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Privots on the clothes of a loved one. Magic spell on clothes. Effective rituals for beloved things

Rites to attract love in lately They became fairly popular, and especially the conspiracy on the clothes of the beloved. Such a rite helps to return to her husband and give a lot of love. Conspiracies on her husband's clothes need to be spent at night. Conspiracies are quite complicated, but if there is a strong need, then make it under the power of any woman.

Clothing - Why is it?

In order for the magic ritual to run, you need to take the personal belongings of a person who want to shock. Things may be such:

  • clothes;
  • photo;
  • jewelry.

Conspiracies on the clothes of the beloved show a great result, since he wears her every day and its energy remains on it. Clothes know all positive as well negative qualities man. Therefore, conspiracies are on clothes have great strength and are always executed.

Such love spells can accomplish anyone, since the magic in this business is used only white. The number of items that will be used in the ritual are limited, and the clothes will already be quite a strong attribute and except for it do not need anything else. Also for the ritual take water, but the key. It has a powerful energy.

Is it dangerous to spend a conspiracy on personal belongings?

The love spells on the beloved and the husband began to apply for a very long time. Magic has always been bad sign for people. The sorcerers and witches were burned with all the inhabitants of the village. The sorcerers always compare a love spell with bad actions, namely with the imposition of spanking, and people who want to speak, call potential victims.

Not all conspiracies have a positive effect on people, many of them can harm. They break the psyche of a conspiracy person, or on the contrary, deliver many problems to the customer itself. The love spell is very dangerous, as the woman gets his beloved, and in return remains without children. It also appears nervousness and reluctance to live more.

Such rituals are of great strength, but still belong to white magic. There are black love spells on clothes, but they are hard to spend themselves hard, so they seek help to experienced sorcerers. Conspuses of white magic do not carry strong consequences For customer and victim. But before making a rite, it is worth thinking how much a woman needs it, and to understand whether they need such problems.

Rite with spring water

In ritual use water strength and power of candles flames. Conspiracy on your loved one needs to be read only at night. At this moment, the planned man sleeps and gives in magic. Also do not speak to someone about the holding of the ritual. In order to speak a favorite, taking such magical attributes:

  • any personal victim's clothing;
  • spring water;
  • candles of white or red color.

It is better to take clothes into which a man dressed on this day or a few days ago. It is advisable to take the top item, a T-shirt or shirt. The ritual is carried out in this way: they stay at night in the apartment quite alone and begin to light the candles. Cooked things are kept in hand and water water. Next you need a conspiracy on the clothes of your beloved read white paper Magic will help. Words sound like this:

"As I suffered hard, I cried, so I took your clothes my beloved (name). You will miss me, (name), sad, remembering my image and place yourself not to find. In the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening you will remember me, and you will fall in love with me every day. Clean water will help us love to find. Amen".

Sprinkle water things and read the text need thirteen times and in a row. When the ritual is over, you need to cross. Then dried the shirt and give your beloved. Be sure to make it getting her at himself and began to wear. After some time, everything will surely come true.

Conspiracy so that the beloved returned home

When the husband leaves the family, do not be discouraged - there is a way out, you can easily return it back home. To do this, take her husband's clothes and begin to read a plot. The words of the attitude should learn to the memory, as it may not work. You also need to stay one at one house and wait for the night.

Then put things on the ruts and pronounce such text:

"For things come back for things to me (name). Proposals, rainbits (mistress name), go long dear, and forget my husband forever. With her you will not be more, you just love me now. Amen".

Copy clothing will begin to attract the beloved back home. He will begin to forget his mistress and will remain in his family.

Conspiracy to tie a loved one

This is a fairly simple ritual, but very effective. It can be performed by the house itself. To do this, take away the chosen waters and begin to make barely noticeable stitches, you can also re-sew buttons. The rite is necessarily carried out at midnight. For this you need to prepare such necessary items:

  • any clothes;
  • needles;
  • threads;
  • special text.

