Repairs Design Furniture

The better to paint the staircase on the second. How to paint the ladder Wooden: types of paints, tips, recommendations. What to paint the stairs in the house

Before painting a wooden staircase, it is necessary to determine which way and how it is better to doBasically, the staircase leading to the second floor is made of wood. The service life in the natural form of such a product is small. Often it is necessary to repair and care for stairs. It is better not only to resort to the help of specialists, but also with your own hands.

Painting of a wooden staircase: surface preparation and materials

The stage of preparing the stairs to paint, is probably the most important stage. Painting of a wooden staircase - the process is absolutely not difficult, every owner of the house can cope with him.

Painting a wooden staircase, made with errors, can reduce all efforts to not. A number of important nuances should be taken into account.

Before painting the staircase, determine the better to do it. In modern times, you can choose materials for every taste.

The material for painting a wooden staircase is distinguished in composition and properties, color schemes, toxicity and protective properties

Preparation of stairs before painting:

  1. The very first stage before painting - alignment of the uneven surface and high-quality elimination of defects;
  2. If in your plans to keep the product in the pristine version, or just make a light tint, for this you need to poll the staircase and get rid of dust;
  3. The next stage - it is necessary to process the surface with a mourn or impregnation;
  4. Before painting, it is necessary to determine the composition of the rock from which the staircase is made;
  5. If the wood is young or raw, to apply some types of varnishes or paints with several layers;
  6. Before painting the product from stronger breeds, it is necessary to brall well well.

Preliminary preparation has its advantages. Each breed of wood reacts to painting in its own way. It is also important to know whether you will leave the natural pattern of the tree and make it colorless, or you want to drastically change the color and make it opaque.

How to paint in the house Wooden stairs: Painting options

Not only the type of product from the outside will depend on the quality of painting the staircase, but also its service life. It is no less important to paint the staircase from the tree with their own hands, rather than the installation of the ladder itself.

How to paint the wooden staircase in the house, so that it serves long enough? This question worries many, and especially those who live in wooden houses with a wooden staircase.

If the wood does not handle the wood in time, then it will soon dry, covers mud and dust. And this will lead to the formation of fungus, which will subsequently lead to rotting the stairs. That this does not happen to apply protective materials. Such as: paints, varnishes, veneers, oils and a variety of impregnations.

Painting protective material will emphasize the natural structure of the tree, which will give the originality of the whole design

What are all these types of painting are useful:

  • The design has a completed view;
  • Protection of wood from moisture;
  • The ability to prevent the appearance of rot and mold;
  • Insect protection;
  • Help to hide the shortcomings of the surface;
  • Increase surface wear resistance.

The restoration of the stairs inside the house is made by special putty. If you are worried about the status of the wood pattern, then the paint can be used. It will hide all the flaws of the tree.

Paint for wooden stairs: basic requirements

Paints for wood are divided into three varieties: an acrylic paint, alkyd paints and oils. Acrylic paints have elasticity and do not have an unpleasant smell. They can be used inside the house. However, they are spoiled at low temperatures. Oil paints contain olive, so they are toxic. Alkyd paints dry very quickly, forming a protective film on the surface of the product. It is moisture-repellent. They are mainly used for outdoor painting.

The paint for the wooden staircase can be any of the above listed. However, for myself, we must choose the one that corresponds to our composition, from which the staircase is made.

Properly paint the staircase, after all, acrylic paints. It is the cleanest environmentally friendly product. It does not have a sharp smell and protects the surface from the penetration of moisture. Shades of various colors can be mixed and getting any color.

Acrylic paint is distinguished by bright color, which is still preserved on the surface of the surface.

Advantages of acrylic paints:

  • Elasticity;
  • No unpleasant odor;
  • Environmentally friendly materials;
  • Make it possible to breathe wood without closing the pores;
  • Frost resistance;
  • Ability to mix paints with each other and get any shades.

This paint has its drawbacks - a high price. What does not allow many homeowners to acquire this particular paint. Wood paints are of great popularity. This allows you to expand their range.

How to paint the staircase made of coniferous wood

Almost half of the structures are made mainly of coniferous wood. Especially valuable wood species are common, such as oak or pine. Pine board is simple and not demanding in maintenance. If it is properly toned, then you can emphasize the natural beauty of the tree. The design of pine is the most common among many owners of wooden houses.

How to paint a wooden staircase from pine? This question can cause a smile from a professional. Since they believe that the painting of the stairs from the pine will not be much difficult. However, this is not quite true. In order for the product for a long time and has high-quality coverage, you need to apply a lot of knowledge and strength.

