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Partisan traffic 1812. Partisan War: Historical importance

The unsuccessful start of the war and the retreat of the Russian troops of the territory of the state showed that the forces of one regular army the enemy could hardly be plunged. For victory over a strong enemy, the efforts of all Russian people were needed. In the overwhelming majority of the occupied enemy counties, people perceived Napoleon's troops not as liberators from serfdom, but as rapist, robbers and enslares. The actions of the occupiers only confirmed the opinion of the people - European Hordes robbed, killed, raped, focused in the temples. Another invasion of ingenians and was perceived by the overwhelming majority of the people as an invasion, which was the goal to eradicate the Orthodox faith and to approve the worm.

Studying partisan traffic In the Patriotic War of 1812, it should be remembered that the partisans then called temporary troops of regular troops and Cossacks, which were targeted by the Russian command for action on the flanks, in the rear and communications of the enemy. The actions of spontaneously organized detachments of self-defense of local residents were indicated by the term " people's War».

Some researchers began the beginning of the partisan traffic during the war of 1812 bind to the manifesto russian emperor Alexander I dated July 6, 1812, which, as if allowed the people to take up and actively involved in the fight against the French. In reality, the case was somewhat different, the first foci of resistance to the invaders appeared in Belarus and Lithuania. And often, the peasants did not disassemble where the invaders, and where they collaborate with them nobles.

People's War

With the invasion of the "Great Army" to Russia, many local residents initially simply left the villages and went to the forests and areas distant from hostilities, took livestock. Departing through Smolenc region, commander-in-chief of the Russian 1st Western army M.B. Barclay de Tolly called on compatriots to take the arms against the enemy. In the appeal of Barclay de Tollya, it was reported, how to act against the enemy. The first detachments were created from the locals who wanted to protect themselves and their property. They were joined by the soldiers from their parts.

French foragers gradually began to face not only with passive resistance, when cattle was hijacked in the forest, food was hid, but also active actions of the peasants. In the area of \u200b\u200bVitebsk, Mogilev, Orsha, the peasant detachments themselves attacked the enemy, making not only night, but also day attacks on small enemy units. French soldiers destroyed or captured. The most wide scope of the People's War received in the Smolensk province. She covered Krasniensky, Porechsky counties, and then Belsky, Sychevsky, Roslavl, Gzhatsky and Vyazemsky county.

In the city of White and Belsky, the peasants attacked the Russian forage halls moving towards them. Favorik Boguslavsky and Major retired Yemelyanov headed the Sychev detachments, setting in them due order and discipline. Only in two weeks - from August 18 to September 1, they committed 15 attacks on the enemy. During this time, they destroyed more than 500 enemy soldiers and captured over 300. Several equestrian and foot peasant detachments were created in the Roslavl county. They not only defended their county, but also attacked the troops of the enemy, which acted in the neighboring Elnensky district. Actively peasant detachments acted in the Yukhnovsky district, they prevented the advance of the enemy at Kaluga, assisted by the Army partisan detachment D.V. Davydova. In the Gzhatsky district, a detachment created by the ordinary Kiev Draghogo regiment Yermolam Quartakh received great fame. He not only defended the lands in the Gzhatskaya Pier from the enemy soldiers, but he himself attacked the opponent.

An even greater scope of the People's War received during the stay of the Russian army to Tarutino. At this time, the peasant movement took a significant character not only in Smolensk, but also Moscow, Ryazan and Kaluga provinces. So, in the Zvenigorodsky district, folk detachments were destroyed or more than 2 thousand opponent soldiers were captured. The most famous detachments were led by the Volos head Ivan Andreev and the hundredthly Pavel Ivanov. In the Volokolamsk district, the detachments led by the retired Unter-Officer Novikov and Nizhin Nemchinov, Navy head, Mikhail Fedorov, the peasants Akim Fedorov, Philip Mikhailov, Kuzma Kuzmin and Gerasim Semenov. In Bronnitsk, the Moscow province to local detachments included up to 2 thousand warriors. The largest peasant detachment in the suburbs was the combination of Bogorodsky partisans, it was consisted of up to 6 thousand people. He was headed by the peasant Gerasim Kurin. He not only reliably defended the entire Bogorodsky district, but he himself struck his opponent himself.

It should be noted that Russian women took part in the fight against the enemy. The peasant and army partisan detachments acted on enemy communications, the actions of the "Great Army" were shot, attacked separate enemy units, destroying the lively enemy's strength, his property, prevented the fear of food and forage. Smolensk road, where the postal service was organized, subjected to regular attacks. The most valuable documents were delivered to the headquarters of the Russian army. According to some estimates, peasant detachments destroyed up to 15 thousand soldiers of the enemy, about the same amount were captured. Due to the actions of the militia, partisan and peasant detachments, the enemy could not expand the zone controlled by him and receive additional facilities and forage facilities. The French could not be patched in Bogorodsk, Dmitrov, Voskresensk, to capture Bryansk and go to Kiev, create additional communication to communicate the main forces with Schwarzenberg and Rainier Corps.

Captured French. Hood THEM. Spinters. 1873

Army detachments

Army partisan detachments also played a major role in the campaign of 1812. The idea of \u200b\u200btheir creation appeared before the Borodino battle, when the command analyzed the actions of individual cavalry detachments, which by the will of the case fell on enemy communications. The first partisan actions began the commander of the 3rd Western Army Alexander Petrovich Tormasov, who formed the "Flying Corps". At the beginning of August, Barclay de Tollya formed a detachment under the command of General Ferdinand Fedorovich Winzingerode. The number of detachment was 1.3 thousand soldiers. Wincgerode got a task to cover the St. Petersburg tract, act on the flank and in the rear of the enemy.

M.I. Kutuzov attached great importance to the action of partisan detachments, they had to lead " small war", To exterminate individual enemy detachments. The detachments were usually created from the moving, cavalry parts, often Cossack, they were most adapted to the irregular war. Their number was usually insignificant - 50-500 people. If necessary, they interacted and combined into larger compounds. Army partisan detachments received the task of applying sudden blows to the enemy's rear, destroy his lively strength, violate communication, attack garrisons, suitable reserves, tear actions aimed at the extraction of food and forage. In addition, the partisans performed the role of army intelligence. The main advantage of the partisan detachments was their speed, mobility. The greatest fame received detachments under the top of Wincgerode, Denis Vasilyevich Davydov, Ivan Semenovich Dorokhov, Alexander Samoilovich Figter, Alexander Nikitich Seslavin and other commanders.

In the fall of 1812, the actions of the partisan detachments took a wide range, in the composition of army volatile detachments, 36 Cossacks and 7 cavalry regiments, 5 separate squadron and a team of light equestrian artillery, 5 infantry regiments, 3 hunting battalions and 22 regimental guns. The guerrillas arranged ambushes, attacked the enemy weapons, intercepted couriers. They daily denied the movement of the enemy's forces, passed the captured mail, the information received from the prisoners. Alexander Figner, after capturing the enemy of Moscow, was sent to the city as a scout, he cherished the dream to kill Napoleon. He failed to eliminate the French emperor, but thanks to the extraordinary resourcefulness and knowledge of foreign languages, Figner was able to extract important information that he passed to the main apartment (headquarters). Then he formed a partisansky (sabotage) squad, which acted on a Mozhaisk road from volunteers and retired soldiers. His enterprises were so disturbed by the enemy that he brought the attention of Napoleon, who appointed a reward for his head.

In the north of Moscow, a large detachment of General Vinzingerode acted, which allocation of small connections to Volokolamsk, to Yaroslavl and Dmitrovskaya road, blocked the access of the enemy to the northern regions of the Moscow region. Actively acted a detachment Dorokhov, who destroyed several enemy teams. A squad was sent to the Serpukhov and Kolomna roads under the start of Nikolai Danilovich Kudashev. His partisans made a successful attack on the village of Nikolskoy, destroying more than 100 people and took captive 200 soldiers of the enemy. Seslavin's partisans acted between Borovsky and Moscow, he had a task to coordinate his actions with the Figner. Salavin was the first to open the movement of Napoleon's troops at Kaluga. Thanks to this valuable report, the Russian army managed to block the road to the enemy at Maloyaroslavets. In the Mozhaisk district, the detachment of Ivan Mikhailovich Vadbolsky was acted, under his beginning there was a Mariupol Gusar regiment and five hundred Cossacks. He set control over the Ruza road. In addition, the detachment of Ilya Fedorovich Chernozemubova was sent to Mozhaysk, in the area of \u200b\u200bVolokolamsk, a detachment of Alexander Christophore Benkendorf, from Ruza - Viktor Antonovich Pretdek, behind the Wedge in the direction of the Yaroslavl tract - the Cossacks Gregory Petrovich Victoryov, and so on.

Important opening of Seslavin partisan. Unknown artist. 1820s.

In fact, the "Great Army" of Napoleon in Moscow was surrounded. Army and peasant detachments prevented the search for food and forage, kept the enemy parts in constant voltage, this was significantly acted on the moral and psychological state of the French army. The active actions of the partisans became one of the reasons that were forced by Napoleon to make a decision on leaving Moscow.

September 28 (October 10) 1812. Several United Partisan detachments under the command of Dorokhov assault took the belief. The opponent was captured by surprise, about 400 soldiers of the Westphalian regiment with a banner fell. In the period from 2 (14) September 1 (13), due to the actions, the partisans enemy lost only killed about 2.5 thousand people and 6.5 thousand enemies were captive. To ensure security on communications, ammunition, food and forage, the French command had to allocate all the great strength.

