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Dubube People's War on the novel Epopea War and World (Tolstoy LE N.). Dubube People's War on the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

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MOU SOSH number 31

Essay in literature

"Dubina people's War»

according to Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"


pupil 10-B class



2006-2007 Academy

    Introduction Patriotism ............................................................ ... p. 3.

    "Duby of People's War" ...................................................... .. s. four

    1. "People's War" ......................................................... ... p. four

      Captain Tushin. A merchant of fertilizes .................................... with. four

      Partisan traffic .................................................... from. five

Tikhon Shcherbaty ......................................................... ... p. 6.

      Borodino battle .................................................................. 7.

      Patriotism and dedication of the Russian nobility ............ with. eight

      Kutuzov - a representative of the People's War .............................. with. nine

      Deposit Napoleon .............................................................. C.11

    Conclusion. The winner is the Russian people .................................... .. p.13

    List of literature used ................................................ p.13

"Patriotism consists not in lush exclamations ..."

V. G. Belinsky

"We would have died if they were not killed."


"Guys! Not Moscow?

Under Moscow. "

M. Yu. Lermontov

1. Introduction.

Patriotism is devotion and love of the Motherland, Fatherland, their people, willingness to any victims and feats in the name of their homeland. These feelings, love for his homeland and devotion to her have long been inherent in the masses. The peoples moved to the struggle against alien conquerors. At the heart of patriotism lies devotion to his people, the desire to give all the strength to protect his interests. Historically, it happened that for all the time of its existence, starting with Kievan Rus, Russian people were constantly attacked outside. And every time the army rose to the fight against the enemy, but all the people, showing the wonders of courage, heroism and patriotism.

Writing L. Tolstoy Epopes "War and Peace" can also be considered a manifestation of patriotism, since in its work, he recognizes the people a crucial role in the historical process. In this idea of \u200b\u200bthe role of the people in the movement of the history of Tolstoy, the views of revolutionary democrats were close to the views. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a historical novel arose from a writer under the influence of the public atmosphere of the 1960s of the XIX century. During this period, the movement of revolutionary democrats is formed.

Here L. Tolstoy and conceived to connect two epochs: the era of the first revolutionary movement in Russia - the Epoch of the Decembrists - and the sixties - the era of revolutionary democrats. Tolstoy tried to carry out a difficult task: to understand and comprehend modernity through the prism of history. And the more he deepens to work on the novel, the more he wants to "hold no one, and many heroes and heroines through historical events ...".

Talking in his novel and about historical figures, and the best representatives of the nobility, about remote families and faces, fictional and valid, and the discontinance of the "character of the Russian people and the troops", L. Tolstoy created Roman-Epopeus. My worship before the heroism and the sacrifice of the "best people", the writer expressed in his work. The Patriotic War of 1812, when the efforts of the entire Russian nation were collected in a single fist for exploring Napoleonic invasion, was a noble topic. This topic was based on the basis of the novel, because in the godine of serious tests, patriotism brings people together, combining representatives of different classes in the fight against conquerors.

2. "Duby of People's War"

2.1. People's War

L. N. Tolstoy, depicting the war in his grand novel "War and Peace", does not show military parades, awarding distinguished soldiers, graceful horses sitting on them heroes, commander. This is a form. Lev Nikolaevich prefers this not noticeable, but losing their values \u200b\u200bof military days; modest, but capable of the heroism of ordinary soldiers; Their daily struggle with the enemy. This is the content.

War as the physical destruction of the mass of people - "the enemy of human mind and the whole human nature of the event." Thirst for power having a wide variety of manifestations; The struggle for power led to the emergence of behavioral forms that have no analogues in nature. But the war of the Russian people - the war is fair, because it is not against France. She is even not vs inconsity and evil she per Native Russia, for her freedom, for her beauty, for good. Another proof that approval, not denial - the true path. The author gives its readers the opportunity to immerse themselves to the depth of the inner world of an ordinary person. There are no bravadas in it, false valor, desire to get an "extra cross or a ribbon"; It is simplicity, good, though (without a branded Tolstovsky triad did not cost); Will are combined with ordinary unusualness, uniquely individuality and spiritual beauty.

It is from the joint actions of such people a further step of history, the result of the war depends. "There are no reasons for the historical event and can not be, besides the only reason for all the reasons. But there are laws that manage events, partly unknown, partly sold down by us, - continues our reflections to the writer philosopher Tolstoy, the ideas of which joined the irreconcilable disagreement with the proclaimed" European formula Hero "Hegel and Nietzsche.

The people associated with uniform feelings and aspirations, and not an exceptional personality solves the fate of mankind - such is the opinion of Tolstoy in the question of the role of personality in history.

2.2. Captain Tushin

Tolstoy began his story from the first clashes of the Russian army with the French in 1805, describing the Shenagraben battle and the battle of Austerlice, where the Russian troops were defeated. But in the lost battles, Tolstoy shows the real heroes, persistent and solid performed by their military debt. We encounter the heroic Russian soldiers and courageous commanders. With a big sympathy, Tolstoy talks about Bagration, under the leadership of which the detachment made a heroic transition to the village of Shengraben.

But another imperceptible hero - Captain Tushin. This is a simple and modest person living in one life with soldiers. He is absolutely not able to comply with the parade military charter, which caused the discontent of the bosses. But in battle, it is Tushin, this small, inconspicuous person shows an example of valor, courage and heroism. He with a handful of soldiers, not knowing the fear, kept the battery and did not leave his position under the onslaught of the enemy, who did not assume the "coarseness of shooting four none of protected guns." Outwardly noncainted, but the internal collected and organized appears in the novel and the Timokhin Romane, whose company "one was kept in order". Not seeing the point in the war in a foreign territory, the soldiers do not feel hate to the enemy. Yes, and officers are separated and cannot convey to the soldiers the need to fight for someone else's land.

A completely different state of Russian soldiers and officers after the accession of the Napoleonic army into Russia. This War Tolstoy is depicting as a war, liberation war. The whole country rose against the enemy. All the support of the army got up: the peasants, merchants, master, nobles. "From Smolensk to Moscow in all cities and villages of the Russian land", everything and everything rose against the enemy. Peasants and merchants denied the supply of the French army. Their motto: "It is better to destroy, but not to give the enemy."

Recall the merchant Ferapontov. In the tragic for Russia, the merchant forgets about the purpose of his everyday life, wealth, about storage. And the general patriotic feeling of a merchant merchant with ordinary people: "Tashchi, the guys ... I'll sing." With the actions of the merchant Ferrapontov, the patriotic deed of Natasha Rostova is erected on the eve of the delivery of Moscow. It makes it throw away the family good and get wounded. From Natasha proceeds the energy of updates, liberation from the fake, false, habitual, withdrawing "on free Light". And here her role is equivalent to what gives the heroes of thick communication with the people. Lydia Dmitrievna Opubovskaya wrote: "In the image of Natasha, one of the main ideas of the novel is embodied: the beauty and happiness is not there where there is no good, simplicity and truth." These were new relationships between people in the face of nationwide.

