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September 21, the Day of the Blessed Virgin Mary Signs. Pray for the Mother of God to get rid of the infertility of spiritual. Parents Joachim and Anna were fruitless, and at that time there was a belief that a family that could not have children deprived of God's blessing. Birth of Presbyeny

Christmas of the Virgin - Great consolation for childless spouses. The Christmas of the Virgin Day opens a new church year - the whole history of the New Testament begins with the appearance of a little girl. She will then be called the throne of God and she will become the door through which the Savior of the world of Christ will appear. On the value of the holiday of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The basis of the reverence of Mary in the church was always obedience to Her God, the free confidence, rendered by her in a human unheard of appeal. The Orthodox Church generally always emphasized this connection with Mary with humanity and, if you can put it, admired it as the best, the purest, the sublime fruit of human history, the human search of God, and in it - the last sense, the last content of humanity itself.
If in the West, in Western Christianity, in the center of West, Mary always stood the image of her as the Virgin, the virginity was not broken by motherhood, then for the Orthodox East of such a core of his love to Mary, contemplation of her and - I repeat it once again - joyful admirement it from It began and remains her motherhood, her blood connection with Jesus Christ.

The Day of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is celebrated by solemn prayer, the singing of the magnitude of the uterus: "Major, the Most Holy Virgo, and honor the saints of your parents and the Allwalian Christmas of Your Child." Church chants: Poems, Paths and canons in honor of the Virgin Mary are called "Virgin".

The people of the Virgin Mary worshiped. The image of the Virgin was clearer more accessible and closer to popular consciousness than the image of Jesus Christ. On the one hand "Ascended to the world of the Divine", on the other She remained associated with ordinary people, the motherly worried and standing behind them.

On the christmas day of the Virgin:

They remember the parable of the wonderful birth of the Virgin.All my family life, surviving to deep old age, the future parents of Anna and Joachim could not conceive a child. They were angry in every way languages \u200b\u200bthat came to the point that they closed the road to the temple. But Anne Anne Angel, predicted the beginning of a new kind.

Pray for the Virgin Reliable spiritual infertility. Parents Joachim and Anna were fruitless, and at that time there was a belief that a family that could not have children deprived of God's blessing. The birth of the Most Holy Virgin Mary not only refuted this belief, but also gave hope.

Think about morality His and universal.The Most Holy Deva Maria came to this world at the time when the human morality dropped so low that they said that only God himself could fix something. Birth of Mary personifies the revival of faith, morality and all mankind.

Visit the temple. On the day of the holiday, the church is held in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Lady of Our Virgin. Deva Maria is praised in the service, and it is mentioned about her parents, Saints Joachim and Anna.

Prayer before the icon of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

P the Red Body Mother of God's icon is praying for the salvation of lost souls and instructing them on the path right

Oh, the Most Holy Mother of God! Watch with a blessing on the praying of us, sinful and humble slaves of yours, and the mind of God's son, yes the low seller and everyone who runs to you, the health is spiritual and bodily and all, Like for the eternisle and temporary life, let us forgive all sorts of free and unwitting; Yes, it will save us from all sorts of sorrows and diseases, and misfortunes and all the zlago circumstances. To her, the queen is our preparing, our hopeless and intercession is needed! Do not turn your face from us, for many of our limits; But send us the rules of Mantnyago Mercy, and coordinate with us a sign for good. Yavi we have a rich help of your and prosperity at all blessing; from all the beginnings of the sinwhno and the fields of Lukavago turn off us, yes, I will be given a precessive your name and pay your honest image; And the grandeur of God's Father, and the only beetle of his son, the Lord of our Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, with all the saints, and forever. Amen.

On this day, as in any other two-month holiday, undesirable to work , eliminating cases when work is performed for the benefit of other people.

Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary celebrate on September 21, on a new style

The Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a two-month holiday in honor of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
For the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was elected to God worthy of their virgins in the Jewish people, Holy Virgin Mary.

Mary's parents - the righteous John and Anna - long years were childless. Do not have children were considered a lowness of God, but they did not despair and prayed that the Lord would send them a child. When they were already in old age, they had a daughter. Her name was predetermined by an angel, prevailing parents and her birth. In memory of the birthday Blessed Virgin christian church And I installed my holiday in the Nativity of the Virgin, or, as it is sometimes called, the second is the recent or small prech. (Large Major - Holiday Assumption).
This holiday was set by the Church in the IV century, but seven more centuries passed before the Christmas of the Virgin took his place among the main holidays of the Orthodox Church.

In honor of the Virgin, many temples erected, her the image is one of the most common on icons, 4 of all the two-month holidays is devoted to it.
The Day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is revered in the Russian Church also because it was on this day that the Russian military under the leadership of Holy Prince Dimitri Johnovich won the Kulikov field.

The Mother of God was the intercessory of children on this and that light. Often, the Mother of Mother of the Mother of God was called upon in statements and prayers when healing from diseases.

On the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Orthodox women who cannot become pregnant Wish the virgin Mary about the gift of the offspring , about the moment of conception and about light and happy pregnancy.

Prayers for the conception for the Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary

Prayer first

"Oh, the prediest and predicted Virgin, the god of the Holy Prayers asked, God dedicated to God, the beloved, and the purity of the soul and the body of your mother of God, the Lord of our Jesus Christ chosen. Who can't chew or who will not be reeling your copper christmas for your birth is your beginning of our salvation. Acceptance from us, unworthy, praise to you and do not spin our Moluba. You confess your greatness, you fall to you in the mighty and an ambulance in the intercession, we ask you: I ask you to succeed with your son and
Our God give us a sinful, sincere repentance and pious life, and the opportunity to live to God and our souls are useful.
About the predicted Virgin Mary, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, the proud of graciously on the slaves of your who could still
divorced by the offspring and your omnipotent petition sent them healing from misfortune. About the Virgin and the Nortalizer of our life, wake us to help and faithful than the Holy Church of the Holy Church, we will hear, sorry, sorry, sorrow, the courage to send goodness.
I resort to the darkness to you and ask: we succeed as we succeed in the god of our Lord God forgiveness of all sins of our free and unwitting, the suffering from our salvation, peace, silence and piety. And everything that our life and salvation is so necessary, we succeed in our son, Christ of our God.
You are Nadezhda ours in the hour of death, give us the Christian death, and the legacy of the eternal and in-noble benefits of the kingdom of heaven. With all the holy saints, we regain you about the intercession and softening of a common true God, in the Holy Trinity of Pokladenaago, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Prayer Second

Bogardoined Ladychitsa, the declared mother of generous and humanity, the globally about the whole world, diligently, Rabbi yours, to your divine faith, coming and stained by your dictionarily praying: the prayer of the warm son to your and God to our coat, about the all-in Tsaritsa and Vladychitsa, and everyone Diseases and seals us, for your sake, will save and Sin freezing. The kingdoms of their celebrity heirs will show, the greatness of Bo and the inequate, Yako Mati, Imashi to him and all Mozheti, Elico Smeverters, one in the eyelids and blessed. Amen.

