Repairs Design Furniture

Soundproofing of public premises and offices. High-quality noise insulation of walls in an apartment and a private house. Modern materials guarantee efficacy sound insulation from air noise

Noise - This is an erratic combination of sounds of different intensity and frequency arising from mechanical oscillations in solid, liquid and gaseous media. It adversely affects the human body, and primarily on its central, nervous and cardiovascular system. The noise spreading through the air can be significantly reduced by means of a device on its way of soundproofing obstacles in the form of walls of partitions, overlaps, special soundproofing housings and screens. Essence of sound insulation Fencing is that the greatest part of the energy falling on it is reflected and only a minor part penetrates through the fence . Sound absorption - This is the property of building materials and structures to absorb the energy of sound oscillations. Sound absorption is associated with the conversion of sound oscillations in heat due to friction losses in sound-absorbing channels.

Methods and means of protection against noise in buildings:

1) Surround-planning solution.

a) zoning "noisy" and "quiet" premises. Noisy: staircases, garbage disposals. Quiet: bedrooms, children's, audiences. Neutral: bathroom, kitchen, corridor.

b) Mutual location of the premises.

c) the form of premises

2) Constructive decisions

a) fitting the mating surfaces

b) device of elastic overlap pads

c) soft floors

d) partition device

e) Device of thorough partitions

e) increase in the mass of partitions

Acoustics halls

The acoustic quality of the hall is determined by: form, dimensions, outlines and finishing of surfaces. Right from the point of view of acoustic requirements, the choice of these parameters is a guarantee of good acoustics of the future facilities. The close connection of the architectural forms of cultural and spectacular structures with acoustics can be traced throughout almost the entire history of the architecture (the rise of an ancient Greek amphitheater ensures not only the good visibility of what is happening on the stage, but also a good hearing of direct sound; in the Roman theaters, the stage part is supplemented with a sound beating visor and side surfaces, thanks to What the structure of sound reflections in the amphitheater is significantly enriched; to improve hearing the speech of the preacher of the medieval cathedral of his department, it was usually highlighted high, and an audio-reflective visor was arranged above it)

With the development of electronic technology, it was possible to analyze the initial part of the reverb process in more detail, characterized by the so-called structure of early sound reflections. The development of architectural acoustics as science has had a very significant impact on the design of harvesters. Wide spreads received forms of halls resembling shoes. The width of such halls increases as the scene is removed, and the ceiling is formed in such a way that a large proportion of reflected sound is sent to deleted places. An important element of architecture has become special sound refrigerant surfaces, which are part of the inner surface of the hall or suspended under its ceiling. Such surfaces are usually located near the scene, allow you to improve the distribution of the reflected sound and reduce its delay. In the case of universal and speech halls, these surfaces are made sufficiently large and weakly dismembered. Suspended sound processes are often used to attenuate the focusing effect of a concave ceiling.

The requirement of high diffusion of the sound field, especially important for music halls, has led to strong membership of the surfaces that ensures the scattering of the reflected sound. Soundary structures, very diverse in nature, became an integral part of the interior of many rooms. Often, sound screening structures are placed on concave surfaces in order to eliminate their focusing action. The system of vertical walls in the audience zone also contributes to improving the diffusion of the sound field and enrich the structure of early reflections in the area of \u200b\u200blisteners. Such walls are created as a result of location of places with individual sections at different heights.

A very characteristic feature of modern halls is the use of sound-absorbing finishing of the internal surfaces to adjust the reverb time and the weakening of harmful sound reflections. In recent years, acoustic transformations have been quite widely widely used, during which the hall varies, the amount of sound absorption in it and the location of the recovery surfaces, which allow to adapt the hall to various audio programs.

In a modern concert or theater hall, it is required to provide good visibility, comfort of places, good ventilation and lighting, place a variety of equipment, and finally ensure the versatility of the hall use. All this largely complicates the solution of acoustic tasks. It should not be forgotten that the current trend of the development of architecture (the design of broad and low halls) is unfavorable for acoustics. A certain difficulty lies in the fact that unambiguous relations have not yet been established between the objective acoustic characteristics of music halls and their subjective assessment.

Minimum of unnecessary noise is a prerequisite for comfortable stay in a country house. How to protect the inhabitants of the cottage from unwanted sounds? Need noise insulation of residential premises.

