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Names for the Holy Calendar for boys in January: meaning, origin, patron saint. Orthodox male names in January according to the church calendar - a complete list. Names for girls born in January

Surely we all had to notice that people with the same names often have similar character traits and behaviors. Therefore, future parents pay great attention to the choice of a name for their heir or heiress, because, according to legends, fate depends on him. little man.

For a girl, parents try to choose a name that combines all the wisdom and sophistication inherent in feminine nature in order to form in a girl such traits as pliability, pliability, flexibility, necessary for a woman. True, the requirements modern society left their mark on the consciousness of adults, who, in turn, try to focus on more rigid lines: purposefulness, self-confidence, assertiveness, hard work. All this will help to become a successful and fulfilled person in the future. If the parents dream of raising the mistress and the bearer of the family hearth, they prefer tender and sweet-sounding names.

The boy's name is the embodiment of masculinity, agility, strength, success and dignity. Already in childhood, little men consider themselves to be protectors, taking care of the weaker and fighting with the same strong, and their name is intended to emphasize the power and strength of the wearer.

What will help in choosing a name

Most parents first of all turn to the calendar, because the approximate date of birth of the baby is known to everyone. This is not just a tribute to fashion, but also ancient tradition, because in the old days a newborn was named after the saint on whose day he was born. In most cases, there are several options in the calendar, among which you can make a choice.

Often, parents name their baby after someone significant and close. Often such people are the closest relatives, friends, or famous people, whether they are politicians or cultural figures. Sometimes even fictional characters can become such.

Everyone has heard about the secret of the name and its influence on character, therefore, so often the choice of a child's name is influenced by his characteristics. Parents first of all look at the qualities that it carries in itself, and only then are they determined. Many also seek help from astrology and numerology, which are so popular in our time. They are based on the baby's date of birth.

V this moment our society is so fixated on originality and dissimilarity that this trend of fashion has passed on to names. But now Camilla and Viagra have replaced Dneproges and Dazdraperms. Unfortunately, even such extremes are not uncommon.

And yet, one should not forget about the entire responsibility of choice, therefore one cannot but take into account the period of the year in which the baby is born. After all, nature leaves a huge imprint on the formation of a child's character.

Names most suitable for "January" girls

Winter is the harshest and coldest time of the year in our latitudes. Changeable weather, short daylight hours - all this adds gloom and dislike to it. Children born during this period have the same difficult and changeable character. They are characterized by firmness and determination, intolerance to guardianship and superiority over them.

In "January" women, you can often notice the predominance of male character traits, so you should think carefully about how to name a girl born in January.

To smooth out the severity given by nature, you need to opt for gentle, euphonious names. You can call your daughter Irina, Polina, Ulyana, Melania, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia. For lovers of zest, it is worth suggesting Aglaya, Theodor, Agafya, Agrafena, Felitsata. By giving such a name to a girl born in January, you will provide her with an easy, cloudless life in which she can calmly overcome all the difficulties that arise, and easily conquer any peaks. She is stately, a wonderful and faithful wife and an excellent hostess.

The character and name of the "winter" boys

Among the men born in winter, there are many talented and creative personalities. They easily realize themselves in a career, since their purposefulness and willpower, hard work and confidence can only be envied. Many of them reach the highest levels. career ladder thanks to a tough disposition, pride, stubbornness and toughness. Such a set of harsh qualities simply needs to be compensated for by a soft, melodious name.

Thinking about how to name a boy born in January, you need to take into account that it will be quite difficult for him to make important decisions. But at the same time, he will not rush to seek help from someone. Such a child will be balanced and calm, knowing what he wants to achieve in life.

Boys born in January can be called Daniils, Yuri, Maxim, Semyon, Valentin, Fedor, Jacob, Egor. Also, your son can be Paul, Vasily, Michael, Mark, Cyril, Naum, Constantine, Gregory. Prokhor, Efim, Savva will sound quite unusual.

