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Gospel from Jesus Christ to read online. Jesus Christ was a pagan. Grace justifies sinners

José de Sousa Saramago

O Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo

Copyright © The Estate Of José Saramago, 1991

All Rights Reserved Published by Arrangement with Literarische Agentur Mertin Inh. Nicole Witt E K. Frankfurt Am Main, Germany

© A. Bogdanovsky, Translation, 2015

© Edition in Russian, Design. LLC "Publishing Group" Azbuka-Attikus "", 2015

ABC® publishing house

As many have already begun to draw up the story about the events completely known between us, as we had passed that from the very beginning eyewitnesses and servants of the word from the very beginning, - it was judged by me, on a thorough study of everything first, in order to describe you, Honorable Ferofil, so that you recognize the firm The basis of the teachings in which was set.

Gospel from Luke, 1, 1-4

What I wrote, I wrote.

At the Sun, surrounded by sharp thin rays and winding flames, giving half-day luminaries similarity with the missing "Rose Winds," - a human face: crying, distorted by unbearable pain, with his mouth crucified in a silent cry - silent because there is nothing in reality. Before us is just a paper and paint. Below we see a person: it is tied to the tree trunk and absolutely a goal, except for the rag wound around the hips, covering what is accepted by stamp; His legs are drunk in stump of a thick branch, and, in order not to slip with this natural backup, two nails are deeply wounded in them. According to the inspirational and suffer expression of the person, along the directed appearance, you can find the robber of the prudent one. A blessing admission can serve and curly head - after all, the Angels and Archangels are wound, and the repentant criminal, apparently, is already halfway into the kingdom of heaven and to its inhabitants. It is not known whether this pillar is unknown, which, at a particularly disheveled, turned into an execution, whether his roots continue to suck out the life of life juice, and it is unknown because the entire lower part of the trunk flashes a long-working person in spacious, lush and Rich robes, his head will throat, but he looks not on the sky. This proud posture, this sad face can only belong to Joseph Arimatee, and not at all Simono from Keenese, as it would be possible to think, because, according to the execution protocol, this last, who was able to help the criminal to convey the gun to the place where she was made, then went His expensive and much more was concerned about the unpleasant consequences, which promised him the invalid late, than the death torment crucified. Yes, it was Joseph from Arimafia that called a kind and wealthy man, which was due to pay for the grave and for the burial in it the main one of the three executed, but for her generosity he was not counted for the facial of the saints or at least subscript, and therefore nothing In addition to the chalma, in which he in due time was guarded through the streets, he does not wrap his head, not as an example of the inclined to a woman in the foreground, whose loose hair is autonated with a nymb of eternal glory, very similar to homemade lacy. This woman on his knees, of course, is the name of Maria, because we know in advance: all women that will come out here at this hour, wear this name, and only one in the future we will call Magdalina to distinguish from all others, although everyone who is Though a bit aware of the most elementary everyday concepts, at first glance, and so he learns the notorious Magdalene in it, for only a woman with a stormy, like her, the past would have decided to appear in such a tragic moment in a dress with such a deep neckline and a bodice before the narrow, That the lush roundness of the elevated, open and exposed to the appendage of the breasts inevitably attract the greedy views of the men passing past, unwittingly risky to fall into the sin of the carnal lust and forever destroy their soul. Nevertheless, her face speaks about the deepest grief, and the drooping figure - about the flour that her soul is experiencing, even if they concluded in such a seductive bodily shell, and therefore will declare immediately: be this woman and at all Nagishm, we still have to take advantage To her with all thoughtless respect and respect. Maria Magdalene, if it is she, with inexpressible words by compassion keeps and seems to be going to kiss the hand of another woman, who is simplest on earth, as if lost his last strength or was injured. She is also called Maria - the second in the order of appearance and the first, the very first one is the first to be judged by the fact that at the bottom of the composition it is given the most central place. Only a creamy face and powerless hands are visible - all the other hidden under countless folds of the bedspreads and tunics, subjected to coarse, as you can guess, rope. She is older than Maria, and this is the main, although not the only reason for the fact that the nimb is shining around her head with a more complex and intricate form - what, being asked, I, a person, though not too knowledgeable regarding the titles, ranks and hierarchies, Excellent in this world, still would take the courage to declare. Yes, and then, if you remember how many images similar to the one that I was speaking is widely spread, then only an aliens - provided that it did not occur on this other planet from time to time or now it does not happen something similar - so Only this aliens, the existence of which and imagine itself is almost impossible, does not know that a woman killed by grief is a widow of the Joseph Carpenter, which has been on the light of numerous children, of which, by the will of fate or the one who controls this will, only one thrill and It became famous, and not too - in the earthly life and incredible - by death. Leaning to the left, Maria, the mother of Jesus, - of the one, about whom was just mentioned, - leans the elbow about the thigh of another woman: she also stands on his knees, her too is Maria, and here it is, even though we are even in imagination We can not see the cutout on her dress, most likely, there is a true Magdalene. As well as the first of this trinity, long hair is dissolved on the back, only she, apparently, blond, if, of course, the engraver is not by pure randomness, but deliberately to designate their light tone, weakened the pressure of his cutter . And so we cannot say with complete confidence that Maria Magdalina was indeed Goldovlas, although completely agree with a very common opinion that blondes, both natural and painted, the essence of the most perfect tools of sin and dying. And Mary Magdaline, a great sinner who destroyed, as everyone knows, his soul, should be blonde, at least in order not to disprove the idea, to which the will or uniliest is inclined by most of the human race. However, we are so insistently solid that it is Magdalene, it is not at all because the bright tone of her hair is the argument more weighty than heavy and generously open breasts of the first Mary. There is a different testimony, and it allows you to establish its identity with a complete definitude: take a look only, as, with one hand, almost automatically maintaining the mother of Jesus, watching this woman on a crucible and in his eyes it burns so true, such a fiery love that seems As if all her body, all her carnal nature is surrounded by a shining halo, next to which the little fades fade and fade over her head - a magic circle that does not allow them out of excessive feelings and thoughts. It can only watch a woman who has the ability to love who we endow one Maria Magdalene - here's the final and decisive argument in favor of what it is she is, she and no one else, and, therefore, nothing and to interpret the fourth Mary That stands next to her, waiting for his hand and demonstrating the sorrow with the whole view, but by raising the gaze unknowing where. It was completely young to her and depicted in this part of the engravings, barely released from adolescence in a manner pose - the left foot is bent him in the knee, and the right-handed-in-theatrical gesture is directed towards these four women playing dramatic act on Earth. This young curly young man with trembling lips is John. He, like Joseph Arimate, flashes a kolly of another tree, to whose vertex, wherever to be bird nests will take, tied and nailed another person. Unlike his first hair, he has straight, he lowered his head to see - if it is still able to look, - what happens at the bottom, and thin, with the purses of his cheeks, his face does not look like his comrade on another post, which is in a suicide disconnection In the flour of agony found courage to raise his head in himself, to turn her face to us, even on a black and white engraving, still ruddy and full-blooded. The second, who dropped his head on the chest seems to be peering into the ground, ready to take his wretched prey, twice doomed - and to the painful execution, and on the flour of hell, can only be an evil robber. Recognize, however, that the straightforward and unlucky temper gave him the mental strength not to pretend that he believes that a minute of repentance was able to redeem a whole villainarian or at least one hour of weakness. Over his head flashes and cries the moon, depicted in the form of a woman with such an inappropriate earring in the ear, - no artist or poet admitting such a liberty, and it is doubtful to, despite this bad example, someone allowed himself to continue. The mourning sun and the moon on both sides pour into the ground to earth smooth, without shadows, light, and therefore, it must be so clear to us all shown on the engraving to the horizon line - tower and fortress walls, lifting bridge, peroxided through the moat, where water flashes , Gothic spiers of the roofs, and in the very depth, on the top of the last hill, are the frozen wings of the windmill. A little closer to garnish on the thrown horses four riders in full service, but according to their gestures it can be assumed that they arrived at the end of the spectacle and send a farewell greeting with invisible viewers to us. This impression of the completed festival produces and the figure of the walking house, which already takes a step away from the place of execution, carrying in his right hand what was published seems to be a cloth, but upon closer examination may be a tunic or hiton; In the meantime, two other soldiers show how much it can be judged at such a distance about the expression of their tiny, annoyance and even anger - like those who did not fall as happy lot. Over this vulgar vetherence - over the soldiers, the fourth of angels, two of which depicted in all details are crying, are crying, while the third is busy, while it is trying to collect blood to the last drop in the past Studging from the right side of the breast crucified. Here, on this hill, called Calvoy, such an evil fate of many has already been deplorable, many are still waiting, but only one of all - which is the naked man, the hands and legs of which are naught to the cross, this son of Joseph and Mary, named Christ, - The coming will receive a capital letter, still others will remain just crucified. Now it is now clear where the views of Joseph Arimafi and Mary Magdalene are directed, who mourned the sun and the moon, to whom it is praising a prudent robber and whom his unrecorded friend, not understanding that it does not differ from his fellow, and if there are any Either the difference, then it is not that it is that one repented, and the second has shone in sin, for they both do not exist by themselves, each of them only reimburses what is missing in the other. Over the head of a crucible brighter sun and the moon are burning a thousand rays the letter of the Latin inscription, proclaiming his king of Judaian, forehead and whiskey tighteners woven from barbed branches of a wreath - His, not even guessing about it, worn, and not at all, not necessarily, to whip the blood - Those who do not allow to be king themselves. Jesus, unlike two robbers, not in front of her legs, and, do not strain from the last strength of the upper half of the body, it would have walked on the hands of nails to the crossbar, but for a long time there is still enough forces of these if, as it was already It is said, blood flows from the wound in the chest, leaning life out of him. Between two bodies that hold the cross in a vertical position and together with him go into the dark Lono of the Earth, causing it, however, the wound is not fatal than any human grave, there is a skull, and next to the blade and bertovaya bone, but we are interested in skull Since this means in the translation of the word "Calvary". It is not known who and why put these Brennas remains here. Perhaps someone with a gloomy irony warns those unfortunate that they suffer on the cross, what kind of fate it is prepared before they turn into the ground, in dust, in nothing. Others argue that this is the skull of Adam himself, who surfaced to the surface of the black bunch of ancient geological reservoirs and, unable to go back, is doomed for eternal times to see the land - his only possible and forever lost paradise. On the same plain, where, so hot, the riders will jump in the lats, there is a person: removing from us, he turned on the go. In his left hand, his bucket, in the right - a long stick with a sponge planned on her, which hence, however, almost not to see. In the bucket, I handle you - water with vinegar. A person from this now and before the sovereign of the century, it is destined to be a victim of slander: they will dismissed bothering rumors, as if he was when Jesus asked to drink, on anger or in a mockery he dug him. In fact, the water acidified by vinegar in those edges has long been and fairly revered the best tool to quench thirst, for refreshes as little other. He leaves away, he will not wait for the end, for it did that he could have hurt the painful supu, tormented by the latter of three doomed, without making differences between Jesus and the robbers, since it was simply taken: all of them are taken from the ground, to the ground will come. That's all that you can say about them.

