniel 9:27). In the spring of 31 years old, Christ is a true sacrifice - was crucified on Calvary. And then the curtain in the temple was refused to two parts - the sign that the sacrificial ministry lost its holiness and meaning. The time of earthly victim and offerings ended.

One Sedmina - seven years - ended in 34 years by R. H. Breaking Stephen's stones, Judea finally rejected the gospel: students scattered due to persecution, "Walked and missed the word" (Acts 8: 4). After some time, the Sawl's persecutor turned and became Paul, the apostle of the pagan.

The time of the coming of Christ, his anointing of the Holy Spirit, his death and the undoubration of the Gospel of the Gentiles clearly indicated by the prophecy. The Jewish people were given the opportunity to comprehend these prophecies and observe their implementation in the Mission of Jesus. The importance of studying the prophecies of Christ indicated his disciples. Referring to the prophecy of Daniel, relating by the time he said: "Reading so Measure" (Matthew 24:15).

Archangel Gabriel, the second on the position after the Son of God, came to Daniel with Divine Mest. It was Gabriel, "his angel", sent Christ to discover the future of his beloved John. All, reading and listening to the words of prophecy and complying with written in it, promised blessing.

"For the Lord God does nothing without opening his secrets to his slaves, prophets" (Amos 3: 7). God's blessings There will always be accompanied by a reverent prayer study of prophetic scriptures.

Just as the news about the first coming of Christ proclaimed the kingdom of his grace, the message about the second coming proclaims the kingdom of His Fame. This news is also based on prophecies. Everything that Angel told Daniel relatively last daysmust be understood in lately. Then "Many will read it [Book] and multiplies the maintenance." Savior himself, pointing to signs of his coming, said: "When you see that come true, know that the kingdom of God is close ... See your hearts, so that your hearts are not aggravated by the upcoming and drunkenness and worries everyday life, and that the day is not comprehended you suddenly ... So, awake for all time and pray, yes Please avoid avoiding all future [disasters] and to appear before the Son of Man "(Luke 21:31, 34, 36).

We have reached a prophetic period predicted in these Scriptures. The end time has come, the visions of the prophets are open, their solemn cautions indicate the proximity of the advent of the Lord in glory. But the kingdom of this world occupies the thoughts of people, and they do not notice the rapidly executable prophecies and signs soon the coming kingdom of God. And although we are unknown an hour of the return of the Lord, we know that he is close, so we ask each reader to carefully study the prophecies of the Bible and pray to be ready to meet the Savior Jesus Christ and inherit the kingdom of heaven.

Ellen White, "Desire of Centuries"

Since the time of expulsion from paradise of the first people, Adam and Eve, all of humanity expected to come into the world of one who would have redeemed not only the sin of the progenitors, but also the personal sins of every person would make all people free from slavery and death. Faith and hope of people was based on those honeycombs that the Lord gave them God. Since the only people of the ancient world, who retained the true faith in God, were the Jews, then, according to the promise of God, it was from them that the Messiah (in Hebrew - Moshihah, on Dr. Greek - Christ - letters. "Anointer" ). Throughout the Old Testament period (that is, the righteouss and the prophets, through which God reminded Jews about the need to maintain the purity of faith and be ready to take the redemporary to be ready to take the redempters.

The first preparing indication for the future birth of the Savior, when expuling the progenitors from Paradians, the Lord himself gave himself. In the words facing a snake, insieved people in sin, he said: "And the hostility will put between you and between the wife, and between your seed and between her seed; It will affect you in the head, and you will stratum it on the foot "(Gen. 3, 15). In this prophecy, a snake christian church Understands the fallen angel of God Dennitsa - Satan, Devil. Under the wife is understood by the Virgin, from which the Savior was supposed to be born.

The following prophecy about the arrival in the world of the Messiah is the promise given by the Lord God Abraham. After the Lord experienced the faith of the righteous, he told him: "You will be blessed in the seed of all the peoples of the land for the fact that you obeyed the Glass of My" (Gen. 22, 18). In these words of God, the church sees an indication of the fact that it was from the family of Abraham that the Messiah was to be born.

