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What is morality. High morality


There are a lot of definitions of the term, but they all reduce to one opinion. Moral - This is the ability to take responsibility for your thoughts and actions.

Morality is the value, the inner state of the person, its life set, allowing to take any actions based on conscience.

Values \u200b\u200bform principles. Principles form nature. Nature is building in nature.

In ancient Greece, they allocated prudence, courage, justice. Over time, priorities changed somewhat, but a general list of values \u200b\u200bare determined, which determine morality, this is:

  • Honesty;
  • fidelity;
  • debt;
  • love;
  • respect.

In ordinary life, it is difficult for us to find a person possessing such qualities, but the desire for personal perfection is necessary. These are impeccable values \u200b\u200bthat are speaking as absolute ethical ideals. Fair people, a strong spirit who have the ability to comprehensive love, have always been respected, often speaking in the role of spiritual teachers.

The moral person under no circumstances (including death) will not change its concepts of honor, conscience, good. They are important for him by themselves, are at the heart of his life priorities not because he is waiting for the approval of others, or receives material benefits for them. Not. These are natural moral qualities for the developed personality, which fall into the basis of human spirituality.

Communication between moral and spirituality of man

To most clearly understand what morality is, let's give the definition of spirituality.

The most general definition of spirituality sounds so. Spirituality is the highest level of self-development, in which the highest human values \u200b\u200bbecome a regulator of vital activity. Thus, spirituality is closely interconnected with morality. Morality is an indicator of the degree of human spirituality and society as a whole.

The last 200 years is a discussion among humanities on spirituality. Some argue that this is the inner movement of a person to the "spiritual I", others associate spirituality with intangible values, to which a person strives, overcoming experiences, intrapersonal struggle.

Religions associate spirituality with the highest forces of the Divine Nature, which manifests itself in the actions of a person. However, all philosophers and theologians converge in one - the spirituality is transcendent. It can not be touched, weighing, measure. It is something that is not amenable to experienced knowledge, but a priori is accepted.

Spirituality - This is the brightest, which can be found in man: the best quality of character, sincere feelings (love, gratitude, disintegration, tolerance), talents, generosity, responsibility.

Spiritual beauty is manifested in actions, in manner of behavior, emotions, words. However, such people are recruited from the time that a person began to realize himself with a man and learned to use the brain not only for the extraction of food and reproduction, but also for reflection.

Morality Indicates the direction vector, gives the conditions of movement up, under which a person can grow and develop with the highest speed.

Is spirituality achievable result?

The concept of good and evil in the modern world is pretty transformed, although even 70 years ago everything was transparent. "Crazy son came to his father, and asked Kroch: what is good and what is bad?" V.V. Mayakovsky in the children's poem clearly puts the priorities that should underlie the moral, spiritual society.

Today there are no clear ideas what kind of good (good) and evil (bad), any act can be explained by playing concepts in the most favorable side. Initial values \u200b\u200bwere transformed: kind, it means weak; honest, it means not far; Polite, then the manner, disinterested - uniquely fool.

Because of the dissonance in the basics, the spirituality of society falls, which is expressed in the personal deformation of a person, in the substitution of some values \u200b\u200bby others, the growth of violence, suffering. The concept of "family", "love", "mutual understanding".

Each institution of the state speaks with its "truth", the initial basis of morality is destroyed. In children there is no single concept, which should be striving for. The direction is lost, the moral ideal, which underlies the self-development of a person, and, consequently, the development of society.

It is difficult to say whether one spirituality is achievable. There are spiritual leaders, but as for the state, the question is open. The state is built on the material components: power, money, dominance, lies, cunning. It is impossible to bring up ideal all, and although the struggle for the souls of people is conducted at all levels of the state (family, school, church, media), there are no massive success.

So is there hopes for the construction of moral, spiritual society? I want to believe that there is if everyone starts to build it in his soul.

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Morality is the general name of the best positive qualities of the personality and the ability of the personality to follow these rules of behavior towards themselves and other members of society. This, and in one unifying, positive as a personality

Morality is a deep inner moral code for a strong personality. Morality is always actions and behavior from the position of the forces of good. And the assessment of their actions from the point of view of conscience and good, self-analysis is also imposed on the person himself.

What is the highest morality?

The highest morality is the ability of the individual, to achieve perfection in such qualities of personality, as the ability to forgive, purity, lack of envy and greed, self-denial, truthfulness, softness, modesty and other positive qualities.

The laws of morality and justice very well describes esoteric. The final stage of the law of reincarnation of a person is that the soul, developing all the above qualities and virtues, is approaching perfection and carries light and good to the universe.
The laws of morality are the same in the entire Universe and the task of a person and the main meaning of his life to achieve higher morality. That is, learning how to satisfy your feelings, but the feelings of absolute truth.
Life is a lesson of morality. The meaning of life is to pass her lessons, to grow personally, to cultivate dignity, as much as much as possible in terms of its qualities to the creator, and raise their morality on the unprecedented height.

What is moral purity?

Morality is an internal moral code for itself. Morality is the verdict of its behavior and its actions from the point of view of conscience and good.
A man of immaculate morality is a devoted servant of God and a clear performer of his moral laws, where the ministry of God means with love and selfless ministry to people.
In such a ministry, God, man appears in moral purity.

Morality and peculiarity of Russia and Russian man

The peculiarity of the Russian person, his character, is that for an indigenous Russian person, a moral image is more important than the material. Cleanliness and morality have always been and there is a basis for Orthodoxy. Orthodox faith enters into itself the rules of the highest morality.

