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Great Jews: Chukovsky's roots and his cockroach! Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes: Chukovsky K. "Tarakanische" Main thought Cockroach for a reader's diary

In January, "When the Arabs surprised the world, a waiver against their squalsing dictators, we read the classics of Russian children's literature -" Tarakanishche, "writes in his article in Newsweek Philip Shishkin, ASIA Society Researcher.

In those crazy days, when Arabs surprised the world, resting against their aging dictators, and my two-year-old son read the classic Russian children's book "Tarakanish". It tells it about how in the kingdom in which the gingerbreads are happily and chewing various animals, "terrible Giant, Redhead and Merchy Tarak" appears and begins to intimidate much larger beasts, demanding to give him briefly so that he can eat them for dinner . Beast turn into a sobbing and trembling herd. Wolves from fear eat each other. Slonikha is so trembling, which stumbles and sit on hedgehog.

The cockroach is unparalleled, while the migrating kangaroo does not indicate that it is no giant, but an ordinary insect. Hippopotamot is asked for a brazing silence - "No matter how much we were humped," but then the sparrow flies and swallows cockroaches. Beasts to eat.

It is difficult not to perceive this fairy tale as an allegory of take-off and falling dictators.

The despot looks invincible when they rule, and to funny weak when they are overthrow. It is worthy to openly challenge their farce, as the dictators begin to look extremely ridiculous. Often, in response, they are accepted to kill and throw people in prison than they buy for some time in power (Iran, Belarus and Uzbekistan are remembered immediately. But no less often, faced with truly nationwide performances, the dictators quickly move to the size of their inner cockroach. Tunisia is only another example of this. At the time of publication of this article with mass protests and retiring requirements, the long-term ruler of Egypt is facing.

Chukovsky's roots, the author of such a funny children's classics, as "Dr. Aibolit" and "Crocodile," wrote "cockroach" in the early 1920s. Did he refer to Stalin? Some readers of Tarakanya mustache remind themselves about famous Soviet dictator dictator. The Russian poet Osip Mandelstam, arrested and stamped to death during the Stalinist cleans, distributed this metaphor, writing in 1934: "Tarakanya laughs, and shine his tops."

However, the intentions of the author himself were not so obvious. In 1921, when Chukovsky began writing a "cockroach", Stalin was a relatively little-known Georgian thug, which began to make their way to the top of the communist hierarchy. Only after many years he will deserve that bloody fame that could give a reason for satire. Chukovsky himself denied the presence of such hints in his fairy tale, even at the time when their existence could already be recognized without fear. Also the question remains how "cockroach" could pass through the Soviet censorship that did not miss much more harmless works? According to one of theories, satire - if she was really present, was so harsh, which would recognize her presence to sort the power.

Stalin and himself used the image of a cockroach for its own political goals. In 1930, speaking at the congress of the Communist Party, he fell into dissenting communists. "Shelshed somewhere, did not have time to get out of the hole," and they are already shaking back, they are horrified and begin to scream ... about the death of Soviet power, "said Stalin delegates to the congress. "We calm them and try to convince ... that this is just a cockroach, which should not be afraid." After many years, Chukovsky grumbled in his diary about the "plagiarism" from Stalin: "He retold all my fairy tale and did not refer to the author."

In the 1990s, when Russia began to dig the Stalin's past, the "cockroach" began to reincarnate so actively so that the author's granddaughter found himself obliged to say his word. In his newspaper article, she quoted Chukovsky's complaints to people who "seek the secret political meaning" in his fairy tales, and reminded readers that the "cockroach" came out too early to be in mind Stalin. However, Elena Chukovskaya was mysteriously noticed: "The future throws his shadow to the present. And art knows how to show this shadow earlier than the one who discarded it "appeared. So still, Stalin is it, or not? "" Tarakan "is the same Stalin as any other dictator in the world," she believes.

Philip Shishkin is an invited researcher Asia Society.

Remembering a few things:
1) excerpt from the bookEvgenia Ginzburg, "Cool Route":

"Almost all these fairy tales, I remembered by heart and often read the children in kindergarten, where Chukovsky's books were not at all. But now, to deliver the fun, I immediately began to read them out loud, overflowing beautiful patent pages. And then we stumbled upon" Tarakanishe ", of course, knew before, but somehow did not understand. I read:" That was the cockroach winner and forests and the seas of the Lord. Published the beasts of the attacker to fall, damned ... "And suddenly everyone was struck by the second meaning of the verse. I laughed. At the same time, Anton was laughed at the same time. But Krivoshi became unusually serious. Glasses of his glasses were hung over crumbly sparks.
- What did you think? - he exclaimed with an extraordinary excitement. - Is it really ... did Chukovsky dared?
Instead of the answer, I mean:
- "And he takes himself between the beasts, the gilded belly strokes ... Bring me, the animals, your deubs, I dare to dinner today ..."
- Is Chukovsky dare? - with some simply unprecedented excitement repeated the curve.
I did not slow down to answer. (The bird has fun in the path of disaster path!)
"I don't know if Chukovsky wanted this." Probably, not. But objectively just comes out! Listen to how the beasts reacted: "And they sit and tremble under the tubers, they are hidden with bunches for green. Only you can see how the ears are trembling, just heard, as the teeth are knocking ..." or this: "Wolves from frightened each other ... "
Krivoshi, not stopping for a minute, walked around the room. He rubbed his hands, so tightly squeezing his fingers that they were concerned. - Brilliant political satire! It can not be that no one notice ... Just everyone is afraid to say that it could come to his mind ... such ...
After the guests of the guest, Anton said displeased:
- Some precipitate remained. And what did he blew up so much? It would not be necessary about the cockroach, then ... There is still no case about the insult to Majesty. Yes No, the curve, of course, will not say anyone, but in general ... let's agree: more about it is not a word about it.
Care of caution from the sacrificial in the sense of freedom of saying Anton impressed me. And more to anyone, not the same soul, I did not express considerations about the cockroach. "

2) March 9, 1956, shortly after the "secret report" Khrushchev at the twentieth congress, K. Chukovsky made the following record in his diary: when I told Kazakovich that I, in spite of everything, loved Stalin very much, but wrote less about him than others, Kazakevich said:

And "cockroach"?! It is entirely devoted to Stalin.

In vain, I said that I wrote a "cockroach" in 1921, that it bombarded from me from the "crocodile", - he brilliantly illustrated his thought quotes from T-sch.

