Repairs Design Furniture

Moisture remover from the air at home. How to dry the air in the apartment yourself. Make a home dryer air: fast and budget option

Everyone knows that water is life. The human body consists of three-quarters water. What is there to talk about your favorite cucumbers and watermelons, which, in fact, are water in useful and delicious form. Two liters of water per day will improve the metabolism, they will appreciate the skin of the saving moisture, will help in weight loss, toxins will remove, removal of hunger. It is known that people with the problems of the respiratory system ride to the sea to become so. The look of the water element brings peace, calm, increases the body's tone and prepares for the accomplishment of great cases. But water - giving life, nourishing, affectionate and calm - can rebel against a person. Floods, floods, tsunami, typhoon, shower fell on the heads of people every year; And how many lives took this fluid! So in small scale: water can help us at home when we bathe, my dishes, we cook food, watering the plants; And maybe it's great to hear when the neighbors lost the control of water supply and plumbing on top, or when its excess or, on the contrary, the disadvantage is reflected on the weather in the house that, of course, not nobody. In order to provide an ideal indoor, and a humidifier is designed to work or, on the contrary, you can do it with your own hands, and that devices, and you can trust the technique. Which option to choose is to solve you, especially, everyone has its advantages, minuses, price and consumer.

Excess moisture in the air. What threatens it?

Everyone ever noticed that at home it becomes difficult to breathe, in the air a lot of dust, and the skin or mucous membranes are constantly experiencing discomfort: dryness, burning, and at home suddenly allergic appeared? Basically, such discomfort is experiencing residents of dusty areas with a bad environment. This is the correct air dryness indicator. You can fight with this, putting a can with ordinary water on the window or at the battery, you can often do what if it is impossible to be in the house - it is very stuffy, and when frost is too cold on the street, an unpleasant smell soak all the intestinal surfaces , It's impossible to get things from the cabinet, because they are sticky and cold, and still have skin problems? If you noticed several signs from this list, then in your apartment excess moisture. Maybe this is associated with the climate or proximity of water bodies, and maybe you have a swimming pool or do you often work with hot water? In any case, the convergence of air is also dangerous. These conditions are simple for fungi and mold. Your things suffer: from furniture to books and shoes, food products are spoiled. Yes, and this condition is nothing good to the organism. To ensure a normal microclimate in the house, install the air dryer made by your own hands or buy such a home appliance store. And check out the state of the ventilation, which seems to be far from the ideal. Remember that health is never cheap!

How does the purchased or homemade air dryer work?

There are several types of dryers. Fully accessible air dryer is a drive, you can learn about its manufacture from this article. The second type is best to purchase, as the manufacturer is quite expensive and complex. This very second type seems to be a conventional radiator. The temperature of the front surface is much lower than the temperature in the house, so the excess moisture is known from the school, it settles, that is, dew drops. Next, the droplets run into a special container, and there is magic. Water is heated, so it turns out warm and precisely dry air. These devices can even be interior decorations and dilute the situation.

Make it yourself dry dryer!

So, nothing complicated in the manufacture of the dryer. Moreover, the choice is so diverse that there is a desiccant on each suffering. Our ancestors were fought with a problem: remember how the salt absorbs moisture. So, the first way is even available to a child. To do this, take a jar or any other container, pouch. In the selected container, pour salt (you can add something aromatic), clay, a silicate gel, which will find in boxes with shoes (however, you can buy it in a household chemical store), even a filler or a lot of activated carbon. Then disappear homemade dryers all over the house. When moisture accumulates too much, just throw the filler. And here's another air dryer made with their own hands. Cut the plastic bottle in half. In the bottom, put your wool or pour oatmeal or other cereals. The first top close the cloth and secure the rubber band. Pour salt, turn over and insert into the bottom. Then squeeze your cotton or change the filler.

Each person wants to create warmth and comfort in his home, but sometimes the temperature differences and the unequal humidity of the indoor air and outside it, create conditions that bring discomfort for the inhabitants. The simplest and rapid solution to this situation is the acquisition and installation of air dryer.