From here there are our great victories on the battlefields, and the strength of the Russian man. The ability to dedicated as a degree of validity, has always been a model of pride of our society.

Modern state of morality

In our modern society and the world of egoism, caregist, immorality very often has to join the fight against material evil.
Morality and material interest are found in our society everywhere and unfortunately the struggle wins the human ego. In nine cases out of ten, a modern man, burdened by the material aspiration, prefers to deal with immoral. What is love? What family?

With the help of a moral feeling, a person is distinguished by good from bad and decides how to do it. What are the results of a democratic choice?
This is a struggle, very similar to the struggle of two elements, when evil - envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambitions, lies ... Democracy defeat the bright forces of good - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty ...

Generated by the progress and development of technologies, material egocentrism, will die from their own hands of progress! Another is not given! Or the complete disappearance of humanity from its own material ego, or death from moral degradation in the form of complete destruction from the nuclear war.

It is no secret that the strongest love is love at the subconscious level. Deep faith in a partner and morality is the basis of the family. When a person respects your moral principles, it is expensive. Love for breeding for money, quickly comes to saturation and saturation. It is quite another thing when love reached the moral unity of the spouses.

Reading time: 3 min

Morality is the desire of the personality to evaluate the conscious actions, the state of a person on the basis of the aggregate of the conscious norms of the behavior of a particular individual. The expressiveness of the ideas of man morally developed conscience. These are the deep laws of the decent life of a person. Morality is a presentation of an individual about evil and good, about the ability to competently assess the situation and determine the typical style of behavior in it. Each individual has its own moral criteria. It forms a certain code of relations with man and the environment as a whole, based on mutual understanding and humanism.

What is morality

Morality is an integral characteristic of the personality, which is the cognitive basis for the formation of a morally healthy personality: a socially oriented, adequately evaluating a setting that has a well-established set of values. In the current society in universal use there is a definition of morality, as the synonym for the concept of morality. Etymological features of this concept show the origin of the word "temper" - in nature. For the first time, the semantic definition of the concept of morality was published in 1789 - "Dictionary of the Academy of Russia".

The concept of morality combines a certain set of qualities of the identity of the subject. It is paramount to honesty, kindness, compassion, decency, hard work, generosity, reliability. Analyzing morality as a personal property should be mentioned that everyone is able to bring their qualities into this concept. In people who have different types of professions, morality forms various qualities of qualities. The soldier must necessarily be brave, the judge is fair, teacher. Based on the formed moral qualities, the directions of the behavior of the subject in society are formed. The subjective identity ratio plays a considerable role when assessing the situation in the moral vein. Someone perceives the civilian marriage absolutely naturally, for others it is like a sin. Relying on religious studies, it should be recognized that the concept of morality from its value has kept very little true. Representations of a modern man about morality distorted and exhausted.

Morality is the quality of purely individual, which allows personality to consciously monitor its own mental and emotional state, personifying himself spiritually and socially formed personality. The moral person is able to determine the gold measure between the egocentric part of his me and sacrifice. Such a subject is able to form a socially-oriented, value-defined civil and worldview.

The moral person, choosing directions of their actions, comes exclusively by their conscience, relying on formed personal values \u200b\u200band concepts. For some, the concept of morality is the equivalent of "ticket to paradise" after death, and in life it does not particularly affect the success of the subject and does not benefit. For this type of people, moral behavior is a way to clean the soul from sins, as if covering your own incorrect actions. The man of the creature is unhindered in the choice, has his own life course. The society at the same time has its influence, can ask their own ideals and values.

In fact, morality, as a property necessary for the subject, is extremely important for society. This is how it would be a guarantee of preserving humanity as a species, otherwise without the norms and principles of moral behavior, humanity eradicates itself. Arbitration and gradual - the consequences of the disappearance of morality as a totality of trailers and the values \u200b\u200bof society as such. Most likely the death of a certain nation or ethnos, if its chapter has an immoral government. Accordingly, the level of life comfort of people depends on the developed morality. Protected and prosperous is the society, respect for values \u200b\u200band moral principles, respect and altruism in which, above all.

So, morality is an amteriorized principles and values, based on which a person directs his behavior, makes actions. Morality, being a form of public knowledge and relations, regulates human actions through principles and norms. These norms are based on the point of view of impeccable, about categories of good, justice and evil. Based on humanistic values, morality allows the subject to be a person.

Morality rules

In the everyday use of expressions, morality and have identical meaning and uniform origins. At the same time, everyone should determine the existence of some rules that, with ease, the essence of each of the concepts easily. So moral rules in their turns allow personality to develop their own mental and moral condition. In some extent, these are "the laws of absolute" existing in absolutely all religions, worldviews and societies. Consequently, the moral rules are universal, and their failure to comply with the consequences for the subject, which does not follow them.

There are, for example, the 10 commandments obtained as a result of the immediate communication of Moses and God. This is part of the rules of morality, the observance of which is argued by religion. In fact, scientists do not deny a hundred times more than a number of rules, they are reduced to one denominator: the harmonious existence of humanity.