Prayer petition

(Finding about healing from the misfortune and conception of the child)

About the Most Holy Vladychitsa Motherod's Hope, Hope my disbelief, the acceptance of the prayers of Sia with the great hope and faith on your immense mercy as many, smile over the slave of God (name) and give me healing from my misfortune and the opportunity to conceive a child from my husband.

How to find happiness with prayers?

Rituals and rites for the Nativity of the Virgin

In a special honor, there was a Virgin and girls at the issuance. They appealed to her asking for grooms (see the Pokrov Virgin Mary). To the Merry Christmas or to Asposov, the Day was timed The second meeting of autumn (the first one took place in Semyon). Women were going in the morning and went out on the banks of the rivers to meet Mother Ovnaina.

Specially baked oat bread, which kept the eldest of women, and young sang songs, standing around her, then the bread was blocked into pieces in terms of the number of those who gathered and they fed their lives.

Outnaires coped for a whole week. The Christmas of the Virgin fell in the number of days, which marked the end of the harvest festival harvest. For which it is characteristic of going to visit, hospitality with a funful walking, accompanied by special game songs. The yammer was summer, the longer the holiday. It was cooked fresh beer, a lamb was prepared, a jelly, baked Couples with fish, from wheat flour with the addition of lattice.

For one or two days before the beginning of the holiday, parents sent children to relatives with invitations in guests, mother-in-law and father-in-law were invited to young son-in-law with a swarm and mother-in-law to establish good relations Between the family of woven, parents of her husband and the bride. A special custom was visiting newlyweds relatives and acquaintances. On this "feast" specially selected person– "Crazy" invited guests with the following words: "Come visit the young, look at their lives - to be, to teach them the mind," relatives treated the festive lunch. After that, the young hostess showed his farm, and the owner led the guests to the courtyard, demonstrated a horse harness in a barn and lively in the barn. Accompanied by showing the guests of the guests and bringing them a beer (hence the name of this day "Raznoyev)".

The Day of the Virgin Mary coincided with the day of autumn equinox, and, as on the day of the spring equinox, the day was updated in the Bogoroditsyn in the fire Gasilie old and lit new.

In Aspos, the day ended with India Summer. On this day, the bees are cleaned, they collect onions, hence the name Bows day), chopped cabbage to work it on the winter. The time of "gatherings", "Evening".

Women on Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary They went to the river to meet this day at the water. It's believed that if a woman is waiting for this day before sunrise with water, then she will be beautiful Olderity itself.

So that everything in the house was safe Women walked in the church in the morning and put candles made by the Mother of God, wrapped with paper flowers. At the bottom of the candles you wear a paperman on which the requests of the Most Holy Virgin are written. Then look from which side the sheet will burn, the request will be performed. If the whole leaf burns, then all requests were heard.

To avoid damage from evil eyes and diseases On this day, burned old clothes and shoes. Children were poured on the threshold with water.

The believer prays - the Mother of God smiles. On this day, the people were made to pray to the Blessed Virgin about everything that worried about the soul. It was believed that no prayer spoken on this day would not be ignored. Although, it should be noted that in whatever day does not appeal to the Virgin - it will always help if a person needs her help. But in this decision says not to turn to the Most Holy Virgin with requests. It is understood that the Virgin Radio will rejoice, if believers will simply take advantage of the gratitude prayers.

The better the harvest was, the longer the harvest feast lasts. This is the day when all the crop should be assembled. And since all field work is completed, the holiday began, which was devoted to the harvest. This holiday was called, Harvest holiday. The more the crop collected people, the longer the holiday lasted. He could last from three days to two weeks. These days it was customary to go to visit each other, treat dishes that were cooked from what was collected. And than the bread maker will be the table better yield will be next year. Thus, they tried to drag the nature so that the next year was not worse than this.

Go to visit the young - Mind to teach. When all cleaning work is completed, people stable to play weddings. So, if the wedding recently played on the village, then on this day, all old men living on the village went to the newlyweds. Of course, their parents, grandparents and grandparents came to the young. The young hostess had to pause this day, cover a rich table, bring relatives and silent. Lived long life People, treated and young taught how to live, what and how to do it. By the way, it is on such gatherings young and passed knowledge in the form folk admission. And if the young did not get khrash, and listened to the mustache, then the life of them after that was just wonderful, both in the family plan and in the material.

which will open your doors in happiness

Update fire for life to be prosperous. There was such a sign that from this day the human life begins a new circle that will last one year. Such circles began every fall on this day. Such a kind of new year. Usually in homes on the village, it was certainly burned, the so-called duty beacon, which was never quenched, and set fire to her a new one. Match then was not. But on this day it was made this raucion to extinguish and light up again. It was believed that if you do this day, then all diseases and trouble will remain in the past. A B. new Year You take with you only the best, and then why want to get rid of, will remain in the old life.

In Pasikov Day - remove the bees. September 21 was considered a day when warmly goes irretrievably, autumn fully enters his rights. All who kept the apiary, on this day cleaned the hive from the apiary. In order for the bees to be killed during the cold, sugar falls asleep in the hives. After all, during cold weather, the bees had to eat something.

If the weather is good, then autumn will be good. This sign, like many other weather challenges, is based on perennial, and even centuries-old, observations of people. Indeed, it was noticed that if in the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin the weather solar and clear, then almost all autumn will be sunny and clear. But if it rains, it will be preparing rubber boots, without them you can not do in any way.

If you drank your hands on this day in something black - wait for a good offer at work. This sign that all employees adhered to before. It was believed that if such an incident occurred with you on this day, then you will definitely entrust the case, thanks to which the bosses will increase the salary. Today they say that if you have stained your hands in something black, then you will assign some kind of new project. And if you work as it should be, then wait and enhance the salary, and enhanced service. So, this is your day. Dare, and you will succeed. That's just to consolidate the action of this sign, you need to stand on a broom with both legs, and so stand up, at least a couple of minutes. Only in this case the sign will work as it should.

