Repairs Design Furniture

What can be learned from the old TV. We produce radio components from different electronic trash. House for cat

"Everything is temporary. Love, art, planet Earth, you, me. Especially me." (99 francs)

Nothing in this world is forever, and the life of gadgets is sometimes very violent. But if you like retro-style, economical and resourceful in nature, then you can give them a second chance, converting into something useful and looking in retro style.

5. Turn the old mouse in the wireless

Old mice are not as comfortable and ergonmichny as new models, but they give a feeling of comfort, like an old shirt, which is so old that you can wear her home on weekends, while no one sees just because she has long been with you and you It is used to it :) If you still use the old wired mouse, or have kept it as an old combat friend, now it's time to convert it into a wireless bluetooth mouse, just replacing the insides of the old mouse on the inside of the new.

Immediately, let's say that this solution dictated solely by a sense of nostalgia than practical considerations. If the old mouse is too uncomfortable for weekly use, then it can make a shutter for the camera.

4. Turn an analog TV to the information terminal

Most likely, you have already updated all your TV in the TV, and the old people, the electrical monitors, dust at best, somewhere in the country. You can give an old TV a new life, turning it into YBox (homely information screen, showing, for example, weather).

An alternative use is a reerror-photo frame that can be put in the living room. To turn the TV in the photo frame, you need to remove the insides of the TV and replace them with the old sockets and the power cord from the lamp, spin the low power CFL lamp, insert the printed image on the screen, close it and turn on the TV.

Now you have a cheerful retro frame.

If you do not want to spend electricity, make their old monitor trash.

3. Make an aquarium from the old TV or computer

The project from the series "Incredible, but the fact" marked "DANGER". Make at your own risk. If you have an old TV, a computer or other unnecessary technique with plenty of space inside, you can turn it into an aquarium.

If you want to use FLOPPY disks on purpose, you can put a USB in them.

1. Make a VoIP phone from disk

If you morally hard to say goodbye to your old disk telephone, you can turn it into a funny headset for a computer for use with Google Voice, Skype, or any other VoIP solution.

If you have a few unnecessary wireless phones (not quite old), then you can make a good walkie-talkie walkie.

I hope this collection with ideas for the transformation of old gadgets inspired you. By links you will see visual guides, how to make a particular thing in English. All manuals are equipped with good visualization of each of the transformation steps.

Often on the entrances of houses, transport stops and just on the fence you can see ads that the purchase of different equipment is passed. It is mainly broken things or those that are outdated morally. The population thus has the opportunity to get rid of unnecessary garbage. For a businessman, the recurrent of old who came into disrepair of televisions is a good opportunity to earn.

With bought for small money, TVs can be done in different ways. Most often they are disassembled on parts. The obtained parts are made for different production, where there is their reception. New technologies today make it possible to use spare parts secondary. This makes it possible to receive a stable income to the entrepreneur. Often buying household appliances has a home business format. Investments in it are minimal, and knowledge is practically no need. To develop their affairs, you will need mobile communications, the Internet and our own living or non-residential area. To this you need to add an entrance, fantasy and a huge desire to get satisfaction from your business.

How to make money on the old technique?

Most inaders do not even guess that they have unique and rare things in the apartment. These are old televisions, radio receivers, radio. Any old technique today in price. If there are no such objects in your house, then they will probably have any relatives. Grandparents and grandmothers are often happy to get rid of those things that occupy a place in the house, and the benefits have not been brought for a long time. How many of them are still in our friends and relatives!

Now the question arises, we are taking the old Soviet TVs organized, and what is their value? The fact is that the technology of manufacturing many details of the old technique provided for the addition of precious metals and copper in them. Silver, gold and even platinum were added to the board. There is a fairly fair question, how old were these metals, if they are even in the technique? Previously, the device simply could not work. Here are these precious metals and there is a goal of our business. It is "gold" makes the reception of old products favorable and cost-effective.

In addition to precious materials in old TVs there is a mass of non-ferrous metals. These are pieces of copper, aluminum. Select them from parts can be mechanically. Gold and silver, for example, remove only with chemical reactions. On how much aluminum or copper on the TV can be judged by a specific model. As for copper, it was used as a winding in transformers. Typically, 500-800 grams of copper can be removed from one TV, and sometimes even more than 2 kg. 1 kg it stands on the market 145 rubles, and aluminum is estimated at 50 rubles.

Reception of Soviet equipment and the allocation of valuable materials and copper from its parts is the basis of our home business. Even if the entrepreneur does not have knowledge to allocate metals, boards can be sold to people who know in radio engineering. Even under such conditions, buying will be profitable.

Below are the minimum prices for some television radio components. That's how much it can cost:

Buying old receivers and TVs is a business. It requires a commercial approach and some organization. In addition to information on the pillars, you can give ads that the purchase of old equipment in newspapers is purchased and on the Internet. Advertising and reception costs can be minimal. You will need some funds on gasoline and car. It should be roomy. In order to save it, it is better to plan the route to make techniques at once from several addresses. The room for equipment can be highlighted in their own apartment. Better if it is a private house. Then the reception can be organized even on the territory. It is necessary to calculate the costs and sales of copper, and precious metals.

