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Make a sword at home. Technology manufacturer of one and a half sword. Preparation and independent manufacture

How to make a sword?

Every boy in childhood dreamed of having a real sword. And children's dreams must be performed, even if you are already far over 30. Moreover, historical reconstruction and role-playing games based on fantasy have long ceased to be a lot of teenagers and students, and they are engaged in quite serious and respected people, as it is interesting and rather unusual occupation. Also do not forget that the sword on the wall is the decoration of any interior.

Sword at home can be made of the following materials:

  • from wood;
  • metal.

Sword from wood

In order to make a wooden sword, you need to decide on the tool. To do this, you may need:

  • fat plywood / small board;
  • grinder machine;
  • hacksaw;
  • plane;
  • scissors;
  • chisel;
  • brush;
  • sandpaper;
  • epoxy resin;
  • paint.


After everything you need prepared, you can proceed to the manufacture of a sword.

  • one-handed;
  • half;
  • two-handed.

One-handed sword

One-handed sword is not longer than 60 centimeters and, as a rule, is used complete with a shield.

One-hour sword

One-time - transitional option between one-handed and two-handed swords. You can keep it as one and two hands.

Two-handed sword

The two-handed sword is the longest and heavy. If he stops him in the ground, the handle comes to the chin of the owner.

Any of three blades need to be properly balanced. The center of gravity of the weapon is always shifted to the handle. In the case of one-handed and one-time swords, this is the distance of one palm from Garda. At the two-handed sword a little more - two palms from Garda. Garda is a component of the Ephesus, a kind of retainer, which does not allow the hand to sculpt on working surface The guns and protects the hand from the opponent's sword on its own blade. Garda usually looks like a cross, separating the handle from the blade.

Metal sword

Having understood with a wooden ball, proceeding to the manufacture of a metal sword. In fact, it is extremely harder.

We will need:

  • metal plate;
  • wooden barber for handles;
  • "Bulgarian";
  • drill and roller set;
  • sandpaper;
  • hacksaw;
  • chisel;
  • vice;
  • brush.

And consider the sword from the metal is enough serious weapons and requires appropriate treatment.

Manufacturing a sword

Now you know how to make a sword with your own hands. It remains only to prepare required Material And proceed to work.

Hi-Hi, friends! Are you ready to plunge into the world of wood? Today we will try to make a sword out of wood.

Master class estimate 5 out of 5. Based on 7037 votes.

1 way:
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The easiest way to make a sword with your own hands for the tree. To do this, you will need several boards for Blade and Garda, as well as the minimum set of tools. To find out even more ways to make a sword yourself, go to the site and read our article:

2 way:
How easy it is to make a two-handed sword from a small board yourself. Minimum costs - maximum pleasure.

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Despite the fact that in the modern world, gunshot weapons are used everywhere, the cold is still used - in cortic and bayonet knives. On this, the official combat use of cold weapons ends. and the daggers became part of historical and national costumes. Roleviks and reconstructors are fighting, using wooden swords, plastic, from automotive steel and other materials in their battles.

Almost every School of hand-to-hand combat can be found direction on battle on sticks and training swords. Because fencing is developing body balance, orientation, speed and muscle flexibility. A person who knows how to fencing the steel sword, can easily do the same with any stick.

What types of swords are

There are several types of swords. The simplest and easy-to-manufacture is a straight, one-time and two-handed. They differ in weight, the type of battle with them.

Direct or Slavic is the smallest and convenient for handling one hand. In the second hand usually take a shield or another such sword. The handle of such an instrument is designed for one brush. To pick up the size, take the workpiece in the hand - the tip of the blade should touch the Earth.

Overhead is an intermediate sword between direct and two-handed. The battle with such a manner is either two hands or a small shield so that you can always help the second hand. In hand-to-hand combat schools, this type of sword is very common, as it allows you to develop the upper shoulder belt, strengthen the joints.

The worst and long, if you get it on the ground, should be taken to the chin. Managed with such perhaps only with two hands. In training it is good for muscle development.

All swords, one way or another, develop the coordination of movement, especially if the fight goes against several opponents.

Making a wooden sword: What material to choose?

Wooden sword can be made of material different types. Some advise you to take a dry or part of birch boards, hazel, oak, aspen. It is suitable if you need wooden swords for training so as not to be sorry to break. If you are preparing to role playing And you wish to have an impressive, a durable sword, with which you can paint, then it is worth picking up fresh young tree. The thickness depends on the type of sword. You can take both the tree thicker, but then you need to choose the core as the most durable part.

Carefully treat the choice of material, wooden swords with knots, rotting and wood bugs do not live for a long time. The selected workpiece is first needed to soak up to the full saturation of moisture, and then dry very slowly so that not the tree gave the crack. When complying with the drying technology, you will get a very durable and lightweight sword.

