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Features Partisan battle in 1812. Partisan movement - "Duby of People's War

The term "partisans" in the minds of each Russian person are associated with two segments of history - the People's War, which unfolded in Russian territories in 1812 and the mass partisan movement during the Second World War. Both of these periods received the name of domestic wars. A long time ago there was a steady stereotype that the partisans for the first time in Russia appeared during Patriotic War 1812, and their attachment was the Liya Gusar and the poet Denis Vasilyevich Davydov. His poetic works turned out to be practically forgotten, but everything from the school course remembers that he created first partisan detachment in 1812.

Historical reality was somewhat different. The term itself existed long before 1812. The partisans were called in the Russian army as early as the XVIII century of military personnel who sent themselves as part of independent small separate detachments, or parties (from the Latin word Partis, from French Parti)for action on flanks, in the rear and communications of the enemy. Naturally, this phenomenon cannot be considered a purely Russian invention.

Both Russian and the French armies were still annoying partisans on themselves for themselves before 1812. For example, the French in Spain against Gwerillas, Russians in 1808-1809. During the Russian-Swedish war against the detachments of the Finnish peasants. Moreover, many, both Russian and French officers who held the rules of the Medieval Knight's Code of Conduct in War, considered partisan methods (sudden attacks from the back on a weak enemy) are not quite worthy. Nevertheless, one of the leaders of Russian intelligence, Lieutenant Colonel P.A. Chukevich, in the commanded command before the beginning of the war of an analytical note, offered to deploy active partisan actions on the flanks and in the rear of the opponent and to do this for this use Cossack parts.

Success russian partisans in the campaign of 1812 A huge territory of the Theater of Military Action, their length, stretchability and weak cover of the Communication line of the Great Army were promoted. And of course, huge forest arrays. But still, I think the main thing is to support the population. Parisan actions first applied the Commander-in-Chief of the 3rd Observation Army General A.P. Tormasov, who in July sent a detachment of Colonel K. B. Knorring to Brest Litovsk and Belostoku. A little later, M.B. Barclay de Tollya formed a "flying case" of General Adjutant F.F. Wincgerode. By order of Russian military leaders, the raid partisan detachments began to actively act on the flanks of the Great Army in July-August 1812. Only on August 25 (September 6), on the eve of the Borodino battle, to resolve Kutuzov, was sent to the "search" of the party (50 Akhtyr Gusar and 80 Cossacks) of Lieutenant Colonel D.V. Davydov, that Davydova, to whom Soviet historians attributed the role of the initiator and the degree of this movement.

The main purpose of the partisans was considered actions against the operating (communications) line of the enemy. The commander of the same party enjoyed great independence, receiving only the most general instructions from the command. The actions of the partisans were worn almost exclusively offensive. The pledge of their success was secrecy and speed of movement, suddenness of the attack and lightning waste. This, in turn, was determined by the composition of the partisan parties: they included mostly light regular (hussars, ulanes) and irregular (Don, Bug and other Cossacks, Kalmyks, Bashkis) cavalry, sometimes reinforced with several guns of equestrian artillery. The number of the party did not exceed a few hundred people, it provided mobility. The infantry was rarely attacked: at the very beginning of the offensive, A.N. detachments were obtained in one Hector Seslavin and A.S. Figrine. Longer than just 6 weeks - acted in the rear of the enemy party D.V. Davydova.

Even on the eve of the Patriotic War of 1812, the Russian command was thinking about how to attract huge peasant masses to the resistance to the enemy, to make a war truly folk. It was obvious that religious-patriotic propaganda needed, it was necessary to appeal to the peasant masses, calling for them. Lieutenant Colonel P.A. Chuykevich believed, for example, that the people "must arm and set up, as in Spain, with the help of the clergy." And Barclay de Tolly, as the commander at the Theater of the Military Action, without waiting for a draw of aid, asked 1 (13) August to residents of the Pskov, Smolensk and Kaluga province with calls to "Universal Armament".

Previously, armed detachments began to be created on the initiative of the nobility in the Smolensk province. But since the Smolenshchina was very completely occupied, the resistance here was local and episodic, as in other places, where the landowners were filtered from marauders with the support of army detachments. In other border, the Cordons, consisting of armed peasants, were created with the theater of hostilities the main task which was the struggle with the marauders and small detachments of enemy forage faces.

During the stay of the Russian army in the Tarutinsky camp, the People's War reached the highest scope. At this time, the enemy marauders and forage rages are rampant, their increasingness and robbery become massive, and the cordon chain begin to support the partisan parties, individual parts of the militia and army detachments. The cordon system was created in Kaluga, Tverskaya, Vladimir, Tula and part of Moscow provinces. It was at this time that the extermination of marauders by armed peasants acquires a massive scope, and among the leaders of the peasant detachments, the famous of Russia received G.M. Urin and E.S. Chairs, E.V. Fourth and F. Potapov, Old Town Vasilisa Kozyin. According to D.V. Davydova, the extermination of marauders and forage faces "more was in the case of the village, rather than the parties ruminant on the message of the enemy with the goal of much more important that consisted only in protecting property."

Contemporaries were distinguished by the People's War from the partisan war. Partisan parties, consisting of regular troops and Cossacks, acted offensively at a busy territory, attacking his calls, transports, artillery parks, small detachments. Cordones and folk squads, consisting of peasants and citizens, headed by retired military and civilian officials, were located in a non-employed bandwidth, defending their villages from the plundering of marauders and foragers.

The partisans were especially activated in the fall of 1812, during the stay of Napoleon's army in Moscow. Permanent raids applied irreparable harm to the enemy, held it in constant tension. In addition, they delivered the command of operational information. Particularly valuable was the information that was reported by Captain Sillas, about the release of the French from Moscow and the direction of the movement of the Napoleonic parts at Kaluga. These data allowed Kutuzov to urgently translate the Russian army to Maloyaroslave and to block the path of Napoleon's army.

With the beginning of the retreat of the Great Army, the partisan parties were strengthened and 8 (20) October received a task to prevent the enemy's departure. In the course of the persecution, partisans often acted together with the avant-garde of the Russian Army - for example, in battles at Vyazma, Dorogobuzh, Smolensk, Red, Berezin, Wilna; And actively acted until the borders of the Russian Empire, where some of them were disbanded. Contemporaries rated the activities of the army partisans, gave her due to the full. According to the results of the campaign of 1812, all team communities were generously awarded by the ranks and orders, and the practice of the partisan war was continued in 1813-1814.

It is indisputable that the partisans became one of those important factors (hunger, cold, heroic actions of the Russian army and the Russian people), who ultimately led the Great Army of Napoleon to the catastrophe in Russia. It is almost impossible to calculate the number of enemy soldiers killed and captured by the partisans. In 1812, there was a chemless practice - the prisoners did not take (with the exception of important and "languages"), since the commanders were not interested in allocating a convoy from their few parties. The peasants who were under the influence of official propaganda (all the French are "non-Christi", and Napoleon - "the silence of Hell and the son of Satan"), all prisoners were destroyed, and sometimes bewildered methods (burned alive or burned, toopil, etc.). But, I must say that among the commanders of the army partisan detachments, cruel methods in relation to prisoners, according to some contemporaries, used only Figner.

In Soviet times, the concept of "Partisan War" was reailed in accordance with the Marxist ideology, and under the influence of the experience of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, it began to be interpreted as "the armed struggle of the people, mostly peasants of Russia, and the detachments of the Russian army against the French invaders in the Napoleonic rear troops and on their communications. " Soviet authors began to consider the partisan war "How the struggle of the People, generated by the work of the masses", saw in it "one of the manifestations of the decisive role of the people in the war." The initiator of the "People's" partisan war, which began, allegedly, immediately after the invasion of the Great Army into the territory of the Russian Empire, the peasantry was announced, it was stated that it was under his influence the Russian command later began to create army partisan detachments.

The truth and approval of a number of Soviet historians are not consistent about the fact that the "partisan" People's War began in Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine, that the government banned the people that the peasant detachments attacked the enemy reserves, garrisons and communications and partially poured into army partisan detachments . Meaning and scale people's War They were exorbitantly exaggerated: it was argued that the partisans and the peasants were "kept in the siege" the enemy army in Moscow, that "Muski People's War of Nailing the enemy" until the border of Russia. At the same time, the activities of army partisan detachments turned out to be chatted, namely they have made a tangible contribution to the defeat of the Great Army of Napoleon in 1812. Today, historians re-open the archives and read documents, without the ideology and instructions of the leaders. And reality opens in an untouched and unlucky form.

The invasion of the invalid invaders caused an unprecedented folk rise. On the fight against the occupants, the whole of Russia rose. The peasantry, as the most sturdy its spiritual traditions, is uncommon, in a single impulse of patriotic feelings fell against the invaders.

The invasion of the invalid invaders caused an unprecedented folk rise. On the fight against the occupants, the whole of Russia rose. Napoleon miscalculated when, trying to attract the peasants to his side, declared them that would cancel the serfdom. Not! The peasantry, as the most sturdy its spiritual traditions, is uncommon, in a single impulse of patriotic feelings fell against the invaders.

Immediately after the emergence of the enemy army in Lithuania and Belarus, the spontaneous partisan movement of local peasants originated. The partisans applied significant damage to the ingenians, destroyed enemy soldiers, frustrated the rear. At the very beginning of the war, the French army felt the shortage of food and forage. Because of the case of horses, the French were forced to quit 100 guns in Belarus.