Nights for a long time to go to dawn. On the nail at the door jammer burns the oil dryer, but Zyibko, the sprinkling of the almond is unable to cope with the darkness, which surrounds it and fills the room from all sides, becoming impenetrable and dense in distant corners, at least a knife. Joseph woke up as from the push, as if someone woke him, sharply raging his shoulder, but probably, this push was a piece of instantly dispersed sleep - it was no one to shake him, and no one was in the house, only he is yes a wife who sleeps not Stirring. He never woke up among the night: Usually he opened his eyes no earlier than a wide gap in the door exactly swelling and pepped as ash cold light. How many times he was going to close her - a carpenter should not be adopted yes to grab the nails with a suitable tree, - but it's already accustomed to, opening his eyes, see the vertical strip of light, the day of the day, which he gradually began to seem to do not get out of it Sleepless darkness that said and his body and the world around. The gap was part of the house, such as walls or ceiling, focus or dead earth floor. In a low voice, so as not to wake up the wife of the morning prayer, which should do the words of the morning prayer, which should be created on returning from the mysterious country of sleep: Thank you, Lord my God, the king of Heaven, for the fact that in the grace of your gave me the soul former and alive. Therefore, it should be that not all of his five feelings woke up from sleep - and however, it is possible that during the times we are talking about, people have not yet gained power over each or, on the contrary, have lost those that are so useful to us Today, Joseph, as if out of the far Dali, watched how slowly, gradually penetrates and fills all the shorts and bends of the body the returning soul, like water, which spreads over the ground with winding streams and is absorbed inside, to the deepest roots, to then get used The life force of stems and leaves concluded in it. And seeing how difficult it is a return, Joseph, looking at the wife lying nearby, was afraid to disturb her sleep: she was a bodily sheath, deprived of the soul, for she departs from sleeping, otherwise why would it have had to ride the holy praise to the Lord for the fact that hegerene He returns to us when awakened, and in this moment a certain voice inside asked: where are our dreams come from? Perhaps dreams are the memory of the soul about the body, Joseph thought: it was the answer. In this moment, Maria moved - it can be seen, the soul was Vitala somewhere nearby, in the house, - but did not wake up, but only deeply sigh, as he sobbed, and reached her husband, making a wave-like body, but the unconscious - for Navi would never He did not dare - movement. Joseph pulled a barbed and rough sheet on his shoulders, comfortably settled on the mat, not pulling away, felt like infused on some fragrances - as if the Larz cover was thrown back with a fragile herbs - warmly penetrates his shirt, connects with his own warmth. Then, slowly shinging the eyelids, forgotten what I thought, and the body detached from the soul again plunged into sleep.

Only a crunch of a rooster woke him. In the slit mercated muddy light, grayish, like water for water. Time, patiently and meekly waiting, when the night runs out of power, now I prepared the field to the morning of the morning, as yesterday, as always, for those legendary days, when the sun, which we are so so are so owned, could stay over Gavoon to Jesus Navin managed to defeat five kings who approached the walls of the city. Joseph sat on the mat, pushed off her sheet, and in this moment the cock shouted for the second time, recalling that he forgot to thank the Creator of all the things for those properties that were endowed by the will of his rooster. Thank you, Lord My God, the king of Heavenly, that gave a cock the ability to distinguish the day from the night, Joseph said, and for the third time I shouted the rooster. Usually, at the dawn, the cry was picked up, erratic, all neighboring roosters, but today they were silent, as if for them the night had not yet ended or only came. Joseph looked at his wife, surprised that she, waking up usually, like a bird, from the lightest row, sleeps so tightly today, as if some extraneous power, depressing on her or a grate of her, presses her to the ground, allowing, however To move, - Joseph and in the semitime noticed, how from time to time ripples on the water runs along her body trembling. Didn't he get sick? - He thought, but a slightly reasoned anxiety stopped to easily easily easily, and it was also not as always - not by time and too sharply. Carefully rising that the wife does not wake up and did not guess where he goes - for the law tells the dignity of the man in every way, he opened the dripping door and went to the courtyard. There was that hour when the morning twilight seems to be spoiling the whole world. Joseph headed for a low target, where there was a donkey stall, and there I was able to need, with a half-conscious pleasure listening to how a severe jet with noise beats in a straw. The donkey, hiding with long hairy ears, turned his head to him - the convex eyes flashed in the twilight - and again put the face in Nurserie, grabbing the remains of food with thick sensitive lips. Joseph approached the jug hanging on the rope, bowed him, washed his hands and, wiping them with her own shirt with his own shirt, ascended the praise to the Lord for the fact that in the unfriendly wisdom of his own man so necessary for the life of natural vessels and holes that are open or closed in due moment . Here he looked at the sky, and his heart began - the sun was still pulling with his appearance, and on all the sky there was no slightest trail of the glowing bugger, did not burn a single pink or light cherry glare, but from the edge to the edge, as far as allowed to see the walls, under an immense dome of low clouds, like semi-repeated wool clubs, spilled out for nothing, unprecedented purple color, which in the east, where the sun should have been scored, light and dug, and all the rest of the space is stronger and stronger and The thicker was swelling in black, which was already indistinguishable with a night sky. Joseph did not see this, although he heard from the old men, that, proving the power of the Creator, sometimes wonderful celestial phenomena occur - rainbow is fat, stairs, leaving for a dizzying height from the ground to the sky, sleeping from Heaven Manna. But never to hear that the sky could be of such a color, quite capable of exploring and the beginning and the end of something that the dome floating over the whole world, consisting of small, clutches, increasingly, Stones in the desert. His soul was embraced fear, it came to the end of the world and that the only witness to how the Lord executes his sentence, he will be alone: \u200b\u200bthere was no sound in heaven and on earth - neither the dialects, nor the children's crying came from neighboring houses, Neither words of prayer, nor curses, no wind noise, neither bleeding goats, no dogfish. Why don't the roosters sing, he muttered and immediately repeated these words, as if the cock cry could give the last hope for salvation. And in the sky, meanwhile, there have been change. Gradually, almost imperceptibly blurred from the inside of the cloud dome began to flex a pale-pink, and then red, until it disappeared without a trace - there was no, - and the sky suddenly exploded with the light, and countless gold spears went into the clouds, their profits , and those unknown why and how, have grown, turned into giganic ships with bloated sails and rolled down the finally the umbilted sky. I was freed from the fear and soul of Joseph, his eyes widened from amazement and delight: the spectacle, the only witness he was, belonged to the number of unprecedented, and his mouth would be the praise of the Creator of Nature, but heaven in all his serene magnitude was waiting for him only those Simple words, what and you can wait from a person: Glory to you, Lord, for the glory for this and even for that. He said to them, and at the same moment, as if the spell was uttered, as if he was sprung on a tightly locked door, the noise of life broke there, where silence reigned, pushing the silence into casual and remote corners of the space like tiny forest proglin, surrounded and hidden rustling and ringing trees. The morning rose and wounded, and almost unbearable, the beauty opened by his eyes, when someone's gigantic hands were thrown into the air and put in flight a huge paradise bird with a burning plum in the sun, turned over a sparkling fan of the Multi-colored peacock tail, forced a non-licking trell Bird. The gust of the wind, born here, hit Joseph in his face, hung an eye with his beard, swelled his shirt, spinning around him, like a rolling-field, and perhaps it was all the instant perplexion of the reason, born suddenly boiling blood: he was born along the ridge Fiery goosebumps - a sign of coming other, even more burning than the one that brought him to the courtyard.

Moving as if some whirlwind of him carried him, Joseph entered the house, defended the door and stood a minute, giving his eyes to get used to the semit. Nearby pale, a fear was useless. The wokeered Maria lay on his back, she looked closely and carefully in front of him and seemed to wait. Joseph silently approached, slowly pulled the sheet closing it. She took her eyes, took up the hem of the shirt, but he managed to raise it only to the abdomen, like Joseph, leaning over her, made her shirt with his shirt, and Maria opened his knees. However, maybe her legs spread even earlier, in a dream, and she remained lying so, whether the unusual Morning Estimate was covered, or the foreboding visiting the spouse, who knows his duty. God, as you know, omnipresent and, probably, was then somewhere nearby, but as an infrequent spirit could not see how their hair was in touch, as his flesh penetrated her flesh, fulfilling her purpose, and when the sacred seed of Joseph was flowing into The sacred Lono Mary, God, probably, was no longer there, for in the world there are something inaccessible to the understanding even who he himself created. Going out into the courtyard, God could not hear squeezed, as if the deathly, wreck, who published a man, and is already suppressed - almost the elusive moan, who could not hold back the woman. A minute later, maybe, before Joseph rose, freeing Mary, and she won a shirt, pulled her sheet, closed his face as a fold of the elbow. Becoming in the middle of the room, the hands of the hand, fixing the eyes to the ceiling, the husband said the most terrible of all prayers: Thank you, my God, God, for not creating me a woman. God for this time was not already in the yard, because they did not shook the walls of the house, the earth did not express. Here for the first time the quiet voice of a wordless accommodation Mary, humbly uttered, I thank you, Lord, for creating me on your will. Note that these words do not differ from others, all well-known and famous: CE, the slave of the Lord, and I will be for your word. Obviously, a woman who could pronounce those words can also pronounce these. Then Maria, the wife of a carpenter Joseph, rose from his mat, rolled her along with the man and folded the shelter who covered them.

And Joseph and Maria lived in Galilee, in the town of Nazareth, Maludual and Poor, in the house, almost indistinguishable from the neighbors, - in the same as everyone, a wretched and curve lachhead, folded from bricks, stunned clay and, so far , stripped to the hill, whose slope replaced one wall. You have any architectural delights - everything is like everyone else, and forever the established template, which, never arriving, repeated again and again. As we already know, Joseph was a carpenter who knew her craft thumbightly, but completely devoid of imagination, skill or fiction, which was found whenever they ordered his work more or less thin. I do not think, however, that this circumstance, even the most demanding of my readers, is understandable - everything is clear that a person who barely overcame for twenty, living in the edge with such limited capabilities and even more scarce needs, just nowhere to gain experience, it is impossible to develop aesthetic Feeling, without which, to achieve in his business, it will not work in any way. And therefore, not wanting to reduce the advantages of a person to what extent can be considered his true master, I will say that Joseph, despite the youngest years, was considered in Nazareth a man of righteous life and God-fearing, jealously and strictly performed all the rites, and, even God did not notify him, did not allocate eloquence from all other mortals, but the judgment of him were healthy, comments are accurate and appropriate, especially if the conversation provided the opportunity to compare or give a definition, somehow connected with his craft, - to mention, for example, about Those, how doubt the world around the world around. But since Joseph from nature was deprived of the winged, truly creative imagination, then never in his entire short life, he did not express anything that would have ruled in the memory of the inhabitants of Nazareth and passed from the mouth of mouth from children to grandchildren, did not say any From those chased phrases, the meaning of which concluded into a transparent verbal shell, so dazzling it is that in the coming will be able to do without annoying interpretations, or, on the contrary, rather dark and foggy, so that in our days it turns into a lacrimal piece for the erudites of various kinds.

As for the talents and talents of Mary, with all the desire it was not possible to detect anything special among the one that in marriage remained fragile sixteen-year-old girl, which at all times, in any edges there are thirteen on a dozen. However, Maria, with all its fragility, works, like all women, - a place, hide and sews, every God's day bakes in a fire focus, descends to a source for water, and then, by narrow paths, along a steep slope, with a heavy jug on the head, climbing up, in the evening, on the same paths there is a brotherpiece, and at the same time fills his basket with dried manure, prickly branches of thistle and angle, which in such abundance grow on the steep Nazareth slopes, for nothing better than their lord in order to To melt the focus or weighing the crown. The weight is recruited is a fair, and it would be better to join on the donkey, if it were not for one important circumstance - the donkey was determined to the Joseph service and pulls his bores. Barefoot walks Maria to the stream, barefoot - in the field, and the wretched clothes from everyday work and dirty, so you have to skate them again and again, stitch. My husband gets new clothes, and care, Maria, like all the local women, is content with a small little. And in the synagogue she can only be included in the side door, as the law prescribes women, and gather them there along with her at least thirty souls, they, at least from all Nazareth, at least from all of Galilee, will need to wait, as long as they will come to at least ten Men: Then the worship service, in which they, women, are allowed to take part only as silent and third-party observants. Not as an example of her husband, Joseph, she is not famous for piousness and piety, even though it is not here in some kind of moral flaws, but in the language, invented, most likely, men and adapted for themselves, so at least the female genus in words These are, but why almost not in the go.

