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The largest abandoned city of the world. Abandoned cities of Russia. Abandoned cities and villages of Russia. Dead cities

In the world, so many places in which you have not had had not had, from Monte Carlo to the desert of the Australian continent. Many beautiful cities where millions of tourists arrive every year, but there are completely unfriendly territories. Countries such as Colombia, South Africa and Mexico in theory could be beautiful, but thanks to drug carriers, mass killings, political terror and unfavorable socio-economic situation, they are dangerous.

Kali's position in the ranking is constantly changing, it can be considered as the most dangerous and as the second in danger of the city of Colombia, once at times it does not have to. The city has drug players such as Calicartel, Nortedelvallecartel and Losrastrojo and the FARC Partisan Group, which hold the population in constant fear. According to statistics, 100,000 kali residents account for 83 murders. On the one hand, the city, like the whole Colombia, is beautiful, like a butterfly, but very often he meets tourists Roy from a thousand wild OS, which can deprive life.

San Salvador is the capital of El Salvador, a small town in Central America. The population has 570,000 people. According to statistics per 100,000, 45 people kill in the city. As a result, for 2015, about 2,200 killings were committed in Salvador. This is terrible statistics. The criminal situation depends entirely on the active activities of armed gangs, MS-13 and Barrio 18, which keep the entire population in tension. The cruelty became the hallmark of San Salvador, and the inhabitants at any time could become random victims of street shootout. By the way, these gangster groups are not so organized as the groupings of Yakuza or Italian mafia, they are mainly engaged in scatteries and robbery. In San Salvador you will not only rob and beat, but also kill.

13. Karachi, Pakistan - the most dangerous megapolis

Karachi, the capital of the Pakistani province of Sind, is the largest city in the country and the second in population of the city in the world. It is also considered one of the most dangerous cities for tourists who are going to visit Pakistan. Karachi is known for political and criminal instability and constant conflicts between terrorist groups that are engaged in the abductions of people, robbery, armed attacks and murder. According to statistics per 100,000 inhabitants in the city, 12.3 people commit murders, in addition, in 2015 the level of criminal response in the city has grown.

12. Detroit, USA - the most dangerous city of America

In 1987, Detroit was presented in the film "Robocop" as an bankrupt mired in crimes the city where there is no place to law. Directors of the film, despite the cyborgs and robots, did not expect to look into the future, and the city will develop precisely according to their scenario. In 2013-2014, he was recognized as the most dangerous city of America. The population is almost 700,000 people. According to statistics, 100,000 people account for 2,072 beatings and 45 killings. 38.1% of Detroit residents live behind a poverty line, this is one of the reasons for the current situation.

11. Sana, Yemen - Unstable City

Today, the news is often audible in the news. Sana is becoming one of the most dangerous places on the ground for life. The political situation was aggravated in connection with the instability, which took place in the country in 2012. The standard of living has declined sharply, and the criminal situation has worsened. We became frequent cases of explosions, armed attacks, terrorism that are combined with robbery and murder. Disruption of power supply, the lack of drinking water becomes the causes of the slow death of the city.

10. Mogadishu, Somalia - territory outside the jurisdiction of the government

Somalia today is associated with pirates, crimes and Tom Hanks. The danger is not better illustrated by the situation that has developed in her capital, Mogadishu. Since the International Embassies and UN Offices in the 1990s were forced to leave the country due to political instability, there was no effective government in Somalia. This situation led to an open and cruel civil war in which Al-Qaida, Al-Shabab and Amis were seated. Mogadishu received his reputation due to the flourishing of corruption, poverty, high level of crimes, cruelty, which occur on the streets of the city daily.

9. Ciudad Juarez, Mexico - World Captive Murder

Ciudad Juarez received a reputation as the city of mired in drug trafficking and the title of the most dangerous city in Mexico. He is the informal capital of the entire drug trafficking of the country. This is a dangerous city in which laws do not work, and the cruelty and murder flourish. Police here is absolutely mounted and loaded in corruption. Although, according to statistics, there is hope for improving the situation. For example, if in 2010 8.5 murders were performed a day, then in 2013, 530 murders were committed in the year, and in 2014 - 434. The situation is improving, but very slow.

8. Baghdad, Iraq - Victims of ISHIL

Since the US Armed Forces left Iraq, Baghdad received a reputation as a dangerous city. For years, residents have become accustomed to explosions in public places, shootouts and murder. As a result of the war, the infrastructure and economics were completely destroyed. The city is mired in crimes and terrorism. In 2014, 12,282 killing civilians were recorded as a result of the intensification of the terrorist organization ISIS.

7. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Hooligan capital of the world

Despite the fact that in other cities of Brazil, the number of killings above, Rio de Janeiro, being tourist Mecca and the second largest city in the country, received the status of the criminal capital. The level of murders compared with 2005, and then at 100,000 people accounted for 42 murders, in 2014 decreased to 24. But, if the fact that you will be killed in Rio de Janeiro, has become unlikely, then be robbed odds increased. Street crimes, robbery and hooliganism were intensified. In 2013, 6,626 robberies were committed for December for December, and in 2014 - 7 849. The number of stolen mobile phones increased by 74.5% over the same period. Despite the statistics, fewer tourists do not get to Rio, because they come here to meet the culture, visit the football championship and look at the statue of Jesus Christ.

6. Cape Town, South Africa - the most cruel city in Africa

Cape Town is the second largest city in South Africa. But despite the beauty, he acquired a reputation as one of the most dangerous cities. According to statistical data, the number of murders per 100,000 people amounted to 50.94, and crimes - 8,428, while the population is 3.75 million people. Such a situation has developed due to the class and financial inequally, which aggravated by the skirmishes of groupings, murders, robbery, rape and the abductions of people. If you still plan to visit one of the most beautiful cities in the world, do not go away from popular tourist routes.

5. Guatemala, Guatemala - Cruel City

Guatemala can be called one of the most beautiful cities of Central America, but despite popularity among tourists, due to the presence of numerous attractions, it is characterized by a high level of crime and drug trafficking. Guatemala borders Mexico, Honduras and Salvador, so drugs here play an important role. In addition, robbery, poverty, class and financial inequality flourish in the city. In Guatemala, the highest level of cruelty in Central America, aggravated by the fact that 100,000 people account for 42 murders. Lawlessness and corruption, organized crime became a visiting card of the city.

4. Kabul, Afghanistan - wars hostages

Kabul, the capital of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, became hostage of permanent wars and received a reputation as the most dangerous city in the world. The features of the city can be called economic instability, poverty, kidnapping, murder and other crimes. The situation was aggravated by political instability, the struggle for power, terrorism and wars. After the United States minimized its presence in Afghanistan, the main role of ISIS, and instability increased, so there is no reason to visit Kabul.

3. Caracas, Venezuela - Street Cruelty

Caracas is known thanks to three things: it is the capital of Venezuela, the capital of the murders, the capital of drugs. In the context of economic instability, street crime increased. Caracas, the second most dangerous city in the world, as it has a high level of killings per 100,000 people, 134, with a population of 3.5 million people. Over all Venezuela in 2014, 24,000 killings were committed. Along with the disassembly of gangster groups in Caracas, robbery, rape, kidnapping and cruelty flourish.

2. Acapulco, Mexico - Corruption

Acapulco, like a beautiful resort, always attracted stars of cinema, sports and other celebrities. But, it is worth only to move apart from tourist routes, as you diphel into another reality of one of the most dangerous cities of Mexico. Even recently, Acapulco was tourist Mecca, and now rebuilding tourists with a high level of murder. In 2014, 104 murders were committed at 100,000 people. Corrupt police are more engaged in people trading than the establishment of legality. In addition, in the city there are big problems from drug trafficking and street cruelty. In such a city you do not know from whom to run away: from police or bandits.

1. San Pedro-Sula, Honduras - the most dangerous city in the world

San Pedro-Sula is the most dangerous city in the world. It is located in the northwestern part of Honduras. In 2014, 100,000 people here had 171 murders here - this is the highest level in the world, despite the fact that the city is not in the zone of hostilities. On the day there are 3 murders. The city is mired in murder, gangster disassembly, drug trafficking, illegal arms trade. On the streets daily someone killed, beaten, rape. The law in this city does not work.
No less dangerous can be beautiful beaches with clean and hot sand, washed by transparent blue waves of the ocean.

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February 4, 1970 It is considered the beginning of the construction of the city. The hostel number 1, building management building, dining room number 1, began the installation of the temporary village "Forest". On April 14, 1972, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR of Pripyat was given a name - in honor of the river, on which it was built - Pripyat. Well, the status of the city has acquired in 1979. On August 15, 1972, the first cub meter of concrete was laid in a solemn atmosphere in the foundation of the main building of the power plant ... along with the introduction of the first objects on the Chernobyl, the first houses were built. In the mid-1980s, about 48,000 people lived in a prosperous Pripyati. Annually, the number of soldies increased by more than one and a half thousand people, of which almost half amounted to newborns.