When choosing a name for a child born in January, you need to remember about its diminutive versions, because often they may not please the ear. Such characteristic and wayward children can endure it very painfully.

When a child is born, each of us begins to desperately look for his name. And when choosing a name, we involuntarily ask ourselves the question, what is its meaning? What does this or that name predict to its owner? Having learned more about the meanings of names, we can reveal the hidden character traits of our loved ones. After all, the name in one way or another affects the fate of a person. Names can be Orthodox, Church, Muslim, Jewish, etc. the choice depends on which country you live in.

How to choose girls names?

When a daughter is born, the first question of parents will be: what will we call her? Choosing a name is a very difficult question, especially since everyone has their own favorite names. Many parents want to give their daughter beautiful name, which would emphasize its beauty and uniqueness. There are parents who choose such names for their girls so that they are successful in their careers and business, and be independent. But there are also those who want their daughter to grow up tender and soft, to devote herself entirely to family and children. Therefore, the name must be chosen carefully, this is the only way to influence the fate of your child. When choosing a name, take into account the time of year when it was child is born... Indeed, in different time years, children are born with completely different characters, even if they bear the same names and were born in the same year.

Most Popular January Girl Names

Winter babies are born stronger, and most of them are harsh in temperament. Very often, girls born in winter time have masculine traits. Naturally, this is a big plus for them, because they quickly achieve certain successes in life. But when choosing the names of girls born in January, pay attention to softer, melodic names, so you can soften the winter severity that nature has laid in them and give the girl softness and tenderness.







What is the character of people born in January?

Consider the character traits of people born in January. January- "January" people are patient and self-possessed. Stoically endure all the troubles, prefer not to share their innermost thoughts, even with the closest ones. "January" women have a firm, "masculine" character, they are secretive, independent and proud, most of all they value independence. Due to their constant desire for leadership, it is difficult to live with them in the same house, but they are devoted wives and are always ready to support their spouse. In addition, "January" women cook well, but do not like cleaning, they do it only when necessary.

It is best to give "January" children "soft" names in order to neutralize excessive strength of character and moderate their pride.

Names are suitable for girls: Anisya, Anastasia, Asya, Lyudmila, Lyubov, Lilia, Zoya, Irina, Natalya.

Girls born in January with such names will have a quiet life, not encountering any special obstacles on the way. For example, Ulyana and Tatiana, who were born in January, will be successful and successful, besides that, they will be fine in their personal lives. Therefore, choose the names of the girls carefully, taking into account each factor, only then can you give your child a happy, positive name.

Female and male names (how to call boys and girls in December)

Name days in January:

1 - Bonifatius, Gregory, Ilya, Timothy.

2 - Anton, Daniel, Ivan, Ignatius.

3 - Leonty, Mikhail, Nikita, Peter, Procopius, Sergei, Feofan.

4 - Anastasia, Dmitry, Fedor, Fedosya.

5 - Vasily, David, Ivan, Makar, Naum, Nifont, Pavel, Theoktist.

6 - Eugenia, Innokenty, Claudia, Nikolay, Sergey.

8 - August, Agrippina, Alexander, Anfisa, Vasily, Gregory, Dmitry, Efim, Isaac, Constantine, Leonidas, Maria, Mikhail, Nikodim, Nikolay.

9 - Antonina, Luke, Stepan, Tikhon, Fedor, Ferapont.

10 - Agafya, Alexander, Arkady, Babila, David, Efim, Ignatius, Joseph, Leonid, Nikanor, Nicodemus, Nikolai, Peter, Simon, Feoktist, Yakov.

11 - Agrippina, Anna, Varvara, Benjamin, George, Evdokia, Euphrosinia, Ivan, Lawrence, Mark, Markel, Matrona, Natalia, Theodosius.

12 - Anisya, Anton, Daniel, Irina, Lev, Makar, Maria, Fedora, Fedosya.