Types of noise

By a method of occurrence, noise can be divided into two categories - air and shock (structural). In the first case, sound oscillations occur and spread in the air, and their source may be both inside the building and outside (human speech, sounds from cars, aircraft, trains, audio and video equipment, etc.). In the second case, the oscillations arise in the thickness of the enclosure design under mechanical exposure to it (walking, drop in items to the floor, vibration when working with engineering equipment, blows with a hammer when driving nails, drilling holes in the wall, etc.). The shock noise is transmitted to other rooms through overlaps and walls, moreover, by significantly long distances than the air (spreading into several floors).

At the project stage: Calculation of sound insulation (noise insulation) of premises

How to protect the house from these noise? Significant effect can be achieved with proper design of the building. If a source of permanent air noise is assumed next to the house (for example, a car track), then it is recommended to pay the facade in its side with a minimum number of windows and doors: it is through them that the most noise penetrates into the house. In addition, the room in the cottage, where there will be an increased noise source (boiler room, home theater, etc.), it is necessary to have a distance from the rooms, where the noise is particularly undesirable, the bedroom, children's room, and the office. It makes sense to provide "noisy" rooms along one wall on one or more floors. And very loudly working autonomous power supply generators are desirable to be installed in a separate structure.

Sound absorption or sound insulation?

Often consumers confuse the concepts of "sound absorption" and "sound insulation". Sound absorption is the process of transition of sound energy into thermal. The value of this indicator depends on the characteristics of the material on the basis of the tests assign the class of sound absorption (classes are denoted by letters a, b, c, d, e, etc., where a is the highest). If we separate the room with fine-layer materials with good sound absorption (usually they are high-resistant - a leaf plug, acoustic plaster based on light aggregates, etc.), it will increase the acoustic comfort inside it, since the finish will absorb redundant sound reflections (reduce the echo). However, it will not solve the question of sound insulation - a significant weakening of sound when it passes through the fence, that is, reduce the transmission of noise to other rooms. Soundproofing is a property of not so many materials as structures (walls, overlaps) capable of partially reflect sound back to the room and partially absorb it. First of all dense and massive single-layer walls and overlaps have high performance protection. So, according to the joint venture 51.13330.2011 "Noise Protection" (this is an updated version of SNiP 23-03-2003), an air noise insulation index R W for partitions between rooms in the apartment should be 43 dB. Such a level of sound insulation with an excess ensures, for example, a wall thickness of one full-length ceramic brick (250 mm): It R W is 54 dB. Or a wall of the same thickness of aerated concrete blocks with a density of 600 kg / m 3: R w - 52 dB. Slightly worse in this design of the design of a slotted ceramic brick or foam concrete blocks. It should be noted that the increase in the thickness of the massive wall is twice as well as the improvement of its sound insulation by only 15-20%.

Single-layer structures, especially significant thickness, due to different reasons (high cost, high weight) are not always applicable (in particular, for the device of interior partitions). Therefore, for noise protection, multilayer structures of less thickness are most often used, as part of which have rigid materials reflecting the sound back to the room (for example, drywall or gypsum-fiber sheets), as well as soft fibrous materials absorbing sound (usually plates or mats on The basis of stone or glass fiber).

Sound insulation partitions: Soundproofing walls of rooms

To reduce air noise transmission beyond the space, it is primarily sound insulation frame partitions. Usually they are metal P-shaped profiles or wooden bars installed on a certain step (most often 600 mm), between which the Muspieces are laid fibrous plates or mats. On both sides, the profiles are trimmed with plasterboard or dry-fiber sheets. The thickness of the fibrous material and the number of sheets of the trim (the standard thickness of one - 12.5 mm) is chosen depending on the requirements for sound insulation. As a rule, the thickness of fibrous plates or mats is 50-100 mm. The frame partition with a 100-mm stove and one GLC on both sides provides an air noise insulation index of 50 dB. Moreover, every additional 50 mM of sound-absorbing material (with a total thickness of no more than 200 mm) increase the level of noise protection by 3-4 dB. Increasing the layer of casing to two sheets on both sides increases R W partitions by another 4-6 dB. From what the frame is made - in terms of sound insulation, the big role does not play: although the metal spends the sound better than wood, the thickness of the metal profile is much less than the thickness of the wooden bar, and the fibrous material completely fills the profile - and in the end, the partition with the metal frame even a little better Protects against noise. But the principal torque is the method of fixing the frame to the walls, ceiling and semi of the room. To avoid the propagation of shock noise between the floors, the joints of the frame and surfaces to which it adjoins, it is necessary to compact with vibration-insulating gaskets - as a rule, tapes made of polyurethane width by about 10 mm less than the width of the framework of the frame.