"Attention attention! Dear comrades! The city council of people's deputies reports that in connection with the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the city of Pripyat, an unfavorable radiation situation consists.

Party and Soviet bodies, military units are taken by the necessary measures. However, in order to ensure the complete safety of people, and, first of all, children, there is a need to conduct a temporary evacuation of residents of the city into settlements of the Kiev region. To do this, to each residential building today, twenty-seventh of April, starting from fourteen zero zero hours, buses will be filed, accompanied by police officers and representatives of the city executive committee.

It is recommended to take documents with you, extremely necessary things, as well as, for the first case, food. The heads of enterprises and institutions have been determined by a circle of workers who remain in place to ensure the normal functioning of the city's enterprises. All residential buildings for the period of evacuation will be protected by police officers.

Comrades, temporarily leaving their accommodation, do not forget to close the windows, turn off the electrical and gas appliances, cover the water taps. Please comply with calm, organization and order when conducting temporary evacuation. "

Such a message was heard residents of the city of Pripyat on April 27, 1986. Now it is a ghost city with a population of 0 people, but with the possibility of a full-fledged excursion. Walk through the "Dead Cities", visiting the hotel "Polesie", schools, kindergarten, sometime residential buildings and even a dinner of three dishes. In online stores it is possible to buy everything from the sticker and ending with the instruments for measuring radiation. Soon they will install a webcam, the collection of funds actively goes online.

This young city, and he became the city only since 1979, was a large transport hub, construction was actively accounted for in Pripyati. Evalted the Cinema "Prometheus", the House of Culture "Energetik", Hotel Polesie, Poland Pioneers, Sports Complexes, Shopping Centers, Park Culture, with His Ferris Wheel. The city was exemplary, the foreign delegations brought here to show how the Soviet people live. It seemed that everything was just beginning, like other young cities of the Soviet Union ...

But it was not able to continue his story together with those who lived in it, it was built, she brought up children and just had proud for his city. After evacuation, Marauders stolen everything that was possible, just the piano remained in the homes, because of their weight, and the beds did not touch in kindergartens, probably because of the strong "background" of iron. City Zaros Greens. Especially it is unusual to see in the stadium, where directly from the treadmill, breaking the asphalt, grow trees.

About 300 people live in the zone today. These are "Moodos", those who returned to their native land. These are mostly the elderly, for whom adaptation in the new conditions and surroundings are very heavy. They lead a natural economy and 1-2 a week came to them autolant.

Every year, up to several thousand people come here from April 26 to May 9. Among them are former residents, and participants in the consequences of the elimination of the accident. They come here to meet with friends, colleagues, remember those with whom will never be seen.

As a result of the Chernobyl disaster at NPPs, for the first time in Ukraine, evacuation and resettlement of people from polluted territories were fulfilled, completely liberated from the population of some small cities, as well as large, medium and small rural settlements. In total during 1986-1991 From the compulsory removal zone, 163 thousand people were evacuated, including in 1990-1991. - 13658 people and 58.7 thousand people of voluntary immigrants from all zones of influence of the Chernobyl catastrophe.

This beautiful and promising city turned out to be the youngest "ghost city" ...

The most famous of the left villages of the Magadan region. Kadykchan (according to the national Even legends - "Death Valley", and according to the Toponimical Dictionary of the Northeast of the USSR - "Small Gorge") - Urban-type settlement in the Sushansk district of Magadan region in 65 km north-west of the city of Susman in the Ayan-Yurach River Basin (Kolyma's influx). The 2002 census population is 875 inhabitants, according to informal calculations for 2006 - 791 people. According to January 1986 - 10270 people.

The village at one time was the location of the dislocation of one of the Kolyma camps of the Gulag.

Kadykchan - River, the left tributary of the Arkagal River in its lower current. For the first time, the name Kadykchan appeared on the map B.I. Vronsky in 1936, when his party was led by research in the Emtya and Khushak river basin. They built a village, after in 1943 at a depth of 400 meters, the highest quality coal was found. As a result, the Arkagalin CHPP worked at the Kadykchansky coal and 2/3 of the Magadan region was energized.

Almost 6-thousand people of Kadykchan began to rapidly melt after the explosion at the mine in 1996, when the village was decided to close. In a few years, defrosting the only local boiler room, after which it was impossible to live in Kadykchan. By this time, about 400 people lived in Kadykchan, who refused to leave, and for several years there was no infrastructure.

Awarding the village of Kadykchan The status of non-prospective and resettlement of its inhabitants was announced on the basis of the Law of the Magadan Region No. 32403 of 04.04.2003.

According to the former Kadykchan, Poletalev V.S., "Kadykchansev did not evacuated in 10 days, and they traveled around themselves. Who was laid housing on the elimination of the mines and the cut, they were waiting. To whom nothing shone, they left themselves, to not climb. Secondly, Kadykchan was not closed because they were defused, but at the direction of the top, as an unprofitable village. "

Now - abandoned Shakhtar "Ghost City". In homes - books and furniture, in garages - cars, in toilets - children's pots. On the square of the cinema - the bust of V.I. Lenin.

The village of Ostroglyada of the Braginsky district of the Gomel region. Locked Marauders.

Located only 1 km from the Khojniki-Bragin. Reusary in 1986 after the accident at the Chernobyl NPP.

The ruins of the Pansky estate are preserved - the outhouse in which Panskaya servants lived. Three Panish Alley: It seems like oak, lime and robust. The collapsed columns indicate that the estate was built in the style of classicism.

The descendants of the inhabitants of Ostroglyad occasionally come to the local cemetery. Some of them do not even live in Belarus. By the way, people were buried here and after 1986.

Chernobyl-2 city is located on the north-west of the small Porsky city of Chernobyl, but it is impossible to find any topographic map. Exploring the cards you will most likely find the designation of the boarding house for children, or dotted lines of forest roads at the place of placement of the city, but not only notation of urban and technical buildings. In the USSR, was able to hide the mystery, especially if it was a milestone mile.

Only with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, it became known about the existence of a small town in the Polisa forests (military garrison), which was engaged in ... "cosmic espionage. In the seventies of the last century, unique radar systems were created by the military allowed to track the launches of ballistic missiles from the territories (military bases and submarines) of the likely enemy. The created radar was named - a contradictional radar station (SGRLS). Having the colossal sizes of the mast and host antennas, ZGRLS demanded a large human resource - about 1000 people of the military carried the combat duty on this object. For the military and their families, a small town was created, with one street, which wore (wears) the name Kurchatov.

The decision to create a Corrugis Radar Radar System of the Arc No. 1 (near G. Chernobyl) was made on the basis of the Government's decisions of January 18, 1972 and 14, 1975 Already in 1976, the main radar node of Chernobyl-2 SGRLS was mounted. The General Designer of the RLS RLS in Chernobyl-2 was the Research Institute of Detail Radiocommunication (Nyidar). The chief designer and inspirer of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe SGRLS was Franz Kuzminsky. The first tests of the Radar State Commission were fulfilled in 1979. According to the experts themselves, "... in the preparation process ... tests had to solve a number of practical problems caused by the fact that the absolutely new, unique, not analogues in world practice, was introduced ...". According to some sources - "... In the course of the test, the starts of the starts of ballistic missiles and carrier missiles from the eastern missile polygon was carried out, the adequacy of the models based on the results of the detection of passing launches of ballistic missiles and carrier missiles, which confirmed the correctness of the selected model representations." At the same time, the disadvantages of the system were discovered and the absence of a qualitative definition of single goals and small groups of goals. High-quality work of the SGRLS was achieved only for the conditions of massive blows of ballistic missiles of the likely enemy. Despite some functional restrictions in 1982, ZGLRS in Chernobyl-2, according to the Government Decision (dated May 31, 1982), was adopted in trial operation.

With the start of exploitation of complexes, additional problems arose. It turns out that part of the range of operating frequencies of radar systems coincided with civil aviation systems and the fishing fleet of European countries. The USSR received the official appeal from Western countries that the systems created significantly affect the safety of aviation and maritime shipping. The USSR went on concessions and stopped using work frequencies. Immediately before the designers, a task was set to eliminate the deficiencies of the radar. The task was solved by scientists and designers, and after modernization, in 1985, the system began to undergo a state acceptance. After the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986, RLS was removed from combat duty, and the equipment was mothballed. The military and civilian population was evacuated from the zone of radioactive infection. When the leadership and military of the USSR were aware of the extent of the environmental disaster - it was decided (in 1987) on the removal of valuable equipment and systems to the city of Komsomolsk. So a unique object that provided the Space Shield of the Soviet state stopped functioning, and the city and the city infrastructure was forgotten and abandoned.