Pine feature is that it is impregnated with a large number of resin. And therefore, not every paint will feel good for the scenario site. For painting stairs from a tree at home, apply: varnishes, enamel, waxes, oils and impregnation.

Painting Polytera's stairs will save the natural color and drawing of wood, and also provide a glossy or semi-shine gloss

For painting stairs from pine use:

  • Flame retardant impregnations made on aquatic, alcohol, wax and acrylic basis;
  • Morlogs that tone wood;
  • Lucky, creating a durable protective layer, not hiding the naturalness of wood;
  • Enamel without a particularly severe smell, quick-drying;
  • Paints, creating a decorative, protective layer.

Pine wood is not so durable, such as oak or cedar, but quite wear-resistant. It is more common, accessible and not the road. Its color is different from others, it is pleasant, light - gold, almost white. If you want the ladder of your cottage to serve for a long time, paint it right.

Painting of a wooden staircase with their own hands (video)

There is a statement that the tree is beautiful in itself and it is not necessary to paint it. This is not true. A tree really has a very attractive look, but it is vulnerable to insects, mold, dirt, fire. Therefore, a staircase made of pine or other coniferous wood needs to be painted. Coloring should be made on time to extend the life of the product. But what color will you choose to paint your staircase, solve you.

The stairs are very sensitive to environmental exposure. Even simple water has a negative impact on the coating, and it is often for cleaning various detergents. It must be borne in mind that all materials, be a tree, metal or concrete have their weaknesses and may be damaged during operation. Even those stairs that are indoors are subject to the effects of moisture drops, temperature oscillations, sunlight.

If you do not take care of the surface protection on time, external factors will significantly reduce the service life of the product. The most effective way to prevent the aging of the material is the coating of the staircase enamel, varnish, paint and the veil. Depending on certain conditions, you can choose something or other paintwork. Let's see what to cover the stairs to you.

Oil paints

Choosing paint, consider the design of the room. The staircase should be harmonized with the interior, but not contradict. Alkyd paints are easily applied, uretan alkyds are excellent for already painted surfaces, and pigmented - hide minor defects.

They are brushed into densely, sold in the form of a powder, which must be dissolved by oil, and ready for use. Olife may be artificial or natural. Artificial olifes are cheaper, but give less high-quality coverage.

For painting internal products that will test only mechanical loads, paint is suitable for the staircase on an artificial olife. If the processing of outdoor design is assumed, the mixtures are necessary only on a natural basis;

Varnish for stairs

If you wish to paint the staircase and at the same time to emphasize the beauty of natural wood, then you better buy lacquer ladders. Most of them quickly dry and easily applied. To solve with some varnish to cover a wooden staircase, pay attention to the conditions for its operation and the variety of wood from which the product is made.

Oil varnishes

- This is a mixture of vegetable oils with artificial or natural resins, for example, oil-river varnishes. When drying, the lacquer forms a solid layer of yellowish color. Due to low resistance to external factors, oil varnishes are used for painting stairs installed inside the house.

Alcohol varnish

When the interaction of alcohol with natural resins, such as Sandarak and Shellac, is obtained by a concentration of 30-45%. Due to the high speed of weathering of alcohol and the low rate of dissolution of the resin, several layers can be applied without destroying the previous ones. Coatings are obtained with excellent resistance to mechanical damage and adhesion to most materials. The treated surfaces are well polished, but differ in low water resistance.

Today, oil and alcoholic varnishes are produced in minor volumes, as it requires expensive natural raw materials to obtain them. As a rule, they are used in special cases, for example, to cover musical instruments.

Alkyd varnishes

Films are obtained transparent, solid, with a weak shade. Have a good adhesion to many surfaces, waterproof. Used both for street and internal stairs. In everyday life, alkyd varnishes are often confused with oil - it is incorrect, because, in the production of alkyd resins, vegetable oils are used, which have a serious effect on the characteristics of the final product, but by chemical and high-quality composition, alkyd varnishes differ from oil and significantly exceed them by properties.

Nitrate celluluzny varnishes

Nitrolakes cover the surface with a dense, almost colorless quick-drying film. Usually nitroleki are used to vanish wooden stairs. However, in some cases, they are used to paint the product from the metal, inflicting the last layer. Nitratecellulosic varnishes are great for working indoors, they are less common to protect against natural factors.

