Repairs Design Furniture

Little steep machine for cold forging. Drawings of machine tools for making cold forging elements. What is the bench? Start of cold forging homemade machines. Summary like oil

Admiring the beauty of an openwork metal fence or admiring an incredible twisted pattern on the railings of the iron staircase, few people think about the fact that they are made by the method of cold forging. It will be learned to embody beauty in metal without much effort. To do this, it is enough to have minimal skills to work with the metal and have special cutting machines for cold forging.
What is a cold forging? What machines are needed for her? What can be made on these machines? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

Cold forging will correctly be called - mechanical bending of a metal rod on specialized machines, to give it a shape with a planned manufacturer. Flexing of rods in the machine can be performed both in manual with levers and with the use of electric motors. In addition to a metal rod, a cold forging method can be flexing a small diameter pipe, narrow iron strips and fittings. With the use of the cold forging method are produced:

  • Twisted fences.
  • Decorations for residential buildings.
  • Patterned gate.
  • Fencing for balconies and stairs.
  • Metal garden benches.
  • Decorations for arbors and lamps.
  • A large number of lattice options.

Cold forged elements

Having mastered the cold forging method, in with ease, you can start your business for the production of products made of metal. At the same time, the initial financial investments will be required only for the purchase of machines, and if you make machine tools with your own hands, you can do minimal cost.

Below we will give you instructions for self-assembling machines for cold forging.

Machine "Snail"

The manufacture of the machine "Snail" is one of the examples of independent design, while tips with an exact indication of the size of all parts does not make sense. You need to focus on your idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of the machine, how and what will be to bend, how many turns of the spiral will be enough for high-quality work, what size will be a lever with a tabletop. If you understand the essence of the machine manufacturing process, the assembly itself will not cause special difficulties.

Machine "Snail"

Making the main nodes of the machine


The process of flexing the iron rod, exposes the machine with strong loads, so when making a frame for "snail", only metal corner, a channel or a thick-walled pipe are used. Do not make a frame of wooden bars, such a table does not withstand long-term loads and collapsed.


The tabletop for the "snail" is made of metal slabs cut in the form of a circle, a thickness of at least 4mm. From the same slab, the second table top is cut, repeating the form of the first. On the second tabletop will be located snail segments and flexing products. In the process of cold forging, the tabletop takes on the bulk of the load, so it is not necessary to save and make it from a thinner sheet of iron.

The main shaft and lever.

The main shaft is located in the center between the countertops and is attached to the base with four rectangular triangles. You can make the shaft from a thick-walled pipe of the desired diameter.
The lever is attached to the shaft with the help of the ring and rotates around it, additionally, the roller is installed on the lever for flexing the rods on the top countertop.

Machine scheme

Marking and installation of mounted parts

Depending on whether you wanted to produce only the same type of samples or you will need more artistic products, there are three options for the device "snail".
Option number 1.
This is the easiest of three options, the essence of it is that the contour of the spiral is drawn on the countertop.

Check-in segments "Snail"

In essence, this is a drawing of future products that you will produce on the machine. After applying the scheme, it is enough to cut out of thick bands of iron of different widths, several segments that repeat the drawing line and welcome them on the markup to the tabletop. On such a static "snail" you can produce the simplest bends.
Option number 2.
The second option is the most popular among homemade machines, it implies the manufacture of collapsible snail from removable parts. Along the circuits of the markup drill holes in which the thread is cut. Next, from cardboard or plywood, templates for the stops of the stops are made and overlaps are made from metal. At the end, the holes are drilled in the lining, which must match the landing sockets on the worktop. To secure segments, mainly bolts are used, but you can make cylindrical stops. This design "snail" will allow on the same machine to produce spiral blanks with different radii.

"Snail" from metal stripes

Option number 3.
In the third embodiment, instead of folding segments, the stops are made, several removable modules with different velocities that change as needed are made. The module is made of a piece of iron on which the segments of the repeating parts of the spiral are welcome.

Modules "Snails"

Assembling machine.

  1. Install the frame in place where you will have free access to the machine from all sides.
  2. Reconfigure the frame legs in the floor or secure the frame to another available way.
  3. Welcome to the frame of the main table top.
  4. Install the main shaft welding it to the tabletop and strengthening triangles.
  5. Put on the shaft rotating lever.
  6. Install the top countertop, welding it to the main shaft.
  7. Set snail segments on the table top.

After the assembly, swipe the rod trial.
What more to learn more about the assembly of the machine for the cold forging "Snail" Check out the video:

Machine torsion machine

This machine is designed for the uniaxial longitudinal twisting of the billet from the rod of the transverse or square form.