This day is known and as (according to V. Gal): Okro, Society, Society, Mrs., Big Scoop, Day of the Virgin of the Virgin Mary (the day of the Assumption of the Virgin, a small sickness - / 28 / Aug.. /. Assumption post, he is SPORTS; According to the consonance and the coincidence of time, it is mixed with stamps - Outnaires, a birthplace sheaf, ending and celebration of the end of the harvest).

Slap, ruffle - Harvest holiday. Slap cooked for a long time and sometimes lasted a whole week. Than the crop was summer, the longer the holiday, which was noted by the walking on guests, wide hospitality. An obligatory was considered the invitation of young to parents. Often, grandchildren remained at grandmother with grandfather a few days after the holiday.

To the newlyweds, the whole relatives converged "visit the young, to see their lives - to be, to take a reason." All this was accompanied by the raising of beer with an increase: "Aspasses of the day - the subcarcation day. Lei, Lei, Kubashka! Fall, cube! Pete, guests, drink - do not spare shopping dobrysh! "

According to the Russian calendar, September 21 - also aspasses day.Mother Ovnaina met on him. Oshenina B. Ancient Russia The holiday is not only a harvest, but also in Lada and Leli, mother and daughters - goddesses of fertility, love, marriage. We went to the shores of rivers, lakes and ponds with oat bread to meet Mother Ovnaina. The eldest stood with bread, and young sang around her ritual songs. Bread was broken and distributed to all those present.

As well as on the day of the spring equinox, the fire was updated on this day - the old gasili, and the newly lit.

Outnaire - the second meeting of the fall (the first on the seed-day - September 14/1 September 14, the third - for the Exaltation - September 27/14).

Spacels began in the Outnaire: girls with yarn gathered in one hut, guys came to them with harmonic and treats, play songs:

Here you, hops,
On our side.
How on our third party
Gruption big!
And the attribution is big
Guys are rich!
That men are rich,
Stone chambers!
Gold doors,

What are the masks cast!

You can become the owner of unique creation, Which will open your doors in happiness here!

By the people's calendar:

Operations - collect onions with a variety.Operation is a harvest festival. It sometimes copes for a whole week: how the crop was summer, the longer the holiday marked by walking on guests, a wide hospitality. The invitation of young people to parents (test and mother-in-law) was considered to establish and fastening good, peaceful relations between The daughter-in-law and parents of her husband, read the families of the woven. Baba met autumn at the water, sentenced: "The Mother of God is pre-pure, get rid of Maeta, the assadment from the heart to repose, my life is lit!".

Proverbs and Signals about the Christmas of the Virgin

Proverbs and signs about the holiday of the Nativity of the Virgin Much tell us about the household life of the eastern Slavs. End of harvest, autumn troubles, preparation for long winter inspired people to work. In the short and taking pleasures, the deep Christian meaning of the holiday is inferior to the simple folk meaning. Here are just some of them:

Outnaire - the second autumn meeting.

Indian summer in Aspos Day (Ryazan.).

"Prechista - Cartail Card" (UKR).

On the second preching, Kalina is harvested (Ukr.).

Bows day - from this day they collect onions with a variety (Yarosl., Vologda.).

Pasikov Day - remove bees with apiary or pensioners (Penz., Sarat.).

If this day is good weather - autumn is good.

To burn in the fall in the fall in the land - the other will not bite.

On this day they defined what winter and autumn will be . If September 21 is clear, then warm days will stand until the end of October. If on this day the fog - then it will soon begin rain. If on this day it rains, then it can last another 40 days, and winter will be early and very cold.

September 21 is considered a day when warmly goes irretrievably and autumn fully comes into their rights.

Troparies, Kondaki and Magalia

Farmer of the Nativity of the Virgin

Glas 4:
Christmas Your Mother of God Devo, Joy to build the entire settlement: From you, you are possessed the sun truth Christ is our God, and destroying the oath, Dada blessing, and abolishing death, Darov we are eternal belly.

Your christmas Your Virgin Virgin, joy releasured the whole universe: For you have excused the sun of the truth - Christ is our God, and destroying the curse, gave a blessing, and destroying death, gave us eternal life.

Kondak Nativity of the Virgin

Glas 4:
Joacimo and Anna Poapping mantlelessness, and Adam and Eve from Aphids of the Mortal Freedomy, the Murdesty, in Holy Christmas. It is also celebrated by the people of yours, the fault of the limits loose, the late Zvati Ti: Taken faults wads the Virgin and the Nutrient of Life Owners.

Joachim and Anna were freed from the urgency, and Adam and Eve - from the death of Holy Birth, the most predierable. It is celebrated and your people who got rid of the sinful burden, loudly you exclaints: untreated gives birth to the Virgin and the Nutrient of our life.

The Music of the Nativity of the Virgin
Major, the Most Holy Devot, and honor the saints of your parents, and the All-Walre christmas is yours.


Majesty you, the Major Virgin, and honor the saints of your parents, and the All-China Slav's Christmas.

Prayer first for the christmas of the Virgin

Oh, the Most Holy Lady, Christ of the Savior of our Godisbramny Mati, the god with the Holy Prayers asked, dedicated to God and God beloved! Who can't chew or who does not recycle, your copper christmas. Christmas Boy is the beginning of the salvation of people, and we, seeding in TMA of sins, zirima, impregnable light dwelling. This is for the sake of the wist language can not pendant to the property. Page Bo Seraphim was sublighted by ESI, the prechile. Obakchi from the unworthy slave your current screeze and not Otrini Molba Our Moluba. We confess your greatness, you fall in mismatter and quickly in the intercessiousness of a child and a blessing mother, we suck out: the mind of your son and our god to give us, a lot of sinful, sincere repentance and piously lives, let them create all God and our bestowers and souls. Warves all the evil, strengthening the divine thank you for the blessing work of our. You are a non-void hope in the hour of death, give us a Christian death, a messy procession on the terrible solarms of the air and the legacy of the eternal and unfamiliar benefits of the kingdom of heaven, yes, with all the saints, we confess your intercession about us and yes, we are singing the truth of God, Holy Trinity Poklagagoago, Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer Second on the Christmas of the Virgin