Polyester varnishes

Surely, many used the epithet "polished" to the brilliant surfaces of wooden fittings - this is the result of applying polyester varnishes. These protective coatings for wood are multicomponent mixtures and require special accuracy. Polyester varnishes do not give shrinkage, because the solvent does not disappear in the process of frozen, but is polymerized with a dissolved resin; Form solid thick films resistant to water and other reagents.

On their basis, high-quality car putty are produced.

Epoxy varnish

Used with special hardeners, the volume of which depends on the type of resin and the nature of the hardener itself. Epoxy varnishes are characterized by increased resistance to water and alkalis, compatibility with other coatings and mechanical strength, however, remain not enough atmospheric.

Polyurethane varnish

Different with exceptional mechanical strength and high wear resistance. Perhaps the best lacquer for stairs. Polyurethane coatings are expensive pleasure, but outstanding performance characteristics and an increased service life compensate for the high cost. For example, parquet floors, stairs and fittings in the halls of museums and palaces, representing artistic value, covered with these varnishes.

Polyurethane varnish on a water basis refers to innovative developments. Combines the ecology of acrylic varnishes and the strength of polyurethane. Water-based varnishes are inferior to purely polyurethane, however, the use of special additives significantly improves performance.

A sprayer is useful to cover the lacquer of large areas, and if the staircase is small, then a wide brush will come down.

Some varnishes are durable, wear racks, absolutely transparent and do not have a sharp smell, but at the same time they have one significant disadvantage: to use a staircase treated with this coating, it will be possible only a week after painting. If you are not satisfied with such a prospect, use another paint and varnish coating, which is also wear-resistant, but at the same time dries almost instantly. Naturally, it will cost more or yield to the first one for a number of other characteristics.


Enamels are obtained by mixing painting pigments and varnishes, combining the benefits of both materials. Enamels, like varnishes, envelop the surface with a shiny protective film, and like paints, give a certain color. However, enamel is destroyed under the influence of water, which is why it is almost not used to cover the stairs.

There are glyphthaled, oil, nitroemali and other enamels. Depending on the type of varnish added, it is possible to obtain a glossy, matte, or a semi-wave surface.

Morlogs and impregnations

Morilka is a type of impregnation, which also has antiseptic properties. After processing the verse, the tree becomes inexpressive. Sometimes, the layer of varnish is still applied from above. In this case, it is necessary to take care that the staircase and lacquer lacquer for the stairs were compatible with each other.

Choosing a veil, it must be remembered that under its action the wood is slightly dark, the color becomes more saturated. For an inexperienced master who decishes with some varnish to cover a wooden staircase, you can recommend impregnation on a wax or oil basis, which can be applied in several layers. Also there are alcohol impregnations and nitropropites.

Butter for stairs

To date, oils are manufactured using modern technologies and have the basis of wax and natural vegetable oils. The product contains:

  • jojoba oil;
  • sunflower oil;
  • flaxseed oil;
  • candelilla wax;
  • carnauba wax;
  • beeswax.

Oils for painting stairs is a worthy replacement of traditional lacquer. The material is deeply absorbed into the surface, forming a protective coating for a tree, withstands significant loads and highlights the texture of the tree. The surface of the steps acquires excellent performance. In addition, oil is characterized by good bactericidal properties: wood fungi and mold are not formed on the treated surface. Suitable for use in places with high permeability.


  • simplicity of application;
  • has water-repellent properties;
  • suitable for local repairs;
  • increases the level of wear resistance;
  • there is no unpleasant odor;
  • it is an environmentally friendly product.

After you decide how to paint the staircase, you can proceed directly to the processing of the material. If you do not have sufficient experience, seek help to professionals, but remember that it will affect the final cost. If you are going to make everything with your own hands, let's look in detail how to paint a wooden staircase.

How to paint a wooden staircase

Before applying the paint coating, the surface must be prepared. The technology of painting largely depends on the variety of wood, from whether you want to hide the texture of the tree or, on the contrary, to highlight it, and what exactly you decide to cover the stairs.

Preparatory work

If dense staining is assumed, then the surface of the stairs should be carefully cleaned and covered with putty, which will hide all chips. Then the tree is grinning, and the work is carried out in two stages with a break in a few days. So the maximum result is achieved. After that, the primer is applied.

If painting was previously spent, try to apply urethane-alkyd paint into a small area. If the layer lay down exactly, it does not exfoliate and does not breed, then you can continue. Otherwise, you will have to remove the old paint. To do this, use a seaming composition. Alternatively, you can try to heat the wood with a construction hairdryer and then scrape the paint with a spatula.

