Repairs Design Furniture

Floating lantern Lotus - a gift with a special story. Water lanterns do it yourself: Making a mysterious and romantic gift Lamonar lotus paper MK

Because they are considered to be a massive event that recently passes regularly and collects an increasing number of people willing to plunge into the world of mysterious rituals of making love desires. There is a wonderful legend that water lanterns - or in the image of a paper flower of lotus, or in the image of a white cube with a lit candle inside - help to perform the most hidden dreams and desires.

Master class on the creation of a fabric water lantern

To make such a flashlight, it will be necessary to take advantage of light matter (tulle or organzo), glue, scissors, marker, thin wire, substrate. With the performance of work on the product, even a beginner will cope.


First you need to cut on the template of 8 petals for each of the lanterns.

Then cut the wire also on 8 petals with a length of at least 30 cm. Then you should give the shape of the petal and glue to the tissue part.

Using the substrate, it is necessary to cut the blank in the form of a square in order for the flowers to be floating and kept on the water. Then, starting on top, it is necessary to form a couple of rows, in which there will be 4 petals.

Then in the middle it is necessary to glue a circle of cardboard - it will be a support for the candle.

Finally, it will be left only to light the light and perform an inspection of the flashlight, putting it into the water in the bathroom.

Corrugated paper lanterns

This method is similar to the previous one. Water lanterns made from corrugation, have the most realistic and magical appearance.

For the manufacture of this product, it will be necessary to take advantage of the corrugation of different shades, foam, glue, with scissors.

Process execution

From a piece of fine foam plastic cut a couple of small circles that will be needed to create one flashlight.

Then from corrugated, using a finished pattern, make petals in an amount of 9 pieces and five green leaves. After the workpiece, it is necessary to twist a little, thereby give them the desired realistic volume.

Today we will make a flashlight working on the water with your own hands. For this flashlight, neither batteries nor batteries are neither dynamo machine. It works immediately after the ordinary water from under the tap will fill in it.

Now you will not have such a situation that the light turned off sharply, and you have no batteries to insert into the flashlight, I got a battery in a flashlight because of a long lying in the storage room without a business and the clear thing no one remembered that his Need to charge. And then everything is simple - just waters 🙂 and everything will go right away! 🙂 Of course, this is not an eternal flashlight, unfortunately, since some important details still have its own properties with time during work, but since the details are not deficient, they are easy to replace and it will be cheaper than buying batteries, and water is an inexhaustible source which can be easily found nearby. Well, plus this homemade in the fact that this interesting flashlight working on the water we will create with your own hands. And you can also be reclaimed and surprised by friends showing them a homemade flashlight that will earn in their eyes the bay of ordinary water. I think such a flashlight, powered by simple water or other fluid, how best is suitable for an "alarming suitcase" in case of emergency situations, when it can lie for years and in case of acute necessity, it only needs to pour liquid and immediately starts working .

Let's first figure out how our battery works on the water. This type of battery is called a "galvanic element", which has 2 different types of metals in this embodiment, used plates from zinc and copper, interconnected by an electrolyte, which is used as water with salts impurities, tap water is also suitable for this. So the lantern on the water actually works not from the water itself, and due to the redox reaction due to the two different metals in the electrolyte. The output voltage of such a galvanic element is quite weak and not enough to start even one LED. To increase the voltage, we will need an uncomplicated voltage converter, which will increase it to the level you need and the LEDs will glow even at low battery voltage.

So, to create a homemade flashlight on the water we will need:

  • PVC pipe, 10 cm long and an outer diameter of 20 mm (3/4 inches);
  • PVC adapter with 3/4 inches (20 mm) per 1 inch (25 mm);
  • LEDs (3 pcs.) With a mirror reflector from an old flashlight;
  • Ferrite ring (you can take from the board from the exporting energy saving fluorescent lamp (CLF));
  • Transistor 2N3904 (2N2222, 2N4401, S8050, 2SC945, BC546, BC547, MPSA06 or other low-power structure NPN);
  • Resistor for 1 com (0.25W);
  • Copper and zinc strips (zinc can make out of the outer glasses of salt batteries (but not alkaline!), Batteries should not be in no way from zinc to little);
  • Copper single-core wire;
  • 4 pieces of toilet paper But do not break them away from each other (but not gray, but such as for napkins, such paper is usually divided by cuts for separation into pieces);
  • a piece of plexiglas or other transparent plastic.

We will also need such tools:

  • Multitule (Universal Tool Set in One);
  • Soldering iron;
  • Glue pistol;
  • Super glue.

Step 1: Assembling the battery.

Element is the main source of energy of our flashlight. The composition of which includes two metal strips, one for the anode, the second for the cathode. "Copper strips" is a plus of batteries while the "zinc strip" is minus.

We collect a water battery:
1) twist the toilet paper around the copper strip until you reach the 3rd piece of paper.

2) After reached the third piece, put a zinc strip and twist the roll to the end.

3) Now twist this created element of the power of a copper wire from above, it will protect the paper from breaks during water wet.