Machine torsion machine

For the base of the torsion machine, a channel or a stubborn is used. With the help of welding, the thick iron strip is attached to it, which is installed by vice for the climb of the stationary part of the rod. Things are fixed with four bolts with a diameter M16 or more. To increase the strength of the rod clamp, the corrugated plate plates made of sheet steel are welded. On the opposite side of the base, the guide rollers are installed to which the clamping unit is attached to the moving part of the workpiece. It is made of steel sleeve, in which it is necessary to provide holes for clamping bolts located at an angle of 120 degrees. Bolts must have a flat end and be made of high-quality steel. Both clamping devices must be placed coaxially, for this they need to be checked using a level, plumbing kit and caliper.

Types of machine tools

Next, it is necessary to make a handle to turn the moving part of the clamp. Her lever must beat as long as possible, to reduce the effort applied. The handle itself is better to do with a rubber sleeve, to eliminate arm slipping during operation.
After the complete assembly of the machine, it is checked on the reliability of the moving elements and the accuracy of the production of bar deformation. After checking the machine is attached to the support frame.

Simple model torsion machine

How to make a torsion machine with your own hands Look in the video:

Machine "Gnutic"

To qualitatively form an angle in the product with a cold forging method, you will need a machine called "Gnutka". It consists of a steel plate with moving focus on which there are two supporting shafts and a lever.

Machine "Gnutic"

The billet is placed between the wedge and the supporting shafts. After that, with the help of the lever, the wedge displacement towards the shafts, which leads to the bending of the workpiece.

Computer model machine

Making such a machine is quite simple, the main thing follows the drawing and use tool steel, because during operation on the part of the device a large load is performed.
How to make the machine "Gnutka" you can also look in the video:

Machine "Wave"

It is more correct to name this machine - a controlled wave. Equipment of the machine consists of a pair of steel disks with a diameter of 140 mm., Which are attached with the help of bolts to the working desktop. The main disk is fixed by the axis of rotation of the universal twist.

Machine "Wave"

The wave control occurs in a consequence of the change in the distance between the disks. When running the rod rod around the drive disc, the pattern is generated, after that, the rod is removed from the conductor and the pattern is formed on the other side.
View the operation of the machine you can in the video:

Machine - Press

For the formation of rod tips, press is required. This machine works on the principle of the flywheel, at the beginning rotating a barbell with cargo weighing the screw bracket back to the stop. After that, insert a shift stamp into the nest and put the workpiece. Further, quickly spin the barbell in the opposite direction and leave it freely rotate. In conclusion, the battlefields strongly across the shank of the stamp, due to this, an effort is developing enough for stamping.

Rolling press

As for the manual rolling mill, it can be done independently, but you still have to order - rolls from special steel, bearing sleeves and trees, and gears buy in the store. It is possible to make on this machine only the "goose paw" and "sheet" tips.

Connection and painting of parts

The elements produced by cold forging are connected in two ways:

  • Welding - details are welded to each other, and the scale is stepping with a "grinder" or other grinding machine.
  • Clamps - this kind of connection looks much more beautiful. For clamps use stamped metal strips with a thickness of 1.5 mm.

Painting of finished products produce blacksmith enamels or paints for metal on an acrylic basis.

Connections of parts using welding

Cool Forging Produced Products

We suggest you familiarize yourself with product options that you can make using the cold forging method:

  • The fence element is fully made by the method of cold forging. Clamps used for connecting parts. Machines were used for manufacture: "Snail", torsion, "Bunk" and "Flashlight".

  • Soda bench is made by cold forging and wood-covered. For the compounds of elements used welding and clamps. The manufacture used machines - "snail", torsion, press.

  • Balcony railings - production method - Cold forging. Rail elements are connected by welding and clamps. Used machines in production - "Wave", "Snail", press.

  • Staircase railing - produced by the method of cold artistic forging. Details are connected by welding. In the production of machines - torsion, "flashlight", "snail".

  • Visorok - the method of cold forging is made of a visor frame. Details are connected by welding. In the manufacturing process, machines - "Snail", "Wave", press.

  • The brazier is a simple design made according to the cold forging method. For connecting parts used clamps and welding. Mangala elements were made on machines - torsion, "snail".

  • Double bed - for the backs used a cold forging method. Compounds are made welding and clamps. In the manufacturing process, the machines are used - "snail", "wave" and press.

As can be seen from all over the above, the cold forging method does not require large financial costs and quite a lot in mastering, so if you decide to start training for a blacksmithing case from this method, then you did the right thing.

Metal products have always been appreciated by man. On the streets you can meet the veiled fences, swirling with a spiral of lights, benches in patterned metallic design. In addition to its beauty, items made by forging are a successful business for both large enterprises and small workshops. However, manually metal processing is extremely difficult. Because of this, special equipment is required for the manufacture of products. To not buy it, you should learn how to make machines for forging with your own hands.

For the processing of metal products and creating wrought elements, special forging equipment is required. Enterprises produce a variety of mechanisms that facilitate human labor, accelerate production and allow you to achieve high quality of finished items. There are different machines for manual cold forging. Before you know how to make a homemade machine, you need to get acquainted with the mechanisms for the arrangement of a blacksmith workshop.

