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Day of the Air Force Russia (day of the Air Force). Russian aviation day

Despite the fact that from the past (2015) year of the Russian Air Force, the Russian Air Force was merged with the troops of air-space defense to create air-space forces (VKS), the Russian Air Force Day as a professional holiday of all military pilots with a big scale is noted in our country. August 12 - reason to congratulate all representatives of various military aircraft structures: long, army, operational-tactical and military transport aircraft.

Today, Russian Air Force celebrates the 104th anniversary of its birth. The official date of the emergence of military aviation in our country is considered to be 12 August 1912, when a decree was issued, according to which the state of the military department of the Russian Empire was introduced by the state of the aeronautical part of the General Directorate of the General Staff. And for 104 years of its existence, Russian aviation has passed a tremendous path from airplanes, the speed of which can easily exceed the modern car, to truly unique multipurpose machines, capable of conquer the air not only by the power of the nationwide armament, but also the beauty of the flight dynamics.

The value of military aviation in almost any modern armed conflict is difficult to overestimate. Yes, and clearly large problems will be observed at the one who will allow themselves to underestimate the possibilities of Russia's air force.

Literally at the first stage of the beginning of the participation of Russian military aviation in operations against militants in Syria, the exclosed "specialists" appeared in Syria, who spoke in that well, that Russian aviation "long breathes to incense", and that all combat aircraft of Russia at the Hmeimim airbase in Latakia - "Flying scrap metal." When this "Aviametolol" began to dispose of terrorists of different texts along with their infrastructure in a variety of provinces of the Syrian Arab Republic, and when the Syrian government army, thanks to Russian support from the air, beat off the militants from the militants, including ancient Palmyra, exclamations, filled with irony about the possibilities of Russia In the air, they began to rain, and then they went to no and at all. Today, the expert will already be rare on its technical literacy, will allow themselves to speak out about the military aviation of Russia as something, unable to solve combat missions in a variety of conditions. And their contribution to such revaluation of things even by liberal "experts" was made by the developers of combat vehicles, techi, serving airplanes and helicopters at the content airfields and directly crews of fighters, attack aircraft, bombers, shock and military vehicles.

Nowadays, the military air forces in the CCS of the Russian Federation are actively re-equipped, passing along the way of modernization. The latest Multi-Purpose fighters Su-30cm, Su-35s, Su-34 bombing fighters, modernized Su-25cm3 attack aircraft, MiG-31BM interceptor fighters are enabled. Stripping, including in the pilot group "Wings of Taurida", pass on teaching and combat aircraft Yak-130. "Helicopters of Russia" execute contracts for the equipment and compounds with rolling machines Mi-28N, Ka-52, etc. The tests of ultra-supersay fighters MiG-35S, as well as the promising aircraft complex of front-line aviation (PAK FO) T-50, relating to a full-fifth fifth generation of military aircraft.

Military aviation of Russia performs a colossal amount of work to ensure the safety of RUSSIA, and to patrol the remote regions of the planet in the interests of the Russian Federation. Every year the number of flights of farms of far and strategic aviation increases. Over the past few weeks, the Tu-22M3 long-range bombers actively apply strikes on the positions of the terrorist group ISIL (prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation) in Syria. Literally on the eve of strikes were defeated by fragmentation of the "capital" of ISHIL - the cities of Rakka in the province of the eponymous in Syria. Among the destroyed facilities are a plant for the production of chemicals for ammunition filling.

At the same time, training and combat competitions are held in the framework of the Avarogts contest, which attracts increasing attention to itself not only by professional pilots, but also from the Russian and world community.

On the Ryazan Polygon, Dubrovichi in the competitions of military pilots and navigations were attended by teams of four countries: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and China. Russian pilots performed on airplanes Su-25cm, MiG-29SMT, SU-30SM, SU-35, SU-24M, SU-34, TU-22M3, IL-76, and at Mi-8 helicopters, Mi-8amSh, Mi -24P and ka-52. The greatest number of points (555.25), both among the crews of fighter aircraft, and in general, scored the SU-30CM crew as part of Captain Ilya Sizov and Captain Yuri Balashov. They also received the greatest assessment of the jury for piloting - 253 points. According to the results of the competition "Aerdartz-2016", the Russian national team took the first team place, having received the 1st place in all four international nominations.

