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People's holiday of Yuriev Day: meaning and tradition. Yuriev day ... when was introduced? What did it mean? When canceled? Why say "here's you and Yuriev Day"? Spring Yuriev Day in

Who came up with Yuriev day, and who canceled it.

Many have heard the proverb "Here is your grandmother and Yuriev Day", but few know what it means. Who is Yuri, why this proverb is connected with him, we will tell in the article.

What is Yuriev Day in History: Definition

With Holy Yury or George, a lot of interesting, unusual stories are connected. Initially, this is a peasant who lived in a wealthy family in 3 millennia of our era. He grown, became a beautiful, smart prominent young man and entered the service to the emperor. Soon became his approximate face, served as faithfully. But at that time there were serious persecution of the peasants, and Georgy could not stand it, and told the emperor about his origin. What is the peasant too, while the emperor trusts him, more than anything else. He was indignant to the pushing of the peasants. Of course, the emperor did not like it, he killed a young man. Since then, George began to be considered holy, because he preached Christianity and distributed it.

It is worth noting that St. George's Day was celebrated only in Russia. In other religions there are no more of this day. Based on this, Yuriev Day is St. George's Day, which was celebrated on December 9, before the cancellation of serfdom.

Many peasants waited for Yuriev Day, because only on this day it was possible to move from one landowner to another. That is, this is a kind of transition from one barina to another. At the same time, the peasant was supposed to pay a certain amount. To be more accurate, then this is money, thanks to which he lived on the land of its owner in the house provided. The most interesting thing is that the people call this day. It was thanks to this that the expression "open" appeared, that is, to deceive. Not all landowners honestly calculated with the peasants and paid them the money they deserved them. Many of them were simply deceived, they were paid at the end of meager sums.

When, with what Tsar in Russia, Yuriev was introduced, and what are his rules? Who canceled Yuriev day when he is celebrated: date

Yuriev Day was created in 1497 by Ivan III. It was he described and allowed the peasants one day to choose a new Barin in a year, and move to him. In fact, it was not one day, but a week before December 9, and a week after him. This period was not just chosen, because at that time all work on the fields ended, and there was winter ahead. That is, in essence, there was no particular on the household, and the person could transition at this time.

With the cancellation of this day, it is somewhat more complicated, because the facts are blurry. Many of the historians insist on the fact that Ivan Grozny abolished Yuriev's day, finally consolidating the peasants. But some of the historians deny this fact, and believe that it happened much later. It made his son under the influence of Boris Godunov. In fact, this day in the documentation was not canceled, but such conditions were created that the peasants were not under the power to pay these duties, move to another Barina.

The most interesting thing is that many of the peasants were forced to flee from one owners to others. Because they treated them badly. But there were certain years in which some important and serious decrees were issued. At these years it was impossible to move from one barin to another. Accordingly, earlier, all those who moved to other owners could be returned back to the former Barina.

Often, the hosts were filed, because the peasants just ran from one owner to another. If no one found no peasant for five years, he could have already considered quite free. He did not have the right to return back, but all these 5 years he had to hide somewhere with his family.

It is believed that this day was canceled by 1581. This year, the church reform was adopted, which said that the church was not laid more than the land. They should not grow for themselves no cultures, grains or vegetables, and will now live only for funds who allocate them rulers.

The fact is that it is in Yuriev's day that many of the peasants switched to monastic lands. That is, on the land that belonged to the church, because they were much easier to work. There was a smaller tax, they paid less for the use of lands. Equipment for the processing of these lands was more modernized and it turned out to be much easier. Therefore, most of the peasants moved from landowners to monastic lands.

It was this church reform that was essentially canceled Yuriev day, because it makes sense to move from one owner to another of the peasants. After all, almost all landowners tried to squeeze out of the peasant the maximum of everything. At the same time, the amount was increased that Barina had to pay for a transition to another owner. It is believed that this law of Ivan the Grozny Fedor adopted this law, but many historians believe that this happened under the influence of Boris Godunov.

"Here's your grandmother and Yuriev Day" meaning, meaning of phraseologism

After 1581 and there was a proverb "Here is your grandmother and Yuriev Day." Indicates the abolition of hopes, bitter disappointment. Indeed, many people waited for this day to end their relationship with Barin, who trampled three skins with them, and go to monastic lands. But now it was nowhere to go, because the monasteries took these lands and there was nothing to handle. Operations for peasants practically did not remain, except to walk from one barin to another.

