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Independent love spell without consequences. How to inhabit a girl at a distance

One of the most common practices in love magic is a son. So what is the impression and what does it represent? Different dictionaries and directories interpret this concept for the most individual. There is a type of witchcraft in the infant (or an abnormal), as a result of which through the use of special magic Tools (potions, whispering, leadership, etc.) The desired object "is inherent" is involved in the one who produces this ritual.

Love magic is one of the most ancient and strong in the universe, as it receives a feedback from the most striking human feelings and experiences. The most important advantage of love magic is that even the most hopeless situation Or the most spoiled and bad relationships can be stabilized. With the help of love magic, even the most spoiled relationships can be derived to a decent level due to magical rituals, spells, rites and conspiracy.

Of course, love magic is not always safe and innocent. Often, the use of some leaders or love spells can turn unpleasant consequences As for the subject of such actions and the object. However, if you use it with the mind, clearly determining that the effect obtained from the magical actions you can really need you and will not harm the object of your frills, then it can benefit.

Among such magical rituals, a guy's love spell, an infrared of his wife, conspiracies for the love and return of her husband in a family, conspiracies for the reunification of lovers and the like rituals.

What is an impression and what kind of symptoms does it have?

One of the most common practices in love magic is a son. So what is the impression and what does it represent? Different dictionaries and directories interpret this concept for the most individual.

There is such a type of witchcraft (or an inherent), as a result of which through the use of special magic agents (potions, intrigues, leadership, etc.), the desired object "is invested", is involved in the one who produces this ritual.

In other words, the ritual does so that one person loves the other even against his will. It is in this addition "against your will" and lies main reason that this practice is not welcomed in the practice of white magic spells.

When violence over personality occurs, over her will and spirit (even if it is done for good) - this is a guarantee that someone will have to pay for it. If you decide to inhabit someone, then accept the idea that it will be your cross for life.

Suffling have great strength and practically do not have antidotes. So it is best to treat such magical influences with caution and not allow them to your destiny. There are no karmic bonds that existed before that, instead of them, not bringing happiness to any of the parties.

This ritual and his symptoms are very similar to the spell, with whom they are often confused, but, oddly enough, the spell just draws the attention of the object of witchcraft to the subject, without causing critical dependencies from it, while properly made in the influence becomes a rigor Both. There is a dependence on the physical level, paralyzing the will and personality of an inhabitated person.

Varieties of implies

Depending on which items are used in a broach, allocate various types of these rites. So, one of the most common strangers today is france in the photo.

Its popularity is due to significant efficacy and effectiveness of this kind of leading. At the same time, they are as simple as possible (it is only necessary to get a photo of a loved one) and, according to experts, the most secure as possible for both parties to the acts.

France in the photo

France in the photo It is done as follows.
Need to find:

  • Photos of beloved or beloved
  • Red silk filaments
  • Pair of red candles
  • Fully blossomed rose bud (also exceptionally red)
  • His photo
  • Fat Book Tom
  • An ordinary needle pre-dipped with pink oil.

France in the photo It is carried out in one of the days of the growing moon, immediately after the sunshine. In the room where you are going to carry out a spell, you need to close all the curtains, turn off the light and set fire to both candles. Photos are put alone to one, they are shifted with a flower, symbolizing a love feeling, passion. The flower will be hard to put between the photo, but it is very necessary to try to do it.

After that, it is necessary to extremely carefully and gently sew the resulting composition with a needle with a needle, but it costs it so that it is chance that the people shown in the photo. The resulting card must be put in a thick book, so that all its elements are good, as it were, "are concressed" each other.

France on the apple

Another common view of items used in the instands is an inherent on food, more precisely on any food - gingerbread, candy, beer, sandwich, chips, and anything! With one-sole but - this food product will then eat an object of rehabilitation.

In other words, if your favorite or beloved does not eat sweet in food, it is useless to make chopping on candy or pastries. Choose such a meal that will certainly be interested in it.

In Russia, such types were most common, such varieties of dustwarts, such as, for example, an egg on an apple, bread, water, egg, potatoes. Particularly popular was an impression on salt.

In short, neutral products were chosen, which will certainly be taken into eating. However, there is a danger here - if the conspiracy is chipped into any dish, you need to carefully follow, so that he can only be the one who should, the one who is being done.

Otherwise, all guests that will come to your holiday are inappropriate to you with unearthly love, which can turn into a real catastrophe for all (and you don't even need to know how to develop clairvoyance to understand what horror it will be). So, the chipping, carried out on any food:

Upon completion of the statement, it is necessary to spit it immediately in confirmation of its truth. It is very strong and ancient spellTherefore, when writing it, you need to be careful and not to confuse words.

France on a broom

Popular in love magic are not only the love spells produced on food, but also whispering, conspiracies, conspiracles, carried out on those or other things. It can be like things of the property of the attitude, and things that are cooked to him as a gift, or outsiders who do not have any relationship to him.

In our example, there will be an order to the thing on an ordinary new broom. Best to do it on Friday. Previously, you should invite an object of bonuses.

Meanwhile, from a broom (never before that, not used!) You need to take out one twig and put it on the door threshold through which this person will go. After he crosses through the twig (try to make it so that neither he, nor any other man of a pen noticed!) It is necessary to carefully hide it. The care of the guest is placed on the Poloka in a well-melted bath and whisper the following words over it:

"How to dry this bar, let the slave of God (the name of the attitude object) will dry me.

Varieties of implies depending on the object of magical influences

Depending on whom the inherent is made, that is, who acts as an object of magical effects, these types of their varieties can be distinguished: an infrared to a woman or an impression on a man.

And although they do not differ in principle (most often the floor does not play roles in the implementation of such rituals and does not affect their effectiveness), nevertheless, if you search for witchcraft and magic, you can find some of the prison spells that are created specifically for impact On a certain gender of people.

How is the implave on the girl? She reads in a room where there is no one, out loud, preferably with candles. You can read before the photo of the beloved woman or with thoughts about it (the presence of the photo is optional). Text Next:

Elementary impression on the guy is also very simple. Need to find in the floor or in the wall of the bitch (in modern apartments It is hard enough to do, because everything was written for the His, but for this purpose you can go to relatives to the village), to circle it with a finger and say it:

"Like you, a bitch, dry, so dry, the slave of God (the name of the object of the attitude), for me, God's slave (the name of the actuature). Amen".

What if you need someone to inherent?

There are situations when there are no other options, how to inherent in someone. For example, when a person does not see the meaning in life, it consumes a large amount of alcohol, expresses signs of addictive behavior. Or the love of a man who decided on a love spell is so great that he begins to make him help him in question nervous system and mental stability.

In such cases, nothing else remains how to make a conspiracy. It is advisable to bore it on any food, water or other liquid that the reference object will be used in food without a residue. The text of such a statement is as follows:

This is a very strong implave for love, the use of which is recommended by specialists in the field of magical knowledge only in an exceptional case, when one of the participants in the invoil threatens a serious trouble or death. After all, the consequences of such a type of love spells are quite unpredictable.

Please note that these words you contact the ancient and powerful universal evil, which is constantly in finding a weak shower. However, this is not the worst. The worst thing is that for the fulfillment of any desires (whoever did not carry them - good or evil forces) should always be paid. But sometimes the board, which will be taken to you for the inherent person, may be unbearable. Be sure to consider it!

Soul of the girl liked - the employment is simple. But it requires faith into the result and availability of some objects owned by the elect.

At the same time, a young man must remember that independently of the degree of magical intervention, it is a way to change the thinking of another person.

The female mind is endowed with the universe of increased suggestibility, so the guys may hope for the effectiveness of the lungs and mean values. TO strong rites The sorcerers advise to resort in exceptional cases when the girl really does not give in to any other influence - neither the naturally rendered to the magic force.

Incense at a distance, like any spell, can cause unpredictable reactions of the consciousness of the girl. She can have sharp mood differences, the beauty loses confidence in the feelings of the creator of the bonuses. The presence of all these conditions forces the girl away from a loving person.

In order for the inherent to be effective, it is desirable to have regular contacts with a girl and common interests, walking in one company and be confident in the absence of her hostility towards the creator of the bonuses.

Get the location of the girl in return for a gift is simpler simple, especially if the thing is conspiracy. The seed floor is not indifferent to flowers. In order to buy a bouquet of roses in the evening, it is necessary to buy a bouquet of roses and reduce any skelter with your hair before bed. Performing this action, the guy must say 3 times:

"As a dove there is no life without a pigeon, the squorter without a digital, and in the slaves of God (name) let not be a life without me, well-well (such something). I lock the mouth on the lock, throwing a key. "

It is possible to spend the conspiracy bouquet to be spectacle by laying it under the door and providing a love note.

If a girl is in your home, arrange it in the form of a magical delicacy. To do this, burn three church candles and put them in a row. Then take a juicy peach of a sweet variety and put it opposite the second candle. Now whisper the words of the inflows:

"In the edge of the far grown, the Paradish tree grows, ripe gifts hang on the branches. Each of them consists of two halves, and together they form the fruit of gold. But if they are divided, it turns out black. Amen".

Gently divide the peach into two equal parts and, taking them in both hands, squeeze it so that the droplets of the fruit juice splashed to the prepared delicacy. Leave your bone for the time that the girl does not eat a treat.

By photo

Inherent in the photo of the photo - a common magic option for receiving love. After sunset, it is necessary to put a picture in front of them and read the following conspiracy text on it:

"How not lives white swan Without water, loving the sky with an eagle without height, so let the Red Maiden, the slave of God (such something) without me, creation (name) toggave, flashes and sad. Let tears expire, looking for me meetings. The lock is closed the key and in the sea pulver, forever plunge. Amen".

To perform another home bonuses in the photo, a pair of candles and a sharp ribbon will be needed. The rite is carried out at night with candles and sitting at the table. Snapshot turn over and write on the paper side full names - His beloved. Then they are taken to the frame in the form of a heart and tape a photo tape. While the last action is performed, a set of phrases say:

"Let our fate will vote like this related tape. Light love and clean does not leave us ever, but always in us. As a nodule, this tight will not untlee, also a favorite with me will always. Amen".

At the end of the ritual, the photo with a ribbon is hiding in an inaccessible place for other people. The results of the inflows are manifested quickly.

On hair

Hair is a biological material through which a magic influence can be rendered on a person. Introduction With the help of only one hair, it will be effective if the recycle touches the planned effect to the end. A simple abnormal is the following manipulation.

The guy twists two hair - her and girls, and pronounces the words above them:

"As the hair, these firmly burst on, and our fate would be tightly tie."

Sruth should roll in molten wax of a red candle and put the "craft" into the left pocket. Keep it with you need no less than 7 days. Next, the twist is thrown into the girl's house or under the threshold of the dwelling.

To create an inherent on the hair of the melting candle, you can cut a female figure and attach hairs to her, taken from the girl you like. The pupa is pierced with a hot needle and quickly whisper:

"We command your steady to inflate my passion and love. Let the crash, sadness and longing will cover you, so far without me. Amen".

On things

If you managed to steal at least a small little thing belonging to the lady of the heart, you can read such a text of the inflows above it:

"As on the Basurman and Russian Plain, the lord of the flame drained all the water sources, so let the slave of God dry ... By slave God (name). Let her not live without me and is not health in all veins and joints. Now I turn to the black-prepande falcon. Fly, black bird, in a clean field, in the forest dense, between steep mountains, over the blue sea. Recommend the prince to give you help to find a maiden (name) and sit down on her chest and liver. Let her without me, the slave of God (such something) does not eat, does not drink and does not live. "

Tell the "Amen" three times and repeat the text another 3 times, turning toward each part of the world. Keep the girl's image in thoughts and imagine it next to you.

In a windy night, dropped on a growing moon, open the window and put the thing on the windowsill. Crossing it 3 times, read:

"I urge a bright month in allies and the wind is a raven! I punish the Red Device (name) me, the slave of God (name), love and always be nearby! Amen".

The thing is sprinkled with holy water and quietly throw up the girl.

Most full description In all details - a spell of an inherent consequences with a fairly strong and safe magic influence.

Love magic offers several options for attracting a chosen one. One of these methods is a dull - aimed at the emotional binding of the rite. Such a ritual is very easy to spend independently at home, but it will not be possible to get rid of the bonuses - the help of a powerful sorcerer is needed.

With this technique, it is possible to influence only one sequence of the attraction, which determines its effectiveness. Such a magic ritual is valid after a short time. It happens that the first signs begin to appear in a few days. The popularity of these rituals is growing due to ease of execution, but they can cause serious consequences.

With the help of conspiracies, it is possible to call in the beloved longing. They are used in cases where need to be reminded of themselves. The person who was directed by the rite will begin to think about the artist, to raise it. Such magic may be sexual aimed at a challenge from the victim of physical desire. Alone to make such a plot will not be difficult, but it is important to remember that it should be repeated after some time.

Cockfled man - a man inherent

A strong slope is somewhat different from the usual love spell, however, it can be taken for a spell. You can make an infirmation yourself on food, sex, photo, thread. How does it work? The one who at least once in his life did such a rite knows that this method Rely solely on the principle of similarity. Under the influence of magic, the energy matrix of what is happening with one item is transferred to another. To make such a "love spell", carefulness is needed, accuracy, high concentration and accuracy.

If the procedure is violated, the consequences will not wait to wait, and it will be much more difficult to get rid of them. If the ritual or weak concentration is incorrect, for the sacrifice (and at the same time on the contractor), instead of the attitude, the damage will be the removal of which only a powerful magician can produce. That is why before starting to practice inhibition at home, it is necessary to objectively own forcesNo matter how much before that the performer did not use magic.

Inherent people have focused on concrete thought.

Inherent people have certain symptoms that resemble the symptoms of the attitude, to identify that will not be difficult. Souls on candles and other auxiliary means cause a certain set of emotions, based on which symptoms of "disease" are formed. The victims are losing interest in the world and friends, they become unable to reason, constantly seek to see or meet the executor of the rite.

Incense and spell - what's the difference?

The dull is significantly different from the attitude. How much would a person loved his chosen one, in no case allowed this love to be imposed by force. The magic ritual It is a very strong occult effect, which in a certain time will completely destroy a person. The spell acts, as if the attractive remedy - he overshadows the mind of the sacrifice, causing to love the artist by the rite against the will.

Incense for sex, food, photo or what other means / target will ensure the victim. She in the literal sense of the word over time dries, as the object that the conspiracy whispered. Magic acts in such a way that the victim can not be away from the artist - she begins to hurt, dying, descending, and independent removal of damage in this case will not help, no matter how much the magic forces did not have. The only thing that can help is try to be near the artist, then the signs of "death" will disappear, but the person will not be the same.

Photo, food - indispensable assistants For a rite for sex

At home, it can be independently imposed on the chosen one can almost everyone, but it is worth remembering that the consequences will not be able to avoid. To the one who did such a ritual is known, he acts in a short time, while the removal occupies a rather long time cut, whatever the magician will use the magician spell. A strong dull is very often used to attract a partner for sex.

The most popular types of implies are just directed not only to the love attraction of the partner, but also for sex with him. Most often, such rituals are performed on a decreasing moon, while it is necessary to concentrate on the target to achieve the goal, give it the necessary emotional state.

No matter how much the magician is not prepared, the rite will pull out almost all the energy from it.

Very often, so that through a certain time segment did not have to remove, the performers themselves pass through the necessary emotional state. As soon as the performer is prepared, he is allowed to start a ritual, for example, on food. The rite is reduced to overlay under a certain phase of the moon of a special spell on the subject or food, as well as to carry out a special set of actions.

Consequences: Great Share Danger

Like any magical actions, the inherent causes serious consequences, whether it is aimed at the awakening of love feelings or sex. Most often, the consequences of the use of such magic are expressed in a mental disorder of the victim, the signs of which are regular depressed, staying in apathetic state.

Signs of physical disorder can also be shown - the emergence of various diseases, often serious. No matter how much the sacrifice did not try to get rid of this state, she will not be able to do this while she is away from the artist.

Differences of the inherent and love spell

To strengthen relations, love and physiological attraction, a love spell or a snap is usually used. But in what kind of case the spell should be applied, and in which case is there? And how not to be mistaken in choosing a method for strengthening relationships? Before proceeding with rituals, you need to arm yourself with knowledge, what is the difference between the spell and the abundance.

Love spell you need to use if you want a person to love you

Differences Privota

In my magical practice, there were often cases when there were mostly women, but also men, in tears, with requests to bring them their love to them, restore their holistic family. But there is no magical ritual, which would affect the mind and emotions of man, which can force a person to turn around and escape from whom he was stated. The mind has influenced negative energywhich destroys his will. And the more you try to throw a person with conspiracies stronger man It will be similar to zombies and hardly live for a long time. A person loses freedom of will.

Consider what a spell is a strong energetically magical effect, aimed at the psyche and the emotional state of a certain person. The spell you need to use if you want a person to love you, or want him to return to the family. Before you decide to spend the ritual, you should thoroughly think about whether you need this person so much that they are ready to resort to magic. Weigh all "for" and "against", remember that the ritual will not cost without consequences, both at you and on your beloved.

Differences inherent

If your sweetheart had to leave somewhere, or you're just afraid that a novel can start at work, then there is something that you need. The man who was imposed inherent is not able to live without you. All his thoughts will only be directed at you, and if he is not with you, it will begin to fade, be hurting and savoring for you. In such a state, it will not last long. It is worth it to return to you - a person will immediately become easier, he will cease to hurt and will feel better that you are his oasis in the desert. But remember that the person who has been attracted does not experience sincere feelings, his thoughts will be about you, but everything that is being done against the will of a person brings him mainly harm. If a person initially does not have any warm feelings and emotions to your person, an inherent will not work as a spell. The person will go to you, but there is no guarantee that the attraction of a person will turn into a real, sincere love.

Do not confuse the spell and the spice. Usually, conducting such rituals, people believe that the dullness from the attitude is not much different from each other, which leads to practically irrevocable errors. Need to be extremely attentive, clearly know your goal, know possible consequences Presentation and dust, and not allow even the slightest errors.

Usually there is a person if he has been offended. Inherent no longer with the goal of love or attraction, but for the sake of the sufferings of another person.

If you have suspicion that your loved one has invested, you should pay attention to his behavior.

Estimated signs of the inherent:

  • favorite ceased to pay attention to you and your words;
  • he has a missing, painful look;
  • often quarrels with you;
  • loss of interest in you, everything concerns you;
  • loss of the meaning of life.

Do not confuse the spell and the spice

How to determine the inherent on you or a spell

Usually, if there is any magical action on a person, it does not even have thought to check whether his fears are true. If such thoughts came to mind, you can remember your behavior and thoughts, analyze your thoughts and actions. If you started rudely to behave in relation to the previously close person, do not listen to him and quarrel all the time, and your thoughts are busy with a completely different person - probably the magic influenced you.

On you a spell, if:

  • you suddenly appeared sympathy to the one who you had not even noticed;
  • as you already know, you have become irritable;
  • you do not want to be close to those who have previously loved;
  • differences have appeared in the family, a former understanding disappeared;
  • in the end, you divorced your beloved, and went to another.

You were inherent if you notice:

  • the man who has previously attracted you, does not represent any interest for you;
  • you want to be near a person who attracts you physiologically;
  • you literally dry, you have a dream and appetite;
  • features of the rituals for an inherent and spell

How to make a spell

Rituals on the spell you can spend yourself, without the help of the magician. You must be concentrated on your purpose, clearly imagine what you wish. You should not tell anyone about what you are going to spend, spend or spent a ritual for a spell. The ritual must be carried out on a decreasing moon in complete solitude. Focus on result. After the ritual, immediately try to forget that you were spent, and live as if the desired result had already happened. Do not forget about rituals to protect against rollback.

How to be done inherent

The ritual for an inherent is an element of black magic and it does not differ from the attitude, so the help of an experienced magician is recommended. But you can also spend it yourself, if you are sure that you can do everything right. The dull is carried out with the help of various items and even on the weather.

If you do not concentrate on the target during the inherent, if you are distracted, then the effect of the inherent falls on you. Soul, made with an admixture of negative emotions or offensive per person, is equivalent to damaging. Do not forget the slightest error and damage will be on you. In no case do not forget about the rites to protect against the inverse negative effects, which in the case of an attempt to remove the dust or incorrect actions when applying an inlet will fall in you. Best of all, if you pass for help to the MAG, in order not to be trouble. A person who tried to impose a sprawl, and he did not come out, imposing a damage, begins to hurt much and painfully. Most often it is heart disease and psychological diseases. Doctors here you are unlikely to help you, only slightly muffle the symptoms of diseases. Only an experienced bright magician who has never been engaged and has never been engaged in impulses or an abnormal, the imposition of damage and this kind of black magic will be able to remove the damage with you.

A snicker ritual is an element of black magic

Examples of rituals

Foreign rite to the wind. It is recommended to conduct a ritual in a well-ventilated room or on the street, in places where there are no people, and wind walks. Your task is to talk the wind that will blow on a person, blowing it on you, forcing a person to pour to you and savor.

Conspiracy with a snack with new socks brought as a gift.

Buying socks that you will start and end up giving a person that is the main goal of your rite, there should be no one in the store, except you and the seller. Paying off with the seller for socks, say about yourself

"I'll buy socks, (human name) prince."

Having come home, remove the socks and on each of them from the small cross threads of the same color as socks. After that, remove the socks, put them on the palm and concentrate on the person whom you are going to inherent. Represent the desired effect, which ultimately affects a person. After that, give him these socks.

Rite on a spell with a broom. Take the old, rejected broom. Remove two twit from it, representing the object of your love. Put the goal with which you resort to this ritual. Imagine how your lover began to love you and how you live happily with him together. After that, read the twelve times to the twelve times the prayer "Our Father", and on the onset of midnight, put the twigs on the threshold of the lover house so that in the morning he stepped over or came to them.

speaking Soul Consequences

Soul - these are correctly chosen words, a spell, energetically addressed to the obstacle object with a view to binding it to yourself at the subconscious level. Is the inherent harmful - such an action is ambiguous and the question is controversial. Soul at a distance for a short time gives confidence that a young man or a wonderful lady will not exactly "left" from his second half. Upon returning home, such a knife disappears without a trace. Soul against the will of a person does not often give positive results. The need to be close to a person who is not interesting and do not like leads to the emergence of aggression, drives crazy and goes into a context with the fate of man. Making such inans is sinner and is fraught with great serious consequences. Often, the husbands are inherent in naive wives, in a rush of anger, kill their women. Other cases when after an inherent woman changes his mind and understands that feelings can not be called love, rather, she liked love at a distance, and the spell was done in vain. But the case has already been done and the man is doomed to be energetically tied at least for a long time. Such an action should be performed only on a sober head and without anger, so before making the rite of the inherent seven times Think whether you really need a person, against whose will you want to go.

What are the symptoms of the inherent known?

If a person is inherent, it changes greatly in his behavior, it happens to each. He needs to be with those who inherent to him. Tell your every step. Communication with the opposite floor causes almost disgust. I want to close at home with the subject of lust, disable all the phones and do not let anyone in the house, hide. However, if in real world Before the dull, this man was indifferent, the thrust disappears as soon as the imposed approached the one who made a spell. Starts scandals, irritation, anger, the desire to urgently leave the room. But it is only an inherent exit to the threshold, as he begins to regret, which quarreled with his beloved man and want to go back.

Another symptom of the inherent, as a spell acts: Frequent sexual dreams with a person who has invested. If you didn't think about such a connection before, and now you're increasingly starting to reach the person with whom only mumbling communication connected you, then it is certainly one of the dulls. Check it is not difficult. It is enough to remember your first love or last. If the heart does not eat anymore, but it is impossible to remember good memories, because you think that the person you think about now is best, then this is a dull.

How can you inherent in a person?

Insuate a person or make a spell on it, can be different and sophisticated ways. There are inherent on people both at a distance and with close contact:

Through food and drink;

Remotely by photography;

Through the code word spoken into the eyes;

Sustice for personal items;

Sneakers on embroidery on clothes.

Correcting correctly to the ritual and uttering the necessary words, even a minor schoolgirl can inherent. What the young energy is much more powerful than a middle-aged woman who makes a snap from powerlessness to make their lives happy without interference with magic, consumes a spell. The consequences of the inherent were already stipulated in this article and they are identical for everyone. The universe does not choose age and intentions. She sees the essence of the deed and respond to his actions will be each equally independent of the floor and age.

Conspiracy on the souce

In order for the guy to think and did not sleep without his narrowed:

I will stand, the servant of God (name), and go out of the doors in the door, from the doors in the gateway, in a clean field. To meet me fire and the hollow and bueen wind. I will stand and worship them lowestly and say so: "Goy of Esi, Fire and Hollow! Do not flatter green meadows, and Bouen wind, do not bloom the hollow, and serve the service faithful, great; Remove from me (name) longing Tuscchuyu and dry loaf; Introduce it through the sea and rivers, do not climb, but to put it in the slave of God (name), in a white chest, in the regulatory heart and in the light, and in the liver, so that it is about me, the servant of God (name), groaned and burning Denn , night and midnight; In sweet, it would not have been hidden; In honey, beer and fault did not drink. Be, my words, strong and modeling from now on and before the century. I conclude a strong castle and the key to the water.

The oldest and proven plot of a snicker. Read on the water in front of a photo

I will stand, (name), blessing, go, cross, out of the hut in the door, from the courtyard to the gate. I will go into a clean field, in the pussy side. In the fat side there is a hollow, among the huts there is a board. Under the busting board. Crying longing, flies longing, white light waits, white light red sun is waiting, rejoices and having fun. So me, (name), waited, rejoiced and having fun, could not live without me, nor to be, nor drink, nor, nor in the morning dawn, nor on the evening, like a fish without water, like a baby without maternal milk, Without maternal, the womb cannot live, so (the name) without (name) could not live, nor to be, neither in neither the morning dawn, nor on the evening, nor in the ordinary, nor at noon, nor with frequent stars, nor With cliff winds, neither per day with the sun, nor overnight for the month. Purchasa, longing, eating, longing, in the chest, in the heart, in full stomach (name), rushing and driving on all the veins, on all the bones of rocket and dry shock (name).

How to get rid of yourself from the dust and protect against it

If you feel that you are inherent, you need to take a photo of the person to light the candle to her and say these words:

"How the candle was burning in front of you, so burnt without a trace all your words and conspira in my address. So be it."

Go to church if you want your soul. Every day, before bedtime, take a shower from my head to the legs and senten:

"How water flows and changes everything on his way, so they are attacked and the conspira ride away. As against the current, do not swim, so do not return conspiracies. "

Are there any families in which there are any people?

If you are going to build your family on an inherent, it's not good. Husband or wife, washed inherent, will change in character and soon ceases you like. In the family where a person is rapidly inherent, no peace and peace. It always pulls on the adventure and inherent desire to free themselves from your shackles.

Consequences after applying a love conspiracy

All people are looking for happiness, love, success and all other life products. No one wants to stay overboard life. But quite often some people try to achieve these goods not quite honest ways. Someone steals, someone deceives, someone betrays friends in order to benefit, profit, because of the thirst for power and wealth.

But the worst thing is that in the modern world there is an opinion that even love and other elevated feelings are bought and sold. Sometimes, when the object of desire for some reason is unavailable to a person, he doesn't find anything better than to make a spell, without thinking about what it is and what could be the consequences of love spells. If people thought more about others and slightly less about themselves and their egoistic desires, they studied this issue deeper, they would begin to behave more carefully and thought if they need a spell and his consequences, which are mostly negative and even dangerous.

One of the main adherents of appeal to conspiracies and other magic are abandoned wives or husbands. Many women think that if the husband properly brings a salary, eats the food prepared for him and lives in an apartment where there is everything for a comfortable life, then anywhere does not go from them. And if he suddenly leaves the family to another woman, hence the husband was stuck. The same thoughts in men about their wives: "If I chose it and suffer so many years, then we will be together."

The care of the wife from the husband is perceived at all as something unnecessary. Naturally, thoughts only about the spell. But this is far from that. In addition to comfortable coexistence on one territory, each person needs another understanding from close man, trust, talk of souls, joint walks in the park, etc. If a person does not get it in the family, it is likely that he will find it on the side and really fall in love with a person who will give him all this. Love sincerely, and not on someone else's will. So if suddenly they got to you, you should not immediately plan a title-spell, especially at home, your husband or wife. Think what they may not be enough, and begin to behave as at the very beginning of your novel: tenderness, romance, sincerity and support for their second half will affect better any Sneakers.

Whatever the motives of appeal to grandmother-fortune telkam and shamans-healers, or, even worse, conspiracy and an inherent in household conditions, know that the consequences of the attitude will make you regret it made.

In general, the spell (with the help of the Magician or at home) is a magical impact at which the will of a person is suppressed and an artificial energy binding is created to the one who carries out this action. Like any other kind of love magic, the inherent is to impose someone else's will to a person, i.e. Birth of insincere feelings.

In general, energy relations between people arise constantly. It is not just a thread that connects people, these are channels for which energy constantly circulates. If you suddenly stopped intersecting with some kind of person and think about it, the channel stops the action and the connection can break. If the relationship is mutual, then the exchange of energy is equivalent: and one, and the other this connection feeds energetically. If the feelings are unrequited and relationships, as they say, "in one wicket", the connection is one-way and focused only on the one hand. It explains the fact that the person in love is unrequited, often falls into depression, falls, weakens physically, can not be engaged even for loved ones, while the object of his love is energetic, vigorous and lucky.

In magical bindings, energy connections appear inherent, but they differ from those that arise naturally. Energy in the channels still goes only from one person who performs a spell. That is, instead of a bilateral connection between people there are two unilateral: one - sincere from humans, the second - from the same person, but aimed at imposing his will to another - the object to the attractive object.

The meaning of these actions is to cause a loving addiction to the object. This is possible only when a person cannot get something from another source. This is energy. That is, to carry out the wrapping, you need to overlap all the human communication existing in humans. It is for this purpose that at the time of the inspection of a person, a person will deteriorate relations with surrounding, relatives and close people who sincerely do not understand what is happening with their friend or relative and how to behave with him.

Because of the consequences that arise after the inssence, it is often referred to black magic, damage, since such an impact on a person deprives him of the opportunity to live normally, to develop, prevents his full-fledged freedom and makes it completely addicted to the one who performs a spell.

Possible consequences

In the impression of the consequences, a huge amount, and along with some positive, most of the same negative.

If you want at home to make a person's snack with a strong will, the process can be long and may not bring the result, since he has enough strength to resist the imposed desires. But in any case, you, and your object of passion to a greater or lesser extent feel on yourself some consequences of the love spell. It is not true that the spell of the consequences does not have! Although more and more ads appear that the spell without consequences is possible, know - all this for advertising and earnings. Unfair healers and numerous shamans can write anything, just to attract customers.

Love spell in any case violates natural circulation Energy in the human body, suppresses his will, i.e. Changes its energy or spiritual essence. It is violated, naturally, its physical condition. So before turning to the abundance or use some conspiracies, read what the spell is dangerous, what negative consequences for you and your chosen one can call.

And the most dangerous and threatening of all your loved ones and close objects are attractedness and conspiracies made by self-taught magicians, at home, with violation of all rules of magic and morality. If you all decided to make a spell and chose for ourselves the best wayAs at home or rather to shimder your chosen one or choices, it is also fraught with tremendous additional troubles and for you, and for the attitude object.

Dangerous consequences

After the performance, including at home, it becomes clear that he received not at all what he wanted. He wanted an exalted feeling true love. And he received next to him, in fact, a zombie creature: a person who is against his will is with him, who does not like, and depends on him, who after the love spell is not so desirable and beloved.

Perhaps awareness of the fact that the inherent is not an output that the result of the attitude is not what really wanted is the most important negative consequence of the attitude. From a moral point of view, the spell is terrible: the person after the love spell is without a choice. Even if you have made your own and created a family with those who have been trying to get so violently, to live with the realization that the love of her husband or wife for you is insensitive, insincere, and caused only by your desires and your will, quite difficult, if at all possible.

Other negative consequences arising after the prisoners who are dangerous (especially when they are conspired at home) not only because of the morality, but because of the threat of life and health of the object of exposure:

  • The energy exchange is violated inside a person, his health is undermined.

At first, this is expressed in the general weakness of the body, then various may occur chronic diseases: from the cardiovascular system to the musculoskeletal system. It is often mentioned that the object breaks the bones, sleep is disturbed, fatigue increases, men have problems with potency, in women - gynecological problems, etc.

  • Another consequence of the attitude is a psyche violation of the object, since his subconscious is trying to fight with the desires imposed from outside.

    It is subject to frequent mood shifts: today he can wear you on hand, and tomorrow to hit. There are stories that people who have influenced magic turned out to be in psychiatric hospitals.

  • Human consciousness is also changing.

    Part of him, who used to be busy with something else, is now completely filled with thoughts about who made the sprawl. Thus, a person has problems in matters, as he cannot keep track of everything that did before. There are problems in work, business, a person has problems with money up to complete ruin. He also thinks less about self-preservation and often gets into dangerous and threatening Life Situations that sometimes lead to the fact that a person dies an unnatural death. Stories that the object commits suicide is also not rare.

  • Relationships with the surrounding person who were brought to, deteriorate.

    People who used to be expensive and are important to a person, now they don't mean anything for him, because they do not understand him suddenly having arisen for those who have committed a spell. Moreover, if close people suddenly understand that the person was kept, and they tell him about it, he becomes aggressive, which can lead to terrible consequences. Cases of killing relatives for incomprehensible motives are also mentioned quite often.

  • All these reasons, as well as the fact that the person is suppressed by the will, often lead to the fact that the attitude of the attitude begins to behave immorally: finding out in alcohol and others bad habitsTo drown out what is happening in his soul. He controls himself badly and manifests weak sides His character. The most common story about appeal to magic is a spell, the consequence of which is the alcoholism of the awesome husband or wife.

    Since the spell is based on the fact that the dedicating energy is aimed at maintaining the energy relationship between the subject and the object of impact, the energy field of the one who lies also weakens and all the implications arising after the impressivity can equally be attributed to the subject.

    Another, probably, the saddest consequence of the love spell is that by having completed it, you deprive yourself and your object of violent love of the opportunity to meet the person who is suitable for you and with whom the most sincere and warm feelings would be possible. But your partner has addiction from you and his real love will pass by, even if he feels a soul soul. Also, you are dependent on whom you have to, thereby do not allow yourself to find and love a decent person.

    In this situation, people begin to search for options for the challenge of their husband or wife and the opportunity to unleash themselves and their hands, but nothing passes nothing, and the problems will still pursue you, and your tied love.

    Before spoiling to yourself and other life, making dull or conspiracies at home, think about the consequences of the attitude and other forms of magical impact. And only then decide for yourself, so if you need a "robot" that you need, so you want to "be imposed on your knees and become confused in love," or you just wait for your person with whom everything will be natural and sincere.

    Of course, if it was suddenly divided into the family, you quarrel, and all the grandmother-neighbors shout in one voice that your husband (wife) didn't just take it, namely, they are ready for everything to keep the family in the first minute. It is not necessary to immediately look for a method, how to return the spouse, the more such a kind, and you just need to sort it up. Do you need a person who is constantly necessary to hold, does he love you and, most importantly, do you love him, or have you been able to destroy the family from fear for many years and harvest to children? Believe me, children will be much more comfortable if parents are happy, let them and not together. If your marriage has exhausted itself, start the new page of your life and release your precious half to arrange your life.

    Despite the generally accepted opinion, such a ritual, like a dull, is very different from the usual attitude and other types of magic creating love. Of course, an externally, the effect can be completely identical, but there is nothing else in the infrared - it is not referring to light or dark forces, but to nature itself, which does not require any help for their help, nor perform certain rituals that allow it.

    The main difference concludes that such strong magic almost does not allow the process to give the process - if you read the spell, it is unlikely to restore the original position in your relationship. At the same time, some types of dust affect not only a guy, but also a girl - their use will manifest itself in strengthening the feelings of both partners.

    Quite simple, and, at the same time, an effective ritual of the inherent is performed using candy or other sweets.

    So that love flares very much and quickly, it is worth taking the specified object and put it on a white saucer with a silver cut or without a border at all. There is an infrared in the event that the candy will lie on it in your home at least 3-4 hours, during which it will penetrate it strong energy. Closer to the night sit at the table, carefully look at the candy and say the words of the inherent:

    "My sweets are lost,
    Yes, my kisses
    If you try them, my beloved (name)
    Then never want
    Neither honey, nor sweethearts
    And you will wish only me
    And only I will be sweet for you!

    After that, the candy is better to hide away - the effect of this will not deteriorate, but the likelihood that another person can take it from the table, very high. Of course, the inherent will not act on the one you did not imagine, reading such a spell, but a few unpleasant days will be provided to him.

    Conspirated candy can cause not only physical, but also mental ailments, which will very seriously affect well-being.

    In the morning, invite your lover and treat this candy. While he will eat it, you must awaken in it love, trying the words three times:

    "How sweet candy will I am for you how honey will be sweet my mouth! Amen!"

    The inherent will act within a few days, and the period during which the positive effect will be observed, it will be approximately equal to the month. During this time you have to make every effort so that love is completely attached.

    If you need to inhabit a man for a longer period, it is worth using alternative methods.

    Magic blood

    Do not be afraid, in contrast to current rituals, a strong blood inherent on blood does not have pronounced negative consequences. In addition, it is safe for the girl - despite Molve, the chances of the fact that it will develop strong bleeding, which requires medical intervention, is minimal.

    The only thing that is worthwhile is the fact that love created by the help of a ritual will be very strong almost until the end of life and cannot be destroyed without the help of a professional magician.

    Therefore, similar strong dusties are used only in the existence of serious intentions after long-term detailed reflection.

    In order for the effect to be as strong as possible, the ritual is carried out during the second day of menstruation - such a solution will help you achieve maximum effectiveness. Soul will require you to prepare the following items in advance:

    Insuate a man possible if you make a paper napkin to your intimate Moz during abundant discharge - It must be completely soaked with blood. If the girl has insufficiently severe monthly, you can take the day before warm bath - It acts as a means of increasing their intensity.

    Next, the ritual of the dull requires to wrap the apple with a napkin with blood - it should get a part of your biological material containing the strongest energy charges. Hold the fruit in such a state for a few seconds - during this time I will have time to act, and the napkin will not stick to it.

    After that, the dull to love suggests that you set a large thickness on the table a large thickness and light it, and the apple wrap the red ribbon. In addition, it is necessary to say a spell that acts on your beloved, forcing him to perceive your energy:

    "Red Apple, yes Apple Self
    My love will come in you, yes, after you, the slave of God (name) will go
    And he will never be calm, everything about me, desirable, think will be
    And it will not destroy the municipality of either the Virgin nor a husband nor a child small!

    Such an inherent on love will allow the effect immediately after the end of the ritual. If you want to inhabit a person after a while, you can skip the step with reading a conspiracy.

    Next, the soup also assumes that you will turn the apple to the tail down, and spend it three times over the candle flame - such an action will help to warm the feelings and speed up the achievement of a positive result. Having finished all the steps, remove the ribbon and again wrap the apple into the napkin to remove the blood remnants - it is impossible to wash it.

    Incense to love will begin to manifest himself when your favorite is bissing a fruit feeding in your hands. Try to behave naturally and not to show unrest - it is enough that a man can feel changes in taste. If he suspects something and refuses to eat an apple, the dull does not work definitely.

    Using the photo

    Enough strong dusts require the use of an exact image of a person who is photography. However, it is worth being careful - such magic acts on both partners, forcing and the girl in love more in love with the guy.

    So that there is an effective impression, you will need:

    • your photo;
    • photo of a loved one;
    • red thread;
    • thin needle;
    • unpainted rose bud.

    To hold the dust at midnight, sit at the table, spread all the components and read the prayer "Our Father" three times. Then put a guy on the table, on it - a rose bud, and on top of your image. Incello will need to sew a similar stack with a red thread, carefully following the people who do not hurt people. The thread at the end of sewing can not be broken or cut - it is required to move in a candle flame.

    After you finish, put the received magic amulet At the table and spend three times:

    "Love forever! May it be so!"

    Store photos stitched with each other, it is necessary in a dry place so that the rose bud does not rot, and dry. In this case, the ritual of the inherent will help you to achieve a significant improvement in relations for a long time.

    This article contains: to inherent the girl strong prayer Read - information is taken from the center of the world, electronic network and spiritual people.

    Strong inherent on the love of a girl or a woman to bring up a love longing and attraction on their own

    How to independently impose a love longing and love attraction on yourself with the help of a dust. A strong dull will give a loved one for a long sense of love with her for a long time. It is quite simple and very effective method Love binding to yourself a girl or a woman who is successfully used by centuries. Incend to the love of the girl love for its rapid action and ease of fulfillment by anyone not prepared by a person. The text of the dusty is customary to read from the beloved early at the dawn. To invoke love feelings, longing the girl or a woman need to wake up early. At sunrise, looking at the dawn three times read these conspiracy words - bonuses :

    Zarya Marya, broke, rushing around the sky,

    Take over the heart of the slaves of God (name),

    Slave God (name), baked,

    I missed, I looked for meetings everywhere,

    As a martyr suffered.

    Tosp her heart and to me

    Slava of God (name), go,

    In my word, I will conquer a century on the century.

    Water Saint My words are not soaked

    The signs of my words from it are not laundering.

    And the whole sign of the word was falling off.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Now and in the eyelids.

    We do not know how to delete the girl to yourself to yourself so that she really fell in love, read this slander with a whisper - a conspiracy at home, if you see the window or on the street. The love of the infrared will not be instantly and on the same day you will see the consequences of the sneezing on the behavior of an awesome young girl or an adult woman.

    Conspiracy will make her husband always rushing home, sat at home, did not drink and did not walk with friends, and after work home was in a hurry. Conspiracy to binding a husband to the house should make a wife. If the wife independently does this simple rite with reading a special conspiracy, the husband will forever stop drinking and walking with friends and always pull it home and he will rush to his wife and children. For the rite, pour water into the bucket, and then dip the chest into this water: first left, and then right, sentencing words

    So that at the wedding did not smooth young: the bride and the bride and did not bring damage to the divorce, before the wedding ceremony you need to read a special plot of the charm for young bride and groom. Before the redemption, before the young man - the groom will go to the house of the bride to pick it up in the registry office or on a wedding, the groom's mother should have a jacket to the inside of the jacket to cross the English pin, cross the son and say wedding conspiracy. No less important wedding charm for the bride who will protect it at the wedding from the evil eye and damage. To fulfill this rite the guard should the mother of the bride jokes to wedding dress Three English pins on a glass of water read a plot of the charm,

    Conspiracy needs to be read to return her husband to his wife or wife to her husband even after the divorce if a wife or husband sworn each other. It is the most loyal and efficient magic method It can use not only husband to return a wife or wife to return her husband, but also their people (mother, father, sister, brother, children) quarreled. Conspiracy on the reunification of her husband and wife after a quarrel, tapping or divorce to read 2 times: once the input door of the house where the husband lives, the second time at the door of the wife's apartment. The text of the conspiracy to return a loved one in the family

    You can contact a person with a plot of a plot from it at a distance. For drying dry, enough photo of a person and knowledge of the words of conspiracy - spells that will quickly bring strong dry car. Take a photo of a person on whom you want to clean the dry shock and cover it from top to hand to read the words of this conspiracy:

    If the husband went to his mistress or just going to quit you will help this strong plot Against the mistress of her husband who will quickly do so that your husband will hate his mistress and forget her. The conspiracy will help to embroil them and completely cool their feelings to each other and will make it so that the delibery has extended to your beloved. Read the words of conspiracy - spells need early in the morning at dawn. In the morning, go out to the street, lift over your head right hand and tell me a conspiracy to my husband from

    Estate a person after parting will help white Magic And a simple conspiracy over water. It happens that people broke up and no matter who was the cause of parting a man - a husband or woman - a wife, a conspiracy will help withdraw the severity of parting and pour out once a native person and relieve love suffering. The text of the conspiracy is suitable for everyone without exception, you only need to change the words in it in the slave. To break the person forever, you need a running cold water. It can be water from the crane, river or stream. In running water seven times, say the words of the conspiracy of the cooling sense of love and helps you break out

    Soul on love made by this method very strong and has a long effect. The following impression on love is equal to the action of light love spell, but it is very convenient that the magical spells of spells - there are no bonuses at a meeting with a person and do not require special training besides memorizing a short text of the love sprinkler. If you decide to inherent to yourself a loved one, so that he "hooked you," to the ears and fell in love with the ears, use this love Susta After which the beloved on the same day starts to dry and miss you feeling craving for communication and meeting. To independently make a knife at a meeting with a person tell him next

    The strongest cemetery love spell is done in the afternoon in the photo right on the cemetery and gravestone. This rite refers to black magic and is made once and for life. Remember, the spell cannot be removed by either independently with the help of sorcerers. To carry out an independent rite for love Take a photo of a person whose person needs to be awesome and finding a grave at the cemetery with a similar name Log in to the gate and leaning a photo to her heart (to naked skin) tell the words of the black cemetery love spell on the eternal earth

    This strong love With the help of the photo of the beloved girl and church candles, you can independently do at home. For the love spell, you need to purchase three candles in the church and bring them home to read a deliberate conspiracy. In the evening when the moon appears in the sky, prepare for the rite. Before performing a newsworthy rite, put a photo of your beloved girl on the table and putting a candle in front of it so that it does not fall. The remaining 2 candles twist together, for this some of them will warm them. Light twisted candles saying a guidance

    Alone to read a black conspiracy to the longing should if you need to quickly catch up a love longguard about myself on a person. Conspiracy will help cause a man from you at any distance - even in another city or another country feeling of real love Thank you from loneliness without communicating with you. If you need an easy and fast rite that will do so that the person gets bored and squeezed, could not sleep until he calls or he will not write to you first read this guidance plot that I will teach you now. By the way, you can read this conspiracy and the husband with whom you are in marriage or your former man, the strong and real feeling of love and the desire for communicating only with

    It's probably the strongest and fast conspiracy For love that you can read on your own at home. To read a love conspiracy, you need to have a photo of a loved one, which during the rite - the love spell will be in disrepair, so consider this when choosing a photo for a love conspiracy. Ritals using a photo of a person are very common and you can read a variety of conspiracies for love, but the one that today will tell plot on has the strongest and rapid effect on a loved one - a man or a woman. It is this love plot that approaches all cases of life, because it can be read on any day and at any time of the day being

    The call of a cute and beloved person is a love plot that you need to do if with the help of magic you need to return to yourself a person who has left you. The call of a cute and beloved person (husband or wife) helps not only with a strong zoom to force a person to come or urgently called. When I ask me "Is it possible to return the husband if you make a strong call" - my answer, yes. This old rite contributes to restoring relations after a strong quarrel or divorce, restoring the relationship lost once. A strong call for a meeting with a loved one is a whole magic rite that is performed by several

    A love spell of your favorite prayers is a very common rite of white magic on love. Magic words to fall in love with a loved one without consequences for himself and read it in the temple. Conspiracies on, will open for you magical words how to fall in love with your beloved person or meet your half that marries you, for this you need to read the strongest spell yourself - prayer for love and fast marriage. Make it necessary to read all the strongest prayers for marriage in the church. For the love spell on love in the church with the help of prayer, you need to buy 5 candles - 4 on the prayers of the Holy Week about marriage and love, and the fifth to the health of the icon of Pantekemon. Before

    Very strong guidelines of the conspiracy said Water in a glass at the entrance door hook a strong boredom and make it always come back home. They read a quick affirmative conspiracy on water on any day and at any time - this is a light rite can be performed even several times a day if you suspect your beloved husband or wife in treason. As soon as a person comes out for the threshold of the house, put any bowl or glass with water at the threshold inside the apartment (at home) and tell the water to the water

    How to return your favorite girl or woman if she threw you? It will help a strong and proven plot in order to return the favorite after parting and again awaken love and interest in her. After parting, go to church and spend the rite of white magic to return love from your loved one. Having bought any candle in the church, leave a surrender for the spill (saying to put on a shared candle). Within 3 - 7 days later, the response to the refund will return to you and your relationships and love feelings will be fully restored. Conspiracy to return your favorite to read in

    Love love prayer. How to shim the favorite prayers

    Love love prayer. How to shim the favorite prayers

    Reading this text of the love spell and praying the highest forces your favorite will love you very much and nothing and no one can prevent your love, so if you have decided on your love feelings and are sure that you never sob a loved one, which is given later, the imaginary prayer to read from At home sitting in bed before bedtime and in the mornings, this Starlovyansky spell did not stand in the morning - a prayer for love and a quick marriage will soon work on the feelings of his beloved man to which you are experiencing love feelings, the text of the strong prayer of the love spell can be read on her husband The feelings of which cooled to you or you suspect it in treason with a strong guidance prayer for love and marriage will provide the necessary help. Here is the text of the love spell at home the prayer needs to be read independently:

    At the sea on the okayne, on the island on the Buyan lies Bel-Gulch stone,

    Bel, like a wife's breast, the name of Alatyr stone, Alatyr, who is not led by anyone.

    I will stand, the slave of God (his name), the cross blesses,

    We remember the key water with the motley leaves, from shopping guests,

    With Popov, from Dyakov, with young men,

    From red maidens, young men, with white breasts.

    From the time of the stone of Alatyra I will release the power for the love spell

    And send the power of mighty to my lovely, the slave of God (his favorite name),

    In all joints and polusstava, in all the bones and briefness, in all veins and semi-shots,

    In the eyes of clear, cheeks ruddy, in his chest, the robust heart, in the womb,

    In the black liver, in the buwn head, in the hands are strong, in the legs of the fat, the blood is hot.

    So that his blood boil and spiked, the heart, with thought, popped up

    I would block the white light.

    So that the servant of God (his favorite name) was gone, burned,

    In the night I did not see, in the afternoon I was looking for, I could not live, be

    An hour for hours, minutes to power without me, the slaves of God (their name).

    Wasting a long-grinding torch from the sea puchin, from marine grass,

    It would have risen the mountain due to the blue mountains, of dark pieces, frequent branches,

    Stand-up, sadness, the passion is restless,

    Love is unatolya, throw, sketch on the slave of God (a favorite name),

    Himself of him, Aki robber victim, sharp knife,

    So that neither the doctor, nor the blade nor the black sorcerer of his illness raised it,

    From his chest, it was not taken away, so that the servant of God (his favorite name) was to the

    Burned for me, God's slave (his name),

    As a mother on the child, the sheep on the lambs, mare on foals.

    I lock the spell of threatened three castles, threatened three keys.

    The Word is firmly and lopko, like a fuel Stone Alatyr.

    Practice has shown that after the week of reading a prayer for a love spell, a loved one who was awesome in such a way, a man subsequently obeying the action of magic showed his feelings and his love became stronger every day.

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    How to fall in love with a man. A love spell as a proven way to fall in love with a man with a magic, such a question is asked when all other methods have already been tried and almost no hope left. In love magic, there is a proven way to make a beloved young man or an adult man to hurt himself and after reading the words of the priority

    Love spell on the photo in the phone This love spell is used if you want to shock a person yourself and you have his photo made on mobile phone. This strong spell is suitable for everyone I can do it on a married man, as well with this magic ritual, you can be perished by a woman who liked and all that is required is a photo of a person.

    Strong conspiracy Lovely How to dilute your husband with my wife and mistress to become my wife as a mistress to become a married man for this. To do this, you will have to wait or make a marital husband from my wife and to independently spend a magic ritual with an installation on a wife's divorce with my husband. Heart is needed . Remember that

    How to return the husband a conspiracy to return to the family How to return the love of a husband and happy days spent together if he left home or did his mistress startled and what spell or conspiracy will help in returning a loved one? If you read this text, then you decided to seek help to the magic of love and return the love of your husband by spending an ancient and very strong

    The conspiracy for the fulfillment of the desire on the birthday of each person has wishes and dreams and as I want that every desired dream is performed as a magic, but not everyone knows that there is such an opportunity for every person and everything that needs to read this old as the world and very strong Conspiracy on execution cherished desire on your birthday and it is inappropriate

    Lapel from his wife with an installation on a divorce of a girl who loved a married man is looking for ways to independently make a husband's husband from his wife and for this purpose the next crowd conspiracy Holding a huge force that is done at home on a wedding candle with a setting on a divorce. Not in vain people advise candles from the wedding to keep all your life behind the icon of the house where

    Alone to remove a love spell with your beloved husband at home if they began to notice the appearance of obsessive thrust to another person, he became cold and irritable in relation to you. Most likely, the husband is hooking a love spell to determine and remove which you can independently and we will teach how to do it and return a wandered husband from the mistress

    Conspiracy of beauty and youth Magic of beauty keeps a lot of strong conspiracy on beauty reading which women are becoming younger and more attractive to the people around them. If you have seen how men have no attention signs, no attractive woman, most likely this action is a beauty spell and this person read a strong conspiracy on beauty and youth and so

    Conspiracy on the beauty and attractiveness Today we will tell me how to independently hold rituals for beauty and attractiveness. If in the company you feel the gray mouse and men do not pay attention to you, a strong conspiracy for beauty and attractiveness will make that all men will admire only you. This conspiracy is meant only for young

    Slimming spell Every day Today you know the magic spell for weight loss and beauty shapes for every day. As soon as people don't try to find a beautiful and slender figure and what methods and funds are not used in the fight against excessive weight, today we will tell about the ancient magical way of gaining a beautiful slim figure, namely the oldest magic

    Love love prayer. How to wander your favorite prayers who did:

    How to make a love spell on love?

    How to shoot a love spell? Will tell the site -

    Love spell. Lovers and conspiracies to all.

    What are there any guidance and disguise prayers?

    Love magic is a pretty contradiction of the sphere. Some consider it just a fiction, others insist that this is a pretty serious and true topic. But those who have come across love spells can accurately declare that the probative prayer exists. Often, people resort to such a kind of witchcraft, namely, a guidance prayer, having a negative experience in love affairs. Many were burned with treasures and partings, others came across unrequited love. Someone had enough strength to survive all, and someone just died of hopelessness.

    Prayers and conspiracies

    It should be understood the difference between the duty prayers and love conspiracy. As a rule, conspiracies relate to love magic, which often has negative consequences and results. The person on whom a conspiracy is made does not even suspect about it. But the result is often in the form of fundamental changes in a person's life see people around him, but for the awesome it seems to be a normal state. In many cases, the consequences of this kind of magic are sufficiently sad. TO negative consequences You can attribute:
    • addiction to alcohol, drugs;
    • character changes are not for the better;
    • change of human behavior (it becomes aggressive);
    • change in appearance;
    • heavy diseases.

    The probative prayer, in turn, does not bear sinfulness. It is believed that this kind of love spell is nothing but requests facing "higher forces", about love and well-being in relations and family. Such rites do not have any negative and, as a rule, do not bring deplorable results. But in any case, you should be exactly confident whether you need to do it, and what exactly with this person you want to spend your life.

    There are many love spells, but there is one very effective prayer for a love spell for a girl on a guy:

    "Slave (name), go to the porch, to my palace, to my seats, to my threshold, according to my tracks. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen".

    We are accustomed to thinking that mostly love rites are made by girls, but a considerable number of young guys who collided with misunderstanding and unrequited love can also trust magic forces. For them there are prayers who, by agreement higher Forces Can bring happiness.

    Types of lovely prayers

    You can find a huge number of rituals that are easy to do on your own and effectively. They may differ in the presence of additional things with which the rite is carried out by efficiency and action. But they all have the same character - love. During such rites, special prayers are sentenced, they can include the following:
    • prayer for love;
    • request for sending a spouse;
    • conspiracy for good luck in love affairs;
    • beauty spell;
    • conspiracy to reciprocity.

    For example, there is a spell on sweets when you need to give a person something sweet and at the same time he is sentenced to prayer. You can make a person see about himself dreams, and he himself wants to meet you. There are prayers causing melancholy so that the guy missed and wanted to meet. But there are such situations where need to be done, on the contrary - to protect yourself and your lover, in this case there is a prayer from the attitude.

    Turning Molbs

    First you need to be exactly sure that the attraction has already been done. It is easy to understand that if you notice that dizziness or headaches appeared, shy in the eyes, or a desire to do something new for you appears - this is a sure sign that the bait is imposed. Often such "symptoms" are noticed by wives or girls from their lovers. And in order to avoid separation, you need to use prayers from the attitude. They are aimed at grinding a person, but at the same time do not harm the one who made this spell. There are prayers that will not allow to impose a spell.

    When the name of the opponent is known, which made a love spell, you can use prayers from the love spell on it. Sometimes rituals are made to the disintegration of the family or disorder in the family. In such cases, prayers are used from the attractiveness to preserve the family or to incite the feeling between spouses.