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Dominant d 104 meat egg breed chickens. Dominants on the home farm. Brown shell

Regardless of the size of the economy, people are trying to all available methods Increase its productivity. And the choice of chickens plays a considerable role. All breeds possess their advantages and disadvantages. And in this review it will be about such varieties as Rhodonit and Dominant.

Rodonit breed ancestors are Loman Brown. They served as the basis. The breeders worked on the removal of nurses in Germany. And two strains were obtained. In Russia, the Chickens are first hit in 2002. Sverdlovsk breeders received a third strain, which had improved qualities.

The smallest productivity was inherent in the very first type of cross. Upon reaching 18 months, such a parameter as egg production has significantly decreased. This disadvantage was not characteristic of other bird species.

External appearance

Kura Rodonit in its own way appearance It is strongly similar to Loman Brown. You can see chickens possessing the same features with Rhode Island.

The characteristic of the breed is as follows:

  • not too big head;
  • the beak of yellow color is divided by a dark yellow strip;
  • red, large comb has a sheet view;
  • red earrings are well developed;
  • the chicken has feathers of brown or light brown color, tightly adjacent to the body;
  • the tail with the wings tips is painted in gray.

As well as other breeds, the lightweight structure of the skeleton is characterized by these chickens. They are distinguished by small sizes. The weight of non-drying does not exceed 2 kg. Roosters weigh a kilogram more.

Advantages and disadvantages

Non-sucks of this breed are distinguished by high egg stage.

In addition, Kura Rodonitis has the following advantages:

  • quickly get used to a variety of conditions, keeping high egg production even in winter;
  • chickens are characterized high levels survival;
  • show unpretentiousness in feeding;
  • perfect for breeding on the territory of private houses.

Chicken of this breed has several drawbacks. The biggest thing is that without incubator at home, it will not turn out the chickens. Nonbushki do not show maternity.

Main factors

Sesing chickens begin only to achieve 4 months of age. For the year they can "produce" about 300 eggs, medium weight which will be equal to 60 grams. After 80 months, the chicken begins to begin in smaller volumes. In large factories this problem It is solved through the use of a special vaccine. With her, the chicken continues to be laid at the same level for another year.

Regardless that the chicken is unpretentious, with some recommendations it is necessary to get acquainted with some recommendations:

  1. The chicken coop is recommended to be equipped ventilation system. No drafts should not be.
  2. The height of the bird should not be less than 1.7 m.
  3. The temperature should not be more than 28 degrees and less -2.
  4. By 10 square meters. No more than 20 chickens are allowed for meters.
  5. Pastes are recommended to be equipped at an altitude of no more than 1 meter.
  6. In the chicken, it is necessary to place the container in which the ash or sand will be located.
  7. Periodically necessary disinfection of the room.


King chickens need special feeds. It is allowed to mix grated vegetables with pre-naked fruit. The diet is recommended to add greens, salt or chalk. Do not do without special mineral additives. His help will help to achieve high productivity.

From the position of dry feed it is worth using wheat or wheat croup. You can add to the diet and feed. For nursing, it is important to get small pebbles and eggshell.

About what kind of breed chickens represent the breeds, you can understand when viewing small video.

Breed Dominant.

What are the differences in the chickens dominant? On the modern stage There are several varieties. With its color and body shape, they have similar features with other popular species of chickens. This is due to the fact that when breeders created them, they tried to get attractive birds with high egg stage.

Description of breed

All navels of this breed have a large and massive case. There is a scarlet comb on a small head. Roosters have small earnews round shapes. Chickens are even less.

Wings of representatives of the breed are fairly tightly adjacent to the body. If you look at the chickens from afar, you can see that they have a slightly squat. It is possible to explain this by the presence of short yellow-yellow legs. They differ enough magnificent plumage that makes a big bird look.

There are several fairly popular species of this breed. Black individuals purchased the greatest popularity. These chickens have a dark color and a characteristic body. Blue dominant is also popular with popularity.

Main advantages

Chickens of this breed are characterized by endurance. They can be breed almost in any conditions. They are able to transfer severe heat, frosts, high humidity and dryness. They were specifically created so that they could easily live regardless of weather conditions. The blue dominant is particularly different.

Kuras do not need to give a lot of food, as they are capable of finding during a walk. You can buy low-grade feed, as they will not harm birds and will not drop egg production.

The dominant is just enough to determine the floor. When the chickens get out, they have a darker color of the plumage.

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by an excellent immunity. Do not suffer from colds. When the virus is the causative agent, the dominant will quickly recover from the disease. However, high-quality treatment will play an important role.