The national militia was actively created in Ukraine. The 19 Cossack regiments were formed here. Most of them armed and contained the peasants at their own expense.

The peasant partisan detachments arose in Smolensk and in other occupied areas of Russia. Powerful partisan movement operated on the territory of the Moscow province. Here, the folk heroes, as Gerasim Kurin and Ivan Chushkin distinguished themselves. Some of the peasant detachments were among several thousand people. For example, Gerasim Kurin's detachment consisted of 5,000 people. The detachments of Yermola Quiet, Fyodor Potapova, Vasilisa Keltini were widely known.

The actions of the partisans applied large human and material losses to the enemy, violated his connection with the rear. Only for six autumn weeks, the partisans destroyed about 30,000 enemy soldiers. This is what it is said in the reporting actions of the peasant partisan detachments in the territory of only one Moscow province (written by the Governor General of Moscow F.V. Rastopchin):

Report on the activities of peasant partisan detachments

Against the army of Napoleon in the Moscow province

In fulfillment of the highest and. in. Will places here to universal note of the news of the brave and commendable deeds in the Moscow province, who was once unanimously and courageous by whole villages against the enemy sent from the enemy for the robbery and the ignition of parties, with the testimony of names and acts of those from merchants, burghers and peasants who are in this Time most distinguished.

On the Bogorodskaya Rube Holy Economic Value Head Egor Chalov, Sotsky Ivan Chushchin and Peasant Gerasim Kurin Yes Amerevskaya Vasilyev's head, gathering his peasants, and inviting neighboring, courageously defended themselves from the enemy and not only did not allow him to ruin and rob their settlements, but, reflecting and Through the enemies, the Warhon peasants beat and in full took up to fifty, Amerevsky to three hundred people. These courageous deeds were witnessed and approved by the leadership of the Lieutenant-General of KN [Yazzember] by Golitsyn in writing to the Vladimir militia.

According to Bronnitsk Committee Peasants sat: Shubin, Vessenikova, Konstantinova, Resurrection and Pochinok; The villages: Salvacheva, Zhiroshkina, Rogacheva, Ganus, Male, Golushina and Zhasanskaya, on the soul police, were repeatedly gathered armed equestrian and hiking to 2 thousand people on the road running to the city to the city, where, being under cover in the forest, expected With the Cossacks of the enemy, which, passing from the bronths to the same city, ruined whole villages. Finally, they saw the separated enemy detachment, which concluded up to 700 people who, with the help of the Cossacks, mascked and, put on the place of 30 people, were forced to throw weapons and captured with their wagons and mining. Captive these were transmitted to the Cossacks in our Army's main army. With a seven incident, the most distinguished the bravery and courage, encouraging others to defend the anti-enemies: Semen Tikhonov's village, Salvacheva's village, Salvacheva's villages, Egor Vasilyev and villages of Petrov's heads.

The village of lumping the peasants, noting that the Russian native called himself served the French, immediately grabbed him and passed the Cossacks who were in their village to represent where it followed.

The village of Ganusov, a peasant Pavel Prokhorov, seeing 5 people to visit him 5 people, went on top of the Cossack dress and, not having a firearm with him, picked them with one tokmo and delivered them to the Cossacks to refer to the team.

In the villages of Velin, Krivianch and Sofiane, the peasants, arming against the French, who arrived in the satisfaction of the robbery of Saints Churches and for the seduction of living in the places, not only did not allow them before, but overcome, destroyed. At seed from the shots from the enemy in the village of Sofyaine, 62 yard were burned with the entire structure and property.

Selo Mikhailovskaya Sloboda and Yaganova, villages: Durni, Chulkova, Kulakova and Kakuza peasants everyday to 2 thousand people were going to the Borovsky transport of Moscow River to Mount, had the strictest observation of the enemy detachments. Some of them for the worst intimidation of enemies dressed in a Cossack dress and armed with chicks. -Ini suffered many times and drove the enemy; and on September 22, seeing that the enemy detachment, quite numerous, reached out on the other side of the river to the village of Mechkov, many of them arched with the Cossacks across the River River and, attack rapidly on enemies, 11 people put in place and 46 people captured with weapons, horses and two carts; The rest, the former scattered, was escaping.

According to Bronnitskom, a leaning and scattering of the enemy detachment, striving for robbery to village, the peasants of the village of Durni, Mikhailo Andreev, was the greatest courage, and Ivan Ivanov, Vasily Kirillov; Sela Mikhailovskaya Sloboda: Sidor Timofeev, Yakov Kondratyev and Vladimir Afanasyev; Vasily Leontyev's stepman Vasily Leontyev and the peasant Fedul Dmitriev, who encouraged others to cross the river and attack on the enemy. In the village of Wolchrine and the villagers Lubniv and Lytkarin, residents, arming against small enemy detachments, often extended, and the Surinist residents lost from burning 84 courtyards with the whole structure and property, and the two dominance courtyards were burned in Lubnin. Two French came to the village of the village and, who had standing behind the courtyards, the horse barked in the cart, sat on her and went to the forest. The peasant of the village Yegor Ivanov, the guard, the selection, seemingly Sie, chasing them with an ax and threatened to cut them, if they do not leave the horse. Robbers, seeing that they could not leave from him, frightened, threw a cart with a horse and ran themselves; But the meant peasant, reversed from the cart from the cart, chasing them with the top and before one of them drove away, and then caught up and killed the other.

According to the Volokolamsky district. The peasants of this county, who were continuously armed before the removal of enemies from there, reflected courageously all their attacks, taking many captures, and others exterminating in place. When the captain-fixer was held over the sima peasants left for the fulfillment of other orders, then the order and authorities were entrusted to the city of the actual secret adviser and Senator Alyabyev to Gavrilov Ankudinov, who, as well as he was with him ,. Alyabyev, Yard : Dmitry Ivanov, Fedor FEOPEMPT, Nikolai Mikhailov, Economic Midth Mid-Walls, Vasily Boris Borisov and Son Wasil Borisov, Vasily Borisov, Village Burtseva Vasily Ermolaev, Chericar Mikhailo Fedorov, Peasant Philip Mikhailov, Village Peacum Peasants Kozmom Kozmmin and Gerasim Semenov, excellent against the enemy acted and always the first to be sought to him, submitting his endless example to others.

In the Zvenigorod district. When this County was almost all already occupied by the enemy, except for the small part of the villages lying to the side of the Voskresensk, who did not have time to take the enemy detachments, then urban and surrounding inhabitants, even from the enemy-busy places, interpreted, put unanimously to defend the city of Voskresensk. They armed themselves than only they could, established the guard and agreed between themselves, so that the bell tower from her, everyone immediately gather the tops and on foot. In Some conventional sign They always flocked in a considerable amount armed with guns, peaks, axes, forks, braids, and repeatedly drove the stabilizes and ruses of the enemy party. They often fought under the most city and in the distance from it, sometimes some, sometimes with the Cossacks, were killed, they were taken to full and delivered to Cossack teams, so in one Zvenigorod district and one thousands of enemies more than 2 thousand people were exterminated. Thus rescued from the invasion and ruin of the enemy city, Voskresensk, some villages and the monastery, the new Jerusalem called. At Sez distinguished: the head of the economic veljamin parish Ivan Andreev, who, except that he was engaged in the outfit and order of people, drove himself with a riding battle and an example was hesitated in other courage; The village of Lucinsky Mr. Golokhwastova Sotsky Pavel Ivanov, who also not just dressed up people, but always he himself with his children was in battles, on koi and wounded with one of his sons; Nikolai Ovchinnikov Zvenigorodsky, Lastrechi, Rossensensk, drove repeatedly on battle and was injured in his hand; Voskresensky merchant of Pentiokhov, Zvenigorodsky tradesman Ivan Goryhinov, Yard people: Prince Golitsyn - Alexey Abramov, Mr.] Column - Alexey Dmitriev and Prokhor Ignatiev, Mr.] Yaroslavova - Fyodor Sergeev, Votched Olders: Village of Ilyinsky c. Osterman - Egor Yakovlev, Elka Ivashkova Mr.] Ardalionova - Ustin Ivanov and the peasant of that fel rugen Egor Alekseev. All of them were many times in battles and encouraged others to exterminate and driving the enemy.

In the Serpukhovsky district. When the enemy parties were divided into robbery, then the peasants who remained in homes used the trick to exterminate the enemies of the Fatherland. They tried to drink them first and put them in an oversight, and then attacked them. SIM way was killed in the executed village of Stromille 5, in the village of Bespan 2, in the village of Tetherki (Mr.] Zhukov) 1, in the village of Dubna (Mr.] Akimov, in the village of Artischev (Mr.] Volkova) 7 people. G , gathered the departments of their peasants and, armed with their peaks, forks, axes and houses GR [AFA] Orlov of the guns, were waited safely in the village of Papushkina Enemier, who, having learned about and being in small forces, was forced to pass by.

According to Ruzsky district. Peasants, equipping and starting in every village for collecting bells, hastily gathered at the appearance of enemy detachments to several thousand people and with such unanimity and courage attacked the enemy party, that more than a thousand people were exterminated by them, not counting the Cossacks taken with their assistance captivity. The last October 11th, by gathering up to 1500 people, they helped the Cossacks and completely expel the enemy from Ruz.