It is advisable to take a T-shirt or a guy shirt. Also, the clothes should not be new, but already worn. Before starting a few minutes, silent and sit in the dark without unnecessary eyes. You need to tune in, think about the guy, and only then start doing the rite. A T-shirt or shirt is taken and stays a few minutes in her hands. Then put a thread in needle, it is desirable that it be very long. Next, stitches on the thing and begin to read the text:

"I embroider, call me a beloved (name), to come to me. The needle can not without a thread, so I can not without you, so you can not without me. I dare my heart only to you, my body is only yours. Remember my beauty and love my image. She sews a nice thread for a long year, forever. You are only mine".

Words of love spells are pronounced several times until they do not get a thread to the shirt. If the thread is too long, make a bracelet from it and put yourself on your hand. The bracelet must be worn and not to shoot for three days, and then drop it and completely burn. The shirt gives the guy to be started to wear it.

Rite so that the husband gives attention

Over the years, the life of a husband and wife is not the same as before the wedding and after it the first few years. The lights went out, feelings are not so passionate. The spouse practically stopped noticing his wife and pay attention to her. To return the old attitude will help such a plant as nettle. Also without a shirt or t-shirt of cute can not do. This rite helps not only to return the attention of her husband to his wife, as well as return it to the family.

To do this, take any item of her husband, nettle and know the question of the conspiracy. The nettle should be fresh, and is collected on the day of the rite. If the conspiracy is carried out in winter, then the grass take dry. For example, to purchase in a pharmacy, but the plot will not be so strong.

Love spell on the thing

Love spell on the thing. Return a loved one

Love spell on the thing

When midnight occurs, close in the room and perform a ritual in full solitude. On the table lay down the leaves of the plant and they put the personal item of her husband. In the grass wrap a shirt and at the same time pronounce these words:

"The grass of Nerd can burn. Let my beloved (name) be sad. Let him bored for me (name) very much. Let longing will lead it back home, in his family to his beloved wife. The grass burns strongly, she can't leave you, and you can't leave our thoughts about me. Everything will pass and stop hurting as soon as you appear on the threshold of my house. Amen".

When the plot is completed, the grass is necessarily burned, and things are given to the spouse for further wearing. Conspiracy on clothing works very well. It shows a positive result in a few days. If it is impossible to return my love, take advantage of such a ritual and everything will be fine.

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It is necessary to "paint" from the guy any clothes. Just do not forget about the principle of washing. The rite is carried out during the lunar light. It should grow.

  1. Undress Donag. Put on yourself the chosen thing.
  2. In the center of the room lit a thick candle by installing it on the floor.
  3. Walk around, repeating the words of the conspiracy. You need to make twelve circles.
  4. Then, go to bed. The subject must contact with you all night. If there is no opportunity right in this thing to sleep, then put it nearby.

Conspiracy words:

"The fire flew through the mountains and the sea. There are many people on it. All paths lead to luck. Only we will go. Arc in the sky we will see. The light of feelings is noted, in heaven together fly. We (names) Angels wings are mahut. As they see, and dance. Our love is stored, a black look is discharged. Be together us forever! Amen!"

Rite with clothing for good luck

There are completely different rituals in which the toilet objects are used. So, before serious testing, shirt or belts were spoken. They had to save the life of a warrior, for example, help him.

The girls of Sundars and Dresses were spoken before matchmaking, so that the groom caught decent and gentle.

In principle, you can use such a ritual at least daily. And how to have some kind of test, then you must spend it.

Prepare yourself an outfit in which you will turn. Hang it on the shoulders in front of the window. Let his stars and the moon illuminate. Say yourself so:

"Not bars, and the boyars, be in honor, not the floors of revenge. The kings are bowed, gentlemen. As the outfit dress, everything is gently look, they catch the words, but the evil themselves are not molly. Amen!"

On the clothes enemy

SO evil people You can also cope using toilet items. Just need to fit so so that you have a few minutes to hold the rite.

For example, take your glove, his scarf. Such an object that he immediately does not have enough. Return.

Turn face to the West. Hold the enemy's clothes between the palms, stretching hands.

So tell me:

"Among the Black Mountains, there is a temple - Amanita. In it, the grandmother sits, a black ravery looks. She flies flies how to cope, does not know. She will not bring poison, she will give her enemy look. Let him confuse on the network, so as not tolery in this light. Flies of the buzz people will be mile than Babykina Putanya (enemy name) sound speeches. It is said, confused, in (the name of the toilet object) is intended. Like a grandmother, so you (the name of the enemy) will leave the power of the conspiracy! Amen!"