In Shengraban battle, in the battle on the Borodino field there were a lot of moments of fluctuations, fear, uncertainty. At such minutes, infantry shelves helps an inexplicable rise, inspiration, covering individual soldiers capable of cries "Hurray!" The negotiation of the army has fallen. So did the officer Timokhin, a fragrance, without the rear thoughts "with one sinter" and "crazy determination" rushed to the French. In the same way, a significant contribution to the general victory was not afraid to take the initiative on behalf of the Battery of Tushin with his artilleryrs.

The reason for lesions in Austria, Prussia is the absence of goal and motivation. Now everything is different. purpose Patriotic War 1812.
it is determined, it is one for all its participants. The soldiers met Pierre in Mozhaysk says that it is about it: "They want to fulfill all the people; one word - Moscow. One end wants to do." Revenge for insults, for native land, for past failures, all covered. In the "folk battle" - the Borodino battle of victory was provided by the general "spirit of the troops",
adopted to "hidden heat of patriotism." The losses were actually the same, but the victory of the Russians was not measured in them: it was "the victory of moral, that that convinces the enemy in the moral superiority of his enemy and in his impotence." The "wonderful, unmatched people" suffers all: troubles, torment, pain, - and all for the liberation of their native land.

2.3. Partisan traffic.

A mighty wave was raised by the partisan movement: "Dubube of the People's War rose with everything with its formidable and majestic power." "And the benefit of the people, ... which per minute of the test, without asking how others were received by the rules in such situations, with simplicity and ease, raise the first walking to the club and nails it until he had a sense of insult and Vesti will not be replaced by contempt and pity. " Tolstoy shows the guerrilla detachments of Denisov and Dolokhov, talks about the Dyachka, who stood at the head of the squad, about Starostikh Vasilis, the exterminated hundreds of French.

Undoubtedly, the role of partisan traffic during the war is great. Residents of the villages, ordinary men with forks in their hands unconsciously walked to the enemy. They destroyed the invincible Napoleonic army from the inside. One of them is Tikhon Shcherbatoy, "The most useful and brave person" in Denisov's detachment. With an ax in hands with an infinite, growing sometimes in the cruelty of the thirst for revenge, he goes, runs, flies towards the enemy. It leads natural
patriotic feeling. Its energy, dynamics, determination, the bravery is charged.

But there is among the imaginary people not only merciless, but also humanity, love for neighbor. Such is the plated soldier of the Absheron Regiment Plato Karatayev. His exterior appearance, a peculiar voice, "gentle-singer's caress" - the opposite, the answer of the rudeness of Tikhon. Plato is an incorrigible fatalist, always ready to suffer innocently. It is characterized by hardworking, the desire to truth, justice. It is impossible to imagine Plato militant, fighting: his love for mankind is too large, it is the embodiment of the "whole Russian, kind and round". L. N. Tolstoy, Nevertheless, after the fighting, rather than passive, like Karataev, the people: "The benefit of the people, who in a minute of the test, without asking how others were received by the rules in such cases, with simplicity and ease He lifts the first walking to the club and nail it until in his soul his sense of insult and revenge will not be replaced by contempt and pity. "
Dubin dared to raise the people to the enemy, but in no case the crowd, which, distraised, welcomes the king; not a crowd, which brutally spreads with a Vereshchagin; Not a crowd, which only imitates participation in hostilities. In the people, unlike the crowd, there is unity that combines the beginning and there is no aggression, hostility, meaninglessness. The victory over the French was obsessed not due to the fantastic empires of single heroes, the Russian people deserved it - a carrier of higher moral values.

"The Misube of People's War rose with all his formidable and majestic strength, and, without asking against the draws of the tastes and rules, with a stupid simplicity, but with appropriateness, did not understand anything, rose, went down and nailing the French until all the invasion died" ...

The main role in the victory of Tolstoy gives the simple people, whose bright representative was a peasant Tikhon Shcherbaty.

Tolstoy creates bright image The tireless partisan, the man of Tikhon Shcherbat, attracted to the detachment of Denisov. Tikhon was distinguished by heroic health, huge physical strength and endurance. In the fight against the French, he manifests dexterity, courage and fearlessness. The story of Tikhon is characterized about how four Frenchmen "with herps" attacked him, and he went to them with an ax. This energizes the Frenchman - a fencing man and a Russian carbon black.

Tikhon and there is an artistic concretization of "Bubina People's War". Lydia Dmitrievna Opubovskaya wrote: "Tikhon - the image is quite clear. He, as it would be personified by the" Congue of People's War ", which rose with the terrible force of the French man until all the invasion was died. He himself, voluntarily asked for a detachment Vasily Denisova. In the detachment that constantly attacked the enemy calls, there was a lot of weapons. But it was not necessary for Tikhon - he acts differently, and his fight with the French, when it was necessary to get a "language", quite in the spirit of the general reasoning of Tolstoy about popular liberation War: "Let's go, say to the Colonel. Howlogging. And they are four here. Rushed to me with skeins. I am on them with such a manner ax: that you, they say, Christ with you, "Tikhon cried out, scratching and gloomily frowning, exposing the chest"

He was "the most necessary person"In the partisan detachment, since it was able to do everything: to lay fires, get water, rip off horses for food, cook it, make wooden dishes, deliver prisoners. It is such workers of the Earth, created only for peaceful life, become the defenders of the Motherland.

2.4. Battle of Borodino.

Such nationwide support was attached to the Russian army enormous force. With a special completeness, it was revealed in the Borodino battle. The main action of the Borodino battle occurred twenty-sixth of August. Kutuzov mathematically calculated that, "taking a battle and risking to lose a quarter of the army, he probably loses Moscow," but Napoleon, "taking the battle with the likely random of the quarter of the Army" even more stretches its line.

The battle itself was terrible, "in the blood, suffering and death." It was a hard and difficult job. L. Tolstoy portrayed the Borodino battle, looking at him as it were from two sides: Russian and French. This battle we see the eyes of Pierre, who accidentally oped into the center of the battery. And together with Pierre, do not cease to surprise the courage and the heroism of Russian people.

