Repairs Design Furniture

Festive candles with their own hands. Candles with your own hands (10 master classes with photos and video). Secrets of making candles from wax or paraffin

Previously, the candles were used only in prosperous families in order to illuminate the premises. Today, many are interested in how to make a candle as a scenery with their own hands. It is possible to realize the conceived at home, the main thing is to prepare everything you need. Let's start!

How to make a candle with your own hands - necessary materials


First of all, take care of the presence of paraffin. Buy it in the stores "Everything for needlework" or in economic supermarkets. You can also get paraffin from the underworked old candles that stayed at home.

Wax (instead of paraffin)

The analogue of paraffin is bee wax. It is a fully natural composition, which in the process of burning cleans the air indoors. But the wax can not be exposed to flavors or staining. If you prefer this component, choose soy wax.


In addition to the main component, wick will be required. It can be in the form of a paper harness or a thin rope.


Prepare space for work. Ideal at a flat table lined with a linen or newspaper. You can make candles with your own hands only with high-quality lighting at home.

Additional tools

You will need a mixer capacity, saucepan for the heating of the components on the water bath, the thermometer for measuring the melting point of wax / paraffin (sold in the needlework stores, is designed to create candles).


If the manufacture of candles of a certain shade is supposed, dyes will be required. For this purpose, the pigment is not suitable for this purpose. Choose oily dyes.

Essential oils

Since it is possible to make a candle with your own hands with a certain smell at home, purchase essential oils. They are sold in pharmacies and any cosmetics stores.


If a goal is to do a beautiful decorative candle, you may need coffee grains, beautiful pebbles, seashells and other elements.

Form for candles

As a form, use a glass, a cup, a cropped can, a square heat-resistant container and other technician tanks.

General technology for creating a candle with their own hands

In this section, we will present a common scheme, detailed recipes you will find below.

Step number 1

First build a water bath: fill with water with water, wait for boils. Paraffin / wax can not be melted on an open fire to avoid burning.

Step number 2.

Prepare a container smaller in size than a saucepan. Take the paraffin into it using a small grater. Install this dishes in the pan so that water does not hit the paraffin. Reduce the power of the slab, expect melting.

Important!In the process of tomation at hand, it is necessary to keep a soap solution and wet gauze, folded in several layers. If suddenly paraffin stain the table, you need to instantly clean the surface.

Step number 3.

Arm yourself with a thermometer that is sold in needlework stores. It is designed to measure the melting point of wax. Paraffin melts about 84-90 degrees. Do not overheat it, measure the indicators. Do not allow boiling.

Important! So how to make a candle with your own melting hands it will not work, follow the safety technique at home. Tomorrow on the water bath can lead to a fire. Carefully follow the temperature. When using the residues of old candles, it is necessary to first remove all of them.

Step number 4.

Continue tomorrow until the paraffin will find a liquid structure. At this stage, essential oils for smell and oil dyes are added for color. You can make a multicolor candle, adding at the same time many pigments of different shades (do not mix hard).

Step number 5.

Take the shape for pouring the candle. Place the pencil on her sides. Prepare the wick, tie it in the center of the pencil. Lower the tip of the wick in the form so that the rope is located exactly all over the height of the tank.

Step number 6.

If some scenery is used, it's time to send them to the mold. It is better to lay decorations on the sides and the bottom of the tank, so that they clearly break the wax after soak.

Step number 7.

It is time to pour the melted paraffin / wax into the mold. Manipulations are carried out by a thin weaving so that the wick does not break aside.

Step number 8.

When you fill the form, leave the candle at room temperature. It will freeze after 10-14 hours. It is not necessary to withstand the products in the refrigerator, otherwise it will burn badly. Before use, cut your wick, remove the product from the mold or leave inside.

Preparation of gel candles

Gel decorative candles began to use great demand. The transparent foundation can be easily decorated with various elements of the decor. Consider how to make a candle with your own hands without difficulty at home.

1. Visit the craft store and purchase a special gel-based mass. It can be colored or transparent. The gel base for candles can be mixed with each other to achieve the desired shade.

2. Melt the gel by classical technology (as paraffin), observing the temperature regime (90 degrees). As a result, it turns out a liquid mixture. Prepare the mold in advance and install wicks in it.

3. Place the decorative elements at your discretion on the bottom of the container. Fantasy no limit, improvise! The main thing is that such decorations are not flammable. They need to be flushed in advance and dry.

4. It is recommended that part of the accessories are placed on the bottom, and others are added as the container filling. As a result, elements will look in a state of care. Also, they should not be close to the fit (at least 1 cm), it is important.