At the end of the Book of Genesis, there is another suitable indication of the birth of Christ. Before his death, righteous Jacob in one of the prophecies, the data of her sons, says this: "There will be no Scepter from Judah and the legislator from CRESS, the Ministry will not receive a reconciliation, and he is the humility of peoples" (Gen. 49, 10). Under the confamper is just a future savior. The meaning of the whole prophecy is as follows: the people elected will have freedom and statehood until Jesus Christ comes into the world, in the future, for his rejection, everything will be lost. Under the humility of the peoples is the appeal to the Christ Christ.

About Christmas Meria prophesied to St. Michei, who lived in about seven centuries to Christ. In her words about the future of the Messiah, the Prophet speaks about his birthplace: "And you, Bethlehem Efraff, are you little between thousands of Judine? From you will happen to me that should be a domain in Israel and which is the origin of the beginning, from the days of eternal " (Mih. 5, 2). It is directly called the city where the Messiah should be born is Bethlehem.

Whole line Covers about the birth of Christ made the Holy Prophet Isaiah, who lived at about the same time as Michea.
"And the industry will occur from the root of Jesseev, and the branch will grow from his root; And the Spirit of the Lord, the spirit of the wisdom and the mind, the spirit of the Council and Fortresses, the Spirit of Keeping and Piece, will be honored ... And it will be on the day: to the root of Jesseev, who will be like a banner for peoples, will be taught ... "(IP. 11, 1, 10) - In this prophecy, the theme of the origin of the Savior is revealed - he should be born from the Virgin, which would have happened from the genus Jesseeva and Davidov (Jessey - Father of the Holy Tsar and the Prophet David). In the second part of the prophecy, it is said about the arrival of the Gentham.
Another of the prophecies of Isaiah about Christ pointed to his future wonders, strength, spiritual power, healing: "Your God ... will come and save you. Then the eyes of the blind will open, and the ears of the deaf are rejected. Then the chrome will jump like a deer, and the tongue will sing ... " (Is. 35, 4-6).

The most famous and vivid prediction of the birth of the Savior, made by the Prophet Isaiah, sounds like this: "The Lord himself will give you a sign: Sea, Virgo in the womb Invest and give birth to the Son, and the name will be named after him: Emmanuel"(Is. 7, 14). In these words, not only about the arrival of the Messiah, but that is much more important, the secret of the award was opened - the Savior was supposed to be born from the Virgin, the name mysteriously "in the womb", his name was Emmanuly, that in translated from Greek it means "with us God".

In addition to the large number of prophecies about the place and very fact of the birth of the Savior in the Old Testament there are a lot and others - about his earthly path, miracles, suffering, death on the Cross and Resurrection. All these predictions knew well every Jew, and everyone who came from the genus David hoped that it was in his family that the Messiah would be born. The sadness is that in its bulk of the Jews did not see the expected Savior in the Lord Jesus Christ. They viewed him - they did not believe, or, like Judas Iskariot, was deceived in their expectations, thinking that it was the earthly king and a ruler who would make Israel to the center of the world. As a result, from the Israel who did not accept Christ, according to the word of righteous Jacob, "the Scepter moved", and good news It began to spread among the "languages", that is, others, still pagan, peoples.

Many have heard of the second coming of Christ, but not everyone knows what exactly will happen, what signs of this event and what an outcome should be expected. A lot of this event is stated in the Bible and many predictors told him about him.

What is the second coming of Christ?

In Orthodoxy, they confess the important truth, which indicates that Jesus will come to the ground for another time. This information was reported more than 2 thousand followers at the time when the Savior was raised on the sky. The second coming of Jesus Christ will be completely different than the first. He will come to the ground with a spiritual king in the Divine Light.

  1. It is believed that by this time each person will make a choice, which side to him to become good or evil.
  2. In addition, the Second Coming of Christ will happen after the dead will be resurrected, and the living will be converated. Souls of people who have already died, connect with their bodies. After that, a division into the kingdom of God and hell will occur.
  3. Many are interested in, Jesus Christ in the second coming will be a person or will appear in another image. According to the existing information, the Savior will be in the human body, but it will look different and his name will be different. This information can be found in Revelation.

Signs of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

In the Bible and in other sources, you can find a description of the signs that say that "Iks Time" is approaching. Each person himself determined to believe him in whether the second coming of Christ or not, it all depends on the strength of faith.