Fucking Raevsky, Pierre decided that it was the most insignificant place in the battle, "where a small number of people engaged in the case was limited, separated from other channels," here it was felt the same and common all, as if family revival. From everywhere heard cheerful talk and jokes. Soldiers, as it were, noticed broken guns flying shells and bullets, but it's not just a delete, this is the heroism of people, and they, how to all live, inherent the fear of death: "After all, it does not hurt ... it is impossible not to be afraid." And death did not pass many defenders of the Redut: in front of Pierre, the young officer was fatally injured, and, returning after some time, "from that family mug that took him to himself, he did not find anyone." And, despite the crowds of the wounded, Russians and the French, for thousands of those killed, "the hum of shots, shooting and

cannonade not only did not weaken, but also intensified before the desperation, as a person who, daring, screaming from the last forces. " Tolstoy depicted a genuine heroic of war as a weekly case and at the same time as a test of all human peaceful forces at the time of their highest voltage. This battle was the moral victory of the Russians, and the French received a deadly wound.

2.5. Patriotism and dedication of the Russian nobility

The feeling of patriotism was also peculiar and nobility, which retained good national traditions. Andrei and Marya Bolkonsky, Natasha Rostov, Pierre Dupos are the favorite heroes of Tolstoy. It is on the example of families of Volkonsky and Growth Tolstoy shows the patriotism and dedication of the Russian nobility. Such families were close to the people, loved Russian nature, national culture. Their serious intellectual - moral requests in the godin of serious tests were the basis of a patriotic impulse. "Hidden patriotism, which is not expressed by non-phrases ... And unnoticed, simply, organically, and therefore always produces the strongest results," was a driving force for victory over the French. As in Smolensk, most residents understood that to leave Moscow is not a betrayal, but a grave necessity. "Under the control of the French was impossible to be: it would be worse than everything. They went to the Borodino battle, and even faster after "him.

On the other hand, with a big dislike Tolstoy writes about the world of aristocratic Baria, which is far from the people. The power itself is antihurn. Ruthlessly Tolstoy Draws Menching, a Grador, who is trying to "defend" Moscow. The predation, the delicious, scoomy - the characteristic features of the aristocrats who are going to Freilina Sherler. Intrigue, court gossip, career and wealth are their interests, they live. All this lazy and hypocritical crowd was against appointing the head of Kutuzov's commander-in-chief of Kutuzov.

These secular people include Boris Drubetskaya, and Berg, whose goal is to get a good place, Make a brilliant career, get to "Vercham". "They are engaged only by their small interests" and are waiting for only a minute to "get an extra cross or a ribbon," says A. Bolkonsky's such people.

Moreover, such "militant" military not only did not contribute to the general case, but even prevented him. So Count Benigsen ordered to move the troops to height, not understanding that the troops were put in the ambush. Moreover, he did not even report on this change to the commander-in-chief. The young prince B. Drubetskaya, the "invaluable person" in the retinue of Count Benigsen, "hesitates kutuzov," giving to understand the surrounding that the old man is bad. He says patriotic phrases "with the most natural look", but "obviously, only to be heard light."

A special place in the novel is the prince of Andrei, in which love for his homeland, the real hero gives birth to the people. He is looking for a long time and finds the meaning of his life.

"In order not to me with my life for me," says Prince. He seeks to live for others. IN heavy period Wars, where the prince is neither, he manifests himself with a true patriot and an honest officer, deeply worried about the suffering of his people, the disaster of the Motherland. He conquers the sympathy of soldiers, it is affectionately called "our prince", they are proud of them, they love him.

But not only battles give birth to heroes. For example, Pierre Duhov is struggling with the enemy in a flaming Moscow. Showing the best qualities of the human soul, he saves a girl from the fire, and a little later rushes to the help of a girl-Armenian, because of what he is captured. Pierre did not know how to indifferently treat someone else's suffering, he did not realize himself, he performs a real feat. Lydia Dmitrievna Opubovskaya wrote: "Peaceful calm, confidence in the sense of life Pierre acquires, surviving the heroic time of the year and the suffering of captivity next to ordinary people, with Plato Karataev. He experiences" the feeling of his insignificance and falsehood in comparison with the truth, simplicity and strength of that discharge. The people who finished him in the soul called they "." The soldier is to be, just a soldier, "Pierre thinks with delight. It is characteristic that the soldiers, even not immediately, but willingly accepted Pierre in their Wednesday and called" our Barin " like Andrei "Our Prince." Pierre cannot become a "just a soldier", a droplet merging with the entire surface of the ball. Consciousness of his personal responsibility for the life of the whole ball is indestructible in it. He's hot thinks that people should come to know all Crime, all the impossibility of war. "

So, in these images we see truly real heroes. To overcome doubts and the miraculous force comes from hundreds of residents of Russian Earth, with which this damn war has brought them to become real heroes.

2.6. Kutuzov - a representative of the People's War.

Inseparable from the people and the image of the great Russian commander of Kutuzov. This is a truly historical figure, it is with his help Tolstoy justify its philosophy about the meaning of personality in history. The basis of his views is the consciousness that the Creator of History, historical events is the people, and not individuals. The Great Man, in Tolstoy, is a person who is able to abandon personal interests, subordinate to their nationwide need. And the point is not that Kutuzov predicts the actions and maneuvers of the enemy, but in the fact that in his activity is expressed in National Will. "The source of extraordinary force and special Russian wisdom was in the folk feeling that he carried in himself in all purity and strength." His relatives of the Soldiers feel the best people from the nobles. Therefore, in the risk of Russia, Russia "needs its own, native man." The carrier of the People's Spirit and People's Will, Kutuzov deeply and faithfully gave an assessment of the events and took the only right decision. So, after the victorious Borodino battle, he insisted on the retreat, sorry his soldiers, his telessed army.

Cutuzov has no other task, except for the ministry of Fatherland and the desire to expel the invaders. He does not think about glory like Napoleon or Alexander. It is extremely subtly disassembled in the significance of the folk meaning of events, feels what is happening inside each soldier. Mikhail Illarionovich - the greatest
the commander, at least because I realized the role of the "Roy Open Beginnings", suffered a true spirit of the troops, divided the will of the people and embodied all this in himself. In a complete, loose, a sutural figure of this old man there is no place for personal ambitions, there is a phenomenal sensitivity to the will of the people, to the will of God. "He knew the long-term military experience that he solves the fate of the battle of non-order of the commander-in-chief, not the place on which the troops cost, not the number of guns and killed people, and the elusive force called the spirit of the troops." That is why, at first glance, Kutuzov seems unfoundless, indifferent, in the whole doubting "grandfather". But the highest internal activity is hidden behind this external inertia. In general, the well-known criterion for success is the smallest attached effort. Kutuzov seems to be familiar not only with the laws of history, but also with the laws of life, spiritual laws. No meetings, no intricate strategic calculations at all make sense, because the source of victories is something darling, invisible, elusive, imperceptible.

