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Responsibilities of Malari 3 category. Profession painter (3rd category) in a single tariff qualifying directory. Characteristics of works, tasks and duties

Official instructions taking into account Prof. 2016-2017
Sample 3rd discharge malarker instructions
A sample of the job instruction is drawn up by Prof. Malary Construction

1. General Provisions

1.1. The painter construction of the 3rd category is a worker and subordinate directly ......... (Name of position / profession of the head)

1.2. For work, the malarier of the construction of the 3rd category is accepted:

1) mastered the basic vocational training programs - training programs for workers professions, working retraining programs (at least 2 months);

2) Having experienced professional activities for the performance of labor functions of the building of the 2nd category of at least 2 months.

1.3. To work specified in paragraph 1.2 of this Instruction, a person is allowed:

1) past training in safe methods and techniques for work, internship on labor protection (introductory and in the workplace), internship in the workplace and verification of knowledge of labor protection claims in accordance with the procedure for labor protection and verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements of employees of organizations, applied. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia of January 13, 2003 No. 1/29;

2) the past preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic medical examinations (surveys), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (surveys) in accordance with the procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (surveys) of workers engaged in hard work and with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, approved. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of 12.04.2011 N 302n.

1.4. The painting of the 3rd category is allowed for independent supergrowers (at an altitude of more than 5 m), subject to the completion of an employee of the additional briefing.

1.5. Morning construction 3rd discharge should know:

1) documents, objects, methods and techniques for performing work of lower qualifications provided for by production (by profession) instructions and (or) professional standard<1>;

2) Methods and rules:

Preparation of surfaces for staining and salary;

Preparation and mixing of putty compositions;

Applying primers and basic requirements for priming quality;

Applying putty compositions on the surface manually;

Reclamation of a powder composition applied by a mechanized manner, tool for applying;

Performing grinding work;

Preparation of glue;

3) Sort, labeling, basic properties:

Putty compositions;

Adhesives used in the production of wallpaper work;

Soil compositions;

4) device, principle of operation, rules for the operation of manual collapse;

5) the basic requirements for the quality of priming and grinding surfaces;

6) the rules of operation and the principle of operation of tools and mechanisms for the preparation and mixing of putty compositions;

7) device, appointment and rules for the use of tools and mechanisms for applying putty compositions;

8) labor protection instructions, fireproof and electrical safety rules for priming and grinding surfaces;

9) ways of cutting wallpaper manually;

10) requirements for the quality of the work performed;

11) ......... (other requirements for necessary knowledge)

1.6. A painting of the 3rd discharge must be able to:

1) perform work (operations, actions) at lower categories;

2) use the tool and devices for:

Firebreaks, leaning and crackers;

Applying putty composition on the surface manually;

Priming surfaces;

3) measure, peat and mix the components of putty compositions, prepare the glue of the specified composition and consistency;

4) sputure composition applied by the mechanized manner;

5) refueling, adjust the torch spraying the soil, put the ground to the surface with hand-driven surface;

6) produce maintenance of manual painting;

7) grinding the engineered, painted and splashing surfaces;

8) getting a smooth edge when trimming manual wallpapers;

9) apply the adhesive composition on the surface with brushes, rollers, paint colors with manual drive;

10) ......... (other requirements for necessary skills)

1.7. ......... (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. Labor functions of the malarier of the construction 3rd category are:

2.1.1. Final preparation of surfaces for staining and salary by wallpaper:

1) shit surfaces manually;

2) priming and grinding surfaces;

3) Preparation of walls and materials to wake-up.

2.1.2. Guidelines with mortars building lower qualifications (discharge).

2.2. ......... (other functions)

3. Responsibilities

3.1. Before the start of the working day (shift), the painting of the 3rd category:

1) is in the prescribed manner prey (prophylactic) medical examination;

2) gets a production task;

3) passes if necessary for labor protection;

4) takes a shift;

5) checks the health of fixtures, tools, inventory and personal protective equipment;

6) ......... (other duties)

3.2. During the work process, the painting of the 3rd category:

1) performs work that is instructed and allowed to work;

2) uses overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment;

3) receives instructions from the direct supervisor to perform the task, safe receptions and methods of work production;

4) complies with the rules for the use of technological equipment, devices and tools, methods and techniques for safe operation;

5) immediately puts the direct supervisor about all the shortcomings discovered during operation;

6) complies with personal hygiene and industrial sanitation;

7) ......... (other duties)

3.3. During the working day (shift), the painting of the 3rd category performs the following duties within the framework of labor functions:

3.3.1. In the framework of the labor function specified in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2.1.1 of this Instruction:

1) performs a cracking extension;

2) produces cutting bits and twesters;

3) prepares putty compositions;

4) causes putty compositions on the surface of manually;

5) carries out the pillowing of the putty composition caused by a mechanized manner.

