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Games like minecraft weak PC. Games similar to Minecraft

On the this moment There are only a few games that are able to achieve at least the likeness of the phenomenal success of the Minecraft game from Mojang. The mobile version of this game is constantly in the top of the paid iTunes App Store games and does not plan to pass its position. It offers practically endless gameplay players based on the construction of its own game worlds in the sandbox mode. In addition to Minecraft, there are other games with similar gameplay and pixel graphics, all of them are original and give players the opportunity to express themselves in the process of crafting, mining resources and all that Minecraft is so loved by many. Consider several of them in more detail.

This game is sufficiently large and solid, so I like many mobile gamers, making up a good competition Minecraft. Developers support SurvivalCraft permanent amount of fresh content, updates and new features.

If you are losing in games with an open finale, similar to Minecraft, and you need a clear action plan, then why not try the game Block Story? It has elements role-playing game, fantasy locations and quests, and, in addition, here you can manage dragons, causing them to help yourself.

This popular game From the studio RE-Logic known to many and does not need ideas. It uses the basic concept of Minecraft, plus, added 16-bit retro style graphics with elements of 2D Saydskroller.

The game is at the pre-access stage.

In this game, the action unfolds in the style of Terraria, and the difference is only that location is an external space. You will come to meet with other civilizations, excavations on other planets, crafting and adventures. All this sounds tempting, and there will be more tempting - the game is at the pre-access stage, which means that after release the game will be replenished with something even more interesting.

Junk Jack X.

Junk Jack game and its continuation of the Junk Jack X, published in 2013, may not be so famous among 2D sidiscroller sandbox games with elements of crafting, but this does not mean that they have nothing to offer players. They have quite a lot of interesting content, worlds generated by randomly, as well as a complex crafting system and resource mining from underground depths.

At first glance, this game looks too simple a copy of Minecraft, but the adventures, the growth and development of characters will be very exciting to appreciate the game.

If you like not only the visual style of Minecraft, but also a genre of Tower Defence, then Block Fortress will become precisely what you are looking for - you will have to build towers from blocks, arm them and defend themselves from the upcoming enemy Horde.

This game is not particularly different from Minecraft and SurvivalCraft - it also represents a sandbox with crafting elements, in which the action comes from the first person. She offers you seriously developed worlds with a lot of opportunities for construction. Here you can build even a football stadium (if you want, of course).

If you are tired green grass, Blue water and other earth elements, then you will suit this sandbox game in space locations, in which, besides crafting, there are elements of battles with enemy astronauts.

This development from the ChooFun Games studio is very similar to Minecraft, but with a more smoothed graphics, as well as with the presence of rocket and pomegranate characters. Apparently, the authors seemed that crafting without grenade launchers was boring.

A good plot in the game is wonderful. To pass the game with an exciting story is equivalent to reading an exciting book. But what if you, figuratively speaking, I want not to read the book, and with the designer to play? Here, various sandboxes come to the rescue. This is a game genre in which you yourself decide what to do, and what to do. Here usually there is no plot in principle (or it is not particularly important), and the whole focus is on the gameplay. And to the chapter of the corner are the diversity of the possibilities and openness of the gaming world. There is uyma different options "Sandboxes" in a variety of games, but one of the canonical (if you can say so) is considered to be the game Minecraft. Strange, cubic graphics, and the ability to do everything that your soul is all - this is all Minecraft.. The game is so popular that it simply does not make sense to paint (better play). And, like any of the above-popular project, the minecraft has many "clones".

Some "sort of Mininraft»Games are good, others are not very. But one thing can be said for sure - there are many of them. And in this top-10 we will try to choose a dozen best projects of this type. Well, they started.


All projects are collected in this game. LEGO.. And here you can do anything - including, to create the world yourself. Everything looks assembled from the details of the designer (yes, of the one), and you can choose individual ... models, so collect something. Basically - LEGO Worlds. - This is the same minecraft, only instead of ordinary cubes we have details Lego. In terms of opportunities ... Well, as in most similar sandboxes - do what you want, and yourself understand what happened. Collect a submarine and start exploring the sea, fight the monsters (which they themselves created), create an atomic reactor - to solve you.

9. Mythruna.

What is this project? It reminds several "crushed" minecraft, that is, also consists of blocks, but the size is smaller. There is a story here, gameplay like RPG (that is, playing roles and pumping) and even the plot. Which, however, you determine ourselves. Play really fun, a lot of opportunities, even given the fact that the game has not yet been completed. In principle, the project for those who have already slightly fed the mincraft, but I want something like that. The game is free, so try - it is quite possible, she will have to do you like.

