Repairs Design Furniture

Non-flat products from wood with their own hands. Self-timers made of wood with their own video. Cheerful decorations for giving

People decorated with their own hands from ancient times. Initially, the craftsmen used for this herriad of nature, then learned to produce stuff from metal, and many synthetic materials appeared in the era of the development of the chemical industry, which are successfully used in modern design.

Of course, it is stupid to abandon the amenities that appeared with the development of the industry and new technologies in the manufacture of furniture, decor items, but so you want to revive the house, create a special atmosphere of comfort with natural materials in any room! And the best of the materials for this was all times and the Majesty tree remains and remains.

Real masters create magnificent carved panels, exclusive wood furniture, amazing paintings in the marquetry style. To implement the most bold ideas in the interior, skill, artistic taste, special tools, knowledge and skills. But anyone can do uncomplicated decorations with their own hands.

Beautiful wood decor

The easiest way to use a tree is to abandon plastic frames, put wooden doors, get furniture from a solid array. This material has the ability to breathe. Wooden frames on the windows will allow you to maintain a pleasant atmosphere in a room.

Furniture set of natural wood is able to give any apartment a feeling of goodness, wealth, to speak on an independent decoration of the house. True, not everyone can afford such a luxury. However, even several items are able to change the appearance of a modern apartment. Very profitable look at any interior:

    the coffee table, for the finishing of the surface of which the technique of Marquetry or Spike of valuable breed was applied;

    armchair swept from a solid massif;

    wooden stands for home plants;

    open shelves.

Design decoration tree

Contemporary wood decor do it yourself

Decor's idea with do-it-yourself

Therefore, if it is not possible to furnish your housing by expensive furniture, it is enough to purchase one or two products, or decorate the already existing furniture, applying a decorative tree for the interior, with your own hands.

As for the doors - then the options are many. In order to isolate the room, you can install:

    Solid doors made of natural boards;

    Set from the rails of the canvas;

    Doors with glazing;

    Sliding doors;

    Doors - "Shirma" in a common room, folding "accordion".

The last two options allow substantially saving the space of small rooms. You can make such doors with your own hands, or order an experienced master.

Decorating with wood with your own hands

Beautiful wood decor

Tree in the interior do it yourself: advantages

Since wood is one of the natural materials, it has a lot of advantages for making various items with their own hands:

    Environmental Safety. You can use in the interior of any room without prejudice to health. In addition, according to popular beliefs, wood is capable of healing - for example, the dies from Osin remove inflammation, and oak - give the strength to a weakened organism.

    Practically free: she is lying on us literally under their feet - they will go squirts, dried bumps of trees, which can be found in the nearest sheet. Dachini most often burned waste, which appeared as a result of cleaning and thinning the garden. And you can not burn all these rusties, and you can perform beautiful accessories from them that can add individuality in your interior, put it with your own soul.

    The ability to create decor from wood with your own hands. Nature is unique, and you will not find two absolutely identical branches. Therefore, working with natural material, you every time create unique things that will give your home your special style and attractiveness. In addition, there will be a reason to boast before friends with its fantasy and skillful hands.

Design decoration tree

Contemporary wood decor do it yourself

Decor's idea with do-it-yourself

Decorations for the house of wood cuts

Anyone who knows how to keep the hammer in the hands and other simple tools, cutting the tree with their own hands for the interior to get the appropriate material. Wood can be cleaned in advance from the bark, or leave the original form - everything depends on what kinds of wood you have and where are you going to stick wooden dies.

Here are just a few ideas where ordinary weighs of the tree will be useful in the interior:

    decoration of walls slices of logs;

    production of furniture;

    decor of individual furniture items with wooden dies of various diameters.

Decorating with wood with your own hands

Beautiful wood decor

Decor of wood do it yourself for walls

If you decide to apply a tree to decorate the walls, you can do it in two ways:

    covered with wooden dies the surface of one or all walls in the room;

    select a separate segment of the wall and arrange it as a panel.

The first option is not suitable for each room - it will fit better in the interior of the veranda, corridors stylized under the country kitchen or homemade baths. But for decorating a separate section of the wall you can show all your fantasy. It can be:

    Apron for kitchen or panel over the working area. Beautiful sleeves are obtained from different wood breeds - apple trees, pears, plums, cherries, walnut, ash, where everyone has its own unique color. You will remain well polling the surface of the dies and cover the bright web with a protective layer of colorless varnish.

    In the interior of the children's room, beautiful panels made of wooden sleeves, made in the form of stylized butterflies, colors or a whole fabulous landscape.