  1. The gospel will be distributed to the world. Though modern means The media distribute the text of the Bible, millions of people never heard of this book. Before Christ again comes to the ground, the Gospel will be distributed everywhere.
  2. Finding out what the second coming of Christ is, it is worth noting that there will be an emergence of unreal prophets and saviors who will disseminate false teachings. As an example, you can bring different psychics and magicians, which the church calls the manifestation of demonic.
  3. One of the signs call the fall. Because of the growth of lawlessness, many people cease to love not only each other, but also the Lord. People will betray, children will rise against their parents and so on.
  4. Finding out when the second coming of Christ is expected, it is worth indicating that before this event there will be wars and disasters. Natural cataclysms are inevitable.
  5. The devil before the second coming will send to the Earth of Antichrist.

The second coming of Jesus Christ - when will this happen?

When the Savior himself spoke about his own return, he argued that no one knows when it happens, nor angels or saints, but only the Lord God. Self understand when the second coming of Jesus Christ is possible, since there is a description of the events in the Bible, which will definitely happen before this great day. Believers, close to the Lord, will receive a sign that Jesus will come to the ground, even before the events described in the Bible.

What will happen after the Second Coming of Christ?

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe re-arrival of Jesus to Earth is a universal court over people - not only alive, but also dead. The second coming of Jesus Christ will be the exact opposite of the award. After that, decent people and souls of the dead inherit the eternal kingdom, and those who sinned will be subject to flocks. It is believed that after this great event, the sky and the Earth will connect, with the exception of the sphere where God is with celestials. There is also an indication in the Bible that the earth and the sky will be created in a new way.

The Second Coming of Christ - what does the Bible say?

Many are looking for information about the appearance of the Savior in the most important for the believers - the Bible. In the gospel, it is stated that before the land comes to the land, which will make a fair trial, and it will concern the living and the dead. When the second coming of Christ on the Bible does not understand, in terms of accurate dateSince this information is known only to the Lord.

The Second Coming of Christ - Prophecies

Many famous monitants The great event was predicted when Jesus comes to Earth and all sinners will pay for the deed, and the believers will receive a reward.

  1. Predictions about the second coming of Christ gave the biblical prophet Daniel. He spoke of the date of this event, even until Jesus first appeared on the light. The researchers who decipher the predictions determined the approximate date - this is 2038. Daniel argued that after the repeated phenomenon of Christ, people who would not take the stamp of the beast would still live with Jesus on Earth.
  2. Edgar Casey offers two prophecies. The first option indicates that in 2013 in America, the Church was to recognize Christ in the child of nine years, but, as we see, this prediction was not realized. According to the second variant, the Messiah will appear in the same image and age in which it crucified on the cross. This event will occur at the end of the XX - early XXI century. He did another clarification that it would happen after the Atlanta library will be found under Egyptian Sphinx.

The second coming of Jesus Christ - Revelation of John the Bogoslov

One of the apostles in his sermons told that Christ would definitely come to Earth for the second time, but he will appear no longer humiliated with the Son of Human, as it was for the first time, but as the true son of God. It will be surrounded by an angel servants. Prophecies about the second coming of Jesus Christ indicate that this event will be terrible and terrible, as he will not save, but to judge the world.

The apostle does not say when this event occurs, but it indicates some signs of a great event. This applies to the cloak of faith and love in humans. He confirms a lot of prophecies Old TestamentThe numerous cataclysms will take on the ground and signs will be visible in the sky. At this point it will be possible to see the sign in the sky about the appearance of the Son of the Lord.

Prophecy of Nostradamus about the second coming of Christ

The famous predictor described the events of the future not only verbally, but also through the drawings, the number of which is huge.

  1. One of the images shows how Jesus descends from the sky, and there are many angels around him.
  2. Nostradamus about the second coming of Christ says that when this happens, the church first does not recognize a new Messiah. This is explained by the fact that many clergymen have already defused their soul, so they simply will not be able to learn Jesus.
  3. On another image, the Savior and Warrior are presented, who directs him into the face of the sword. This Nostradamus wanted to say that many people and social groups The second coming of Christ will not take place and will resist him, but the Lord will come over for him.
  4. Another picture shows that the new Messiah will be completely ordinary, that is, unreasonable among ordinary people.