But one day, after about four weeks from the unforgettable morning, when the clouds in the sky were flooded with unprecedented purple, Joseph - the case went to the evening, - sitting at home on the floor, dinner, launching, as it was accepted, the whole pry in a cup, and Maria standing was waiting when he was satisfied to achieve remnants, and both were silent - there was nothing to say, and the other did not know how to get in words what melted in her head, one of those kept in Kalitka thoroughly, which, though not in Nazarey in the wonder, got to get there very rarely, because the place it was killed, and in most part the inhabitants lived and difficult, which circumstances could not not take into account crowded and insightful beggars, to the case of adaptive theory Probability and understanding that they will not break in Nazareth. But Maria postponed a good portion of lentils with a pea and a spicy bow, who made her dinner today, and delivered all this by a thread, who, without entering the courtyard, sat down at the gate of the ground and began to go. She did not need to ask her husband to ask her husband - he got a nickname or swing head, because, as we already know, the words were unnecessary in the time of Caesar, when one of the movement of the thumb was pretty enough to finish the gladiator or leave him to live. And the beggar, which, without a doubt, did not eat three days, for it is necessary to get drunk truly so that in the blink of an eye not only to pass, but also to lick the cup, it was frightened again into the gate - to return empty dishes and thank mercy. Maria opened: the beggar stood right in front of her, unexpectedly huge - much higher than the growth, which seemed to her, so, perhaps, a person is really different from the hungry, - and his face worse in the inner light, the eyes flashed And where did the wind from the wind suddenly swelled and tightened the dilapidation of his rags, and the flutter fluttering to the moment it appeared with a rich and lush outfit, of which, of course, is given to the only one who attended. Maria extended his hands to take the beggar cup, which the fancy game of the most specially delired sun rays made suddenly catching off the purest gold, and at that moment, when the cup passed out of hand to hand, there was a pipe voice, too, there was no bit from a pitiful beggar : God bless you, my wife, and he will send you children to you, and he will save them from the share that he fell out to those who are before you, whose life is fulfilled by the sorrows, who has no place to cover his head. Mary still held a cup in front of him, as if the bowl for laying, as if he was waiting for the beggar of alms, and he, who did not explain anything more, got down, took a hassle of the earth and, stretching his hand over the cup, gave the earth slowly waking up through his fingers, after which they said Deaf and Gulko: Clay - to clay, dust - to the dust, the Earth - to Earth, everything that has the beginning will acquire and end, everything that begins will be born from the ending. Maria, embarrassed, asked: What do these words mean? And the beggar answered: You wear my son in the womb, only this fate and prepared people - to start and cum, cum and start. How did you know that I am pregnant? Your whisker does not grow yet, but when the child is conceived, the mother's eyes are very glittering. But then my husband would have to understand my eyes to understand that I was incurred from him. Perhaps your views are not found. Tell me who you know this, without asking me? I am an angel, just do not talk about it.

First, let's get a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe authors of the apocryph, which will be discussed further.


When admitting, entering the Order was supposed to give vow under a terrible oath:

  • honor

  • be fair to all

  • do not harm anyone

  • to be an enemy

  • keep loyalty to the authorities

  • reaching power not to extol

  • do not distinguish yourself from other special clothes and decorations

  • low lies and love truth

  • don't hide anything from juiced and not to report anything about them

  • refrain from illegal profit

  • dogmates of the Essee teaching to no one to transmit

  • do not use oath

  • it's right to store Scriptures (ancient books) of Esseev and Jews and the names of the angels (to toasts and Gain - the mysterious names of God)

In addition, Essei

  • did not bring bloody victims (according to Flavia - they did not bring these victims only in the Jerusalem temple)

  • digitally done

    • farming

    • beekeeping

    • cattle breeding

    • crafts

    • healing (by means of respiratory gymnastics and pronouncement of the spell formulas and poems)

  • did not make weapons and rejected the war before the coming of the Messiah, but they prepared for the war against the power of evil on the side of the Messiah

  • recognized only general property

  • certainly denied slavery

  • helped each other in every way

  • taught that they are all brothers among themselves


In 1928, Edmond Bordeaux Shekels first published his translation of the book first Gospel of the World from Esseev- Ancient manuscript found by him in secret archivesVatican due to infinite patience, broader erudition and unmistakable



It is also indisputable and the fact that the "Saints" Founders Founders of Churches in C-Le Ascension of Christ did not allow the New Testament to the Canon, the recording of an IS-Tin-like exercise given through it over it.

The once-melted church from the flock, and then forgotten by it because of the degeneration of hierarchs when changing the generations apocrypha (apocrypha: secret - translated into Russian) is directly called "The Gospel of the World of Jesus Christ from John's student".

This is not the only ancient gospel (evangelism), access to which ordinary people was closed by the efforts of the hierarchy of the alleged Christian churches.

We will quote it on the publication of the publishing house "T-Va-Ri-Shhest-T-WA" (Rostov-on-Don, 1991, in the ancient texts, Aramaic and Staroslavansky, Per. From French); Name of another Russian publication "Gospel of the world from Esseev" (Moscow, "Suttva", 1995). Old Slavonic text - Translation from Aramaic, - exported from Kievan Rus to Europe Approximately during the period of Bathiyev invasion, kept (before the war of 1939 - 45, at least) in the Royal Library of the Habsburgs, being the property of the Austrian government. The Aramaus text is stored in the Vatican Library.

On their basis, Ed. Willow issued an English translation from which Ed.Brtoll (Lo-Zanny University) made a translation into French, and from this translation was made to Russian, published by "Comradist-St-Vom". Now we will give one most significant ideological fragment of the teachings of Christ, held by the fathers based on the base churches:

"Then Jesus sat among them and said: Truly I will tell you: no one can be happy if it should not be law. And others responded to him: We all follows the laws of Moses: it gave us the law that he was written in the Holy Scripture.

And from-ve-Til Ii-Susta: Do not look for those in-co-on in Vashem Pi-Cause. For in-con - this is life, and in Pi-Cause Merrt. IS-Ti-I am-ryu I: my, who didn't eat my own from Boy-ha on-pi-san-mi, and from life th no.

In addition, it is a layer-in life, ne-dan-nim-nym-friend for Liu-de Day. In all the Superbi-Pi-San in Con. You are naes-de-ve in the tra-ve, in the de re-ve, in re-ke, in the first-round, in the PC-Tsh, in non-BE, in fish, in oza-rah and Mo-Rya, but OSO-Ben, but the search for it in the Sa-Mich Sea.

For IS-Ti-I-Puy I am: all the same, in which there is life, B blindly to Bo-Gu than a Pi-Ca Nie, Li-Shen life God created a life and all the narrow-won that they are a man-in-sit-in-brom, eternoral life and a service and a taking into account - ni-Lo-Ku Oh-co-na is-ting-but-thro-ha. The God of Na-Pi-Li-Sal is not on the country of books, but in Wa-Shem-tse, and in Vashe Du-hehe.

They are pro-Java-Way in Va-Sham Ha-Ha-Waja, in Vasha Cro-Vi, in Vasheh Kos-Tiah, in Vashey, in Va-Shih Ren-no-stakes, in your eyes, in your ears and in the Liu-battle of Sa-my non-si-tel-need-like hours.

They are at-day-stop in WHO Du-Hee, in the de, to Zem-le, in Ras-Te-Nei, in Lou-chahs of the Sun, in the Depth Bath And you-co-tach. All of them are about them to you, whatever you can immediately have a layer-in and in the life of a large border. To the non-Naja Stew, you are in the Wi-Whee, which would never be a wi-child, and the ears, and the ears, which would not be no cement. IS-Ti-I do not tell you: Pi-Ca Nie - De-Lo Hands Che Lo-Ka, at that time as life and all of her in-flat - de-lo -Hy. So, you are not the he-sharpes of the words B-hectare, in Pi-San in your re-ni-yi? And in case of izu-tea, you are a pi-sage, bu-to-you are a mert-you, bu-do-chi act-ni-ours -ska?

- How can we chiek in-ko-zhi, if not in Pi-Sa Ni? Where are they on-pi-sares? Pro-si-tie to us them, where you are their Vi-dish, for we don't know than other Pi-Says, which are those that Unas-les-Da-Washe Pre-cubs on-shy. Oh-nor to us in-ko, about which you are go-in-rice that we, must-fly them, you can, but you are-le-read-Sia and Vite-Sm.

AI-SUS SKA-HALL them: You are not the same - those by the mother of the life of life, according to the fact that there would be a vaew. The fact that the G-Wa-Wa-Wa-Shi, and the ears of Va-Shi de He. However, I am a member of you: not on-to-reminding your eye on the Pi-Ca Nie, Bu-to-Wa-Row Merrt Va, the EU-Lee Dae Wii-Mi from their own-ver-gai-th, you who gave you a Pi-South.

IS-Ti-I am, I am: In De Lah, there is no bole, nor in-co-new it; not at the day, they are neither inclusion, nor in the drunk-st-ve-should, nor in the circle of life, which you rassa those in the Li-She-St-Wah and Ros-Ko-Shi; And I still - in the IS-ka-Gat-St-Va, and in OSO-Ben-No-Sooh in non-Vis-Vi-Vi-Vi-Gam. It's all very much da-les from the IS-Tin-hot Bo-ha and An-Ge-Lov His.

But all this is ve-children to the Tsar-St-Woo the Need and Vosh-Ke all-though. For all these are, ni-si-te-le and in a layer-in-in-in-law and the Mo-Gut-Stochast in you, there is something you, from you, that you are you-shi-waure In the village of Moz, the Piece of Cape, as well as the Mer-Zo-este-dyat-Xia in Te-Le Wahem and in POP-NII Vashem.

Do you have a good-th one that would be a stop-in-war-ha and Mo-Gosh-st-in-law in him, whether there is no pro-nickname in you, not OS -We-nyay-those neither the ones of Vasha, nor the ni-niya va-go, for those there are the Temple do-ha, and the Spirit is the Kie Temple. This is the vs. You are watching this temple, which would be Vosh-ka-ka-ka, I was able to in-pour in it and in the middle of it, Dos-Toy . Whatever, from Be-to-press all IS-ku-necks on his own and its creation, it is His, who is IC-Ho-Dyat from SA-Tas -Whole under the village of non-Ba State-under-no.


And other Mud-Ro-Stew (in the context of the good news - different from the Mu-droost of the crowd-consumer) Iso-floor-not-we-va and in-ko-ka non-demon - but Ma-te-Ri-Zer Li, than a layer and lady of all from Vaschi for Cro-Vi and all Ma-Thie Wa-Shih. And Bes-Ko-Neu-Kee-neck B-Children on-follows from Vasch-Neu-Besh-Guy and Ma-Th-Roma Lee: Tsar-St-in Life, both land and non-info: on-silence, pre-in-tae-my all-of-Mu that Mo-Gut Os-Ta-Visit you from - Tits Va-Shi on Cro-V and Ma-Te-Ri.

I-TIN-BUTH VA-SHI - those who are the floor-in-Liu of the non-Bes-na-go and ma-te-rifra, and not Kro-vi. IS-Ti-I am-ryu I: Va-Shi Is-Tin-Bas-Tinta in the city of Na-Bes-but-go and ma-ten -Lo-kyat you in you, Chu, the majority of the scraper on Cro-Vi. For from the time of Kai-on and Ave-la, since the scraps on Cro-Vi-Ru-Shi-Li-Liu Bo-ha, there is no pain-neck -t-wa on kroi. And the brand is different to the pans of His, as to Chu-Rush Lu-dy. On this, Mu-Fo-Ryu I: Lu-Bi-Thin Issue to Ear His, in the Lyu Ba-Li-her in you - Were-them on Cro-V.

For your father is not-like there is any life!
For Va-Sha Mother of Zemla has Liu-bovy!
For the son of Che-Lo-Che-sky is Liu-Bov!

And thanks to love, Heavenly Father, the Mother Earth and the Son of Human - one. For the spirit of the Son of Human comes from the spirit of the Father of the Heaven and the Body of Mother Earth. Therefore, be perfect, as the spirit of the father of heaven and the body of the Mother Earth.

Love your heavenly father as he loves your spirit. Love also your mother-Earth, as she loves your body. Love the brothers your true, as your Heavenly Father and your mother-land love them. And then your Heavenly Father will give you his Holy Spirit, and your mother-earth is his holy body.