Through Varevian county. When the enemy in the recent days of August and in early September, it was attacked repeatedly on the Zhovkovnaya Votchyna Votchin, he always reflect was the victims of Nikito Fedorov, Gaburil Mironov and the yard of the same landowner, Alexey Kirpichnikov, Nikolai Uskov and Afanasyev * Schieglov with peasants. In October, the same month, when the enemy, returning from Moscow, attempted to move the Proven to the River (on which a milling mill of five posts was built) to plunder the Church of Assumption Most Holy Mother of God And located near the landlord and a state bakery store, in which more than 500 quarters of rye were kept, while the signs of the pisari - Alexey Bricks and Nikolai Uskov, collecting the peasants to 500 people, tried to reflect the enemy in detachment to 300 people. Former employees of the Mozhaisk County of the Economic Ratary Volost of Ilinskaya Slobodov, the peasant Petr Petrov Polyupov and her, GR [Athini] Golovnaya, the village of Lobanovaya peasant Emelyan Minaev, despite the multiple rifle shots, broke the lava on the dam and, disassemble the boards, descended water Than and kept the enemy party and rescued the mentioned church, a presented house with all services, bread shops, also church houses and the embankment of Slobodca, in Koya are 48 peasant houses. Dubrov and Ponizovye were equally saved with the churches, the defense of the peasants from the peasants and close to them, which were especially encouraged by the advice and admission of Veronsky Priest John Skobeeva, who was a lot and the Assumption Church of the Ponoloire. Vasily Semenov, not only encouraging others, but also the enemy who participated in reflections.

LIME SIE. Submitted and witnessed from the Commander-in-Chief in Moscow G. General from infanteria GR [AFA] F. V. Rostopina. The most mentioned in he who bombed themselves should be given to distinguish the St. George 5th grade, and the Silver Silver on Vladimir Tape Medal with the inscription: "For love for the Fatherland." Without a summary, many excellent and courageous actions of other peasants, according to the information that did not come out about it, remain in the unknown.

Simultaneously with the peasant, army partisan detachments were operating, which were formed by order of command for intelligence and hostilities in the rear of the enemy. The first army partisan commander was the hussar lieutenant colonel Denis Vasilyevich Davydov. Here's how he himself recalls how he became a guerrilla:

"Seeing himself a useful Fatherland of no more ordinary hussar, I decided to ask myself a separate team, despite the words, pronounced and exalted mediocreness: not to ask anywhere and cannot refuse. On the contrary, I was always sure that in our craft it only performs my duty, who crosses his own damn, is not equal to the spirit, as the shoulders, in the rank with comrades, it suggests itself and does not refuse anything.

In this though, I sent a letter to Prince Bagration with the following content:

"Your shyness! You know that I, leaving the place of your adjutant, so flattering for my pride, and joining the Gusar Regiment, had the subject of the partisan service and forces of my years, and by experience, and if I dare to say my courage. Circumstances are on this time in the ranks of my comrades, where I do not have my own will and, therefore, I can neither take nor do nothing wonderful. Prince! You are my only benefactor; Let me appear to you to explain my intentions; If they are pleased with you, take me at the request of mine and be reliable that the one who wore the title of Adjutant Bagration Five-year-old sorts, he will support the honor of this with all the revival, which distressful position of the kind of our fatherland requires. Denis Davydov. "

By twenty-first, the prince called me to himself; Representing him, I explained to him the benefits of the partisan war under the circumstances of that time. "The enemy comes in one way," I said to him, "the way to the extent was taken out of the measure; Transports of life and combat food enemy cover the space from Gjati to Smolensk and further. Meanwhile, the extensity of the part of Russia, lying in the south of the Moscow way, contributes to the exceptions of not only parties, but also the whole of our army. What makes the crowds of the Cossacks at the forefront? Committed enough of them for the content of the cashposts, it is necessary to divide the rest in the party and put them in the middle of the caravan next to Napoleon. Will they go strong detachments? - They have pretty space to avoid defeat. Will they leave them alone? - They will destroy the source of strength and life of the enemy army. Where does she take charges and food? - Our land is not so abundant, so that the roadside part can impregnate two hundred thousand troops; Armory and powder plants - not on the Smolensk road. In addition, the reverse appearance of ours in the midst of the War scattered from the war will encourage them and turn the military war into the folk. Prince! Frankly I will say: the soul hurts from the daily parallel positions! It's time to see that they do not close the depths of Russia. Who does not know that the best way Protecting the subject of the enemy desire is not in parallel, but in perpendicular or, at least in the indirect position of the army relative to the subject matter? And therefore, if the elected barclary does not stop and continued by the brightness of the digression, - Moscow will be taken, the world is signed in it, and we will go to India to fight for the French! .. I now appeal to myself: if it should certainly die, then better I Lang here! In India, I will disappear from one hundred thousand my compatriots without behalf and for the benefit, alien to Russia, and here I die under the banners of independence, about which the insensians who are working on violence and the worm of our enemies ... And who knows! Maybe the army defined in India! .. "

Prince interrupted the immodest flight of my imagination; He shook my hand and said: "Now I will go to the brighter and present it your thoughts."

In addition to the detachment of D.V. Dvavydov, the detachments of A.N. Selvin, A.S. Figner, I.S.Dorokhova, N.D. U., I.M.Vadbolsky, also successfully operated. Partisan traffic It was so unexpected and unpleasant surprise for the French invaders that they tried to blame Russia in violating the rules of warfare; The head of the main headquarters of the French army Marshal Beatier even sent in the bet M.I. Kutuzov Colonel Burtemi with a letter, full of indignation. To which Kutuzov answered the letter of the following content:

Colonel of Burtemi, whom I allowed to skip to my main apartment, handed me a letter that your lordship was instructed to transfer to me. About everything that constitutes the subject of this new appeal, I have already introduced it to Imperial Majesty, and this transmitter was, as, no doubt, you know, the adjutant general prince Volkonsky. However, taking into account the far distance and bad roads are currently years, it is impossible that I can already receive an answer about this. Therefore, I can only refer to the fact that I had the honor to say on this issue to General Loriston. However, I repeat here the truth, the meaning and strength of which you, the prince, undoubtedly, appreciate: It is difficult to stop the people, fiercely by all the fact that he saw the people who continued two hundred years did not see the wars on her land, the people ready to sacrifice themselves for Motherland and which does not make differences between what is accepted and that is not taken in ordinary wars.

As for the armies, I am entrusted, I hope the prince that everyone recognizes the rules characterizing the brave, honest and generous people in their way of actions. In continuation of my long-term military service, I never knew other rules and I am sure that the enemies with whom I have ever fought, always gave proper justice to my principles.

Please accept the prince, assurance in my deepest respect.

Commander-in-chief of the Army Field Marshal

prince Kutuzov

A huge contribution was made by partisan and militia movement in the defeat and extermination of the enemy. The congestion of communications of the enemy, exterminating his detachments, taking fear and horror on him, it's an hour for an hour at an hour inevitable the defeatists. And the experience gained by the people in 1812 was very useful and subsequently.

Russian civilization

The invasion of the invalid invaders caused an unprecedented folk rise. On the fight against the occupants, the whole of Russia rose. The peasantry, as the most sturdy its spiritual traditions, is uncommon, in a single impulse of patriotic feelings fell against the invaders.

The invasion of the invalid invaders caused an unprecedented folk rise. On the fight against the occupants, the whole of Russia rose. Napoleon miscalculated when, trying to attract the peasants to his side, declared them that would cancel the serfdom. Not! The peasantry, as the most sturdy its spiritual traditions, is uncommon, in a single impulse of patriotic feelings fell against the invaders.

Immediately after the emergence of the enemy army in Lithuania and Belarus, the spontaneous partisan movement of local peasants originated. The partisans applied significant damage to the ingenians, destroyed enemy soldiers, frustrated the rear. At the very beginning of the war, the French army felt the shortage of food and forage. Because of the case of horses, the French were forced to quit 100 guns in Belarus.

The national militia was actively created in Ukraine. The 19 Cossack regiments were formed here. Most of them armed and contained the peasants at their own expense.

The peasant partisan detachments arose in Smolensk and in other occupied areas of Russia. Powerful partisan movement operated on the territory of the Moscow province. Here, the folk heroes, as Gerasim Kurin and Ivan Chushkin distinguished themselves. Some of the peasant detachments were among several thousand people. For example, Gerasim Kurin's detachment consisted of 5,000 people. The detachments of Yermola Quiet, Fyodor Potapova, Vasilisa Keltini were widely known.

The actions of the partisans applied large human and material losses to the enemy, violated his connection with the rear. Only for six autumn weeks, the partisans destroyed about 30,000 enemy soldiers. This is what it is said in the reporting actions of the peasant partisan detachments in the territory of only one Moscow province (written by the Governor General of Moscow F.V. Rastopchin):

Report on the activities of peasant partisan detachments

Against the army of Napoleon in the Moscow province

In fulfillment of the highest and. in. Will places here to universal note of the news of the brave and commendable deeds in the Moscow province, who was once unanimously and courageous by whole villages against the enemy sent from the enemy for the robbery and the ignition of parties, with the testimony of names and acts of those from merchants, burghers and peasants who are in this Time most distinguished.

On the Bogorodskaya Rube Holy Economic Value Head Egor Chalov, Sotsky Ivan Chushchin and Peasant Gerasim Kurin Yes Amerevskaya Vasilyev's head, gathering his peasants, and inviting neighboring, courageously defended themselves from the enemy and not only did not allow him to ruin and rob their settlements, but, reflecting and Through the enemies, the Warhon peasants beat and in full took up to fifty, Amerevsky to three hundred people. These courageous deeds were witnessed and approved by the leadership of the Lieutenant-General of KN [Yazzember] by Golitsyn in writing to the Vladimir militia.

