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The best pokemon. The strongest pokemon in Pokemon GO - ten best creatures

Pokemon GO is a game that does not lose popularity and after time from the moment it is released. Yes, she had problems associated with the fact that the developers swung on the fact that in the end could not support - the detection of Pokemon, near the player. Radar failed a couple of days after the launch of the project, but the gamers were patiently waiting for it when it was repaired. They waited only that this function was simply removed from the game. However, this does not mean that the project has ceased to be popular. And if you are still collecting "pocket monsters" on the street, then you will be interested to know what is the strongest pokemon in this game. Top 10 creatures from this project will be presented in this article. Each monsters have three main characteristics to which attention should be applied - attack, protection and endurance. The higher these characteristics, the stronger Pokemon. It is also worth considering that the monsters of what type of your creature is more efficient to make the most competently use it in battle. And if you do not want to independently sort out all the monsters that you have in the collection, you can find out from this article, which is the strongest pokemon in this game. The top 10 of the best monsters in the game will allow you to choose your strongest fighter without any particular problems.


Naturally, you will not immediately recognize what the strongest pokemon in the game. Top 10 will tell you about the ten most impressive project beings, and let's start, of course, from the tenth place where Venezuzaur is located. This is the third form of the Bulbazaur - it refers to the herbal immediately, and to poisonous monsters. To get it, you need to develop a Bullbazaur in an Ivizaur, and then you already have a Venuzaur. What is it good? The fact is that he has a very high defense rate - 8 out of 10. And along with an attack indicator, equal to 7, this pokemon can show incredible effectiveness in the arena. It is preventing him only low stamina - only three points. That is why Venuzaur is not the strongest pokemon. Top 10 will include a wide variety of creatures, each of which will have its advantages and disadvantages, and the disadvantage of the Venusaurus is his small stamina. It is worth noting that it is best to use this monster against aquatic and magical opponents.


The strongest pokemon in Pokemon Go could not do without a pet of the Flareon's public - this fiery form of IVI has stats, very similar to those who have been observed in the previous being considered. The flareon is also not hardy (its indicator is also equal to three), only now the attack and protection indicators are directly opposite. This creature has an attack 8, and protection 7, so if you need to actively attack, it is better to use this creation. Moreover, the advantage of the flareon is that his attack acts very well on the pokemon of a wide variety of types, from herbal and icy to steel and insects. The strongest pokemon in Pokemon Go, however, have a greater endurance, so the flareon was only in the ninth place.


When people ask about what monster the strongest (Pokemon GO is recently the most popular game in this universe, therefore it makes no sense to clarify exactly where it is), some indicate Gayardos. It is quite possible that this is due to its frightening appearance, but in fact it is not the best - only one of. He has the same high defense, like the Venusaurus, and the attack is also about the same. So why is the Gayardos in the eighth place, and the Venouzaur in the tenth? The whole thing is in endurance, which has a little higher in this water dragon. So if you ask you how the pokemon is the strongest, do not hurry to call Gayardos - he is undoubtedly strong, but far from perfection.


As many and expected, in the top of the strongest pokemon hit, not one form of IVI - a water version of development, the Vazoneon, was even stronger than the fiery. Of course, many can ask a question - why? After all, the attack is lower than that of the flareon, and the protection at the same level. The whole thing is here, again, in endurance, which has much higher, which makes him a seventh place among the 10 most powerful Pokemon.


This is a very interesting pokemon, which evolves from the Varotla, which is obtained from one of the basic starting beings, Skviglila. Naturally, you will have to make a lot of effort to go through the full path of evolution and development, but the efforts are worth it. Attack in Blogostoza is pretty strong, while endurance is very low. What lifts this Pokemon to such a high place? It's all about his defense, which is almost perfect. This monster may be very strong nuts even for the most powerful opponents.


While all previous pokemones were quite famous, the Egzeggurator is not as popular, but it is in this game that he is one of the strongest - largely due to its incredibly powerful attack that combines good endurance. All this is complemented relative to high-quality protection, and as a result, a universal monster turns out, which is able to seriously strengthen your team.


Many gamers are not particularly rejoiced when they come across the grindings, as these pokemon are not so strong, as many would like many. However, you should not ignore the data of monsters, because with the zealous assembly, you will get the opportunity to evolve one of them in Arkanayna, which is the legendary pokemon. It has similar indicators with the Egzeggurator, but it is located higher than the previous monster, due to the fact that his attack is equally well affecting the pokemon of absolutely all existing in the game, while Egzegguor is good only against aquatic, earthy and stone creatures. So do not give up the grindes - better stock patience and develop them in Arkanayna, which is one of the strongest creatures in the game.