Revolution of wood coniferous breeds

Special attention is required to require stairs from coniferous rocks, such as pine. This material, thanks to the cheapness and ease of processing, is very popular, but requires additionally processing - desonylation. It is necessary for several reasons:

  • the protruding resin creates a sticky film that impedes the absorption of the protective composition;
  • places where the resin accumulates, darken and look ugly;
  • because of the resin, the product is painted unevenly and poorly.

The desiccation of wood is the process of treating the surface of the tree in order to complete or partial removal of excess resin. Mostly for desonylation use all sorts of solvents. For pine, the best choice will be a 25% solution of technical acetone, which should be applied using a brush, and then rinse the treated surface with warm water and thoroughly dry. Too large beggar places will have to be cut into a knife and close the irregularity of putty.

The following components are listed, which are included in the desiralization solution.

  1. hot water - 1 l;
  2. potash - 50 grams;
  3. food soda - 45-50 grams;
  4. soap flakes - 30-40 grams;
  5. acetone - 200 grams;
  6. alcohol - 10 grams;

Further painting of the staircase from pine is possible only after the tree is completely dry.

Painting of a wooden staircase with their own hands

It is important to know not only than, but also how to paint the staircase. Apply paintwork covers best sprayer. There are electrical and pneumatic splicers. With their help, you can cover the product with a smooth layer. But if this device is not, the usual wide brushes are suitable. With thick and slowly dry paints, it is recommended to work with brushes with a short and rigid pile. For more liquid coatings, use soft hair brushes, they are also called flots. The brush should be kept at an angle of 45 degrees to the working surface. To launder a brush, extinate it in a solvent or turpentar.

Paintings should be applied in 2-3 layers, distributing evenly throughout the surface of the product. First color one side, then turn over and cover the reverse. At the same time, it is necessary to have time to paint the entire surface before drying the coating so that no irregularities and inclination remains. In order to work it was more convenient, and paint or varnish were not lubricated, it is necessary to adapt wooden stands. And after periodically stirring the paint, you will prevent the appearance of lumps and sediment.

  1. By making a decision than to cover the steps, consider that glossy enamels are better not to use, since the painted surface will become slippery. If it is decided to use lacquer for steps of stairs, then prefer matte or half-one coatings that will hide disadvantages;
  2. If you know how to properly paint the wooden staircase, then it's no secret for you that the paint coating should be applied in three layers. The first layer of paint is applied along the structures of the tree, then across the fibers and again along. Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one dries;
  3. In the case when long-haired varnishes or paints are used, and there is no spare lifting, it is recommended to cover the wooden staircase with varnish through the step. So you can exploit it, although it is not entirely convenient;
  4. Before painting the staircase or to cover with varnish, take care that not only steps and railing shone purity, but the entire room was removed. Otherwise, dust will fall on a non-dry surface and spoil all the work.

How to paint a metal staircase

In a private house, there will be a metal staircase, the durability of which largely depends on the protective coating. Therefore, it is necessary to know how and how to paint the staircase.

In this case, preparatory work is reduced to the removal of rust. To do this, the Bulgarian with a rigid wire brush, sandpaper or special solvents can be used.

After the rust is removed, the metal surface is degreased covered with primer. Painting the stairs can be carried out only after the primer is completely dried. Places where there was a rust, it is recommended to treat particularly carefully.

If you work with a staircase on which there are welded seams, then be sure to work them up to the brilliance.

The coating of the metal staircase should be highly resistant to abrasion and environmental impacts. Selecting the desired enamel or paint , Start directly to apply paintwork. If the staircase was painted earlier, apply a coating on a small area. In case, after drying, the paint lies well and the old layer does not shine through it, you can continue to work. If the quality does not satisfy you, the old paint will have to be removed.

Painting steps should be carried out especially carefully, it is usually applied twice as many layers than on other elements.

Painting concrete staircase

Painting concrete not only gives the product a more attractive form, but also protects the surface from premature wear, damage, impact of atmospheric factors.

The following options are possible:

  1. adding coloring pigments to the concrete mixture;
  2. painting is already the finished staircase, as in the case of a wooden or metal structure.

In the first case, special pigments are used, which are resistant to moisture and sun rays. To achieve cleaner tones, it is recommended to use a white concrete. This method allows to obtain a more rich color and uniform coating. The disadvantage can be attributed to the high cost, labor intensity and impossibility of use for ready-made concrete stairs.

The second option provides that stair marches are covered with special colon paints:

  • one;
  • acrylic;
  • polyurethane.

