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What dreams of a native brother? What did the brother dreamed

Not every person has a native brother or sister, but there are cousins, secondary. Sometimes we can dream of non-existent relatives, or someone from real people seem to be dying. We are different in different ways to our loved ones, and we see completely dissimilar dreams. Is it worth worrying when the brother dies in a dream, who is alive and unharmed in reality? What does the deceased brother want to tell? Each interpreter has its own opinion on this.
Dream Miller

  • Miller's dream book: Brother - the interpretation of sleep depends on the appearance of the brother, his health and mental state, as well as the degree of kinship and your attitude towards this person.
  • What dream brother? If he looks healthy, and nothing threatens his life, the dream is considered good. In the near future there will be a reason for joy for this person.
  • What dreams of a deceased brother? A similar dream is usually a warning of any unsuccessful actions or the ability to make a mistake. Remember what exactly I spoke or showed you a brother in a dream, it will be the key to the correct interpretation.
  • What dream brother, native? When in a dream, he overwhelms energy, it looks beautiful and strong, sleep says that everything will be safe for you.
  • Dream Interpretation: Look at the brother through the window. In a similar dream, your brother will not be your brother, but the subject - the window. It symbolizes on one side the transition from one space to another, and on the other hand, it is an obstacle. Through which can be seen, but not heard. Such a metaphoricity of the subject is used by interpretors most of the differences. To see in the brother's window, looking from the street to the house means that great disappointment is waiting for you regarding this person. All the cases you did or planned to do together will be unsuccessful, and people will lose respect for you. If you are in front of the open window and see outside, everything that you would have conceived will be performed exactly by magic. However, if you look through a tightly released window, this is a bad sign. Also a dream in which you saw your brother in the window means that soon you will get acquainted with a person look like a brother or possessing the same set of qualities, and this acquaintance will play a very important role in your fate. If your brother is far away from home or from you, then the dream foreshadows receipt from him.
  • What dreams of a cousin? Images of cousins \u200b\u200bor cousin in a dream predicts chagrins, unpleasant and sad events, disappointment.
  • What dreams of a deceased brother? Such a dream almost always means a lot of disappointment in anything.
  • Dream Interpretation: Did the brother. Poorly dressed young man in a dream, which asks you for help, sometimes foreshadows a serious illness or an accident.
  • Why dream brother husband? If the brother husband is dressed in old clothes that hang like rags, sleep foreshadows a terrible loss in that family.
  • What dreams of a deceased brother alive? In the case when the brother is healthy and happy you, the dream warns of poor impact and wrong advice, because of which you can lose money or property.
  • What dreams of a brother's wedding dream? Have fun at such an event foreshadows the offensive in the life of the failure period. (cm. )
  • What dream of a dying brother? To see in a dream, as a brother dies, is a harbinger of grief, seals and discord. In exceptional cases, the approximation of a fatal outcome may also mean.
  • Why dream late brother alive? Talking with a dead brother in a dream is a warning. If the brother asks you about something or you promise to make something for him - trouble is coming, to avoid which it is unlikely to succeed, even if you do not do the promised.
  • If a brother is dreaming the dead man and often comes to you in a dream, you can talk to him, ask some urgent questions. It is believed that the answers received from the deceased people are true. There are cases when patients received tips, what medication is treated, and recovered, and others managed to avoid death, accidents and theft.
  • What dreams of a brother's wife dream? To see the daughter-in-law (wife of his brother) foreshadows surprises. Rejoice with her in dreams - rejoice in reality. Quarrel with this man - sticking grief.
  • Dream Interpretation: Quarrel with brother. If you quarreled with my brother because of the extinguishing trifle, the dream foreshadows poor well-being. Perhaps injustice and condemnation from other people.
  • What is brother? To be present about this and see with your own eyes - some people are engaged in evil affairs in your eyes, oppress others. Sometimes a dream foreshadows at the murder in real life.
  • When the suicide brother dreams, it means that you are at the stage of making an important decision.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother's wife, honey, apples. Brother's wife in a dream is a symbol of relationships between families. Apples in a dream are almost always a kind feature. Spectacled, juicy, red apples talk about the time of the fulfillment of desires. There is honey big spoon, means prosperity in all spheres of life. Lovely sleep predicts a joyful family life.
  • Dream Miller: "Brother's wife, apples, honey, car." If the brother's wife is energetic and friendly, consider the dream in a good key. If a woman causes you an unpleasant feeling - the relationship with your brother's family can worsen. Apples scattered on the ground are foreshadowed by gloamy tricks of fake friends. Rotten apples show that your efforts are vain. The beesh meat, seen in a dream, says that you will soon get rich. To see honey in jars - to fully complete the started. However, you will not be satisfied until the end. The car in a dream predicts the incarnation of a certain idea that will not give you to sleep, but in the end it will be fruitful. Old car suggests that there will be people who enriched from your work, and you risk staying with minimal income. If the car in the dream broke and can not move, it predicts the loss of faithful friends.

Dream Khasse

  • What dream brother in a dream? To see in the dream of his native brother means happiness in family matters.
  • What dreams of the death of a brother? A similar dream promises a dream of stormy events in his life.
  • What to dream brother? Communicate with her in a dream means to strengthen the already kind relationship.
  • What dreams, what did the brother die? Such a dream foreshadows chagrin.
  • What does the elder brother dream? If in a dream it is also a leading person, as in the family, then you are assisted in a difficult situation.
  • What dream of a younger brother? If he needs care or care in a dream, then you will have trouble and cooking. You will lead the work of other people.
  • What dreams of the death of brother, native? The dream foreshadows a happy case that will happen soon.
  • What to dream dead brother? Dream Interpretation predicts the dangers in which you can seriously suffer.
  • What dream of a crying brother? In life, you do something wrong, go slippery. Brother warns. (cm. )
  • What to dream drunk brother? The dream shows that you are not satisfied with something and alarmed.
  • What dreams of a quarrel with brother? Changes will come in relation to loved ones and relatives.
  • Why dream that brother killed? You are awaiting a dispute with an influential person.

Dream Vangu

  • What does it mean if a brother dream? When with a brother in good relationships - to order in the house, protection of interest. When you are in bad relationship with my brother, the dream foreshadows the difficult course of affairs, quarrels and unpleasant events.
  • What dream of the funeral brother? Horon his brother foreshadows the dream separation with the house.
  • When to dream of the deceased native brother, the dream foreshadows an unexpected turn in your destiny.
  • What is brother? Wang's dream book says that blood in a dream is interpreted as related ties, conflict situations and retribution for actions. Blur with blood clothes or hands - a very bad sign. Risk to get involved in a terrible straight, where the degree of a relative will have the most deplorable for all consequences.
  • When the dream "brother in the blood" is dreaming, and at the same time you try to help him, in some way to stop the bleeding, it means that you are very native to some kind of native. Perhaps on this brother, if he is not with you.

Dream Nostradamusa

  • Why dream of seeing brother? The dream is interpreted based on the description of the person. To see the brother in a dream with a beggar and needy - to trouble in life, and events, because of which you can lose your house, money and close friends. To see your brother in a dream rich, in gold or beautiful clothes - your life will be the same madden, and loved ones will always support and help in difficulties. To see Brother was injured, sick - someone in your family or among relatives awaits a test. This person can stay without a roof above his head, livelihood or even get injured.
  • Why dream of hugging brother? Hugs in a dream symbolize trusting relationships. Hugging a brother means that you believe your brother, and are ready to give life for him.
  • If the friends of the brother died, such a dream expresses your excitements about the company in which he is. It is worth paying attention, whether his friends do not reduce the curve.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother in Blood. A similar dream warns of his own egoism, because of which relations with others will deteriorate, and with relatives first. If the blood of his brother fell on your clothes or parts of the body, the dream foreshadows the news from relatives. If the brother lies on Earth, and blood is covered around him, this dream predicts severe trials, because of which victims may appear.
  • What dreams drunk brother? The native person who got drunk wines is a symbol of excessive frankness in a dream. This is a warning, so that you trust the unfamiliar people less, otherwise there may be harm to your gossip and gloating harm.

Dream of Freud.