Breeding devo Marie, Queen Heaven and Earth, your miraculous image fallenly, mumbling to the verb: the proud of graciously on the slaves of yours and your omnipotent petition was required by Komemudo. The whole of the faithful chad is the holy church to save, the right to return the right to navigate, the old age and weakness of the forces support, young in the faith of holy increase, the courage to send, sinners for repentance to bring all the Christians of Holy Hearing, sorry, grieve, sorrow Describe. You are weighing, global, Yako, sinless, Yako sin, Yako Oblochememi and unworthy of the forgiveness of God, Obachey wake up to help us, yes, no sin of pride, temptation and diabolian indiscriminate gods: you will not give the Lord. More than Bo Smell, All Given We Mojakly, the Holy Source, which is true, and superozing the copper christmas. Robby, Vladychitsa, the Falls and the troubles of all piously calling holy name Your and paying your honest image. You boils our tuna prayers, our tuna is cleansing, you get the same with the packs of screaming: an outbill from us all the enemy and the sacrup, everyone who is attack and disbelief disbelief; Your prayers that are filming the rains of parolesmore and the earth abundant fruit, put in the hearts our fear of the divine to the fulfillment of the commandments of the Lord, yes VSI and peacefully and peacefully live in the salvation of our souls, for the benefit of the neighbor and in the glory of the Lord, His Bo, Yako Creator, Spring and Savior Everyone with our glory, honor and worship, now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Prayer Third for the Christmas of the Virgin

Oh, the prediest and predicted devo, the Vladychitsa the Virgin, from non-proven on the promise of the birth and purity for the soul and body of your body of the soul of God, gentlemen, gentlemen of our Jesus Christ, with Himsha now in the sky who stayed and Imashi to jerk Blessed Trinity, from nonsense, Yako Tsarina, the crowd of the eternal reign of the crowd of Esi. Snaply to you resort to you and ask: Overibute to us from the Alexgago Lord God forgiveness of all the limits of our free and unwitting; For a terrible Fatherland of our salvation, peace, silence and piety, the nearest, peaceful times and serene, Kramol evils are not involved; To the abundance of fruits of earthly, air of fooling, the rains of peace and paroles. And all, Like to live and saving our need, we succeed as our son, Christ of our God. The nearest prosperity to us decorate good morals and good Deli.Yes, Eliko is powerful, the imitators will be holy in your life, guess from youth to the Earth decorated with the Lord; This was the sake of the sake of the sacrifices honest cherub and the sorry Seraphim. To her, Ms. Ms., Budge to all the copper assistant and led to the salvation of a mentor, and you will follow and you and you presense, will be advised by the hear of the internship of the celestial kingdoms, the suffering of the Son of Your Overacle, the performers of the Holy Commandments promised him. You are bosa, Mrs., one is one of our hope and hope, and our whole stomach betraying, more than your petition and interceptions are not afraid of life at the expense of our exodus from the life of this, and on the terrible court of your son, the Christ of our god of our Sandago His Son Standing is advantaged, and Tamo is always happy with all the centuries from the century and unfortunately, praise, thank and bless him with the Father and the Spirit forever. Amen.

How to find happiness with prayers?

Sermon Metropolitan Sourozh Anthony for Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Every holiday of Mother of God is clean joy. This joy is not only about the love of God to us, but the joy and that the Earth is our simple, native, ordinary earth - may answer the love of the Lord. In this for us, the joy is special.

When we receive mercy from God - I will bother our heart; But sometimes it is done sadly: what can I give love for love where to find that holiness, that caress, the ability to respond to all the nature of God's mercy? And then, although we know that each of us is weak and is unreleased in love, we may think about Mother of God. She for all of us answered by faith, never fluctuating hope and love so broad that she managed to hug this love and heaven and earth, to open with love so that the Son of God was embodied, and so to reveal with love for people that everything, the most sinful, can To come and get mercy. This is the answer of the whole land, this is the answer to the Universe for the Lord of the Lord.

And so, we will be happy and we will believe today from this temple - not only for an instant: we will keep it every day, we will amazeful to this joy, we will admit this joy and become this joy to give people to people, so that every heart placed and comforted and comforted and It enlighted this joy that the earth can accommodate the sky that a person can answer God so that God would have become a man.

And now, from the century to the century, while the world stands, God among us, Christ is the same among us, day after day. And when it will be manifested, the glory of the Earth and the sky, the Lord Jesus Christ, the true God, but also a true person, will be among us to stay by God's mother, who gave him flesh of his love, faith, holiness, reverence.

We will store, protect, grow this joy and live in the days of grief, in the days dark, in the days when it seems to us that we are not able to answer that the earth cannot answer the love of God. The earth replied, and it stands this answer forever with abreast hands, praying for us of all, about good and evil, never standing on the path of salvation, everyone is forgiven - and she has, to make sure that the people of the Son killed her - and we are resorting to her . Because if she forgive, no one will condemn.

What faith we come to the Mother of God, how deep it should be that each of us, who, with their sins and their unnecessary, participates in the death of the Lord, could say: Mother, I ruined your son, but you sorry. And stands up for us, and sleeping, and saves, and grows into the entire growth of the love of the Lord.

Thank God for this, the glory of Mother of the Lord for this love. Amen.

  1. Holy Righteous John Kronstadt. Preaching for the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin

For a long time, the righteous parents of the Nordic, long and hard prayed to the Lord for a long time on the resolution of progress, considered the punishment from God for sins; Militia worked a lot to bow to the mercy of the furnace, and tolerated insults from the tribesmen, and in this grief and undercessant prayer and the benefits were gradually cleaned by the Spirit and ignited more and more love and devotion to God and thus were prepared by the providence of God to God's blessed birth of a predicted dress chosen from all kinds of matering in a naughty word.

The Lord's close and sorrowful way leads to the glory and bliss of his chosen his own, for the very mother of God for the flesh was predetermined by Simeon that her soul would pass weapons and she would experience heavy sorrow in the soul during the suffer life of her son, and many hearts of human mention will open ( Lux. 2, 34-35). So mournful and cramped the path of all elections of God, for the world and Mirodierz, that is, the enemy of God and people, the people of God extremely close; And the Lord himself pops up to them closely, as he contributes to them to rush to God and the uniform of his hope for him.

But we turn out of grief to joy. What joy gives us the Christmas of Our Lady? Explan more than a church song that explains the reasons for the joy of festive. Through the Christmas nobility, through the only municipal son of her and God, the damned and rejected mankind was reconciled with God, immensely offended by their sins, because Christ became an intermediary of reconciliation (Rome. 5,10-11), freed from the curse and death of eternal, awarded the blessing of the heavenly father; It has connected and fucked with the nature of the Divine; elevated in the first heritage of these bruises, according to the expression of the church song; rejected before the person awarded the adoption of the Father Heaven, received the promise of a nice resurrection and eternal life In heaven with the angels.