3.3.2. Within the framework of the labor function specified in subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2.1.1 of this Instruction:

1) produces surfaces of surfaces with brushes, rollers, collapse with manual drive;

2) maintains painting maintenance;

3) Performs grinding of the engineered, painted and narrow-sealed surfaces.

3.3.3. In the framework of the labor function specified in subparagraph 3 of paragraph 2.1.1 of this Instruction:

1) prepares the glue composition;

2) produces trimming edges of manual wallpaper;

3) Deals glue composition on the surface.

3.3.4. In the framework of the labor function specified in clause 2.1.2 of this Instruction:

1) gives the Malyara to the building lower qualifications (discharge) of the reference to a shift;

2) organizes and coordinates the work of the rapid construction of lower qualifications (discharge);

3) gives instructions and explanations for the performance of works by the malariers of construction lower qualifications (discharge);

4) carries out control of the quality of work performed by the painters of building lower qualifications (discharge).

3.4. At the end of the working day (shift), the painting of the 3rd discharge:

1) leads to the proper state of the device, the tool, transfers them to storage;

2) removes dirt from overalls and special bows, if necessary, places drying and storage;

3) gives the established reporting;

4) produces an inspection (self-saw);

5) replaces a shift;

6) ......... (other duties)

3.5. As part of the fulfillment of its labor functions, the painter construction of the 3rd category:

1) executes the instructions of his direct supervisor;

2) passes periodic medical examinations (surveys), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (surveys) in the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

3) ......... (other duties)

3.6. ......... (other regulations on duties)

4. Rights

4.1. When performing their labor functions and responsibilities, the painting of the 3rd category has the labor rights provided for by the employee with an employee of the employment contract, the rules of the internal labor regulation, local regulations, the Labor Code

Russian Federation and other acts of labor legislation.

4.2. ......... (other provisions on employee rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The painting of the 3rd discharge is drawn to disciplinary responsibility in accordance with Art. 192 Labor Code of the Russian

Federations for improper performance by his fault of duties

listed in this Instruction.

5.2. The painting of the 3rd category is carried out material responsibility for ensuring the safety of entrusted to him inventive material values.

5.3. The painting of the 3rd category for committing offenses in the process of his work, depending on their nature and the consequences, are involved in administrative and criminal liability in the manner prescribed by law.

5.4. ......... (other provisions about responsibility)

6. Final provisions

6.1. This instruction is developed on the basis of the professional standard "Mary of Construction", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 25.12.2014 N 1138n, taking into account ......... (details of local regulatory acts of the organization)

6.2. Familiarization of the employee with this official instruction is carried out when taking a job (before the signing of an employment contract).

The fact of the employee with this official instruction is confirmed ......... (signed on a list of familiarization, which is an integral part of this instruction (in the journal of familiarization with job descriptions); in the instance of the official instruction stored at the employer; in other way)

6.3. ......... (other concluding positions).

Instructions for position " Morning for 3rd discharge", presented on the site, meets the requirements of the document -" Certificate of Qualification Characteristics of Professions of Workers. Issue 69. Automobile transport ", which was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine dated February 14, 2006 N 136. With amendments approved by the order of the Ministry of Transport and Communication of Ukraine of September 4, 2008 N 1097.
The status of the document is "acting".

Preface to the job instruction

0.1. The document comes into force from the date of approval.

0.2. Document Developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document is agreed: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is made with an interval not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position of "painting of motor vehicles of the 3rd category" refers to the category "Workers".

1.2. Qualification requirements - complete general secondary education and vocational education without requirements for work experience or complete overall secondary education and vocational training. Improving the qualifications and work experience by the profession of Malarier 2 discharge - at least 1 year.

1.3. Knows and applies in activities:
- methods of cooking paints, varnishes, mastic, putty, putty on a given recipe and consistency;
- the appointment and conditions of application of mechanisms, devices and tools that are used in painting works;
- methods for performing paintwork coatings of parts and composite units of cars;
- Methods of grinding;
- grinding materials and their physical properties;
- recipes for painting, varnishes, mastic, putty and smear;
- methods for mixing paintwork materials according to a given recipe for obtaining the required color and shade and determining the quality of paints and varnishes that are used;
- Rules Storage of solvents, paints, varnishes, enamels;
- Drying modes of paintwork coatings.

1.4. Morning of road transport of the 3rd category is appointed and dismissed by an order for the organization (enterprise / institution).