And then I remembered that he quoted "T-it" he, I.V. Stalin, - It seems on the Congress. "Shelshed somewhere the cockroach" - so began his plagiarism. Then he retold all my fairy tale and did not refer to the author. All "ordinary people" are shocked by the exposure of Stalin, as a mediocre commander, a fierce administrator who violated all the items of their own constitution. "So the newspaper" True "was a newspaper" Lie ", a 7th class schoolboy told me today"

3) Vadim Kozhinov recalled a funny case from his youth, who came just at the Khrushchev "thaw". " At that time, hiding irony, unsuccessfully assured other innocent interlocutors, that 1937 is perfectly depicted in the popular poetry fairy tale Kornea Chukovsky "Tarakanishche". At first there is a joyful picture of the "achievements of the first five-year plan": "I drove a bears on a bike ... Bunnies - in the tram, the toad - on the broom ... go and laugh, gingerbread cookies", etc. But, alas, the 1937th: "Suddenly from the gateway - a terrible giant, redhead (here I reported that Joseph Vissarionovich before it was sad, was reddish) and the sucked Ta-Rahn. He grieves and smoothes and grinds himself: "Look for my deubsions to me, I need them for dinner." ... the animals trembled - fainted. Wolves from fright buried each other (what exact picture of the 1937th! - I commented), and the elephant, all trembling and sat down on hedgehog"Of course, on the famous People's Commissar with" Successful "last name!
At the same time, I, naturally, was silent that the Taracanishes fairy tale was published not in 1938, and in 1923, and many of those I read procitated strings were admired and the accuracy, and rare essay courage Chukovsky ... And ultimately, this "interpretation" was presented in writings about Stalin, written by the son of Antonov-Ovseenko, or a high-ranking army part-film by Volkogonov, or the literators of Radzinsky, - the writings that still be fond of wide circles of people who do not give The report is that at the basis of the "methodology" of these authors, as it were, the "model" is based on the basis of the "cockroach" who fascinated them in the orphanage ...

Genre: Tale in verse

The main characters of the fairy tale "cockroach" and their characteristics

  1. Cockroach. Used Giant. Angry and bloodthirsty.
  2. Hippopotamus. Resistance organizer.
  3. Kangaroo. Brave and mocking
  4. Sparrow. Sidless hero.
Plan of Recover Tales "Tarakanishche"
  1. Cheerful trip
  2. Unexpected obstacle
  3. Threats Tarakan
  4. The flight of animals
  5. Cliche hippoth
  6. Defeat the animal army
  7. New requirement of Tarakana
  8. Tears and Gore
  9. Mock kangaroo
  10. Death of Tarakana
  11. Songs and dances
The shortest content of the fairy tale "cockroach" for the reader's diary in 6 proposals
  1. Beasts have fun riding on the road, how suddenly the cockroach got ahead.
  2. The cockroach promised to swallow the beasts, and they were frightened.
  3. Hippos appeals to the beasts, but everyone was afraid of cockroach
  4. And the cockroach began to demand to give him to the emergence of children.
  5. Beasts said goodbye to children when the sparrow flew and ate cockroaches.
  6. Beasts arranged a holiday with songs and dances.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Tarakanishche"
I am ashamed to be afraid of one.

What teacher tale "cockroach"
The tale teaches fearlessness, courage, dedication. It teaches not to be afraid of empty threats, do not obey dictators, to act boldly, together, together. Teaches the fact that the most terrible villains are actually cowardly and weak.

Feedback on the fairy tale "Tarakanishche"
I liked this fairy tale, although I myself was ashamed for the cowardice of animals. They frightened cockroaches because of his mustache, although any of them was a hundred times more cockroaches. And it is very bad that the beasts were ready to give the cockroaches of their children. Shame and shame!

Proverbs to the fairy tale "cockroacanis"
Fear has big eyes.
In fear of the eye that the plated, and do not see neither crumbs.
Couffelness is powerful.
Where is terrible together, one went there.
I do not know the sound of the Bogatyr, but a feat.

Read summary, short retelling fairy tales "cockroach"
Fun and laugh rushed different animals - bears, cat, mosquito, crayfish, wolves, lions, bunnies and toad.
Suddenly, out of the arms came out a huge pasta cockroach, which began to growl and scream, threatening to swallow the beasts.
The beasts frightened, fainted, the wolves buried each other, and the elephant sat down on her hedgehog. Only cradies wanted to fight, saying that they also have a mustache. But at the same time they pounded back.
Hippos offered the award award, which captures cockroaches. Beasts inspired and rushed into battle. But seeing the mustache cockroacan, they again frightened and felt in the forests and fields.
Hippos tried to raise bulls and rhinos on the battle, but they refused, saying that the horns and skin are not cheap now.
So the beasts were sitting in the corners, trembling and knocking with teeth.
And the cockroach completely looked down and began to demand the beasts to carry deubs to him for dinner.
The animals cried and sobbed, did not want to give their children to the cockroach, but they said goodbye to the kids.
Suddenly the kangaroo suddenly rushed and began to shame animals, calling cockroaches with a goat and bucash.
The beasts began to bow on the kangaroo and drive her away.
But here, due to the forest and the fields flew around, the sparrow peaked once - and there is no cockroach.
The beasts were delighted, they began to praise the hero, knocking into the drums and dance. Slonich was so divided that even the moon fell from the sky, and she had to stick nails with nails.

Scientist Philologist, Poet and Prose the roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky as if on purpose, decided to "seize" all the readers: and tiny children who can not even be called readers, as they still do not know how to read, and older children, and adolescents, and adults dedicated themselves Most different professions, and all readers are generally readers. Among its writings there are fairy tales, poems, and critical articles, memoirs, and literary studies, and stories, and other books that do not fit into ordinary ideas about the genre. Ivanovich's roots decided to drive a boredom from literary genres, revered for boring.

But he is not only a writer of books - he is the compiler of collections and almanacs, translations of M. Twena and R. Kipling, editor of transfers performed by others, a brilliant lecturer, as well as the performer of his poems. The word is very suitable for him, which so respectfully utters M. Gorky - the writer.

Millions of readers - from two and to deep old age - know the rooting Ivanovich primarily as a funny, mischievous, wise storyter.

In 1916, Chukovsky met M. Gorky. In the car of the Finnish Railway M. Gorky told him about his plan for the revival of genuine children's literature in Russia. "After the first meeting with Gorky, I decided on the audacity: I began the poem for children (" crocodile "), militantly directed against the guilons reigned then in the children's literature," recalled Chukovsky. .

To fight against the canons reigned in children's literature - that's why the crocodile from distant Africa in a beautiful, but boring city of Petrograd.

When the "crocodile" was written, Chukovsky offered it to one respectable publishing house, which mainly produced luxurious volumes with a gold crop and in embarrassing bindings. The editor was outraged. "This is a book for street boys!" He said, returning the manuscript. "Street boys" did not serve the publisher. Then Chukovsky appealed to T-Woo A.F. Marx, published one of the most popular Russian magazines - "Niva". In this literary environment and appeared in the "Crocodile" press, accompanied by wonderful patterns of re-mi. The fairy tale was printed with small films from the room in the room as an adventure novel.

The crocodile walked according to Petrograd, causing universal amazement ("Crocodile on Prospekt" is almost the same as "ichthyosaur in the avenue" in poet-futurist verses), but it would not be touched if some Barbos did not "bite it in The nose is a bad barbos, non-public. " The crocodile swallowed the Barbos, but, defending, exceeded the measure of protection and began to swallow everything. Now the crocodile has become the wrong side, and the one who would stand from the inhabitants who fell into the horror would earn their gratitude and the good attitude of the author.