14 - Alexander, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Gregory, Ivan, Mikhail, Nikolay, Peter, Platon, Trofim, Fedot, Emilia, Yakov.

15 - Vasily, Gerasim, Kuzma, Mark, Modest, Peter, Seraphim, Sergey, Sylvester.

16 - Gordey, Irina.

17 - Alexander, Andronicus, Archipp, Athanasius, Anisim, Aristarchus, Artemy, Athanasius, Denis, Efim, Karp, Clement, Kondraty, Luke, Mark, Nikanor, Nikolai, Pavel, Prokhor, Rodion, Semyon, Siluan, Stepan, Timofey, Trofim, Thaddeus, Theoktist, Philemon, Philip, Jacob.

18 - Apollinaria, Gregory, Eugene, Joseph, Lukyan, Matvey, Micah, Roman, Semyon, Sergey, Tatiana, Thomas.

19 - Theophanes.

20 - Athanasius, Vasily, Ivan, Paphnutiy.

21 - Anton, Vasilisa, Victor, Vladimir, Dmitry, Georgy, Grigory, Eugene, Emelyan, Ilya, Mikhail, Sidor, Feoktist, Julian.

22 - Antonina, Zakhar, Nikandr, Pavel, Peter, Philip.

23 - Anatoly, Gregory, Zinovy, Makar, Pavel, Peter, Theophanes.

24 - Vladimir, Mikhail, Nikolay, Stepan, Terenty, Fedor, Theodosius.

25 - Eupraxia, Makar, Peter, Savva, Tatiana.

26 - Athanasius, Maxim, Nikifor, Nikodim, Pakhom, Peter, Yakov.

27 - Agnia, Adam, Andrew, Aristarchus, Benjamin, David, Eremey, Ivan, Ilya, Joseph, Isaac, Makar, Mark, Moses, Nina, Pavel, Paphnutiy, Savva, Sergey, Stepan.

28 - Varlam, Gabriel, Gerasim, Elena, Ivan, Maxim, Mikhail, Pavel, Prokhor.

29 - Ivan, Maxim, Peter.

30 - Anton, Antonina, Victor, Georgy, Ivan, Pavel, Theodosius.

31 - Alexander, Afanasy, Vladimir, Dmitry, Eugene, Emelyan, Efrem, Hilarion, Cyril, Xenia, Maxim, Maria, Mikhail, Nikolay, Sergey, Feodosia.

Church Orthodox Holidays in January

Venerable Elijah of the Caves

On the first day of the year, the church celebrates the memory of the Monk Elijah of the Caves, nicknamed Chobotok. Elijah was a native of the city of Murom, folk and folk tradition identified him with the famous hero Ilya Muromets, about whom Russian epics told.

The Savior was born in the reign of Emperor Augustus in the city of Bethlehem. During the census, everyone had to be in the place where his family originated. Arriving in Bethlehem, the Virgin Mary and righteous Joseph did not find free places in hotels and stopped outside the city in a cave intended for keeping livestock. At midnight, the news of the birth of the Savior from the jubilant Angels came to the shepherds who came to worship the God-man. The feast in honor of this event was established in Apostolic times, however, until the IV century. it was associated with the celebration of the Epiphany.

Having learned from the Magi about the birth of the new Tsar, Herod ordered to kill all babies under two years old, hoping that among them there would be a Divine Infant, in whom he saw his rival.

On this day, according to the Old Testament law, the Lord accepted the circumcision established for all male infants as a sign of the Covenant of God with the forefather Abraham and his descendants.

On the same day, the memory of the Archbishop of Caesarea of ​​Cappadocia is celebrated.

Basil lived in the IV century, in Constantinople and Athens, he received an excellent education. Returning to Caesarea, he taught rhetoric, then was baptized and embarked on the path of an ascetic life. Together with his friend Gregory the Theologian, he retired into the wilderness to devote his life to God. Later, the saint was ordained a presbyter, during the reign of the emperor Valens, a supporter of the Arians, he became an archbishop and made great efforts to save his flock from heresy. He compiled the rite of the Liturgy, wrote Conversations on the Sixth Day, on psalms, as well as a collection of monastic rules.