But another ritual.

If you know that you have to meet with people, to put it mildly, you are not located. That's tell me, stroking that clothes that you are hoping.

"My lats have a hero of hero. Muromsky Ilya gave me them not in vain. They dismount evil, yes, the marrow is on the enemy. There will be any bit, then it looks evil on me. Ilya Latvi - not bad patch. Gold shine, fog black eyes. The tongue is evil braid, deception is not allowed. Amen!"

Such a ritual is carried out whether in an unpleasant society is sent. Only it will have to learn.

For example, the coat can be removed and stroke. It also should be done with other upper things. But they cannot be removed in the presence of villains. Otherwise, stay without protection.

There is another plot and. But it is read only for another. Most often, they enjoy their mother to protect their children from evil influence.

You need to bore on the header, the scarf in the evening:

"Mother of God! You are a sang and melted. I knew anyone. Protect Chado My Favorite, the Lord stored. Let the trouble goes out, the angel will bring happiness! Amen!"

Conspiracy on the clothes of the beloved Read - white Magic In love affairs and binding to a personal thing, it is always valid to be surelessly and a ritual can be spent independently, without special training and knowledge, which is important for a beginner. In this case, you can speak almost everything - new thing Or a personal beloved subject, which he constantly uses. The main thing is to determine the purpose and start.

Conspiracy on the clothes of the beloved

Collect everything possible conspiraciesThe beloved thing on the thing in one article is impossible, but nevertheless, the most effective and efficient will be presented next.

Conspiracy on men's panties

With all its apparent simplicity, the next ritual gives the most incredible results, with its help you can bring a man for a long time and unscrew it from the left of the left. For this, the ritual stands in the forest or the park to find lonely standing oak and to read the panties of the spouse or his beloved person to panties. The words of the conspiracy read three times and they sound like this:

"I'm not pouring out of the house, so not to cross, out of the doors, do not do the door, from the gate, yes, I do not go to the witch ... The name is ... in a wide one, yes, yes to the oak mighty, and I will ask Satan on him sitting. Oh, you are oak - a mighty tree, how do you stand in the field - let my spouse ... the name ... There was a nasty, but I didn't fall on me, in the day at night. Oh, you are an oak - a mighty tree, as in you the wind and walks, on me ... the name ... Flowing inflated, whispers and speaks my name, my husband speaks my ears. My word is firmly "

After the third time they donate the words of the conspiracy - jump underwear under the oak and on top of putting off, after leaving home, and the main thing is not looking back.

Spokening shoes

To do you, you will need to get the shoes of your chosen one for a while and not new, and which he definitely worn for a while. It is on such a shoe and read a plot and he sounds like this:

"The shoes are you and the shoes - help me to get my beloved, lead it only to my threshold. Let his heart feel passionate to me, but it only dreams about me. Bring it yes to my threshold "

After it is important to return the shoe in the place and try to forget about the spent magical rite - As practice shows, for a week your chosen one will cross the threshold of your home.

Conspiracies on the thing of the beloved

Conduct it from Thursday to Friday - take the item of your chosen, a mirror and a candle bought in the temple, be sure to wax. Also prepare in advance acute knife And the needle, which has not yet been sewn.

Stay in the room alone and silence, on the needle's candle scratch the name of the beloved and ignite it from the match. Put it opposite the mirror so that its flame reflects in a mirror stroit and holding a knife over him in his left hand, say out loud the name of your loved one. After that, holding a knife in hand, read the words of a ritual conspiracy:

"Fire of fate - you hear me, let me ... the name of the person ... will be and mine. My friend's fire is not harmful, and our union is forever you will fix "

After you told the words of the ritual conspiracy - wrap the knife into the personal thing of men and hide into a secluded place, until the chosen one will become yours. When you achieve the thing set - the thing is worth returning back.