Machine snail

It is considered a universal device, which is intended for the manufacture of spiral-shaped products. Experienced blacksmiths argue that this is one of the simplest devices. Snail with a gate is made from cast base, on which the movable vita-shaped conductor is fixed. Using the gate, the Blacksmith begins the movement of the mechanism, and the blank is twisted over the helix. As expected raw materials, both cold and heated metal profiles and bars can be used.

Anchor snail with a gate can not be called full-fledged forging equipment. This is a special tool to which Blacksmith makes his work in the manufacture of curled elements. The easiest way to work with disperse blanks. Thus, it is possible to use in the production of the section with an excess of the radius of the cross section.

Machine torsion machine

This device allows you to twist a few steel rods into one common item. The design consists of a cylindrical basis on which two curly elements are fixed. Details for twisting are also clips in which the blanks are fixed. Additionally, an electric motor can be installed, which spins the rod to the desired twist form.

Machine Gnutik

This is a classic handmade machine for cold forging. With it, the blacksmiths make any angle on the billets. The abstract design is a bending stamp with an eccentric drive. Additionally, it is a template with metal rollers, which are fixed on the bed. Nutication can install different parts to expand its functional.

Machine press

Many people who have had to work in car services or plumbing workshops with presses. This mechanism for cold forging can be collected personally. The machine consists of cast beds and piston fixed above it. The electric motor or gas leads in motion the piston, which moves to the working surface. The press is used for "negative" of some billets to certain angles.

Machine wave

With this device, the blacksmiths create repeated twisted patterns (curls with a small nucleus). The design is two liter discs. They are fixed on a metal base with bolts. In an improved version of the wave, it is possible to adjust the distance between cast discs.

What types of machines allocate among existing offers on the market

Tools and machine tools for working with metals are sold in construction stores. Depending on the type of power, two types of machines are distinguished:

  1. Manual devices working at the expense of the accompanying force of the master through a series of levers.
  2. Equipment with electric drives. Used for serial production of various parts and elements.

Also, mechanisms that are sold in stores can be divided by the number of functions performed. There are multifunctional equipment that combines multiple devices to work with workpieces. The second group includes narrow-controlled mechanisms. They allow you to perform only one operation.

Advantages of manual mechanisms

Not always equipment with electric drives is better than home homemade machines. For example, electric motors need to carry out additional power, which can be a problem for garages or basements. Also, manual machines can be adjusted, add additional devices to them, if necessary, disassemble.

Price of cold forging machines

The price tag for purchased mechanisms for working with metals is formed depending on the functionality of the machines, the type of power, additional parts and materials that were used in the assembly and manufacturing design.

Cost of manual mechanisms

When choosing manual machines for cold forging, you need to learn in advance about different types of mechanisms for metallurgy and forging. For example, snail prices and gnutik begin from 15,000 and ends with 20,000 rubles. Wave, torsion and press cost up to 10,000 rubles. On average, all major manual machines will have to pay about 70,000 rubles. There are also multifunctional mechanisms that can perform several operations. However, the price for such equipment begins with 75000.

Electric Drive Models

Forging machines are often equipped with electric drives, to facilitate human labor. But the price of such equipment is higher than that of manual fixtures. The price tag varies depending on the amount of built-in features and power of electric motors. For example, universal machines with a standard assembly are about 300,000.

Domestic models

Most machines that can be found on sale are models of the Chinese Plant BlackSmith. However, there are also Russian manufacturers engaged in the manufacture of forging machines. The company "Stankocentre Pro" manufactures multifunctional equipment for cold forging, which can be used for production purposes. The average price of this equipment is 250,000 rubles.

Cold Forged Machines: Advantages of Application

Machines for manual cold forging have significant advantages for which they are valued by many blacksmiths:

  1. Facilitate the labor of man. Levers reduce physical effort when working with blanks.
  2. After processing consumables on machines, better and accurate parts are obtained.
  3. To make your own machine, you do not need to learn and spend a large amount of money for the purchase of industrial mechanisms.
  4. Acceleration of the production process. This is an important feature that allows the wizard to make more products for buyers.

Equipment managed by man does not require an electricity connection, which saves electricity on consumption.

Machine for cold forging with their own hands

Machines for forging are available to any person without special skills and expensive materials. Below will be described how to make various blacksmithing devices from the girlfriend at home or small room, for example: garage, basement.

Cold Forging Machine Design: Preparatory Work

Before assembling mechanisms for the production of metal products, you need to prepare the drawing on which the machine will be depicted, with key nodes. Also on the drawing are attached fasteners and fit dimensions. You can find the finished sketch of equipment in the global network.