Vanga about the second coming of Christ

A well-known predictor helped people with a prayer and she often asked if she had seen Jesus. Wang has repeatedly told about the Second Coming of Christ, which will occur soon. Jesus will go down to Earth in his white robes and selected people will feel the heart that comes important time. Wanta argued that the truth should be sought in the Bible, which will help all those who have cleared and raised morally.

Prophecies Jesus Christ

"On the near future"

(Forum, second)

In this letter, I remind the prophecies of Jesus Christ about the parish to Earth on the eve of the so-called Armageddon (the decisive battle of good with evil) of the Messenger of God ("The Spirit of Truth, which comes from his father"). But before touching this topic, foster attention on distortions in the teaching, which the highest strength handed over to people two thousand years ago.

I will start with the fact that Jesus Christ did not call himself God or the Lord (that is, Mr.) and did not consider people slaves, because he saw the brothers in them. The followers called him a teacher, he spoke about himself as a human son, and when he was called the Son of God, he immediately added that all other people are also children of God. To confirm the evangent excerpt from the Gospel:

"And he began to teach them that his son should suffer a lot to be rejected by elders, high-priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day to rise." (MK. 8, 31)

"The Son of Human is on purpose; but grief that manWith which he looked around ... Jesus said to him: "Juda! Lee kissing the Son of Human?". (Luch. 22,22,48)

"And attending in Jerusalem, Jesus recalled twelve students alone and told them: here, we will be asked in Jerusalem, and the Son of the Human is devoted to the high priests and scribes, and will coordinate him for death; and give it to the pagans on crigngement and beating and crucifixion; and On the third day he will rise. " (Matt. 20, 17-19)

As you can see, Jesus called himself not God and not the Lord, but the son of man, because He considered his mother. On the other hand, he considered his father of God, but at the same time he did not say anyone that he was his only bend son (how to inspire clergy). Moreover, Jesus publicly stated that all people are children of God and are created by the likeness of the Creator (implying the essence of the spiritual, not a carnal). Below I will quote excerpt from the Gospel, which confirm this:

"Jesus answered them: whether it is written in your law: I said: Are you gods?". (John 10, 34)

"I said: You are the gods, and the Sons of the Most High - all you" (Ps. 81, 6).

"The kingdom of God within you have." (Luke. 17, 21)

"Do not you know that you are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God lives in you? ... the temple of God is holy; and this temple is you." (1 Cor. 3, 16-17)

"Yes, everything will be one; like you, the Father, in me, and I'm in you, and they will be in us one, - Yes, the world crashes that you sent me. And the glory you gave me, I gave them: May they be one as we are uniform. " (John 17, 21-22)

"We know that we are from God and that the whole world is in evil. We also know that the Son of God came and gave us the light and the mind, and he know the God of true ..." (1 in. 5, 19-20)

"Love gave us a father to be called and being the children of God." (1 in. 3, 1)

"Beloved! We are now the children of God; but it has not yet been revealed that we will. We only know that when it turns out, they will be like, because we will see him as it." (1 in. 3, 2)

"One body and one spirit ... one God and father of all who over all, and through all, and in all of us." (Eph. 4, 4-6).

"We are not looking at the visible, but on the invisible: for the visible temporary, and invisible forever." (2 Cor. 4, 18)

"What a man will sit, he will get married: sowing his flesh from the flesh will catch the ray; and the eternal life sings in the spirit of the Spirit" (Gal. 6, 7-8).

"Do not speak lies to each other, concealing the old (carnal) man with his affairs and enhanced in a new (spiritual), which is updated in knowledge of the image of creating it, where there is neither Ellina, nor Judea, nor circumcision, neither cutting, barbarian, Skif , slave, free, but everything in all of Christ. " (Count. 3, 9-11).

"For all, driving by the Spirit of God, the essence of God's Sons ... This very spirit testifies to our spirit that we are the children of God. And if children, then the heirs, the heirs of God, the sockets of Christ." (Rome. 8, 12-17)

As they say, the comments are unnecessary, everything is written open here. The statements of clerks that Jesus Christ is the only son of God, he is God, and all other people their slaves come from the evil. God is love and he can not be slaves, especially since the people of his children. As for Jesus, in relation to other people, it can be called an elder brother or teacher.

