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How many pages in the story of a white steamer. Read Online Book "White Steamer

Boy with grandfather lived on a forest canton. Women on Cordon were three: grandmother, aunt Beki - Dedova Daughter and the wife of the main person on the Cordon, a trader of the worker, and another wife of a utility work seidachmate. The aunt of Becki is the most unhappy in the world, because she has no children, for this and hits her Spyan Oozka. Grandfather Momun Nicknamed Momun. It's a nickname that he deserved unchanged friendly, readiness to always serve. He knew how to work. And the son-in-law, hardware, although he was listed by the boss, mostly drove down. Behind the cattle, Momun went, the apiary kept. All my life in the morning to the evening in work, and I did not have learned myself to respect myself.

The boy did not remember her father nor mother. I have never seen them. But he knew: his father was a sailor in Issyk-kule, and after the divorce left in the distant city.

The boy loved to climb on the neighboring mountain and in the grandfather binoculars to look at Issyk-Kul. Closer to the evening on the lake appeared white steamer. With pipes in a row, long, powerful, beautiful. The boy dreamed of turning into the fish so that only his head remained his own, on a thin neck, big, with outperfilled ears. He saves and says his father, sailor: "Hello, dad, I'm your son." Tell, of course, how he lives at the Momun. The best grandfather, but not at all cunning, and therefore everything laugh at him. And it smokes so smoky!

In the evenings, grandfather told the grandson of a fairy tale.

In the long-standing time, the Kyrgyz tribe lived on the banks of the Enesay River. The enemies attacked the tribe and killed everyone. Only a boy and a girl remained. But then the children fell into the hands of enemies. Khan gave them to a row chrome old woman and ordered to donate with Kirgiz. But when the ripple chrome old woman has already led them to the shore of Enemy, the Matter's Matter came out of the forest and began to ask for children. "People killed my deer," she said. - And my donkey merged, asks for children! " Ryabai lame old woman warned: "These are human children. They will grow up and kill your deer. After all, people are not that animals, they do not regret each other. " But the mother-deer stood up a ripple lame old woman, and children, now, led to Issyk-Kul.

Children grew up and got married. The women began with a woman, she suffered. The man was overwhelmed, began to call a mother-deer. And he was heard then published a delivel ringing. The horned mother-deer brought a children's cradle on his horns - Besik. And on the mess of Besik, the silver bell rang. And the woman was immediately given. The firstborn was called in honor of the mother-deer - Bugubay. From him and went to the bug.

Then one of the rich died, and his children decided to establish a horror tomb in the tomb. Since then, there have been no Malalam mercy in the Issykkulsky forests. And did not make marals. Mountain empty. And when the horned mother-deer went, she said that he would never come back.

Again came autumn in the mountains. Together with the summer for the orodice, it was time for guests to guests from Shebanov and Tabunchikov - it took time to be calculated for the offer. Together with the Momun, they dragged two pine logs in the mountains, and there was no evuls on the entire light. He would stand in the city, there can be respect for a person. Cultural people ... and for the fact that the gift got, the logs then do not have to carry. But in the state farm, the police will visit, the inspection - well, how to ask where the forest and where. With this thoughts in the orodicule, I boiled the evil to everything and everything. I wanted to beat my wife, and the house was far away. Here, this grandfather saw Maralov and almost to the tears came, exactly met the brothers of his relatives.

And when it was completely close to Cordon, they finally quarreled with an old man: he asked for a grandson, the number of this, pick up from school. Before that it came, which threw the stuck logs in the river and rode behind the boy. It did not even help that the orolation went on his head a couple of times - I broke out, flattened blood and left.

When the grandfather returned to the boy, they found out that the worm beat his wife and kicked out of the house, and his grandfather, he fired from work. Becky Roule, cursing his father, and grandmother Zuchada, that it is necessary to conquer the orozkul, ask him for forgiveness, and otherwise where to go in old age? Grandfather is in his hands ...

The boy wanted to tell her grandfather that he saw in the forest of Marals, - returned after all! - Yes, grandfather was not before. And then the boy again went to his imaginary world and began to begging the mother-deer, so that she brought the rudder and Becki cradle on the horns.

In the meantime, people in the forest came to Cordon. And while they pulled out the log and did other things, grandfather Momun semed behind the orozkul, definitely devoted dog. The visitors also saw Marals - it can be seen, the beasts were nonpougly, from the reserve.

In the evening, the boy saw in the courtyard boiled on fire the Kazan, from which the meat spirit proceeded. The grandfather stood by the fire and was drunk - the boy never seen him so much. Drunk hard and one of the visits, squatting at the shed, shared a huge pile of fresh meat. And under the wall of the barn, the boy saw the horned maral head. He wanted to escape, but the legs did not obey - stood and looked at the disfigured head of the one that yesterday was a horned mother-deer.

Soon everyone was reckled at the table. The boy is mutid all the time. He heard as oxane people of the chavali, gnawed, nozzles, devouring the meat of mothers-deer. And then Sydachmat told how he forced his grandfather to shoot a deer: he fought that otherwise it would be expelled.

And the boy decided that he would become fish and never return to the mountains. He went down to the river. And stepped right into the water ...