How to collect a torsion machine for cold forging

The homemade torsion machine will greatly facilitate the work of the blacksmith, and will save money. The construction assembly consists of several consecutive stages:

  1. First of all, you need to make a massive metal bed.
  2. On the surface with the welding of the frame, a chamber is fixed.
  3. On one channel on one of its ends you need to install vice. They are designed for the clamp of the rod.
  4. On the opposite part of the channel, it is necessary to fasten the clip on moving rollers. The clamp itself can be made from a metal sleeve. It should have holes in which clamping bolts are inserted.
  5. After fixing the sleeve on the rollers, the handles are welded to it so that the master can turn her, spinning the rod.

The bushing and vice should be located one level.

How to make a cutting machine for cold forging

It is the simplest homemade homemade machine. You can make the design for flexing blanks from two metal shafts, cast plates and a resistant mechanism. Shafts are fixed on two sides of the steel plate. Honey should be a rectangular hole. Moving focus is fixed. He needs the master to choose an angle when the blanks is bent. When assembling, the bency use parts from instrumental steel.

Snail machine for cold forging with their own hands: Execution options

There are different options for creating turns for processing metal rods. Three popular ways:

  1. On the metal table is drawn snail the desired shape and size. For a finished pattern, you need to cut metal plates of different thicknesses, repeating the shape of the snail. After their fixing on the drawn circuit, the device is ready to work.
  2. Removable design with a plurality of bolts. Made from a round metal plate. It makes holes with carvings, under the fixation of the bolts. With their help, you can change the radius by which the workpiece will be bent. Also, due to the presence of holes, you can fix the coil on any desktop.
  3. More advanced design. Snail for cold forging is created with their own hands from a set of pre-manufactured frames. They have different radius by which the workpiece will bend. It remains to make a steady working surface and to fix the prepared framework of snails on it.

After assembling any of the options presented, you need to check the homemade adaptation on the draft blanks.

How to make snail

Handmade machines for cold forging have deserved respect among Kuznetsov. The coil allows curls with a small core, twisted fences and frames for garden furniture. Simple way to build snail:

  1. On the metal plate, you need to draw out the contour of future bends.
  2. To it, with the help of the welding machine, the thickness metal, withstanding large loads, is fixed.
  3. Near the machine is installed vice for clamping one side of the workpiece.

The finished frame is mounted on a moving shaft, and the handles are fixed on top. They allow the blacksmith to rotate snail.

Anyone can make adaptations to make it easier to work with metals, own. It does not require practical skills or expensive materials for its assembly. Place a manual machine can be in the basement or garage.

One of the ways to decorate the plots is to use forged products. Fences, benches, gazebos, railings for stairs and other similar structures are very decorative. Moreover, in most cases, these products are not a forging in its traditional understanding. Most often, this is not done in the forge and not with the help of a hammer and anvil, but using some devices that allow you to create a variety of patterns and products from metal strips and square rods. For the manufacture of such products, cold forging machines will be required. Some of them can be made with your own hands more easier to buy.

Fences, railings for stairs and balconies - can also be made with your own hand rails for the porch - decoration, and not exclusively utilitarian device

What devices are used

For cold forging, various curls, bends, twisted rods, etc. are characterized. Almost under each species make on a separate device - a specific machine. The drive can be manual, and maybe electrical. For small volumes "for themselves" use manual machines for cold forging. Though they are not particularly productive, but much easier to manufacture. If it is necessary to put the production of "on stream" make similar devices, but already with electric motors. In this case, it is physically almost no need to work, but the complexity of the manufacture of the device increases at times. In our material we will talk about the handmade machines for cold forging.

What devices use:

  • Torsion. With their help, tetrahedral rods or metal strips are twisted in the longitudinal direction. It turns out twisted columns that are called still torsion.

  • Flashlight. On this device, the rods in the longitudinal direction also twist, only further bend it in the transverse direction. It turns out something similar to the flashlight. Hence the name of the device.

    So make a "flashlight"

  • Twisters or snails. Form flat curls of different diameters.

    Device for cold forging snail - for the formation of curls

  • Bending machines or bent. Allow you to bend the rods or fittings at the desired angle anywhere.

    For bend anywhere and any angle - Bottics (bending machines)

  • Wave. In fact, it is also a bent, but a more complex design - it allows you to change the direction of bending, getting wave-like parts.

    Machine "Wave" - \u200b\u200bto form an appropriate relief

  • Devices for the processing of the ends of parts - inertia-stamping machines or other self-made devices.

    Machines for registration of the ends of the rods. In this case, the goose paw

For a novice master, the most relevant machine for cold forging is snail. Only with it can make many interesting things - ranging from the fence and wicket and ending with a bench and other similar products. In second place in the degree of need torsion machine. He adds diversity to the details. All others can be purchased or done as the skill improves and set.

Homemade "snails"

In essence, it is upgraded), but these improvements make it easy to make curls of rather thick rods (cross-section of up to 10-12 mm) and repeat them with a high degree of accuracy.

Constructions These cold forging machines have several, but the easiest way to implement an option with a round table, which has a central leg. A lever with rollers on bearings on the end is moving towards the leg. They facilitate the process of bending.