Purchase of old radio plants will be then beneficial when the entrepreneur learns to unmistakably set prices for them. How much can earn, depends not only on the state of technology, and from the ability to bargain. As such, there are no places or market prices for TV. Their cost is always determined approximately. The benefit of the owner is the last thing that takes into account when buying is being purchased. A businessman must be sure that he will work on the acquired thing, on selling copper and metals from it. The cost of the old TV can be several dollars and even several hundred conditional units. Japanese TVs, released several decades ago, are very valued. This technique was and remains the most reliable.

Recently, turning out the houses of a bunch of trash, I found a tube TV in parts, two semi-solid import receiver and one Soviet radio, also modules of the meter and decimeter range from the transistor television receptionist. I did not want to throw away, but on the other hand I understood that it was not necessary for me in this form, so what to do with this radio-electronic trash? - Right, throw away ... but not all! Before throwing out of these boards, you can learn useful radio electronic components, which will be conveniently stored and can come in handy later if it's not for someone else as a gift.


Immediately make a reservation: we will not fall out all the details, since most of them are already morally and physically outdated, and we will extract only what can really come in handy in the design of radio receivers, radio transmitters, transceivers and other homemade radio equipment.

Starting the disintegration of the electronic trash should be understood that there are components that, over time, may lose their properties, the electrolytic capacitors include such details.

Therefore, the electrolytes from old TVs and the Soviet radio do not stand - it will save you nerves when designing devices and keeps off from failures, and then who knows it in what state they are - not to determine the tester.

Solve a lamp transistor TV

Here is the photo of the main cards of the TV:

Capacitors of chocolates can be dropped from the circuit, low-capacity capacitors, high voltage capacitors and megal resistors.

Also we drop the diodes and you can remove the connectors - the nests are suitable for old 2k2m type lamps and those on 8 pins. Low frequency transformers can be useful when designing a lamp equipment - leave yourself. Under aluminum screens, inductor inductors with capacitors, as well as printed circuit boards - radio frequency blocks.

As you can see here you can rejuvenate with low-capacity capacitors, as a rule, it is from the 1st to 1000 picophaderad, there are also diodes and chokes.

But in other modules there are coils of inductance - we can make up the usefulness of frame with ferrite cores for adjustment. Also we drop the capacitors and diodes from here.

The following radio modules are also interesting - in principle, it is possible to drop everything: a transistor, a thermistor (green ring), coils and chokes (blue), diodes.

That's what I decided to leave the TV from the boards.

Just three radios and get used here than:

The photo shows printed circuit boards from the Chinese-made musical center-radio receiver.

But this printed fee from some German radio, very high-quality details.

There are very many capacitors of the variable capacity of 5-20 PF, contour coils, as well as the 4x-section kP (condenser of variable tank) with a mechanism for dividing the number of rotation of the handle.

The above is the printed circuit boards from the radio receiver, Soviet production, and the traces of modernization are visible on it - someone drove into the input chains transistors GT322.

I am very interested in the speedlight receiver - this is a kPa (condenser of variable capacity) with a venier mechanism. Here it is two-piece, each section - from 20 to 450 picophaderad.

From import radio receivers, I dropped almost all electrolytic capacitors, low-capacity capacitors, diodes and part of the resistors, all variable resistors, contour coils, and ferrite rod, variable capacitance capacitors (kP), microphone, chokes and transistors.

TV modules of the CCD and SCM

How I first wrote there is also a reception module from a transistor-integral TV - SCD-24-M.

That's what inside such a block is a whole electron city from different components.

Guess what is it and the pins, on which the pieces of copper wire are wound? - From the signature from below (C26) it is not difficult to understand that this is a condenser, and this is a condenser for several picofrades, its capacity can be changed, then the domain of the coil, thus you can adjust the desired circuit to the desired frequency or parameters. I have already met such a decision and wrote about him in the article by a lamp radio receiver "Arrow" after half a century, did not think that it was still used in more modern equipment.


So from the non-working radio electronic equipment, you can extract a lot of useful electronic components. Will they come to me in the future? - Time will tell, some details have already been useful for my single-band regenerative radio receiver.

Places these details do not take much, it is convenient to store before sorting them by type, and even better at the rates. For sorting, you can glue from empty matchboxes to yourself cassette - cheap and convenient.

Hello all the self-relochene, as usual, every novice amplifier has an idea to do anything, but the first thing that usually comes to mind is to collect an amplifier who will be easy to assemble and does not require financial costs. That is why I decided to collect an amplifier, the main "heart" of which can be learned from an unnecessary or old TV, how to make it I will tell in this article.

To assemble a sound amplifier, we need to prepare all the necessary materials, it is:
TV, unnecessary or just old note that you will not find such an amplifier in the TVs made in the USSR.
Soldering iron and all that is necessary for its use, stand, solder and flux.
Wires are perfectly suitable from the power supply of the computer.
Plug under tulips, such can be found in the radio, DVD player or music center.
Clamp for wires for which the sound enhanced by the amplifier will also have in most musical systems.
The cooling radiator, by me, removed from the old vinyl player.
The power supply from the laptop, the insides will not be needed, but only the housing.
The two-contact plug, the contact diameter is suitable in the block from the PC.
Stationery knife for performing holes.