Many historians believe that in fact the church reform has been not enough for what they influenced, because then there were enough troubled times for the peasants. The lands were a huge amount, the peasants are not enough, so the landowners were themselves interest, so that they work the peasants and offered them quite good conditions. But then there were cases of peasants from Barin. That is, the peasants fled from one landowner to another.

Finally finished with Yuriev Day was in 1649, with Alexander Mikhailovic. Then a document was adopted, which was called the Cathedral Code. According to this document, the rights of peasants were completely eliminated from one landowner to another. Accordingly, it is from this date the peasants became serfs, that is, forever attached for a certain land and landowner.

Scientists still argue when serfdom was founded. Many adhere to the versions of the cathedral. But some consider this process more stretched over time.

Video: Yuriev Day

Yuriev Day - People's Day in Russia, was called so because of this day, the Christian Church recalls St. George Victorious, defender and patron of Russia.
By tradition, this day began with the prayer to St. George, who in the people was considered a patron and defender of both Rus and every family.
On this day there were a lot of rites of escorting roots in the Doharistian Rus.
Rosa Yuryeva Day is considered healing and useful. If you go naked on the grass and smear everything, then all year will be strong and healthy. Such a dew was collected in the lines and was given to the patients during the disease for the speedy recovery.
Georgy was considered a patron saint of calves, so on this day their stall was cleaned to the brilliance, and they were given the most delicious treat. It was impossible to serve a beef to the table.
On this day, thanked the shepherds and gifted them who could.
Yuriev Day is a celebration of a folk calendar who is not submitted to the register of memorable and festive dates of the Russian Federation.

In the article, we will tell about what Yuriev is a day, what is the history of this holiday, as well as about whom it is celebrated. Day of St. George, which in Russia was called Yuriev Day, is associated with many of us with the history of serfdom. And indeed, this holiday was a special for the peasants. None of them have a question: "What is Yuriev day?" Its value for them was huge. Intrigued? Read this article and you will learn what Yuriev is a day in the history of our country.

When Yuriev was celebrated, as he was associated with the fortress right

This holiday on the old style was celebrated on November 26, and in the new year - December 9. In the period from 16 to 17th century, he fell out on December 6th.

Briefly answer the question of what Yuriev is a day for Russian peasants, as follows. First, it was on this day the landowners were calculated with them. The calculation took place according to the results of the harvest assembled, when the fiscal year ended in the village. It was from Egoriev's day, as Yuriev called Yuriev, the word "open", which meant dishonestly pay. Secondly, it was then that the departure from the landowner was allowed. The peasants in the 15th century knew perfectly well what Yuriev is a day, because in this holiday they could freely leave their land and go to another landowner. For this, however, it was necessary to pay the debts to the former landowner, as well as the duty for the use of land and yard (elderly). Those who lived 4 or more years of the landowner were paid in the case of the "All Elderly" transition. Others, who were in his subordination of less than four years, were given only part, depending on what time they live from him. We will tell about what Yuriev is a day in Russia's history of further years.

The Covern of Ivan III and Ivan the Terrible

After the Russian land were united under the rule of the Moscow Prince, a single order was established throughout the state. In 1497, a law was adopted (under Ivan III). In accordance with him, the right of peasants to go away from landowners during the year was limited. Now they could leave them only after the end of the field work, that is, a week before the Yuryev day and another 7 days after. In published under Ivan the Grozny (the portrait of it is presented above) The law of the exit "is preserved. That's what Yurian Day's right is the opportunity to get away from the landowner.

Mode of protected years

The word "commandment" means "ban". At the initiative of B. Godunov banned the peasants and in Yuryev the day to move from one owner to another. But not always, but only in certain years, when tuber books were created, in which the inventory of the land foundation and the population was presented. This ban became unexpected for the next saying: "Here you are, grandma, and yuriev day!"