The surface of the table can be made of a steel sheet with a thickness of 10 mm and more. For the leg, you can use any thick-walled round tube. It is important to make a stable design, since lateral efforts will be attached, therefore, the side racks, struts, as well as a steady base.

Drawing of the machine for cold forging "Snail"

The lever is easier to do from a square tube with a thick wall - no less than 2-3 mm. Pipe section 25 * 40 mm or so. The fastening of the lever to the leg can be made on the bearing, and you can simply take a small piece of a thick-walled pipe of a larger diameter, put it on the leg, and the bottom of the strip is stopped below - so that the lever does not fall down. The option with the bearing gives a lighter movement, but if there is a lubricant and the second option.

Another form of the lever is important. The lever is double, the upper part is the working, lower - reference. Wherever there are compounds, it is advisable to draw the gain, as significant efforts.

A mandrel or conductor is fixed on the table - the form on which curls bend. Make them of different diameters - so that you can make different curls on the diameter. Such mandrels can be teams - to form a larger amount of bends. In each such sample, there must be rods that are installed in the holes in the table. So this template is fixed. Also, its form should be designed with such accounting so that the end of the rod in it is well fixed.

Often, the mandrels are pulled out of a metal circle of a suitable diameter with the help of a grinder, but there are variants from a metal with steel on it with steel plates, curved accordingly.

How to make a similar machine for cold forging - in the next video. There, it is not bad for the method of bringing the ends of the workpiece to a decent state - ordinary raw edges look very rude. For their processing there are special equipment, but, as it turned out, you can cope without it.

Torsion machine

As already told these cold forged machines allow you to make longitudinal bends on the rod. This is a relatively simple design. The main task is to secure the stationary one end of the rod, to the second to attach the lever, with which it will be possible to twist the workpiece.

The base is suitable for a profiled pipe with a thick wall (at least 3 mm). The retainer can be welded from the same rods, leaving the square clearance of the desired diameter. You can use the clip for the cable of the appropriate size (you can find in the hardware store). Any of these stops are welded to the ground.

Cable Holder - Excellent Lock for Rod

Next, it is necessary to somehow ensure the capture and twisting of the second part of the workpiece. You can do this with two bearing nodes. The pipe of a suitable diameter is inserted into the tube, on one side the handle is welded to it - the design resembles the letter "T". On the other hand, the plumbing is done in the pipe: the four holes are drilled, nuts under 12 or 14 bolts are screwed into them. As a result, it turns out a good retainer - the bolts are spinning after the bar inserted.

An even easier machine for making torsions by the method of cold forging in the next video.

Video about homemade fixtures and cold forging machines

If you need a cold forging, with your own hands, the assembly video is presented below, there should be no problems with its manufacture. Your main task is to determine the goals for which you will collect equipment in your own workshop, garage or just on the balcony. Many cold forging devices have compact sizes, but wide functionality.

Why many homemade craftsmen seek to try their strength in cold forging on equipment? This is due to some features characteristic of this method of metal processing.

  • Multifunctional black forge for cold forging can be made with your own hands, which allows you to significantly save financially;
  • Factory machine tools for metal - the pleasure is not cheap, because homemade equipment becomes an ideal solution for those who want to engage with the artistic forging;
  • The products obtained by the cold forging are made of metal have an attractive appearance, original design, can display your most bold ideas. It is only necessary to implement them correctly;
  • The process of performing cold forging with their own hands on specialized equipment Safe and simple, if compared with a hot method of metal processing;
  • A homemade device for deformation of products does not require the use of elevated temperature, which entails a serious danger. Hot forging can be engaged only in specially equipped rooms, while a cold forging can be held at your home without any risk for housing.

In fact, list the advantages that homemade equipment possesses, can be infinitely long. Instead, we will introduce you to specific examples of the device, provide drawings and tell me how you can collect one or another hardware option.

Types of cold metal bending machines

Cold fork diagram with their own hands

Find drawings, video guide to assembling various kinds of equipment designed for cold forging, in the realities of our time the case of a couple of minutes. At the same time, choosing drawings, it is important to understand what exactly you count on.

Each type of cold circuit equipment is designed to perform certain operations with metal. Some craftsmen collect several machines in one, performing a whole list of tasks with it.

But for beginners it is quite suitable for separate metal processing units. And what exactly they will, you can decide by studying the list of equipment available for manufacture with your own hands.

  1. Snail machines. May have solid or removable elements. With their help, the metal rod is twisted into the spirals.
  2. Universal machines. This equipment allows you to cut, rivet and deform the details. As you understand, the deformation is controlled.
  3. Bottics machines. With the help of abutications, you can make a metal arc bend under the angle you need.
  4. Machines Twisters. They make it possible to make bend along the axis of the finished product from metal, wood, plastic.
  5. Wave Machines. From the name it becomes obvious that the waves provide a metal waveform. With their help, metal rods are bent.
  6. Press. If you need to apply a matrix print on the metal of the metal, you will use the equipment type equipment.
  7. Machine for the formation of rings. It does not have a special name, but superbly copes with its direct responsibilities of bending equipment for cold forging.