8. Just Alone

Survival simulator. Your hero is a scientist named Bill, whose ship crashed on Earth after the atomic apocalypse already occurred (or something like). At the same time, Bill must be escaped from our no longer friendly planet - after all, he is already waiting for another planet, where there is a colony of people whose leader should become. The situation is complicated by the fact that we need to independently build a ship, while not hitting the lunch to local residents (these mutants of people can love, but only as food). In general, building a dwelling, defend it, collect materials and look for a way to get out of here. How are you able?

7. Salt.

Game for those who love the sea. Here we have an archipelago where you will have to exist (and survive). Here, from the very beginning there are two options - create your own world in which you will survive yourself, and you can enter the pre-installed world in which you can play with friends (which, naturally, is more fun). In terms of opportunities - everything is expected. You can travel around the archipelago and explore it, you can fight pirates, sell goods to merchants, and, of course, create items. Collect your ship, Build a house, do something that will interest the traders, or do something else on your choice. As always, decide for yourself.

6. Far Sky.

And again we have a project for the Morker. The main character scientist. Yes, again - it is necessary to somehow justify everything that he can. Short Description - We look ourselves under water with a broken submarine and in one Skafandra. It is necessary to repair our vehicle, while without beating from hunger, cold or lack of oxygen. Oh yes, it is also desirable not to get to the lunch to some kind of sea animal - for example, shark. The plot in the game, as usual, only a reason, explanation, as we found yourself at the bottom of the sea. The original concept and pretty interesting gameplay makes this game a very worthy representative of the genre of "sandboxes".


A peculiar thing. Hand drawn graphics, many interesting features of the gameplay (like taming monsters and other things) and really unusual storytail. If we talk about gameplay - it was not in vain that the game is original. Firstly, there is a change of seasons (and in winter it lives much more difficult than in the summer, believe me), secondly, many creatures and items behave very unusually behave. And so on in the same spirit. For those who are very boring - there is Don't Starve ToGether. - Option of this game for multiplayer.

4. The Forest

You can translate the name of the game as " Forest" That is how, with a capital letter. And believe me, it is really a forest, and not grove in a pair of kilometers from home. A terrible place in which it is very difficult to survive. It is not easy here to get food and materials for construction, and even more difficult - not to become food. After all, the locals are very unkind and hungry cannibals who just crave to see you on their banquet. As a chief dish. If you give this game brief description - This is a gloomy minecraft with good graphics. Otherwise, everything is very familiar. And craft system, and a set of possible actions (very wide, naturally). In general, the exemplary "sandbox".


Cult in kind project. This is not a miniskraft clone - rather, Marcus Persson He was inspired by such games as Dwarf Fortress (which, by the way, saw the light earlier and terrible). There are two main game modes - the adventure mode in which you travel around the world, and the fortress mode, the main and most beloved fans. The main characteristic of the game is its coordinated hardcore. First, there is ASCII-graphics, that is, everything is made on the basis of characters. There are mods that give pseudographic, but there is still nothing to expect any beauty. Perhaps you are highlighted with local graphics, but then goes into the gameplay. Here opportunities and difficulties are more than in all other sandboxes combined. And it's not a joke. The game is incredibly difficult to master - no wonder of her slogan sounds like " LOOSING IS FUN!"(Play fun). But I assure you, the game costs every minute of time spent on it.

2. Castle Story.

The game with Kickstarter, which was approved by the Creator of minecraft, Marcus Persson. This is a kind of strategy in which in the afternoon we build a fortress (more precisely, our subordinates are building), and at night they beat off the enemies. If you compare this toy with other projects, then in terms of graphics it resembles Minecraft, and in terms of the gameplay - a simplified and lightweight version of Dwarf Fortress. Despite the fact that the game is in development (although there are already working versions), there is already a lot of opportunities. Strictly recommended to all those who like sandboxes in the style of strategy - after all, there are not so many games like this type. At least really standing.

1. Rust.

Another option "Graphic Minecraft". There are two options for the game - Rust Legacy. (or simply Rust.) I. RUST EXPERIMENTAL. The first, according to fans, more atmospheric, second - with large number opportunities. This game is related to the need already mentioned The Forest need to constantly survive. It is good with its multiplayerness, a good balance of various opportunities, beautiful (really beautiful - respect designers) graphics and realistic (if not to say - real) physics. One of the most successful sandboxes that have ever come out, capable of competing in their popularity with the same minecraft.

Online Minecraft Games have long been gained well-deserved popularity: here, as in the original, you can create from small universe blocks, and it will look like you want.

Gameplay attracts players unlimited possibilities. Where else can be explored by endless expanses, find underground mines, full diamonds or flooded with water, rich in resources of the forest or untouched by anyone's desert. During the day, you can visit the dense groves, sising zombies, and on open spaces of plains. If I did not like seen landscape, remember that free games The type of minecraft makes it possible to remake everything to your taste. You are the owner of the world. Move the blocks and change the landscapes, as you consider fit. You are not limited to anything: no resources or time. Restrictions and framework are lined up only in imagination.