And then, the sons of human, as the true brothers, will love each other with such love that their father's heavenly and mother gives them: and then they will become true comforters for each other. And then only all the troubles and all sorrow will disappear, and love and joy will reacted on Earth. And then the Earth will be like heaven and the kingdom of God will come. And the Son of Human will come in all the fame of his own to master his inheritance - the kingdom of God.

For the sons of human lives in the father of heaven and mother-land, and the Heavenly Father and the Mother Land live in them.
And then, together with the kingdom of God, the end of times will come. For the love of Heaven's Father gives everyone eternal life in the kingdom of God for love eternal. Love is stronger than death. "

"And I have a go-in-ryu on Lyu-dei and an-gears, the EU is there no any-ui in me, in addition to Ben I'm from Sound Ko-Lo-Kohn-Mu-Tal Lou or Ruming Cymbalam. And I will bu-do before Ska-Wash and I know all the seconds and all the wisdom and I have a strong ve-ru, in-kind bu-re, Ishoye Go-Ry, the EU is there any people, I have anything.

And yes, the EU - if I will give all the Bo-Gat-St-in my disconnected, that would be on the corps of them, and on-lad fire, which is Chil from OT-Ca and EU, if there is no any, either at me, not bundle me neither bla-ha, nor Mud-Ro -ta.

Liu-Bov Ter-Per Lie-Wa, Liu-Bov Nen-on, Liu-Bov is not for-Vi-St-Va. It does not de-la-elder, not a non-spra-ve-Word, but on the Ho-diet of its own in St.-Ves-Vi-Wa.

Liu-Bov Obz-Yas-Nya is all, ve-Rita all, Liu-Bov on de-si, all-gda, Liu-bovy PE-RE-NO SIT All, nor-ko Not Us-Ta-Waa: What's the Ka-Sat-Sia Little, - they are the chez-nute, which is ka-sa-smky, - it is a bet.

And this hour of Ras-La-Ga-Tsa-Tsa-Thai-Blo-Jere and Islands, but at the children of half a na-ta sob -t-va, and all the Cha-Strain - SO-tert-Xia.
Ko-gda Re-BE-NOC was re-Ben-com, the times-va-rival, as re-BE-NOC, but Dos-Tig-zero-Lo-Piece, Ras-Stas He is with children's eyes-da-mi.
So, this hour we are Vi-Dim all what is the temperature stack-lo and with my one-mni-mne I-TIN. Knowing on-she-go-go-day from-ry-chocas, but ko-gda is a pre-array of whether a boum, we do not bu-dem -This, but, but I know everything, I knew him. And this hour there is ve-ra, on-de-jd, Liu-Bov, but the Sao-May ve-Li-Kaya of three - Liu-Bov.

And the seasons of blah-go-du-du-sut-stubnaya du ha born on the wrong non-Besh-th is the -Yone-com, life-ha living life. And there is no more Cry-di, who could have been able to tell everything that I would go-puy. And those who are common-nya-e-s-sane, go-in-ride with Va-Merrt-Vym Liu-Dae, looking for people of them And death te-la. "

And although the latter applies not to every priest, but rightly reacts all the hierarchies of modernity, equipped with voids.

"They eat all that is located on God's table: fruits of trees, grain and honey, animal milk and bee honey. All the rest of the food is the work of Satan's hands, leads to sin, illness, death (...) For, truly, I say to you: Blessed by those who eat only food from the table of the Lord and avoids all the abuse of Satan. "

These are more stringent, but queen nutritional restrictions than the wind and New Testament, as well as the koranic: they are bred by the murder of livelihood by a person for food, which is the moral, the ethical basis of the civilization of a different type type.

In the present on-b-im of this apocryphic gospel, we are at-pi-pi-siem, from-personal from the TR-Di-Church. In the right re-chi there are no overall (pro-writing) sounds and au-up-to-out (string) sounds. But-the-second, yes, in his Ka-No-Ni-Skom, Vi de, where is not a swine de-tel-st-vehs that Ii-Souce exceeded CE-BA over their own contemporaries in the flesh, in this, the MU's personal metro station "I", usually gained in capital letters, in the T-Da-Che in the tech The strokes-mi are one of the strokes. In Oh-Shem, Ni-Ma-Kon-Tech-Stow, the Son of Che-Lo-Ve-Skyky, Ho-Tu, and not, on themselves, on themselves to carry the worldview of Pat-Ri- AR HA-TA, but from - but-Syat-Xia, and not exclusively to Christ, in the same way, they are also on-thro We are bubbles, without you de le, they started by the heads.

From the comparison of these fragments of the apocryphic evangelism of Christ with the previously presented samples of the evangelism of Christ from the canonical gospels, it is clear that they narrate about the same, and meaningfully the same thing but the uta evangelism of Christ should not be collected in the apocryphastic text of John from scattered fragments: it is holistic; Other - not New Testament - John conscientiously recorded everything that I understood, unlike the canonizers of the New Testament, which was delicately eliminated from the canon, all that were obsessed and their owners. 13 Chapter of the First Message of Pavel Corinthians repeats in the meaning of textually close even after repeated translations, one of the sections of the apocryphic Gospel of Christ, which also significant indicates the authenticity of the apocrif and maliciously eliminate it from the canon.

But from the comparison of this apocryphaic Gospel of Christ, it is also clear that in each of them the focus of the teachings, faith, life is peculiar to him. Apocrofic Gospel of the World of Jesus Christ reveals the words of the Apostle Paul : "... Our ability is from God. He gave us the ability to be servants of the New Testament, not letters, and the Spirit, because the letter kills, and the Spirit lives. " - 2 Message to Corinthians, 3: 5, 6.

AND the church is changed in preliminary censorship and eliminate The good of Christ to the whole worldfrom the canon of her Scripture And the fact that in the poems ch. 3: 5, 6, the 2nd Message to the Corinthians writes "Spirit", starting the word from the lowercase letters, although Paul clearly instructed the spirit of the holy, life-giving, denoted by the letter by starting words in capital letters.

Those who dispute the authenticity of a quoted apocryph who did not agree with the new Testament of Christ's New Testament from the canon of the New Testament, the sign that none of the many students of Christ left a written presentation by Jesus Bunior News as such - outside the biographical Queen of the life of Jesus, Son Mary.

The canonical gospels are not such a statement, because they are the essence of a brief biographical certificate of earthly life and activities of Jesus, the son of Mary, in which the evangelism of Christ is set out in the minimum volume in the minimum volume, because without this presentation in the biographical chronicle, although many "strong" world Some would like to get rid of what remains in the canon. And let disagree with said showvital where it is concretely lied by the mentioned apocrif..


The excerpt from the work of the USSR VP "Come to help my wrong ... About Dianetics and Scientology is essentially:view from the outside".

The hosts of the biblical west is not to multi-grays or idolatry, namely to paganism - as a natural-intestable basis for the development of civilization.

Idolatry and worship for anyone, just not God, they are just encouraged by supporting the cults of man-made idols and the degenidants of people - in the past; And political leaders and idols of mass culture (pop stars, cinema and sports) - in the present. This is expressed in their Satanism and opposing God.

Any eradication of truth needs a blessing disguise, "justifying" distractors and deceiving short and superficially thinking extras. Therefore, the eradication of the paganism of the "global government" during the construction of a global racially "elitarian" state is inconvenient to spend openly and directly. But since idolatry and multi-grade - valid mistakes of one of the past steps in the historical development of paganism In the culture of the current civilization, then therefore the liberated hosts of the Bible adopted strategy to eliminate paganismlike a natural public phenomenon and genetically predetermined psychological culture of man, under the guise of fighting idolatry and multibium- valid vices of the pagan worldview of the past.

You said can textually show directly in the Bible itself. Its composition does not include text, which would be called directly and without the bias: Good news of the world of Jesus Christ. The Bible includes only four "Gospels". The meaning of this Greek word "enlighteners of Slavs" did not want to express Russian. If we substitute a Russian verbal equivalent to the text of the New Testament, then it will be "good news." But however not from Jesus Christ, and "from Matthew", "from Mark", "from Luke", "from John": that is, the forgery The good of the world of Jesus Christsomeone substitute - Obvious.

If the words "good news" initially substitute instead of the word "Gospel" in the translation of the New Testament to Russian, then the reader will soon think: "Where is she - this good news and what is its meaning?" Really, this is not done and under the incomprehensible name "Gospels" contains four short biographical references about life and activities among people of Jesus Christ, who silently identified with themselves The teachings of Christ. Biographical references, of course, are quoted from the fact that over it was said to the world through Christ, but do not put it in all the completeness of the said; and most importantly - in them, the good news of Christ accompany the sequestina and censorship withdrawals made by the editors of the Canon's "sacred" Scriptures and the "stenovic" legends of each of the many warring biblical churches.

The answer to the question: "Where did you share the good news of the world of Jesus Christ as such?"- However, it does not remain hung in the air. The Church named after Christ rejected her, but it was preserved as a apocrif, whose name can be expressed in Russian as follows: "Good news to the world of Jesus Christ in the presentation of John's student". Judging by her content, it's not that John, the "Gospel" from which he enters the canon of the Bible.

More than 60 apocryphas are known (ancient books, the content of which did not coincide with the official creed.

In particular, there is a complete translation of the Aramaic texts found in the secret archives of the Vatican in our age. The translation of the first part of these texts, in the form of the book of the first - "Gospel of the World from Esseev" - was first published in 1928. English its option appeared in 1937.

The author of the translations of Edmond Bordeaux Shekley received a doctoral degree in the University of Paris, while other scholars in the Vienna and University Leipzigs. As a famous philologist, a specialist in Sanskrit, Aramaic, Greek and Latin, he spoke on ten modern languages.

We owe the existence of these two versions of the text, which, under the threat of the advancing Horde, Chingiz Khan, were forced to flee from the east to the west, taking with them all the ancient Scriptures and icons.

Ancient Aramaic texts are dating from the third century after the birth of Christ, the Old Slavic version is the literal translation of the Aramaic manuscripts. "

In the newspaper we give excerpts from the book. Fully with the text of the translation can be found on the website It can be understood from it that Jesus did not eradicate paganismhow they are trying to assure the people of the Bible and how more than a thousand years do in Russia, the proven hierarchy of bookockers in the person of the home-grown dedicated, and he taught true eros-free paganism.

Gospel of the world of Jesus Christ
from John's student

(Fragment; Translation from French Translation from Aramaic and Vine Slavic)

... And then a lot of patients and paralyzed came to Jesus, and told him: if you know everything, you can tell us why we should suffer from so many diseases. Why are we deprived of health like other people? Teacher, heal us so that we again gained strength and that our misfortunes leave us for a long time. We know that you have the power to heal all the diseases. Free us from Satan and from all the scary troubles that he hurts us. Teacher, spoke to us!

Jesus answered them: Blessed are you looking for the truth, for I will help you and give bread wisdom.

Blessed you, who wanted to escape from the power of Satan, for I will give you in the kingdom of the angels of our mother, where the power of Satan cannot penetrate.

And with great surprise they asked: Where is our mother, and who is her angels? Where is the kingdom of her?

Our mother is in you, and you are in her. This she gave rise to us and gave us life.

It from her you got your body and comes the day when you should return it. Blessed will you, when you can know her. Her and the kingdom of her, when will follow the laws of it.

I tell you: one who reaches this will never see illness, for the power of your mother dominates everything.

And this power destroys Satan and the kingdom of him, and the law of your mother dominates all and manages your bodies, as well as all living on Earth.

Blood, which flows on your veins, originates from your mother, from the ground. Her blood drops from the clouds, hits the key from the village of the Earth, rumbles in the mountain streams, rustling through the foliage of the trees, rises like dust, above the wheat fields, sleeping in deep valleys, burning in the wilderness.

The fortress of our bones is coming from our mother, earth, from rocks and stones. Their bodies are naked and look into the sky with mountain peaks: they are like giants who sleep on the slopes of hills, and as idols located in the desert: they also hide in the deepest departures of the Earth.

The elasticity of our muscles spawned the flesh of our mother, the Earth: this flesh, yellow and red, gives life to the fruits of our trees: it also gives food, having a key from every furrow of our fields.