Homemade snail

Snail - this is the basis of the foundations among the equipment for any novice and professional wizard on the cold forging. Because if you decide to make yourself a machine, start recommended from snail. Relevant drawings and video find it easy. Yes, and the manual for making a snail with their own hands looks simple enough, because the drawings may not need to be needed. Such a manual fixture will allow you to start working on a cold forging, create your first masterpieces from the metal.

To build snails, you will need to take the following:

  • Metal rods;
  • Steel sheets;
  • Metal strips;
  • Profile steel pipe;
  • Pliers;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Welder.

If you need a machine at no time, then use drawings, and to build equipment design only high-quality metal rolling. The durability and efficiency of the equipment directly depends on its reliability.

  1. To apply the image of a spiral and 3 turns on a metal sheet, take ordinary paper. The rod is placed in the thread, and its diameter should be 10 mm.
  2. From the sheet began to cut a couple of plates. The first size will be 100 per 100 millimeters, and in the second - 130 to 130 millimeters.
  3. Rods and metal stripes be sure to work out the sandpaper so that they are not irregularities, defects, burrs.
  4. Generate steel stripes, as required drawings or your specific needs. In the end, you should get three spirals of the same form, but different in length.
  5. Perform welding work, based on the drawings. Pay special attention to the quality of welding, since it directly depends on the durability of your machine.
  6. The pipe is welded in the center of the equipment and completes the manufacture of your cold-casting machine called Snail.

Torsion equipment

With the help of a torsion machine by the method of cold forging, spiral products are created. You can collect it with your own hands, but manually flexing the details problematic. Therefore, the drawings provide for the use of electrical engines when designing torsion cold windows.

If you are not afraid of such a moment in the equipment, and you are ready to collect the unit, at the output you will get a beautiful equipment for creating original decor elements.

To build cold forging equipment, the following is required:

  • Steel beam;
  • Steel sheet;
  • Clamps, clips and vice;
  • Electric engine with chain and gearbox;
  • Welding machine;
  • Corner grinding machine or just Bulgarian.

The process of assembling the torsion machine itself will not require elevated knowledge, but certain skills will be useful.

  1. Steel beam plays the role of the basis of your torsion equipment.
  2. On one side of the beam, the welding method is welded with a steel sheet. On it bolts and nuts mounted vice.
  3. To avoid possible slipping of the metal in the future, it is recommended to fix metal plates from the bottom and on top of the vice.
  4. On the other side of the beams mounted rollers. On them you will install the work surface of the equipment.
  5. At the opposite end, other discs are installed with movable components. Make sure that the design is on the same level on both sides.
  6. Install the steel handle, secure the gearbox, electric motor and chain.
  7. Be sure to pride the presence of protective covers for your design, which prevent unwanted injuries.

Collect your own hands the aggregates for cold forging is the task that forces to everyone. Here the main thing is to determine the functions that the machine must perform, and select the appropriate drawings of the device for its subsequent assembly with your own hands. We recommend to start with the simplest models, and as experience accumulates to switch to complex, multifunctional cold-level aggregates.

And let's first deal with hot and cold forging, stamping, flexible and other bents. To then decide with feeling and sense, whether you need a machine for cold forging, and if you need, which one.

We put the concept on the topic "forging" in the right places and put the plan for your further action. Metal forging with their own hands is a serious thing, let's come to this issue with full responsibility.

You already probably noticed that on our site we love to point out something wrong. Now you will not change myself too: the concept in the usual value is incorrectly incorrect, read carefully, clarify.

First, what is forging: this is the processing of metals heated to forging temperature, that is, to a temperature when the metal becomes soft and amenable to deformation. A blacksmithing business is everything about forging - with a hammer, anvil, blacksmithful mountain and mighty bearded blacksmiths leather aprons.

Blacksmithing products are an exclusive and cheap case. And, in general, already exotic, if we exclude the stamping, which is automatically produced and in huge volumes.

Stamping is the extrusion or deformation of the metal using a stamping press with a special matrix - a nozzle at the end. It is he - Puinson, who is made from the highest strength steel. Stamping is hot with heating of metals to forging temperature and cold - without any heating. For an example of cold stamping, it is not necessary to go far - these are all metal beverages.

Types for forging machines.

We finally selected to work with metals with a cold way - without heating. Question: Is it possible to deform the metal without heating? Answer: Yes, you can. The only way is mechanical. It is not called a very serious word - stroke or label. To do this, you will have to the odors to beat the metal with a hammer until its structure begin to change significantly.

This process is just a cold forging - the mechanical deformation of metal blanks using mechanical blows by a hammer. If you decide to do forging with a label, we pass in advance with your native and neighbors - they are waiting for serious tests.