1.5. The painting of automobiles of the 3rd discharge obeys directly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

1.6. Morning of motor vehicles of the 3rd discharge manages the work _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

1.7. Morning of motor vehicles of the 3rd discharge during the absence, is replaced by the face appointed in the prescribed manner, which acquires relevant rights and is responsible for the proper fulfillment of responsibilities assigned to it.

2. Characteristics of works, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Performs isolated places to be painted.

2.2. Prepare anticorrosive materials, mastic, putty.

2.3. Dry treated surfaces.

2.4. Degreases the surface of the bodies.

2.5. It carries out the priming of the body surface, where the old paint is completely removed.

2.6. Defines putty on defective places.

2.7. Performs grinding of shit places.

2.8. Ground and paints prepared surfaces.

2.9. He knows, understands and applies existing regulatory documents relating to its activities.

2.10. He knows and fulfills the requirements of regulations on labor protection and the environment, complies with norms, methods and techniques for safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. Morning of automobiles of the 3rd category has the right to take action to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. Morning of motor vehicles of the 3rd category has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. Morning of motor vehicles of the 3rd category has the right to demand assistance in the performance of its duties and implementing rights.

3.4. Morning of road transport of the 3rd category has the right to demand the creation of the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision of the necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. Morning of motor vehicles of the 3rd category has the right to get acquainted with draft documents regarding its activities.

3.6. Morning of motor vehicles of the 3rd category has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to fulfill their job responsibilities and managing orders.

3.7. The painting of roads of the 3rd category has the right to increase his professional qualifications.

3.8. The painting of road transport of the 3rd category has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the process and make proposals to eliminate them.

3.9. The painting agent of the 3rd category has the right to be familiar with the documents defining the rights and obligations of the position, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. Morning of motor vehicles of the 3rd category is responsible for non-fulfillment or late fulfillment of the obligations assigned to this official instruction and (or) non-use of the rights provided.

4.2. The paint-vehicle of the 3rd category is responsible for non-compliance with the rules of the internal labor regulation, labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. Morning of motor vehicles of the 3rd category is responsible for disclosing information about the organization (enterprise / institution) relating to a commercial secret.

4.4. Morning of automobiles of the 3rd category is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal regulatory documents of the Organization (enterprise / institution) and legitimate management orders.

4.5. The painting of automobiles of the 3rd category is responsible for the offenses committed in the process of its activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil law.

4.6. Morning of motor vehicles of the 3rd category is responsible for causing material damage to the organization (enterprise / institution) within the limits established by applicable administrative, criminal and civil law.

4.7. Morning of motor vehicles of the 3rd category is responsible for the illegal use of the official authority provided, as well as their use for personal purposes.

5. Examples of work

5.1. Paintwork materials - production.

5.2. Surface covers - grinding.

I argue the name of the organization Name of the position of the head of the organization Working Instructions __________ ______________ Signature decryption _________ N ___________ signatures Place of compilation ___________________________ Date to Malyar (3rd category)


1. A painting is hired and dismissed from the work by order of the Organization's head of the Organization ____________________.

2. The painter is subordinate to ________________________.

3. In its activities, the paintery is guided by:

The company's charter;

Rules of labor regulations;

Orders and orders of the head of the organization (direct supervisor);

This Work Instructions.

4. The paintery must know:

Principle of operation and methods of detachment of used mechanisms and devices;

The device of electrostatic installations and rules for their operation;

The device and rules of operation of the equipment used (paintopulizers, compressors, moisture meter separators, etc.);

The device of the bodies and the components of their structural elements;

Basics of metal and materials science;

Methods for preparing surfaces for different finishing classes;

The chemical composition of the paints and the rules of the selection of the colors;

Methods of painting products from various materials;

Drying modes (polymerization) of paintwork coatings;

Properties of materials and compositions used in the production of building painting and wallpapers;

Requirements for the preparation of surfaces of building structures and products for staining and salary;

Requirements made to the quality of painting work performed, rules and norms of labor protection and fire safety.

2. Professional duties

5. Malyar is entrusted:

5.1. Application of paints and varnishes on the surface of parts and products I of the complexity group (from profile rental, cast simple, welded with edges, protrusions, holes and without stained with one type of paint coating, assembly units).

5.2. Cleaning the stained surfaces from corrosion, scale, fours, old paintwork using manual electrical and pneumatic tools, as well as a shot blasting gun.

5.3. Surface treatment by corrosion retarders.

5.4. Shpening, grinding of pectic surfaces, priming and painting with a brush, roller, paint-sprayer.

5.5. Application of polymer powder compositions on products and details of the configuration I group of complexity (round, oval, spherical, etc.).

5.6. Staining electrical products II of complexity of complexity and with III - V classes of coating products III complexity groups.