At the preliminary preparation stage, the staircase is polished to eliminate irregularities and ground to ensure better clutch with the surface. And then, deciding in what color to paint the staircase, you apply a coating on the steps with a wide roller with a pile of medium length.

All photos from the article

A tree is an excellent environmentally friendly natural material, it creates a special cozy and warm atmosphere in the house. But in kind of life, the service life of such products is small, and the price for the treatment of the staircase professionals is often frightened. Therefore, more and more people think about how to properly paint the wooden staircase with their own hands.

Specialists of our site conducted an analysis and collected for you the basic recommendations on the technology of work.

Collecting composition for staining

The question is the better to paint the wooden staircase in the house, at the preparation stage is hardly the most important thing. After all, even if you have a well-own brush and perform all the stages correctly, the error in choosing the composition may be all efforts to reduce no ().

Oil covering paints are an excellent option if the preservation of texture and natural wood color is not planned initially. Alkyd compositions are more suitable for ninety clean wood. Uretano-alkyd paints are used when re-staining and for external work.

There are dense and ready oil paints. For the preparation of your own hands of a dense composition, a coloring powder with a oliff should be stirred. For external work, denselyty compositions are made on a natural olife, for internal - on synthetic.

Enamels are most often used for internal work. Here we have a wide color palette and a record rapid drying time.

But durability such groups cannot boast. Plus enamel possess a glossy surface that from a practical point of view, there is little suitable for stairs.

Lucky are the most popular compositions when staining stairs. With their help, you can select the texture, save the natural color of the material or, on the contrary, toned surface.

The assortment of varnishes is huge and this topic is worthy of a separate article, within the framework of this narration we only note that alcohol basis formulations are used for premises. External work is carried out by nitrocellulose-based varnishes.

Impregnation and simulators are another fairly large group of compositions providing protection and tinting of wood at the initial stage. It is not necessary to neglect them, because thanks to them, your staircase will not be interested in various kinds of livestock. Plus some impregnations protect the tree from ignition.

Tip: To give your stairs to a special unique velvet shine, polythip is used. It makes no sense to talk about specific compositions, as for each type of paint or varnish, its own type of political is produced. Plus, application instructions may be different.

Technology performing work

Painting of wooden stairs The process is relatively not complicated and can cope with it, if you wish, almost everyone can. But here you should consider a number of important nuances.

First, each breed of wood responds in its own way to staining. Secondly, it is important to decide whether you want to leave a natural pattern and the color visible, or give the product another look. Plus wood needs preliminary preparation.

Preparation of stairs

  • If you are going to save the material in the original form, as well as when it is planned to be lightweight, initially an array needs to be polished and deleted. And this should be done twice with an interval in a couple of days. After the first processing, the surface is aligned and a pile rises in a couple of days. The second processing is needed to bring the array to the perfect state.
  • Next, the array should be treated with a veneer or impregnation, the amount of application here is determined visually, depending on which tonality you wish to achieve. Lacquer or translucent paint is applied only after complete impregnation drying.

  • If a cardinal change is planned, the instruction will be a bit different. It starts all about it also, the whole surface is well polished. But immediately after the first grinding and dedusting, all chips of deepening or other irregularities will need to shap. Moreover, the putty is selected by the color of the future coating. This is especially important before painting a wooden staircase in white. After all, the white can see all the smallest defects and the appealing stains of other colors.

Tip: If the staircase has already been painted, and you do not know which composition was used, then for the start, apply an urethane-alkyd composition, which you plan to paint, at a rapid place and leave for a couple of days. If the paint lay down without problems, then it can be continued, in the case when the surface was swollen, we will have to rinse the old coating or to consider it with a spatula and a construction dryer.

  • Before painting the wooden staircase in the house, keep in mind that the best compositions lay on the deciduous species of wood.
  • Young or raw wood will work as a sponge, for her there will be little traditional 2 - 3 layers, some species of varnishes and paints will have to be applied to 5 - 7 times.
  • In the case when the design is old or assembled from particularly strong rocks, then before painting the wooden staircase on the street or in the house, it will definitely need to be braced well. Otherwise, the paint will be bad and simply drain from the array.

Work with coniferous rocks

The price of coniferous rocks is hardly the most affordable. In addition, working with such a board is simple and nice, plus this array is quite easy to toned giving him the kind of expensive wood. As a result, a good half of the structures is made precisely from coniferous varieties.

But there is a substantial minus here. All coniferous rocks are distinguished by a high resin content. If you do not delete it, then specially scenar saws will be darken and stand out.

Any coloring or toning makeup will fall unevenly, some helmets on the resin are not taken at all.