January 15 is the day of the repose (1883) and the second acquisition of the relics (1991) of one of the most beloved Russian saints among the people -. Taking monastic vows at the age of 27, the monk until the end of his life asceticised in the Sarov monastery, or in the forest wilderness. For his devotional feat, he was honored with a repeated visit to the Queen of Heaven. The Monk Seraphim departed to the Lord during prayer in front of the icon Mother of God... The monk was glorified as a saint in 1903. After the October Revolution, the relics of the saint disappeared and were discovered only in 1991, in the storerooms of the Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism, which was located in the building of the Kazan Cathedral in Leningrad.

January 17 - Council of 70 apostles of Christ, chosen by the Lord to preach the gospel to the entire universe.

The memory of these apostles is also celebrated separately throughout the year, and this holiday was established in order to show the equality of each of the seventy and thereby prevent disagreements in their veneration.

January 19 is celebrated - the twelveth holiday established in honor of the Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan River and in honor of the appearance during this event Holy Trinity... The Father spoke from heaven about the Son, the Son was baptized by the holy Forerunner of the Lord John, and the Holy Spirit descended on the Son in the form of a dove. The next day, the Cathedral of the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John is celebrated - the one who served the cause of the Baptism of Christ, laying his hand on the head of the Savior.

On January 24, we remember the Monk Theodosius the Great, who became the founder of communal monasteries. He was born at the end of the 5th century. in Cappadocia. For about 30 years the saint lived in the Palestinian desert, being in fasting and prayer. Those who wanted to live under his leadership constantly came to him; as a result, a cenobitic monastery, or Lavra, which existed according to the charter of Basil the Great, arose.

The memory of the holy martyr Tatiana falls on January 25. Tatiana, daughter of the Roman consul, refused to marry, wanting to devote her life to the Lord. She was appointed as a deaconess in one of the Roman churches and served God, caring for the sick and helping those in need. During the reign of Emperor Alexander Sever (between 222 and 235), Tatiana was martyred for Christ, refusing to sacrifice pagan gods and enduring terrible tortures.

On January 27, the church remembers the enlightener of Georgia. She was born about 280 in Cappadocia into a noble pious family. One day Nina saw in a dream Holy Mother of God Who handed her a cross from vine and sent with the apostolic ministry to Iveria (Georgia). Nina came to Georgia in 319 and made a lot of efforts to educate this country - five years later Christianity was established in Georgia.

January 30 is the day of remembrance of the famous ascetic, the founder of the wilderness, called the father of monasticism. Anthony was born in Egypt in 251. After the death of his parents, who instilled in him love for God and piety, he began an ascetic life. He had to fight with the hardest temptations and attacks of unclean forces, but with God's help he overcame the tricks of the devil and went into the depths of the Thebaid desert to serve the Lord in complete solitude. The saint spent 85 years in desert solitude; his example was followed by many of those who wished to spend their lives in ascetic deed for the sake of the Lord.

It is believed that the name has a significant impact on the character and further destiny of a person. As well as the month of birth. Therefore, many people are convinced that the name should depend on the time of birth. But there are many nuances, for example, religious ones, that must also be taken into account. In addition, the name itself should not only fit the date, but also please the parents. So how to choose suitable name for a child?

What is the best name for a girl born in January

Experts advise, first of all, not to call the newborn with tough, short and harsh names. The fact is that January is harsh winter month, therefore, people born at this time are endowed with the same qualities. Babies born in winter are distinguished by a firm and strong-willed character. At the same time, they are proud and stubborn. They make great bosses and leaders because they devote a lot of time to work. But with motherhood, things are a little worse for them. Therefore, when choosing a name, you need to soften the character with a simple and warm name, and not aggravate the situation. Natalia, Lyudmila, Svetlana are great names suitable for "winter" babies.