We should not forget about such a parameter like egg production. For this breed, it is characterized by "production" about 300 eggs that year, when they are just beginning to rush.

What else can you say about the kers? They are distinguished by the absence of serious flaws. This is due to the serious work done by breeders. Even newcomers can be used to breed this breed.

Cours are distinguished by unpretentiousness in the content. They can live, both in the enclosures and in the peasants. They need to provide the possibility of free walking. Feeding is capable of varying. Drins can eat different feeds. It should be understood that various feeds may affect egg production.

In the diet, the dominant should add protein and calcium in sufficient quantities. If they are provided with these substances, you can get the maximum egg production.

Younger generation

Unpretentious is different and young. In addition, they are distinguished by strong immunity and minimal exposure to colds. Young individuals are perfectly able to cope with temperature differences and hopes of humidity.

The content and breeding of chickens is more seriously more and a profitable business. It is these pets that do not require much care, well adapted to the conditions ambientAnd may also find food yourself. Today, farmers are actively acquired in their economy chickerel Dominant. Its main advantages include unpretentiousness in care, high performance of eggs and tasty meat.

Description and photos of chickens

One of the available achievements of chickens Dominant remains 12 multi-colored species. Each of them has its name. It:

  • Dominant Blue d 107,
  • Dominant black D109,
  • Dominant red striped d 459.

Can the chicken carry eggs without a rooster read.

All birds have a proportional exterior, low weight and high performance. Adult chicken dominant can weigh up to 2.5 kg, and cock - 2.2 - 2.8 kg. The main difference between the specified types of chic is in different color.

The most popular non-success breeds are listed.

Black d 109.

This type of bird Dominant is characterized by black feathers and 100% vitality. They do not require the creation of special conditions for accommodation, able to confront differences temperature mode. The performance of eggs is 310 pieces per year. One egg weighs about 70 g. The weight of one female reaches 2 kg, and the male - 3 kg.

Features of the breed Loman Brown are described.

Sussex D 104.

Pets have 98% vitality. Chicken grows very rapidly and gain weight. After a year later, under the condition of its full nutrition, it will carry 320 eggs.

For chickens of this type, there is a light plumage and confrontation with various climatic changes.

Dominant Blue 107.

The appearance of these animals resembles the Andalusian breed. It is perfectly adaptable to environmental conditions.

Brown 102.

These chickens are capable of carrying more than 315 eggs per year. The shell product has a brown color. It happens because of the crossing of the population of rhodaland white and brown.

The photo of the Adler Silver Breed is presented.

Characteristic of breed

The viewed type of chickens is considered an improved option for ordinary non-drying. Thanks to breeders, it was possible to combine attractive external beauty in one form and excellent performance. For dominanta the main feature It remains its egg production. For the year they are able to carry about 300 eggs.

Kura's first eggs begin with 5 months of age. Also, animals are able to withstand harmful factors and diseases of various types.

Dominant is a breed of non-shells whose very high immunity. If a certain virus or infection penetrates into the chicken coop, then the chickens of this breed will not even get sick. Of course, there were cases when the virus got the body of the pets, but the treatment process was not delayed for a long time. It is this advantage that made chickens of the Dominant so in demand among farmers. After all, many of them do not carry out proper care of Kuras, as a result of which they are dying.

For roosters breed brown dominant characteristic white colorand for females - brown.

These birds have a very massive physique and a volume of plumage. In addition, they possess a small head. On it there is a comb, a red row. Due to low paws, Dominant chickens are squat birds. Wings are very tightly adjacent to the body, so they seem big.

The appearance of the dominant was perfectly worked out. You can see the gold, black, gray and blue chicken. Chickens after birth differ in gender. The chicken have a dark plumage, and in the cocks, he is bright and there are small black splashes on the top.

Dominant can be purchased itself of various types. Special position occupy chickens D100. For them, black feathers color and high performance. If you decide to make a farming in a cold area, it is best to buy pets D104. They have bright color and increased resistance to extreme weather conditions.

Live chickens of the Dominant breed when creating for them favorable conditions About 8-10 years old. Their duration depends largely on what they feed on how often they are walking in air, what conditions for accommodation are created in the chicken coop.

Features of dilution

Birds can be in a free walking or in the aviary to the deepest autumn. As for nutrition, there is no special requirements not. The only thing about to take care is that calcium and protein present in the feed. It is these two trace elements that allowed the maximum number of eggs.

