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Dreamed that the former wants to return. Famous monitants about such a dream. Personal Cabinet Delos

What dreams of former girl? To interpret this image, many dreams pay attention to the mood, which was near the dream during sleep and left after awakening, as well as for many others, at first glance, minor details. It is worth understanding.

If, after a meeting in the kingdom of Morpheus, pleasant impressions remained with a former girl, and good memories flooded, then you and your former partner realized that romantic relationships approached their logical conclusion. It is quite good, as you can remove the unnecessary burden with the soul and continue to live if the tearing somehow bothered you.

But when after waking up, the memories began to torment, and the meeting itself was not very pleasant, then of real life You did not tell a lot to each other, a lot of what else needs to be done together and the other. Dream intercoms do not mean that you will start your romantic relationship again, but in any case you should talk further and be good friends.

Interaction with the former beloved

  • If it happened to accidentally meet my former lover, then I will have a meeting with a new choices. This time you fix all the mistakes, due to this relationship will be longer and many times tighter;
  • But the sexual contact with this person marks what the old memories will be flooded with, and the cases that you postponed in a long box will soon have to decide. This symbol is not so favorable, as it may seem at first glance;
  • Pregnant girl in a dream. This image marks what your new love will not go to a dead end, as it was with the young lady, which appeared in a dream. The new novel will be long and with a good prospect for the future;
  • Marriage with a former beloved in a dream is quite a favorable symbol. It marks what the past is no longer held, and in front of you are open a lot of life roads for new promising affairs and pleasant meetings;
  • To see a former girl who is crying because of something. This image suggests that only the most faithful friends will be surrounded by helping in any situation. In the near future, you will meet many barriers and difficulties on your way, but they can easily be overcome with the help of people close to you;
  • Dream interpreters interpret the image of a dream in different ways, when in their night Gresses you are kissing with your ex-girlfriend. But they all converge in one thing: you should let go of the past. Past disagreements and quarrels, unresolved affairs and problems can very much to spoil life in the future. Altarkers recommend moving from memories to action, no matter how hard it was;
  • If she was brought in a dream that the girl returned to you, then maybe it will actually be. Although this happens very rarely. Dreams interpret this image like this: "This vision is filled with episodes from your last Life, on them and you should pay attention to understand that you are not satisfied today. " Just remember the dream in the smallest details, think well and make certain conclusions.

Other dream details

Girl see the former his young man. You are always trying to help everyone and to please. Sometimes it turns into excessive obsession. Do not forget that people can sometimes do without your help.

Also, dreams interpret this image as the insecurity of the girl itself. A dream is reminiscent of truly important things that should appreciate.

Interpretation of a dream of Miller's dream book

  • If a main character Your dream is simply indifferently passed by, then your relationship approached your logical conclusion. Return the old times and the relationship will already be impossible;
  • A date, a kiss or sex with a former beloved - these are signs of your remaining feelings. Dream interpreters do not guarantee that relationships can be resumed;
  • But a dream, where you swear or even fought with a former girl, marks the revival of the oldest feelings from both. It will be extremely easy to resume romantic relationships, but this time should not allow past mistakes, then these relationships will be even brighter and stronger.

Freud snotchlorotel - what the ex-girlfriend dreams

Sigmund Freud believes that you have to see the lady, with which in the past there was a relationship - this is a negative character. If today the dream already has a partner, then he can have serious difficulties and disagreements in relations, which led to a break with a dream object.

Sexual contact with the former partner usually dreams of lonely men. The dream says that it is time to make a search for girls so that physiological needs were satisfied with the appearance. If this image came to you in night gold, but you are already in romantic relationship, then you are not satisfied with your partner in sexual terms. This can lead to serious quarrels and even to break the relationship.

Dream Vanga: Former Beloved

Bulgarian clairvoyant believes that if you saw former love In his dreams, then the feeling for this object still remained. They can't let go of your soul and do not live quietly.

If you see first love in night gold, then in real life you are waiting for pleasant news from close friends or distant relatives. Perhaps you will receive a well-deserved increase in position at work.

It happens that the relationship has long been completed, but the past makes itself felt. Dreams in which people see their former partners, foreshadow and bad and good. What are they talking about?

Family dream book

To see the former girl in a dream - the fear of building a new relationship.

To see her in the distance - a meeting is to be held after a long separation with good friends or relatives.

Former beloved with a new chosen one and comes married - the following relationship will be serious and lead to marriage.

Secret meetings with the past love - there is a lovely girl in this guy. He does not recognize her feelings, although it often communicates with her.

Sleeping about death or the funeral of the one that loved in the past - life will change a lot. Scenarios can be the happiest, and not very.

Dream Sigmund Freud.