The western coast of Japan has a dead island (Gancadje, Gunkadjee or Guancanjim, he is also called Hashima or Hasima), which was barely known even to the Japanese. In Nagasaki Prefecture, he was listed one of the uninhabited islands. For a long time he was nothing more than a small reef.

In 1810, the accidental opening of coal strongly changed the fate of this reef. Mitsubishi bought gankadzhim and began to mining coal from the bottom of the sea. Works required significant labor costs and labor. Construction began, people arrived to live and work here. Due to the coal industry, residential arrays began to continuously expand. Residential complexes were built, and much more durable than the mainland - in order to protect against tsunami. By the middle of the twentieth century, the density of the population on the island was 835 people per hectare, which is one of the greatest densities of the population in the world. Reef turned into an artificial island with a diameter of about one kilometer (three quarters of miles) in a perimeter, with a population of 5,300 people.

Rising over the ocean, a labyrinth appeared from residential buildings and industrial facilities built together. With the ocean, the silhouette of the island resembled a linear ship - it was called Gunkanjima. He as a fortress grown out of the sea, surrounded by high walls. The island created the impression of a small kingdom. His residents boasted "there is nothing in the world, which is not here here." They were right. They really had everything within their miniature kingdom - except the cemetery. But, the irony was soon proven. The island has already been doomed to turn into a huge cemetery.

Over time, oil came to replace the corner, and coal deposits began to close. In 1974, one of the most densely populated islands in the world became completely deserted. Mitsubishi officially announced the closure of the field. The city looked as if all of his residents suddenly disappeared overnight. The island was devastated, but the spirit of the people who left his people remained. In buildings, a lot of human life testimonality remained. A strange atmosphere causes the feeling that the island fell asleep when the inhabitants left him.

Currently, visiting the island is prohibited. The exception was the shooting on the island of the film "Royal Battle".

The name of the city received from the Detroit River (Fr. Le Détroit Du Lac Érie), which means the strait of Lake Erie, connecting Lake Huron with Lake Erie. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. Under the strait understood not only the current River Detroit, but also lake Saint-Claire and the river the same name. Traveling up the Detroit River on the La Sala ship, the Catholic priest Louis Hennepin noted that the north shore is perfect for the settlement. Here in 1701, Antoine Lome de la Moto Kadiyak (Fr. Antoine Laumet de la Mothe, Sieur de Cadillac) with a group of 51 Franco Canadian founded Fort Detroit (Fr. Ponchartrain du Detroit). By 1765, the White Population of Detroit was 800 people, which put it in one row with the largest French settlements in America of that time, Montreal and St. Louis. However, in 1760 and Montreal, and Detroit were handed over to the British and became part of the British Colonial Empire. Having done the hosts, the British reduced the name of the fort to Detroit.

In 1763, Fort was subjected to the siege for the rebel Indians of the leader Pontiac. Being forced to mitigate their policies in the occupied territories, the British government in the same year banned English colonists to base new settlements to the west of Apalachi Mountains, which, in turn, caused the displeasure of the numerous population of the British colonies itself and became one of the reasons for the American revolution. After the Revolution, Detroit remained a Canadian town for a long time and moved to the US only in 1796. In 1805, most of the Detroit burned down during the fire. From 1805 to 1847 Detroit was the capital of the territory, and then the new state of Michigan. At this time, its population has increased greatly. In 1812, he was again engaged in the British during the Anglo-American War (1812-1814), after a year, hesitated by the Americans and received the status of the city in 1815. On the eve of the Civil War, Detroit was one of the key points of the Underground Railway, On which runaway black slaves made their way from the United States to Canada. For some time, there was a future president here, and then the Lieutenant Ulysses Grant, and during the war, many citizens went to the army of northerners. George Armstrong Caster formed from them the famous Michigan Brigade.

Many buildings and mansions of the city were built at the end of the XIX - early XX century, when "gilded age" came for Detroit. At that time he was called "Paris of the West" for the luxurious architecture and Washington Boulevard, brightly lit by Edison light bulbs. A favorable location on the waterway system of the System of the Great Lakes made the city a large transport hub. The basis of the urban economy in the middle of the XIX century. made a shipbuilding. At the end of the same century, the emergence of cars inspired Henry Ford to create its own model and Ford Motor Company (1904). Ford, Duzhnaya factories, Dodge brothers (see Dodge), Pakcarland and Chrysler turned Detroit to the automotive capital of the world.

During the "dry law", smugglers used the river for the transportation of alcoholic beverages from Canada. In 1930s, with the advent of trade unions, Detroit became the enemy struggle of the trade union of automotive workers with employers. In this, in particular, such leaders like Hoffa, James Riddle, were nominated. In 1940, one of the first American high-speed trails, M-8 took place through the city, and thanks to the economic boom of the Second World War, Detroit received the nickname "Arsenal Democracy". The rapid economic growth of the first half of the 20th century was accompanied by the influx of the population from the southern states (mostly black) and Europe, which led to racial unrest and an open Bound in 1943

In the 50s of the 20th century, Detroit remained the automotive capital of the United States, at the time of the program of cheap and publicly available cars at the state level. In Detroit, the largest car plants of the country (Ford, General Motors, Chrysler) were concentrated, and the city experienced a boom of his development - he literally flourished, becoming one of the richest cities in North America. From the mid-40s, a large number of personal cars appeared in the city with the development of autoinadundry in the city. Permanent traffic jams and lack of parking spaces have become an increasingly acute problem. At the same time, the need to acquire a personal car is promoted, public transport seems to be immortal - this is "transport for the poor." On the other hand, the public transport system does not develop, tram and trolleybus lines are eliminated. This forces the inhabitants to transfer to the cheapest cars. As a result, the number of cars in the city is growing rapidly, and the old town planning structure does not satisfy the requirements of the city of motorists. The authorities are trying to solve the problem of demolishing historical buildings in the city center for the construction of parking.

By the beginning of the XXI century in Detroit, the former automotive capital of the United States, the white population is about 10% and concentrated living in the southern part of the city and in the suburbs.

Detroit was recognized as the most disadvantaged city of the United States. In addition to high crime, there is a bad ecology, and in terms of unemployment, this city ranks second in the United States. According to Forbes, since 1950 the population decreased by a third, up to 950 thousand people. According to forecasts, at least until 2030, it will continue to decrease. The most terrible types of Detroit can be seen in the Eminem "Beautiful" clip.

Halmer-Yu is a former urban type village (Ghost City) in the Komi Republic, Vorkuta Gornyatsky district was subordinate to the Gorry District. In 1996, it was connected by an access railway through a length of about 60 km with a railway station on a metallist area of \u200b\u200bVorkuta. Coal mining (Pechora coal pool).

Population 7.1 thousand people (1959); 7.7 thousand people (1963); 4.1 thousand people (1994).

"Halmer-Yu" translated from Nenetsky means "River in the Valley of Death". There is also such a transfer option as the "Dead River". Nomadic reindeer herders, Nensey considered the Halmer Sacred place, where their deceaseders were overlooked. Chal-valley, death-death, U-river (translated from Nenets) workers on the Halmer River were open in the summer of 1942, the G. A. Ivanov's geologists party. The coal of the new field belonged to the brand "K", the most valuable for coke-chemical production. At the place of the future, the village was decided to leave a group of workers to determine the field parameters. However, bad weather of the end of the autumn and the beginning of winter cut off the group from Vorkuta. Multiple attempts were made to discover the group and save people. In the morning, an attempt was made to deliver food on deer. From one hundred deer in Vorkuta returned fourteen, the rest died on the way. The Yagel turned out to be inserted into the ice and deer gibbles from the devil. From the aircraft to detect two small tents did not work. In January, a ski squad came out in search of the detachment. The group of workers was found in the state of extreme exhaustion and was transported in Vorkuta.

Intelligence of the new field was decided to continue, and in the spring of 1943 the work was headed by the Winner of the USSR State Prize G. Bogdanovich. Over the summer, a necessary material base was created, about 250 people lived by autumn. We worked a radio station, a dining room, bakery, a bath, a necessary food supply was abandoned for the winter. Eight drill brigades at the same time passed three deep shurt. And to provide a fuel plant on another bank of the river, an exploring expeditioning gallery was laid.

The mine began its work in 1957, its average daily mining was 250 tons.