In many peoples from ancient times, the concept of a certain "golden rule" that carries the basis of morality. His interpretation has dozens of wording, while the essence remains unchanged. Following this "Golden Regulation", the individual should behave in relation to others as he belongs to himself. This rule forms a concept of man that all people are equivalent to their freedom of action, as well as the desire to develop. Following this rule, the subject reveals his deep philosophical interpretation, which the individual should learn the consequences of their own actions in advance regarding the "other individual" by projecting these consequences. That is, the entity that comes on behalf of the mentally consequences of his own act, thinks whether to act in this direction. The golden rule teaches a person to develop his inner flair, teaches compassion, empathy and helps develop mentally.

Although this moral rule was formulated in ancient times well-known teachers and thinkers, the relevance of their destination in the modern world did not lose. "What do not want yourself, do not do another" - so the rule sounds in the original interpretation. The emergence of such interpretation is classified as the origins of the first millennium to our era. It was then that a humanistic coup in the ancient world took place. But as a moral rule, its statute "gold" it received in the eighteenth century. This prescription focuses on the global moral principle according to relations to another person within different interaction situations. Since its presence in any existing religion is proved, it can be noted, as the foundation of human morality. This is the most important truth of the humanistic behavior of a moral man.

The problem of morality

Considering modern society it is easy to notice that moral development is characterized by a decline. In the twentieth century, a sudden drop in all the laws and values \u200b\u200bof the morality of society occurred in the world. The society began to appear the problems of morality, which negatively influenced the formation and development of humane humanity. Even more development, this fall reached in the twenty-first century. For all the existence of a person, many problems of morality were noted, which somehow had a negative impact on the individual. Guided by spiritual landmarks into various epochs, people invested their own in the concept of morality. They were able to create things that in modern society are horrified absolutely on every sensible person. For example, the Egyptian pharaohs who fear to lose the kingdom committed inconceivable crimes, killing all newborn boys. The moral norms were rooted in religious laws, followed by the essence of the human person. Honor, dignity, faith, love for homeland, to man, loyalty - qualities that served as a direction in human life, to which at least some degree had a part of God's laws. Consequently, over the course of its development, society was typical of retreat from religious commandments, which was imposed on the emergence of moral problems.

The development of morality problems in the twentieth century is the consequence of world wars. The era of the fall of the morals stretches from the times of the First World War, at this crazy time the life of a person depreciated. The conditions in which people had to survive, erased all moral restrictions, personal relations depreciated exactly, as well as human life at the front. The involvement of mankind in the inhuman bloodshed caused a crushing blow on morality.

One period of the emergence of moral problems was the communist period. During this period, it was planned to destroy all religions, respectively and the norms of morality laid down in it. Even if in the Soviet Union, the development of the rules of morality was much higher, this position was not able to resist. Together with the destruction of the Soviet world there was a fall in the morality of society.

For the current period of one of the main problems of morality there is a fall in the Institute of Family. What makes a demographic catastrophe, raising divorces, the birth of the countless number of children in not marriage. Views for family, motherhood and paternity, to upbringing a healthy child have a regressive nature. A certain importance is the development of corruption in all areas, theft, deception. Now everything is bought, smoothly, as well as for sale: diplomas, victory in sports, even human honor. It is just the consequences of the fall of morality.

Education of morality

Education of morality is the process of targeted impact on the person, which implies the impact on the consciousness of the behavior and sense of the subject. During such education, the moral qualities of the subject are formed, allowing the individual to act within the framework of public morality.

Education of morality is a process that does not imply interruptions, but only close interaction of the student and the educator. Educating the child moral qualities should be in their own example. It is quite difficult to form a moral person, this is a painstaking process in which not only teachers and parents are involved, but also the public institution as a whole. At the same time, the age characteristics of the individual, its readiness for analysis, and information processing are always envisaged. The result of the upbringing of morality is the development of a holistic moral personality, which will develop together with its feelings, conscience, habits and values. Such education is considered a difficult and multifaceted process that generalizes the pedagogical education and the influence of society. Moral education implies the formation of a sense of morality, conscious of communication with society, culture of behavior, consideration of moral ideals and concepts, principles and behavioral norms.

Moral education is performed during the period of training, during the training period in the family, in public organizations, and directly includes individuals. The continuous process for the upbringing of morality begins with the birth of the subject and lasts all his life.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "Plyomed"

"Morality is in general there is an inexperienced desire of the human spirit to evaluate the conscious-free actions and states of a person, on the basis of a congenital spirit to the human idea of \u200b\u200bgood, the expressiveness of which is conscience" (V. Borchovsky)

Oh, morality, the immutable internal law of respectable life, not invented by man, and given to humanity over.

Oh, morality, the unchanged basis of humanity, an unwritten code of human relations on the basis of mutual love, responsibility and justice acting through conscience.

Oh, morality, essence of the gospel, the inalienable property of the Christian soul and the main quality of the Christian spirit, what is known about you modern mankind, experiencing a rapid flowering of information technologies against the background of a sunset of morality, spirituality and truly human culture?

Unfortunately, it should be honestly admit that about moralityin True, i.e. The essential value of this concept, or rather the whole category, the modern person is known very little, and above all because the real value of the category moralitycurrently, it is already very distorted.

Today in the public and individual consciousness takes place for the most part modified and exhaustable concept moralitywhich reflects the extremely surface side of this category, and not the deep essence.

Speaking about the crisis of morality in the modern information and technocratic society, the manifestations of which are numerous forms of dependencies (addictions), the crisis of the institution of traditional family, gender and juvenile problems and contradictions, loss of the meaning of life, stress, depression, suicidal manifestations, etc. do not touch such a strategically important topic as moral.