Ritual with candles and personal belongings

You take two church, necessarily wax candles and remaining at home one - proceed to the ritual. At midnight, ignite from the match of the candle and between them put the thing of your loved one and you read the words three times over it:

"As in the separation, the bridges burn, you will be next to me, you will come to things - you will immediately want to you, I get to me. On the other hand, you do not know, do not create, your spirit yes from sin to protect - you love, and someone else's babe yes separation "

After return item one

Poppy grains conspiracy

Here you will need a thing that most often wears your chosen one and the poppy package purchased in the store. When the night shine will enter the stage of growth - spread a personal thing on the table and sprinkle it abundantly, while saying it:

"As a small bird is not looking for anything, it doesn't eat a tastier poppy - and you ... Name ... You won't look and love anyone except me. Yes be by that "

After returning the thing to the dressing room of your beloved - let him be more often wearing her and while she is on it, the man will definitely be yours.

Ritual on a beloved towel

The submitted plot on the personal thing is read in the event that you are with your chosen one for a long time We live together. To do this, it is worth buying or take a new, previously not used towel from the closet, and give it to your beloved, so that he lies on them at least a couple of times the field of the soul. Tie it more wet to the knot, and speak:

"On the towel, you had a legitimate - I will start it, and my heart will cry, the hidden in place is secluded, but no one will unleash it until the man does not say the word of love"

They pronounce the words three times, and not unleashing it, hide into a secluded place - while the cherished nodule is not unleashed, the magic will act in your asset.

Ritual for a comb to fall in love

For this ritual it is worth taking water, preferably spring and new combAnd also buy 3 wax candles in the temple and the main thing is not to take delivery from such purchases. If the surrender was taken away - distribute it with the poor or leave in a crowded place where it can be found and pick up. This is such a spill for a rite.

Conduct a ritual closer to midnight - they light the candles and watering her own head and hair will say:

"Cleanwater - Beladen Swan, bring me the love of the swan black, the fitness of yes bold. Let him take me and protects me, happiness in the house wakes - we will be together forever "

After you read the conspiracy 7 times, spread the hair of the hair and also express 7 times in the process of such a procedure:

"His hair is combing - the way is loved yes. Where is this scallop - there will be a hairs, bring you cute yes to me on the threshold "

After such a ritual, a man will look at you in a new way and will be next to you.

Ritual for bed

Ritual on linens - no less effective and effective rite of fortification sexual relations, It is considered powerful binding. To hold her bed linen, laying it on the bed, and take 3 candles-related candles. Gilt on them and pronounce the following words:

"Let this bed be a married lie to us, and my chosen one ... Name ... will be a legitimate husband. I won't notice other women - I wish one. The passion of yours will be only mine, I trigger you for fire "

Pronounce words until the candles store up to half, and when your chosen one comes - he must first lie on the bed, and you have to achieve sexual intimacy from it this evening.

Clothing contact with the human body, absorbs energy and maintains an energy trail. Close contact with the body gives magic the possibility of effective action. To conduct a conspiracy on clothing, it is necessary to use something from the daily dress of men or underwear for a more powerful effect. The attraction with the help of a cap or scarf in the summer season will not work.

Features of the rite

Very sought-after storage is a rite of luring attention.

Love attack on the guy's clothes in a short time will force the person of interest to experience strong sympathy.

Basically, women seek help to magic at the moment when difficulties arise in relationships with a man. The reason for this can be permanent reproaches, scandals, cooling of feelings, or the appearance of a rival on the horizon. Then the woman is trying by any way to return her man.

The magic ritual for the attraction does not require special skills in conducting, each will cope with it.

  • As a rule, it is carried out at midnight, during the young moon.
It has nothing to do with dark magic. At night, the elect will not be able to provide energy resistance to magical effects, the body will be relaxed.

Also at this time the easiest way to get to the necessary objects GardersobaTo which special requirements are presented:

  • Clothes must be seasonal.
  • For the rite must be used beloved thing Guy or the one that he often carries. It is desirable that she in contact with his naked body. For example, underwear or T-shirt.
  • Thing should not be clean. Washing erection energy trail. After spending, it is also impossible to wash. It is necessary that the owner first put this thing.
  • If there is no access to things, it is necessary buy Garderscob The chosen one who will surely like it, and make a spell on him. You can also sew it and decorate your own embroidery or tie.
  • On attires will have to make a few stitches. It is worth picking up such a thing so that it was imperceptible on it.
A love spell on clothes can be carried out only when you are sure you want to spend your whole life with this person and never sob it. Otherwise, the ritual will negatively affect both of both of you.

How to make a conspiracy on clothes

Clothing items are used not only for love spellots. They are spoken for damage, evil eye and other troubles.

The thing can be replaced with photograph or blood.

For independent love spell On the clothes of the beloved should prepare a thread with a needle and other items (hoops for embroidery, buttons). Further carrying out.
  1. To the rite you must prepare morally, sit for 15 minutes with closed eyes, relax, then take the prepared items and think about what you should do. It does not matter what actions will be made on the outfit - transbouring buttons or stroke holes. The main thing during this is to pronounce the conspiracy:
    « She-sewing, my favorite "name" is attached to myself.
    As a thread behind the needle, so after my Milenchka.
    I will open a cute heart, put there:
    My eyes are a little beloved, my beauty is unforgettable,
    Love to me strong, longing for me is inecilious.
    The needle of the pin is forever in the heart of cute.
    Fasteners of my stitch, Heart "Name" on the castle».
  2. The number of threads must be calculated so that the segment remains.
  3. Thread must be tied around the wrist and wear 3-4 days. If the bracelet breaks, it will mean that the spell not worked. In this case, the thread is burned.
  4. It will be good to put the wardrobe subject to the pillow at night and then give the troubled.

Types of Pristorotov

There are several more types of love spells on the human robe:
  • On grave land
  • Love spell on your favorite on new clothes
  • On the return of the beloved
  • Ritual on nettle
  • Using spring water.


The strongest and dangerous spell on the clothes is made on the grave ground.

It is carried out during the full moon in the cemetery.

  1. You need to find three graves with the same name as the beloved and take the earth.
  2. Scatter it on the cemetery path, put a man's thing on top and read the following words: " Do not wear caps dead "person's name", and the living slave of God "the name of the beloved" without me the slaves of God's "Name", not walk on the ground. Amen».
Spell need to read 9 times. The ritual can not only be perished, but also harm the beloved. He must be held a good specialist.

Conspiracy to new clothes

Attraction can be carried out on the purchased outfit. He must be discovered at night, and in the morning to give his beloved man.
  • Taking into the hands of the studied thing, say the following words: " Rubuy the sun is soaked, it puts it cute, my love is absorbed. I love me one, I wanted one one, and only with me will».

Love spell on your husband's clothes - a rite for a refund of a man

Women use such a storage to return her husband, who has raised a relationship on the side.

You need to speak the left thing in the house in one night before the spouse wants to pick it up.
  • Spell should pronounce: " Behind the clothes, turning around, wrap it yourself, you will come back to me "the name of the husband". Sgin "Relief name" Relief, Sgin, will not get it, Amen».

Conspiracy on her husband's clothes with nettle

The ritual is carried out to attract the attention of his spouse.
  1. For its holding you need to disrupt the nettle. If there is no possibility, you can use a pharmacy collection, but the effectiveness will decrease.
  2. Thing husband wraps in nettle leaves in separate room Deep at night. It should be imagined that it is not robe, but a body and imagine what kind of feelings will experience.
  3. The spell is primarily pronounced: " How much nettle burns the body of my beloved husband (the name of the spouse) and his soul for me ( given name) It will be strong. The heart is longing so that the blood in the veins is fastened. The longing of his unbearable in the native house pushes. Never always happens to be a burning and not to get rid of her from her leaves, and from the suffering of his own, my dear will not be able to get rid of me. He calms down, as soon as next to me it turns out. Amen».

Simple spell on clothes using spring water

A similar rite can be applied to the love of a woman or a man.
  • We take clean spring water or from a well and splashing the robe of a girl or a guy, saying: " How my tears wipe your clothes, my dear (chosen name), and your heart will suffer for me (own name) and rest not to know. And in the afternoon, and at night, it is trying to connect with me. And not for a moment or an hour, and not for a month or year, but for life. Clean natural water will help us connect with him forever. Water in the sky will leave, and the heart is squealing to the heart. Amen».