You can create not only nature, but also various buildings. Here there is an opportunity to build a housing of dreams, and it can be in an unusual place. Of course, you can build a banal palace, the luxury of which will also envy the family of Rockefellers, you can make a creative house on a tree or a small room under the ground in a deep mine. Maybe you are interested in becoming the owner of several dwellings? This is possible. The author's team of Games such as Minecraft took care so that you do not experience restrictions. By the way, I mean: if you decide how long to dig down, there is a possibility to be outside the card, and the game will have to be restarted. But up moving how much your soul.

Fantasize, embody your ideas in a breathtaking gameplay. Construction of unusual buildings under water, to have a living area in a huge pumpkin, build a raft or a house from books. Do not be afraid, any ventiy is embodied here. Resources for creating conceived projects are unlimited, use cubes as you consider it necessary. Miracle Minecraft amazed diversity. They are divided into several types:
Normal - Landscapes are similar to real. There are different biomes: dungeons, plains, villages, cities, rocks and mountains.
Super flat - Initially plain. Structures and biomes are configured independently.
Big biomes - The world is similar to the usual, but all objects are increased.
Stretched - Mountains can reach the ultimate upper border.
Individual - The world is adjusted from scratch, on their own.
Debug mode - Includes all available textures. It turns on the observer mode.

Play free in minecraft is very simple. The character moves using the keys A, S, D, W. The material is selected when pressed by the letter E. The unit is destroyed when clicking on the left mouse button, when you press the right key, on the contrary, it is built.

A huge number of Internet users do not observe the famous Minecraft game. IN lately there were a lot of games called "Minecraft clones", they can actually be clones, or just similar games On Minecraft, and sometimes the progenitors of our favorite game. They are also interesting and exciting, as well as their "progenitor", so it is not surprising that they enjoy the attention of avid miniskrafts. What are so good these games can be recognized from their description below. You can play minecraft games right on our website, or read a short description of the game for a computer.

If you just wanted to download minecraft, and not looking for games similar to minecraft, then click on the link:

Online games minecraft

Computer games minecraft

The full version of the game Terraria V1.0.1 from the Re-Logic developer will allow the player to experience the most unusual and exciting adventures. Here you can create a powerful weapon, dig up the land in search of treasures and fight with annoying enemies. Also, the player has the opportunity to build a small house or a whole castle, where people are populated. In a word, build an indisputable world.

This action game resembling Minecraft makes it possible to do what it is not allowed to do easily in real life. Together with friends in the procedural and generated world, anyone can give the will of his fantasy in the free destruction of the enemy strength, in the construction of housing and in many ways.

Game website -

Also similar to Minecraft thanks to its details A la Lego. This game is the brainchild of Torque Game Engine and was created in 2007. It will like it very much to players who do not like to be tied to certain tasks, but they want to do everything that they want.

The player manages a small mini figurine, which is engaged in construction with bricks. The feature of the game is that the construction site can be conducted both in full solitude and in the "noisy" company of other players online or inside a computer network. Advanced players, buying a game, can create up to 99 and servers, thereby increasing the number of players.

In addition to bricks, the player has the ability to use weapons, for the destruction of ill-wishers and vehicles, whose models can be created independently. But most of all the fans of this clone of the game Minecraft like the fact that they can independently create game modes without the manufacturer's intervention.

Site -

3. Habitus game

Another fresh clone game Minecraft - Habitus. Here the developer tried to collect all top Qualities Original game. Therefore, the player is waiting for all the same modes of the game, such as classic, kraft, survival and molding. True, new ones were added to the old blocks: convenient communication, a trampoline block and others.

Despite the fact that the game looks ordinary and nothing innovative in it, it can captivate for long hours of any minecrafttera. And besides, blocks in certain modes of this game are not given to the player just like that because the creator conceived their prey by destroying the terrain. That is, you need to play according to the principle of "destroy and create".

4. Evolla game

Evolla is a browser 3D game created with a first-person view. Differs fully dynamic world. In it, "Flight of Fantasy" player can be unpredictable, as it is allowed to twist everything and all, dig underground whole mines, build locks and houses, or even villages and cities.

However, this does not charge the charms of the game. After all, the player's enemies can be treated and energized to compete and erase from their land. In addition, playing beautiful landscapes, rocky mountains, deserts, lakes and plains, as well as multiple worlds and portals, where you can get roaring in construction work And in the destruction of their enemies created in the form of ugly monsters. Therefore, realistic physics, 3D and completely free world will surely enjoy players minecraft.

Site - (until it works)

On March 25, in 2010 another game was released, refining the original Minecraft. Created her Developer Quel Solaar and gave her a gentle name - LOVE. Each player has the opportunity to build its own settlement and at the same time show all its skills and creativity. Building caves, houses and other infrastructure builder can both one and other community residents.