Chingiz Aitmatov

White steamer

He had two fairy tales. One of his own, about which no one knew. Another one that Grandfather told. Then no one was left. About this speech.
That year he was seven years old, he walked eighth.
At first, a portfolio was bought. Black dermatopian briefcase with a brilliant metal zoom, slipping under the bracket. With false patch for trifles. In short, the unusual most ordinary school portfolio. From this, perhaps, everything started.
The grandfather bought him in the carway car. Autolant, caring from the goods of cattle breeders in the mountains, looked at some times and to them on the forest cordon, in the Santasian Pad.
From here, from Cordon, in the gorges and slopes climbed into the upper and the protected mountain forest. On the cordon there are only three families. But still, from time to time, the autolant hung up to the foresters.
The only boy for all three courtyards, he always first noticed car car.
- Rides! - He shouted, running towards the doors and windows. - Machine Magazine rides!
The Wheeled Road made his way from the coast of Issykkul, all the time the gorge, the river shore, all the time on the stones and Ughabam. It was not very easy to ride on such a road. Having reached the guard mountain, she rose from the bottom of the closer on the slope and from there for a long time went down the steep and bare slope to the yards of the forester. The guard mountain is quite nearby - in the summer almost every day the boy ran there to look into the binoculars on the lake. And there, on the road, everything is always visible both on the palm - and hiking, and equestrian, and, of course, the car.
That time - and this happened to the hot summer - the boy was bought in his dam and he saw the car from here, as the car was dusted. The dam was on the edge of the river shale, on the alert. She built his grandfather from stones. If it were not for this dam, who knows, maybe the boy has not been alive for a long time. And, as the grandmother said, the river would have been waving his bones for a long time and would bring them right in Issykkul, and they would have looked at their fish and every water creature. And no one would look for him and kill him - because there is nothing to climb into the water and because it does not hurt who needs it. So far, this did not happen. And what happens who knows, the grandmother, maybe, really did not rush to save. He would still be her native, and then, after all, she says someone else's. And someone else's, always someone else, how much is neither feed, how much do you go. Alien ... And what if he does not want to be a stranger? And why exactly he should be considered a stranger? Maybe he is not, and the grandmother is alien?
But about it - then, and about the dam of the grandfather, too, then ...
So, he envy him then autolant, she descended from the mountain, and behind her, on the road, dust clouded. And so he was delighted, knew exactly that his briefcase was bought to him. He immediately jumped out of the water, quickly pulled his pants to skinny thighs and, the wet still, the crown - the water in the cold river, ran along the trail to the court to the first to take the arrival of the carway.
The boy quickly fled, jumping through the bushes and lounge boulders, if they were not able to jump them, and nowhere was delayed for a second - neither near the high herbs, nor near the stones, although he knew that they were not simple. They could be offended and even put the leg. "The machine Magazine arrived. I will come later," he threw the "lying camel" on the go - so he called the red humpback granite, who went into the ground. Usually the boy did not pass by, not praise his "camel" on the hump. He slammed his loaf, as his grandfather's grandfather Merine - so, casually, resembling; You, they say, root, and I will leave here in the case. He had a boulder "saddle" - half white, half-black, Pegi a stone with a saddles, where it was possible to sit riding, like on horseback. There was still a "wolf" stone - very similar to the wolf, brown, with gray, with a powerful patch and heavy tilt. He was chosen to him and aimed. But the most favorite stone is a "tank", an uncomplicable block of a river in the river. So wait, will throw "tank" from the shore and go, and rolls the river, boils with white Burunum. The tanks in the movie are so walking: from the shore in the water - and went ... The boy rarely saw the movies and therefore firmly remembered seen. Grandfather Sometimes drove the grandson in the cinema on the state -hold ped-flopper in the neighboring tract behind the mountain. Therefore, it appeared on the shore of the "tank", ready to always rush across the river. There were also others - "harmful" or "good" stones, and even "cunning" and "stupid."
Among the plants are also "favorite", "brave", "fearful", "evil" and all sorts of others. Spiny Bodyak, for example, is the main enemy. The boy piled up with him dozens of times on the day. But the end of this war was not visible - the bodian all grew and multiplied. But the field binders, although they are also weed, are the smartest and fun flowers. It is best to meet the sun in the morning. Other herbs understand nothing - that morning that evening, they don't care. And the baskets, only prige as the rays, open their eyes, laugh. First one eye, then the second, and then one by one blooms on the blizzards all the spins of flowers. White, light-headed, lilac, different ... And if you sit near them quite quietly, it seems that they, waking up, whispering at odometric. Ants - and those know it. In the morning they run on the basins, brown in the sun and listen, what the flowers are talking among themselves. Maybe dreams tell?
In the afternoon, usually at noon, the boy loved to climb into the thickets of stubnish Shiraldzhin. Shiraldzhina is high, there are no colors on them, and odorless, they grow by islets, they are going through a bunch, not subparable to other herbs. Shiraldzhina - loyal friends. Especially, if the insult someone wants to cry, so that no one see, it is best to hide in Shiraljakh. They smell like a pine forest on the edge. Hot and quiet in Shiraljin. And most importantly - they do not obscure the sky. We must lie on the back and look into the sky. First, it is almost nothing to distinguish through tears. And then the clouds sail and will be extracted at the top all that you think. The clouds know that you are not very good that you want to go to the busy go to fly away so that no one finds you and that everyone sighs and Ahali - disappeared, they say, the boy, where we will find it now? .. and that this does not happen, So that you have not disappeared anywhere so that you lay quietly and admired clouds, the clouds will turn into everything you want. Of the same clouds, a variety of pieces are obtained. It is only necessary to know how to find out that you depict the clouds.
And in Shiraljin quietly, and they do not obscure the sky. Here they are, Shiraldzhins smelling with hot pines ...
And another difference knew about herbs. To silver picks that they grew on the floodplain meadow, he treated condescendingly. They are cranks - naked! Windy heads. The id is soft, silky bullets without wind can not live. Only waiting - where he dnews, they are clone there. And we can do everything as one, the whole meadow, as a team. And if the rain goes or the thunderstorm starts, they do not know the naughty, where they pry. Mocked, fall, pressed against the ground. There would be legs, they would probably be going to look where they look ... But they pretend. The thunderstorm subsides, and again frivolous washed in the wind - where the wind, there and they ...
One, without friends, the boy lived in the circle of those simple things that he was surrounded, and unless autolant could make him forget about everything and strive to run to her. What to say there, autolant - these are not stones and not herbs. What is there just not, in the car!
When the boy has run to the house, the car service has already approached the yard, behind the houses. The houses on the canton were faced with the river, the ruler moved to a gentle descent right to the shore, and on the side of the river, immediately from the blurred yar, the forest was wounded in the mountains, so the entrance to Cordon was one - behind the houses. Do not compete the boy on time, no one would know that the autolant is already here.
There were no one in that hour, everyone was separated in the morning. Women were doing homemade. But here he shonely shone, running towards the open doors:
- arrived! Machine Magazine arrived! Women climbed. Rounded looking for acclaimed money. And jumped out, overtaking one another. Grandma and she praised him:
- Here you have what's your eyes!
The boy felt plenty, exactly himself led the car. He was happy because she brought them this news, because he had rushed to the backside along with them, because he was pushed with them from open door Autofurgon. But here women immediately forgot about him. They were not up to him. Goods are different - eyes scattered. Women were only three: a grandmother, aunt Beki - his mother's sister, the wife of the most important person on Cordon, a cozier of the Oroder, and the wife of a utility work seidachmate - Young Guljamal with her girl in his arms. Total three women. But so they fussed, so they came through and turned the goods that the autocalate seller had to demand that they keep their turn and did not dangle all at once.
However, his words did not fully affect women. At first they grabbed everything, then began to choose, then return selected. She was postponed, tried, argued, doubted, dozens of times asked the same thing. I didn't like one thing, the other was expensive, the third color is not that ... the boy stood aside. He became boring. Waiting for the unusual waiting disappeared, the joy was disappeared, which he experienced when he saw autolant on the mountain. Autolant suddenly turned into an ordinary car, baked a bunch of different pots.
The seller frowned: it was not visible that these women were going to buy at least something. Why did he go here, in such a distance, in the mountains?
So it has fun. Women began to retreat, they dying them away, they, as it were, were even tired. Began for some reason to justify - whether each other, or before the seller. Grandma The first complained that there was no money. And there is no money in the hands - you won't take the goods. The aunt of Becki was not solved for a large purchase without her husband. Beckey's aunt is the most unfortunate among all women in the world, because she has no children, for this and hits her Spyan Oozkul, because his grandfather suffers, after all, the aunt of Becki him, Dedova, daughter. Beckey's aunt took Kuryto the little things and two bottles of vodka. And in vain, and in vain - the same will be worse. The grandmother was not kept:
- Why do you beat your head for your head? - She hung up so that the seller did not hear her.
"I know myself," Buck's aunt snapped briefly.
- Well, the fool, - even quieter, but the grandmother whispered with gloating. Do not be a seller, no matter how she represented the aunt Becki. Wow, they swear! ..
Recruited young Guldjamal. She began to explain to the seller that her Seydakhmat was going to the city soon, the money would be needed to the city, so it can not fork.
So they got stuck near the car service, bought the goods "on the penny," said the seller, and went home. Well, is it trade! Pluging after the departed babam, the seller began to collect ragged goods to get behind the wheel and leave. Here he noticed the boy.
- What are you, eared? - he asked. The boys had a hoped ears, a thin neck and a big, round head. - Want to buy? So beats, and then close. Is there money?
The seller asked so, just from nothing to do, but the boy answered respectful:
"No, uncle, no money," and shook his head.
"And I think, there is," the seller extended with her pretended mistrust. "You're all rich here, just pretending to be poor." And in your pocket you have something, not money.
"No, Uncle," the boy's sincerely replied and seriously answered and the drain pocket turned. (The second pocket was tightly sewn.)
- So, your money woke up. Look where to run. Neighure.
They were silent.
- Whose will you? - again began to ask the seller. - Old man Momun, or what?
The boy nodded in response.
- His grandson is communicated?
- Yes. - The boy nodded again.
- And where is the mother?
The boy said nothing. He did not want to talk about it.
- At all, she does not apply for himself Westa, your mother. Do not know yourself, or what?
- I do not know.
- And the father? Do not know either?
The boy was silent.
- What are you, friend, do not know anything? - his seller jicely joking. - Well, okay, if so. Hold, - he took out a handful of candy. - And be healthy.
The boy flashed.
- Take, take. Do not delay. I'm going to go. The boy put candy in his pocket and was going to run behind the car to carry out the car on the road. He clicked Baltec, terribly lazy, shaggy dog. Oloozkul everything threatened to shoot him - why, they say, keep such a dog. Yes, grandfather all the time began to wait: it is necessary, they say, to start a shepherd, and Baltec to take off the busy and leave. There was no ballek about anything, - the full slept, hungry always led to someone, to his and someone else without parsing, just to throw someone. That's the same, Dog Baltek. But sometimes I ran over cars from boredom. True, not far. Only turn away, then suddenly turns and wipes home. Unreliable dog. But still run with a dog a hundred times better than without a dog. What is neither - all the same dog ...
Slowly, so as not to see the seller, the boy threw a ballet one candy. "Look," he warned PSA. "We will run for a long time." Baltek was wondering, she inspired the tail - waited. But the boy did not decide to throw a candy yet. You can offend a person, not for the dog he gave a whole hassle.
And then the grandfather appeared. The old man traveled for an apiary, and the apiary is not visible what is being done at home. And so it turned out that the grandfather arrived on time, still did not leave the autolant. Happening. Otherwise, there would be no briefcase. The boy was lucky that day.