With the transition of new Russia to a market economy, the question arose about the feasibility of the existence of Halmer-Yu. On December 25, 1993, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a decree on the liquidation of the mine. In the fall of 1995, it was planned to complete the elimination of the village, and the government was trying to implement a process on international standards, which demanded enormous financial and material resources. As a result, when evicting, a riot police were used. The doors were knocked out, people were forcefully driven into the wagons and exported to Vorkuta. New housing people have not yet provided, some have received unfinished apartments. The relocation of them in the hostel and the villas of Vorkuta made people hostages to the promises of the authorities who loved few people.

Now the area of \u200b\u200bthe village is used as a military polygon under the conditional name "Pepper". On August 17, 2005, during the teachings of strategic aviation, the Tu-160 bomber, on board which was the Russian president Vladimir Putin, made the launch of three rockets in the former house of culture of the village of Halmer-y

Kowloon, or Julun, sometimes Kaulun, means "nine dragons" - the peninsular part of the city zone of Hong Kong (not including new territories). Consists of the Cowloon Peninsula and New Cowloon. The eastern border of Kowulun passes through the prioction of Lay Yun, Western - through Mai Fu San Chhyun and the island of Kamnezov, East - through the Pyramid of the Tita and the Lion Stone, and South - Victoria Bay. Population of Kowulun (data 2000) 2 million 71 thousand people. Population density 44 thousand people / km². Peninsula area of \u200b\u200babout 47 km². Together with the island of Hong Kong, its population is 47% of the population of the Special Administrative District of Hong Kong.

A nightmarish place! .. Here it was possible to shoot gloomy thrillers, fantastic militants, bloody horrors or at least melodramas about the flour of urban poor - but not comedy. Already a half decade there is nothing like that: everything is blooming and green. However, old memories and shrinking pictures do not allow to forget about the terrible past of this area.

Oradur-sur-Glan (Fr. Oradour-Sur-Glane) - a village in France in the Department of Vienne (Limuzen). The population is 2,025 residents (1999).

Modern oradur-sur-glane is built in distance from the same village destroyed by German soldiers during World War II.

Oradur in 1944 turned into a ghost - the fascists were shot in one day and burned 642 of its inhabitants, and then set fire to the village himself. Among the dead were 207 children and 245 women.

About those terrible events of 65-year old will not give to forget the burned church, ashes, wells that have become cemeteries.

Soldiers of the 2nd Tank Division of the SS "Reich" under the command of General Heinz Lammerending, directed from Toulouse to the Normary Front, surrounded Oradur on June 10. Under the pretext of checking the documents, they drove residents to the market square and demanded to give them fugitives, including the inhabitants of Alsace and Lorraine, which were allegedly hidden in the village from the German authorities. The head of the administration refused to issue them, deciding to sacrifice themselves and, if you have to, with my family. However, the fascists did not cost it. They drove men in the sheds and shot them from machine guns. Bodies threw straw and burned. Women and children soldiers locked in the church. At first, suffocating gas was allowed into the building, and then the church set fire to it. Survive managed five men and one woman.

Such measures of the fascists were defeated by the French to cooperate with the fighters of resistance, who supported the allies who opened the second front in Normandy.

The slaughter in Oradur-sur-Glah, who never resisted invaders, became a symbol of Nazi barbarism. The ruins of the village in 1945 were listed in the list of historical monuments of France, and not far from the old Oradir, they built a new one.

Several participants of the slaughterhouses - Seven Germans and 14 Alsatsev, 13 of which were recruited to the Wehrmacht by force - appeared on January 12, 1953 before the Military Court in Bordeaux. The court sentenced two of them to the death penalty, which was later mitigated, and to forced work.

A month later, the French parliament under pressure from the deputies of Alsace adopted the law, which gave amnesty to 13 Frenchmen, acting against the will. This act caused anger from the relatives of the victims of the disgrace in Oradere, and more than 20 years of official state representatives were invited to memorial ceremonies.

On the north coast of Taiwan Island, not far from Taipei (the capital of the state), there is a ghost town of San Zhi. Even at the beginning of the eighties of the last century, the group of companies under the patronage of the state began the construction of an ultra-modern city.

As planned, the city of San Li had to become a refuge for the metropolitan rich. Building funds did not regret and very quickly on the coast there were futuristic houses-plates, which were supposed to become the riding engineering thought. However, instead of the worldwide fame of the city of the future, the city of San Sea was waiting for the launch and bad glory of the Ghost City.

Local archives indicate that in the construction process there were several accidents with human victims, and eyewitnesses argue that accidents occurred, almost every day.

The population of Taiwan is rather superstitially and the city of San Juily began to walk bad rumors.

The construction was completed, even conducted a solemn discovery, but wishing to acquire real estate in the city did not turn out, and tourists came extremely reluctant.

The developers tried to change the situation, conduct large-scale advertising campaigns, but very soon San Li came to the launch, and then turned into a forbidden zone at all.

Local residents in one voice claim that this place is cursed and the city is full of ghosts. Several times the government opposed the initiative to demolish all the buildings, but every time this offer was stumbled upon a civil protest.

The fact is that the locals sincerely believe that the city has become a challenge of lost souls, and deprive the ghosts of the ghosts, which means to bring serious misfortune to themselves and all their own.

So stood the resort town of San Food on the shore, gradually destroyed.

By order of the government of the County of Taipei, the city was attributed to dangerous archetytic buildings, and an order was given to his demolition. He began to demolish December 29, 2008. It was planned that the Chinese New Year, approximately the beginning of February 2009, the city should be demolished.

Karabakh Khan Panakhali in the first half of the XVIII century ordered to build a residential complex - Imaret of white stone. This Imaret has long served as a kind of guidelines for residents of nearby villages. Agdam - "Bright, Lighted by Sunny Rays, White House"

Agdam was founded in the XVIII century, in 1828 he received the status of the city. The population in 1989 - 28 thousand people, are currently uninhabited. Located 26 km from Stepanakert, 365 km from Baku. To the Karabakh war 1991-1994 The city acted an oil plant, wine (production association for the processing of grapes - Agdam brandy factory), canning and engineering plants, a metal products plant, a railway station.

In the course of the Karabakh war, Agdam became the arena of fierce battles. In the period from 1992 to 1993, Azerbaijani artillery from the territory of Agdam periodically fired Stepanakert. In early June 1993, Armenian armed forces, in order to suppress the firepoints of the enemy, began an offensive in the Agdam.

The first assault began on June 12, but was repulsed. According to Armenian sources, the first assault of Agdam was distracted and carried out by the forces of the Martunian defensive detachment. Then the Armenian lieutenant colonel Monte Melkonyan died.

June 15 was taken by the second assault of Agdam. After the failure, Armenian formations switched all their strength on the capture of Mardakert, after the capture, which they again began to storm the Agdam.

July 3 began the third storm, and on July 14 - the fourth. 6 thousand soldiers were involved in the storm, the Mi-24 squadron, about 60 tanks. The defenses of the Agdam held the 708th Brigade of the Nationality of 6,000 people. Despite the hard defense, the garrison of the city was delivered in a difficult position due to a protracted domestic political crisis, unfolding in Baku. The personnel was exhausted by multi-day battles and experienced the lack of reinforcements, the lack of ammunition. During the battles, defenders lost about half of the personnel. By June 5, the city was practically surrounded by Karabakh Armenians, which were subjected to its intense shelling from artillery and facilities. As a result, on the night of July 23-24, after 42 days of continuous hostilities, the units of the Agdam Brigade were forced to leave the city and move away in the North and Eastern directions, Sela Gatepe and Zankashaly-Afatli. The city fell.

Former Azerbaijani city of Agdam, the entire Soviet Union knew thanks to the famous Made of Portwine, which was produced here. Now it is in the full sense of the word "former city." Everything is destroyed with the exception of a big mosque in the city center. Now here not only do not produce Portwine, there is no one here. Occasionally over the deserted streets, among the collars from the remains of building materials and the reinforcement, a truck is promoted. The only economic activity that residents of the surrounding regions of Nagorno-Karabakh lead in the city are the analysis of the remains of buildings on building materials that can still be useful for construction.

According to the jurisdiction of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, which controls the settlement from July 23, 1993, is located in the ASKRAN District of the NKR, according to the jurisdiction of Azerbaijan, the administrative center of the Agdam district of Azerbaijan, part of which, according to the UN Security Council resolution, is considered to be occupied by Armenian forces.

The city is located in the north of the United States, in Indiana, the southeastern suburb of Chicago, located on the southern shore of Lake Michigan. The birthplace of the king of pop music Michael Jackson. Founded in 1906 by the US steel trust. Together with the adjacent points of East Chicago, Indiana Harbor, etc. forms the largest center of the US black metallurgy; In industry employs 100 thousand people, including up to 80 thousand in metallurgy and related industries (coke-chemical, construction of building materials, metalworking).