Well, if seriously, there are lovers of cold forging by the method of labeling, we will wish them success and go further - to the pseudo - cold forging, as they are accustomed to call it.

The mechanical deformation of metals with the help of various machines without heating is more correctly called bending metals, because in this method of processing Metal Masters, metal bars bent. They do not do anything else - only bent. Another question is how and where it is hung, according to which axis, but all this - on which we will also stop, but later.

The most important thing is in the future we will call this process with a cold forging - as it is done in all sources so that there is no confusion. Just now we understand the methods and understand what the essence of the so-called "cold forging".

By the way, do you need a punch? Beautiful word. You will not deal with industrial stamping metal blanks? But the artistic forging with their own hands is quite a real opportunity at home. There is even a light stamping together with the punch ... we understand further.

Types of cold forging machines

We argue logically and on points. With your hands, you will not dampen the metal, no matter how try. Cold forging with your own hands is made only with the help of special machines. They are all the case. This is the first point. One machine is not to do, their whole pack. This is the second point. Some of them can be made with their own hands.

If you decide, you will need drawings for cold forging machines. How many and which machines need to have to do what you need and like depends on what you need and like. That is how it is in that order.

We take a rod. There are only two options bend it:

  1. Along the axis so that the rod began to resemble a twisted cord.
  2. Across the axis in the form of various curls, waves and bends.

Varieties of tools for forging.

All cold forging machines are divided into four groups on the same principle:

  1. Torsion machines that make the longitudinal screw twist of rods and the various filaments that we will analyze below.
  2. Twisters for the formation of curls and spirals with a narrow middle.
  3. For waves and zigzags.
  4. Stamping machines for splitting the ends of the rods in the form of paws, homutics and other patterns.

Which machine is the most necessary?

Do it yourself: What is the most necessary and from what to start? There is no unambiguous answer to this question, it should be solved by yourself. And so that the solution is competent, go through the main types of machines to have an idea of \u200b\u200btheir functionality and, most importantly, making methods with your own hands.

It should be remembered with what materials you have to work in the process of cold forging: these are metal rods or rods with a diameter of no more than 14 mm, squares and stripes with a thickness of about 3 to 6 mm with a width of no more than 25 mm.

A complete gentleman set of machines in a workshop for full-fledged work will look like this:

  • twister with snails to obtain spirals of various radii;
  • bluck for bends of arcs and parts at various angles;
  • wave for curved parts and processing metal pipes;
  • globe for obtaining large arcs from profiles;
  • flashlight for flexing parts;
  • volume.

It is not necessary to have it all right away. It is possible to start work, having two cars from the first two points - Twister and Bunk. Forging with your own hands there is a great advantage: you can choose what to do and where to start. Let's start a review from the most popular machine - twister or famous snail.

Making snail with a lever

Drawing machine for forging.

Before proceeding with the practical part of the work, you need to prepare theoretically. We are talking about the calculations and drawing of the machine and the details for it. No one will give you exact dimensions, because it is an independent design.

Much will depend on the presence of similar materials from you, the scale of future works on cold forging, the size of the room, where you are going to work and many other factors. The main thing is the principles that you need to understand to complete the homemade machine of cold forging with your own hands - the most convenient option for you and only for you.

That's what you need to assemble before you start assembling:

  • metal plates or canvas for tabletops with a thickness of at least 4 mm;
  • metal round tube for a rack or frame;
  • metal rod;
  • bearings of different caliber;
  • drill;
  • welding machine;
  • hoven for metal;
  • bolts M8.

Basic parts

The basic parts of the twister are only four. To their preparation and, most importantly, the installation to pay special attention to:

  • frame or rack;
  • countertop;
  • main shaft;
  • lever arm.


Only from metal, no wooden bars. We put on a well-minded place so that you have access to the machine on any side. The machine will have strongest loads, therefore a thick-walled pipe or metal corner may be the most optimal option.

Best rack is slain right into the floor, it will be reliable. Externally, such a design can resemble a stool. As much as possible, here is the main principle of production racks for the table top. Therefore, metal parts are better welding.

Table top

Homemade machine for forging.

The most important part of the machine, which is better made from a metal plate with a decent thickness, preferably at least 5 mm. In the manufacture of machines for forging with their own hands you can not save on the thickness of the metal, because the countertop and other basic elements will take on a huge load.

The form is preferable in the form of a circle. Such countertops need to do two: the second is needed for flexing the rods and place the snails.

Main Val.

From the same metal plate to cut four rectangular triangles with equal sides. Triangles to weld to the bottom of the structure, and their base is in the center of the circle. Another variant of the shaft is not from triangles, but from the pipe with thick walls of a suitable diameter. Fix either bolts or welding.