All this is committed and committed by the opposite virgin from the spirit of the Holy Son of God and the petition of his mother's preching. As mankind through the Holy Virgin Mary Mary, because she awarded the renewal and adoption of God; And she herself was awarded his immeasurable humility and the greatest cleanliness and holiness to be the mother of the Bohemian! She always dwells the strongest Guidatais and the presenter of the genus Christian to be his son and God! She is our hope of a novel; She takes the clouds of the righteous wrath of God from us, curses us an ancient paradise to their powerful petition; She supports the thrones of kings and keeps them unshakable forever. She rescued a thousandthly and saves Russia from the beginning and Dynam; She exalted her, glorified, approved and claims her; She is the handrail of sinners to salvation. Christians are addressed to her crumbling prayers, petitions, praises, sall climb and thanksgiving; She committed and committed in church credited miracles, beneficial in all ends of the world.

We will be all light triumph of the holiday of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, decorating with all virtues of Christian. Amen.

House of Joachim and Anna

The house of Joacima and Anna is one of the Christian attractions of Jerusalem. As the church legend says, Virgo Maria was born in the house of his parents - the righteous Joacima and Anna. It was located in the northeastern part of Jerusalem, now it is the territory of the Muslim quarter of the Old Town, near the lion gate.

Orthodox and Catholics are still arguing about where the house exactly stood, and built a monastery and basilica at a distance of 70 meters from each other. The Orthodox Monastery of St. Anne is a place of pilgrimage for many Christians of the world. On the first floor of the monastery - the church in honor of Christmas God's Mother, and under the building of the monastery - an ancient cave. It is believed that this cave is part of the house of Joachim and Anna.

Since ancient times, various rites and rituals and rituals from the ancient times for Christmas, because it is believed that they have a tremendous force on this day and can radically change their life for the better.

Rite for pregnancy for the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary on September 21

Since the Virgin is the main mother on Earth, it should be treated for the help of women who cannot become pregnant. It is believed that if the woman has started the child on this day, he will be healthy and happy. To hold a rite for the Christmas, the Virgin, you need to put on your own bath and wash the bath well. You should also prepare a broom of wormwood, a small pelvis, a decoction made from seven different field herbs, a red ribbon and the same candle. It is necessary to get up at sunrise, dissolve the hair and go to the bath. Windows and mirrors must be wounded, and the light must come from the prepared candle. In the pelvis pour the decoction and dilute it hot water to a comfortable temperature. Undress, rush water and put on the shirt. Looking at how the candle burns, you need to think about your desire to conceive a child. After that, stand up one foot in a pelvis with a decoction, to another - on a broom, and keep the red ribbon in your hands. To complete, tell me these words:

"I will stand crossing, I will come out of my native home, I will go wide in the field, I gave a distant, to the trail cross, to the hill high. On the hill volume grow fragrant herbs, healing herbs. I worship her herbs and the river them: healing herbs, herbs of the ground-born born, the sun is red soluble, the strength is light and therapeutic absorption! I am empty as a pitcher clay, a whole jug, yes inside the dark. Fill me, healing herbs, give birth to you, how the mother-earth gave birth to you have grown. As you grow out of the Mother of the Earth, yes bloom, so and my child is born, stuff and bloom under the sun red. My word is strong, my lippy thing! As she said, so it will be! "

In the middle of the ribbon, tie a knot, saying:

"Knot knitting, I give the soul! The knot is not to unlease, the whole lie, and to grow a child in me, stuff and not escape. True! "

Ribe carry with me as a talisman until a successful conception.

The rite of the Nativity of the Virgin on September 21 on marriage

Many girls dreams to meet their soul mate and get married, and to bring it time to bring this time, you can spend at this great holiday. To hold it, you should disrupt seven small sprigs of rowan without leaves. Ride rods in the ring, covering the edges with a thread of red. Circle Put in the center of a large and flat plate, on which there should be no drawing. Google branches and say these words:

"Spark - to the fire, the girl - to the fast crown."

The remaining ashes pour on a piece of white natural fabric, and then, shaken it on the street. It is believed that if the girl performs this ritual correctly, but she will marry the next year on the cover.

September for Orthodox citizens - special time. 21 numbers celebrate Christian church holiday. At this time, the temple comes a large number of women, mothers who want to ask for help Mary Mary. Along with the visit to the Church, the significantness gives those signs and customs to the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who arose a long time ago and were transmitted from generation to generation. Despite the fact that many have fallen out of people's memory, the fundamental knowledge continue to exist.

On this day, it is customary to pray for all the concerns that the man is disturbed, since no prayer will remain unrelated, the artists assure

Historical moment

Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary were Joachim and Anna, who lived in Nazareth. Spouse for a long time Could not conceive a child, as requested God. Once an angel came to them. At that time, Joacim was behind prayers in the desert, Anna was at home. The messenger told the spouses about the appearance of a special child - a girl who will give people salvation.

On this day, special breadheads are baked, on which letters "p" and "b" are squeezed, which means "The Christmas of the Virgin"

After the phenomenon of Angela Gabriel, the spouses met in Jerusalem, next to the golden gate. They embraced, experiencing joy from behaving. After 9 months in September 21, Virgo Maria was born in September. From the very birth, the future Most Holy Mother of God heard prayers of parents, their appeal to God. Three years later, she was given to the temple, as promised Joachim and Anna Almighty. Virgo Maria became the man who lies his life on earth with heavenly peace.

What are the messenger Virgin Mary?

The celebration of the Day of the Most Holy Theotokos has always treated honoring women and mothers. Celebrate his visit to the temple, burning festive candles and holding service, during which thank the most pretty girl for birth God's Son.. On this day, it is not customary to refuse to take, prayers, it is important to observe the rites, traditions.

Women who cannot have children long as a result of various reasons, usually related to health, should appeal for help from the Most Holy Virgin

That is why people are waiting for September 21 to ask the Mary's Mary's relief from the disease, about the appearance of children, about successful passage through the difficulties arising. Prayer read on this day has a special power.

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Communication with the date September 21

In September 21, the number is considered a day of autumn equinox. After it increases the duration of night time and reduces the duration of the day. It was the weather on September 21, it was determined which autumn and winter - warm, soft or, on the contrary, harsh, frosty.

On this day, the feast of the harvest is celebrated. Another name is the second autumn. Those rites, which were held published by the ancestors, remained saved in many corners of modern Russia. Until September 21, the entire harvest should be collected. During this period, there was a cleaning time from Luke fields and other vegetables. Beekeepers remove the hive, otherwise the bees will freeze and will not even survive the warm winter.