Industrial desiccant models can be found in a specialized store, but their cost is not always available for the usual consumer. In this case, you can resort to independent manufacture of such a device, which in terms of functionality will not give up the industrial and at the same time the costs of its manufacture will be significantly less.

Purpose of air dryer

Most apartment owners occasionally face the problem of the presence of mold and fungus. Disputes, with which they multiply, move with air flows. In the absence of certain conditions, they are in a state of calm, but when favorable conditions arise: high humidity and air temperature, they begin to actively develop.

For the development of the colony, the fungus or mold is sufficient for the presence of a twenty-degree air temperature at a relative humidity of 80%. In cases of the absence of a similar phenomenon at the neighbors behind the affected wall, it can be concluded that moisture has become the main factor in their development.

To solve the situation, the main factors of its occurrence should first exclude. Of course, the temperature is not always appropriate to lower, especially in the autumn-winter period. In this case, the optimal solution is to reduce air humidity in the room by using the dryer.

Removal of fungus and mold solves not only aesthetic problem, besides this, accommodation conditions are improved. After all, the wet environment is a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms that can harm human health.

What is air dryer

The air dryer represents a household appliance, which is used to drain the dwelling with the subsequent regulation of the humidity level. It can be used not only in residential premises, but also in production. The dryer is advisable to use in such premises as:

  • Utility rooms;
  • Small rooms;
  • Basement;
  • Garage;
  • Pre-banker;
  • Library;
  • Wine Vault.

Such instruments are sufficient, transportable, simple and practical in use due to a small weight and convenient shape, besides, it is not necessary to carry out special installation work.

For production, water parks, ice arenas, refrigerators, pools, you need to use special powerful modifications with high performance. With their help, not only the drying of the air is carried out, but also create additional conditions for ventilation. Thus, the necessary microclumatic conditions are formed indoors.

Principle of air dryer

Modern manufacturers provide a wide line of air dryers of various modifications, which differ from each other by some parameters. The main features is a working volume. It represents the volume of water, which can be a filtered device from the air.

When choosing a device with a necessary working volume, the premises parameters should be taken into account for which it is purchased. The cost of the desiccant depends on this characteristic, but in spite of a fairly high cost costs for its further maintenance decrease.

Distinguish portable and stationary dryers. Portable are distinguished by the possibility of transporting, that is, it can be easily moved to the desired room and easily install to work. Stationary, on the contrary, mounted on the wall, they cannot be moved, but they are characterized by high performance and power.

The principle of operation of the device consists in reducing the level of humidity due to condensation. With the help of a mounted fan, the air flow enters the device where it passes through the evaporator. This is a radiator that has an order of magnitude lower than in the room. Such a temperature difference contributes to moisture condensation.

The liquid, which in the process formed, flows down where accumulates in a special container. The air, which is processed into evaporators and is cooled in the future begins, heats up, passes to the output compartment from where it enters the room in a dry and warm condition. It is very important when using a desiccant to ensure efficient ventilation of the room.

In addition, changes in air humidity Desiccant applied to:

  • Preventing fogging windows;
  • Education of comfortable microclimatic conditions for living;
  • During repair.

The use of the device during repair work helps to accelerate the drying of the finishing materials, while not disturbing technology as the room temperature is at one level.

Algorithm for creating the device with your own hands

Drainage of air flow in the room is based on three principles:

  • The heating;
  • Adsorption:
  • Condensation.

To create favorable microclimatic conditions, heating is not always suitable, because the increased temperature can adversely affect the residents of the room. In the process of independent design of the desiccant, the foundations of moisture condensation and adsorption should be followed, which are most effective and easy to implement.

Desiccant adsorbing type

To create the most simple adsorption air dryer, you do not need to acquire expensive materials and spend a lot of free time. To create a drainer of adsorption type, you will need a pair of plastic bottles, in two liters.

The bottom of one of the containers must be perforated with hot spokes, nail or other suitable item. Then the bottle should be divided into two identical components.