5.7. Application of numbers, letters, drawings on stern by one tone.

5.8. Production of simple stencils.

5.9. Drawing up mixtures of oil paints and varnishes, nitrocrays, nitroles, synthetic and organic enamels.

5.10. Selection of the ring according to specified samples.

5.11. Folding the mechanisms and devices used in painting works.

5.12. Performing works on staining, salary and repair of surfaces of building structures and products.

5.13. Preparation of padlock compositions, including from dry mixes, mixing primer and painting compositions with the help of power tools.

5.14. Cutting bans and shocks with a decanted tree slots.

5.15. The surface of the surface is manually, spacing a putty composition applied by a mechanized manner.

5.16. Primination, grinding of the engineered and narrow surfaces with a hand tool.

5.17. Performance of decoration finishing: adhesive, oil and enamel paints, coating using simple stencils and on the finished markup.

5.18. Installing corner profiles.

5.19. Seaming seams in place pairing plaster sheets.

5.20. Filling seams with reinforcing ribbon.

5.21. Surface protection from paint splashes.

5.22. Preparation of the surface to pasting.

5.23. Cutting wallpaper manually.

5.24. Application of adhesive composition on the surface of walls, ceilings, wallpapers and films.

5.25. Staining metal surfaces that do not require trim.

5.26. Surface coating with bitumen based lacquers.

5.27. When performing repair and restoration work of mechanical vehicles: grinding (draft and piston) flat surfaces of the bodies; Preparation of putty and primer masses and applying them.

5.28. Sealing seams, applying anti-growing compositions.

5.29. Black grinding of applied coatings.

6. Examples of work:

6.1. The bottoms and board of ships, decks, superstructures, weiglings, fences, delometries, pipelines of technical vessels - staining.

6.2. Designs Metal, capacity, tanks, machine tools, apparatus, parts and other surfaces I of complexity groups - staining.

6.3. Removable parts of aircraft II Group of complexity - Preparation of surfaces under the color.

6.4. Trolleybuses and metro wagons, wagons of all the names of the main railway transport and the engine rolling stock - preparation of surfaces, coating with brush and spray gun.

3. Rights

7. A painter has the right:

7.1. Require the passage of periodic scoring on labor protection.

7.2. Have the necessary instructions, tools, individual means of protection and demand from administration with them.

7.3. Get acquainted with the rules of the internal labor schedule and collective agreement.

7.4. Make proposals for improving the work technology.

7.5. _____________________________________________________________. (Other rights taking into account the specifics of the organization)

4. Responsibility

8. A painter is responsible:

8.1. For non-performance (improper performance) of its work, within the limits defined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

8.2. For the offenses committed in the process of carrying out their activities - within the limits defined by the current administrative, criminal and civil law of the Republic of Belarus.

8.3. For causing material damage - within the limits defined by the current labor, criminal and civil law of the Republic of Belarus.

Name of the position of the head of the structural unit _________ _______________________ Signature Decryption of the signature of a visa with a working manual _________ _______________________ Announced Signature Reference to Signature _______________________ Date

I argue:

[Job title]



[Name of company]


_______________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"______" _______________ 20___


Malyar 3th category

1. General Provisions

1.1. This official instruction determines and regulates the powers, functional and job responsibilities, the rights and responsibility of the 3th category of the 3rd category [Name of the organization in the parental case] (hereinafter - the company).

1.2. The 3rd discharge painter refers to the category of workers is appointed and exempt from the position in the order of the company's head by order of the company's head.

1.3. A painting of the 3rd category is subordinate directly [the name of the position of the direct supervisor in the duties] of the company.

1.4. A person who has a secondary vocational education of the relevant profile and work experience of at least 1 year is appointed to the position of Malyar of the 3rd category.

1.5. Painting 3rd discharge should know:

  • principle of operation and methods of detachment of mechanisms and devices used in painting work;
  • the device of electrostatic installations of the field and electrostatic sprawers, the rules for their regulation according to the testimony of measurement instruments;
  • rules for the protection of sheet material and profile rental for ship structures;
  • methods of painting and varnishing products from various materials and the process of preparation of products for the finishing;
  • the process of cutting surfaces under a simple drawing of various wood species, marble and stone;
  • properties of decorative and insulating varnishes and enamels and recipes for compiling them;
  • ways to compose paints of various colors and tones;
  • the chemical composition of the paints and the rules of the selection of the colors;
  • methods and methods of sticking, shifts of linoleum, linker and other materials;
  • technical conditions for finishing and drying products.

1.6. A painting of the 3rd discharge in its activities is guided:

  • technical characteristics of served machines and mechanisms;
  • local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the company;
  • the rules of the internal labor regulation;
  • rules for labor protection and safety, provision of industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • instructions, orders, decisions and instructions of the direct supervisor;
  • this official instruction.