In 1960, the city reached the peak of the population to 178,320 inhabitants, but with the time of unemployment, crime and other forced the residents to leave the city.

Gary began to acquire the status of a disadvantaged city. The nearest suburbs became a concentration of poverty. Increasing outflow of people left array of free lands and countless empty buildings. On the central streets for many kilometers, shops and restaurants are encircled. Rarely where it was possible to find an open fast power point with flickering lights.

In 1979, less than 40 enterprises remained in the city. The Sheraton Hotel opened in 1978, went bankrupt for 5 years and closed in 1984. The cost of maintaining the hotel a couple of years after the opening exceeded the income, and the owners of the unprofitable hotel business were forced to transfer the hotel to the city's property in the account of debt repayment. But in 1983, the city itself was also not able to pay for his accounts for utility payments of the hotel, and there was a dismissal of about 400 employees.

In the period from 1980-1990, the population of the city decreased by 25%. The 2000 census showed, Gary had a population of 102.746 people, among them 25.8% of citizens per poverty line. Employees of the census bureau also noted that Gary had the highest percentage of African-American residents than in any other city of the United States with a population of 100,000 or more.

Now Gary is a real ghost city. People almost completely forgotten, leaving the collapse of many beautiful buildings and streets.

The city of Kolmanskop, is located in the Namib desert 10 kilometers from the Ludeitsa and the Atlantic coast. This city has a remarkable and something romantic story. The fact is that it was in this city in his time there was a second value after the boom in Kimberly, a diamond fever.

Diamond fever began in April 1908, thanks to the experience and success of Zakarias Levala, an employee of the Luderitz-Kitmanshup railway. At one time, he worked in Kimberly and was defeated by a glance, he managed to see diamonds directly on the surface of the sandy desert in Kolmanskop, just 7 kilometers along the rails from LUDERITA. Zabarias gave the found to the foreman Augustus Stauchu, who was still smarter and immediately realized what.

Not attenuating unnecessary attention, he hurried to stroke wide areas along a narrow saddle in the Dolomites Range near Londer. According to this peculiar corridor, the wind carries sand from the orange southern part of the desert Namib Next to the north. It was there that I realized a lifeling stuff, minor diamonds, endured by the river to the ocean, and then thrown into the shore to the shore are transferred along with sand. In a matter of years, the foreman has become a multimillioner.

In Kolmanskaya, large beautiful houses, school, hospital, stadium were built. For several years, the exemplary German town has grown out of the ground. Residents hoped for a long prosperity in a diamond city. After all, in this deserted corner of diamonds, there were so much that the workers crawled on the stomach and easily signed them with a brush in the scoop.

Perhaps migrants were offended by local deities. Or maybe they were simply born under a unfortunate star. But the stream of diamonds quickly dried up, and as soon as they began to dig down, it turned out that, alas, no reasonable treasures in Namibian Earth would be foreseen. Diamond reserves were practically limited to the first diamonds found on the sand.

It turned out that it was hard to live in this town, and there was no need to: sand storms, lack of drinking water. And already ten years after the founding, a massive outcome of local residents began. Since then, Kolmanskop has been standing as an amazing abandoned city in the midst of the sandy desert. Most of the houses are almost entirely covered with sand and produces several oppressive spectacles (see photo). Although, however, Namibians in their efforts to attract the attention of tourists to this region in recent decades renovated some buildings and try to support the city-museum in good condition. Therefore, it will be quite interesting to come on a tour.

Former coal sellers in the Perm Territory in the territorial submission of the city of Gubakh.

Sightseeing: Mariinskaya cave (400 meters from the former ZBB plant).

In some sources, the old Gubakh is called (definitely erroneously).

In 1721, a Kizelovskoe coal deposit was opened in the Siberian Province of Siberian Province, in 1778 the Gubakhinsky copy were laid, the workers lived in the village on the high right bank of the Kosv river (the influx of R. Kama).

The deposit was divided into Verkhnebakhinskoye and Nizhnevubakhinskoye. Verkhnebakhinsky copy belonged to the princes of Vsevolozhsky.

In July 1924, he gave a current built in Gubach according to the State Commission on Electrification of Russia (GOELRO) Third to the RSFSR Kizelovskaya GRES No. 3, which in 1934 the name S.M. Kirova was assigned.

The village of Gubakh was transformed into the city from the working villages of Lower and Upper Gubach, Krzhizhanovsky and the village of Majkaya Kruskaya on March 22, 1941.

Prior to this official allocation into an independent administrative unit, Gubakh was a rural zone of the city of Kizel. The village is located in the displacement zone because of the proximity of the industrial zone of the metaphrace plant.

Currently, the country village on the basis of the former, again, the mining village. The city is almost completely absorbed by nature. Of the noteworthy buildings - the hospital, the building of the cultural and business center, the building of the NKVD.

"Industrial" - urban-type settlement in the Republic of Komi Russia. Administratively subordinate to the city of Vorkuta.

Population of 450 residents (2007).

After the explosion in the winter of 1998, at the main enterprise, the village, the "Central" mine stopped working, after which the village declined.

Now the village is abandoned.

The industrial village was founded in 1954. The history of this village is closely connected with the history of two mines - industrial and central.

The village is located on the shores of the River Isiatory - the influx of the Vorkuta River.

Residential houses in the village were two-story barracks of the camp. The village of Industrial existed thanks to two city-forming enterprises - two mines of the central and industrial. The first began to build a central mine. This mine was officially laid in 1948. Its construction went pretty slow. When a new group of Lviv prisoners arrived here, they saw only the cemetery and six old barracks. They worked a prisoner from the Lithuanian SSR, the western part of the Ukrainian SSR and from other regions of the USSR. They built houses on the village of industrial, the buildings of the Mine "Central", and then the buildings of the Mine "Industrial". The central mine was opened in 1954. Mine "Central" was the first "free" mine on Vorkuta. It was built, of course, prisoners, but they worked on her free people. Who was released who came here initially free from the army, from technical schools, simply from the interest in recruitment for the best fraction, for the "long ruble".

On January 18, 1998, an explosion took place at the Central Mine, who had a few dozen lives who died during an explosion or subsequently. Rescuers got from under the debris in the mine of living and dead people. But many dead remained in a mine buried under the rubble. Already at 4 o'clock the day, the BBC television channel (United Kingdom), already broadcast news "On the tragedy". Of course, for BBC it was a sensation, exclusive, but for us it was a tragedy. This ended 44-year-old fate of this coal mining enterprise. And the Mine "Industrial" has long been closed in the mid-90s. At the present time, there are no traces from the Central mine. Like the ruins of the mine "industrial", the Vorkuta firm has been removed, which specializes in the elimination of ruins by order of our state. It is important to note that in the closed mines Vorkuta, ultimately, no hotcocks, nor even the mine buildings, which can not be said about Donbass mines. Now there is nothing like that there was no mine. After the last mine, it was impossible to work further, the Vorkuta administration decided to close the industrial settlement. Thanks to the state subsidies of the "pilot project", managed to move, consonant families for moving beyond Vorkuta. It was one of the conditions of moving. However, not everyone agreed to relocate, precisely outside the city of Vorkuta. Many residents before the last lived on the ever 12-thousand industrial village.

Residential houses were cleaned with different ways. Some just burned, under the supervision of firefighters. Others have been disassembled for a long time to build materials, which were then sent to the south, for example, to Krasnodar. However, there were cases of intentional arson. So, for example, the attackers of the climb, of course, a non-residential house on Dolgoprudny Street. In it, on the ground floor there was a children's clinic, and on the second floor there is a house of the house of the industrial settlement. Firefighters save an important building for the village failed. Still, the building was wooden, and they burn quickly, the main thing is that the fire does not spread to other houses.

Earlier in the village of Industrial began a fire in a red two-story, a two-hatred house on an industrial street. The fire began late at night in the winter. People could suffer, and they fortunately did not suffer. The victim of the tragedy was only a pioneer shepherd dog, which lived in the first entrance. Residents of this house have become stirred, and for some time they lived in the pretention on the Eastern Pass. In the summer of 2006, only a few homes remained on the village. Roads in the village of industrial remained in excellent condition. Currently, only the ruins of stone buildings remained here.

The jubilee village refers to the youngest mine of the Gremyachinsky section of the Kizelian coal basin - sh. Shumykhinskaya, laid in 1957. On the project project (approx. 450 thousand tons of coal per year) was removed in 1989, just before the "restructuring". Destroyed in 1998.

With the destruction of this mine, the performances of mines in Gremyachinsk are connected (they knocked 3 months at the administration). They say there was a delegation and a humpback bridge in the shares of a protest of mines in Moscow.