In this dream, the former girl is considered as a fleeting passion, which will happen in the very near future. It will be about physical proximity, and not about feelings. Perhaps it will be someone from the nearby past.

Being in a dream in bed with a former beloved - to pleasant surprises and gifts.

Dream Khasse

Fight with a girl who once loved the guy - to improve financial situation. This implies a significant lottery winnings or receiving a prize.

Having dreamed of a married man past love - An indication that the man remembered not so long ago. The more pleasant there was a dream, the worse they responded about him.

Dream Wander (Terentia Smirnova)

This interpretation of dreams former girl could challenge. However, they are all connected with the difficult psychological condition of the guy after parting.

Kissing it in a dream and at the same time notice someone else's face - a sign of the problem of choice, inability to end in their own feelings. The situation is such that the past has not yet been released, but I want to change.

Dream modern

To understand the interpretation of sleep about a former girl, it is important to pay attention to the sensation.

Pleasant - a sign that the past is no longer.

Unpleasant - experiences do not even give rest, and there are still obstacles to create new relationships.

Dream of English

What does it mean if the former is dreaming? In a dream, she mocks the guy - a serious struggle against their complexes.

The guy laughs in a dream along with the one that he loved - in the new relationship there is a disorder. Probably worsening health. Friends or relatives will experience vital difficulties.

Crying former - jealousy to its new chosen one, disapproval.

See the crying vault - to good changes in many life spheres. Success will depend on its own diligence.

Dream Interpretation Phonda

The previous passion was dreamed of - the desire to return to it is present. Those who are used to seeking the goal, you can try to resume communication.

Dream of Juno

The coming suddenly in a dream, the former helps to understand doubts.

Pleasant communication with her - all points at the end of the relationship are placed. You can tune in to new romantic relationships.

Fight with her - to something unexpected.

Pregnant former Passia - the intentions of the next chosen wishes will be serious.

To see the former girl of his boyfriend - it is important to refresh the romance of relationships. Complexes can interfere to enjoy communication with a loved one.

Young people often wonder what the former girl dreams. It is impossible to say that there is a unambiguous answer to this question. Many interpreters of dreams believe that in a dream the former girl means the insurmountable desire for a man to return his beloved. Psychologists hold a different look regarding the interpretation of dreams: they focus the attention of the dream on the experience of true feelings at the time of the story about what he saw in a dream. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with the existing interpretations of dreams, as well as with scientifically based psychological methods for analyzing dreams.


If a former girl had dreamed, you can expect a new fascinating affair with a woman you have already known for a long time, but never considered it as a companion of life. Sleep assures in the fervor of feelings by the future ladies of the heart, and also warns you not to be frivolous and irresponsible when the person described above will appear in your life.

If you look into the dream book, the former girl often symbolizes the feelings that have not yet been faded. You can continue to love the woman with whom there was a breaking of relationships. Therefore, your unconscious reminds of pain of lost love, when you are not able to control your feelings and thoughts.

What dreams of sex with a former girl? It is possible that you are very angry with her. Sex in a dream is a way to express your hostile feelings, especially if we are talking About tough sex, in which the will of the girl is suppressed and its sexual needs are not taken into account. You thus punish her for the pain caused to you.

It is worth considering how often interpreted erotic Son.: Former girl as a sexual partner may mean that you want to approve your power over her feelings, although your union has already failed.

To see the former - to significant changes in your life. About the nature of future events worth judging by personal characteristics former lady Hearts: If the girl was a restless special, then interesting adventures are waiting for you; If it was different high levels Intellect, it is possible that you got involved in a very unpleasant story, and now you can not cope with the difficulties that have arisen.

When the former girl is often dreaming, consisting in relations with another man, then you can consider yourself a loser. But it is not necessary to engage in self-esteem. If you were not chosen, it only means that you do not approach this lady specifically, and not all women in the world.

Sleep dreamed from Thursday to Friday, interpreters are called prophet. If in this dream you saw that the relationship with the lady of the heart resumed, it is likely that everything will happen in real life.

Opinion of authoritative interpreters

What dreams former girl dreams? It is worth considering what is said about this in dream books of various authors:

  1. 1. The modern dream book offers a dream to pay attention to what feelings he experienced, interacting in a dream with a former beloved. Dream Interpretation assures that you are ready for the beginning of a new relationship in reality, if in a dream you have experienced a feeling of lightness and quiet joy. If you were unpleasant to dream of a girl, then you are hardly planning to create a new harmonious union. You should clear your mind from the negative and overcome the desire to avenge all female representatives for the disappointment than you.
  2. 2. If the former girl is dreaming, the Wanderer's dream book offers you to think about the true causes of your gap. You can still not understand why they broke up. Your unconscious is trying to find an answer to the question that worries you. Therefore, the dream book indicates that you need to calm your soul, otherwise you will not be able to enter new relationships. An option is still possible when you will repeat the experience of pain and misunderstanding with another girl who will be the prototype of the former young lady.
  3. 3. If the guy kissed in a dream with the one with whom it broke up, he often wondered what it means. Interpreters consider the following option scene line: If you happened to kiss with a former girl whose face is completely different, then you will arise the problem of choosing a right path. Perhaps you are experiencing sadness now, but still you should admit that you yourself always considered this union short-lived for a number of reasons. The faster you accept this fact, the faster will recover from the oppressive state.
  4. 4. If the former beloved is constantly dreaming, it says about your reluctance to take her choice of his own path. You should realize that she no longer belongs to you. You will not be able to return it, so forget about her. Your life will soon work out if you switch your attention to what can be changed in your life, and you will not focus on once lost opportunities.
  5. 5. Be vigilant if you dream of a crying girl. You can expect unexpected troubles.
  6. 6. When the former lover laughs at you in a dream, then you have a complex of inferiority. You should regain your self-esteem, otherwise you will not be able to feel happy and cheerful again.

What do psychologists say?

Why dream of ex-beloved? It is worth considering existing schemes Analysis of dreams from a psychological point of view:

  1. 1. It is necessary to record your hand sleep. Be sure to specify all the details: what a girl looked like, her mood.
  2. 2. Watch how your thoughts and feelings are consistent during the description of the plot. Try to realize why you will shoot exactly such images. What is you worried about? What hurts to remember? What do you want to forget?
  3. 3. Sleep must be retelling in the present time, as if you now see the shot of a young lady.
  4. 4. Ask the relatives carefully to ensure that voice timbre changes and your facial expressions during the narration. Their utmost attentiveness will help you understand the meaning of the doned. From the side always more visible: relatives may designate, in what few moments you were overly sentimental when your voice became quieter when a sharp gesture appeared.
  5. 5. Compare the results of the observations of relatives with the text you have written, as well as with the results of the analysis of the conformity of your feelings and thoughts.

It is worth considering one example from practice psychological analysis Dreams.

The young man often saw in dreams of both former girls who were openly mocked him and his chosen one in the present. The former young ladies looked gorgeous, and the guy was like the chief of the chosen. During the analysis of the dream, it became clear that the guy overestimated the girls with whom he had met before. Each of them possessed the attractive features that were exceptional in his presentation. He simply always loses confidence in love affairs, so it is inclined to be a woman.

His first unsuccessful experience was supported by a similar second. The young man turned into an embittered egoist with a vulnerable pride. And after a couple of months, he met the one who became his girlfriend. But now he is already afraid to show true feelings from fear of ridicule. The girl with whom he is now found, much vain and more sensitive. Friends believe that it is inevice and boring especially. A dreaming only emphasizes that the guy feels like a new passion, but with such a lady quietly and safer.

Razeing, meaning only the uncertainty of a young man, encourages to think over his consumer attitude to a new girl.

If you had to survive a break with your loved ones, you should not despair and feverishly look for confirmation with your illusions about the possible resumption of relationships, analyzing dreams. Listen not only to feelings, but also to the voice of inner wisdom, which will help you find an answer to the exciting question.

What dreams of a young man, as if his former wants to return? If you look into the dream book, you will find out that your past again will give yourself to know. However, you can and not pay attention to it. Below will be given the most common interpretations seen in the scene.

Dream Miller

What dreams of the previous passion, who wants to resume relationships with you? We saw the like in a dream should be careful, as they can block wood, which will lead to terrifying consequences.

What should I think about

Dream interpreters believe that such a vision is often the one who is in the depths of the soul do not mind again to meet with this girl. And the scene of the story is only a subconscious embodiment of memories and dream desires.

In the case when the ex-want would like to return, and the sleeper actually does not want this and generally perceives the period of relationships with this special as in vain a lost time, then this is a hint that the old lover has something to learn. Or, on the contrary, do not take a bad example.

If in a dream I wanted to make friends with the girl from whom you never met, then the current relationship leaves much to be desired. Even if it seems that everything is in order, it is worth conducting an analysis and understand what exactly goes wrong.

Your feelings

What dreams is that the former girl is fluffing with you again? Dream intercoms recommend interpreting the vision based on how in reality you treat it. If the feelings for it are still strong, the plot is a symbol of your common positive features.

If a person was admitted in a dream, whom the dreams would have wished death, then the vision symbolizes the malice in affairs and desires.

Brief interpretations

If in a dream it was wondering that the former wants to return, then the dreams for more accurate decoding of dreams advise to remember that the sleeper did his own on a date and what felt:

  • kissed - a quarrel and distrust;
  • fought - happiness and minor trouble;
  • slept - wadering feelings and conflicts with the current passage;
  • overwhelmed emotions - in reality you are alone;
  • nothing felt - happiness and pleasant surprises.