5. To avoid the formation of bubbles in the finished candle, the filling form should warm up. It is enough to use a hairdryer or boiling water. Lower the vessel into the liquid. Write the tank dry.

6. You can enter in a different way and give a candle a more "playful" view. To increase the amount of bubbles, the form is pre-cooled in the freezer. As soon as you poured a candle, she needs to stand at least a day.

Creating aromaslets with your own hands

1. It is not difficult to guess how to make the Aromasveche with your own hands, so that it pleases in the home. The undoubted advantage of such products is that you will be fully confident in the environmental friendliness of the components.

2. So that the candle gains a pleasant aroma, to the base, no matter, gel or paraffin, you should add a few drops of any essential oil.

3. Take into account the features of each ether. Some compositions when heated becomes hard and pronounced. The rest of the procedure is carried out by classical technology.

Original ideas when creating candles

1. To make the candles really unusual, try to take the basis of different colors. Pour them in layers. It is best to carry out the procedure with a gel base. It is enough to pour the layer and wait a bit. As soon as he grabbed, Leite further.

2. Play the color scheme. Pour the gel of a different shade layer behind the layer. As a result, you can create a beautiful rainbow candle. So that the transition was smooth, expect the frozen of the previous layer less.

3. Color formulations will be just connected on the border. To understand how to make a rainbow candle with your own hands on such technology at home, follow the rules.

4. You can prepare a natural candle from citrus zest. Cut away any cytrus and carefully remove the pulp. Mount the base and enter a few drops of lavender ether into it, dried cloves and rosemary branch.

5. Pour the melted gel in a genuine mold and wait for cooling. The result is an unusual cytrus candle with a thin aroma.

Homemade candles are pretty simple. Having made several copies, you can proceed to more complex tasks. Add something new and decorate the candles to your liking. Do not be afraid to experiment!

In this article we want to tell how to create candles with their own hands. Such candles will make your design unique, besides, they are fine as a gift.

Do you know that people began to use candles in the third millennium to AD?? True, at that time they allowed themselves only wealthy citizens. In our days, candles use mainly as cozy decor objects. Let's see how you can make such a miracle yourself.

Candles with your own hands for beginners: master class

For these candles that are simple in the manufacture and can decorate any decor, next:

  • Actually, for themselves candles - some

Important: It is quite possible to purchase the most ordinary candles in the shop of the store. These, however, have a grayish tint due to the fact that they are not exposed to cleansing. However, this deficiency will easily correct if you plan to do painting.

  • Capacity - Small pan. It is advisable to attach a clothespin to the edge. Paraffin, which is melted, very hot, so some handle is just necessary
  • Molding -in our case, we need 2 forms of different sizes
  • Wick
  • Plasticine
  • Grater
  • Butter
  • Acrylic contours
  • Chalks - Neamers need wax

IMPORTANT: Melts based on oil will not be able to dissolve in wax - they should not be taken unequivocally.

Get ready:

To start, all available candles cut On small pieces. Get your wick from them.

Treat grinding chalk. Best of all each color to rub separately.

It's time to put top at the paraffin water bath. In the meantime, this happens, follows prepare forms - Lubricate it with oil.

And here the paraffin melted! You can now add a broken chalk.

Important: It is extremely important to thoroughly stir the dye until it dissolves completely.

Now paraffin pours out a major mold. However, it should not be very involved - it will fall into a large form later that less in size. Consequently, the level of the filler will rise - it is necessary to take into account.

Lubricate outside little mold - after that it can immerse in large. It is recommended to place inside plasticine.

Important: Try to stick to the "Golden Mid". With a meager amount of plasticine, the mold will not plunge, and when it is too big - it will go to the bottom.

After a few hours you can get a frozen cast. And immediately do by placing phytyl. Hole can be done by something thin like a toothpick or brush.

Clean wick. Dysheko candles should be disguised With a hot spoon.

The other end of the phytile is fixed on the toothpick. Toothpick, in turn, placed across the candle and fastened with plasticine.

The second horses of the wick candle is attached to the toothtle

Similarly, a scheme with green paraffin, musture and yellow. Pour it into the deepening of the future candle. Fitil cutting So that the candle remains approximately 1 cm.

Important: Do not forget to add paraffin into a deepening near the wick.

After everything freezes, will remain redurate the candle. And here it is useful to acrylic contour.

How to make and decorate wax candles with your own hands?