Our womb gave us the womb of our mother, the Earth: she is hidden from our eyes as well as the depths of the earth are also invisible to us.

The light of our eyes, the ability to hear the ears, was born from the diversity of the color and sounds of our mother, the earth: they wash us, like the waves of the sea washed fish, and the jet of air - birds.

I truly tell you: man is the son of Mother Earth; From her, the Son of the Human's Son shaves his body, just as the body of the newborn grows, feeding the breast of his mother. Truly tell you: you are one whole with the mother-Earth: it is in you, and you are in it. From her you were born, you live because of her, and you, in the end, come back. Therefore, follow its laws, for no one will live for long years, will not be rejected every moment if he won't read his mother and respect its laws.

For your breath is her breathing, your blood is her blood, your bones - her bones, your flesh is her flesh, your whisp is her whisper, your ears and eyes are her ears and eyes.

I truly tell you if at least once you violate at least one law from its laws; If you at least once damage one of the members of your body, you will inevitably be amazed strongly, and there will be crying and crushing teeth. I tell you: until you follow the laws of your mother, you will not be able to avoid death. But the one who decides to respect the laws of his mother will receive in return to her attachment.

She will cure all his illnesses and will never be sick. She will give him a long life and protects from all the seals, will be guarded from the fire, water and bites of poisonous snakes. For your mother gave rise to you, and she supports life in you. She gave you your body, and no one, except for it, will not cure you. Blessed is the one who loves his mother and who rests on her breast!

For even if you delete it, your mother loves you. And how much she loves you, if you return to her. Truly I say to you: the love of her, more than the high mountains, deeper than the deepest seas. And the one who loves his mother will never leave her.

Just as the chicken guards his chickens, and the lioness is their cub, any mother - newborn, - Also, your mother-land will preserve the Son of Human from all the misfortunes and all troubles. For I truly tell you: Countless troubles and dangers wait for the sons of human: Velzevul, the prince of all demons, the source of all evil, is waiting in the body of all the sons of human. He is a source of death, he creates all the misfortunes, and under the captivative mask he tempts and seduces all the sons of human. He promises them wealth and power, magnificent palaces, gold and silver clothes, a lot of servants, and everything they want; He promises more than fame and honor, sensual joy and luxury, beautiful disasters and abundant wines, noisy orgies and days held in idleness and laziness.

So he seduces everyone, calling for what his heart is more prone to. And that day, when the Human sons become completely slaves of all this fumes and all these vastness, then he, as payment for pleasure, takes away from the sons of human all the goodness that the mother of the earth gave us in such an abundance. It deprives them breathing, blood, bones, flesh, indoors, eyes and ears. The breath of the Son of Human becomes short, intermittent and painful, it becomes silent, as the breath of unclean animals.

His blood thickens, spreading the same sickening smell as water in the swamp, it turns into and black, like death. His bones are urged, are made fragile, they are covered with nodes outside, and decomposed from the inside, and then burst into half, like a stone falling from the rock. Its skin becomes greasy and chubby from the water in it, and the crust and ugly rivets are formed on it.

Its insides are filled with disgusting uncleans, forming rotting slices, in which countless crushing worms nest. His eyes are fascinated, until they reign in them a deep night: his ears master the deafness and reigns in them silence.

So, in the end, the son loses the Son of human life because of his own mistakes, and due to the fact that he could not learn to respect the laws of his mother, but only made mistakes, one after another.

Therefore, all the gifts of his mother lands were taken away from him: breathing, blood, bones, skin, inside, eyes and ears, and, in the end, the life itself, whom the mother's mother awarded his body.

But, if the Son of Human recognizes his mistakes, if he regret his sins and rents from them, if he returns to his mother-land, frees from Cogati Satan and stands in front of his temptations, then the mother entrepreneurs will take his son who was misconceptions And mistakes: she will give him her love and send their angels to him who will serve him. I tell you: as soon as the Son is opposed to Satan, who lives in him, and will cease to obey his will, at the same time the Angels of the mother will decide it in him to serve him by His power, freeing the Song of Human Satan.

For no one serves two gentlemen. Truly, or serve to Velzevulu and his devils, or our mother-land and her life. I truly say to you: Blessed Those who follow the laws of life and which are not followed by death paths. For their vitality will grow, more and more strengthening, and they will avoid the influence of death.

And everyone who was near him listened to his words with surprise: For his words were full of strength, and he taught not as the priests and scribes were taught.

Meanwhile, although the sun has already rolled out, they did not return to their homes. They sat down near Jesus and asked him: Teacher, what are the laws of life? Stay a little longer than us and teach us. We want to listen to your teachings and remember it to go directly.

Then Jesus sat among them and said: Truly I will tell you: No one can be happy if it should not be law. And others responded to him: We all follow the laws of Moses: it gave us the law as he was written in the Holy Scripture.

And Jesus answered them: Do not look for the law in your Scripture. For the law is life, and in Scripture is dead. I truly tell you: Moses did not receive his laws from God written, but from the living word.

The law is the word of lifetransmitted by the living prophet for living people. The law is recorded in everything. You will find it in the grass, in a tree, in the river, in the mountains, in the birds, in the sky, in the fish, in the lakes and in the sea, but especially looking for him in ourselves.

For truly I say to you: All the existing, in which there is life, closer to God than the Scripture, deprived of life. God created life and all that is such that they are the word of eternal life and serve as a teaching to a person about the laws of the true God. God wrote his laws not on the pages of books, but in your heart, and in your spirit.

They manifest themselves in your breath, in your blood, in your bones, in your skin, in your internships, in your eyes, in your ears and in any small part of your body.

They are present in the air, in water, in the ground, in plants, in the rays of the Sun, in depths and altitudes. All of them are addressed to you so that you can understand the Word and the will of the living God. Unfortunately you closed your eyes to see anything, and shut up your ears to hear anything. Truly tell you: Scripture - man's hands, while life and all of her incarnation is the matter of God. Why don't you listen to the words of God written in his creations? And why are you studying the Scriptures, the letters of which are dead, being an act of human hands?

How can we read the laws of God, if not in the scriptures? Where are they written? Read them to us, where you see them, for we do not know other scriptures, except those inherited from our ancestors. Explain to us the laws that you say that we can hear them, you can cure and correct.

Jesus said to them: You can't understand the words of life, because you are in death. Darkness closes your eyes, and your ears are deaf. However, I tell you: I don't need to ride my eyes to Scripture, the letter of which is dead, if you reject your actions who gave you the Scriptures. Truly I tell you: In your affairs there are no God or the laws of it; They are not present in an increment, nor in your drunkenness, nor in the lifestyle of your life that you are squandered in excesses and luxury; And less - in search of wealth, and especially in hatred of enemies. It's all very far from the true God and his angels. But all this leads to the kingdom of darkness and the lord of all evil. For all these desires you carry in yourself; And therefore, the word of God and the power of him can not enter you, because you drive a lot of bad thoughts, as well as abuse nest in your body and in your mind. If you want the word of living God and the power of him to penetrate you, do not defile your body nor the consciousness of yours, for the body is the temple of the Spirit, and the Spirit is the temple of God. Therefore, you must clear this temple so that the Lord of the Temple can live in it and take a place worthy of him. To avoid all the temptations of the body of his and the consciousness of their own, which come from Satan, remove under the village of Sky of the Lord.

For, truly, no one can achieve Heavenly Fatherwithout passing through the earth-mother. And, like a newborn, who cannot understand the instructions of his father, while the mother does not attach him to his chest, does not reach him, he does not stick it, will not put him in the cradle so that he fell asleep after feeding him. For the place of the child, while he is still small, near his mother, she must obey her. But when he grows up, his father will take him with him, so that he could work with him in the field, and the child will return to his mother only at an hour of lunch or dinner. And then the father will give him his instructions so that he could easily help his father in all of his matters.

And when his father see that his son understood all the instructions and performs his work skillfully, he will give his son all his good so that the son can continue his father's work. I tell you: Blessed is the son who follows the advice of the mother and behaves accordingly with them. But one hundred times the blessed is the son who takes the advice of his father and follows them, for it was said to you: "His father and her mother and their mother, so that your days have lasted on this earth." And I tell you, Human Sons: Honor your mother - earth, follow all the laws of her so that your days continue on this earth; And honor your heavenly father to inherit your eternal life in heaven. For the father of Heavenly in a hundred times is greater than all fathers by generation and blood, just like the mother-land - more than all mothers in the flesh. And in the eyes of the father of Heaven and Mother Earth, the Son of Human is even more expensive than in the eyes of his father in his blood and his mother in the flesh.

And the words and the laws of the Father of the Heaven and Mother Earth, the words and the will of all fathers of your blood and all mothers of your flesh, are fulfilled, and other wisdom. And the legacy of your Heavenly and Mother Earth's father will be infinitely more: the kingdom of life, both earthly and heavenly: heritage, preferred to everything that can leave your father's fathers and mother in the flesh.

True brothers are yours - those who perform the will of the Father of the Heaven and Mother Earth, and not the brothers in the blood. I truly tell you: Your true brothers by the will of the Heavenly Father and Mother Earth will love you in a thousand times more than the blood brothers. For since Cain and Abel, since the blood brothers violated God's will, there is no more true brotherhood in the blood. And the brothers belong to their brothers, like someone else's people. Therefore, I tell you: Love the true brothers of your own, the will of God in a thousand times more than brothers of his blood.

For yours Heavenly Father is love!

For yours Mother earth is love!

For son man is love!

And thanks to the love of Heavenly Father, the Mother Earth and the Son of the human one. For the spirit of the Son of Human comes from the spirit of the Father of the Heaven and the Body of Mother Earth. Therefore, be perfect, as the spirit of the father of the heaven and the body of the Mother Earth.

Love your heavenly father as he loves your spirit.

Love also your mother-Earth, as she loves your body.

Love the brothers of your true, as your Heavenly Father and Mother Land love them. And then your Heavenly Father will give you his Holy Spirit, and your mother-earth is his holy body. And then the sons of human, like the true brothers, will love each other with such love, which their father's Heavenly and mother give them: and then they will become for each other true comforters. And then only disappeared from the face of the earth all the troubles and all sorrow, and love and joy will reacted on it. And then the earth will be like heaven and the kingdom of God will come. And the Son of Human will come in all the fame of his own to master his inheritance - the kingdom of God. For the sons of human lives in the father of heaven and mother-land, and the Heavenly Father and the Mother Land live in them.

And then, together with the kingdom of God, the end of times will come. For the love of Heavenly Father gives everyone eternal life in the kingdom of God. For love is eternal. Love is stronger than death.

And although I speak the language of people and angels, if there is no love with me, I am like a bell metal or rattling zimbala. And although I predict the future and I know all the secrets and all the wisdom and I have a strong faith, a similar booth, moving the mountain, if there is no love with me, I am nothing.

And even if I distribute all the wealth of my poor to feed them, and I will give the fire that I received from my father, if there is no love with me, I will not be a good, nor wisdom.

Love patient, love is gentle, love is not envious. She does not make evil, he does not rejoice in injustice, but finds his joy in justice.

Love explains everything, believes everything, love always hopes, love transfers everything, never tired: as for languages, they will disappear, as for knowledge, it will pass.

And now we have parties of delusion and truth, but the completeness of perfection will come, and everything is private - erased.

When the child was a child, he talked like a child, but after reaching maturity, he broke up with his children's glances.

So, now we see everything through dark glass and with the help of questionable truths. Our knowledge is fragmentary today, but when I will appear before the face of God, we will not know more partially, but they know everything, disinteging his teachings. And now there is faith, hope, love, but the greatest of three is love.

And now, thanks to the presence of the Holy Spirit of our Heavenly Father, I tell you the language of life of God living. And there is no more among you anyone who could understand everything I tell you. And those who explain the Scriptures to you speak with you the dead language of people looking through people their sick and mortal bodies.

Therefore, all people will be able to understand them, because all people are sick, and everyone is in death. No one sees the light of life. Blinds lead the blind in black feet of sin, illness and death, and in the end, everyone falls into the mortal abyss.