Sword at home: how to do?

Wooden sword, despite the subject matter of the material, will require patience and work skill with the workpiece, remove the branches of the bark, removing the irregularities and doing the trunk of straight. Place the trunk on both sides so that the blade is from 3 cm to 0.5 cm. Bold the tree does not make sense, given the strength of the material. All sharp frills must be removed, make the blade oval. It is not necessary to make a round, otherwise, during the battle, the sword will scroll in the hand, it is better to choose a rectangle as a shape with rounded edges. Between the blade and handle, turn out the place for Garda. Garda can be made of wood, metal or capron. We make two identical symmetric parts and secrets with a tape.

The handle is wrapped up too with a tape or wet leather. The battle of the sword should be at a distance of one or two palms from Garda to the blade, if this item was not fulfilled in the manufacture of a sword, then the lead inserts can be hidden during the winding of the handle. The tree itself is to strengthen the impregnating compositions, like epoxy resin. Your weapon will serve you longer and will not be afraid of moisture. Wooden swords can also be made beautiful. Therefore, in the last stage, it remains only to decorate the sword to your taste.

Do you still think how to make a wooden sword? it non-flat product. But for the skill packing, you can start with a knife or boat.

Scandinavian type

Round shields are called Scandinavian, although in Slavic squads they were used everywhere, since round shields Easy to make. Their diameter was usually from 65 to 90 cm. Scandinavians made them from ash, oak, maple. Especially appreciated made from the linden - for their low weight. The thickness of such shields was from 6 to 12 mm. The boards were filtered with steel plates, and they themselves painted in various colors and decorated. Sometimes the finished and decorated product became an expensive gift.

Manufacture of a wooden shield

Based on the preferences of Scandinavians and modern materialsThe simplest thing is to make a plywood shield with a thickness of 6 mm. On the markup, drink the circle of the diameter you need. In the center cut the hole for a fist. Using a knife on a tree or paint, you can simulate boards. For durability I. better view Cover the shield by the mourn.

Depending on the size of your hand, make Umbon from the metal, to close the opening. The shield handle is attached to two straps, which are attached to the entire diameter of the product. Handle make out oak, birch or ash. Fasten with nails, and protruding parts are removed with nipples and spawned.

At the next stage, the shield shield is made or burlap on glue. After that, Umbon is mounted. The shield is made either with metal or leather. Metal thickness from 1 to 1.5 mm, and the skin should be thicker, from 5 mm.

For the convenience of wearing, it is necessary to make a leather strap. Such an addition will allow you to wear a shield on your shoulder or throw on your back across the head.

The final stage is the decoration - it remains at your discretion. On the shield, often depicted the coat of arms, the sign of the detachment or just a drawing aimed at intimidation of the enemy.

Training with a wooden sword

In the schools of hand-to-hand combat in classes, workouts on the battle on swords are often arranged. This greatly develops coordination, reaction, sense of distance. And the soreness of the blows allows you to believe in the reality of the battle. Wooden swords and shields are excellent weapons for such training. There are separate schools on the battle on swords where they use heavy protection, and the battle is more like a show. But in such workouts there is a minus: the fighter, which is accustomed to durable armor, begins to substitute for a blow, and in the case of street fighting on sticks, it leads to injury.

But try to remove protection, every blow leaves bruises. Through several classes, students begin to ride from shocks. Fighting with a stronger enemy, learn not to take a blow hard, but redirect it. In battle with several opponents, they develop coordination, speed of movement, thinking and intuition. Such skills will be useful in real life, and not just in the ring.

The wooden sword is cheaper and easier to manufacture, so it is used for training. With it, you can work out most movements, but when moving to other materials, many have to learn a lot, as weight is changing much. Some coaches use very heavy and clumsy wooden swords so that students develop muscles, and the movements are already working out on the metal.

Additional protection

Considering the photo of wooden swords and manufacturing your own, do not forget about protection. In the cast of training combat it is easy to lose self-control and start beating full strength. To avoid fractures, it is worth applying additional protection of hands, legs and heads. The first defense is your own sword, then - Garda Sword. In the risk area there are fingers, wrists, forearms. In the battles of mass in the risk zone, everything else falls. Therefore, it is recommended to protect the brush with gloves, wrists and forearms - violations. Case close with a dense leather jacket or stew. A dense knitted happy should be put on his head, in the case of passing it will soften and distribute the blow. For the protection of the teeth, do not forget about Kapu. Feet from the feet and to the knee should cover with high boots or shoes with knee pads.


In our world, the movement of roleviks and reconstructors is popular. Some use the plot of fantasy books for their games, others reconstruct battles from our history. If the first one can get rid of not too active role and not participate in mass battles, then the second is better to have fencing skills, good physical training and skill, and also be able to beat in the ranks.