  • Dream Interpretation: Killed Brother in Sind. Dream shows that you are inclined to fantasize on the theme of cruelty. However, it is necessary to realize that not every person considers acceptable rough affairs and games to domination and submission. Egoism in sex is simply not acceptable if you count on a long-term partner.
  • If a dream has dreamed, the murder of a brother in which you do, it symbolizes the faithful relationship. In reality, you are still inclined to fight for those who have gone, but subconsciously understand - the fire went out. In this case, the brother is a symbol of a man with whom you have long been in the "fraternal relationship. If you want to love again, let go of the past and look around.
  • What dream of a pregnant brother? If such a dream was gracious, it means that I would soon have to become a mother. If the dream saw a man, it means that you would not mind to start a child from a woman who could rely. (cm.)
  • What is your brother? Beat your brother in a dream means that you will finally make a relationship with your partner in the past. If Cavalier has long been bored, but you could not get rid of it, now the fate will provide such an opportunity.
  • What is brother? Dreaming shows your family relationships. Perhaps you want to take less responsibility, but it does not work.
  • What does the dream "die deceased brother"? Such an unusual dream only indicates that your consciousness envelops constant fear. Recently, life is painted in gray tones and seems madly tragic. But even if the misfortune happened, it is worth living. Start looking for each event with a bright face.
  • What to dream to beat your brother? Express discontent with your chosen one. If the feelings are filled, it's time to put a point in the relationship and start building plans for the future.
  • What dreams of a brother's kiss? If the dream dreamed of a woman, he predicts a new acquaintance with an attractive man. However, it is not necessary to trust him immediately, this person is likely to be a dishonest pass. If the dream dreamed of a male representative, this sign be more attentive to his lady, otherwise she will begin to miss.
  • What dreams that brother kisses? A similar dream warns you from participating in an unpleasant situation. Perhaps you will become an invalid witness of the story that will bring trouble.

Modern People's Dream Interpretation

  • What is a brother and? Dream foreshadows well-being in the family and house, calm in affairs.
  • What dream of father and brother? Such a dream is also kind and foreshadows a successful course of family life. The sleep does not lose its positive value, even if the parents are dead.
  • Why dream brother native senior? Expect submits in any complex business, the relatives will not leave you in trouble.
  • What dreams of a deceased cousin? Sleep foreshadows receipt of news from distant relatives.
  • What dream of a rosulid brother? Dreaming means receiving news from relatives who live far from you.
  • What to dream of the death of a brother, who is alive? Such a dream means that you go dangerous expensive or just got off the life path. Something in matters is not right. You should think about the reason and, if possible, to eliminate it rather.
  • What dreams of kissing brother? A kiss on the cheek foreshadows a frank conversation. Kiss on the lips warns against secrecy and deception.
  • Why dream brother native, junior? A dream foreshadows a lot of routine work.
  • What dream brother, small? If the brother and reality has few years, sleep shows care and excitement about his health or fate. If the brother is already an adult, but dream of what was in his childhood - a dream foreshadows changes in life. They will occur because of this person.
  • What to dream brother in the coffin? The bad sign, the harbinger of quarrels in the exact location, the consequence of which the gap in communicating with some relatives will appear.
  • Why not dream of a deceased brother? This happens when we are a lot of crying because of the loss. The deceased want to see us happy and cheerful, want to hear our laugh. If a person mourns the deceased, he is on the knee in the water. As soon as there is a mental pain and you will accept the death of a brother, then he will definitely dream.
  • Why dream brother native late? Sleep warning that you can pick up a dangerous disease.
  • Dream interpretation: dream of a deceased brother. If he somehow resurrect in the dream, it is a familiar well-being.
  • What dreams of a wedding brother, native? Having fun at the wedding at the brother - to peel in reality. If the wedding was upset, expect a joyful turn of fate. Missing a brother's wedding - indulged in empty dreams.
  • What dreams of a wedding brother, cousin? To see the wedding of relatives - to participate in litigation litigation, share common money or property. Generally - have joint business with relatives.
  • What dreams "swear with brother"? To quarrel with a close person - to have strong relationships, mutual understanding in reality.
  • What dream of the missing brother? Carefully deal with such a dream. This hint about what world there is a missing person. Analyze everything that it was said as he looked and what he did. Often, such a dream is prophetic and can help find a person.
  • What dreams of a sick brother? If your native man is really sick, and dreamed of you, the dream speaks of anxiety for his recovery. If angels were present in a dream, then you should prepare for the worst. If the brother in reality is healthy, and dreamed that he fell ill, sleep foreshadows serious trouble with his brother. His affairs can touch you, bring losses or sadness.
  • When the deceased brother is dreaming, you should go to his grave. If in a dream he asks something, do not postpone the execution of the request. Our relatives often come in a dream to warn about danger and protect against fraught deeds.
  • Who will dream of a naked brother, there are large cash losses associated with deception or extortion.
  • What dreams of a beaten brother? A relative who suffered in a dream from someone's robbery, should beware of conflicts with unfamiliar people in life. Any compilation can end very badly.
  • What is brother? The dream in which your brother is born, foreshadows surprise, any surprise of joyful content.
  • What dream brother girlfriend? A young man in a dream means a dangerous relationship, a romantic passion. Sleep should be interpreted by relying on the details.
  • What dream brother in prison? The dream warns of the opportunity to get sick.
  • What dreams sister's hometone? The elder brother is an intercession, younger - you will be asked for help.
  • What dreams of "talking to late brother"? Not so much the fact of the conversation as its content and your emotional background at this time, the response to words. Perhaps the brother from something warns you, wants to protect from a rapid step. And perhaps he just misses the light without his family and came to talk. Sometimes such a dream also foreshadows death, if the brother in his conversation expressed a desire to pick you up to him.

Dream Adlera

  • Often dream of a deceased brother? You lack a strong person nearby, male attention and support. Most likely, this man was a close friend, or you loved him in a special way. The loss brought you an indelible spiritual sadness, and the heart does not let his brother in another world. If the dreams are not nightmares, there is nothing wrong with them. This is the way you strive to fill the inner emptiness.
  • What dream of a consolidated brother? It all depends on the relationship with this person in real life. A dreaming consolidated brother says that for some reason you hold this person in your field of attention. Perhaps you do not like his behavior, and perhaps you are worried about his fate. It all depends on the details of sleep.
  • Did the brother married? You think that this person has long been to be independent, get a family. Such thoughts even subconsciously remain in the head, and therefore, there are similar plots about marriage.
  • What dreams, brother was born? If your parents do not expect a family replenishment, then such a dream indicates the presence of your fears before changing life.
  • What dreams to fight brother? In the case when the initiator of the fight was made, it means that you actually do not like the attitude of my brother to you, his actions. If a fight is climbing a brother, and you only answer him, defending - in life you have to defend your opinion in the family, fight for rights. Perhaps you constantly feel the guilty of what is happening with your relative.
  • What dreams to hug with my brother? This is a trust gesture denoting warm, friendly relationships with a brother. Sleep expresses the desire to be protected, have support and strong shoulder nearby.
  • For what ? If in reality you know these people, then sleep can be interpreted as a simple impression that is not carrying the semantic load. If the twins are not familiar to you, and people with such appearance you do not know and have never seen, sleep should be interpreted as a deception, a confusing situation. What you see a certain situation is actually one of the projections. Before you as a mirror, someone set, in which you can see only your own perception, no more. However, removing from the eye Shore, you will open the reverse side of the moon. And it will become a real discovery for you. How will new knowledge and vision change your life? All in your hands.
  • What is your brother? Dancing in a dream - thinking about the prospects and options. Just as in the dance, a person makes a variety of movements forward, then back, but at the same time everything is moving, so in life something is happening that it makes you literally "walt", picking up a good move. Brother in this case can be both an accomplice and a random figure.
  • What is your brother? The conversation for souls means the desire to open, be more sincere, but there is no case in life to implement such desires.
  • What to dream of a living brother is dead? Such a dream can dream on the eve of departure, weddings, leaving the army or another event that expects a reduction in communicating with his brother. Also sleep can dreamed as a sign of deep disappointment in the actions of a loved one.
  • What to dream to marry your brother? The dream is not a good sign, although it can be interpreted in different ways. From a psychological point of view, you would like to have a person in the husbands who have the qualities and appearance of your brother. However, such a dream may indicate a confusion in personal life, inadmissions in men, because of what your shower suffers for a long time.
  • Why dream of feeding the deceased brother? Often the dead close people come to sleep with some requests. Although, the existence of the world of the dead is not proven scientifically, he is probably available. And the soul, getting there, also miss us and on earthly joy. Bring a piece of bread or candy on my brother's grave, ask what else he wants to get from you.
  • What dreams of hugging a deceased brother? Many dreams interpret a similar dream as a desire to take the lives to themselves. Provons advise not to enter into any bodily contacts, so as not to bring sudden death. Psychologists in this plan are less superstitious. A dream, in which the dead came to hug you, means only what you miss this person, have not forgotten him alive, and sincerely glad to keep in touch, at least betraying night fantasies.
  • What dream brother with a gun? It is unlikely that your brother in reality belongs to the gangster group and has a weapon with himself, capable of bringing harm. Therefore, sleep can be regarded as symbiosis of impressions received per day. Perhaps you watched a blockbuster or saw a policeman on the street. However, you should not forget the play, where the rifle hanging on the wall shot at the end. Just be more attentive for a while. (cm. )
  • What dreams of a pregnant wife's brother? Pregnancy often indicates the plans and ideas that you "wear" in relation to a certain person. This person is in a dream with a belly.
  • Why dream brother without front tooth? Teeth in a dream are a symbol of family and blood kinship. The upper row of teeth in many cultures are associated with male roots, and the lower row - with female. The upper fangs often indicate the elders in the family or in the family: father, brother, uncle or grandfather. If your brother occupies a domicile situation among relatives, is an influential person, and in a dream you appeared without a front tooth - it can mean a very bad sign. A person will lose its status, perhaps suddenly lose all, including supporting relatives. If the brother is young and not authoritative, sleep means the commission of the "flying" act, as a result of which family and relatives will turn away from it. (cm. )