Well, quite a bit of time left before you learn what pokemon is the strongest in this game. In the meantime, you will get to know the lupras that took the third place. His attack is relatively large, its defense is very good, but such indicators demonstrate many pokemon in the list. The main difference between Laprasis from them is high endurance, so that it can significantly spend its special attacks from which the outcome of the battle may depend.


At first glance, this pokemon is reminded of a good-natured fantastic bear or cat. He loves to sleep very much, but if he is called on the battlefield, he becomes one of the most serious opponents in the whole game. The fact is that his indicators are maximally balanced - he does not have a very high attack, its defense is not exemplary, but all these stats are at a relatively high level. And complements their excellent endurance - Snorlax has the best indicator of this type among all creatures that are present in the list. It was thanks to this that he was in second place. But who then took the first?


Well, the title of the best pokemon in the game Pokemon Go deserved the dragonite. At first glance, it looks like a good-natured and friendly dragon, but in battle becomes an incredibly powerful and dangerous opponent. To get it to get, you need to catch Dratini, develop it in Dragonaire, and then this form is already evolving into a new one, which will be a dragonite. What is this pokemon so strong? Many are in a hurry to abandon its use due to the fact that he has a very low endurance rate, but if you do this, then make a big mistake. After all, special attacks are not the main thing that this creature has. All his secret lies in the maximum attack and protection indicators - this is the only pokemon in the game that has a maximum score on both these stats. Thus, you can and without high endurance demonstrate incredible results on the battlefield, if you competently use the dragonite.

  1. What pokemon do you think top or epically strong? Please argue and explain why you think so, with the preparation of the top.

    P.S. Please do not fold the subject of the answers / phrases like "all top, if your hands are not from ass" or other trash not related to the topic. This topic is created to exchange opinions, as well as the transfer of its experience to others.

  2. 1. MYUTU. The most desired pokemon in the game. Greater speed + huge attack special attacks, wound with excellent attacks (including ice, mental protection and ghostly)
    2. Vabuft.It is used most often to block the MUTU, in battle 1 to 1 wins it without losing even half of the HP. Unfortunately, we are weak against Pokemon who can be squeezed (many Mutevoda do not give them a hil-abil) and those who spoil statuses, but these in the top battles are visible more and less. It is also worth mentioning his ability, no one can change the Pokemon in battle against him, therefore, in contrast to Absola, the enemy will not remove the Mute.
    3. Dragonight. Pokemon one attack, Outrage combined with high attack demolides almost all Pokemon without protection against dragon attacks (steel) with 1 impact. If the enemy is not ready for the output of the dragonite, it can be 2-3 pokemon without any problems. The lack of speed is reimbursed with a cap on + 50% of the speed (it has 300-350 speeds with it)
    4. Volkarone. High attack and good speed + good attacks (I advise mental, herbal and fiery). With the character of the speed can drag 1-6.
  3. I will correct you at the expense of wolver. For wolfs you need only two attacks: Quiver Dance and Fiery Dance. The first attack increases the joint venture, the joint venture for one step each. The second attack causes 100 damage + stab, as it can, with a probability of 50% one step to increase the joint venture.
  4. I will correct you at the expense of wolver. For wolfs you need only two attacks: Quiver Dance and Fiery Dance. The first attack increases the joint venture, the joint venture for one step each. The second attack causes 100 damage + stab, as it can, with a probability of 50% one step to increase the joint venture.

    I will correct you at the expense of the attack - Quiver Dance. It also increases the status of speed (you are 100% aware, but most likely I forgot to write about it.) For one step. Also, one Fiery Dance is also not enough, on this there is also usually put attacks: Bug Buzz and Hurricane. Yes, it is worth noting that Hurricane has only 70% of the chance of hitting, but I will say so, I practically do not miss them. You can also put WIDE Lens, but Focus Sash will be better as for me.

  5. Perhaps I will add from myself:

    1. Chere. I downloaded both Modest with 31 genkodes in the joint venture and thymid with 31 genecodes in speed. As for me, so cajra is better thymid with full velocity, and this is 307 and let's not forget about Abiliti - Drizzle. This is my opinion, for I like more speed pokemon. But if you pump Modest Keeg to maximize the junction of attacks and wear a scarf voice, then it can also go out something very top.