With the help of such a frame filled with sound-absorbing material, you can additionally insulate from air noise. An already existing single-layer massive partition (brick, reinforced concrete, etc.). Moreover, a number of specialists are not recommended to fix the frame directly to the partition, since the mounting elements will become acoustic bridges through which the shock noise can spread. Better to mount the frame to the ceiling and the floor (necessarily through vibration-insulating gaskets) at a distance of 10 mm from the wall. We add that there are ready-made solutions for sound insulation cladding - frameless sandwich panels consisting of fibrous plates with one or two GKLs glued to them from the outside. The panels are mounted for single-layer partitions using a vibration insulating fastener. The use of such panels - the measure is more expensive, but also more efficient in comparison with the installation of the frame structure, since there are no sound components in the facing.

"Floating" Gender: Soundproofing ceiling and floor

In a country house with overlapping over reinforced concrete plates for isolation of shock and air noise, the so-called floating floor is provided. It is almost always preferable to vibrating the floor of the upper room than the ceiling of the lower, since the ceiling sound insulation does not save from penetration into the shock noise room. "Floating" floor assumes the presence of a sound-absorbing layer, which separates the slab overlap from the cement-sand screed with a thickness of 40-60 mm or a dry screed service that serves as a base for flooring. To this end, it is usually used, as a rule, a plate of glass or stone fiber with high compressive strength capable of withstanding significant loads.

The standard thickness of the sound-absorbing layer is 20-25 mm, while the shock noise reduction index in the design is 35-37 dB. With an increase in the layer thickness to 50 mm, the specified index increases by about 3 dB. Please note: in front of the cement-sandy screed device, it is recommended to be installed on top of the plates of polyethylene film to avoid the penetration of moisture (cement milk) in the stove and seams between them. If this happens, the screed will be pushed, which can lead to its cracking. In addition, fragments of the screed can become sound-wire inclusions in the floor design. Another important point: on the perimeter of the floor for the entire height of the screed, too, it is necessary to lay the sound-absorbing material (forming a kind of bath, where the screed will be). This will exclude the transmission of shock noise from the floor on the walls. Also recommended when fixing plinths use vibration-insulating polyurethane gaskets.

If the overlap is made of wooden beams, then sound-absorbing plates or mats are placed between them - it is protection against air noise propagation. And the substructure for the first floor (usually - plywood sheets) are attached to beams through elastic gaskets (for example, a leaf plug or polyurethane tape): they prevent the transmission of shock noise.

Soundproofing the ceiling may be needed when it is necessary to minimize the transfer of air noise from this room to the neighboring. This measure will be relevant for home cinema, boiler room, garage. Soundproofing structure is similar to the one that is used in the device of partitions: a metal frame, sound-absorbing material, a covering from GCL or GVL. The frame is fixed on the upper ceiling with the help of special metal suspensions (preferably vibration-insulated).

Special solutions

The main task that needs to be solved by thinking on the soundproofing of residential premises is to minimize the possibility of spreading noise from its source to other rooms at home. This is especially important to reduce the level of shock noise. So, it is impossible to allow the transfer of vibration from the power units of boiler and other engineering equipment to enclosing structures. Otherwise, measures to protect against noise envisaged in other premises will be ineffective. Therefore, the power units must be installed on vibration-insulating gaskets from elastic materials (rubber, etc.). And best of all, in addition to the application of the gasket, to make a vibration-insulating base under the unit in the form of a "floating" floor (either around the room, or - what is cheaper - only under the equipment: a notch in the plate of the foundation or overlapping). Special measures are needed for the insulation of low-frequency air noise (close to its spectrum to shock) produced by a home theater columns. In particular, the floor speakers should be installed on vibration-eyed gaskets or on the floating "floor. And the partition enclosing cinema is as possible to be massive (to eliminate resonance with low-frequency oscillations) with a facing containing sound-absorbing fibrous plates.

Loud sounds for a long time annoyed and tire of a person, significantly reducing its performance. High-quality noise insulation of the house has a positive effect on human health. The comfort of the room is stably associated with peace and peace, no wonder in the Ukrainian language the word "tapping" means "comfort." Creating acceptable conditions for life and work is impossible without reliable sound insulation of the house as a whole and its separate premises relative to each other.