Tutorial on the interpretation of dreams G.V. Crublevskaya

  • What does the brother mean? Such a dream indicates a dream that his desires are quite realistic to implement, it is worth only to become more energetic, active, make male strength.
  • Dream Interpretation: What dreams of a native brother? Dreaming shows the need of a dream in friendly support.
  • If the brother is dreaming his native little, sleep says about the presence of rivalry between brothers or brother and sister, even if they have become adults and independent.
  • What dreams meeting with my brother? For male representatives, such a dream foreshadows the emergence of any vital difficulties.
  • What dreams, a native brother died? A similar dream can mean. That in your brother relationships will come a break.
  • Why dream of the death of a cousin? Death in a dream is rarely a prophetic. Rather, death in a dream should be viewed as a symbol of the end of the life stage and the transition to the new period. If you with a cousin was a conflict, then after such sleep you are ready to forgive him. If you have not seen yourself for a long time - you can decide to meet.
  • When the brother died, it can easily mean change in life for the better.
  • What dreams of a deceased brother in the coffin? This is a good sign, how much such things can be good. The coffin in a dream symbolizes the completion of a certain period of life. If the late brother was in the coffin, therefore, you are ready, finally release the situation of his death. You can begin thinking of plans for further life.
  • What dreams of the funeral of brother, who is alive? In such a dream, two sides of the soul are reflected. This is either your concern for the life of a brother, or a conscious or subconscious desire of his death. Man or dear to you or gives a lot of difficult problems.
  • Dream Interpretation: What does Brother's death dream? Death in a dream can be viewed as a revival, the beginning of a new life, getting rid of something old, which gone and not return. Sleep about the death of brother should be interpreted based on the situation in your life in reality. It may be time to reconcile after a major quarrel, disperse from various apartments, or vice versa, start communication if it was interrupted.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother's death in a dream. If your brother is more, albeit even an incurable disease, a dream in which he died, does not foreshadow his care in real life. As a rule, before death, people will starve very colorful and good dreams, like traveling to an amazing country or flight to another planet. However, all this conventions, which, in principle, cannot interpret objectively.
  • Dream Interpretation: The deceased brother dreamed alive. This person, having come to your dream, indicates the type of character, which was peculiar to him. If you listened to my brother during my life, then what was said or made by him in a dream may have a prophetic effect.
  • What dream of a deceased cousin alive? In the case when the deceased remembered to you an unpleasant person, the appearance of him in a dream may indicate the emergence of a similar person in real life. The image of the deceased here will be a warning from the continuation of acquaintance with this type.
  • If a dream dreamed, that a brother died, and in fact he is alive and everything is fine with him, a dream speaks about the "funeral" of his bad features and qualities of the nature that you are disappeared. You are so tired of the negative from this person or from his actions that the brain is trying at least in a dream to give you unloading images "everything ended, he died." (cm. )
  • What dream brother, late 19 years old? In our dreams, anything can happen, and even death cannot have superiority over the desire to live. In a dream, the deceased person can come around and communicate with us, as if nothing had happened. Each person reacts in different ways to the appearance of the deceased in front of him: someone is frightened, someone rejoices, someone is alarming. We can control sleep and understand that this does not happen. And may not be suspected that we sleep, and perceive what is happening as due. People who are loved by us, again have the opportunity to be with us.
  • What to dream to bury your brother? There are also opposite situations when healthy, funny people who have everything in life safely take off to us in need of familiar, wounded who died. Such dreams, according to psychologists, are the source of our unconscious.
  • Often dream late brother? Sometimes it is difficult to find out whether his soul comes to you from the afterlife, or your unconscious configured the sixth sense to contempted otherwithstalls. There are cases when not only sleeping have seen their dead relatives, but also awake people. Disassemble the message from the native soul it is easier to perceive at the very moment of falling asleep when the verge between the worlds become particularly thin. You can even hear a bit or a slight touch of the deceased. Not all people possess even the slightest extrasensory abilities, and then the deceased come to a relative who can be perceived. Such meetings can occur over the years.
  • Why not dream late brother? Because you are not a guide to the world of the dead. Such abilities are far from everyone, you need to at least have an increased intuition and believe in the afterlife. If you don't dream only brother, and other relatives or friends can calmly communicate with you in a dream, try tune in before falling asleep and ask others the dead, where your brother. Perhaps the deceased himself does not want to communicate with you, keeps offense or shake his act, and he may hardly see your permanent tears. Go to your brother's grave and ask him to give you a sign. Dead always see us and hear.

Noble dream book Grishina

  • Dream Interpretation: Fight with my brother. Stormy fight with brother foreshadows a joyful event at work. Beat his stick - to a strong friendship. Scratching - incur damages. Coupling - to undergo slander or get big profits (looking through the plot of sleep). Give your brother to slaughter - quarrel with your wife.
  • The dream "beat the brother" means to give this person to his power, including potency.
  • Sleep "Brothers Gemini" speaks of the situation in which you need to make a painful choice. You will ignore from one to another and extremely indiscriminately accidentally stopping at something. Equality of options.
  • Dream Interpretation: Sick Brother. Dream can mean the disease in real life, but not often. Next, interpret the dream is necessary on the basis of the events. So, rare or fantastic disease means fears. It is possible to understand what they can be about the characteristic features of the doned disease. Also means enhanced anxiety, alertness, the inability to relax even in a dream.
  • Sleep "Sick Brother". The cough - strong fears pursue a person or secret worries overcome it. Covered by blisters - expect a surprise. Chirnyami is covered by gentle - to a successful solution of complex situations. Skin in ulcers - payroll for vices. Scabies are sick - overcoming difficulties and trouble. Tumor has - Loses hope. Hepatitis - Envy test. Gout - patientity is harmful. Tempel, in the heat lie - quarrel with someone. Fractures to have through the body - to the arrival of a guest with bad intentions. Plague, cholera, typhoid, and everything you can get infected and die - noisy fun or bad influence. If the brother turned out to be sick suddenly, his soul is restless. Paralysis - internal conflict. If the brother lost consciousness - the crisis in life, after which everything will go to the mountain, or the person will roll even lower.
  • Dream Interpretation: Drunk Brother. To be drunk from wine means inspiration and good luck, ideas that are destined to bring to life.
  • Sleep "Drunk Brother" may have a different meaning. This is a feeling of guilt, shame for your actions. The dream says that the brother can be to blame for you.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother married. To interpret the dream is based on the circumstances. It may mean receiving a gift, and may foresee the sad events.
  • Sleep "Brother Marrying" can mean termination of communication with a woman who in a dream is his bride.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother's Wedding. Return to the wedding ceremony - to get good news. Participate in the wedding of brother - prepare for important enterprises.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother in the Coffin. Such a dream can be interpreted differently. A paramountless dream means longing and fear. Maybe mean the desire to hide from the outside world and worries. Foreshadows the appearance of empty troubles.
  • Dream Interpretation: To see brother in a coffin, which is open - there is a danger to the life of this person.
  • Dream Interpretation: Fighting Brother. A fight, in which someone's blood sheds, foreshadows a relative or guests.
  • Sleep "Fighting with brother", if it lasts long and very active, foreshadows a lot of guests in the house and a holiday.
  • Sleep "Friend friend" warns that you can have a quarrel with this person.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother's wife. To see this woman in a dream means a black cat between you may run between you because of deception.
  • Sleep "Pregnant Wife Brother" predicts a man with a happy life in the family.

Astrological dream book

  • The meaning of sleep "Brother" has a bad shade and says that your business will not be able to. To see the cousin's cousin has the opposite value, is a good omen.
  • Sleep "The deceased brother as a living" foreshadows getting a big profit.
  • To see in a dream of a brother, he speaks the eighth house of the horoscope and foreshadows the failure of the case.
  • Sleep "Dead Native Brother" foreshadows improvements in affairs.