    2. Metagros. Let I love high-speed pokemon, but the metagros deserves the title - the top (yes, against the wolf or other fiery pokemon with a high artistic junction of the attack, there is nothing to do with the metagros). Stat protection against physical metagros attacks is quite high + the same status of a physical attack, it makes the metagrosa quite strong to resist almost all of the physical. Damagra. And if you still put Muscle Band on it, then the set of attacks will increase by another 10% of ~ 350.

    3. Starmi . Given the maximum speed by the old - 363, it may be almost perfect water pokemon from it, with the exception of the legends of course. Starves thanks to a rather not bad article of the joint venture and the most mental attack - a psyche, it can resist almost any Pokemon of a ghostly type, which in essence also inflicts the old damage. With herbal, so there are ice attacks, and electric and other anti-types are possible to carry out the water or the same mental attack. With proper pumping, the old and legends can take place.

    4. Kingra. Yes, Kinggra can be called the top. Yes, she has almost 317 in all stats, but it does not stop Kinggra. Having thrown it to Modest with 27-31 SP Attack genes, 27-31 SWIFT Swift SP protection and abbiliti genes, which will make the same legendary Pokemon (Naturally, it will not contribute). Yes, that before the dragons, we remember again about SWIFT Swim and we can with the ease of climbing dragonites, and the salamenos not with the maximum speed, an ice-type attack, in principle, so almost with each dragon.

    Later I will also add.

  6. Because Some teschers have already laid out here, I will tell about those who did not put in the top.
    1. Venuzaur - finally a fiber. Slises, poisoning, breaking. And teaches many good attacks, most with the stab - poisonous and gig drone.
    2. Kloistister - DOFIGA protection, attacks with a bundle with his ability make it a thunderstorm of many nat. Damaggers and dragons.
    3. Archeopes is very strong (~ 400 attacks) and fast (~ 300 speed) Pokemon with a variety of attacks, but weak due to the Defeatist's ability.
    4. Guyardos - a lot of attack, Swift speed, rain dance and dragon. What could be better?

  7. Well, tell about my tops:
    1. Janmaker. High SP Attack, Top AIDS Bust Aids, which increases the speed to one step after each. That is, after the first janner, overtakes the bribed butterfly with a butterfly. [For comparison, the speed of the wolver under the butterfly dance ~ 400, yankeepers after the first move ~ 450] a good variety of attacks. Psychic, Shadow Ball, Ancient Strength, Gig Drayn [for Heil], Air Slash, Bug Buzz [Attack is the second on the top of the progress attacks], just as lucky, you can put a hidden water power.
    2. Vivel. Huge speed, sometimes overtakes absolutely all Pokemon. Also very large physical attack, a wide variety of attacks: Podkop, Ice Punch, Knight Slash, Panishment, BRIC BRACK; I can paint three sets of attacks on Vivila, but, as usual, I'm too lazy.
    3. TiransTar. This pokemon in good hands will be a hyper fast tank with a big attack. I will not paint on the statics, since this Mahina has a large physical physical, physical protection and speed [yes, it's a lot]. Also, the tyranitar has a good ability - Sand Stream. This abiller helps against Pokemon with the focus of Sashai, whom I believe, all infect the same in the tyranitar a wide variety of attacks. Alas, this Pokemon has the only minus - the weakness of X4 to combat attacks.
    4. Scolipid. This is my favorite pokemon among insects. Pluses this Pokemon is a lot - high speed [In this version of the fashion, scalipid is the fastest among insects], highly served physical physics, there is also a big protection against many types of Pokemon. Good abbiliti - weld, that is, with the focus Sasse your scolipid turns into a mahuine for killing. A large set of attacks - stonepad, earthquake, the Poison of Jab, and, finally, the main attack of scolipid - megahorn [this is the most powerful insect attack] 120 damage + Stab + 85 accuracy.
    5. Macchamp. Big attack. Relatively much speed [with a scarf of voice is just imba]. There is also the most topical abil among all Pokemon - without guard. This abbiliti allows you to get any attack facing it and its the most 100% fall into the goal. This means that Ko-Attack [Attack, which is absolutely Vanzhotit Pooyon] falls into the target. But how to turn Machamba in a high-speed tank, I will not tell me, since you splagiate my tactics.

  8. 1. Aplaying against the Volkaruna (as you brought as an example myself) Janmaker will die even before you can like and do not even put the AIDS booster.
    3. No, not much speed. 2 times less than the pokemon of which are fast
    5. If the voice scarf is used, then the comba with 2+ attacks is immediately rolled. And the secret burned in 1 point?