The same can be said about the frame, Krishna, Zoroastre, Hermes, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Platon, Gautama Buddha, Magomete, and others. Higher forces who follow the development of humanity on Earth have repeatedly sent their envoy as leaders, rulers to Earth , philosophers, politicians and religious figures, who pushed the course of evolution and sent certain groups of people in the right direction.

Today's Christianity is distorted to disgrace and divided into a large number of The flows and sects that gnaw among themselves as dogs and water each other mud. As a result, it seems that there was not one Jesus Christ, but thousands of Christ who preached different teachings to each other contradictory.

In fact, the teaching of Christ was simple and understood and was expressed by several phrases, everyone else came up with people to bring the devil, who divided them through it. As a confirmation, I will quote the words of Jesus Christ, spoken by him in the process of conversation with the Jewish legs:

"And one of them, the legist, tempting him, asked, saying: Teacher! What is the greatest commandment in the law? Jesus told him: love your God with all your heart and all your soul and yours and all the wise of yours: this is the first and the greatest commandment. Second The same similar to it: Love your neighbor as yourself. In this two commandments, the entire law and prophets are approved. " (Matt. 22, 35-40)

It is said short, but clear. In these two commandments, in fact, it contains all the teachings of Christ. Under the words: "Love your God with all your heart" Jesus meant everything that exists in the universe, for God is in everything. And the words: "Love your neighbor as yourself" are not related to individuals or tribes, but for all mankind, because all people are brothers, since the mother of the Earth and God the Father is common.

In his sermons, Jesus Christ put the spiritual values \u200b\u200bhigher than the material and urged people to love, justice, compassion and utterness, but at the same time not resiston the evil of the speech did not lead. And the commandments: "Do not oppose evil. If you hit one cheek, put the other. If you take off your shirt, give and the rest of the clothes. Do not judge, and you will not judge," the agents of the Devil are in Christianity.

To confirm said I will quote the statements of Jesus Christ, calling for an active struggle with the manifestations of evil (egoism, false, corruption, injustice, hypocrisy and other vices), as well as to the division of people on supporters of light and darkness (that is, God and Devil):

"Do not think that I came to bring peace to the ground; I didn't come to the world, but the sword (and the division on the righteous and sinners). For I came to divide a person with his father, and her daughter with her mother, and her daughter-in-law with her mother-in-law ... And whoever does not take his cross and not follow me (to God), he is not worthy of me. " (Matt. 10, 34-38)

"Fire (spiritual) I came to render to the ground, and how I would like it to be uploaded! ... Do you think that I have come to give the world to the earth? No, I tell you, but separation" (on supporters of light and darkness). (Luke 12, 49, 51)

"And who does not bear the cross and not go for me (to God), he can not be my student ... so every of you who will not dismiss everything that has (wealth, luxury, vices, egoism) cannot be My student. " (Lux. 14, 27, 33)

"Who is not with me, he is against me; and who does not collect with me, that crops." (Matt. 12, 30)

"And who will seduce one of the small, believers in me, would be better, if he had hung her pickle on her neck and threw him into the sea." (MK. 9, 42)

"And who will reject me before those who rejected the angels of God" (LK.12,9)

"Hate me hates and my father." (John 15, 23)

"So anyone who confesses me before people, he is confessing and I am before the father of my heaven; and who will renounce me before people, rejugging from that and I am before my heavenly. (Matt. 10, 32-33)

"Any plant that is not my father, my heavenly planted, eradicates." (Matt. 15, 13)

"Any tree that does not bring good fetus, cut down and thrown into the fire." (Matt. 7, 19)

"Go from me, damned, into the fire of an eternal, prepared by the devil and his angels ... and this will go into the eternal flour, and the righteous to the eternal life." (Matt. 25, 41, 46)

"So it will be at the end of the century: Angels will be treated and separated evil from the righteous environment. And they plunge them into the fire oven; there will be crying and crushing the teeth." (Matt. 13, 49-50)