Despite its professional holiday, many representatives of military aviation of Russia and today are combat duty both on the protection of the air borders of Russia and to destroy terrorist groups in Syria.

"Military Review" congratulates military aircraft's military aircraft with the holiday!

The forces of the Air Force are intended to carry out intelligence activities regarding the enemy, to provide superiority in airspace, to protect the enemies from the terrestrial objects from the air, maintain land forces and fleet, transport loads, weapons, etc.

History of the birth of the holiday of the air force

Russia's air troops have a long and interesting story. In 1912, it was on this day that an order was issued, according to which the staff of the aeronautical part of the main department of the General Staff began to operate.

In the Russian Empire, the air fleet was formed in 1910. And in 1913, Sikorsky was designed and built by the first four-minded BIPLAN Russian Vityaz at that time, the purchases of French aircraft and training of professional pilots began. Let it existed only until 1917, but entered the story as one of the strongest and highly qualified.

During the course of the First World War, it has already numbered 263 aircraft. They were used both in intelligence purposes and for air attacks. And by 1917 the number of aircraft reached 700 pieces. The revolution in 1917 has adversely affected the army and aviation of Russia.

A new stage of aviation development began in 1918 with the formation of the workers' and peasant air fleet. During the process of industrialization in the USSR, the modernization of combat aviation began with a rapid pace. At the end of the 30s, the mass production of fighters and-15 and and-16 and bombers TB-1, TB-2 and TB-3 began.

By the time the Great Patriotic War broke out, despite the statement of Stalin that the USSR industry lags behind Western, about 50-combat aircraft produced daily, and by the end of September 1941, this figure reached 100 units. The figure is impressive, significantly superior to the opponent.

Development history in the post-war period of the Russian Air Force

After the victory over the fascist Germany was won by the period of active modernization of technology. Perfection of battle tactics was also conducted. By the end of the 80s, the USSR Air Force has already numbered about 10 thousand aircraft. It brought it to the first place in the world.

As a result of the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Air Force was divided between Russia and other republics. Russia turned out to be about 40% of the equipment and 65% of the personnel of the Soviet Air Force. At the same time, strategic distant aviation was at its disposal.

Currently, the Air Force is a progressive, new type of armed forces. The air defense troops and the Air Force since 1999 are transformed into a single type of military forces, submitted directly to the commander-in-chief of Russia. This is an important step that allows you to strengthen the effect of the use of forces.

The following important quality that distinguishes the Air Force of Russia is that for the most part they are rocket-bearing. The main weapon used in fighters is the air-air rockets, with high accuracy of targeting target. At the same time, modern rocket complexes are able to affect the targets at the range of 150 km and at altitudes up to 40 km.

Far aviation, as modernization, becomes more powerful rocket aircraft. It is capable of hitting the movable objects in the sea with high accuracy, on land, located at distances in thousands of kilometers.

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The history of the occurrence of the holiday is such. In 1917-1930, aircraft and aviation sports and military use of aviation developed in the Young Soviet Republic of the rapid pace. The popularity of aviation among the population did not have equal to themselves.

Aviation Development in the USSR can be illustrated by the following major events of those years:

On May 1, 1918, the first military and aviation parade of the Moscow garrison troops took place on the Khodynskaya field.

In it participated in the infantry parts, cavalry, artillery and armored vehicles, as well as the first aviation detachments, and many aircraft had another identification signs of the Russian army.

With Red Square, after a rally, V.I. Lenin arrived here (accompanied by N. Krupskaya and M.I. Ulyanov). He examined the hangars, airplanes, talked with pilots and aircraft.

After passing the infantry, artillery, cavalry the eyes of everyone rushed to the sky, where the pilot I.N. Vinogradov on the aircraft Newport-21 made a flight over the walking and performed the top pilot figures.

On January 17, 1921, the first Soviet legislative act on aviation was adopted - decree "On air transportation in airspace over the territory of the RSFSR and above its territorial waters."

On May 1, 1921, the postage-passenger airline of Moscow-Orel-Kharkov opened (served by old airplanes "Ilya Muromets").