For making beautiful wax candle in the form of roses You will need:

  • Actually, Sam wax
  • Stationery knife or at least his blade
  • Burner
  • Wick
  • Mirror or glass Small size

Important: however, if the workplace is smooth, then the glass is optional.

Primarily, melt wax. And here the burner is useful.

Wax the stain is cutknife.

Now wax is separated from the surface. One part of it is postponed for time.

One of the pieces overplains the phytyl. It follows how wrap in wax.

Important: Try to perform this procedure quickly, otherwise the wax will freeze.

In a similar way create other petals. Do not forget that their edges should be bent to maximize the identity of the present flower.

How to make and decorate candles from paraffin with your own hands?

Will please in winter season paraffin ice candle. No matter how paradoxically sounded, but the ice and the flame can be combined, and need for this:

Candles paraffin economic - 4 things.

Important: Paraffin must certainly be high quality. Otherwise, the candle will smoke, crack, spread the unpleasant smell, burn unevenly.

  • Wax color chalks
  • Ice cubes
  • Two bowls or saucepans. Note that their diameter should be different. In addition, dishes, usually used for cooking, does not fit.
  • Spaw or a small tree chopper
  • Concerning moldsthen use in this case you can even plastic cup
  • Terry towel
  • Some comfortable tack and glue

Before you start work cover the working surface with a glued. Then take candle and equalize Its in size with the mold.

But besides this candle there are others - you need to cut into small pieces, pre-delivered wick.

Pour water in a large saucepan And bring it to a boil, after which reduce the fire. Cherry has come little Pans - Paraffin Pieces Mix thereand all this is put on a water bath.

Important: It is extremely important to take into account the fact that paraffin is easily flammable. Therefore, do not heal it on the outdoor fire or in the microwave oven. Do not get distracted from the process, and at hand, just in case, keep the food soda - it is necessary to stew burning paraffin.

Knife small cook chalk. The principle is simple: the more chips - the more saturated color there will be a candle.

Clear pieces are poured into a small saucepan. Do not forget to stir.

Cherry has come ice - get it out of the freezer, put on the towel, cover the other part of the towel and Grind. Sizes of icefall must match what you want to see the openwork - thin openwork patterns require small ice floes.

Fill with ice shape. Wherein A piece of candle should be placed in the middle With phytil, cut at the very beginning of work.

Now melted paraffin can be poured into a mold, right on the ice.

Important: Do not forget to take advantage.

Wait for cooling Color paraffin. Then remove the cast From the mold. It is all recommended to do this on the sink, as it will be necessary to drain the monstering lot. Heated needles taken by tap you can melt the phytylif it was poured with paraffin.

Just in case leave the candle to dry out additionally. When used it is worth getting a wide candlestick - Paraffin can melt.

Beautiful carved candles with their own hands: Forms

Carved candles seem incredibly complex in performance, but some of them do simply. Prepare:

  • Paraffin
  • Form Your choice. Start better from something simple such as the outlines of the egg. That before the material, then because of the easiestness of the extraction of the cast is recommended to choose silicone
  • Wick either the plexus of cotton threads
  • CapacityIn which color paraffin will be poured. Suitable in everyday life, pots, saucepans or even tin cans
  • Special dyes either wax chalk
  • Hook and crossbar to him

Important: Select the size of the hook, taking into account what you should be comfortable to keep it in your hands.

  • Bucket with water
  • Paper napkins From the category of those who are soft to the touch

Just as in previous master classes, melt paraffin on the water bath.Fill it in the form, while leaving a long - at least 10 cm.wick.

After Sleep extracted, follows long wick hang it on the hook.

On a water bath preheat paraffin with the addition of shades.

Important: To bring it up to 60-80 degrees will be quite enough. It must be stirred, because paraffin is settled.

Start let down Huntered on the hook workpiece in tank With the flowers you need. Try to do that Quickly, but simultaneously smoothly. Give steak paraffin, and then to secure the remaining lower the product in a water bucket. The layers can be a few dozen, because hot paraffin gives a very thin layer.

Now hang the workpiece on the hook - and cut patterns! To start cut extra layers of paraffinwho formed her leather. You can convenience for convenience make a sketchSince the ability to make edits will not be introduced.

Important: On average, the paraffin cools in 10 minutes, so try to cut patterns during this time.

Flowers It seems like - some patterns are cut off, which are flexing in the desired way. Can decorated candleFor example, beads. Elegant carved candle curl multilayer multicolored candle. The main thing in this business is slow, because each previous layer should dry before forming the subsequent.

Important: cool this product must not less than 5 hours.