"And if your hand seduces you, it compartments: it's better to enter life with two hands to go to Geenna, the fire is restless ... And if your eye seduces you, pull it away: better to enter the kingdom of God, better than you with one eye rather than two eyes to be injected into the fire-fire. (MK. 9, 43, 47)

"No one can serve the two gentlemen: for or one will hate, and to love another; or one will become zealous, but a friend to the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon." (Matt. 6, 24)

"Mount to you, rich! For you have already received your consolation. Mount you, bevented now! For I will pass. Mount you, laughs now, for omitting and disturbing." (LK. 6, 24-25)

"Mount to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites that make the kingdom of heaven with people; for they themselves do not enter and do not even admit to this." (Matt. 23, 13)

"Mount to you, scribes and Pharisees that like painted coffins that seem beautiful outside, and inside the bones of the dead and every uncleanness; so you seemed to be righteous to people, and inside hypocrisy and lawlessness." (Mf. 23, 27 -28)

"Zmey, the breeding of the Echidnas - you! How do you like to blame from condemnation in geenna?". (Matt. 23, 33)

"Your father is a devil; and you want to fulfill your father's father. He was a man from the beginning and did not resist in truth, because there is no truth in it. When he tells a lie, says his own, for he is a lie and Father Lie .." (Ying. 8, 44).

"And Jesus entered the temple of God and kicked out all selling and buying in the temple, and overturned the tables of the menovers and the benches selling pigeons. And he said to them: it is written:" My house prayer will be set up "; and you made it a Vertel Robbers." (Matt. 21, 12-13)

"And the disciples began to show him the temple's building. Jesus said to them: Do it all this? True telling you: the stone will remain here on the stone; everything will be destroyed." (Matt. 24, 1-2)

As can be seen from the above-listed Unrest, Jesus did not call. Moreover, he exposed publicly all creating evil and injustice, and also warned about the severe punishment, which is waiting for sinners on a terrible court. At the same time promised repentant forgiveness, and the people called for people. This is how it is stated in the Gospel:

"If your brother your brother will be sinted against you, I will say to him, and if he shifts, forgive him." (Luke 17, 3)

It follows from all this that people are obliged to fight evil, but it should not be angry. This is primarily about the struggle of spiritual and information. In addition to the above, I will quote an excerpt from my "book of life":

"I appeal to supporters of light: your time has come. But do not forget that evil evil is impossible. With darkness it is necessary to fight light, that is, publicity. Reflect the ministers of darkness, pull out for everyone to review and expose publicly. It is not angry and look at creative evil as in patients who can cure. Who can't forgive, he is distinguished from the light.

Forgive each other all that was bad between us, and let's start a new life in a new way. If yesterday's enemy comes to you as a supporter of light and suggest friendship, take it as native Brother. If a supporter of darkness comes to you, do not hold evil on it, but to refrain from his friendship. Moreover, you are obliged to pull on the universal review of his dirty ideas and actions, because it came to appear to each other in the form of what we really are.

Dark let them communicate with dark, light - with light. After each chooses that habitat, which most of all corresponds to its internal content, the harvest will begin. Dark will be destroyed, light will find eternal life" ("Life Book", ch. "Light and Darkness")

If you compare the statements of Jesus Christ with what I call for, then do not find discrepancies, because our teachings with him come from one source, whose name is God Father.

Now I remember the statements of Jesus Christ about God's messenger, who should appear on Earth at the end of times to share people on the righteous and sinners. Jesus calls him the Spirit of Truth, which comes from God Father:

"And I am a smart father, and will give you another comforter (Savior), and he will be in the age of breath, the Spirit of Truth, which the world (under the influence of darkness) cannot accept, because he does not see him and does not know him; And you (supporters of the world) know him, for he is with you and will be in you "(in. 14, 16-17).

"When a comforter comes, whom I will send you from my father, the spirit of truth, which comes from the Father, he will testify to me" (John 15, 26).

"And he, having come, attaches the world about sin and about the truth and about the court. About sin that they do not believe in me; About the truth that I go to my father, and no longer see me; About the court, that the prince of this world was convicted. I still have a lot to tell you, but you can not accommodate now. " (In. 16, 8-12).

"When he comes, the Spirit of Truth will come, he will instruct you for all truth; For it will not speak from herself, but will say that hears, and the future will heal you. He will glorify me, because from my will take and the future will heal you. Everything that the Father has, is mine; Therefore, I said that I will take and hesitate to you. " (John 16, 13-15).