You can remove the resin in whole or in part. For partial treatment, a solution of technical acetone is quite suitable, 25% of the composition is sufficient. It should be applied to an array with a brush, after which it is thoroughly washed off with plenty of warm water and dry.

For complete removal of the resin, you will need a special composition, which is very realistic to prepare with your own hands at home. 50g potash is added to the liter of hot water and approximately the same food soda.

After the stirring, 30 - 40 g of chips of the economic soap, 200g of technical acetone and 10g alcohol are falling asleep. After monasticing, the board is also washed with warm water and dried.

Having learned how much how much it costs to paint the staircase, many are solved to master this skill on their own. It is not surprising that all stair works are not cheap, because To achieve a long-term and beautiful result, they require a clear compliance with technology. Painting his staircase once in the house or on the street, you will gain invaluable experience, thanks to which restoration of the coating after many years can also be yours. In addition, all painting work with the selection of colors of paint and varnish is quite interesting and does not require special physical strength.

The need to paint stairs

Wood stairs, like ladders from metal and other materials, are subjected to multiple external influences, which, in the absence of due protection, quickly lead them into disrepair. First, these are constant mechanical impacts from walking in steps and keeping the handrail. It is not surprising that it is the steps and stair spans that are erased and dirt faster. It is these sites that need to pay special attention when applying the finish coating. From how to paint the stairs, the duration of use of it without restoration depends. Secondly, the staircase, wherever it been, is subjected to fluctuations in humidity and temperatures, which over time can affect her strength and appearance. If the sun's rays fall on wooden steps, they are also important to protect them from drying out.

How to paint the stairs in the house

When choosing a coating for a staircase, we should consider the tree of wood from which it is made, the color of wood and the conditions of the ladder. Thus, coniferous rocks (pine, spruce, fir) tend to extract resin, worsening wood clutch with paint and varnish materials. Deciduous breeds are deprived of this property, and nothing to fear with them. In addition, the needles inhomogeneously absorbs the liquid part of the paint or varnish. More loose wood absorbs more, and tight and old less, which is why paints and varnish materials need to be applied in many layers.


Choosing in what color to paint the staircase, it is worth picking up as close as possible to a natural shade, so as not to spoil the natural appearance of the breed. Choosing in what color to paint the staircase, you should decide on the type of paint. Pigmented finishing materials are good because they hide many shortcomings when assembling, the staircase can be putty. But at the same time, many external dignity of natural wood also turn out to be hidden under the paint layer.

Subject to the location of the stairs inside the house, where adverse effects are slightly, oil paints will come on an artificial olife or even cellulose coatings. If the outdoor staircase, only paint is needed on a natural olife. For painting the stairs, the alkyd paint Tikkurila Empire is suitable, because It is easy to apply a brush. On the wooden surfaces are also exactly without inclects, the paints of Betlarux and Pesto fall. Uretano-alkyd paint Betholux is ideal for previously painted surfaces, but it is not enough to wear to wear with frequent use, not suitable for crowded rooms. Pesto alkyd paint is stronger and suitable for raw rooms or rooms requiring frequent washing, such as children's.


Colorless varnishes are good because they do not hide, but emphasize the natural texture of the wood. Their advantage is also that they will dry very quickly and are easy to use. Also-based varnishes and nitrocellulose varnishes. The first are a resin in an organic solvent, and used exclusively for internal stairs, because The film is insufficiently frost and moisture resistant when soaring such a coating. If you plan to cover a lacquer street ladder, use a nitrocellulose material containing colloxylin and plasticizers in its composition, strengthening coating.

The most proven in the market such manufacturers of varnishes as Parade and Trae Lyx. The lacquer of German production Parade is distinguished by high wear resistance and convenience in work due to rapid drying. He also does not have so sharp caustic odor as some others. Dutch varnishes TRAE LYX differ even greater strength and resistance to wear, because Their solid component is 35%. This property allows them to use them to cover the steps of public buildings. This varnish is absolutely transparent, uniformly covers the surface, without changing the degree of shine at different angles of the gaze. And despite so many advantages, he still has one drawback, namely for a long time drying. The full load on the steps can be given only 7 days after applying.


After applying a varnish or paint, the stage can still not have a finished species. So that the tree is sparkling, overflowing into the sun, it can be covered with politatura. The color of the polish is chosen under the color of wood, but so as not to dow place the breed. The polytema is applied with brush or rag, the surface is cleaned before that. Polishing on nitroosna is applied only on nitrocellulose varnishes and paints.