He had two fairy tales. One of his own, about which no one knew. Another one that Grandfather told. Then no one was left. About this speech.

That year he was seven years old, he walked eighth. At first, a portfolio was bought. Black dermatop portfolio with a brilliant metal lock-latch, slipping under the bracket. With false patch for trifles. In short, the unusual most ordinary school portfolio. From this, perhaps, everything started.

The grandfather bought him in the carway car. Autolant, circling in the goods of cattle breeders in the mountains, looked at some times and to them on the forest cordon, in the San Tash.

From here, from Cordon, in the gorges and slopes climbed into the upper and the protected mountain forest. On the cordon there are only three families. But still, from time to time, the autolant hung up to the foresters.

The only boy for all three courtyards, he always first noticed car car.

- Rides! - He shouted, running towards the doors and windows. - Machine-shop rides!

The wheeled road made his way from the coast of Issyk-kul, all the time the gorge, the river shore, all the time on the stones and Ughabam. It was not very easy to ride on such a road. Having reached the guard mountain, she rose from the bottom of the closer on the slope and from there for a long time went down the steep and bare slope to the yards of the forester. The guard mountain is quite nearby - in the summer almost every day the boy ran there to look into the binoculars on the lake. And there, on the road, everything is always visible both on the palm - and hiking, and equestrian, and, of course, the car.

That time - and this happened to the hot summer - the boy was bought in his dam and he saw the car from here, as the car was dusted. The dam was on the edge of the river shale, on the alert. She built his grandfather from stones. If it were not for this dam, who knows, maybe the boy has not been alive for a long time. And, as the grandmother said, the river would have already been waving his bones for a long time and would bring them right in Issyk-Kul, and they would have looked at their fish and every water creature. And no one would look for him and kill him - because there is nothing to climb into the water and because it does not hurt who needs it. So far, this did not happen. And what happens who knows, the grandmother, maybe, really did not rush to save. He would still be her native, and then, after all, she says someone else's. And someone else's, always someone else, how much is neither feed, how much do you go. Alien ... And what if he does not want to be a stranger? And why exactly he should be considered a stranger? Maybe he is not, and the grandmother is alien?

But about it - then, and about the dam of the grandfather, too, then ...

So, he envy him then autolant, she descended from the mountain, and behind her, on the road, dust clouded. And so he was delighted, knew exactly that his briefcase was bought to him. He immediately jumped out of the water, quickly pulled his pants to skinny thighs and, the wet still, the crown - the water in the cold river, ran along the trail to the court to the first to take the arrival of the carway. The boy quickly fled, jumping through the bushes and lounge boulders, if not able to jump them, did not stay anywhere for a second - neither near the high herbs nor near the stones, although he knew that they were not simple. They could be offended and even put the leg. "The car shop arrived. I will come later, "he threw the" lying camel "on the go - so he called the redhead, humpbar granite, the breast went to the ground. Usually the boy did not pass by, not praise his "camel" on the hump. He slammed him in a business, as his grandfather of his eating Merine, - so, casually, resembling: you, they say, go, and I will leave here in the case. He had a boulder "saddle" - half white, half-black, Pegi Stone with a saddles, where it was possible to sit riding, like on horseback. There was still a "Wolf" stone - very similar to the wolf, brown, with a gray, with a powerful patch and heavy tilt. He was chosen to him and aimed. But the most favorite stone is the "tank", an uncompressible block of the river on the river. So wait, will throw the "tank" from the shore and go, and rolls the river, boils with white Burunum. The tanks in the movie are so walking: from the shore in the water - and went ... The boy rarely saw the movies and therefore firmly remembered seen. Grandfather Sometimes drove the grandson in the cinema on the state -hold ped-flopper in the neighboring tract behind the mountain. Therefore, it appeared on the shore of the "tank", ready to always rush across the river. There were also others - "harmful" or "good" stones, and even "cunning" and "stupid."