Secret colored flame lies in burning salts. And salley composition It depends on what shade you wish to get:

  • Yellow orange - salt
  • Red - Nitrate strontium or sodium chloride
  • Blue - Halride Med.
  • Green - Chloride Barium
  • Purple - Chloride potassium

Such candles are good because not toxicand if occasionally flow, then traces almost won't leave. but they flared up long.

How to make aromatic candles with your own hands?

In order to create an aromatic candle, use appropriate oil. Just wonderful if under certain types of fragrance will be selected the appropriate shade of wax.

Important: add oil to wax you need at that stage when it has already melted, but has not yet been filled into the mold.

Note that:

  • Bergamot in connection with lavender will help to relax
  • Lemon and Rosemarin Clear heads from negative thoughts
  • Equal part Roses and Geraniand also exceeding them twice lavender Ceremonies will be returned and help to find the balance of the spirit after severe experiences.
  • Lemon with cedom Also remove stress
  • Carnation with orange Guaranteed to raise the mood

Candles are choke, they are packed, admire, inspire - how many purpose of this source of lighting! And, agree, it will be just great if you can independently regulate all these emotions, manufacturing the hands of the candles.

Dinner for two, conversations with loved ones for a cup of coffee, long evenings and nights at the work of the house, a movieraphon, rest with a book or meditation - such moments will be even more pleasant if cozy lights flicker. Go for a holiday? Cook the original candle - such a handmade souvenir will necessarily have to taste to someone who is waiting for you to visit. In our article we will tell and show how to make a unique decor quickly and easily.

How to make a candle: instruction

The surgery process is quite fascinating and simple, and therefore has every chance of becoming a pleasant hobby. There are many ideas for decorating such crafts, in this regard you can experiment. However, the principle of their preparation is almost always the same.

So, armass the following materials: Standard Economic Candles; cotton thread; Capacity for wax melt; dishes for water bath; molds from tin, plastic or glass; Pencil or wand for planting a wick.

1. Take care in advance about the fixation of the phytile. Tell one end of the thread on the holder, and the second drop into the center of the form.
2. Draw the candles with bars and place them in the melting container over the water bath. The fire must be slow, the wax continuously stirre. The liquid will be ready when there will be no lumps in it.
3. Pour a bit of foam wax at the bottom modeling container. Secure the wick in the middle, wait about a minute until the item hardens.
4. Fill the remaining liquid.
5. After 24 hours, the work fully solidifies, cut the excess length of the thread.
6. Natural lamp ready to use.

Ideas for decorative candles do it yourself

Lavender candle

The fragrant and soothing lavender will create the right atmosphere for meditation, reading and receiving foam bath.

Standard set of materials Comple the essential oil, lavender sprigs, as well as a small glass jar.

Drycakes fasten the vessel along the edges, and then fix the wick and fill the container with a part of the shaken wax. Please note that the lavender must be placed strictly around the edge so that it does not catch up in the process of use. The second part of the fluid again heat on a weak heat, adding a few drops of lavender oil, and shape smoothly into the form.

Suitted composition in favorite interior items, it will complement any design.

Coffee candle

If you are a fan of this blessed drink, be sure to try creating your own composition that will fully respond to your taste.

There are 4 methods of manufacturing such an element of decor.

1. For the first you will use the same devices as for ordinary crafts, as well as solid coffee beans. They need to be added to the heated wax and fill the prepared container with a mixture. Since the grains differ in dimensions and configuration, each result will be unique.

2. Fragrant grains can be decorated with a ready-made candle. It is enough to fasten the grains with glue or fix them on an uncomfortable plane, weakly pressing with your fingers.

3. Make a small candle. Remove the product from the form and place in a more voluminous vessel. Free place fill in grains.

4. If you want the work to please you with a pleasant coffee smell, add ground coffee into the fused wax immediately before the fill. The burning light will fill the room with an incredible aroma.

Lemon candle

Lemon peel is capable of serve as an original candlestick. Such an art object will complement country style, loft, as well as Scandinavian and modern design.

To create 4 crafts, you need to prepare: the appropriate amount of threads, wax, fixtures for water bath, a couple of lemons. If desired, add aromatic components or dye to the substance. In this case, we introduce a lavender oil and drieds.

So, first, cut each lemon in half and get rid of the pulp. Next, warm the wax and turn on aromatic and floral elements into it, stir. Fix the wicks and pour the mixture into each half of the lemon. Finally, place the product in a cool place before hardening. Note that the refrigerator is not the most suitable option for these purposes, since the liquid can frost unevenly.