In addition, one community, can help another community, not only giving instruments, but also providing coarse power services. Fighting S. artificial intelligence, Players, as it were, are going to one single power as a family. And in any normal family there will always be a place for mutual assistance, unity and love.


6. Game Infiniminer

It was on this game that the developer of the legendary Minecraft, creating his brainchild. Initially, the meaning of the game was that a certain number of players had to get and valuable things in the spirit of competition. At the same time, players "burning" under the ground should have put the blocks to their rivals and remove others lying on the road.

Gradually, with an increase in the popularity of the game, the attention of the players began to switch from the search for treasures to create their own own structures. Relying on this, Zachtronics Industries completed the product support and published the source code. As a result, after a little time, new mods and clones appeared on the world, to which the original Minecraft refers. The popularity of the latter, one of the versions, served as an impetus to the infiniminer sunset, as the players always interest the latest version, with new features and adventures.

Based on the name, it becomes clear that all actions will unfold on the moon. The player will have to explore the lunar spaces in two modes to choose from: creativity (Creative) and research (Explore). In the unexplored lands, the player will meet evil and good NPCs, with which they need to behave differently.

On the virtual moon, the player can build from different materials Inspear base. As for the study, the player can conduct them in an absolutely any direction. All items left by enemies can be scanned to receive new technologies that can come in handy in the further development of their colony.

8. Roblox game

This browser MMO sandbox is suitable for children aged 4 to 14 years. In this game, as in Lego, the participant of the game can create its own avatar from blocks. Thanks to the built-in simplified editor, the player can build its buildings, invite friends to them, communicate with them and just explore the world around.

If the structure built by a player will be held his friends, then for these visits he will receive in-game money. The participant of the game can spend the virtual currency for building materials for future construction masterpieces, and beautiful clothes. Among other things, players can act as authors of their own mini games and also have the opportunity to invite friends in them.


MANIC DIGGER is a free analogue of Minecraft. In this building sandbox, you can build everything that can imagine the fantasy player. At home, railways, Bridges, villages and huge cities can line up under the hands of the participant of the game. Construction material Cubes are provided, so make up complex structures quite simple.

In addition, the player has the right to its discretion to edit the textures created by the previous world, which already provides a parallel creative process in the game. Creative game mode (unlimited number of blocks) and high resolution puts the quality of the gameplay on new levelthat simply can not help with modern Ministry of Economy.

All early or later annoying, even our favorite minecraft can sometimes get bored. In this case, there is a way out. There are Minecraft's clone games with similar motifs, graphics and meaning.

A worthy substitute for minecraft freely can be the game Blockstory.. The essence of the game is the same - to develop and survive. What is the difference? The game is not limited to 126 blocks in height. There are no portals in BlockStory, so in order to get to hell, you will have to dig deep underground, but beware, hell is dangerous! There are many mythical creatures and all of them are dangerous.

You can rise to heaven and get to heaven. But he is not so beautiful, since there are a lot of creatures, thirsting to kill you even stronger than in hell.

There is also an underwater world. But take care of sharks, they are very strong. Caves in the game are very dangerous. There are a lot of spiders and another unclean. At every step you will be attempted to kill. Even bat Try you to kill! But it is not all that bad. There are also many good creatureswho will gladly help you.

You can find yourself even a faithful friend who can be settled. And reaching new heights in this world, you can even settle the dragon. Small P.S.: Collect the spawners of the strongest mobs and bosses so as not to kill them on their territory. Better to bring the spawners home and put at home, and next to the spawners of friendly mobs and watch the epic battle, and then collect Drop.

Do not forget that in this game the most important thing is not to sit in place, because there is a bunch of auxiliary means of movement (aqualang or jet quadper, and that's not all!). The game turned out at least pulling, and the relative passage of the game will take you at least 72 hours.

For a shorter period of time you will not succeed! Too many biomes! But for these 72 hours the game does not get bored, since there are a lot of weapons and enemies in the game. The most pleasant moment is a weapon. His whole cloud here! Starting hand-to-hand and ending with muskets, etc.

SurvivalCraft. This is also a successful Micraft clone. This is all the same sandbox genre, but with a small starting plot. You get on a deserted island and you have to survive. The day is short, the night is long, so it's not easy to survive here.

The only way to survive is to build a dwelling and equip a bunch of traps around it, otherwise you are a corpse! It's not worth traveling too much. In this game, it is better to postpone and sit comfortably, otherwise you will be killed. Your task is to justify a small camp, where, in fact, you will dwell.

Withstandz - Zombiesurvival! But this is not a sandbox! The world is square, but not from blocks. You have to survive between the crowd zombies.