On September 21, it was rightly considered to be the day of the autumn entry into its legitimate rights, since this day began to cool

To a greater degree, the celebration of the Great Day belongs to the representatives of the beautiful sex. They followed this day to get up the sun and wash until dawn. It helped preserve natural beauty until older. Early washing of young girls gave hope for a quick search for the groom.

After washing, the women spent the morning meal. They walked to the water. With me, it was necessary to have kissel and oat bread. Near the reservoir, sang songs, praising the most virgin. In his prayers, women thanked the Most Holy Virgin for the collected bread, vegetables and sent salvation. Brought bread crowned and gave pets. After the commission necessary actions All participants went to the newlyweds.

A variety of folk admission

September 21 is a day characterized by availability large number will accept Some of them were forgotten, leaving the memories of themselves only in the memory of the elderly. Some signs have been preserved now and are transmitted from man to man. Among them are the most famous:

  • If on this day it was noticed how birds rose to the sky, then a warm weather would be happy for a long time. If birds fly closer to Earth, winter will be harsh and frosty;
  • In the morning drawn attention to the sky. If it was clean, a large number of stars were observed, the weather was expected dry and cold. At the same time, the brightness of the stars and their large size spoke about the imminent onset of cold matinees. The tuskness of the stars was a sign of heat that will continue for a while;
  • The appearance of a long fog in the morning foreshadowed rainy weather. If the fog quickly disappeared, the alternation of rainy days was expected with warm and dry;
  • If the day began with the rain, he could delay 40 days. After that, the early winter fell;
  • The 21st numbers paid attention to the dew. If it is presented in a month, I expected the appearance on the Earth. If the dew dried quickly, the winter was supposed to be a minor. When saving dew to lunch, there were many precipitation in winter;
  • On this day pay attention to the wind. If it is present, the winter should be windy and with a small amount of precipitation;
  • If the morning is warm, and after lunch it becomes cold, then winter will come soon: harsh, frosty;
  • If on September 21, there is a warm, cheerful sun, then a large number of thaws should be expected in winter.

There is a separate sign on this day: if there is a woman in ink in ink or mud, it will definitely be an increase in service

To visit young

At the 21st month, it is customary to go to visit the newlywed. Must complied with various traditions and signs. The hostess was supposed to meet parents, elders with a tasty pie. If the Kushan did not like the guests, then the young girl gave advice. If the cake turned out to be tasty, the hostess praised, rejoicing her to successes.

On this day, the girl who took guests had to cover a rich table with many dishes. They were evaluated by guests who praised the talent of a young mistress or taught her new skills.

People believed that if you bake a pie on this day, then he can stay fresh

An important role was assigned to the young owner who took guests. He had to show the senior farm available to cattle. If all the guests satisfied, the young man sought praise. If there are deficiencies, he received useful advicewho had to follow.

On the evening of the 21st, young spouses went to visit the parents. The wife knitted himself on his hand, on which the letters "P" and "B" were embroidered. The ribbon loss spoke about the presence of envious.

The birth of the Major Virgin is considered the birthday of a new life. It is necessary to blew an old candle that burns in the house and light a new one. This means the care of old problems and difficulties. Instead, a new life will come.

Protection of children in a great holiday

The protection of children has always been a paramount request with which they also treated and treat, mothers to the Most Holy Virgin. On this day, prayers are read, traditions are necessarily observed. It is customary to take off the child old torn clothes and burn it. A similar custom made it possible to clean the child from damage, return the lost health, bring good luck.

This holiday, the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin, as a day of joy around the world, the church established in the IV century, and he opens a list of twelve major holidays of the church year.

The Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary also refer to the second most.

Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary 2016 date, number when celebrated on September 21 Orthodox churches, sticking julian calendarThe Christmas Day of the Blessed Virgin Mary, including in 2016, is solemnly celebrated.

New church year

It is from this day that the new church year opens - after all, with the appearance of a long-awaited little girl, which will later become the Virgin, the history of the New Testament begins. The girl named Maria, was born in the elderly pious parents - Joachim and Anna.

history of the holiday

Anna's elderly spouses and Joachim from the Galilean city of Nazareth for a long time regretted and cried that they had no children. In one of big holidays Joakim brought her gifts to the Lord to God to the Jerusalem Temple, but the clergyman refused to take them from a childless husband.

In those days, the best blessings of God were considered to be the children, and childlessness - God's punishment. Sorrow and crying, Ioakim went to the desert, trying to pour forgiveness from God.

At the same time, his wife Anna, having heard that the high priest did not accept the gifts from her spouse, cried bitterly and went to the garden to hide from prying eyes. On the lavra treeWith which she stopped, chicks were singing in the nest. "Even the birds were fortunate enough to have children, and only we and our husband and I have no consolation in old age," Anna regretted.

Suddenly, the Angel of the Lord appeared in front of her and reported the news that she would soon give birth to a daughter who bless his parents and all earthly peoples would bring salvation to all people. The name of the girl will be Maria.

Angel also appeared to Joachim and said that God heard his prayers - Anna will try and give birth to a girl who will be joy for the whole world. Surprised and comforted by Joachim, thanks to God, hurried back to Jerusalem. Near the temple, he met Anna and told her about a wonderful sign. Anna also shared his vision with her husband.

Praying God, the spouses returned to their home. After nine months, Anna gave birth to a daughter, the purest and blessed, which Angel said, called Maria. In memory of this event, the church established the holiday of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin.

And Joachim's spouses and Anna Church calls the Bogotians, as their daughter, the Most High Deva Mary, led to this world of Jesus Christ.

Signals on September 21

In the villages earlier on this day, a harvest was always celebrated. It was previously believed that by this moment all work on the fields was completed and the harvest was assembled. It is in honor of this who arranged a festive feast. There was a dependence duration of the holiday from quantity harvest collected. Abundant and rich harvest was a feast for a couple of weeks, but no more than three days celebrated a meager harvest.

One more old tradition - At this day to attend newlyweds. There are in mind those pairs that have connected their destinies this year. The newlyweds were to generously cover the table, and senior guests to share secrets of successful family life with them. If listening to these tips carefully, then family life It will be not only happy, but also full of material wealth.

There is another old belief - the rite of ignition of the new rauchin. The end of the harvest was banned by the end of the rural year. It was necessary to start waiting and prepare for the new sowing. Old last year, Lucina was quenched, and then lit a new one. She had to divert the disease, bring happiness and rich harvest to the house.

There were signs for the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who concerned the weather. It was after September 21 that it was believed that the real autumn came. If the sun shines on this day, the sun shines, there is no cloud, then the autumn will be all that. If the sky is gloomy and cloudy, then autumn will have rainy and cold.