And then the crocodile towards the crocodile came out the brave boy Vanya Vasilchikov, the one that "without nanny walks through the streets." The crocodile had to shed tears, ask for mercy and return all swallowed. The winner of the "violent exaggement" receives an award, the comic exaggeration of which suggests that the feat, of course, was not performed for her, but, like all the fabulous feats, for the sake of power, deleted by Menotka:

And give him a reward

One hundred pounds grapes

One hundred pounds marmaladu

One hundred pounds chocolate

And a thousand portions of ice cream!

"Furious reptile", returning to Africa, suddenly turns out to be a kind dad, and then suddenly urges the beasts to the campaign on Petrograd - tears spilled crocodile, turned out to be in the complete sense of crocodile.

Beasts, broken crocodile, went war to Petrograd. Vanya Vasilchikov saved everyone again and installed the eternal world with defeated beasts. Now the crocodile, and Vanya, and the author are friends and buddies.

What is new for children's literature in this work?

"Pre-revolutionary children's poetry," the well-known Soviet literary critic Yu. Tynyanov wrote, - selected small items in the then toy stores, the smallest details of nature: Snowflakes, Rosinki - as if children had to live in a prison, called children's, and Sometimes just look into the windows covered with these snowflakes, Rosinki, the trifle of nature.

The poems were dull, impregnable, despite the fact that they were depicted in verses mainly family festivals.

The streets were not at all ...

All these fairy tales had some kind of morality: how little movement can curious as much as possible, it is less interested in, contemplating and not boring yourself and parents ... ".

The Street of Chukovsky's fairy tale first paved through the ownership of children's poetry. On the pages of the fairy tale lives a heavy modern city with its life, rapid rhythm of movement, street incidents, squares, zoos, canals, bridges, trams and airplanes.

And, being on this street, one, without nanny, Vanya Vasilchikov not only did not cry, did not get lost, did not get under the Lihacker, not frozen at the Christmas showcase, was not stolen by the worshi or gypsies - no, no, no, no! Nothing similar to what happened to girls and boys on the street in all children's stories. Not happened to Vanya Vasilchik. On the contrary, Vanya turned out to be a savior of poor residents of a big city, a mighty defender of the weak, generous friend defeated, in one word - hero. Thus, the child ceased to be only an object on which the poetic work for children was directed to the actor himself.

The descriptions of the former children's poetry Chukovsky contrasted the effectiveness of his fairy tale, the passivity of the literary hero - the activity of his Vanya, Zhemannaya "Discretion" - perky militia. In many, for example, christmas poems and stories, children freezed on the festive night! This plot for Christmas and the shints bypassed the pages of all children's magazines. M. Gorky, who did not frozen, were protested against such pseudocurrent freezing. "About the boy and a girl who did not froze." The orientation of Chukovsky's fairy tales against them is the obvious that "crocodile" is also a Christmas story: "That's the holidays. The glorious Christmas tree will be today at a gray wolf ... " And yet: "We'll light the candles on the Christmas tree, then the songs on the Christmas tree sing." .

The described nature of the former children's poetry corresponded to its poetics, the basis of which was epithet. The effective nature of Chukovsky's fairy tales demanded a new poetics. Created on the basis of the study of children's psychology, she turned out to be the "verbal" poetic.

Unlike the previous children's poems, where nothing happened, something happened in the "crocodile" literally in each line, and therefore rare quadruses have less than four verbs:

There was yes was


He went through the streets,

Papiros smoked,

Turkish spoke, -

And all that happened, causes the most sincere surprise of heroes and the author: after all, that's how it happened! Amazing!

And behind him, the people

And sings and yells:

- That freak is so freak!

What kind of nose, what a mouth!

And where does such a monster come from?

Chukovsky went to the creation of his fairy tale from direct observations of children. He learned the desires of the child to move, play, led to that the child does not make one-mindeds and demands a quick change of paintings, images, feelings, and built his fairy tale on kaleidoscopic alternation of episodes, moods and rhythms: the crocodile walks on Petrograd, smokes cigarette, says Turkish - it's funny and funny; The crocodile begins to swallow the frightened residents of Petrograd - it's scary; Vanya Vasilchikov won the predator - universal joy, violent education; Small crocodiles are nailed and now they are sick - ridiculous and sad immediately; The crocodile suits the Christmas tree for animals - and again fun, songs, dancing, but in the distant Petrograd languages \u200b\u200bin the cells of the zoo other animals - it causes offense and anger; Gorilla kidnapped a poor girl Lyalechka, Mom is looking for a lynalechka and does not find - again very scary; But the brave boy Vanya Vasilchikov again defeats predators, concludes the eternal world with them - and again stormy joy and universal education.

From ridiculous to sad, from sad to terrible, from terrible to fun - three such or approximately such cycles contains "crocodile".

"The fascinating speed of the transition from the cause to the consequence", captivated the block in the Loader "Step-Rusk", was brought to Chukovsky in the "crocodile" to the limit, to the brevity of the formula, to the Commission:

And hit the battle! War, war!

And so Lyalya is saved.

Chukovsky sought from the illustrator of the first edition of the "crocodile" of drawings not only content, but also the characteristics of the style of fairy tales. He wanted the drawings to pass the saturation of a fairy tale action, a quick change of sentiment, the rhythm of the alternation of episodes. The composition proposed by Chukovsky reminds those washing text "Vortex" drawings, which the current artists illustrate, for example, the flight and the return of things in Moydodyra and Fedorin Mountain. There is no doubt that the "vortex" composition most accurately conveys the means of graphics a rapid dynamics of Chukovsky's fairy tales, its "verbity", the rapid alternation of sad, terrible and funny.

The biggest innovation of the "crocodile" was his verse - vigorous, flexible, playing some, with changing rhythms, with alive intonations of Russian speech, ringing allitaments, surprisingly easy ready, faceting and memorable.

The whole fairy tale sparkles and transfers the most intricate, the most sophisticated rhythms - singing, dancing, marching, rapid, dumping. Each change of rhythm in a fairy tale is timed to a new turn of the action, to the emergence of a new character or new circumstances, to change the scenery and the emergence of another mood. Here the crocodile tells her husband about a hard misfortune: Kokoshenka's crocodile swallowed a samovar (small crocodiles behave in this fairy tale - and in other fairy tales of Chukovsky - like a large: swallowing that neither fall). The answer is unexpected:

How will we live without a samovar?

How will tea without samovar drink?

gives a crocodile to his father's sorrow. But here -

But here the doors opened

In the doorway appeared beasts.

Here, like everywhere in a fairy tale, the change of rhythm is dedicated to a new turn of the action, to change the scenery, to the emergence of a different mood. Rhythm changes whenever the "doors swallow" ", and each episode has, therefore, its motive.

Chukovsky's fairy tale rhythms were partially "constructed" to them, partially borrowed from Russian classical poetry. The poem is replete with the funny, sophisticated rhythms, from the rhythms of the children's folklore, which was first used for the first time in children's literature, to the rhythms of the new poetry.

For the occasion of the fairy tale was used by a modified strategic and rhythm of poems about the crocodile, which belonged to a few people who are known now to the Poet of the Agnive:

Surprisingly Miles

There was a crocodile

Stack of four, no more ...