They simultaneously give the desired color to the stairs, and protect it from adverse effects due to the formation of a dense film. Enamel is obtained by mixing a colorless lacquer with a pigment. Apply an aerosol enamel, and before spraying, it is necessary to thoroughly mix its contents. Calm enamel is a gel consistency substance. After stirring by shaking, it becomes liquid. There are special metal balls inside the aerosol, which shack the material.

Italian SIRCA enamel is characterized by high superficial strength and yellowing resistance. The enamel of this brand is produced both glossy and matte. Fast drying for 60 minutes and sufficient working hours makes it easy to cover the staircase such enamel yourself. Swedish varnishes and enamel Synteko have proven well. They will suit those who try to make their dwelling as environmentally friendly, because This company does not add NMP polymers, harmful to humans to Laco-colorful products.


The impregnations of the type of vehicle or pinotex do not just give the tree color, they have antiseptic and fire-repellent properties. And on top of them you can apply any finishing varnish. It is preferable to use impregnations on an oil or wax basis for stairs, especially if you work with them for the first time. It is such impregnations that can be applied in several layers, without fearing to lubricate or make a stain, in contrast to alcohol and nitropropites that are instantly absorbed. Impregnation can be sold in the form of a finished solution or powder that needs to be diluted with water. In addition, it does not need a sprayer or spray gun for applying oil veil, it is easy to produce a brush.

How to paint the stairs do it yourself

Surface preparation

In order for the surface of the steps to be smooth, they will sweat and grind them. Puttles pick up the color of the tree. After drying, they start grinding sandpaper or cycles. After the first grinding, take a break in a few days, so that the pile rose, and then grind clean. Under the applying paint, the surface is ground, applying the soil on all surfaces 2 times.


It is important to know what and how to paint the staircase. Apply the paint or impregnation of the type of vehicle best of all the sprayer. There are pneumatic and electric sprinkles, with their help layer applied more evenly. But if there is no sprayer, you can use ordinary brushes. For more thick, stretching and slowly dry paints, bristle brushes are preferable. For liquid coatings, flat soft hair brushes are better fit. They are also called flots. The length of the hair of such a brush should be roughly twice the diameter. To apply thick paints, the length of the bristles should be less, and for liquid paints - more. When working, the brush must be kept at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface covered. To clean the brush from the paint at the end of the work, you can dip it into a turbine or a special solvent.

Even experienced masters do not everyone know how to properly paint the staircase, because The result is always evaluated purely subjective. Do not everyone know that the coating is applied in 2-3 layers only after complete drying of the previous one. The brush is impregnated evenly distributed over the entire surface of the stage so that there are no special divorces. First, color one side of the stage, then, turning over, apply impregnation to the opposite direction. At the same time, smoothly cover the entire step, you need to have time before drying the coating so that there are no visible sublishes. In order to turn the wooden step, it was easier, and the impregnation is less smeared, it is convenient to use wooden stands. If the first layer of paint or varnish is applied along the fibers of the wood, then the second must be applied across. The third layer is again applied along, so the step is scratched most carefully. Do not forget to stir periodically paint, it will protect you from education at the bottom of the lumps and sediment.

Laco coating

Applying a varnish coating on wood should be carried out in the most clean room so that the dust does not settle for fresh coating. Before applying the stage itself or the baluster, they are also thoroughly clean and polished. If the tree has a defect, then under the varnish it can also be neatly sculpted using a putty under the color of wood. Wide parts are lacquered by a sprayer, and a narrow - thin brush. When working with varnishes, it is important to protect the skin of the hands and the respiratory organs from toxic substances.

To give a presentable view of a wooden staircase, it is processed and use various coatings. Varnish is the most popular finishing material. Before painting the staircase from pine or oak in the house, it is necessary to prepare the design to the coating.

This material is a solution, when applied, a film forms on the wood surface. If there is no experience with lacquer, then it arises a completely natural question, how to choose the right painting for a wooden staircase?

There are several types:

  • resin solutions on alcohol basis;
  • nitrocellulosic;
  • formaldehyde;
  • alkyd;
  • acrylic;
  • based on organic solvents.

Lucky on an alcohol basis possess important positive qualities - the ability to quickly dry and high strength. They are very easy to apply, but they have low moisture resistance. Nitrocellulosic, on the contrary, are distinguished by resistance to moisture. Consist of a mixture of plasticizer, colloxylin and resin.

If the staircase is coated with formaldehyde varnish, the design will become more resistant to wear. Parts included in the resin, improve the grip of the lacquer with wood. The only drawback is toxicity and a characteristic smell that it is difficult to withdraw.