Among the plants are also "favorite", "bold", "fearful", "evil" and any other. Spiny Bodyak, for example, is the main enemy. The boy piled up with him dozens of times on the day. But the end of this war was not visible - the bodian all grew and multiplied. But the field binders, although they are also weed, are the smartest and fun flowers. It is best to meet the sun in the morning. Other herbs understand nothing - that morning that evening, they don't care. And the baskets, only prige as the rays, open their eyes, laugh. First one eye, then the second, and then one by one blooms on the blizzards all the spins of flowers. White, light blue, lilac, different ... And if you sit near them quite quiet, then it seems that they, waking up, sleeping in some ways. Ants - and those know it. In the morning they run on the basins, brown in the sun and listen, what the flowers are talking among themselves. Maybe dreams tell?

In the afternoon, usually at noon, the boy loved to climb into the thickets of stubnish Shiraldzhin. Shiraldzhina is high, there are no colors on them, and odorless, they grow by islets, they are going through a bunch, not subparable to other herbs. Shiraldzhina - loyal friends. Especially if there is any insult and want to cry, so that no one has seen, it is best to hide in Shiraljakh. They smell like a pine forest on the edge. Hot and quiet in Shiraljin. And most importantly - they do not obscure the sky. We must lie on the back and look into the sky. First, it is almost nothing to distinguish through tears. And then the clouds sail and will be extracted at the top all that you think. The clouds know that you are not very good that you want to leave somewhere or fly away so that no one has found you and that everyone sighs and Ahali - disappeared, they say, the boy, where we will find it now? .. and that this is not It happened so that you would not disappear anywhere, so that you lay quietly and admired clouds, the clouds will turn into everything you want. Of the same clouds, a variety of pieces are obtained. It is only necessary to know how to find out that you depict the clouds.

And in Shiraljin quietly, and they do not obscure the sky. Here they are, Shiraldzhins smelling with hot pines ...

And another difference knew about herbs. To silver picks that they grew on the floodplain meadow, he treated condescendingly. They are cranks - naked! Windy heads. Their soft, silky bulbs without wind can not live. Only waiting - where he dnews, they are clone there. And we can do everything as one, the whole meadow, as a team. And if the rain goes or the thunderstorm starts, they do not know the naughty, where they pry. Mocked, fall, pressed against the ground. There would be legs, they would probably be going to look where they look ... But they pretend. The thunderstorm subsides, and again frivolous washed in the wind - where the wind, there and they ...

One, without friends, the boy lived in the circle of those simple things that he was surrounded, and unless autolant could make him forget about everything and strive to run to her. What is there to say, autolant - these are not stones and no herbs. What is there just not, in the car!

When the boy has run to the house, the car service has already approached the yard, behind the houses. The houses on the canton were faced with the river, the ruler moved to a gentle descent right to the shore, and on the side of the river, immediately from the blurred yar, the forest was wounded in the mountains, so the entrance to Cordon was one - behind the houses. Do not compete the boy on time, no one would know that the autolant is already here.

There were no one in that hour, everyone was separated in the morning. Women were doing homemade. But here he shonely shone, running towards the open doors:

- arrived! Machine-shop arrived!

Current page: 1 (In total, 8 pages) [Available excerpt for reading: 2 pages]

Chingiz Aitmatov
White paragot


He had two fairy tales. One of his own, about which no one knew. Another one that Grandfather told. Then no one was left. About this speech.

That year he was seven years old, he walked eighth. At first, a portfolio was bought. Black dermatop portfolio with a brilliant metal lock-latch, slipping under the bracket. With false patch for trifles. In short, the unusual most ordinary school portfolio. From this, perhaps, everything started.

The grandfather bought him in the carway car. Autolant, circling in the goods of cattle breeders in the mountains, looked at some times and to them on the forest cordon, in the San Tash.

From here, from Cordon, in the gorges and slopes climbed into the upper and the protected mountain forest. On the cordon there are only three families. But still, from time to time, the autolant hung up to the foresters.

The only boy for all three courtyards, he always first noticed car car.

- Rides! - He shouted, running towards the doors and windows. - Machine-shop rides!

The wheeled road made his way from the coast of Issyk-kul, all the time the gorge, the river shore, all the time on the stones and Ughabam. It was not very easy to ride on such a road. Having reached the guard mountain, she rose from the bottom of the closer on the slope and from there for a long time went down the steep and bare slope to the yards of the forester. The guard mountain is quite nearby - in the summer almost every day the boy ran there to look into the binoculars on the lake. And there, on the road, everything is always visible both on the palm - and hiking, and equestrian, and, of course, the car.

That time - and this happened to the hot summer - the boy was bought in his dam and he saw the car from here, as the car was dusted. The dam was on the edge of the river shale, on the alert. She built his grandfather from stones. If it were not for this dam, who knows, maybe the boy has not been alive for a long time. And, as the grandmother said, the river would have already been waving his bones for a long time and would bring them right in Issyk-Kul, and they would have looked at their fish and every water creature. And no one would look for him and kill him - because there is nothing to climb into the water and because it does not hurt who needs it. So far, this did not happen. And what happens who knows, the grandmother, maybe, really did not rush to save. He would still be her native, and then, after all, she says someone else's. And someone else's, always someone else, how much is neither feed, how much do you go. Alien ... And what if he does not want to be a stranger? And why exactly he should be considered a stranger? Maybe he is not, and the grandmother is alien?

But about it - then, and about the dam of the grandfather, too, then ...

So, he envy him then autolant, she descended from the mountain, and behind her, on the road, dust clouded. And so he was delighted, knew exactly that his briefcase was bought to him. He immediately jumped out of the water, quickly pulled his pants to skinny thighs and, the wet still, the crown - the water in the cold river, ran along the trail to the court to the first to take the arrival of the carway. The boy quickly fled, jumping through the bushes and lounge boulders, if not able to jump them, did not stay anywhere for a second - neither near the high herbs nor near the stones, although he knew that they were not simple. They could be offended and even put the leg. "The car shop arrived. I will come later, "he threw the" lying camel "on the go - so he called the redhead, humpbar granite, the breast went to the ground. Usually the boy did not pass by, not praise his "camel" on the hump. He slammed him in a business, as his grandfather of his eating Merine, - so, casually, resembling: you, they say, go, and I will leave here in the case. He had a boulder "saddle" - half white, half-black, Pegi Stone with a saddles, where it was possible to sit riding, like on horseback. There was still a "Wolf" stone - very similar to the wolf, brown, with a gray, with a powerful patch and heavy tilt. He was chosen to him and aimed. But the most favorite stone is the "tank", an uncompressible block of the river on the river. So wait, will throw the "tank" from the shore and go, and rolls the river, boils with white Burunum. The tanks in the movie are so walking: from the shore in the water - and went ... The boy rarely saw the movies and therefore firmly remembered seen. Grandfather Sometimes drove the grandson in the cinema on the state -hold ped-flopper in the neighboring tract behind the mountain. Therefore, it appeared on the shore of the "tank", ready to always rush across the river. There were also others - "harmful" or "good" stones, and even "cunning" and "stupid."