Chukovsky becomes reading this rhythm. It can easily imagine that together with some "Eicni-Benica ate the dumplings" or "rolled out Torba from camel humpback" in the children's game will sound:

There was yes was


He went through the streets,

Papiros smoked,

Turkish spoke, -

Crocodile, crocodile crocodalovich!

Here are clearly epic speeches, as if it speaks Vladimir Krasno Solnychko on the princely feast:

Give us a nams' gifts

And the hotels will be invisible to us!

Then a large pathetic monologue of the crocodile, causing in memory of Lermontovsky "MTSI":

Oh, this garden, terrible garden!

I would be happy to forget him.

There under the scouris

Many suffer animals.


"I ran. Oh i like brother

Wise with a storm would be happy.

I watched clouds

Hands of lightning caught ... "

Rhythm, similar to Lermontovsky, appears in one place fairy tales:

Do not ruck me, Vanya Vasilchikov!

You will pledge my crocodiles! -

the crocodile prays, as if winking to the side of the song about the merchant Kalashnikov ... ". The ironic highlighting of the heroic character, achieved by different means, is traced throughout the fairy tale and creates an unexpected complexity of Vanyilchikov's difficulty for the children's work: the boy's feat chas and rumbles at the same time. According to the tradition, ascending to rapid times, a ridicule of the hero has a particularly honorable form of its glorification - researchers of the oldest folklore reservoirs are facing such a duality at every step. The heroic boy is honored with the greatest irony of the storyter just at the moments of its triumphs. All victories Vanya Vasilchikov amazed with their ease. There is nothing to say that they are all bloodless. It is unlikely that in all literature there is a battle scene shorter than this (including inconspicuous Pushkin quotation):

And hit the battle! War, war!

And so Lyalya is saved.

In the brisk line of description of the city holiday:

All sniff and dance

Vanya cute kiss

And from each yard

Loud "Hurray" is heard -

the rhythm of unforgettable "horse-humpback" is found out:

Beyond the mountains, behind the forests,

Over wide seas

Not in heaven - not the earth

He lived an old man in one village.

In the third part we find lines that repeat the characteristic rhythms of some poets of the early 20th century:

Cute little girl Lyalechka!

She walked with a doll

And on Tavrichesky Street

Suddenly he met an elephant.

God, what a sorry!

Lyalya runs and screams.

Look, in front of it from the bridge

The head stuck whale.

The lines are so characteristic that they do not need an accurate rhythmic analogue to confirm communication with the rhythms of poets of that time. Here, for example, intonationally close poems I. Northernina:

The girl was crying in the park: "Look you, daddy,

A pretty swallow has a feather pawn, -

I will take the bird to the poor and in the handkerchief I will bite ... "

And his father was thoughtful, shocked by minute.

And forgave all the coming and whims and pranks

A cute little daughter, burned from pity.

And finally, completely Nekrasovsky launched:

Here is a holiday! Nice tree

Will be today at the gray wolf,

There will be a lot of fun guests there,

Hang, children, go back!


Sasha happened to know and sadness:

Cried Sasha, like a forest cut down,

She and now his sorry to tears.

How many curly birches were here!

"The tale of Chukovsky completely abolished the preceding weak and stationary fairy tale of icicles, cotton snow, flowers on weak legs." .

No, no wonder the crocodile from distant Africa in the boring city of Petrograd!

But the fairy tale was sophisticated fate. No other tale of Chukovsky did not cause so many contradictory opinions, mainly because critics tried to identify some of the crocodile episodes with specific historical events, sometimes even with those that occurred after the appearance of a fairy tale.

Each Chukovsky's tale has a closed, completed plot. But at the same time, all together they are easily cyclized and constitute a kind of animal Epos.

The crocodile from the first children's fairy tale Chukovsky moved to other qualities of the main or secondary acting person. Some fairy tales mention him, showing that the action occurs in the most fabulous world, where the crocodile lives. In "confusion" he carries the burning sea. In Mojdodyra, he walks through the Tauride Garden, swallows urine and threatens to swallowing dirty. In the "Standom Sun" crocodile swallows the sun; In Barmalee, he swallows an evil robber, he swallowed the toad in the "cockroacanis", and in the "telephone", dining in a family circle, swallows Kalosh. In general, it is swallowed - his main specialty, and swallowing or anyone or something serves as stronger ("Stolen Sun") or a junction ("Dr. Aibolit"). Barmalela is participating in Aibolite, in Barmalene - Aibolit. In the "Phone" kangaroo asks the apartment of Mojdodyra, in Bibigon, this apartment delivers the sweeping in Liliput ink. Apartments are different, and the house is one.

The animal population of fairy tales was much commissioned at the expense of representatives of the fabulous fauna of Russian folklore. Together with exotic hyenas, ostas, elephants, giraffes, jaguars, lions that appeared in the "crocodile", in fairy tales now there are burdocks and squint bunnies, talkative forties, long-legged cranes, good-natured closing bears, a bold mosquito, a mug of cloak Yudo Fish Kit. Ordinary pets appeared: cows, rams, goats, pigs, chickens, cat-caring.

Animals of Russian folk fairy tales, appearing in Chukovsky's children's books, significantly increased the number of words titles, expanded the subject dictionary offered by the author to the reader.

The writer knows perfectly that the child does not perceive things themselves. They exist for him because it is going to move. The fixed object in the consciousness of the child is inseparable from a fixed background, as if merged with him. Therefore, in the fairy tales of Chukovsky, the most static, oblique, cargo, the most severe things on the rise of things are moving rapidly in all directions, flutter with the ease of the moth, fly at the speed of the boom! It is fascinating and really makes it difficult to watch the stormy vortices that the first lines pick up and chain things, for example, in Fedorin Mountain:

Rides sieve in the fields,

And the cereals in the meadows.

Behind the broom of the broom

Along the street went.


So roll from the mountain.

In the fairy tale "cockroach", the reader falls as if he jumps out on the go to the racing tram:

Stalled bears

By cycling.

And behind them


Wolves on the mare

Lions in the car ...

Bunnies in the tram,

Toad on the broom ...

All this rushes so quickly that we hardly have time to notice what strange types of transport were confused here - from the tram, which is driven by the power of electricity, to the broom, movable unclean power!

In most fairy tales, the beginning of the action coincides with the first line ("phone"). In other cases, a number of rapidly moving items are listed at the beginning, creating something like overclocking, and the tie occurs already as inertia ("confusion"). The enumeration intonation is characteristic of Chukovsky's fairy tales, but it is always listed by items or a string reduced, or rapidly moving towards it. The movement does not stop for a minute. Unexpected situations, bizarre episodes, funny details in a stormy pace followed by each other.

The tie itself is a danger that occurs unexpectedly, as in the adventure story. Whether it was the outstanding "terrible Giant, Redhead and the Used Ta-Ra-Kan", or this crocodile, who swallows the sun, poured to this page of the Fairy Tales of Chukovsky, whether it is a disease threatening with small animals in distant Africa, whether it is Barmalei, ready to eat Vanechka and Tanechka, or this "old-packer", who kidnapped the beauty of Fly-Cocotuchu right in her name, whether pretending to be terrible, and actually a good washbasin, famous Moidodyr, whether the terrible wizard Brundulyak , accomplished by an ordinary turkey, is always dangerous experienced as quite serious, not comic.