In Tolstoy, it is useless to oppose the natural course of events, it is useless to try to fulfill the role of the fate of humanity. During the Borodino battle, from which much depended on the Russian, Kutuzov, "did not make any orders, but only agreed or did not agree to the fact that he was offered." In this apparent passivity, a deep mind of the commander, his wisdom appear. The insightful judgments of Andrei Bolkonsky and the insightful judgments of Andrei Bolkonsky are confirmed: "He will listen, everything will remember, everything will not hurt anything useful and nothing will allow anything harmful. He understands that there is something stronger and more considerable to his will, is an inevitable course. Events, and he knows how to see them knows how to understand their meaning and, in view of this, knows how to renounce participation in these events, from his personal will aimed at another. " Kutuzov knew that "the fate of the fighting is not ordered by the commander-in-chief, not the place where the troops cost, not the number of guns and killed people, and the elusive force, called the spirit of the troops, and he watched this force and led it as much as it was His power. "

The nipsy with the people, the unity with simple people makes Kutuzov for the writer the ideal of a historic figure and a person's ideal. It is always modest and simple. The winning pose, the actor to him alien. Kutuzov on the eve of the Borodino battle read the sentimental French Roman Madame Zhanlis "Knights Swan". He did not want to seem a great man - he was him. The behavior of Kutuzov is natural, the author constantly emphasizes his old weakness. Kutuzov in the novel - expressive of folk wisdom. His power is that he understands and well knows what the people worries, and acts according to this. The director of Kutuzov in his dispute with Benigsen on the Council in filients as it should be supported by the fact that the side of the "grandfather" of Kutuzov sympathy of the peasant girl Malashi.

S. P. Bychkov wrote: "Tolstoy, with the artist inherent in him, correctly guessed and superbly captured some features of the character of the great Russian commander Kutuzov: his deep patriotic feelings, his love for the Russian people and hatred of the enemy, his proximity to the soldier. Contrary to the false legend created by the official historiography about Alexander I - the Savior of the Fatherland and the secondary role in the war, Tolstoy restores the historical truth and shows Kutuzov as the leader of the Fair People's War. Kutuzov was associated with the people of close spiritual bonds, and this was his strength as The commander. "The source of the extraordinary force of insight into the meaning of the phenomena," says Tolstoy about Kutuzov, "lay in the folk feeling that he wore in himself in all purity and strength. Only recognition in it of this feeling forced the people with such strange ways of him, in the disgraces of the old man, to choose, against the will of the king, to the representative of the People's War. "

Kindness, simple, wisdom, donation with personal interests for the sake
the benefits of the whole nation - the keys of the cutuzov, with the help of which he is able to lead, passibly, direct, combine ...

After the liberation of the country, the representative of the People's War feels the mission fulfilled the main in life. And he dies in 1813.

2.7. Department of Napoleon

In the novel, Tolstoy opposes "simple, modest and therefore the majestic figure" Kutuzov "Deligious form of the European Hero of Napoleon". These are two poles of the novel. The writer emphasizes everything that replies in the appearance of Napoleon.

The emperor was deprived of the ability to understand that the world exists not to fulfill his desires. He could not imagine someone, including enemies, did not adore him. In Tolstoy, Napoleon is a false hero. He is far from his soldiers. The main driving stimulus at Napoleon was the thirst for personal glory, greatness, the authorities, whatever the paths it was achieved.

In the "war and the world" are created as if two ideological center: Kutuzov and Napoleon. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe spread of Napoleon arose at a fat connection with the final understanding of the nature of the war of 1812 as a fair war from the Russians. The image of Napoleon is revealed to Tolstoy from the position of "thoughts of folk".

S. P. Bychkov wrote: "In the war with Russia, Napoleon performed in the role of the invader, who sought to enslave the Russian people, he was an indirect killer of many people, this gloomy activity and did not give him, on the thought of the writer, the right to greatness. Tolstoy drew the legend about Napoleon from the standpoint of genuine humanism. Already from the first appearance of Napoleon in the novel, deeply negative features of its character are revealed. Tolstoy, it's a detail for the part, discharges the portrait of Napoleon, a forty-year-old, fattened and barish of a wonderful person, arrogant and self-lean. "Round belly", "fatty Short legs, "White Pukhae Neck", "The Short figure" with wide, "thick shoulders" - these are characteristic features of Napoleon's appearance. When describing the morning toilet Napoleon on the eve of the Borodino battle of Tolstoy enhances the developing nature of the initial portrait characteristic of the emperor of France: "fat Spin "," Increasing fatty breasts "," Folded body "," swollen And the yellow "face," thick shoulders "- all these details paint a person far from labor life, dying, deeply alien to the basics of people's life.

Napoleon was a selfishly self-flawed person, who was self-administratively considered that the whole universe will obey his will. People for him did not imagine interest. The writer with a subtle irony, sometimes turning into sarcasm, exposes the claims of Napoleon to world domination, its constant posing for history, his acting. Napoleon played all the time, in his behavior and in his words there was nothing simple and natural. This is expressively shown in a thick in the scene of the admission of Napoleon. Portrait of a son on a Borodino field. Napoleon went to the portrait, feeling, "that what he says and will do now, - there is a story"; "His son in Bilbok played a globe" - The greatness of Napoleon was expressed in this, but he wanted to show "the most simple deceo tenderness." Of course, it was pure acting. He did not express here sincere feelings of the "fatherless tenderness", namely, I posted for the story, I was hijacked. This scene reveals the arrogance of Napoleon, who believed that Russia would be conserved with the occupation of Moscow, and his plans for the conquest of world domination would be implemented.

As a player and actor, the writer depicts Napoleon and in a number of subsequent episodes. On the eve of Borodin, Napoleon says: "Chess are delivered, the game will start tomorrow." On the day of the battle after the first cannon shots, the writer notes: "The game has begun." Next, Tolstoy shows that this "game" cost the lives of tens of thousands of people. So the bloody character of Napoleon's wars was revealed, who had sought to enslave the whole world. War is not a "game", but a cruel necessity, thinks Prince Andrei. And this included a fundamentally different approach to the war, the point of view of the peaceful people was forced to take on the weapons under the exceptional circumstances, when there was a threat of enslavement over the birthplace. "

3. Conclusion.

The people at Tolstoy acts as the Creator of History: Milling masses of ordinary people, and not the heroes and commander make history, move the society forward, create everything valuable in material and in spiritual life, makes all the great and heroic. And this thought is the "thought of people" - Tolstoy proves the example of the war of 1812. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy denied war, argued with those who found the "beauty of horror" in the war. When describing the war of 1805, Tolstoy acts as a writer - pacifist, but when describing the war of 1812, the author passes to the position of patriotism. The war of 1812 appears in the image of Tolstoy as a war of people. The author creates many images of men, soldiers, the judgments of which are in aggregate constitute a folk care.