It is always easier to buy a sword in a special workshop, among the roleviks find such not difficult, but if you decide to make a wooden sword with your own hands, then be patient.

Modern passion for medieval culture has widely spread not only among
youth. Increasingly for making swords, checkers or daggers are adult men. In the former times, the life of its owner often depended on the quality of cold weapons, and a good sword indicated his status. Now the sword's own sketched sketches can decorate a unique collection of ancient weapon, become the pride of his owner or just an excellent decoration of the interior.

Blacksmiths, truly engaged in a forging of such cold weapons, will not give their secrets to the first oncoming. To post a real battle sword, not a toy for a child, you need to devote many years to study the craft. Even the simplest copy will require a lot of patience and some professional skills from its creator. However, everyone, be it an amateur or a collector who has a great desire, several tools for working with metal and a bit of free time, can even at home to make a decorative copy of medieval or historical weapons.

It should be borne in mind that the manufacture of any cold weapons for the purpose of selling or wearing without the corresponding permission can be punished with law.

The original or a fake?

If you want to create an imitation of a combat sword and use it for the scenery, then it is enough to do it enough. To do this, it is enough to take a strip of wood, metal, plastic or any other material and form a handle and blade from it. Metal layouts of such weapons are grinding, and plastic or wooden blades are covered with silver paint.

Create according to sketches The real sword can be mastered by having mastered the simplest forging skills. Of course, the ownership of a hot forging is the fourth favorite, but skills cold forged Almost everyone can master. It is clear that with the help of such technology, it is impossible to get excellent combat weapons, but in the role of souvenir, this product will look excellent.

Create a sword yourself

You can make the blade in different ways at home. Consider the easiest way to mechanical processing material. This will require:

  • sheet 5 mm steel;
  • bulgarian;
  • drill;
  • electronage.

The work should be started with creating a sketch of cold weapons on paper, and then its contour with the help of a marker to transfer to the metal.

  1. When it is planned to create enough complex form Sword or dagger, then in the corners of the contour you need to drill the hole drill. This will greatly facilitate further drinking.
  1. Cut the blank along the contour with a grinder or perform this work using a conventional hammer and chisel.
  1. Remove the excess metal, give the shape and form the blade in thickness will help further processing the workpiece on the sandpaper.
  1. Then the blade is slowly heated on fire up to a reddish glow and quickly lowered in cold water For cooling. After that, the metal blank is cleaned to shine and repeated several times the heating procedure until the expanded area does not acquire golden color.

And only after that the blade is completely gripped, sharpened its edges, decorate the skin or cord with the handle. For this principle, you can create a whole home arsenal.

To make a real sword, you need to devote many years of learning. The best blacksmiths of swords in the world, will not give their secrets easily, and even high-quality wooden swords for practice, like "Bokenov" (wooden swords for Aikido training) and "Sinai" (bamboo sword for Kendo training), require a lot of patience and professionalism, To create them. Nevertheless, anyone who has a little free time and several required tools, can make a toy sword, for sparring with friends, or to go into an adventure with your son or daughter. Read the steps below to learn how to make a sword yourself.


Wooden toy sword

    Draw a sword on paper. More precisely, draw the contours of the sword. Use a ruler to make it straight, and be as inventive as possible, coming up with the desired design. It is not necessary that it is perfect. It will be the main stencil of your sword.

    • To make a long sword, using this method, you need a longer sheet of paper. You can use a roll of thin, brown paper, or buy large lists Paper from a store with stationery.
  1. Cut and copy stencils. Carefully cut the sword stencil, and on, put it on the board (which will be no more than 2,5 cm in width) from the desired tree you will use. Copy the stencil on the board, and then copy the Ephesus (handle and Garda) two more times.

    • Ephesus should be thicker blade, so you need to cut off three pieces of wood for Ephesus, and glue them together.
  2. Cut the tree. Using a saw, cut three pieces of wood, on which you drew out the contour - two pieces of Ephesus and a whole sword. Cuts, most likely, will be rude, but nothing terrible. Make sure you cut a wider piece than the more narrow, since a wide piece can be trimmed, and a narrow piece is difficult to fix.

    Stir the epoxy glue, and glue pieces. The next step requires to take a strong epoxy glue, and mix it so that it becomes valid. Mix it on a piece of paper so that you are easier to clean when you finish. As soon as it is active, apply a smooth layer on one side of each piece of Ephesus, and glue them to a central piece, one piece on each side.

    • As soon as the pieces are glued, wait at least 10 minutes until the epoxy adhesive dry completely.
    • Try to be both pieces lying as much as possible, but nothing terrible if they are not perfect.
  3. Polish the sword. Start with Ephesus. Use fine-grained sandpaper to polish coarse edges, and make all three parts. If you want, you can use a special tool to speed up the process. As soon as the Ephesus is smooth, use sandpaper to throw each side of the blade, and make it "sharp".