I am sent by my father to light the light of life. The light lights up and dispels the twilight, while the twilight know only themselves and do not know the light. I have to tell a lot to you, but you will not be able to understand this, for your eyes are weakened by twilight, and the full light of the father of heaven would blind you. Therefore, you can not understand everything that I tell you about the father of heaven, who sent me to you.

From this it can be understood that Jesus Christ, if we speak Russian - a pagan, and if we speak Arabic - Sufi. That is, the proven Byzantine hierarchy of Popov, hiding behind the name of Christ, more than a thousand years perverts and eradicates Christ the doctrine in Russia.

To deny the truth of what was said in the presented fragment of the "Good West Mire of Jesus Christ" on the basis of the life experience of each person in the right mind and clear memory is impossible.

Found scroll or gospel from Jesus Christ.

I am not an ardent supporter of religion, but nevertheless I have always been interested in
Christian philosophy. I didn't come to your conclusions immediately, but all my
Knowledge, all my experience says that between Christ's teachings and
The modern church differences are very and very much. Most recently, I.
The will of the chance came across the gospel from Jesus Christ and to my surprise
It is nowhere in the Christian literature. And I took it all soul, it
I liked it, it did not contradict any of my concept - about
God, worldview, nature and about our land. And all this began so ...

Gospel from Christ.

In 1945, a scroll was found in the desert of Nag-Hammadi (Egypt).
Now they are called the secret words of the living Jesus Christ. Quote: Jesus
said - the kingdom of God within you and everywhere around you is not in buildings
from stone and tree. God inside you and everywhere around you, split a piece
Tree and I am there, raise the stone and you will find me.

Good news from Jesus Christ

I will cite you with bread wisdom

And then many patients and embankment

Came to Jesus and asked him:

If you know everything, tell us why we suffer from these painful
Disaster? Why are we not healthy like other people? Teacher, heal
us so that we can also become strong and that we no longer needed
To tolerate our suffering. We know that in your strength to heal all kinds
Diseases. Free us from Satan and from all his great misfortunes.
Teacher, show compassion for us.

And Jesus replied:

Happy you, what is hungry to truth, for I will set you with bread wisdom.
Happy you knock, for I will open you the door of life. Happy
you want to lose the power of Satan, for I will give you to the kingdom
Angels of our earthly mother (explanation - earthly mother, this is our nature),
Where Satan has no strength.

And in amazement, they asked him:

Who is our mother and who is her angels? And where is her kingdom?

Your mother is in you, and you are in it. She wears you: she gives you life. Exactly
She gave you your body and the day will come when you return it again to her.
Happy you will be coming to know her and her kingdom if you perceive
Angels of your earthly mother and submit to its laws. True telling you
- Who will do it, never see the disease. For the power of our earthly
Mother exceeds everything, and she destroys Satan and his kingdom, and rules
All your bodies and all living things.

Blood, which flows into us, was born from the blood of our earthly mother. Her
Blood falls out of the clouds, it makes his way from the womb of the earth, rumbles in the mountain
streams, spreads in plain rivers, sleeps in lakes, powerfully noise in
Stormy seas.

The air that we breathe is born from the breath of our earthly mother. Her
Breathing pigeons in heights of heights. Slaves on the tops of the mountains, whispers in
Forest leaves, pegs over the fields, sleeping in deep valleys, fes
Fir in deserts.

The hardness of our bones was born from the bones of our earthly mother, from rocks and stones.

Tenderness of our flesh was born from the flesh of our earthly mother whose flesh
attracts yellow and red in the fruits of trees and nourishes us arable land

Our insides are born from our terrestrial mother's insides and are hidden from our eyes, like the invisible depths of the Earth.

The light of the eyes, rumor of our ears born from the colors and sounds of our earthly
Mothers who surround us from all sides like waves marine surround
Fish like air bird.

The man is the son of the earthly mother, and it is from her a person gets his
The body, as the body of the newborn, is born from the womb of his mother. You are one S.
Earth's mother - she is in you, and you are in it. From her you were born, in it you
Live, and you will come back again. Observe it therefore its laws, for
Only one who reveals their earthly mother and follows its laws, maybe
Live long and be happy. For your breathing is her breathing, yours
Blood - her blood, your bones - its bones, your flesh - her flesh, your
insides - its insides, your eyes and ears are her eyes and

True telling you if you break at least one of these laws if
cause harm at least some part of your body - completely
Perhace in your terrible disease, and there will be sobbing and crushing teeth.
I tell you if you do not follow the laws of your mother, then Nikoim
You can't avoid death. The one who holds laws
His mother, that mother herself will also hold. It will heale all
His illness, and never will never be no excite. She will give him a long
Life and protects from any disease - from the fire, from water, from the bite of poisonous
snake. For his mother gave you a birth, and she supports life in you.
She gave you your body, and only she alone will heal you. Happy
The one who loves his earthly mother and who peacefully adhered to her chest. For
Earth mother Your loves you, even when you turn away from it, and
How much more she will love you if you turn to
Her. Excessive, great her love, above mountain heights, deeper by sea
Depths. And those who love their earthly mother, she will never leave. how
The lioness protects his lion, mother - his newborn baby and
The earthly mother guards the Son of Human from any danger and from any

Evil and danger of innumerable and lies in the Son of Human
Each step. Satan, the ruler of all demons, the source of all evil,
I hid in the bodies of all the sons of human. He is death, the lord of everyone
misfortunes and, smoking in a decent appearance, he introduces to
Temptation and temptation of human sons. He promises wealth and power,
Luxury Palaces and Gold and Silver Clothes, Many Servants. He is Sulit
fame and fame, adultery and lust, gluttony and drunkenness,
rampant and idleness, and laziness. And he tempts everyone to what the soul
The person lies most.

And that day, when the Sons of Human are already becoming slaves of all these
disgusting things and vanity, then as payment for them Satan
He takes away from the sons of human sons than generously gave their mother earthly. It
takes away their breath, their blood, their bones, their flesh, their insides, their
Eyes and their ears. And the breath of the Son of Human becomes difficult
Painful and silent, like breathing unclean animals. And blood is blood
becomes thick and silent, like the water of a standing swamp, she
Folded and darkest as the night of death. And bones are getting
solid and nodes, they are depleted from the inside and break into parts like
Stones falling into the gorge. And flesh it becomes fat and becomes
Water, it starts to rot and decompose, covered
disgusting stains and growths. And inside it is filled
frustrated garbage, combined expansion jets, and many nasty
worms find
Shelter here. And his eyes are nervous until the dark night is completely
They surround them, and the ears cease to hear, the coffin silence comes. AND
The latter son loses his life. For he did not adhere to
Mother's laws and committed sin for sin. And therefore are selected from
it is all the gifts of the mother of the earth: blood, bones, flesh, eyes and ears, and after
In total, the life itself, whom the mother was crowned his body.

But if the loss of the Son of Human is repent of his sins and destroy
they are all and returning to their mother earthly, and if he will fulfill her
laws and free from Cogati Satan, refusing to his temptations,
Then again the mother of the earth will accept his lost son and send him
His angels to serve him. True telling you when son
Human will revive Satan inhabiting him, and stop performing
his will, at the same time the Angels of the Mother will appear to serve him
from all his forces and finally liberate the Son of Human from power

For no one can serve two owners at once. Or he serves Satan,
Or he serves our earthly mother and its angels. Either he serves death
Either he serves life. True telling you. Happy one who keeps
Laws of Life and Stay Death.

And everyone who gathered around him, listened to his words with amazement, for
The word him was powerful and he taught not at all that he was preached
Priests and scribes. And although the sun has already been to the horizon, they are not
Diar to their homes.

The law is life, Scriptures are dead.

They sat down around Jesus and began to ask him.

Teacher, what are these laws of life? Stay with us also teach us. we
We will listen to the doctrine so that we can heal and become righteous. we
All observe the data to us Moses, the laws exactly as they are recorded.
In the scriptures.

And Jesus replied:

Do not look for the law in your books with Scriptures, for the law is life,
Scriptures are dead. Truly telling you, Moses received these laws from God
In writing, but through the word alive. The law is the living word of the living
God given to live prophets for people of living. In everything that is
Life, this law is recorded. You can find it in herbs, in the trees, in
rivers, in the birds of heaven, in the fish of sea, but first of all, look for it in
ourselves. For I truly tell you, everything is alive closer to God than the Scriptures,
in which there is no life. God so created the life and all living things to
They could be eternal words to teach a man the laws of the true God. God
wrote these laws not on the pages of books, but in the hearts and in the souls of yours. They are
in your breath, in your blood, in your bones, in your flesh, in your
Inside, your eyes, your ears and in every part of your body.
They are in the air, in water, in the ground, in plants,
In the rays of the Sun, in depths and altitudes. They all say with you so you
Could understand the language and the will of God living. But you close your eyes to
Do not see and close your ears so as not to hear. Scriptures are
Creation of man, and life and all its diversity is creation
Our God. Why don't you listen to the words of God written in his
creations? And why are you studying the dead Scriptures that are creatures
Human hands?

How can we read the laws of God who are not in the Scriptures? Where are recorded
they are? Read them from there, where you see them, for we do not know anything,
In addition to the scriptures inherited by us from our ancestors. tell us
The laws that you say to hear them, we could heal and
be forgiven.

And Jesus said:

You do not understand the words of life, because you are in death. Darkness
Closed your eyes and ears your deaf. No benefit you not from learning
dead scriptures if you actually reject it who gave you these
Scriptures. God and his laws are not what you do. They are not increasing and
drunkenness, not in rags and not in lust, not in the desire for wealth and
Not in hatred of enemies. For all this is far from true God and
His angels, but comes from the kingdom of darkness and ruler evil. And all this you
we carry in yourself, and therefore the word and the power of God can not enter you, for
Every malice and abyss inhabit your body and your soul. If you
you wish that the word of God is alive and its strength entered into you, do not defile
your body and soul your own, for the body is the temple of the soul, and the soul is the temple of God to
God could stay in her and to take it a place worthy of him.

And from all temptations of your body and your soul emanating from Satan, find a refuge in the shadow of the Heavens of God.

Clean your body and soul your evil and abrasiness, doing good and carrying joy
And love people, wherever you are. Be help for all people
Be the right to people, for it is the meaning of your life. Create good
not to mention without touching this anyone, for only such good will
Caught on you. Update yourself with this and fast. Satan and all his attack
can be expelled only with good and love, post and prayer said
With meaning and understanding. Return and fast alone, no one
Without showing your post. God will see him alive, and will be yours

Right up to the fresh air of forests and fields, and you will find an angel
air. Relieve your shoes and clothing and enclosure angel hug body
yours. Breathe full of breasts and enjoy all flavors and sounds
Forests and fields. Omoot your body angel of water, in forest springs, in
Mountain streams, full-flow rivers and in warm seas. Connect from Earth
Mother and become one with her one. Open the sunlight, give
your body swim in the rays of the Angel of Light, also your soul - in
The rays of the truth of the Heavenly Father.

Your Heavenly Father is love and freedom.

Mother Earth is love and freedom

Son of man is love and freedom

Only through love Heavenly and mother's father and the Son of Human becomes one. For love is eternal and exceeds death.

If I tell the languages \u200b\u200bof human and angelic, but I do not have love, then
I become like copper caller. If I have a gift of prophecy and know
All secrets and possessing all wisdom and faith I have a powerful as a hurricane,
Which mountains shifts, I have no love - then I am nothing. And if I distribute
All I have to feed the poor and give all your fire received
From my father, but I do not have love, there is no benefit to me.

Love patient, the love of kindness, love does not envy, does not create evil, not
proud, does not know rudeness and pegs, not in a hurry to be angry, not
plots bad, it does not rejoice and felt and not true, but enjoys
Truth. Love all covers everything believes everything always hopes love everything
transfers, never stops, even if all languages \u200b\u200bare smelled and all
Knowledge will disappear.

But we know about love only partly, we see it through the glass and through
saying, but when we imagine before God we will be known
Love is not partly, but as he will teach us.