So who was Jesus Christ? God or man? Or to others? And who, by his conviction, all other people? And why does he speak not about his second coming, which followers are waiting for him, but about the arrival of the new Savior of Christ: "The Spirit of Truth, who comes from the Father"?

The answer lies on the surface, and those who have not succumbed to the zombies of the Church (inspiring that Jesus Christ is the only son of the Son, and all other people their slaves) will find him in the words of Jesus himself:

"Jesus asked his disciples:" For whom people honor me, the Son of Human? ". (Matt. 16, 13)

"The Son of Human is not in order to serve him, but to serve and give his soul to redeem many." (Matt. 20, 28)

"That day you recognize that I am in my father, and you are in me, and I am in you." (John 14, 20)

"You are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God lives in you." (1 Cor. 3, 16)

"You are gods, and the Sons of the Most High - all you" (Ps. 81, 6).

"For all, driving by the Spirit of God, the essence of God's Sons." (Rome. 8, 14)

"One body and one spirit ... one God and father of all who over all, and throughout everyone, and in all of us" (Eph. 4, 4-6).

"We are not looking at the visible, but on the invisible: for the visible temporarily, and invisible forever" (2 Cor. 4, 18).

"Singing his flesh to the flesh will be raised; and the eternal life eternal" (Gal. 6, 8) sings in the Spirit.

To make sense, laid in the words of Jesus, became clear, you need to learn the truth that physical Plan Life is developing in one laws, and on spiritual - by other. Christ, Buddha and Krishna (whom followers consider the gods) in spiritual terms really - gods, but on Earth they were people, from flesh and blood, had earthly parents, as well as brothers and sisters, and in this world they came like all other people. And fairy tales about the immaculate conception invented priests to prove the divine origin of those who called on to worship.

This applies to all of humanity, without exception. On the physical plane, we are all people, and on the spiritual - gods, for they are created on the likeness of the Creator. The spark of God is in each of us, but in some it burns brighter, and in others weaker in accordance with the degree of spiritual development. And if in some this spark barely crashes, then in such giants of the Spirit as Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaistra, Hermes, Lao Tzu, Plato, Confucius, Jesus Christ, Magomet, Sergius Radonezh, Elena and Nikolay Roerichi Fire Spiritual burns with a bright flame merging With the fiery essence of the Creator's God and being an integral part.

High spirits came to this world many times on behalf of the highest strength in order to direct the development of humanity in the right direction. At different times, the Messengers of God were embodied among of different nations In accordance with the task of leaders, rulers, philosophers, politicians, visionary, religious figures, etc.

Now, on the eve of decisive events, it's time to appear to be a new messenger (Christ) in order to cut off the husks from the grains and summarize. In physical terms, he is the same as everyone, - the Son of Man, for the Earth is his mother. And in the spiritual, - contains the power, knowledge and inner essence of all the previous God's Messengers (including Jesus Christ) and God's Father himself. For as Jesus said, Christ said:

"That day you recognize that I am in my father, and you are in me, and I am in you ... One God and the Father of All, who is above all, and throughout everyone, and in all of us ... for all God's spirit, the essence of God's Sons ... The heirs of God, the Songings of Christ. "

"When a comforter comes (Savior), which I will send you from my father, the Spirit of Truth, who comes from his father, he will testify to me ... will instruct you for any truth; For it will not speak from herself, but will say that hears, and will hear the future. "


February 14, 2002

Jesus Christ predicted that all our world and all people expects in the future.

He taught that the end of the world will come, and the earth's life of the human race will end; Then he will come to Earth for the second time, and he will resurrect all people (then the bodies of all people will again connect with their souls and revive), and then Jesus Christ will make a court over people and will repay everyone for his business.

"Do not divide this," Jesus Christ said, because the time comes in which everything in the coffins will hear the voice of the Son of God and hearing comes to him; And they will come out of the graves - some who created good, for eternal, blissful life, and others who made evil, for condemnation. "

The disciples were asked: "Tell us when it is, and what sign of your (second) coming and the end of the world?"