ABOUT morality and the importance of the formation of a person moral Self-consciousness and worldview expressed in the qualities of collectivism, responsibility, patriotism, humanism, readiness for the service and implementation of civil and human debt today, today, many, if not all.

The importance of such a category as moral Today, no one is in doubt, since it is a basic or system-forming category of a personal nature, which is a kind of cognitive foundation and basis for the formation moral Personality, as a socially oriented, valuely defined and civilian sound.

We can safely talk about the category moralityit is one of the most important characteristics of the human person, which as consciously and unconsciously, stands on guarding the cognitive and spiritual human health, personifying himself, nothing more than human perfection or perfection of a human image in his spiritual, social and personal orientation. Under a spiritual radiation is understood as the purely religious and global general aspects of a moral personality, which is the personification of humanism, humanity, social justice and unconditional love.

In this regard, we can safely argue that moral It is the only alternative greedy and human egoism and essentially a factor that does not just provide the balance of egoism and sacrifice, but the entire internal configuration and the architecture of the human person - either the ego-oriented or morally oriented.

No one of the specialists in spiritual and educational work today is no secret that moral - This is the only correct basis for developing a person most correctly in a value socially oriented, i.e. civil consciousness, thinking and worldview, which is referred to moral.

Here, in fact, why the presence of a person's consciousness, above all moralor rather the spiritual and moral installations, principles and criteria is essentially the most important characteristic of the person, its protection and guarantee of its social, mental and mental health. We can say that moral Responsible for the inner readiness of a person not only to consumption and compliance, but also to the fulfillment of human and civil debt.

At the same time, in the system of public and individual consciousness in relation to the category morality Currently there is a deep conceptual vacuum. Due to a variety of circumstances of a political, ideological and socio-economic nature, the concept morality Over the past decades, it was very depreciated, but the most depressing what it already almost lost its original and essential (iconic) meaning.

Such wording ideologists like moral Improvement / Development / Education / Formation/ strengthening / formationetc. (comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality), used for many years so closed the essence of this concept, that it actually became nominative or at best, a reflection of formal morality or ideological correctness. In this case, internal and deep, i.e. spiritual and energetic side of the concept moralnot just distorted, but practically lost.

To confirm this situation, it is enough to take the most authoritative slots, giving today the definition morality:

S.Yu. Golovin. Dictionary of Practical Psychologist, 1998

  • - the regulatory function of human behavior. According to Z. Freud, its essence is reduced to the restriction of deposits.
  • - The general tendency to behave, thus, which corresponds to the Moral Code of the Company. This term means that behavior is.

Oxford explanatory dictionary on psychology ed. A. Berev, 2002 - Principles or models of behavior, which are manifestations of principles, estimated from the point of view of their correctness or incorrectness.

Antsuzov A.Ya., Shipilov A.I. Dictionary of conflict, 2009

  • - See Moral.

Zhmurov V.A. Great Encyclopedia for Psychiatry, 2nd ed. 2012

  • - (General Slavic, Wed. Lit. "Noras" - will, desire, desire) - the general tendency to behave, thus, which corresponds to the Moral Code of the Company. This term means that behavior is arbitrarily; One who obeys this code against its desire is not considered moral.

Free Electronic Encyclopedia Wikipedia, 2013

  • - The term, most often used in speech and literature as a synonym for morality, sometimes ethics. In a narrower value, morality is an internal installation of an individual to act according to its conscience and free will - unlike morality, which, along with the law, is an external requirement for the behavior of the individual.

Dictionary of terms in general and social pedagogy, A.S. Voronin - 2006

  • - A special form of public knowledge and the type of social relations, one of the main ways to regulate the actions of a person in society with the help of norms. Unlike simple rules or traditions, moral norms receive a justification in the form of ideals of good and evil, due, justice, etc. (1)The system of internal human rights, based on the humanistic values \u200b\u200bof kindness, justice, decency, sympathy, willingness to help. (2)

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary, 2000

  • - See Moral.

Dictionary of Ozhegova, "Az", 1992

  • - internal, spiritual qualities, which are guided by a person, ethical standards; The rules of behavior defined by these qualities.

The definition of a vocabulary of a practical psychologist reduces moral According to Z. Freud to restriction of impulse, although it is obvious that any restriction and self-limitation should have some kind of informed and practical meaning.

Definition of Oxford Intelligent Dictionary A. Rubers reduces moral To the public moral code or public assessment of the correctness or malfunction, but it is known that the concepts of morality can be significantly varied in various societies and social systems (bourgeois morality, proletarian morality, Islamic morality, secular morality, etc.).

Definition of the dictionary of conflictologist A.Ya. Antsupova directly correlated moral with morality, implying their complete identity, although it is obvious that morality has a much greater attitude to the external forms of human behavior (social decency), while moral It has a much greater attitude towards the internal installations of a person (directivity of conscience and will).

Big Encyclopedia for Psychiatry Zhmurov V.A. reduced moralagain to the Moral Code of the Company, excluding any other aspects. A slightly more accurate wording associated with the action of conscience gives Wikipedia.

An even deeper definition gives a dictionary of terms on general and social pedagogy, equating moral To the special form of public consciousness, without deciding with the type of society and its dominant ideology.

And perhaps the most profound definition morality gives a dictionary of Ozhegov, which directly relates moral With deep inner spiritual qualities of a person as institutional.

Can continue to give moralityfrom other more or less authoritative sources and balls, but the essence of the question remains unchanged. In the system of public consciousness and its social institutions there is no single and correct understanding of the category moralityas institutional and determining nature itself and the direction of the human person.