According to Bronnitsk Committee Peasants sat: Shubin, Vessenikova, Konstantinova, Resurrection and Pochinok; The villages: Salvacheva, Zhiroshkina, Rogacheva, Ganus, Male, Golushina and Zhasanskaya, on the soul police, were repeatedly gathered armed equestrian and hiking to 2 thousand people on the road running to the city to the city, where, being under cover in the forest, expected With the Cossacks of the enemy, which, passing from the bronths to the same city, ruined whole villages. Finally, they saw the separated enemy detachment, which concluded up to 700 people who, with the help of the Cossacks, mascked and, put on the place of 30 people, were forced to throw weapons and captured with their wagons and mining. Captive these were transmitted to the Cossacks in our Army's main army. With a seven incident, the most distinguished the bravery and courage, encouraging others to defend the anti-enemies: Semen Tikhonov's village, Salvacheva's village, Salvacheva's villages, Egor Vasilyev and villages of Petrov's heads.

The village of lumping the peasants, noting that the Russian native called himself served the French, immediately grabbed him and passed the Cossacks who were in their village to represent where it followed.

The village of Ganusov, a peasant Pavel Prokhorov, seeing 5 people to visit him 5 people, went on top of the Cossack dress and, not having a firearm with him, picked them with one tokmo and delivered them to the Cossacks to refer to the team.

In the villages of Velin, Krivianch and Sofiane, the peasants, arming against the French, who arrived in the satisfaction of the robbery of Saints Churches and for the seduction of living in the places, not only did not allow them before, but overcome, destroyed. At seed from the shots from the enemy in the village of Sofyaine, 62 yard were burned with the entire structure and property.

Selo Mikhailovskaya Sloboda and Yaganova, villages: Durni, Chulkova, Kulakova and Kakuza peasants everyday to 2 thousand people were going to the Borovsky transport of Moscow River to Mount, had the strictest observation of the enemy detachments. Some of them for the worst intimidation of enemies dressed in a Cossack dress and armed with chicks. -Ini suffered many times and drove the enemy; and on September 22, seeing that the enemy detachment, quite numerous, reached out on the other side of the river to the village of Mechkov, many of them arched with the Cossacks across the River River and, attack rapidly on enemies, 11 people put in place and 46 people captured with weapons, horses and two carts; The rest, the former scattered, was escaping.

According to Bronnitskom, a leaning and scattering of the enemy detachment, striving for robbery to village, the peasants of the village of Durni, Mikhailo Andreev, was the greatest courage, and Ivan Ivanov, Vasily Kirillov; Sela Mikhailovskaya Sloboda: Sidor Timofeev, Yakov Kondratyev and Vladimir Afanasyev; Vasily Leontyev's stepman Vasily Leontyev and the peasant Fedul Dmitriev, who encouraged others to cross the river and attack on the enemy. In the village of Wolchrine and the villagers Lubniv and Lytkarin, residents, arming against small enemy detachments, often extended, and the Surinist residents lost from burning 84 courtyards with the whole structure and property, and the two dominance courtyards were burned in Lubnin. Two French came to the village of the village and, who had standing behind the courtyards, the horse barked in the cart, sat on her and went to the forest. The peasant of the village Yegor Ivanov, the guard, the selection, seemingly Sie, chasing them with an ax and threatened to cut them, if they do not leave the horse. Robbers, seeing that they could not leave from him, frightened, threw a cart with a horse and ran themselves; But the meant peasant, reversed from the cart from the cart, chasing them with the top and before one of them drove away, and then caught up and killed the other.

According to the Volokolamsky district. The peasants of this county, who were continuously armed before the removal of enemies from there, reflected courageously all their attacks, taking many captures, and others exterminating in place. When the captain-fixer was held over the sima peasants left for the fulfillment of other orders, then the order and authorities were entrusted to the city of the actual secret adviser and Senator Alyabyev to Gavrilov Ankudinov, who, as well as he was with him ,. Alyabyev, Yard : Dmitry Ivanov, Fedor FEOPEMPT, Nikolai Mikhailov, Economic Midth Mid-Walls, Vasily Boris Borisov and Son Wasil Borisov, Vasily Borisov, Village Burtseva Vasily Ermolaev, Chericar Mikhailo Fedorov, Peasant Philip Mikhailov, Village Peacum Peasants Kozmom Kozmmin and Gerasim Semenov, excellent against the enemy acted and always the first to be sought to him, submitting his endless example to others.

In the Zvenigorod district. When this County was almost all already occupied by the enemy, except for the small part of the villages lying to the side of the Voskresensk, who did not have time to take the enemy detachments, then urban and surrounding inhabitants, even from the enemy-busy places, interpreted, put unanimously to defend the city of Voskresensk. They armed themselves than only they could, established the guard and agreed between themselves, so that the bell tower from her, everyone immediately gather the tops and on foot. For this conditional sign, they always flocked in a considerable amount armed with guns, peaks, axes, pits, cosos, and repeatedly drove the rumor-robes and ruses enemy parties. They often fought under the most city and in the distance from it, sometimes some, sometimes with the Cossacks, were killed, they were taken to full and delivered to Cossack teams, so in one Zvenigorod district and one thousands of enemies more than 2 thousand people were exterminated. Thus rescued from the invasion and ruin of the enemy city, Voskresensk, some villages and the monastery, the new Jerusalem called. At Sez distinguished: the head of the economic veljamin parish Ivan Andreev, who, except that he was engaged in the outfit and order of people, drove himself with a riding battle and an example was hesitated in other courage; The village of Lucinsky Mr. Golokhwastova Sotsky Pavel Ivanov, who also not just dressed up people, but always he himself with his children was in battles, on koi and wounded with one of his sons; Nikolai Ovchinnikov Zvenigorodsky, Lastrechi, Rossensensk, drove repeatedly on battle and was injured in his hand; Voskresensky merchant of Pentiokhov, Zvenigorodsky tradesman Ivan Goryhinov, Yard people: Prince Golitsyn - Alexey Abramov, Mr.] Column - Alexey Dmitriev and Prokhor Ignatiev, Mr.] Yaroslavova - Fyodor Sergeev, Votched Olders: Village of Ilyinsky c. Osterman - Egor Yakovlev, Elka Ivashkova Mr.] Ardalionova - Ustin Ivanov and the peasant of that fel rugen Egor Alekseev. All of them were many times in battles and encouraged others to exterminate and driving the enemy.

In the Serpukhovsky district. When the enemy parties were divided into robbery, then the peasants who remained in homes used the trick to exterminate the enemies of the Fatherland. They tried to drink them first and put them in an oversight, and then attacked them. SIM way was killed in the executed village of Stromille 5, in the village of Bespan 2, in the village of Tetherki (Mr.] Zhukov) 1, in the village of Dubna (Mr.] Akimov, in the village of Artischev (Mr.] Volkova) 7 people. G , gathered the departments of their peasants and, armed with their peaks, forks, axes and houses GR [AFA] Orlov of the guns, were waited safely in the village of Papushkina Enemier, who, having learned about and being in small forces, was forced to pass by.

According to Ruzsky district. Peasants, equipping and starting in every village for collecting bells, hastily gathered at the appearance of enemy detachments to several thousand people and with such unanimity and courage attacked the enemy party, that more than a thousand people were exterminated by them, not counting the Cossacks taken with their assistance captivity. The last October 11th, by gathering up to 1500 people, they helped the Cossacks and completely expel the enemy from Ruz.

Through Varevian county. When the enemy in the recent days of August and in early September, it was attacked repeatedly on the Zhovkovnaya Votchyna Votchin, he always reflect was the victims of Nikito Fedorov, Gaburil Mironov and the yard of the same landowner, Alexey Kirpichnikov, Nikolai Uskov and Afanasyev * Schieglov with peasants. In October, the same month, when the enemy, returning from Moscow, I was attempted to go through the Provement of the River (on which a milling mill of five posts was built) for the plundering of the Church of the Assumption of the Mostly At that time, signable writings - Alexey Bricks and Nikolai Uskov, gathering the peasant to 500 people, tried to reflect the enemy in detachment to 300 people. Former employees of the Mozhaisk County of the Economic Ratary Volost of Ilinskaya Slobodov, the peasant Petr Petrov Polyupov and her, GR [Athini] Golovnaya, the village of Lobanovaya peasant Emelyan Minaev, despite the multiple rifle shots, broke the lava on the dam and, disassemble the boards, descended water Than and kept the Enemy Party and saved the mentioned church, a presented house with all services, bread magazein, also church houses and the embankment of Slobodka, in Kama there are 48 peasant houses. Dubrov and Ponizovye were equally saved with the churches, the defense of the peasants from the peasants and close to them, which were especially encouraged by the advice and admission of Veronsky Priest John Skobeeva, who was a lot and the Assumption Church of the Ponoloire. Vasily Semenov, not only encouraging others, but also the enemy who participated in reflections.

LIME SIE. Submitted and witnessed from the Commander-in-Chief in Moscow G. General from infanteria GR [AFA] F. V. Rostopina. The most mentioned in he who bombed themselves should be given to distinguish the St. George 5th grade, and the Silver Silver on Vladimir Tape Medal with the inscription: "For love for the Fatherland." Without a summary, many excellent and courageous actions of other peasants, according to the information that did not come out about it, remain in the unknown.