Always the hero turns out to be the most difficult for heroism, the smallest and weak. In the "crocodile" of the frightened residents save no thick city "with boots and a shank", but a valiant boy Vanya Vasilchikov with her "saber toy". In the "cockroach" covered by the horror of Lviv and Tigers saves a tiny and as if even a frivolous sparrow:

Jump yes jump

Yes chick chirik

Chiki-Rica Chichari!

I took and pecked cockroaches -

So there is no giant.

And in Bibigon, Liliput, filled with the moon, wins the powerful and invincible sorcerer to turkey, although Liliput himself "small, not more than a gala":

He is thin

Like a twist

Little he is a liliput,

Growth, poor fellow, not higher

Here is a little mouse.

In the "Fly-Cocotuch" the Savior is not a horned beetle, it doesn't hurt a bee, but it's not notewear from where a mosquito, and not even a mosquito, but a mosquito, and even a small mosquito:

Suddenly from somewhere flies

Small mosquito

And in his hand it burns

Little flashlight.

Consistently repeated in the fairy tales of Chukovsky's motive of victory of weak and good over strong and evil roots goes to folklore: in the fairy tale, the oppressed people triumphs over the oppressors. The position in which everyone despised, the humiliated hero becomes the hero in the full sense of the word, serves as a conditional expression of the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial justice.

"The hero of the magic fairy tale is primarily a socially disadvantaged - the peasant son, the poor man, the younger brother, orphan, stepsin, etc. In addition, it is often characterized as Cinderella ("Baked"), "fool", "Bald Parsivets". Each of these images has its own characteristics, but they all contain common features that form a "low" hero complex, "not submitting hopes". The transformation of "low" features in the "high" or detection of "high" in the "Low" in the final of the fairy tales is a kind of idealization form of the disadvantage. " For a fairy tale, the person's "low" hero is not important, it is important that he appears in the final "high" - it turns out to be the strongest and brave, acts as a liberator, eliminates the danger, thereby strengthening the hope and confidence of weak victory.

And when the danger was eliminated when the "terrible Giant, Redhead and the Used Tracakan" was destroyed, when the sunbed by the crocodile, the Sunsucky again shone for everyone in the sky, when the Barmalela robber was punished and the Vanechka and Tanya were saved, when the Komar rescued a mug-socket from the pawlock paws, When the dishes returned to Fedore, and the wash was muddled - all his things when Dr. Aibolit cured animals, - such fun, such joy and joy begins, that, that loose, from the topot of the dancing, the moon will fall out, as happened in the fairy tale "Stolen The sun ", so then I had to push the Moon with nails! On the pages of Chukovsky's fairy tales, there are plenty of scenes of irrepressible rapid fun, and there is not a single fairy tale that would not end with fun.

"Joy" is the favorite Word of Chukovsky, and he is ready to repeat it infinitely:

Rada, Rada, Rada, Rada Devora

I dug, played by the fire. ("Barmalei")

It certainly needs to "everyone laughed, fell, delighted" ("Bibigon"). In the "cockroach" rejoice in the beasts:

I am glad, then I'm glad the whole animal family,

Congratulations, glorify a removed sparrow!

In "Aibolit" too rejoice:

And he treats their doctor all day before sunset.

And suddenly launched forest animals:

"We are healthy and cheerful again!"

And in "confusion" rejoice in the animals:

Here are the beasts:

Laughed and soldered

The ears slammed

Feet flooded.

In the "Standerer Sun" guys and beasts rejoice together:

Rada bunnies and squirrels,

We are glad to boys and girls.

No worse, insects are able to have fun in "Fly-Cocotuh":

Svetliki resorted

Ignited lights,

It became fun

That's good!

Hey, Torrystrokes,

Run along the tracks,

Call musicians

We will dance!

Not only live creatures can rejoice and have fun. In "Fedorin Mountain" it happened to the dishes:

Laughed pots

Samovar wink ...

And the saucer was delighted:

Dzin-la-la, Dzin-Laa!

And laugh and laugh:

Dzin-la-la, Dzin-Laa!

Even an ordinary broom - a stick, stuck in the bunch of thin twigs - and that:

And broom, and the broom - cheerful, -

I dug, played, sled ...

Rada, glad the whole earth,

Rada grove and fields

Rada blue lake

And gray topolars ...

Watching the children, Chukovsky came to the conclusion that "the thirst for the joyful outcome of all human affairs and actions manifests itself in a child with a special force during the hearing of the fairy tale. If the child read that fairy tale, where good, unrelated, noble hero, who fights with evil enemies, the child certainly identifies himself with this hero. " Chukovsky noted the great humanizing meaning of the fairy tale: everyone, even the temporary failure of the hero, the child is experiencing, as his own, and thus the tale tends him to take someone else's sorrow and joy to the heart.

Chukovsky boldly offers the baby along with smiling humor, the most frank satire.

Dr. Aibolit, abandoned by a bonfire of Barmalem, and does not think to ask the crocodile from the flour from the crocodile. Not,

Good doctor Aibolit

Crocodile says:

"Well, please rather

Swallow Barmaley

To greedy birbean

Not enough

Not swallow

These little children! "

It is clear that it is impossible to simultaneously sympathize with such Aibolit and a sorry short panty, who was frightened by an old packer ("fly-clook"), or a revealed crocodile ("Stolen Sun"), or an insignificant cockroach ("cockroacanische"). No one of them is Chukovsky forgive with cowardice. There will be no respect for those horned insignificances, who for the call to make the oppressor-Tarakan correspond to a replica containing a whole cunning ideology:

We would be an enemy

On the horns

Only skins road

And the horns are not cheap now ...

Satyric images in fairy tales as if in order to exist to even more exhibit a "little hero" and give a greater moral value of his feat.

All the fairy tales of Chukovsky isgoneflict, in all good struggles with evil. The full victory of good over evil, approval of happiness as the norm of being - here is their idea, their "morality". In the fairy tales of Chukovsky there is no morality expressed in the form of a maxim; Some researchers mistakenly accepted a joyful anthem in honor of the water for Morality in Moidodyra:

Long live scented soap,

And the towel fluffy,

And dental powder

And thick scallop!

Let's wash, splash,

Swim, dive, tumbling,

In the tub, in the trough, in Lohani,

In the river, in the stream, in the ocean,

And in the bath and in the bath

Anytime and anywhere -

Eternal glory water!

But, unlike other fairy tales, the joy here is not caused by the victory of a small hero over some monstrous giant, on the contrary - a small hero seem to be defeated and had to surrender on the conditions dictated by the enemy commander-in-chief Moydodyr, the full title of which occupies the whole four Pooh lines:

I am a great washbasin,

Famous Mojdodyr,

Washbasins Head

And the rod commander.

It all started at that minute, when the dirty woken in the morning opened his eyes: things, how many of them were in the room, starred from the seats and rushed. Dirtless can not understand anything asking:


What happened?