In Orthodoxy, in previous years, names for children were chosen according to special calendar: lists in which all saints and holidays associated with them are indicated. And if a child was born on the day of a saint, then he was traditionally given his name. The saint, in turn, became the guardian of the newborn. Many religious parents are trying to follow this tradition now.

What are the names of the calendar for the "January" babies?

If a girl was born in the first half of the month, then you need to call it the following names:

  1. Aglaya- translated from Greek "shining", "magnificent".
  2. Ulyana- comes from a Roman noble name. Other options: Juliana, Liana.
  3. Anastasia- means "resurrected". This name was borne by the daughter of the last Russian tsar, who later became an Orthodox saint.
  4. Evgeniya- "noble".
  5. Eve- translated from the Hebrew "living".

For babies born in the second half of January, you can choose these names:

  1. Emilia- translated from the Latin "zealous". There is also a Tatar version of the origin of the name. In this translation, it means diligent.
  2. Tatyana- comes from the name of the Roman emperor Tatius and translates as "founder".
  3. Nina- translated from Assyrian means "queen".
  4. Irina- from the Greek "peaceful".

A more detailed list of names can be found in the calendar itself. Giving a child a name, do not forget that it is given for life, and changing it can be problematic. Therefore, when choosing a name for a girl, parents should consider not only own desires but also the child's future. It is better to choose modern, uncommon names so that later the daughter does not face ridicule at school or kindergarten.

) - "good-natured", "good" Aglaida - "blameless" - "woe" - "resurrected", "brought back to life" Anisia () - "executive" - ​​"pretty", "God's grace" Antipa - "opponent" of Anthony () - "adversary" - "blooming" - "belonging to the god Apollo" Arseny Vavila - "non-Greek", "barbarian", "foreigner" Vasilissa () - "royal", "queen" - "owner", "mistress" - "Day of the Lord" Dula - "noble" - "favor" Eupraxia Euphemia Euphrosyne - "bright", "shining" Emilia () - "zealous", "zealous" Zosimas Indica Iovilla - "peace", "rest" Juliana () - "From the Julian clan" - "lame" - "guest", "foreigner" Leonilla Luke () - "clear" - "blessed" Malachi Marionilla - "bitter", "beloved", "stubborn" Martina () - "healthy" , "Strong", "strong" Matrona - "dark", "black" Mina () - "safe" Natalia () - "dear", "gifted" Nema - "regal", "great" - "small" Pamva Syncliticia Tatiana () - "founder", "organizer" Theodora () - " the owner of goodness "Theodosius Theodotus Theodotius Theosevius Theophilus Thessalonica Thomas

What to name a girl born in January

The birth of a child is a big event in the life of any new parent. The process of preparing for this long-awaited moment is very responsible, and the choice of the name of the newborn deserves special attention. Usually, parents rack their brains for a long time, trying to come up with a name that would be to the taste of relatives and themselves, and after that it became a source of pride for the baby. Our ancestors invented a wonderful way with which you can choose a name for girls born in January - according to the Holy Calendar (by church calendar).

The nature and fate of girls born in January

January is considered the coldest month of the year. In January, very patient and self-possessed people are born. But basically the "January" girls have a solid "masculine" character. They are distinguished by independence and secrecy, constantly striving for leadership. WITH family life January girls show themselves as men, so not always everything goes well with them in their personal lives. Although the "January" girls are excellent needlewomen and cooks, they are doing well in this business, but girls born in January do the cleaning by force, since they do not like this process at all.

If we talk about names for "January" babies, then we advise you to choose "soft" names for them, so you can neutralize them too solid character... It is not easy to choose a name for a "girl with character", the church calendar will help us with this. Remember, behind every name according to the Holy Calendar is the fate of the great Saint.

Article author: website 2017-09-22