If there are conditions of large poultry farms, then optimal option The reproduction and cultivation of such breeds as dominant is brown 102, white D159. For breeding chickens at the cottage or for a small farm farming, it is better to start such types:

  • serokrapy D959,
  • black D109,
  • silver D104,
  • blue D107.

Blue dominant has high performance: performance and survival percentage.

Full photos of the Oryol breed.

The presented breed of chickens practically does not have disadvantages. For this reason, they relate to the category of birds with a universal ovy braid. Dominant breed chickens are ideal nurses that will be able to supply their hosts in the amount of 300 pieces for a year.

A high percentage of survival, unpretentiousness in caring and nutrition, the ability of confronting climatic conditions and high immunity allow for an animal to a deep old age. The presence of a thick plumage gives it possible to bring the most jubilant frosts.

Curia's breeding is considered one of the uncomplicated activities of the household. Each farmer decides for himself what kind of breed he wants to start - meat or eggs. The market is rich in the choice of breeds.

Breeders bring all new and new breeds of chickens, every time something improved. Chickens Dominant are valued good egg performance and is largely ahead of "older" breeds. Among the poultry farms are still disputes - dominant is a separate breed or cross. Curia is considered one of the uncomplicated views of the household. Each farmer decides for himself what kind of breed he wants to start - meat or eggs.

The market is rich in the choice of breeds. Breeders bring all new and new breeds of chickens, every time something improved. Chickens Dominant are valued good egg performance and is largely ahead of "older" breeds. Among the poultry farms are still being disputes - the dominant is a separate breed or cross.


The Dominant is brought in the Czech Republic. Breeders initially set the goal to bring chickens with high egg performance. Kura perfectly tolerate any weather conditions, resistant to virus diseases and are distributed in more than 30 countries around the world. The birds have a very diverse color, a dense physique, strong, short legs. Chickens are very easily different from the floor - roosters are much brighter chickens.

What does breed look like:

  • rather large;
  • differ in strong immunity;
  • like the chickens and the roosses there are bright red earrings;
  • a small head;
  • wings are tightly adjacent to the body;
  • small paws of light yellow color;
  • very magnificent plumage.

Dominant chickens are very unpretentious, they will easily postpone high humidity, Frost, excessive dryness.

Essential plus farmers are that chickens can get nutrients not only from premium feeds, which will significantly save. They have a fairly strong immunity and are very rare. But if suddenly the virus will overtake chickens, most importantly cured in time, then it will pass quickly and without complications.

What color eggs

Each dominant has a certain color of eggs. But even one breed may have a different color intensity. Someone is lighter, someone is slightly darker. It depends on pigment, all chickens are produced in different ways.

Important! Czech breeds are grown Czech dominant mainly from savings. In those conditions in which the remaining rocks may die, the dominant will survive.


  • high egg stage (300 eggs per year);
  • almost five months, the weight of non-shells reaches about 3 kg;
  • high viability;
  • the weight of the egg reaches 75 grams;
  • on a day, one bird needs about 130 gr. stern.

The most common types of dominants:

  1. Dominant blue. A little similar to the Andalusian breed. The chickens are very beautiful externally, carry up to 300 eggs per year, weighing over 65 gr.
  2. Dominant black. Chicken are characterized by a good maternal instinct, unlike blue. Operation color is monophonic.
  3. Dominant red. Have a very bright plumage. From 24 weeks starting to rush. Do not require special conditions of content, greatly suitable for breeding in a private yard.
  4. Dominant crawled. Have a golden-brown color. Perfectly live in harsh conditions.
  5. Dominant brown. It is characterized by very high egg production - up to 325 eggs per year.
  6. Dominant Sussex. It is the most endless species among all, has unusual color.
  7. Dominant striped red. Have an interesting painting of feathers. On each - white strip.


There is nothing complicated in breeding chickerels Dominant. Easy to get even at novice farmers. Birds do not need special conditions, most common enough. Simple shed or aviary with a territory for a free walking perfectly suitable.

Rich plumage allows birds to adapt under all natural conditions. It makes no sense in the purchase of expensive feeds of the premium class. Of course, improved food allows to enhance the productivity of birds. Puff their feed, rich proteins and calcium.

Breeding at home Case is not difficult, the main thing is to ensure the birds due care and feeding. Be sure to make sure that the poultry house is dry, humidity can negatively affect even the dominants.


Like any other breed, chickens need to feed with special feeds. You can give finely chopped vegetables and fruits. Be sure to include salt, chalk and mineral additives in the diet. In the diet, you can turn on the feed, wheat and millet.