The last four ritual belongs to white attractions on clothing. But there are also those who zombie a person. They are able to completely change and destroy his life. Can suffer close people. Such dangerous rites should only conduct a professional. But it is better not to use them.

After the ritual, the person is experiencing a strong attraction to an awesome man.

As a result, an internal struggle arises.
  • A head can hurt, a person becomes aggressive or falls into depression.
  • Further, wary experiencing all the same sensations as a drug addict in severe breaking.
  • After some time, the consequences of magic begin to manifest itself in the form of mental and physical diseases.

Magic bindings or love spells are a special topic in the field of magic. The first, to such rituals, as in humans and the Mages themselves, is quite different attitude. Someone believes that such magic is a dark program, since in its foundations the transformation of consciousness in order to direct thoughts and desires per person, not always destroyed by fate. And this attitude is right. Someone opposite considers the love magic of Pristorotov with a positive impact. Since these rituals are aimed at gaining happiness with a loved one. And they are right too. My personal attitude to the magic of such a plan is unequivocal: if you want to be happy, it is not worth a modest in the choice of methods.

Love binding she love spell - This is a magical impact on a person.

What is a love binding

Before talking on the topic of love bindings and give you a few effective rituals I want to tell the unreoughthest people than there is a love binding, or an inherent plot of love. Love binding, she is an inherent and she is a love spell - this is a magical impact on a person, in order to attract it to his life, to tie him to himself as a beloved, lover, her husband. As my practice shows, women are more often addicted to such magic than men. But among representatives of the strong half of humanity, there are those who wish to find love in such a way. That is, to tie a girl to her magic.

I want to mention the fact that sometimes such a binding is needed by a family woman. If the husband of a fall on the temptation and does not miss a single skirt, you need to try to tie it to yourself and limit his thoughts and desires only by the wife. It will keep the family from the collapse, which means such an inherent is the good magic.

Strong binding

So it was suused that a strong impact is always a negative, that is, how to say black magic.

Cemetery binding

All rituals in which there is a graveyard, as a venue, or magical instruments taken from the forecloser, this applies to dark programs. Such programs are the strongest and most durable. But at the same time the most dangerous. What is worth knowing the Magu, who takes an order for a burner with the participation of graveyard or dead tools so this is that in the process it will be necessary powerful defense And a lot of internal strength, including willpower.

How to prepare for ritual

Preparation for the ritual occupies an important niche in the work of an experienced magician practice. During the preparation period, the magician cleans its soul and draws energy, from the outside, accumulating it in itself. Such an increase in force makes it possible to resist the impact of dark entities that are always followed by cemetery instruments and are present in dark rituals. I, as a practitioner with experience, I advise beginner to comply with a number of rules in the preparation process:

  • hold on the post for three days;
  • refrain from sex, carnal relationships during the preparation period;
  • donate to the temple;
  • rapid grains for God's creatures;
  • pray to your holy;
  • distribute alms.

It is very important in the preparation process not to be fed up and do not even take on light layouts or rituals, all magical actions even lungs "dilute" your strength.

Before the ritual, the love spell should be carefully prepared

How to spend ritual

Do not forget that the rituals who are aimed at the impact on the man are held strictly in men's days, and female rituals are conducting strictly in women's days.

It is necessary to extremely carefully follow the rules of the ritual:

  1. In the chosen male day, come to the church to the ground, fault the whole service.
  2. When the service is completed, buy two church candles. Calculate large CoveraAnd the delivery immediately sacrifice the temple, sentenced to yourself:

    "I give a deposit!"

  3. Put one purchased candle for the rest of whom you are hitting, the second for health. And immediately order a prayer for the health of this man, and Sorokoust.
  4. Now you need to go to the closest cemetery. There are looking for three graves with the name of the traveled man. With each of the three graves, take a handful of land and hide in a red handkerchief. Do not forget to leave the graves of Pyataki as a way of spacing the soul of the deceased.
  5. When you pick up the lands, tight the criss-cross cover firmly.
  6. The exit from the gate of the disease drop behind yourself, but on the territory of the cemetery land a handful of coins and spoke:

    "I bought it off!"