1.7. During the time absence of a 3th category of the 3rd category, his duties are assigned to [the name of the deputy].

2. Functional duties

The 3rd discharge painter is obliged to carry out the following labor functions:

2.1. Staining surfaces requiring high-quality finishes, after applying putty and primer layers with paints and varnishes in several tones, grinding and polishing them.

2.2. Cutting surfaces for a simple drawing of various wood species, marble and stone.

2.3. Drawing drawings and inscriptions on stern times in two or three tones; Figures and letters without stencils.

2.4. Staining parts and surfaces on electrostatic installations and electrostatic sprayers.

2.5. Sprinkling surface finish.

2.6. Surface treatment by corrosion retarders.

2.7. Control of air supply and paint in sprayers.

2.8. Coating products with varnishes based on bitumen and nitrolakes.

2.9. Manual cleaning of closed volumes (cylinders, compartments).

2.10. Coloring and cleaning (Oshcryabka) courts in the docks.

2.11. Inter-operational protection by phosphating primers of sheet material and profile rental for ship structures, except for cyters of drinking, distilled and nutritious water, medical and technical fat.

2.12. Application of paintworks at the location of the variable waterline of vessels, to the finishing of which are not presented with high demands.

2.13. Production of simple stencils.

2.14. Cooking adhesives according to a given recipe.

2.15. Drawing up mixtures of oil paints and varnishes, nitrobras, nitroquacies and synthetic enamels.

2.16. Selection of the ring according to specified samples.

2.17. Change and sticking of linoleum, Rail and other materials.

2.18. Folding the mechanisms and devices used in the production of painting works.

In the case of an official need, a painting of the 3rd category may be attracted to the fulfillment of its official duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by the provisions of the federal labor legislation.

3. Rights

The 3rd discharge painter has the right:

3.1. Report to the leadership of all the identified shortcomings within its competence.

3.2. Make proposals for improving work related to the obligations provided for by this official instruction.

3.3. Require from managing the creation of the necessary conditions for the performance of official duties.

3.4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the Company's management regarding its activities.

3.5. Request from the company's managers and specialists information and documents necessary to fulfill official duties.

3.6. Involve the tasks of specialists from other departments assigned to him.

4. Responsibility

The painter of the 3rd category is administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and criminal) responsibility for:

4.1. Failure or improper fulfillment of official instructions of the direct supervisor.

4.2. Failure or improper performance of their labor functions and tasks entrusted to him.

4.3. Unlawful use of service authority provided, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.4. Invalid information about the status of the work entrusted to him.

4.5. Incontracting measures to curb the violations of safety regulations, fire-fighting and other rules that create a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.6. Not ensuring observance of labor discipline.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The mode of operation of the 3th category of the 3th category is determined in accordance with the rules of the internal labor schedule established in the company.

5.2. In connection with the production necessity, the 3rd category is obliged to leave for business trips (including local value).

With the instruction, Introduced ___________ / ____________ / "__" _______ 20__

§ 167a. Painter 1st category

Characteristic of work

  • Staining parts in the adjustable drums, automata by the method of dipping and brush without shtpocking and priming.
  • Flushing parts by alkalis, water and solvents.
  • Degreasing surfaces.
  • Olife coating and priming.
  • Pershing paintwork materials on hand-made paint strokes.
  • Filtering of paints and varnishes.
  • Drying painted products.
  • Flushing and cleaning of used tools, brushes, stencils, containers, paint-sprayers, airless spraying devices, hoses.
  • Obtaining and traying on the workplace of paints and varnishes.
  • Holding parts, products on special fixtures and removal of them after staining.
  • Drawing up paints, varnishes, mastic, putty, primers, putty on a given recipe under the leadership of the malarier of higher qualifications.

Must know:

  • receptions of staining parts in drums, automata and perching method;
  • general information on corrosion, scale, protection of wooden surfaces from the woods and ways to protect against them;
  • Name and types of paints, varnishes, enamels, primers, putty, compositions of putty materials;
  • rules for maintenance of drying chambers and cabinets and drying modes of products;
  • Methods of mastery of paints manually;
  • purpose and conditions for applying a painting tool:
  • the compositions and methods of washing and cleaning applied tools, brushes of various types, containers and paint-spray vehicles.