    1. Players with wolver always know that she has a boost, and almost 90% in the first go, they use the butterfly dance that for yankeepers and it was necessary.
    2. For such a powerful tank as a tyranny, this is a lot of speed.
    3. Tactics on Machamba is very complex and vigorous, I will not announce it.

  9. But not everyone voiced. Well, I also own your top voice.
    1. Jolteon. Very high speed, with a decent special, attack give a very good result.
    You can put different attacks on it, but I personally use it not as many ... I put it on electric power and toxic, so that Lugoi, Vaucheti and other reptiles were disturbed, as well as the Shadow Bol with Dischudge, well, so that it was just what to beat .
    2. Infernape. Also a decent speed, overtakes some Mute, and a very good attack. It also has different tactics, but I mainly use him with Fleir Blitz.
    3. Empoleon. Pokemon against kayogrov. Big special attack and spin defense make it a good means of killing specials without combat attacks in the roast of the focus of Blast. It also makes sense to attack Aqua Jet, always beats first, although not very powerful.
    4. Flareon. It would seem rather weak, but he has the same topic as from Dragonight. Attack at my 391, and using a voice scarf and Fleir Blitz, you can tear up the Mute.
  10. Well, tell about my tops:
    1. Janmaker. High SP Attack, Top AIDS Bust Aids, which increases the speed to one step after each. That is, after the first janner, overtakes the bribed butterfly with a butterfly. [For comparison, the speed of the wolver under the butterfly dance ~ 400, yankeepers after the first move ~ 450] a good variety of attacks. Psychic, Shadow Ball, Ancient Strength, Gig Drayn [for Heil], Air Slash, Bug Buzz [Attack is the second on the top of the progress attacks], just as lucky, you can put a hidden water power.
    2. Vivel. Huge speed, sometimes overtakes absolutely all Pokemon. Also very large physical attack, a wide variety of attacks: Podkop, Ice Punch, Knight Slash, Panishment, BRIC BRACK; I can paint three sets of attacks on Vivila, but, as usual, I'm too lazy.
    3. TiransTar. This pokemon in good hands will be a hyper fast tank with a big attack. I will not paint on the statics, since this Mahina has a large physical physical, physical protection and speed [yes, it's a lot]. Also, the tyranitar has a good ability - Sand Stream. This abiller helps against Pokemon with the focus of Sashai, whom I believe, all infect the same in the tyranitar a wide variety of attacks. Alas, this Pokemon has the only minus - the weakness of X4 to combat attacks.
    4. Scolipid. This is my favorite pokemon among insects. Pluses this Pokemon is a lot - high speed [In this version of the fashion, scalipid is the fastest among insects], highly served physical physics, there is also a big protection against many types of Pokemon. Good abbiliti - weld, that is, with the focus Sasse your scolipid turns into a mahuine for killing. A large set of attacks - stonepad, earthquake, the Poison of Jab, and, finally, the main attack of scolipid - megahorn [this is the most powerful insect attack] 120 damage + Stab + 85 accuracy.
    5. Macchamp. Big attack. Relatively much speed [with a scarf of voice is just imba]. There is also the most topical abil among all Pokemon - without guard. This abbiliti allows you to get any attack facing it and its the most 100% fall into the goal. This means that Ko-Attack [Attack, which is absolutely Vanzhotit Pooyon] falls into the target. But how to turn Machamba in a high-speed tank, I will not tell me, since you splagiate my tactics.

    I have already said that against the same yankeeper your Machamp is helpless.

  11. I publish a couple of Pokemon deserving the title - Top.

    1. Alacazam . With the speed of Alacama (~ 370) and its special attack (~ 400), it can be called the top right. He will completely be able to overtake almost any ghost and shit it with a Shadow Ball attack. And the dark it with ease can be focused by the Focus Blast attack, and thanks to Wide Lens, the accuracy of this attack will be 80%. As for the beetles, so thanks to the combination of high special attack, speed and psychic or Thunder (accuracy with a lens of 80%) to actually deal with them.

    2. Gengar . Stat speed at the Gigar is not so small (~ 350), which gives it a small advantage in battle, but thanks to attacks - hypnosis (yes, 60% of the hitting is not very, but if you wear the same Wide Lens and accuracy will be 70%) And Dream Eater, which attacks the enemy with a power of 100 and at the same time restores the level of Hit Point (HP - Health Points) and again considering ~ 390 special attacks, it will be powerful and do not forget about the top attack - Shadow Ball. Because of this, I can call it the top.

