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Play the game similar avatar. Games similar to avatar

"Avtatar" is one of the few fully social projects that gave impetus to the development of a new segment in a game, devoted to completely interrelations between people and the construction of their environment. In fact, the project makes it possible to lead the second life inside the cybernetic space, initiate relationships, work or just entertain. It is the possibility of becoming the person who seeks to be, and causes the high popularity of the analogues of the "avatar". Depending on the player's preferences, you can choose a project, aiming solely on intimate relationships between characters, creativity and assessment of talents or construction and development. If the player intends to leave the world of "avatar", then finding a replacement will be not so difficult.

Essence of the gameplay

Description of the game "Avatar" can be reduced to two words - life and development. Player Vain Create a full copy of himself or change the appearance beyond recognition, enter real personal data or fictional, the project does not impose restrictions on its fans. Before the gamers, opportunities are open to choosing clothes, apartments or houses, a car, work, a circle of communication and many other things. Of course, there is a Donat in the game, expressed in the form of purchase of in-game currency. The user can perform tasks for the sake of funds to buy things or simply buy out immediately all that will want.

Key features

Currently, the game has about 120 thousand adherents, simultaneously in the online space there are up to 2 thousand people and more. The developers of 101XP Limited continue to conduct active support for the project, correcting critical errors and allowing users to take part in the consideration of individual controversial moments. However, the permanent audience of the project is still reduced. The games similar to the "avatar" are not at all rare, so the player will not be difficult to find a more suitable analog, for example, without donata or with another environment, foreign language.

Project requirements

Picking up the game similar to the "avatar", the player is looking for a project with several distinctive features: Open world, the possibility of customerization of the hero, buying a domestic environment, the ability to play without direct binding to Donatu, the availability of text and voice chat with others. Projects are also specified according to the erup on, for example, dancing, singing, buying clothes and changing the appearance of the character, the construction of the house, social life, and so on. Some users even manage to get direct income in the game and communication process, engaged in the implementation of the game currency, characters, items. In most projects, such actions are interpreted as illegal and can lead to the application of sanctions, including the Hero Banu.


The first project, which is closest to the original, is "tropicals". Among the games, similar to the "avatar", this analog is occupied by one of the most significant places in popularity. If "Vanilla" is rejected by the life, the performance of large-scale tasks, the "tropication" game allows the player to fully enjoy the deserved "release" by creating a hero on one of the "resorts", game servers. Externally, the analog is not different from Vanila, the graphic series is almost the same as the customization of characters. Some tears causes an in-game store, as well as its assortment, but in the root these projects are very similar.

The "tropication" game largely repeats the key trends of the original. She offers a player the opportunity to create a protéget, to communicate and even meet his half. "Tropicia" will seem if not a copy, then a fellow original, and many who burned in the further development of Vanila, transmitted precisely to this project.


The "Rulibles" game is more "children's" approach to the perception of social life, but the project's audience is by no means teenagers. In many ways, "Routimons" bypassed competitors precisely due to the frivolousness of what is happening. "Tropicia" and "Avtatar" require considerable real-time investments, whereas to this project can be treated as a hobby, from time to time spending leisure to communication and in-game opportunities. However, the possibilities for customization in Arcade are limited to a small list of clothing objects, in addition, instead of people, users are content with exclusively model classes, humanized, but still limited when fitting for the needs of each individual gamer.

"Pair Pa: Dance City"

The project is positioned as the first musical on the territory of the Russian Federation. In many ways, he surpassed competitors due to a more serious graphic series and opportunities to show creative talents. Games similar to "Avatar" differ often more cartoon graphics, while this project offers an improved graphics engine. However, those who want to get a deeper social component from the game, you will have to be content with a limited chat. The project also provides for the implementation of the family of the family as such. In addition, the game is already pretty for a long timeAnd the newcomer will be difficult to adapt and find friends. However, those who want their singing talents will manifest, such difficulties are not frightened.

Apparel games ("avatar" and other) are largely aimed at human self-realization, let both in the virtual world. The fact that the audience of such projects will remain consistently high for some more at least several years. If the user wants to distract from problems in real life, There are several options for how you can spend leisure and implemented.

Small players have long been loved by a famous online toy called Avatar. However, during the time he spent in her, she fed to some gamers, but at the same time the soul is eager for something similar, and therefore in this article will consider games similar to avatar!


New game from the creators of the "avatar". The main difference is that the player carries for the character not in the city, but on the uncharted island. The game acts as a system simulator with communication elements. This approach will allow attitudes of applications to the VC not only to talk with their peers, but also to gain knowledge of the economy. Small players will understand that purchases depend on financial situation Buyer!

The first thing to pay attention is survival. The player has to collect food, build housing, and, of course, communicate with other fans of "tropicania". Food can be shot down from trees, growing on a garden or get hunting. Do not forget about the construction of the house, as well as its expansion and strengthening to protect against wild beasts.