There is one more sign in this holiday - it is associated with a promotion. If something unusual happened to this day with a person, he should immediately go, take a broom and stand on it a couple of minutes. It was promotion up career stairs. Unusual can safely attribute any incident.

Signs for the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary are very diverse, but they all promise a good man, good. Virgo Maria has always been revered in Russia, people have long been going to her with a request for help in different problems. If you really believe, then help will come and all commendable desires will be fulfilled.

Traditions and rites for Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary

On this day, everyone was traditionally dressed in the best clothes and went to the temple where they thanked God for giving hope childless, and also prayed to the Virgin Mary that she came into this world and helps believers in solving their urgent problems.

The hostess on the holiday on September 21 was usually baked buns on which the letters "P" and "B" meaning the "Christmas of the Virgin", which were given to all family members so that they were healthy and satisfied. Also, they were put near the icons and kept until January 7, and then they eaten the whole family. Often this bread was used to get rid of ailments. So, if someone sick in the house, he was given a exhaust piece of bread, adding it to drink or food.

On the Day of the Nativity, the Blessed Virgin Mary was soles, which a woman was sinking, never giving birth. It was believed that she would very soon become a mother if it would drink it for 40 days in a row. It was possible to wash the pregnant women - then, according to believing, the pregnancy was held without problems.

Although these days were considered post, but on September 21, it was possible to eat fish or soup out of it, pies with mushrooms. They were given to guests and beggars, handing out more and money. If a woman did not regret anything for people, then they blessed her, and in the house there was always joyful and happily - a full bowl and many kids.

The girls walked early in the morning to the river and washed to be beautiful all year. Note said: if the girl is waiting for the sunrise, this year they will be allowed.

A young family has always been waiting for a dinner for the Bogoroditsy, the Christmas of his parents, so that they teach them right to lead farms. Modurature prepared pies and treated guests, and her husband showed his farm. Parents gave gifts: a woman - a handkerchief, and a man - an ax, but provided that everything was clean in the house and okay. If the life was bad, the husband got a "as a gift" whip, and his wife is her cake, that is, they refused to treat her treats. By the way, the crumbs from this cake can not be thrown away, but give it a cattle or birds.

In the evening, on the occasion of the Nativity of the Virgin, future spouses went to visit first to the parents of the groom, putting on the best clothes and carrying a cake, decorated with a red ribbon, on which such letters "p" and "b" were written. She defended everything bad. Half of this tape was given a family family, and then the family of the bride. This tape was then associated with the newlyweds during the wedding.

So that in the house there is never a quarrel, on September 21, the oldest woman had to go to church and put a candle for the health of his family. Upon exit from the temple, she was not supposed to talk to anyone until he comes home.

If the girl can not get married long, then she needs to ask the married girlfriend a piece of bread from her home and attribute to church, to defend the service, and then eat right in the temple. It was believed that after such a ritual, it was very soon, it would very soon, she would find their soul mate.

Prayers for Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary 2016

Three prayers for church holiday Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary

Prayer 1 Christmas of the Virgin

Oh, the Most Holy Lady, Christ of the Savior of our Godisbramny Mati, the god with the Holy Prayers asked, dedicated to God and God beloved!

Who can't chew or who does not recycle, your copper christmas. Christmas Boy is the beginning of the salvation of people, and we, seeding in TMA of sins, zirima, impregnable light dwelling. This is for the sake of the wist language can not pendant to the property. Page Bo Seraphim was sublighted by ESI, the prechile. Obakchi from the unworthy slave your current screeze and not Otrini Molba Our Moluba.

We confess your greatness, you fall in mismatter and quickly in the intercessiousness of a child and a blessing mother, we suck out: the mind of your son and our god to give us, a lot of sinful, sincere repentance and piously lives, let them create all God and our bestowers and souls.

Warves all the evil, strengthening the divine thank you for the blessing work of our. You are not a non-void hope in the hour of death, give us a Christian death, a messy procession on the terrible solarms of the air and the legacy of the eternal and unfamiliar benefits of the kingdom of heaven, and with all the holy saints, we will confess your intercession about us and yes, Slavima is the truth of God, in the Holy Trinity Father and son and saint spirit. Amen.

Prayer 2 of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Breeding devo Marie, Queen Heaven and Earth, your miraculous image fallenly, mumbling to the verb: the proud of graciously on the slaves of yours and your omnipotent petition was required by Komemudo. The whole of the faithful chad is the holy church to save, the right to return the right to navigate, the old age and weakness of the forces support, young in the faith of holy increase, the courage to send, sinners for repentance to bring all the Christians of Holy Hearing, sorry, grieve, sorrow Describe.

You are weighing, global, Yako, sinless, Yako sin, Yako Oblochememi and unworthy of the forgiveness of God, Obachey wake up to help us, yes, no sin of pride, temptation and diabolian indiscriminate gods: you will not give the Lord.

More than Bo Smell, All Given We Mojakly, the Holy Source, which is true, and superozing the copper christmas. Roby, Vladychitsa, Frequencies and the troubles of all, piously encouraging the holy name of your and those who have become honest.

You boils our tuna prayers, our tuna is cleansing, you get the same with the packs of screaming: an outbill from us all the enemy and the sacrup, everyone who is attack and disbelief disbelief; Your prayers that are filming the rains of parolesmore and the earth abundant fruit, put in the hearts our fear of the divine to the fulfillment of the commandments of the Lord, yes VSI and peacefully and peacefully live in the salvation of our souls, for the benefit of the neighbor and in the glory of the Lord, His Bo, Yako Creator, Spring and Savior Everyone with our glory, honor and worship, now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Prayer 3 Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary

Oh, the most predicted and predicted devo, Vladychitsa The Mother of God, from non-proven on the promise of the birth and cleanness for the soul and body of your body of God, the Lord of Our Jesus Christ, with Himself now in the sky who stayed and Imashi to jerk up to the Blessed Trinity, from Nadach, Yako Zaparitsa, the crowd of the eternal reign of the crowned enemy.

Snaply to you resort to you and ask: Overibute to us from the Alexgago Lord God forgiveness of all the limits of our free and unwitting; For a terrible Fatherland of our salvation, peace, silence and piety, the nearest, peaceful times and serene, Kramol evils are not involved; To the abundance of fruits of earthly, air of fooling, the rains of peace and paroles.