The alkyd varnish is very deeply penetrated into the wood, but despite this, it does not differ in strength. Quickly susceptible to wear and after some time the surface of the ladder will lose aesthetic appearance. More often, this material uses rarely operated products and elements to cover.
However, alkyd-urethane varnish is suitable for painting the stairs with their own hands on the street. The design covered with this material is less slippery, which reduces the risk of injury during the winter period.

Varnish, made on the basis of water, is well suited for coating staircases, especially if it consists of 2 components. If a solvent is used as a base, such a paintwork is one of the most reliable and persistent.

It is important to understand that, depending on the wood breed and the selected coating, the result will differ. For example, if the staircase is made of coniferous wood - pine, spruce and others, it is better to be treated with an opaque varnish. The secret of the unsightly appearance of such wood lies in the greater resin content.


If larchs or other species are chosen as a material, you can use a transparent painting, which will allow to emphasize the natural texture.

What varnish to choose.

Types of varnishing

Among all paints and varnishes, 2 main: transparent and opaque. Experts recommend using a transparent varnish if wood is deprived of any defects. Most often choose wood species that possess a characteristic picture:

If there are minor defects, but the wood as a whole is excellent, you can cover the primer to hide them. Before applying, you should make sure that the surface is clean and dry, so that the finish has been made as high quality.

If defects are large and hide them fail, for example, pine, then you need to cover with an opaque varnish. Usually the second layer is applied on top of the first to reach the desired effect. It is impossible to apply lacquer if the tree was covered with another material.

First of all, it is necessary to clean the surface from previous varnish coatings, dirt or nails, to apply several layers of primer using a brush or spacing and only after that you can move to the finishing step.

Instructions for applying

Before starting work, you need to wear safety glasses, gloves and respirator. The finish must be performed in a well-ventilated room. Paint and varnish coatings have a different degree of toxicity and no matter what material the staircase is to be processed, it is better to be restrained and secure yourself and their health.

To cover the staircase with paint and varnish material, you will need:

  • turpentine,
  • brushes,
  • metal brush or grinding tool.

The finishing of liquid compositions should be carried out with the help of brushes with a natural pile, and dense - round hair.

First of all, the surface of the wooden staircase from the previous coating, dirt, dust, fat is cleared. A similar procedure must be done carefully, the smoothness of the coating depends on it.

If it is necessary to work with liquid compositions, then the pile must be 2 times longer than the diameter of the brush. If the choice fell on thick formulations, then the pile, on the contrary, should be shorter. Tassel must be dipped in varnish, and then clean with a chippidar. Further actions should be performed on a very simple instruction.

In the presence of any defects, the finish should be performed only after the priming. Varnish must be carefully stirred so that there are no formations. To achieve the best result you need to keep a brush at a right angle. Otherwise, the layer will be applied unevenly, which can affect the end result. The designs must be covered with wide stripes on the entire surface, after which it is necessary to go again, smoothing the irregularities.

High-quality tassels are distinguished by reliable fastening of villi, but nothing can be guaranteed 100%. So that after drying, there were no unpleasant surprises, it is better to check the wooden staircase for a pile. It is also worth stirring a paint material not only before starting work, but also periodically on time.

Coating ladder varnish.

Balusine varnish coating and stairs pillars.

Finishing inside will be done much easier and faster if you disassemble the stairs in advance. Each part can be covered in a comfortable environment, and there will also be access to all corners.

The coating of the lacquers in the disassembled state.

Before starting work, all the details are recommended to degrease the special impregnation. For the staircase, it is better to use only reliable and proven varieties of varnish. They differ in characteristic densely, high strength and spread significantly less, very convenient to use. The other side of the coin - such paints and varnish materials are significantly more expensive and they are not so easy to find them. But, if you think about, it is better to acquire a really high-quality varnish that will last a long time. If it was not possible to find or funds do not allow, you can use a good parquet composition.

Acrylic paint coating is inferior in its properties 2-component polyurethane composition made on the basis of the solvent. It is worth understanding that the staircase refers to the designs that are quite intensively exploited. Therefore, it is better to stop the selection on the semiam coating. This is due to the fact that it remains less traces.

To darken the shade of wood, it is better to use a veil, and not colored varnish. The simulation is absorbed into the tree to a depth of up to a few millimeters. This means that even if the wood is to wear out and weigh, it will not change its color. To slow down this process and add coating strengths, you must apply an additional layer of transparent paintwork, which is the final stage.