Patriotism and proximity to the people mostly inherent in Pierre Bezuhov, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, Natasha Rostova. In the People's War of 1812, such a huge moral force was concluded, which purified and reborn the favorite heroes of Tolstoy, burned in their soul many estate prejudices, selfless feeling.

4. List of references used.

    BychkovS., L. N. Tolstoy. Sketch of creativity - M., 1954

    Gromova - Opubskaya LD Roman-epic L.N. Tolstoy "War and World" - M.: Science, 1987

    Gromova-Opubskaya, Lydia Dmitrievna. Selected works / L. D. Gromova-opubskaya; Ros. Acad. sciences; In-t of world culture. A.M. Gorky. - M.: Science, 2005.

    ShepelevZ.S. Mastery of Tolstoy in "War and the World" - Kostroma, 1954

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MOU "Secondary school № 55" of the city of Ryazan

Report on literature on Roman-Epopea L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Subject. "Dubube People's War"

Ryazan 2014.

"Imagine," wrote Tolstoy, - two people who came with the swords on the fight on all the rules of fencing art ... Suddenly one of the opponents feeling wounded, - realizing that this is not a joke ... I threw the sword and taking the first walking Tubin, began grumble it. A fencer who demanded the struggle according to the rules of art was a Frenchman, his opponent who threw Sppane and raised by Dubin, was Russian ... Despite the complaints of the French on the non-fulfillment of the rules ... Dubube of the People's War rose with everything, the Groznoye and Majestient force and, without asking any , rose, fell and nailing the French until all the invasion was died. " It was with the help of the "club of the People's War", Lev Nikolayevich reveals the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe Roman Epopea "War and Peace".

The Patriotic War of 1812 in the image of L. N. Tolstoy appears as a war of people. The writer is convinced that the Russian people won the war. Further development of the People's War is drawn by the author in Tome IV, the heads of which are devoted to a strong and mighty partisan movement.

In those years, patriotic feelings and hatred of enemies embraced all the segments of the population. But even V.G. Belinsky wrote: "Patriotism is not in lush exclamations." L.N. Tolstoy contrasts true patriotism to such a show, which was heard in speeches and exclamations at the meeting of Moscow nobles. They worried about whether the peasants of the free spirit would not be gaining ("better still set ... And then neither the soldiers nor a man return to us, but only one debauchery," the voices were given at the nobility meeting).

During the stay of the army in Tarutin began to be held in partisan trafficstarted before Kutuzov's entry to the post of commander-in-chief. Very accurately and figuratively said about the partisan movement and the people's nature of the war of 1812 L.N. Tolstoy, for the first time using the expression "Duby of People's War" in the first chapter of the third part of the fourth volume of Roman "War and Peace".

The partisan movement in the Patriotic War of 1812 is one of the main expressions of the will and the desire for the victory of the Russian people against the French troops. The partisan movement reflects the popular nature of the Patriotic War.

The partisan movement began after the accession of Napoleonic troops in Smolensk. Before the partisan war was officially adopted by our government, thousands of people of the enemy army were exterminated by the Cossacks and the "partisans".

The image of Petit Rostov is an expression in the novel of the topic partisan Warwhich shows that the people are the true power of history. He reveals the true price of human life, human relationships.

The partisan war with the French adopted folk character. She carried with them new methods of struggle, "tilting the conquest strategy of Napoleon."

Tolstoy ambiguous refers not only to the People's War, but also to the partisan. The People's War admires the writer as the highest manifestation of patriotism, as the unity of people of all the layers in their love to their homeland and in general desire do not give the enemy to seize Russia. Only the war is partisanskaya, that is, the liberation, which is not "game", not "fun of idle people", and retribution for ruin and misfortune, aimed at protecting their own freedom and freedom of the whole country, is valid, according to Tolstoy. But still anyone, even a fair war bends destruction, pain and suffering, is the personification of an evil, anti-imaginary start. Therefore, the guerrilla war, felt by Tolstoy in the novel, is, according to the author's thoughts, manifestation of people's wrath, but not the embodiment of humanism and the highest good. Tolstoy Rostov Roman War

The people's character of war is shown to Tolstoy different ways. Copyright historical and philosophical reasoning on the role of the personality and the people in history in general and the war of 1812 in particular, live paintings of outstanding historical events are drawn; People can be depicted (although extremely rarely) as a whole, general, and as countless of living ordinary characters. The motives and feelings of the whole nation are concentrated in the form of the "representative of the People's War" of the commander of Kutuzov, felt the best representatives of the nobility, brought together with the people.

Tolstoy shows a combination of formidable strength, courage and kindness, heroic patience of generosity in Russian character; This is a unique connection and represents, in the thickness, the essence of the Russian soul. The writer himself says: "There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, good and truth." Russian soldiers, having met Captain Rambalar and his ferry of Morel, freezing in the forest, bring them porridge, vodka, littered with a sinel rambala. Joyfully smiling, they look at the ferry.

Such is the main assessment of the People's War in Roman Tolstoy. "And the benefit of the people, who in a minute of testing with simplicity and ease raises the first walking Tubin and nails it until in the soul, his sense of insult and revenge will be replaced by contempt and pity."

L. Tolstoy glorified and perpetuated at all times the image of the "club of the People's War". At the same time, he glorified the Russian people, who boldly, decisively and disgustly raised her to the enemy.

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Partisan movement - "Dubube People's War"

"... Dubube of the People's War rose with all his formidable and majestic strength and, without asking against the draws of the tastes and rules, with a stupid simplicity, but with expediency, without disassembling nothing, rose, went down and nailing the French until all the invasion was died."
. L.N. Tolstoy, "War and Peace"

The Patriotic War of 1812 remained in the memory of all Russian people as a war of people.

Do not wise! Give me! Hood V.V. Vereshdygin, 1887-1895

This definition does not accidentally fixed it. Not only the regular army participated in it - for the first time in the history of the Russian state, the whole Russian people rose to protect their homeland. Various voluntary detachments were formed, who took part in many major battles. Commander-in-Chief M.I. Kutuzov called on Russian militia to assist the existing army. A guerrilla movement was obtained great development, which unfolded throughout Russia, where the French were located.

Passive resistance
The population of Russia began to resist the invasion of the French from the very first days of the war. It turned out the huge distribution of so-called. Passive resistance. The Russian people left their homes, villages, whole cities. At the same time, people often devastated all the warehouses, all the reserves of food, destroyed their farms - they were firmly convinced: nothing had to get into his hands to the enemy.

A.P. Buhenev recalled how Russian peasants fought with the French: "The further the army was in the depths of the country, the more unlikely to have occurring villages, and especially after Smolensk. The peasants were sent to the neighboring forests of their women and children, belongings and cattle; Itselves, with the exception of only the stray old people, armed with braids and axes, and then began to burn their horses, arranged ambushes and attacked backward and stray enemy soldiers. In small cities that we passed, almost no one was found on the streets: only the local authorities remained, which, for the most part, left with us, pre-betrayed fires and shops, where the opportunity was preparing and allowed ... "

"Caraise villains without mercy"
Gradually, peasant resistance acquired other forms. Some organized groups of several people, they caught the soldiers of the Great Army and killed them. Naturally, they could not act against large number French at the same time. But this was quite enough to impose horror in the ranks of the enemy army. As a result, the soldiers tried not to walk apart, so as not to get into the hands of Russian partisans.

With weapons in your hands - shoot! Hood V.V. Vereshdygin, 1887-1895

In some provinces left by the Russian army, the first organized partisan detachments were formed. One of these detachments acted in the Sychev province. He headed his Major Emelyanov, who first began to initiate people to accept weapons: "Many began to pester to him, from day to day the number of accomplices was multiplied, and then armed what was possible, they chose the brave Emelyanov over his head, giving an oath to the belly for faith, the king and the land of Russian and to obey him ... then Emelyanov introduced There is an amazing order between the warriors-posts. For one sign, when the enemy went in excellent forces, the villages became empty, they were going to house again. Sometimes an excellent lighthouse and bells were announced when ITTi equestrian or hiking. He himself, as a boss, encouraging his example, was always with them in all dangers and harass me everywhere, he broke, and finally he captured, and finally, in one hot shootout in the brilliance of military actions of the peasants, his life captured his love To the Fatherland ... "

Such examples were quite a few, and they could not slip away from the attention of the leaders of the Russian army. MB Barclay de Tolly in August 1812 appealed to residents of Pskov, Smolensk and Kaluga province: "... But many of the residents of the Smolensk region awakened already from fear of their own. They, equip them in their homes, with courage worthy of the name of the Russian, punish the villains without mercy. Imitate all those who love themselves, Fatherland and the Sovereign. Your military will not come out of your limits, the current does not drive or not destroy the strength of the enemy. It was decided to fight them to the very extremes, and you will remain supporting his one to the defective of your own houses of your more daring, rather than terrible. "

Wide scope malaya War»
Leaving Moscow, the commander-in-chief of Kutuzov assumed to lead a "low war" to create an enemy constant threat to the environment in Moscow. This task was to solve the detachments of military officers and folk militia.

Being at the Tarutin position, Kutuzov took the activities of partisans under its control: "... I put ten partisans on that leg to be able to take all the ways at the enemy thinking in Moscow to find in the abundance of all kinds of contentment. During a six-week rest of the main army under Tarutin, the partisans were prevailing fear and horror by the enemy, taking all the ways of food ... ".

Davydov Denis Vasilyevich. Engraving A.Afanasyev
From the original V. Langer. 1820s.

For such actions, we needed bold and decisive commanders and troops capable of acting in any conditions. The first detachment that was created by Kutuzov for making a small war was a detachment of lieutenant colonel D.V. DavydovFormed at the end of August as part of 130 people. With this detachment of Davydov spoke through Egoryevskoye, begging to the village of Squarevo, which was turned into one of the bases of the partisan struggle. He acted together with various armed peasant detachments.

Denis Davydov did not just fulfill his combat debt. He tried to understand the Russian peasant, because he represented his interests and acted from his face: "Then I learned on experience that in the People's War I should not only speak the language of mobiles, but to escalate to her, to her customs and her clothes. I put on a guy caftan, began to ignore the beard, instead of the Order of St. Anne hung the image of St. Nicholas and spoke to the tongue quite folk ... ".

The Mozhaisk Road was concentrated by another partisan detachment headed by Major General I.S. Dorokhov. Kutuzov wrote Dorokhov about the methods of the partisan struggle. And when information was received at the army headquarters that Dorokhov's squad came to the environment, Kutuzov reported: "The guerrilla is never in this position of the truth, for it is the duty of it so much time in one place to stay, how much he needs to feed people and horses. Marsha must fly a flying partisan detachment, for small roads ... During the day to hide in forests and lowlands. In short, the partisans should be decisive, fast and tireless. "

Figner Alexander Samoilovich. Engraving G.I. Grachev with lithography from the collection PA Erofeeva, 1889.

At the end of August 1812, a detachment was also formed Vitrengerene, consisting of 3200 people. Initially, his task was to observe the hull of the vice-king Evgeny Bogarne.

Having rearing the army to the Tarutin position, Kutuzov has formed a few more partisan detachments: A. S. detachments Figrine, I.M. Vadbolsky, N.D. Kudasheva and A.N. Seslavin.

In total, in September, 36 Cossack regiments and one team, 7 cavalry regiments, 5 squadrons and one team of lightweight artillery, 5 infantry regiments, 3 battalions of hurkers, and 22 shehenty battalions and 22 shepherd guns were acted. Kutuzov managed to give the partisan war wide. He pecked them the tasks of observing the enemy and apply continuous strikes on his troops.

Cartoon of 1912.

It is thanks to the actions of the guerrilla Kutuzov possessed complete information On the movements of the French troops, on the basis of which it was possible to draw conclusions about the intentions of Napoleon.

Due to continuous blows of batting partisan detachments, the French had to always keep part of the troops at the ready. According to the journal of hostilities, from September 14 to October 13, 1812, the enemy lost only about 2.5 thousand people killed, about 6.5 thousand French was captured.

Peasant partisan detachments
The activities of military partisan detachments would not be so successful without the participation of peasant partisan detachments, which operated everywhere since July 1812.

The names of their "leaders" will remain in the memory of the Russian people: Kurin, Sami, Quarters and many others.

Kurin Gerasim Matveyevich
Hood A. Sirnov

Portrait of a guerrilla of Egor Stoolov. Hood TEREBENEV I.I., 1813

The detachment itself acted near Moscow. He managed to destroy more than three thousand Frenchmen: "I myself introduced an amazing tree to him in all subordinates to him. Everything was performed on the signs that were served by the bell tower and other conditional will accept. "

The feats of Vasilisa Keltini received great fame, which headed the detachment in the Sychevsky district and fought with French marauders.