Lunar dream book

  • Lunar Dream: Dreams "Brother" denote various affairs and communication, which involves mainly relatives, neighbor and distant, friends.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother - Causes with relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: cousin - business with long-range relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: Dead Brother - Vain Waiting. The result will not pay for the spent effort.
  • Dream Interpretation: The deceased brother - conceived not destined in the near future to come true.
  • Dream Interpretation: Kill your brother - eliminate the obstacle in financial affairs, successful deal.
  • Dream Interpretation: Kissing with your brother for goodbye - share my luck with others.
  • Dream Interpretation: Hug a brother to trust your secrets to a close friend.
  • Dream Interpretation: The late brother is alive - luck will be accompanied in all endeavors.
  • Dream Interpretation: Senior Brother - Wise Council will ask.
  • Dream Interpretation: Younger Brother - you will ask for advice and help in a difficult situation.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother's birth - exercise a long-time big dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother in prison - Secret desires, secrecy.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother drowned - get a good inheritance.
  • Dream Interpretation: Buck Brother - You will get out of the Western, avoid deception.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother's funeral - to the arrival of a large number of guests.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother's death is the unsuccessful completion of the work started, the destruction of plans.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother's husband - Cases in a government house with unfamiliar people, litigation.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother crying - having fun, family holiday.

Islamic (Muslim) dream book

  • Islamic dream book: Brother is a man who personifies himself in a dream.
  • Muslim dream book: brother. Also brother in a dream should be considered as a man, similar to the qualities to another person, with whom you have in life or as the name of this person.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother, Sister. A woman in Islamic dream book means temptation, temptation, but also interpreted as joy. A dream in which a brother with a sister is present, talks about the relations of these people in reality or translates the model of their relationship on a friend of a man and a woman from the circle of communicating a dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother died - a dream speaks of the end of the period of pleasures or their sudden interruption for a man rich and fed. The poor sleep prophesies the state of contentment and wealth.
  • Dream Interpretation: The deceased brother had dreamed of an older man - this is a sign that it is time to start cooking towards moving into the afterlife, repent and reconcile with relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: Death of Brother's native to see - you have to experience a sense of regret about some important to show.
  • The dream of the "BRANT Funeral" foreshadows their journey to another country, from which he returns to the full wallet. If your brother is buried as if alive, the dream predicts the opportunity to go to prison.
  • Dream Interpretation: "Brother's wife, honey, apples." Muslim dream book can interpret the dream of his brother's wife only on the basis of the general context. But if it presents such objects as honey and apples, the interpretation will be positive. Honey means the welfare that a person has gone to the pleate of the ball. For a deeply believer, a dream show that he not only reads and honor the Quran, but also makes good actions. For a person who lives a worldly life, seen in a dream Honey shows the ease of profit. If the dreams are in the illness, then the honey is a symbol of healing. Keep honey in your hands - it means to have wisdom and knowledge. Honey in cells means honest earnings, as well as sincere and good deeds regarding other people. Not a small list of interpretations has in Muslim dreams and an apple. A dreaming fruit can symbolize a profession or a dream of a dream classes, point out where and how he receives income, or plans that the dreams have intent to implement. Remove the apple from the tree, to buy or eat it foreshadows the person the troubles in the area that other details of sleep will determine. Sweet fruit taste testifies to honest money, and sour felling. If an apple was thrown into someone and got, to be a messenger to him, who could kill. If anyone sees apples and will know that they are torn to them - will get a certain amount of money from a rich man. If a woman is eating a fruit at home, her son will be born. A man who threw an apple in a dream can count on the patronage of Allah in all his affairs, as well as receiving benefits. To see in a dream not only an apple, but also the apple tree itself means. That there is a believer in your environment. Plant a tree - adopt a sirot.

English Dream

  • Dream Interpretation: Interpretation of Dreams "Brother". The British interrupt dreams with variations of the plot, based on local superstitions and legends, which were in the people many centuries. It is important to take into account the run time, which is dreaming brother. And also the day of the week and the moon phase. Usually, dreams have a direct interpretation, the mirror method of interpretation is used infrequently.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother's native - you will have a faithful person in friends. If the dream of the brother leaves a heavy feeling in the soul, the dream foreshadows unpleasant incidents.
  • Dream Interpretation: Father Brother Consolidated or cousin to see in a dream - to unexpected news that will have an impact on the course of your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: The Kiss of Brother is his power, luck and luck will partially go to you. If lately the brother has no matter, then you "get infected" unsuccessful time.
  • Dream Interpretation: A deceased cousin, if dreamed of receiving news from relatives. Good, if the brother was glad to meet and was well dressed. Sad, if brother looked bad.
  • Dream Interpretation: I swore with my brother in a dream - expect quarrels and pushing out. Sorry with a brother means looking for a decision of some question. Shouting on a brother - to waste efforts. Brother shouted at you - luck will smile.
  • Dream Interpretation: Married Brother Go out - such a dream talks about the confusion of relationships with men. You expect from your beloved of what they in principle cannot give you. Looking for a person similar to your brother, but do not find. We have high requirements for men, and disappoints in relationships.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother was born - a dream says that you started to implement your long-standing dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: Murder Brother. Such a dream indicates the internal conflict of a person who will be constantly in a stressful will of fate. The dream may impose a quarrel in reality, since the dream simply has nowhere to throw out his emotions.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother fell into an accident - an accident may actually happen. It is worth careful and be attentive, eliminate the repetition of a dream situation.
  • Dream Interpretation: The death of a loved one, brother - sad events, time thinking over life conflicts, loneliness and reflection.
  • "Captive pants presented to my brothers," Dream British explains such an unusual gift as weighty assistance, which will come to the lobing relatives. If the brothers still did not stand up, then the dream speaks of excessive care and care for children.
  • Dream Interpretation: Bride, Brother's wife - relationship with this woman in reality will be folded as you saw in a dream. If it was a warm meeting, it means and in the house of Brother you are welcome. If an unpleasant situation has occurred between you, in reality there is a chance of a constant situation. If you just saw this woman from the side, the dream foreshadows insane attitude to the brother's family.
  • Dream Interpretation: The late brother was driving at the wedding - the right sign that you will refuse any similar situations in the near future. If a holiday is planned - refuse the invitation. If the road was planned - stay at home. The deceased brother warns you and shows that it is can lead you to misfortune and loss.
  • Beating in a dream of the late brother - quarrel with friends or close in reality.
  • What dreams of a decent brother dream? Sleep does not foreshadow anything good if you were visited by a deceased relative or friend.
  • What to dream of the late brother sister? If the deceased brother appeared in a dream sad or crying, heavy meditation and torment of the soul ruffize.
  • Dream Interpretation: What to dream of a deceased brother? If the deceased brother visited you with a cheerful and cheerful mood, the dream foreshadows a good course of life, everything will work out safely.
  • Why dream of hugging a cousin? You miss some kind of man and want to bring a meeting with him.
  • What dreams of the brothers of the former husband? To the meeting of friends who will be fun and leave pleasant memories.