Permissible noise levels are established by sanitary standards in CH 2.2.4 / This document identifies basic concepts, noise classification and normalized parameters for different types of premises. The indicators of the permissible level of noise for night time from 23.00 to 7.00 are 45 dB, during the day - no more than 65 dB. The specified parameters are averaged and characterize the sound, safe for health, but not comfortable for humans.

Provide silence and peace in residential and work premises it is possible by reducing the acoustic permeability of building structures. A high level of noise in a building or construction is promoted by a number of factors:

  • the presence of doors and windows of the old design without sealing elements;
  • the use of building materials with low soundproof properties;
  • the presence of slots and cracks in structures, as well as voids that may have resonant properties;
  • form of interior and used materials used in finishing.

Old windows in a private house are one of the main reasons for poor dwelling sound insulation.

Development of a complex of measures to reduce noise levels in residential rooms, working offices and other premises should be carried out after a thorough study and consultation with builders.

Planning for the elimination of the reasons to preserve the high level of acoustic load, should begin with the study of the building as a whole and individual premises in particular. Special attention is paid to the state of the elements of building structures. Thus, old window curls, wooden frames and windows, installed without the use of seals, little prevent noise penetration into the outside room.

Quality noise insulation in a private house is ensured by carrying out a whole list of works, which includes:

  • replacement of old wooden windows on double-glazed windows;
  • installing reliable entrance doors with elastic sealing elements installed on the contour;
  • installation of outdoor structures with high sound-absorbing properties or applying special coatings;
  • installation indoors of partitions from materials with relatively low conductivity of acoustic oscillations;
  • replacing interroom doors to more modern doors with seals;
  • carrying out finishing works with facing materials with low recovery properties.

Diagram of the device inlet door with good noise insulation

The implementation of these activities, in addition to achieving the basic effect, which expresses in reducing the level of noise in the room will contribute to a significant decrease in heat loss.

Good sound insulation in a private house is achieved, mainly due to applying materials with low thermal conductivity on the building structures. Polystyrene foam extruded, polyurethane foam, foamed polyethylene, cork tree panels, basalt wool or other mineral fiber - this is not a complete list of materials used in construction to reduce the level of noise in the premises.

Improving the soundproofing of floors and ceilings

In and a significant part of noise penetrates the room with higher levels. Sounds from steps along the floor, moved furniture, a working TV and the like is clearly audible, especially if the overlaps are thin and made of reinforced concrete plates. Specialist builders have developed a number of measures that greatly help reduce the level of noise from people who are on top.

  1. Sticking the decorative panels from foam is one of the easiest and most affordable technologies for a wide consumer.
  2. Installation of suspended ceiling overlap with filling of the generated emptiness materials with a high sound absorption coefficient;
  3. Installation of stretch ceilings with preliminary application of noise insulating materials.

Ceiling insulation in the house by each of the listed methods has its advantages and features. The first option is the easiest and relatively inexpensive, respectively, the effect of the use of polymer decorative foam panels is minimal. Such a coating is only slightly muffled the noise of the working TV, the sound from the conversation and the like. To achieve more serious results, high costs will be required.

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Beautiful ceiling of foam will also be an excellent element of the interior design of rooms located on the first floor of the house

The device of suspended or stretch ceilings involves the presence of a gap between them and the carrier surface. Filling this space with sound-absorbing materials will make it possible to achieve maximum effect. As an insulating layer, you can use plates from foam or polyurethane foam, rolled URSA type insulation or basalt cotton wool. The material of the suspended or stretch ceiling to the degree of noise reduction in the premises of particular influence does not have.

An option to arrange noise insulation over the stretch ceiling before it is installed

Soundproofing floors indoors

The penetration of noise in residential or service rooms from below the floors occurs through overlaps and some building structures. Reinforced concrete plates or wooden beams with adhesive flooring without additional coatings are excellent conductors for oscillations in the acoustic band.

Council. The simplest solution of the problem of sound insulation of the surface is the flooring of carpet, palas or other similar coatings.

Such noise insulation of the floor does not require any complex repair work. The effect of the use of such a method can be estimated in different ways, but, as a rule, it is insignificant. Other more complex technologies will require considerable costs and attracting experienced workers. In fact, a new floor is placed on the existing surface, and the formed clearance is filled with soundproofing material.

One of the high-quality schemes of floor sound insulation schemes on the second floor of the house

Technologies are actually a few - this is a dry screed, and the device of a new multilayer coating. The listed technologies are largely similar, only suggest the use of different materials for sound-absorbing and power structures. The dry screed consists of discraining of small fractions of clay and dry-fiber plates, which have sufficiently high soundproofing abilities.