The divine breed Dominant was removed in the Czech village Bestzhenica. The purpose of breeders was the creation of an egg breed of chickens with high productivity, resistant to all kinds of viral diseases, ability to survive in various weather conditions. As a result, the Dominant breed appeared, which farmers are breed more than 30 countries of the world.

When it is created, cross-ayland crossings were used, Plymutroch, Sussex, Cornish. In the photo you can see some similarities between the Dominant and these rocks.

Views, basic characteristics, content


  • the body is large, massive;
  • head is small, face and scallop of scarlet color;
  • earrings of a rounded shape, red (chickens are very small, Petushkov - a little more);
  • tightly adjacent wings;
  • short legs of light yellow and pretty magnificent plumage, thanks to which the chicken from afar looks squat and seems very large, which is very good in the photo.


  • productivity - 300 eggs per year;
  • the weight of non-drying of 4.5 months reaches 2.5 kg;
  • the viability of chickens 94 - 99%;
  • feed consumption per day 120 - 125 grams;
  • middle Egg Weight 70 gr.
  • food consumption by one part 45 kg;

Description of the main species

Varieties of the breed of chickens Dominant: Kuropathenod 300; Leggong 299; Sussex D104; Crapped D959; Brown D102; Black D109; Amber D843; Red D853; Red striped D159.

Dominant Sussex 104.

It has an interesting color of plumage, externally resembles the old breed of the sussels with the wind. Productivity - more than 300 eggs per year. Egg color - brown. The plumage occurs unevenly: the chickens are fastened faster than roosters.

Dominant black 109.

High productivity - 310 eggs per year. The shell is dark brown. The breed appeared as a result of the crossing of the population of Rhodaland and the collected swimming. In the chickeny, the heads are dark, the cocks have a white stain on the head.

Dominant Blue 107.

In appearance resembles the Andalus breed of chickens. The similarity between them can be seen in the photo. Perfectly adapts to rigid weather conditions. On productivity and percentage of survival exceeds black dominant.

Dominant brown 102.

Productivity - more than 315 eggs per year. The color of the shell is brown. Appeared by crossing the population of rhodaland white and rhodaland brown. Petushki have a white color, chicken - brown.

Especially popular among poultry farms - Black D109 and Sussex D104.

Kura Dominant is very unpretentious in food. Even if the farmer feeds them with low-grade food, their body will still get all the necessary useful material, even from such food. Food can be given in small quantities, since the chickens of the dominant may well get the extraction during a walk.

Kura is very hardy, can live in any conditions and does not require much care, so it is perfect for novice poultry farms. Easily endure heat, frost, drought and vice versa, increased humidity.

Dominants - an egg-line breed, capable of bringing 300 or more eggs per year. Maximum productivity lasts 3 - 4 years, then a decrease of up to 15%.

Unlike other breeds, the dominants are very easy to determine the floor almost immediately after hatching. Dark chickens are future chickens, paint - cocks. Chickens are practically endowed with strong health and less than others are subject to various colds. In addition, the sharp differences of the weather excellent endure.

The individuals of this breed have a very strong immunity, therefore practically do not hurt. But if suddenly in household A virus causative agent will appear, they will easily cope with him, provided that the farmer-poultry farmer takes care of treatment.

Birds to the deepest autumn can be kept in small poultry houseshaving free walking, or in aviaries. To the form and the quality of feeds of special requirements is not, but they must be present sufficient number Calcium and protein necessary to obtain the maximum number of eggs.

In the conditions of large poultry farms, it is recommended to breed and grow such egg breeds as: dominant brown D102, white D159 (see photo on the Internet).

For personal traffic and farms, it is better formed:

Dominant Serokrapy D959, Black D109, Silver D104, Blue D107.

At chickered Dominant there are practically no shortcomingsBecause it was originally created as the most versatile eggs. Chickens Dominant are ideal nurses that can carry more than 300 eggs at the very first productive year.

Due to the high percentage of survival, unpretentiousness to the conditions of maintenance and nutrition, endurance and excellent immunity, these chickens can live to deep old age (9 - 10 years). Rich thick plumage allows them to carry even the strongest frosts.

Chicken breed Dominant

Czech selection chickens called Dominant belong to the best egg-meat breeds. Birds with high productivity and strong immunity unpretentious to the conditions of breeding. For these reasons, now they are very popular in the farms of many countries of the world.

External data of breed

Chickens Dominant are bred on poultry farms, large farms and private householders. This is a young cross (hybrid). It is derived by the breeders of the Czech Republic in 2013. The dominant has many subspecies for today. But all chickens have common characteristics:

  • large carcass;
  • not typically long for chickens;
  • smooth adjacent wings;
  • lap boilers;
  • bright red facial part, comb and rounded earrings;
  • half paws.