Work examples:

  • 1. Armature, insulators - asphalt varnish coating.
  • 2. Tanks - staining.
  • 3. Forks - staining.
  • 4. Details of simple configuration machines - staining.
  • 5. Fences, grilles, gates, fences - staining.
  • 6. Waters, end and special, pliers, pliers and other tools - staining.
  • 7. Rings and rotor blades - staining.
  • 8. Coming, housings, flooring, set of housing parts, mines, pipes, uncomplicated foundations - degreasing.
  • 9. Decks - wiping with solar oil.
  • 10. Transformer plates - lacquer painting in the drum.
  • 11. Stannes, shields Bearing and safety welded structures, castings cast iron and steel for electricians - cleaning and priming surfaces.
  • 12. Tare Different - staining.
  • 13. The heat insulation is old in ship premises - removal.
  • 14. Circuits Anchor - staining with a coal varnish method of perch.

§ 167b. Prayer 2 - th discharge

(The tariff qualification characteristic is additionally included in the decision of the USSR State Protection Dated December 18, 1990 N 451)

Characteristic of work

  • Staining surfaces that do not require high-quality finishes after applying putty and primer layers.
  • Preparation of products for lacquering along the lacquer putty and for cutting under the drawing of various wood, stone and marble.
  • Aligning surfaces with putty with implications of defects.
  • Drawing numbers, letters and drawings on stern by one tone.
  • Staining parts and products with a pulverizer.
  • Cleaning, smoothing, submachine, etching of painted surfaces from corrosion, scale, fours, old paintwork, dust and other raids with brushes, scrapers, spatulas and other manual tools, rag, vacuum cleaner, air jet from the compressor.
  • Drawing up and rubbing in paint-stroke machines of paints, varnishes, mastic, putty, primers and smelting on a given recipe.

Must know:

  • device of peeling machines;
  • appointment and conditions of application of mechanisms, devices and tools used in painting;
  • methods for performing paint and varnish coatings of parts and products from various materials;
  • methods of grinding;
  • grinding materials used under various types of paints and their physical properties;
  • recipes for making paints, varnishes, mastic, putty, putty;
  • methods for mixing paints according to a given recipe for obtaining the required koller and determining the quality of the applied paints and varnishes;
  • rules for the storage of solvents, paints, varnishes and enamels;
  • Drying mode of paintwork coatings;
  • features of cleaning surfaces from reinforced concrete and fiberglass;
  • rules for the preparation of surface surfaces;
  • Requirements for the quality of the surface of the surface.

Work examples:

  • 1. Walls, floors and other surfaces - cleaning, smoothing, etching.
  • 2. Armature and details of electrical, reinforced insulators, arresters - priming and staining.
  • 3. Cylinders - staining.
  • 4. Waveguides and waveguide sections made of brass and copper - solid shtpocking, grinding, staining.
  • 5. Sleeves radiator and gear gears - coating mastic
  • 6. Details of the middle and complex configuration and nodes of machines, ships and equipment - staining.
  • 7. Brackets, sectors, steering machines, transformers - staining.
  • 8. Rescue circles - putty and staining.
  • 9. Covers, boards, plates - painting with a spray with a pulverizer.
  • 10. Roofs, frames, trolleys, brake details, floorboard boards, battery boxes and firefighters, locomotive and wagon deflectors - staining.
  • 11. Steel designs - Corrosion cleaning.
  • 12. The hull of the vessel inside and outside is cleaning surfaces.
  • 13. Metal beds - staining.
  • 14. Columns, farms, crane beams, reinforced concrete products - staining.
  • 15. Hutches, holds, foundations - fill with cement mortar.
  • 16. Machines Mountain, equipment and machines - staining after repair, applying inscriptions by stencil.
  • 17. Panels, cases, housings - staining several times with a sprayer.
  • 18. Tractors, rollers, asphalt mixers - staining of housings.
  • 19. Pipes of various diameters - staining.
  • 20. Ventilation pipes - insulation with mastic materials.
  • 21. Cabinets, limbs - staining.
  • 22. Shpuntes and ridges of cargo wagons - priming.
  • 23. Electric motors, electric machines, turbine generators - priming, shtchelivation and staining.
  • 24. Metallic boxes - cleaning, priming and staining.
  • 25. Drawers and instrument housings - damage.

§ 167B. Painter 3rd discharge

(The tariff qualification characteristic is additionally included in the decision of the USSR State Protection Dated December 18, 1990 N 451)

Characteristic of work

  • Staining surfaces requiring high-quality finishes, after applying putty and primer layers with paints and varnishes in several tones, grinding, priming, frolic and polishing them with manual instruments.
  • Cutting surfaces for a simple drawing of various wood species, marble and stone.
  • Drawing drawings and inscriptions on stern times in two or three tones; Figures and letters without stencils.
  • Staining parts and surfaces on electrostatic installations and electrostatic sprayers.
  • Sprinkling surface finish.
  • Surface treatment by corrosion retarders.
  • Control of air supply and paint in sprayers.
  • Coating products with varnishes based on bitumen and nitrolakes.
  • Cleaning closed volumes (cylinders, compartments).
  • Coloring and cleaning (Oshcryabka) courts in the docks.
  • Inter-operational protection by phosphating primers of sheet material and profile rental for ship structures, except for cyters of drinking, distilled and nutritious water, medical and technical fat.
  • Application of paintworks at the location of the variable waterline of vessels, to the finishing of which are not presented with high demands.
  • Production of simple stencils.
  • Drawing up mixtures of oil paints and varnishes, nitrobras, nitroquacies and synthetic enamels.
  • Selection of the ring according to specified samples.
  • Folding the mechanisms and devices used in the production of painting works.