"Urgent Summer"

However, the peasants could still hide from landowners. Even in 1597, a decree was issued about urgent years. It was first indicated by the term of the check of runaway peasants. It was 5 years. This time was called "urgent years." If during his landowner did not find a peasant, did not apply from his petition about his search, the right to him was lost for him. A runaway peasant under the law was fixed for the new owner. "Urgent Summer" spread not only on the grippers, which turned out to be attached to Earth for 5 years, but also on their wives and children who have not previously fallen under the "Reserved Summer". At the same time, any transition of the peasant was considered to be flight. Made him to be refunded with the property and family.

Boris Godunov subsequently canceled this period, he introduced it again. After some time, it was canceled, and the inhabitants of our country have forgotten what Yuriev is a day in history. Today, not everyone can tell about this holiday. However, in the culture of our country, his echoes are preserved to this day.

So, we answered the question: "What is Yuriev day?". The definition of this holiday, as you learned, is associated with the name of St. George. But we have not yet talked about the very holy. We invite you to get acquainted with him closer.

Shorty Life-description Georgia

This saint was born in Beirut (Belit) in the 3rd century. e. His parents were rich. Despite the fact that the Christians at the time were the persecution, they brought up their sons in the traditions of faith. George was a beautiful, strong and brave young men. Like many of his peers, he decided to enter the military service to Diocletian, the emperor who lived from 284 to 305 N. e. Soon he earned the location and respect for the ruler of the Roman Empire. Diocletian, however, arranged the persecution of Christians. One day, George could not stand this and the imperochable emperor in injustice and cruelty. He said that he was one of his favorites, and meanwhile George Christian, like those who diocletian pursues. Of course, this act meant death for the brave young man. The emperor, making sure that he will not renounce Christ, ordered to cut off Georgia head. This happened in Nikomdia in 303.

Memorial Day George

The day of memory George-Yuri is a pure Russian holiday. It is not in other Orthodox churches. The memory of the victim of the warrior, George, who lived in the Emperor Diocletian, was celebrated on a new style on May 6. In many Orthodox peoples, for example, the South Slavs, Georgy is a patron of farmers. Everyone known to them murder of a snake depicted on the Moscow coat of arms.

Miracle about Zmey.

Each of you probably saw the image of St. George, sitting on a white horse and amazing in a spear of a zmia, arguing on Earth. It illustrates an event that occurred after the death of St. George. According to legend, not far from the place where this saint appeared, in Beirut, lived in Lake Serpent. He often devoured the local population. In order to satisfy his hunger, the inhabitants began to regularly bring him to the excitement of a girl or a young man who were chosen by lot. The lot once fell on the daughter of a man who ruled this terrain. The girl was taken to the lake and tied here. She was horrified by the appearance of monsters. When the snake began to approach her, a young man appeared unexpectedly on a white horse. He pierced the monster with a spear and thus saved the girl. Of course, this young man was George, the Holy Great Martyr. With this wonderful phenomenon, he put an end to the destruction of girls and young men within Beirut. George drew the population of this country to Christ, the inhabitants of whom were previously pagans.

Symbols in a mirac

This story is called a miracle George about Zemie. It resembles folklore stories of various countries about the heroes and heroes who won the monster. However, the victory of the saint, with all similarity with them, was more spiritual than physical. It is not by chance that the image of the hero hitting the snake is often explained allegorically. Saved to him princess personifies the church, and snake symbolizes paganism. The fact that George is depicted on horseback is also not accidental. It symbolizes the victory over the "Ancient Zmeim", that is, the devil. The victory over the dragon, as well as the fact that George by profession was a warrior, was the reason for honoring him as a patron of the military.

Resurrection of ox

But, besides the murder of a snake, he was revered for another act. George once decided on his path of the poor peasant. This person fell the only ox. Georgy rejected God to his prayer to revive the will. The peasants interpreted the victory over the snake as the possibility of prayer to this holy asking for the bite of poisonous snakes, attackers on cattle, as well as from predatory animals at all.

Memory of holy

From the 10th century in Russia, the name "Yuri" and "Georgy" became the common name. Yaroslav Wise, the son of Vladimir, who kussed Russia, was inflicted in baptism precisely George. Yaroslav in honor of his patron built in Kiev, the George Church, located in Veliky Novgorod Yuriev Monastery, and also founded the Baltic city of Yuriev. The church, located in Kiev (in the photo above), during the period of the Middle Ages several times was destroyed and rebuilt. It was finally destroyed only in 1934. Today, this church reminds only the name of the aller in Kiev, located near the Golden Gate (Georgievsky Lane). Nowadays, the city of Yuriev belongs to Estonia. He was renamed Tartu. And located in (in the photo below) is valid today. It is one of the main attractions of this city. Thanks to him, many of our compatriots remember what Yuriev is a day.