Among the plants are also "favorite", "bold", "fearful", "evil" and any other. Spiny Bodyak, for example, is the main enemy. The boy piled up with him dozens of times on the day. But the end of this war was not visible - the bodian all grew and multiplied. But the field binders, although they are also weed, are the smartest and fun flowers. It is best to meet the sun in the morning. Other herbs understand nothing - that morning that evening, they don't care. And the baskets, only prige as the rays, open their eyes, laugh. First one eye, then the second, and then one by one blooms on the blizzards all the spins of flowers. White, light blue, lilac, different ... And if you sit near them quite quiet, then it seems that they, waking up, sleeping in some ways. Ants - and those know it. In the morning they run on the basins, brown in the sun and listen, what the flowers are talking among themselves. Maybe dreams tell?

In the afternoon, usually at noon, the boy loved to climb into the thickets of stubnish Shiraldzhin. Shiraldzhina is high, there are no colors on them, and odorless, they grow by islets, they are going through a bunch, not subparable to other herbs. Shiraldzhina - loyal friends. Especially if there is any insult and want to cry, so that no one has seen, it is best to hide in Shiraljakh. They smell like a pine forest on the edge. Hot and quiet in Shiraljin. And most importantly - they do not obscure the sky. We must lie on the back and look into the sky. First, it is almost nothing to distinguish through tears. And then the clouds sail and will be extracted at the top all that you think. The clouds know that you are not very good that you want to leave somewhere or fly away so that no one has found you and that everyone sighs and Ahali - disappeared, they say, the boy, where we will find it now? .. and that this is not It happened so that you would not disappear anywhere, so that you lay quietly and admired clouds, the clouds will turn into everything you want. Of the same clouds, a variety of pieces are obtained. It is only necessary to know how to find out that you depict the clouds.

And in Shiraljin quietly, and they do not obscure the sky. Here they are, Shiraldzhins smelling with hot pines ...

And another difference knew about herbs. To silver picks that they grew on the floodplain meadow, he treated condescendingly. They are cranks - naked! Windy heads. Their soft, silky bulbs without wind can not live. Only waiting - where he dnews, they are clone there. And we can do everything as one, the whole meadow, as a team. And if the rain goes or the thunderstorm starts, they do not know the naughty, where they pry. Mocked, fall, pressed against the ground. There would be legs, they would probably be going to look where they look ... But they pretend. The thunderstorm subsides, and again frivolous washed in the wind - where the wind, there and they ...

One, without friends, the boy lived in the circle of those simple things that he was surrounded, and unless autolant could make him forget about everything and strive to run to her. What is there to say, autolant - these are not stones and no herbs. What is there just not, in the car!

When the boy has run to the house, the car service has already approached the yard, behind the houses. The houses on the canton were faced with the river, the ruler moved to a gentle descent right to the shore, and on the side of the river, immediately from the blurred yar, the forest was wounded in the mountains, so the entrance to Cordon was one - behind the houses. Do not compete the boy on time, no one would know that the autolant is already here.

There were no one in that hour, everyone was separated in the morning. Women were doing homemade. But here he shonely shone, running towards the open doors:

- arrived! Machine-shop arrived!

Women climbed. Rounded looking for acclaimed money. And jumped out, overtaking one another. Grandma - and that praised him:

- Here you have what's your eyes!

The boy felt plenty, exactly himself led the car. He was happy because she brought them this news, because he was rushed along with them on the backyard, because he was pushed with them at the open vehicle door. But here women immediately forgot about him. They were not up to him. Goods are different - eyes scattered. Women were only three: a grandmother, aunt Beki - his mother's sister, the wife of the most important person on Cordon, a cozier of the Oroder, and the wife of a utility work seidachmate - Young Guljamal with her girl in his arms. Total three women. But so they fussed, so they came through and turned the goods that the autocalate seller had to demand that they keep their turn and did not dangle all at once.

However, his words did not really affect women. At first they grabbed everything, then began to choose, then return selected. She was postponed, tried, argued, doubted, dozens of times asked the same thing. I didn't like one thing, the other was expensive, the third color is not that ... the boy stood aside. He became boring. The waiting disappeared something extraordinary, the joy was disappeared, which he experienced when he saw autolahile on the mountain. The car service suddenly turned into an ordinary car, a bunch of a bunch of different trash.

The seller frowned: it was not necessary to have these women going to buy at least anything. Why did he go here, in such a distance, in the mountains?

So it turned out. Women began to retreat, they dying them away, they, as it were, were even tired. I started justifying for some reason - whether to each other, or to the seller. Grandma The first complained that there was no money. And there is no money in the hands - you won't take the goods. The aunt of Becki was not solved for a large purchase without her husband. Beckey's aunt is the most unfortunate among all women in the world, because she has no children, for this and hits her Spyan Oozkul, because his grandfather suffers, after all, the aunt of Becki him, Dedova, daughter. Beckey's aunt took something on trifles and two bottles of vodka. And in vain, and in vain - the same will be worse. The grandmother was not kept.

- Why do you beat your head for your head? - She hung up so that the seller did not hear her.

"I know myself," Buck's aunt snapped briefly.

- Well, the fool, - even quieter, but the grandmother whispered with gloating. Do not be a seller, no matter how she represented the aunt Becki. Wow, they swear! ..

Recruited young Guldjamal. She began to explain to the seller that her seidachmate was going to the city soon, in the city you will need money, therefore it can not fork.

That's how they remembered near the car service, bought the goods "on the penny," said the seller, and went home. Well, is it trade? Pluging after the departed babam, the seller began to collect ragged goods to get behind the wheel and leave. Here he noticed the boy.

- What are you, eared? - he asked. The boys had a hoped ears, a thin neck and a big, round head. - Want to buy? So beats, and then close. Is there money?

The seller asked so, just from nothing to do, but the boy answered respectful:

"No, uncle, no money," and shook his head.

"And I think, there is," the seller extended with her pretended mistrust. "You're all rich here, just pretending to be poor." And in your pocket you have, isn't money?

"No, Uncle," the boy still sincerely answered and seriously replied and turned the drain pocket. (The second pocket was tightly sewn.)

- So, your money woke up. Look where to run. Neighure.

They were silent.

- Whose will you? - again began to ask the seller. - Old man Momun, or what?

The boy nodded in response.

- His grandson is communicated?

- Yes. - The boy nodded again.

- And where is the mother?

The boy said nothing. He did not want to talk about it.

- At all, she does not apply for himself Westa, your mother. Do not know yourself, or what?

- I do not know.

- And the father? Do not know either?

The boy was silent.

- What are you, friend, do not know anything? - his seller jicely joking. - Well, okay, if so. Keep. - He took out a handful of candy. - And be healthy.

The boy flashed.

- Take, take. Do not delay. I'm going to go.

The boy put candy in his pocket and was going to run behind the car to carry out the car on the road. He clicked Baltec, terribly lazy, shaggy dog. Oloozkul everything threatened to shoot him - why, they say, keep such a dog. Yes, grandfather all the time began to wait: it is necessary, they say, to have a shepherd, and Baltec take away somewhere and leave. There was no dealer of the Ballek, the full slept, hungry always led to someone, to his own and someone else, without parsing, just to throw something. That's the same, Dog Baltek. But sometimes I ran over cars from boredom. True, not far. Only turn away, then suddenly turns and wipes home. Unreliable dog. But still run with a dog a hundred times better than without a dog. What neither is - still a dog ...

Slowly, so as not to see the seller, the boy threw a ballet one candy. "Look," he warned PSA. - We will run for a long time. " Baltek was wondering, she inspired the tail - waited. But the boy did not decide to throw a candy yet. You can offend a person, not for the dog he gave a whole hassle.

And then the grandfather appeared. The old man traveled for an apiary, and the apiary is not visible what is being done at home. And so it turned out that the grandfather arrived on time, still did not leave the autolant. Happening. Otherwise, there would be no briefcase. The boy was lucky that day.

The old man of the Momun, whom the multi-face people nickned the millet momet, knew everything in the district, and he knew everyone. The nickname is such a momun deserved unchanged friendliness to everyone who he even knew anything, his willingness to always do something for anyone, to anyone. And, however, it was not appreciated by His diligence, as gold would not be appreciated if it was suddenly they began to distribute it for free. No one treated the Momunu with the respect, what are the people of his age. It was easily easily. Happened on the great moments of any noble elder from the BUGU's tribe - and the Momun was a buginets, I was very proud of this and never missed the moments of my tribesmen - he was entrusted to cut cattle, meet honorary guests and help them go from the saddle, serve tea, and That and firewood prick, wearing water. Isn't little trouble on big commemorations, where are so many guests from different sides? All that neither entrusted to the Momun, he did quickly and easily and most importantly - did not hear like others. Aille young, who had to take and feed this huge horde of guests, looking at how the Momun was managed with work, said:

- What would we do if it were not a distorted Momun!

And it turned out that the old man who came with his grandson from afar, turned out to be a girlfriend Jigita-Samovarchik. Whoever would burst from insult to the other place of the Momun. And at least what!

And no one was surprised that the old millet moomun serving the guests - he is all his life a distiller moomun. He himself is guilty that he is a distiller moomun. And if any of the outsiders expressed surprise, why, they say, you, an old man, on the blisters in women, did young guys translated into this Aila, - Momun answered: "The deceased was my brother. (He considered all the Buginists. But not at least they were "brothers" and other guests.) Who should work on his remembrance, if not me? We, the Buginians, and in relationship from the very great-grandfather of our deer man's horned. And she, storing mother-deer, taught us friendship and in life, and in mind ... "

That's the same he was, a distiller moomun!

And the old one, and the small were with him on "you", you could have fun on him - an old man; With him it was possible and not considered - the old man is unrequited. Not in vain, they say, people do not forgive those who do not know how to make themselves. And he did not know how.

He knew a lot in life. Clepel, launched, Skyrovoch was: when it was still a lazze, such a skid ridge put that it was a pity to disassemble them in the winter: the rain glasses from the sindy, as with a goose, and the snow of the roof was lighted. In the war, the Triddarmese in Magnitogorsk, the factory walls of Klan, the Stakhanov, magnified. Returned, the houses shot at the cordon, the forest was engaged. Although he was listed by the utility workers, he followed the forest, and it was worn, and it was driving it, mostly driven by the guests. Does when the authorities get granted - here it is hard and the forest will show, and the hunt will arrange, here he was the owner. Behind the cattle, Momun went, and he kept the apiary. All my life from morning to evening in work, Momun lived in the troubles, and I did not have learned myself to respect myself.

And the idle of the Momun was not at all Aksakalskaya. Neither steppe nor importance or severity. Dobryak he was, and at first glance, this ungrateful human property was solved in it. At all times, they teach such: "Do not be good, be evil! So you, here! Be evil, "and he, on his misfortune, remains incorrectly kind. His face was smiling and wrinkled, wrinkled, and the eyes were always in the forever: "What do you? Do you want me to do something for you? So I'm right now, you just say what your need is. "

The nose is soft, duck, as if completely without cartilage. And the growth is small, the elderly, as a teenager.

What a beard - and that failed. Easy one. On the bare chin, two or three hairs are reddish - that's the whole beard.

Whether it seems to see the Osanian old man goes on the road, and a beard like a sheaf, in a spacious fur coat with a wide Merlushkoy lapse, in an expensive hat, and even with a good horse, and the saddle is silver placed, "which is not a sage than not a prophet, such And not to worshose, such an honor everywhere! And the Momun was drooping only a distiller momet. Perhaps the only advantage of him was that he was not afraid to drop herself in someone's eyes. (Not so sat, it did not say, did not answer, did not smile, not so, not so, not that ...) In this sense, Momun, he did not suspect, was extremely happy man. Many people die not so much from diseases, but from the irrepressible, disintegrating their eternal passion - to give themselves for more than they are. (Who do not want to hear smart, worthy, beautiful and besides terrible, fair, decisive?)

And Momun was not like that. He was an eccentric, and treated him as an eccentric.

One could be very offended by the Momun: Forget to invite him to the advice of relatives on the device of someone's amendment ... Here he was tightly offended and seriously worried about his insult, but not because he walked around him - he did not solve anything at the councils, only attended - And because it was disturbed by the execution of ancient debt.

Momun had their troubles and sorrows, from which he suffered from which he cried at night. The strangers did not know anything about it. And they knew their people.

When I saw the women of the grandson near the car service, I immediately realized that the boy was sad. But since the seller is visiting a man, then at the beginning of the old man turned to him. Quickly jumped off the saddle, handed over both hands to the seller.

- Assalam-Aleikum, big merchant! - He said hemisphanie, semi-dry. - In the well-being, did your caravan arrive, is your trade successfully? - All shining, Momun Shaking Seller's hand. - How much water flowed, as we did not see each other! Welcome!

The seller, condescendingly laughing at his speech and a non-vegetable view - all the same brooded Kizzy boots, canvas pants, stitched old, shabby jacket, happating a felt hat from the rain and sun, - answered the Momun:

- Caravan). Only here it turns out - the merchant to you, and you from the merchant on the forests and dollars. And wives punish keep a penny, as a soul before death. There, at least no one was covered with the goods, no one will be quenched.

"Do not let down, dear," Momun's Momun confusedly apologized. - I would know that you would come, you would not drive around. And what no money is, because there is no court. Here we will sell in the fall potatoes ...

- Talk! - interrupted his seller. - I know you, Baiev stinky. Sit in the mountains, land, hay how much you want. Forests around - in three days you will not open. Cattle hold? Do you hold the apiary? And give a penny - weigh. Buy here is a silk blanket, sewing machine There was one ...

"To her, God, no such money," Momun met.

- So I will believe. Range, old man, money copies. And where to?

- By God, no, I swear to the horned mother-deer!

- Well, take Velveta, the pants are new.

- I would take, swing a horned mother-deer ...

- Uh, yes what to interpret you! - waved the seller's hand. - In vain arrived. And where is it?

- in the morning I was still leaving, it seems to be in Aksai. Affairs at Shebanov.

"The hotel, it became," the seller specifically clarified.

The awkward pause has come.

"Yes, you don't be offended, honey," Momun spoke again. - In the fall, God will give, we will sell potatoes ...

- until autumn far.

- Well, if so, do not hope. For God's sake, you will go to tea.

"I didn't come about that," the seller refused.

He began to close the door of the van and then he said, looking at the grandson who stood near the old man already ready, holding a dog in his ear to run with her by car:

- Well, buy at least a portfolio. The boy is time to school, must be? How old is he?

Momun immediately grabbed for this idea: at least something he will buy from the soil car car, the grandchildren really need a portfolio, the current fall to his school.

"And rightfully," said Momun, "I didn't think." How, seven, eighth already. Go here, he called his grandson.

The grandfather rummaged in his pockets, pulled out the fair five.

For a long time, she was probably he was lying already.

- Hold, eared. - The seller Lukovo winked the boy and handed him a briefcase. - Now learn. And you do not master a diploma, you will stay with my grandfather forever in the mountains.

- Write! He is intelligent, "the Momun responded, recalculating the surrender. Then she looked at his grandson, awkwardly holding a new portfolio, pressed him to himself. - That's good. You will come to school in the fall, he said quietly. Soldly, a teaching grandfather's palm gently covered the boy's head.

And he felt that suddenly squeezed her throat, and Sadobu Santa, the familiar smell of his clothes. Dry hay and then working man smelled from him. The faithful, reliable, native, perhaps, the only man in the world, who did not have the soul in the boy, was such a promsion, an eccentric old man, whom the clever was called a distiller momet ... so what? What neither is, but it's good that still have your grandfather.

The boy himself did not suspect that his joy would be so big. Until now, he did not think about school. Until now, he only saw children going to school - there, around the corner, in the Issyk-Kul villages, where they went to the commemoration of noble Boginsky old people. And from this moment the boy did not part with the portfolio. Likuya and praising, he hurt the immediateness of all the inhabitants of Cordon. At first I showed a grandmother - right, I bought my grandfather! "Then the aunt of Becki - she also pleased with the portfolio and praised the boy himself.

Rarely when the aunt of Becki is in a good mood. More often - gloomy and irritated - she does not notice his nephew. She is not up to him. She has his trouble. Grandma says: they would have children, a completely different woman would be. And hardware, her husband would also be another person. Then grandfather Momun would be a different person, and not the way he is. Although he had two daughters - aunt Becky Yes, the boy's mother, the youngest daughter, - but still bad, bad when there are no her children; Even worse when children have no children. So says grandma. Understand her ...

After aunt Becki, the boy ran to show the purchase of young Guldjamal and her daughter. And from here, it was started at the Senokos to the seidachmat. Again, fled past the red stone "Camel", and again there was no time to pat on the hump, past the "saddle", past the "wolf" and "tank", and then all along the shore, along the trop, through the sea buckthorn shrub, then In the meadow he rested to the seidachmat.

Seidakhmat today was one here. The grandfather had long already twitched her defense, at the same time and the defense of the orozkul. And the hay was already brought - a grandmother with auntbeci Sgrabali, Momun was imposed, and he helped her grandfather, shed hay to the cart. Two skirds were folded near the barn. Grandfather they accurately accomplished that no rains would be covered. Smooth, as a comb's row. Skirds. Every year so. Oroded the hay does not mow, everything for testing valite - the boss is how-no. "I want," says, "in two bills we increase you from work." It is he for his grandfather and seidachmat. And then on a drunk case. Grandfather he does not drive. Who will then work? Try without grandfather! There is a lot of work in the forest, especially in autumn. Grandfather says: "The forest is not Otar Sheep, will not raise. But no less supervision. Because the fire will happen or from the Flow Mountains will hit - the tree will not bounce, will not get off the place, will die where it is worth. But on the forester, so that the tree does not disappear. " And the seidachmat of the orolation will not drive, because the seidachmat is humble. It does not interfere in anything, does not argue. But although he is the guy Smart and Healthy, and Lazy, sleep loves. Therefore, it was born in the forestry. Grandfather says: "Such guys in the state farm car chase, pies on tractors." And the seidachmatomat in the garden I told the swan. Hulledzhamal had to be managed with a garden with a child.

And with the beginning of the bowl of Sidahmat delayed. The day before yesterday, the grandfather coagulated on him. "In the winter past," says, "I didn't feel sorry for me, and the cattle. That was shared by Sen. If you again count on my Starikovskoye hay, then I immediately tell me, I have a naochem. " Plighted, in the morning today there is a seidachmaty oblique.

Having walked behind the back of the quick steps, the seidakhmat turned around, sleeve the sleeve of the shirt.

- What are you? Call me, what?

- Not. I have a briefcase. Here. Grandfather bought. I'll go to school.

- Because of this, came running? - Seidakhmat laughter. - Grandfather Momun, - he turned his finger near the temple - and you are there too! Well, what's the briefcase? - He silently snapped, twisted the briefcase in his hands and returned, swaying his head mockingly. "Wait," he exclaimed, "in what school will you go to?" Where is she, your school?

- How to what? In Fermen.

- Is it in Jesese to go? - Moved Seidakhmat. - So there in the mountain of kilometers five, no less.

- Grandfather said, will carry me on the horse.

- Every day there and here? There is an old man ... it's time for him to go to school himself. Sit with you on the desk, the lessons are running out - and back! - Seidachmata rolled down with laughter. It was very ridiculous to him when I introduced myself as the grandfather Momun sits with his grandson behind the school desk.

The boy was puzzled puzzled.

- Yes, I'm so, for laughter! - explained Seidachmat.

He smallerly clicked the boy on his nose, he pulled him on the eyes of a trunk of the Dedovsky cap. Momun did not wear the shape of the forest department, was ashamed of her ("What am I, the head of some kind of? I do not exchange my Kyrgyz cap"). And in the summer, at the Momun, an antediluvian felt hat, the "former" Ak-Cap - the white patch, confused by black slim satin in the fields, and in the winter - also an asponed - sheepskin tebey. Green shaped female of the forest worker, he gave to wearing a grandson.

The boy did not like that the seidachmata was so mockingly accepted the news. He frightened the visor on his forehead and, when the seidachmata once again wanted to click him on the nose, pulled his head and snapped:

- Do not stick!