Another way of sound insulation of the floor surface consists of a new coating flooring with a support for wooden beams or a steel profile. A supporting design is established on the existing coating and is carefully fixed to exclude the deflection and emergence of foreign sounds. The support elements are stacked with gaps of 0.5 m, the height of the beams usually does not exceed 50-100 mm. The large thickness of the new overlap strongly grows free space.

On the power elements, the draft floor of fibreboard or plywood QSB is satisfied. In the intervals between the old and new coating, the sound absorbing filler is stacked. Usually for these purposes, mattes from mineral fibers are used, which are not exposed to moisture, insect pests and microorganisms. This technology provides a sufficiently high degree of sound insulation of the floor side.

Methods of noise insulation of bearing walls and partitions

Vertical enclosing structures have the largest area of \u200b\u200ball surfaces that enclosing the inner volume of the room. The walls have window and door loops, which significantly weaken the soundproof properties of the room. Especially if wooden frames with conventional glazing and all-tree or molded doors are used.

Solving the problem of sound insulation of openings is quite simple: replacement of windows on double-glazed windows. Especially high noise-canceling characteristics have double-chamber double-glazed thickness. As an outer door, it is better to install a metal cloth with a facing of wooden panels and with insulation of foam and or other foamed polymeric materials.

Actually, noise insulation of walls in the house can be carried out both from the inside and outside.

Each of the proposed options has its own positive parties and quite definite disadvantages. The outer sound insulation is performed in two ways: using facade hinged systems or a stroke of a foam with applied to the resulting surface of special decorative coatings.

Diagram of the device of the mounted facade

From the inside the sound insulation of the outer walls is done using foam, polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam. With this method, the reduction of the acoustic permeability of the walls should ensure the tight contact of the insulating material with the wall surface. In voids, the formation of condensate will occur, which leads to the appearance of colonies of pathogenic fungi. Decorative trim of soundproofing coatings - plasterboard, plastic or MDF panels.

Partitions between rooms within one apartment or office play a considerable role in creating comfortable conditions for residents or staff. High-quality insulation of partitions made of bricks or other building materials is performed in the same manner as for the bearing walls - gluing foamed polymers or cork panels with subsequent trim.

Quite often, both in multi-storey and small buildings, residents face the problem of constant noise that comes from the street either from neighboring premises. Sometimes the cause of noise is difficult to determine, it may have the following nature:

  • structural - distributed through the supporting structures of the building;
  • air - spreads through the air;
  • shock - spreads in the cavities of partitions and walls.

Even if the noise source is located outside the building, then a noisy buzz is possible due to the size of the room due to the reflection of sounds. The cause of noise can be different: construction work near the house, neighbors, loving music, barking dogs. In a word, a calm and quiet life can be violated constantly, if you do not do the issue of noise insulation of the building.

Factors of noise insulation of rooms

Noise insulation of buildings depends largely on their massiveness. Create solid and thick walls is not entirely rational for a number of reasons, one of which is a noticeable increase in the load on the foundation. The design may simply not withstand the greater weight of the walls of heavy materials, and the house will collapse. A more logical way is to use multilayer noise insulating structures in which materials with different areas alternate with each other. So far, all noises will overcome multilayer obstacles, they are practically scattered.

Applying during construction, only the accounting of the weighted index of air noise insulation is not enough, otherwise all low-frequency noises will not be taken into account. The RW criterion is focused only on sounds with a frequency of 50 Hz and above, which is similar to the speech of a person or the sound of household appliances. The wall design must be selected immediately taking into account the operation of the wall in different frequencies: low, medium and high. Therefore, it is necessary to be guided only by a full spectrum R, which makes the company "Quart Plast" in the production of high-quality insulation materials.

Soundproofing of rooms

Problem soundproofing Rooms It is the presence of slots in the walls and shock noise.

First of all, when analyzing the sound-absorbing properties of the premises, it is worth remembering the small, but very important details - the presence of all kinds of cracks. If there are even the smallest holes in the wall or doors, then it is pointless to deal with noise insulation: noises will still calmly pass through this small space. Before conducting noise insulation, you must definitely close all the existing gaps and cracks.

Often the so-called buildings are found in buildings shock noisewhich arises due to the fact that the internal space of structures is empty. To eliminate the problem, it must be filled with noise insulating material, as well as use damping gaskets. This is especially true of the crate of wooden bars or metal profile.