From what

All around



And rushed with the wheel?

Everything is explained by the appearance of Moydodyra, who, although it looks very evil and terrible, but stakes dirty completely homely and even a little naughty. But then, resting more and more, he switched from uchors to threats, and from threats to action and moved to dirty his soldiers - washcloths, brushes, soap. This is already really scary for dirty, which is because it is alive dirty, which can not tolerate ...

Dirtly trying to escape the flight, but the mad urine pursues him. Dirtly meets the crocodile with children, and he "washing, like a daw, like a daw swallowed." Crocodile demanded from dirty washed, otherwise:

And not as a fear

He speaks,

Multiple and swallowing

He speaks.

In Mojdodyra, unlike the Crocodile, two crocodile hipostasis - kind and evil - the hero and the reader for a significant discovery: it is necessary to distinguish the demanding of friends from attacks of non-earges, not everyone, causing the enemy, the medicine is bitter. That is why the crocodile is muddled to wash, defending the boy from mad washcloth. But, if friends want the same, it means indeed:

Need to wash

In the mornings and evenings.

Now it is clear that Moydodyr is not an enemy at all, but he just has such a grimy, but good-natured character, and that he did not defeat dirty, but helped to accomplish the victory that a small hero won over himself. This is perhaps the most difficult of all victories.

In Moydodyra, the conventionality of Chukovsky's fairy tales is especially clearly visible. This property is completely organic: the more streametive withstanding, the conventionality is, the more accurately, the fabulous reality created by Chukovsky, and the destruction of the convention leads to an inaccurate and untruth image of the validity of life.

Where Moydodyr speaks about the cobbery, there is not only washing the head, but also a threat. Where Samovar runs from a sludge, like from the fire, there is not only waters of water from too strong heating, but also disgust.

In cases where the small reader does not understand the figurative meaning of the metaphor, the tale will prepare it for understanding. Highlighting the metaphor in another context, the small linguist will associate an unfamiliar value with a friend. This is done in fact by one of the basic principles of Chukovsky's fairy tales - the principle of linguistic education.

Unlike other fairy tales, where the animal world is rich and diverse, there are no animals in Mojdodyra, except for the crocodile and his two children. However, in this fairy tale, a whole zoo is invisibly present. All householdware things are perceived in the "animal" aspect: "The pillow, like a frog, rode from me,", washbasins "climb and wipe", as if the dogs, the crocodile swallows the washcloth "Like a daw". All items behave in a fairy tale like animals: they run, jump, carry the battleship, fly, etc. For example, soap "clung to a hair, and julil, and soapped, and bored as OSA."

Due to the dynamics of images, poetic skills, game qualities, originality, the grace of all artistic funds "Moydodyra", the reputation of one of the best fairy tales of Chukovsky was deserved.

The fairy tale "Phone" is different from other Tales Chukovsky in that there is no conflict plot in it, nothing happens in it, except for a dozen fun telephone conversations. The impact of this riddle is that what the disparate telephone conversations are binding contrary to the absence of the plot. This is a game. Chukovsky's fairy tales generally absorbed many features of children's games, but the "phone" is a pure form, or rather, a well-written literary text to the game in the "spoiled phone". "Phone" is much closer to such verses, as "Murochka draws", "what Murochka did when she read the" miracle tree "than to fairy tales. The sequence of conversations in a fairy tale is absorbed by a child with difficulty, but any of their order is suitable for the game. The best thing is to remember the ending (which became, by the one, the saying of adults), because it has an action, there is a job, besides hard:

Oh, it's not easy to work -

From the swamp to drag hippo.

The fairy tale "confusion" is even more expressive than the "phone" differs from "Mojdodyra", "Fedorina Grief", "Aibolita", "Cockroach", "Stolen Sun" and "Fly Costs". It seems to be completely incomprehensible things:

Swine jammed:

Meow meow!

Kitness shrink:

Oink oink oink!

Clarkets rank:

Kva, kva, kva!

Chicken crushed:

Vary, rus, rus!

Growing schools

And cow clouded:


In all the magic fairy tales, animals tell human voices. But the grooves, mocking cow, - where is it possible, where is it dying? The folklore Songs-Folk Songs are not asked about this.

Where it is seen

Where it is dying

So that the bitch's chicken gave birth

Piglets egg demolished?

The wise teacher - the people - composed for children dozens of poems and a song, in which everything happens "not so", perfectly realizing that it can be argued, contrary to the evidence, as if the pig barks, and the dog grunts, and thereby pay attention to the true position, when which everything happens just the opposite. The allegations seem to be a bitch's chicken, and the piglet demolished the egg, so contradict the facts already known to the child that his understanding of this child perceives as a victory over every nonsense, nonsense, unprecedented. Like any other, this victory makes the child happy. Imaginary denial of reality becomes the gaming form of its knowledge and final approval.

Chukovsky suffered this form into a literary fairy tale and for the first time for its designation began to use the term "flourish". There are mills in many fairy tales, and "confusion" is dedicated to the whole:

Fish on the field walk,

The toads fly across the sky

Mice, cat caught,

I planted in the mousetrap.

Here every word is "not so," and the child understands that everything is "wrong," here is rejoicing to his understanding, and this joy for him is the joy of victory "so" over "not so." Consequently, the reversal of a par with a plot heroic fairy tale takes the victory of good over evil (over "not so") and gives the child a feeling of happiness, which, according to the baby, is the norm of being.

To help the baby, Chukovsky enters the correct characteristic of things and phenomena in its turn, promptly prompting, as "so", and what "wrong":

Mesamed kittens:

"Tired of me to meow!

We want how pigs,


Not only transferred to Chukovsky from oral folk art in the literary fairy tale. His fairy tales are literally impregnated with children's folklore. It is now difficult to say, whether this Chukovsky quotes children's folklore, or children quote Chukovsky:

Early early

Two rams

They caught in the gate:

Tra-ta and tra-ta

- From where?

- from camel.

- What do you want?

- Chocolate.

Many places live an independent life as countdown, teasers, patter. Dirt, for example, you must tease like this:

You have on your neck Vaksa,

You have a blossom nose,

You have such hands

That even pants escaped ...

Language flexibility is checked by the ability to quickly utter such lines:

Gorilla went to them,

Him Gorilla said

Spoke to them gorilla

Separate ...

Chukovsky's fairy tales reflect reality in a generalized and abstract-conditional form. The form and content of his fairy tales make up organic unity: the bizarre fabulous content in Chukovsky is the same bizarre fabulous means.

The roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky


Stalled bears
By cycling.
And behind them
And behind him moseriki
On balloon.
And behind them crayfish
On a lame dog.
Wolves on the mare
Lions in the car.
Bunnies in the tram
Toad on the broom ...

They go and laugh, how suddenly the terrible giant is getting out of the gate, cockroach. He threatens the beasts that he will eat them. Beasts in panic - wolves buried each other, the crocodile swallowed the toad, and the elephant sat down on hedgehog. Only crayfish are not afraid - they are heightened, but fearlessly shout as the estate mandes, which they themselves can make a mustache - no worse than the cockroach. And hippopotamus promises someone who will not be afraid of the monsters and fight him, give two frogs and please a fir bump. The beasts were laugh and thrown by Gurby to Usach. But, having seen him, the poor fellow is so frightened that they are right away. Hippopotamus calls on the beasts to go and raise cockroaches on the horns, but the animals are afraid:

Only hear how the teeth are knocking
It can only be seen how the ears are trembling.