For any educated and enlightened person, it is quite obvious that essentially neither of the above so-called. Professional definitions morality does not correspond to its genuine value and meaning as installation and institutional, i.e. determining the nature and direction of the human person.

It is in this annoying contradiction, in fact, and is the main problem of the formation, development and strengthening of the institute moralitybecause initially there is no correct idea of \u200b\u200bthe very subject and category morality.

If you try to deal with the reasons for this phenomenon, we will inevitably come to the fact that these causes are global in nature, which is associated with the change in the last years of the model of human thinking. We are talking about the displacement of the vector of public and individual consciousness from deep and essential (spiritual and energetic) categories and values \u200b\u200bfor surface, conjunctural and rational (consumer).

That is why in understanding the category morality It was lost the original depth, characteristic of the human itself, as three composite - physical and spiritual.

In other words, the concept morality, originally had a relation to the characteristic of the human spirit itself (its energy), was initially reduced to the moral side (mental), and then to the purely outer and formal side of social decency.

In this case, the essential (spiritual) side of the category morality Simply fell out of the field of view and the context of a psychological study.

So category morality Having lost the most important essential (spiritual) content and base, personifies the distorted term, reflecting the external and purely surface side of this category.

The importance of this partially lost, and partially distorted foundation category morality It is dangerous to underestimate, because at all times it was for people the most important, as determining the humanity itself in her genuine spiritual and moral sense, and not predatory.

In other words, at all times, people knew that everything is truly human always morallyas a corresponding moral image and likeness, and vice versa, everything immoral does not correspond to the human image and likeness.

To study the creature of the concept morallet us turn to his etymology.

The very concept of morality comes from the word "NORM" or "NOROV" (NORAS).

"The mind and the knob shame to form the Spirit"(Explanatory Dlya Dictionary).

It means that " mall » It is not only a setting of mind, but also the form of the expression of the human spirit. It is the temper through moral Specifies the mind a completely specific focus and determines its condition: dynamism, reaction, flexibility, refinement, sophistication, benevolence, tendency to something (to good or evil), etc.

In this regard, we can say that in relation to the human spirit, as expression and manifestation of the mind, "NUR" It's like a certain "modulator", which gives the spirit of man completely defined properties and characteristics. In one case (with one type of input), the spirit, as an orientation of the person, can be the personification of the most virtue itself, and in another case (with a different type of modulation of the gear), the spirit and direction of the person can be the personification of the demonism and evil.

In this connection, the modulating function of the human structure, capable of setting the focus of the entire system of consciousness (cognitive sphere), is fundamentally important, both for personality and for the society for the reason that it determines the focus in relation to good and evil , both individual and society itself.

It is well known in what happens to the man - quiet and noisy, meek and violent, humble and proud, patient and quick-tempered, righteous and delicious, ineffective and insidious, unpretentious and capricious, prime and tribal, virtuous and demonic, etc.

How can I notice from this list, the person's temper is nothing more than internal installation systemwhich includes and activates in consciousness those or other qualities (energy) of the human person, forming their movement (current), which determines the overall nature of the identity. Can be said more than that - moral In fact acts in the structure of the personality by a completely defined switch of individual scattered qualities and energies, transforming them into the direction of personality.

That is why the installations of the individual personality are installations of activation (inclusion) of certain qualities (energies) of the personality, which determine its character.

In this connection, by analogy with informatics, it becomes clear that changing certain characteristics of the person's natural characteristics can be changed (modulated) the nature and director of the human personality. That is why the category of human gear (and morality) At all times, such an important and paramount importance was paid, because it essentially defined the BIOS itself or human institutionality as a person.

Categories in the bus, as the system of grouping basic qualities of consciousness and identity settings, is not very easy to find analogy among the famous. Nevertheless, it is obvious that norm or "NOROV"ultimately, it creates some kind of special uniqueness and uniqueness of the personality of a person (the direction of his mind and spirit), which is the result of switching and a unique merger of a number of different qualities, both positive and negative, which, mixing with each other, in the end and Create a unique temper. Thus, the human temper can be considered a unique combination or alloy of certain qualities of the human person.

Bouquets of colors like symbols of different morals

In the coarse approximation norm It can be correlated with the color and aroma of the "bouquet of flowers", which can have its own unique individuality depending on those individual qualities (flowers) that make up it.

Differences between these bouquets of colors symbolizing various human morals, clearly demonstrate how they can be varied among themselves and human morals collected from completely different qualities of personality and energies as individual colors.

In this connection, the very fact of the presence of various types of human in the art - from frankly vicious to deeply virtuous (moral), reasonably raises the question of whether there can be a certain reference type of human gear, which can act the way perfect humanity, i.e. perfect morality ?

To answer this question, it is necessary to consider the integral scheme of morality through the prism of spirituality and morality.

As can be seen from this scheme, moral It occupies an intermediate position between spirituality and morality. In other words, inexpressible non-military energies of the creator, broadcast by mind, feelings and will, at the heart level, are refracted of the divine commandments or the fundamental principles of the highest spiritual and moral law (the law of God) and further on a social (social) level, they acquire the forms of morality as generally accepted norms of behavior and life.

Thus, the highest level in relation to the category of morality is the spiritual level, where the conscience is in the role of morality, as the voice of God in the human heart.