October 28 (November 9) y with. Lyakhovo West Yelandis Parisans Davydov, Seslavin and Fig Manner, reinforced by parts V.V. Orlova-Denisova, could defeat a whole enemy brigade (she was an avant-garde of the 1st Infantry Division Louis Barage D "Ilya). After a fierce battle, the French team under the command of Jean-Pierre Ozhero capitulated. The commander himself and 2 thousand soldiers were captured. Napoleon was extremely angry, having learned about what happened. He ordered to disband the division and conduct an investigation into the behavior of General Barage d'Ilene, who showed indecision and did not give timely help of the Brigade of the Ozhero. The general was removed from the command and fell under home arrest in his estate in France.

Guerrillas actively acted and during the retreat of the "Great Army". Cossacks of Platov applied strikes on the rear units of the enemy. Davydov's detachment and other partisan compounds acted with flanks, followed the enemy army, making raids into separate French parts. The partisan and peasant detachments made a significant contribution to the common cause of victory over the Army of Napoleon and the expulsion of the enemy from Russia.

Cossacks attack retreating French. Picture of Atkinson (1813).

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Partisan traffic in the war of 1812

Partisan traffic, armed struggle of the masses for the freedom and independence of their country or social transformations, leading on the territory occupied by the enemy (controlled by the reaction regime). In the partisan movement, parts of the regular troops acting in the rear of the enemy may also participate.

Partisan traffic in the Patriotic War of 1812, the armed struggle of the people, mainly the peasants of Russia, and the detachments of the Russian army against the French invaders in the rear of the Napoleonic troops and on their communications. The partisan movement began in Lithuania and Belarus after the retreat of the Russian army. At first, the movement was expressed in refusing to deliver the French army of forage and food, the mass destruction of stocks of these types of supply, which created serious difficulties for Napoleonic troops. With the entry of the pr-ka to Smolensk, and then in the Moscow and Kaluga province, the partisan movement took a particularly wide scope. At the end of July-August in Gzhatsky, Belsky, Sychevsky and other villages, the peasants were united in hiking and horse-on partisan detachments armed with peaks, sabers and guns, attacked individual groups of enemy soldiers, forage faces and summies, violated the communications of the French army. Partisans were a serious combat force. The number of individual detachments reached 3-6 thousand people. Partisan detachments of G.M. Kurina, S. Emelyanova, V. Polovzva, V. Leather and others acquired wide fame. The royal law with distrust reacted to the partisan movement. But in the situation of a patriotic lift, some landowners and progressive generals (PI Bagrition, MB Barclay de Tolly, A.P. Yermolov and others). The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army Feldmarshal M.I. was especially important to the people's partisan struggle. Kutuzov. He saw in it a huge force, capable of applying significant damage, fully promoted the organization of new detachments, gave instructions on their armament and instructions on the tactics of the partisan struggle. After leaving Moscow, the front of the partisan movement was significantly expanded, and Kutuzov, the ideas, gave him an organized character. This largely contributed to the formation of special detachments from regular troops acting by partisan methods. The first such detachment of 130 people was created at the end of August at the initiative of Lieutenant Colonel D.V. Davydova. In September, 36 Cossacks, 7 cavalry and 5 infantry regiments, 5 squadrons and 3 battalions operated as part of army partisan detachments. The detachments were commanded by generals and officers I.S.Dorohov, M.A.Fonvizin and others. Many peasant detachments arising from the spontaneous, subsequently poured into army or worked closely with them. The partisan actions were attracted by individual detachments of the formation of Nar. militia. The most widespread partisan movement reached in Moscow, Smolensk and Kaluga provinces. Acting on the Communications of the French Army, the partisan detachments exterminated enemy forage halls, the sums captured, reported to the Russian command of the valuable information about the PR. Under these conditions, Kutuzov set wider tasks of interaction with the army and strikes on separate garrisons and reserves of the Prot. So, September 28 (October 10), by order of Kutuzov, the detachment of General Dorokhov, with the support of peasant detachments, mastered the city of Vereya. As a result of the fight, the French lost about 700 people killed and injured. In total, in just 5 weeks after the Borodino battle of 1812, the guerrilla has lost over 30 thousand people as a result of strikes. On the entire path of the retreat of the French army, partisan detachments contributed to Russian troops in the persecution and destroying the enemy, attacking his summies and destroying individual detachments. In general, the partisan movement had great assistance to the Russian army in the defeat of the Napoleonic troops and exile them from the limits of Russia.

Causes of the occurrence of the partisan war

The partisan movement was a bright expression of a folk nature. Patriotic War 1812. Overall after the invasion of Napoleonic troops in Lithuania and Belarus, it developed every day, took more and more active forms and became a formidable force.

At first, the guerrilla movement was a spontaneous, represented the performances of small, scattered partisan detachments, then it captured entire areas. Large detachments began to be created, thousands of folk heroes appeared, the talented organizers of the partisan struggle were prompted.

Why is the powerful peasantry, ruthlessly oppressed by destroyers-landlords, rose to the struggle against his seemingly "liberator"? Nor about the liberation of peasants from the serfdom or improving their opposing position Napoleon and did not think. If at first and promined promising phrases about the liberation of serfs and even rumored about the need to release some kind of proclamation, then it was only a tactical move, with the help of which Napoleon was calculated to scatter landlords.

Napoleon understood that the liberation of Russian serfs would inevitably lead to revolutionary consequences, which he was afraid of the most. Yes, it did not meet his political goals when joining Russia. According to Napoleon's associates, it was "important to strengthen monarchism in France and it was difficult for him to preach the revolution in Russia."

The first orders of the administration established by Napoleon in occupied areas were sent against the fortress peasants, in defense of the serfshists. The temporary Lithuanian "government" subordinate to the Napoleonic governor, in one of the first decrees obliged all the peasants and in general rural residents unquestioning to obey the landowners, still perform all the work and duties, and those who will shy away should be strictly punished, attracting for it If the circumstances will require military power.

Sometimes the beginning of the partisan movement in 1812 communicates with the manifesto of Alexander I dated July 6, 1812, as if permitted peasants to take up the weapons and actively turn on in the struggle. In fact, the case was different. Without waiting for the orders of the authorities, the residents of the French approach the forest and the swamps, often leaving their accommodation for looting and burning.

The peasants quickly realized that the invasion of the French conquerors puts them into an even more severe and humiliating position, in which they were before. The fight against foreign enslavers, the peasants also associated with the hope of liberation them from serfdom

Peasant War

At the beginning of the war, the struggle of the peasants acquired the nature of the mass leaving of the village and the villages and the care of the population in the forests and areas distant from hostilities. And although it was another passive form of struggle, she created serious difficulties for the Napoleonic army. French troops, having a limited food supply and forage, quickly began to experience a sharp lack of them. It did not slow down to affect the deterioration general status The army: began to die horses, starving the soldiers, intensified looting. More than 10 thousand horses died to wine.

French forage fagots sent to the village of food faced not only with passive resistance. One French general after the war wrote in his memoirs: "The army could only eat in that the marauders organized into whole numbers were mined; The Cossacks and the peasants were killed every day many of our people who dare to go to search. " The villages took place, including shooting, between the French soldiers sent for food, and peasants. Such clashes took place quite often. It was in such battles that the first peasant partisan detachments were created, a more active form of resistance of the people was born - partisan struggle.

The actions of the peasant partisan detachments were worn both defensive and offensive. In the area of \u200b\u200bVitebsk, Orsha, Mogilev, the detachments of the peasants - the partisans committed frequent day and night fears on the opponent's calls, destroyed his foragers, were taken captured by French soldiers. Napoleon was forced to be increasingly and more often to remind the head of his headquarters for big losses in people and strictly ordered to allocate all large quantity troops for covering foragers.

The most wide range of the partisan struggle of the peasants acquired in August in the Smolensk province. It began in Krasniensky, Porech district, and then in Belsky, Sychevsky, Roslavl, Gzhatsky and Vyazemsky counties. The first time the peasants feared to arm, they were afraid, no matter how they were not attracted to responsibility.

In the city of White and Belsky, the partisan detachments attacked the French party who traded them, destroyed them or captured them. The leaders of Sychevsky partisans by the Farmizlavskaya and Major retired Emelyanov armed their detachments selected from the French with guns, established proper order and discipline. Sychevsky partisans in two weeks (from August 18 to September 1) 15 times attacked the enemy. During this time, they destroyed 572 soldiers and captured 325 people.

Residents of Roslavl County created several equestrian and hiking partisan detachments, arming them with peaks, sabers and guns. They not only defended their county from the enemy, but also attacked the marauders who made themselves to the neighboring Ylanne County. Many partisan detachments operated in the Yukhnovsky district. Having organized defense on the River of Ugra, they blocked the path of the enemy in Kaluga, provided a substantial assistance to the army partition by the detachment of Denis Davydov.

Successfully acted the largest Gzhatsky partisan detachment. His organizer was the soldier of Elizavet Grade Regiment Fedor Flood (Sam). Wounded in one of the terrigard fights after Smolensk, herself found himself in the enemy's rear and after recovery immediately began to organize a partisan squad, whose number soon reached 2 thousand people (according to other data 3 thousand). His shock power There was an equestrian group of 200 people, armed and dressed in the Latvians of the French kirassir. The detachment itself had its own organization, a strict discipline was installed in it. I myself have introduced a system of alerting of the population about the approach of the enemy by means of bell tongues and other conditional signs. Often in such cases the villages were empty, the peasants returned from forests on another conditional sign. Bells and bells different quantity reported when and in what quantity, on horseback or hiking should be in battle. In one of the battles, the participants of this detachment managed to capture the gun. The detachment itself inflicted significant damage to the French troops. In the Smolensk province, they were destroyed about 3 thousand enemy soldiers.

Another partisan detachment, created from the peasants, was actively operating in the Gzhatsky district, created from the peasants, at the head of which stood Ermolai Faud (Quarters), the ordinary Kiev Dragoon Regiment. He was wounded in battle under Tsarevo - under construction, and captured, but he managed to run. From the peasants, the Basmans and Podorovo villages, he organized a partisan detachment, which at first there were 40 people, but soon up to 300 people increased. A detachment of quartes began not only to defend the village from Marauders, but to attack the enemy, having inflicting big losses. In the Sychevsky district, the partisanka Vasilisa Kozhin was famous for his brave actions.