And the cockroach became the lord of the fields and forests, and all the animals conquered him. He orders the beasts to bring him his children's dinner. All the beasts cry and say goodbye to their kids forever, sickling the evil lord. The poor mothers are buried the poor: what mother will agree to give her cute child for dinner unsatisfied chound? But once came to Kangaroo. Seeing Usach, Guest laughs:

Is it a giant?<…>
It's just a cockroach!<…>
Tracakan, cockroach, Tarakashchka.
Loft cyavochka-bukashchka.

Kangaroo shakes his toothy and fangy acquaintances - they conquered the goat, cockroach. The hippos is frightened, bow on the kangaroo, but wherever, neither take the sparrow flying, which Tarakana swallows. So there is no giant! The whole animal family thanks and famous her delighthouse. Everyone is so violently rejoiced and dancing so famously that the moon, trendling in the sky, falls on an elephant and rolls into a swamp. But the moon will soon be divided into place, and peace and joy come back to forest residents.

The "cockroach" Kornea Chukovsky narrates the young reader about different beasts, which are traveling on: bike, car, balloon, tram, each other, etc. Friends go fun and laugh together, but there is a terrible giant to appear in front of them - a cockroach and begins to threaten the beasts. Beasts of fear make different actions, but some cause the enemy to fight. Seeing the terrible mustache cockroaches, they run away again.

The cockroach becomes the ruler and conquers local residents. Orders the beasts to bring him to the emergence of small children. Mothers suffer and pour tears.

Suddenly the kangaroo appears and ridicules the malicious Usach. At the same time, swears his fangy friends and toothy acquaintances. How could they be afraid of such a ridiculous and miserable creature. And here appears sparrow. He swallows the monster. Everyone is happy and thank the Savior. The holiday begins. Everyone is dancing and sniffing. The moon from noise trembles and falls down straight on the elephant, and after rolling into the swamp. The beasts get it, and the world is returned to the ground.

Valentina Oberemko Article article: Weekly "Arguments and Facts" № 13 03/28/2012

Chukovsky's roots among children. 1961 year. Chukovsky's roots among children. 1961 year. / Lion nose / RIA Novosti

"Chukovsky of the talent of the talent of a duty 2 times longer than the phone of the phone" - so characterized the future of the author of the most popular children's poems Kornea Chukovsky his friend Vlad Zhabotinsky.

They say Children's writer Ivanovich Chukovsky did not really love to celebrate birthdays, even the guests sometimes did not go down, although the gifts were with joy.

Wet trap

One of the things that the whole life grieved Chukovsky is its origin. After all, his real name and surname - Nikolai Kornechukov. And with the middle of the middle, the snag. Kohl Kornechukov was an illegitimate son of the peasant of Catherine Kornechukov and Emmanuel Levenon. A rich Mr. "Email" with his servant about three years, norodial two children - Marusu and Kolya - and married a woman of noble origin. Although the father officially did not refuse son and daughters, but they did not give their name and surname. Therefore, in different documents, the middle name Kolya Korneyukov sounded at different ways: he was Vasilyevich, and Stepanovich, and Emmanuilovich, and Manuilovich, and even Emelyanovich.

In her "diary" Chukovsky wrote: "It seemed to me ... that I am the only one - illegal that everything is behind me behind my back and that when I show someone my documents, all internally begin to spit on me ...

Portrait of Kornea Chukovskokhti I. E. Repin, 1910. Photo:

When the children talked about their fathers, grandfathers, grandmas, I just blushed, reversed, lied, confused. " In the end, to stop confusion, Nikolai took another name for himself, came up with patronymic and new surname. By the way, according to some testimonies, with the father of Chukovsky, I met several times several times and even once brought him, already a deep old man, in the Finnish village of Kuokkal, where he lived with his family. True, the newly new father did not care - Chukovsky flashed and literally pushed the biological dad out of the door, and the children were forever to mention the name of the grandfather.

Chukovsky began to write children's poems, already masturbed critics. He could not imagine that simple quatrains would forever eclip all of his previous and subsequent serious works. Sometimes the writer diverged about this not for a joke: "... I secretly jealous adult books for children. I am sure that my book about bitter is better "Mojdodyra" and the book about Nekrasov is better than the "crocodile". But no one believes. "Crocodile" was divided into 250,000 copies, and "Nekrasov" and two thousand did not dissolve !!! ... I am ready to beat the fists of those Mamash who, whiseningly smiling, inform me that their Tamaryoch knows my "confusion". "And you, - I ask, - Do you know my book about Walt Whitman?" - "About what?" - "On Walt Whitmen". - "Did you write for adults too?" - bastards! "

Erotic fly

Despite the childhood, in the works of Kornea Chukovsky, the "skillful" counseurs of the Soviet regime found "prohibited elements". For example, banned the book "Mukhina Wedding". "Gublitis (the state of the State Summary of the Time. - Ed.) I forbade me the book" Mukhina Wedding "on the grounds that the fly in the picture seems too close to the spider - and it can cause erotic thoughts from a child!" - Chukovsky himself wrote about this stupid incident.

Osip Mandelstam, Chukovsky's roots, Benedict Livshitz and Yuri Annenkov, Wires to Front. Random photograph of Charles Bulla. 1914. Photo:

And the same "crocodile", which "went through the streets", did not like the hope of Konstantinovna Krupskaya - she cooked in the Alligator "Anti-Soviet element". Although Chukovsky, when he composed a poem, did not even think about this. "My little son fell ill, - recalled the roots of Ivanovich. "I am in his home in a train and, in order to somehow calm his pain, began to tell him under the rhythmic crash of the train:" There was a crocodile. He went through the streets ... "But the Poet's Poet was considered the most essential work of the poet. And although the fairy tale was written in 1922 - when Stalin's power had not yet gained their power, the lines "conquered the beasts of the attachance. (To fall, damned!) "The prophetically sounded and topical.

By the way, in the late 1990s it became known that Chukovsky wrote the "uncest breeding". In one of the Russian journals, a letter was published where the roots of Ivanovich complained the leader of the peoples to the fact that children during the war were left without upbringing, without the support of parents, that they were wild, began to rob and steal, and offered to take such agricultural children from the hands of children labor. Then they pounced on the writer, accused of toughness. In fact, Chukovsky kids adored, but believed that they need to correctly educate. At his dacha in Peredelkin, "Creative meetings" with the children was constantly satisfied, invited famous people for them.