Candle with sparkles

Every holiday I want to make even more memorable and bright. In this case, you will contribute to the beautiful decor with sparkles, which you can do without difficulty doing with your own hands. It will allow you to decorate the house to a party or will become an unusual gift for your friends.

In the process of manufacture you can use both homemade and purchased base. Prepare a candle, glue and gliter, you can proceed to perform work. To create flicker only in a separate section, you can use the tape, having highlighting the necessary zone. Cover the surface of the cool glue and, holding a detail over a sheet of paper, sprinkled with sparkles abundantly. Give adhesion to dry, then carefully remove the tape.

To obtain a truly unique product, you can sink it with multi-colored brilliants, and thanks to a variety of scotch strips, a multi-level pattern can be achieved.

A similar decoration will look gorgeous as a New Year's entourage.

Multicolored candles

As you know, the candles are not only monophonic and dull, but also multicolored and bright. To create such a decor with your own hands you will need a little material, patience and a few hours of your time.

In addition to the main components for cooking, you will need wax pencils of selected colors and, at will, aromatic oils.

Prepare a transparent liquid and a glass cup with a wick, soda and melt the first color wax pencil. After that, mix it with wax and fill in the container. To make the pattern is beautiful and unusual, tilt and fix the cup to the frozen of each layer. When all layers will be ready, give the product to fully harden.

That's all! Multicolored lights with an excellent pattern are ready.

Forms for candles

Thanks to the molds from paper, you can make a natural lamp of interesting geometric configurations. Their diversity depends only on the stencil that you chose.

We select a suitable template, then print it on the printer. It is advisable to use tight paper. Cut and glue each billet, as shown in the photo. In order for the paper does not break up during the flooding of wax, it must be covered outside the paint and give dry. As in other cases, we insert the wick and fix it, and after pouring into stencils. When the fluid freezes, you will only be removed paper.

Even the usual egg shell is perfectly suitable as a form. The production process is similar to the previous one and requires a minimum of effort. However, products made using such templates will be an excellent decoration in any interior and at any time of the year, but especially in Easter.

Floral candles

Candles made in this technique will become an excellent decor and a refined gift. Despite their incredible beauty and sophisticated appearance, needlework will require only time and effort from you.

We make the workpiece and give her to frozen. At this time we will prepare various drieds, berries, leaves and other natural decorations. When decorating, we will use the decoupage technique. To do this, you will need another candle, any tweezers and a tablespoon. Heat a spoon, we gently press the prepared gifts of nature into the surface, thus forming a unique pattern. If some of the elements looks not too attractive, it is only worth covering it with a new paraffin layer, and it will play with new paints. For this you need, holding the wick, omit the product into preheated paraffin.

Aroma candles

Do you want to reign a truly magic atmosphere in your room? Then fill the space with wondrous aroma of needles, lime, mint, lavender, bergamot or vanilla. Of course, you can purchase finished products in the form of air fresheners, but it is much better to enhance the house by the smell of candles created on the basis of natural components. In addition, it is quite simple to do it. Sacks are suitable for any, they can be combined with each other. We will tell how to make several variants of such multifunctional jewelry.

Decorate the products of fragrant cheese. Candles themselves in this case you can make yourself either buy in the store. We will get freshness of needles from easy heating of real branches of cypress, pine or ate.

Declaring the candlestick by a cleaned cotton watch, and sprigs are placed in a press for several hours so that they become more flat. On the bottom of the candlestick, for example, glasses or cans with wide and high walls, apply 10-15 drops of liquid wax and fix the work.

Finished branches. Lubricate with glue or spray with adhesive aerosol and secure on the glasses in such a way that their lower parts are slightly hung. When the adhesive will dry, cut the edges of the plant. It should be noted that the cheva do not have inside the container, since in this case the fragrant loop will not come. If everything went well, you will notice the beneficial effect - evaporating coniferous rocks in the nervous system, will help to relax after a difficult day, and will also facilitate recovery from the cold, as the needles are famous for its antiseptic properties.

Try creating a mix, adding a few drops of different essential oils in the fused wax. Combine lemon oil and rosemary to increase body tone, bergamot and lavender for relaxation, geranium and roses for calm and equilibrium. Tandem cedar and lemon, carnations and oranges also will also be sophisticated. Vanilla, Jasmine, Ilang-Ilang will create an atmosphere for a romantic evening.