Use of acoustic cladding for soundproofing rooms and buildings

It is easy to solve the issue of sound insulation with the help of a special noise absorbing cladding for buildings. Acoustic cladding significantly reduces the level of external noise, the effectiveness of its use is also determined by the factor of the subjective impact, which is calculated on the averaged noise spectrum in the building under construction or already existing building. Most often, the noise absorbing or sound-absorbing lining is placed on the ceiling or upper parts of the walls, while it should be as close as possible to the noise source if it is known. The company "Quaster Plast" offers high-quality insulation materials, designed just as possible to sound or noise insulation of buildings.

A set of measures carried out in order to reduce the level of noise penetrating the inside of the room outside. At all times, the personal space of people was a valuable heritage. Violation of these borders is always perceived negatively and can bring human to an aggressive state. In urban megalopolis, noise no longer has an impact on us.

Cargo transport, trams, personal cars, the noise of flying aircraft, children's cries on the street, neighbors with the wall repair - all these sounds create an unbearable exhausting, irritating noise background. True salvation for people in this world noise is the soundproofing of personal premises. We hope the article will be a good guide for those who want to do sound insulation of the room.

In recent decades, construction of apartment buildings is often carried out using panel technologies - this method absolutely does not protect against noise and sounds. Why are the inhabitants suffer? The causes of poor sound insulation are numerous - thin walls, small flaws in the construction process, some conflicts between the materials used - all this leads to the absence of the comfort of the inhabitants. To correct such shortcomings of residential buildings, it is necessary to perform proper sound insulation of the apartment.

Soundproofing and noise insulation

Let's start with terminology: noise - background set of sounds. The sound itself is an air wave oscillation. Noise can be structural and air. Concerning air noise, It is created due to the oscillations in the air - voice, sounds of passing cars, shouts outside the window, signals, animal sounds.

Structural noise, It occurs in the case when the oscillations are caused by the impact on the transmitting material from which the building is made. Mechanical vibrations caused by, for example, drills or blows of a hammer are transmitted through the walls and partitions to another floor of a residential building - drilled on the second floor, in eighth heard!

In the residential "Stalinist" foundation, the effectiveness of annoying noise is low. The noise fades due to massive walls and thick gypsum partitions. The quality of the building material was given increased attention. Brick porous material and plastered surface of the walls perfectly quench vibration fluctuations.

In the panel house-building there is a problem of increased vibration conductivity of walls. Individual soundproofing an apartment goes to the fore.Soundproofing of walls in the apartment suggests that modern materials will ensure reliable protection against noise.

Types of sound insulation

A simple way to reduce the likelihood of noise penetration into a residential building is to increase the thickness of the walls. With increasing thickness, the efficiency of sound insulation of the room increases. But first, it is necessary to do this at the construction stage, and in the second approach will not save the inhabitants from vibration noise (for example, drilling on the first floor).

The second method is more efficient and involves the construction of structures from numerous components. These elements include porous and fibrous sound insulation structures. The modern market offers many options for noise insulation - with the help of them you can reduce structural vibrations. First of all, these are different and. There is also a soundproofing foam on sale, which can also be effective.

Soundproofing can be:

  • full;
  • partial.

Complete sound insulation works are performed throughout the apartment, for all carrier planes - walls, gender, ceiling, windows, doors.

Partial sound insulation is sound insulation of only one room or one residential premises. It should be noted that the full soundproofing shell of the apartment will require resources and efforts much more, but the result is worth it.

Soundproofing Preparation

The first thing you need is to determine the source of noise and choose the type of noise insulation. To do this, you need to define the following characteristics:

  • wall thickness and partitions in the apartment;
  • floor type;
  • type of windows and doors;
  • the presence of holes;
  • cracks and holes of various types in your walls.

Choosing how to make a sound insulation of the room, you will also need to evaluate the height of the ceiling and the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. If you choose standard sound insulation with drywall and, note that the room is visually decreased.

Pre-evaluate sound insulation costs, you will help know the value of the value of materials per square meter. If work is performed by hired specialists, the cost of work is usually 150% of the cost of the necessary materials. But the performance of sound insulation is not a particularly complex process, so you can perform sound insulation with your own hands.

The order of work on sound insulation

The complete set of works on sound insulation has the following steps:

  1. replacement of all windows in the apartment;
  2. replacing doors;
  3. sealing holes and cracks in the walls;
  4. installing modern noise insulating sockets;
  5. soundproofing of walls;
  6. soundproofing floor;
  7. soundproofing ceiling.