On May 1, 1922, the first in the USSR International Airlines of Moscow-Konnigsberg (the airline derolyult) opened.

On February 9, 1923 - the Council of Labor and Defense adopted a resolution "On the imposition of technical supervision of airlines to the General Directorate of the Air Fleet and the Organization of the Civil Aviation Council" - the official date of creation of civil aviation.

On March 8, 1923, the Society of Friends of the Air Fleet (EDDF) was created, which took part in the equipment of airfields, collected funds for the construction of aircraft for the RKKA Air Force, all-Union planer competitions took place in the Crimea.

March 17, 1923 - Created by the Russian joint-stock company of Voluntary Air Fleet - "Breakol" with an authorized capital of 2 million rubles in gold. The main goal was the organization of air postage and passenger and freight airlines, as well as the development of the domestic aviation industry.

September 3, 1923 - V.I. Lenin and N.K. Krupskaya made six personal worms of gold in JSC "Beadolog" to buy a passenger aircraft Junkers Yu-13 "True".

On January 23, 1927, the Society for the Promotion of Defense, Aviation and Chemical Construction - Osoaviahim (from 1951 -Dosaph of the USSR, from 1991 - Rosto).

March 20, 1930 - on the basis of the Aeromechanical Faculty of MVTU. Bauman is formed by the Higher Aeromechanical School (from August 29 - Moscow Aviation Institute).

June 26, 1930 - under Voronezh under the leadership of L.G.minova began the first in the USSR mass preparation of parachutists to perform jumps from the aircraft. This day is considered the birthday of Soviet parachute.

In November 1932 commander of the Air Force RKKA Ya.I. Alksnis Aduce for consideration of the revolutionary military council (Supreme Military Body of the USSR) Proposal of the Air Force on the establishment of a new holiday - "Aviation Day", "In order to further popularize civil and military aviation in the masses"

The holiday was proposed to spend annually in August ("the best time on meteorological conditions, after training in the Summer Camps of the Paradise of the Air Force") in the form of aviation parades, with a demonstration of the best samples of military and civil aviation, piloted by the best military and civilian pilots, as well as with the participation of outstanding athletes Aviator and parachutists.

There were no regular aviation holidays in the Tsarist Russia or the USSR.

This proposal was considered in the government and the Central Committee, after which on April 28, 1933, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted Resolution No. 859 "On the celebration of the Day of the Air Fleet of the SSR Union".

So, since 1933, a tradition arose annually on August 18 to celebrate the Day of the USSR Air Fleet. This holiday was installed both for military and civil aviators and for developers and the creators of aircraft.

The USSR Air Fleet Day was celebrated annually on August 18 until 1980, when the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980 No. 3018 "On Festive and Memorial Days" it was found that the USSR Air Fleet Day was celebrated in the third Sunday of August.

In the future, there were air shows of new samples of military and civil aviation equipment (last in 1967) in Domodedovo.

In 1977, the Aviation-Sports festival of athletes ATHTHTERS DOSAAF, dedicated to the sixtieth anniversary of the Great October, took place in Tushino.

In the 70s and 80s, the central airports were not conducted.

However, the tradition of conducting air holidays dedicated to the Day of the Air Fleet of the USSR is preserved at the regional level. Every year, air holidays were held in Zhukovsky (by the LII pilot pilot), in Monino, in Cuba and other cities of aviation affiliation.

Since 1955 and 1991, the celebration of the Day of the USSR Air Fleet was discovered by solemn meetings by the heads of the Ministry of Defense of the Ministry of Defense, Minaviaprom, the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Dasaaf.

The first solemn meeting took place in 1955 in the Green Park Theater. Gorky (participated in G. Zhukov), and the latter was held on August 16, 1991 in the concert hall. Tchaikovsky (almost all members of the future GKCP participated).

All the solemn meetings of representatives of the workers in Moscow and the warriors of the capital garrison dedicated to the Day of the USSR Air Fleet were conducted one scenario.

They were held on Friday (nearest by the Day of Aviation) alternately at the Central Theater of the Soviet Army, the column hall of the House of Unions and in the concert hall. Tchaikovsky.

The official part was opened by a very representative presidium from among the heads of the Air Force and aircraft industries, the general and main designers of aircraft workers, airport champions, the USSR cosmonauts.