- Oh, you angry what! - Sidahmat grinned. - Yes, you do not be offended. You need a briefcase! - and sank him on the shoulder. - And now Valya. I still mow and mow ...

Extinguished on the palm of his hand, Seidakhmat again took up the braid.

And the boy ran his home again along the same path and again run past the same stones. There was no time to amused with stones. Briefcase thing is serious.

The boy loved to talk himself with him. But this time he said not herself - the portfolio: "You do not believe him, I'm not at all the grandfather. He is not cunning at all, and therefore it laughs. Because he is not cunning at all. He will be with you to school. You still do not know where the school? Not so far. I'll show you. We will look at her in the binoculars from the guard mountain. And I will show you my white steamer. Only first we will be bored in the barn. There I was hidden binoculars. I would need to look for the calf, and I run away every time looking at the white steamer. The calfs are already big - how to dragate, you will not hold it, - but I took myself the habit of sucking the milk from the cow. And the cow is his mother, and she does not feel sorry for milk. Do you understand? Mother never regret anything. This Guldjamal says so, it has its own girl ... Soon the cow will reach, and then we will chase the calf graze. And then we climb on the guard mountain and see the white steamer from the mountain. I'm talking to binoculars too. Now we will be three - I, you and binoculars ... "

So he returned home. He really enjoyed talking to a portfolio. He was going to continue this conversation, he wanted to tell about himself, which did not know the portfolio. But he was prevented. Side was heard by horse pin. Because of the trees left the rider on a gray horse. It was a hardware. He also returned home. The gray horse of Alabash, in which he, besides himself, did not allow him to ride, was under the exit saddle with copper stirrups, with a chest belt with risk silver pendants.

The hat of the oroded hatted on the back of the head, exposing the red, low the forehead. He disassembled a dear at the heat. He slept on the go. The velvetian cuitel, not very skidd by the sample of those who wore the district bosses, was unzipped from top to bottom. A white shirt on the stomach was knocked out from under the belt. He was fed and drunk. Most recently sat at a party, drank kumys, ate meat to the dump.

With the arrival of the mountains on the summer grazes, the surrounding shepherds and herds often closed the hardware to themselves. His old friends were friends. But they called and with the calculation. Oloodka - needed man. Especially for those who build a house, and himself sits in the mountains; The flock will not quit, you will not leave, but where are the building materials where you ourselves? And first of all the forest? And you can please or look - you look, from the protected forest there are two or three logs to choose from and you will take away. But no, so you will wander with the flock in the mountains and the house of your age will be built ...

Building in the saddle, the melted and important oroded rode was driving, carelessly resting chromium boots in stirrups.

He almost flew out of a horse from a surprise when the boy ran to meet him, waving his portfolio:

- Uncle Oozka, I have a briefcase! I'll go to school. Here I have a briefcase.

- Oh, so that you! - Effectively pulling the reins, chatted oroded.

He looked at the boy with red asking, swollen, drunk eyes:

- What are you from where?

- I am going home. I have a portfolio, I showed him a seidachmat, "the boy said the fallen voice.

"Okay, play," the orozy burned and, having squeezed in the saddle, drove on.

What he was the case before this stupid portfolio, before that the boy's parents abandoned by his parents, his wife's nephew, if he himself was so offended by fate, if God did not give him the son of his own, his blood, while others give children generously, without an account?. .

Oloozkul burrowed and sobbed. Pity and evil chosen him. It was a pity that he was that life will pass Without a trace, and anger flared in it to fruitless wife. It is she, damned, for how many years now goes empty ...

That year he was seven years old, he walked eighth.

At first, a portfolio was bought. Black dermatop portfolio with a shiny metal lock-latch, slipping under the bracket. With false patch for trifles. In short, the unusual most ordinary school portfolio. From this, perhaps, everything started.

The grandfather bought him in the carway car. Autolant, circling in the goods of cattle breeders in the mountains, looked at some times and to them on the forest cordon, in the San Tash.

From here, from Cordon, in the gorges and slopes climbed into the upper and the protected mountain forest. On the cordon there are only three families. But still, from time to time, the autolant hung up to the foresters.

The only boy for all three courtyards, he always first noticed car car.

- Rides! - He shouted, running towards the doors and windows. - Machine-shop rides!

The wheeled road made his way from the coast of Issyk-kul, all the time the gorge, the river shore, all the time on the stones and Ughabam. It was not very easy to ride on such a road. Having reached the guard mountain, she rose from the bottom of the closer on the slope and from there for a long time went down the steep and bare slope to the yards of the forester. The guard mountain is quite nearby - in the summer almost every day the boy ran there to look into the binoculars on the lake. And there, on the road, everything is always visible both on the palm - and hiking, and equestrian, and, of course, the car.

That time - and this happened to the hot summer - the boy was bought in his dam and he saw the car from here, as the car was dusted. The dam was on the edge of the river shale, on the alert. She built his grandfather from stones. If it were not for this dam, who knows, maybe the boy has not been alive for a long time. And, as the grandmother said, the river would have already been waving his bones for a long time and would bring them right in Issyk-Kul, and they would have looked at their fish and every water creature. And no one would look for him and kill him - because there is nothing to climb into the water and because it does not hurt who needs it. So far, this did not happen. And what happens who knows, the grandmother, maybe, really did not rush to save. He would still be her native, and then, after all, she says someone else's. And someone else's, always someone else, how much is neither feed, how much do you go. Alien ... And what if he does not want to be a stranger? And why exactly he should be considered a stranger? Maybe he is not, and the grandmother is alien?

But about it - then, and about the dam of the grandfather, too, then ...

So, he envy him then autolant, she descended from the mountain, and behind her, on the road, dust clouded. And so he was delighted, knew exactly that his briefcase was bought to him. He immediately jumped out of the water, quickly pulled his pants to skinny thighs and, the wet still, the crown - the water in the cold river, ran along the trail to the court to the first to take the arrival of the carway.

The boy quickly fled, jumping through the bushes and lounge boulders, if they were not able to jump them, and nowhere was delayed for a second - neither near the high herbs, nor near the stones, although he knew that they were not simple. They could be offended and even put the leg. "The car shop arrived. I will come later, "he threw the" lying camel "on the move - so he called the red humpback granite, the breast went to the ground. Usually the boy did not pass by, not praise his "camel" on the hump. He slammed him in a business, as his grandfather of his Kutschivosta Merine - so, casually, resembling; You, they say, root, and I will leave here in the case. He had a boulder "saddle" - half white, half-black, Pegi Stone with a saddles, where it was possible to sit riding, like on horseback. There was still a "Wolf" stone - very similar to the wolf, brown, with a gray, with a powerful patch and heavy tilt. He was chosen to him and aimed. But the most favorite stone is the "tank", an uncompressible block of the river on the river. So wait, will throw the "tank" from the shore and go, and rolls the river, boils with white Burunum.