The next stage is to the premises of the top of the bottle into the bottom perforated in such a way that it is located the neck of the book.

The plug on this part of the bottle must be carefully buried at the same time you should do several through holes in it with the same hot nail, knitting needles or sewn.

In the upper component, the design need to pour the absorbent of any type. The most suitable is silica gel, which is characterized by high absorbent parameters. In addition, it can be restored without difficulty after drying the substance used. For one desiccant, you need to take 250 grams of silica gel.

The second bottleneck need to remove the bottom. Inside the bottle, you need to place a fan that will direct the air flow toward the cropped bottom. As a fan, you can apply a USB fan or cooler, which is used in a computer device in order to cool the processor. The device's pressure node must be placed at a distance of ten centimeters from the cut bottom.

The second bottle capacity needs to be put on a bottle in which the absorbent is located. The joint line must be carefully treated with scotch for creating reliable sealing. For the flow of air flow, you need to open the lid on the second bottle.

Observing manufacturing technology, you can construct a simple, silent, compact and efficient air dryer. The mounted fan creates the conditions for the flow and passing of the air flow through the adsorbent, and the processed air goes to the room through the hole below the structure. The power supply for the fan can be a battery.

Desiccant of condensation type

The device for drying the air of a condensation type is an order of magnitude more complicated by the adsorbing option, but at the same time the foundation for its creation can be found in every home. Such a base can be a faulty old refrigerator.

The initial stage when creating a condensation dryer is to prepare a refrigerator. To do this, remove the door from the available compartments by disassembling the loops. It does not take much time and efforts as most modifications use removable doors.

Then you need to prepare the plates of the plexiglass with a minimum thickness of about three millimeters, which will correspond to the removed door of the refrigerator.

From the edge of the pre-prepared plate, it is necessary to do holes. They need to be done at a distance of thirty centimeters from the edge. These holes are designed to further wind up the fan. Its dimensions must correspond to the protective grille of the pressure unit.

Installation of the fan consists in its mounting to the grid using self-tapping screws. The principle of its work is identical to the supply head unit and is to strangue the air flow in the middle of the refrigerator.

In the prepared plate of the plexiglas, a row of holes on the upper edge should be built. Their area should be identical to the surface that is designed to build a hole for further fan fixation.

It is also necessary to analyze the work of the standard condensate system from the corps and, if necessary, finalize or streamline it. To this end, it is necessary to combine the outer nozzle over the compressor with the accumulative capacity using the polymer tube.

On the place of the door of the refrigerator, you need to fix the plate from the plexiglas with the help of self-samples. For reliable sealing of joints and seams, it is recommended to use self-adhesive tape or silicone.

The preparatory stage is completed, you can now start the device. First you need to start the fan, and then connect the refrigerator itself. Some time after the start of the home-made dryer, the humidity in the room may decrease by ten percent. After a long use of such an instrument, not only humidity, but also the ambient temperature is reduced.

Humidity control

The homemade designs of the air dryer are distinguished by the lack of an instrument to control the level of humidity in the room, which can create certain difficulties in its operation. In the production models, there are mounted sensors that display data on humidity and temperature indicators.

In cases of using a self-made dryer for measuring temperature, a familiar thermometer is used. To reconcile the level of humidity, it is advisable to purchase a hygrometer.

It happens in advance and digital. Any suitable model can be purchased in a specialized store. In addition, such a function can be installed on modern gadgets: computers, tablets, smartphones.

Many modern apartments face the problem of excessive humidity, especially if this humidity persists in the room for a long time. The harm caused to dampness is quite difficult to eliminate, so it is best to try to prevent the problem. For this, a household air dryer is perfect for this, which can be purchased in the store or make yourself. It is not necessary to underestimate the harm that has increased humidity, because it is not only about the aesthetic attractiveness of the premises, but also about the health of its inhabitants.