The main report was as a rule by the Glerk of the Air Force, sometimes the ministers of the aviation industry and civil aviation. Then there were margin of production from airport and champions, airport record holders. The official part lasted about 1.5 hours.

The first separated air fleet units were mainly used to obtain intelligence data. The rapid development of the aviation industry led to the development of heavy bombers, which, if necessary, could provide both an air cover and an independent attack of the enemy.

Nowadays, Russian Air Force is a kind of air "shield" of the state, whose main tasks are:

  • the implementation of intelligence activities in the interests of the country;
  • ensuring protection against air attack (prevention and reflection of the attack);
  • providing fire air support to land and marine troops;
  • transportation and landing of troops and the necessary equipment by air;
  • applying attacking blows from the air in potentially dangerous enemy objects.

Pilots of the air fleet and aviation infrastructure workers have their own professional holiday.

When noted

Russian Air Force Day is celebrated annually on August 12. The event was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 949 of August 29, 1997 (as editors No. 549 of May 31, 2006). He was given the status of a memorable day. Solemn events dedicated to the holiday are held in.

Who celebrates

At the celebration of the Honored Heroes of the country, military and civilian pilots, air traffickers, designers, mechanics engineers, as well as all employees of the aviation industry take part in 2019.

history of the holiday

Date of the Russian Air Force Day is symbolic. Most sources refer to the Decree of Nicholas II of August 12, 1912, which is the historical point of the base of the base of the air fleet. However, in reality, there is only one historical document with such a content - Order No. 397 of July 30 of the same year (August 12 in a new style), enforced by General of Cavalry and Military Minister V. A. Sukhomlinov. According to this order, a special aeronautical part of the General Directorate of the General Staff was created under the control of Major General M. I. Shishkevich.

About profession

Specialists of civil and military aviation are not only pilots and pilots. Every day a huge number of people comes to the service and develops, creates, repairs, sends vehicles into the air and performs its important work. From their professionalism directly and indirectly depends not only by the safety and health of flying devices, but also human life. After all, they also deliver medical preparations into difficult areas, disaster zones, carry out rescue and other operations.

In the very first military aircraft there were no devices to determine the location of the enemy, and the pilots had to constantly twist heads on the sides. So that the collar form did not rub the neck, silk scarves were introduced into the outfit. Some pilots and now they use them, as a sign of respect for tradition.

On August 12, the Day of the Russian Air Force, established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 29, 1997 "On establishing the Day of the Air Force".

According to the decree of the President of Russia dated May 31, 2006, "On the establishment of professional holidays and commemorative days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation", the Day of the Air Force received the status of a memorable day.

The celebration date was determined by the date of the order found in the archives of the Order of the Russian military department of August 12 (July 30, according to the old style) of 1912, according to which a special aeronautic part was formed in the main department of the General Staff. This day is considered to be the starting point in the creation of military aviation of Russia.

The first aircraft suitable for military use appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. Since 1910, the Military Ministry of Russia began to acquire aircraft and prepare military pilots. By August 1914, 263 aircraft had already in Russian military aviation.

World War II significantly accelerated the further development of military aviation. On the battlefields, ample opportunities for the combat use of aircraft were confirmed: first for exploration and adjusting artillery fire, and then for the defeat of terrestrial and air targets. By the end of the First World War, military aviation of Russia from the auxiliary means of reconnaissance and communications has become an independent genus of land forces, which included intelligence, fighter and bombardment aircraft. At the final stage of war, air forces took part in all major front and army operations and had a significant impact on the nature of the fighting.

Soviet Air Force was created together with the Red Army. In the People's Commissariat of Military Affairs on January 2, 1918 (December 20, 1917, the All-Russian Air Flot Management Board was established to manage the Republic of the Republic, to which the management of the Aviation Parts, Central and Local Administration of Air Fleet, the preservation and saving of aviation property, prepared Aviation personnel, organization of logistics. During the demobilization of the old army, only 33 aviation detachments were maintained. By December 1920, there were 83 aircroids in the Air Force, including 18 maritime. In total during the civil war on the fronts at the same time, up to 350 Soviet aircraft operated.