At the moment, nothing connected with the coal industry was left on the mine promoter. Some buildings are converted to the sawmill. The rest is destroyed, disappeared under the level of the Earth. As a result of the "restructuring", all staff of this mine turned out to be instantly dismissed and abandoned on the mercy of fate. The leadership of the Perm region and Gremyachinsk then looked at all through the fingers, silently supporting the criminal actions of the "restructures".

In p. Jubilee, then there was no gas, which was spent only in 2000, and the boiler room heating the village was also destroyed. The fact that it remained could not die such a large number of apartments, and in the winter of 1999, almost the entire heating system of the jubilee was dropped, just on the joy of maraudoram-metal agers who began to rob the already started at home. The surviving buildings were survived by this, although their heating systems were also damaged by frost and vandals.

With the coming in the anniversary gas and the construction of the boiler room with heat supply improved, but no one was going to restore the plugged buildings, almost all residents of these houses left the village. They found the opportunity at their own expense to leave there.

Sumykhinskaya worked highly professional experts, they turned out to be in principle in demand in other industries and in other regions. On the social situation in the village then you can draw terrible paintings. Residents of the village dreamed of high-quality telephone communications, cell phone was not yet. When the "Pihta-2" communication system was installed and its testing began, the bunch of degenerates intentionally dropped it. In 1999, in the summer, she was still lying, but after a while she was dismantled and exported. He asked in Uralsvyazinform, apparently they themselves do not know about the fate of the mast communication. The second is the same mast stands in Gremyachinsk.

The Shemikhinskaya mine has about 12 million tons of indispensable carrying reserves of coal, about 3 million tons of off-balance sheet plus a very animal amount of coal non-working reservoirs. This mine at that time (1998) was from a few who gave profit. Surely there were similar mines in Kizel. When the operation with housing certificates for mines began, the population has declined even more. Such condition of buildings in the village binds more with a disaster of heat supply than with the departure of the population. School No. 15, also became a victim of the catastrophe. Due to the destroyed heating system and closed it. In addition to these terrible five-story buildings, there were brick two-storey houses on 8-16 apartments in the village. Winter practically without heating has caused the destruction of these houses. Water penetrated into the masonry of these houses, which was frozen in winter. In the spring, the lining of the walls could not stand it, the bricks began to fall out throughout the walls. Residents of these houses were resettled in a few surviving. The houses themselves are now understanding the bricks all the same marahedral scrapists.

From production in the jubilee, minor forestry enterprises are now working, do Europlitis, door and window openings, other wood products. In the House of Mountains, the prisoners now live, there is something like a free settlement.

After acts of vandalism from houses, such ruins remained, which is not clear how they generally kept in a vertical position. The coming winter did his job, diamond-shaped sidewalls roofs, barbaric broken windows, vertical remnants of the walls were impregnated with water and with the onset of spring finally fell. In these ruins, children are now walking, as well as injector individuals in search of bricks. The Ministry of Emergency Situations is resting, you probably have things to be more likely than children's safety ...

For reference: In the jubilee and Shumykhinsky, you can drive from Kizel through Gubaku, before paragraph. Wawa there is a lapse, the village there is an asphalt road, to Shumihinsky 9 km, to the anniversary 18 km.

In Soviet times - urban-type settlement in the Iulinsky district of the Chukotka National District. Located in the spurry of the Equivatapsky Range; Connected roads with the port of Egvekinot (in the bay of the cross of the Bering Sea).

Tin mining center in Chukotka; The deposit was openly in 1937. In 1953, a village was opened. The area is extremely difficult weather conditions, which led to the difficulties with the bridge. Began to settle in 1994. In 1995, the village of Euntine officially finished his existence.

Eulta tin-tungsten field. Located in the pool r. Tenkergin, in the upper reaches of Mezhdrachya Iulkanya-Lenotap, 2 km from the village. Iulin. Designed in 1959-1994. Iulinsky GOK.

The field refers to a quartz cassiterite-tungsten type. More than 100 ore bodies of complex morphology, uniting quartz veins groups, were revealed. Ore bodies are localized in the exo endocontakte of the Iulinsky granite rod. The southern group lived with a higher coating of tin and a reduced content of tungsten tungsten compared to the veins of waterproof and eastern groups. In the areas of intersection and articulation, the livelihood of various directions is observed an increased concentration of metals. The size of the ore bodies from tens to 1250 m along the stretch and up to 330 m in the fall. Industrial minerals - cassiteritis and tungsten. In connection with its long-term operation, the main reserves of ore bodies located in the nintrusive zone are worked out.

Observation of tin and tungsten in the Chukotka AO until 1992 was unprofitable, the enterprises were planned-unprofitable (Peveksky GOK) or their profitability were provided by special prices for their products (Iulinsky GOK). In the conditions of the market, in 1994, the Iulinsky GOK stopped production, the Iulin deposit and the bright canned. The once prosperous center of tin production and production, the city with a crowded population was thrown in 1995. People left here hastily, as in evacuation, they took with them the most essential. The city was completely dead by 2000.

Colesto is the most northern village of Sakhalin, located in the Okhinsky district of the Sakhalin region. Latitude 53,779932 - longitude 142,783374.

Oil field of Colesto is located in the northern part of Sakhalin, on land. This is an old deposit commissioned in 1967 and in the final stage of development.

The history of the field development began OCA in 1923. From 1923 to 1928, the Okhinskoye field is developing Japan on a concession agreement. From 1928 to 1944, the exploration and development of the field was carried out jointly by the Sakhalinneft Trest (formed in 1927) and the Japanese concessionaire. In 1944, the Treaty with Japan was terminated, and from this period the development of the Okhinsky field continues to unite the Sakhalinneft (NGDU "Okhanteftegaz").

In the 50s, the attention of oil workers who took care of further prospects were attracted by the areas of Tungor and Kolendo.

April 25, 1961 Brigade of Senior Master N.A. Koveshnikov began drilling a search well No. 1 with a design depth of 2500 meters. In October 1961, the well No. 1 after testing began to focus. The daily flow rate was 47 tons.

Meanwhile, searches on the square of Colesto continued. After testing from several wells, fountain oil tributations were obtained from a half-kilometer depth. So the new oil and gas field was opened. Soon it was commissioned. The first two collendian wells gave the same oil as the entire Okhinsky oil field. In 1963, the Colesto bay began the industrial development of the most powerful oil in the Far East. Approved a development plan of the village of Kolendo.

Significant development of the oil-producing industry Sakhalin reached in the 60s. This was facilitated by improving the quality of the training of structures for search drilling, intensive management of exploration on new areas, justified drilling in new areas of single search bodies to a depth of 2000-3500 meters.

The resolution on the relocation of the residents of the village of Kolendo was published in 1996, after the earthquake in Neftegorsk. In 1999, the construction of Canadian modules in the "Winter" microdistrict began, in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. In 2001, the residents of the village of Kolendo began to settle in the 13th Microdistrict of South Sakhalinsk. In addition, the settlement of residents in Ohu and Nogliki is carried out.

According to the number of the newspaper "Our Islands" of November 22, 2002, the resettlement of the village was almost completed: "In connection with the completion of the resettlement of residents of the village of Okhinsky district in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Ohu, work began on the conclusion from the exploitation of the village of the village. To the nearest The time will be discontinued in the Colesdo of the heat and energy resources and communication services.

Nowadays, completely extinct city.

Abandoned village of Irben, and a huge radio telescope, in the past, in the past, a secret military object of strategic destination and for ordinary mortals did not mean.

Station of space exploration "Star" (it is in / h 51429) was built in the 70s. The station was a system of 3 radar, designed to intercept signals from satellites, submarines and military bases, as well as surveillance for satellites, and to provide satellite communications.

At the same time, the village of Irben was built. It lived several hundred people - military with their families, but on the map the village was not marked in the flesh until 1993.

After the collapse of the USSR, it was decided to bring troops from Latvia. Around the "stars" the passion boiled. By agreement, the army had the right to pick up only movable property with him, but it was supposed to leave immo.

It was here that a strange dispute broke out like a strange argument: what to attribute telescopes that are moving when working, while their foundations that are stigled with complex electronics are fixed? It all ended in that one telescope was dismantled and sent to Russia, and the other two remained in Latvia.

Currently, the village of Irben turned into a ghost, and the remaining Telescopes "Jupiter" and "Saturn" were practically restored and brought to such a condition that it became possible to carry out serious research work. Partially restored the rooms of the RT-32 radio telescope.

Only now the trouble: there was no one to study the studies. In the 90s, fails to find a use, many scientists left. They did not prepare with change - it was not prestigious then to engage in science ...