There are many facts and evidence that the partisan peasant detachments of Gzhatsk and other areas, located along the main road to Moscow, caused great trouble by French troops.

Particularly activated by the actions of the partisan detachments during the stay of the Russian army in Tarutin. At this time, they widely unfolded the front of the struggle in Smolensk, Moscow, Ryazan and Kaluga provinces. There was no day to be in one, then in another place the partisans did not make a plaque on the movement of the opponent's opponent with food or not broke the squad of the French, or, finally, did not heigh up the French soldiers and officers in the village of French soldiers and officers.

In the Zvenigorodsky county, the peasant partisan detachments were destroyed and more than 2 thousand French soldiers were captured. The detachments were famous, whose leaders were the volost head of Ivan Andreev and the hundredthly Pavel Ivanov. In the Volokolamsk district, partisan detachments were led by a retired Unter-Officer of Novikov and Private Nemchinov, Mikhail Fedorov's volost head, Peasants Akim Fedorov, Philip Mikhailov, Kuzma Kuzmin and Gerasim Semenov. In Bronnitsk, the Moscow province, the peasant partisan detachments united up to 2 thousand people. They repeatedly attacked the big enemy parties and broke them. History retained the names of the most distinguished peasants - partisans from Bronnitskaya District: Mikhail Andreeva, Vasily Kirillova, Sidora Timofeeva, Jacob Kondratieva, Vladimir Afanasyev.

The largest peasant partisan detachment in the suburbs was a squad of Bogorodsky partisans. He had about 6 thousand people in his ranks. The talented leader of this detachment was a serf peasant Gerasim Kurin. His detachment and other less major detachments not only securely defended the entire Bogorodskaya district from the penetration of French marauders, but also entered into an armed struggle with the troops of the enemy. So, on October 1, partisans under the leadership of Gerasim Kurina and Egor Stoolov entered into battle with two enemy squadrons and, skillfully acting, defeated them.

The peasant partisan detachments received assistance from the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army M. I. Kutuzov. With satisfaction and pride Kutuzov wrote to Petersburg:

The peasants, burning love for their homeland, arrange militias among themselves ... They come to the main apartment every day, asking for convincing firearms and cartridges to protect against enemies. Requests of other respectable peasants, the true sons of the Fatherland, are satisfied as far as possible and they are supplied with guns, pistols and cartridges. "

During the preparation of the counteroffensive, the United States, the militia and partisans were shoved by the actions of the Napoleonic troops, caused damage to the lively power of the enemy, destroyed military property. Smolensk road, which remained the only protected postal route leading from Moscow to the West, was constantly subjected to partisans. They intercepted French correspondence, especially valuable was delivered to the main apartment of the Russian army.

The partisan actions of the peasants were highly appreciated by the Russian command. "The peasants," Kutuzov wrote, "the villages apply the greatest harm to the elder to the theater of war ... They kill the enemies in many, and captured to the army." Alone only the peasants of the Kaluga province were killed and captured more than 6 thousand French. When taking Belie, the peasant partisan detachment was distinguished (up to 1 thousand people), headed by the priest Ivan the stupid.

In addition to direct hostilities, the participation of militia and peasants in intelligence should be noted.

Army partisan detachments

Along with the formation of large peasant partisan detachments and their activities, the Army partisan detachments played a major role in the war.

The first army partisan detachment was created on the initiative of M. B. Barclay de Tolly. His commander was General F. F. Vitrengerene, who headed the United Kazan Dragunsky, Stavropol, Kalmyk and three Cossack regiments, which began to act in the area of \u200b\u200bthe defendian.

A real thunderstorm for the French was a detachment of Denis Davydov. This squad arose at the initiative of Davydov himself, Lieutenant Colonel, the commander of the Akhtyr Gusar Regiment. Together with his hussar, he retreated in the composition of Bagration Army to Borodin. A passionate desire to bring even great benefit in the fight against the invaders, D. Davydova prompted himself a separate detachment. In this intention, he was strengthened by Lieutenant M. F. Orlov, who was sent to Smolensk to clarify the fate of the seriously injured general P. A. Tuchkov. After returning from Smolensk, Orlov spoke about the riots, bad defense Ribs in the French army.

During the passage of the territory engaged in the Napoleonic troops, he understood how vulnerable French food warehouses guarded by small detachments were vulnerable. At the same time, he saw it difficult to fight without a consistent action plan for the volatile peasant detachments. According to Orlov, small army detachments aimed at the opponent's rear might apply to him a big damage, help the action of partisans.

D. Davydov requested General P. I. Bagration to allow him to organize a partisan detachment for action in the rear of the enemy. For the "sample" Kutuzov allowed Davydov to take 50 hussar and 80 Cossacks and go to Medinen and Yukhnov. Having at his disposal a detachment, Davydov began bold raids on the enemy's reasons. In the first skirmishes from Tsareva - Zahniki, the famous he achieved success: defeated several squads of the French, captured by munitions with ammunition.

In the fall of 1812, the partisan detachments were surrounded by a solid moving ring surrounded by the French army. Between Smolensk and Gzhatsky acted a detachment of Lieutenant Colonel Davydov, reinforced by two Cossack shelves. From Gzhatska to Mozhaisk operated the detachment of General I. S. Dorokhov. Captain A. S. Figner with his volatile squad attacked French on the way from Mozhaisk to Moscow. In the Mozhaisk district and south, the detachment of Colonel I. M. Vadbolsky was acted as part of the Mariupol Gusar Regiment and 500 Cossacks. Between Borovsky and Moscow, the road was controlled by the Captain detachment of A. N. Salavin. On the Serpukhov road was sent with two Cossack shelves Colonel N. D. Kudoshiv. On the Ryazan road was the detachment of Colonel I. E. Efremova. From the north of Moscow blocked a large detachment of F. F. Vitrenenode, who, highlighting small detachments to Volokolamsk, to Yaroslavl and Dmitrovskaya roads, blocked access of Napoleon's troops to the northern regions of the Moscow region.

The main task of the guerrilla detachments was formulated by Kutuzov: "Since now the autumn time comes, through which the movement of the Big Army is made completely difficult, then I decided to avoid the initial battle, to lead a small war, for the separation of the enemy and the oversight of it give me more ways to exterminate him , and in order, while now in 50 versts from Moscow, with the main forces, I give from my own unmarried parts towards Mozhaysk, Vyazma and Smolensk. "

Army partisan detachments were created mainly from the Cossack troops and were unequal in their numbers: from 50 to 500 people. They were tasked with bold and sudden actions in the rear of the enemy to destroy his lively strength, to strike on garrisons, suitable re-seams, to disable transport, deprive the enemy opportunity to extract food and fodder, follow the movement of troops and convey about it to the main headquarters Russian army. The commander of the partisan detachments was indicated by the main direction of actions, and regions of the actions of neighboring detachments were reported in case of joint operations.

Partisan detachments acted in sophisticated conditions. At first, there were many difficulties. Even the inhabitants of the villages and the villages first treated the partisans with great distrust, often taking them to the enemy's soldier. Often, Husarians had to be changed into the Men's caftans and grow beard.

The partisan detachments did not stand in one place, they were constantly in motion, and no one, besides the commander, did not know in advance when and where the squad would go. The actions of the partisans were sudden and rapidly. To fall like snow on the head, and quickly hide became the main rule of the partisan.

The detachments attacked individual teams, on forage faces, transports, selected weapons and distributed it to the peasants, took tens and hundreds of prisoners.

Davydov's detachment in the evening of September 3, 1812 was released to Tsareva - Zachin. Not reaching 6 miles to the village, Davydov sent there to reconnaissance, which established that there is a large French traffic with projectiles protected by 250 horsemen. The detachment on the edge of the forest was discovered by French foragers, who rushed to Tsarevo - to warn their own. But Davydov did not give them to this. The squad rushed to the chase behind foragers and broke into the village almost along with them. The traffic and its security were captured by surprise, an attempt of a small group of the French to render resistance was quickly suppressed. 130 soldiers, 2 officers, 10 walled carts and fodder turned out to be in the hands of partisans.

Sometimes, in advance knowing the location of the enemy, the partisans committed a sudden flare. Thus, General Vintsverezod, having established that in the village of Sokolov is the outpost of two cavalry squadrons and three infantry mouths, allocated 100 Cossacks from his squad, which rapidly broke into the village, destroyed more than 120 people and captured 3 officers, 15 university officers , 83 soldiers.

The detachment of Colonel Kudasheva, having established that in the village of Nikolsky there is about 2500 French soldiers and officers, suddenly fell on the enemy, more than 100 people and 200 captured.

Most often, the partisan detachments arranged ambushes and attacked the enemy's transport on the way, captured couriers, liberated Russian prisoners. The partisans of the detachment of General Dorokhov, acting in the Mozhaisk road, on September 12 grabbed two couriers with depakes, burned 20 boxes with projectiles and 200 people were captured (including 5 officers). On September 16, the detachment of Colonel Efremova, having met the opponent's column, heading towards the Podolsk, attacked her and captured more than 500 people.

The detachment of the Captain of Farchher, who was always in the challenge of the enemy's troops, in a short time destroyed almost all food in the vicinity of Moscow, blew up the artillery park on the Mozhaisk road, destroyed 6 guns, destroyed up to 400 people, captured Colonel, 4 officers and 58 soldiers.

Later, the partisan detachments were summarized in three major parties. One of them, under the command of Gene-Ralmaior Dorokhov, consisting of five infantry battalions, four kavalry squadrons, two Cossack regiments at eight guns, on September 28, 1812, took the city of Verea, destroying the part of the French garrison.