Dream interpretation of sexual dreams

  • What dream brother boyfriend? Meeting with a person with whom I have not seen a long time ago and did not receive news.
  • What dream is the brother of the former? Sleep says that the past is not to return, and should not rely on the revival of fastened feelings.
  • What dreams sex with brother? Your relationship with the existing man has exhausted itself, and you would like to make a new ardent acquaintance. There is no problem in this, on the horizon you will find a big love and the whole range of feelings, it is only worth starting moving forward.
  • What dream of a brother's girl dreams? Fucking frivolousness and naughty relationships to life, as this approach will bring in the most responsible moment and deliver a lot of problems.
  • When the brother of a loved one is dreaming, a dream show that you are an optimistic person, a company soul and any relationship lead to harmony.
  • Why dream of sex with brother? If such a dream brought you into the state of nervous excitement, the dream foreshadows the work that you do not like and classes that you are not pleasant.
  • What dreams of his husband's brother's wife dream? Such a dream tells you that you should not make family secrets like litter from hut. Your personal life should concern only you and your husband, and no one else in the right to discuss her.
  • If the brother of the former guy dreams, then in life you will have a meeting and communication with the former beloved. Perhaps you consider that it is not correct, but later you will understand that they hurried to conclude with respect to this person.
  • What dreams of sex with cousin? The dream says that you are not fittered from amateur in people. But in thoughts, the most mysterious your fantasies are embodied. You want to communicate with men, but do not find yourself interesting enough for them. Hence, problems with personal life.
  • What dreams of sex with a native brother? In fact, you would like to communicate with different people and explore different areas of life, but more and more tend to close it. Close contacts with people deliver spiritual torment, so you prefer not to let men close to yourself.
  • What dream kiss with brother cousins? The dream predicts that in the near future to achieve something, you will have to be initiated in all spheres of life.
  • Dream sex with late native brother? Son says that you are tired of people and constant disappointments that they bring. You would like to get into the world where you do not need to wear social masks and smile to everyone. The late brother personifies the silence and peace, because the dead can not deliver inconvenience. In fact, you would like to have a loved one, such a "inconspicuous", which is now your relative.
  • Why dream kissing with cousin? Such a dream foreshadows a rich pastime, new pleasant dating and fun.
  • Why dream of hugging her brother's husband? The dream foreshadows that in a short time you will find among the familiar person with whom you would like to get a truly friendly friendly friendly.
  • Dream Interpretation: Sex with brother foreshadows the emergence of problems in the personal life of the dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother's girl - something forced you to doubt the sincerity of the feelings of the beloved. Perhaps a conversation is to be a conversation.
  • The dream "Brother of the former Guy" promises a meeting with the past face to face. You have left unfinished things, or one of you decided to resume communication.
  • Brother beloved in a dream can dreamed when collaborative works or walking.
  • Dream Interpretation: Kissing Brother - prepare for changes in life, most likely in personal.
  • Dream interpretation: kissing my husband's brother. The dream predicts the deterioration of relationships in your family, as you stop appreciating your husband and start thinking about the entertainment on the side. The marriage is very easy to destroy, but you will regret it until the end of life.
  • Dream Interpretation: Kissing with my brother on the lips. Disappointing in the previous partner so wounded you that you are subconsciously looking for a person, the same as your brother. Psychologically, you expect that such an approach guarantees you safety, since your brother is a good, kind and understanding person for you.
  • Dream Interpretation: Sex with cousin. A similar dream foreshadows parting with the current partner, as he stopped satisfying you, and you are subconsciously in finding something new.
  • Dream Interpretation: Fasting with my brother - a meeting with a new person who will make you look at love and intimate relationships in your destiny. At first, he may seem like a ridiculous pervert, but learning him better, want to continue friendship, and do not pay.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother Guy - Returning in the life of a former young man who will compile current competition. The trouble will begin due to the clarification of relations in the intimate sphere, your secrets can serve as a basis for a serious conflict.
  • If a guy's brother is dreaming, a dream speaks of unfinished previous relationships. Perhaps you still think about that man or support a friendly connection with him.
  • Kissing with a brother in a dream - test painful complexes.
  • Sleep "Sex with brother" shows that you do not like new acquaintances very much. Since people often make you suffer. One day you are not lucky in your personal life, and since then there is a series of failures caused by uncertainty in yourself and caustic for the safety of peace of mind.
  • Sleep "Naked Brother" shows that you are experiencing a strong attraction to a person who for some reason can not answer you reciprocity. Maybe he just does not recognize your existence?
  • The dream "Mistress Brother" foreshadows the appearance on your horizon a similar person. The way you behave in such a situation will determine the attitude towards you in the future.
  • If a man dreams dream that his brother has begun in a dream to him, it means that in life he wishes to subjugate his woman with his own sexual attack. However, such dreams can hint at the homosexual nature of the person, it is worth listening to their body and to themselves.
  • The dream "kissed with a cousin" may indicate the availability of problems in relationships (if relations are available). You yourself are to blame in the failures of the partner, since they are inflated. He is simply not able to satisfy the violence of your imagination.
  • When it dreams that brother has a huge riser in a dream, a dream can predict change in personal life. The new partner will be more relaxed and sexy. For a woman, see such a dream - to seek adventures due to the overaffect of internal energy, which is nowhere to send.
  • In a dream, you have sex with my brother, says that you cannot decide on the preferences in the intimate sphere. You do not know what you can like, however, and the experiments are not ready to decide.
  • If you dream "Sex, brother, sister", sleep about how relatives are making love, and you observe this, the dream shows the ambiguity of your nature. With seeing calm, the fire of passion is breathing inside you, and you would gladly tried everything unauthorized.

Ukrainian dream book

Karmic dream book

  • Interpretation of sleep "Brother" depends on the relationship to this person. If the scene of the dream is kind, then the karmic value is positive. If bad deeds occur in the dream, they should be interpreted separately, and the value of sleep will be negative.
  • To see in the dream of the late brother - in life, this man loved his family and relatives, and now dwells in another world, but does not lose hope to be reborn and get a baby to someone from relatives.
  • To see in the dream of the late brother alive says that being on earth, this man did good deeds, and now he is allowed to be a spirit-defender of his relatives.
  • What does brother mean in a dream? Your destinies are connected by blood relations, which means that you can affect each other's deeds. If brother needs help and advice, you should support it.
  • The dream "Death of a native brother" means that your brother's carma has a serious impact on his life. If it does not start correcting, ask for forgiveness and make good actions, every day his life will become harder. After death, he will be sent to a new family with the living conditions opposing its attitude to the benefits now.

Interpretator of dreams Ushakova

Love dreamnik

  • The dream "Dreamed Brother" foreshadows a fascinating acquaintance with a man who can end with the collaboration or marriage.
  • A cousin in a dream for a woman means a fan that she does not yet let me close. For a man, sleep means an opponent who does not risk openly to make the right to your lady.
  • To see in a dream of a brother of the native - to have business with a male representative, which refers to the dream favorably.
  • The dream "married a brother" means that you are presented to the object of your adoration to the overestimated requirements, because of what every day is becoming more and more disappointment. Try to lower the bar, and see that the partner is, although not God, but a worthy person.
  • If I saw my brother's wife, the dream foreshadows a romantic passion for special, which looks like this woman outwardly or character.
  • Sleep dreamed of "late brother" - the relationship in which you are a member are on the verge of break. If there is nothing to save, just talk to the partner and start a new life.
  • Swear with brother in a dream means not to experience satisfaction in bed, suffer because of misunderstanding partner on sexual soil.
  • The dream "beat his brother" - someone stipulates your love relationships, because of what you can not calmly engage in your personal life.
  • Sleep "Brother in the Coffin" means the collapse of hopes to build a family and have the future with a person you love or loved. But maybe it's just not your person?
  • The dream "hug with my brother" foreshadows the appearance of your acquaintances of your new person, with whom you want to get acquainted closer. In it you will find the soul, very similar to your.
  • Sleep "Quarrel with Brother" foreshadows disorders with a partner. However, the opportunity to reconcile will also be presented soon.
  • Sleep "Kiss of Brother" promises a lot of romance in a relationship, hiking in a restaurant or cafe, walks, sweet and tender time for lovers. Single will meet a couple.
  • Sleep "Brother arrived" means receiving joyful news. There may also be a real arrival of guests.
  • The dream "killed a brother" - the destruction of hopes, the present will go into the category of the past.
  • To see the native brothers in a dream - in life need to receive the Council from people knowledgeable, reliable.
  • Looking for a brother in a dream foreshadows the search for the second half, a reliable partner. And for family people - the search for happiness in that situation when it seemed not possible. However, everything will be fine.
  • Brother was born in a dream - in your personal life, expect a coup, incovering otherwise to look at the relationship and on the person you gave your heart.
  • Sleep "Brother put in prison" foreshadows troubles related to the partner. Perhaps he will be an alphonse or thief. Beware of deception, confusion with money. During this period, it is necessary to be especially attentive and prudent, not to go on risk, even if the continuation of communication depends on this.
  • The dream "drowned brother" says that you are in relationships take a secondary place. Your domineering partner does not allow you to express your point of view, does not take into account your desires and tastes.
  • To see the funeral brother says that you are tired of the current relationship or marriage, there is no longer anything in your life, and every day exactly similar to the previous one. If you were thinking to put a point in this routine, now is the time.

French dream book

  • French Dream Interpretation Interpretation of the dreams "Brother" reduces to conventional canons and observations, which for several centuries gathered amateurics and astrology lovers. If a person dreams of his brother, it is considered a symbol of successful trade transactions, financial profit and success in complex matters.
  • Dream Interpretation: To see brother in a dream - get help from an influential person, loan on the opening of your business.
  • To see in a dream of a deceased brother alive - this time will come when the case that has been postponed several times can be successfully continued and, if desired, complete.
  • To marry a brother in a dream for a lady foreshadows a rich lover or patron. And often her husband, for whom she will not need anything.
  • What dream brother in a dream? Woman's sleep prophesies a solid family, a hazardous existence and good, obedient children.
  • Brother's death in a dream is a loss of luck in affairs, low incomes or their absence. For farmers - bad harvest, hunger.
  • To see in the dream of a cousin - relatives claim some of the joint property and are preparing to refine her soon.
  • Dream to hug a deceased brother - if in a dream it looks safe or rich - the dream foreshadows a lot of luck and a rare chance to improve the material state. If in a dream a man hugs a beggar, an encouraged brother - return to the house needs.
  • Giving money in a dream to a brother - to get together dishonest by achieving the desired. If you filed money to a consecration brother - expect the return of debts in life. Giving money, waiting for some product in return - to participate in a dangerous case.
  • To see the death of brother - a bad sign that foreshadows the loss of property, partners, unbearable defeats and taxes.
  • To dream of a little brother is small - start the case from scratch. For those who are just starting a career, this is a good sign. A person will learn a lot and will achieve a lot. An official or a person with his position is such a dream of problems and troubles, as a result of which he can lose his authority and start again.
  • Spear in a dream with a dead brother - get advice as you need to do the right thing.
  • Sleep the late cousin is a reminder of debts in front of relatives, about whom a person loves to forget and is in no hurry to return them.
  • To see brother and sister in a dream - there is a chance to be deceived by fraudsters that work for a couple. Sleep also has a good value: brother and sister dreams of home comfort and full bowl.
  • To see a drunken brother in a dream - dangerous things to conceive, which can turn very much for man. A dream foreshadows reputation loss, public censure and condemnation, sometimes even arrest in custody.
  • Sleep a rosulid brother - to see a long-range relative - a long road.
  • To see the brother in a coffin in a dream means that a person completely lost fear of God and creates insane acts. Sleep is a warning.
  • Sleep "News of Death of Brother" means to get unpleasant news about financial losses, cumulatives, all kinds of unexpected estimates and losses.
  • Sleep "Brother hanged himself" means in vain conspiracles per person who is not guilty of anything.
  • To dream in a dream of a brother naked - to stay with anything. Lose property, shelter, family. Lighted health or reason. Bad sign.
  • Save your brother in a dream - to ratify your belongings and your family in reality. Everything will end well, and someone will certainly stretch the man's hand help.
  • If you quit my brother, the dream speaks of radical views on things, and that a person rarely listens to someone else's opinion. So not long to lose all friends and stay alone.
  • Dream Interpretation killed his brother in a dream - someone will encroach on the property of a person, wish to lead his wife or take children.
  • Kissing in a dream with a brother on the lips for men means strong friendship and mutual assistance in difficulties. For women, means a cunning lover who will seduce it with sweet speeches.
  • In a dream, fight with a dead brother - to share parental inheritance, common property.
  • Brother stabbed his sister, what a dream? Such a dream foreshadows big confusion in affairs and litigation associated with property and money, between relatives.