After her ending in a short time, aviation enterprises were restored and partially expanded, the production of aircraft of domestic structures was established. In 1924-1933, fighters and-2, and-3, and-4, and-5 were admitted to weapons, R-1 and P-3 scouts, heavy bombers TB-1 and TB-3.

In the 1930s, fighters were adopted by the fighters and-15, and-16, and-153, Sat bombers, DB-3 (DB-ZF). In 1940-1941, the serial release of new Yak-1 fighters began, MiG-3, Lagg-3, PE-2 bombers, PE-8, IL-2 attack aircraft.

The organizational structure of the Air Force was improved. In 1924, the main organizational unit became a squadron, since 1927, the formation of aviation brigades began, in 1933 Aviation Corps of Heavy Bombarding Aviation were created, and in 1936-1938, the operational associations of serious use (three special purpose armies) were created. In 1939-1940, the Air Force was translated from a brigade organization to the regimental and division.

By June 1941, 79 aviation divisions and five aviation brigades were 79 in the military-air force of the USSR, 19 aviation regiments armed with new types of aircraft were formed. The Air Force had 53.4% \u200b\u200bof fighter aircraft, 41.4% of bomber and attack aircraft, 3.2% of dysfunkers, 2% of transport aircraft.

In the first days of the Great Patriotic War, Soviet aviation suffered significant losses. In difficult conditions, measures were taken to strengthen the Air Force, the restructuring of the aviation industry, the preparation of aviation personnel. In a short time, it was possible to significantly increase the power of the Soviet Air Force. By the middle of the summer of 1943, Soviet aviation firmly won strategic domination in the air.

During the war years, the Soviet Air Force committed about 3125 thousand combat places and caused the enemy a big damage in alive strength and technology. In air battles and at the airfields, 57 thousand opponent aircraft were destroyed.

In the post-war period there was a transition from piston aviation to reactive, the improvement of the organizational structure of parts and compounds continued. One of the components of the strategic nuclear forces was distant aviation, the basis of which was supersonic missilers. Front aircraft, equipped with supersonic all-weather fighters, bomber fighters, bombers, scouts, combat and transport helicopters, was able to perform various tasks using conventional and nuclear lesions.

Military aircraft rearranged the turboprop aircraft of a large lifting capacity and flight range. Army aircraft received various types of helicopters.

In 1991, 20 associations, 38 divisions and 211 aviation regiments were available as part of the USSR Air Force.

The collapse of the Soviet Union that occurred at the end of 1991 and the events that followed him noticeably weakened the air force.

A significant part of the aviation grouping (about 35%) remained on the territory of the former Union republics (more than 3,400 aircraft, including 2,500 combat). Also, the aerodrome network was most prepared for the basing of military aviation, which in comparison with the USSR decreased in the Russian Federation almost twice (first of all - in the Western Strategic Direction). The level of flight and combat training pilots of the Air Force decreased dramatically.

During this period, the military composition of the Air Force was represented almost exclusively by the fourth-generation aircraft (Tu-22M3, SU-24M / MR, SU-25, SU-27, MiG-29 and MiG-31).

In 1992, Russia began to build air force as an integral part of his own armed forces.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 16, 1997, "On the priority measures to reform the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the improvement of their structure" by January 1, 1999, a new type of armed forces was formed - the air force in which two independent were combined Type of Armed Forces: Air Force and Air Defense Forces (Air Defense).

In 2003, Army Aviation was transferred to the Air Force, in 2005-2006, part of the compounds and parts of military airflows equipped with Z-300V anti-aircraft missile systems and "beech" complexes. In April 2007, an anti-aircraft missile system of the new generation S-400 "Triumph" was adopted.

In 2009-2010, serious changes occurred in the organizational structure of the Air Force: a transition to a two-level (brigay-battalion) control system was carried out.

Affiliates and airlines were eliminated. Created.

At the same time, an active update of the aircraft fleet took place. Their new modifications, as well as modern types of aircraft (helicopters), which have broader combat capabilities and flight specifications have become replaced by the fourth-generation aircraft.

From August 1, 2015, the air force and air defense troops were combined into a new type of armed forces of the Russian Federation - the air-space forces of Russia.

© Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

© Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Modern Air Force are designed to reflect the aggression in the air-space and protection against air strikes from the control points of the highest links of state and military departments, administrative and political centers, industrial and economic areas, the most important objects of the economy and infrastructure of the country, grouping of troops (forces); Defeasure of troops (forces) and enemy facilities using both ordinary and nuclear lesions, as well as for aviation support and ensuring the fighting of troops (forces) of other types and genera of troops.

Since 1935, the airports dedicated to the Day of the USSR Air Fleet were carried out in Tushino on weekends, that is, they were not tightly tied to the day of August 18, and sometimes were transferred to another day or were canceled on meteorological conditions. Even during the Great Patriotic War, the country celebrated the Day of the USSR Air Fleet, but the air parades were not held.

In the period from 1947 to 1961, the air fleet day was noted, as a rule, in one of the Sunday days of July and was accompanied by a air parade in Tushino. Since 1962, the holiday has been celebrated without annual air parades (excluding 1967 and 1977) on August 18, and since 1972 - in the third Sunday August.

However, the tradition of holding air holidays dedicated to the Day of the USSR Air Fleet has been preserved at the regional level. Every year, air holidays were held in Zhukovsky, Monino, Cuba and other cities of aviation affiliation.

As the values \u200b\u200bof the USSR air fleet are growing, the USSR Civil Aviation Day (February 9), the Day of Aviation Navy (July 17), etc. In 1997, responding to the requests of military aviators, the President of the Russian Federation established his decree of the Air Force.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

(Additional Source: Military Encyclopedia. Militzdat. Moscow. 2004.)

From "Ilya Muromets" to Pak Fa: Past and Real Air Force of Russia

© RIA Novosti / Maxim Blinov / Russia's military air forces are designed to reflect possible aggression and protection against the air of state and military administration, administrative and political centers, industrial and economic districts, as well as the most important objects of the economy and infrastructure of the country. In the photo: Multifunctional SU-34 bombarder, belonging to a 4 ++ generation.

1 of 21.

Russia's military air forces are designed to reflect possible aggression and protection against the air of state and military administration, administrative and political centers, industrial and economic districts, as well as the most important objects of the economy and infrastructure of the country. In the photo: Multifunctional SU-34 bombarder, belonging to a 4 ++ generation.

/ The Air Force of Russia can be used to ensure the hostilities of other generics of troops and the defeat of the enemy's objects and forces by ordinary and nuclear types of weapons. In the photo: an upgraded strategic bomber-rocket miner Tu-95 msm of the Code of the Russian Federation, equipped with Cire Books X-101, during the tasks in the sky over Syria.

2 of 21.

The Air Force of Russia can be used to ensure the hostilities of other generics of troops and the defeat of the enemy's objects and forces by ordinary and nuclear types of weapons. In the photo: an upgraded strategic bomber-rocket miner Tu-95 msm of the Code of the Russian Federation, equipped with Cire Books X-101, during the tasks in the sky over Syria.

/ Air Force from August 2015 includes the air-space forces of Russia. In the photo: landing from a heavy military-transport aircraft IL-76 during joint exercises of the Airborne Forces of Russia, Belarus and Serbia "Slavic Brotherhood-2016".

3 of 21.

© RIA Novosti / Vladimir Astapkovich / Deep upgraded Multi-Purpose Ultra-Sausage Fighter Su-35 Generation 4 ++ with an enlarged power engine and a rotary vector of thrust. These machines have an advanced information and control system, as well as a radar station with a large range of detection of several air targets.

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Deep upgraded Multi-Purpose Ultra-Sausage Fighter Su-35 Generation 4 ++ with an enlarged power engine and a rotary vector of thrust. These machines have an advanced information and control system, as well as a radar station with a large range of detection of several air targets.

© RIA Novosti / Maxim Blinov / The newest Russian Multi-Purpose Light Fighter MiG-35 was first publicly submitted at the International Aviation and Space Space in Jukovsky in July. By flight range, he surpasses 1.5 times. The fighter develops a speed of more than 2.2 Mach, the onboard radar MiG-35 can accompany up to 30 goals at a distance of up to 160 kilometers.

7 out of 21.