Vasilisa Skin. Hood A. Sirnov, 1813

On the patriotism of the Russian peasants wrote M.I. Kutuzov reporting Alexander I of October 24, 1812 on the patriotism of Russian peasants: "They suffered with a martyr's hardness, they were transferred all the strikes with the invasion of the enemy, hid their families and young children in the forest, and the armed armed were looking for defeats in peaceful dwellings their emerging predators. Often, the most women secretly caught the villains and punished the death of their attempts, and often armed selyan, joining our partisans, they contributed very much in the extermination of the enemy, and without exaggeration to say that many thousands of enemies were exterminated by peasants. Feats are so numerous and delicious to the Spirit of the Russian ... ".

(L. N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace")

L. Tolstoy one of the first in Russian and world literature recreated the paintings of the People's Partisan War and managed to reveal its true meaning and meaning. With historical accuracy and truthfulness, the great Russian writer showed how the "Duby of People's War", which operated with "simplicity and appropriateness," led to victory over the conquerors. In the actions of the partisan detachments of 1812, he saw the highest form of unity of the people and the army, which radically changed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe war. L. Tolstoy notes that "War began, not suitable for any previous ideas of wars since the fire of Smolensk. Burning cities and villages, retreat after battles, Borodin's blow and again a retreat, fire of Moscow, catching marauders, reimbursement of transport, partisan war - all these were deviations from the rules. "

L. Tolstoy says that Napoleon, who for the first time in his military practice faced with a similar phenomenon, "did not cease to complain Kutuzov and the Emperor Alexander on the fact that the war was disgusted with all the rules." Along the way, the author notices: "As if there are some rules in order to kill people."

Before the start of the Borodino battle during a date with Pierre, Prince Andrei says that when under Smolensk "We were fought for the first time ... for Russian land," then "in the troops there was such a spirit, which I never saw that we were shaking off the French two days And that this success has developed our strength. "

Not only the regular army was preparing for the Borodino battle, but also militia. One of the wounded soldiers in the weapon, met by Pierre on the way to Borodino, says: "Today is not the fact that the soldiers, and the men Vidal! Peasants and those chas. Today they do not understand ... all the people want to feel, one word - Moscow. One end to make want. " But Pierre understood the meaning of heard only when "he saw the first time of the militia men with crosses on his caps and in white shirts, which with loud talk and laughter, lively and sweaty, worked to the right from the road."

The hidden "heat of patriotism" captives Kutuzov, who reports that the Men's-militias wear "white clean shoes to prepare for death." He with a moutigation and delight answers this: "Wonderful, unmatched people!" With the same seriousness and thoroughness prepared for an important decisive event - the Borodino battle - soldiers and officers of the Russian army. Captain Timokhin tells Pejer and Prince Andrei: "What to regret now! Soldiers in my battalion, believe, did not drink vodka: not such a day, they say. "

After the Borodino battle, the entire population as one person, throwing its own property, "flowed out from Moscow, showing this negative effect of his folk feeling." But those simple people - Craftsmen and factory, which remained in the city, were ready to stand under the banners of the defenders of the Motherland. L. Tolstoy says that "the understanding of the people was configured to a high way." People "Without Racking Belly, wanted to serve" Fatherland. However, neither the governor nor the polytzmester nor other top officials of Moscow had the same mood and more concerned about their own security.

Despite the lack of a common team, after the arrival of the French, Moscow was like an abandoned hive. The streets were empty, there was almost no one. The gate and shops were all locked. No one went through the streets, and rarely heard the steps of pedestrians. " The people independently took care that the invaders feel like a powder barrel. Under them in the literal sense, Earth was burning. The men Carp and Vlas and "all countless of these men" not only did not take the Sena to Moscow for big money, but also burned him. They burned all that remained from the population and could be useful to the French.

The apective assistance of his army was provided by the people who went to the partisan detachments. They were then hundreds - large and small, hiking and equestrian, with artillery and simply with Rhitnes. "He was the head of the party, the decek, who took several hundred captives per month. There was an old age of Vasilis, who beat hundreds of French. "

The partisan movement occupies a special place in the history of the Patriotic War of 1812. The power of partisan detachments consisted in suddenness of the attack, elusiveness for regular troops. "The partisans destroyed the Great Army in parts. They picked up those fallen leaves, which themselves flew off from the withered tree - the French troops, and sometimes they shake this tree. " And how many Napoleon and his marshals were complained that the Russians lead the war "not according to the rules", no matter how hesitated at the court of Emperor Alexander, talking about partisans, "Dubube of the People's War rose with all his formidable and majestic strength and, without asking drawn tastes And the rules ... Raised and nailing the French until all the invasion was died. "

French historians, describing the position of French troops before leaving Moscow, argue that everything in the Great Army was in order, excluding cavalry, artillery and accessories, and there was no forage for horses feed and cattle. This disaster could not help anything, because the surrounding men burned their hay and did not give the French.

The won battle did not bring ordinary results, because the men Carp and Vlas who, after the French speeches, came to Moscow with robbery to rob the city and did not show the heroic feelings at all, and all countless people did not take the Sena to Moscow for the good money that them Offered, and burned it.

Imagine two people who came to the fight with swords for all the rules of fencing art: fencing continued for a long time; Suddenly, one of the opponents, feeling wounded - realizing that this is not a joke, but concerns his life, threw his sword and, taking the first Cubin, began to strive her. But imagine that the enemy, so intelligently used the best and simplest means to achieve the goal, at the same time inspired by the legends of the knighthood, would wanted to hide the essence of the case and insisted that it won on all the rules of art won the swords. You can imagine what confusion and ambiguity would have happened from such a description of the erosion.

A fencer who demanded the struggle according to the rules of art was the French; His opponent who threw the sword and raised by Cubin, were Russian; People trying to explain everything according to the rules of fencing - historians who wrote about this event.

Since the fire of Smolensk, a war began, not suitable for any previous legends of wars. Burning cities and villages, retreat after battles, blow Borodin and again augmentation, leaving and fire of Moscow, catching marauders, transfer of transport, partisan war - all these were deviations from the rules.

Napoleon felt this, and from the very time when he stopped in Moscow in the correct posture of the fencer and instead of the enemy's sword saw the club raised over himself, he did not stop complaining to Kutuzov and Emperor Alexander for the fact that the war was disgusted with all the rules (as if existed Some rules in order to kill people). Despite the complaints of the French for the non-fulfillment of the rules, despite the fact that the Russians, the highest to the position of people, seemed to be shameful to fight a double, and I wanted to become the position of EN Quarte or En Tierce [fourth, third], make a skillful loss in Prime [first], etc., - Dubube of the People's War rose with all his terrible and majestic strength and, without asking for anyone's tastes and rules, with stupid simplicity, but with expediency, without disassembling nothing, rose, went down and nailing the French to As long as all the invasion died.