    For the decor of the walls of the spacious corridor, we can take wooden squigs found in the forest and nature. If you do some of them, leaving one side untouched, then on one of the walls will appear in color flowers, each of which will be unique in its natural beauty.

Design decoration tree

Contemporary wood decor do it yourself

Decor's idea with do-it-yourself

Transform furniture

To arrange the interior of the tree with your own hands, you can use the already existing objects of old furniture. Decorated with dies of different breeds of a tree, she will acquire a second life and perfectly fit into the interior.

The main rule that should be observed - all work should be carried out without a rush, very carefully to get the desired effect:

    Pick up the branches of the desired wood rocks of a small diameter;

    Well dry them, remove the bore, if necessary;

    Cut the dice of the same thickness using a jigsaw or a grinder;

    Collect the surface of the sleeves with sandpaper on both sides;

    Prepare the furniture that you are going to transform: Clean it from the old paint, varnish, align the surfaces of the grinding;

    Clepping the heel glue for wood - carpentry or pva.

    Let them dry, then cover the surface treated with colorless varnish.

Thus, you can decorate the chest of drawers, the old cabinet, the table and other furniture items.

Decorating with wood with your own hands

Beautiful wood decor

Decor items

In addition to the already listed techniques, you can make other items of wood decor with your own hands. It looks original in the interior of the cabinet amateur photo or small pictures placed in a frame made from thin twigs. It is easy to cut into 3-4 thin branches, a little more than the size of the photo, and link them around the perimeter in the places of compounds with ordinary harness or twine.

By the same principle you can make a stand from pencils:

    Cut the top part from the plastic bottle or tin can, so that the cup is, where you can add pencils.

    Cut thin branches so that their length is slightly larger than the height of the obtained glass;

    Stick them with an adhesive gun and tie over several twine or twine twists.

Design decoration tree

Contemporary wood decor do it yourself

Decor's idea with do-it-yourself

Showing a little fantasy and smelting, you can make a stand for a phone using twigs, a plastic bottle or a tin jar from under the juice. And if you work a little, you can, using suitable solid spears, hollow out the docking station for the iPhone or the original candlestick.

Spile suitable diameter can be used for manufacture with your own hands:

    original coats under cups in the form of topographic symbols;

    from the bottle of an unusual form of the original vessel, saving its surface with wooden dies;

    stands are hot, the basis for which a plywood sheet of any form can serve.

Decorating with wood with your own hands

Beautiful wood decor

A bottle of wine, saved by wooden spil, can be used as a basis for a lamp in Eco interior. It is suitable for shameter from the usual cotton rope, which needs to be wounded on the already ready metallic, or made of wooden rod framework.

We have offered you only a few ideas of wood jewelry with your own hands for the interior. There are still many options how to perform wooden decorations and beautiful accessories with your own hands using other gifts of nature. It all depends on the overall design, your fantasy and present materials.

Video: Decor of wood do it yourself

For many, the household plot today is not only a garden, but also a place for family holidays. I want to equip it so that everything is comfortable, and children are also fun.

The material for the landscape decor often use wood. Moreover, it is not necessary to buy it.

You can put into the course of waste from the construction of the surplus buildings, a spoken tree, a wooden pillar, squigs from the neighboring forest, etc.

Moreover, make crafts from wood with your own hands.


Gazebo, pergola, sandbox, veranda, well - these and other structures made of wood, look very impressive. For their manufacture, you can use a timber, rails, logs.

But these are all quite traditional materials. And you can search in the forest fell by wind trunks of trees, drink logs of the same length, remove the bark (or not to remove) and insert them into the ground, after processing the underground part with a special composition that will save the tree from rotting.

The roof of the arbor can be made of straw or zeal. It turns out something like a bungalow. Very creative.


In summer cottages are popular to crafts from Woodwood. It can be a wall of the arbor, some of the fence, garden sculptures. And this is a suitable material for a garden path.

You need to cut the log or a few bemps across. Circles can have a different diameter, but the thickness should be equal to everyone. The same thickness need to cut thin lanes and branches.

If wood is flooded inside insects, it is better not to use it, since such a track will last long.

For future expensive, you need to dig a trench with a depth of 10 cm. Its length and width arbitrary, at the request of the owners. Pleep the trench of sand and tamper it. To lay first spears with the largest diameter. Between them smaller.

Spils from the branches need to fill the remaining free space. Slots fall asleep earth or sand. The track will be more interesting if there is a lawn grass seeds in the ground between the sleeves.