Special attention in the game is paid to interaction with other players. You can explore the island, to trade or just communicate. In addition, it is possible to change the appearance of the character and buy it new things. The higher the level of the protagonist - the more clothes will be available to the acquisition.


Regular game similar to avatar. Designed for children from 5 to 12 years. But this does not mean that it does not have time to spend time for whom 13 and more than years. Like the "avatar", the RULYMON project is built on courtship for their character and interaction with other players. However, playing not to man, but animals. In "Routimons", several animals are presented to the choice:

  • A fox.
  • Dog.
  • Bear.
  • Hare.

The player has to travel around the city and perform tasks. After registration, you can undergo detailed learning, so there will be no problems with the game in the future. Testing is developing logic, memory, attention, motorcy and musical rumor. In addition, gaming coins, awards and titles will be given for the passage of quests. In stores you can buy various subjects And outfits for their character. For example, it is possible to purchase a baseball cap, the "butterfly wings" on the back or the dress of the bride.

You can have fun, communicating with other characters. Some tests are built exclusively on joint passage. Therefore, you can call a friend to not only perform the task, but also more pleasant to spend time.

This game is more suitable for girls who like to care for your character. As follows from the name, it will be necessary to play not a person, but a small pet that can be fed, dressing, entertained and acquainting with other characters. Like the "avatar", this is a social game with elements of the economy. That is, the money for new decorations, clothes or food here needs to earn, performing various tasks. Also gold coins can be found by traveling around the city.

Do not like the appearance of the character? It can be changed - at home. In the hairdressers there is an opportunity to make a stylish and interesting hairstyle, and in clothing stores - to buy a new outfit.

It must be said that the pet is sometimes quite capricious. If he wants to have fun - you have to visit the amusement park. Otherwise, this kid can be offended and stop talking. You can entertain with other players. For example, communicating or walking with them. The "City of Pets" presents a wide range of entertainment: from small "laughter rooms" to huge rides. So every young lady will be able to spend your time with interest.


Games similar to avatar It does not end there, there are other projects similar to a well-known toy, but they are not so funny and interesting, so choose something from the listed and proceed to the direct process, in order to completely quench your thirst for virtual adventures ...

When life presents a continuous twread durable everyday, I want to break out of a closed circle and escape into the uncharted worlds. The soul requires magic, and the body rushes towards adventure? You can even leaving your dreams. "Avatar" is a virtual world that entails and attracts. This is not just a game - this is a whole life, full of equally and wonders, and realism.

"Avatar": search for a worthy alternative

The developers of the "Avatar" put the maximum effort to make the game colorful, unusual and fascinating. It was their efforts to virtual world that tens of thousands of fans managed to attract the attention of tens of thousands of fans. When they created "Avatar", no one even suspected that it would be so popular. However, "nothing forever in this world" - for a long period of "life" in the game, many of her fans began to feel the need for change. And it is not surprising, because constancy has its own limit. And what to do if your favorite game does not cause the old delight, and the cardinal change still does not really want? Why not search for games, in the plot, registration or principle similar to the "avatar"? And what games are it reminded? As practice shows, "Geima" of this type in the network is more than enough. You can play online in them not only in VC, but also in classmates, and in other popular social networks.

Games like an avataria

When I want a change, and the subconscious flatness refuses to get rid of habits acquired in your favorite game, games come to the rescue.

The creators of the game were received very prudently - in case of "rebellion" of users and search with them worthy replacement, which would be like an avatar, but not an avatar, and was developed "tropication". The game is very similar to the "original", although the "notch of freshness" developers in it undoubtedly contributed.

For fans of animals, "Routimons" are ideal - a kind of simulator "animal" life. This game is designed to an audience of younger school age, although the principle of the player's age does not have. It doesn't matter how many years of gamer, because the main thing is the desire to play and dive into the fabulous worlds.

One more similar game called "Sweet Flirt". It is not difficult out of the name to guess that this is also a simulator, the main purpose of the existence of which is entertainment, fun and communication. The player will have to feel all the delights of the youthful childish of Naive Flirt, find new friends and acquaintances, to be in the epicenter of exciting adventures.

"Share your smile ..."

The desire to share their own achievements, victories, joy and hobbies with friends is very justified. It is not surprising that today many games enjoy mad popular with the ability to play them over the network. "Shararam" is exactly what you need for lovers of joint entertainment. This game is in demand among children thanks to the unusual and original (albeit simpler) gameplay and, of course, a bright colorful plot that is saturated with kindness and friendliness. The prototypes of her heroes served as well-known characters of the magnificent animated series "Smeshariki". "Sharam" allows kids not only to have fun, but also to communicate, and to learn many useful things.

"Chibi VK" is another wonderful toy that allows you to maintain communication with the "hobbies". On the network, of course, it is unlikely to be able to play it, but to invite friends to online version - It is always please. "SHIBI" provides gamers an excellent opportunity to create an unusual image of his hero, receive compliments from friends, to share impressions and experiences with them, grow and develop in the "Virtual Career" plan, play entertaining mini-games, get acquainted and communicate with other heroes.