The war of 1812 did not accidentally receive the name of Patriotic. The people's nature of this war brighter manifested itself in the partisan movement that played strategic role In the victory of Russia. Responding to reproaches in the "war not according to the rules", Kutuzov said that these are the feelings of the people. Answering Marshal Bertier's letter, he wrote on October 8, 1818: "It's hard to stop the people, fiercely everyone that he saw; The people who continued so many years did not know the war on its territory; People, ready to sacrifice themselves for their homeland ... "

Activities aimed at attracting the masses to active participation in the war, proceeded from the interests of Russia, correctly reflected the objective conditions of the war and took into account those ample opportunities that were manifested in the national liberation war.


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O.V. Yorlik "Thunder of the Twelfth Year ...". M., 1987.

S.F. Platonov Tutorial of Russian History for High School M., 1994.

The unsuccessful start of the war and the retreat of the Russian army deep into their territory showed that the enemy could hardly be attacked by some regular troops. For this, there were efforts of the whole people. In the overwhelming majority of the regions engaged in the enemy, he perceived " Great Army"Not as your liberator from serfdom, but as a enslator. The next invasion of "integred" and was perceived by the overwhelming majority of the population as an invasion that had the goal to eradicate the Orthodox faith and to approve borrow.

Speaking about the partisan movement in the war of 1812, it should be explained that the partisans actually were temporary detachments from military personnel of regular parts and Cossacks, purposefully and organized by the Russian command for actions in the rear and on communications of the enemy. And to describe the actions of the spontaneous arrangements of the Self-Defense detachments, the term "People's War" was introduced. Therefore, the People's Movement in the Patriotic War of 1812 is part of More general theme "People in the War of the Twelfth Year."

Some authors began the beginning of the partisan traffic in 1812 with the manifesto from July 6, 1812, as if resolving the peasants to take up the weapons and actively turn on in the struggle. In fact, the case was somewhat different.

Even before the start of the war, Lieutenant Colonel was drawn up on the conduct of the active partisan war. In 1811, the work of Prussian Colonel Valentini "Small War" was published in Russian. However, in the Russian army they looked at partisans with a significant proportion of skepticism, seeing in the partisan movement of the "Industrial system of the reproductive action of the army".

People's War

With the invasion of Napoleonic Halomba, local residents initially simply left the village and went into the forests and areas distant from hostilities. Later, retreating through Smolensk lands, the commander of the Russian 1st Western army called on compatriots to take up arms against the invaders. In his appeal, which, obviously, was drawn up on the basis of the work of the Prussian Colonel Valentini, indicated how to act against the enemy and how to lead the partisan war.

She arose spontaneously and was the performances of small scattered detachments of local residents and retired from their parts of warriors against the robber actions of the rear parts of the Napoleonic army. Trying to protect your property and food reserves, the population was forced to resort to self-defense. According to memories, "In each village, the gate was locked; With them stood old and young with forks, stakes, axes, and some of them with firearms. "

French forage fagots sent to the village of food faced not only with passive resistance. In the area of \u200b\u200bVitebsk, Orsha, Mogilev, the detachments of the peasants committed frequent day and night raids on the opponent's calls, destroyed his foragers, were taken captured by French soldiers.

Smolensk province was later plundering. Some researchers believe that it was from now on for the Russian people, the war became domestic. Here the most wide range has also acquired folk resistance. It began in Krasnouna, Porech district, and then in Belsky, Sychevsky, Roslavl, Gzhatsky and Vyazemsky counties. First time, before the appeal M.B. Barclay de Tolly, the peasants feared to arm, fearing, no matter how they were not attracted to responsibility. However, subsequently this process has intensified.

Partisans in the Patriotic War of 1812
Unknown artist. 1st quarter of the XIX century.

In the city of White and the Belsk district, the peasant detachments attacked the French Party who traded them, destroyed them or captured. The leaders of Sychevsky detachments, Farmizlavsky and Major, retired Yemelyanov, armed their inhades selected from the French with guns, established proper order and discipline. Sychevsky partisans in two weeks (from August 18 to September 1) 15 times attacked the enemy. During this time, they destroyed 572 soldiers and captured 325 people.

Residents of Roslavl County created several equestrian and hiking of peasant detachments, arming the village with peaks, sabers and guns. They not only defended their county from the enemy, but also attacked the marauders who made themselves to the neighboring Ylanne County. Many peasant detachments operated in the Yukhnovsky district. Organizing defense by p. Ugration, they blocked the path of the enemy in Kaluga, provided a substantial assistance to the Army partisan detachment D.V. Davydova.

In the Gzhatsky district, another detachment, created from the peasants, was actively accepted, at the head of which stood, the ordinary Kiev dragoce regiment. The Quartet detachment began not only to protect the village from Marauders, but to attack the enemy, inflicting tangible losses. As a result, on the entire space at 35, the verst from the Gzhatskaya Pier of the Earth was not broken, despite the fact that all surrounding villages were lying in the ruins. For this feat, the inhabitants of those places "with sensitive thanks" called the quartes of the "Savior Side".

Also entered the ordinary Eremenko. Using the landowner with. Michulano According to the name of the Birdiv, he also organized the peasant squad, with which 47 people destroyed on the side of the enemy.

The actions of the peasant detachments during the stay of the Russian army in Tarutino were especially activated. At this time, they widely unfolded the front of the struggle in Smolensk, Moscow, Ryazan and Kaluga provinces.

Fight of the Mozhaisk peasants with French soldiers during and after the Borodino battle. Collected engraving of an unknown author. 1830s.

In the Zvenigorodsky county, the peasant detachments were destroyed and more than 2 thousand French soldiers were captured. The detachments were famous, whose leaders were the volost head of Ivan Andreev and the hundredthly Pavel Ivanov. In the Volokolamsky district, such detachments were led by a retired Unter-Officer of Novikov and Private Nemchinov, Mikhail Fedorov's volost head, Peasants Akim Fedorov, Philip Mikhailov, Kuzma Kuzmin and Gerasim Semenov. In Bronnitsk, the Moscow province, the peasant detachments were united up to 2 thousand people. History retained the names of the most distinguished peasants from Bronnitskaya District: Mikhail Andreeva, Vasily Kirillova, Sidora Timofeeva, Jacob Kondratieva, Vladimir Afanasyev.

Do not wise! Give me! Artist V.V. Vereshchagin. 1887-1895

The largest peasant detachment in the suburbs was a squad of Bogorodsky partisans. In one of the first publications in 1813, it was written about the formation of this squad that "economic volosts of the Machine's head, a hundredth Ivan Chushchin and a peasant, the Ameral Head of Emelyan Vasilyev gathered their peasants, were also invited to neighboring".

The detachment was in its ranks about 6 thousand people, the leader of this detachment became a peasant Gerasim Kurin. His detachment and other less major detachments not only securely defended the entire Bogorodskaya district from the penetration of French marauders, but also entered into an armed struggle with the troops of the enemy.

It should be noted that even women participated in the rods against the enemy. Subsequently, these episodes covered legends and in some cases did not even remotely reminded real events. A characteristic example is with which the folk milk and the propaganda of that time attributed no little guide to the peasant detachment, which was not in real reality.

French guardsmen under the convoy of grandmother Spiridonna. A.G. Venetsian. 1813

Gift for children in memory of the events of 1812. Cartoon from the series I.I. Terebenev

The peasant and partisan detachments were shoved by the actions of the Napoleonic troops, caused damage to the lively power of the enemy, destroyed military property. Smolensk road, which remained the only protected postal route, leading from Moscow to the West, was constantly subjected to their plates. They intercepted French correspondence, especially valuable was delivered to the main apartment of the Russian army.

The actions of the peasants were highly appreciated by the Russian command. "The peasants," wrote, from the villages adjacent to the theater, they cause the greatest harm to the enemy ... they kill the enemy in many, and the captured delivered to the army. "

Partisans in 1812. Artist B. Zvorikin. 1911

According to different estimates, over 15 thousand people were taken captured by the peasant formations, the same exterminated, considerable reserves of forage and weapons were destroyed.

In 1812. Captured French. Hood THEM. Spinters. 1873

During the war, many active participants in the peasant detachments were awarded. Emperor Alexander I ordered to reward people, arrogant column: 23 people of the "bombing" - signs of the Military Order (by St. George crosses), and other people are 27 people - a special silver medal "For Love for Fatherland" on Vladimir Ribe.

Thus, as a result of the actions of the military and peasant detachments, as well as warriors, the opponent was deprived of the opportunity to expand the zone controlled by him and create additional bases for the supply of the main forces. He failed to strengthen either in Bogorodsk, nor in Dmitrov, nor in Voskresensk. Its attempt to get additional communication, which would have tied the main forces with Schwarzenberg and Rainier Corses. It was also no enemy to capture Bryansk and go to Kiev.

Army partisan detachments

A large role in the Patriotic War of 1812 was also played by army partisan detachments. The idea of \u200b\u200btheir creation arose before the Borodino battle arose, and was the result of the analysis of the actions of individual cavalry parts, by the will of the circumstances of the enemy fell on the rear communications.

The first partisan actions began a general from the cavalry, which formed a "flying case". Later, August 2, already M.B. Barclay de Tolly ordered to create a detachment under the command of General. He headed the United Kazan Dragunsky, Stavropol, Kalmyk and three Cossack regiments, which began to operate in the area of \u200b\u200bthe defendian on the flanks and in the rear of the enemy. His number was 1,300 people.