What is this desiccant, and "with what they eat"? In essence, it is a specialized climate technique designed to maintain the optimal level of humidity in the room. For houses or apartments with insufficient or missing air conditioning, a household air dryer is simply necessary. This indispensable device will help condensate moisture, thereby preventing its settlement on the walls and other surfaces, which causes the formation of mold. If you bought a device in the store, you will only need to check the volume of the fluid in its tank, set the desired level of moisture indoors and turn on the device. This air dryer for the apartment most often has a built-in timer, which automatically turns off the device after the specified time.

Does the desiccant need?

Not every home or apartment needs to be appliances of this type. The moisture level may vary in direct dependence on the quality of the pipes and the current season. In order to determine whether there is an excessive moisture in the room and whether there is no need to acquire the air dryer for the house, it is necessary to pay attention to such factors:

  • A sharp shaggy smell says about the presence of water leak, which herself does not dry.
  • Mold is one of the first and most obvious indicators of excessive humidity in the room.
  • Condensation (that is, drops on the glasses and other surfaces) indicates that the air dryer would not hurt. After the reason is eliminated, this device will help reduce condensation effects, and also prevents the formation of molds harmful to health.

Types of dryers

The equipment varies depending on the physical principles based on which it functions. To date, four types of household dryers can be distinguished:

  • adsorption (works due to the adsorbent contained inside the device);
  • evaporative (guides moist air to a special cold surface, as a result of which it condenses and flows into a specialized compartment);
  • based on Peltier (based on the cooling effect of semiconductor structures, as the result of the passage of electric current through them);
  • a rotary adsorbing (considered an improved class, its principle of operation is a combination of two preceding).

Principle of operation

The condensation dryer of air operates in accordance with the principle of condensation of the water vapor contained in the air. Due to the interaction of the refrigeration circuit with the capacitor and the special evaporator, the air dryer works. Reviews confirm that this method is the most efficient, especially from an economic point of view. Simply put, due to a special engine in the apparatus, wet air flows, which is then cooled in the evaporator using refrigerant. The dried air subsequently passes through a hot condenser, after which it gets into the room. Such a device has a number of advantages, it is mobile, works autonomously, has a compact size. In stores today there are many diverse models, but there is also an opportunity to make the air dryer with your own hands. There are several ways to make a device for drying air yourself. We will tell about some of them below.

Desiccant from the refrigerator

What do we usually make with the old fridge, which still works, but looks like from the last century? Most often, such copies are sent, at best, to the cottage, and at worst - in the garage or landfill. However, the old work freezer may well come in handy in the economy, for example, to make the air dryer with their own hands. Of course, they will also need other materials, among them: a piece of organic glass, which coincides in size with the parameters of the chamber, several self-tapping screws, special silicone glue (sealant), two fans, rubber tube, hollow inside, electric heater.

To begin with, dismantle the freezer door, it will not need us. Next, attach one of the fans to the bottom of the plexiglass so that it is necessary inside the refrigerator. To do this, make a hole in the glass of the desired diameter and securely secure the fan with the help of screws. All holes and joints need to be treated with sealant. The next step, necessary to create a dryer of the air with your own hands, is to attach the second fan to the top of the plexiglass. This device is intended to produce a hot dried air back to the apartment.

Next, you need to hind the rubber tube, its task is the conclusion of the condensed moisture from the drainage apparatus. To install the tube at the bottom of the device make a small hole where the hose is inserted. The hole is necessarily processed by glue. The free end of the tube is displayed in a vessel where condensate will be stroke. Finally, it is necessary to attach a plexiglass with a fan to the place of the old door of the freezer - and your dehumidifier is made with their own hands.

Do it yourself

There is a simpler and less cost way. It is suitable for whose budget is very limited, and the humidity of the air in the house is not too small. To create the simplest desiccant, you will need a large tin can, some coal and acute knife. Gently do at least 10 holes with a knife in the lid of the jar, put it off the coal inside your bank and close it with a prepared lid. Place your homemade dryer in place with the highest concentration of humidity. Remember that coal in the bank will need to change at least once a month.