    3. Sloeking . Yes, now you will tell me - "What?! SLOKING ?? RILI?! He generally a hyper slow. His name is about it and says!", But its low speed compensates for the high statistics of protection (not much, not enough 350). According to special protection, pay attention to the special attack, and it has it ~ 330, which is also not bad. And its hidden ability is Regenerator, which fills its HP 1/3 when replacing. Pay the same attention to 1 as it seemed to be an unnecessary attack - PSYCH UP. Replaces the enemy statics on their own and their own on it. Mute will not overtake, but replacing the stats (you can use Focus Sash, but in fact there should not be so much if I don't have a Shadow ball) and changing the pokemon at once, on which the same Shadow Ball will not act and dealt with the Mute , in the course of the case, release Slaking with high speed and cd attack. (If not correct, then correct) But even in spite of this attack, Sloeking has an attack Fire Blast, which I was stripped herbal and beetles. Also, Sloeking has Shadow Ball and Psychic, which is very good. Well, relying on personal experience and on the facts, namely: on ability, some attacks and stats, I am awarding the title - Top.

    4. Luggy . Do not forget about the legend - Lugo. Her High Stat Special Protection and Protection makes some kind of perfect shield from it. The Lugoi has Arabi Pressure, taking the opponent for 1 attack, 2 times more PP attack. Actually, to attack the meadogian one and the same attack can be 2 times less. Using Calm Mind and Substitute, the opponent can almost do anything, but not many people know about TOXIC or simply do not think that anywhere is not useful. Also attack Recover healing meadogian. I think there is no point in talking more about her, for you understand everything. I can calmly and with confidence to name the meadogius top.

    Soon I will add a couple more tops.

  12. About the old man Saptile forgot
    1. SCEptile. You can swing in two directions: attack and special attack. And that option is not bad, but I would prefer the usual attack, then I will explain why ... Yes, Max Stat attacks to it 295, but it is possible to put a good set of fis attacks. For example, Brikbreak Lifblede Kohnpad Earthquake. Thus, Septayl can beat the charger, MB of Infernepa, Vivila, Kazama and many more others. You can replace brikbreak on the X-scissors, but this additive to taste.
    2. Arcanine. MB someone surprised, someone is not, but Max Stat Attack His 350, speeds - about 315. Compared to some coocyons from the list, quite a little, but ... Arkanine is essentially a porridge from the following attacks: Outrej, Wilde Church, Bullduse, Fleir Blitz. Remember what Max does it have an attack? I did not try, but I think such a pussy is completely able to overtake and connect the karag, Dragonight, and even badly vkachals and Raikwaz, despite the fact that Arkanine Fire Pokemon!

    Latest editing: 30 Sep 2016

Pokemon became in the modern world more pleasant pets, rather than cats, dogs, parrots, rats, hamsters and fish. They do not stink, they do not need to feed them so that they do not die from hunger, and also should not be constantly walking. The most active disputes in the game relate to the power qualities of the fighters. This article is dedicated the strongest pokemon in Pokemon Go.

The main thing is not an increase, but the ability to fight

So, you are represented by the top 10 most capable animals:

10) . It is a monster that has a powerful double attack, as well as a special skill - hypnosis. It perfectly helps even against extremely powerful rivals.

nine) . The epic blue bird (not a team) for its freezing attacks forces another coach to widely disclose the mouth.

eight) . A underwater being is similar to a mixture of a snail with a dragon. His attacks make a lot of damage and practically discredit all the opponent's opponents.

7). The four-legged pokemon is very similar to Michael Bathio guitars. Joke. Externally is a tiger with extremely strong attacking abilities.

6). Thick clutter snorillax has pretty large fists, so that his blows are not easy to worry. Plus, he is capable of immersing another pokemon in the dream. This is not the entire list. The strongest pokemon in Pokemon Ahead!

five) . Such a feeling that there was a lightning in this wild bird one day. Bright yellow plumage and acute long beak intimidate the enemy, and the chain paws are able to carry out the extraction of any mass in the distant edges.

four) . Fiery pokemon has standard incredibly strong blows. In addition, sometimes the owner is lucky, and its fighter causes 10% more damage due to fire.

3). A very munny pet pink color, despite his nicness, can specifically dear. He is pretty deft and strong.

2). Friendly dragon, if necessary, is able to reincarnate into the car for murders. It is very difficult to download (you need to raise with all kinds of lollipops up to 40), but the result exceeds any expectations.