Modern industry produces a wide range of sound insulation materials. The most popular means are traffic jams and special sound insulation plaster. The classic combination of plasterboard and mineral wool layers are still in priority. It should be noted that sound insulation also has thermal insulation properties, which will increase the efficiency of heating, allowing you to solve two tasks at once.

If the apartment or house has wooden windows of the "old school", it is necessary to understand that they do not protect the inhabitants at all. In this case, you will need to change them on plastic windows. For apartments with windows, leaving for a lively street or road, windows must be with double double-glazed windows. The installation of plastic windows, in addition to sound insulation, is also of great importance to maintain heat in the house.

The same rule applies to the doors - both external and internal. High-quality, well-fitted internal doors perfectly isolate inner sounds. Brands and manufacturers producing magnificent modern soundproofing windows and door sets today are numerous in the domestic market. You can choose the products of acceptable quality and cost.

Soundproofing walls

The first step is to check the walls on the lack of destruction. In case of detection of cracks or structural holes, old and unnecessary sockets of sockets, emptiness and other internal wiring - everything should be covered. Disadvantages must be immediately eliminated and preferably with the help of plaster plaster.

The sockets are installed with the closure of the slots after installation. The most fiscal option to make good sound insulation is to use the usual decorative plaster. To do this, you need to purchase a ready-made plaster mix, prepare a solution with parameters when the spatula "stands in sour cream" to achieve the desired consistency and start working. The optimal proportion is one part of the water / two parts of the mixture. When preparing a plaster mixture with its own sand and cement forces, stick to the share: three to one.

To prepare the walls to the plaster, you need to clean them well and primed. Walls must be completely cleansed from old helmets, wallpaper or other things. If it is impossible to completely clean the walls (according to objective reasons), they should be treated with a special coarse composition of adhesive primer. The composition will have to be applied at least two layers, the final stage in any case will be the passage of traditional primer.

Next you will need to install beacons. Lighthouses are installed over the entire wall surface. Then the plaster is performed. The next step is to align the wall. After complete drying, the walls can be painted or, it is best to cover with soundproofing wallpapers.

Soundproofing: mineral wool and plasterboard.

If you decide to establish an insulating structure from mineral wool and drywall, you need to be prepared for a decrease in the room area. Installation is performed as follows:

  1. Installation of skeleton profiles on the floor or ceiling. The frame can be a directional plan, ceiling or vertical. Frame step 60 cm;
  2. Rama of plasterboard or sheets of plaster fiber is assembled along all walls;
  3. The carrier profile is inserted inside the design. All profiles are marked with marquir. It is very important that the design is not rigidly fixed to the wall - otherwise it will not beolate the room from vibrations and the sound insulation of the wall will not be quite effective;
  4. Profiles are isolated with rubber gaskets or isolation of damper tape;
  5. The clearance between profiles and walls should be 5-6 millimeters;
  6. The gap is enhanced and disassembled by sealant;
  7. The frame is filled with an insulator filler (mineral wool). Mineral wool When working on sound insulation, the walls in the apartment should be laid as close as possible. If this principle is broken, the structure can turn into a sound-conducting device;
  8. Polyurethane foam can be used to fill profiles, which will also act as noise - sound absorber;
  9. The frame is closed by plasterboard. Plasterboard can be laid in two layers, but in this case the layers should be shifted relative to each other;
  10. Layers of plasterboard are desirable to install on glue, which also reduces the possible level of noise;
  11. Walls are aligned with putty, then glue sound-insulatingwallpaperor staining.

How mounted sound insulation of the wall in the apartment with your own hands and what materials it is better to use, see our video review:

Soundproofing with soundproofing panels for walls

In sound insulation events, modern soundproof panels can be used. Such panels are attached to the walls or ceiling with special protected nodes. Soundproofing panels have excellent noise absorption characteristics. Wall panels are mounted as follows:

  1. Fiberglass are installed along the entire length of the wall;
  2. Compounds are sealed with silicone sealant;
  3. The panels are attached to the wall on the anti-vibration dowel, plasterboard is attached using self-tapping screws.

An additional option to enhance sound insulation is as follows - after sealing cracks in the walls of even large thicknesses, it is better to use soundproofing wallpapers. This is usually a roll-type insulator, sticks to the wall as a primer in front of the decorative wallpaper sticker. The thickness of the gasket layer is 5 millimeters. The apartments are spawned sound insulation of the panels of SIPS, they have ready-made solutions.