It is for this reason that the foundations of morality at the level of spirituality of the paradigm of rational psychology does not know the answer to the question of the nature of the reference lave. And only the paradigm of moral-oriented Christian psychology gives an answer to this question, since the category of Christian morality Just and is the key in Christian psychology.

As already probably guessed the reader, standard or image of the perfect moralitythat would personify genuine humanity In its reference and exclusively virtuous quality, without fail. In this way perfect morality, beyond doubt, is the image of Bogochlovka - Jesus Christ, who was the world of human standard moralityAs the embodiment of perfect virtue.

Speaking O. moralas manifestation Morality a person can be said that it is unconscious because the installations themselves Morality Located at a sufficiently deep level of individual unconscious. As an orientation of the sphere of personality consciousness, the temper acts on the substantially the resultant factor in the action of many institutional structures of consciousness and strength. Among these installations and strength can be distinguished and passions and virtues, which determine the overall condition of the entire cognitive sphere.

The most awesome in the category of the Nrava and morality It is that on the installation of the moral code of personality, which are similar to the "bios-a" settings of the computer, can be appropriate, i.e. You can specify them to change and modulate.

As can be seen from the scheme presented, as the ratio of passions and virtues changes, the person's temper can be gradually moved to impassive (virtuous) from a passionate state.

In this way, norm There is nothing but the result of grouping in the system of consciousness of the most characteristic qualities of the human person, which are the corresponding energies of passion and virtue, the unique combination of which and gives the personality of a person a completely special and unique color.

In other words, the man's temper is the final alloy of all the energies of his consciousness (cognitive sphere), manifested in a particular state and the direction of his mind and the Spirit.

It is curious that the concept nRAVas a special state of the spirit, it may be related not only to a separate personality, but also to any relatively sustainable human community - a group of people, kind, tribe or people, as a form of merger of individual morals in some common or collective temper or spirit. In this case, the kelpatic temper or spirit of a society is a form of reflection of social identity and ethnocultural uniqueness.

In this regard, it is no secret that some people of the world have a completely unique and unique normwho can not be confused with any other.

As mentioned earlier, the category of gear (both individual and collective) is to a certain extent regulated and modulated through relevant mechanisms and technologies. Looking at how the process of degenerates individual nations and cultures, as well as the process of displacement and replacement of some cultures, we can safely say that the temper of a separate person and humanity in general undergoes currently active changes.

Unfortunately, those changes that today occur in the field of individual and collective stories ( morality) It is deeply negative and vicious. It can be safely argued that currently in the world there is an active process of decomposition of individual and collective morality (and therefore spirituality ) Through the decomposition of individual and collective morals. The basis of this decomposition lies, first of all, the freedom of human egoism, as the basis of passionality, which is increasingly excreted, uncontrolled and thirst for infinite pleasures, because it cannot be put up with any restrictions and self-conformations.

In this global process of decomposition of human morality You can clearly see the interaction of the two global forces and doctrines - Christian, standing on defense morality, and neoliberal, standing on the protection of freedom of egoism.

If you try to determine what is based on the concept moralitythen we will inevitably come to the concept of a higher moral law, as the fundamental basis of the whole being, which is not spontaneous, and deep moral character.

In other words, the concept morality It takes its beginning from the fundamental spiritual and moral law of Genesis (the law of God), which is one for the whole of the universe. That's why moral - this is a reflection in essence of the Divinity itself and the quality of God himself, as highly moral Mind and Spirit.

From this deep and essential meaning moralityas the characteristics of God and the highest law of being, quite naturally implies the fact that moral Must be a fundamental characteristic of the person himself created in the image and likeness.

Thus, the meaning of the concept of human morality It is in accordance with the lava and spirit of a person criteria of the highest moral law.

If this is the conformity of the man and the spirit of the person's criteria moralof the law (the law of God) takes place, then such a person can be fully called moral and meets the criteria of genuine humanity.

If the temper and the spirit of man does not correspond to the criteria of the highest moralthe law (the law of God), then such a person can be called immoral or by wayward, not responding to the criteria of genuine humanity specified.

Thus, it is moral It is essentially the most important and fundamental characteristic of genuine humanity and human image from the point of view of the norms and criteria of the highest moral law (the law of God).

In other words from a psychological point of view moral It can be correlated with a certain reference set of internal installations, which represents the perfect code of authentic on the human standards of life and the principles of behavior that ensures its carrier the possibility of sustainable growth and development in harmony and happiness in accordance with the highest destination.

In this way, moral - This is a completely unique set of individual "morals", as basic attitudes of genuine humanity in accordance with the highest spiritual and moral law (God's law).

As mentioned earlier, in modern sources of information, along with the concept morality can very often meet and concept moralswhich in a number of sources is mistaken as synonym morality. However, morality and moral - this is not the same thing as moral and spirituality. From the point of view of the trimer device of a person (body, soul, spirit) category morality, morality and spirituality represent different levels of refraction of the highest moral law (the law of God).

Morality (from lat. moralis. - concerning the morals) is a derivative of the gentle and morality and the most superficial level of manifestation of a higher spiritual and moral law, as a form of regulatory regulation of morality in human society. The concept of morality is associated to a greater extent with aspects of the ordering and regulation of the Company's morals (society) through relevant rules, rules, traditions and principles. In other words, m oral - this is a more external and adopted in this society to execute the audience and social rules for conducting behavior, which always implies the presence of an external evaluation subject and the relevant Institute of Morals (other people, society, church, etc.). The rules of morality can not be separated by a person (with the appearance of their observance).

unlike morality, this is an internal and deep personal law of voluntary execution by a person of certain obligations and norms of the highest spiritual and moral law (the law of God) without external evaluation. In this way, moral Institutionally much deeper morality, since it proceeds not from the formal law, but from the conscience itself and the good will of the person.