1) Mute. Beautiful and coolest appearance (after picking) Pokemon in the world, which no one has yet overtaken by the number of CP (4150). Mute - the most strong pokemon in the pokemon game, and in addition the most rare .


Well, on this all. Pay a lot of time to your pets, and these soldiers can get. Let your collection be exceptionally strong fighters!

- These are those who want to get absolutely every player in this extraordinary game.

Pokemon GO is a game for mobile devices. For a small period of time, she gained simply enormous popularity. People of different ages by setting it on their device, began to walk through the native city in order to find and catch Pokemon.

Many game lovers are interested in one very entertaining question. What kind of pokemon in the game is the strongest and best? In the article we will understand everything in detail.

The strongest pokemon in Pokemon Go

Before you start find out who in Pokemon is the strongest pokemon , It is worth noting one thing right away. Each pokemon in the game has three key parameters:

  • attack;
  • protection;
  • endurance.

Of course, the level of many Pokemon depends on other factors, such as CP, but these three parameters are absolutely each. It costs to note that these indicators in the same pokemon are the same. Based on these parameters of the game fans created a special table. This Pokemon Table in Pokemon GO is designed to identify the most strongest.

If you look at Pokemon Rating in Pokemon Go, then the most powerful are considered Mewtwo., Dragonite. and MewSince they have the highest CP. Just this indicator helps to determine the strongest heroes of the game.

Mewtwo. Maximum CP-4144, Attack-284

Dragonite. Maximum CP-3500, Attack-250

Mew. Maximum CP-3299, Attack-220, Protection-220

Everything else, it is worth mentioning those poekons that were seen in the game with high Wed. These include: Snorlax, Lapras and Arcanine. The maximum snorillax threshold is 3,113 cf.

Some fans of the game "hit" in the additional characteristics of pets. During the excavations, they discovered the characteristics of the name "Basic Attack" and "Basic Protection". These characteristics are the same for all types of pokemon, but their individual size ranges from zero to fifteen. The addition of these two characteristics directly affects the COMBAT POWER.

At the moment, it is not entirely clear how these two parameters affect the outcome of the battle, but the fact that they show the strengths and weak features of Pokemon is a present plus.

MEWTWO, DRAGONITE and MOLTRES are considered the most powerful attacking pokeons. Three best of the top ten in the attack are considered fiery. Fiery Pokemon are very effective when attacking the gim.

Moltres. Maximum CP-3240, Attack-242

Now let's talk about those pokes that best coped with protection. The best protection indicators y and Mew.

ARTICUNO. Maximum CP-2978, Attack-198, Protection-242

Blastoise. Maximum CP-2542, Attack-186, Protection-222

By the way, Earth, combat, as well as stone pokemones are those species that have the best protection in the game, HP or in other words, health indicator.

This is another lot of interesting parameter, which is very important in the game. Yes, of course, the attack strength and quality of protection are important parameters, but the amount of HP stands with them along, as it can solve the outcome of the battle. HP also helps determine what the best pokemon in Pokemon Go. An indicator entitled "Basic endurance" directly affects HP and thanks to it, it is possible to calculate Pokemon with the highest indicators. Pokemon with high health longer hold in battle, but also have vulnerabilities to other individual species of Pokemon.

The highest endurance Chansey. - 500. endurance Diglett. Only 20. Interesting the fact that all three octokes with the highest health are not considered legendary.

What pokemon is better to catch in Pokemon Go

And now, let's talk about the ten best poekons in the game. These heroes of the game are the strongest pokemon in Pokemon . Pokemon data is best caught in the game in order to be the best player.


. This is one of the most balanced pokemon game. Giant who constantly wants to sleep is healthy and not because it is big, but thanks to a huge amount of health. His attacks are excellent, and the attack has an impressive potential. Everything else, Snorlax is effective in protecting the hymoms.

. It has characteristics more compromised than Snorlax. The easiest way to get it, if evolving Eevee. Effective in protecting and attacking the hymoms.

Dragonite. . He himself and his ruler are considered the only dragons in Pokemon. Have a dragon type attack. This is one of the rarest and strong Pokemon. Each experienced player must have them.

Lapras. . This pokemon is perfect for eliminating flying, dragon, herbal, and earthy pokemon. He has high characteristics. Unfortunate in the attack.

Gyarados. . In order to evolve in this monster you need to accumulate and spend 400 candies. It is very difficult, but there is a spent effort. Protection is better not to use, but it is good in the attack.

Arcanine. . Useful pokemon in the plan of the siege of anthem opponents.