  7. Now you need to find a wasteland, which permeate wind from all sides. Stand in the center, put a handkerchief with the earth with the experience in front of yourself, carefully unleash it and open the ground for the wind.
  8. With each impact cut, pronounce a spell:

    "Like a cap is no longer worn, so the living (name) without me (your name) does not live on Earth. As the dead no longer walk, so and the living (name) without me (your name) do not exist. So it was, there will be. Amen".

  9. It is best if the gust of the wind picks up a handkerchief and put the earth with one smear. So the ritual will gain more power.

Ritual for severe binding

I myself have not yet applied such a ritual. In my practice there were no such clients who wanted to make such a snuff. But in magical sources and on the MHOGO forums, such a ritual is called, as efficient as possible, it is said that it is possible to shit a man forever. By the way, this ritual is a wonderful way to bewitting a married man. Before you offer you this method, I considered the information available in the sources in detail and I must say that there is no speech on the test. This conspiracy acts on the subconscious of the man with terrible power . The traveled itself does not understand how it happens that all his thoughts and ways lead in one direction, to the one who ordered a spell.

How to prepare for ritual

The complexity here is that not only the magician, but also the customer should do the preparation for the ritual. Here everything is the same as in the first way. That is: post, sacrifice for the temple, prayer to his holy. But it must be done by the customer and the magician. If at least one ignores preparatory moments, the ritual forces will not have.

How to spend ritual

  1. In the male day, go to church and buy a candle, do not take the surrender or simply immediately sacrifice it to the temple.
  2. In this embodiment, you will also need to visit the old graveyard, but it is advisable to choose a windless day. Or take a protective cap for the candle.
  3. On the graveyard we are looking for the old abandoned grave. Preferably with the name of whom the binding is made. But it is ideally, and in principle, the main thing is that the burial is old and abandoned people.
  4. When you find the grave, set up the candle, close it from the wind.
  5. With a burning candle in your hands, go around the grave three times, saying the following spell:

    "Into Po dead city, I see the coffins graves, I press the dead: stand, well done, stand, girls, yes take a well-known (name) from all people living - from beautiful and ugly, from the red and white, from the eyes of beautiful and smiles of vowels. So that only his knives came to me. Yes, the hands were stretching. That life was to him (name) not sweet without me so that the birds do not sang and the sun did not saint. Tie, sister, tie, brothers, it's invisible to me, and tangible for centuries. Amen. Amen. Amen"

  6. When you pass so three times and three times, tell the conspiracy, the candle will be sang, and hide in the bushes nearest to the grave. She will need to repeat the ritual to the ninth and fortieth day.

It is very important to make repetitions on the ninth and fortieth day at the same time, as they spent the first time.

For ritual need church candle

The ritual of eternal love spell on the photo

The magic in which the image of a person is used is equal only to rituals that use blood. About blood magic and about the spell on monthly blood We will talk later, and now I will offer you simple, but effective spell on fot. This is one of the most effective options for the inherent.

What will take for ritual

To carry out the ritual, you will need to cook:

  • fresh photo of who you want to be awesome;
  • church candle;
  • water saucer;
  • empty saucer.

How to spend ritual

  1. Shipping table with white tablecloth.
  2. In the center of the table, put a candle, ignite it.
  3. Now in front of the candle, we put a saucer with water, so that the fire of the candle in it is reflected.
  4. Nearby put an empty saucer.
  5. In front of the saucer, we put a photo of the victim of the love spell, slightly tilting over the water so that the candle light fell in the photo, reflecting in the water.

"Like a slave (your name) I miss and long-minded heart friend (name), so he let me whip and misses me. Let it every minute of bliss honey flows only at the thought of me slave (your name). So be it. Amen".

  1. When you read the conspiracy, you need to put a photo on the second dish, take the candle and set fire to the photo.
  2. Gilt photos how many times until the ashes remains from it.
  3. When the photo of the dog, the ashes of the dishes need to be launched in the wind. And after him to let the water from the dishes. And let the candle be a dog itself.
  4. From the moment the candle goes out, the spell will start acting and you can rely that you managed to bind to your victim.