Now I am talking to you in the living language of God, through the Holy Spirit of Our
Heaven's father. Although there is no one who is able to understand everything
what I'm talking about. The one who puts the Scriptures to you says with you on
The dead is the dead of the dead, through its weak and mortal body. And that's why
Everyone can understand it, for all people are sick and dwell. None
sees the light of life. Blinds lead blind on the dark paths of sins,
Diseases and suffering, and at the end everyone falls into the pit of death.

I am sent to you my father to make the light of life to doll before
you. Light illuminates itself and darkness, the darkness knows only himself, but
Light does not know. And I still have a lot of tell you, but you are not yet in
Status withstand it. For your eyes are accustomed to darkness, and full light
Heavenly father will blind you. So you can not understand what I
I tell you about the Heavenly Father, who sent me to you. Therefore, first
Follow only the laws of your mother of the earth, which I told you about. AND
when her angels clean and update your bodies and strengthen your eyes, you
You can look at the bright midday sun without flashing eyes, then
Then you can look at the dazzling light of your heavenly father,
Which is a thousand times brighter than the radiance of a thousand suns. And now how are you
You can watch the dazzling light of your Heavenly Father if you are not
You can even endure the light of the shining sun. Believe me, sun
like a flame candle, next to the sun of the truth of the Heavenly Father, and therefore
Have faith and hope, and love.

Truly tell you, do not want a different award. If you believe mine
Words, you believe in the one who sent me, who is Lord
In total, with which everything is possible. For what is not possible for people, everything
This is possible with God. If you have faith in the angels of the Mother of the earth and
fulfill its laws, faith your will support you and you never
Watch diseases. Also hope for the love of your Heavenly Father,
For the one who trusts him will never be deceived, and will never see
He is death.

It was said: "read your father of heaven and mother earthly and execute
their punishes so that your days on earth were long. "And the next was given
Commandment: "Do not kill," because life is given to everyone from God, but what is given
God, a person is not right and cannot take away. I truly speak, from
One mother is all alive on earth, and man, and animals. AND
Therefore, the one who kills kills his brother. And from him the mother's mother
It turns out and takes his chest, giving life. And the angels will be
Storing it. Satan will find his abode in his body. And flesh
Killed animals in his body will be his own grave. True saying
You who kill - kills themselves, and who eats the flesh of the killed animals -
Eats the body of death.

Always take food from the table of God: "Fruits of trees, cereals and grass
Fields, milk beasts, eggs chickens and honey bees. For everything that is over it - from
Satan and leads sins and diseases to death. Food you
take from the abundant table of God, gives strength and youth to your body, and
You will never see illnesses.

And do not be like greedy to eat a servant, which was always hungry and
He eaten at the table of his master's portion of others. And there were no equal in
By gluttony, and he could not think about something as soon as about food. Seeing
This, His owner angry and drove him from behind the table. And when everyone
graduated from meals, he mixed everything that remained on the table, and calling
Greedy servant, told him: "Take it all with the pigs, for
Your place is among them, and not at my table. "

And when you eat, do not apply. Therefore, always make sure that
How much you eat, and eat always less than a third. Do not mix more
Three dishes. Who eats more than twice a day, makes a job
Satan. Take food only when the sun is in Zenith and again
- When it is the village. And you will never see diseases.

Follow the example of all the angels of the Father of Heaven and Mother Earth, which
Work day and night over the kingdom of heaven. Follow the water of water that
flows, wind, what blows, the sun, which goes back and sits down, trees and herbs,
What we grow, the beasts that run and jump, the moon, which arrives and decreases,
Stars that light up and go out - all this moves and make work.
For everything that has a life in itself - moves and only that dead -
Real estate God is the god of the living, and Satan is the God of the Dead. therefore
Serve God living so that the eternal movement of life could support you and
To avoid you eternal immobility. Therefore, be true
The sons of your father of the heaven and your mother earth so that you do not fall into
Solvei Satan.

Love each other, for God is love, and the angels will know him that
You go to his ways. And then all the angels will appear in front of your face and
will serve you. And Satan with all his sins, diseases and
Unclean will leave your soul and body. Go and avoid sins
Speake, take a conscious baptism to be born again and not
sin more. And remember what will be created by people on earth will
Quality of people themselves.

Come to me all the exhausted and suffering in discord and misfortune.
Because my world will give you strength and comfort you: "May the world will be!". AND
You welcome so each other. And now come back to your brothers,
With whom you have accounted for in the disaster, and give them your world. For
Happy, who seeks to the world because they will find the world of God. Go I.
Do not sin more. And give everyone the world your own, as I presented my world
you. Because my world is God.

May you be peace!

And he left them.

And the world conceded him on them, and in the hearts of the Angel of Love, in
Their heads are the wisdom of the law, and in their hands their rebirth strength. And they went
between the sons of human, to bring the light of the world to those who led the battle in

And parting, they spoke to each other.

May you have peace.

Our days

1) One person died. And his whole life passed before his eyes. His
It seemed as if he was walking with the sandy coast, and next to him - the Lord. On the
The sky flashed the paintings of his life, and after each of them he noticed on
The sand is two chains of traces: one - from his legs, the other - from the legs of the Lord.
When in front of him flashed the last picture of his life, he
looked back on the sands on the sand. And saw that often along his life
The paths stretched only one chain of traces. It was the most difficult and
Unhappy times in his life. He was very saddened and began to ask
Gentlemen: "You didn't say that if I'm filled with you, you will not leave
me? Look - in the most difficult times of my life only one chain
Traces stretches in the sand. Why did you leave me when I most
needed you? "

You are mistaken, my child, when they were in your life grief and testing,
When the most difficult times of your life came, I used you in my arms.

2) When a person was still a child, her grandmother always told him: "Grandhock,
You grow big, you will be bad in the shower - you go to the temple,
You always will be easier there. "A man grew up. And he began to live somehow
Completely unbearable. He remembered the Granny Council and went to the temple. Entering there
He saw a random priest who read righteous sermons, and
Due to an excessive full body, a drop drops on his forehead. And it was
It is clearly seen how this person is hard to stand on the legs so far
service. And then someone is suitable for him: "Do not keep hands." Second
runs up: "Not so stand." The third grumps: "Not so dressed." Rear
He overthrew: "Not properly baptized." And here one woman came up and
He tells him:

You would come out of the temple, bought a book about how to behave here
It is necessary and the golden native cross, yes, here I almost forgot, and all this
sold here in our temple and prices here are the cheapest and then
came in. A man went to the exit, went to the bench at the temple, a book and
The native crossed bought and left the temple. Sat on the bench and quietly
Poklal. And suddenly the voice hears: "What are you, my child, cry?" Raised
Man is his aspired face and saw Christ. Says: "Lord! Me in
The church is not allowed. Hugged his Jesus: "Do not cry, they don't have me there
let go. "

Found Scroll or Gospel from Jesus Christ

I am not an ardent supporter of religion, but nevertheless, Christian philosophy has always been interested in me. I didn't come to your conclusions immediately, but all my knowledge, my whole experience suggests that there is a lot of differences between Christ the teachings and the modern church. Most recently, I came across the gospel from Jesus Christ and to my surprise it was nowhere in Christian literature. And I accepted it with all my soul, I liked it, it did not contradict any of my concept - about God, the worldview, nature and our land. And all this began so ...

Gospel from Christ.
In 1945, a scroll was found in the desert of Nag-Hammadi (Egypt), which is now called the secret words of the living Jesus Christ. I quote: Jesus said - the kingdom of God within you and everywhere around you is not in buildings from stone and tree. God inside you and everywhere around you, cut a piece of wood and I am there, raise a stone and you will find me.

Good news from Jesus Christ
I will cite you with bread wisdom
And then many patients and embankment
Came to Jesus and asked him:
If you know everything, tell us why we suffer from these painful disasters? Why are we not healthy like other people? Teacher, healed us so that we could also become strong and that we no longer need to endure our suffering. We know that in your strength to heal all kinds of diseases. Free us from Satan and from all his great misfortunes. Teacher, show compassion for us.
And Jesus replied:
-There you, what is hungry to truth, for I will set you with bread wisdom. Happy you knock, for I will open you the door of life. Happy you want to lose the power of Satan, for I will give you to the kingdom of the angels of our earthly mother (explanation - the earthly mother, this is our nature), where Satan has no strength.
And in amazement, they asked him:
What is our mother and who is her angels? And where is her kingdom?
-What mother in you and you are in it. She wears you: she gives you life. It was she who gave you your body and the day will come when you return it again to her. Happy you will be coming to know her and her kingdom, if you perceive your earthly mothers angels and submit to its laws. True telling you - who will do it, will never see the disease. For the strength of our earthly mother exceeds everything, and she destroys Satan and his kingdom, and rules all your bodies and all living things.
-Carrow, which flows in us, was born from the blood of our earthly mother. Its blood drops from the clouds, it makes his way from a womb of the earth, rumbles in the mountain streams, spreads in plain rivers, sleeps in lakes, is powerfully cozy in the stormy seas.
-As that we breathe is born from the breath of our earthly mother. Her breathing pigeon in heights of heights. Slash on the tops of the mountains, whispers in the leaves of forests, pegs over the fields, sleeping in deep valleys, blows in the deserts.
- The fact of our bones is born from the bones of our earth's mother, from rocks and stones.
- The lowness of our flesh was born from the flesh of our earthly mother whose flesh attracts yellow and red in the fruits of trees and nourishes us arable land.
- Our insides are born from our terrestrial mother's insides and are hidden from our eyes, like the invisible depths of the Earth.
- The eye of the eye, the ears of our ears are born from the colors and sounds of our earthly mother who surround us from all sides, like sea waves surround the fish as the air bird.
"The Soul is the son of the earthly mother, and it is from her who a person gets his body, as the body of a newborn born is born from the womb of his mother. You are one with the earthly mother - she is in you, and you are in it. From her you were born, you live in it, and you will come back again. Observe it therefore its laws, because only one who worshiped their earthly mother and follows its laws, can live long and be happy. For your breath is her breathing, your blood is her blood, your dice is its bones, your flesh is her flesh, your insides - its insides, your eyes and ears are her eyes and ears.
"I tell you if you violate at least one of these laws, if you harm at least some part of your body, you will completely perish in your terrible disease, and there will be sobbing and crushing teeth. I tell you if you do not follow the laws of your mother, then in no way you can avoid death. The one who adheres to the laws of his mother, the mother itself will also hold. She will heal all the diseases of him, and he will never be no harmful. She will give him a long life and protects anyone from the disease - from the fire, from the water, from the bite of poisonous snakes. For his mother gave you a birth, and she supports life in you. She gave you your body, and only she alone will heal you. The one who loves his earthly mother, and who peacefully adhered to her chest. For the earthly mother loves you, even when you turn away from it, and how much she will love you if you turn to her again. Excessive, her love is great, above mountain heights, deeper by sea depths. And those who love their earthly mother, she will never leave. As a lioness protects his livities, the mother is his newborn baby, and the earthly mother guards the Son of Human from any danger and from any evil.
"It's not a danger of innumerable and they wait for the Son of Human at every step." Satan, the ruler of all demons, the source of all evil, hid in the bodies of all the sons of human. He is death, the lord of all misfortunes and, smoking in a decent appearance, he puts in temptation and temptation of human sons. He promises wealth and power, luxury palaces and clothes made of gold and silver, many servants. He promises fame and fame, adultery and lust, gluttony and drunkenness, rampant and idleness, and laziness. And he tempts everyone to what a man's soul lies most.
And that day, when human sons are already becoming slaves of all these disgusting things and vanity, then as payment for them, Satan takes away from the sons of human sons, the Earth's mother generously gave them. He takes their breath, their blood, their bones, their flesh, their insides, their eyes and their ears. And the breath of the Son of Human becomes difficult, painful and flicker, like breathing of unclean beasts. And his blood becomes thick and flicker, like the water of standing swamps, it turns around and darkens as the night of death. And the bones are becoming hard and nodes, they are depleted from the inside and break into parts like stones falling into the gorge. And his flesh is becoming fat and becomes water, it begins to rot and decompose, covered with disgusting staves and growths. And its insides are filled with fruitful garbage, combined with jets of decomposition, and many nasty worms find themselves here. And his eyes are nervous, while the dark night does not completely surround them, and the ears cease to hear, the coffin silence comes. And the last lost son loses his life. For he did not adhere to the laws of his mother and committed sin of sin. And therefore, all the gifts of the mother of the earth are taken from him: blood, bones, flesh, eyes and ears, and after all the life itself, whom the mother married his body was crowned.
- But if the loss of the Son of Human is repent of his sins and destroy them all, and return to his mother earthly, and if he fulfills her laws and free from Cogati Satan, refusing his temptations, then again the Mother Earth will take her lost son and send He is his angels to serve him. True I tell you when the Son of Human will revive Satan inhabiting him, and will stop performing his will, at the same time the Angels of Mother will appear to serve him from all their forces and finally liberate the Son of Human from the power of Satan.
- Well, no one can serve two owners at once. Or he serves Satan or he serves our earthly mother and its angels. Or he serves death, or he serves life. True telling you. Happy one who complies with the laws of life and keeps out of death.