What should I prepare?

If in a dream to you again pushed the previous passion, and you began to meet again, then in real life I can achieve mutual understanding with employees, and in the family there will be peace and mutual trust.

What dreams to be in such a situation? Soon the dream will begin big problems, and its mistakes will be discussed by colleagues in the sidelines.

And some dreams are confident that you suddenly meet with this girl, or the situation will pump memories about those relationships.

Wait for change

Dreamed, as if forgotten forbidden, the former wants to return? In the near future, the dreams will again be in a situation in which he has already come to.

If sleeping was upset in the night vision, it was upset by the return of the former love, then at work he will fall into a difficult alteration, as a result of which he may be unemployed.

Dream Intercoms assure that a similar plot is dreaming on the eve of a large error, because of which life is cool change. The character of change is not known, but they can be positive.

Happiness or trouble

In a dream, they saw the girl who threw you, who wants to return everything? And what exactly do you remember when you think about it? Get ready to repeat events.

The image of a girl in a dream according to most interpreters is an extremely positive sign. He foreshadows pleasant events in the dream of a dream, promises him a cloudless and joyful future. But if you suddenly saw your former girlfriend in a dream, in this case the interpretation completely changes its value. If you dreamed of a former girl - it may mean that you do not want to let go of your past, or the past is unceremoniously trying to invade your life.

What other interpretations of dreams with the former lover offer us dreams?

Dreams with a former girl will dream not only to young people, but also girls too. Usually, girls see in a dream the former girlfriend of their beloved, when for some reason jealous of him to the past. So, the topic of dreams about the former girls is wider than you can initially assume.

The most common version of the interpretation of dreams with a former girl is the attachment of a young man to her is still too large. He does not want to let her go even in his thoughts.

In this case, it is customary to say that time treats. There is a high probability that after a certain amount of time, the images of the former girl will not be frequent guests in the night visions of the young man. And if he meets new love - The probability of the appearance of a former beloved in the dreams of a young man will be at all approach zero.

The image of a former girl in a dream is usually exciting and worries the young man, it is difficult for him to immediately understand that he carries in himself. In this case, dream books recommend to take into account events and actions occurring in a dream.

  • If the girl is crying - such a dream shows that a young man on the subconscious level wants to protect his former, calm, warm. But this should be interpreted if the tears of the former friend do not annoy the guy. If he obviously does not like the shower scene, such a dream should be regarded as an attempt to leave the obsessive past.
  • The former girlfriend appeared in a dream completely nude - this is a warning that the guy should not be divided with its surrounding secrets, otherwise his frankness can go to harm. If the nude former beloved tried to caress a young man - it may indicate problems in his new relationship.
  • Kissing in a dream with a former beloved - usually such a dream means a clear reluctance guy to let go former. He seeks to return the past with all their might, even if another girl appeared in his life.
  • If sex with a former girlfriend is dreaming - there is a problem in the intimate sphere. There is a possibility that a young man is not quite satisfied with the new relationship. He lacks those experiences or physical components that were present in his relationship with the former beloved.
  • A quarrel with a former girl in a dream usually points out that there is a lot of unspoken couple between the former pair - that he does not give rest; And it is reflected in night visions. If this dream is repeated - dream from the night in the night, it is recommended to talk about sore with its ex-girlfriend. If no opportunity is no longer possible for a frank conversation, then you should try to release the former relationship, after making the conclusions appropriate for yourself. No need to give your past to manage this!
  • If a former girl with another dreamed, such a dream is called to report that past relations remained in the past. it good dreamHe foreshadows big changes in life. A young man is ready for a new relationship, throwing out the whole sentimental garbage of memories, internal dialogues and regrets from the head.
  • A dead former girl - this strange and a little frightening dream may be making himself if the young man is on the threshold of a new life, and is ready to let in his heart new love. Often he informs about the guy's love, if even while he himself does not recognize her.

If a girl dreamed of a former beloved guy her boyfriend

Dreams about former girls attend not only young people, but also girls. In this case, they usually reflect the image of the former beloved of their cavalier, and express the hidden jealousy or doubt in the honesty of the second half. Somewhere on the subconscious level there is a suspicion that the beloved person is still not indifferent to his former passion and values \u200b\u200bthe previous relations.

If such dreams are repeated, you should not ignore the existing problem. In this situation, it is worth openingly talking to his beloved. There is a chance that the girl herself invented himself difficulty, and in fact for jealousy there is no reason: the feelings for the former girlfriend remained in the past.

Otherwise - if the guy is still dreaming about his former, it is worth thinking well and make a decision, how to live on: whether to maintain confusing relationships or break them in one fell. But you should not wait when the problem is settled by itself.