Esoteric dream book

  • Sleeping about brother means the inner concern of a dream related ties, his binding to earthly, its roots and ancestors.
  • To dream of a deceased brother means the desire to get out of the circle of usual, find answers to tormenting questions about your destination.
  • Dream Interpretation: Death of brother in a dream - parting with expectations that did not meet themselves at a certain period of life. Subconscious thrust for new.
  • Sleep "Death Brother dreamed alive" says that you are often trying to live past, forgetting about the present. You cling to past relationships, leaving love, childhood and your parent family. All this blocks the development of your life.
  • The dream "with the brother of the late talking" shows that you need to receive the council now, more than ever. However, there is a problem: there is no person near, which could be a trustee for you. You are prone to severe self-analysis and rarely converge with people.
  • To dream of a crying brother speaks about the old resentment that the stone hangs on the neck. It would be time to forgive the people who made you painfully, including my brother. Not forgiving, we harm your energy field and deprive yourself for the strength to life.
  • Magic, Esoteric: Sleep "Soap from Brother Ceiling" means that the events that unfold in your life are not quite clear. I suspect that everything is not so simple, as it seems you want to be able to see more. Wash the ceiling - Clean the way. Brother in your dream symbolizes a certain side of life. For a woman, this is often a family, relatives, love. Your desire to go ahead will necessarily be rewarded according to merit.
  • I sister, dreamed of a dream with my brother - such a dream may not have a special meaning, because in life you contact this person every day. Remember the dream better, how exactly did the brother dreamed? This will help reveal your riddle.
  • Sleep "Brother Fell" shows your spiritual impulses and experiences on trifles. In a certain sphere of your life, there is not enough variety, you tighten up a lot on your own shoulders, and lose the forces without much tension. The fact that your brother fell shows your own falniac mood.
  • Hugging a late brother in a dream means that your mental equilibrium that and it is shifting from one side to another. Supports especially to wait not from whom, and you are trying to imagine a person who could just regret you. Sometimes this is enough to repel the tide of strength and optimism. Well, what to do, if we do not have such people in the reality.
  • Sleep "Brother Dance" says that you have a cheerful temper. There is no time to be sad, and even in a dream, funny ideas come to mind. There is a simpler explanation of such a dream: your brother actually loves to dance.
  • To see the death of Brother means that there was some shock in your life. You have not yet managed to give this event an assessment, but the brain has already associated the incident with the worst thing that could happen - with the death of a loved one. Perhaps you are currently experiencing deep sorrow, much cry and are afraid of something.
  • Love in a dream about the death of his brother speaks about a similar situation in life. You have become aware of some news related to loved ones. They can be a negative nature, for example, your brother committed a non-delegate act, got into debt or disgraced his family. The brain is trying to cross the unpleasant episode, and at the same time the culprit, from the memory. Thus, you saw the Won, in which the news of the death of Brother comes.
  • Quarrel with a brother in a dream means to have bodies in the soul, many minor offensive. In life, you can not express your brother all that you think necessary, and in a dream the head does it for you herself.
  • "I feel in a dream to touch the deceased brother," such a dream is prophetic, and draws your close attention to this period of life. The deceased not only is shown to you, but also begins to touch. Most likely, he is trying to convey to you a warning, but you do not hear it or do not understand the signs. The deceased brother is forced again and again to make himself felt by attracting attention. While you do not solve why it comes, such an anomaly does not stop at your bed.
  • Sleep about the clock who took a brother can mean anything if the brother just took the thing in your reality. If the brother took the clock in a dream, it is a straight hint that you spend your precious time.
  • The dream "Brother's wife decorates the house" says that this person seeks to seem good to everyone. However, a completely different nature is hiding behind the smile and welcoming techniques. You need to be attentive to such a person. Brother's wife can be very lonely, and because of this wishes to seem more friendly. And maybe a gossip and a hypocrite, which can not live without having to boast.
  • What does the dream "Drunk brother on the stove" mean? If in your dream is there such an attribute of Russian life, like a furnace, which means you are a man and constantly in motion. What you can not say about your brother, a lover of easy profit, recreation and entertainment. No wonder the associations come to mind with Emers, which lay on the furnace and wanted that all his desires served someone else. So in your dream. It means that you drag the brother on your shoulders, indulge his idleness, and simply close your eyes on drunkenness.
  • Sleep "Dead Brother Barefoot" can have the most banal interpretation: they did not put sneakers in the coffin at the funeral or put shoes not in size. The deceased comes and tells you about it in this way. Take a pair of sneakers to the grave, and my brother will stop disturbing you.
  • "In a dream, I call the name of the brother" - such a dream is a reminder of anything. Sometimes can prophesy about danger, and shouting the name of the brother, you try to pay attention to a certain situation. Remember, under what circumstances did you pronounce the name, transfer the events to real life and try to find the key to the rays.
  • To see in a dream, the beautiful face of Brother says that in life you dream to meet a person who would have the same features.