The definition of history specified by the teacher, or just interest in the traditions of our country prompted you to get acquainted with this holiday? We hope that in any case you found the necessary information. The fact that Yuriev is a day in Russia, you can tell for a long time, but we tried to select only the most important information.

Values \u200b\u200bof St. George for this holiday

Yuri-Georgy was hardly the most beloved holy in East Slavic peoples: even before the adoption of Christianity, he was considered a patron of agriculture and wild animals, the keeper of livestock. The name itself meant the agriculture: GE - Earth, Ergon is a matter. "Young Hiring, Light Brave, on the elbow of his hands in red gold, knee legs in pure silver. And in the forehead the sun, in the rear of the month, at the ends of the stars of disturbing " - Thus looked in the People's Presentation of the Holy, whose face was without any additions before the XV century, the coat of arms of the Russian state. In ancient Russia, his image was even knocked out on the coins.

Spring Yuriev Day

On November 26 - the date with which the right to transition the peasants from the feudal to the feudal (the yield of peasant) was associated in Russia, since by this time the annual cycle of agricultural work was completed and the calculation of the monetary and natural duties of peasants in favor of their owners and state taxes .

In a legislative scale, the yield of the peasant was limited in the judiciary of 1497 by a two-week period - by week before and after Yuryev. The judiciary of 1550 confirmed this position.

The right to transition of the peasants was temporarily abolished with the introduction of the protected years (historians date the introduction of various things - or -), and then prohibited at Fedor Ivanovich the legislation of the 1590s (the distribution of the ban on the beasmen and burgeons). But the published law on the abolition of Yuryev of the day has not yet been found. The Cathedral Code of 1649, published under Alexei Mikhailovic, confirmed the prohibition of transitions of the gross population and fixing the peasants to the Earth (serfdom). In connection with these reforms, the people appeared a saying "So you, grandma, and yuriev day!"which reflected the disappearance of ordinary people. Now the saying is used in connection with disappointment from unfulfilled obligations.

see also



  1. Sokolova V. K. Spring-summer calendar rites of Russian, Ukrainians and Belarusians - m., 1979.
  2. Shapovalova G. G. Egorievsky cycle of spring calendar rites in Slavic peoples and associated folklore // Folklore and ethnography. - L.: 1974.
  3. Kista T. Hergowden at South Slavs - Sofia, 1981.


  • Yuriev Day // Russian Ethnographic Museum


  • Serfdom
  • Agrarian society
  • Holidays
  • Orthodox holidays
  • Russian folk holidays
  • People's Christianity

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Watch what is "Yuryev Day" in other dictionaries:

    - (autumn), November 26, by old style, a church holiday dedicated to St. George (Hir, Yuri) victorious. According to tradition in Yuriev, the day was carried out by the transition of peasants from Feodala to the feudal (see the yield of the peasant), because By this time ... ... Russian history

    Yuriev Day, Yuryev Day, MN. No, husband. (East). The right to transition of fortress peasants from one landowner to another, carried out in the fall, on the day of memory of St. George Yuri, November 26 of the old style. "So you, grandma, and yuriev day!" (Ratings., ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    Yuriev Day - Memorial Day George Victorious, Holy Great Martyr of Christian Faith. This day is celebrated twice: May 6, on the day of his death, and on November 9, on the day of the miracle. George Victorious born in the Christian family, in his youth, became famous for his ... ... Basics of spiritual culture (encyclopedic dictionary of teacher)

Yuriev Day

Yuriev Day (Autumn), November 26, by the old style, a church holiday dedicated to St. George (Herria, Yuri) to the victorious. According to tradition in Yuriev, the day was carried out by the transition of peasants from Feodala to the feudal (see the yield of the peasant), because By this time, the annual cycle of agricultural work was completed and the calculation was calculated on the monetary and natural duties of the peasants in favor of their owners and in government serves. The right to transition of peasants is temporarily canceled with the introduction reserved years, prohibited by law in the 90s. 16th century (The ban is confirmed by the Cathedral Cutting 1649).