Varosha - up to the 70s, a lively seaside city, where tourists from all over Europe flocked hundreds. They say that Haroshi hotels were so popular that the most fashionable rooms in them were reserved by the foresight of the British and the Germans for 20 years ahead. Here they built luxury villas and advanced hotels in the standards of the 70s.

It was a cozy seaside town, strongly similar to today's Larnaca, with multi-family hotels along the sandy beach, with churches and clubs, panel houses and private villas, with schools, hospitals, kindergartens and petroline benzocolones, Greek oil monopolist of those times. The new Famagusta stretched south along the east coast of Cyprus, ranking an area of \u200b\u200bseveral dozen square kilometers ...

What can be observed here is now producing a rather depressing impression - the rotational villas alive, the church with diurnal crosses stand on the belt in the thistle, bournan, cactus, rhododendron. The inhabitants of Varosha are currently seagulls, rodents and stray cats. In the silence of the streets, only the steps of UN peacekeepers and the soldiers of the Turkish army are distributed. Four kilometers of golden sand beaches remain unclaimed for more than three decades. Frozen lifting crane, a series of hotels, banks of banks, locked on hanging castles. Parts of the neon sign of the discos "Venus" with difficulty distinguishable through a thick shrub and bunign. Houses and villas who have repeatedly undergoes a plunder ...

The thing is that in 1974, Greek fascists attempted to the state coup (the goal was to subordinate to Cyprus dictatorship of the Athenian black colonels), and Turkey was forced to introduce troops. On August 14-16, 1974, the Turkish army occupied 37% of the island, including the Famagust and one of its suburbs. A few hours before the arrival of the Turkish troops in Famagust, all Greek residents of Varosh left their homes to become refugees in the southern part of the island, in continental Greece, the United Kingdom and the United States. 16 thousand people went in full confidence that they would return in a week, the maximum was two. Since then, more than 30 years have passed, and they have never introduced the opportunity to enter their homes.

Unlike the many other places in Cyprus, where the Greeks left at home were occupied by their Turkish neighbors or migrants from Turkey (the Greeks call them Anatolian Settlers), the Turks from Famagusti did not marvel it. The empty village of the Turkish army gained a fence from barbed wire, blockpoints and various other booms, in fact, which I could do it in the form, in which Greek Cypriot was left in August 1974. And in this form, she lived to this day - the most terrible monument of the Civil War, dividing the once binary Cyprus into two unequal ethnic halves.

Every few years, the hope for the return of the city to its inhabitants lived, but the parties so far and did not come to a compromise, which would suit both communities. Varosha turned into a barrier coin in the relations of Greko and Turko Cypriots. Varosha has long become the most impressive symbol of the separation of the island, populated ghosts of the past.

Those who managed to learn through the barrage from the wire built by the Turkish army, tell about the plates with dried food left in the kitchens and in the canteens of once elegant villas and houses, linen, which still dries on the ropes, and the incredible number of weeds, flooded the streets Varosha. Prices on shop windows are dating 1974.

Varosha underwent a total plunder of marauders. At first it was the Turkish military, who held the furniture, televisions and dishes on the mainland. Then the residents of the nearby streets who carried everything that was not needed by the soldiers and officers of the occupying army. Turkey was forced to declare the city of a closed zone, but it did not save it from total looting: everything was carried out that it was possible to carry.

Although, there is an alternative vision of the conflict - organized and provoked it by the British to prevent the spread of Soviet influence in the Middle East in general and in Cyprus in particular. Makarios was going to demand (or demanded?) From the British to remove his bases from Cyprus, for which he paid for life. "Turkish occupation" is, in fact, entering the troops of another NATO country in Cyprus, and the organization there is a territory that does not obey (close to the USSR) to the Government of Cyprus and even hostile to it. Save West control over this strategic important territory is noticeably easier after the section.

A few words about abandoned cities

There is a huge number of abandoned places in the world. It may be not only abandoned villages or villages, but also entire cities and megacities. There are many reasons why people leave their habitats, but mostly are danger and economic factors. The largest number of abandoned cities and villages are, of course, on the territory of the former USSR and the United States.

Nowadays, visiting such abandoned places becomes more and more popular. Tourists are tightened from all over the Earth to listen to the ringing silence of such strange and at the same time interesting places. For example, I have never been in any of these places, like many of you, I think. Therefore, it will be interesting to see hot photos of first-hand. Some say that ghosts dwell in abandoned cities, and these bikes are especially relevant for Pripyat, where so many people died.

In any case, there is something to look at:

Abandoned city-Island Gunning friction, Japan

Khanshim Island, also called Guungandems (in Per. Military ship) - one of the 505 undeveloped islands in Nagasaki Prefecture, 15 kilometers from the city. The island was inhabited from 1887 to 1974, and the coal mining also was carried out.

Mitsubishi bought an island in 1890 and began a coal mining project from the bottom of the sea. They built the first large concrete building in Japan, a residential building to accommodate their growing staff of workers and to protect them from typhoons.

When in 1960 oil replaced coal, all coal mines became massively closed in Japan, and the Khamsh mine also did not exception. Mitsubishi officially announced the closure of her mine in 1974, so the island of Gunning informs became a ghost town. After 20 lonely years, April 22, 2009, the island of Hashima received the first tourists who still travel there to look at the ruins.

San Zhi, Taiwan

San zhi - abandoned resort on the north coast of Taiwan. It was built in early 1980, but the construction of a futuristic resort stopped after a series of fatal accidents. Although the resort has never opened, he still attracts tourists. Strange buildings are now working as a tourist attraction. Colors of buildings depend on their location. In the West - green, in the east - pink, in the south blue, and in the north are white.

Pripyat, Ukraine

Pripyat - Abandoned city in the zone of alienation in the north of Ukraine. The city was founded in 1970 for workers of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and was abandoned in 1986 due to an accident. The population of the city was about 50 thousand people. The city was evacuated in two days.

The city and the exclusion zone is now fenced by the fence and the police, but it is not difficult to get the necessary documents for visiting the zone. Tourists This place attracts the fact that it is not touched by vandalism and from the moment of the accident everything remained as it was, this is a great place to shoot gears, such as shots from Pripyat, can be seen in the battle of psychics online. The doors of all buildings are open to reduce the risk to visitors, and a special guide will be able to help you visit all the places you want in this abandoned city. Chernobyl city is located a few kilometers from Pripyat, where there are several hotels that often use tourists.

Kadykchan, Russia

Kadykchan is a ghost city that was built during World War II for workers of coal mines and their families. In 1996, 6 people died as a result of the mine explosion. After that, the mines closed. Twelve thousand people were evacuated in neighboring areas, leaving the city empty and silent.

Centralia, Pennsylvania, United States

Centralia is the city of Ghost in Pennsylvania, USA. The population of an abandoned city has decreased from a thousand to 9 people. The reason for such emptying of the city is unmanaged underground fires.

According to eyewitnesses of those events, in 1962, the administration of Centralia hired five firefighters for cleaning the city landfill from garbage. The landfill was located near coal mines. Firefighters set fire to the garbage, allowed him to steal a little and put out. With this work they have been engaged in a row for several years. But the fire failed to extinguish the fatality, and gradually he crossed the mine and began an underground fire. The fire lasted for several years, and in 1979, when the gas station owner checked his underground tanks, discovered that the temperature of gasoline reached 78 degrees.

In 1984, Congress allocated $ 42 million dollars on the evacuation of the city. All except, several people left, turning Central in one of the many abandoned cities.

Cowloon City Fortress, Gong Cong

Kowloon is one of the districts of the city of Gong Kong. By the end of the 1970 fortress Kowulun began to grow. Square buildings were built on one on one, thousands of modifications were made without the participation of architects and engineers, until the whole city became monolith. Maze corridors pass through the whole city. People move through roofs and special passages, as they can no longer walk through the streets (if they can be called it), because they are littered with garbage. The lower floors are illuminated by fluorescent lamps, as the sunlight can no longer get inside. When building, there were only two rules: electricity should be carried out in such a way as to avoid a fire, and buildings should be no higher than 14 floors, because of the airport nearby.

By the beginning of 1980, Kowloon City-Fortress reached the population density of 35 thousand people. The city is known because of the huge number of brothels, casino, cocaine-salons, opium, institutions where dog meat and secret plants are preparing.

Yet Kowloon turned into an abandoned city, but not long. In 1984, the Gong Cong administration decided to demolish the Cowloon fortress and relocate all the inhabitants. By the time the city's population was about 50 thousand people at 26000m², which made it the most densely populated city on Earth.

After the demolition of the city, the park was built, which began to build in 1994. Perhaps the most ambitious ghost city on Earth.

At the beginning of the way:

City model:

That park:

Oradur-sur-Glah, France

Oradur-sur-Gle - Abandoned city in the west of France. The village was destroyed in June 1944, when 642 residents were killed by the German company Waffen-SS. A new village after the war rebuilt near the original. Old oradur-sur-glan is now an abandoned city and memorial.