The whole process is identical to the smelting from any other material. The main difference is that our goal is still the creation of a transparent composition. That is why we must choose a transparent container, as well as with caution to use the dye, so that our product has not lost its feature. If you decide to place any elements inside the candle, the main thing is to have them at the level on which you want to see them (for example, the parts in the bottom of the bottom and remain there). Glass balls, marine shells, flowers, leaves or dried fruits are suitable as decorations.

Video: How to make decorative candles - master class

You are standing on the threshold of an amazing opening of the world of candles.

In order not to throw away the bunch of materials for the manufacture of candles in the trash can, you, first of all, you need to study their properties.

  • How to save your time?
  • How to protect yourself from start-up errors?
  • How to save on materials and not throw money spent on materials and delivery?
  • Want to learn how to make candles yourself?
  • Want a new hobby where you can earn.
  • Then read the article to the end!

From a variety of materials to create candles, it is not easy to choose the necessary you. On the Internet a huge number of articles on the manufacture of candles, and, to put it mildly, not all of them are true. Often online stores selling materials for candles (or for soap and candles), sell them and give incorrect advice or simply try to sell you more (Simply put, make money on you).

It is necessary to take into account the properties of each material and separate the necessary from the secondary one.

The desktop candlestone

Your desktop where you will make candles should be protected from paraffin, dyes and everything you will create with.

The table must be displayed.

It may be an old newspaper and divided into sheets magazine, polyethylene, old cutting packets.

It is very convenient to use silicone baking mats (blue and red - mine).

Of course, before starting work, put on the apron or clothes, which is not sorry. If the paraffin is droplets on clothes, then it will be almost impossible to return it to the initial look.

What is so good silicone mat?

From it, the drops of paraffins falling past the form.

It is easy to wash.

Easy to fold, roll and remove.

He is soft and pleasant to the touch.

Water bath fixture

The very first, without which it is not necessary - this water bath.

All candles are made from candlestone melted on water bathotherwise it is impossible to melt it. In no way! In no case can you melt the candlestone in the microwave, a double boiler, a slow cooker ...

Otherwise, paraffin instantly overheats and flammifies!

If you do not want a fire, then strictly follow these tips.

Only water sauna!

What is a water sauna?

You will need an old metal saucepan (you will not use it anywhere else) and smaller the bucket, preferably with a long handle.

In the saucepan, water is heated and boils, heating the candlestone in the bucket. Gradually, the mass is melted. Before the boiling point, the paraffin will never reach. So, harmful pairs will not stand out in the air, which breathe.

Make sure that the melted candlestone does not pin down on the stove.

Paraffin in contact with a hot subject (or boiling) evaporates, highlighting harmful pairs. Do not confuse! When melting on a water bath, paraffin does not allocate anything!

My saucepans look like that of these two photos. I acquired one bucket in a specialized online store in the US, the second bought from the hands. More convenient with a plastic handle, because Does not heated.

Paraffin Food (P-2)

Why are paraffin called food? It is used in the food industry, for example, in the coating of cheeses to slow down product damage.

Paraffin is in the chips (loose, photo on the left), and it happens lump (below in the photo). Buy paraffin in briquette (reservoir) cheaper.

  • Paraffin is a product of oil distillation.
  • The white-colored substance of the crystalline structure, in the molten state has low viscosity.
  • Melting point T pl \u003d 40-65 ° C.
  • Density of 0.880-0.915 g / cm³ (15 ° C).

Note when buying paraffin on his marking. There is also technical paraffin (with marking T), which contains large% of technical oils, from which food paraffin is maximally cleaned!

Cheaper to acquire paraffin in briquettes, but in this case they will have to buy 5 briquettes in the bag, and each at the factories make about 5 kg. I'm already accustomed to and buy paraffin wholesale, 25-45 kg.

In retail, most often sell paraffin in chips (flakes), as the seller is easier to pour and weigh it.

What else do you need, except paraffin, for candles?

You can make candles only from paraffin. Then it turns out this effect as in the photo. After the candle is freezing, the surface is obtained with bubbles, streaks, or "snowy" - who says - that is, heterogeneous.

  • This comes from the fact that the paraffin requires the so-called "plasticizer", because paraffin is freezing unevenly.

Snowy effect perfectly suitable for festive candles!

What to do if we want to avoid this effect, will look further.

In the meantime, see how the effect can be used!

An important property of paraffin is a shrinkage

Due to the fact that the paraffin molecules are a weak bond, then the surface tension, such as in water, or, for example, the molten soap base, is not. It is weak. Thus, when paraffin freezes, firstly, he settles, secondly, a funnel is formed as in the photo.