Total dream book

  • Dream Interpretation Online: Brother. Healthy - Fortunately, the patient - to the sadness, hungry and beggar - to large material losses. It is worthwhile on the hill - help in trouble, in a ravine, a pit or lowland - to thin business. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: Did the brother. Lucky - to loss of respect. Tears Lil - for the holiday, merry.
  • Dream Free Free: Brother. Modest and quiet - to testing in life. With a bottle of wine or drunk - loss of respect in society, poor influence, licentiousness.
  • Dream Interpretation: See brother in a dream, in a light dressed - to luck, well-being, in dark or black dressed - to grief and tears.
  • Dream Interpretation: Dreamed "Brothers" - friendly among themselves - in life the mountain will stand for each other. They quarrel - be the breakdown between them and between their families. Frames or beat each other - to large redirements, breaking, insane actions.
  • Dream Interpretation: I saw my brother on the road - to the arrival of the guests, in the house - to the conversation in the souls, in bed - to laziness and ailments, in the river - to dubious enterprises, came to visit - to acquaintance. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: Interpretation "Brother". Whisper is talking about family secrets. Screaming - convenes a zooak. Does something hands - children will be independent. Eats land or garden - hidden hidden. He writes something - has plans that are silent. Reads a book or newspaper - wisely will go when the time comes to make a decision.
  • Dream Interpretation: Dead Brother - the value depends on the actions of the late. If he came with good intentions, everything will be fine in life. If you dreamed in a nightmare - expect difficulties, troubles, misfortunes, grief.
  • Dream Interpretation: The deceased brother dreamed alive - came to say hello, transfer the news. Or missed or warns of hijling.
  • Dream Interpretation: To Moscow, I went to visit to my brother - to change in life. May also mean the road or travel in reality. Someone has somehow dive into other people's secrets.
  • What dreams the deceased cousin? Man came to pass the message of his family. It is necessary to watch what it shows in a dream what makes what he asks, and then tell him closest. You better perceive the otherworldly world than other people, here he came to you. If you have been friends at life, there will be a good time. If during his lifetime they did not like this man, then it comes to sleep to warn that the same as he is next to you will soon appear.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother of the Former Wife - Meeting with an old buddy, classmate, a man from the past.
  • Dream Interpretation: He married his brother - fall in love with forbidden men, you do not find your happiness, not satisfied with the partner, you are looking for familiar traits of brother in it.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother beat - heavy burden will fall on the family, thanks to any events associated with the life of this person. Perhaps he will not be to blame, but can not prove it anyone.
  • Dream Interpretation: Cook with my brother at a pleasant one - to be friends mostly with men, love a male company, where you probably consider your person.
  • Dream Interpretation: To feed brother by dumplings - unfortunate concerns, thirst for guardianship, boredom, sadness, lack of hobbies and life priorities.
  • If dreamed of a cousin, interpretation of dreams as follows: Pleasant looking, healthy, cheerful guy - expect happy moments of life; In old or torn, dirty clothes - get ready for material losses and slander about your home.
  • Dream Interpretation: Dead brother dreams of exit from the predicament, intercession during misfortune.
  • Dream Interpretation: Dreamed the late brother - you need to go to the grave to him, he wants to see you.
  • Dream Interpretation: See the deceased brother - to bury your last life and join a new period of life.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother deceased native - to meet in the life of a person who looks like him or the namesake by name.
  • Dream Interpretation: Love Brother see - a trusting conversation for souls with a better friend.
  • Dream Interpretation: Dreeskid Brother dream - expect news from relatives about incidents or distress.
  • Dream Interpretation: What to dream of a deceased brother? To in vain trouble, wasted time spent, unfulfilled obligations.
  • Dream Interpretation: A secondary brother dreamed - long-range relatives plan to come to visit.
  • Dream Interpretation: Dreamed a cousin - someone from near Rodney wishes to visit your home, as I have not seen with you for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation: See a cousin in a dream - to meet a man. What brother have hair, there will be such a person.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother's wife dreamed - you need to remember what happened between you. If they spoke peacefully - you will have a common thing to have a common cause; If they quarreled - not to avoid discord between houses; Pieces baked - to the general holiday; The underwear was washed - to the gossip; Water was worn - you will cry together.
  • Dream Interpretation: The death of a cousin means that this person has the qualities that you are disappeared or committing non-residential deeds.
  • Dream Interpretation: What does Brother's death dream? To the cessation of communication with this person, or deterioration of relationships between you.
  • Dream Interpretation: What dreams of a native brother? It can dream of different matters, it all depends on the plot of sleep. If you have not seen me for a long time - I will send the news or arrive; If you planned to do something together, then in a dream it will be shown that it will work out of this. Brother can also warned against a rapid or dangerous act.
  • Dream Interpretation: You have a new brother - expect change in life, and those that you have not been ready. Fate will make a sharp turn and will need to quickly adapt to new circumstances.
  • Dream Interpretation: Against Brother to be, not wanting to replenish the family - you really do not want to change anything in your life. You are a conservative person, and are very afraid when you have to humble with innovations in any area.
  • Dream Interpretation: Brother that does not exist. Similar dreams reflect how you perceive your family, and the plots should be interpreted directly. If there is a smaller number of brothers or sisters than in reality - with a missing family member there will be a breaking of relationships. If you dream that you have a brother, which does not exist, it means that you need to be keenly in a close person, you wish to be friends and share with someone your secrets and problems. If your colleague has dreamed of a non-existent brother, it speaks of confidence and constructive partnership with this person in reality.
  • Dream Interpretation: Died a deceased brother, very crying. To see in a dream of tears and hear crying - an extremely bad sign that foreshadows disagreements, major quarrels in the family, different troubles. When the deceased is crying, it may mean that he is very regrets of his death or sudden death. Perhaps he is scared on that light, since he was not ready to leave the world of living. Other reason - you or your family are among themselves so that delivering the late unbearable pain. He came to sleep to beg you to reconcile, start living in harmony or stop doing dangerous affairs. You should remember all the details of sleep, as I cried the deceased, as I asked what I wanted from you. Only so you can solve sleep and protect yourself.

Interpreter David Lofffa drawn attention to the fact that the dreams about the brothers and sisters, when there is such a family in fact, are commonplace and should not be given to them. But if members of the family who do not exist in reality were dreamed, such a dream is almost always endowed with meaning. Paintings and images with brother often reflect relationships in a family circle, but some authors expand the sphere of interpretations to give a dream the opportunity to choose the most acceptable interpretation. It is worth remembering that the negative meaning of sleep man often comes up with himself, because of the fear experienced at night. Our thoughts are the beginning of actions, so let's think positively!

"Large universal dream book for the whole family O.Smurov"

See in a dream brother - a sign of receiving news from him or other your relatives; part with him in a dream - the case of an extraordinary luck; Losing it - the rapid development of events that can change your life. See your brothers in a dream full strength and life energy - a sign of joy for their luck. If they ask you for help in a dream, sick or weak, then do not wait for pleasant events. If in a dream you will quarrel with my brother, then you will find a lot of chagrins, a quarrel with relatives and bad news. Fight with my brother in a dream - a sign of great attachment and related bonds, which nothing but money can destroy. Sleep, in which you whip on the missing brother, means that you are very grateful to him for support and help. See your brother blind in a dream - the foresight of his imminent death. If you see in a dream that he is sinking, then you will have to deal with some confusing case in which your brother has drawn you. If in a dream you will randomly meet my brother, then terrible rumors will be ashamed of your relatives who accidentally achieved your ears. To see in the dream of a cousin means that you have a pleasant meeting with a close friend or receiving news from the person who you have not seen for a long time, but which has always been dear to your heart. Party with brother in a dream Be foreseens a happy case. Girl Sleep about Brother predicts that someone will make her an offer. Brother's dream about brother predicts family squabbles. Summary brother see in a dream - sign of deception on his side. Died to see him - a sign of profit, wealth and victory over enemies. Such a dream also foreshadows the winning case in court.

What dream brother by dream book -
"Truthful dreams - the most complete dream book"

If you have dreamed of a brother, then you will have a need for friendly support or rivalry. Chatting with my brother - and you, and everything will be safe, there is no reason for concern. Sick brother - you are awaiting unpleasant events. A cousin is disappointment and chagrin. Get a letter from brother is a further gap between your families. Kiss your brother - Long friendship. Being a funeral of brother - he is destined to long and happy fate. To see his brother in the coffin - to his longevity and yours, as well as to profits and joy. If you dreamed of a missing brother - you are waiting for the future filled with stormy events. Quarrel in a dream with a brother - you will be upset by the news from it.

What dream brother by dream book -
"Dream Interpretation: Truthful Interpretator of Dreams L. Moroz"

If a live brother dreamed - to health; talking in a dream with brother - to a pleasant news; To see the deceased brother in a dream - to Necod.

See in a dream brother - a sign of receiving news from him or other your relatives;

Part with him in a dream - the case of an extraordinary luck;

Losing it - the rapid development of events that can change your life.

See your brothers in a dream full strength and life energy - a sign of joy for their luck.

If they ask you for help in a dream, sick or weak, then do not wait for pleasant events.

If in a dream you will quarrel with my brother, then you will find a lot of chagrins, a quarrel with relatives and bad news.

Fight with my brother in a dream - a sign of great attachment and related bonds, which nothing but money can destroy.

Sleep, in which you whip on the missing brother, means that you are very grateful to him for support and help.

See your brother blind in a dream - the foresight of his imminent death.

If you see in a dream that he is sinking, then you will have to deal with some confusing case in which your brother has drawn you.

If in a dream you will randomly meet my brother, then terrible rumors will be ashamed of your relatives who accidentally achieved your ears.

To see in the dream of a cousin means that you have a pleasant meeting with a close friend or receiving news from the person who you have not seen for a long time, but which has always been dear to your heart.

Party with brother in a dream Be foreseens a happy case.

Girl Sleep about Brother predicts that someone will make her an offer.

Brother's dream about brother predicts family squabbles. Summary brother see in a dream - sign of deception on his side.

Died to see him - a sign of profit, wealth and victory over enemies.

Such a dream also foreshadows the winning case in court.

Interpretation of dreams from family dream

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Dream Interpretation - Brothers

We saw in the dream of their brothers healthy and full energy, then yours, and their fate will be successfully.

If they saw them in poverty, suffering or praying for help - soon you are waiting for not very pleasant events.

In general, for people who have brothers or sisters, dreams with their participation - the phenomenon is quite natural.

D. Loff wrote that it should be specifically to interpret such dreams only if brothers or sisters appear in them that do not exist in reality. Perhaps this "alignment of forces" reflects your family perception in general. For example, your brother (sister) does not get along with the family - then the dream of an incomplete family reflects the gap of the kindred relations.

If you dreamed of someone from colleagues in the role of brother or sisters and you perceive it very positively, then you may have a constructive partnership ahead.

If you have troubled this dream and it seems to you that the new brother or sister penetrates too deep into your life, then in real life you should increase the distance with them.

Interpretation of dreams

brother in a dream

If a healthy, energetic and cheerful brother dream is - you will have a great reason to be glad for his or your life. If, in dreams, the brother is a hungry, thin, patient, poor or asks for help is a sign of the appearance of trouble in your life. Be vigilant and watch your health.

brother in a dream

A sick brother had dreamed of - he would definitely need your help, attention and support. Do not leave a close relative of one with his problems.