Later, the main task of the partisan detachments was formulated by M.I. Kutuzov: "Since now the autumn time comes, through that the movement of the Big Army is made completely difficult, then I decided, avoiding the CEO, to lead a small war, for the separation of the enemy and the oversight of it give me more ways to exterminate him, and in order Now in 50 versts from Moscow, with the main forces, I give on important parts in the direction of Mozhaysk, Vyazma and Smolensk. "

Army partisan detachments were created mainly from the most movable Cossack parts and were unequal in their number: from 50 to 500 people or more. They were tasked with sudden actions in the enemy's rear to break the communications, destroy his lively strength, to strike on garrisons, suitable reserves, deprive the enemy to extract food and fodder, follow the movement of troops and convey about it to the main apartment of the Russian Army. Between the commanders of partisan detachments, with the extent possible, interaction was organized.

The main advantage of the partisan detachments was their mobility. They never stood in one place, constantly being in motion, and no one, besides the commander, did not know in advance when and where the detachment would go. The actions of the partisans were sudden and rapidly.

The partisan detachments of D.V. received wide fame. Davydova, etc.

The personnel of the entire partisan movement was the detachment of the Akhtyr Gusar Shelter of Lieutenant Colonel Denis Davydov.

The tactic of the actions of his partisan detachment combined a rapid maneuver and strikes an opponent unprepared for battle. To ensure secrecy, the partisan detachment had to almost constantly be on the march.

The first successful actions were encouraged by the partisans, and Davydov decided to attack any enemy conversation going on the main Smolensk road. On September 3 (15), 1812, the Tsareva-Zahniki at the Big Smolensk Road occurred, during which 119 soldiers, two officers captured the partisans. At the disposal of the partisans were 10 provincial carriage and cartridges with cartridges.

M.I. Kutuzov carefully followed the brave actions of Davydov and gave very great importance to the expansion of the partisan struggle.

In addition to Davydov's squad, there were many other well-known and successfully operating partisan detachments. In the fall of 1812, they surround the French army with a solid movable ring. As part of the volatile detachments, 36 Cossack and 7 cavalry regiments, 5 squadron and a team of light equestrian artillery, 5 infantry regiments, 3 battalions of huntshee and 22 regimental guns. Thus, Kutuzov gave the partisan war wider scope.

Most often, the partisan detachments arranged ambushes and attacked the vehicles and opponent's calls, captured couriers, freed Russian prisoners. Daily to the commander-in-chief received reports on the direction of movement and actions of the enemy detachments, detached mail, protocols of interrogation of prisoners and other information about the enemy, which were reflected in the journal of hostilities.

On the Mozhaisk road operated the partisan detachment of Captain A.S. Figrine. Young, educated, perfectly knew French, German and Italian, he found himself in the fight against the initial enemy, without fearing at the same time.

From the north of Moscow blocked a large detachment of General F.F. Wincgerode, which, highlighting small detachments to Volokolamsk, to Yaroslavl and Dmitrovskaya roads, blocking access to Napoleon's troops to the northern regions of the Moscow region.

When the main forces of the Russian army of Kutuzov, from the Red Pahra region, put forward to the Mozhaisk Road to the area with. Perhushkovo, located in 27 versts from Moscow, the detachment of General Major I.S. Dorokhov in the composition of the three Cossack, Gusar and Draghogan regiments and polishes of artillery in order to "make an attack, trying to exterminate the enemy parks." Dorokhov was prescribed not only to watch this expensive, but also to strike strikes.

Dorokhov detachment actions received approval in the main apartment of the Russian army. Only for the first day he managed to destroy 2 cavalry squadris, 86 charging trucks, sharing 11 officers and 450 ordinary, intercept 3 couriers, repel 6 pounds of church silver.

Taking the army to the Tarutin position, Kutuzov has formed a few more army partisan detachments, in particular detachments, and. The actions of these detachments were essential.

Colonel N.D. Kudeshev with two Cossack shelves was directed to Serpukhov and Kolomna roads. His detachment, having established that in the village of Nikolsky there is about 2,500 French soldiers and officers, suddenly attacked the enemy, destroyed more than 100 people and 200 captured.

Between Borovsky and Moscow, the road was controlled by a detachment of Captain A.N. Seslavin. He was with a detachment of 500 people (250 Don Cossacks and a squadron of the Sumy Gusar Regiment) was instructed to act in the area of \u200b\u200bthe road from Borovsk to Moscow, coordinating his actions with a detachment A.S. Figrine.

In the area of \u200b\u200bMozhaisk and south acted a detachment of Colonel I.M. Vadbolsky as part of the Mariupol Gusar Regiment and 500 Cossacks. He moved to the village of Cuban to attack the enemy chalises and move away his party away, mastering expensive on Ruse.

In addition, the Detail of Lieutenant Colonel with a number of 300 people was also aimed at the Mozhaisk district. North, in the Volokolamsk area, the detachment of the Colonel acted, with Ruza - Major, behind the wedge in the direction of the Yaroslavl tract - the Cossack troops of the military elder, Voskresensk - Major Figlev.

Thus, the army was surrounded by a solid ring of partisan detachments that prevented the conduct of coating in the vicinity of Moscow, as a result of which in the enemy's troops, there was a massive case of horses, and demoralization was intensified. This was one of the reasons for leaving Napoleon in Moscow.

On the beginning of the nomination of the French troops from the first-hearth, again, the partisans A.N. were first Seslavin. At the same time, he is in the forest with. Fomichevo, personally saw Napoleon himself, he immediately reported. On Napoleon's nipple on a new Kaluga road and the detachments of the cover (body with avant-garde residues), MI was immediately reported to the main apartment of M.I. Kutuzov.

Important opening of Seslavin partisan. Unknown artist. 1820s.

Kutuzov sent Dohturov to Borovsk. However, along the path of Dohturov, he learned about the class of Borovsk by the French. Then he went to Maloyaroslave to prevent the opponent to the opponent to Kaluga. The main forces of the Russian army began to pull up there.

After the 12-hour march D.S. Dobturov in the evening of 11 (23) October came to Spassky and united with the Cossacks. And in the morning he entered into battle on the streets of Maloyaroslavets, after which the French remained only one road to departure - the old Smolenskaya. And late then report A.N. Salavin, the French would pay the Russian army under Maloyaroslavets, and what would have been the further course of the war - unknown ...

By this time, the partisan detachments were summarized in three major parties. One of them under the command of General-Major I.S. Dorokhov, consisting of five infantry battalions, four cavalry squadrons, two Cossack regiments at eight guns, September 28 (October 10), 1812 went to the assault of the city of Wevea. The enemy took up the weapon only when the Russian partisans had already broken into the city. Verine was released, and about 400 people of the Westphalian regiment with a banner were captured.

Monument I.S. Dorokhov in believer. Sculptor S.S. Aleshin. 1957

Continuous effect on the enemy was of great importance. From 2 (14) September 1 (13) in different counts, the enemy lost only killed about 2.5 thousand people, 6.5 thousand French was captured. Their losses increased every day due to the active actions of the peasant and partisan detachments.

To ensure transportation of ammunition, food and forage, as well as safety on the roads, the French command had to allocate significant forces. In the aggregate, all this has significantly affected the moral and psychological state of the French army, which has worsened every day.

Large luck partisan is rightfully considered to fight with. Lyakhovo West Yelni, which occurred on October 28 (November 9). In it partisans D.V. Davydova, A.N. Seslavin and A.S. Figrine, reinforced by shelves, only 3280 people, attacked the Brigade of the Ozhero. After a stubborn battle, the entire brigade (2 thousand soldiers, 60 officers and the Ozoreo himself) surrendered. It was the first case of passing the whole military unit of the enemy.

The remaining forces of the partisans also continuously appeared on both sides of the road and disturbed the French avant-garde with their shots. Davydov's detachment, like the detachments of other commanders, followed all the time on the heels behind the enemy army. The Colonel, who followed the right flank from the Napoleonic army, was ordered to go ahead, warning the enemy and make raids on some detachments at their stops. The big partisan detachment was sent to Smolensk in order to exterminate enemy shops, sumports and individual detachments. From the rear of the French chased the Cossacks M.I. Platov.

No less energetic, partisan detachments were used at the end of the campaign on the expulsion of the Napoleonic army from Russia. Detachock A.P. Ozarovsky was supposed to seize the city of Mogilev, where there were big rear heads of the enemy. 12 (24) November his cavalry broke into the city. And two days later partisans D.V. Davydov interrupted a message between Ors and Mogilev. Detacher A.N. Salavin, together with the regular army, liberated the city of Borisov and, pursuing the enemy, went to Berezine.

At the end of December, the entire Davydov detachment on the orders of Kutuzov joined the avant-garde of the main forces of the army as its advanced squad.

The partisan war unfolded near Moscow made a significant contribution to the victory over the Army of Napoleon and the expulsion of the enemy from Russia.

Material prepared by the Research Institute (Military History)
Military Academy of General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Patriotic War of 1812. Partisan traffic


The partisan movement was a bright expression of the national nature of the Patriotic War of 1812. Overall after the invasion of Napoleonic troops in Lithuania and Belarus, it developed every day, took more and more active forms and became a formidable force.

At first, the guerrilla movement was a spontaneous, represented the performances of small, scattered partisan detachments, then it captured entire areas. Large detachments began to be created, thousands of folk heroes appeared, the talented organizers of the partisan struggle were prompted.

Why is the powerful peasantry, ruthlessly oppressed by serfs-landlords, rose to the fight against their own, seemingly "liberator"? Nor about the liberation of peasants from the serfdom or improving their opposing position Napoleon and did not think. If at first and promined promising phrases about the liberation of serfs and even rumored about the need to release some kind of proclamation, then it was only a tactical move, with the help of which Napoleon was calculated to scatter landlords.

Napoleon understood that the liberation of Russian serfs would inevitably lead to revolutionary consequences, which he was afraid of the most. Yes, it did not meet his political goals when joining Russia. According to Napoleon's associates, it was important for him "It is important to strengthen monarchism in France and it was difficult for him to preach the revolution to Russia."