Lever or handle

And again "as much as possible": the lever attach to the tree with the ring so that it turns around him. Roller for flexion attaching on top countertop. It is very important to correctly calculate the length of the lever, which depends on the diameter of the tabletop circle. One rod must be approximately equal to this diameter, the second rod is longer.

Bearings are attached to the lever at its end, it is done for greater freedom in the directions of the lever movement. Lever elements and fixed triangles are mounted with a special round nut with a large diameter.

Hinged details

Here be attentive, you need to choose the degree of complexity or, if you can say, "artistic". We have three options with you.

  • Snail simple static

The easiest and therefore is the most primitive version from an artistic point of view. You apply a snail drawing, that is, the spirals right on the worktop.

In no case ignore the requirement in the drawings - the cold forging loves accuracy and thoughtfulness in everything.

Then cut out of metal thick bands with the repetition of the snail pattern and as best can welcome them perpendicular to the tabletop. Simply, it's not in a brilliant at all: you can make only the same simplest bends on this tightly weld, without any flight of creative thoughts.

Metal bending machine.

However, it all depends on what you are going to kill. If, for example, you have a long forged fence with an imperious pattern, simple static will become the most optimal option.

  • Collapsible snail from removable parts

Immediately let's say that this is the most popular option among amateur masters. The contours of the snails are also applied to the tabletop. Along this circuit, threaded holes are drilled. Snail segments made of metal strips are prepared on cardboard patterns, they are also drilled exactly the same coinciding holes that on the table top.

Segments are not welded, but are attached by bolts or cylindrical stops. The main advantage is the possibility of bending spiral details with different radii and different number of revolutions.

  • Modular system with different snail

An option with the largest artistic freedom of forging with your own hands: Instead of segments, removable modules with different snails are used here - both in shape, and in size. Modules are prepared on separate metal platforms, on which segments are welded.

Of course, with such a machine you need to be pretty tinted, but this sheepbill is worth it: you can forging real metal lace. It all depends on your plans: a simple fence or lace gazebo in the garden?

We make a torsion machine

Torsion processing is fundamentally different - it is a screw twisting of the rods along. This machine is completely simple for manufacture with your own hands. The main thing in it is to ensure a strong fixation of the two ends of the metal rod, the success of the screw twist depends on it.

At one end, the rod must hold firmly, in the other - with the help of the lever rotate. Composite parts of the torsion - metal cylindrical blank made of profiled pipe and two fastening elements with a fixing device. They can be made from bearing nodes.

In the clamps, nuts for bolts that are twisted to keep the metal rod are boiled.

If your plans have an item "pump biceps and triceps", be sure to make a torsion machine and start twisting the bars manually. Torsion forging is not for weak, you will have a magnificent muscles of the upper shoulder belt. But anyway, the lever to rotate is better to do longer, it will be easier.

Blanches, lanterns, waves and other machines

As you can see, all other types of cold forging machines we have collected in one small section. Where does this disrespect for them, unlike snail and torsion, about which we told in separate sections? The answer will be honest in the form of the Council:

If you decide to make a blacksmith with your own hands, stop your choice on two machines: snail and torsion. First, they are absolutely necessary from a functional point of view, secondly, they are quite simple for independent execution.

Cold forged types.

The rest of the lantern type machines or waves can be built much later when you will understand that the cold forging is yours, and when you have concrete creative plans in your head.

But there is a third machine after snails and torsion, without which it will not work out cold forging. This is a bending machine. Externally, it seems the easiest of all, and the function of him - the most seemingly simple: bending the rod under a certain degree or make waves of different sizes.

The bending machine does not need to be done with their own hands, it is better to buy it in a finished form for two important reasons:

  • Wedges and rollers, with which the dimensions of the elements are changed, should be sharpened in compliance with the ideal sizes. At home, it is practically impossible to do this.
  • Bending machines cost quite inexpensively, so the requirement of budget saving will be performed.

Having at its disposal the three most necessary machines - independently made snails and torsion and a purchased bending machine - you can start a cold forging of almost any complexity. It remains to solve another little question.

Manual drive or electric?

Electrical drive can be installed on any machine. Another question is whether? And again the solution depends on your plans. Electric drive will save your own strength. But this is not the main advantage. The rotational moment during electrical strength will be more uniform, and this will lead to a smooth and identical forging elements.

Drawing machine for cold forging.

The number one challenger for an electric drive is a torsion machine, where the uniform screw twist is manually observed is extremely difficult. It is also very easy to perform it. We will need a semi-axle of the leading bridge of an old car, a toothed pair of differential, protective sleeve. The power of the homemade engine should not be high - no more than three kW and not higher than 900 revolutions per minute.

As for the electrification of the remaining machines, decide for yourself. If you are planning to do cold forging for your own needs, electric traction you are hardly needed.

Make a machine for cold forging with your own hands - the task is not easy and very exciting. The better it will be its execution, the easier it will work on it. And the greatest of your metal lace will come out.

We wish durable snails, high-quality rods and real connoisseurs of your blacksmith art.