If a deceased brother dreamed, and you argue about something about something - this dream is a warning of loss in its fault. Be careful.

what does it mean if brother is in a dream

If a man was dreamed of a man - it means danger from possible sexual competitors. Be vigilant, it is possible that someone wants to lead your beloved girl. For a young woman, such a dream means that she wants to replace his boyfriend to others or to get acquainted with someone.

what dream brother

If the brother is dreaming, but in reality you do not have it, it indicates the parties in the family, hypocrisy and betrayal. Get a letter from brother - you are waiting for disappointment from the meanness of others. If the brother died in a dream - there will be profit and joy and this dream also points to his and your longevity. Fight with him - in reality you will experience gratitude to your brother, love and respect. If in a dream you are talking about something about something with him - in real life you will need to make a lot of effort to achieve the goal. But then it will be necessary to relax to restore forces. Therefore, distribute your strength rationally and do not waste on trifles.

brother in a dream

Lose in a dream brother - in the future you are waiting for turbulent events and rapid changes in life. They quarreled with my brother - in reality you are waiting for chagrins. Saw with a brother who lives far - to the well-being in the family. Parting with him in a dream means that you will soon come a favorable moment. Scold brother in a dream - chagrin on some reason.

brother in a dream to what it is

Dreams with the participation of brother or brothers are very common if real brothers are present in your life, they will appear in your dreams about the family environment. However, it is necessary to interpret such dreams only in cases where brothers who have never happened in your dreams suddenly appear in your dreams, which have never been or when some of your siblings are not near you.
If the plot of the dream dream is spinning around the lack of one of your brothers, which is in reality, his interpretation will be associated with your inner sensation of the family. In the case when you yourself either your native brother is not in freaks with the rest of the household, dreams depicting your family in the truncated composition will symbolize the gaps of related links.
In people who feel unusual cohesion with their working environment, dreams are possible in which their colleagues appear in the image of brothers or other closest relatives. If the scene has appeared to be acceptable for you, there should be some fruitful cooperation and partnership in real life. Sometimes during such dreams you can feel embarrassed and puzzled, you can alert attempts by a new brother to penetrate your soul too deep and build excessively close related relationships.

brother in a dream to what it is

After sleep, in which you saw your brother, you should wait for the news that will come from afar. To see in a dream of a non-existent brother, which is not in your life - your relatives will soon presented something very unexpected. To see in a dream of a brother, who has already left the world of living - you are waiting for many years of life, beautiful career and excellent health. If during sleep you spent about something with your late brother, prepare for the fact that in a short time you have to do a certain important order that you will take a lot of strength and requires a long time to restore them.

brother in the dreamplace

Lose in a dream brother - the future rich in the events, parted with a brother - to the happy incidents, swearing with my brother - wait for the distress, see your brother - happiness in a family circle.

brother in the dreamplace

Death, poverty and Mountain of their brother in a dream - in reality you are waiting for trouble and grief. If you came up with my brother - it indicates a large attachment to him in real life. Sometimes this dream foreshadows receipt of news that will not always be true. If a brother of a cousin is dreaming - it is possible to meet a good good man in reality and this acquaintance will turn into a strong friendship. If you really don't really have a brother, and he dreamed - this dream is considered a warning that relatives are preparing you some kind of pleasant surprise, and you will be very pleased with it. Sleep with a dead brother indicates your good health, and you can live a long lucky life and achieve success in all matters.

brother in a dream

Brother in a dream foreshadows the fact that in reality you will soon come across treason and hypocrisy. In general, according to this dream book, it is taken to take off to jealousy and family detachants. Brother's death in a dream is considered a good sign that foreshadows profit and joy.

what dream brother

Native brother see in a dream - to the rapid betrayal and hypocrisy in your real life. Dreams, in which your brothers and sisters appear, foreshadow family disagreements, jealousy and conflicts. If in his dream you get a letter written by your native brother, beware of the pioneer lodge from those people who surround you in life. Dreams in which your brothers or sisters die, promise profit and joyful feelings.

Brother who does not exist in reality predicts profit, profit or constructive partnership - what is the dream brother.

Good relationship with brother in a dream, regardless of whether it exists in reality or not, is a very favorable sign, in contrast to the hostile brother, causing any inconvenience or causing negative emotions. Conflicts with brothers in a dream foreshadow complex and conflict situations in reality. And if in a dream and reality with the brother, the relationship does not fold, the negative sleep value is doubled.

In the men's dream, the brothers can symbolize competitors, especially if a quarrel with brother occurs in a dream.

Brother's dream book - displeased, evil or attacker - an indication of the existence of a dream of a secret opponent in the life of a dream. The sphere of this rivalry can be both professional and love.

See relatives in a dream - the usual thing. So, many are interested in what a native brother dreams? The interpretation of sleep depends not only on the image, but also from the plot, if a relative dreamed of healthy, cheerful and vigorous, then the dream promises well-being. Weeping or just a sad brother in a dream foreshadows family troubles.

And the dreams in which the cousins \u200b\u200bappear may be a bad omen. Although, when answering the question, what dreams a cousin, you need to take into account the frequency of communication with a relative in real life. If communication is close and friendly, then the dream is quite favorable, which foreshadow meet with a person who can become a friend. But if the relationship with cousins \u200b\u200bis not laid, then sleep with their participation foreshadows troubles and quarrels.

Important information can be burned in dreams in which there is a non-existent brother. Such dreams indicate a sense of loneliness, that those surrounding do not hear and do not understand the person.

Masters and seniority of dreaming relatives. For example, what does the elder brother dream? Such a dream, most often, suggests that a person in the soul is experiencing anxiety and would like to gain protection. If a little brother was dreamed, it means that a man is experiencing a shortage of spiritual heat, he wants to give and receive love. And why dream of the younger brother, if there is no reality? Such a dream may indicate that in life you have to experience a sense of competition or jealousy.

A disrepeted real consolidated brother indicates that close friends need support. But if there is no such relative in the life, then the dream in which a consolidated brother appears, indicates that in the circle in which the person communicates, relationships do not make up.

Many are interested in what is the birth of the brother. As a rule, this dream indicates that in life will soon have to receive news. If in a dream everyone was happy about the birth of a new family member, the news will be pleasant and can change life for the better. Worse, if the birth of brother in a dream caused a feeling of anxiety or bewilderment. Such a dream foreshadows the acquisition of unpleasant and even shocking news capable of bringing a disorder.

I wonder what the brother is dreaming. An argument with a relative, oddly enough, the family quarrels, clarify the relationship. But the dream in which the brother had to kiss, nothing bad foreshadows. On the contrary, kisses with relatives in a dream - to smooth and respectful relations in the family.

If in a dream it happened to swear with my brother, then in real life an event should be expected, which will allow you to get very close to relatives or gain a close friend.

A good sign is a fight with a brother in a dream. Such a dream is promoting or a large and unexpected profit, or support in affairs from people, from which it was impossible to expect help.

If a brother's murder had dreamed, then in life you will have to face disadvantages and sorrow. The second version of the interpretation of sleep is the need to get rid of some long-standing problem in the family.

The bad omen is a dream, if a person himself acts as a killer. So, on the interpretation of a dream room, kill your brother in a dream is to get into real life in some kind of shameful story, destroy my reputation.

Many ask why the death of brother dreams? Most often, such a dream foreshadows very favorable events, including for a relative who dreamed of the dead.

On another interpretation of Dream Interpretation, a brother died in a dream - someone to ask for help. Help and support may be required not only to relatives, but also to friends, colleagues, just familiar.

What is the dream of the funeral of brother? If a brother had to bury in his dream, which is quite healthy and happy in his life, then such a dream is quite favorable, he promises health, success, successful completion of the projects started.

How should the dreams be interpreted in which the deceased relatives appear? According to the interpretation of Dream, the deceased brother dreamed alive and cheerful - it means that a person moves in the right direction. See a deceased relative in sadness - to troubles and mistakes.

If the deceased relative in a dream reports any information, then it is necessary to analyze these words. According to the dream book, the deceased brother talking to anything in a dream can help take the right decision and protect against incorrect steps.

Causes interest to what dream of a wedding brother. If in real life, the brother is single, then such a dream foreshadows big changes in the life of the family. But if a relative has a family, then his wedding in a dream can say that someone from relatives (not necessarily in the brother's family) or friends will soon be born a child.

If a girl or married woman had to marry a brother in a dream, then such a dream indicates a strong emotional attachment to relatives, but no negative forecast carries. Otherwise, interprets dreams sex with brother in a dream. Such a dream is talking about the downturn on personal and especially intimate life.

According to the interpretation of dreams, the brother of a guy or her husband dreamed of a girl or a married woman can talk about the presence of severe spiritual or sexual attachment to a man.

There are several answers to the question of what a drunk brother is dreaming. Some dreams interpret this dream to the disease of the relative (optional brother). Others believe that such a dream is a harbinger of many small trouble in everyday life and at work.

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