For the fence, you can use a wooden stakenik - more or less straight sticks with a diameter of up to 5 cm. To do this, in the forest, get the branches and remove the bark with them. If some of them have small bitches or horns at the end, it will be even more interesting.

The fence can be not only external, but also inside the area for zoning space. It can be an openwork pareette wall, along which, if desired, you can plant the curly plants or hang pots with petunias or ampellast plants.


Of course, the first who will appreciate the dignity of semicircular bridges in the country are children. But adults, the type of such decorative elements is delivering and pacifies. Well, if there is an artificial reservoir on the site. The bridge will look more natural.

But there are some nuances.

  • First, for such a craft you need a lot of logs.
  • Secondly, not every owner knows how to make a bridge of a more complex modification, for example, a semicircular one.
  • Thirdly, you just don't go to the forest and do not drink trees, for this it is necessary to resolve the relevant authorities, and this is quite expensive.


Under the flowerbed you can adapt stump from the sawing tree, trunk, log, massive is fully. To do this, you need to hollow out the deepening with the help of the chisels and the hammer.


If it is a stump, then the recess hollow out on the height, if it is a lying log, then in its side part. You can turn the old snag into an oak animal. The earth is embanked and seedlings are saturated.

Garden furniture

DIY for the vegetable garden can become quite functional if the role of garden furniture will perform. Of course, it is necessary to have certain skills to work with wood and professional tools.

All the same logs, lamps will be suitable as the starting material, and a great bench can be obtained from the stump. For a tabletop of a garden table, you can use a thick faeer.

Since all these items will be an open-air round day, it is necessary to take care of waterproofing, protection against mold and drying. And all the surfaces should be carefully polished and sandwicked so that the offices do not spoil the rest outside the city.


It is possible to equip it around the stump from the sawing tree. The stump itself is easy to turn into a dwarf house, equipping it with a beautiful tiled roof, door, windows and other accessories. In search of a photo of wood crafts on the Internet easily find examples of such houses.

You can arrange various garden wooden sculptures and toys around the house: a rocking horse, a car, animals from round sleep. And of course a sandbox with a roof.


Older children can be attracted to the arrangement of the playground, taking them to manage them with a hammer, a planer and other tools. Baby crafts from the tree will come to the soul and themselves, and their friends, and adults.

In the playground, using logs and flights, you can arrange a real training base, if you arrange and insert them in the form of a ladder, lay out a labyrinth, make a swing, hang logs on 20 cm chains from the ground and build a swinging path. It all depends on the number of material and fantasy owners.

It is only important to comply with safety and use for any element of the playground only strong wood. The foundations of all sports shells and buildings should be concreted as followed. All the swirls and jar of spinal and ground and ground.

A lot of variety of trees made of wood for cottages and a garden can be viewed on the Internet. The main thing is to have quality material.

Stock Foto Crafts from wood


The house is the most pleasant place on earth and is even more pleasant from what no one will indicate you how to design it. If you like natural materials like me, then make some pleasant things from the tree with your own hands. Then your soul looking at it will rest. Yes, and living in the place where the nature of nature is felt will be much more pleasant.

There are many different crafts from wood, but I most like unusual and stylish, such that easily fit into the design of the city apartment and made it unique. For example, the interior of any room in the house will convert products from the spikes of a tree. Such crafts will donate those who love the Loft style. Here are 8 simple ideas for beginners that can be made of wood with your own hands.

Wood products do it yourself for interior

There are many ideas for furniture made of spikes of wood and various home accessories. All of them are very stylish. Here are the options that I like most. I hope you want to do something similar for the design of your apartment.

1. This chandelier Just unique. She will amaze all your guests.

2. Frame for the picture or photo Made by a simple way. Get small sections of branches on the basis and décor for the home is ready! And if you glue the picture right onto a drink, it turns out even better.

3. hoursBased on which the tree is very original. From them it is impossible to take a look! The clockwork can be found in the store for creativity (for example, Leonardo). Then in a thin killy, in the middle of the samples a hole through which output the arrows holder (the mechanism remains with the back side of the sleeve), then attach the arrow to it. Draw the dial, decorate metal numbers or leave the cut empty - ready! It turns out very original crafts with their own trees.

4. Table do it yourself from wood You can do looking at the instructions below. The main thing is to find the big spoke of the tree of an unusual shape. Attach the finished knife to it and your country table is ready! This wooden drink is really a cool form!