Must know:

  • principle of operation and methods of detachment of mechanisms and devices used in painting work;
  • the device of electrostatic installations of the field and electrostatic sprawers, the rules for their regulation according to the testimony of measurement instruments;
  • rules for the protection of sheet material and profile rental for ship structures;
  • Methods of painting and varnishing products from various materials and the process of preparation of products for finishing;
  • the process of cutting surfaces under a simple drawing of various wood species, marble and stone;
  • properties of decorative and insulating varnishes and enamels and recipes for compiling them;
  • ways to compose paints of various colors and tones;
  • the chemical composition of the paints and the rules of the selection of the colors;
  • Technical conditions for finishing and drying products.

Work examples:

  • 1. Ceilings - cleaning, smoothing, etching.
  • 2. Walls, floors and other surfaces - simple staining.
  • 3. Cars passenger, except for the type of ZIL and "Seagull", and buses - applying a primer layer, shp clashing, grinding, primary and re-staining of the body.
  • 4. Cargo cars - final staining.
  • 5. Barges - staining.
  • 6. Details cast and welded for electromashes and apparatuses - grinding after places and staining.
  • 7. Capacities - the coating of the inner surface varnish.
  • 8. Cassettes of cinema and cameras - staining.
  • 9. Frames Welded large-scale stations and control shields - staining.
  • 10. Cases, tables and discs of adjustment and test stands - grinding and staining enamel.
  • 11. The hull of the vessel inside and outside - staining.
  • 12. Cranes, bridges, supports of power lines - staining.
  • 13. Body of cargo wagons, boilers tanks and steam locomotives, universal containers - staining.
  • 14. Machines, machine tools, devices, devices and other equipment - staining.
  • 15. Decks - applying mastic.
  • 16. Metal and wooden panels for radiophers - staining and finishing.
  • 17. Frames, doors, fraamuga - staining and coating with varnishes.
  • 18. Counting, sewing and writing machines - staining and polishing.
  • 19. Poles, shields - cutting under a simple drawing of various wood species.
  • 20. Walls, shelves, furniture outside and inside, ceilings and roofs of locomotives and all-metal wagons, wagons with engine cooling and isothermal wagons with a metal body - grinding, applying an existing layer with a brush, sprayer or roller.
  • 21. Reinforced concrete ships - staining.
  • 22. Trolleybuses and metro wagons - grinding on a solid putty, applying the second and third layers of enamel brush and a sprawer.
  • 23. Pipes and metal fittings of locomotives and wagons - staining.
  • 24. Ventilation pipes - staining.
  • 25. Cases of electrical appliances - varnishing and polishing.
  • 26. Chains Anchor - staining.
  • 27. Electric motors, electric machines, turbogenerators - final staining.

§ 167 Painter 4th category

(The tariff qualification characteristic is additionally included in the decision of the USSR State Protection Dated December 18, 1990 N 451)

Characteristic of work

  • Coloring surfaces with dry powders, various paints and varnishes in a few tones, grinding, varnishing, polishing, shpocking, priming and simply by their mechanized tool.
  • Turning and flushing of painted surfaces.
  • Stretching the fillets with a fitting.
  • Application of drawings on the surfaces along the stencils in four or more tones.
  • Cutting surfaces under the complex drawing of various wood species, marble and stone.
  • Independent compilation of complex colors.
  • Restoration of painted surfaces, linker, linoleum and other materials.
  • Paint and varnish coatings on glass and ceramic enamel.
  • Production of complex stencils and a comb for cutting the surfaces of the surfaces.
  • Staining after grafting the surfaces by the method of cold airless spraying.
  • Staining parts, products, instruments in tropical design.
  • Inter-operational protection by phosphating primers of sheet material and profile rolled products for ship cyters of drinking, distilled and nutritious water, medical and technical fat.
  • The mechanized cleaning of corrosion vessels from corrosion, scale, fouling and old paint coating by shot blasting devices with the delivery of work on samples and references and water under high pressure.
  • Determining the quality of the applied paints and varnishes.
  • Adjusting the mechanisms used in the production of painting works.