Chukovsky's roots with children walks around the children's library in Peredelkino. 1959 year. Photo: RIA Novosti / Semenov

Chukovsky never sympathized with Soviet power, and his power did not very much. Especially since Chukovsky's daughter, Lydia, became a dissident, and her husband, an outstanding physicist Matvey Bronstein, was named the enemy of the people and shot in 1938. These were black years for Chukovsky. The family believed that Matvey Bronstein was alive, as many as two years, because they "issued" the sentence: "10 years without the right of correspondence." And here the roots of Ivanovich wrote letters with a request to pardon the already shot son-in-law, and friends were asked for him - Marshak, Landau, Mandelstam, Ioffe. But the only thing they achieved, this is a note: "Remove L. K. Chukovsky The cost of binoculars, seized upon search on August 1, 1937." ...

According to the memories of loved ones, he always had an increased sense of justice. Korean Ivanovich died in 1969 from viral hepatitis. And before death made a list of those who would not like to see at their funeral ...

Anecdote about Chukovsky

It comes to Ivanovich Chukovsky to Lenin.

Vladimip Ilyich! I wrote a poetry here. I would like to publish.

Read the roots of Ivanovich.

Fly, fly, clook, gilded bureho, fly on the field went, Fly Muchka found. Fly Fly on the base and bought samov ...

Wait, Comrade Chukovsky! Why in the bazaar, and not in cooperative? Disorder. Rewrite immediately!

Chukovsky comes to Stalin.

Cartoi on K. Chukovsky performed by V. Mayakovsky. 1915 year. Photo:

Joseph Wisspionovich! I wrote a poetry here, I would like to publish.

Read the roots of Ivanovich.

Fly, fly, clook, gold-plated bureho, fly on the field, went, Fly Muchka found ...

E, Stop, Comrade Chukovsky. We have money with a portrait of a leader. Who could throw them on the field? Rewind!

Chukovsky comes to xPush.

Nikita Sergeevich ...

Read the roots of Ivanovich.

Fly, Fly, Costume, Gold Plated Bureho, Fly on the Field went ...

Stop, Comrade Chukovsky! If everyone is our fields to trample, then the corn does not go. Rewrite this place.

Chukovsky comes to the bubble.

Well, read the roots of Ivanovich.

Fly, Fly, Costume, Gold Plated Big ...

Wait, Compare Chukovsky! We don't have gold in Strana in honor, all citizens dress very modestly, the ingots of the house are not stored, and you have a fly with a whole gold-plated battle. Pepping.

Chukovsky comes to the Andpopovka.

Muha, Fly, Costume ...

What did you say there?!

Note Khazarina: Prophecy about Stalin

"Is it a Giant?

(Ha ha ha!)

It's just a cockroach!

(Ha ha ha!) "

Chukovsky's roots (Nikolai Emmanuilovich Leenson), the author of such a funny children's classics, like "Dr. Aibolit" and "Crocodile", wrote "Caracanish" in the early 1920s. Did he refer to Stalin? Some readers of Tarakanya mustache remind themselves about famous Soviet dictator dictator. Russian poet Osip Mandelstam, arrested and stimulated to death during the Stalinist cleans, distributed this metaphor, writing in 1934:

We live, under your no si-country,

Our speeches for ten steps are not heard,

And where enough for a half break

There will be remembered by the Kremlin Highlander.

Its thick fingers like worms, fat,

And words like powdered weights, faithful,

Tarakanya laughs hard

And shining his top.

And around him the challenge of thinner leaders,

He plays the services of herues.

Who whistles who meuaches who humpy

He only bacchits and pokes,

As a horseshoe, gives a decree decree:

To whom in the groin, to whom in the forehead, to whom in the eyebrow, to whom in the eye.

That neither the execution of him is raspberry

And wider chest Ossetian.

November 1933.

Surprisingly prophetic insufficiency of Chukovsky in 1921, when Chukovsky began to write a "cockroach", Stalin was a relatively little-known Georgian thug, which began to make their way to the top of the communist hierarchy. Only after many years he will deserve that bloody fame that could give a reason for satire. Chukovsky himself denied the presence of such hints in his fairy tale, even at the time when their existence could already be recognized without fear. Also the question remains how "cockroach" could pass through the Soviet censorship that did not miss much more harmless works? According to one of theories, satire - if she was really present, was so harsh, which would recognize her presence to sort the power.

Stalin and himself used the image of a cockroach for its own political goals. In 1930, speaking at the congress of the Communist Party, he fell into dissenting communists. "Shelshed somewhere, did not have time to get out of the hole," and they are already shaking back, they are horrified and begin to scream ... about the death of Soviet power, "said Stalin delegates to the congress. "We calm them and try to convince ... that this is just a cockroach, which should not be afraid." After many years, Chukovsky grumbled in his diary about the "plagiarism" from Stalin: "He retold all my fairy tale and did not refer to the author."

March 9, 1956, shortly after the "secret report" Khrushchev at the XX Congress, K. Chukovsky made the following entry in his diary: when I told Kazakovich that I, in spite of everything, loved Stalin very much, but wrote less about him than Others, Kazakevich said:

And "cockroach"?! It is entirely devoted to Stalin.

Vadim Kozhinov recalled a funny case from his youth, who came just for the years of Khrushchev "thaw." "I am at that time hiding irony, unsuccessfully assured other innocent interlocutors that 1937 is perfectly depicted in the popular poetry fairy tale Kornea Chukovsky" Tarakanishche ". At first there is a joyful picture of the "achievements of the first five-year plan": "I drove a bears on a bike ... Bunnies - in the tram, the toad - on the broom ... go and laugh, gingerbread cookies", etc. But, alas, the 1937th: "Suddenly from the gateway - a terrible giant, redhead (here I reported that Joseph Vissarionovich before it was sad, was reddish) and the sucked Ta-Rahn. He grieves and smoothes and grinds himself: "Look for my deubsions to me, I need them for dinner." ... the animals trembled - fainted. Wolves from frights buried each other (what's the exact picture of the 1937th! - I commented), and the elephant, all the trembling, and sat down on the hedgehog, "of course, on the famous People's Commissar with" Successful "last name!

At the same time, I, naturally, was silent that the Taracanishes fairy tale was published not in 1938, and in 1923, and many of those I read procitated strings were admired and the accuracy, and rare essay courage Chukovsky ... And ultimately, this "interpretation" was presented in writings about Stalin, written by the son of Antonov-Ovseenko, or a high-ranking army part-film by Volkogonov, or the literators of Radzinsky, - the writings that still be fond of wide circles of people who do not give The report is that at the basis of the "methodology" of these authors, as it were, the same "model" that fell into the form of a fascinated "cockroach" of ... ".

Each word in the poem is a prophetic! Do not forget - written in 1921, published in 1923!

Stalled bears

By cycling. - Bears in the circus ride bicycles. Well, "to live better - there was a fun," said Stalin in 1935. These words - the people began to go to the circus, watch comedies (such as funny guys, Volga-Volga)

And behind them

Backwards. - a clear hint of the opposition

And behind him moseriki

On balloon. - On balloons began to conquer the stratosphere

And behind them crayfish

On a lame dog.- repainted into the red "old specials", the dog eating, also sought a bright future. Not long left!

Wolves on the mare.- Small party workers.

Lions in the car.- Large party bosses


In the tram. - simple folks.

Toad on the broom ...It would be better - "on the subway" - just in 1935 the Moscow Metro opened.