The purpose of the work is to consider Denis Davydov as the hero of the partisan war and the poet. Work tasks to consider:

    Causes of partisan movements

    Partisan traffic D.Davdov

    Denis Davydov as a poet

1. Causes of partisan detachments

The beginning of the partisan traffic in 1812 is associated with the manifesto of Alexander I dated July 6, 1812, as if resolving peasants to take up the weapons and actively turn on in the struggle. In fact, the case was different. Without waiting for the orders of the authorities, the residents of the French approach the forest and the swamps, often leaving their accommodation for looting and burning.

The peasants quickly realized that the invasion of the French conquerors puts them into an even more severe and humiliating position, in which they were before. The fight against foreign enslavers, the peasants also associated with the hope of liberation them from serfdom.

At the beginning of the war, the struggle of the peasants acquired the nature of the mass leaving of the village and the villages and the care of the population in the forests and areas distant from hostilities. And although it was another passive form of struggle, she created serious difficulties for the Napoleonic army. French troops, having a limited food supply and forage, quickly began to experience a sharp lack of them. It did not slow down to affect the deterioration of the overall state of the army: they began to die horses, starving the soldiers, intensified looting. More than 10 thousand horses died to wine.

The actions of the peasant partisan detachments were worn both defensive and offensive. In the area of \u200b\u200bVitebsk, Orsha, Mogilev, the detachments of the peasants - the partisans committed frequent day and night fears on the opponent's calls, destroyed his foragers, were taken captured by French soldiers. Napoleon was forced to be increasingly and more often to resemble the head of the headquarters of the Beat About the big losses in people and strictly ordered to allocate an increasing amount of troops for covering foragers.

2. Partisan detachment Denis Davydova

Along with the formation of large peasant partisan detachments and their activities, the Army partisan detachments played a major role in the war. The first army partisan detachment was created on the initiative of M. B. Barclay de Tolly.

His commander was General F. F. Vitrenenode, who was headed by the United Kazan Dragunsky, - Stavropol, Kalmyk and three Cossack regiments, which began to act in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Governorate.

After the invasion of the Napoleonic troops, the peasants began to go into the forest, the heroes-partisans began to create peasant detachments and attack individual teams of the French. With a special force, the struggle of guerrilla detachments unfolded after the fall of Smolensk and Moscow. The partisan troops boldly walked to the enemy and took captive French. Kutuzov allocated a detachment for action in the rear of the enemy under the leadership of D. Davydov, whose detachment violated the path of the enemy's message, freed the prisoners, inspired the local population to fight the invaders. According to Denisov's detachment by October 1812, Z6 Cossack, 7 cavalry, 5 infantry regiments, 3 battalions of hurkers and other parts, including artillery.

Residents of Roslavl County created several equestrian and hiking partisan detachments, arming them with peaks, sabers and guns. They not only defended their county from the enemy, but also attacked the marauders who made themselves to the neighboring Ylanne County. Many partisan detachments operated in the Yukhnovsky district. Having organized defense on the River of Ugra, they blocked the path of the enemy in Kaluga, provided a substantial assistance to the army partition by the detachment of Denis Davydov.

A real thunderstorm for the French was a detachment of Denis Davydov. This squad arose at the initiative of Davydov himself, Lieutenant Colonel, the commander of the Akhtyr Gusar Regiment. Together with his hussar, he retreated in the composition of Bagration Army to Borodin. A passionate desire to bring even great benefit in the fight against the invaders prompted D. Davydova "ask for a separate detachment." In this intention, he was strengthened by Lieutenant M. F. Orlov, who was sent to Smolensk to clarify the fate of the seriously injured general P. A. Tuchkov. After returning from Smolensk Orlov spoke about the riots, poor protection of the rear in the French army.

During the passage of the territory engaged in the Napoleonic troops, he understood how vulnerable French food warehouses guarded by small detachments were vulnerable. At the same time, he saw it difficult to fight without a consistent action plan for the volatile peasant detachments. According to Orlov, small army detachments aimed at the opponent's rear might apply to him a big damage, help the action of partisans.

D. Davydov requested General P. I. Bagration to allow him to organize a partisan detachment for action in the rear of the enemy. For the "sample" Kutuzov allowed Davydov to take 50 hussar and -1280 Cossacks and go to Medinen and Yukhnov. Having at his disposal a detachment, Davydov began bold raids on the enemy's reasons. In the first skirmishes from Tsareva - Zahniki, the famous he achieved success: defeated several squads of the French, captured by munitions with ammunition.

In the fall of 1812, the partisan detachments were surrounded by a solid moving ring surrounded by the French army.

Between Smolensk and Gzhatsky acted a detachment of Lieutenant Colonel Davydov, reinforced by two Cossack shelves. From Gzhatska to Mozhaisk operated the detachment of General I. S. Dorokhov. Captain A. S. Figner with his volatile squad attacked French on the way from Mozhaisk to Moscow.

In the Mozhaisk district and south, the detachment of Colonel I. M. Vadbolsky was acted as part of the Mariupol Gusar Regiment and 500 Cossacks. Between Borovsky and Moscow, the road was controlled by the Captain detachment of A. N. Salavin. On the Serpukhov road was sent with two Cossack shelves Colonel N. D. Kudoshiv. On the Ryazan road was the detachment of Colonel I. E. Efremova. From the north of Moscow blocked a large detachment of F. F. Vitrenenode, who, highlighting small detachments to Volokolamsk, to Yaroslavl and Dmitrovskaya roads, blocked access of Napoleon's troops to the northern regions of the Moscow region.

Partisan detachments acted in difficult conditions. At first, there were many difficulties. Even the inhabitants of the villages and the villages first treated the partisans with great distrust, often taking them to the enemy's soldier. Often, Husarians had to be changed into the Men's caftans and grow beard.

The partisan detachments did not stand in one place, they were constantly in motion, and no one, besides the commander, did not know in advance when and where the squad would go. The actions of the partisans were sudden and rapidly. To fall like snow on the head, and quickly hide became the main rule of the partisan.

The detachments attacked individual teams, on forage faces, transports, selected weapons and distributed it to the peasants, took tens and hundreds of prisoners.

Davydov's detachment in the evening of September 3, 1812 was released to Tsareva - Zachin. Not reaching 6 miles to the village, Davydov sent there to reconnaissance, which established that there is a large French traffic with projectiles protected by 250 horsemen. The detachment on the edge of the forest was discovered by French foragers, who rushed to Tsarevo - to warn their own. But Davydov did not give them to this. The squad rushed to the chase behind foragers and broke into the village almost along with them. The traffic and its security were captured by surprise, an attempt of a small group of the French to render resistance was quickly suppressed. 130 soldiers, 2 officers, 10 walled carts and fodder turned out to be in the hands of partisans.

3. Denis Davydov as a poet

Denis Davydov was a wonderful poet romantic. He belonged to such a genre as romanticism.

It should be noted that almost always in the human history of the nation exposed to aggression, creates a powerful layer of patriotic literature. So it was, for example, during the Mongol-Tatar invasion on Russia. And only some time later, having recovered from the striker, overcoming pain and hatred, thinkers and poets think about all the horrors of the war for both parties, about her cruelty and meaninglessness. This is very brightly reflected in the verses of Denis Davydov.

In my opinion, Davydov's poem is one of the bursts of patriotic warliness caused by the invasion of the enemy.

What was this unshakable power of Russians?

This force was out of patriotism not in words, but in practice best people From the nobility, poets and just the Russian people.

This force developed from the heroism of soldiers and the best officers of the Russian army.

This invincible force developed from the heroism and patriotism of Muscovites who leave native cityNo matter how much they feel sorry to leave their property for the perfection.

The invincible strength of the Russians developed from the actions of partisan detachments. This is Denisov's squad, where the most needed man - Tikhon Shcherbaty, Folk Avenger. Partisan detachments destroyed the Napoleonic army in parts.

So, Denis Davydov in his works draws a war of 1812 as a folk, domestic, when all the people rose on the defense of the Motherland. And he made this poet with a huge artistic force, creating a grand poem - epic, which is not equal in the world.

You can illustrate the work of Denis Davydov.


Who could so much you, my friend, cheer?

From laughter you almost can not speak.

What kind of joys your mind admire, Ile money without a bill of exchange?

Il waist you have happy come

And the twice of the traitor-wow to the excerpt?

What happened to you, what don't you answer?

Ai! Give me a rest, you do not know anything!

I, right, outside myself, I almost went crazy:

I found Nonche Petersburg completely different!

I thought that the whole light was completely changed:

Imagine - with a debt of NN paid;

No more pedants, fools,

And even wiser Zoya, owls!

In the unfortunate rhymechas, there are no vintage courage,

And cute our marine does not dock paper

And in the service in addition, works head:

As, starting a platoon, shout on time: stand!

But I'm more surprised with the delight:

Koiv who was so pretended by Likurg

For the happiness of our laws, we wrote to us

Suddenly, fortunately to our, writing them stopped.

In all happy appeared change,

Theft disappeared, robbing, treason,

No more complaints, no offense,

Well, in a word, the city took a completely nasty look.

Nature beauty gave in a lot of freaks,

And Llya himself was pressed to mow on nature,

BNA nose back shorter

And the Dich beauty of people was hurt,

Yes, I, who myself, from the beginning of the Cockpiece,

I wore a man with a stretch

We look, I am glad, I do not know myself:

Where is the beauty from where the growth is - watching;

That the word is that Bon Mot * that the gaze is not the passion,

Warry - How to change intrigues!

How suddenly, about the anger of the heavens! Suddenly Rock struck me:

Among the blissful days, Andryushka woke up,

And all that I saw, than so much having fun -

I saw everything in a dream, everything lost my sleep.


In the smoky field, on the Bivak

In flaming lights

In benefactor Arak

Zray Savior people.

Collect live

Orthodox all coming!

Serve Lohan Childhood,

Where the fun lives!