Creek new friends and keep talking with old as well as in the game Avataria. In Vkontakte and Facebook. Fall love, get married and create a family, work in the field. Dance all night in the club, buy things by latest fashion and create stylish interior In his apartment. Make your life as you want! Here is 10. best gamesAvatar like!

10. WoozWorld

WoozWorld - This is a stunning place to hang out, meet cool people and play games. Create an individual stylish image at your request and invite people to our own beautifully decorated rooms.
Come on shopping to buy the latest trendy outfits. You can make any room as you want. Meet people and study the world full of various tasks.

9. Pocket God.

Pocket god. Give you experience to be an almighty God with special forces and subjects - in pygmy. Learn the colorful world, reach new islands and give preference or sacrifice with pigments. You can also open new steep forces and objects.

Born with the gods - opponents and find out who is the most powerful God in this magnificent game on Facebook.


Move from a small town to Megapolis to realize your most long-standing dreams. Get your apartment and extensive it as you make your heart. Choose your hero one of the many professions and show everything that you are capable!

7. Stardoll

Create your own doll and live the glamorous life of your dreams! IN Stardollit is possible to create your own clothes, hairstyles and decorations, makeup - and all in the last fashion. Show all your friends and become the best model.

6. Star 86.

5. Shining Star

Unfortunately, the game is no longer available. Work, draw your home, buy the coolest decorations and advertise your character in mod magazines.
Throw a challenge to your friends at the fashion show and win!
Do you know what you need to climb to the top? Join K. Shining StarTo find out!

4 Fashionista.

Become famous fashionable designer And earn a lot of money in this exciting game. Buy sewing supplies, destroy weeds and mood camera in your store. To visit other people and earn the materials for design.

3. Webbli World.

Unfortunately, the game is no longer available. Change your own appearance at any time. Buy cool things for your WebBlipod.. Play Racing to win new clothes and furniture.

2. Chimpoo.

Play B. Chimpoo.and create your own cute chimpanzee while you explore a wonderful world filled with games and entertainment. Decorate your home and enjoy the game! Meet and communicate with other chimpoo "s.

1. Webkinz.

Webkinz.- Cute and fabulous world, especially it is interesting for those who have pets. Collect toys, play in funny Games And explore this wonderful place. Fitting your room and find cool clothes.
Play games to get coins, and then spend them on funny things.
Creek new friends and meet other Webkinz.

In the conditions of constantly developing computer technologies, we are witnessing the appearance of the whole pleiades of exciting simulators, each of which is interesting in its own way. On the SIS spaces in last years becomes becoming increasingly popular online game Avatar, which first appeared on social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. Easy in management and with a wide choice of opportunities, the avatra conquered millions of gamers who pay it from a few minutes to a few hours a day. A full-fledged real life simulator turned out to be much more interesting than the real life itself. Here the player has much more opportunities to develop himself and climb on the social staircase. True, to become really successful in the avatar, you will have to spend not little time and attention to the gameplay.

Flash Avatar game has become a kind of domestic response to American sims, which from the beginning of the 2000s penetrated every house where there is a gaming computer. The first advantage of avatar over sims are more sparing requirements for system characteristics. If you wish, you may not download the game client at all, launching it for free in online mode. You don't seem to pay anything, but when necessary, you can buy game currency for real money - gold. Calling Zolotishko need for a wide variety of goals - buy clothes, food, housing, car, pay for study or ride. Also gold need to buy special gifts Your virtual second half. Yes, yes, in the avatar, you can find your favorite / favorite, become a couple and even get married. Considering the game factor in online mode, avatar this moment To become a good aircraft for real couples who get acquainted through the gameplay.

Playing an avatar in Russian especially like girls and girls. Why? The answer is very obvious. After all, there are so many possibilities for experiments with the image of numerous boutiques offer unbarrous choice of clothing, linen, costumes, fur coats, coats and a lot of other. Do not forget the developers and about jewelry workshops. Your choice is a huge amount jewelry For every taste and color. But as in real life, the price of jewels bite. We'll have to lay out a considerable amount of gold to purchase the desired decoration. Coins can be earned by virtual workBy performing quests, tasks, as well as each player gets money for regular entry into the game. Especially impatient, can buy game currency for real means.

Avatar game is constantly developing. New additions come out, patches. Some versions allow you to play in moneyless mode. Of course, lovers of cheats and balance will be disappeared by the lack of currency, but you can freely acquire everything that you want, without worrying about the account. Also, new interesting nuances are being introduced into the game. For example, studies at the university and whether school. To pass the course of study, it is necessary to take exams that consist of a complex of specialized issues. And it is worth saying that questions are very serious and will make even good connoisseurs of one or another item. The training program is very similar to the real, which adds even more impressions from the long gaming process.

Choosing the Avatar games you can be sure that you get a lot of pleasant emotions and find out a lot of new and interesting. A full-fledged real life simulator seriously delays a gameplay for long hours, but just do not forget to be distracted from virtual reality And return to the usual world of everyday life.