Must know:

  • device and methods for adjusting the mechanisms and devices used in painting;
  • methods for performing paintwork with high-quality finish;
  • The process of cutting surfaces under the complex drawing of various wood species, marble and stone;
  • Features of the mechanized cleaning of surfaces and corps of ships from fouling and old paintwork;
  • technical conditions and requirements for staining and varnishing;
  • Methods of restoration of painted surfaces, linker, linoleum and other materials.

Work examples:

  • 1. Ceilings - improved finish, staining.
  • 2. Walls, floors and other surfaces - high quality finish, staining.
  • 3. Cars passenger, except for the type ZIL, "Seagull", and buses - final staining, finishing and polishing.
  • 4. Boats - staining.
  • 5. The surfaces of the plane salons of the aircraft - the coating of multilayer varnishes and paints.
  • 6. Walls, shelves, furniture outside and inside, ceilings and roofs of locomotives, all-metal cars, engine cooling cars and isothermal wagons with metal body and cabins of vessels - staining and coating with a varnish brush, sprayer or roller.
  • 7. Courts, fuselaces, wings of airplanes and walls of wagons - applying distinctive inscriptions and labels.
  • 8. Trolleybuses and metro wagons - final staining and finishing.
  • 9. Electrical appliances, rubber-sized electromasters - staining and polishing.

§ 167d. Painter 5th category

(The tariff qualification characteristic is additionally included in the decision of the USSR State Protection Dated December 18, 1990 N 451)

Characteristic of work

  • Staining surfaces with various paints with varnishing, polishing, ornamental, artistic multicolor and decorative trim.
  • Cutting surfaces for valuable wood.
  • Staining after priming the method of cold airless spraying.
  • Programming, anti-corrosion coating, coating with unanswering and anticonducting paints, anodic and cathode protection of vessels exposed to sea water, mineral acids and alkalis.
  • Restoration of artistic inscriptions.

Must know:

  • methods for performing painting works with artistic and ornamental finishes and method of cold airless spraying;
  • the process of cutting surfaces for valuable wood;
  • the recipe, the physicochemical properties of all sorts of coloring materials and compositions for artistic coloring and finishing;
  • types of complex paintings and fonts;
  • Properties and varieties of various pigments, solvents, oils, varnishes, silicates, resins and other materials used in paint business;
  • methods of testing varnishes and paints per durability and viscosity;
  • Technical conditions for the final finish of products, parts and surfaces;
  • drying modes of paintwork coatings;
  • requirements for the preparation of surfaces for anti-corrosion, anode and cathode protection, protective schemes of primer and painting of the underwater part of vessels exposed to sea water, mineral acids and alkalis;
  • ways to restore artistic inscriptions.

Work examples:

  • 1. Walls, ceilings and other surfaces - high-quality staining, multicolor and decorative finish.
  • 2. Cars passenger type ZIL, "Seagull" - final staining, finishing with varnishes and enamel paints.
  • 3. The coat of arms, ornaments, complex inscriptions - artistic performance according to sketches and drawings.
  • 4. Add-in passenger ships - staining.
  • 5. Panels, shields, schemes - art decoration of surfaces.

§ 167e. Painter 6th category

(The tariff qualification characteristic is additionally included in the decision of the USSR State Protection Dated December 18, 1990 N 451)

Characteristic of work

  • Relief, textured and experimental staining and aerographic finish of products and surfaces in the introduction of new coloring substances and synthetic materials.
  • Restoration of art paintings and drawings.
  • Decorative varnishing, polishing of surfaces of interior.
  • Staining after the priming of the surfaces by the method of hot airless spraying on the installations.
  • Applying uninventing thermoplastic paints with devices.
  • Protection of uninventing paints with preservative paints in a special scheme.
  • Painting in drawings and sketches from hand and by judd.
  • Ornamental and volumetric painting.

Must know:

  • methods for the implementation and requirements for the quality of experimental, relief and textured coloring and airbrush decoration of products and surfaces;
  • device and methods for adjusting installations for hot airless spraying of paint materials and apparatus for applying thermoplastic paints;
  • protection schemes of uninventing paints;
  • ways to restore art paintings and drawings.

Work examples:

  • 1. Walls, ceilings and other surfaces - relief and textured staining, painting in drawings and sketches.
  • 2. Ship designs - applying thick-layer coatings.
  • 3. The surfaces of the inner walls of passenger ships, airplanes, wagons - painting in drawings and sketches of hand.
  • 4. Salons, lobby, luxury cabins of passenger ships, airplanes, wagons and walking yachts - Finerary finishing, protective coating.
  • 5. Exhibits of exhibition machines, devices and appliances - multilayer and multicolor painting, varnishing, grinding and polishing.