The color of the feather cover at chickens may be the most different. Today, 16 color gradations of nurses are officially recognized. They are called programs and denote by digital code:

  • brown-1 (102);
  • silver (104);
  • blue (107);
  • black with green thaw and bronze - on the neck (109);
  • black with green sampling and white breast (149);
  • white (159);
  • brown-2 (192);
  • leggorn white (229);
  • partitioned (300);
  • tricolor (301);
  • sussex (304);
  • brown-white striped (459);
  • tinted (723);
  • amber (843);
  • red (853);
  • cracking black and gray (959).

Attention! Equipment indicators, meatiness, development speed differ little from chickens. All subspecies are decorative.

Productivity Kur.

Birds of the Czech breed reaches maturity of about 4.5 months. By this time, they recruit the maximum mass of body weight. Cockerel grows up to 3 kg, chicken - about 2.5 kg. Nevertheless, the main function of the breed is the egg:

  1. The female begins to hide in 4 months.
  2. The egg laying is reduced only during the molting period of the chickens (1-1.5 months in autumn).
  3. Egg has large size. Mass - on average 70 g, maximum - around 115
  4. Color-white colors (Dominant Leggorn), cream (silver, blue, partition), brown (other).
  5. Non-worker productivity:
  • about 300 eggs in the first year;
  • up to 320 - in the next 3-4 years;
  • 290 and less - in the future.

Attention! Eggs of these chickens often have two yolks. Therefore, they are unsuitable for growing in the incubator.

Different subspecies of chickens Dominant differ in quality. The best programs on this indicator are black, sussex and white (eggs have more than 50% of females). But the lack of a subspecies of the blue is a bad zoom. Dominant chickens are flying, they are fascinated by about 1.5 months. The peculiarity of the breed of chickens is that even the unfair young young is easy to define the floor: the males have a larger ridge and dark stripes on the calf. Chickens high survival, up to 99%.

Attention! Kura Dominant live up to 8-10 years old, keeping egg production at an acceptable level.

Features of cross breeding

The breed is recommended for growing novice. Eggs are on the mass sale, although it is still correct to acquire them in special nurseries. To bring the material until the chicken appears in the incubator. It is easy to buy and already hatched young. In the first day, chicks are vaccinated.

Attention! In the future, the Dominant is formed a strong immunity. This is one of the most resistant diseases of cross.

  • the correct diet and frequency of food receptions;
  • maintaining cleanliness in the chicken coop;

  • regular water renewal in drinking;
  • moderate humidity, good air inflow in the poultry house;
  • lack of drafts.

Attention! Representatives of the brood hold a herd on the walking. Thanks to the structure and density of the plumage of chickens, they will penetrate without problems in the unheated room.

  1. Keep in the flock of only one rooster. The optimal number of chickens for it is 20. Violate the balance is undesirable not to cause physical and psychological injuries to animals.
  2. Smooth transition to K. light regime From 9 to 16 hours will increase the productivity of nonaxes.
  3. Do not be afraid of a sharp loss of decorative properties of poultry during molting. This is a normal process for eggs.

The young people will be seal in separate disinfected dry enclosures. To age 2 months The luminous day of the chickens should be 8 h. If the weakened or sluggish chick appeared - to sit down in another place. The kids do not yet have formed immunity, so they risk getting sick and infect all the young herd.

Principles of feeding hens, poultry reviews

Consumption rate food mixes Kuraura is 115-125 g / day. Thus, 140-160 g of feed is consumed on one egg. It uses either factory feed, or self-compiled diet from such products:

  • grain monolayer;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • chopped greens;
  • vegetables;
  • corn;
  • barley.

Council. Be sure to add to the food of the chalk powder or bone flour. It is also desirable in the chicken coop of gravel or coarse sand. Winter in the diet of birds add strap and horsepower.

Currencies highly appreciated the unpretentiousness and high productive crosses dominant. But practice has shown some differences from the stated bird qualities:

  • the withdrawal of chickens in the home incubator showed 90% efficiency;
  • with incorrect care in the cold time, mass sowing eggs may begin;
  • separate roosters can be aggressive (characteristic of the fond of the leggorn).

People characterize chickens as very active, but not noisy and not aggressive. The bird is striving up: climbs the windows of the chicken coop, translates through the meter fence, in the event of a conflict, it also tries to rise higher. Primary temperament and undemanding to the conditions of content made chickens dominant one of the most sought-after modern rocks for both experimental and beginner poultry farms.