The newest Russian Multi-Purpose Light Fighter MiG-35 was first publicly submitted at the International Aviation and Space Space in Jukovsky in July. By flight range, he surpasses 1.5 times. The fighter develops a speed of more than 2.2 Mach, the onboard radar MiG-35 can accompany up to 30 goals at a distance of up to 160 kilometers.

© RIA Novosti / Sergey Pyatakov / The MI-8MATSHR "Terminator" transport and assault helicopter is designed to transport personnel and cargo inside the cab and on an external suspension both during the day and at night. The feature of the helicopter is reinforced armor. On the MI-8AMSH, you can establish a set of managed weapons.

8 of 21.

The MI-8MATSHR "Terminator" transport and assault helicopter is designed to transport personnel and cargo inside the cab and on an external suspension both during the day and at night. The feature of the helicopter is reinforced armor. On the MI-8AMSH, you can establish a set of managed weapons.

© RIA Novosti / Maxim Blinov / The fighter of the fifth generation, which was called the SU-57, is now tested. It combines the functions of a shock aircraft and a fighter. Pak Fa Malozameten, has a supersonic cruising speed and is able to maneuver with large overloads. The installation lot of these aircraft will consist of 12 cars and starts shipping in 2019.

9 out of 21.

The fighter of the fifth generation, which was called the SU-57, is now tested. It combines the functions of a shock aircraft and a fighter. Pak Fa Malozameten, has a supersonic cruising speed and is able to maneuver with large overloads. The installation lot of these aircraft will consist of 12 cars and starts shipping in 2019.

/ The Mi-28NM impact helicopter is an upgraded version of the "Night Hunter". Among the main advantages of this car are maneuverability and increased firepower. This is an all-weather and all-time helicopter, its navigation complex, new optics and control system allow you to carry out the "blind" landing. In addition, the helicopter is characterized by the minimum possible notice for landfill facilities.

10 out of 21.

The Mi-28NM impact helicopter is an upgraded version of the "Night Hunter". Among the main advantages of this car are maneuverability and increased firepower. This is an all-weather and all-time helicopter, its navigation complex, new optics and control system allow you to carry out the "blind" landing. In addition, the helicopter is characterized by the minimum possible notice for landfill facilities.

© RIA Novosti / Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation / Supersonic Strategic Bombarder-Rocket Sheet Tu-160 "Nikolay Kuznetsov", or "White Swan", as his pilots nicknamed, is the largest and most powerful in the history of military aviation supersonic aircraft with a variable wing geometry, as well as the hardest combat aircraft in the world. At the moment, work is underway to create its upgraded model Tu-160m2.

11 out of 21.

Supersonic Strategic Bombarder-Rocket Sheet Tu-160 "Nikolay Kuznetsov", or "White Swan", as his pilots nicknamed, is the largest and most powerful in the history of military aviation supersonic aircraft with a variable wing geometry, as well as the hardest combat aircraft in the world. At the moment, work is underway to create its upgraded model Tu-160m2.

© RIA Novosti / Evgeny Lokov / Educational and combat Yak-130 allows cadets of flight schools to work out piloting, take off and landing, as well as imitation of air combat with capturing and maintenance of air targets and launch missiles. In the event of war, the aircraft is able to perform the tasks of a light attack aircraft - to destroy ground objects and low-speed air targets.

12 out of 21.

Educational and combat Yak-130 allows cadets of flight schools to work out piloting, take off and landing, as well as imitation of air combat with capturing and maintenance of air targets and launch missiles. In the event of war, the aircraft is able to perform the tasks of a light attack aircraft - to destroy ground objects and low-speed air targets.

© RIA Novosti / Vitaly Ankov / Supersonic all-weather fighter-interceptor of the distant radius of the action of the MiG-31. Modernized fighter models received a new weapon management system and an on-board radar station, capable of detecting up to ten air targets at a distance of 320 kilometers.

13 out of 21.

Supersonic all-weather fighter-interceptor of the distant radius of the action of the MiG-31. Modernized fighter models received a new weapon management system and an on-board radar station, capable of detecting up to ten air targets at a distance of 320 kilometers.