People says

The opinions of people about dryers are diverted. Some prefer store devices, explaining it not only by the functionality and reliability of the apparatus, but also a guarantee for the repair of air dryers. Others, on the contrary, are not needed to spend money on the purchase of a well-known brand's desiccant, if you can build it yourself. Of course, professionally made devices are much more efficient than self-made, but for those apartments where the level of humidity does not exceed the norm, the latter will be wonderful and no extra costs.

And finally, I would like to present to your attention a few general recommendations that will be useful to each owner:

  1. 50-60% is a normal level of humidity.
  2. The windows must close during the dryer's work.
  3. Noise level should not exceed 46 dB.
  4. Some models are equipped with a power saving mode.

The air dryer enjoys the popularity today along with the humidifier. No matter how strange it sounds, but both divergent actuators make it possible to create a comfortable microclimate not only in different homes and apartments, but also in one housing. The choice of suitable device depends on the quality of the building materials applied at the base, chosen finishes and features of a household of a family or another. For which the drainage is needed, the principles of its action, as well as how to make the air dryer with their own hands, you can learn here.

For what purposes use the air dryer in the apartment?

The most unwanted and unexpected guests in our dwellings are fungus and mold. Their disputes regularly twist around. But in most cases they are at rest, because in order for them to begin to act, they need certain conditions, namely:

  • high temperature in the room;
  • humidity.

And why then, for example, a neighbor has no similar unwanted trouble? The answer is simple enough: the air temperature throughout the house is most often the same, but the humidity can seriously differ.

Air Dryer

In the fight against the consequences of dampness, you can, of course, significantly reduce the temperature in the apartment. Yes, that's just who wants to live in a constant cold? That is why the optimal way out of this situation is to establish the air dryer. With your own hands, you will make it or buy a ready-made adaptation - here you have to choose here.

Important! Among other things, he is guarding the health of the inhabitants of the apartment. Immunity of the human body is directly dependent on air humidity, which is around it. What he will be land, the more difficult it is to multiply malicious bacteria and harmful microorganisms.

Algorithm for creating a dryer with his own hands

The drying of the air is carried out in three simplest principles:

  • heat;
  • adsorption;
  • condensation.

It would seem that with the help of heating it is easiest in the room to dry the air. But the reality is such that it will not like anyone by the day, there is no longer a hot apartment. That is why we will consider the following two options: condensation and adsorption of moisture. Make driers based on these principles, you can without help.

Drainage of adsorbing action

This is probably the easiest option that does not require large temporary and financial costs:

  1. Take 2 plastic bottles. Each volume of at least 2 liters.
  2. The bottom of one of the bottles perphs with a hot nail or needle. Divide the container into two identical halves.
  3. In the bottom, already perforated, part of the bottle insert the second half in such a way that it is directed by the neck down.
  4. Be sure to tighten the cork on the neck, having done in it a large number of holes with a hot nail or sebel.
  5. Put any absorbent in the upper part of your design.

Important! The optimal option is a silica gel that has powerful absorbing options. They are sufficiently restored after drying the substance used. For one desiccant, you will need approximately 250 gr silica gel.

  1. The bottom of the second bottle cut, inside the tank, fans the fan that is needed in order to blow in the direction of the cut-off bottom. The removal unit of the device is located at 7-10 cm from the cut bottom.

Important! To do this, you can use the USB fan or the cooler, which is designed to cool computer processors.

  1. Bottle with cut bottom Put on a container that contains an adsorbent.
  2. The place of the joint is thoroughly wrapped with a tape for better sealing.
  3. Unscrew the lid from the second bottle in order to provide air flow.

Important! Having done all these small manipulations, you received a low noise, but a fairly effective device that is powered by a USB connector or charging for a mobile phone. The fan creates a strength of the tributary, thereby drives the air through the silica gel, and the breathable stream leaves through the perforation holes below the structure.

In addition to dryers, there are still a lot of effective ways to solve the problem we have collected for you separately in the post.