Here's how to make a table of wood with your own hands

  1. Cut or find an unnecessary fruit tree.
  2. Cropped off from it with a thickness of at least 5 cm.
  3. Clean the flat side cuts.
  4. Process the wood by the verse for underlining the invoice or leave as it is.
  5. Find metal legs for the table.
  6. Screw legs.
  7. Install the table in the house or in the country.
  8. Enjoy your creative treacherous coffee table!

A simple and concise table for giving with their own hands, and how elegantly looks!

5. Natural finish with solis - This is a composition where each element is unique. Figure on the spire and its form - unique ...

6. Exclusive epoxy and wood table Decorate the kitchen, the living room of the country house ,.

Only an hour of time and penny costs - and you have an original board or a tray of drinking wood.

How to make your own tray tree

  1. Use a rigid wire brush to stripping a crust from moss and wood chips.
  2. Clean both sides of the sandpaper with a graininess of 150, then 220. Ideally use the grinding machine, but also to clean it manually will be difficult.
  3. Pour the mineral oil into the area of \u200b\u200bthe spike and carry a dry clean rag before absorption. After 30 minutes, apply the second layer and allow the oil to absorb during the night.
  4. After the finishing layer is completely dry, the board is ready for use.

And how great on such a product from the tree looks like a snack to blame!

8. Wood products with their own hands Simply transform an apartment to an exquisite place of rest and recovery.

Experiment and create an image that can be made of wood with your own hands, my head, then embody it into life. Special skills or knowledge will not be required, just adhere to the basic rules for choosing materials and processing tools. After all, why spend big money for the work of the designer, if you are able to cope with this task with your own hands. And be sure to tell friends how to create a stylish and eco-friendly design indoors!

Tree crafts are a wonderful decision, thanks to which you easily decorate your interior with an ease, because they are able to make sophistication to the familiar setting. Decorative products made of wood do not cease to be in fashion, because they are very appreciated by their aesthetic species and unique beauty of natural wood.

This craft came to us from the distant past, it was from those times when our ancestors were pulled out and invented many beautiful and useful items made of natural wood.

To all, I would like to add that this time there is a mass of tools that significantly facilitate this occupation. The original trees made from the tree made personally, can become an amazing and pleasant gift for your loved ones and relatives.

What is it worth starting so exciting and useful occupation?

To begin with, we advise you to study the elementary instructions and drawings for crafts from the tree and then start this interesting things. This will also require some materials. Perhaps every home has non-demand wooden boards, fiberboard or chipboard. Otherwise, you will have to purchase them in a construction supermarket.

Simple drawings of crafts for beginners

If you live in the country or in a country house, then in any in your site, or near, trees are defined. Wood is an incredibly universal natural material, with which you can independently create a sufficient amount of useful things and decorative souvenirs.

There is a lot of master classes on the crafts from the tree, who will introduce you to all the subtleties in the process of working with wood. And they will pump you to a huge number of ideas that can be easily implemented with ease.

What will be required to start

A small sheet of plywood or other pressed wood chips, electric jigsaw, grinding machine (you can do and grinding paper, this process will take more time, but it is less expensive), high-quality glue, a simple pencil.

We listed the most basic tools that will be needed in any case, despite the way you are going to do. We bring to your attention a photo of a tree crafts in the form of a bird feeder ...

Universal craft from a tree, from which, perhaps, many are facing - this is a feeder for birds. This is a very useful thing that attracts your decorative decoration and at the same time benefits a winged.

Its service life may be long, if you pre-treat with special protective equipment (varnish, veneer, paint), which will be protected from the external environment. This lesson is very fascinating, so you can make it with children, because it will cause them a real delight, and will lead the true feeling to create good.

In addition to this useful thing, you can make other decorative crafts that will become an impressive decoration for your garden. For example: Owl, will be a pleasant decoration at the entrance.

From small twigs of trees, you can create a subframe for photos, which can later serve as a pleasant surprise for an expensive person.

Cute little things can also be mastered from the bark of various breeds of trees (oak, ash, acacia, chestnut, birch).

An interesting decision will be - to build decorative magnets on the fridge from the tree bark. This original idea will not leave anyone indifferent.

A classic option for crafts from a tree is plywood. From her, without much effort, you can cut any animal, subsequently coloring it with bright colors. This method will help you together with children will unite, and do such an entertaining business.

From durable wooden rails, you can make it possible to make children's swings in the garden, beautiful decorative fences for small parisades. Spit tree by half rings about a height of 60-80 centimeters, you will provide yourself and your loved ones, real chairs - foams for a pleasant stay in the garden.

Do not be afraid to experiment, create, let the will of fantasy, and you will certainly get everything!

Stock Foto Crafts from wood