  • How to remove this funnel? - The most frequent question. Do not be scared at the sight of a funnel and do not think that this is your error. This funnel always appears. It is just important to hide it. But how?

It is necessary in the process of pouring the paraffin to pierce the surface with a long needle or a wand to remove excess air and open emptiness.

And then make dirty.

Thus, the funnel can be hidden.


Remember, we talked about the effect of "snowfall"? It can be removed. Plasticizer, a bundle for paraffin molecules can serve as steam.

That is, if there is paraffin and a bit of stearin on a water bath, the effect of snowflakes will disappear, the color will be smooth.

Stearin is used in the production of candles as an additive to paraffin (10-20%) or in its pure form.

    Solid, translucent mass, fat to the touch.

  • Melting point T pl 53-65 ° C.
  • Density of 0.92 g / cm 3 (20 ° C).

Stearin candles are smoothly lit and do not float, they do not change their form with thermal effects.

But the manufacture of candles from pure stearin is quite expensive. Therefore, it is better to have stearin and add it to the paraffin so that the candlestone is less than the shrinkage and so that the candle is less "flowed."

The formula for the production of candles from paraffin and stearin:

  • 80% of paraffin + 20% stearin. Try!

Natural bees wax *

* For adherents of all natural, there is an opportunity to make candles from bee, soy (, etc.) wax.

When I acquired a natural big briquette of natural bees wax, then fell in love with this material at first sight! Why do you need all these artificial flavors when there is the fragrant honey beeswax? Ehhhh ...

Beeswax - the product of the life of bees. Registered as a food additive E-901.

It is highlighted by special glands of honey bees, from it the bees build honeycombs.

The solid substance from the white (with a light yellow tint) to yellow-brown color with a characteristic honey smell.

It has strong bactericidal properties.

At a temperature of 35 ° C, the wax becomes plastic.

Melts at a temperature of 62-68 ° C.

I am such a wax in small silicone shapes (I will show these forms further). Candles are small in weight, fragrant and beautiful.

By the way, I use a separate dishes for overpowering bee wax, because the wax is cluttered.

  • Bee wax is aromatherapy
  • Through times faster than paraffin
  • Natural product

But, of course, beeswax - expensive product. It costs 4 times more expensive than paraffin.

Forms for candles

When you start to engage in candles, life turns into a constant search for molds for candles. As long as you do not get professional forms.

My secret weapons were jars from under cotton wand.

They are not only a round shape, but also in the form of a heart, a flower.

Who said that unprofessional forms are bad candles?

The main thing is that the candlestones, dyes and flavors were at the height. Execution, of course, too :-)

Molds from polycarbonate

I purchased these forms in the USA. Forms are convenient because transparent.

However, polycarbonate is not eternal and with time cracks.

I recently threw out one form (crackled and began to leak) after 4 years of operation.

Plastic molds for candles

These forms are stronger and cheaper than polycarbonate.

However, minus is that they are opaque.

The difference is that in them the plug (cover) at the base form. It is quite comfortable when you need to remove the finished candle.

Soft plastic for mini candles

These are the forms (used in the manufacture of soap).

The spinning needles are made for wicks, and the form is ready for the manufacture of mini-candles.

Plastic Molds Milkyway Molds

There are still such very interesting plastic forms.

In Russia, I haven't seen such as long.

MILKY WAY MOLDS, consisting of two parts manufactured by Milky Way Molds. This is a durable plastic, withstanding the temperature of 200º C.

I have such forms, but I don't make candles from them ... they hurt them cumbersome ... about 2 kg!

Metal forms (aluminum, steel, etc.)

Metal forms are "on the century". Durable, stable, super, in one word. Forms are made of aluminum, made of steel, other metals.

Need to be neat, because Metal is quickly heated from the flooded candlestone, you can burn.

Form thickness 1-3 mm. I really liked pouring candles into metal forms. Candles are obtained smooth.

Silicone baking molds

You can use silicone baking or ice molds: high shapes in the form of hearts, cupcakes, roses, as well as small molds in the form of fish, asterisks, etc. as decoration for candles.

Silicone baking molds are flexible, inexpensive, but when piercing the bottom is not so durable (when removing a candle, a hole is gradually breaking down, and it entails paraffin leakage when pouring, although it can be solved using paper tape or other secretsI tell about in my master classes).

Silicone handmade

Silicone forms can be bought in the store. But there are such unique silicone forms that do not do so simple, so I'll tell you about them. I order my silicone forms at the master. It is not all forms that I have.

To make a candle, you need experience.