Exeggutor. It seems that this pokemon is extremely ridiculous, but it has powerful attacks and gorgeous characteristics. Mental and herbal types of Pokemon make it vulnerable to attacks.

Flareon . It is considered fiery. It has absolutely all fiery attacks that are quickly charged. It has very low health, so it is undesirable to use it in defense.

Wigglytuff . Cute pink Pokemonchik. Good in defense due to its high endurance. Invulnerable to dragon attacks.

Pidgey . This species is completely useless in battle. But the essence is in quantity. If hundreds of Piges send to evolve to the professor, they will effectively raise the player.

This pokemon Table in Pokemonof the ten strongest representatives will help each player to collect its invincible team. The collected Pokemen can boast of their friends and acquaintances, thereby showing who is the best player in Pokemon Go.

Video of the best Pokemon in Pokemon Go

It is worth considering that if you correct Pokemon, study them and thoughtfully evolve, then you will not be equal in the game. As in any case, you need to do everything gradually, carefully and clearly.

While the hype with Pokemones was soothed, and the fans are waiting for new projects, goy without tired argue on different topics related to this game. Some are trying to find the best part of it. Others argue with might and main, who is the strongest pokemon.

The game

Nintendo is the owner of the Pokemon trademark. But the parent of this mediaphranches is Satosi Tadziri. Then, in 1996, the Japanese gameidizer was unlikely to assume that his virtual "children" crazy players worldwide.

It all started from the release of a video game pair. Soon the pokemon won the love of gamers, so the project was the second most popular after Mario.

Over time began to appear cartoons with these wonderful animals, board games, comics and other goods. The former glory of the franchise relatively recently returned the Pokemon Go mobile project, which last year brought mad players from Mala to Velik.


To determine the strongest pokemon, it is necessary to understand what we are talking about. These creatures possess superpowers. Everyone has its own definite force. Earlier it was reported that the total was collected 801 Pokemon. All varieties are included in the series of games. There is also another creature that is placed under the number 802. But so far it is not officially included in the list.

Now the information has been updated. The list is already 807 Pokemon. The last heroes appeared with the release of the new Pokemon Sun and Moon series. Therefore, they are still little known about them.

List of most powerful and strong pokemon

Immediately need to say that all the beasts are divided into 7 generations. So, during certain periods, developers produced special series of games, each of which appeared new creatures.

It will be not easy to determine the strongest pokemon, but you can point out a dozen powerful characters:

  • Mute.
  • Luggy.
  • Darcrey.
  • Dialga and Palkia.
  • Ho-Oh;.
  • Deoxy.
  • Graudon.


It so happened that the majority of creatures that fell into the Pokemon Review - legendary. These are the animals that are found very rarely and endowed with great strength.

Legends have become special characters in each new series of games and the virtual region. They want to take possession of all criminal organizations, because they know that thanks to them can easily manage the world.

Now, in order, consider each beast from the list.


This is a legend beast, which appeared in the fourth generation. It refers to a normal type. Arseus is known as the creator of the Pokemon world. This is a very strong creature that can reincarnate in any kind. Its basic statistics are the largest among his other relatives.

Due to the features of the translation, it is possible to call this Pokemon Arca. It is not easy to describe the appearance of the hero, since not all 800 creatures are similar to real beasts. Arseus is a little resembling a white bentaurry. There is a conditional ring around his body.

He was born before the creation of the universe. It can stop time, create new animals, as well as destroy them in their whim. The Pokemon Arkery would be logical to be called the strongest, since he is the conditional God of his world. But if you look at the game mechanics, you immediately have doubts about this.


In the first generation, he became known for the Mu duet. It entered MUD and improved pokemon Mute. At one time, there was even a hypothesis that MUL is the progenitor of all virtual animals. But there is no evidence to this.

MUTU is the legendary psychic creature. His appearance still remains in question, because it was not historically decided, where it appeared.

There is an assumption that Pokemon Mutho was created from the found DNA Mu. There was a version that scientists found a pregnant female mum and replaced the DNA embryo. On the other hand, the details of the birth of the Mute are absolutely not important. One thing is clear - the beast was the evolution of my progenitor. Both creatures look like a kangaroo tail. They use psychocynesis, telecision, telepathy and other parapsychological abilities.


This is a psycho-flying creature. Refers to the legends of the second generation. Pokemon Luggy is huge, looks like a dragon and has the ability to fly. He has a blue boost and silver-white feathers.