Spirituality - This is even a deeper (high) category, as a measure of human involvement not only to the very spiritual and moral law, but also to God, as a measure of burdens or likes the person to God.

Thus, morality is to a greater degree of external social decency and integrity of the bodily level, moral - This is a measure of the inner and deep personality decency and humanity of the mental level, and the spirituality is a measure of the god of the spiritual level.

That is why for the bodily level (morality) on which all humanity is located moral is the highest measure of our humanity and integrity on earth that determines our virtue, while herself moral Determined by the highest spirituality. Where the connection is morality - morality - spirituality takes place, the highest divine order of life regulation based on higher love and higher justice.

It is not difficult to guess that this principle and this connection takes place and corresponds to the greatest degree of Christian culture and tradition, the Golden Moral Rule of Morality:

"So in all, as you wish, so that you are doing with you, so do you and you with them, for this is the law and prophets." (MF.7: 12)

Continuing the study category moralityIt is necessary to mention that the spiritual and moral basis of man was the subject of studying not only mystics, philosophers and theologians. All social reformers, ideologists and well-known politicians also very actively sought to grasp the nature of the category morality To create relevant moral-oriented social doctrines of the most perfect device in moral relations and the organization of human society.

Many of them category morality It was not just a tool for the formation of an ideal person who having a civil type of thinking and morality, but a kind of "matrix" to build an ideal civilian (high moral ) Human society in which collective values \u200b\u200bwill prevail over personal.

That is why all the greatest reformers, creating social doctrines and models of social systems, strongly sought to lay in them one or another template. moralityto create the most perfect social ideology moralityAs the ideological basis of the most correct social relations. For clarity, you can explore the relevant approaches to the solution of this issue of ideological inspirations and ideologues of the two greatest powers of peace and social systems - the United States and the USSR.

Not many today know about the main document on morality In the USA, under the name of Jefferson's Bible or the "life and moral teachings of Jesus from Nazareth", 1895, based on the "Declaration of Independence" of July 4, 1776 and the Constitution of 1787 (Bill on Rights) is a unique arch of moral principles, underlying American ideology and philosophy.

The uniqueness of this moral code is that, first, he is written off Jefferson with the Gospel, and secondly, the responsible is not literally, but is recycled rationally with the elimination of all spiritual artifacts confirming the elbow nature of the Savior.

In other words, the Bible Jefferson is essentially a distorted statement of the Gospel without the main spiritual artifacts, i.e. Without any mention of the divinity and divine origin of Jesus Christ. All spiritual artifacts associated with the intention of the Holy Spirit and the Immaculate Configuration, Transformation, Resurrection and the Ascension of Christ in the Bible Jefferson are simply absent, and, with one goal, to approve the priority of social principles and rational-pragmatic relations, over spiritual.

Simply put, Jesus Christ, according to Jefferson and American, respectively, is not God, but the usual socially concerned deep moral "man" concerned about moralityin the aspect of social justice, equality and freedom. There is no doubt that Thomas Jefferson sincerely considered Jesus Christ one of the greatest teachers morality In the world, but it is only a small part of the whole truth.

The second is no less amazing discovery associated with the use of the category morality, it can be done, having studied carefully the main document on morality and morality in USSR - "Moral Code of the Builder of Communism", Not one ten years, inspired by Soviet people to outstanding exploits and social achievements. "Moral Code of the Communism Builder" is a set of basic principles of communist morality and moralitywho entered the text of the third CPSU program adopted by the XXII Congress (1961). Here are their list:

  1. Devotion of the cause of communism, love for the socialist homeland, to the countries of socialism.
  2. Good work for the benefit of society: who does not work, he does not eat.
  3. Caring for each of the preservation and multiplication of public domain.
  4. High consciousness of public debt, intolerance to public interest violations.
  5. Collectivism and friendly mutual assistance: everyone for everyone, all for one.
  6. Human relations and mutual respect between people: man man friend, comrade and brother.
  7. Honesty, moral purity, simplicity and modesty in public and personal life.
  8. Mutual respect for the family, care for raising children.
  9. Inspromility to injustice, tunes, dishonesty, careerism, compliant.
  10. Friendship and fraternity of all nations of the USSR, intolerance to national and racial hostility.
  11. Intolerance to the enemies of communism, the affairs of the world and freedom of peoples.
  12. Bratsk solidarity with workers of all countries, with all nations.

Anyone familiar with Christian culture and tradition can detect a lot of authentic Christian and Orthodox principles in this Moral Code of Communism. The experts of the Gospel at the same time will immediately celebrate the obvious correlation of these principles with the principles of all the same Nagorni sermon Jesus Christ.