And everyone who gathered around him, listened to his words with amazement, for his word was powerful, and he did not take it at all that priests and scribes were preached. And although the sun has already been to the horizon, they did not diverge through their homes.

The law is life, Scriptures are dead.

They sat down around Jesus and began to ask him.

Teacher, what are these laws of life? Stay with us also teach us. We will listen to the doctrine so that we can heal and become righteous. We all comply with the data of us Moses laws exactly as they are recorded in the scriptures.
And Jesus replied:
- Do not look for the law in your books with Scriptures, for the law is life, the Scriptures are dead. True I tell you, Moses received these laws from God not in writing, but through the word alive. The law is the living word of the living God given to the living prophets for people of living. In all, that is life, this law is recorded. You can find it in herbs, in trees, in rivers, in the birds of heaven, in the fish of the sea, but first of all, look for it in yourself. For truly telling you, everything is alive closer to God than the Scriptures in which there is no life. God created the life of all living beings so that they could be eternal words to teach a man the laws of the true God. God wrote these laws not on the pages of books, but in the hearts and in the souls of yours. They are in their breath, in your blood, in your bones, in your flesh, in your internships, your eyes, your ears and in every part of your body. They are in the air, in water, in the ground, in plants, in the rays of the Sun, in depths and altitudes. They all speak with you so that you can understand the language and the will of God alive. But you close your eyes to not see and close your ears so as not to hear. Scriptures are the creation of a person, and life and all its diversity is the creations of our God. Why don't you listen to the words of God written in his creations? And why are you studying the dead Scriptures that are the creations of human hands?

How can we read the laws of God who are not in the Scriptures? Where are they recorded? Read them from there, where you see them, because we do not know anything except the scriptures inherited by us from our ancestors. Tell us the laws that you speak to hear them, we could heal and be farewell.

And Jesus said:

You do not understand the words of life, because you are in death. Darkness closed your eyes and ears your deaf. There is no benefit to you from studying the dead Scriptures, if you actually reject it who gave you these Scriptures. God and his laws are not what you do. They are not in gluttony and drunkenness, not in rags and not in lust, not in the desire for wealth and not in hatred of their enemies. For all this is far from the true God and the angels, but comes from the kingdom of darkness and the rule of evil. And all this you carry in yourself, and therefore the word and the power of God can not enter you, for all kinds of evil and abyss are inhabit your body and in your soul. If you want the word of God alive and the strength of him entered into you, do not defile your body and your soul, for the body is the temple of the soul, and the soul is the temple of God, so that God can be in her and to take it a place worthy of him.
"And from all temptations of your body and your soul emanating from Satan, find a refuge in the shadow of the Heavens of God.
- Come on your body and soul your evil and abrasion, doing good and carrying joy and love to people, wherever you are. Be a help for all people, be the right people, for it is the meaning of your life. Create good, not to mention without touching this for no one, for only such good will be credited to you. Update yourself with this and fast. Satan and all of his attacks can be expelled only with good and love, fasting and prayer said with meaning and understanding. Furi and fast alone, no one showing your post. God alive will see him, and the great will be your reward.
Right up to the fresh air of forests and fields, and you will find an angel of air. Relieve your shoes and clothing and the angel will hug your body. Breathe full of breasts and enjoy all the flavors and sounds of forests and fields. Omrot your body angel of water, in forest springs, in mountain streams, full-water rivers and in warm seas. Connect with the Earth's Mother and become one with it. Open the sunshine, give your body to swim in the rays of the Angel of Light, also your soul - in the rays of the truth of the Father of Heaven.

Your Heavenly Father is love and freedom.
Mother Earth is love and freedom
Son of man is love and freedom
Only through love Heavenly and mother's father and the Son of Human becomes one. For love is eternal and exceeds death.

If I tell the Languages \u200b\u200bby human and angelic, but I do not have love, then I become like copper caller. If I have a gift of prophecy and know all the secrets and possessing all the wisdom and faith I have a powerful as a hurricane, which mountains shifts, I have no love - I don't have anything. And if I distribute everything I have to feed the poor and give all your fire received from my father, but I do not have love, there is no benefit of any.
"Love patient, the love of kindness, love does not envy, does not create evil, does not proud, does not know the rudeness and spoke, does not hurry to be angry, does not plot the bad, it does not rejoice and felt and not true, but enjoys the truth. Love all covers everything believes everything, always hopes, love tolerates everything, never stops, even if all languages \u200b\u200bare smelled and all knowledge will disappear.
But we know about love only partly, we see it through the glass and through the sayings, but when we imagine before God we will know the love is not partly, but as it will teach us.

Now I am talking to you in the living language of God, through the Holy Spirit of our Father of Heaven. Although there is no one who can understand everything that I am talking about. The one who sets out the Scriptures to you speaks with you on the dead of the dead, through his weakness and mortal body. And therefore everyone can understand him, for all people are sick and dwell. No one sees the light of life. Blind leads to the dark paths of sins, diseases and suffering, and at the end everyone falls into the pit of death.
"I am sent to you my father, to make the light of life to sue you." The light illuminates itself and darkness, the darkness knows only himself, but the light does not know. And I still have a lot of tell you, but you have not yet to withstand it. For your eyes are accustomed to darkness, and the full light of the Heavenly Father will blind you. Therefore, you can not yet understand what I tell you about the Heavenly Father, who sent me to you. Therefore, first follow only the laws of your mother of the earth, which I told you about. And when her angels are cleaned and update your bodies and strengthen your eyes, you can look at the bright midday sun without flashing eyes, then you can look at the dazzling light of your Heavenly Father, which is a thousand times brighter than the radiance of a thousand suns. And now, as you can look at the dazzling light of your Heavenly Father, if you can't even take the light of the shiny sun. Believe me, the sun is like a candle flame, next to the sun of the truth of the father of heaven, and therefore have faith, and hope, and love.
Truly tell you, do not want a different award. If you believe in my words, you believe in the one who sent me, who is the lord of everything with which everything is possible. For what is not possible for people, all this is possible with God. If you have faith in the angels of the mother of the earth and perform its laws, faith your will support you, and you will never see diseases. Also also hope for the love of your father of heaven, for the one who trusts him will never be deceived, and he will never see death.

It was said: "read your father of heaven and the mother of earthly and fulfill their punishment, so that your days on earth were long." And the following was given to the commandment: "Do not kill," because life is given to everyone from God, and the fact that God is given, a person is wrong and cannot take away. I am truly talking to you, from one mother there is all alive on earth, and man, and animals. And therefore, the one who kills, kills his brother. And from him, the mother's mother turns away and take his chest his giving life. And the angels will tear it. Satan will find his abode in his body. And the flesh of the killed animals in his body will be his own grave. True I tell you who kills - kills himself, and who eats the flesh of the dead animals - eats the body of death.

Always take food from the table of God: "Fruits of trees, cereals and grass fields, milk beasts, eggs chickens and honey bees. For everything that is from Satan and leads the sins and illness to death. Food you are taking with The abundant table of God, gives strength and youth to your body, and you will never see diseases.
"You don't be as greedy before the meal of a servant, which was always hungry and eaten at the table of his master's portion of others. And it was not equal in the gluttony to him, and he could not think about something as soon as about food. Seeing it, the owner was angry and drove him from behind the table. And when everyone finished the meal, he mixed everything that remained on the table, and, calling the greedy servant, said to him: "Take it all with the pigs, because your place is among them, and not at my table."
-And when you eat, do not apply for an opportunity. Therefore, always follow how much you eat, and eat always less than a third. Do not mix more three dishes. Who eats more than twice a day, makes the work of Satan. Take food only when the sun is in Zenith and once again - when it is the village. And you will never see diseases.
- Survey the example of all the angels of the Father of Heaven and Mother Earth, who work the day and night over the kingdom of heaven. Follow the example of water, what flows, wind, which is blowing, the sun, which goes back and sits down, trees and herbs, that grow, the beasts that run and jump, the moon, that comes and decreases, the stars that light up and go out - all this is moving And make work. For everything that has a life - moves and is just what the dead is immovable. God is the god of the living, and Satan is the God of the Dead. Therefore, serve God alive for the eternal movement of life could support you and so that you can avoid eternal immobility. Therefore, be the true sons of your father of the Heaven and your mother earthly, so that you do not fall into Satan's slavery.
- Love each other, for God is love, and the angels will know him that you go to his ways. And then all the angels will appear before your face and will serve you. And Satan with all his sins, diseases and uncleanness will leave your soul and body. Go and avoid sins, shook, accept conscious baptism to be born again and not sin more. And remember that will be created by people on earth, there will be a will of the people themselves.
- Site all exhausted and suffering in discord and misfortune. Because my world will give you strength and comfort you: "May the world will be!". And you welcome so each other. And now, come back to your brothers with whom you have accounted for in the disaster, and give them your world. For happy who seeks to peace because they will find the world of God. Go and do not sin more. And give everyone the world your own, as I presented my world to you. Because my world is God.
May you be peace!
And he left them.
And the world looked down on them, and an angel of love arrived in the hearts, in their heads - the wisdom of the law, and in their hands their rebirth strength. And they went between the sons of human, to bring the world to those who led the battle in the dark.
And parting, they spoke to each other.
May you have peace.

Our days of 2012
1) One person died. And his whole life passed before his eyes. It seemed to him as if he was walking with the sandy coast, and next to him - the Lord. The pictures of his life flashed in the sky, and after each of them he noticed two chains of traces on the sand: one - from his legs, the other - from the legs of the Lord. When in front of him flashed the last picture from his life, he looked back on the sands on the sand. And he saw that often only one chain of traces was stretched along his life path. These were the most difficult and unhappy times in his life. He was very saddened and began to ask the Lord: "You didn't tell you: if I've come to you, you will not leave me? Look - in the most difficult times of my life, only one chain of traces stretches in the sand. Why did you leave me when I most needed you? "
"You are mistaken, my child is, when they were in your life grief and trials, when the most difficult times of your life came, I used you in my arms.

2) When a person was still a child, her grandmother always told him: "The granddaughter, you grow big, will be bad for you badly - you go to the temple, you will always be easier there." A man grew up. And he began to live somehow completely unbearable. He remembered the Granny Council and went to the temple. Entering there, he saw a cargo priest who read righteous sermons, and because of an excessive full body, a drop drops on his forehead. And it was clearly seen how this person is hard to stand on the legs while the service was going. And then someone is suitable for him: "Do not keep hands." The second runs up: "We are not so worth it." The third grumps: "Not so dressed." Rear overthrew: "Not properly baptized." And here one woman came up and tells him:
-I would have come out of the temple, bought a book about how to lead themselves here and the golden native cross, yes, I almost forgot, and all this is sold here in our temple and prices here are the cheapest, and then you would come in . A man went to the exit, went to the bench at the temple, a book and a native crossed bought and left the temple. I sat on the bench and quietly cry. And suddenly the voice hears: "What are you, my child, cry?" Raised the man his aspired face and saw Christ. Says: "Lord! My temple is not allowed. Hugged him Jesus:" Do not cry, they don't let me go there. "