There are legends that this creature is so strong that can create a 40-day storm with one waving wing. To accidentally not harm anyone, Lugia rests at the bottom of the sea.


This is a terrible and powerful creature. His specialization is dreams, and in particular nightmares. Pokemon Darcray shifts people and terrorizes their horrors for their fun. Those who are trying to attack him - fall asleep and see nightmares. This beast is associated with Palka and Dialiga.

Dialga and Palkia

This couple of fourth generation looks sinister and militant. Creatures have power over space and time. Pulkaya twists space. She can go after any beast to another end of the universe.

The dialight stops, slows down or speeds up time. While this beast has live, time will go forever.


This is a fellow megoy that appeared in the second generation. Preparations for both heroes became eastern myths and their heroes. Ho-Oh is the Chinese Phoenix, the father of all birds.

The beast flies around the world by carrying a rainbow mark. You can only see it with a pure heart coach. Phoenix feathers bring his owner joy and fun. Later it became known that eternal happiness would find the one who at least once sees Ho-oh. This is a strong pokemon, which will cope not only with its fiery enemies, but also be able to defeat water beings at the level above.


To the strongest pokemon can also be calculated deoxysis. This creature is a cosmic virus. He accidentally found himself on earth. After contact with the laser, it can turn into a pokemon of different shapes. He has four.

The first was presented in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. A more active attacking - in Pokémon Firered. The defense form has become known in Pokémon Leafgreen, and high-speed - in Pokémon Emerald.

In the fourth generation, deoxy began to freely change his appearance.


Another strong character. It refers to the third generation. Previously, very often fought with his main rival - kiogrom.

The prototype of this beast was the mythical Leviathan. In history, it is described that he saved people from a terrible flood, creating continents and islands. Greudon is resting in Magma. If he is awakened, volcanoes wake up with him. If it reaches primitive form, it will expand the continents and reduce the global volume of water to a critical minimum.

In turn, his rival Kiogr saved humanity from drought. When he wakes up, shower starts. If he becomes a primitive form, then the world is waiting for a flood.

Pokemon Go game

This mobile project was announced in September 2015. Last year, he was waiting for a real riot. Millions of people went crazy, looking for the locations of rare virtual beings. The technology of augmented reality did its job. About the Pokemon remembered the whole world. Each, from Mala to Great, chasing around the city for special creatures.

Speaking about the mobile version, it is also worth mentioning a couple of powerful and strong pokemon:

  • Snorlax.
  • Vaporeon.
  • Dragonite.
  • Lapras.
  • Gyarados.

You can add others to the list of these mobile forces. But these are the most popular creatures, followed by users who were ready to go to another country.


In the game "Pokemon Go" this hero is the most balanced. For candy, he gets an increase in 45 units, and its endurance is 320. This giant turned out to be very cute, but because of his sizes frightening.

Snorlax has a lot of health, excellent potential in the attack. He has the biggest indicator of the base force Hyperbeam. This pokemon serves as a reliable assistant both when attacks on the gim and when they are protected.


This pokemon is a bit simpler than the previous one, but also get it at times easier. It is enough to just do EEVEE evolution. For candy, he gets 40 points, and its basic endurance is 260 units.

Vaporeon - Listenok, which evolves from three selected forms. Also serves as an excellent attacking and defender.


The evolutionary line of this character is the only game in the game. All of them belong to the dragon type. The problem of this hero is that his attack is only effective against dragons.

This yellow Milach can use universal abilities or direct all the forces on the victory of its same type of enemies. This is a very rare beast, which appeared only from the most experienced gamers.


A universal character who easily copes with attacking heroes. Moreover, he is absolutely not important type of enemy animals: flying, earthy, herbal or dragon. He can easily cope with each of them.

He has no previous form. Therefore, you can not spend candy for evolution. It is enough to focus on strengthening the character.


The latter on our list was the mighty marine snake. It develops from an unpretentious simple Magicarp. And despite the fact that this fish does not cause any trust, the senior monster from it is excellent. But for his evolution it will need 400 candies.

Most avid players grow gyarados only to boast of them. But this does not mean that snakes are useless. He is strong and in the attack, and in defense.


These were the best pokemon of the game of the same name. Unfortunately, to name the name of one virtual beast, which would be the strongest and capable, it is impossible. Hence the inability to make a similar rating.

It is much easier to collect the most powerful creatures on the list, and the right to decide who from the beasts is stronger than everyone, leave readers. In any case, each guy has their favorites. Fans do not recognize the superiority of other Pokemon over their pets.