For clarity, it is possible to bring the structural scheme of the Nagorno Protection:

  1. - the need to manifest love (Matt. 22: 37-40)
  2. - The pursuit of excellence(MF 5, 3-12),
  3. - the need to carry the light of true faith in the world (MF 5, 13-16),
  4. - On the immutability and inevitability of the highest law (MF 5, 17-20),
  5. - the need to preserve friendship (MF 5, 21-22),
  6. - the need to maintain the world(Matt 5, 23-26),
  7. - the need to comply with loyalty in family relations (MF 5, 27-28),
  8. - the need to manifest vigilance and rigor to oneself(MF 5, 29-30),
  9. - Bans for divorces, all sorts of oaths and revenge(MF 5,31-39),
  10. - Bans on hypocrisy, misfortune and merciless(MF 5, 40-48),
  11. - The need for forgiveness (MF 6, 14-15),
  12. - ban on the manifestation of greed and peg (MF 6, 19-21),
  13. - ban on the condemnation of near(MF 7, 1-5),
  14. - the need to reveree to knowledge and faith(MF 7, 6),
  15. - the need to exercise zeal and perseverance(MF 7, 7-11),
  16. the need to strictly and strictly adhere to the Christian creed(MF 5, 13-14),
  17. - awareness of responsibility for non-compliance with the highest law(MF 7, 21-37)

Analyzing the two of these list of main moral The principles set out in the Moral Code of the Builder of Communism and in the "Nagorny Protection" can be clearly seen by their common moral and ethical basis based on the key principles of Christian morality.

Thus, both world doctrines (USA and the USSR), when developing a fundamental spiritual and moral criteria for social relations, were repelled from the same primary source - the Gospel, treating it in each case with a distortion of a genuine basis. At the same time both Codex morality(American and Soviet) to a certain extent were deprived of the main essence and the deep base - the spiritual, which was replaced by a more superficial ideological and moral.

Essentially both moral doctrines, forming the code morality, forgot about the spiritual level and therefore lost God, as the original source itself moralityand the highest moral law. With the loss of God and the Son of God, as the Savior, in both cases was lost and the image itself is genuine moralityas the unity of the Divine and Human.

That is why studied the perfect personality of Jesus Christ and the Gospel as the Supreme Code morality, anyone thereby touches not only the perfect humanity, but also to perfect spirituality, since perfect moral leads a person to perfect spirituality.

Here, in fact, why the Christian moral It is not just one of the most humane doctrines on the background of others, but is directly divine doctrine, given people by God himself (Trinity) - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Speaking O. morality It is impossible not to touch the Soviet school of psychology, which in the face of such scientists as: S.L. Rubinstein, A.V. Petrovsky, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, MG Yaroshevsky, TA Florenskaya and others also made a great contribution to the development of areas of social and moral-oriented psychology.

At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that the Soviet school of psychology did not create some kind of new paradigm morality basically. The Soviet school of psychology tried to develop an existing rational model, enhancing its ideological component (dispositional) and complementing a number of pedagogical aspects and approaches aimed at the formation of ideologically armed and moral sustainable personality of the builder of socialism and communism.

The real merit of the Soviet school of psychology and sociology was to contribute to the development of the so-called. The dispositional or installation approach to life, which showed the indisputable advantage of a person with internal dispositions (character, worldview, conviction, morality, etc.), to a person led by exclusively by external circumstances (situation).

There are currently developing in the field moral-oriented Psychology are separate works and studies belonging to different authors who are not combined into some single theory or concept:

  • A.A. Ukhtomsky "On Dominant".
  • S.L. Rubinstein "On the essence of the concept of" I ". The role of traditions and consciousness in moral development during turning historical periods. "
  • J. Piaget "On the moral development of the child. Two stages of moral development on the Piaget. The main differences between the heteronomic and autonomous morality. "
  • I. Ilyin "On the Essence of Occupational Conduct. Classification I. Ilina two types of legal consumers. Communication of legal and moral development. "
  • S.G. Jacobson "On the role of moral standal (sample) in the development of preschoolers."
  • S. Moskovichi, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya "On a moral personality. Theories of social representations. "
  • B.S. Broval "On the four types of moral development".
  • TA Florenskaya "The main features of a spiritual oriented approach. The world of your house and others. "

In relation to the structure of the human person moral It can be correlated with a centering rod holding (reinforcing) the entire structure of the personality pyramid. In this regard, it is obvious that the personality having a durable spiritual and moral rod within itself is also a disposed and situationally more resistant to any kind of impacts in comparison with the person who does not have this rod.

Thus, the formation moral Thinking and worldview is the essence of cognitive improvement and increasing level of mental security, both a separate person and all society. That is why the development and introduction into the individual and public consciousness of the paradigm of moral and oriented Orthodox psychology is an urgent task and a problem, the solution of which will significantly increase the level of moral and the spiritual culture of society and a separate person.

Currently the most profound understanding of the category morality It is contained only in the "moralology", which is theological discipline disclosing the Christian doctrine itself about the moral consciousness, the system of Christian ethics or the Christian exercise of morality. In this regard, it is not surprising that one of the most accurate definitions of morality belongs to the clergy:

"Morality is in general there is an inexperienced desire of the human spirit to evaluate consciously free actions and states (that is, the thoughts, feelings and desires) of a person, on the basis of a congenital human spirit of good, the expressiveness of which is conscience" (Priest V. Botzhanovsky. "Life in Christ", Serg. Posad, 1913)

Completing our category moralityit is simply impossible to bypass by one of the outstanding sources, which is associated with the main consolidation of the Christian rules morality.

This work belongs to the hand of Vasily the Great (330 - 379) - St. Caesarian Archbishop Caesaria Cappadocyan, theology, which one of the first outlined on the merits of the Full Code of Christian morality, taking as the basis of the Book of Holy Scripture and the New Testament.

Its "moral rules" to this day form the basis of "moral theology" and contain 80 major principles of Christian moralityCompliance with which is a necessary condition for the formation of practical Christian thinking and worldview.