Condensation dehumidifier

This unit is somewhat more complicated than the previous one, but here is the basis of its design you can find in every home. Roughly speaking, this air dryer can be made, for example, from a forgotten refrigerator.

How to act:

  1. Remove the door with refrigeration and freezer compartments, disassemble a loop. It is very simple to do it, because most of the models are equipped with removable doors.
  2. Squeeze the plates of the plexigla, the thickness of which will be at least 3 mm.
  3. At a distance of approximately 35 cm from the edge of the plate, beware and cut the hole inwards the fan will be installed inside.

Important! Dimensions of the holes must match the fan protective grille that you found.

  1. Place the fan in the plate, secure it with the grille with the help of screws.

Important! The device must work as a parabathing unit, that is, whining the stream of wet air inside the refrigerator.

  1. At the top of the pressure plate, do a series of holes with a drill. The total area of \u200b\u200bthem should coincide with the opening area under the fan.
  2. The staffing system of excess condensate from the body is put in order or modify it. To do this, combine the outer pipe, which is above the compressor with a storage capacity, the polymer hose.
  3. Fasten the plexiglass with the help of self-tapping screws on the place where the refrigerator door should be.

Important! In order to achieve greater sealing in places of joints and insulate them, use self-adhesive tape or silicone.

What is a typical air dryer?

The one who knows how the refrigerator works, the principle of operation of the air dryer will not seem very confusing.

Principle of operation

Inside also circulates freon, and there are four phase states that allow you to first cool the air into the room, thereby picking up all the moisture from it, and then re-heat and release into the room.

Important! Most often, problems with humidity level occur when the ventilation system works incorrectly. Check it at least the most elementary ways - bringing a lit match or applying a sheet of paper, and then we will tell you how to solve the problem, set the microclimate in the house and.

These are the components on which the basics of air dryers are held:

  • evaporation;
  • compression;
  • condensation.


In order to ensure the status data, there are four structural elements. The composition of the air dryer device is set:

  • capillary tube;
  • compressor;
  • condenser;
  • evaporator.

Important! The output stream is heated using a condensor, where freon is reincarnated into the liquid, giving the previously assembled heat.


It remains to add that in factory air dryers, you can adjust 2 room microclimate parameters:

  • temperature;
  • humidity.

In addition, it is possible to adjust the speed of rotation of the fan, thereby affect performance. What the humidity of the room is higher, the turnover must be more. So, the air dryer in the bathroom should work much faster.

Important! Separate models are equipped with an ultraviolet disinfection.

An important nuance of choice

In its parameters, the purchase device exceeds the parameters of the vacuum cleaner by 2 times. This is a fairly large-scale device that, to all, can be relatively noisy.

Important! If you purchase the air dryer, then the acoustic level should be about 46 dB. For greater understanding, most refrigerators are valid ranging from 42 to 52 dB.

Now you know everything about how the household air dryer works, what he can do how comfortable it is. And for comparison - you can first make a more budget version of the device. To do this, you have 2 step-by-step instructions for the assembly of the air dryer with your own hands from the remedies. Perhaps you will have such an interesting and effective device that you are unlikely to want to spend an impressive amount for modern techniques for the house from industrial manufacturers.

Unstable humidity creates discomfort both indoors and on the street, so the air dryer is the necessary thing in the modern world. The crude air displays wooden interior items, parquet, wallpaper starts to lag behind the walls, mold appears and unpleasant smell. In such a situation, there is one way out - to dry the atmosphere by either industrial devices or your own hands created.

Control temperature and humidity can be banal - regularly ventilated the room. It works when on the street +30 and higher, and if it is constantly going rain, then you should use the store technology.