Pour extensive bowls

In the noise of joyful speeches,

How do our ancestors poured

Among copies and swords.

Burtsev, you - Gusar Gusarov!

You are on the UKAR horse

Crucifier from Ugarov

And the rider in the war!

Knock on the bowl with a bowl friendly!

Today to drink still aware;

Tomorrow the pipes are treated,

Tomorrow thunder will get up.

Let's drink and swear

What a curse indulge

If we ever

Step yield, pale,

I regret our chest

And in the misfortune of the Orobay;

If we give

Left side on flanking

Or the horse is asked

Or cute jacket

Give the heart to give!

Let not be a saber blow

My life is supplied!

Let I be general,

What I saw me!

Let among bloody fights

I will be pale, afraid

And in the meeting of heroes

Again, bravely, speaking!

Let my mustache, nature of nature,

Black and brown, in curls,

I am saturated in young years

And will disappear, Jaco dust!

Let Fortuna for annoyance

To multiply of all troubles

Will give me a rank for wrappers

And "Georgy" for advice!

Let ... But Chu! Walking not time!

To horses, brother, and leg in a stirrup,

Sable Von - and in Sich!

Here is a feast, God gives us,

And noine, and more fun ...

Well, Cyver Cavern,

And - cheers! Happy day!

V. A. Zhukovsky

Zhukovsky, cute friend! Debt is red payment:

I read poems, you are dedicated to me;

Now read mine, Bivak coat

And spry the wine!

For a long time I did not chat with the muse, nor with you,

Before Stop, was it? ..

But in the thunderstorms of the war, on the field of bloom,

When the Russian mill went out,

You welcomed with a huge glass

Kooming in the steppes sassy partisans!


The war of 1812 did not accidentally receive the name of Patriotic. The people's character of this war brighter appeared in the partisan movement, which played a strategic role in the victory of Russia. Responding to reproaches in the "war not according to the rules", Kutuzov said that these are the feelings of the people. Answering Marshal Berta's letter, he wrote on October 8, 1818: "It's hard to stop the people, fiercely everyone that he saw; the people who continued so many years did not know the war on its territory; the people, ready to sacrifice themselves for their homeland ... ". Activities aimed at attracting the masses to active participation in the war, proceeded from the interests of Russia, correctly reflected the objective conditions of the war and took into account those ample opportunities that were manifested in the national liberation war.

During the preparation of the counteroffensive, the United States, the militia and partisans were shoved by the actions of the Napoleonic troops, caused damage to the lively power of the enemy, destroyed military property. Smolen -10 road, which remained the only protected postal route leading from Moscow to the West, was constantly subjected to partisans. They intercepted French correspondence, especially valuable was delivered to the main apartment of the Russian army.

The partisan actions of the peasants were highly appreciated by the Russian command. "The peasants," the Kutuzov wrote, "the villages apply the greatest harm to the enemy to the theater of war ... They kill the enemies in many, and captured to the army." Alone only the peasants of the Kaluga province were killed and captured more than 6 thousand French.

Nevertheless, one of the most heroic actions of 1812 remains the feat of Denis Davydov and his squad.

Bibliographic list

    Zhilin P. A. The death of the Napoleonic army in Russia. M., 1974. History of France, vol. 2. M., 2001.-687c.

    History of Russia 1861-1917, ed. V. G. Tykavkina, Moscow: Infra, 2002.-569c.

    Orlik O. V. Thunder of the twelfth year .... M.: Infra, 2003.-429c.

    Platonov S. F. Tutorial of Russian History for High School M., 2004.-735С.

    Reader on the history of Russia 1861-1917, ed. V. G. Tubavkin - Moscow: Drop, 2000.-644c.

Causes of the occurrence of the partisan war

The partisan movement was a bright expression of the national nature of the Patriotic War of 1812. Overall after the invasion of Napoleonic troops in Lithuania and Belarus, it developed every day, took more and more active forms and became a formidable force.

At first, the guerrilla movement was a spontaneous, represented the performances of small, scattered partisan detachments, then it captured entire areas. Large detachments began to be created, thousands of folk heroes appeared, the talented organizers of the partisan struggle were prompted.

Why is the powerful peasantry, ruthlessly oppressed by serfs-landlords, rose to the fight against their own, seemingly "liberator"? I didn't think about the liberation of peasants from the serfdom or improved the peasants from the serfdom or improving their dyeing position. Napoleon understood that the liberation of Russian serfs would inevitably lead to revolutionary consequences, which he was afraid of the most. Yes, it did not meet his political goals when joining Russia. According to Napoleon's associates, it was important for him "It is important to strengthen monarchism in France and it was difficult for him to preach the revolution to Russia."

The first orders of the administration established by Napoleon in occupied areas were sent against the fortress peasants, in defense of the serfshists. The temporary Lithuanian "government" subordinates to the Napoleonic governor, in one of the first decisions, all the peasants were obliged and in general rural residents unquestioning to obey the landowners, continue to perform all the work and duty, and those who will shy away should be strictly punished, attracting for this If the circumstances will require, military force.

Sometimes the beginning of the partisan movement in 1812 communicates with the manifesto of Alexander I dated July 6, 1812, as if permitted peasants to take up the weapons and actively turn on in the struggle. In fact, the case was different. Without waiting for the orders of the authorities, the residents of the French approach the forest and the swamps, often leaving their accommodation for looting and burning.

The peasants quickly understood that the invasion of the French conquerors puts them into an even more severe and humiliating position than which they were before. The fight against foreign enslavers, the peasants also associated with the hope of liberation them from serfdom.

Peasant War

At the beginning of the war, the struggle of the peasants acquired the nature of the mass leaving of the village and the villages and the care of the population in the forests and areas distant from hostilities. And although it was another passive form of struggle, she created serious difficulties for the Napoleonic army. French troops, having a limited food supply and forage, quickly began to experience a sharp lack of them. It did not slow down to affect the deterioration of the overall state of the army: they began to die horses, starving the soldiers, intensified looting. More than 10 thousand horses died to wine.

French forage fagots sent to the village of food faced not only with passive resistance. One French general after the war wrote in his memoirs: "The army could only eat in that the marauders organized into whole numbers were mined; Cossacks and peasants killed a lot of our people daily, who were drunk to go in search of "in the villages there were clashes, including shooting, between the French soldiers sent for food and peasants. Such clashes took place quite often. It was in such battles that the first peasant partisan detachments were created, a more active form of resistance of the people was born - partisan struggle.

The actions of the peasant partisan detachments were worn both defensive and offensive. In the area of \u200b\u200bVitebsk, Orsha, Mogilev, the detachments of the peasants - the partisans committed frequent day and night fears on the opponent's calls, destroyed his foragers, were taken captured by French soldiers. Napoleon was forced to be increasingly and more often to resemble the head of the headquarters of the Beat About the big losses in people and strictly ordered to allocate an increasing amount of troops for covering foragers.

The most wide range of the partisan struggle of the peasants acquired in August in the Smolensk province.

She began in Krasnoensky, Porech district, and then in Belsky, Sychevsky, Roslavl, Gzhatsky and Vyazemsky counties. The first time the peasants feared to arm, they were afraid, no matter how they were not attracted to responsibility.

In the city of White and Belsky, the partisan detachments attacked the French party who traded them, destroyed them or captured them. The leaders of Sychevsky partisans by the Farmizlavskaya and Major retired Emelyanov armed their detachments selected from the French with guns, established proper order and discipline. Sychevsky partisans in two weeks (from August 18 to September 1) 15 times attacked the enemy. During this time, they destroyed 572 soldiers and captured 325 people.

Residents of Roslavl County created several equestrian and hiking partisan detachments, arming them with peaks, sabers and guns. They not only defended their county from the enemy, but also attacked the marauders who made themselves to the neighboring Ylanne County. Many partisan detachments operated in the Yukhnovsky district. Having organized defense on the River of Ugra, they blocked the path of the enemy in Kaluga, provided a substantial assistance to the army partition by the detachment of Denis Davydov.

Successfully acted the largest Gzhatsky partisan detachment. His organizer was the soldier of Elizavet Grade Regiment Fedor Flood (Sam). Wounded in one of the terrigard fights after Smolensk, herself found himself in the enemy's rear and after recovery immediately began to organize a partisan squad, whose number soon reached 2 thousand people (according to other data 3 thousand). His shock force was the equestrian group of 200 people, armed and dressed in French Lats. The detachment itself had its own organization, a strict discipline was installed in it. I myself have introduced a system of alerting of the population about the approach of the enemy by means of bell tongues and other conditional signs. Often in such cases the villages were empty, the peasants returned from forests on another conditional sign. Lighthouses and ringing of bells of different magnitude reported when and in what quantity, on horseback or hiking should be in battle. In one of the battles, the participants of this detachment managed to capture the gun. The detachment itself inflicted significant damage to the French troops. In the Smolensk province, they were destroyed about 3 thousand enemy soldiers.

Another partisan detachment, created from the peasants, was actively operating in the Gzhatsky district, created from the peasants, at the head of which stood Ermolai Faud (Quarters), the ordinary Kiev Dragoon Regiment. He was injured in battle under the princess, and captured, but he managed to run. From the peasants, the Basmans and Podorovo villages, he organized a partisan detachment, which at first there were 40 people, but soon up to 300 people increased. A detachment of quartes began not only to defend the village from Marauders, but to attack the enemy, having inflicting big losses.

In the Sychevsky district, the partisanka Vasilisa Kozhin was famous for his brave actions.

There are many facts and evidence that the partisan peasant detachments of Gzhatsk and other areas, located along the main road to Moscow, caused great trouble by French troops.

Particularly activated by the actions of the partisan detachments during the stay of the Russian army in Tarutin. At this time, they widely unfolded the front of the struggle in Smolensk, Moscow, Ryazan and Kaluga provinces. There was no day to be in one, then in another place the partisans did not make a plaque on the movement of the opponent's opponent with food or not broke the squad of the French, or, finally, did not heigh up the French soldiers and officers in the village of French soldiers and officers.