Eternal spell on blood

Lovers on the blood were known to our great-grandmothers. In the ancient sources of the magical sciences, it is said that the effectiveness of bloody rituals is that the blood is a kind of sacrifice. Initially, all viters on blood are divided into two types: clean and unclean. Clean votes on the blood implies clean blood, that is, blood from the body, from the finger with the palm, etc. But the unclean love spells are love spells that are made on monthly discharge. I would not advise to apply monthly blood in magic, as it is not entirely ethical. And the effect of such a ritual can exceed all your expectations and are not always pleasant. In the process of his practice, I watched girls and women who came to reject the man from them, whom they themselves tied to the monthly blood. These love spells are removed and not always successfully.

I will make a reservation separately that in many sources it is indicated that the spell on the blood gives a person the effect of zombie. And the second horror counters says that after the love spell, the victim changes dramatically, that is, a man becomes disgusting for the woman who brought him, he begins to drink, or adds to drugs, etc. In fact, everything is wrong. The case of this kind that, by holding a man, a woman loses the very feeling of concern to lose it, and he becomes uninteresting as an object of love and desire. It is the knowledge of the fact that this person with her the power of the attitude in itself rejects it from him. Everyone wants love the truth, and the spell is inspired. And the addiction of the victim to alcohol or drugs, like depression or aggression, in fact, simply congenital features of the nature of a certain person, we are simply all we want to love perfect, and there is no permanent love. These are nuances, but important, it is sometimes easier to bind than untie.

All the most powerful rituals are connected with blood, and the spell is not an exception

Love spell on blood

Before holding the ritual, you will need to prepare certain magic instruments.

What will be needed for the ritual:

  • two thin candles of black (you can just paint two church candles with gouache);
  • 5 white candles;
  • thin needle (I advise you to use a needle with a syringe packaging, it is safer);
  • sharp knife;
  • liquid alcohol.

How and when to spend the ritual

There is such a ritual in a male day, in the period of the first days of the growing moon from sunset until midnight. It will be prepared for the ritual, it will also be necessary as always, that is, the post and reading of prayer.

The ritual itself is carried out like this:

  1. Free the room from the carpet, you need free space in the middle of the room.
  2. On the floor you need to draw a five-pointed star in a pentagram and conclude it into a circle. On each ray of the star, stand on one thick white candle.
  3. Now take the black candles prepared in advance, some of them grind them and make it from them, something on the like doll it will be volt. When you create, imagine that this is the person you want to bind to yourself.
  4. Now you need to light the candles on the pentagram, and in the center of the star place a flat dish with liquid alcohol.
  5. Next, pinched your finger with a needle, and blood count your blood, senoming: my blood, and your love.
  6. Come to the dish with alcohol and burn it. When the flame rises, put the volt right into the dish, let the fire burn him and melts the wax, mixing it with blood. In the process, pronounce a plot:

    "As my blood in a hot flame is tormented, and you are also a slave of God (name) from love to me suffer."

  7. Repeat these words until the alcohol is fugged.
  8. Wait until the volt cool down, take it from dishes and hide away from strange eyes. All traces of witchcraft must be thoroughly rinsed, throwing candles into the bonfire or to the stove, and send a needle, and wash the dish from alcohol with hot water.

From this point on, the ritual will begin its action and you can rely on that they managed to bind the victim forever.

Menstrual blood spell

The easiest, but at the same time the most terrible and unclean spell is an inherent on the blood menstrual. This ritual is done easier than simple, and you can bind a person to yourself forever. In a meal or drink, you need to add a few of your menstrual blood to utter a conspiracy:

"I give your blood and give your soul to myself. Now you are mine and body and soul and mind and your own. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now you just need to treat your favorite Kushan and the spell will begin to act.

Analyzing everything that my magical practice is presenting to me, I can say: you can do inherent, and you can read the black conspiracy to love, and you can also try out a man of married or free too, but you need to weigh everything carefully. May not be able to apply an eternal spell, it may be more profitable for you first apply simple ways bindings love plot For the attraction, or a conspiracy to passion, which act is weaker, but also removed easier if anything.