And the blessing of the people who are not like the French in 1813, having dragged on all the rules of art and turning the swarth with Ephesus, gracefully and the courtesy transfers it to its generous winner, and the benefit of the people, who in a minute of the test, without asking how the rules came Others in such cases, with simplicity and ease raises the first bang, and nail it until in the soul, his sense of insult and revenge is not replaced by contempt and pity.

One of the most tactual and advantageous deviations from the so-called rules of the war is the action of fragmented people against people sprinkling in a bunch. This kind of action is always manifested in the war receiving popularity. These actions are that, instead of becoming a crowd against the crowd, people diverge apart, attack one, and immediately run, when they are attacked by great forces, and then they attack them again when the case is. This was done by gwerigas in Spain; This was done in the Caucasus; This was done by the Russians in 1812.

The war of this kind was called partisan and believed that, calling her so, explained her meaning. Meanwhile, this kind of war is not only not suitable for any rules, but it is directly opposite to a well-known and recognized for infallible tactical rule. The rule says that the attacker must focus his troops so that at the time of the battle to be stronger than the enemy.

The guerrilla war (always successful, as history shows) is directly anti-if this rule.

This is due to the contradiction because military science takes the power of the troops identically with their numericality. Military science says that the more troops, the greater the strength. Les gros Bataillons ONT Toujours Raison. [The right is always on the side of large armies. ]

Saying this, military science is similar to that mechanics, which, based on consideration of forces only in relation to their masses, would say that the forces are equal or not equal between themselves, because they are equal or not equal to their masses.

Strength (the amount of movement) is a product of the mass for speed.

In a military case, the force of the troops is also a product of the masses for something, for some unknown x.

Military science, seeing countless examples in the history of the fact that the mass of troops does not coincide with the strength that small detachments win big, vaguely recognizes the existence of this unknown multiplier and tries to find it in geometric construction, then in service, then the most ordinary - in The genius of the commander. But the setting of all these multiplier values \u200b\u200bdoes not cause results, consonant with historical facts.

Meanwhile, it is only worth it to donate from the steady, in favor of heroes, a false look at the reality of orders of the highest authorities during the war to find this unknown x.

X This one is the spirit of troops, that is, more or less desire to fight and expose themselves to the dangers of all people who make up the army, completely regardless of whether people under the command of geniuses or not geniuses are fighting, in three or two lines, doubles or guns shooting thirty Once a minute. People who have the greatest desire to fight, always put themselves and in the highest conditions for fight.

Spirit of troops - there is a multiplier for a mass, giving a work of force. Determine and express the importance of the spirit of the troops, this unknown multiplier, there is a task of science.

This task is only possible when we stop arbitrarily substituting instead of the value of all the unknown x those conditions under which the power is manifested, somehow: orders of the commander, armament, etc., taking them for the value of the multiplier, and recognize this unknown in the whole Its wholeness, that is, as a larger or smaller desire to fight and expose themselves danger. Then, only, expressing the famous historical facts by equations, from the comparison of the relative value of this unknown, you can hope for the definition of the unknown one.

Ten people, battalions or divisions, fighting with fifteen people, battalions or divisions, won fifteen, that is, they killed and taken captive all without a rest, and they themselves lost four; Therefore, they were destroyed on one side four, on the other hand fifteen. Consequently, four were equal to fifteen, and, therefore, 4a: \u003d 15th. Consequently, w: g / \u003d\u003d 15: 4. The equation does not give the values \u200b\u200bof the unknown, but it gives the relationship between two unknowns. And from summing up the historical equations of various units (battles, campaigns, war periods), the number of numbers in which the laws should be opened and can be opened.

The tactical rule is that it is necessary to act with the masses at the occurrence and scattered during the retreat, unconsciously confirms that the truth that the power of the troops depends on his spirit. In order to conduct people under the core, you need more discipline achieved only by movement in the masses than in order to fight off from the attackers. But the rule is that the troops are overlooked from the type of spirit, it is increasingly incorrect and in particular the strikingly contradicts reality where there is a strong rise or decline of the spirit of troops, in all popular wars.

The French, retreating in the 1812 year, although they should be defended separately, in tactics, pumped into a bunch, because the spirit of the troops fell so that only the mass is constrained by the army together. Russians, on the contrary, in tactics would have to attack the mass, in fact they are fragmented, because the spirit is raised so that individuals beat without ordered by the French and do not need forced to expose themselves with labor and dangers.

The so-called guerrilla war began with the entry of the enemy to Smolensk.

Before the partisan war was officially adopted by our government, thousands of people of the enemy army are already behind the elderly marauders, forage faces - were exterminated by the Cossacks and men who branched these people as unconsciously, as unconsciously, the dogs snangle the smooth dog. Denis Davydov his Russian Facely understood the meaning of that terrible club, which, without asking the rules of military art, destroyed the French, and he belongs to the glory of the first step to promote this reception of war.

On August 24, the first partisan detachment of Davydov was established, and after his detachment began to establish others. The further the campaign moved, the more these detachments increased.

Partisans destroyed Great Army in parts. They picked up those left the leaves, who flew out themselves from the withered tree - the French troops, and sometimes they shake this tree. In October, while the French fled to Smolensk, these parties of various quantities and characters were hundreds. There were parties that adopted all the techniques of the army, with infantry, artillery, headquarters, with the amenities of life; There were some Cossacks, cavalry; There were small, prefabricated, hiking and horseback, there were mugs and landlords, not known to anyone. There was a decek by the head of the party, which took several hundred captives a month. There was an old age of Vasilis, who beat hundreds of French.

The last numbers of October was the time of the ripping of the partisan war. That first period of this war, during which the partisans themselves, surprised their audacity, were afraid of being caught and surrounded by the French and, without launching and almost without horses, hid in the forests, waiting for each minute of chase, - already passed. Now this war has already decided, everything became clear that it was possible to take with the French and what could not be taken. Now, only those chiefs of detachments, which, with the headquarters, went away from the French by the rules, considered much impossible. The smallest partisans that have long started their work and closely visiting the French, considered it possible, about which the bosses of large detachments did not dare and think. The Cossacks and the men who looked between the French, believed that now everything was possible.

On October 22, Denisov, a former one of the partisans, was with his party in the midst of the partisan passion. In the morning he was on the go with his party. It is a whole day in the forests adjacent to the big road, followed the large French transport of cavalry affairs and Russian prisoners who separated from other troops and under strong cover, as was known from the panels and prisoners sent to Smolensk. About this transport was known not only to Denisov and Dolohov (also partisan with a small party), who was close to Denisov, but also the heads of large detachments with the headquarters: everyone knew about this transport and, as Denisov said, they sharpened his teeth on him. Two of these large detachment bosses is one Pole, another German - almost at the same time sent Denisov invitation to join each to their detachment in order to attack the transport.