In the Zvenigorodsky county, the peasant partisan detachments were destroyed and more than 2 thousand French soldiers were captured. The detachments were famous, whose leaders were the volost head of Ivan Andreev and the hundredthly Pavel Ivanov. In the Volokolamsk district, partisan detachments were led by a retired Unter-Officer of Novikov and Private Nemchinov, Mikhail Fedorov's volost head, Peasants Akim Fedorov, Philip Mikhailov, Kuzma Kuzmin and Gerasim Semenov. In Bronnitsk, the Moscow province, the peasant partisan detachments united up to 2 thousand people. They repeatedly attacked the big enemy parties and broke them. History retained the names of the most distinguished peasants - partisans from Bronnitskaya District: Mikhail Andreeva, Vasily Kirillova, Sidora Timofeeva, Jacob Kondratieva, Vladimir Afanasyev.

The largest peasant partisan detachment in the suburbs was a squad of Bogorodsky partisans. He had about 6 thousand people in his ranks. The talented leader of this detachment was a serf peasant Gerasim Kurin. His detachment and other less major detachments not only securely defended the entire Bogorodskaya district from the penetration of French marauders, but also entered into an armed struggle with the troops of the enemy. So, on October 1, partisans under the leadership of Gerasim Kurina and Egor Stoolov entered into battle with two enemy squadrons and, skillfully acting, defeated them.

The peasant partisan detachments received assistance from the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army M. I. Kutuzov. With satisfaction and pride, Kutuzov wrote to St. Petersburg: "The peasants, grieving with love of their homeland, arrange militias among themselves ... They come to the main apartment, asking for convincing firearms and cartridges to protect against enemies. Requests of other respectable peasants, the true sons of the Fatherland, are satisfied as far as possible and they are supplied with guns, pistols and cartridges. "

During the preparation of the counteroffensive, the United States, the militia and partisans were shoved by the actions of the Napoleonic troops, caused damage to the lively power of the enemy, destroyed military property. Smolensk road, which remained the only protected postal route leading from Moscow to the West, was constantly subjected to partisans. They intercepted French correspondence, especially valuable was delivered to the main apartment of the Russian army.

The partisan actions of the peasants were highly appreciated by the Russian command. "The peasants," the Kutuzov wrote, "the villages apply the greatest harm to the enemy to the theater of war ... They kill the enemies in many, and captured to the army." Alone only the peasants of the Kaluga province were killed and captured more than 6 thousand French. When taking Belie, the peasant partisan detachment was distinguished (up to 1 thousand people), headed by the priest Ivan the stupid.

In addition to direct hostilities, the participation of militia and peasants in intelligence should be noted.

Army partisan detachments

Along with the formation of large peasant partisan detachments and their activities, the Army partisan detachments played a major role in the war.

The first army partisan detachment was created on the initiative of M. B. Barclay de Tolly.

His commander was General F. F. Vitrengerene, who headed the United Kazan Dragunsky, Stavropol, Kalmyk and three Cossack regiments, which began to act in the area of \u200b\u200bthe defendian.

A real thunderstorm for the French was a detachment of Denis Davydov. This squad arose at the initiative of Davydov himself, Lieutenant Colonel, the commander of the Akhtyr Gusar Regiment. Together with his hussar, he retreated in the composition of Bagration Army to Borodin. A passionate desire to bring even great benefit in the fight against the invaders prompted D. Davydova "ask for a separate detachment." In this intention, he was strengthened by Lieutenant M. F. Orlov, who was sent to Smolensk to clarify the fate of the seriously injured general P. A. Tuchkov. After returning from Smolensk Orlov spoke about the riots, poor protection of the rear in the French army.

During the passage of the territory engaged in the Napoleonic troops, he understood how vulnerable French food warehouses guarded by small detachments were vulnerable. At the same time, he saw it difficult to fight without a consistent action plan for the volatile peasant detachments. According to Orlov, small army detachments aimed at the opponent's rear might apply to him a big damage, help the action of partisans.

D. Davydov requested General P. I. Bagration to allow him to organize a partisan detachment for action in the rear of the enemy. For the "sample" Kutuzov allowed Davydov to take 50 hussar and 80 Cossacks and go to Medinen and Yukhnov. Having at his disposal a detachment, Davydov began bold raids on the enemy's reasons. In the first skirmishes from Tsareva - Zahniki, the famous he achieved success: defeated several squads of the French, captured by munitions with ammunition.

In the fall of 1812, the partisan detachments were surrounded by a solid moving ring surrounded by the French army.

Between Smolensk and Gzhatsky acted a detachment of Lieutenant Colonel Davydov, reinforced by two Cossack shelves. From Gzhatska to Mozhaisk operated the detachment of General I. S. Dorokhov. Captain A. S. Figner with his volatile squad attacked French on the way from Mozhaisk to Moscow.

In the Mozhaisk district and south, the detachment of Colonel I. M. Vadbolsky was acted as part of the Mariupol Gusar Regiment and 500 Cossacks. Between Borovsky and Moscow, the road was controlled by the Captain detachment of A. N. Salavin. On the Serpukhov road was sent with two Cossack shelves Colonel N. D. Kudoshiv. On the Ryazan road was the detachment of Colonel I. E. Efremova. From the north of Moscow blocked a large detachment of F. F. Vitrenenode, who, highlighting small detachments to Volokolamsk, to Yaroslavl and Dmitrovskaya roads, blocked access of Napoleon's troops to the northern regions of the Moscow region.

The main task of the guerrilla detachments was formulated by Kutuzov: "Since now the autumn time comes, through which the movement of the Big Army is made completely difficult, then I decided to avoid the general battle, to lead a small war, for the separation of the enemy and the oversight of it give me more ways to exterminate it , and in order, being now in 50 versts from Moscow, with the main forces, I give from my own unmarried parts towards Mozhaysk, Vyazma and Smolensk "

Army partisan detachments were created mainly from the Cossack troops and were unequal in their numbers: from 50 to 500 people. They were tasked with bold and sudden actions in the enemy's rear to destroy his lively strength, bring strikes on garrisons, suitable reserves, disable transport, deprive the enemy opportunity to extract themselves food and fodder, follow the movement of troops and convey about it to the main headquarters of the Russian army . The partisan detachment commanders indicated the main direction of actions and registered areas of the actions of neighboring detachments in case of joint operations.

Partisan detachments acted in difficult conditions. At first, there were many difficulties. Even the inhabitants of the villages and the villages first treated the partisans often taking them for the opponent's soldier. Often, Husarians had to be changed into the Men's caftans and grow beard.

The partisan detachments did not stand in one place, they were constantly in motion, and no one, besides the commander, did not know in advance when and where the squad would go. The actions of the partisans were sudden and rapidly. To fall like snow on the head, and quickly hide became the main rule of the partisan.

The detachments attacked individual teams, on forage faces, transports, selected weapons and distributed it to the peasants, took tens and hundreds of prisoners.

Davydov's detachment in the evening of September 3, 1812 was released to Tsareva - Zachin. Not reaching 6 miles to the village, Davydov sent there to reconnaissance, which established that there is a large French traffic with projectiles protected by 250 horsemen. The detachment on the edge of the forest was discovered by French foragers, who rushed to Tsarevo - to warn their own. But Davydov did not give them to this. The squad rushed to the chase behind foragers and broke into the village almost along with them. The traffic and its security were captured by surprise, an attempt of a small group of the French to render resistance was quickly suppressed. 130 soldiers, 2 officers, 10 walled carts and fodder turned out to be in the hands of partisans.

Sometimes, in advance knowing the location of the enemy, the partisans committed a sudden flare. So, General Vintsrenewode, having established that in the village of Sokolov is the outpost of two kavalry squadrons and three infantry mouths, allocated 100 Cossacks from his squad, which rapidly broke into the village, destroyed more than 120 people and captured 3 officers, 15 university officers , 83 soldiers.

The detachment of Colonel Kudashiv, having established that in the village of Nikolsky there is about 2500 French soldiers and officers, suddenly fell on the enemy, destroyed more than 100 people and 200 captured.

Most often, the partisan detachments arranged ambushes and attacked the enemy's transport on the way, captured couriers, liberated Russian prisoners. The partisans of the detachment of General Dorokhov, acting in the Mozhaisk road, on September 12 grabbed two couriers with depakes, burned 20 boxes with projectiles and 200 people were captured (including 5 officers). On September 16, the detachment of Colonel Efremova, having met the opponent's column, heading towards the Podolsk, attacked her and captured more than 500 people.

The detachment of the Captain of Farchher, who was always in the challenge of the enemy's troops, in a short time destroyed almost all food in the vicinity of Moscow, blew up the artillery park on the Mozhaisk road, destroyed 6 guns, destroyed up to 400 people, captured Colonel, 4 officers and 58 soldiers.

Later, the partisan detachments were summarized in three major parties. One of them, under the command of General-Major Dorokhov, consisting of five infantry battalions, four cavalry squadrons, two Cossack regiments at eight guns, on September 28, 1812, took the city of the belief, destroying the part of the French garrison.


The war of 1812 did not accidentally receive the name of Patriotic. The people's character of this war brighter appeared in the partisan movement, which played a strategic role in the victory of Russia. Responding to reproaches in the "war not according to the rules", Kutuzov said that these are the feelings of the people. Answering Marshal Bertier's letter, he wrote on October 8, 1818: "It's hard to stop the people, fiercely everyone that he saw; The people who continued so many years did not know the war on its territory; People, ready to sacrifice themselves for homeland ... "

Activities aimed at attracting the masses to active participation in the war, proceeded from the interests of Russia, correctly reflected the objective conditions of the war and took into account those ample opportunities that were manifested in the national liberation war.