    Check the Ephesus, and make the last amendments. Make sure the sword's ephhes is not too thick, and that it is convenient to hold it; If it is thick, polish on both sides to make a handle thinner. Put the sword on the graphic surface, and check that both sides are as smaller. Polish uneven parts until your sword is as possible.

    Decorate the sword. Start with the fact that you will show it. To begin with, you must apply a layer of gray paint using the sprayer. As soon as the first layer dries, you can add metal paintTo make the blade shiny, or decorate the blade in blue or red, or create a light sword. Once the paint is driving, make a handle. A good choice is a sticky tape, as well as a glued fabric. In addition, you can wrap with a leather cord. Finally, using any desired decorative elementsadd the last strokes.

    • If you will cover the Ephesus when you apply the first layer of paint on the blade with a sprayer, you can leave him natural, wooden view. Another way is to paint the Ephesus to the Golden Color, and the blade in Silver.
    • You can decorate the Garda and the head of the handle by sticking on them unreal gems.
    • If you want, as soon as you finish with staining with a sprayer, add parts with thin brushes and acrylic paint.


    1. Start with a long piece PVC pipe. The pipe should be tough, but elastic when shaking. A pipe with a diameter of 2.5 to 3.5 cm is perfect. With the help of a saw, cut the pipe to the overall length of the blade and handle. Decide if you want the sword to be two-handed or one-handed.

      Turn the foam rubber. Cut a piece of foam rubber with closed pores (as a rule, it is sold in a cylindrical form, and has a hole for the pipe in the middle) so that its length is equal to the length of the blade and handles, plus a few centimeters. Put foam rubber on PVC pipe.

      Add Garda. If you want, you can add Garda, putting quadrilateral fitting for pipes, at the end of Ephesus the main piece of PVC pipes. Cut two short pieces of PVC pipes of the same length. Put on a piece with each open fitting side to create Garda. As soon as you are satisfied with its width and position, use cement glue to secure each piece in place.

      Add more foam rubber. If you want to make a sword safe, add a small piece of foam rubber with your pores to the edges of the Ephesus, and on the base of the gard. So you created the head of the handle.

      Take adhesive tape. Start wrapping the handle with a sticky ribbon. Cut it as soon as you come to the base of Ephesus, and make it flat. Further, wrap the thick layer of adhesive tape around the base of each piece of foam rubber, securing it on the pipe. Add the dressings of the adhesive tape, tightened around the foam, to even better fasten it. Finally, wrap the entire blade from the foam rubber, adhesive tape.

      • The end of the foam rubber should be a few centimeters longer than the pipe to make a sword safe; You can wrap this soft part of the sword with adhesive ribbon, closing the hole at the top.
    2. Wrap and enjoy. Completely complete the adhesive tape any other piece of foam rubber you could add. Adhesive tape gives a sword brilliant view Blades, and protects it from different elements. As soon as your weapon is ready, you can use it to have fun with your friends. This weapon is soft enough to prevent serious injuries, so dare!

    Katana from the metal line

      Buy the necessary materials. You need a metal ruler, or a meter stick, thick wanks, the diameter of which will be the same with a ruler width, coarse steel wool, sandpaper, fabric, or adhesive tape to wrap the handle. Also, you need contact glue or metal epoxy glue. You will use the saw to cut the wanks; Also, we recommend having a vice at hand, but it is not necessary.

      Clean the ruler. Use a lot of steel wool, and wipe the line as much as possible to make it rougher and clean its surface. If the layout of the line was drawn on its surface, steel wool will help get rid of them; Do not be afraid to erase them. When you finish, wipe the line with a dry cloth.

      Polish and boot. As soon as the handle from the wrenches will be glued, re emery paper Glue that gets out from the sides, and take the sword in your hand. If the handle is not entirely comfortable, polish a little edge, the same way on both sides until the handle becomes oblong, and it will be more convenient to hold in your hand. When you are satisfied with the result, wrap the construction tape and apply a layer of soil, one side of the blade, and then another. Apply the second layer to completely cover the line marks. Give both layers to dry well.

    1. Wrap your handle. Remove the construction tape from the handle, and polish fine-grained emery paper to get rid of the heads, then wrap it either into the adhesive tape or in the medical tape, or wrap the leather cord to make the handle softer. Your new Katana is ready! The elasticity of the blade from the ruler will not let her break when you beat them different items.

      • Although, this sword has a square tip and a flat blade, he still can cause pain. Be careful when you play with him. Bey only non-living objects, like training stuffed.


    • Even a toy sword can lead to injury if they enjoy it wrong. Follow the children when they play with toy swords, and be careful when you themselves. The attack of a wooden sword is still an attack.
    • Use your tools with caution, and do not forget to use safety equipment when you do any of the above swords.