4) Now pick a plastic cap of the suitable diameter (or any piece of plastic) to do holes for electrodes in it.

5) Count the electrodes into these holes and well fix them with a superclone, epoxy resin or a thermoclaus, so that water flows through this part.

Step 2: Assembling the boost converter.

Since our element nutrition gives a very low voltage, we will need an increase in the voltage converter. This circuit of the converter does so that the LEDs can also shine with low voltage of the battery. This scheme is very compact and contains a small number of parts and you can do everything by mounting around the board with LEDs.

But first you need to solder all the items together and connect it to the usual battery of 1.5V to check its performance.

After that, these elements are already soldered on the LED board, too, according to the shown scheme, also for greater hardness, I glued a ferrite ring to the board.

The winding of the transformer is carried out as follows, take 2 copper wires in a varnish or PVC insulation, about 20 centimeters each, they bargain their tips with a scalpel and twist the ends together on one side of the wires. And these twisted ends are made through the ferrite ring so that most of the wire is driving through the ring, leaving about one centimeter of the wires, then we produce through the ring so these wires up to 22 times, cut off the excess remaining wire. We combine the beginning of one wire with the end of the second and solder them together, there should be 2 free end of the wire. Next, we solder it according to the scheme. More detailed instructions for assembling such an increase in the Joule Thief converter is located.

Step 3: Combining a part of the battery and an increase in the transducer with LEDs.

Now we solder two wires to the ends of our self-made battery and then by other ends to the board with the converter and LEDs. Then glue the cover with a PVC-attached power to the PVC adapter (coupling) in the middle of this adapter. In the rupture of one of the power conductors, you can solder the switch with fixation, drill a hole in the side wall of the coupling under it, insert it there and secure the thermoclaim, it is better not to regret the adhesive. After that, glue the mirror reflector to closing the inside of the electronics to the adapter.

Step 4: Preparation of water tank.

Cut from PVC tube 10 centimeter piece, it will serve as a water capacity, then on the one hand, glue a small piece of transparent plastic on one side, through it we will see not dried in a flashlight.

Step 5: Fill it out!

Just fill this tank with tap water, tighten and fool a flashlight slightly and ready!

Today we will look at how you can make a water flashlight with your own hands. This is one of the most original types of needlework. It is difficult to find a woman today who can not embroider or knit. But this is difficult to surprise. So what about make an interesting gift in an unusual way?

History of needlework

From a long time, until today, people stretched to needlework. Humanity decorates her clothes, embroidered patterns, made decoration. But where is everything you need for needlework? The answer is simple. People grown certain plants and made threads from them, made paint and painted it products, and also highlighted the skins and worked with other materials.

In ancient Russia sewing, knitting, embroidery was taken back in childhood. Every woman should have been able to sew, as she needed to wear his family. So, sewed towels, tablecloths, curtains. People believed that homemade sewing would protect their home from drought and war. Also sewed things from the gold and silver thread. Such clothes proudly wore kings and queens. City ladies could afford to embroider with a cross, and girls in the villages used the needles and frames.

Needlework reached us. After a difficult day, people love to relax and relax. In this, many helps a similar type of creativity. Why? Handicraft itself helps a person to find harmony and calm, relieve stress and fatigue. Embroidery is useful, especially for children: It develops a shallow motorcy, as well as artistic taste and color perception.

Now we can consider some work options that you can make your own hands, even if you have little experience in this matter.

Go to practice

To begin with, let's try to make a water lantern "Lotus" from light fabric (you can use Tulle).

To do this, we need: cloth, scissors, substrate, marker, glue and thin wire.

Here is a template that you can use for the manufacture of "Lotus":

Four steps for the manufacture of water lantern "Lotos":

  1. From the fabric (on this template), cut eight petals;
  2. We take our thin wire and cut it into eight equal parts, and each part should be from 30 centimeters. Give the wire form of the petal. Next, gently glue our billet on the fabric;

  1. Then we take the substrate and cut out a small square from it. It is starting to form a lotus in two rows of four petals;
  2. Finishing touch. In the center of our received flower glue a circle of cardboard. It serves as a candle stand. It remains only to put a candle and light it. All is ready! Now you can go to the bathroom and check the glowing flashlight made by you.

Simply? It does not happen easier, but how beautiful! You can see what water lanterns are obtained in the photo:

Usually, flashlights are launched on mass events. Every year more and more people visit such holidays to plunge into the mysterious atmosphere. Such lanterns launch all the categories of the population. Parents with children are suitable for water, where every child can run his lantern himself and become happy, feeling a quiet and pleasant atmosphere. Pairs in love, too, are happy to participate in this tradition.

Interestingly, lanterns can be made not only from the fabric, but also from paper too. And how to make a crawl, you can consider in stages lower.

Corrugated paper

We need:

  • corrugated paper of two colors and more;
  • thin foam;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Flashlight manufacturing steps. From the foam cutting two circles. They will be needed only for one flashlight. From paper cut out nine petals (you can use this template) and five green leaves. For volume you can twist the petals.