Make a silicone

According to the cooking technology, silicone are two-component (the so-called "compounds"): consisting of the base and catalyst (hardener), which, before use, need to be mixed in a certain proportion, and one-component - already ready-to-use.

For the manufacture of form, we will need a two-component compound. When both composite parts are mixed, then begin to gradually stick.

Blind your own shape of plasticine or take the finished (ball, toy, etc.), place it in a disposable bucket (a jar or any other container, firmly fasten with glue or tape. Mix the components in the ratio of 100 grams of the base and 3.5 - 5 Gramm hardener and fill. After 8-10 hours, the form is ready.

It is better if you simply leave the place when the silicone is pouring you, wherever you will pour wax. Otherwise you have to cut the shape and when casting wax to strengthen it with the help of a rope or rubber band. The trouble is that hot wax deforms the form.

But the next experiments have shown that the silicone form in any case is cut along (or across, which is unavailable for us), because the plasticine master model is otherwise removed.

Be prepared for a sharp and unpleasant smell of both liquid silicone and frozen form. Be sure to add the flavor to the future candle, otherwise the candlestone will absorb the sharp smell of silicone.

And also do not regret the catalyst (it is better to put more per 1 g, the less). Otherwise, nothing will freeze, the mixture will not be grabbed, and you will have to get a master model from a liquid very sticky and unpleasant silicone and pour everything again (first thoroughly tapped with soap and brush).

Such a candle turned out from my homemade silicone form, the result and the process did not really delight me, so I decided to order forms at the master. What I do to this day.

We make the shape of the gypsum

In this case, we will produce the shape of the gypsum. To begin with, it is necessary to cut a conceived future form.

Where the mold connector is assumed, in the plasticine it is necessary to stick the blades of a secure razor, not very deeply. All this construction is covered with plaster. The blades will help to quickly disconnect the form (the frozen plaster does not cut and crumble into small pieces).

Here such mini-candles turned out.


You can buy philitis for your future ingenious creations in the candle plants or in specialized stores.

But you need to knowthat there is a huge number of types and sizes of wicks.

It is very important to choose the fit For candles.

If the wick will be too thick, then the flame of the candle will be large and the candle burns too quickly, if the wick is too thin, it will burn faster than the paraffin, and the candle will "chop out" and go out.

For the manufacture of phytyl, natural cotton thread is used, which does not smoke with burning and not crack.

Fitili is usually marked with numbers.

№1 - for candles up to 3 cm in diameter,

№2 - for candles 3-5 cm in diameter,

№3 - for 5-6 cm candles in diameter,

№4 - for candles from 6 cm in diameter.

When you get the forms, just ask the manufacturer, which is in stock. Fitoli and buy at least 2-3 different thicknesses, so you will test your candles and understand what better.

Where else can I get the wick?

If you decide not to buy paraffin and stearin and make candles from old candles or from purchased business, then the wick can be removed from the candles.

The only minus is not to pick up the thickness of the wick.

Alternatives to purchased phytyl

  • Jute Shpagat
  • Twisted several times x / b thread
  • Hook-knitted x / b "pigtail"


Candle mass and wick prepared. Excellent! Now the question arises: how to paint a candle mass? This is done very simple. When the candlestone is already melted on a water bath, add a piece of dye. I mean the dye destined for the candles. I have a huge amount.

Color intensity depends on the amount of dye.

Keep in mind that the brightness of the color of the molten candlestone always morethan cooled wax. Therefore, if it seems that the colors are enough, still put a little more.

And then it will be really enough! :)

Sometimes there is no possibility or time to get a special dye. Read the following paragraph to understand what effect one or another method of staining will give.

How not to paint candles

There are many options to make your candle unique. One of them - giving a color candle.

When I just started to make candles, little was at hand as a dye of the candle mass.

And most importantly, little good and "competent" was at hand.

Still, the mixing of paraffin and dyes is all sorts of chemical reactions, and with it you need to be careful.

Still, I wanted color. I started with Guashi.

Gouache... Bad very bad.

Fortunately, I have no candle stained in this way.

The fact is that the gouache is almost impossible to paint the candlestone: small particles of Guosses are settled on the bottom of the extracts, and even if with the pouring form wax a little shake the paint, it still cares.It turns out a very pale shade, and from this muddy and untidy.

Once, I just visited nostalgia (I wanted pouring something, although without normal dyes). And I am on "Avos" poured into the molten wax of the Earth from the Pack of Flowers !!! It looked, of course, it was funny, a white candle, at the bottom of which he drives something dark. It seems at first glance there are no shortcomings.