In response to this, Jesus Christ warned them that before the coming of him, in glory, to the ground, they will occur such severe times for people, what have not happened to the beginning of the world. There will be different disasters: hunger, mor, earthquakes, frequent wars. Multiple lawlessness; faith will weaken; Many will not love to each other. There will be many false prophets and teachers who will dedicate people and corrupt them with their destructive teachings. But first will be preached by the Gospel of Christ along the whole of the land, in testimony to all nations.

In front of the very death of the world will be great, terrifying signs in the sky; Sea will be up with and indignant; The despondency and bewilderment will master people, so they will be out of fear and from waiting for disasters for the whole world. In those days, after the grief of that, the sun, will die, the moon will not give his light, the stars will fall from the sky and the power of heaven will cherish. Then the sign of Jesus Christ (cross him) will appear in the sky); Then all the tribes of the earth (from the fear of God for God) will also be seen and see Jesus Christ, going on the clouds of heaven with power and Great Great. Like lightning shines in heaven from the east to the West (and immediately visible happens everywhere), so (apparently for everyone, suddenly) will be the coming of the Son of God.

On the bottom and the hour of His coming on the ground, Jesus Christ did not tell his disciples; "Only my Heavenly's father knows about that," he said, and taught to be always ready for the meeting of the Lord.

Once the Pharisees asked Jesus Christ: "When will the kingdom of God get?"

The Savior replied: "Does not get the kingdom of God not plenty, and they will not say: here it is here, or, so, there, for the kingdom of God is inside you have."

This means that the kingdom of God does not have borders, it is everywhere limitless. Therefore, for the search for the kingdom of God, we do not need to go somewhere far away, "for the sea", in distant countries, do not need from us to cloud to the clouds, or descend into the abyss, but you need to look for the kingdom of God on the place where we live , i.e. where they are delivered to the fishing of God. Because the kingdom of God develops and ripens inside a person, in the heart of man. The kingdom of God is "righteousness, peace and joy about the Holy Spirit", when the conscience and the will of a person are included in complete harmony (in slender unity) with the mind and the will of God. Then, all the opposite will of God becomes a man is disgusting. The visible implementation on the Earth of the Kingdom of God is St. Church of Christ: everything is arranged in it according to the law of God.

Gospel from Luke, ch. 17, 20-21

About the last, terrible court of her over all people, in the second coming, Jesus Christ taught this:

When the Son of Human is coming in the glory of his own and all the holy angels with him, then he, as the king, will sit on the throne of His glory. And all the peoples will be gather before him, and he will separate some people from others (loyal and good and good and evil), just as a shepherd separates sheep from goats; and put sheep (righteous) on the right side, and goats (sinners) on the left.

Then tell the king standing on the right side of His: "Come, blessed my father, inherit the kingdom prepared by you from creating peace. Because I'm an alkal (was hungry), and you gave me eating; I wasged, and you have given me; was a wanderer, And you accepted me; there was nag, and you dressed me; was sick, and you visited me; in the dungeon was, and you came to me. "

Then the righteous will ask him with humility: "Lord! When we saw you sharpening, and fed? Or thirsty, and got it? When did we see you wanderer, and accepted? Or naked, and dressed? When we saw you sick, or in the dungeon and Came to you? "

The king will tell them in response: "True I tell you: since you made it one of the sizes of my smaller (i.e. for those who need people), they made me."

Then the king will say and those who are on the left: "Go from me, damned, into the fire of eternal, prepared by the devil and the agghelas of him. Because the alkal I, and you did not give me there; I wasged, and you did not drink me; was a wanderer , and did not accept me; Nag was, and did not dandate me; sick and in the dungeon, and did not visit me. "

Then they will tell him in response: "Lord! When we saw you, or thirsty, or a wanderer, or nagim, or sick, or in the dungeon, and did not, serve you?"

But the king will tell them: "True I tell you: since you did not make it one of the little smaller, I didn't make me."

And they will go into the flour eternal, and the righteous to the eternal life.

Great and scary will be this day for each of us. Therefore, this court is called terrible, as they will be open to all our cases, words, and the most secret thoughts and desires. Then no one will hope for anyone, because the court of God is righteous, and everyone will receive on their affairs.

Gospel from Matthew, Ch. 25, 31-46.