There are four types of domestic air dryers in the apartment:

  1. Adsorption. This type of absorber operates due to the adsorbent, which is filled with the device.
  2. Evaporative or compression. The wet air settles on the cold surface, where it turns into a liquid and, staining through the tube, is assembled into a special container. The lower the temperature, the more productive the process is carried out. In the warm time of the year, the technique can deliver inconvenience, since the atmosphere in the room changes by several degrees and becomes higher.
  3. Membrane. The device is intended to dry the slight amount of atmosphere. The essence of the device is as follows: water molecules are removed at the moment when the compressed air passes through the membrane. The main advantage of this class of technology is the lack of connecting to the network, compactness, is not used by the condensate collection. Of the minuses - the natural loss of air to 20%.
  4. Assymigative. The principle of work here is as follows: when warm air is supplanted, it comes to replace the cool. It is in it that the moisture content is much less according to the laws of physics. The negative side of the device is low performance (not suitable for cold and high humidity), consumes a significant amount of energy, and the cost leaves much to be desired. The price tag starts from 400,000 rubles and higher.

The consumer market is diverse both in technical plan and financially. Everyone can pick up a great option in the store and dry the air indoors. And someone will not at all do not like industrial heat exchangers, and he will want to make the device independently.

Review of typical air dryers for home

The first models, like computers, had an unattractive look, their dimensions were huge.

To date, the modern household appliances market offers the buyer:
  • original design;
  • streamlined forms;
  • minimum dimensions;
  • selection of mounting (wall, floor, built into the ventilation channel);
  • remote control;
  • metal or plastic case;
  • availability of display;
  • smart logic equipped with filling and temperature indicators.

More powerful and expensive devices have built-in hygrostat, which can raise moisture to a specific level.

The budget variant of the unit is presented in compact design. NEOCLIMA ND-10AH processes 10 liters of compressed air and is able to dry the room with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 48 sq.m. The package includes a spacious tank for collecting condensate with a volume of 1.5 liters. There are also filters for cleaning air passing through the dryer. Electronic control and indicators (power supply, container filling, determining the humidity level at the time of operation of the device) only add advantage of the device, which is so worth 10 thousand rubles.

The middle class equipment has increased performance and within 24 hours is able to overtake up to 30 liters of fluid. Noise level, for example, at the Ballu BDH-30L model, minor and equal to 45 dB. Regardless of the ambient temperature (from +5 s about +32 s O), stable operation is provided. The refrigerant of increased security is used here. The cost of the device does not exceed 20 thousand rubles.

One of the expensive heat exchangers for home use belongs to Stadler Form A-040E Al. It purves from moisture, bacteria, fungi and dust 60 m 2 and 20 liters of the atmosphere. A compatible tank of 4.6 liters makes it less randed drainage of the accumulated fluid. The presence of a display, hygrostat and reliable mechanical control facilitates the operation process. It is worth this pleasure more than 40 thousand rubles.

Each city and home appliances store are represented as air dryers of a condensation type, and the adsorption option can be bought for homemade everybody. For example, Master DHA 10. Instead of refrigerant, a coal filter is used. Passes through itself up to 200 m 3 / h atmosphere. The separated liquid accumulates in a tank by 3.5 liters. Provides drying clothes. A unit will cost 15 thousand rubles.

Without knowledge of the laws of physics, we can not do here. The main principle of the condensation apparatus is that water vapor, settled on a cold subject, is converted to condensate, which flows into the container by special assault, and the air due to the second heat exchanger heats up and goes into the external environment. Therefore, the device of this class is referred to as refrigerated, or condensation type.

What household appliances can create air dryer for the apartment with their own hands? The most close-called instrument is a refrigerator. Any old, but functioning refrigerator will be required.

It will also be necessary to prepare in advance:

  • plexiglas - cut on the size of the freezer;
  • dozen metal screws;
  • a couple of domestic fans for the exhaust system;
  • silicone sealant;
  • cutting of the rubber hose;
  • an old household heater.

Materials are ready.

Establish assembly:
  1. Customize a sheet of plexiglass under the freezer dimensions.
  2. We set the first fan on the workpiece from above. It will be designed for blowing and the other below - for blowing out.
  3. Slap holes for fence and air intake. Do not forget to do a hole for the drain hose. She will be good to look at the bottom of the construction.
  4. Fix the cap from the plexiglass by self-drawing to the location of the freezer.
  5. Seams, gaps and fasteners pass sealant.
  6. Everything is ready, you can run.