© RIA Novosti / Ramil Citdikov / The Soviet attack aircraft times of the Great Patriotic War Il-2 became the most massive combat aircraft in history - they were produced more than 36 thousand pieces. Luftwaffe fighter pilots called the IL-2 "concrete aircraft", and the soldiers of the Wehrmacht called him "black death." The armored corpus armor closed the engine, the pilot cabin, radiators and some units.

14 out of 21

The Soviet attack aircraft times of the Great Patriotic War Il-2 became the most massive combat aircraft in history - they were produced more than 36 thousand pieces. Luftwaffe fighter pilots called the IL-2 "concrete aircraft", and the soldiers of the Wehrmacht called him "black death." The armored corpus armor closed the engine, the pilot cabin, radiators and some units.

© RIA Novosti / Press Service of the Northern Fleet / The Ka-52K reconnaissance helicopter, developed for marine base, has a much more powerful radar and weapons than the basic version of the Alligator. This allows him to destroy the opponent's armored vehicle without only in the zone of CRCK, but many near air defense systems. The helicopter is distinguished by the presence of a mechanism for folding blades and carrier consoles.

15 out of 21.

The Ka-52K reconnaissance helicopter, developed for marine base, has a much more powerful radar and weapons than the basic version of the Alligator. This allows him to destroy the opponent's armored vehicle without only in the zone of CRCK, but many near air defense systems. The helicopter is distinguished by the presence of a mechanism for folding blades and carrier consoles.

© RIA Novosti / Evgeny Biyatov / Multipurpose fourth-generation MiG-29 fighters are in service with the Air Force from the beginning of the 1980s. Upgraded MiG-29SMT options have a fundamentally new range of onboard equipment, an expanded arms nomenclature and an enlarged range of flight.

16 out of 21.

Multipurpose fourth-generation MiG-29 fighters are in service with the Air Force from the beginning of the 1980s. Upgraded MiG-29SMT options have a fundamentally new range of onboard equipment, an expanded arms nomenclature and an enlarged range of flight.

© RIA Novosti / Evgeny Biyatov / The 4+ SU-30SM generation fighter is designed to destroy air targets in any meteo conditions, as well as when applying active and passive interference. These aircraft provide control of airspace, blocking opponent's airfields, they can be used when conquering domination in the air, as well as for the conduct of air intelligence and destroy ground and surface targets.

17 out of 21.

The 4+ SU-30SM generation fighter is designed to destroy air targets in any meteo conditions, as well as when applying active and passive interference. These aircraft provide control of airspace, blocking opponent's airfields, they can be used when conquering domination in the air, as well as for the conduct of air intelligence and destroy ground and surface targets.

© RIA Novosti / Igor Mikhalev / The first in the history of the serial multi-component bomber "Ilya Muromets" was produced at the Russian-Baltic Wagon Plant during 1914-1919. Under this name, several series of four-dimensional wholesale biplanes were made, which were equipped with various weapons. This copy is located at the Museum of Air Force in Monino.

18 out of 21.

The first in the history of the serial multi-component bomber "Ilya Muromets" was produced at the Russian-Baltic Wagon Plant during 1914-1919. Under this name, several series of four-dimensional wholesale biplanes were made, which were equipped with various weapons. This copy is located at the Museum of Air Force in Monino.

© RIA Novosti / Mikhail Resurrection / The Yak-9 single-engine aircraft was the most popular fighter of the Soviet Air Force of the Great Patriotic War. The bomber was produced from October 1942 to December 1948. This copy is located on a permanent exposure dedicated to the Normandy-Neman Aviation Aviation, in the Museum of Aviation and Cosmonautics in Le Bourget.

19 out of 21.

The Yak-9 single-engine aircraft was the most popular fighter of the Soviet Air Force of the Great Patriotic War. The bomber was produced from October 1942 to December 1948. This copy is located on a permanent exposure dedicated to the Normandy-Neman Aviation Aviation, in the Museum of Aviation and Cosmonautics in Le Bourget.

© Sputnik / Asatur Esayantz / Mi-24 "Crocodile Mi-24 Multi-Purpose Helicopter has been produced since 1971. It was actively used during the years of the Afghan war, in the period of hostilities in Chechnya, as well as in many regional conflicts. At the moment, there are 178 such helicopters of different modifications in Russia.