Other popular soundproofing methods

You can also perform noise insulation of the walls of the room with mineral wool, stone cotton wool or cellulose-fibrous insulation. Materials are well coped with the absorption of noise due to their fibrous structure.

IMPORTANT! When performing sound insulation works with your own hands, it is urgent to use foam sheets - it creates a not necessary greenhouse effect and works as a heater.

Soundproofing ceiling in the apartment

Work on the sound insulation of the ceiling is mainly similar to the work performed for the sound insulation for the walls. Once again, we strongly recommend not to use profiles attached to the ceiling.

IMPORTANT! In the case of mounting the suspension directly to the ceiling, the effect of noise insulation will not protect against vibrations along the monolithic surfaces of concrete floors.

Soundproofing the ceiling in the apartment requires the use of special ceiling suspensions or mount the frame of wooden beams fastened with them profiles with a step of 60 cm., Then close the plasterboard layers.

To do this, on both sides of the room, it is necessary to mount metal corners with wings of about 8 centimeters at an altitude of about 7 - 10 centimeters from the ceiling. At the corners, we fix the wooden bar. Under the bar set rubber gaskets. Then you must attach the ceiling profile. The distance between the profiles is 60 cm.

Best Ceiling Noise Isolation with your own hands. All nuances and the whole process are watching the video:

Rubber gaskets are better spaced under the rays. You can buy finished products or make them with your own hands. Profiles are stacked on wooden rods with a pitch of about 60 cm. The profile must be attached very softly, since when working with wooden bars, they can go bends.

The lattice design is preferred. Again, as well as for the sound insulation of the walls, you must block emptiness and cavities with mineral wool, then burning them with sheets of drywall (or gypsum). The best noise insulation will provide two layers of material. Then you must perform the ceiling grout with putty and paint in the desired color. As always, we advise you to save the soundproof wallpapers that will additionally increase the ceiling noise insulation.

Soundproofing under the stretch ceiling in the apartment

Very often in modern rooms installed the stretch ceiling. Soundproofing under the suspended ceiling is much simpler than with a traditional method with a strengthening of the frame on the ceiling structures.

To establish noise insulation for the stretch ceiling, it is necessary to secure mineral wool in the plates with special dowels. Then the usual stretch ceiling is going. Such structures are not associated with a typical ceiling of concrete slabs through profiles, so the sound simply cannot spread!

The ceiling ceiling refers to the so-called two-level structures. There are two ways to combat stretch ceiling:

  • harpoon system;
  • wedge system.

The first is a very simple and convenient way that does not require special skills. Installation of locking harpunov occurs at the production stage, so it is very important to very accurately measure the size of the room. It is necessary to order a little less than the actual area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

The wedge method is carried out only by hired professional workers. However, this method is universal due to the lack of harpoon. Exactly held films dimensions do not need to be observed. It can be rejected repeatedly, cut off unnecessary pieces.

How sound insulation under - a step-by-step method is shown in the video review:

Soundproofing floor

Special screed is used to work with the soundproofing of floors. The screed is performed using a special vibration material that performs the function of noise insulation. So, for the floor you will need a special screed. As a material for layers, you can choose mineral wool.

Operating procedure:

  1. removal of an existing coating;
  2. polit cleaning;
  3. repair of recesses, alignment;
  4. installation of persistent vibration pads along the edges of the walls above the level of the screed;
  5. installation of beacons;
  6. laying insulating material along the lighthouses;
  7. fixation of soundproofing material;
  8. preparation of a sand-cement screed (again, it is three to one) - it should not be too wet, almost semi-dry, without water outdoor;
  9. filling a soundproof connector about inches thick;
  10. gasket reinforcing mesh;
  11. laying the soundproofing solution of the same thickness as in the previous case;
  12. alignment of the surface with the level, the removal of beacons and wiping the surface;
  13. obtaining a decorative layer on the floor covering.

Works on sound insulation of the room are part of the sound insulation of the entire apartment. To improve noise insulation in your room, you need to perform the same set of works of sound insulation in all rooms of apartment - corridors, kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, etc.

Soundproofing works are no longer luxury. In our world, where the constant noise background acts as a destructive hurricane, causing great discomfort, compliance with the acceptable level of noise is an important factor in preserving the mental and physical health of people.

How to properly do the soundproofing of the floor so that noise insulation is impeccable we look at the video of the installation process of the material of thermaboism (TII).