Now we form our water flashlight. We take a blank from the foam and glue the top layer on the other in a circle. Next form two rows of flower. You should get something like this:

After that, I will attach a candle in the middle and let the water.

Yes, despite the snow and frost outside the window, today we decided to arrange the launch of water lanterns. I think if the gnomes needed to suddenly go on a journey through water, they would definitely choose for themselves as a means of movement something like our lanterns.

Making such a flashlight is completely easy. We need corrugated paper - green for leaves and any suitable for petals. As well as something, well-kept on the water, for the base of the flower. I use mugs cut from foam food substrates, but if you start your flashlights not at home, but in a real reservoir, I beg - use something more eco-friendly! For example, cork stands under mugs or wooden sleeves, or even bonded bumps. Well, or tie the threads to your lanterns so that after the event end, catch them out of the water and dispose of how it should be.

On one floating flashlight, two foam mug, 5 green leaf and 9 petals will be required. Each sheet and petal must be pulled by both hands on the middle so that the corrugated paper is slightly stretched and the petal has acquired the volume. This movement is difficult to explain, but if you once again. Try - immediately understand what I mean.

Green leaflets are glued to the first foam mug, and we stick the second circle from above. I use PVA glue.

Then we take the blue petals and the first five are glued to the foam circle first next, and the remaining 4 - second.

Unsracting smeared with glue sideline with a honest, gluing a tea candle there. Our lantern-flower is ready!

Literally for half an hour I built three such lanterns and shook them until the evening.

And in the evening, filled the bath and launched my flowers there. The only thing, give yourself a report that such lanterns are very fire-hazardous, so it is possible to light up the candles themselves only when the flashlight is already swimming in water. Well, swim in the bath, where such lanterns were swimming, it is unlikely to succeed, because Corrugated paper is gradually inevitably wet and leaves in water here such colorful divorces. By the way, I immediately thought. What is this property we in the future in some game still be useful.

In the meantime, I repaid the light and called my son to watch surprise.

Magic! In such a flower, the flashlight is immediately imagined by floating if not a dwarf, then exactly some fairy or elf. And my son liked the best way to blow on the lanterns, why the flowers on the water began to be spinning, and the shadows on the walls are to send intricate dancing.

The launch of water lanterns is a mass event that in recent years is carried out on a regular basis, collecting more and more willing to touch the mysterious ritual of the riddles of love desires. To prepare for the next launch, you can make water lanterns in advance quickly and easily with your own hands from girlfriend. And at the same time and get acquainted with a sad legend, which is associated with a floating bowl in the form of a lotus.

Learning to do water lanterns with your own hands: Legend of lotuse

According to one of the believers, on the shore of Lake Hanks there was a tribe in which there were girls of unearthly beauty. One of them was a lot, which was characterized by white skin. However, she was always sad because of his unrequited love for the young man, who was in love with an impregnable Eine.

Once she sent him to a gift that no one had seen before. It was a year, but the young man never returned. And the lot died in the waters of the lake, without preparing separation from the beloved. However, Enta soon returned after unsuccessful searching home and saw a wonderful flower, which was a lot after death. He broke the unprecedented plant and presented with his beloved. After that, they lived long and happily.

And the flower was named in honor of the girl by Lotus and he died only after the death of the young man. Since then, the lotuses are blooming on the water, and people, remembering this beautiful story, let fly floating lanterns, wanting to find true love.

Go to MK on the manufacture of a water lantern from a fabric

A simple way to manufacture a water lantern of a lightweight fabric (tulle or organza), which will be done by everyone.

It will take:

3) scissors;

4) marker;

5) Thin wire;

6) Substrate.


Production Stages:

1) From the lightweight fabric, 8 petals are cut for each lantern.

2) We cut wire on 8 parts at least 30 cm. Each billet give the shape of the petal and glue on the tissue parts.

3) From the substrate, cut out a small square blank, thanks to which the flowers are floating. And begin to form two rows from above, each of which will have 4 petals.

4) To the center glue a circle of cardboard. This is a candle stand.

It remains only to light the light and check the resulting lanterns, running them in the bathroom.

We make a flashlight from corrugated paper with your own hands

This method is similar to the previous one. However, water lanterns made of corrugated paper look more realistic and magical.

It will take:

1) corrugated paper of different colors;

2) foam;

4) scissors.

Production Stages:

1) From a piece of fine foam plastic, cut out two small circles, which will be needed for the manufacture of one flashlight.

2) From the corrugated paper with the help of a finished template we make nine petals and five green leaves. These billets should be slightly twisted by giving the volume required for realistic.

3) Getting to form a water lantern. To do this, glue the leaves to one of the foam circles, the second is fettered from above.

4) From the petals we form two rows of the flower, in the middle attaching a small candle to hide the smeared core.

As a result, very delicate lanterns are obtained!

Using the skills obtained as a result of studying the data of master classes, you can make other types of water lanterns, some of which are presented in the photo.

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