Previously, we have compiled a list of the most beautiful cities in the world, now there was a turn of terrible. Countless many ugly small and medium-sized towns around the world could be logged here, but these ten is the most unattractive of all capitals and the main cities in the world.

These are real stone jungle or victims of the growing cities in combination with the lack of their planning. If you live in one of these places, then, of course, do not agree, but here we present a completely impartial list of cities that could be great, but it is unforgivable terrible for many reasons.

10. Guatemala, Guatemala

This city-the capital of a rather beautiful country is filled with smoke and crime. The city looks more like slums than to the capital with most buildings standing on the verge of destruction.

9. Mexico City, Mexico

The city is known, at the moment, as one of the most dangerous, but even if he were a safe refuge, I would not be more often visiting tourists anyway. This is one of the most polluted cities in the world and, in general, there is nothing to watch.

8. Amman, Jordan

The capital of the country with one of the most exciting historical sights in the world (Magic Peter) should be only an arrival and immediate departure (place of transplant) in your route, if you don't like dirty, chaotic streets and ugly buildings looking as if they are gradually falling Each other.

7. Caracas, Venezuela

Venezuela is known to be unusual success in the international beauty contest, since Venezuelan women are known for love for plastic surgery, but the capital of this country has no relation to beauty. It is filled with slums, and its central regions seem completely devoid of planning and any style.

6. Luanda, Angola

Now it is experiencing an economic rise due to the recent success of the African capital, so we hope that new construction will turn into something more attractive than what we see today: the disgusting residential buildings divert the horizon that, incredibly, is the most Expensive city in the world.

5. Chisinau, Moldova

The capital of Moldova - Belmo on the eye. Industrial city, built-up, for the most part, very ugly buildings in the Soviet style, most of which are dilapidated (and not particularly clean).

There are a large lot of not at all attractive cities of the Soviet era in Eastern Europe, but still from the capital we expected more.

4. Houston, USA

The fourth largest city in the United States. Of course, there are many other disgusting American cities (it is still worth calling similar American megalopolises: Atlanta, Cleveland ...), but this one should win the title of the most terrible of them: impoverished and homeless people (about 1 out of 5 families live below the poverty line ) And the city landscape without any formal division into areas.

3. Detroit, USA

Detroit is terrible not only in aesthetic plan, but also in terms of quality of life, which explains why the city has lost a quarter of the population over a decade. One of the highest crime rates in the country can and contributed to this, but also in itself this city is dirty, extinct, made of bricks, concrete and glass. Not very nice.

2. São Paulo, Brazil

It seems that all the beauty of nature decided to give Rio and completely forgot about the existence of other Brazilian megalopolises.
Sao Paulo could be one of the most impressive cities, if you evaluate only places for shopping and snack, but, without any doubt, the city is some big concrete jungle.

The city is known for overloaded highways - this fact is already enough for Los Angeles to become unattractive. Everything else, there is nothing to see what, walking through the streets (if someone goes there, since this is one of the most unfriendly to pedestrians a city in the world).

The only attractive is Hollywood and beaches nearby. Otherwise, Los Angeles is not at all a pretty place. And since it is one of the most famous cities in the world, a year from year not there is an excuse for the lack of landscape and beauty.

This is hell on earth. 5 most terrible cities in which tourists are better not surprised.

Ghost cities inspire respect and fear at the same time. Something mysterious and eternal blows from each of them. Probably, they like nothing else to recall how fleeting is human life: how many destinies their streets remember?

San Zhi, Taiwan. This ghost city has not entered our rating, because was demolished in 2008

Ghost towns from all over the world

In 1995, almost 3200 people lived in this town. Almost all population of the village was oilans and their families. On May 28, 1995, a strong earthquake occurred on Sakhalin, as a result of which 65% of the population died - 2040 people. In our time there is a chapel, a memorial and a cemetery, where the dead were buried.

10. Body (California, United States)

A dropped town of gold leaving, bodie, was founded at the end of the 19th century. But he existed for a short time - already in 20 years, in 1900, the population of the town decreased 10 times: the world prices for gold fell and the gold fever declined. Finally, the fate of Bodi was solved with a fire in 1932 - the center of the town burned down and its existence gradually stopped.

In 1962, the historic park of the state of California was founded on the territory of the town. The body does not have an exciting history of its disappearance, but is one of the most preserved US ghost cities, and therefore is particularly interesting for tourists.

9. Chaitin (Chile)

In 2008, as a result of Chaitin, the village was practically completely evacuated. The story seems to be quite prosaic, but looks asked by the ashes of the town impressive.

8. Krako (Italy)

This settlement on the rock was empty after the next earthquake, which happened in the last century: It turned out that the rock under the city gradually collapses and can collapse at any time. For this reason, there are no official excursions in Krako. But informally curious enough enough. Yes, even the crankshers chose this town using it as unique scenery.

7. Hasima Island (Island)

This island is also called Guncanzim. Initially, he was a fragment of a rock in the sea, but at the beginning of the XIX century, coal was found on it: the deposits began to develop rapidly, and the first buildings began to appear on the island. In the best years, 5259 people lived in Hasima. Despite the fact that the island itself has dimensions of 160 x 480 meters (0.063 km²).

In addition to production buildings, there were 30 residential buildings on Hasima, 25 stores, school and 2 pools. But you should not hurry to draw in your imagination the paradise - during the Second World War on the island, many Chinese and Koreans worked in a compulsory basis. Because of the difficult working conditions, many died without surviving to old age.

Over time, coal mining came into decline and in 1974 the mines were closed. As a result, the most populous place in the world turned into a ghost city.

6. Namie (Japan)

On March 11, 2011, a strong earthquake occurred followed by tsunami, which led to the accident at Fukushima NPP. The town of Namie was evacuated due to this accident. Google-Maps has the opportunity to "live" to plunge into the atmosphere of the abandoned city and consider how it looks in our time.

5. Centralia (USA)

About 1000 people lived in Centralia. In 1962, the city council hired firefighters (!) To get rid of garbage in one of the open mines of the city. Firefighters did not invent anything better than set fire to waste. And anything, but the fire ignited abandoned coal deposits.

For a long time, no one paid attention to this, but in the early 1980s (yes, all this time the fire continued to burn underground!) The underground fire began to catch the residents of the city "sideways". A peak point of this problem was the fall of a 12-year-old boy into the resulting failure under it - for happiness, the child was saved. In 1984, $ 42 million was allocated for the relocation of the towns of the town. Over time, the city is completely empty.

This city, which is also called Saintrey, became the prototype of the game world in the game Silent Hill. In 2006, the film was filmed here.

4. Oradur-sur-Glan (France)

This is a pretty sad story. The French partisans during the Second World War seized one pretty to an important German. And executed. The Germans offended and destroyed almost the entire population of Orador. Wiki can tell you about the details. In a nutshell: all burned, including women and children.

As a result, the town was declared a martyr's city and today is a memorial center. Interesting the fact that in it the spirit of 40 years has been preserved. Although accompanied by this spirit of the gloomy story. Sad, but after the war, no one was not attracted for this massacre.

3. Famagusta (Cyprus)

Famagusta is not the most famous ghost city, but he affects truth. Sometimes it is mistakenly called Varosha. In fact, Varosha is not the whole city, but the popular tourist quarter Famagusta.

In the 1970s, about 50,000 people lived in Famagusta. It was one of the most famous tourist centers of Cyprus. But in 1974, Turkish troops occupied the town. As a result, many Greeks fled from their homes. In 1975, the population of the city was 8,000, all - Turks. And although according to the data for 1998, the population returned to the indicator 50,000, but the tourist area of \u200b\u200bVarosha remains closed and deserted so far, becoming paused in 1974.

2. Detroit (USA)

Detroit is the most majestic city from our list. Unlike any other candidate of this rating, Detroit was a huge megapolis. In the early 1950s, it lived a little less than 2 million people. Nowadays, about 700,000 people live in it.

It would seem that a lot, but at the same time the economic decline of the city was so rapid that the huge number of plants and majestic office buildings are now empty ghosts. The former city of rock and the center of the automotive industry turned into a provincial extinct township, from which everyone who can only choose.

1. Pripyat (Ukraine)

It was logical - to give first place the city, which became famous thanks to one of the largest technogenic catastrophes of the twentieth century. The town was founded in 1970. By April 27, 1986, 50,000 people lived in Pripyati. I existed only 16 years, the city turned into an abandoned ghost due to the accident at the Chernobyl NPP.

And this is the original Pink Floyd clip, which they filmed in the notorious pripyat.