Simultaneously with the peasant, army partisan detachments were operating, which were formed by order of command for intelligence and hostilities in the rear of the enemy. The first army partisan commander was the hussar lieutenant colonel Denis Vasilyevich Davydov. Here's how he himself recalls how he became a guerrilla:

"Seeing himself a useful Fatherland of no more ordinary hussar, I decided to ask myself a separate team, despite the words, pronounced and exalted mediocreness: not to ask anywhere and cannot refuse. On the contrary, I was always sure that in our craft it only performs my duty, who crosses his own damn, is not equal to the spirit, as the shoulders, in the rank with comrades, it suggests itself and does not refuse anything.

In this though, I sent a letter to Prince Bagration with the following content:

"Your shyness! You know that I, leaving the place of your adjutant, so flattering for my pride, and joining the Gusar Regiment, had the subject of the partisan service and forces of my years, and by experience, and if I dare to say my courage. Circumstances are on this time in the ranks of my comrades, where I do not have my own will and, therefore, I can neither take nor do nothing wonderful. Prince! You are my only benefactor; Let me appear to you to explain my intentions; If they are pleased with you, take me at the request of mine and be reliable that the one who wore the title of Adjutant Bagration Five-year-old sorts, he will support the honor of this with all the revival, which distressful position of the kind of our fatherland requires. Denis Davydov. "

By twenty-first, the prince called me to himself; Representing him, I explained to him the benefits of the partisan war under the circumstances of that time. "The enemy comes in one way," I said to him, "the way to the extent was taken out of the measure; Transports of life and combat food enemy cover the space from Gjati to Smolensk and further. Meanwhile, the extensity of the part of Russia, lying in the south of the Moscow way, contributes to the exceptions of not only parties, but also the whole of our army. What makes the crowds of the Cossacks at the forefront? Committed enough of them for the content of the cashposts, it is necessary to divide the rest in the party and put them in the middle of the caravan next to Napoleon. Will they go strong detachments? - They have pretty space to avoid defeat. Will they leave them alone? - They will destroy the source of strength and life of the enemy army. Where does she take charges and food? - Our land is not so abundant, so that the roadside part can impregnate two hundred thousand troops; Armory and powder plants - not on the Smolensk road. In addition, the reverse appearance of ours in the midst of the War scattered from the war will encourage them and turn the military war into the folk. Prince! Frankly I will say: the soul hurts from the daily parallel positions! It's time to see that they do not close the depths of Russia. Who does not know that the best way to protect the subject of the enemy desire is not in parallel, but in perpendicular or, at least in the indirect position of the army relative to this subject? And therefore, if the elected barclary does not stop and continued by the brightness of the digression, - Moscow will be taken, the world is signed in it, and we will go to India to fight for the French! .. I now appeal to myself: if it should certainly die, then better I Lang here! In India, I will disappear from one hundred thousand my compatriots without behalf and for the benefit, alien to Russia, and here I die under the banners of independence, about which the insensians who are working on violence and the worm of our enemies ... And who knows! Maybe the army defined in India! .. "

Prince interrupted the immodest flight of my imagination; He shook my hand and said: "Now I will go to the brighter and present it your thoughts."

In addition to the detachment of D.V. Dvavydov, the detachments of A.N. Selvin, A.S. Figner, I.S.Dorokhova, N.D. U., I.M.Vadbolsky, also successfully operated. The partisan movement was so unexpected and unpleasant surprise for the French occupiers that they tried to accuse Russia in violating the rules of war; The head of the main headquarters of the French army Marshal Beatier even sent in the bet M.I. Kutuzov Colonel Burtemi with a letter, full of indignation. To which Kutuzov answered the letter of the following content:

Colonel of Burtemi, whom I allowed to skip to my main apartment, handed me a letter that your lordship was instructed to transfer to me. About everything that constitutes the subject of this new appeal, I have already introduced it to Imperial Majesty, and this transmitter was, as, no doubt, you know, the adjutant general prince Volkonsky. However, taking into account the far distance and bad roads are currently years, it is impossible that I can already receive an answer about this. Therefore, I can only refer to the fact that I had the honor to say on this issue to General Loriston. However, I repeat here the truth, the meaning and strength of which you, the prince, undoubtedly, appreciate: It is difficult to stop the people, fiercely by all the fact that he saw the people who continued two hundred years did not see the wars on her land, the people ready to sacrifice themselves for Motherland and which does not make differences between what is accepted and that is not taken in ordinary wars.

As for the armies, I am entrusted, I hope the prince that everyone recognizes the rules characterizing the brave, honest and generous people in their way of actions. In continuation of my long-term military service, I never knew other rules and I am sure that the enemies with whom I have ever fought, always gave proper justice to my principles.

Please accept the prince, assurance in my deepest respect.

Commander-in-chief of the Army Field Marshal

prince Kutuzov

A huge contribution was made by partisan and militia movement in the defeat and extermination of the enemy. The congestion of communications of the enemy, exterminating his detachments, taking fear and horror on him, it's an hour for an hour at an hour inevitable the defeatists. And the experience gained by the people in 1812 was very useful and subsequently.

Russian civilization

  1. One of the first detachments was formed in the Spiritobinsky district, Alexander Dmitrievich Leslie, a landowner D. Stankovo, with the assistance of the Native Brothers Peter, Grigory, High and the blessing of the father of Major General Dmitry Egorovich Leslie, who lived in the estate of Kapirev region, the detachment has more than 200 serfs and The yard peasants. Parentisans conducted raids, ambushes. The overseas-Gusino-Gusino roads along the roads. In the Krasnunsky district, the detachment of the heads of one of the villages of Archipova seeds were accepted. The Semen archups and his two comrades were captured with the French gun in her hands, by order of Napoleon Shot. In place, the artist Vereshchagin wrote a picture "with an instrument in his hands? - Strike!" According to these events. In the city of Dsychevka, a detachment of self-defense was formed, the warriors carried a sentinal service, convossed by the prisoners. Nikita Minchenkov citizens captured the banner of the French regiment, took a courier with an important mail. In the Sychevsky district, the partisan detachment headed Major Suvorovsky Army Semen Emelyanov, Old Town Vasilisa Kozhina, peasant Kh.Gorshkova headed a detachment of adolescents and peasants, armed with pools and braids. For refusal to give food French shot her husband. Knight names of brave young partisans-Fedor Kolychev, Sergey Nikolsky, Ilya Nosov, Vasily Lavrov, Timofey Konoplin, Ivan Lebedev. Parally with a leather squad in the Sychevsky district acted, Agap Ivanov, Sergey Mironov, Maxim Vasilyeva, Andrei Stepanova, Anton Fedorov, Vasily Nikitina. Old builder with. Levshino, on r. Vazuza in a hand-to-hand fight destroyed more than 10 enemy soldiers, after which his body was subpedped by the door of the huts where the French had been hit by blood held them before the approach of the fellows, which consistently destroyed them with forks and axes. In the Gzhatsky county, the enemy's enemies were rowed by Parisan The command of the Yermola's quarters of the Russian army, they controlled over 40 kilometers of the terrain, destroyed more than 1,000 soldiers and officers of the invaders. The total number was over 300 people. Cresanin D. Novoselki of the Spiritovinsky County Semen Silayev repeated the feat of I.Susanin. Napoleon's adjutant recognized :. " We have not met any peasant anywhere, anyone who could serve us by the conductor. "In the area of \u200b\u200bGROWLAN, Savva Morozova, Ivana Tepishev, were opened, Ivana Tepishev. Sobermarm Ermolai Vasilyev, Gzhatsky - Commander Fedor Potapov. Denis Davydov, Denis Davydov, prevail fear and panic in the ranks of the enemy by breathing and speed of raids. And in total, dozens of tens of merchants of folk Avengers operated on the territory of the Smolensk region great Army. Mikhail Kutuzov wrote in his appeal to Smolyan: "Decent Smolensky Residents - kind of compatriots! I am notified with the living delight, I am notified from everywhere about the unparalleled experiments and loyalty and devotion to your costly Fatherland. In the most lute disasters of our own, you show the unshakability of your own spirit. . . The enemy could damage your walls, to send in ruins and ashes the property, impose heavy shackles on you, but could not and could not win and conquer the hearts of yours!

    Denis Davydov

    With an instrument in your hands? - Stretch!

  2. Thanks for the reference, recently read
  3. Let's, friends, before find out, who are those partisans of 1812 and were those armed peasants about which they say a lot? The partisans were called temporarily created detachments from regular parts and the Cossacks of the Army. Such were the famous detachments of I.S.Dorokhov, D.V. Davodova, A.N. Sldavina, A.S. Figner and others. These detachments were purposefully created by the command of the Russian army for action in the rear and the Communications of the Napoleon Army. In the Smolensk, Kaluga, Moscow provinces, the peasant armed dedication of self-defense, which performed the functions of protecting exclusively and nearby settlements from looting exclusively. They did not make deep raids on the enemy's reasons, did not lead sabotage work, did not interrupt communications. Call such detachments by partisanski you can not! Yes, nobody called them. For example, in the reports of the leader of the nobility of the Sychevsky County Nikolai Matveyevich Nakhimov, the commander-in-chief of the Russian army M.I. Kutuzov has no mention that the partisan detachments were created. "According to the approach of the enemy, for my prescription, they were armed with each village with peasants with peaks, learned in turns from these horse connectors, who hear, or notifying about the enemy, should be immediately given to know the G. Ipperivnik and in the coming settlements, and that the villages are armed The peasants on the first notice immediately appeared to the appointed place, "he wrote in the report of September 3, 1812. And further: "... the peasants not only with the desire flown by the peaks, but even braids and stakes, and on the team, the charges, not afraid of bullets and bayonets, surrounded by the enemy, hit them, were brought and scattered." And again there is a word about what is partisans. The bright prince and the commander-in-chief of the Russian army Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov in his "leaflets" noted that "the peasants from the villages adjacent to the theater are applied to the enemy of the greatest harm ... they kill the enemy in many, and captured delivered to the army." And again, no words that the peasants were partisans. None of the archive has a single document relating to the Patriotic War of 1812, indicating the peasant detachments as partisan. The historiography of Russia XIX - the beginning of the 20th centuries specifically pointed out and quite definitely divided the actions of partisans and peasant armed self-defense detachments without comparing these concepts. The actions of the latter were held as "People's War", the term - which was used by the famous historians of the XIX century: Buturlin D. P. ("The history of the invasion of the emperor of Napoleon to Russia in 1812", 1-2, St. Petersburg., 1823-1824), Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky A.I. ("Description of the Patriotic War in 1812 on the highest command ...", 1-4, SPB., 1839), Bogdanovich M.I. ("The History of the Patriotic War of 1812 on reliable sources", tt. 1-3, St. Petersburg., 1859-1860), Slaleskinsky A. ("People's War in the Smolensk Lip ..." // Russian Archive, 1901, KN .2.), And even earlier Ahsharumov D.I. ("The description of the war of 1812", St. Petersburg., 1819) and many others. Used this term and L.N. Tolstoy. Remember, "Duby of People's War ..." amazes a stamped mention of the "partisan movement of the masses" in the territory of Smolensk, and the other provinces. Partisan movement - implies a single manual, organized and targeted by those or other actions. Is it possible to talk about a single guide to the people's masses, if even the Smolensky governor Baron K. Ash disappeared in an unknown direction, and the provisional administration of the province was transmitted to the Kaluga governor? Was the headquarters of the partisan traffic in 1812? Was the character of the peasant armed squads of self-defense targeted and organized? Is the interaction and coordination of these detachments? Maybe the peasants committed raids on the rear of the enemy? Of course not! So where did it come from and firmly strengthened in the consciousness of many generations, what the peasant detachments are partisans combined into a kind of movement? The expression "peasant partisan movement" appeared at least 130 years after the Patriotic War of 1812 and was "invented" in the Soviet period. Soviet historians, by analogy with the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945 set the sign of identity between two completely different wars, not particularly thinking over historical justice, historical truth.
    That's what I wanted, friends, tell you. By the way, on this issue, famous historians have repeatedly performed - Professor Popov A.I., Markov, and others. And the theme of the skin, Kurin, Emelyanov and other, so-called, partisans are separately. If you are interested, then let's talk.
  4. Quote (Colonel @ October 15, 2011, 22:05)
    ..... The partisans were called temporarily created detachments from regular parts and the Cossacks of the current army. Such were the famous detachments of I.S.Dorokhov, D.V. Davodova, A.N. Sldavina, A.S. Figner and others. These detachments were purposefully created by the command of the Russian army for action in the rear and the Communications of the Napoleon Army. The expression "peasant partisan movement" appeared at least 130 years after the Patriotic War of 1812 and was "invented" in the Soviet period. Soviet historians, by analogy with the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945 set the sign of identity between two completely different wars, not particularly thinking over historical justice, historical truth.

    I agree with you, the colonel, "subfed" the term. M.I. Kutuzov in a letter to D.V. Dvyudov: "And for this, I stay in full that you, continuing to act to the enemy's harmful harm, make a reputation of the excellent partisan." Although V.I. Dal defines this term in military interpretation as "the head of the lung, a flying unit, harming sudden attempts ...", nevertheless, the military encyclopedic lexicon (edition of 1856, Volume 10, p. 183) gives an explanation that "Pratisan detachments are compiled, depending on their purpose; in terrain and circumstances, then from one, then from two and even three generics of weapons. The guerrilla troops must be lungs: huntsman, hussars, ulanes. And where they exist, the Cossacks and those like it Irregagular riders, horse guns or rocket teams. Extremely useful for draguns and horse gunners, trained to act hiking and horses. "

  5. Quote (Pavel @ October 15, 2011, 23:33)
    I agree with you, the colonel, "subfed" the term. M.I. Kutuzov in a letter to D.V. Dvyudov: "And for this, I stay in full that you, continuing to act to the enemy's harmful harm, make a reputation of the excellent partisan." Although V.I. Dal defines this term in military interpretation as "the head of the lung, a flying unit, harming sudden attempts ...", nevertheless, the military encyclopedic lexicon (edition of 1856, Volume 10, p. 183) gives an explanation that "Pratisan detachments are compiled, depending on their purpose; in terrain and circumstances, then from one, then from two and even three generics of weapons. The guerrilla troops must be lungs: huntsman, hussars, ulanes. And where they exist, the Cossacks and those like it Irregagular riders, horse guns or rocket teams. Extremely useful for draguns and horse gunners, trained to act hiking and horses. "

    You once again confirmed my words. Thank you! Partisans are primarily regular troops, first of all mobile and irregular, i.e. writings, which is identical, and what is impossible (especially by the period of the Patriotic War of 1812), to say about the armed peasant detachments of somoconses that arose, as a rule, spontaneously. And further. It is impossible to stretch the same and also the blanket of the Great Patriotic War on the war of 1812 - the dimmer, and not only, different.

  6. Good to all all. Not at all agree with some statements. The unified actions in the rear of the enemy of individual units and parts of the regular army are intelligent sabotage operations. And these are the actions of armed non-military people organized on the principle of militia, militia, self-defense units, spuns, and so on. There is a guerrilla.
    As for the partisan traffic in 1812 - I would divide it into three categories:
    1 - actions of the regular army, to which the operations of detachments under the leadership of the Russian officers listed above, both who have been in the service and retirers.
    2 - the actions of the peasants whose villages were in the battle band. Domestic burned, the harvest is extorted, nor the fellow landowner do not work to the men, but to eat, sorry, something you needed to eat, they gathered the slaves of God to Vatagi, they were armed with who, and having fun On the roads who they will meet, not from patriotic considerations, but from the need of extreme and hopelessness ...
    and 3 - mutually beneficial cooperation. This happened in the occupied territories not strongly affected by the fighting. In the quality of the example, I propose to consider the so-called blockade of the Bobruisk Fortress. The backuping Bagration took all the soldiers of little less suitable for building, even the prisoners were amnesty. In the fortress, only patients remained. The wounded. It is a garrison, although there were 5,000 people, for active actions outside the fortifications were unable. The first mobile and efficient unit was a consolidated Cossack squad, consisting of municipal and security Cossacks, a total number of 240 people. So these two and a half hundred It was managed to spoil the blood and the Poles and the Austrians and the French ... If you analyze official reports and submissions to award-winning period, it should be noted that the Cossacks constantly turned out to be in the right time, in the right Place, and sometimes bypassing the side of the opponent, without active and conscientious assistance from the local population, it is simply not possible. And they came to this very much simply. In addition, the local population took the arrival of the French absolutely indifferent. year. And for some 20 years it was the third power. But in the Seym, Napoleon promised to revive the Grand Duchy Lithuanian, and in return I demanded "bread and hay". And where they could take the battered gears and fodder in the required quantities ... They began to hardly rob the peasants. And they in turn fell on the side of the Russians. Surface arithmetic: Cossacks always have fresh and reliable information and reliable conductors, and did not hurt the head, what to do with a dumbway - no horse with a cart, none The grain bag, the Oghap Siena will not fall to the enemies, and the soldiers ran out through the forest, catch, rumble and dripped, clean, clean, so that they are not tightly. And on the other hand, even EBRONE OBSEROZHKO for a fortress village, peeling in a terrible poverty - manna of heavenly. And patriotism, faith, king and fatherland is propaganda and Ponte flat after victory.
    Immediately make a reservation: I'm not trying to bring the meaning of the partisan movement in both the same and in other wars. And I bow to the courage and the heroism of the ancestors that, not being soldiers, sometimes not having the idea of \u200b\u200bconsiderable, fought like real heroes. What exactly they all 100% defended their land, standing on her. Ethnic memory and non-worn glory.
  7. Good all. Everything completely agrees with some allegations. Coordinated Actions In the rear of the enemy of individual divisions and parts of the regular army, these are intelligent sabotage operations. And here are the actions of armed non-military people organized on the principle militia, militia, self-defense units, spontaneous gangs etc. And there is a guerrilla.

    Click to reveal ...

    Something you all dumped in one pile: a militia, militia, squads of self-defense ... The militia was under the army, the police were disbanded in 1807, about self-defense detachments - already mentioned.

    And then. Where and who coordinated the actions of partisan detachments? And in general, the concept of rear in 1812 is very conditional, because There was no front line.

  8. Either I did not quite clearly outlined my thoughts, or you did not understand me correctly. I am as if I try to divide the combat operations of the Army units, held by order or with the knowledge of which non-commander of the regular army (other coordination at the time and be Could) and spontaneous armed performances in the occupied territory. For example: is it possible to attribute to the partisan raid 5000 of the corps of General Ertel in the rear to the Poles to Glusk and Bobruisk at the end of September? And the principles of formation of partisan units, I pointed out applies to any historical period, be it a rebellion of SPITEN in Sogdian, the American militia of George Washington or partisan traffic during World War II.
    The front, the flanks and rear of the army were always as well as the concepts of combat and rear support, the territory is occupied by the enemy, rear and rockada communications, rear, reserve, etc. Bases, temporary military or occupation administration. We are impossible to have beautiful buildings for drum fighting and Friendly volleys on the battlefields ... and the continuous line of the front, battered on the war map - is not the most important thing in war, although it is impossible not to admit that its location is the ultimate goal of the slaughterhouse ...
  9. Either I did not quite clearly outlined my thoughts, or you did not understand me correctly. I am as if I try to divide the combat operations of the Army units, held by order or with the knowledge of which non-commander of the regular army (other coordination at the time and be Could) and spontaneous armed performances in the occupied territory. For example: is it possible to attribute to the partisan raid 5000 of the corps of General Ertel in the rear to the Poles to Glusk and Bobruisk at the end of September? And the principles of formation of partisan units, I pointed out applies to any historical period, be it a rebellion of SPITEN in Sogdian, the American militia of George Washington or partisan traffic during World War II.
    The front, the flanks and rear of the army were always as well as the concepts of combat and rear support, the territory is occupied by the enemy, rear and rockada communications, rear, reserve, etc. Bases, temporary military or occupation administration. We are impossible to have beautiful buildings for drum fighting and Friendly volleys on the battlefields ... and the continuous line of the front, battered on the war map - is not the most important thing in war, although it is impossible not to admit that its location is the ultimate goal of the slaughterhouse ...

    Click to reveal ...

    That's what your own home Error. In different historical periods of the concept of "partisans" had various values And to combine them under a single denominator in no case. It is impossible to tighten the WGO blanket on the war of 1812, and many do it, try to do. As a result, incorrect interpretations, judgments, conclusions, which even in textbooks (as not regrettable) come to appear.
    In the years of the Second World War, the identity between the two wars was put in propaganda purposes. Yes, as a means of propaganda, raising the combat spirit and other things - is acceptable, but as historical reality is absurd.

  10. Greetings. In many ways you are certainly right. But I would not begin to establish judgments on how the people of leading armed struggle with the enemy were called separately from regular, irregular and any other army, from a regular, irregular and any other army. Gezov, Balkan and Carpathian Guiders, Afghan Maghahedov Tactic Action was the same: sudden attacks, raids, ambushes, searches, sabotage, sabotage, collecting intelligence ... Depending on the historical period, terrain, state and nationality, the details changed, implementation methods Tasks, movement and disguise, weapons and technical equipment and the ideological side of the question. The partisan movement was almost the same way: first, single, natural speeches or clashes, gradually gaining scope (usually due to the increasing counteraction of the enemy) and included in cooperation with a regular army, or creating such on the basis of its divisions; or same sliding to the wake, smoothie and anarchy ...
    An important moment - people who fought on the side of the winners were called, patriots, guerrillas, heroes, etc. And those who supported the losers - traitors, traitors and terrorists ...
    If you have to look at the war in 1812 from this point of view. In my opinion, the main reason for the resultant and massive deployment of the partisans in a busy Napoleon territory was the communal way of life of the main part of the population. The banking of each village, a town or town was a community, that is, organized A cohesive and manageable community, under the leadership of rural or church headlights, Loop and Pr. Fish Community Able to exist autonomously from the higher authorities. In this way, when the enemy approaches, people organized in the forest together with the assets of the property, cattle. And there the men armed at first who became the fighters . And if the landowner, the officer retired, did not run away, and headed, organized training of initial military training, and, together with the village, the church and pop also joined as a commissioner, then in the end, a division was carried out, to neglect which no longer worth it. Maybe They were inferior to the soldiers of the Great Army in the Technical OS felt, discipline and personal learning, but they fought on their territory, could move out of roads, and most importantly they had something to fight, and these are not some abstract faith, king, fatherland and quite understandable to everyone, children, property and their own life .

Patriotic War of 1812. Partisan traffic


The partisan movement was a bright expression of the national nature of the Patriotic War of 1812. Overall after the invasion of Napoleonic troops in Lithuania and Belarus, it developed every day, took more and more active forms and became a formidable force.

At first, the guerrilla movement was a spontaneous, represented the performances of small, scattered partisan detachments, then it captured entire areas. Large detachments began to be created, thousands of folk heroes appeared, the talented organizers of the partisan struggle were prompted.

Why is the powerful peasantry, ruthlessly oppressed by serfs-landlords, rose to the fight against their own, seemingly "liberator"? Nor about the liberation of peasants from the serfdom or improving their opposing position Napoleon and did not think. If at first and promined promising phrases about the liberation of serfs and even rumored about the need to release some kind of proclamation, then it was only a tactical move, with the help of which Napoleon was calculated to scatter landlords.

Napoleon understood that the liberation of Russian serfs would inevitably lead to revolutionary consequences, which he was afraid of the most. Yes, it did not meet his political goals when joining Russia. According to Napoleon's associates, it was important for him "It is important to strengthen monarchism in France and it was difficult for him to preach the revolution to Russia."

The purpose of the work is to consider Denis Davydov as the hero of the partisan war and the poet. Work tasks to consider:

1. Causes of partisan movements

2. Partisan traffic D.Davdov

3. Denis Davydov as a poet

1. Causes of partisan detachments

The beginning of the partisan traffic in 1812 is associated with the manifesto of Alexander I dated July 6, 1812, as if resolving peasants to take up the weapons and actively turn on in the struggle. In fact, the case was different. Without waiting for the orders of the authorities, the residents of the French approach the forest and the swamps, often leaving their accommodation for looting and burning.

The peasants quickly realized that the invasion of the French conquerors puts them into an even more severe and humiliating position, in which they were before. The fight against foreign enslavers, the peasants also associated with the hope of liberation them from serfdom.

At the beginning of the war, the struggle of the peasants acquired the nature of the mass leaving of the village and the villages and the care of the population in the forests and areas distant from hostilities. And although it was another passive form of struggle, she created serious difficulties for the Napoleonic army. French troops, having a limited food supply and forage, quickly began to experience a sharp lack of them. It did not slow down to affect the deterioration of the overall state of the army: they began to die horses, starving the soldiers, intensified looting. More than 10 thousand horses died to wine.

The actions of the peasant partisan detachments were worn both defensive and offensive. In the area of \u200b\u200bVitebsk, Orsha, Mogilev, the detachments of the peasants - the partisans committed frequent day and night fears on the opponent's calls, destroyed his foragers, were taken captured by French soldiers. Napoleon was forced to be increasingly and more often to resemble the head of the headquarters of the Beat About the big losses in people and strictly ordered to allocate an increasing amount of troops for covering foragers.

2. Partisan detachment Denis Davydova

Along with the formation of large peasant partisan detachments and their activities, the Army partisan detachments played a major role in the war. The first army partisan detachment was created on the initiative of M. B. Barclay de Tolly.

His commander was General F. F. Vitrenenode, who was headed by the United Kazan Dragunsky, - Stavropol, Kalmyk and three Cossack regiments, which began to act in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Governorate.

After the invasion of the Napoleonic troops, the peasants began to go into the forest, the heroes-partisans began to create peasant detachments and attack individual teams of the French. With a special force, the struggle of guerrilla detachments unfolded after the fall of Smolensk and Moscow. The partisan troops boldly walked to the enemy and took captive French. Kutuzov allocated a detachment for action in the rear of the enemy under the leadership of D. Davydov, whose detachment violated the path of the enemy's message, freed the prisoners, inspired the local population to fight the invaders. According to Denisov's detachment by October 1812, Z6 Cossack, 7 cavalry, 5 infantry regiments, 3 battalions of hurkers and other parts, including artillery.

Residents of Roslavl County created several equestrian and hiking partisan detachments, arming them with peaks, sabers and guns. They not only defended their county from the enemy, but also attacked the marauders who made themselves to the neighboring Ylanne County. Many partisan detachments operated in the Yukhnovsky district. Having organized defense on the River of Ugra, they blocked the path of the enemy in Kaluga, provided a substantial assistance to the army partition by the detachment of Denis Davydov.

A real thunderstorm for the French was a detachment of Denis Davydov. This squad arose at the initiative of Davydov himself, Lieutenant Colonel, the commander of the Akhtyr Gusar Regiment. Together with his hussar, he retreated in the composition of Bagration Army to Borodin. A passionate desire to bring even great benefit in the fight against the invaders prompted D. Davydova "ask for a separate detachment." In this intention, he was strengthened by Lieutenant M. F. Orlov, who was sent to Smolensk to clarify the fate of the seriously injured general P. A. Tuchkov. After returning from Smolensk, Orlov spoke about the riots, bad defense Ribs in the French army.

During the passage of the territory engaged in the Napoleonic troops, he understood how vulnerable French food warehouses guarded by small detachments were vulnerable. At the same time, he saw it difficult to fight without a consistent action plan for the volatile peasant detachments. According to Orlov, small army detachments aimed at the opponent's rear might apply to him a big damage, help the action of partisans.

D. Davydov requested General P. I. Bagration to allow him to organize a partisan detachment for action in the rear of the enemy. For the "sample" Kutuzov allowed Davydov to take 50 hussar and -1280 Cossacks and go to Medinen and Yukhnov. Having at his disposal a detachment, Davydov began bold raids on the enemy's reasons. In the first skirmishes from Tsareva - Zahniki, the famous he achieved success: defeated several squads of the French, captured by munitions with ammunition.

In the fall of 1812, the partisan detachments were surrounded by a solid moving ring surrounded by the French army.

Between Smolensk and Gzhatsky acted a detachment of Lieutenant Colonel Davydov, reinforced by two Cossack shelves. From Gzhatska to Mozhaisk operated the detachment of General I. S. Dorokhov. Captain A. S. Figner with his volatile squad attacked French on the way from Mozhaisk to Moscow.

In the Mozhaisk district and south, the detachment of Colonel I. M. Vadbolsky was acted as part of the Mariupol Gusar Regiment and 500 Cossacks. Between Borovsky and Moscow, the road was controlled by the Captain detachment of A. N. Salavin. On the Serpukhov road was sent with two Cossack shelves Colonel N. D. Kudoshiv. On the Ryazan road was the detachment of Colonel I. E. Efremova. From the north of Moscow blocked a large detachment of F. F. Vitrenenode, who, highlighting small detachments to Volokolamsk, to Yaroslavl and Dmitrovskaya roads, blocked access of Napoleon's troops to the northern regions of the Moscow region.

Partisan detachments acted in sophisticated conditions. At first, there were many difficulties. Even the inhabitants of the villages and the villages first treated the partisans with great distrust, often taking them to the enemy's soldier. Often, Husarians had to be changed into the Men's caftans and grow beard.

The partisan detachments did not stand in one place, they were constantly in motion, and no one, besides the commander, did not know in advance when and where the squad would go. The actions of the partisans were sudden and rapidly. To fall like snow on the head, and quickly hide became the main rule of the partisan.

The detachments attacked individual teams, on forage faces, transports, selected weapons and distributed it to the peasants, took tens and hundreds of prisoners.

Davydov's detachment in the evening of September 3, 1812 was released to Tsareva - Zachin. Not reaching 6 miles to the village, Davydov sent there to reconnaissance, which established that there is a large French traffic with projectiles protected by 250 horsemen. The detachment on the edge of the forest was discovered by French foragers, who rushed to Tsarevo - to warn their own. But Davydov did not give them to this. The squad rushed to the chase behind foragers and broke into the village almost along with them. The traffic and its security were captured by surprise, an attempt of a small group of the French to render resistance was quickly suppressed. 130 soldiers, 2 officers, 10 walled carts and fodder turned out to be in the hands of partisans.

3. Denis Davydov as a poet

Denis Davydov was a wonderful poet romantic. He belonged to such a genre as romanticism.

It should be noted that almost always in the human history of the nation exposed to aggression, creates a powerful layer of patriotic literature. So it was, for example, during the Mongol-Tatar invasion on Russia. And only some time later, having recovered from the striker, overcoming pain and hatred, thinkers and poets think about all the horrors of the war for both parties, about her cruelty and meaninglessness. This is very brightly reflected in the verses of Denis Davydov.

In my opinion, Davydov's poem is one of the bursts of patriotic warliness caused by the invasion of the enemy.

What was this unshakable power of Russians?

This force was out of patriotism not in words, but in practice best people From the nobility, poets and just the Russian people.

This force developed from the heroism of soldiers and the best officers of the Russian army.

This invincible force developed from the heroism and patriotism of Muscovites who leave native cityNo matter how much they feel sorry to leave their property for the perfection.

The invincible strength of the Russians developed from the actions of partisan detachments. This is Denisov's squad, where the most needed man - Tikhon Shcherbaty, Folk Avenger. Partisan detachments destroyed the Napoleonic army in parts.

So, Denis Davydov in his works draws a war of 1812 as a folk, domestic, when all the people rose on the defense of the Motherland. And he made this poet with a huge artistic force, creating a grand poem - epic, which is not equal in the world.

You can illustrate the work of Denis Davydov.

Who could so much you, my friend, cheer?

From laughter you almost can not speak.

What kind of joys your mind admire, Ile money without a bill of exchange?

Il waist you have happy come

And the twice of the traitor-wow to the excerpt?

What happened to you, what don't you answer?

Ai! Give me a rest, you do not know anything!

I, right, outside myself, I almost went crazy:

I found Nonche Petersburg completely different!

I thought that the whole light was completely changed:

Imagine - with a debt<арышки>n paid;

No more pedants, fools,

And even wizzy<агряжск>oh, S.<вистун>oV!

In the unfortunate rhymechas, there are no vintage courage,

And cute our marine does not dock paper

And in the service in addition, works head:

As, starting a platoon, shout on time: stand!

But I'm more surprised with the delight:

Ko<пь>eva, who was so pretended by Likurg

For the happiness of our laws, we wrote to us

Suddenly, fortunately to our, writing them stopped.

In all happy appeared change,

Theft disappeared, robbing, treason,

No more complaints, no offense,

Well, in a word, the city took a completely nasty look.

Nature beauty gave in a lot of freaks,

And L.<ава>i backed to mow on nature,

B.<агратио>on the nose was shorter in short

And D.<иб>iCH beauty of people stared,

Yes, I, who myself, from the beginning of the Cockpiece,

I wore a man with a stretch

We look, I am glad, I do not know myself:

Where is the beauty from where the growth is - watching;

That the word is that Bon Mot * that the gaze is not the passion,

Warry - How to change intrigues!

How suddenly, about the anger of the heavens! Suddenly Rock struck me:

Among the blissful days, Andryushka woke up,

And all that I saw, than so much having fun -

I saw everything in a dream, everything lost my sleep.

In the smoky field, on the Bivak

In flaming lights

In benefactor Arak

Zray Savior people.

Collect live

Orthodox all coming!

Serve Lohan Childhood,

Where the fun lives!

Pour extensive bowls

In the noise of joyful speeches,

How do our ancestors poured

Among copies and swords.

Burtsev, you are Gusar Gusarov!

You are on the UKAR horse

Crucifier from Ugarov

And the rider in the war!

Knock on the bowl with a bowl friendly!

Today to drink still aware;

Tomorrow the pipes are treated,

Tomorrow thunder will get up.

Let's drink and swear

What a curse indulge

If we ever

Step yield, pale,

I regret our chest

And in the misfortune of the Orobay;

If we give

Left side on flanking

Or the horse is asked

Or cute jacket

Give the heart to give!

Let not be a saber blow

My life is supplied!

Let I be general,

What I saw me!

Let among bloody fights

I will be pale, afraid

And in the meeting of heroes

Again, bravely, speaking!

Let my mustache, nature of nature,

Black and brown, in curls,

I am saturated in young years

And will disappear, Jaco dust!

Let Fortuna for annoyance

To multiply of all troubles

Will give me a rank for wrappers

And "Georgy" for advice!

Let ... But Chu! Walking not time!

To horses, brother, and leg in a stirrup,

Sable Von - and in Sich!

Here is a feast, God gives us,

And noine, and more fun ...

Well, Cyver Cavern,

And - cheers! Happy day!

V. A. Zhukovsky

Zhukovsky, cute friend! Debt is red payment:

I read poems, you are dedicated to me;

Now read mine, Bivak coat

And spry the wine!

For a long time I did not chat with the muse, nor with you,

Before Stop, was it? ..

But in the thunderstorms of the war, on the field of bloom,

When the Russian mill went out,

You welcomed with a huge glass

Kooming in the steppes sassy partisans!


The war of 1812 did not accidentally receive the name of Patriotic. The people's nature of this war brighter manifested itself in the partisan movement that played strategic role In the victory of Russia. Responding to reproaches in the "war not according to the rules", Kutuzov said that these are the feelings of the people. Answering Marshal Berta's letter, he wrote on October 8, 1818: "It's hard to stop the people, fiercely everyone that he saw; the people who continued so many years did not know the war on its territory; the people, ready to sacrifice themselves for their homeland ... ". Activities aimed at attracting the masses to active participation in the war, proceeded from the interests of Russia, correctly reflected the objective conditions of the war and took into account those ample opportunities that were manifested in the national liberation war.

During the preparation of the counteroffensive, the United States, the militia and partisans were shoved by the actions of the Napoleonic troops, caused damage to the lively power of the enemy, destroyed military property. Smolen -10 road, which remained the only protected postal route leading from Moscow to the West, was constantly subjected to partisans. They intercepted French correspondence, especially valuable was delivered to the main apartment of the Russian army.

The partisan actions of the peasants were highly appreciated by the Russian command. "The peasants," the Kutuzov wrote, "the villages apply the greatest harm to the enemy to the theater of war ... They kill the enemies in many, and captured to the army." Alone only the peasants of the Kaluga province were killed and captured more than 6 thousand French.

Nevertheless, one of the most heroic actions of 1812 remains the feat of Denis Davydov and his squad.

Bibliographic list

1. Zhilin P. A. The death of the Napoleonic army in Russia. M., 1974. History of France, vol. 2. M., 2001.-687c.

2. The history of Russia 1861-1917, ed. V. G. Tykavkina, Moscow: Infra, 2002.-569c.

3. Orlik O. V. Thunder of the twelfth year .... M.: Infra, 2003.-429c.

4. Platonov S. F. Textbook of Russian History for High School M., 2004.-735С.

5. Readings on the history of Russia 1861-1917, editor. V. G. Tubavkin - Moscow: Drop, 2000.-644c.