After all the details are ready and you definitely decided that the moment came when you can make a simple amplifier, you can start a step-by-step assembly.

Step one. As usual, the TV is made in the plastic housing, remove it to get to the board. ATTENTION, before disassembling, remove the plug out of the outlet, no wonder on the TV is written high voltage. After the lid is removed, you can consider the board, it contains a radiator that is usually made in the form of sheet aluminum, it is necessary to cut the board with scissors for the metal or with the help of pliers, leave more than 10 cm around the chip, as the fee should remain working.

Step second. In order to make a sound amplifier from the "insides" of the TV, you need to find information on the Internet on the microcircuit, the marking of which is written on it with white letters with a set of numbers, in this case it is a TDA 2611 chip, there is a data about it in the datashee and inclusion scheme, cm on the picture.

It is according to the scheme we will give a microcircuit to the second life.

Further assembly will be held using the schema shown in the picture. Using the soldering iron, the previously delegated wire of the red color solder to the 1st leg of the chip, the countdown is glory to the right, this wire is a plus power, for minus take the black wire that we solder to the 6th leg, the two of these wires are fixed on the plug.

We dealt with meals, now it is necessary to make the audio input, which can be served from any player or phone using the adapter Plug Jack on one side and on the other pair of tulips. The entrances for these tulips are soldered to the 7th leg through the resistor, fixed on the board at the entrance and the 6th leg.

The sound output is made on the clips, the wires of which connect to the 2nd leg of the chip going after the condenser on the 220μF, the second contact goes as in most cases in the cons.

Part of the electronics of the amplifier is ready, now a good noble body with cooling is needed. For a short time thinking, I chose the power supply for charging a laptop, the case out of it seemed to me be good. Well, we proceed. To begin withdrawing its contents and with the help of a stationery knife, cut the holes for tulips and the power on one side and on the other to the sound output.

All plugs are fastened with thermoclause. In the end, it is necessary to twist the amplifier chip on the radiator and also fix on the thermocons.

Puzzled tube TV has long been ranked up to the "dinosaurs" who have learned, but somewhere else is still preserved: someone is nulling in the far corner of the storage room, someone dust in the country ... But he can give a new life and a new destination. - So do not rush to send an old "drawer" to the landfill!


Perhaps one of the most popular and favorite ideas of applying TV served - remember created by Jake Hams? The only difference is that the designer used old computer monitors. The technology is simple: removing metal insides from the TV and insert a suitable aquarium. At the same time, you can leave the free back of the box, or close it and use the LED backlight.

Cat's house

Why spend money in a zoo shop when there is a wonderful opportunity to adapt under the old TV? After feeding the stuffing, we close the back of the box of plywood and add the last barcode - the pillow or fluffy plaid will allow the pet to settle with all comfort.

Treasure chest

"But it's just a book," some readers will survive. And the most cuty only smile: Of course, because it is real treasures! Such a creative bookshelf perfectly stimulates not to spend your time, and will help those people who dream to overcome common in our time.

Occasion ... Likement space

See, on all channels show ficuses, geranium and violets! - And nothing surprising: the inhabitants of Toronto came up with this fun flower. Although, on the other hand, Canadians wanted to express this very important idea: technogenic civilization is still unable to defeat the power of wildlife! Well, readers can order at least one-one old box for starting - for example, arranging terrarium for succulents with sand and stones.

Cozy chair

Designer Phil Garner (Phil Garner) decided that it would always be time to get rid of the old TV - it is better to arma with carpentry tools and experiment! So it turned out this unusual in appearance, but a very positive and obscure chair: drink the top cover, we remove the filling and put a soft pillow or blanket on the vacant place.

Housing for Khomyachka

And any other petty livery -, lizards, etc. Removing more unnecessary, install an aquarium inside. Behind the lid is not required - after all, the pet will take natural lighting. Well, the rest at your discretion - add sawdust, wheel, mini-house, toys.

Vintage mini bar

On the one hand, it looks luxurious (some masters even tear up add velvet curtains to the composition). On the other hand, drinking alcohol and all the more posting it is not the best idea. You can propose a compromise: instead of bottles you can keep here appetizing jams with jam, and in the summer - a decanter with other cool drinks for guests.

And what about the "filling"?

Inside Try to dispose of correctly - it is impossible to throw them directly on the landfill. Electronic waste is applied irreparable damage to the environment, since they contain a huge amount of heavy metals - lead, tin, cadmium. All this either penetrates the ground, groundwater and the atmosphere. At the same time, according to the representatives of "Greenpeace", state programs for the disposal of such household appliances we still have no.

However, the one who is looking for will always find! First, on the Internet you can find contacts of firms offering our services for the disposal of old electronic trash. Secondly, it is possible to refer to state-owned company-utilizer of industrial enterprises. And finally, offer old technique by repair shop - by the way, an experienced amateur radio is capable of making an old transformers to make a welding machine, a chandelier of Chizhevsky, a metal detector and a lot of other interesting things.