A source: Encyclopedia "Fatherland"

holiday in honor of the "consecration of the church of St. Great Martyr George in Kiev, before the gates of St. Sofia. "
This holiday is known in the Russian people under the name of the autumn, unlike the Spring, Yuryev day and leads its beginning from the XII century. It was installed. kn. Yaroslav, who first commanded throughout Russia "Create the holiday of St. George of the month of November 26th. " In the ancient Russian life of Yuriev, the day was a very important urgent day in the economic house, since on this day the Russian peasants enjoyed the right of transition from one landowner to another. The Faiphea refers to these transitions that they must be committed a week before the Yuryev day and a week in Yuryyevna. In one letter, we also read: "... And the peasants to give up the city to the parish and from the parish to the city for one term per year: a week before Yuryev of the day of the autumn and a week in Yuryev, the autumn day." In the stamp, by the decree of the king and the Metropolitan, it is prescribed to "refuse (release) of serving people during monasteries, houses of monastic, bishops and bishops for the period under Yury Day autumn in the old days."
King Boris Godunov, and behind him King Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky resolutely banned free transitions of peasants, and at the same time the former importance of Yuryev's Day of the Autumn ceased. Now, several proverbs are preserved about him, in which our ancestors apparently expressed strong regret on the lost day of freedom. "So you, grandmother, Yuriev Day," probably, affected by a Russian man when he for the first time and unexpectedly learned the prohibition of the transition. Or: "Baba dressed in Yuriev Day to take a walk from the boyars courtyard"; "A man was taped on Yuriev's day to rope about Boyarsky good: a man is not a tumak, knows when Yuriev lives a day", etc. From the ancient Yurian Day remained until the XIX century. The pious custom for which the memory of St. George, November 26, Russian peasants when departing somewhere on the road served mulabrats on well-being for the upcoming path. I.P. Kalina

A source: Encyclopedia "Russian Civilization"

Watch what is "Yuryev Day" in other dictionaries:

    Yuriev Day, Yuryev Day, MN. No, husband. (East). The right to transition of fortress peasants from one landowner to another, carried out in the fall, on the day of memory of St. George Yuri, November 26 of the old style. "So you, grandma, and yuriev day!" (Ratings., ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    Yuriev Day - Memorial Day George Victorious, Holy Great Martyr of Christian Faith. This day is celebrated twice: May 6, on the day of his death, and on November 9, on the day of the miracle. George Victorious born in the Christian family, in his youth, became famous for his ... ... Basics of spiritual culture (encyclopedic dictionary of teacher)

    Political science. Vocabulary.

    - (Spring and autumn) name of church holidays dedicated to the Christian St. George (Herria, Yuri) victorious. Celebrated on April 23 Art. Art. (Concent) and November 26, Art. Art. (Miracle of St. George about the snake and the maiden famous for life, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    English Saint George S Day; it. PfingSten. November 26 of the Old Style (St. George's Day) in Russia (XV XVI centuries), the transition time of the peasants from one feudal to another. Canceled by decree on reserved years in 1580,1590. Antinazi. Encyclopedia ... ... Encyclopedia of sociology

    November 26 (according to old style) Church holiday in honor of St. George, with which in Russia the XV XVI centuries. The possibility of transition of a serf peasant from one feudal to another was contacted. In a national scale, the prohibition of the transition of the peasants ... ... Legal vocabulary

    Yuriev Day - Mounted in the Russian state of the XV XVI centuries. The period in which the transition of peasants from one landowner was allowed to another. This period was dedicated to the complete end of all field work (November 26, by the old style). Establishment of Yu.D. ... ... Encyclopedia Rights

    This term also has other meanings, see Yuriev Day (film). Saint George with Life. Rostov icon of the XVI century Yuriev Day (Egoryev Day) Slavic People's holiday dedicated to the church days of memory of St. George Victorious. ... ... Wikipedia

    - (Autumn), November 26, old style, a church holiday dedicated to St. George (Egor, Yuri) victorious. In Russia, the transition of peasants from Feodala to the feudal (see the peasant), because by this time ... ... ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (November 26) a period determined by law when in Moscow Rus settled on the Lord's land and concluded with the owner a checked peasant had the right to escape from the owner, fulfilling all his obligations towards him. It… … Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron