Repairs Design Furniture

The history of carved facades. Peasant hood and house thread. Platbands. Wooden carved platbands on windows with their own hands carved on the windows of stencils in full size

Carved platbands framing window openings organically fit into architectural styles of wooden cottages. They emphasize the originality of the log cabins, frame buildings, bruschers. The originality of the elements of the facade decor gives light patterns, suitable ornaments, interesting pictures. They are applied to the wood surface with comfortable stencils.

Functions of window bars

Supporting the traditions of wooden architecture, carved parts enrich the noble appearance of the estate, add expressiveness to simple buildings. They retain homemade warmth and comfort, happy when looking outside. Stencils of the windows selected in accordance with the preferences of the inhabitants of housing stencils on the windows help to create a harmonious appearance of a new home, revive the facade of an old building.

When used on windows, decorative platbands can perform frame functions. Playing a decisive role in the design of window openings, they solve a number of important tasks:

  • reduction of heat loss by eliminating the "cold bridges" along the perimeter of the window frame;
  • reducing noise levels in premises;
  • reducing the amount of moisture and dust particles penetrating from the street;
  • giving facades of uniqueness, style or
  • creating on a plot for building a single architectural ensemble from residential and economic objects.

Regardless of shape, sizes, appearance, wooden platbands must be strong enough, meet operational requirements. Manufacturing on stencils with calculated geometric parameters allows them to be securely attached to the walls. It provides the opposition to wind loads, temperature fluctuations. Effective protective coatings are used to increase service life.

Traditional and original ornaments

The choice of elements of window openings should be approached with the understanding of styles and design techniques. With their help, you can give the window an elegant or strict form, make its outlines more expressive, achieve a delightful visual effect. Choosing as templates for platbands on the windows of stencils in full size, the buyer receives the most winning version of the decor. Convenient dimensions allow you to proceed directly to the manufacture of products.

The attitude towards the tree, as to the material of art, is traditionally for the culture of Russian architecture. With the repeatability of individual structural and decorative parts, it provides for the creation of a unique architectural image. Carved platbands have long been considered not only means of decoration, but also peculiar overags for the house. Based on the study of the preserved antique buildings, unique images of symbols, animals, birds, plants are recreated.

Samples of stencils for platbands are designed in different styles and for every taste. They help express certain traditions, personal preferences. The use of ready-made ornaments allows building buildings in accordance with ethnic and classical directions in art. Clear geometric patterns more correspond to modern trends in architecture.

Ornaments for rubber and invoices may contain a whole drawing or repeating elements of the overall motive. To create a completed circuit, you need to consider the size of the window opening, the diagram and sequence of the location of the patterns. High-quality stencils make it possible to accurately apply on the blank of the cut line, to determine the boundaries of further material processing.

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Tradition to decorate windows with carved platbands came from old times. It was believed that the window finishing with bizarre patterns not only protects the room from drafts and cold, but also serves as a peculiar protective guard against the unclean or the evil.

Collection of templates for carved window platbands

How to make a stencil for a platband

Stencil is a device for applying identical patterns and symbols to the desired surface. Before starting work on the manufacture of platbands, you will need to get stencils and patterns. Find a sketch for a carved platband is not difficult - you can download them for free and in a large variety to download on the Internet, purchase in specialized stores or find in magazines.

In finished form, stencils and patterns can be made on paper, cardboard or wood fiber. They only need to apply to the surface of the future platband and circle. Make a stencil on your own in several ways:

Stencils and templates are the main assistants in creating carved platforms. In the drawing you need to consider which figure will be selected for different components of the platband.

Carved platbands include the following main details:

  • top Planck of Cooling;
  • vertical racks of platband or frame;
  • lower plank or profiled bottomroom belt.

These are only the main elements, carved platbands may include many more decorative parts: diadems, shoulders, van supplies, and so on.

Transferring the contour of the drawing to the workpiece

After the sketch is created, you need to make directly stencils, to which all the patterns of the drawing for carved platbands are transferred. To transfer the contour to the workpiece in the following ways:

Cutting on a pattern
  1. The most common way is when the drawing is cut out of thick paper or cardboard. The resulting patterns are applied to the board and are shown along the contour with a handle, felt-tip pen or pencil.
  2. Stencil can not be cut, but transfer to future platbands through copy paper.
  3. You can sell the contour of the sketch through the paper on the tree with a handle (there remains a unauthorized track). You can make the contour more clearly and without a copy-to-copy, applying a layer of graphite with a soft simple pencil from the back.

Place the stencils on the billet need along the fibers of the tree: In the future, the carving of such a platband is not cracking. For the convenience of the place where feeds will be performed, can be made color.

For a long time, wooden platbands on the windows served to decorate houses. Modern technologies allow you to create a unique home design, aligning the beauty, convenience and the best traditions of Russian architecture.

Wood selection for platbands

Getting Started on the creation of platbands, you need to decide on the choice of raw materials. The breed of wood will depend on the method of carving of the platband (invoice or slot), the necessary effect, the textures of the house and the material of the windows:

It is enough just to make triggers from hardwood trees: aspen, alder and linden (medium softness, it is easy to succumb to machine and manual processing, needs a thorough impregnation).

We will delight with your properties such trees like pine and birch (resistant to external influences, have high strength and do not need a lot of leaving).

If the main thing is your requirement durability, then assistants are better than oak and ash not found (it costs to notice that sufficient material hardness assumes the presence of professional equipment).

The apple tree will fit well for complex decorative parts (it has high softness and plasticity).

Tool for the manufacture of wooden platbands

In the manufacture of platbands from wood with their own forces, you will need such tools as:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • a set of chisels;
  • set of knives;
  • sandpaper;
  • hacksaw;
  • drill;
  • grinding paper;
  • stuslo;
  • milling machine.

Manufacturing of minewar

Many are wondering how to make wooden platbands? " To perform high-quality work on making carved platbands, you must follow the following sequence:

  • Removing the measure, you need to find out the exact width and the height of the window of the window.
  • The choice of material, preparation of lumber. Wood must be dried (in order to prevent further deformation) and have a suitable thickness for the thread (the invoice suggests 10 mm, and the slotted 30 mm and more).
  • From the part, which will be "invalid" of work, wood is selected for several mm. This will provide good fit.
  • Sketch or template is translated on the surface of the board.
  • After applying the pattern, the pattern is muffled with a jigsaw and various twisters.
  • The resulting holes are neatly processed along the edges of sandpaper or grinding paper.
  • Small details are attached to the base. This can be done in two ways: construction glue and nails.

Of course, admiring wooden lace Many want to recreate such beauty on the facade of their homes. In order to determine the desired format, we picked up the most interesting photos of wooden platbands. The images presented transmit possible options for decorating your window outlooks, various types of thread and fastening.

It is important! The elements of the drawing must be laid along the fibers of wood, otherwise, when drying, the finished item can lose its appearance.

Installation of wooden concubines

High-quality installation - half of work. You can fix carved wooden platbands in three ways:

Install on thorns with special glue. The deaf spike is attached from the wrong side of the part, the holes in the window frame are drilled specifically under it. This method provides a neat appearance of the finished product and the place of the junction of the frame and the platband about unnecessary moisture.

A variety of ornament and style, platbands on a wooden house will fill it with a special atmosphere. Carved platbands on the windows determine the entire appearance of the house, attach individuality. You can make them yourself or order on your taste, color and suitable budget.

Wooden platband photos

In Russia and today there are many houses that are impressive wooden patterns on window trimbs. This delicate art was transmitted from the master to the master, and to this day a rare house with carved platbands will leave someone indifferent. In our review, the most interesting samples of wooden architecture, we can consider that can be infinite.

1. Such were window platbands until the 17th century.

Carved platbands in Russian homes have always been not only aesthetic element, but also a guard that was called upon to protect the house from the penetration of "Darkness and Naviv" into it. Therefore, the main motive of the thread was the image of the natural forces - the "tidwish of heavenly", "the hlybies of the heaven" and the sun, there were also realistic images of animals.

2. Complex carving on window trimbs.

Registration of the house of the house is a peculiar picture of the world. At the top of the sky, which in Slavic beliefs was two-level: "The lower heaven" was called "heavenly hlybags", and the upper - "heavenly firm". Heavenly hlybye - a symbol of fertility and lively moisture - is depicted as a wavy line or distinct semicircle. She could "fire" along the edges of the window, depicting in the form of droplets.

3. Special style.

The lower part of the wooden platband was supposed to symbolize the "firm ground", and therefore it often had images of a plowed and seeded field (rhombus with dots inside and double crossed bands). The side parts of the platband called "towels".

4. Sun sits down and goes back again.

5. Coolband as an overlap.

All parts of the platband correspond to the sides of the world and with the time of the year, and when applied for certain symbols, the location of the characters themselves plays an important role.

6. Modern style.

So, the most common is the placement of solar symbols on all parts of the platband. As a rule, a rhombus was used for the image of the sun. He could be placed in any part of the platband, and sometimes immediately from above, and on the right, and on the left, and even below. In such a combination, the symbol indicated the change of the seasons and day and night. At the bottom of the platband, the rhombus (elongated) indicated the field.

The sun was depicted on platbands and as an equilateral cross, the so-called "eye from the sky" (as a rule, at the top of the platband), and as a small halfdisk with rays. For the ancient Slavs, the Sun was associated with energy, power, force, was a faith against any of the unclean. Such images reflect and representing the Slavs about the world order - in the center of the sun, personifying the highest strength and giving life. True, in the Soviet-time platbands, the sun replaced the "flower" or a five-pointed star.

No less important in decorating platbands and thunderbiles, traditionally accompanying the sun. Looks like a thunder sign as a six or octagonal star, inscribed in a circle. Slavs called this symbol of a thunder or a penunov sign, a thunderwheel or a proven. This sign is a symbol of courage, valor and magic sign of the Russian man. Sometimes he marked the shift of the day and night.

They meet on platbands and realistic images of birds (ducks and swans) and horses. In the Slavic mythology, the horse was the "carrier" of the solar disk. Therefore, it was depicted at the top of the platband, and the birds who carried the sun at sunset was at the bottom.

Considering the platbands, you can see a lot of interesting things, but it should always remember that the interpretations of images in different regions of Russia can be completely different - this is due to the story, the subsequent adaptation of the characters and their adaptation to their own culture with different peoples.

Natural and artificial materials are used to produce platbands on the windows. Traditionally carved elements were made of wood, resistant to atmospheric factors. The characteristic of the properties of individual breeds will help determine the most suitable view:

  • Larch is minimally susceptible to rotting processes, but is not suitable for the production of carved framing due to its fragility.
  • Aspen, alder and linden - most convenient breeds for creating an open-air decor on the windows. However, piercing and soft wood of carved platbands need special processing due to the ability to absorb moisture well.
  • Tubes for windows from oak, ash or beech is characterized by resistance to negative atmospheric influences, but the processing of carved elements is burdened by difficulties, overcoming which you will receive a durable decor.
  • A good choice will be birch or pine wood, allowing you to perform a neat carved decor. At the same time, the platbands have sufficient strength for external exploitation.
  • Small carved window decorations that are fixed on the main elements can be made of cherry or apple tree.

Tip! Regular renewal of the coating of wooden platbands with waterproof paint or varnish will provide them with a long service life.

What other materials are used in the production of linings on the windows and what are their features, consider below:

  • Laminated MDF allows you to accurately simulate the color of any tree of wood, but is intended exclusively for internal use.
  • Plastic windows are harmoniously combined with platbands from a similar material (PVC), which is not subject to rotting, has a wide color palette resistant to solar radiation. The color of the platbands is selected taking into account the finishing of the house in the tone or contrasts with the facade.
  • For the windows of the round form, polyurethane products are ideal, characterized by ease and unpretentiousness in care.
  • Metal planks are fixed in order to protect the mounting seam, connecting them into a single whole with a profile box.

There are two main ways to install platbands:

  • The invoice is the most common method when designing windows. For fixing, special glue or nails are applied.
  • The telescopic method involves a M-shaped platband manufacturing, allowing the product to enjoy the product by entering the grooves of the box. It is often used to finish door openings. Its characteristic difference is the lack of traces of fasteners.

Templates and threads

The carved forms of platbands give the window of individuality, but in order to make them, templates will necessarily need. The presence of wood thread skills allows you to choose a complex ornament. If the skills work with the tree is not enough, it is better to find a light pattern for platbands on the windows. We suggest learning:

  • variants of patterns of single elements and their general view;
  • top, bottom and lateral details of decoration.

They can be copied completely or supplement the pattern with their details. Having liked drawing of a carved platband or its fragment must be enlarged on a scale taking into account the size of your window. For the manufacture of carved templates, dvp, dense cardboard or paper apply. It is advisable to draw up windows with platbands with the same thread. Please note that it is much more complicated to make small carved elements, but they come into disrepair faster than others. In this case, a partial replacement of the frame will be required.

A warning ! Be sure to consider the slope at the top of the carved platband. This will prevent snow accumulation and ensure timely removal of water.

The top of the platband on the window is called Kokoshnik, the bottom is a towel. Contours of plants, animal images and geometric shapes obtained the greatest distribution in the ornament of carved coats.

Key details of the drawing for any platband on the window are:

  • lower planka or bottomroom lounge;
  • vertical rail;
  • top plank.

The scheme may also contain all sorts of shoulders, van supplies or to diadem. A detailed description of the names of the carved decor elements is presented in the diagram below:

If your windows have a different size, experts advise to make a drawing with an intermediate rapport repeating the required number of times. For the Rapport you can choose one or two elements repeated alternately. An example of such a scheme is shown in the photo below:

Make a wooden carved framing on the windows in several ways:

  • The greatest decorativeness and squint are characterized by slotted platbands. The product is performed from a tree of light tones or subjected to a subsequent coating of white paint. This window design on a darker wall looks sophisticated and exquisite, remotely reminding Vologda lace.
  • With overhead thread, separately cut parts are fixed on a solid board by gluing or navigation. This technique allows you to make a window with a simple platband. The protruding elements often cover contrast paint.

Sometimes both types of thread are combined.

Manufacturing process

Deciding with the pattern, material, type of thread and the method of fastening the platbands, can be directly processed to the manufacture of a carved frame on the windows.

Important ! The drawing on the workpiece needs proper placement. Prevent cracking of the thread will allow the location of the elements along the fibers of wooden blanks.

Pattern places where it is necessary to make slits, it is better to mark with color. Work on the manufacture of platbands consists of the following steps:

  • Removing the measure from the window.
  • For the slit thread, the boards with a minimum thickness of 30 mm are selected, the consignment method allows the use of a thickness of 10 mm thick. All work is made with a dry lumber.
  • Cut blanks.
  • For dense fitting of a carved platband with an inside, wood is chosen on a slight depth (1-2 mm).
  • The pattern applied with the use of the template is cut. For the formation of the holes, drills of various diameters are used, the jigscription will be needed to perform a slot. To arrange a beautiful cut, the jigsaw entry point is observed by the resulting hole.
  • All carved elements of the windows are cleaned with grinding paper. From non-split holes, wood dust is removed using a vacuum cleaner.

The overhead carving provides for the fastening of the finished elements to a wide platband on nails with remote hats. Enhance the strength of the compound will allow the glue from the wrong side of the pen. Apply the screws are not recommended due to the danger of damage to the carved section of the compound.

Carved platbands are installed on wooden windows using deaf or cross-cutting spikes. The first option is distinguished by a reliable compound and a complex installation process. The second way is simpler, but less reliable. The installation of carved elements on the plastic window is carried out using liquid nails.

Preliminary protective processing of carved platforms and regular preventive care will provide long-term preservation of an attractive appearance of the window.