And all, Like to live and saving our need, we succeed as our son, Christ of our God. We are very well enough to decorate our good morals and good deeds, yes, Elico powerfully, imitators will be holy in your life, guess from youth to the Earth decorated with the Lord; This was the sake of the sake of the sacrifices honest cherub and the sorry Seraphim.

To her, Ms. Ms., Budge to all the copper assistant and led to the salvation of a mentor, and you will follow and you and you presense, will be advised by the hear of the internship of the celestial kingdoms, the suffering of the Son of Your Overacle, the performers of the Holy Commandments promised him.

You are bosa, Mrs., one is one of our hope and hope, and our whole stomach betraying, more than your petition and interceptions are not afraid of life at the expense of our exodus from the life of this, and on the terrible court of your son, the Christ of our god of our Sandago His Son Standing is advantaged, and Tamo is always happy with all the centuries from the century and unfortunately, praise, thank and bless him with the Father and the Spirit forever. Amen.

Conspiracy from the sorry in the family to the Most Holy Virgin

The little icon of the Virgin is needed for a conspiracy from the quarrel in the family to put in front of him, take a white cup and pour water into it.

The cup must be kept in front of the icon. Water is best made from the living source - from the spring, well or stream.

Over the water, such words of conspiracy from the sorry in the family will pronounce:

Mother Most Holy Mother of God! From the sake of the joy of his own, about the cute mercy of her. And create a mother, from unscrewing and sadness to the slave of God (name) about the servant of God (name): So that he did not drink in the food, he wouldn't drink in drink, he would not go in walk, would not sleep in a dream. The world went to us, the Council and love, the thoughts of the righteous to put in the heads and words in the mouth of the utmost. Watch us on each other - not diplomatic, breathe - not to silence, hand in hand to go and hold on to each other. Amen, Amen, Amen.

Water this little by little the whole house is sprinkling, especially those places where the husband spends the most time, for example, his chair in the kitchen, chair, bed. And leaving a little bit behind the husband of a spouse in tea or some other drink add.

Icon put first in my bed on the pillow for 10 minutes, and then on the man, also for 10 minutes.

If someone in the family, one quarrel provokes constantly, it is necessary from the temple the icon of his saint and the image of Christ the Savior. In the evening, three candles in front of the icons light up and someone puts someone with a quarrel. Three times read plot:

Look, Lord, the soul of the slaves of God (name), in line with pity and merciful to me, the servant of God (name). Amen. Amen. Amen.

Crighten, lay icons to each other to face, but for three days in the room of this person hide. And even better to give him these icons (of course, it is necessary for the person to be a believer and your icons accepted, treated them respectfully).

Since ancient times, people have known that there are strong days in energy days in which all sorts of rites and rituals can be held. These are many days orthodox holidays. Not exception has become the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This holiday is celebrated on September 21 annually. There are many related days. The article describes really effective rituals for all occasions.

Charm for family and home with your own hands

Festival September 21 (Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary) falls for a while, when all field work is suitable for an end. Our ancestors of a sheaf with the last spikelets of wheat necessarily brought home, he served as a faithful of family happiness from everything bad.

In this bright day, you too can make a charm for home with your own hands. To do this, you will need:

  • several wheat spikelets;
  • on the twigs of rowan, viburnum and ate;
  • church candle;
  • red thread;
  • a little holy water.

Collect a beautiful bouquet of the above twigs. In the center of the composition there must be a candle. Tie the resulting bouquet with a red thread. Read the prayer "Our Father" and sprinkled with holy water three times. Attach it over entrance door.

During the year, this charm will defend your home from all bad.

Foreign rite

Follow your cherished desire This ritual will help. To do you need:

  • capacity with holy water;
  • ribbon green;
  • there are three twigs from different apple trees, nuts and birches (all should turn out nine twigs).

Make a bunch of plates collected and reincut it with a green ribbon. Sprink it with the holy water and tell me:

"I am a slave of God (name) in the morning got up, twigs with different trees Collected. Tied them into one bouquet. I want to ask the Lord to the Council: how best I am better to do your dreams to implement? Give me the Almighty answer, I will be grateful to you for many years. Let my desire turn, and my life will be filled. Amen"

Clean the most cherished desire. Now you need to find a fruitful apple tree and drip a bouquet under it. You will be surprised, but very soon your dreams will start come true.

Protection against damage and evil

To protect against damage and the evil eye, as well as the Human Hate and the envy will help Rowan. On September 21, it is necessary to rip off the twigs from the tree, asking himself necessarily with his own words forgiveness for being worn out.

Bring the branches of Ryabin to home. Spread 3 things on each windowsill. Make a small bouquet and attach it above the entrance door. Ryanka all next year will protect you from negative influence from outside.

With the help of this tree, you can find out who injured you. If you suspect someone from acquaintances, then the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the time to check it. Narvit a few twigs from the tree. LEAVE PART AND PLAY IN WATER, WITH OTHERS, COMMUNICE TO BUET with other plants and give a suspect. If the berries in his border will scream and started before yours, then suspicions are true. To return the person to the negative, throw my twigs to his house, saying:

"Let the evil that makes it will return."

Rite of rapid marriage

If you have long been dreaming of marrying, but the cavallers under the crown are not called, or the only one did not meet, then try to hold such a rite of a quick marriage for the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin.

To hold it, you need to rip the branch of the hazel and tie it with a red thread so that it turns out a circle. This circle needs to be put in the metal container and set fire, saying until the twist will burn:

"How fast the fire goes in a circle,

So quickly I meet my future spouse.

Will make me an offer finally

And I will go with him under the crown.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

When the branch of the fruit, the remaining ash should be taken out and dispel in the wind, saying:

"Sust in the wind let

Love in your life I attract.

It was idle, but soon I will become a legitimate wife. "

It is believed that within 12 months after this ritual, the girl will necessarily marry.

Love spell for christmas Blessed Virgin Mary

The rite described is designed to attract the groom. If you already have a lover, but his feelings are not so strong, no matter how you wanted it, then try to spend this ritual of love magic.

For the rite you will need a shirt of your beloved and a bowl with spring water. On the night of September 21, read the conspiracy on the water:

After that, I will smear the water and wrap your face with a shirt of your loved one. Put on the night the object of the wardrobe to yourself under the pillow, and in the morning, return the man.

Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary: What you can not do on this day

As in other big church holidays On this day it is undesirable to work. If possible, all your homework do on the eve of the holiday or set aside for later.

On this day, meat dishes are impossible, and drink alcoholic beverages. You should give preference to lean food.

Do not swear and do not condemn anyone, give up physical exertion.

On September 21, relatives are going to sit in a relaxed home environment and communicate.

Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary: Video