Why did the heater needed? Now we have air conditioning, and if you install a heat curtain in front of the homemade device, but so that the emerging air falls on it. Now you can definitely be drained square meters.

Adsorption unit for home from undergraduate

An easy way to make a homemade moisture maker is the use of a sorbent.

To dry the air in the apartment with such a device, you will need:

  1. A pair of plastic bottles with a volume of 2 liters.
  2. We are done on the bottom of one container a lot of small holes with a preheated sewn or knitting needles.
  3. We divide this workpiece into two parts.
  4. Similarly, we do small holes in the lid of the same bottle.
  5. Half with the neck insert the plug down into the part with the holes.
  6. I fall asleep to the received adsorber device.
  7. At the second vessel first cut off the bottom, and after, retreating 10 cm from the cut edge, we install the fan. In this case, a computer propeller is perfectly suitable, which is safe, fix with a glue gun.
  8. This design is attached to the vessel with the adsorber. The location of the dock is processed by scotch.
  9. To carry out the influx of the atmosphere into the homemade air dryer, the cover is removed from the second container.

As a reagent, it is best to use a material that perfectly adsorbs - silica gel. After one-time application, he dried in a heated oven. This will fill its properties.

Thus, it turned out an excellent home use device, which is effectively fighting with excess moisture and practically does not make noise. A device from a USB port or from a conventional charger for a mobile phone is powered. The fan contributes to the passage of the wet air flow through the adsorber, causing it. Then through miniature holes made in the bottom of the bottle, dry air will come out.

Now you know how to make the air dryer with your own hands from the remedies. It turns out that special skills for this process are not required. It is enough to have an old but working freezer, or know where substances absorb moisture are sold.

Read more about adsorber

As it has already been noted that the drying actions have a silica gel - this is one of the few funds that looks like bright matte polycremic acid granules. They perfectly absorb moisture and smire quickly. These qualities make adsorber indispensable in a homely chemical system, and it is intended for repeated use.

A high security class guarantees the quality of the substance. It will not crumble and does not allocate a couple of vapors negatively affecting the human body.

There are several varieties of reagent:

  1. WAS WAS.
  2. Large, with small pores, is intended for use with humidity less than 70% (KSMG - a large silica gel picker granulated).
  3. Large, with large pores, is intended for use with humidity more than 80% (KSKG - large silica gel is a large granular silica gel).
  4. Microporous (reagent that is applied in production).
  5. Activated (ACSG - Activated silica gel Hospitable granulated).

To date, there should be no problems with its acquisition. A variety of varieties, price variation allows you to choose the best option via the Internet. On average, the price per kilogram is ranging from 50 to 160 rubles. The budget and most optimal option - KSMG or KSKG, the cost begins from 55 rubles.

Device for determining the level of moisture indoors

How to dry the atmosphere in the house, the question was lit, and how to control the percentage of moisture indoors? Industrial devices have programmed temperature control sensors and atmospheric pressure. And what if the air is dried by a homemade device? You can adapt the thermometer, but it is difficult to trust it. It also makes no sense in it if the goal is to measure the level of moisture.

In retail stores and on the Internet there is a rich assortment of hygrometers. The choice of the buyer is offered a shooter or digital device. If you get to know the settings of the smartphone or with a model number of hours, then you will certainly find a moisture controller controller.

Remember that too dry climate also adversely affects the overall health. In addition to malicious viruses and bacteria, useful microorganisms surround us.

With a hygrometer, it is possible to determine the expediency of purifying the air indoors. The critical indicator in which the mold develops, fungus is 80% or more. With such data, you should dry the air in the apartment, and sometimes, depending on the weather, it is recommended to actively use the atmospheric humidifier. The cost of the electronic multifunctional device in the store is about 2000 rubles.

Create a favorable microclimate can be with your own hands using a household moisture absorber. Industrial devices are also available to each consumer.